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ts	p	f	e	r	c	l	ec	ep	infap	infaf	infbp	infbf	noInf	app	apf	ppp	ppf	psp	psf	ssp	ssf	tppp	tppf	prp	prf	pprtp	pprtf	shortIntrans	noOo	sepOo	separationAtP	separationAtF	diacExcept	a
1527816609	آباد	aabáad	established, populated, prosperous, built	4	adj.																													2
1709915524063	اباد	abáad	established, populated, prosperous, built																															2
1566552178969	آبچکن	aabchakán	moire, having and undulating appearance, pattern, or texture	2	adj.																													2
1575058865062	آبدار	aabdáar	sparkling, shining; honorable, respectable, dignified, glorious; tempered, hardened (metal)	2	adj.																													2
1527822106	آبي	aabée	moist, humid; pertaining to watering, irrigation; sky-blues	4	adj.																													2
1527813777	عادي	aadée, 'aadée	ordinary, usual, accustomed to, normal	3	adj.																													2
1614168996327	عادل	aadíl	just, right, fair, true	4	adj.																													2
1527821158	آهنګ دار	aahang dáar	melodious, harmonious	3	adj.																													2
1527818896	آهني	aahinée, ahunée	iron; (fig. strong)	4	adj.																													2
1613562345137	عاجل	aajíl, 'aajíl	urgent, immediate, compelling, pressing	4	adj.																													2
1527814889	عاجز	aajíz	weak, poor, humble, introverted, shy, innocent, cautious, reserved	4	adj.		poor thing																										TRUE	2
1527821999	آخري	aakhirée	last, final, definitive, conclusive	4	adj.																													2
1527822003	آخرین	aakhiréen	last, final, latest	4	adj.																													2
1690458870216	آخرینی	aakhireenáy	last, final, latest	4	adj.																													2
1527815462	عالي	aalée, 'aalée	supreme, good, superior, high, great, fantastic	4	adj.																													2
1527814658	عام	aam	usual, ordinary, simple, public	4	adj.																													3
1527820765	عاقل	aaqíl	wise, sensible, intelligent, prudent	4	adj.																													2
1622461081707	آراسته	aaraastá	adorned, ornate, dressed up, decorated	2	adj.																													2
1671707118036	عارضي	aarazée, aarzée	temporary, tentative (Urdu)		adj.																													3
1527821000	عارف	aaríf	expert, learned, wise, knowledgeable	4	adj.																													2
1527820488	عاریتي	aariyatée	taken for temporary use, rented; false, fictitious	2	adj.																													2
1527823435	آرزومند	aarzoománd	desiring or aspiring to something	3	adj.																													2
1527816792	آسان	aasáan	easy	4	adj.																													2
1527812433	آسماني	aasmaanée	heavenly, of the sky	4	adj.																													2
1527819021	آسوده	aasoodá	quiet, peaceful; happy, content; comfortable, calm, well-off	4	adj.																													2
1527818414	آتش فشان	aatash fisháan	volcano; volcanic, pyrogenetic	4	n. m. / adj.																													3
1527823517	عاطف	aatíf	favorable, kind, gracious	2	adj.																													2
1588689220632	اتم	aatum	eigth	4	adj.																													
1575058859661	آبدار	aawdáar, aabdáar	watery, damp, humid, juicy	4	adj.																												true	2
1527817219	عاید	aayíd	relating to, belonging to	3	adj.																													2
1527812464	آزاد	aazáad	free, independent	4	adj.																													3
1527817075	آزرده	aazUrdá	offended, affronted, hurt	1	adj.																													2
1527817447	آزرده خاطر	aazUrda khaatír	upset, offended, hurt	1	adj.																													2
1527822662	ابایي	abaayée	paternal, ancestral, that which is taken on or inherited from the family	4	adj.																													2
1527817793	ابدي	abadée	eternal, to all eternity	4	adj.																													2
1527818429	عبث	abás	empty, worthless, vain, idle, useless, nonsense, squandered	4	adj.																													2
1585398951862	ابلک	ablák	two-colored, piebald; (fig. two-faced, hypocritical)	4	adj.																													2
1585398948903	ابلق	abláq	two-colored, piebald; (fig. two-faced, hypocritical)	3	adj.																													2
1527817112	ابلون	ablón, ablóon	wet, watery, moist, humid	2	adj.																													2
1527818802	عبوس	abóos	glum, sulky, surly, grumpy	1	adj.																													2
1576439289492	ابرومند	abroománd	honourable	4	adj.																													2
1690458818627	ادب کوونکی	adab kawóonkay	polite, civil, well-mannered, respectable	4	adj.																													2
1527822908	ادبي	adabée	literary	4	adj.																													2
1527814765	عددي	adadée	numerical	2	adj.																													2
1527818659	عدیل	adéel	even, equal, the same	2	adj.																													2
1527814659	عدلي	adlée	forensic, legal, judicial (Arabic)	3	adj.																													2
1527818433	ادنا	adnáa	low in position, small, trifle, insignificant, paltry, low-quality	4	adj.																													2
1527814100	افغاني	afghaanée	Afghan	4	adj.																													2
1527817269	افریقي	afreeqée	African	4	adj.																													2
1527813308	افسانوي	afsaanawée	legendary, mythical	3	adj.																													3
1527817423	افسرده	afsUrdá	freezing; fading, withering; sad, disheartened, depressed, cheerless	3	adj.																													2
1527817424	افسرده دل	afsUrda díl	sad, disheartened, depressed, cheerless	2	adj.																													2
1577232206938	اګاه	agáah	wise, informed, knowing, aware	4	adj.																													3
1690458820794	اغیزمن	aghayzmán	effective, affected	4	adj.																													2
1690458821385	اغلی	aghúlay	refined, elegant, beautiful; pleasing, pleasant, nice; esteemed; proper, suitable, fitting (ښاغلی); used for Mrs. title for ladies	2	adj.																													2
1527813667	اهم	ahám	important	4	adj.																													3
1527820257	اهلي	ahlée, ahulée	domesticated, tame, domestic (obedient, compliant, addicted??)	4	adj.																													2
1527813780	احساساتي	ahsaasaatée, ihstaastaatée	emotional, passionate, sensitive	3	adj.																													2
1527822714	عجب	ajáb	surprising, amazing, astounding, strange	3	adj.																													2
1527822715	اجب	ajáb	surprising, amazing, astounding, strange (عجب)	3	adj.																													2
1527821769	عجیب الشکل	ajeeb Ulshákl	strange looking, unusual	2	adj.																													2
1527813491	عجیبه	ajeebá	strange, amazing, absurd, unusual, weird, odd	4	adj.																													3
1527819128	اجنبي	ajnabée	foreign, alien, strange	3	adj.																													2
1527811445	اجوت	ajwát	attached, tied to, bound, near, next to	1	adj.																													
1527817512	اخلاقي	akhlaaqee, ikhlaaqée	moral, pertaining to ethics and morals	4	adj.																													2
1527812446	اخته	akhtá	occupied with, engrossed in, busy	4	adj.																													3
1732379707704	اختریز	akhtaréez	pertaining to holiday, pertaining to Eid (اخترېز پیغام - holiday message)	4	adj.																													
1664091268679	اخترېز	akhtaréz	pertaining to holiday, pertaining to Eid (اخترېز پیغام - holiday message)	4	adj.																													2
1527821771	علاقه دار	alaaqa dáar	relating to something, having an interest in something	3	adj.																													2
1527821775	علاقه مند	alaaqa mánd	interested, concerned, keen on, interested in	3	adj.																													2
1671208957051	علني	alanée	public, open, honest, frank; audience, spectators, public (noun)	3	adj.																													2
1602179816100	الفبایي	alfabaayée	alphabetic	4	adj.																													2
1527819595	الواکي	alwaakée	theoretical	2	adj.																													2
1527821385	الوداعي	alwidaa'ée	parting, valedictory, pertaining to farewell, leave-taking	4	adj.																													2
1527823400	الیافي	alyaafée, ilyaafée	fibrous	3	adj.																													2
1566478626044	امانت دار	amaanat dáar	trustworthy, conscientious	4	adj.																													2
1527821191	عملبند	amalbánd	suffering from constipation, constipated	2	adj.																													2
1527814818	عملي	amalée	in practice, in operation, practical	4	adj.																													2
1713865594166	عملي کول	amalee kawúl	to apply, put in practice, put into action		v. stat. comp. trans.	1527814818	apply																											3
1713865599617	عملي کېدل	amalee kedúl	to be applied, put in practice, put into action		v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527814818	be	applied																										2
1527817449	امن پسند	aman pisánd, aman pisánd	peace-loving, peaceful	4	adj.																													2
1527813520	عمیق	améeq	deep, profound	4	adj.																													2
1527815797	عمیق	améeq	deep, profound	3	adj.																													2
1527814674	امنیتي	amnyatée	security	4	adj.																													2
1527818886	اموخته	amokhtá	used to, accustomed to, adjusted to, tame	4	adj.																													2
1527814737	امریکایي	amreekaayée	American	4	adj.																													2
1527817552	عنعنه پسند	an'ana pisánd, an'ana pasánd	conservative, adhering to tradition	2	adj.																													2
1527811767	اندامور	andaamawár	tall, big	4	adj.																													2
1690458822051	اندېښمنوونکی	andexmanawóonkay	worrisome, troubling, concerning		adj.																													2
1527819075	اندېښمن	andexmún, andexmán	worried, troubled, concerned	4	adj.																													2
1591972115837	اندروني	androonée	inner	4	adj.																													2
1527817540	انځوریز	andzooréez	pictoral, with pictures	4	adj.																													2
1527820346	انلاین	anláayn	on-line	3	adj.																													2
1666108997434	انتاني	antaanée	infectious	4	adj.																													2
1527817769	انتیکه	anteeká	rare, unique thing, strange, funny	2	adj.																													2
1677572258589	اپوټه	apooTá	overturned, upside-down, opposite		adj.																													3
1589021140384	عقیدتي	aqeedatée	pious, religious (person)	3	adj.																													2
1595253270130	عقیدوي	aqeedawée	doctrinal, religious, pertaining to beliefs	4	adj.																													2
1690458823723	عقل خوځېدلی	aqul khwadzedúlay, aqul khodzedúlay	not right in the head, not mentally sound, crazy, mad	2	adj.																													2
1527814112	عقل مند	aqul mánd	smart, wise	3	adj.																													2
1527814795	اړ	aR	forced, compelled, in need	4	adj.																													3
1527814722	اړنګمن	aRangmán	suspected, doubtful, confused, undecided	2	adj.																													2
1527817948	اړولي	aRawúlee	muddled up, inappropriate, useemly, indecent	4	adj.																													
1732376469734	اړولی	aRawúlay	muddled up, inappropriate, useemly, indecent	4	adj.																													2
1527813170	اریب	aréeb	bent, twisted, wry, askew, crooked, crazy, loony, sloped	1	adj.																													2
1527813656	اړین	aRéen	necessary, needed, important, crucial, vital	4	adj.																													2
1527814587	اړینه	aRéena	important, crucial, vital	4	adj.																													2
1572991685973	اړمن	aRmán	obliged, forced to, (مجبور), in need	2	adj.																													2
1527817209	اروپایي	aroopaayée, Uroopaayée	European	4	adj.																													2
1573663943732	ارت	arat, art	wide, spacious, extensive	4	adj.																													3
1527813902	اروایي	arwaayée	psychologically, mentally	3	adj.																													2
1527813909	اړوند	aRwánd	related, connected, dependent	4	adj.																													2
1575235389810	اریان	aryáan	amazed, suprised, stunned, dumbfounded, speechless, taken aback (حيران)	4	adj.																													2
1677571965062	اریایي	aryaayée	Aryan		adj.																													2
1527812465	ارزان	arzáan	cheap, inexpensive	4	adj.																													3
1644343901423	ارزښتناک	arzixtnáak	valuable	4	adj.																													2
1527814345	ارزښتمن	arzuxtmán, arzixtmán	valuable, important	3	adj.																													2
1527818821	اسهامي	as`haamée	joint-stock, share	1	adj.																													2
1527814059	اسان	asáan	easy	4	adj.																													3
1527813447	اساسي	asaasée	fundamental, key, essential, principal	4	adj.																													2
1678218457589	اساطیري	asaateerée	mythological		adj.																													2
1527818687	اسفناک	asafnáak, asfnáak	regretful, sad, unfortunate	1	adj.																													2
1527821649	اثرناک	asarnáak	impressive, effective, influencing	4	adj.	1527815870																												3
1527811478	اصیل	aséel	nobel, of high birth, purebred, real	4	adj.																													2
1527816938	عسکري	askarée	army, military	4	adj.																													2
1690458823761	اسکېرلی	askerúlay	pitiful, weak, feeble, faint	1	adj.																													
1527814226	اصلي	aslée	real, actual, original, genuine, essential	4	adj.																													3
1588849760045	اسپه	aspá	spotted, thick	4	adj.																													2
1527816243	عصري	asrée	modern	3	adj.																													2
1527820202	استرالیایي	astraaliyaayée, istraaliyaayée	Australian	4	adj.																													2
1527819449	اسیایي	asyaayée	Asian	3	adj.																													2
1610617550750	عتیقه	ateeqá	ancient, very old, antique	4	adj.																													2
1527821343	اتومي	atomée	nuclear, atomic, atom	4	adj.																													2
1527822001	اتوڼی	atoNáy	last	3	adj.																													2
1527817158	عطري	atrée	fragrant, aromatic, sweet-smelling	4	adj.																													2
1590838961046	اتلسم	atulasúm	eighteenth	4	adj.																													2
1589025674899	اتیایم	atyaayúm, atiyaayúm	eightieth	4	adj.																													2
1527818785	اولی	awláy	irritable, grumpy, sour, grouchy	4	adj.																													2
1574785481606	اوتر	awtár	frightened, alarmed, distressed	4	adj.																													2
1662618824589	اوښتی	awÚxtay	converted, sprained, inflected, oblique	4	adj.																													3
1527817142	اولین	awaléen	first	4	adj.																													2
1527815661	اولنی	awwalunáy, awalunáy, awalináy	first, beginning	4	adj.																													3
1589025603430	اویایم	awyaayúm, awiyaayúm	seventieth	4	adj.																													2
1595256707217	عیان	ayáan, iyáan	visible, clear, obvious	4	adj.																												TRUE	2
1527817060	عیاش	ayáash	fast-liver, lover of pleasure, profligate, playboy, party animal	4	adj.																												TRUE	2
1527818656	عیني	aynée	optic, visual, pertaining to eyes, objective; the same	3	adj.																												TRUE	2
1578340121962	ازاد	azáad	free, released	4	adj.																													3
1527811766	اعظم	á'azam	big, high, great (Arabic)	3	adj.																													2
1527823437	عظیم	azéem	great, huge, outstanding, important	4	adj.																													3
1573149942245	ازغن	azghán, azghún	thorny, barbed	4	adj.																													3
1675435941176	بعید	ba'éed	distant, far, removed		adj.																													2
1527820918	بعضي	bá'zee	some, few, a number of, several	4	adj.																													3
1527823446	با احساس	baa ahsáas, baa ihsáas	sensitive, emotional	4	adj.																													2
1588787041518	با اخلاقه	baa akhláaqa, baa ikhláaqa	morally upstanding, of good character	4	adj.																													2
1622279166541	با ارزښته	baa arzíxta, baa arzúxta	valuable, of value, expensive	4	adj.																													2
1527820623	با استعداد	baa isti'dáad	talented, apt, able	4	adj.																													2
1671209320102	باادبه	baa`adába	well-mannered, respectful, polite, well brough-up		adj.																												true	2
1622278438726	باعظمته	baa`azamáta,baa`izmáta	magnificent, grand, great	4	adj.																													2
1527812367	باب	baab	widespread, fashionable, disseminated, accepted as usual	4	adj.																													3
1585827269643	بابیزه	baabéeza	overused, hackneyed, worthless	4	adj.																													2
1527819085	بادوک	baadóok	gaseous, that which causes gas in the stomach	4	adj.																													2
1690458824665	بادپیما	baadpaymáa	fast as the wind	4	adj.																													2
1527814346	بالغ	baalígh	adult, mature	4	adj.																													3
1527818362	باندینی	baandeenáy	upper, outside, external, foreign, someone elses, anothers	4	adj.																													2
1582390120162	باندنی	baandináy	upper, outside, external, foreign, someone elses, anothers	4	adj.																													2
1527820858	بانکي	baankée	pertaining to banking	4	adj.																													2
1576947104129	بانفوذ	baanUfóoz, baanufóoz	influential, powerful, effective	4	adj.																													2
1527822059	باریک	baaréek	thin, narrow, tender, soft, delicate, sensitive	4	adj.																													3
1527822060	باریک بین	baareek béen	penetrating, shrewd, understanding something to a fine degree	4	adj.																													2
1577065929343	بارسوخ	baarUsóokh, baarsóokh	firm, steadfast, composed, stable	4	adj.																													2
1527823723	باسواد	baasawáad, baasiwáad	literate	4	adj.																													2
1589020280620	باسي	baasée	rotten, stale, not fresh, left-over (food)	4	adj.																													3
1675435661345	باشرفه	baasharáfa	honorable, respectable, decent		adj.																													2
1527821119	باثبات	baasUbáat, baasabáat	stable, constant	4	adj.																													2
1618846912260	باتجربه	baatajraba, baatajriba, baatajrUbá	experienced	4	adj.																													2
1594807837096	باتینګڼي	baateengúNee	purple	4	adj.																													
1527821886	باطل	baatíl	invalid, null, revoked, futile, vain, useless	4	adj.																													2
1577238704871	باطني	baatinée	inside, inner; pertaining to inner things (as opposed to outward appearances)	4	adj.																													2
1527820433	باتور	baatóor	courageous, brave, valiant	4	adj.																													2
1527815058	باوري	baawarée	reliable, trustworthy, credible; confident, convinced, believing	4	adj.																													3
1527822182	باوجدان	baawijdáan	conscientious, scrupulous, having a conscience	4	adj.																													2
1571692880592	ببر	babár	shaggy, dissheveld, hairy, angry	4	adj.																													3
1578343389223	ببر سری	babar sáray	disheveled (person)	4	adj.																													2
1527818787	ببرو	babróo	unsightly, ugly, grumbler, grumpy	3	adj.																													2
1527821264	بډ	baD	equal, identical	4	adj.																													2
1527812956	بد اروا	bad arwáa	greedy, mean, miserly	4	adj.																													2
1527816862	بد ژمنی	bad jzmánay	faithless	3	adj.																													2
1527819229	بډای	baDáay	rich	4	adj.																													2
1577299160732	بدل	badál	changed, different, exchanged	4	adj.																													3
1527815996	بدبخت	budbákht	unlucky, unfortunate	4	adj.																													3
1527822610	بډبول	baDból	truthful, righteous	1	adj.																													2
1690458824735	بدبولی	badbólay	faithless	4	adj.																													2
1527821261	بدیهي	badeehée	clear, obvious	3	adj.																													2
1527815995	بدمرغه	badmárgha	unlucky, unfortunate	4	adj.																													2
1527814187	بدنام	badnáam	defamed, scandalous, having a bad name or reputation, notorious	4	adj.																													3
1527814195	بدنامه	badnáama	defamed, scandalous, having a bad name or reputation, notorious	4	adj.																													2
1527811241	بدتر	badtár	really bad, awful, worse	4	adj.																													3
1527818795	بدوربزی	badwarbzáy, badorabzáy	unsightly, ugly, grumbler, grumpy	4	adj.																													2
1527821305	بهادر	bahaadúr	brave, valiant, courageous	4	adj.																													3
1619592561763	بهاند	baháand	flowing, running	3	adj.																													2
1527816646	بهرنی	baharanáy, bahranáy	foreigner, foreign; outside, outer	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527813425	بخیل	bakhéel	stingy, miserly, closefisted, jealous	4	adj.																													2
1527814884	بختور	bakhtawár	blessed, fortunate, lucky	4	adj.																													3
1704702219552	بختور کول	bakhtawar kawúl	to bless, make fortunate		v. stat. comp. trans.	1527814884	bless																											3
1704702255079	بختور کېدل	bakhtawar kedúl	to be blessed, become fortunate		v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527814884	be	blessed																										2
1527813469	بخښونکی	bakhxóonkay	forgiving	4	adj.																													2
1527813841	بل	bal	on fire, burning	4	adj.																													2
1527815725	بلد	balád	knowledgeable, informed, acquainted, accustomed, used to, familiar with	4	adj.																													3
1658102140541	بلها	balháa, baláa	plentiful, copious, lots, plentiful	2	adj.																													2
1527811282	بڼ سترګی	baN stúrgay	shortsighted, weak-sighted	2	adj.																													2
1577301753727	بند	band	closed, blocked, stopped		adj.																													3
1594814412055	بندري	bandarée	harbour-	4	adj.																													2
1594904088405	بنګړی	bangRáy	collapsed, ruined, destroyed	2	adj.																													2
1574869800917	بڼیا	baNyáa	slightly-opened, half-opened, opened just a crack	2	adj.																													2
1527819150	برکتي	barakatée	blessed, plentiful, fruitful	4	adj.																													2
1527823767	برکتناک	barakatnáak	blessed	4	adj.																													2
1527819355	برباد	barbáad	ruined, destroyed, wasted, spent, perished	4	adj.																													3
1527811861	بربنډ	barbúnD	naked; bare	3	adj.																													3
1690458825578	بریمن	baraymán	successful, victorious	4	adj.																													2
1527821279	برهم	barhám	mixed up, spoiled, mixed	4	adj.																													2
1630938898418	برحق	barháq	just, right, fair	4	adj.																													2
1571524739886	برنده	barindá	winner (Farsi)	4	adj.																													2
1592559792458	برجد	barjád	established, set-up, fixed	2	adj.																													2
1527811959	برجسته	barjastá, barjistá	emminent, outstanding	4	adj.																													2
1566647560623	برخه من	barkha mún, barkha mán	having a share, sharing in a portion	4	adj.																													2
1582336118684	برخمن	barkhamún, barkhamán	having a share, sharing in a portion (برخه من)	4	adj.	1566647560623																												2
1527823142	برخوردار	barkhoordáar	fortunate, happy, prosperous	4	adj.																													2
1577300424128	برلاسی	barláasay	dominant, prevailing, ruling	2	adj.																													2
1527817052	برقرار	barqaráar	established, firm, stable, sound	4	adj.																													2
1527816616	برقي	barqée	electric	4	adj.																													3
1527821051	برتر	bartár	superior, better, higher	3	adj.																													2
1527812235	برطرف	bartaráf	fired (from a job), dismissed	4	adj.																													2
1527811850	بریالی	baryaaláy	victorious, succeding in, successful	4	adj.																													3
1527822447	بسیط	baséet	wide, broad, simple, uncomplicated, elementary	4	adj.																													2
1631221749424	بشردوستانه	bashardostaaná	humanitarian	4	adj.																													2
1527812220	بشري	basharée	human, mortal, humanitarian	4	adj.																													2
1591872154088	بسیا	basyáa	sufficient; processed, cultivated	4	adj.																													2
1527820051	بطني	batnée	abdominal, visceral	4	adj.																													2
1527812960	بښاوو	baxaawoo, baxáaw	generous, magnanimous	3	adj.																													2
1527823350	بې عیب	be 'áyb	perfect, without blemish or shame, irreproachable	4	adj.																													2
1527823351	بې عیبه	be 'áyba	perfect, without blemish or shame, irreproachable	4	adj.																													2
1527816316	بې ادب	be adáb	disrespectful, uncouth, ill-bred, ill-mannered	4	adj.																													2
1527816151	بې اندازې	be andaazé	extreme, excessive, extraordinary	4	adj.																													2
1618947503103	بې انډواله	be anDwáala	imbalanced	4	adj.																													2
1527815063	بې ارامه	be aráama	uneasy, disquieted, disturbed, anxious, nervous	4	adj.																													3
1527822782	بې ازاره	be azáara	harmless, inoffensive	4	adj.																													2
1594835887398	بې باکه	be báaka	bold, fearless, carefree, careless, unafraid	4	adj.																													2
1678173903266	بې برخې	be bárkhe	deprived, left out		adj.																													2
1527818618	بې بیې	be báye	free, free of charge	3	adj.																													2
1527820089	بې بنسټه	be bunsúTa	baseless, without backing/proof/foundation	3	adj.																													2
1527812488	بې چاره	be chaará	poor thing, pitiful	3	adj.																													2
1588786555493	بې ډبه	be Dába	ridiculous, sensless, absurd	4	adj.																													2
1527814063	بې دین	be deen	atheist, godless, without faith	4	adj.																													2
1527817322	بې دفاع	be difáa'	defenceless	4	adj.																													2
1527817425	بې دل	be díl	grieved, stressed, depressed	2	adj.																													3
1527819826	بې ایمانه	be eemáana	faithless, treacherous, cowardly, dishonest, scoundrel	4	adj.																													3
1661858564119	بې غرضه	be gharáza	not bothering anyone, not of concern	4	adj.																													3
1527822923	بې غیرت	be ghayrát	scoundrel, dishonourable person, coward	4	adj.																													2
1527822968	بې غشه	be ghúsha	pure, unadulterated, sincere	2	adj.																													2
1527817609	بې ګناه	be gUnáah	innocent, sinless	3	adj.																													3
1588782497585	بې هوشه	be hósha	without feeling, unconscious, in a faint, stunned	4	adj.																													3
1708464971839	بې هوشه کول	be hosha kawúl	to knock unconscious, to stun, to make faint	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1588782497585	stun,stuns,stunning,stunned																											3
1708464975771	بې هوشه کېدل	be hosha kedúl	to go unconscious, to be stunned, to faint	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1588782497585	be	stunned																										3
1527819823	بې انصافه	be insáafa	unjust, unfair	3	adj.																													3
1566473733009	بې انتها	be intiháa	limtless, endless	4	adj.																													3
1527812490	بې کار	be kaar	useless	4	adj.																													2
1577822319033	بې کبره	be kábra, be kíbra	humble, without pride	3	adj.																													2
1527819527	بې کسه	be kása	having no relatives, alone, having no guardian	4	adj.																													2
1527811935	بې خونده	be khwánda	tastless, poor, bad, ruined, dull, bland	3	adj.																													3
1527821709	بې کوره	be kóra	homeless; single, unmarried, bachelor, without family	4	adj.																													2
1586518918929	بې لارې	be láare	astray, on the wrong path, erring	3	adj.																													2
1527813953	بې لحاظ	be liháaz	impolite, inconsiderate, crude	3	adj.																													2
1575642990975	بې معنیٰ	be ma'náa	meaningless, senseless, vain, stupid	4	adj.																													2
1586203586642	بې معني	be ma'nee	meaningless, senseless, vain, stupid	4	adj.																													
1527812049	بې مانا	be maanáa	meaningless	3	adj.																													2
1527821270	بې منع	be mán'a	free, clear, unimpeded, without hindrance	2	adj.																													2
1678972764874	بې معیاره	be miyáara	non-standard, low quality, unregulated		adj.																													2
1527821571	بې موجبه	be mojíba, be mawjíba	without cause, unwarranted, unjustified, pointless	3	adj.																													2
1527821081	بې نام	be náam	inglorious	3	adj.																													2
1527819825	بې نصیبه	be naséeba	deprived of, unsuccessful	4	adj.																													2
1527818303	بې نښه	be núxa	unmarked	4	adj.																													2
1527821876	بې پایه	be páaya	endless, unending, measureless, infinite, boundless	4	adj.																													2
1527816342	بې پلوه	be paláwa	neutral	3	adj.																													2
1527822337	بې پرې	be paré	equitable, fair, even-handed, impartial, just, neutral	4	adj.																													2
1661754309668	بې پرته	be práta	shameless, talkative	2	adj.																													2
1527818381	بې پروا	be parwáa	unconcerned, inattentive, indifferent, apathetic, careless	4	adj.																													3
1713871480856	لا پروا	laa parwáa	unconcerned, inattentive, indifferent, apathetic, careless	4	adj.																													2
1527820958	بې قراره	be qaráara	uneasy, anxious, unstable, changeable	4	adj.																													2
1527817605	بې قصور	be qUsóor	innocent, faultless	4	adj.																													2
1732377086531	بې قصوره	be qUsóora	innocent, faultless	4	adj.																													2
1527811504	بې رحمه	be ráhma	stern, ruthless, cruel, harsh	4	adj.																													3
1527811331	بې ریا	be riyáa	sincere, straightforward, genuine	4	adj.																													2
1527816048	بې ساری	be sáaray	unusual, unparallel, unprecedented, without equal	3	adj.																													2
1527813733	بې ثبات	be sabáat, be sUbáat	inconsistent, changeable, inconstant	4	adj.																													2
1527814439	بې صبر	be sábir, be sábur	impatient	4	adj.																													2
1527814440	بې صبره	be sábra	impatient	4	adj.																													3
1674053879348	بې ثمره	be samára	fruitless, in vain		adj.																													2
1527813678	بې سره	be sára	neglected, stray, without oversight, homeless	4	adj.																													2
1527817684	بې سرپرسته	be sarparásta	without a guardian, caretaker, or husband, orphaned or widowed	4	adj.																													2
1527812505	بې ستره	be sátra	uncovered, dishonored, disgraced	4	adj.																													2
1578617942339	بې شرم	be shárm, be shárum	shameless, immodest	4	adj.																													2
1588162448774	بې شیمې	be sheemé	without energy or vigour, feeling weak	4	adj.																													2
1527818386	بې شناخته	be shnáakhta, be shináakhta, be shanáakhta	unknown, unacquainted; without a tombstone	3	adj.																													2
1577303332532	بې سده	be súda	unconcious	3	adj.																													2
1527811821	بې سواده	be swáada, be sawáada, be siwáada	illiterate, uneducated	3	adj.																													2
1575057415723	بې طالع	be taalí'	unfortunate, unlucky	3	adj.																													2
1527811822	بې تعلیمه	be taléema	uneducated	3	adj.																													2
1527815861	بې طرفه	be taráfa	neutral	4	adj.																													2
1527819526	بې څوکه	be tsóka	having no relatives, alone, having no guardian	4	adj.																													2
1650696851218	بې اصوله	be Usóola	not conforming to regulations/rules, illegal	4	adj.																													2
1527816265	بې وفا	be wafáa	unfaithful, disloyal	4	adj.																													3
1671709045089	بې وسلې	be waslé	unarmed, disarmed; unequipped		adj.																													2
1527822832	بې وټه	be wáTa, be wúTa	pure, unadulterated	3	adj.																													2
1568407749309	بې وقوف	be wuqóof	stupid, dumb, idiot, lacking understanding, senseless	4	adj.																													3
1672910810614	بې وسه	be wúsa	powerless, helpless		adj.																													3
1527813333	بېعقل	beáqul	idiot, stupid, moron, foolish	3	adj.																													2
1622713361142	بېباکه	bebáaka	bold, fearless, carefree, careless, unafraid	4	adj.																													2
1527812489	بېچاره	bechaará	poor thing, pitiful	4	adj.																													2
1527822539	بیده	beedú	asleep	3	adj.																													2
1527812494	بیمار	beemáar	sick	3	adj.																													3
1527822609	بینا	beenáa	able to see (not blind), seeing, sharpsighted	4	adj.																													3
1527812495	بېګانه	begaaná	foreign, unfamiliar	4	adj.																													2
1662630881793	بېګانی	begaanáy	of last night, of the previous evening; of evening, dusk	4	adj.																													2
1589023481147	بېګار	begáar	ruined, fallen apart, in bad condition	4	adj.																													2
1527821053	بېغمه	begháma	carefree, unconcerned, peaceful	4	adj.																													2
1527813080	بېګړا	begRáa	lazy, languid	3	adj.																													2
1527817610	بېګنا	begUnáa	innocent, sinless	4	adj.																													2
1675281880640	بېګناه	begUnáah	innocent, sinless		adj.																													2
1527819642	بېهو	behóo, behó	wild, frightened	3	adj.																													2
1527820010	بېهوش	behósh	without feeling, unconscious, in a faint	4	adj.																													2
1527820011	بېهوشه	behósha	without feeling, unconscious, in a faint	4	adj.																													2
1577377788698	بېکار	bekáar	unemployed, unemployment, jobless, useless, awful	4	adj.																													2
1703659600117	بې کاره	be káara	unemployed, unemployment, jobless, useless, awful	4	adj.																													3
1527818895	بېخوده	bekhóoda, bekhwÚda, bekhwúda	lost consciousness, fainted, intoxicated, drunk, lost self-control	4	adj.																													2
1527811936	بېخونده	bekhwanda	tastless, poor, bad, ruined, dull, bland	4	adj.																													
1527812031	بېل	bel	separate, different, various	3	adj.																													3
1527813752	بېلابېل	belaabél	different, various	4	adj.																													2
1527817490	بېران	beráan	unconscious, fainted, stunned, stupified	2	adj.																													2
1527818769	بېړنی	beRanáy	emergency	4	adj.																													2
1664030003451	بېسیم	beséem	wireless	4	adj.																													2
1527821609	بېسده	besúda	fainted, unconscious; extreme ??	3	adj.																													2
1527811819	بېسواده	beswaada, besawáada, besiwáada	illiterate, uneducated	4	adj.																													2
1602178752892	بېسوادي	beswaadee, besawáadee, besiwaadée	illiteracy, lack of education	3	adj.																													2
1527820738	بېوزله	bewázla	poor, needy, destitute, helpless	4	adj.									بېوزلان	bewazláan																			2
1568407701976	بېوقوف	bewuqóof, bewUqóof	stupid, dumb, idiot, lacking understanding, senseless	4	adj.																													2
1527817872	بیدار	baydáar	alert, awake, aware, wakeful	4	adj.																													3
1690458826515	بین المللي	bayn Ulmilalée, bayn Ulmalalée	international	3	adj.																													2
1527816647	بیروني	bayroonée	foreigner, foreign	3	adj.																													2
1527817581	بېزار	bezáar	fed up, tired of, repulsed by, dissatisfied, disgusted, done with	4	adj.																													2
1716305025145	بېزاره	bezáara	fed up, tired of, repulsed by, dissatisfied, disgusted, done with	4	adj.																													2
1527811240	بهتر	bihtár	better	4	adj.																													3
1574786888061	بلرغو	blarghóo, balarghó	not in agreement, disagreeing, not united	3	adj.																													2
1527815055	بوږنوړی	boGnwáRay, boGnóRay	terrible	3	adj.																													2
1527820949	بود	bood	bright, clever, quick-witted, quick-wittedness	3	adj.																													2
1624364830896	بوځ	boodz, bodz	angry, infuriated, insulted; sticking out, pricked up	2	adj.																													2
1675145310063	بوږنوونکی	booGnawóonkay	disturbing, frightening, extremely distressing		adj.																													2
1577302468548	بوک	book	overturned, toppled over, knocked over	4	adj.																													2
1527813081	بوم	boom, bom	slack, lazy (of will power)	3	adj.																													2
1582315979482	بومي	boomée, bomée	local, indigenous	2	adj.																													2
1527814210	بونیا	boonyáa	familiar, customary, common, acquaintance, knowledge, familiarity	2	adj.																													2
1672305876339	بوسه	boosá, bosá	inflated, puffed up, pudgy		adj.																													2
1527818788	بوټ	booT, boT	angry, upset, grumpy, sullen	3	adj.																													2
1624364849352	بوڅ	boots	angry, infuriated, insulted; sticking out, pricked up	4	adj.																													2
1586598468552	بوی کښ	booy kax	greedy, envious	3	adj.																													2
1527811542	بویناک	booynáak	smelly, foul smelling, stinky, fragrant	4	adj.																													2
1527813700	برالبه	bráalba	pregnant	3	adj.																													2
1527822811	برګ	brag, barg	multi-coloured, bicoloured; spotted; furious, angry, raging	4	adj.																													2
1594372226979	برېتور	bretawár	moustached (person)	4	adj.																													2
1527811288	برېښنایي	brexnaayée	electric, electronic	4	adj.																													2
1527819509	برتانوي	britaanawée, bartaanawée	British	4	adj.																													2
1527821262	بډ	buD	clear, having on arm, one-armed	4	adj.																													2
1527812511	بد	bud, bad	bad	4	adj.																													3
1576951682524	بدي دار	budee dáar, badee dáar	having emnity with someone, being in a feud	4	adj.																													2
1527811684	بږنوونکی	bUGnawóonkay	disturbing, frightening, extremely distressing	3	adj.																													2
1577302628682	بک	buk, bUk	bent over, arched, hunchbacked	4	adj.																													2
1527812515	بل	bul	other, another, next	4	det.																													3
1527816939	بنسټیز	bunsuTéez	foundational, fundamental	3	adj.																													2
1527811704	بنیادي	bUnyaadée	basic, foundational, essential	3	adj.																													3
1527812518	برابر	baraabúr, buraabúr	equal, even, all good	4	adj.																													3
1566473865582	بري	burée	acquitted, relieved of charges	4	adj.																													2
1527811511	بشپړ	búshpuR	complete, total, full, exhaustive, fulfilled, finished, utmost, superior, mature	4	adj.																													2
1527811768	بزرګ	buzúrg, bUzÚrg, bUzúrg	large, big, elder, mighty	4	adj.																													3
1527821562	چابک	chaabúk	quick, fast, rapid; whip	3	adj. / n. m.																													3
1527811692	چاغ	chaagh	fat, obese, healthy, fleshly, overweight	3	adj.																													2
1527819672	چالاک	chaaláak	crafty, sly, tricky; quick, fast, nimble	4	adj.																													3
1527821857	چاڼیز	chaaNéez	combing, sifting (چاڼيز عمليات - combing operations)	3	adj.																													2
1527813820	چاپېریالي	chaaperyaalée	evironmental, ecological	4	adj.																													2
1648402854720	چاړا	chaaRáa	dumb, fool	4	adj.																													2
1690458826804	چاودونکی	chaawdóonkay	explosive, exploding	4	adj.																													
1527812524	چلان	chaláan	started, in motion	4	adj.																													2
1527821923	چمتو	chamtóo	ready, prepared	3	adj.																													2
1527813856	چپ	chap, chup	left (hand, side); contradicting, against, hindering	4	adj.																													2
1577811840227	چپه	chapá	overturned, flipped over, upset	4	adj.																													3
1678795274140	چپي	chapee	over-thrown, turned over		adj.																													
1527816655	چریکي	chareekée	guerrilla	4	adj.																													2
1594128590119	چرمي	charmée	leather	3	adj.																													2
1527823013	چټ	chaT	ruined, spoiled, perished, annihilated	4	adj.																													
1527811230	چټک	chaTák	quick, fast	4	adj.																													3
1527814376	چټل	chaTál	filthy, foul, dirty	4	adj.																													2
1527816595	چټي	chaTée	foolish, stupid, absurd, useless, harmful	4	adj.																													2
1593074248876	چټو	chaTó	empty-headed, firvilous person; useless, spoiled, wasted	4	adj.																													2
1527816562	چوړ	chawR, choR	destroyed, ruined, annihilated	1	adj.																													2
1577813261702	چیچړ	cheecháR, cheechúR	wrinkled, folded; stubborn	4	adj.																													2
1527820085	چینایي	cheenaayée	Chinese	4	adj.																													2
1527823155	چینګ	cheeng	open, gaping (of a mouth/beak)	2	adj.																													2
1576948414202	چینجن	cheenjún	rotten, decayed, worm-eaten	3	adj.																													2
1527822370	چیت پیت	cheet peet	crushed, flattened out, smashed	4	adj. doub.																													2
1576948418235	چنجن	chinjún, chunjún	rotten, decayed, worm-eaten, wormy	4	adj.																													2
1527822563	چټکه دار	chiTka dáar, chuTaka dáar	spotted, dotted (cloth)	4	adj.																													2
1527822429	چوداني	choodaanée	cast iron (attributive)	1	adj.																													2
1577812929583	چوک	chook	cross-eyed, one-eyed	1	adj.																													2
1527819771	چوڼیا	chooNyáa	song-bird, nightingale; violet	2	adj.																													2
1527814592	چوپ	choop	silent, quiet	4	adj.																													3
1714413442691	چوپ کول	choop kawúl	to silence, make quiet	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527814592	silence																											3
1732377740534	چوپ کېدل	choop kedúl	to be quiet, go silent		v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527814592	be	quiet																										
1527822667	چوټي	choTée	dishevelled, uncombed	3	adj.																													2
1573656099253	چکور	chukóor	quick, smart, prompt	2	adj.																													2
1577650713084	چپ	chUp	silent, quiet	3	adj.																													3
1527820894	چرتي	chUrtée	pensive, thoughtful; troubled, concerned, worried	4	adj.																													2
1591805719343	چست	chUst, chist	quick, swift, lively, agile	3	adj.																													3
1527812536	ډاډه	DaaDá	assured, secure, confident	4	adj.																													2
1702627738504	ډاډه کېدل	DaaDa kedúl	to be assured, become secure	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527812536																												3
1527812537	ډاډمن	DaaDmún, DaaDmán	assured, secure, confident	4	adj.																													2
1527820605	ډاګیز	Daagéez	clear, obvious, apparent	3	adj.																													2
1732377802982	ډاګېز	Daagéz	clear, obvious, apparent	3	adj.																													2
1527816728	داخلي	daakhilée	internal	4	adj.																													2
1527814577	ډانګ پېیلی	Daang pe`yaláy, Daang payláy	open, direct, overt	3	adj.																													
1590873111653	داره	dáara	well-off, not poor, rich	3	adj.																													
1586356246535	ډاروونکی	Daarawóonkay	frightening, scary; wild, savage	3	adj.																													2
1527819648	داړونکی	daaRóonkay	predatory, preying (of animals)	3	adj.																													
1527814593	ډارن	Daarún	timid, coward, cowardly	3	adj.																													2
1527811268	دایم	daayúm, daayím	constant, eternal, everlasting, long, prolonged	4	adj.																													2
1527811267	دایمي	daayumée, daayimée	permanent, eternal, constant, life	4	adj.																													2
1527823592	ډبل	Dabál	thick, heavy, excessive, double	3	adj.																													3
1571841524888	ډبرین	Dabaréen	rocky, stony, of stone	3	adj.																													2
1576366974818	ډډ	DaD, DuD	hollow, low, dull (sound); rough, hoarse (voice)	4	adj.																													2
1527814097	دغځی	daghdzáy	paralyzed	1	adj.																													
1690458827965	دګلی	dagúlay, dagílay	grateful, thankful; cursed, damned, accursed	2	adj.																													2
1527817049	ډکه خوله	Dúka khoola	gaping mouthed, mouth wide open	4	adj.																													2
1527817439	دل پل	dal pal, dil pal	real rumpled, trampled, flabby, baggy	3	adj.																													2
1527819815	ډله ییز	Dala yéez, Dula yéez	pubic, social, collective, pertaining to the group/collective	4	adj.																													2
1527818363	دنننی	danununáy	internal, interior, inside	4	adj.																													2
1527813476	دقیق	daqéeq	exact, precise, definate	4	adj.																													2
1527815760	دقیق	daqéeq	exact, precise, definate	4	adj.																													2
1527821626	دړ دړ	daR daR	broken, shattered, smashed, divided up in pieces	3	adj.																													2
1527816742	در په در	dar pu dar	poor, destitute, impoverished, ruined homeless	4	adj.																													2
1527823188	دراز	daráaz	long (Farsi)	3	adj.																													3
1527813501	درنده	daranda	predatory, savage	3	adj.																													
1527815782	درنده	daranda	predatory, savage	3	adj.																													
1527816744	دربدر	darbadár	poor, destitute, impoverished, ruined homeless	3	adj.																													2
1527814118	دردوونکی	dardawóonkay	painful, hurtful, agonizing	4	adj.																													2
1614170170569	دردمن	dardmán, dardamán	troubled, sad, pained	4	adj.																													2
1614170176230	دردمند	dardmánd, dardamánd	troubled, sad, pained	4	adj.																													3
1527821280	درهم برهم	darhám barhám	confused, tangled up, mixed up	4	adj.																													2
1527822349	درمند	dármund	level, smooth (of the earth)	2	adj.																													2
1527814281	درسي	darsée	educational, academic, related to school	4	adj.																													2
1527813818	دست تنګ	dast táng	poor, needy	3	adj.																													2
1527812588	دوامدار	dawaamdáar	continuous, continual	3	adj.																													2
1527812550	دولتي	dawlatée	government, state	3	adj.																													2
1597092050060	ډولي	Dawlée, Daulée	decorated, adorned, stylish, beautiful	4	adj.																													1
1527819645	دښتي	daxtee	wild (ie. animals)	3	adj.																													
1527818884	دیندار	deendáar	religious, pious, devoted, conservative	3	adj.																													2
1527813797	دیني	deenée	religious	4	adj.																													3
1527821392	ډینګ	Deeng	tall, leggy, lanky	4	adj.																													2
1690458828444	ډېرېدونکی	Deredóonkay	increasing	3	adj.																													2
1589025373304	دېرشم	dershum	thirtieth	4	adj.																													2
1527815567	دېواني	dewaanée	judicial, legal	3	adj.																													2
1690458828848	دیغ	daygh	sad, bored, weary (دق)	2	adj.																													2
1527819341	دفاعي	difaa'ée	defence, (دفاعي سيستم - immune system)	4	adj.																													2
1527823686	دغ	digh, dugh	sad, bored, weary (دق)	1	adj.																													2
1527817427	دل آزرده	dil aazUrdá	upset, distressed, offended	2	adj.																													2
1527821333	دل بسته	dil bastá	fallen in love, become attached to, been carried away	3	adj.																													2
1527817416	دل داده	dil daadá	enthusiastic, easily carried away	3	adj.																													2
1527817417	دل داري	dil daarée	comforting, soothing, calming	3	adj.																													2
1527817431	دل خاه	dil kháah	desired, beloved, longed for	3	adj.																													2
1527817430	دل خسته	dil khastá	depressed, distressed, dejected, aggrieved	3	adj.																													2
1527817413	دل سرد	dil sard	hard-heated, calloused, indifferent, uncaring, unconcerned, unphased, cool/calm/composed	3	adj.																													2
1527817401	دل سوز	dil sóz	merciful, compassionate, soft-hearted	4	adj.																													2
1527817406	دلاور	dilaawár	brave	3	adj.																													2
1527817846	دلچسپ	dilchásp	fascinating, interesting, attractive, captivating	3	adj.																													3
1527817414	دلداده	dildaadá	enthusiastic, easily carried away	4	adj.																													2
1591026823665	دلګیر	dilgéer	sad, upset	4	adj.																													2
1527817421	دلپسند	dilpasánd	pleasant, attractive	3	adj.																													2
1579105536565	دلپذیر	dilpazéer	pleasant, attractive	3	adj.																													2
1573151024515	دماغي	dimaaghée, damaaghée	mental, pertaining to the brain, cranium	3	adj.																													2
1527816027	دودیز	dodéez	traditional, conservative	4	adj.																													2
1645036353420	دوکه باز	doka báaz	deceitful, tricky; frauid, trickster, deceiver	4	adj. / n.m. anim. unisex																													3
1527817256	ډوب	Doob	drowned, sunk, submerged	3	adj.																													2
1527818641	دوچنده	doochánda	double, twofold	4	adj.																													2
1594834129389	دوړ	dooR	deceptive, false	2	adj.																													2
1611065752352	دربجن	drabján	moldy, mildewy	3	adj.																													2
1588689097153	درېیم	dre`yúm	third	0	adj.																													3
1527813499	دروند	droond	heavy; respectable, reliable, serious	4	adj.				درانه	draanu	درن	dran																						3
1586626912173	درست	dUrÚst, drUst	right, correct, true	3	adj.																													2
1527813541	د منلو جوګه	du manulo jogá	acceptable	4	adj.																													3
1527815816	د منلو وړ	du manulo wáR	acceptable	4	adj.								true																					2
1594813906657	د پوښتنې وړ	du poxtune waR	questionable	4	adj.																													
1527816909	دباندینی	dubaandeenáy	external, foreign, exterior, outside	3	adj.																													
1527816910	دباندی	dubaanday	outside, outside of, beyond	3	adj.																													
1578084708430	ډبر	Dubár	destroyed, ruined, annihilated	0	adj.																													2
1527812583	ډک	Duk	full	4	adj.																													3
1527814880	دنګ	dung	tall, strapping	3	adj.																													3
1702812530119	دنګوالی	dungwáalay	height, altitude	3	n. m.																													3
1527822674	ډنګر	Dungár, Dangár	gaunt, thin, skinny, emaciated; singular and plural cattle; bull, ox	4	adj.																													2
1527819382	دنیاوي	dUnyaawée	worldly	4	adj.																													2
1527817787	دنیوي	dUnyawée	wordly, pertaining to the present life	4	adj.																													2
1661753408821	دپ	dup	stuffy, stifled, stifling; cloudy, overcast; deaf	2	adj.																													2
1590839036975	درویشتم	durweeshtúm	twenty-third	4	adj.																													2
1527813751	دوه اړخیز	dwa aRkheez	bilateral, mutual, two-sided, reciprocal	3	adj.																													2
1527818637	دوه برابره	dwa baraabára	double, twofold	3	adj.																													2
1527818638	دوه برغه	dwa bárgha	double, twofold	4	adj.																													2
1527818639	دوه چنده	dwa chánda	double, twofold	4	adj.																													2
1690458829601	دوه ګوری	dwa góray	cross-eyed, blind in one eye, one eyed	3	adj.																													2
1527818640	دوه ګرایه	dwa gráaya	double, twofold	2	adj.																													2
1527820526	دوه مخی	dwa múkhay	two faced, hypocritical, deceitful, insincere	3	adj.																													2
1586617011088	دوه ییز	dwa yéez	double, twin-	3	adj.																													2
1588689079919	دویم	dwayúm	second	4	adj.																													3
1590838815378	دوولسم	dwolasúm, dolasúm	twelth	4	adj.																													3
1590838836793	دیارلسم	dyaarlasúm	thirteenth	4	adj.																													2
1527814601	ځان غوښتونکی	dzaan ghoxtóonkay	selfish	4	adj.																													2
1690458830503	ځانګړی	dzaangúRay	individual, particular, special, personal	4	adj.																													2
1527811514	ځانخبری	dzaankhabáray	self-confident	3	adj.																													2
1675144946807	ځانمرګی	dzaanmárgay	suicide																															2
1586347202343	ځانوژونکی	dzaanwajzóonkay	suicidal	4	adj.																													2
1527811757	ځایي	dzaayée	local, settled	4	adj.																													2
1527821032	ځګلن	dzaglán	frothy; sparkling, bubbling; sparkling wine; runny, slobbery	2	adj.																													2
1595515718771	ځګمن	dzagmán	frothy, bubbly, sudsy	4	adj.																													2
1527816322	ځلان	dzaláan	shining, sparkling, outstanding, brilliant	4	adj.																													2
1527816323	ځلاند	dzaláand	shining, sparkling, outstanding, brilliant	4	adj.																													2
1527817645	ځلبلاند	dzalbaláand	agitated, distressed, deranged	3	adj.																													2
1527820300	ځلېدونکی	dzaledóonkay	shining, glowing	4	adj.																													
1610617712149	ځنډن	dzanDán, dzanDún	old, ancient	2	adj.																													2
1610617741649	ځنډنی	dzanDanáy, dzanDunáy	late, tardy, slow; (also maybe old, ancient ??)	2	adj.																													2
1690458830987	ځوروونکی	dzawrawóonkay	bothershome, awful, torturing, distressing	3	adj.																													2
1527812038	ځینې	dzéene, dzíne	some	4	adj.																													2
1527813569	ځیرک	dzeerák	intelligent, smart, clever, shrewd	3	adj.																													2
1527820419	ځور	dzoor	intelligent, bright, clever	2	adj.																													2
1527817475	ځنګلي	dzungulée	of the forest, jungle, wild	4	adj.																													3
1527820112	ځوړند	dzwaRúnd, dzwáRund	hanging	4	adj.																													2
1527819893	ایله	eelá	free, discharged, released	4	adj.																													2
1527817766	ایر	eer	obtained, received	2	adj.																													2
1527820145	ایشولی	eeshawúlay	boiled	4	adj.																													2
1588759177225	ایټالوي	eeTaalawée	Italian	4	adj.																													2
1732519400931	ایټالیوي	eeTaalyawée	Italian	4	adj.																													2
1527822471	اېغ	egh	arrogant, rude; sticking out	4	adj.																													2
1527822469	اېغ نېغ	egh negh	rigid, hard, stiff, tough, unyielding	4	adj.																													
1527822470	اېغ سترګی	egh stúrgay	rude, impudent	4	adj.																													2
1527821055	اېمن	emún	quiet, peaceful, peace-loving	3	adj.																													2
1527817515	فعالي	fa'aalee	active; pertaining to the subject (grammar)	3	adj.																													2
1579051150539	فاعل مختار	faa'il-i-mUkhtáar	independant, free in one's actions	2	adj.																													2
1585219990167	فاحش	faahísh	grave, monstrous, scandalous	4	adj.																													2
1527818466	فائده مند	faaida mánd	beneficial, advantageous, useful, profitable	4	adj.																													2
1527818467	فائده ناک	faaida náak	beneficial, advantageous, useful, profitable	4	adj.																													2
1527819540	فامیلي	faameelée	family (adj.) pertaining to family	4	adj.																													2
1527823441	فاني	faanée	perishable, will decay, unstable, non-eternal	3	adj.																													2
1527815079	فاري	faarée	subsidiary, sub--, secondary, minor	2	adj.																													2
1527814523	فارغ	faarígh	free, finished from something, liberated, graduated; graduate (a person)	4	adj. / n.m. anim. unisex																													3
1527816706	فاسد	faasíd	corrupt, immorral, polluted	2	adj.																													2
1568411627277	فاضل	faazíl	learned, educated	2	adj.									فضلا	fUzaláa																			2
1584518804345	فهیم	fahéem	wise, knowing, intelligent	4	adj.																													2
1527822409	فخري	fakhrée	honorary, honourable	3	adj.																													2
1527814096	فلج	falj	paralytic, paralyzed	4	adj.																													2
1527813685	فلسفي	falsafée	philosophical	4	adj.																													2
1527817991	فناناپذیر	fanaanaapazéer	inexhaustible	2	adj.																													2
1527814035	فنري	fanarée, fanrée	spring, elastic	3	adj.																													2
1527815642	فنري	fanarée	spring, elastic	3	adj.																													2
1527822159	فنري	fanarée	springy, elastic, resilient	3	adj.																													2
1527820389	فرعي	fara'ée	secondary, subsidiary, subordinate	2	adj.																													2
1527818660	فراهم	faraahám	gathered, assembled, collected	3	adj.																													2
1594833866922	فراخ	faráakh	wide, broad, spacious, vast	4	adj.																													2
1527813669	فرهنګي	farhangée	cultural, civilizational	4	adj.																													2
1527817148	فرهنګی	farhangáy	cultured, civilized, cultured person	3	adj.																													2
1586429777263	فرهنګیالی	farhangyaaláy	cultured, educated, accomplished, creator	3	adj.																													2
1527823283	فرمان بردار	farmáan bardáar	submissive, obedient, subordinate	3	adj.																													2
1527821085	فرضي	farzée	supposed, presumed, imaginary, fictitious	3	adj.																													3
1527821257	فصیح	faséeh	clear, eloquent	4	adj.																													2
1527819121	فوق العاده	fawq al'aadá, fawkq Ul'aadá	spectacular, terrific, phenomenal, remarkable, wonderful, outstanding, urgent	4	adj.																													2
1625239512030	فوقاني	fawqaanée	excellent, splendid, magnificent, exquisite	2	adj.																													2
1527813471	فضایي	fazaayée	astronomical, relating to space, air	4	adj.																													2
1527815755	فضایي	fazaayée	astronomical, relating to space, air	4	adj.																													2
1625915044908	فعلي	fi'lée	present, current; verbal (grammar)	4	adj.																													2
1527814088	فکري	fikrée	psychological, intellectual, philosophical	4	adj.																													2
1527813197	فکرمن	fikurmán, fikurmún	anxious, worried, pensive	4	adj.																													2
1527813198	فکرمند	fikurmánd, fikurmúnd	anxious, worried, pensive	4	adj.																													1
1577817495811	فلزي	filizée, falizée	metal	4	adj.																													2
1527817063	فطرتي	fitratée	natural, inherent in human nature or creation	4	adj.																													3
1527811943	فزیکي	fizeekée	physical, relating to physics	4	adj.																													2
1527816010	فولادي	folaadée	steel	4	adj.																													2
1690458832403	فریبي	fraybée, faraybée	deceitful	3	adj.																													2
1527813946	فضول	fuzóol	inappropriate, unnecessary, superfluous, needless	4	adj.																													3
1579016071867	ګار	gaar	rotted, decayed, deteriorated; spent, wasted	2	adj.																													2
1527811261	ګارمن	gaarmán	harmful, noxious	3	adj.																													2
1527817938	ګاټه	gaaTá	thick, viscous, thickening, condensing; thick mass left over after cooking cheese	1	adj.																													2
1527811839	ګاودم	gaawdúm, gaawdÚm	tapered at the end, conic	2	adj.																													2
1527812640	ګډ	guD	combined, together	4	adj.																													3
1527812308	ګڼ	gaN	thick, dense, heavy, deep, lots	4	adj.																													2
1527819099	ګنګس	gangs	dizzy, stunned, unconscious	4	adj.																													2
1527822300	ګنجی	ganjáy	bald, bald-headed	4	adj.																													3
1579030297024	ګنس	gans	dizzy, stunned, unconscious	3	adj.																													2
1527814820	ګرم سېر	garm ser	warm, tropical	4	adj.																													
1527814811	ګرم	garm, gárum	warm, hot, sexy	4	adj.																													3
1527811765	ګېډور	geDawúr	big-bellied, big with child	3	adj.																													2
1527811842	ګېډبنګ	geDbáng	big-bellied, pot-bellied, gluttonous	2	adj.																													2
1527814363	ګیر	geer	caught, stuck	4	adj.																													3
1648461945105	ګېر	ger	caught, stuck	4	adj.																													1
1674635548469	ږېرور	Gerawár	bearded (person)	4	adj.																													
1732519631273	ږیرور	Geerawár	bearded (person)	4	adj.																													2
1527819259	غائب	ghaa'íb	missing, absent, concealed, vanished; third-person (grammar)	4	adj.																													2
1527823212	غافل	ghaafíl	unaware, negligent, heedless, amiss	3	adj.																													2
1527818523	غالب	ghaalíb	victorious, conquering, overcoming	3	adj.																													3
1708738861637	غالب کېدل	ghaalib kedúl	to conquer, be victorious, overcome, win		v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527818523	conquer																											3
1595254802868	غاور	ghaawúr, ghaawír	secret, concealed, introspect, intimate	3	adj.																													2
1527819260	غایب	ghaayíb	missing, absent, concealed, vanished; third-person (grammar)	4	adj.																													2
1527818619	غبي	ghabée	dull, dumb, slow witted, forgetful, absentminded	2	adj.																													2
1527820913	غږیز	ghaGéez, ghuGéez	audio, pertaining to voice/sound	3	adj.																													2
1527820947	غله بود	ghala bóod, ghala bód	fruitful, productive (of land)	2	adj.																													2
1527820951	غله خېز	ghala khéz	fruitful, productive (of land)	2	adj.																													2
1527823450	غلیظ	ghaléez	thick, dense, condensed	2	adj.																													2
1527817799	غم کش	gham kash, ghum kash	concerned, caring about others	3	adj.																													2
1527823514	غنم غونی	ghanam ghóonay, ghanam ghónay	blonde, fair, fair haired, pale	2	adj.																													2
1527821359	غني	ghanée	rich, prosperous	4	adj.																													2
1527821362	غني ترین	ghanee taréen	very rich, richest	4	adj.																													2
1527817334	غنم رنګ	ghanum rang	bronze (complexion), wheat color, slightly dark/brown	4	adj.																													2
1527817331	غنم رنګی	ghanum rángay	bronzed complexion, slightly darker skin, slightly brown/tanned	4	adj.																													2
1527819461	غربي	gharbée	western, west	4	adj.																													2
1577822538712	غریبانه	ghareebaaná	poor	4	adj.																													2
1576597186307	غرمنی	gharmanáy	pertaining to noon	4	adj.																													2
1527812180	غرمی	gharmáy	noon	4	adj.																													2
1527814495	غرق	gharq	immersed, submerged, plunged, lost, drowned	3	adj.																													2
1527820081	غیب	ghayb	hidden, lost, disappeared	3	adj.																													3
1709334153471	غیبول	ghaybawúl	to make disappear, hide		v. stat. comp. trans.	1527820081	make	dissapear																										2
1709334399417	غیبېدل	ghaybedúl	to disappear, hide, get lost		v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527820081	disappear																											3
1690458832491	غیر طبیعي	ghayr tabee'ée, ghayr tabayée, ghayr-e-taba'ée	unnatural		adj.																													2
1527821765	غیر عادي	ghayr 'aadée, ghay-e-aadée	unusual, uncommon	4	adj.																													2
1527823442	غیر فاني	ghayr faanée, ghayr-e-faanée	imperishable, eternal, will not decay	4	adj.																													2
1690458834026	غیر حاضر	ghayr haazír	absent (from a class, event, etc.)	4	adj.																													2
1527821766	غیر معمولي	ghayr ma'moolée, ghayr-e-ma'moolée	unusual	4	adj.																													3
1690458833839	غیرتي	ghayratée	honourable, proud, showing honourable conduct/zeal/jealousy	4	adj.																													2
1527818701	غیرتمن	ghayratmán	having a sense of pride, self-worth, honour	4	adj.																													2
1527820787	غیرنظامي	ghayrnizaamée	civil, non-military, civilian, peaceful	3	adj.																													2
1650696921007	غیرقانوني	ghayrqaanoonée, ghayriqaanoonée	illegal, unjust	4	adj.																													2
1690458834819	غیرشرعي	ghayrshar'ée, ghayrshara'ée ghayrishara'ée	unlawful, unacceptable by Islamic law	4	adj.																													2
1527818134	غذایي	ghizaayée, ghuzaayée	pertaining to food, nourishment, being nourishing	4	adj.																													2
1527814207	غول	ghool	stupid, brainless, foolish	3	adj.																													2
1589020566695	غوټن	ghooTán	knotted, knotyy, suffering from a complex	4	adj.																													2
1588426704120	غوزار	ghoozáar	falling, thrown, knocked over	3	adj.																													2
1527814563	غورځېدن	ghordzedán	throwing, falling	3	adj.																													2
1527817626	غرېوناک	ghrewnáak	disturbed, distressed, weeping	2	adj.																													2
1527811350	غلی	ghúlay	quiet, silent	4	adj.																													3
1708001160227	غلی کول	ghulay kawúl	to quiet, calm down, make quiet, silence	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527811350	quiet																											3
1708001162736	غلی کېدل	ghulay kedúl	to get quiet, calm down, quiet down, be silenced, shut up	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527811350	get	quiet																										2
1527822716	غنجه	ghúnja, ghunjá	harshly, roughly, in an unfeeling manner; hard, stiff, tough; severe, stern	2	adj.																													2
1584691820111	غړند	ghuRúnd	fading, withering; depressed, downcast; sluggish, lazy, dull	3	adj.																													2
1527823768	غصه ناک	ghUssa náak	angry, angered, rageful	4	adj.																													2
1527811774	غټ نسی	ghuT násay	big-bellied, pot-bellied	4	adj. / n.m. anim. unisex																													2
1527812625	غټ	ghuT, ghaT	big, fat	4	adj.																													3
1527812623	غښتلی	ghixtúlay, ghuxtúlay, ghaxtúlay	strong, powerful, overcoming, firm, sturdy; twisted	4	adj.																													2
1584883202051	غضروفدار	ghuzroofdáar	having cartiladge, gristly	4	adj.																													2
1584883206529	غضروفي	ghUzroofée	having cartiladge, gristly	3	adj.																													2
1577383438224	غور	ghwar	superior, a cut above	2	adj.																													
1527821731	غوړین	ghwaRéen	oily	4	adj.																													2
1527816773	غوڅاوو	ghwatsáawoo, ghwatsáaw	decisive, categorical, crucial	2	adj.																													2
1617991171640	غوښور	ghwaxawúr	stoutly, portly, muscular	4	adj.																													2
1617991134399	غوښین	ghwaxéen	stoutly, portly, muscular	4	adj.																													2
1617991136740	غوښلن	ghwaxlún	stoutly, portly, muscular	4	adj.																													2
1617991131068	غوښن	ghwaxún, ghoxún	stoutly, portly, muscular	4	adj.																													2
1527811764	غوږور	ghwuGawúr	with big ears, big-eared, having ears	4	adj.																													2
1527811667	غونډ	ghwunD, ghoonD	round, circular; all; gathered, collected, assembled; chunky, stocky, chubby (person)	4	adj.																													3
1527822756	غونج	ghwunj, ghwUnj	wrinkled, formed into sheaves	2	adj.																													2
1586525868944	غوښتونکی	ghwuxtóonkay	desiring, seeking, wanting (often used as a suffix)	4	adj.																													2
1527821805	ګرفتار	giriftáar	seized, caught, taken, arrested	4	adj.																													2
1703654567957	ګرفتارول	giriftaarawúl	to arrest, catch, seize	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527821805	arrest																											3
1703654570833	ګرفتارېدل	giriftaaredúl	to be arrested, caught, seized	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527821805	be	arrested																										2
1595258349109	ګریان	giriyáan	weeping, crying, tearful	3	adj.																													2
1610556377397	ګول	gol	round, bent, twisted, wry	4	adj.																													3
1576100294147	ګوډ	gooD	lame, crippled	4	adj.																													3
1527811969	ګوډی	gooDáy	crippled, disabled	4	adj.																													3
1690458835186	ګونځی	goondzay	wrinkled, wrinkley	3	adj.																													
1527812635	ګونګ	goong, gwung	mute, unable to speak, dumb	4	adj.																													2
1527812636	ګونګی	goongáy	mute, unable to speak, dumb	4	adj. / n.m. anim. unisex																													3
1527819347	ګور	goor	thick, dense, compact; rumbling	3	adj.																													2
1527817288	ګوښه	gooxá, goxá	secluded, corner, private	3	adj.																													2
1527816697	ګوټ	goT, gooT	dull, blunt, idiot	4	adj.																													3
1527812639	ګران	graan	dear, valuable, expensive, difficult	4	adj.																													3
1708612498392	ګران کول	graan kawúl	to make difficult, complicated, expensive		v. stat. comp. trans.	1527812639																												3
1708612502792	ګران کېدل	graan kedúl	to become difficult, complicated, expensive		v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527812639																												2
1527817662	ګرم	gram	guilty, blamed, culprit, culpable	4	adj.																													
1527822752	ګرنجی	grUnjáy	wrinkled, furrowed	2	adj.																													
1527819773	ګلابي	gUlaabée	pink	4	adj.																													2
1527819130	ګلالی	gUlaaláy	pretty, beautiful, lovely, cute, sweet	4	adj.																													2
1619278137418	ګلورین	gUlwaréen, gwalwaréen	strewn with flowers, lovely	4	adj.																													2
1527819154	ګمراه	gUmráah	astray, strayed, erring	4	adj.																													3
1703658691028	ګمراه کول	gUmraah kawúl	to lead astray, to cause to err	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527819154	lead, leads, leading, led	astray																										3
1703658831863	په غلطه لار اړول	pu ghalata laar aRawúl	to lead astray, to cause to err																															3
1703658836476	په غلطه لار اوښتل	pu ghalata laar awUxtúl	to go astray, to err																															2
1703658693877	ګمراه کېدل	gUmraah kedúl	to go astray, to err	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527819154	go	astray																										2
1527812099	ګمرک	gUmrÚk, gUmrík	customs (border)	3	adj.									ګمرکات	gUmrUkáat																			2
1527812100	ګمرکي	gUmrukée, gUmrUkée, gUmrikée	customs (border)	3	adj.																													2
1527814446	ګنده	gundá	dirty, filthy, unclean, sinful, rotten, stale, rotten, spoiled	4	adj.																													1
1702629516901	ګندا	gundáa	dirty, filthy, unclean, sinful, rotten, stale, rotten, spoiled	4	adj.																													2
1614083484276	ګپ شپي	gup shupée, gup shúpee	chatty, sociable, gregarious, fun	3	adj.																													2
1527818765	ګړندی	guRandáy	speedy, high speed, fast, quick	4	adj.																													2
1527816786	ګرد	gurd, gard	all, entire, whole, everything; round circular	4	adj.																													2
1527819336	ګردی	gurdáy, girdáy	round, spherical; short and fat	4	adj.																													2
1690458837379	ګردی شکل	gurday shakul	round, circular	4	adj.																													
1527822212	ګرځمن	gurdzmán	moving, wandering, roaming	4	adj.																													2
1527822211	ګرځن	gurdzún	moving, wandering, roaming	4	adj.																													2
1527822210	ګرځنده	gúrdzunda	moving, wandering, roaming	4	adj.																													2
1527818807	ګرموز	gUrmóoz, gurmóz	grouchy, miserly, grumpy, facetious	2	adj.																													2
1586551337791	ګړوبن	guRobún	snot-nosed, slovenly	2	adj.																													2
1527819206	ګستاخ	gUstáakh	impudent, arrogant, disrespectful, rude	4	adj.																													3
1527818470	ګټور	guTawúr	profitable, beneficial	4	adj.																													2
1527812648	ګڅ	guts	left (direction)	4	adj.																													2
1588074780431	ګواښي	gwaaxée	threataning	4	adj.																													2
1527814188	ګوتلکی	gwatlákay, gootalákay	flagrant, notorious	2	adj.																													2
1594834915202	هاهولي	haahoolée	flirtatious, coquetish	2	adj.																													2
1527820699	حامل	haamíl	carrying, transporting, conveying, pregnant	3	adj.																													2
1527813701	حامله	haamilá	pregnant	3	adj.																													3
1527819467	حار	haar	hot (Arabic)	2	adj.																													2
1527821686	هار	haar	rabid, mad (of a dog)	2	adj.																													3
1613563936959	حاصل خېز	haasil khéz	fruitful, productive (land)	4	adj.																													2
1527817033	حاوي	haawée	containing, consisting, holding, including	3	adj.																													2
1527812113	حاضر	haazír, haazúr	present, on hand, ready, available, appearing; ready, prepared	4	adj.									حاضرین	haazireen																			3
1576945635801	هډور	haDawúr	big-boned, broad-shouldered, strong, robust, boney	2	adj.																													2
1527811460	هفته وار	hafta wáar	weekly	4	adj.																													3
1527817637	هلاک	haláak	destroyed, ruined, annihilated, perished	4	adj.																													2
1527819363	حلال	haláal	halal, authorized or permitted by Sharia Law	4	adj.																													3
1527821466	حلیم	haléem	gentle, quiet, gently, courteous, civil	3	adj.																													2
1527814149	حل طلب	hal taláb	debatable; requiring resolution or solving	2	adj.																													2
1527821804	هم فکر	ham fikur	like-minded	3	adj.																													
1527814663	هم مرکز	ham markáz	co-centric, having the same center	4	adj.																													2
1527821076	هم نام	ham náam	having the same name	4	adj.																													2
1527821803	هم نظر	ham nazár	like-minded	4	adj.																													2
1622366078163	حماسي	hamaasée	heroic, epic (literary)	2	adj.																													2
1527817319	همدرد	hamdárd	empathetic, sympathetic	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1690458837656	همیشنی	hamayshanáy	attributive adjective for something thats used/done always, all the time	4	adj.																													2
1527819862	همغږی	hamghúGay, hamgháGay	in agreement, concordant	3	adj.																													2
1527823406	حمیت مند	hamiyat mand	brave, courageous, fearless, spirited	2	adj.																													2
1630938487829	هممانیز	hammaanéez	synonymous	2	adj.																												true	2
1527821077	همنامی	hamnáamay	having the same name	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527811786	هنډور	hanDawár, hanDór	stout, stalwart	2	adj.																													2
1527818776	هنګامي	hangaamée	emergency, compulsory	4	adj.																													2
1527821779	حق بین	haq béen	just, fair	4	adj.																													2
1527818258	حقدار	haqdáar	deserving, entitled	3	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527814228	حقیقي	haqeeqée	real, actual, true, genuine	4	adj.																													3
1527812664	هر	har	every, each	4	det.																													3
1672942947760	هر اړخېز	har aRkhéz	multifaceted, comprehensive		adj.																													
1732520231760	هر اړخیز	har aRkhéez	multifaceted, comprehensive		adj.																													2
1527813792	حرام	haráam	haram, forbidden in Islam	4	adj.																													3
1527819824	حریص	harées	envious, greedy, mean	3	adj.																													3
1527821837	هړیسه	haReesá	boiled soft (food)	2	adj.																													2
1585928568991	هرکاره	harkaara	multitalented, jack-of-all-trades	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527812669	حساس	hasáas	sensitive, delicate, allergic	3	adj.																													3
1527823769	حسد ناک	hasad náak	jealous, envious	4	adj.																													2
1527820542	حسین	haséen	beautiful	3	adj.																													2
1725918674630	حشره خوروونکی	hashara khorawóonkay	insectivorous, insect eating	2	adj.																													
1527822668	هسک	hask	lofty, tall, high, proud, supreme	3	adj.																													2
1690458838537	هسکېرلی	haskeruláy	pitiful, weak, feeble, faint	2	adj.																													2
1527821351	هسته یي	hasta yée	nuclear, essential (figurative)	4	adj.																													2
1527821350	هستوي	hastawée	nuclear, essential (figurative)	4	adj.																													2
1527822374	حتمي	hatmée	compulsory, obligatory; definite, certain	4	adj.																													2
1527816695	هڅاند	hatsáand	dynamic, active	2	adj.																													2
1527816694	هڅند	hatsánd	dynamic, active	3	adj.																													2
1586453720908	هڅوونکی	hatsawóonkay	encouraging / encourager	4	adj.																													2
1613550750895	هواګیر	hawaagéer	very high, up high, elevated, striving	4	adj.																													2
1527813130	هوار	hawáar	flat, smooth, level, plain	4	adj.																													3
1527819981	هوکی	hawkáy	tired, worn out	2	adj.																													
1527821550	هولناک	hawlnáak, haulnáak	terrible, dreadful, horrifying, terrifying	4	adj.																													2
1527823054	حیا ناک	hayaa náak	modest, honourable	4	adj.																													2
1527814343	حیاتي	hayaatée	vital, important	3	adj.																													2
1527820681	هذیاني	hazyaanée	delirious, crazy, insane	3	adj.																													2
1527822687	هیله مند	heela mánd	hopeful, optimistic	4	adj.																													2
1527817761	هېر	her	forgotten	4	adj.																													2
1527822590	هېرجن	herjún	forgetful, absentminded (a person)	3	adj.																													2
1527822591	هېرمن	hermún	forgetful, absentminded (a person) (هېرجن)	4	adj.																													2
1527823162	هېښ	hex	stunned, shocked, perplexed	4	adj.																													2
1588163180700	هېښوونکی	hexawóonkay	stunning, shocking, perplexing, amazing	4	adj.																													2
1690458839753	هیبتناک	haybatnáak	awe-inspring, awesome, dreadful, wonderful, mighty	4	adj.																													3
1527813718	حیران	hayráan	amazed, surprised, stunned, dumfounded, speechless, taken aback	4	adj.																													2
1690458841825	حیرانوونکی	hayraanawóonkay	amazing, surprising	4	adj.																													2
1527820424	هجري	hijrée	reckoned by the Hijri (Islamic) calendar	4	adj.																													2
1527819442	هندي	hindée	Indian, of India	4	adj.																													2
1527820999	حزبي	hizbée	party (attributive, pertaining to the party etc.)	3	adj.																													2
1574784307693	هوډي	hoDée	determined, stubborn, obstinate	3	adj.																													2
1586957266618	هوډیالی	hoDyaaláy	determined, relentless, fierce, willful, stubborn	2	adj.																													
1527816082	هوسا	hosáa	peaceful, calm, quiet, refreshed, relaxed, untired, comfortable	4	adj.																													2
1527812680	هوښیار	hooxyáar, hoxyáar, ooxyáar	wise, smart, intelligent	4	adj.																													3
1579044143384	حکمي	hUkmée	effectual, categorical, effective	3	adj.																													3
1527818022	حکومتي	hUkoomatée	government, pertaining to goverment, official things	4	adj.																													2
1527812377	حکم منونکی	hUkum munóonkay	obedient, submissive	3	adj.																													2
1675436415505	هنري	hUnarée	artful, cultured, pertaining to art		adj.																													2
1527821267	هویدا	hUwaydáa, hUwiydáa	clear, obvious, apparent, proven, indisputable	2	adj.																													2
1677347359976	هویتي	hUwiyatée	identity, pertaining to identity		adj.																												true	2
1527819875	اعتباري	i'tibaarée	trustworthy, faithful, credible	4	adj.																													3
1527819015	عبرت ناک	ibrat náak	an event or circumstance that people can learn from	4	adj.																													2
1527815931	ابتدایي	ibtidaayée	elementary, first-stage, rudimentary	4	adj.																													3
1527822933	ابتکاري	ibtikaarée	creative, full of initiative	4	adj.																													3
1527820866	اداري	idaarée	pertaining to administration, management, government	4	adj.																													3
1527820594	افراطي	ifraatée	extreme, ultra	3	adj.																													3
1652760702014	افتخاري	iftikhaarée	honorary	3	adj.																													3
1527816808	افتتاحي	iftitaahée	opening	4	adj.																													3
1527820600	احسان من	ihsaan mán	obliged, grateful, thankful (as a result of favour shown etc.)	4	adj.																													2
1527820601	احسان مند	ihsaan mánd	obliged, grateful, thankful (as a result of favour shown etc.)	4	adj.																													3
1527812225	احتجاجي	ihtijaajée	protest, pertaining to protesting	4	adj.																													3
1527820280	احتمالي	ihtimaalée	possible, potential	4	adj.																													3
1527811309	احتیاطي	ihtiyaatée	cautionary	4	adj.																													3
1527814727	اجباري	ijbaarée	compulsory, obligatory	3	adj.																													3
1527823087	اجمالي	ijmaalée	short, concise, summary	4	adj.																													3
1527815080	اجرایي	ijraayée	executive	3	adj.																													3
1527822036	اجتماعي	ijtimaa'ée, ijtimaayée	public, social, societal	4	adj.																													3
1527812200	اجتمایي	ijtimaayée	public, social, societal	3	adj.																													3
1527811330	اخلاصمن	ikhlaasman	sincere, dedicated	4	adj.																													1
1527814123	اختلافي	ikhtilaafée	opposing, conflicting, controversial, disagreeing, contradicting, dissenting	4	adj.																													3
1586618557249	علاج نا پذیر	ilaaj naa pazéer	incurable, untreatable, incorrigable	4	adj.																													2
1527823637	علاج پذیر	ilaaj pazéer	curable, treatable	4	adj.																													2
1527819057	الهي	ilahée	divine	4	adj.																													3
1566476253479	الهامي	ilhaamée	inspirational	4	adj.																													3
1527814108	علمي	i'lmée	scientific, academic, pertaining to knowledge	4	adj.																													2
1527819338	التهابي	iltihaabée	inflamed	4	adj.																													3
1527823639	امکان پذیر	imkaan pazéer	possible	4	adj.																													3
1527813420	امتناعي	imtinaa'ée, imtinaayée	preventative	2	adj.																													3
1527823102	امتیازي	imtiyaazée	privileged, advantaged, preferred; concessional; distinctive, different, special	4	adj.																													3
1527817214	اناثي	inaasée, anaasée	womens, feminine	3	adj.																													3
1527817215	اناثیه	inaasiyá, anaasiyá	womens, feminine	3	adj.																													3
1527823116	عندي	andée, indée	made-up, subjective, fabricated, fictitious, imaginary	2	adj.																													2
1527813054	انفلاقي	infilaaqée	explosive	4	adj.																													3
1527822686	انفرادي	infiraadée	individual, personal, solitary	4	adj.																													3
1527814780	انساني	insaanée	human	4	adj.																													3
1566473783410	انتهایي	intihaayée	exremely, ulitmately, final, last	4	adj.																													3
1527821796	انتقالي	intiqaalée	portable, transportable; transitional, progressive (of a movement)	4	adj.																													3
1624364703342	انتصابي	intisaabée	designated, fixed, set	2	adj.																													3
1527815044	انضباطي	inzibaatée	disciplinary	4	adj.																													3
1527816914	اقتصادي	iqtisaadée	economic, pertaining to the economy	4	adj.																													3
1527820545	ارثي	irsée, arsée	hereditary, inherited	2	adj.																													3
1585740985216	ارتباطي	irtibaatée	connecting, linking, oblique (grammar)	4	adj.																													3
1592389802397	اشاري	ishaarée	demonstrative (grammar)	3	adj.																													2
1678367034707	اصلاحي	islaahée	correctional, reformational, corrective, pertaining to improvements		adj.																													3
1690458842503	اسلام ډاروونکی	islaam Daarawóonkay	Islamophobic, Islamaphobe	3	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527815543	اسلامي	islaamée	Islamic, Muslim	4	adj.																													3
1527818299	اسلامپال	islaampáal	Islamist	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1579042639154	استفهامي	istifhaamée	interrogative (grammar)	3	adj.																													3
1527817509	استخباراتي	istikhbaaraatée	intelligence, pertaining to intelligence (as in government spying etc.)	4	adj.																													3
1527817019	استعماري	isti'maarée	colonial	4	adj.																													3
1649184686379	استنادي	istinaadée	supporting, reinforcing, referencing, retaining (retaining wall - استنادي دېوال)	4	adj.																													3
1527818587	استثنایي	istisnaayée	exceptional	4	adj.																													3
1527814923	اضافي	izaafée	additional, supplemental	4	adj.																													3
1527818766	اضطرابي	iztiraabée	concerned, alarmed, emergency	3	adj.																													2
1670563530471	عزتمن	izzatmán	honorable, respectable, noble		adj.																													2
1670563525515	عزتمند	izzatmánd	honorable, respectable, noble		adj.																													3
1527820309	جعلي	ja'lée	fake, deceptive; unreal, imaginary	4	adj.																													1
1527815916	جابر	jaabír	coercive, oppressive, despotic	4	adj.																													2
1585241190585	جادویي	jaadooyée, jaadoo`ée	magical		adj.																													2
1527820479	جاهل	jaahíl	ignorant, stupid	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527819024	جائز	jáaiz, jaaíz	permitted, allowed, legal, permissible, correct	4	adj.								true																					2
1527811933	جالب	jaalíb	appealing, interesting, attractive, fascinating	4	adj.																													2
1527816809	جامع	jaamí'	full, comprehensive, rich, substantial, substantive	4	adj.																													2
1566470849994	جامد	jaamíd	solid (as opposid to liquid)	4	adj.																													2
1527821219	جاندار	jaandáar	living (creature), animate	4	adj.																													3
1527813087	جانجی	jaanjáy	sluggish, weak, lazy	4	adj.																													2
1527822172	جاړه	jaaRá	thorny	4	adj.																													3
1527812266	جاري	jaarée	running, current, started, continuing, flowing	4	adj.																													3
1527814814	جارحانه	jaarihaaná	decisive, crucial	4	adj.																													2
1602250511163	جایز	jaayíz	permitted, allowed, lawful, admissible	4	adj.								TRUE																					3
1678361888726	جدید	jadéed	new, modern		adj.																													3
1527823766	جګړه ناک	jagRa náak	disputed	3	adj.																													2
1527816465	جهاني	jahaanée	world	4	adj.																													2
1577572484141	جلا	jaláa	seperate	4	adj.																													2
1527817057	جلت	jalt	agile, quick, fast, hurried	4	adj.																													2
1527813833	جلیا	jalyáa	burning, flaming	4	adj.																													2
1594813028562	جنجالي	janjaalée	controversial	4	adj.																													3
1527818294	جنوبي	janoobée, jinoobée, jUnoobée	southern	4	adj.																													2
1527814244	جړ	jaR	tangled, complicated	4	adj.																													2
1614081873358	جره	jará	unmarried, single	4	adj.																													3
1588160804176	جراحي	jarraahée	surgical	4	adj.																													2
1527816944	جوت	jawát	clear, evident, explained, apparent, established	2	adj.																													2
1527816946	جوت	jawt	joining, alongside	3	adj.																													
1527815042	جزایي	jazaayée	penal, punitive	4	adj.																													2
1664029790694	جذاب	jazzáab, jazáab	absorbing, fascinating, attractive	4	adj.																													2
1527814582	جدي	jiddée	serious, seriously, grave	4	adj.																													2
1527812707	جګ	jig, jug	high, tall	4	adj.																													2
1527822123	جګر خونی	jigar khoonay	upset, sad, vexed, worn out	4	adj.																													
1732520805730	جګر خوني	jigar khoonée	upset, sad, vexed, worn out	4	adj.																													2
1527815496	جهادي	jihaadée	pertaining to jihad, involved in jihad; jihadist	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1591870352798	جهان دیده	jihaan deedá	having seen the world, being aware of the world/knowledgeable, well-travelled	3	adj.																													2
1527811284	جنایي	jinaayée	criminal	4	adj.																													2
1527812709	جنسي	jinsée	sexual	4	adj.																													3
1527823398	جسماني	jismaanée	physical, corporeal	4	adj.																													2
1527811364	جوګه	jogá	able	4	adj.																													3
1527822996	جوخت	jokht, jookht	alongside, adjoining, next to, very close	4	adj.																													3
1527813089	جونګړا	jongRáa, joongRáa	lazy	3	adj.																													2
1577649371936	جوټ	jooT	sad, grim-faced, stern; rejected, spurned, futile, idle	3	adj.																													2
1527819136	جوټه	jooTá	fake, false, counterfeit	3	adj.																													2
1527812711	جوړ	joR	well, healthy, whole, made	4	adj.																													3
1672943546000	جوړوونکی	joRawóonkay	builder, maker; constructive	4	n. m. anim. unisex / adj.																													3
1527816456	جدا	jUdáa	different, separate, special, detached	4	adj.																													3
1709131953042	جدا کول	jUdaa kawúl	to seperate, divide, detatch	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527816456	seperate																											3
1709131954935	جدا کېدل	jUdaa kedúl	be be seperated, divided, detatched	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527816456	be	seperated																										2
1527822995	جفت	jUft	see جخت	4	adj.																													3
1678174862168	جغرافیایي	jUghraafiyaayée	geographical		adj.																													2
1690458851690	جګپوړی	jugpóRay, jigpóRay	high-level		adj.																													2
1527822992	جخت	jUkht	alongside, adjoining, next to, very close	4	adj.																													2
1527818283	جمهوري	jUmhoorée, jumhoorée, jimhoorée	republican	4	adj.																													3
1527819214	جسمي	jismée, jusmée	bodily, pertaining to the body, corporal	4	adj.																													2
1584882748491	جټ	juT	pure, basic, ignorant	4	adj.																													2
1584639063254	ژبه ور	jzaba wár	eloquent, fluent, clear	4	adj.																													2
1617441765093	ژبنی	jzabanáy	linguistic, pertaining to language	4	adj.																													2
1584639029522	ژبور	jzabawar	elequent, fluent, clear	0	adj.																													
1690458848606	ژړه غوندی	jzaRa ghóonday	pitying, whining, weepy, crying	4	adj.																													2
1690458850838	ژړه غونی	jzaRa ghóonay	pitying, whining, weepy, crying	4	adj.																													2
1527813518	ژور	jzawár	deep, severe, serious	4	adj.																													3
1527813283	ژیړ	jzeeR, jzyaR	brass; bile; yellow, pale	2	adj.																													
1584530987318	ژېړ	jzeR	yellow, bronze	3	adj.																													2
1527815848	ژمن	jzman, jzmun	dedicated, committed	3	adj.																													2
1527814034	ژوبل	jzóbul	wounded, hurt, crippled, injured	4	adj.				ژوبل	jzobul	ژوبل	jzobl																						3
1619278676916	ژورنالیستکي	jzoornaaleestikée	journalistic	4	adj.																													2
1527815700	ژمګنی	jzumgunáy	winter, wintery	3	adj.																													2
1527815699	ژمنی	jzumunáy	winter, wintery	4	adj.																													
1527818784	ژر ځورېدونکی	jzur dzawredóonkay	grumpy, easily bothered	3	adj.																													2
1527813600	ژواک خوړلی	jzwaak khoRúlay	old, elderly	3	adj.																													2
1527813923	ژوندی	jzwundáy	living	4	adj.																													3
1527814255	کافي	kaafée	enough, adequate, suficcient	4	adj.																													3
1590053626890	کاغ	kaagh	wise, clever, bright	4	adj.																													2
1527823678	کاهل	kaahíl	lazy, sluggish, stagnant	3	adj.																													2
1527822915	کالبر	kaalbár	bearing fruit every other year	4	adj.																													2
1527813486	کامل	kaamíl	absolute, complete, mature	3	adj.																													3
1527811846	کامیاب	kaamyáab	successful	4	adj.																													2
1527818736	کاني	kaanée	dexterous, deft, skilled, skilful	1	adj.																													2
1527818737	کاني	kaanée	mineral, mining	1	adj.																													2
1527812398	کار آمد	kaar aamád	useful, suitable, necessary	2	adj.																													2
1527819219	کاري	kaarée	work, pertaining to employment	3	adj.																													2
1527813078	کاړي واړي	kaaRee wáaRee	weakened, limp, flabby, very tired	1	adj.																													2
1527816919	کاروباري	kaaroobaarée	business, pertaining to business, professional	4	adj.																													2
1527818805	کارساو	kaarsáaw	grouchy, miserly, grumpy	1	adj.																													2
1584517676790	کاتولیک	kaatoléek	Catholic	4	adj.																													2
1675436535969	کاذب	kaazíb	false, untruthful, lying (کاذبې ادعاوې - false claims)		adj.																													2
1527811784	کبیر	kabéer	great, big (Arabic)	4	adj.																													2
1527814896	کبرجن	kaburjún, kibrjún	proud, arrogant	4	adj.																													3
1613560839718	کبرژن	kaburjzún, kibrjzún	proud, arrogant	3	adj.																													2
1527811697	کچه	kachá	raw, unripe, immature	4	adj.																													1
1527822293	کځر	kádzur	bald, balding	1	adj.																													2
1578190912336	کغن	kaghún, kaghán	hoarse, whimpering; crane (bird) ??	1	adj.																													2
1578190974824	کغند	kaghún, kaghúnd	hoarse, whimpering: crane (bird) ??	1	adj.																													2
1527813073	کهاله	kahaalá	lazy	3	adj.																													2
1527811362	ککړ	kakúR, kakáR	soiled, stained, polluted, weighed down, stricken	4	adj.																													2
1527822283	کل	kal	bald, balding, mangy, scabbing	4	adj.																													2
1527819999	کلابند	kalaabánd	besieged, surrounded	2	adj.																													2
1527823127	کلنی	kalanáy	yearly, annual	4	adj.																													3
1678086585909	کلداني	kaldaanée	Chaldean		adj.																													2
1527817029	کلتوري	kaltoorée	cultural	3	adj.																													2
1527812744	کلن	kalún	years old	3	adj.																													2
1578769492475	کم	kam	few, little	4	adj.																													3
1527812077	کم اصل	kam asúl	unauthentic, not genuine, counterfeit, ignoble, artificial	4	adj.																													2
1527817842	کم بخته	kam bákhta	unlucky, unfortunate	4	adj.																													2
1527811964	کم ځواکی	kam dzwáakay	weak, disabled	2	adj.																													2
1527820762	کم استعمال	kam isti'máal	rarely used	3	adj.																													2
1527817843	کم خرڅه	kam khártsa	thrifty, economic	3	adj.																													2
1527818463	کم مهارت	kam mahaarát	having poor skills, not being an expert	2	adj.																													2
1649839212571	کم پیدا	kam paydáa	rare, uncommon	4	adj.																													2
1527817707	کم رنګه	kam ránga	bland, colorless	2	adj.																													2
1527819002	کمین	kaméen	younger	3	adj.																													2
1527821552	کمین توګ	kameen tóg	low, mean, base, vulgar, coarse	3	adj.																													2
1584965341524	کمینه	kameená, kaméena	small, insignificant, meek, submissive; scoundral, villian	4	adj.																													2
1678367193435	کمونیستي	kamooneestée	communist, communistic		adj.																													2
1527812746	کمساری	kamsáaray	unprecedented	2	adj.																													2
1578769409512	کمزور	kamzór	weak	4	adj.																													3
1527818613	کمزوری	kamzóray	weak, feeble, frail, faint, poor	3	adj.																													3
1595516629483	کڼوونکی	kaNawóonkay	deafening	4	adj.	1578770339559																												2
1586446422286	کنډ و کپر	kanD-U-kapár	scattered, strewn, broken, chipped	3	adj.																													2
1578770035285	کنګال	kangáal	alone, solitary, single	3	adj.																													2
1527821437	کنجوس	kanjóos	stingy, cheap, miserly, mean, foul	3	adj.																													2
1527823616	کنجر	kanjúr, kanjÚr	shameless, imprudent (derogatory term)	4	adj.																													2
1527821016	کر	kar	deaf	2	adj.																													2
1527812035	کره	kára, kará	pure, uncontaminated, true, trustworthy, exact, precise, sincere	3	adj.																													3
1527817649	کړاند	kaRáand	bewildered, out of sorts, upset, lost ones head	2	adj.																													2
1527812747	کرار	karáar	quiet, peaceful, established, constant, stable, agreed	4	adj.																													2
1678361714266	کرنیز	karanéez	agricultural		adj.																													2
1574785018588	کرنګ	karáng	frozen, numb (from cold); blood-stained	1	adj.																													2
1527816804	کریم	kareem	gracious, great, noble, generous, kind; used as a religious adjective with the Kuran, Ramadan, etc.	4	adj.																													
1594834876571	کرشمه یي	karishma yée	flirtatious, coquetish	2	adj.																													2
1578759802169	کرکنډ	karkánD	rolling down a mountain (for a rock etc.)	1	adj.																													2
1527814130	کړکېچن	kaRkechún	unorganized, haphazard, spoiled, disgusting	4	adj.																													2
1527817650	کړم	kaRum, kuRum, kRum	cut off, chopped, wounded, beaten, bleeding, disfigured, maimed, distressed	4	adj.																													2
1527817652	کړمن	kaRumún, kaRamún	grief-stricken, sad, distressed, pained	3	adj.																													2
1527812195	کړوړ	kaRwáR	workable, performable	2	adj.																													2
1527819707	کریاب	karyáab	waste, neglected, unused, delayed, stopped, poor, in a difficult situation	4	adj.																													2
1527820094	کسیز	kaséez	person (adj. as in 15 person team)	4	adj.																													2
1626775009928	کشفي	kashfée	investigative, exploratory		adj.																													2
1527822303	کشکل	kashkál	bald, bald-headed	2	adj.																													2
1578768378812	کسکر	kaskár	divided into parts	3	adj.																													2
1578768278986	کسکر	kaskúr	burned, scorched, shriveled; unclean	3	adj.																													
1527811840	کټه	kaTá, káTa	large, big	4	adj.																													3
1527821095	کټه مېر	kaTa mér	wicked, bad, cruel, harsh, stern	3	adj.																													2
1527821094	کټه مهر	kaTa míhr, kaTa mÚhr	wicked, bad, cruel, harsh, stern	3	adj.																													2
1527813444	کوره	kawara	destroyed, annihilated, obliterated, crossed-out, deleted	2	adj.																													
1527822416	کودن	kawdún, kodún	dull, limited, stupid	2	adj.																													2
1527818837	کوکبي	kawkabée, kawakbée	space, cosmic, interplanetary	2	adj.																													2
1527812755	کیڼ	keeN	left	4	adj.																													2
1527821285	کینه ګر	keena gár, keena gúr	vindictive, malicious, spiteful, revengeful	4	adj.																													2
1527821286	کینه ور	keena wár	vindictive, malicious, spiteful, revengeful	3	adj.																													3
1527819770	کینخي	kéenkhee	purple	3	adj.																													2
1527816544	کېږلی	keGúlay	cursed, damned, accursed	3	adj.																													2
1527821274	کېته	ketá	open	2	adj.																													2
1527811718	کیهاني	kayhaanée	world, space, cosmic	1	adj.																													2
1591803404796	خاکسار	khaaksáar	humble, meek, obedient	4	adj.																													3
1527811332	خالص	khaalís	pure, real, genuine, natural; net (as oppossed to gross)	4	adj.																													3
1527812057	خام	khaam	raw, unripe, immature	4	adj.																													3
1527814103	خاموش	khaamósh	silent, quiet, still	3	adj.																													3
1708001295582	خاموشه	khaamósha	silent, quiet, still (خاوموش)	3	adj.																													3
1715164334439	خاموشه کول	khaamosha kawúl	to silence, make quiet	3	v. stat. comp. trans.	1708001295582	silence																											3
1715164358542	خاموشه کېدل	khaamosha kedúl	to become silent, get quiet	3	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1708001295582	become	silent																										3
1527817058	خامتا	khaamatáa, khaamtáa	fast, greedy	2	adj.																													3
1527813144	خانه بدوش	khaana badósh	nomadic, nomad, tramp	4	n. m. anim. unisex / adj.																													3
1527817570	خاطرپرېشان	khaatirpresháan	worried, upset, distressed	2	adj.																													3
1527821965	خاینانه	khaayinaaná	treacherous	4	adj.																													3
1610617463868	خبیث	khabées	wicked, evil, nasty, disgusting, vile	4	adj.																													3
1661453800132	خبري	khaburée	press, pertaining to news	4	adj.																													1
1527813448	خفي	khafée	hidden, secret, covert, low-key	3	adj.																													3
1527822250	خفیف	khaféef	light, slight, weak	3	adj.																													3
1527821612	خجل	khajil, khíjil	embarrassed, shamed, shy, inhibited	4	adj.																													3
1527817059	خجونکی	khajóonkay	skittish, fast; rebounding; with a waddling gait	2	adj.																													3
1610800413603	خلائي	khalaa`ée	space, astronautical	4	adj.																													3
1594814090783	خلیجي	khaleejée	gulf	4	adj.																													3
1527822932	خلاقه	khalaaqá, khallaaqá	creative	2	adj.																													3
1527822196	خمیر	khaméer	fermented, leavened (dough)	4	adj.																													3
1577899089150	خمسور	khamsór	spontaneous, sociable	2	adj.																													3
1617991263023	خندانه	khandáana	humorous, funny; smiling	4	adj.																													3
1586341318400	خندني	khandunée	laughing; funny; sarcastic	4	adj.																													3
1620042274477	خندني	khandunée	funny, laughing, pleasant, funny, sarcastic	4	adj.																													3
1527823057	خپ	khap	quiet, silent, still	2	adj.																													3
1527817460	خس خس	khas khas	small, petty, in tiny little bits	3	adj.																													3
1527822829	خسیس	khasées	greedy, miserly, unpleasant, mean, repulsive	2	adj.																													3
1527822988	خسته	khastá	tired, exhausted	3	adj.																													3
1671707708753	خسته کوونکی	khasta kawóonkay	boring, tiring		adj.																													3
1671707208906	خسته کن	khasta kÚn	boring, tiring (Farsi)		adj.																													3
1527812768	خټه	kháTa	mud; thick, condensed; gloomy	4	n. f. / adj.																													3
1527812221	ختم	khátum	finished, completed, ended, done	4	adj.																													3
1527812771	خطرناک	khaturnáak	dangerous	4	adj.																													3
1527823115	خیالي	khyaalée, khayaalée	imaginary, fictitious; proud, haughty, romantic	4	adj.																													3
1589906941707	خیچن	kheechún	see خچن	4	adj.																													3
1594373463132	خیره	kheerá	dim, dull, blinded	4	adj.																													3
1527819201	خیرن	kheerán	dirty, nasty, unclean, filthy, foul	4	adj.																													3
1527819203	خیرن پیرن	kheeran peeran	dirty, nasty, unclean, filthy, foul	4	adj. doub.																													3
1527817115	خیشت	kheesht	soaking, wet, drenched, soggy	3	adj.																													3
1527818085	خېټور	kheTawár	pot bellied, glutton, gluttonous, greedy	4	adj.																													3
1527820809	خیریه	khayriyá	charitable	3	adj.																													3
1527823423	خیرخواه	khayrkhwáa, khayrkhaah	well-wishing, desiring good	4	adj.																													2
1527816857	خلاف	khiláaf	against, opposed, contrary	4	adj.																													3
1644515905247	خوبجن	khobjín	sleepy	4	adj.																													3
1627316873815	خوبوړی	khobuwúRay	sleepy		adj.																													3
1574865652928	خوږ	khoG	sweet, nice	4	adj.				خواږه	khwaaGu	خوږ	khwaG																						3
1591871233587	خوږژبی	khoGjzúbay	well-spoken	4	adj.																													3
1527818400	خود غرض	khood gharáz	selfish	4	adj.																													3
1527817079	خود اختیاره	khood ikhtiyáara	autonomous	4	adj.																													3
1527823239	خود مختار	khood mUkhtáar	autonomous, independent	4	adj.																													3
1671708779407	خودخواه	khoodkhwáa, khoodkhwáah	selfish, egotistical, egoist		adj.																													3
1610796141060	خودکفا	khoodkifáa, khoodkafáa	self-sufficient	4	adj.																													3
1592303515292	خوږمن	khooGmún, khwuGmún	suffering, grieving, empathetic, having sympathy for others	4	adj.																													3
1527811682	خونړی	khoonaRáy	bloody, awful, bloodthirsty, dangerous	4	adj.																													3
1527823594	خوني	khoonée	bloody, bloodstained	4	adj.																													3
1594128309318	خوسا	khoosáa	foul-smelling, horrible-smelling	3	adj.																													3
1527817403	خوش دل	khosh díl	joyful, cheerful, merry	3	adj.																													3
1527823427	خوش پوشاک	khosh posháak	well-dressed	3	adj.																													3
1527811252	خوشبین	khoshbéen	optimistic	4	adj.																													3
1527817404	خوشدل	khoshdíl	joyful, cheerful, merry	4	adj.																													3
1527817111	خوشت	khoosht	damp, wet, moist, humid	4	adj.																													1
1577902277292	خور	khor	spread, scattered, dispersed	4	adj.				خواره	khwaaru	خور	khor																						3
1527817234	خوراکي	khoraakée	food, pertaining to food	4	adj.																													3
1527811996	خوش باور	khosh baawár	naive, gullible, unsuspecting, trusting	4	adj.																													3
1527821369	خوش باور	khosh baawár	gullible, naive, trusting	2	adj.																													3
1527812791	خوشحال	khosh`háal, khosháal	happy, glad	4	adj.																													3
1635654222358	خوشحاله	khosh`háala, khosháala	happy, glad	4	adj.																													3
1527812792	خوشاله	khosháala	happy, glad		adj.																													1
1527816071	خپور	khpor	spread, dispersed, publicized, published	4	adj.				خپاره	khpaaru	خپر	khpar																						3
1527818399	خپل اړی	khpul áRay	selfish, self-interest, self-dependent, self-sufficient	2	adj.																													3
1527817174	خپل سری	khpul sáray	foolish, independent	3	adj.																													3
1627298038614	خپلمنځي	khpulmandzée	mutual, reciprocal, between each other		adj.																													3
1527819418	خپلواک	khpulwáak	independent, free, autonomous	4	adj.																													3
1566471461340	خرټ	khraT, khuráT, kharT	fat, fatty, portly	2	adj.																													3
1589906920486	خچن	khuchún	muddy, slimy, dirty	3	adj.																													3
1527816537	خدای شرمولی	khUdaay sharmawúlay	cursed, damned, accursed	4	adj.																													3
1527816538	خدای وهلی	khUdaay wahúlay	cursed, damned, accursed	4	adj.																													3
1527812798	خفه	khufá	sad, upset, angry; choked, suffocated	4	adj.																													3
1527813449	خفیه	khUfiyá	hidden, secret, covert, low-key	3	adj.																													2
1527812777	خلاص	khlaas, khuláas	open, free, done, saved	4	adj.																													3
1678442196610	خلوت پسند	khilwut pisánd, khUlwut pasánd	isolationist, seclusionist		adj.																													3
1527823005	خماري	khUmaarée	charming (eyes)	4	adj.																													3
1527812799	خپه	khupá	sad, upset, angry	3	adj.																													3
1527816161	خړ	khuR	grey, brown, dark; hazy; (fig.) vague, uncertain, embarrassed, confused	4	adj.																													3
1527812803	خراب	khuráab, kharáab	bad, wrong, broken	4	adj.																													3
1709132674057	خرابول	kharaabawúl	to ruin, break, make bad	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527812803	ruin																											3
1709132677720	خرابېدل	kharaabedúl	to be ruined, broken, made bad	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527812803	be	ruined																										3
1527815988	خړوب	khuRób	well watered, irrigated	4	adj.																													3
1527814247	خړپړ	khuRpúR	completely gray, dusty, dirty, soiled, cloudy, confused, complicated, tense	4	adj.																													3
1594128308150	خسا	khUsáa, khsáa	foul-smelling, horrible-smelling	4	adj.																													3
1592915562306	خشن	khushún, khúshun	rude, harsh	3	adj.																													3
1527813952	خصوصي	khUsoosée	particular, private, special, personal	4	adj.																													3
1527818132	خواهش من	khwaahish mán	wishing, desiring, wanting to, aspiring	4	adj.																													3
1527815083	خواخوږی	khwaakhóoGay	sympathetic, compassionate, empathetic; sympethizer	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													1
1527812808	خوار	khwaar	poor, pitiful, miserable, thin	4	adj.																													3
1527812809	خوار ځواکی	khwaar dzwáakay	malnourished, underfed	3	adj.																													3
1575129189335	خواري کښ	khwaaree kux	hard-working, laboring, pertaining to labor	3	adj.																													3
1575129189336	خواري کښ	khwaaree kux	hard-working, laboring, pertaining to labor	3	adj.																													3
1527815865	خواشینی	khwaashéenay	unhappy, hurt, sad, grieved, offended	4	adj.																													3
1577900286994	خواټولی	khwaaTólay, khwaaTwálay	calm	2	adj.																													1
1527813658	خورا	khwaráa, khoráa	very, exceedingly, extremely	2	adj.																													2
1584516065974	خوړین	khwReen, khooRéen	soft, mushy, tender, overcooked, boiled soft	3	adj.																													3
1527812813	خوندور	khwundawár	tasty, delicious	4	adj.																													3
1527812814	خوندي	khwundée	safe, free (from), secure, well	4	adj.																													3
1527814381	خوشې	khwúshe, khóoshe	free, released; free, free of charge, pointless, insignificant; pointlessly, freely	3	adj. / adv.																													1
1527814380	خوشي	khwúshee	free, released; free, free of charge, pointless	3	adj.																													1
1675435287649	کتابي	kitaabée	pertaining to books, printed		adj.																													2
1527813117	کلک	klak, kluk	firm, solid, staunch, steadfast, serious, hard, unwavering; firmly, tightly, strongly	3	adj. / adv.																													3
1527822747	کلوچ	klooch, kloch, kalóoch	wrinkled, rumpled, crumpled	2	adj.																													3
1527813172	کوږ	koG	crooked, bent	4	adj.				کاږه	kaaGu	کږ	kaG																						3
1527822445	کومکي	komakée	auxiliary, helper	4	adj.																													3
1594303467890	کوچینی	koocheenáy	small, little	0	adj.																													3
1527812822	کوچنی	koochnáy	little, small; child, little one	4	adj.																													2
1527821275	کولاو	kooláaw	open	4	adj.																													3
1675336201103	کولتوري	kooltoorée	cultural		adj.																													3
1527813602	کوم	koom, kom	which, that, any, some, (a) certain	4	det.																													3
1527823752	کومڼ	koomúN	rotten, withered, decayed, faded	2	adj.																													2
1527811973	کوڼ	kooN	deaf	4	adj.				کاڼه	kaaNu	کڼ	kaN																						3
1527819940	کونډی	koonDáy, kwunDáy	cut, trimmed, cropped, trimmed, hornless (for livestock), short, undersized	4	adj.																													1
1527817952	کوټلی	kooTúlay	decisive, outright, emphatic, categorical, crucial	2	adj.																													2
1527818178	کوز ګوری	kooz góray, kóz goray	ashamed	2	adj.																													3
1527815692	کوړ	koR	inclined, tilted	2	adj.																													2
1527821707	کوره	korá, koorá	unbleached (new fabric), new, not-yet washed	2	adj.																													1
1527820258	کورنی	koranáy	domestic, domesticated; pertaining to home, family	4	adj.																													3
1591872758032	کورواک	korwáak	autonomous	2	adj.																													2
1527820408	کوټه	koTá	false, counterfeit, fake; stupid, dumb	4	adj.																													2
1527819888	کوټی	kóTay	diminutive suffix, tiny, little, small	3	adj.																													
1584515275205	کرکجن	karakjún, krakjún	hateful, malicious, spiteful	4	adj.																													3
1527821579	کړوپ	kRoop	bulging, protruding, convex, bent, crooked, hunched, having a hollow	4	adj.																													3
1527812196	کروړ	kroR	hard, solid	1	adj.																													2
1527820964	کړند	kRund	energetic, efficient, business-like	2	adj.																													3
1568927127189	کړس	kRus	barren (as in a barren steppe)	2	adj.																													3
1708356013414	کړس	kRus	click, crack (onomatopoeia)																															2
1527818806	کروتی	krúwtay	jealous, envious, grumpy, grouchy	2	adj.																													
1527812191	کهنګه	kuhangá, kUhangá	tall, high, well-grown, plump	1	adj.																													2
1527820042	کلنګي	kUlangée	long-legged, lanky, strong, big (used especially for a fighting cock)	4	adj.																													1
1667025358977	کلهم	kUlhúm, kulhúm	all, whole	4	adj.																													3
1650961226352	کنجکاو	kUnjkáaw	curious, inquisitive (from Farsi)	4	adj.																													2
1574784982095	کرنګ	kráng, kuráng	brown (a horse's colour)	1	adj.																													3
1527819632	کردي	kUrdée, kurdée	Kurdish	4	adj.																													2
1527822142	کرغېړن	kurgheRán	dirty, soiled, filthy	4	adj.																													2
1586618875462	کره ییز	kurra yéez, kura yéez	global	1	adj.																													2
1527820961	کړند	kRund	disordered, unorganized, unstable, lax, loose; in the scabbard (of a sword/dagger)	3	adj.																													2
1626767888082	کشری	kushuráy	younger (as in a younger brother/sister)	4	adj.																													2
1527820409	کوټه	kwúTa	having stopped laying eggs (for a hen)	2	adj.																													
1527821659	لعنتي	la'natée	cursed, accursed	4	adj.																													3
1588074800747	لا ګواښي	laa gwáaxee	non-threatening	4	adj.																													3
1527821966	لاهو	laahóo	afloat, drowned, plunged, sailing	3	adj.																													3
1527819863	لاعلاجه	laai'láaja	untreatable, incurable	4	adj.																													3
1527813288	لاکي	laakée	varnished, lacquered	3	adj.																													3
1527820463	لالچي	laaluchée, laalichée	greedy	4	adj.																													3
1586447219237	لالهاند	laaluháand	dismayed, distressed, saddened, pained	4	adj.																													3
1582316583262	لاندینی	laandeenáy	lower, bottom	4	adj.																													3
1527812851	لانجمن	laanjmán, laanjamán	disputed, problematic	4	adj.																													3
1627298498822	لارورکی	laarwrúkay	lost, confused, bewildered, astray		adj.																													3
1527819234	لاس اړی	laas áRay	needy, in need, poor	3	adj.																													3
1610797393808	لاشعور	laashU'óor	unconscious, un-aware, slow-witted	4	adj.																													3
1527814405	لایق	laayíq	worthy, deserving	4	adj.																													3
1527815944	لازم	laazím	necessary; transitive (verb)	4	adj.									لوازم	lawaazim																			3
1527821250	لازمي	laazmée	necessary, required, obligatory; intransitive (verb - grammar)	4	adj.																													3
1527822504	لچر	lachár	light-minded, frivolous, scatterbrained	2	adj.																													3
1527822503	لچري	lacharée	stubbornness, obstinacy, frivolity, being nervy, angry mood or nature	3	adj.																													3
1527816541	لعین	la'éen	cursed, damned, accursed	4	adj.																													3
1527819583	لفظي	lafzée	verbal, oral, literal, pronounced	4	adj.																													3
1579105506576	لګن سری	lagan sáray	big-headed	3	adj.																													3
1527814702	لګښتي	lagaxtée	expenditure, consumable	4	adj.																													3
1527821582	لغړ	lagháR, lughúR	bare, naked, pure, unadulterated	4	adj.																													3
1527819907	لغزن	laghzún	slippery	3	adj.																													3
1670430279552	لهجوي	lahjawée	dialectical, pertaining to accent (in language)		adj.																													3
1613562748247	لهلپاند	lahlapáand	totally burned, scorched up; griefstricken	0	adj.																													3
1527811834	لکۍ دار	lakuy dáar	having a tail	4	adj.																													3
1527811835	لکۍ وال	lakuy wáal	having a tail	4	adj.																													2
1527814472	للمي	lalmée	dry farmed	4	adj.																													3
1527820425	لمریز	lmréez, lmaréez	solar	3	adj.																													3
1527816531	لعنتی	lanatáy	cursed	4	adj.																													
1732522349939	لعنتي	lanatée	cursed	4	adj.																													2
1527816770	لنډ مهالي	lanD maháalee, lanD mahaalée	short-term	4	adj.																													3
1527813816	لنډ	lanD, lunD	short, brief	4	adj.																													3
1527811833	لنډی	lanDáy	short, stumpy, with cropped tail (horse); brazen (fig);	3	adj.																													3
1661887915353	لپ خور	lap khór	regretful, sorrowful	2	adj.																													3
1609947777710	لړه	láRa	thrown (used with لړه کول)	4	adj.																													2
1527822721	لرګین	largéen	wooden; thin, emaciated, bony	4	adj.																													3
1527816959	لرغونی	larghóonay	historical, ancient, old or having deep roots, from antiquity	3	adj.																													3
1527819859	لرغن	larghún	uneasy, disturbed, unable to sleep, suffering from insomnia	3	adj.																													2
1527821225	لړلی	laRúlay	soiled, dirtied, mixed up	3	adj.																													3
1585489377755	لړزان	laRzáan	shaking, trembling	3	adj.																													3
1527822553	لړزانده	laRzáanda	shaking, trembling	4	adj.																													3
1579105007703	لسیز	laséez	decimal	4	adj.																													3
1588689237203	لسم	lasúm, lusúm	tenth	4	adj.																													3
1579035507218	لتاړ	latáaR	exposed to, staggared by, subject to, suprised by, ruined, destroyed, toppled	4	adj.																													3
1527822294	لینډا	leenDáa, laynDáa	bald, bald-headed	2	adj.																													3
1527819908	لیت	leet	smooth, slipper, worn, polished, burnished	2	adj.																													2
1586525500169	لیت پیت	leet peet	drenched, soaked, super wet	4	adj. doub.																													3
1619277874681	لېش	lesh	filthy, dirty, foul, defiled	2	adj.																													3
1527813848	لېوال	lewáal	desiring, eager, thirsting, lover	4	adj.																													3
1527817213	لیلیه	layliyá	nocturnal, evening; evening school; residence / hostel	4	adj.																													3
1527817824	لګیا	ligyáa	busy, involved, engaged (with something)	4	adj.																													3
1527813991	لمر لرونکی	lmar laróonkay	sunny	3	adj.																													3
1589020922388	لمرین	lmaréen	sunny	4	adj.																													3
1527820426	لمرنی	lmarunáy	solar	3	adj.																													3
1527814366	لوده	lawdá, lodá	stupid, foolish, moron	4	adj.																													3
1527822174	لوغړن	looghuRún, looghaRún	dirty, soiled, slightly burnt	3	adj.																													3
1613562616684	لولپه	loolapá, lolapá	totally burned, scorched up; griefstricken	4	adj.																													3
1613562819967	لولپاند	loolapáand	totally burned, scorched up; griefstricken	4	adj.																													1
1527817123	لومد	loomd	damp, wet, moist, humid	0	adj.				لامده	laamdu	لمد	lamd																						1
1527813472	لومړنی	loomRanáy	first	4	adj.																													3
1527813132	لومړی	loomRáy	first	4	adj.																													3
1527817117	لوند	loond	wet, damp, moist, humid	4	adj.				لانده	laandu	لند	land																						1
1715074454867	لوندول	loondawúl	to make wet, moisten, saturate		v. stat. comp. trans.	1527817117	make	wet																										3
1715074458111	لوندېدل	loondedúl	to get wet, moistened, saturated		v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527817117	get	wet																										2
1576889120767	لوند	loond	wet, damp, moist, humid	4	adj.				لامده	laamdu	لمد	lamd																						3
1527813859	لوڅ	loots	naked, bare	4	adj.																													3
1576374772751	لوڅ لپړ	loots lapúR	completely naked	4	adj.																													3
1527811551	لوی	looy	great, big, large, huge	3	adj.																													3
1585823820568	لوی لاسی	looy láasay	generous	4	adj.																													3
1527814781	لوړ	lwuR, lwaR, loR	high, tall	4	adj.																													3
1627222388855	لوړپوړی	loRpóRay, lwuRpóRay	high-level		adj.																													2
1582391167074	لعابي	lU'aabée, l'aabée	salival	3	adj.																													3
1527813654	لږ	luG	little	4	adj.																													3
1527815663	لمړنی	lUmRanáy, lUmuRanáy, lumRanáy	first	2	adj.																													3
1527815660	لمړی	lUmRáy, lumRáy	first	4	adj.																													3
1573685521988	لنګه	lúnga, lungá	in labour, in childbirth, giving birth to a child	3	adj.																													2
1527813877	لري	lúree	far, distant	3	adj.																													3
1623167207860	لوستی	lwástay, lwústay	educated, well-read	4	adj.																													3
1588073551653	معافیتي	m'aafiyatée	immune (as in immune system)	4	adj.																													3
1527822322	معاشرتي	ma'aashiratée	societal, social	4	adj.																													3
1527814271	معلوم	ma'alóom	known, evident, apparent, obvious	4	adj.																													3
1527814272	معلومدار	ma'aloomdáar	known, evident, obviously	4	adj.																													3
1576368657785	معطل	ma'atál	suspending, hanging, waiting for (an answer etc.)	4	adj.																													3
1527818728	معدني	ma'danée	mineral, ore	4	adj.																													3
1527814444	معمور	ma'móor	cultivated, tilled; filled (as with the Spirit in Christianity); prosperous, abundant, well furnished or filled/equipped	2	adj.																													3
1575642961891	معنیٰ خېز	ma'naa khéz	meaningful, significant	4	adj.																													3
1527817838	معنوي	ma'nawée	spiritual, moral, pertaining to spiritual things or emotional/morale issues; semantic (pertaining to meaning - as in linguistics)	3	adj.																													3
1527822455	معقول	ma'qóol, maaqóol	rational, sensible, acceptable, prudent, judicious, legitimate, valid, appropriate	4	adj.																													3
1527818286	معروف	ma'róof, maaróof	famous, well-known; active (verb - grammar)	3	adj.																													3
1527817601	معصوم	ma'sóom, maasóom	innocent	3	adj.																													3
1527817636	معذور	ma'azóor	disabled, deformed,handicapped, forgiven, pardoned; upset, distressed, helpless;	3	adj.																													3
1709333885567	معذوره	ma'azóora	disabled, deformed,handicapped, forgiven, pardoned; upset, distressed, helpless;		adj.																													3
1527813723	مادي	maaddée, maadée	material, monetary	4	adj.																													3
1527819775	ماهوار	maahawaar, maahwáar	monthly	4	adj.																													3
1527817960	مالګین	maalgéen	salty, salted	4	adj.																													3
1527817007	مالوم	maalóom	known	4	adj.																													3
1611400231930	ماناداره	maanaadáara	meaningful	4	adj.																													3
1527817632	ماڼې جن	maaNe jún, maaNe jín	upset, distressed, insulted	2	adj.																													3
1527817631	ماڼېګر	maaNegár	easily offended, quick to take offense, touchy	2	adj.																													3
1527816011	مات	maat	broken, split, defeated	4	adj.																													3
1576368612925	ماتل	ma'atál, maatál	backward, late, hanging back (معطل) ?	3	adj.																												TRUE	3
1527821435	ماټور	maaTawúr	with a clean shaven chin	2	adj.																													1
1527821954	مایل	maayíl, maaéel	inclined, sloping, leaning towards, inclined towards, attracted	4	adj.																													3
1703659844170	مایلول	maayilawúl	to incline (fig.), attract	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527821954	incline																											1
1713090442874	مایل کول	maayil kawúl	to incline (fig.), attract	3	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527821954																												3
1703659846882	مایلېدل	maayiledúl	to be inclined (fig.), attracted	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527821954	be	inclined																										3
1713090446651	مایل کېدل	maayil kedúl	to be inclined (fig.), attracted	3	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527821954																												3
1703659927497	مایله	maayíla, maaéela	inclined, sloping, leaning towards, inclined towards, attracted	4	adj.																													1
1703659954870	مایله کول	maayila kawúl	to incline (fig.), attract	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1703659927497	incline																											3
1703659956540	مایله کېدل	maayila kedúl	to be inclined (fig.), attracted	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1703659927497	be	inclined																										3
1527820799	مایوس	maayóos	disappointed, hopeless, despairing, let down, depressed	4	adj.																													3
1709334248773	مایوسول	maayoosawúl	to dissapoint, to make despair		v. stat. comp. trans.	1527820799	dissapoint																											3
1709334252086	مایوسېدل	maayoosedúl	to be dissapointed, to despair		v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527820799	be	dissapointed																										3
1709218360692	مایوسه	maayóosa	disappointed, hopeless, despairing, let down, depressed	4	adj.																													3
1709334233263	مایوسه کول	maayoosa kawúl	to dissapoint, to make despair		v. stat. comp. trans.	1709218360692	dissapoint																											3
1709334240629	مایوسه کېدل	maayoosa kedúl	to be dissapointed, to despair		v. stat. comp. intrans.	1709218360692	be	dissapointed																										3
1527823215	مبغوز	mabghóoz	hateful, repulsive, hated	3	adj.																													3
1527818759	مدني	madanée	civil, civilized, cultured, educated	3	adj.																													3
1527816123	مدفوع	madfo'	discarded, thrown out, waste	2	adj.																													2
1527821677	مفلوک	maflóok	unfortunate, unlucky	1	adj.																													3
1527822705	مفتوح	maftóoh, maftóh	open, opened; conquered, subjugated	1	adj.																													3
1659408512659	مفتون	maftóon	delighted, enamoured	2	adj.																													3
1527821807	مغلوب	maghlóob	defeated, subjugated, vanquished, enslaved, conquered	4	adj.																													3
1527821812	مغرور	maghróor	arrogant, haughty, conceited	3	adj.																													3
1703654732556	مغروره	maghróora	arrogant, haughty, conceited	3	adj.																													3
1579289629223	مغشوش	maghshóosh	confused, mixed, disturbed, adulterated, tumultuous	2	adj.																													3
1644247254279	محال	maháal	impossible	4	adj.																													3
1527815859	محدود	mahdóod	limited, finite, restricted	4	adj.																													3
1527819911	مهین	mahéen	fine, tender, smooth, slippery, high-quality	4	adj.																													1
1527816607	محفوظ	mahfóoz	safe, guarded, kept, secure	4	adj.																													3
1713851834747	محفوظ کول	mahfooz kawúl	to secure, safeguard, make safe		v. stat. comp. trans.	1527816607	secure																											3
1713852323921	محفوظ کېدل	mahfooz kedúl	to be secured, safeguarded, made safe		v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527816607	be	secured																										3
1527815052	محکم	mahkám	strong, durable, firm, reinforced	4	adj.																													3
1527811264	محکوم	mahkóom	condemned, sentenced, criminal; subjugated	4	n. m. anim. unisex / adj.																													3
1591805178821	محلول	mahlóol	dissolved	2	adj.																													3
1527815901	محنت کش	mahnat kásh, mihnat kásh	hard-working, tough, industrious	4	adj.																													3
1598138974785	محنتي	mahnatée, mihnatée	hard-working, tough, industrious	4	adj.																													3
1527820796	محروم	mahróom	deprived, excluded	3	adj.																													3
1527817755	محوه	máhwa	shaken, destroyed	3	adj.																													3
1527821889	مجازي	majaazée	figurative, metaphorical, allegoric	4	adj.																													3
1527814556	مجبور	majbóor	compelled, forced, obligated, in need	4	adj.																													3
1527816080	مجهول	majhóol	mysterious, unknown; passive (verb - grammar)	4	adj.																													3
1527813455	مخفي	makhfée	hidden, secret, covert, low-key	4	adj.																													3
1527815512	مخصوص	makhsóos	special, particular, peculiar	4	adj.																													3
1579042295912	مختوم	makhtóom	final, concluding, ending, ultimate	2	adj.																													3
1527823392	مختون	makhtóon	circumcised (person)	2	adj.																													3
1566478420410	مکر	mákur	false, deceit, pretend	4	adj.																													3
1610799278304	مکرجن	makurján, makurjín	fake, lying, deceiving, false	4	adj.																													3
1661535176652	ملایم	malaayím, mUlaayím	gentle, tender, mild (climate), affectionate, moderate (ملائم)	4	adj.																													3
1527822168	ملحوظ	malhóoz	likely, possible	2	adj.																													3
1619592811752	ملموس	malmóos	tangible	2	adj.																													3
1527816542	ملعون	mal'óon, mal'ón	cursed, damned, accursed	4	adj.																													3
1527815946	ملزوم	malzóom	inseperable, interconnected	2	adj.																													3
1584517283908	ممنون	mamnóon, mUmnóon	content, happy, grateful, appreciative	4	adj.																													3
1527813488	منع	mána'	forbidden	4	adj.																													3
1702030935407	منع کېدل	mana kedúl	to abstain, to be forbidden	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527813488	abstain																											3
1702030937670	منع کول	mana kawúl	to forbid, to order not to	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527813488	forbid																											3
1575642966457	معنیٰ دار	manaa dáar	meaningful, significant	3	adj.																													3
1527815745	منندوی	manandóoy	grateful, thankful, appreciative	4	adj.																													3
1527820414	منځنی	mandzunáy	middle, central	3	adj.																													3
1708116803109	مېنځنی	mendzunáy	middle, central	3	adj.																													3
1527814334	منفي	manfée	negative	4	adj.																													3
1527818970	منفور	manfóor	hated, detested, despised	3	adj.																													3
1527813191	منګنی	mangunáy	autumn-like, born in the fall	2	adj.																													2
1527822197	منحوس	manhóos	sinister, gloomy, dismal	4	adj.																													3
1527812334	منسوب	mansóob	related, attributed, belonging to, ascribed	3	adj.																													3
1703677060351	منصوب	mansóob	related, attributed, belonging to, ascribed	3	adj.																													3
1576101042011	منصور	mansóor	triumphant, victorious	2	adj.																													3
1527812037	منطقي	mantiqée	logical	4	adj.																													3
1527815979	منظره دار	manzara dáar	scenic	2	adj.																													3
1527813679	منظوم	manzóom	well-organized, harmonious; poetic	2	adj.																													3
1527813536	منظور	manzóor	approved, accepted	4	adj.																													3
1527818440	مقبول	maqbóol	pleasant, acceptable, suitable, fit	4	adj.																													3
1578343156898	مقبوض	maqbóoz	occupied, obtained	3	adj.																													3
1578343181390	مقبوضه	maqbóoza	occupied, obtained	4	adj.																													3
1527822581	مقصودي	maqsoodée	desirable, desired	3	adj.																													3
1527812974	مړنی	maRanáy	corageous, bold, brave; skillful, capable	4	adj.																													3
1527822066	مرور	marawár, marawúr, marawÚr	offended, treated badly, having a grudge (زما نه مروره ده - shes offended / has a grudge against me)	4	adj.																													3
1527823360	مرضي	marazée	sick, unwell, ill, pathological, suffering	4	adj.																													1
1589883748532	مربوط	marbóot	attached, connect, related, concerning something, depends on (په .... پورې مربوط - is connected to, depends on)	4	adj.																													3
1527818626	مرغۍ مرغۍ	marghúy marghúy	sleepy, drowsy	3	adj.																													3
1527811384	مرګونی	margóonay	deadly, lethal; morbid, death-filled, dying	4	adj.																													3
1527820398	مرکزي	markazée	central	4	adj.																													3
1527818088	مرمرین	marmaréen	marbly	3	adj.																													3
1527813313	مرموز	marmóoz	secret, mysterious, hidden, classified	3	adj.																													3
1527821258	مشهود	mash`hóod	noticed, seen, apparent, clear, witnessed	2	adj.																													1
1527814196	مشهور	mashhóor, mashahóor	famous, renowned, popular, well-known	4	adj.																													3
1702632960270	مشهورول	mashhoorawúl	to make famous, familiarize	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527814196	make	famous																										3
1702632964223	مشهور کول	mashhoor kawúl	to make famous, familiarize	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527814196	make	famous																										3
1702632967341	مشهورېدل	mashhooredúl	to become famous, to become known	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527814196	become	famous																										3
1702632973065	مشهور کېدل	mashhoor kedúl	to become famous, to become known	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527814196	become	famous																										3
1648577517213	مشکور	mashkóor	grateful, thankful, obliged	4	adj.																													3
1527818690	مشروع	mashróo'	lawful, legal, recognized, permitted	4	adj.																													2
1584692183233	مشروط	mashróot	conditional, stipulated, specified	4	adj.																													3
1626764499373	مشروټ	mashróoT	cocky, over-confident, thinking of himself greater than he is (negative or cute, as w/ a child)	4	adj.																													2
1527815878	مسلکي	maslakée	professional, pertaining to work	4	adj.																													3
1527816190	مسموم	masmóom	poisoned	4	adj.																													3
1527822511	مصنوع	masno'	processed, made, fabricated, false, made up	3	adj.																													3
1527814785	مصنوعي	masno'ée	fabricated, artificial, fake, unauthentic	4	adj.																													3
1630564674670	مصون	mas'óon	safe, protected	3	adj.																												TRUE	3
1527817064	مست	mast	intoxicated, drunk; taken up, caught up, excited; rapid, wild, lively, passionate	4	adj.																													3
1579287915604	مطبوع	matboo'	printed, impressed	3	adj.									مطبوعات	matboo'aat																			3
1527811751	مطبوعاتي	matboo'aatée	print, printed, press	4	adj.																													3
1527814736	متین	matéen	strong, powerful, durable, hard, firm	3	adj.																													3
1527815919	مطلوب	matlóob	favorable, desired, desirable	3	adj.																													3
1527817926	متره	matrá, mitrá	rarely, barely existing, almost unobtainable, scant	3	adj.																													2
1527812163	مطرح	matráh	brought forward, posed, under consideration	3	adj.																													3
1664031083740	متروک	matróok	abandoned, deserted, obselete	2	adj.																													2
1527815094	موافق	mUwaafíq, mawaafíq	in aggreance	4	adj.																													3
1527823113	موهوم	mawhóom	fancied, imaginary, fanciful	2	adj.																													3
1527819716	موجي	mawjée, maujée	wave-like, wave-shaped	4	adj.																													3
1527814048	موجود	mawjóod	existing, present, available (w/ plural: beings)	4	adj.									موجودات	mawjoodáat																			3
1527821314	موقوف	mawqóof, mauqóof	forbidden, prohibited, terminated, suspended, removed	4	adj.																													3
1592390348457	موروثي	mawroosée, mauroosée, mawarsée	inherited, hereditary	4	adj.																													3
1527811965	معیوب	mayóob	disabled, crippled, disfigured, defective	2	adj.																													3
1527822109	مزه دار	maza dáar	tasty, sweet, pleasant, attractive	4	adj.																													3
1571840263659	مزه دار	maza dáar	delicious, tasty, flavourfull	4	adj.																													3
1527822110	مزه ناک	maza náak	tasty, sweet, pleasant, attractive	4	adj.																													3
1527822048	مضبوط	mazbóot	strong, sturdy, firm, tough, determined, invincible	4	adj.																													3
1527822949	مزېدار	mazedáar	tasty, sweet, pleasant, attractive (مزه دار)	4	adj.																													3
1575239393600	مزی	mázay, múzay	firm, stable, muscular, stalwart; prompt, quick	4	adj.																													1
1527817028	مذهبي	mazhabée	religious	4	adj.																													3
1527821419	میکروب وژونکی	meekrob wajzóonkay	disinfecting	4	adj.																													3
1527819471	میل	meel	full, packed	2	adj.																													3
1527820870	میلادي	meelaadée	using the A.D. western calendar (ملادي کال)	4	adj.																													3
1527812016	میراثي	meeraasée	inherited, pertaining to inheritance	4	adj.																													3
1592390661000	میرات	meeráat	broken, ruined, destroyed	2	adj.																													3
1527822292	میرګنجی	meerganjáy	completely bald	2	adj.																													3
1527812973	مېړنی	meRunáy	corageous, bold, brave; skillful, capable	4	adj.																													3
1527813299	مېشت	mesht	living, residing, resident (used after a place name to talk about someone who lives somewhere)	4	adj.																													3
1527812914	میده	maydá	fine, tiny, chopped	4	adj.																													3
1708353666221	میده کول	mayda kawúl	to chop up, dice	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527812914	chop	up																										3
1708353671212	میده کېدل	mayda kedúl	to be chopped up, diced	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527812914	be	chopped up																										3
1708353750353	قیمه	qeemá	ground beef; ground, chopped	4	n. f. / adj.																													3
1708353753886	قیمه کول	qeema kawúl	to chop up, dice	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1708353750353	chop	up																										3
1708353760202	قیمه کېدل	qeema kedúl	to be chopped up, diced	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1708353750353	be	chopped up																										2
1708353644981	مېده	medá	fine, tiny, chopped (میده)	4	adj.																													1
1527817398	مهربان	mihrabáan	gracious, generous, kind, indulgent	4	adj.																													3
1713872323527	مهربانه	mihrabáana	gracious, generous, kind, indulgent (مهربان)	4	adj.																													3
1527823031	ملاو	miláaw	met, united	3	adj.								true																					3
1527814630	ملي	millée	national, people's	4	adj.																													2
1527822525	منت ګذار	minat gUzáar, minnat gUzáar	appreciative, thankful, grateful, obliged	4	adj.																													3
1527821194	منتقوي	muntaqawée, mUntaqawee	regional	4	adj.																													3
1670563804160	مسي	misée, musée	copper		adj.																													3
1670563827532	مسین	miséen, muséen	copper (مسي)		adj.																													3
1579287642109	مصري	misrée	Egyptian	4	adj.																													3
1732533725036	مصری	misráy	Eqyptian person	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													
1527811202	میاشتنی	miyaashtanáy	monthly	4	adj.																													3
1527820222	ملاست	mlaast	lying down, lying	4	adj.																													3
1622720575954	مودرن	modárn	modern	4	adj.	1527821572																												3
1527812927	موړ	moR	full, satisfied, sated	4	adj.				ماړه	maaRu	مړ	maR																						3
1576686912497	مور زاده	mor zaadá	from birth (as in blind from birth etc.)	4	adj.																													3
1619591943986	مورنی	morunáy, moranáy	mother, native (ie. mother tongue - مورنۍ ژبه  native land - مورنی هیواد)	4	adj.																													3
1622872866219	موذي	mozée	harmful, noxious, trouble maker	4	adj.																													3
1527823546	مړاوی	mRáaway	withered, faded, lazy, sleepy, despondent, dispirited	3	adj.																													3
1732533789199	مړاوي	mRáawee	withered, faded, lazy, sleepy, despondent, dispirited	3	adj.																													2
1527815857	معادل	mU'aadíl	equivalent, corresponding, equal	3	adj.																													3
1527819081	معلق	mU'aláq, ma'aláq	hanging, in suspension, undecided	3	adj.																													3
1527817560	معتدل	mU'atadíl	moderate, average; average	4	adj.																													3
1614169226466	معطر	mU'attár, mU'atár	perfumed, sweet-smelling, aromatic	4	adj.																													3
1631017820616	معین	mU'ayán, mU'ayín, ma'ayín	fixed, determined, appointed, assigned, specified	4	adj.																													3
1591871159777	معزز	mU'azáz	honoured, esteemed	4	adj.																													3
1527819780	معظم	mU'azzám	great, respected, above-mentioned	4	adj.																													3
1623860078378	معتمد	mU'atamíd, mU'atamád	reliable, trustworthy, respected	2	adj.																													3
1527822077	معتقد	mU'taqíd	convinced, believing (in something)	3	adj.																													3
1527812118	معاف	mUaaf, m'aaf	forgiven, pardoned, exempt, excused, acquitted, immune, dismissed	4	adj.																													3
1527811752	معاصر	m'aasír, mUaasír 	contemporary, modern	3	adj.																													3
1584691522859	مودب	mUadáb, mUaddáb	polite, courteous, nice	4	adj.																													3
1527819275	مونث	mUannás, mU'anás	feminine (grammar)	4	adj.																													3
1527821128	موثر	mUasár, mUasír	effective, functional, impressive, potent, helpful, impressive, forceful, dynamic	4	adj.																													3
1666281584096	مباح	mUbáah	allowed, permissable (in Islamic law)	2	adj.									مباحات	mUbaaháat																			3
1662618993527	مبالغه مېز	mUbaaligha méz	exaggerated	4	adj.																													1
1527816056	مبارک	mUbaarák	blessed, auspicious, holy	4	adj.																													3
1527821811	مبهم	mUbhám	unclear, unknown, indefinite, doubtful, concealed, secret	4	adj.																													3
1527822637	مبتلا	mUbtaláa	suffering, stricken, overtaken, injured, given over to	3	adj.																													3
1675435583394	مبتذل	mUbtazál	vile, filthy, base, stale, trite (مبتزلې خبرې - foul talk)		adj.																													3
1527815082	مداوم	mUdaawím, mUdaawúm	constant, permanent; diligent, industrious	3	adj.																													3
1527819812	مدبر	mUdabír	prudent, wise, gifted, efficient, business-like	3	adj.																													3
1585736880335	مدلل	mUdallál, mudalál, mudlál	proven, supported by evidence or logic, confirmed	2	adj.																													2
1678361365751	مدغم	mUdghúm, mudghúm	merged, combined		adj.																													3
1527821879	مفصل	mUfsál, mUfasál	detailed	3	adj.																													3
1527812932	مفید	mUféed	useful, beneficial, advantageous	4	adj.																													2
1527819187	مفلس	mUflís	bankrupt, broke, fallen on hard times, poor, destitute	4	adj.																													3
1527819263	مفرد	mUfrád	unique, single, isolated, separated; singular (grammar)	3	adj.																													3
1630939022089	مغیر	mUghayír, mUghayár	changed, changing, inflected (grammar)	4	adj.																													1
1527822143	مغرض	mUghríz, mUgharíz	self-interested, mercenary	2	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex				مغرضین	mUghrizéen																								3
1527818469	مغتنم	mUghtanám, mUghtaním	valuable, successful, profitable	1	adj.																													3
1527817549	محافظه کار	mUhaafiza káar	conservative	3	adj.																													3
1527817561	محافظه پاله	mUhaafiza páala	conservative	3	adj.																													3
1732539411206	محافظه پال	mUhaafiza páal	conservative	3	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													
1527821974	محارب	mUhaaríb, muhaaríb	warring, participating in war, combatant, belligerent	3	adj.																													3
1527817265	محاط	muháat, mUháat	surrounded, encircled, girded	3	adj.																													3
1527823463	محیطي	mUheetée	surrounding, environmental	4	adj.																													3
1527814344	مهم	mUhím	important	4	adj.																													3
1527819704	مهمل	mUhmál, muhmál	negligent, empty, senseless, absurd, meaningless; undotted (letter)		adj.																													3
1617442569124	محسن	mUhsín, muhsín	charitable	4	adj.																													3
1527819358	محتاج	mUhtáaj	in need, poor, needy	4	adj.																													3
1527815479	محترم	mUhtarám, muhtarám	respected, honorable	4	adj.																													3
1527816662	مجاور	mUjaawír	adjacent, joining	4	adj.																													3
1527821939	مجهز	mUjahház, mUjaház	armed, equipped, trained, supplied	3	adj.																													3
1527815851	مجلد	mUjallád	bound	3	adj.																													3
1625239550644	مجلل	mUjalál, mUjallál	magnificent, splendid	2	adj.																													2
1577556569167	مجرد	mUjarád, mUjarrád	bare, naked; pure, unmixed; abstract; momentary (aspect in grammar)	4	adj.																													3
1527823089	مجملي	mUjmalée, mujmaalée	brief, concise, shortened	3	adj.																													3
1527812096	مکلف	mUkaláf	obligated, responsible, dutied to	4	adj.																													3
1610448349896	مکمل	mUkamál, mUkammál	complete, perfect	4	adj.																													3
1713348356466	مکملول	mUkamalawúl	to complete, perfect		v. stat. comp. trans.	1610448349896	complete																											3
1713348359375	مکملېدل	mUkamaledúl	to be completed, perfected		v. stat. comp. intrans.	1610448349896	be	completed																										3
1708559864807	مکمل کول	mUkamal kawúl	to complete, perfect		v. stat. comp. trans.	1610448349896	complete																											3
1708559868234	مکمل کېدل	mUkamal kedúl	to be completed, perfected		v. stat. comp. intrans.	1610448349896	be	completed																										3
1584688500524	مکرم	mUkarám	revered, honoured, beloved	3	adj.																													3
1527817616	مخ روڼی	mukh róoNay	honorable, honest, irreproachable, respectable, decent	3	adj.																													3
1527817612	مخ سپینی	mukh spéenay	innocent	3	adj.																													3
1527823562	مخابراتي	mUkhaabiraatée	pertaining to communications (wireless, radio, phone, etc.)	3	adj.																													3
1527814693	مخدره	mUkhadurá, mUkhadirá	illicit	3	adj.																													3
1527821199	مخفف	mUkhafáf, mUkhaffáf	abbreviated, curtailed, lightened, eased	3	adj.																													3
1527812936	مخور	mukhawár	respected, honorable	4	adj.																													3
1527814313	مخکښ	mukhkáx	leading, head, forerunner, pioneer, leader, chief	3	adj.																													1
1582335813846	مخکینی	mukhkeenáy	previous, former, past; forward, front; progressive, advanced	3	adj.																													3
1527811325	مخلص	mUkhlís	sincere, devoted	3	adj.																													3
1527823238	مختار	mUkhtáar	authorized, empowered, in authority, independent	3	adj.																													3
1527821206	مختل	mUkhtál	disrupted, brought into disorder, spoiled, damaged, violated	2	adj.																													3
1527823090	مختلط	mUkhtalát	mixed, intermixed	2	adj.																													3
1527813253	مختلف	mUkhtalíf, mUkhtaláf	different, distinct, various	4	adj.																													3
1709331726232	مختلف کېدل	mUkhtalif kedúl, mUkhtalaf kedúl	to differ, become different	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527813253	differ																											3
1527821217	مختصر	mUkhtasír, mUkhtasár	short, abbreviated, small, modest	4	adj.																													3
1701935203071	مختصر کول	mUkhtasir kawúl, mUkhtasar kawúl	to shorted, to abbreviate	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527821217	shorten																											3
1701935253143	مختصر کېدل	mUkhtasir kedúl, mUkhtasar kedúl	to be shortened, abbreviated	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527821217	become	shortened																										3
1527818181	مختوری	mukhtóray	disgraced, ashamed, guilty	3	adj.																													3
1589884075059	ملحق	mUlháq, mUlhíq, mulháq	joined, connected, attached, adjacent, dependant	2	adj.																													3
1527812994	ملتفت	mUltafít	paying attention, noticting something	2	adj.																													3
1566470052440	ممتاز	mUmtáaz	honorable, outstanding, admirable, splendid; above or unique in honor or position	4	adj.																													3
1673935500270	منعکس	mUn'akís, mUnakís	reflected; overturned, opposite, inverse		adj.																													3
1527816318	منافي	mUnaafée, munaafée	incompatible, contradictory	2	adj.																													3
1527812958	مناسب	mUnaasíb, munaasíb	suitable, appropriate, fit, proper	4	adj.																													3
1713866468760	نامناسب	naamUnaasíb	improper, unfit, not suitable, not appropriate		adj.																													3
1713866466269	نامناسبه	naamUnaasíba	improper, unfit, not suitable, not appropriate		adj.																													3
1591984790777	منور	mUnawár, munawár	enlightenened, intellectual, highbrow	2	adj.																													3
1527813674	منظم	mUnazzám	regular, systematic, organized	4	adj.																													3
1664794704299	مندری	mUnduráy, mundráy	short, squat (adj.); scrubby, clip-eared	4	adj.																													3
1527822186	منفک	mUnfák, munfák	separated, dismissed (from service)	4	adj.																													3
1579043013113	منفصل	mUnfasíl, mUnfasál	seperate, divided, independant; resigned, fired (from a job)	2	adj.																													3
1622874967937	منحل	mUnhál, mUnháll	disolved, disbanded	4	adj.																													3
1527821983	منحصر	mUnhasír	restricted, confined, exclusive	3	adj.																													1
1527814771	منجمد	mUnjamíd	frozen, congealed, hardened, solidified	4	adj.																													3
1527821188	منقبض	mUnqabíz	contracted, shrunk, constipated	3	adj.																													3
1591804310004	منقلب	mUnqalíb, mUnqaláb	folded back, turned back; retroflex, cacuminal	2	adj.																													3
1702024809873	منسوخ کول	munsookh kawúl	to cancel, abrogate, annull, abolish	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527811367	cancel																											3
1702024813255	منسوخ کېدل	munsookh kedúl	to be cancelled, abrogated, annulled, abolished	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527811367	be	cancelled																										3
1527811367	منسوخ	munsóokh	canceled, abrogated, abolished, annulled	3	adj.																													3
1527823721	منتخب	mUntakháb	selected, elected	4	adj.																													3
1709670972687	منتخب کول	mUntakhab kawúl	to select, elect, choose		v. stat. comp. trans.	1527823721	select																											3
1709670976189	منتخب کېدل	mUntakhab kedúl	to be selected, elected, chosen		v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527823721	be	selected																										3
1566476291171	منتقل	mUntaqíl	transferred, moved	4	adj.																													3
1527813675	منتظم	mUntazám, mUntazím	orderly, arranged, organized; organizer	4	adj. / n. m. anim unisex									منتظمین	mUntaziméen																			3
1527815084	منتظر	mUntazír	waiting, expecting	4	adj.																													3
1527815086	منظم	mUnzím, mUnazám	organized	4	adj.																													2
1527819580	مقابل	mUqaabíl	opposite, adverse, corresponding	4	adj.																													2
1527816224	مقایسوي	mUqaayasawée	comparative	4	adj.																													3
1527821118	مقدماتي	mUqaddamaatée	preliminary, preparatory, introductory	3	adj.																													3
1527812125	مقدس	mUqaddás, mUqadás	holy, sacred	4	adj.																													3
1527816457	مقرر	mUqarár, mUqarrár	appointed, assigned, delegated	4	adj.																													3
1702926041850	مقرر کول	mUqarar kawúl	to appoint, assign, delegate	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527816457																												3
1527822167	مقصر	mUqassír, mUqqasír	guilty, at fault	2	adj.																													3
1527818136	مقوي	mUqawée	reinforcing, restorative, bracing	2	adj.																													3
1527822418	مقید	mUqayyád	obliged, established, determined, tied up, constrained, limited	2	adj.																												TRUE	1
1527821146	مقتدر	mUqtadír	strong, mighty, talented, able	3	adj.																													1
1527815087	مړ	muR	dead	3	adj.				مړه	mRu	مړ	mR																						3
1527822510	مرادف	mUraadíf	synonymous, corresponding	3	adj.																													3
1610445342965	مربعي	mUrabba'ée	square	4	adj.																													1
1527821885	مرتب	mUratáb	orderly, arranged, tidy	4	adj.																													3
1603263199860	مرده	mUrdá	dead, deceased	4	adj.																													1
1527814802	مردار	mUrdáar	foul, unclean, dirty	3	adj.																													3
1527816535	مردود	mardóod	cursed, devilish, damned	3	adj.																													3
1527813074	مړغون	muRghóon	wilted, faded, lazy, droopy	3	adj.																													3
1634528592039	مړخندی	muRkhánday, muRkhandáy	smiling	2	adj.																													3
1586622284302	مرتبط	mUrtabít	closed, covered, constrained, linked, connected, communicating	3	adj.																													3
1527820893	مساعد	mUsaa'íd	favourable, propitious	3	adj.																													3
1527813726	مساوي	mUsaawée, musaawée	equal, same, equivalent, tied (game)	4	adj.																													3
1527811213	مسکن	mUsakin	tranquilizer, sedative, pain-killer	3	adj.																													
1527821938	مسلح	mUsaláh, mUsalláh	armed	4	adj.																													3
1527821940	مسلحانه	mUsallahaaná, mUslihaaná	armed	3	adj.																													3
1576103163063	مسلم	mUsallám	certain, confirmed, sure, definate, assured	3	adj.																													
1610445388018	مثلثي	mUsalasée	triangular	3	adj.																													3
1527822050	مسلط	mUsalát	dominant, dominating, owning, having gained ownership	4	adj.																													3
1679239053800	مصمم	mUsamím	determined, resolved, intent, resolute		adj.																													3
1658349603527	مصور	mUsawár	illustrated, pictorial	4	adj.																													
1527814321	مثبت	mUsbát	positive; proven	4	adj.																													3
1527822655	مشابه	mUshaabíh	similar, resembling, analogous	4	adj.																													3
1592391796705	مشارلیه	mUshaarliyáh, mUshaarliyá	aformentioned, said, referenced above (نوموړی)	3	adj.																													3
1527815460	مشخص	mUshakhkhás	specific; special, distinguishing, definite, isolated, recognized, diagnosed; diacritic	4	adj.																													3
1527822264	مشرف	mUsharáf	honoured, respected, esteemed	4	adj.																													2
1626767918528	مشری	mushuráy	elder, older (as in an older brother/sister)	4	adj.																													
1527817098	مسککی	muskukáy	smiley, bright, vivacious person	2	adj.																													3
1527815092	مصروف	musróof	busy, occupied	4	adj.																													3
1527817856	مصوب	mUsawíb, mUsawáb	approved, authorized (Arabic)	2	adj.																													1
1527821945	مستعار	mUsta'áar	borrowed, figurative	2	adj.																													3
1627319973635	مستعد	mUsta'íd	talented, able, apt, ready	4	adj.																													2
1527822035	مستعمر	mUsta'már, mUsta'mír	colonized	3	adj.																													3
1586448457408	مستغني	mUstaghnée	not in need of something, well-off, rich	3	adj.																													3
1666281659484	مستحب	mUstaháb, mUstahíb	recommended (in Islamic law)	3	adj.																													3
1527819190	مستحق	mUstaháq, mUstahíq	deserving, worthy, having a right (to)	4	adj.																													3
1527815853	مستحکم	mUstahkám	strong, solid, firm, fortified, stable	4	adj.																													3
1527816061	مستند	mUstanád	grounded, founded, documented, certified, substantiated (Arabic)	3	adj.																													3
1708117308894	مستند کول	mUstanad kawúl	to certify, attest, document		v. stat. comp. trans.	1527816061	certified																											3
1708117311739	مستند کېدل	mUstanad kedúl	to be certified, attested, documented		v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527816061	be	certified																										3
1708117367893	مستندول	mUstanadawúl	to certify, attest, document		v. stat. comp. trans.	1527816061	certified																											3
1708117364280	مستندېدل	mUstanadedúl	to be certified, attested, documented		v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527816061	be	certified																										3
1527820671	مستقل	mUstaqíl	independent, self-reliant; constant, permanent	4	adj.																													3
1527820672	مستقل مزاجه	mUstaqil mizáaja	self-reliant, independent (when talking about a person)	4	adj.																													3
1592915611692	مسترد	mUstarad	rejected, turned down	4	adj.																													2
1586618932936	مستثنیٰ	mUstasnáa	excepted, excluded, exempt	3	adj.																													3
1527821740	متعارف	mUta'aaríf	familiar, acquainted, ordinary, commonplace	4	adj.																													3
1566471909367	متعدي	mUta'adée	attacking, infringing, encroaching; transitive (verb - grammar)	2	adj.																													3
1527821186	متعهد	mUta'ahíd	being committed, being obliged, stipulated by contract	3	adj.																													3
1623043933434	متعجب	mUta'ajíb	astonished, amazed	2	adj.																													3
1527817635	متألم	mUta'alím	suffering, grieving, sad, distressed	2	adj.																													3
1527821439	متعرض	mUta'aríz	attacking, aggressive, disagreeing	4	adj.																													3
1527817633	متأسف	mUta'asíf	feeling sorry for, regretting, feeling sad, grieved	3	adj.																													3
1584515387365	متعصب	mUta'asÚb, mUta'asíb	pejudicial, fanatical, fanatic, bigoted	4	adj.																													3
1590844539129	متاهل	mUtaahíl	married (person)	3	adj.																													3
1527815877	متاثر	mUtaasír	moved, affected, impressed, grieved, upsed	3	adj.																													3
1715988891236	متاثرین	mUtaasiréen	affectees, victims		n. m. pl.																													3
1586680016603	متاسف	mUtaassíf, mUtaasíf	feeling sorry for, regretting, feeling sad, grieved	3	adj.																													3
1527817519	متبادل	mUtabaadíl	alternate, variant	3	adj.																													3
1527811726	معتبر	mU'atabár, mUtabár	respected, honorable, trusted, esteemed	3	adj.																													3
1527822039	متدین	mUtadayín, mUtadéen	religious, pious, devout	3	adj.																													3
1527813255	متفاوت	mUtafaawít	different, distinct, distinguished	4	adj.																													3
1674921939486	متفرق	mUtafaríq	various, diverse, scattered, seperate		adj.																													3
1586448091920	متغیر	mUtaghayír	changable, variable, inconstant	4	adj.																													3
1527819654	متحمل	mUtahammíl	bearing (responsibility, expenses etc.), enduring suffering	3	adj.																													3
1527819157	متحرک	mUtaharík	moving, mobile	4	adj.																													3
1527823425	متکبر	mUtakabír	proud, arrogant, conceited (Arabic from تکبر)	4	adj.																													3
1527819258	متکلم	mUtakalím, mUtakallím	speaking, conversing; first-person (grammar)	4	adj.																													3
1651787510655	متخاصم	mUtakhaasím	hostile, feuding, quarrelling	2	adj.																													3
1678173284739	متمدن	mUtamadÚn, mUtamadín	civilized, cultured, refined		adj.																													3
1527816582	متمرکز	mUtamarkáz, mUtamarkíz, mUtamarkÚz	concentrated, focused	3	adj.																													3
1591803134676	متناسب	mUtanaasíb, mUtanasíb	proportional, symmetrical, elegant	4	adj.																													3
1573148917692	متنازع	mUtanaazí'	disputed, controversial, arguing; pertaining to litigatation (law)	3	adj.																													3
1584518353427	متنفر	mUtanaffír, mUtanafír	disgusted, hating, abhoring	4	adj.																													3
1527820783	متنوع	mUtanawí', mUtano'	heterogeneous, different, diverse	2	adj.																													3
1527819932	متقاعد	mUtaqaa'íd	being on pension, retired, retiree	4	adj.																													3
1527822509	متقارب	mUtaqaaríb	coming nearer, getting close, close or similar (as in two words similar in meaning)	4	adj.																													3
1589023796252	متقي	mUtaqée	pious, religious (person), virtuous	4	adj.																													3
1527815858	مترادف	mUtaraadíf	equivalent, synonym, similar, tantamount	3	adj.																													3
1527822407	مترقي	mUtaraqqée, mutaraqée	progressive, advanced	3	adj.																													3
1617990843790	متردد	mUtaridíd, mUtardíd	hesitant, indecisive, vacillating, having doubts	3	adj.																													3
1527818971	متصل	mUtasál, mUtasíl	connected, joined, connected	4	adj.																													3
1527823117	متصور	mUtasawwár, mUtasawár	imaginary, supposed, conjectural, projected, likely	2	adj.																													2
1527822656	متشابه	mUtashaabíh	similar, resembling, analogous	4	adj.																													3
1527822204	متشدد	mUtashadíd	violent, fierce, rough, cruel	3	adj.																													3
1527823017	متشکل	mUtashakíl, mUtashakkíl	formed, consisting of, made up of	3	adj.																													3
1527820575	متوازن	mUtawaazín	balanced, symmetric, even, steady, calm, uniform	4	adj.																													3
1527816585	متوجه	mUtawajíh, mUtawajÚh	attentive, attention, turned (towards), directed (towards)	4	adj.																													3
1703676722782	متوجه کول	mUtawajih kawúl, mUtawajU kawúl	to get the attention of, attract	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527816585	attract																											3
1703676789674	متوجه کېدل	mUtawajih kedúl	to become attentive, attracted	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527816585	be	attracted																										3
1527822594	متوقف	mUtawaqíf	stopped, halted, standing still	3	adj.																													1
1527823108	متوقع	mUtawaqqÚ', mUtawaqí', mUtawaqÚ'	expected	4	adj.																													2
1527816731	متوسط	mUtawasít	middle, medium, average	4	adj.																													3
1527816983	متوطن	mUtawatún, mUtawatín	settled, repatriated, taken up residence, naturalized	2	adj.																													3
1572991904484	متضاد	mUtazáad	contradictory, antithetical, polar	4	adj.																													3
1527814434	متزلزل	mUtazalzíl	shaking, shaken, trembling	3	adj.																													3
1527818932	متضرر	mUtazarír	having suffered, suffering, seen harm (Arabic from ضرر)	3	adj.																													3
1527814740	مطیع	mutée, mUtée'a	obedient, submissive, docile (Arabic)	4	adj.																												TRUE	3
1527819910	متلی	mutláy	slippery, smooth	2	adj.																													
1591804949320	مطمئن	mUtma'ín	certain, sure, assured (in Urdu/Pakistan - satisfied)	4	adj.																													3
1527821436	مټور	muTór	suffering from constipation (for livestock)	3	adj.																													
1527820580	متحدالشکلانه	mUttahtidUshaklaaná, mUtahidushaklaaná, mutahidilshaklaaná	homogeneous, uniform, identical, same	1	adj.																												true	3
1527818248	متفق	mUttafíq, mUtafíq	in agreement, agreeing, in union, unanimous	3	adj.																													3
1527820579	متحدالشکل	mUtahidUshákul, mutahidulshákul	general, common, uniform	2	adj.																												true	3
1527818831	مواصلاتي	mUwaasalaatée	transportation, supply, communications	4	adj.																													3
1527821714	موازي	mUwaazée	parallel, matching, appropriate, identical	4	adj.																													3
1527811847	موفق	mUwafáq, mUwaffáq	successful, lucky	3	adj.																													2
1527813504	موقر	mUwaqár, mUwaqqár	respected, esteemed	2	adj.																													3
1527821735	موقت	mUwaqát, mwaqát	temporary	3	adj.																													3
1527821737	موقتي	mUwaqqatée, mwaqatée	temporary	4	adj.																													3
1527823695	موثق	mUwassáq, mU`asáq	credible, trustworthy, authentic	4	adj.																													3
1527812126	موظف	mU'azáf, mUwazáf	appointed, active (on duty)	4	adj.																												TRUE	3
1527821589	مزاحم	mUzaahím	blocking, preventing, bothering, disturbing, causing anxiety	4	adj.																													3
1678972691144	مزخرف	mUzakhráf	baseless, foolish, meaningless, worthless		adj.																													3
1527819274	مذکر	mUzakkár, mUzakár	masculine (grammar)	3	adj.																													3
1527811531	مضحک	mUzhík	funny, amusing (Arabic)	3	adj.																													3
1527823121	مضر	mUzír	harmful, injurious, noxious	4	adj.																													3
1527814105	مزمن	muzmín, mUzmín, mUzamín	chronic	4	adj.																													3
1592559152948	میانه	myaaná, miyaaná	average, passing	4	adj.																													3
1527816013	نه بدلېدونکی	na badledóonkay	unchangeable, unalterable, firm, sturdy, irrevocable	4	adj.																													2
1577558886813	نه ذیروح	na zeeróoh	inanimate (نه ساکښ)	2	adj.																													3
1527813927	نه زغمېدونکی	na zghamedóonkay	unbearable, intolerable	4	adj.																													3
1527814155	نا اشنه	naa ashiná, naa ashnáa	unfamiliar, unknown	4	adj.																													3
1527822115	نادرک	naadarák	unknown, unclear, ambiguous as to where it is, lost	4	adj.																													3
1527816276	نا روا	naa rawáa	not acceptable, not permitted, not allowed	4	adj.																													3
1527815098	نا شکر	naa shÚkur	ungrateful	4	adj.																													3
1586449485269	نا امیده	naa Uméeda	hopeless, dissapointed	4	adj.																													3
1709218429649	نا امېده	naa Uméda	hopeless, dissapointed		adj.																													1
1664091595857	نابلد	naabalád	unfamiliar, unaccustomed, unacquianted, stranger	4	adj.																													3
1610542099016	نابلده	naabaláda	unfamiliar, unaccustomed, unacquianted	4	adj.																													3
1675002492491	نابریالی	naabaryaaláy	unsuccesful		adj.																													3
1527822608	نابینا	naabeenáa	blind, unable to see	4	adj.																													3
1527812021	نابغه	naabighá	genius	4	adj.																													3
1527817753	نابود	naabóod	extinct, useless, worthless, bad, unfertile	4	adj.																													3
1575239588561	ناچل	naachál	expired, out of circulation	4	adj.																													3
1575239591287	ناچله	naachála	expired, out of circulation	4	adj.																													3
1527821819	ناچیز	naachéez	modest, humble, trifling, insignificant	2	adj.																													3
1527820920	نادان	naadáan	ignorant, foolish	4	adj.																													2
1590873015031	نادار	naadáar	poor, miserable	4	adj.																													3
1675145489180	نادولتي	naadawlatée	non-governmental		adj.																													3
1630939754607	نادیده	naadeedá	inexperienced, hasn't seen much; unseen, unprecedented	4	adj.																													3
1527816033	نادر	naadír, naadúr	uncommon	2	adj.																													3
1671709127630	نافرمان	naafarmáan	disobedient, intractable		adj.																													3
1671709152695	نافرمانه	naafarmáana	disobedient, intractable		adj.																													3
1527818502	نافذ	naafíz	put into action, influencing, active, having force	3	adj.																													3
1527813070	ناغېره	naaghéra	laze, idle, sluggish	2	adj.																													3
1527818609	ناغښتلی	naaghuxtúlay, naaghixtúlay	weak, feeble, faint, poor	3	adj.																													3
1645167694891	ناګزیر	naagUzéer	inevitable	4	adj.																													3
1527819868	ناحق	naahaq	unfair, unjust, false, undeserved	4	adj.																													3
1527819869	ناحقه	naaháqa	unfair, unjust, false, undeserved	4	adj.																													3
1527815710	ناهواره	naahawáara	rough, uneven, not flat	3	adj.																													1
1527813919	ناهیلی	naahéelay	disappointed, hopeless, disillusioned	4	adj.																													2
1527819025	ناجائز	naajaa`iz	impermissible, illegal, not allowed, not permitted, not acceptable	4	adj.																													3
1611394633823	ناجاڼه	naajáaNa	ignorant, unaware, useless	4	adj.																													1
1527815101	ناجوړ	naajóR	sick, unwell, ill	4	adj.																													3
1714030770522	ناجوړه	naajóRa	sick, unwell, ill (ناجوړ)	4	adj.																													3
1527811762	ناکام	naakáam	unsuccessful, failed	3	adj.																													3
1712930739556	ناکامه	naakáama	unsuccessful, failed	3	adj.																													3
1712930757249	ناکامه کېدل	naakaama kedúl	to fail	3	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1712930739556	fail																											3
1712930760828	ناکامه کول	naakaama kawúl	to make fail	3	v. stat. comp. trans.	1712930739556	make	fail																										3
1631017595573	ناکاره	naakáara	useless, good-for-nothing, rejected	4	adj.																													3
1588151435595	ناکره	naakára, naakará	impure, contaminated, untrue	4	adj.																													3
1584885049381	ناخالص	naakhaalís	impure; gross (weight)	3	adj.																													3
1591899861471	ناخبره	naakhabúra	not knowing, ignorant	4	adj.																													3
1527818340	ناخوالي	naakhwáalee	indecency, abusive language; problem, problems, badness, problems	4	adj.																													3
1527811825	ناخوان	naakhwáan	illiterate	4	adj.																													3
1527816543	نالتي	naalatée	cursed, damned, accursed	4	adj.																													3
1588787606875	نالیدلی	naaleedúlay	unseen, new (unknown)	4	adj.																													3
1527811820	نالوستی	naalwástay, naalwústay	illiterate, uneducated	4	adj.																													3
1527821079	نام ور	naam wár	glorious, famous, honoured, renowned	4	adj.																													3
1527815102	نامعلوم	naama'alóom	unknown	4	adj.																													3
1579390247619	نامالوم	naamaalóom	unknown	4	adj.																													3
1527821768	نامانوس	naamaanóos	unusual, uncommon	2	adj.																													2
1619592846455	ناملموس	naamalmóos, naamalamóos	intangible	2	adj.																													3
1613551311010	نامنظور	naamanzóor	rejected, not accepted, disapproved	4	adj.																													3
1527811980	نامرد	naamárd	cowardly, weak, faint, unmanly	4	adj.																													2
1650697016189	نامشروع	naamashróo', naamashró'	unlawful, illegitimate, unsavory, illegal	4	adj.																													2
1662619623951	نامطلوب	naamatlóob	undesirable	4	adj.																													3
1595233342129	نامدار	naamdáar	well-know, distinguished	4	adj.																													3
1527813768	نامتو	naamtóo	famous, well-known	4	adj.																													3
1643610603022	نامخلص	naamUkhlís	insincere	4	adj.																													3
1527819836	ناممکن	naamUmkín	impossible	4	adj.																													3
1527816371	نامراد	naamUráad	unhappy, unfulfilled, poor	4	adj.																													2
1584519203608	نامضر	naamUzír	non-harmful, benign	4	adj.																													3
1527818366	نانائي	naanaaée	mint, minty	4	adj.																													2
1527816272	ناپاک	naapáak	unclean	4	adj.																													3
1527817485	ناپوه	naapóh	foolish, ignorant, not knowing	4	adj.																													3
1527818692	ناقبل فراموش	naaqabil-i-faraamósh, naaqabil faraamósh	unforgettable	3	adj.																													3
1527815064	ناراحت	naaraahát	uncomfortable, uneasy	3	adj.																													3
1527815067	نارام	naaráam	uneasy, disquieted, disturbed, anxious, nervous	3	adj.																													3
1527815066	نارامه	naaráama	uneasy, disquieted, disturbed, anxious, nervous	4	adj.																													3
1609780141131	ناراست	naaráast	crooked, uneven; lying, deceitful; lazy, idle	4	adj.																													3
1527817084	ناراض	naaráaz	dissatisfied, displeased, upset, mad, hurt, offended, wounded, damaged, injured	3	adj.																													3
1527817081	ناراضه	naaráaza	hurt, offended, wounded, damaged, injured, dissatisfied, displeased, upset, mad	4	adj.																													3
1527817336	ناروا	naarawáa	not allowed, not acceptable, not permitted	4	adj.																													3
1527821355	ناري	naarée	fiery, explosive, hot, hellish, infernal	2	adj.																													3
1527811558	نارینه	naareená	male, manly, masculine, brave	4	adj.																													3
1610797838033	نارمل	naarmál	normal	4	adj.																													3
1527815105	ناروغ	naarógh	sick, unwell	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527819772	نارنجي	naarunjée	orange (colour)	4	adj.																													3
1527816117	ناسم	naasám, naasúm	incorrect, not true, bent, crooked, not right	4	adj.																													3
1527822512	ناشناخته	naashinaakhtá, naashnáakhta	unfamiliar, unknown	4	adj.																													3
1527814718	ناشونی	naashóonay	improbable, unlikely	3	adj.																													3
1527817397	ناشکر	naashÚkur	ungrateful, not thankful, unappreciative	4	adj.																													3
1527815106	ناست	naast	sitting, seated	4	adj.																													3
1675275493221	ناسنت	naasUnát	contrary to religious Sunnah, improper, uncircumcised		adj.																													1
1573150072109	ناتایید	naataayéed	unconfirmed	4	adj.																													3
1566474701679	ناڅاپي	naatsaapée	sudden, unexpected	4	adj.																													3
1664091618124	ناولد	naawalád	unfamiliar, unaccustomed, unacquianted (نابلد)	4	adj.																													3
1527818505	ناوړ	naawúR, naawáR	unpleasant, awful, repulsive, horrible	4	adj.																													3
1527815107	ناوړه	naawúRa	bad, improper, indecent	3	adj.																													3
1527814377	ناولی	naawúlay	filthy, foul, dirty, grimy, mucky	4	adj.																													3
1527820864	نازک	naazúk, naazÚk, naazík	slender, fragile, soft, delicate, elegant, ticklish, tense	4	adj.																													3
1579042063103	ندایي	nadaayée, nidaayée	vocative (grammar)	2	adj.																													3
1527817996	نفتي	naftée, niftée	oil, petrol, petroleum	2	adj.																													3
1527819333	نهار	naháar	hungry, not having eaten breakfast, fasting, not eating since morning	3	adj.																													3
1527813922	نهیله	nahéela	hopeless	3	adj.																													3
1579390440218	نهیلی	naheeláy	disappointed, hopeless, disillusioned	2	adj.																													3
1527821638	نجیب	najéeb	noble, gentle (also a name)	2	adj.																													3
1527814375	نجس	najús, najís	filthy, foul, dirty (also in a sinful or religious sense)	4	adj.																													2
1527817127	نم جن	nam ján, nam jín	damp, moist, moist, humid	3	adj.																													3
1527811343	نمک حلال	namak haláal	sincere, faithful, grateful, devoted	4	adj.																													3
1527821674	نمدار	namdáar	moist, damp, wet (نمجن)	3	adj.																													1
1527821673	نمجن	namjún	moist, damp, wet	3	adj.																													3
1527821675	نمناک	namnáak	moist, damp, wet (نمجن)	4	adj.																													3
1527818302	ننګوونکی	nangawóonkay	challenging	2	adj.																													3
1527813030	ننګیال	nangyáal	brave, valiant, courageous, undaunted	4	adj.																													3
1527813029	ننګیالی	nangyaaláy	zealous, jealous, honorable, faithful	3	adj.																													3
1527820397	نقیض	naqéez	contradictory, opposing	2	adj.																													3
1527823638	نقل پذیر	naql pazéer	movable, portable, transportable	2	adj.																													3
1527811556	نرینه	nareená	male, manly, masculine	4	adj.																													3
1527819320	نری	naráy	thin; mild; high (pitch)	4	adj.																													3
1527815113	نړیوال	naRaywáal	international, world	4	adj.																													3
1527816963	نرغونی	narghóonay	dialectical variant of لرغونی, ancient, historical	2	adj.																													3
1527817445	نرم دل	narm díl	soft-hearted, tender, kind, gentle, gracious	4	adj.																													3
1527819153	نرم ناک	narm náak	warm, gentle, kind	3	adj.																													3
1527817446	نرم زړی	narm zúRay	soft-hearted, tender, kind, gentle, gracious	3	adj.																													3
1527817507	نرم	nárum, narm	soft, smooth, fine, gentle	4	adj.																													3
1527819083	نس خوږی	nas khóoGay, nas khóGay	someone suffering from a stomach ache	4	adj.																													3
1527821131	نس پړس	nas pRús, nas púRs	greedy, gluttonous	2	adj.																													2
1527814140	نس پړسی	nas púRsay, nas pRúsay	gluttonous, voracious	2	adj.																													1
1527823166	نصب	nasb	installed, mounted, set-up, fixed	4	adj.																													2
1527817199	نسبي	nisbée	relative, relatively, related, genealogical	4	adj.																													3
1584638047453	نسکور	naskór, nuskór	toppled, brought down, wrecked, shot down (aircraft), upside-down	4	adj.																													3
1527819039	نصراني	nasraanée	Christian	4	adj.																													1
1527819768	نسواري	naswaarée, nuswaarée	brown	4	adj.																													3
1527811251	نتلی	natúlay	poor, pitiful, robbed	4	adj.																													3
1571524210085	نوېدونکی	nawedóonkay	renewable	4	adj.																													1
1571524150715	نښلېدونکی	naxledóonkay	sticky, clinging	4	adj.																													3
1527823632	نظري	nazarée	theoretical	4	adj.																													3
1678971846667	نظریاتي	nazariyaatée	ideological, theoretical		adj.																													3
1527819774	نیلي	neelée	indigo	2	adj.																													3
1610450741466	نیلمني	neelmanée	sapphire	4	adj.																													2
1527815116	نیم	neem	half	2	adj.																													3
1527818925	نیم ګرم	neem gárum	lukewarm, tepid	3	adj.																													3
1527817042	نیمګړی	neemgúRay	incomplete, unfinished, defective, imperfect	4	adj.																													3
1527822863	نیمکښ	neemkáx, neemkúx	half-open, slightly open	4	adj.																													3
1527813204	نېغ	negh	straight, upright, righteous, proper	4	adj.																													3
1702810501608	نېغول	neghawúl	to straighten, align, put upright, make right	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527813204																												3
1702810503338	نېغېدل	neghedúl	to be straightened, aligned, put upright, made right	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527813204																												3
1527816014	نېک	nek	kind, good (morally), righteous	4	adj.																													3
1527821296	نېک بین	nek béen	optimistic	2	adj.																													3
1527821082	نېک نام	nek náam	famous, esteemed, having a good name, of good repute	3	adj.																													3
1527812970	نېک نیت	nek niyát	loyal, benevolent	4	adj.																													3
1527819230	نېکمرغه	nekmúrgha, nekmárgha	lucky	3	adj.																													3
1527821083	نېکنام	neknáam	famous, esteemed, having a good name	4	adj.																													3
1527812964	نېکنیته	nekniyáta	kind, benevolent, generous, goodwilled, good natured	3	adj.																													3
1653237135464	نېستمن	nestmán	lacking, in need, poor	4	adj.																													3
1527816015	نیک	nayk	kind, good (morally), righteous	4	adj.																													1
1630708378124	نهادي	nihaadée	institutional	2	adj.																													3
1527818413	نهائي	nihaa`ée, nihayée	extreme, maximum, fully, final	4	adj.																													2
1527818412	نهایي	nihaayée	final, finalized; extreme, maximum	4	adj.																													2
1527816781	نژادي	nijzaadée	racial	4	adj.																													3
1594215491631	نکلي	nikalee, niklée	nickal	4	adj.																													1
1527813316	نسایي	nisaayée	female, women's	4	adj.																													3
1527811957	نسبتي	nisbatée	comparative, relative (Arabic)	4	adj.																													2
1527816833	نیابتي	niyaabatée	proxy	3	adj.																													3
1527820972	نیازمن	niyaazmán	in want; beloved; favourite	4	adj.																													3
1527820973	نیازمند	niyaazmánd	in want; beloved; favourite	4	adj.																													1
1579463171333	نوږ	noG, nooG	cleansed, cleaned, purified	2	adj.				ناږه	naaGu	نږ	naG																						3
1732088711731	نږول	naGawúl	to clean, cleanse, purify		v. stat. comp. trans.	1579463171333	clean																											2
1732088713677	نږېدل	naGedúl	to be cleaned, cleansd, purified		v. stat. comp. intrans.	1579463171333	be	cleaned																										
1527817277	نوکری	nookuráy	tiny, small, minute	4	adj.																													2
1590838973577	نولسم	noolasúm, nolasús	ninetheenth	4	adj.																													3
1527816035	نومي	noomée, nóomee	so-called	4	adj.																													3
1527822818	نومی	nóomay	called, named	4	adj.																													1
1527814047	نوموړی	noomawúRay	aforesaid, above-mentioned	4	adj.																													3
1527818287	نومیال	noomyáal	famous, well-known	4	adj.																													3
1574864995340	نومیالی	noomyaaláy	famous, honorable, distinguished	4	adj.																													3
1590875720752	نونسم	noonasúm	nineteenth	4	adj.																													3
1588689231079	نهم	nuhúm	ninth	4	adj.																													3
1663856620440	نخودي	nUkhoodée, nukhodée	cream-colored, the color of a nut/chickpea, brownish-yellow	4	adj.																													3
1527818969	نمایشي	nUmaayushée	for show, for display, pertaining to outward appearances; exhibition, display	4	adj.																													1
1527817748	نننی	nununáy	todays, of today, current	4	adj.																													3
1622279246903	نقره یي	nUqra yée, nUqra`ée	silver, made of silver	4	adj.																													3
1573055582465	نرواک	nurwáak	patriarchal	1	adj.																													3
1690458761736	نوییم	nuwee`yúm	ninetieth	4	adj.																													3
1527813822	نوی	núway	new	4	adj.																													3
1714740670291	نوی کول	nuway kawúl	to renew, update, make new	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527813822	renew																											3
1714740672585	نوی کېدل	nuway kedúl	to be renewed, updated, made new	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527813822	be	renewed																										2
1598724912198	اوچ	ooch	dry	4	adj.																													
1527814198	اوچت	oochát	high, tall, lofty	4	adj.																													3
1594804070760	اودي	oodée	blue	4	adj.																													3
1527822930	اوده	oodú	asleep	4	adj.																													3
1527816772	اوږد مهال	ooGd maháal	long-term	4	adj.																													2
1527816351	اوږد مهالي	ooGd mahaalée	long-term	4	adj.																													2
1527816778	اوږد	óoGd, óoGud	long	4	adj.				اوږده	ooGdu	اوږد	ooGd																						3
1527821228	اوږدمهاله	ooGdmaháala	long-term	4	adj.																													2
1527814245	اولجه	ooljá	intricate, complex, complicated, tangled	3	adj.																													3
1527822706	اوم	oom	raw, uncooked; blunt, crude; unripe, immature, not fully developed	4	adj.				اومه	oomu	اوم	oom																						1
1527813400	اوسنی	oosanáy	current, present	4	adj.																													3
1590838947884	اووه لسم	oowú lasum	seventeenth	4	adj.																													2
1588689159822	اووم	oowúm	seventh	4	adj.																													3
1664028556728	اوښلن	ooxlún	teary, full of tears	4	adj.																													3
1586452587974	اوزګار	oozgáar	free, unoccupied, available, at leisure	3	adj.																													3
1709917042521	اوزګارول	oozgaarawúl	to empty, free up, evacuate	3	v. stat. comp. trans.	1586452587974	free	up																										3
1709917045700	اوزګارېدل	oozgaaredúl	to be emptied, freed up, evacuated	3	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1586452587974	be	freed up																										3
1527818418	اورنی	orúnay, orunáy	fire (attributive)	4	adj.																													1
1585823596948	اوونیز	ownéez	weekly	4	adj.																													2
1585823679438	اووه ورځنی	owu wradzanáy	weekly	3	adj.																													3
1527815906	پابند	paabánd	bound, tied, banned, restricted, linked, limited	4	adj.																													3
1714811408028	پابندول	paabandawúl	to ban, restrict, limit, bind	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527815906	ban,bans,banning,banned																											3
1714811410842	پابندېدل	paabandedúl	to be banned, restricted, limited, bound	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527815906	become	banned																										3
1527815144	پاک	paak	clean, pure	3	adj.																													3
1653107978848	پاک نفس	paak nafs	moral, clean, upright, godly	4	adj.																													3
1527817741	پاکوونکی	paakawóonkay	purifying, cleansing, cleaning	4	adj.																													3
1527823436	پاکترین	paaktaréen	the cleanest	4	adj.																													3
1672206323644	پاموړ	paamwáR	noticable, significant, worth of attention		adj.																													1
1586203874421	پاروونکی	paarawóonkay	provocative, inciting, instigating	4	adj.																													3
1527820821	پاسنی	paasináy, paasunáy	upper, above, mountain, aforementioned	4	adj.																													3
1527813126	پاته	páata	remaining, backward	4	adj.																													1
1703747700517	پاتې	páate	remaining, backward	4	adj.																													3
1527818753	پایدار	paaydáar, paayidáar, paayadáar	long-lasting, steady, stable, strong, firm	3	adj.																													3
1527819409	پایمال	paaymáal	crushed, destroyed, trampled, suppressed	3	adj.																													3
1586551512591	پاز دودی	paaz dodáy, paaz dóday	progressive, liberal, pro-reform	4	adj.																													3
1527812089	پازوال	paazwáal	with a duty, responsible, in charge	2	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1592382613021	پخوانی	pakhwaanáy	old, ancient, previous, former	4	adj.																													3
1527813403	پل تګ	pal túg	following somone, pursuing someone	4	adj.																													3
1577391808799	پلې	pále	in motion, applied, enacted, enforced	3	adj.																													3
1527823258	پلیت	paléet	muddy, soiled, defiled, nasty, filthy, disgusting, base	4	adj.																													3
1713119923838	پلیتي	paleetée	filth, soiling	4	n. f.																													3
1527816925	پلی	pálay	on foot, unmounted, foot (adj.), foot soldier	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527815157	پنچر	panchúr	puncture (of a tire), flat tire	4	n. m.																													3
1527811782	پپړ	papúR	big (of ears)	4	adj.																													2
1527818964	پرچل	parchál	low-quality, unsuitable, bad	4	adj.																													3
1527817639	پرېش	parésh, presh	upset, distressed, alarmed, beside oneself, not knowing what to do, in a bad state	2	adj.																													3
1527817640	پرېشان	paresháan, presháan	upset, distressed, alarmed, beside oneself, not knowing what to do, in a bad state	4	adj.																													3
1716309070060	پرېشانول	pareshaanawúl	to upset, worry, alarm		v. stat. comp. trans.	1527817640	upset,upsets,upsetting,upset																											2
1716309072993	پرېشانېدل	pareshaanedúl, preshaanedúl	to get upset, worry, be alarmed		v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527817640	upset,upsets,upsetting,upset																											2
1714820758304	پرېشانه	paresháana, presháana	upset, distressed, alarmed, beside oneself, not knowing what to do, in a bad state	4	adj.																													3
1716309078392	پرېشانه کول	pareshaana kawúl, preshaana kawúl	to upset, worry, alarm		v. stat. comp. trans.	1714820758304	upset,upsets,upsetting,upset																											2
1716309083283	پرېشانه کېدل	pareshaana kedúl, preshaana kedúl	to get upset, worry, be alarmed		v. stat. comp. intrans.	1714820758304	upset,upsets,upsetting,upset																											3
1714820783515	غمګین	ghumgéen, ghamgéen	sad, upset, depressed		adj.																													3
1527818602	پرکال	parkáal	weak, sickly, puny, debilitated	4	adj.																													3
1527818606	پرکار	parkáar	put-together	4	adj.																													3
1678086656391	پرتلیز	partaléez	comparative		adj.																													2
1646061736867	پرتلېز	partaléz	comparative	2	adj.																													1
1527812984	پس پا	pas páa	withdrawing, departing	4	adj.																													3
1527812988	پس پرده	pas pardá	secret, hidden, undercover, suppressed	4	adj.																													3
1584692923256	پساو	pasáaw	stuck	4	adj.																													2
1527817448	پسند	pasánd, pisánd	pleasing, approved, select, choice; a suffix for one who likes or pursues an aim	4	adj.																													3
1577384523298	پست	past	low, base, vile	4	adj.																													3
1527814241	پته	páta	address, sign, track, trace, knowledge; playing card	4	adj.																													3
1708738047108	پته لګول	pata lugawúl	to determine, to figure out, confirm, learn		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527814241	determine																											3
1708738220484	پته لګېدل	pata lugedúl	to become known, get figured out, turn out																															3
1664030195862	پټاکی	paTaakáy	drunk, intoxicated	2	adj.																													3
1527822372	پتیر	patéer	unleavened (bread, dough)	4	adj.																													3
1527813815	پتلون پوش	patloon pósh	dressed in European style	3	adj.																													3
1604511739849	پښتني	paxtanée, puxtanée	Pashtun	4	adj.																													3
1527814249	پېچلی	pechúlay	complicated, involved, unclean, twisted, wound	4	adj.																													3
1527814758	پیکه	peeká	disordered, confused, embarrassed, spoiled; pale, dim, faint	4	adj.																													3
1588858235903	پیکه	peeká	pale, plain, without sugar, tasteless, unlpleasant; disordered, confused	4	adj.																													3
1590838908604	پینځلسم	peendzulasúm	fifteenth	4	adj.																													2
1588689159819	پینځم	peendzúm	fifth	4	adj.																													3
1527822371	پیت	peet	flat, shallow (of a dish), flat-bottomed (of a boat)	4	adj.																													3
1527814209	پېژندوی	pejzandóoy	acquainted, well-know, famous	4	adj.																													1
1527814407	پېرزو	perzó	proper, fitting, worthy	4	adj.																													1
1527812391	پېش بین	pesh béen	having foresight, provident	4	adj.																													3
1527816536	پېټلی	peTúlay	cursed, damned, accursed	4	adj.																													3
1527812384	پیدا	paydáa	found, born, created; creature	4	adj.																													3
1672944421700	پیمال	paymáal	crushed, smashed (پايمال)		adj.																													3
1585501343831	پیوست	paywást	joined, connected, affiliated, right next to	3	adj.																													3
1589025425783	پنځوسم	pindzosúm, pandzosúm	fiftieth	4	adj.																													3
1590838893645	پنځلسم	pindzulasúm	fifteenth	4	adj.																													3
1588689159820	پنځم	pindzúm	fifth	4	adj.																													3
1527811493	پسي	pisée, pusée	arrogant, proud, haughty	3	adj.																													3
1584444374038	پلارواک	plaarwáak	patriarchal	4	adj.																													3
1678446636170	پلرنی	plaranáy	ancestral, pertaining to father/forefathers (پلرنی وطن - ancestral homeland)		adj.																													3
1527815179	پلن	plun	wide, broad, flat, dull, vapid	4	adj.																													3
1527811469	پوه	poh	understanding, having understood; intelligent, quick, wise, clever; expert	4	adj.								true																					3
1527819611	پولادي	polaadée	steel	4	adj.																													2
1651787720409	پوچ	pooch	nonsense, stupid, absurd, senseless	4	adj.																													3
1576100373187	پوده	poodá	rotten, worm holed, putrified, wet	2	adj.																													3
1576947921607	پوی	pooy	understanding, having understood, knowledgable (spoken form of پوهه)	4	adj.								true																					3
1527820169	پوړ	poR	green, immature, unripe, raw, uncooked	4	adj.																													3
1573151449621	پوړیز	poRéez	layered, floored (په دوه پوريزو چبرکټونو کې - on bunk beds)	4	adj.																													3
1582316603483	پورتینی	porteenáy, portináy	upper, above	4	adj.																													3
1582390092514	پورتنی	portináy, portunáy	upper, above	4	adj.																													3
1670563393263	پوشیده	posheedá	hidden, secret, unknown, clandestine		adj.																													3
1576952412644	پوست	post	soft, tender, gentle, loosened	3	adj.				پاسته	paastu	پست	past																						3
1527815998	پراخ ټنډی	praakh TánDay	smiling, cheerful	4	adj.																													3
1527812013	پراخ	praakh, paráakh	wide, broad, spacious, vast	4	adj.																													3
1678446438781	پراخه	práakha, paráakha	wide, broad, spacious, vast (پراخ)		adj.																													3
1527819532	پردی	pradáy, prudáy	foreign, unrelated, another('s)	4	adj.																													3
1586962894002	پړسمن	pRasmún, puRsamún	rotten, spoiled; swollen up	4	adj.																													3
1661754452813	پرت	prat	connected, linked, attached	4	adj.																													3
1661754271545	پرته	práta	foolish, stupid, nonsensical	4	adj.																													3
1527816333	پرې	pre	cut, decisive, final	4	adj.																													1
1586962689949	پریړ	preeR, paréeR	thick, fat	4	adj.																													3
1661534462953	پرېکونی	prekóonay	decisive, categorical, crucial	4	adj.																													3
1661534399042	پرېکنده	prékunda	deciscive, categorical, crucial	2	adj.																													3
1527818866	پرېوان	prewáan	abundant, abounding in	4	adj.																													3
1715967385809	پرېمان	premáan	abundant, abounding in	4	adj.																													3
1527816293	پریمانه	praymáana	abundant, lots, galore, lavish, profuse	4	adj.																													3
1712920818075	پرېمانه	premáana	abundant, lots, galore, lavish, profuse	4	adj.																													3
1712920821923	پرېوانه	prewáana, prewaaná	abundant, lots, galore, lavish, profuse	4	adj.																													3
1527813148	پروت	prot	lying, lying down or on, located, situated	4	adj.				پراته	praatu	پرت	prat																						3
1527815194	په کار	pu káar	necessary, needed, required	4	adj.								TRUE																					3
1577391018732	په سر	pu sár	being worn (like a hat or a veil on the head)	4	adj.																													3
1605351874320	په سد	pu súd, pu sád	concious, conscientious, intelligent	4	adj.								true																					3
1527819204	په زړه خیرن	pu zRu kheerán	malevolent, malicious, spiteful, evil	4	adj.																													3
1577058394256	په زړه پوری	pu zRu póoray, pu zRu póray	interesting, entertaining, attractive, pleasant	4	adj.																													3
1527823730	پک	puk	bald	4	adj.																													3
1527823674	پخی	púkhay	mangy, scabby, suffering from some sort of itchy skin condition	4	adj.																													3
1527812009	پخلا	pUkhláa, pukhláa	reconciled	4	adj.																													3
1527819955	پلوي	pulawée	alongside, neighbouring, adjoining	4	adj.																													2
1527811255	پلولی	pulawuláy, plawúlay	castrated, neutered	3	adj.																													3
1659634553866	پڼ	puN	full, filled, bursting	2	adj.																													3
1527819059	پنډ	punD	thick, fat	4	adj.																													2
1527820674	پړ	puR	guilty, overcome, conquered	4	adj.																													2
1527818605	پرکار	pUrkáar, purkáar	full, stuffed, crowded, well-made	4	adj.																													3
1527820347	پرلیکه	purléeka	on-line (computer neologism)	4	adj.																													3
1527813577	پرمختللی	purmakhtlúlay	advanced, developed, enhanced	4	adj.																													3
1661754437684	پرت	purt, prut	weak, useless, out of place, remote	2	adj.																													3
1566476476835	پسمانده	pusmaandá	backward, undeveloped (from Urdu)	4	adj.																													3
1527820142	پستي	pUstée, pustée	postal, post	4	adj.																													3
1527815201	پټ	puT	hidden	4	adj.																													3
1527817644	پټي پالا	puTee paaláa	secret, hidden, concealed; disordered, distressed	2	adj.																													1
1527822171	پڅ	puts	dull, blunt, stupid, crude, rough (پڅه چاړه - a dull knife)	4	adj.																													3
1527811305	پښېمانه	pxemáana	regretful, contrite	4	adj.																													3
1703655309874	پښېمانه کېدل	pxemaana kedúl	to regret, to become regretful, contrite	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527811305	regret																											3
1703655315249	پښېمانه کول	pxemaana kawúl	to make regret, to make regretful, contrite	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527811305	make	regret																										3
1527815205	پیاوړی	pyaawúRay	powerful, strong, great	4	adj.																													3
1527811322	قابل	qaabíl	worthy, deserving; able, capable, talented	3	adj.																													3
1527814893	قادر	qaadír	able, capable, competent, powerful, mighty (Arabic - religious)	3	adj.																													2
1527822025	قائم	qaaím	established, standing, in place, vertical, persistent	4	adj.																													2
1675282449481	قامي	qaamée	national, pertaining to the people/tribe		adj.																													2
1527812729	قانع	qaaní'	convinced, persuaded, satisfied	4	adj.																													2
1527816510	قانوني	qaanoonée	legal	4	adj.																													2
1573056474440	قاتېدونکی	qaatedóonkay	foldable, folding	3	adj.																													2
1527822026	قایم	qaayím	established, standing, in place, vertical, persistent	4	adj.																													3
1709915424545	قایمول	qaaymawúl	to establish, found		v. stat. comp. trans.	1527822026	establish																											3
1709915426563	قایمېدل	qaaymedúl	to be established, found		v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527822026	be	established																										2
1527813141	قبایلي	qabaayulée	tribal	4	adj.																													2
1678361582289	قبیلوي	qabeelawée	tribal		adj.																													2
1527817551	قدامت پسند	qidaamat pasánd	conservative, traditionalist	3	adj.																													2
1527822331	قدیم	qadéem	ancient, old, archaic	4	adj.																													2
1586429708302	قدرمن	qadurmán	esteemed, valued, respected, dear	4	adj.																													2
1709915736695	قدرمند	qadurmánd	esteemed, valued, respected, dear	4	adj.																													3
1527820000	قلابند	qalaabánd	besieged, surrounded	3	adj.																													2
1663856690803	قلب	qalb	broken (terrain)	4	adj.																													
1527820427	قمري	qamrée, qamarée	lunar	4	adj.																													2
1527823075	قناعت بخش	qanaa'at bákhsh, qinaat bákhsh	satisfactory, convincing (ie. of an answer)	3	adj.																													2
1527811560	قندي	qandée	sugar, sugary	4	adj.																													2
1527821432	قرار	qaráar	quiet, peaceful, calm, established, constant, stable, agreed	3	adj.																													2
1708000793375	قرارول	qaraarawúl	to calm, make peaceful, settle	3	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527821432	calm																											2
1708000796516	قرارېدل	qaraaredúl	to calm down, get quiet, settle	3	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527821432	calm	down																										2
1527820935	قصدي	qasdée	intended, planned, forced	3	adj.																													2
1527814735	قطعي	qata'ée, qatee	decisive, categorical, conclusive	3	adj.																													2
1527813514	قوي	qawée	strong, mighty, powerful	3	adj.																													2
1602011514447	قید ګیر	qayd géer	restrictive	2	adj.																													2
1527814661	قضایي	qazaayée	judicial; recompense, doing a religious duty later that was missed at an earlier time	3	adj.																													2
1527815209	قیمته	qeemáta	expensive	3	adj.																													2
1527818079	قیمتي	qeematée	expensive, valuable	4	adj.																													3
1527820100	قومي	qomée, qaumée	national, tribal	4	adj.																													2
1527818597	قدرتي	qUdratée	natural, wild	3	adj.																													2
1527819465	قطبي	qUtbée	polar	4	adj.																													2
1585477181146	قوتناک	qUwatnáak	strong, powerful	4	adj.																													
1656194925657	قوتور	qUwatwar	strong, powerful	4	adj.																													
1678367097885	راډیکال	raaDeekáal	radical		adj.																													3
1527820018	راګیر	raagéer	enveloped, surrounded, grasped, captured	4	adj.																													3
1527813412	راهسکېدونکی	raahaskedóonkay	rising, growing up	3	adj.																													2
1527822016	رائج	raaíj	in circulation, disseminated, popular, generally accepted	3	adj.																													2
1566471977104	راجع	raají'	pertaining to, relating to	3	adj.																													3
1527820803	راجستر	raajistúr, raajistár	register	3	n. m.																													3
1527818067	راژوندی	raajzwundáy	resurrected, back to life	4	adj.																													3
1627222747130	راکټي	raakaTée	(pertaining to) rocket, missile		adj.																													3
1527818202	راکوز	raakóoz	down, descended	4	adj.																													3
1527820933	راپورې	raapóre	over/across to me/us/here	4	adj.																													3
1527815744	راروان	raarawáan	coming, on the way	4	adj.																													3
1527814730	راسخ	raasíkh	firm, unwavering	4	adj.																													3
1527811334	راست ګو	raast gó	straightforward, frank	3	adj.																													3
1527811335	راست ګوی	raast góoy	straightforward, frank	3	adj.																													3
1527813943	راستون	raastóon	returned, come back	4	adj.				راستانه	raastaanu	راستن	raastan																						3
1573149745962	راتاو	raatáaw	encircling, surrounding, wrapped arround	4	adj.																													3
1527815713	راتلونکی	raatlóonkay	coming, future	4	adj.																													3
1527820101	راټول	raaTól	gathered, brought together, assembled, collected	3	adj.																													2
1527820412	راڅرګند	raatsargúnd	clear, obvious, apparent	4	adj.																													3
1578010091515	راویښ	raawéex	awake, awoken, alert, watchful, vigilant	3	adj.																													3
1527812274	راضي	raazée	agreeable, satisfied, pleased	4	adj.																													3
1579042708851	ربطي	rabtée	linking, connecting, copulative (grammar)	3	adj.																													3
1578191119801	ربل	rabúl	accepted, deemed worthy of, deserving	2	adj.																													
1527816766	رډ	raD	bold, stubborn, impudent, shameless, immodest	3	adj.																													3
1527818002	رغنده	rághanda	constructive	2	adj.																													3
1595259167229	رها	raháa, riháa	free, released	3	adj.																													3
1527822176	رهي	rahée	going, setting out, proceeding, dispatched	2	adj.																													3
1527815218	رحیم	rahéem	merciful (of God, Arabic)	4	adj.																													3
1527817438	رحم دل	rahm díl	sympathetic, merciful	3	adj.																													3
1527816540	رجیم	rajéem	cursed, damned, accursed	2	adj.																													3
1576369607313	ړندکی	Randukáy	blind (diminutive of ړوند)	3	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527817574	رنځمن	randzmán	sick, ill, distressed, pained	3	adj.																													3
1527817572	رنځور	randzóor	sick, ill, distressed, pained	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527817573	رنځړی	randzúRay, randzíRay	sick, ill, distressed, pained	3	adj.																													3
1527820295	رنګه	rangá	colourful, multicoloured, chromatic	3	adj.																													3
1527820294	رنګارنګ	rangaaráng	colourful, multicoloured	3	adj.																													3
1527820296	رنګین	rangéen	colourful, multicoloured, pretty, beautiful	4	adj.																													3
1527818041	رسمي	rasmée	official	4	adj.																													3
1527814190	رسوا	rUswáa, riswáa, raswáa	disgraced, shamed	3	adj.																													3
1527816532	رټل شوی	raTul shúway	cursed, damned, accursed	4	adj.																													3
1527816534	رټلی	raTúlay	punished, disciplined, penalized, cursed	4	adj.																													3
1527816274	روا	rawáa	allowed, permitted, accepted, acceptable	4	adj.																													3
1527812409	روان	rawáan	going, moving, proceeding, flowing; coming, current; fluent	4	adj.																													3
1584519024078	رواني	rawaanée	psychological, mental	4	adj.																													3
1527819226	روزنیز	rozunéez	educative, instructive, educational, pedagogic	3	adj.																													3
1527821897	رذیل	razéel	base, vile, disgraceful	4	adj.																													3
1576103562067	ریچې ریچې	reeché reeché	shattered, smashed	3	adj.																													3
1527816291	ریچن	reechún	full of lice, infested with lice	4	adj.																													3
1612613946350	ریښتونی	reextóonay	truthful	4	adj.																													3
1527814378	رېمن	remán	filthy, foul, dirty, grimy, mucky	2	adj.																													3
1582390708451	رېښمانګی	rexmaangáy, rexmáangay	silk, silken	4	adj.																													3
1582390642789	رېښمین	rexméen	silk, silken	4	adj.																													2
1588150138614	رېزه رېزه	reza reza	ground up, chopped up, ground to bits	4	adj.																													3
1527822380	رښتین	rixtéen	faithful, dedicated, sincere, true, correct	4	adj.																													3
1527811507	رښتینی	rixtéenay	true, truthful, righteous, good	4	adj.																													3
1527812142	رښتنی	rixtínay, rixtináy	truthful, true	3	adj.																													3
1527812160	رښتیامل	rixtiyaamál, rUxtyaamál	truthful	3	adj.																													3
1527823720	رښتیانی	rixtyaanáy, rUxtraanáy	true, truthful, genuine	4	adj.																													3
1527812161	رښتونی	rixtóonay	truthful	4	adj.																													3
1527814744	ریاضي	riyaazée	mathematical	4	adj.																													3
1527821120	رضامن	rizaamán	agreeing, consenting	4	adj.																													3
1527821121	رضامند	rizaamánd	agreeing, consenting	4	adj.																													3
1527814277	روغ	rogh	healthy, well, intact, good, built-up	4	adj.																													3
1713120096900	روغ جوړ	rogh joR	healthy, well, intact, good, built-up	4	adj. doub.																													3
1713120150596	روغ رمټ	rogh ramúT	healthy, well, intact, good, built-up	4	adj. doub.																													3
1713120171613	جک جوړ	juk joR	healthy, well, intact, good, built-up (intensified with جک)	4	adj. doub.																													3
1527816847	روغتیایي	roghtyaayée	healthy, heath, related to health	3	adj.																													3
1527811673	روږدی	róGday, róoGday	addicted, addict; used to, adjusted to, accustomed to	3	adj.																													3
1715336424723	روږدی کول	roGday kawúl	to addict, accustomed, adjusted to		v. stat. comp. trans.	1527811673	addict																											1
1715336429706	روږدی کېدل	roGday kedúl	to get addicted, accustomed, adjusted to		v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527811673	get	addicted																										1
1715336437520	روږدول	roGdawúl	to addict, accustomed, adjusted to		v. stat. comp. trans.	1527811673	addict																											3
1715336440101	روږدېدل	roGdedúl	to get addicted, accustomed, adjusted to		v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527811673	get	addicted																										3
1577218776062	روحاني	roohaanée	spiritual	4	adj.																													3
1611401291814	روحي	roohée	spiritual	4	adj.																													3
1527822854	ړومبی	Roombáy	first, before	4	adj.																													1
1576596860977	روڼ	rooN	shiny, bright, clear, enlightened, transparent	4	adj.				راڼه	raaNu	رڼ	raN																						3
1645512405872	روڼ انده	rooN ánda	open-minded, intellectual, progressive, liberal	4	adj.																													3
1527811971	ړوند	Roond	blind	4	adj.				ړانده	Raandu	ړند	Rand																						3
1578317852261	رویکار	rooyikáar, rooykáar	in operation, carried out, executed	2	adj.																													3
1645512384636	روشن فکر	roshun fíkur	open-minded, intellectual, progressive, liberal	4	adj.																													3
1586364023414	روښان	roxáan	bright, luminous, radiant, intellectual, lucid	4	adj.																													1
1527815227	روښانه	roxáana	clear, enlightened, lit	3	adj.																													3
1527811336	رک	ruk	straightforward, straight, open	2	adj.																													2
1527821273	رک	ruk	clear, open, frank, straightforward	2	adj.																													2
1527815235	ړنګ	Rung, Rang	demolished, ruined, dissolved	4	adj.																													3
1527812943	ثابت	saabít	constant, firm, fixed, stable, established, proven	4	adj.																													3
1527816482	ثابت قدم	saabit qadám	sure, steadfast, firm, loyal, devoted, constant	3	adj.																													3
1527817440	ساده دل	saada díl	naive, simple minded	2	adj.																													3
1527812144	صادق	saadíq	faithful, true, truthful, honest, loyal, righteous	4	adj.																													3
1527818830	صادراتي	saadiraatée	export	4	adj.																													3
1527817611	صاف باطن	saaf baatín	pure, innocent, chaste	2	adj.																													3
1527811342	صاف ګو	saaf gó	open, frank, sincere person	2	adj.																													3
1527817356	ساحلي	saahilée	seaside, on the coast	4	adj.																													3
1591804481890	ساحرانه	saahiraaná, saahuraaná	magical	4	adj.																													1
1678087660181	ساکا	saakáa	Scythian		adj.																													3
1527821220	ساکښ	saakáx	living (creature), animate	4	adj.																													3
1527822450	ساکن	saakín	immovable, motionless; calm, tranquil, quiet; static, stable	4	adj.																													3
1671085640593	صالح	saalíh	good, decent, worthy, pious, competent		adj.																													3
1527817855	سالم	saalím	healthy, sound, whole, intact, well	4	adj.																													3
1527822304	ساړ	saaR	thirsty, parching, dry, lean, barren, bald, neat, crude short	2	adj.																													3
1666108914397	ساري	saarée, sáaree	infectious, contagious, communicable	4	adj.																													3
1527811932	ساینسي	saayinsée	scientific	4	adj.																													3
1578320691268	ساز	saaz	made, manufactured; well, healthy, proper, appropriate	4	adj.																													3
1527822116	سبایي	sabaayée	in the morning, morning	3	adj.																													3
1527811329	صدیق	sadéeq, sidéeq	true, sincere, sincerity	4	adj.																													3
1527815244	صفا	safáa	clean, clear, transparent, tidy	3	adj.																													3
1708355736124	صفا کول	safaa kawúl	to clean, clear up	3	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527815244	clean																											3
1708355738799	صفا کېدل	safaa kedúl	to be cleaned, cleared up	3	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527815244	be	cleaned up																										3
1527822263	صغیر	saghéer	small (ګناه صغير - minor sin cf. ګناه کبير - major sin); underage, under legal age, juvenile, minor	3	adj.																													3
1664878705958	سهارنی	sahaaranáy	morning (adj.)	4	adj.																													3
1655509561631	سهي	sahée	right, correct, true, proper صحیح	4	adj.																													3
1527813557	صحیح	sahéeh, sahée, saée	correct, right, true, accurate	3	adj.								TRUE																					3
1708825013062	صحیح کول	saheeh kawúl	to correct, make right	3	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527813557	correct																											3
1708825021759	صحیح کېدل	saheeh kedúl	to be corrected	3	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527813557	be	corrected																										3
1527818834	سهم ګر	sahm gár	frightening, terror, terrifying	3	adj.																													3
1527812963	سخي	sakhée	generous	4	adj.																													3
1527815246	سخت	sakht	hard, difficult, tough, strong	4	adj.																													3
1527820088	سخت دریځ	sakht daréedz	hardline, extremist	4	adj.																													3
1527817441	سخت دل	sakht díl	heard-hearted, cruel, heartless, callous	4	adj.																													3
1527817442	سخت زړی	sakht zúRay	heard-hearted, cruel, heartless, callous	4	adj.																													3
1675282611623	سختدریځ	sakhtdaréedz	hardline, extremist		adj.																													3
1586373647199	سختسری	sakhtsáray	having a stern temper or disposition	3	adj.																												true	1
1577816679306	سلامت	salaamát	well, fine; whole	4	adj.																													3
1527816075	سلیم	saléem	peaceful, gentle, calm, meek, humble; safe and sound, well (Arabic)	3	adj.																													3
1527821271	سلیس	salées	clear, intelligible, expressive	2	adj.																													3
1527815316	سم	sam, sum	correct, right, fine	3	adj.																													3
1577557430798	سماعي	samaa'ée	traditional; audio	3	adj.																													2
1594814427634	سمندري	samandarée	sea-	4	adj.																													3
1527813434	سمبال	sambáal	adornment, decoration; adjustment, arranging, adjusted, settled, arranged	3	adj.																													3
1527813641	سمبولیک	samboléek	symbolic	4	adj.																													2
1527821984	صمیمي	sameemée	cordial, sincere, heartfelt	2	adj.																													3
1527818153	سمسور	samsór	fresh, blooming, flourishing, almost ripe	4	adj.																													3
1666397302353	سمتي	samtée	regional	3	adj.																													3
1527821145	صنعتي	sana'atée, sUna'atée	industrial, manufactured	4	adj.																													3
1527813285	سناري	sanaarée	red	3	adj.																													3
1527817443	سنګ دل	sang díl	heard-hearted, cruel, heartless, callous	4	adj.																													3
1527814080	سنګین	sangéen	bayonet; stone, paved; serious; heavy	4	adj.																													3
1527817444	سنګین دل	sangeen díl	cruel, heartless, ruthless	3	adj.																													2
1527813085	ثقیل	saqéel	heavy, difficult, hard to digest, indigestible, lazy, burdensome	4	adj.																													3
1527816171	سراسیمه	saraaseemá	confused, perplexed; hurrying, bustling	3	adj.																													3
1527816933	سرباز	sarbáaz	bold, courageous, selfless; bold, daredevil; (rarely can be) soldier, military man	4	adj.																													3
1527811559	سرچپه	sarchapá	overturned, tipped over, upside down, inverted, turned over	3	adj.																													3
1527821260	صریح	saréeh	clear, evident, explicit	4	adj.																													3
1527814901	سرفراز	sarfaráaz, sarfiráaz	respectable, honorable	4	adj.																													3
1527815902	سرګردان	sargardáan	wandering, roaming, confused, bewildered, overwhelmed, dizzy	4	adj.																													3
1527815903	سرګردانه	sargardáana	wandering, roaming, confused, bewildered, overwhelmed, dizzy	4	adj.																													3
1527819960	سرکار پلوه	sarkaar paláwa	pro government, loyal to the state	3	adj.																													3
1527819485	سرکاري	sarkaarée	government, state, official	3	adj.																													3
1527821297	سرکش	sarkásh	insubordinate, rebellious	3	adj.																													3
1664025779149	سرکښ	sarkáx	insubordinate, rebellious	4	adj.																													3
1662631080337	سرخرېیلی	sarkhre`yúlay	with a shaved head	4	adj.																													3
1527816596	سرکوب	sarkób	towering above, overseeing, dominating, overseen, supervisor, supervised	4	adj.																													3
1527814900	سرلوړی	sarlwáRay, sarlóRay	respectable, honorable	4	adj.																													2
1573767094577	سرلوړی	sarlwáRay, sarlóRay	respectable, honorable	3	adj.																													2
1527813729	سروتن	sarootán	identical, equal	2	adj.																													3
1527823748	سرپټی	sarpúTay	shelter ??, with covered head	3	adj.																													3
1527821777	سرسبز	sarsábz	green, turning green, blooming; fertile	4	adj.																													3
1573150016066	سرسخت	sarsákht	obstinate, hardened	4	adj.																													2
1527816296	سرسري	sarsarée	superficial, superficially, outward, outwardly; rash, easy	3	adj.																													3
1582335082733	سرتنبه	sartambá	stubborn, obstinate	2	adj.																													3
1527821058	سرتړونی	sartaRóonay	covering the head (attributive)	3	adj.																													3
1527822958	سرتېز	sartéz	hot, fiery, quick-tempered, hot-tempered; pointed	3	adj.																													3
1527822799	سرتور	sartór	uncovered (head), bare-headed, without a hat; defenceless, unprotected	4	adj.																													3
1527813067	سست کاری	sast káaray, sUst káaray	lazy, slow working	4	adj.																													
1610800769369	سطحي	sat`hée	surface, superficial, shallow	4	adj.																													3
1527819629	سوداګریز	sawdaagaréez, sodaagaréez	business, pertaining to business or trade	4	adj.																													3
1578014151000	سودایي	sawdaayée, sodaayée	worried, anxious, concerned; in thought (about)	3	adj.																													3
1527821936	سوق الجیشي	sawq aljayshée, sawq Uljayshée	strategic	1	adj.																													2
1610618046476	سیخ	seekh	straight, right, correct (central dialect synonym for سیده or سم)	4	adj.																													3
1678361853184	سیکولر	seekoolár	secular		adj.																													2
1678365683272	سیمه ایز	seema éez	local, regional		adj.																													3
1586616831158	سیمه ییز	seema yéez	regional, local	4	adj.																													3
1527817586	سینه داغی	seena dáaghay	sad, downcast, distressed	2	adj.																													1
1527817594	سینه کباب	seena kabáab	worn out with suffering, exhausted	2	adj.																													3
1527817589	سینه سوخته	seena sokhtá	exhausted, worn out, very tired; dejected, discouraged	2	adj.																													3
1527817588	سینه سوز	seena sóz	exhausted, worn out, very tired; dejected, discouraged	2	adj.																													3
1589885333888	سېوا	sewáa	above and beyond, in addition to, more	4	adj.																													3
1527820968	شاد	shaad	happy, glad, joyful	4	adj.																													3
1527816883	شامل	shaamíl	included, involved, blended	4	adj.																													3
1704702115413	شاملول	shaamilawúl	to include, blend, join	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527816883	include																											3
1704702122473	شاملېدل	shaamiledúl	to be included, blended, join	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527816883	be	included																										3
1527817617	شان مان	shaan máan	disturbed, distressed	2	adj.																													3
1527815980	شاندار	shaandáar	magnificent, majestic, outstanding, splendid	3	adj.																													3
1527821543	شاقه	shaaqá	hard, difficult	3	adj.																													3
1527813096	شاړ	shaaR	lazy, suggish, unkempt, uncultivated	2	adj.																													3
1527813097	شاړي واړي	shaaRee wáaRee	lazy, sluggish, clumsy	2	adj.																													3
1527813069	شډل	shaDál	rough, clumsy, impolite, lazy, unproductive	3	adj.																													3
1527818880	شفاف	shafáaf	transparent, (translucent?)	3	adj.																													3
1527822592	شفوي	shafawée	labial, bilabial (linguistics)	2	adj.																													3
1578414448765	شک	shak	upright, on end, sticking up	4	adj.																													3
1582659165416	شکي	shakée, shukée	doubtful, doubting, suspicious	4	adj.																													3
1594218241691	شخ	shakh	firm, hard, rigid, tight, rooted	4	adj.																													3
1527815264	شخصي	shakhsée	private, personal	4	adj.																													3
1527820917	شکمن	shakmán	doubtful, suspicious	4	adj.																													3
1610447951207	شکور	shakóor	very thankful, grateful	4	adj.																													
1586428048737	شل و شوټ	shal-U-shóoT	having deformed hands and feet, disabled	4	adj.																													3
1527819464	شمالي	shamaalée	northern, north	3	adj.																													3
1527820793	شناختي	shanaakhtée, shinaakhtée, shináakhtee	pertaining to acquaintance, knowing, identification, recognition	3	adj.																													3
1527817262	شنډ	shanD	barren, sterile, unfruitful, neutralized, diffused	4	adj.																													3
1527812378	شرعي	shara'ée, shar'ée	according to or pertaining to Islamic Sharia law	4	adj.																													3
1527820538	شرافتمند	sharaafatmánd	honourable, upstanding	3	adj.																													1
1578097019080	شریف	sharéef	honourable, noble, high, reknown	3	adj.																													3
1619278347723	شریر	sharéer	evil, wicked	4	adj.									اشرار	ashraar																			3
1527817807	شرمنده	sharmandá, sharmindá	ashamed, embarrassed, modest, shy	4	adj.																													3
1703655517735	شرمنده کول	sharmanda kawúl, sharminda kawúl	to shame, make embarrased	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527817807	shame																											3
1703655522759	شرمنده کېدل	sharmanda kedúl, sharminda kedúl	to be ashamed, embarrased	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527817807	be	ashamed																										3
1527823202	شوقي	shawqée, shoqée	desirous for something, interested in something, enthusiastic about something	4	adj.																													3
1527823203	شوقین	shawqéen, shoqéen	desirous for something, interested in something, enthusiastic about something	4	adj.																													3
1527815265	شین	sheen	green, blue; unripe, immature; bright, sunny	4	adj.				شنه	shnu	شن	shn																						3
1527813374	شیرین	sheeréen	sweet; pleasant, kind	3	adj.																													3
1527813376	شیرین زبان	sheereen zubáan	sweet-tongued, eloquent, affectionate	2	adj.																													3
1527818924	شیرګرم	sheergárm	lukewarm, tepid	4	adj.																													3
1527811462	شېوه	shewá	lowered, let down, sunken	2	adj.																													3
1527813702	شګاره	shigáara	pregnant with calf	2	adj.																													2
1527821991	شلخي	shilkhée, shulkhée	blank (cartridge, round, fire)	2	adj.																													3
1527819458	شمالي	shimaalée, shamaalée	northern, north	4	adj.																													3
1527818384	شناخته	shnaakhtá, shnáakhta, shináakhta	acquainted, known, recognized	4	adj.																													3
1527814539	شوده	shodá	foolish, silly, stupid, simpleton	3	adj.																													3
1527821471	شوخ	shokh	mischievous, naughty, playful, cheeky, fun	4	adj.																													3
1527821472	شوخ چشم	shokh cháshum	having crafty or lively eyes	2	adj.																													3
1586428190205	شوخ و شخ	shokh-U-shákh	immodest, brazen	3	adj.																													3
1594833736380	شوخي	shokhée	mischievous, naughty, playful, cheeky, fun	3	adj.																													3
1527813426	شوم	shoom	stingy, miserly, closefisted	4	adj.																													3
1527819170	شوم	shoom	ill-fated, unlucky, ill-fated	2	adj.																													3
1527822948	شومله	shoomlá	old, decrepit, worn out	1	adj.																													2
1527813853	شونی	shóonay	possible, plausible	4	adj.																													3
1527811977	شونټی	shoonTáy	disabled, invalid	2	adj.																													1
1527815277	شوروي	shorawée	Soviet	3	adj.																													3
1590838933220	شپاړسم	shpaaRasúm	sixteenth	4	adj.																													3
1527823598	شپنی	shpanáy	at night, pertaining to something at night	3	adj.																													3
1589025464021	شپېتم	shpetúm	sixtieth	4	adj.																													3
1588689159821	شپږم	shpaGám, shpuGúm	sixth	4	adj.																													3
1527813100	شړم	shRam, shaRam	loose, loose-hanging, poorly attached, lazy, clumsy	2	adj.																													2
1527814903	شته من	shtu mán	rich, wealthy	3	adj.																													3
1527814902	شتمن	shtumán	rich, wealthy	3	adj.																													3
1527818773	شبهه ناک	shUbha náak, shabha náak	dubious, suspicious	2	adj.																													3
1527813211	شکر ګذار	shUkur gUzáar	thankful, appreciative, grateful	1	adj.																													3
1591805227037	شله	shúla, shla	insistent, persistent, importunate	4	adj.																													3
1589025148202	شلم	shulúm	twentieth	4	adj.																													3
1527811235	شوار	shwaar	spread out, laid out, straddled	1	adj.																													3
1527815288	صحت مند	sihat múnd, sihat mánd	healthy	3	adj.																													3
1571526876342	صحي	sihée	hygenic, sanitary, healthy, health	4	adj.																													1
1675252112032	سلګونه	sulgóona, silgóona	hundreds of		adj.																													3
1527815471	سیاسي	siyaasée	political	4	adj.																													3
1589907084008	سخا	skhaa, sukháa	rotten, foul, putrid, infected, inflamed	3	adj.																													3
1709149256052	سخا کول	skhaa kawúl, sukhaa kawúl	to (make) rot	3	v. stat. comp. trans.	1589907084008	rot																											2
1709149258827	سخا کېدل	skhaa kedúl, sukhaa kedúl	to rot	3	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1589907084008	rot																											3
1527822302	سخر	skhur, súkhur	bald, bald-headed	1	adj.																													3
1586634499416	سخواړ	sukhwáaR	having a flat/duck-like nose	2	adj.																													3
1527817384	سوکال	sokaal	comfortable, at rest, at ease	4	adj.																													3
1527817597	سوخته	sokhtá	burned, scorched, tired out, worn out	4	adj.																													3
1527816460	سوله خوښوونکی	sola khwuxawóonkay	peace loving, peacable	4	adj.																													1
1527821052	سوله ییز	sola yeez	peaceful	4	adj.																													3
1527817149	سوچه	soochá	pure, genuine, unmixed	4	adj.																													3
1527818468	سودمند	soodmánd	advantageous, profitable	3	adj.																													3
1527821407	سوک موک	sook mook	wrinkled	3	adj. doub.																													3
1527822744	سونګټ	soongúT	wrinkled, numb, stiff, stiff with cold	3	adj.																													3
1527813293	سور	soor	red; hot; angry	4	adj.				سره	sru	سر	sr																						3
1713348443820	سور کول	soor kawul	to fry	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527813293	fry, fries, frying, fried																											3
1713348445436	سور کېدل	soor kedúl	to be fried	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527813293	be	friend																										3
1527813273	سورکی	soorkáy	red, scarlet	3	adj.																													3
1576946674316	سوتره	sootrá	clean, neat, tidy	3	adj.																													3
1527813068	سوړ	soR, sooR	cold, cool; patient; lazy; inactive; satisfied	4	adj.				ساړه	saaRu	سړ	saR																						3
1701943782864	سړول	saRawúl	to cool, make cold	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527813068			سړيخواره	saReekhwaarú																								1
1701943833082	سړېدل	saRedúl	to cool down, to get cold	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527813068			سړیخور	saReekhwar																								3
1701943860322	سړيخور	saReekhór	man-eater, cannibal	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1600080053835	سور	sor	riding, mounted (Pakistani)	4	adj.				سواره	swaaru	سور	swar																						1
1630938741196	سورور	sorawár	wide, open	4	adj.																													1
1578329248464	سپین	speen	white (fig. clear, honest, beautiful)	4	adj.																													3
1527811785	سپین اندامی	speen andáamay	handsome	4	adj.																													2
1527817606	سپین مخی	speen múkhay	white faced, honest, honorable, innocent	4	adj.																													3
1527817452	سپین سترګی	speen stúrgay	rude, insolent, thankless	3	adj.																													3
1527811338	سپین زړی	speen zúRay	sincere hearted, candid, trusting	3	adj.																													1
1591805070681	سپینپوست	speenpóst	white (skinned person)	4	adj.																													3
1527822575	سپېره	sperú	gray; infertile, barren; dirty, soiled; deathly pale, sallow; unfortunate, ill-fated; unfit, useless; ruined, devastated	4	adj.																													3
1527822574	سپېره شان	speru sháan	grayish	4	adj.																													3
1527818109	سپېڅلی	spetsúlay	absolutely or perfectly clean, uncontaminated, pure (holy, magnificent  سپيڅلي??)	4	adj.																													1
1527814894	سپیڅلی	spaytsúlay	holy, magnificent	4	adj.																													2
1610447888169	سپور	spor	stale, dry (bread/crust); offensive, unpleasant (word)	4	adj.																													3
1527813498	سپک	spuk	light; dishonorable, not respectable	4	adj.																													3
1527814841	سراښ	sraax	greedy, miserly, stingy	2	adj.																													3
1582316966890	سریښناک	sreexnáak	sticky, adhesive	4	adj.																													3
1527811301	ستومانه	stomáana	tired, exhausted, worn out	4	adj.																													3
1703655437148	ستومانه کول	stomaana kawúl	to make tired, to exhaust, to wear out	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527811301	make	tired																										3
1703655440540	ستومانه کېدل	stomaana kedúl	to become tired, to be exhaused, worn out	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527811301	become	tired																										3
1527819505	ستون	stoon	returned, returning, being (in a place after returning, coming back etc.), delayed, late, lagging	3	adj.				ستانه	staanu	ستن	stan																						3
1527820178	ستونزمن	stoonzmán	difficult, hard, problematic, fraught with difficulties, tough, awkward	3	adj.																													2
1527820179	ستونزمنه	stoonzmána	difficult, hard, problematic, fraught with difficulties, tough, awkward	3	adj.																													3
1678446764580	ستراتیژیک	straateejzéek	strategic		adj.																													3
1527811860	ستر	stur	big, large, great	3	adj.																													3
1586373700088	سترګه وال	sturga wáal	clear-seeing, observant, intelligent, one with eyes to see, discerning	4	adj.																													3
1527818455	سترګه ور	sturga wúr	clear-seeing, observant, intelligent, one with eyes to see, discerning	4	adj.																													3
1527818457	سترګور	sturgawúr	clear-seeing, observant, intelligent, one with eyes to see, discerning (سترګه ور)	4	adj.																													3
1527820362	سده	sUdá, sadá	pure, uncontaminated; genuine, real	3	adj.																													3
1527822290	سډر	sUDúr	bald, balding, mangy, scabby	1	adj.																													1
1527811934	سږ	suG	this, the current	4	adj.																													3
1527811742	سږنی	suGunáy	this, current	4	adj.																													3
1527818881	سهیلي	sUhaylée, suheelée	southern	2	adj.																													3
1527821054	صلح آمېز	sUlha améz	peaceful, peace-loving	4	adj.																												true	3
1589025266347	سلم	sulúm, silúm	hundredth	4	adj.																													3
1527813286	سناري	sUnaarée, sunaarée	golden, gilded	3	adj.																													2
1678361172157	سنتي	sUnnatée, sUnatée	do with Sunnah, religious		adj.																													3
1676484831429	سرخروی	sUrkhróoy	glorious, lustrous, proud, palmy		adj.																													
1527813092	سست	sUst, sust, sast	weak; slow, sluggish, lazy; loose, slack; gay	4	adj.																													3
1714821014754	سستول	sUstawúl	to loosen, make lazy, weak, sluggish	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527813092	loosen																											3
1714821016311	سستېدل	sUstedúl	to become loose, lazy, weak, sluggish	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527813092	become	loose																										3
1527822745	سټکوری	suTkóoray	burned, charred; wrinkling, puckering; seared, scorched; frozen stiff with cold; withered	4	adj.																													1
1527821951	سوی	súway	burned	4	adj.																													3
1618426953106	سواد دار	swaad dáar, sawaad dáar, siwaad dáar	educated	4	adj.																													3
1527816353	سوب	swab	ready, present	2	adj.																													
1527819964	سوځېدونکی	swadzedóonkay	burning	4	adj.																													3
1527816875	سوېلي	swelée	southern	2	adj.																													2
1527817529	تعلیمي	ta'leemée	educational, pertaining to eduction	4	adj.																													3
1527822938	تعمیراتي	ta'meeraatée	pertaining to building, construction	4	adj.																													3
1527822937	تعمیري	ta'meerée	pertaining to building, construction	4	adj.																													3
1527820615	تعرضي	ta'rUzée, ta'arizée	offensive, attacking, pertaining to attack	4	adj.																													3
1527813735	تابع	taabí'	submitting, subordinate, submissive, dependant, in agreement with (د چا تابع)	4	adj.																													3
1527813736	تابع دار	taabi dáar	at someone's service, submitting, devoted, obedient, obeying	4	adj.																													3
1588786098052	تابیا	taabyáa	ready, made, done	4	adj.																													3
1661534427131	ټاکند	Táakand	decisive, categorical, crucial	4	adj.																													2
1527812382	تاکیدي	taakeedée	final, categorical, peremptory	4	adj.																													3
1527818275	ټاکنیز	Taakunéez	electoral, election	4	adj.																													3
1575057323596	تالیمن	taaleemán	lucky, fortunate	4	adj.																													2
1575057352250	طالعمن	taali'mán	lucky, fortunate	3	adj.																													3
1575057359782	طالعمند	taali'mánd	lucky, fortunate	3	adj.																													3
1527822417	ټانټس	TaanTás, TaanTís	dull-witted, stupid, of limited intelligence	3	adj.																													3
1527822301	تاس	taas	bald, bald-headed	4	adj.																													3
1588159413543	تاش پتاش	taash putáash	scattered, thrown about, sparse	4	adj.																													1
1527814474	تاشله	taashúla, taashulá, taashilá	wide and shallow (for describing dishes)	3	adj.																													3
1527814955	تاشله	taashúla, taashilá	wide and shallow (for describing dishes)	3	adj.																													3
1577398574957	تاو	taaw	twisted, wrapped, surrounding	4	adj.																													1
1527811746	تاواني	taawaanée	damaged, hurt, experienced loss	4	adj.																													2
1527815056	تاوتریخجن	taawtreekhjín, taawtreekhjún	violent	4	adj.																													3
1527815327	تازه	taazá	fresh	4	adj.																													3
1714730130239	تازه کول	taaza kawúl	to refresh		v. stat. comp. trans.	1527815327	refresh																											3
1714730132878	تازه کېدل	taaza kedúl	to be refreshed		v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527815327	be	refreshed																										3
1527815958	تازه دم	taaza dám	fresh, new	4	adj.																													3
1527812387	تباه	tabáah	destroyed, perished	4	adj.																													3
1527817329	تباه حال	tabaah háal	annihilated, destroyed	4	adj.																													3
1527817328	تباه کن	tabaah kÚn	destroying, destructive, annihilating	4	adj.																													3
1678366096445	طبقاتي	tabaqaatée, tabqatée	pertaining to class		adj.																													3
1527811216	طبیعي	tabee'ée, taba`ée	natural	4	adj.																													3
1527820997	تدافعي	tadaafu'ée	defensive, defence	4	adj.																													3
1527818713	تدریجي	tadreejée	gradual	4	adj.																													3
1527815940	تدریسي	tadreesée	related to learning, education; educational	4	adj.																													3
1527823119	تفهمده	tafahUmdá, tafahmdá, tafhamdá	understood (from Farsi)	3	adj.																													3
1527819562	ټګری ټګری	Taguráy Taguráy, Tigráy Tigráy	torn into pieces	4	adj.																													2
1589020766261	تهاجمي	tahaajUmée	offensive, attacking	4	adj.																													3
1527818920	تهن	tahán, táhan	lukewarm, tepid	3	adj.																													3
1527814762	تحلیلي	tahleelée	analytical	4	adj.																													3
1527817136	تحمیلي	tahmeelée	imposed	4	adj.																													3
1527823460	تحت صفر	taht-i-sífur	below zero (temperature)	4	adj.																													3
1527823124	تجربه کار	tajraba káar, tajriba káar, tajrUba káar	experienced	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1584518668545	ټکنی	Takanáy	holding back, stuck, stubborn, balky, clogged	4	adj.																													3
1690461105719	تخیلي	takhayUlée	imaginary, assumed, fantastic, dreamy, romantic	3	adj.																												TRUE	3
1527822935	تخلیقي	takhleeqée	creative	4	adj.																													3
1527821494	تخمیني	takhmeenée	estimated, guessing, hypothetical, approximate; imaginary	4	adj.																													3
1594814152371	تخنیکي	takhneekée	technical	4	adj.																													3
1527820123	تخته	takhtá	compact, condensed, compressed	4	adj.																													3
1527822049	تکړه	takRá	strong, energetic, vigorous, having the vigour of life, skillful, great, competent	4	adj.																													3
1620760084473	تکتیکي	takteekée	tactical	4	adj.																													3
1527815331	تعلیم یافته	taleem yaaftá	educated	4	adj.																													3
1577550900580	تلول	talwál	abundant, plentiful	4	adj.																													
1577551485470	تم	tam	waiting, stopped, held	4	adj.																													3
1527815770	تمام	tamáam	all, the whole; finished, completed	4	adj.																													3
1527821884	تمدن والا	tamadÚn waalaa	civilized	4	adj.																													3
1527818917	تمڼ	tamaN	lukewarm, tepid	4	adj.																													3
1527818918	تمڼی	tamáNay	lukewarm, tepid	4	adj.																													1
1527813066	ټمبل	Tambál	lazy	4	adj.																													3
1527820181	تنبل	tambál, tanbál	lazy	3	adj.																													3
1527813084	تن پرور	tan parwár	soft, effeminate, delicate, lazy, slow-moving, glutton	4	adj.																													3
1626764783732	تنفسي	tanafUsée	respiratory	4	adj.																													3
1527818855	ټنډ	TanD	fat, swollen up, stout	3	adj.																													3
1527818856	ټنډه	TánDa	pregnant (outside of wedlock?)	4	adj.																													3
1612609262751	تندی	tandáy	round	4	adj.																													3
1527811769	تنډو	tanDóo, tanDó	big-bellied, pot-bellied (colloquial)	4	adj.																													3
1527819943	تندرست	tandrÚst, tandrúst	healthy, fit, chubby	4	adj.																													3
1527819944	تندروست	tanduróost, tandróost	healthy, fit, chubby	4	adj.																													3
1527813817	تنګ	tang	narrow, tight, cramped, constrained; troubled, bothered, annoyed	4	adj.																													3
1527817426	تنګ دل	tang díl	miserly, stingy, not generous	4	adj.																													3
1527818798	تنګ حوصله	tang hawsilá, tang hawsalá	impatient, anxious, hasty, grumpy	4	adj.																													3
1527813271	تنګ تروش	tang tróosh	very tight or narrow	4	adj.																													3
1527819235	تنګلاسی	tangláasay	needy, in need, poor	4	adj.																													3
1527814020	تنکی	tankáy	small, fine, dellicate, little, young	4	adj.																													3
1611401435945	تنخا	tankháa	salary, wage, pay	4	adj.																													3
1675435108751	طنزي	tanzée	satirical, ironic		adj.																													2
1527818355	تپه تیاره	tapa tiyaara	pitch black, absolutely black	4	adj.																													2
1527820978	تربت	tarbút	compressed, squeezed, stuffed	4	adj.																													3
1527811568	تری تم	taray tám	disappeared, lost, vanished, missing	4	adj.																													2
1527819628	ترهګریز	tarhagaréez, trahgaréez	terrorist, pertaining to terrorism	4	adj.																													3
1527814246	ترکیبي	tarkeebée	compound, composite, complex, complicated, synthetic	4	adj.																													3
1527816401	ترور	taróor	confused, flustered, upset, distressed, embarrassed	4	adj.																													
1611767359178	ترسناک	tarsnáak	compassionate	4	adj.																													3
1527813406	تړلی	taRúlay	bound, tied, closed	4	adj.																													3
1527814340	ترقي یافته	taraqee yaaftá, taruqqee yaftá	advanced, developed	4	adj.																													3
1527815338	تسلي بخش	tasallee bákhsh, tasalee bákhsh	consoling, reassuring, satisfying, satisfactory	4	adj.																													3
1527818394	تشریفاتي	tashreefaatée	formal, ceremonial, done out of protocol; honour, honourable	3	adj.																													3
1610455734519	تصویري	tasweerée	visual, pictured	4	adj.																													3
1589021654910	تطبیقي	tatbeeqée	applied	3	adj.																													3
1527818919	تودوکی	tawdóokay	lukewarm, tepid	3	adj.																													1
1527816354	تیار	tayáar	ready, prepared	4	adj.																													3
1527816006	ټیک	Teek	correct, true, exact, right, good	4	adj.								TRUE																					3
1527819864	ټیټ	TeeT	short, low, inferior	4	adj.																													3
1577564227515	تیت	teet	spread, scattered, disperesed, instilled	4	adj.																													1
1527816991	ټېک	Tek	residing, settled	4	adj.																													1
1594909405356	ټېلفوني	Telifoonée	telephone, phone	4	adj.																													3
1527813139	تېر	ter	last, past, previous, passed, gone over	4	adj.																													3
1527822350	تېر هېر	ter her	long past, forgotten	4	adj.																													3
1586266481569	تېر هېر	ter her	long past/gone, forgotten	4	adj.																													3
1611767349960	تېره	terú	sharp	4	adj.																													3
1715086249847	تېره کول	teru kawúl	to sharpen		v. stat. comp. trans.	1611767349960	sharpen																											3
1715086252513	تېره کېدل	teru kedúl	to be sharpened		v. stat. comp. intrans.	1611767349960	be	sharpened																										3
1527817056	تېز	tez	sharp, pointed, quick, fast, aggressive	4	adj.																													3
1701931041427	تېزول	tezawúl	to sharpen, make pointed; to speed up, make fast	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527817056																												3
1701931086341	تېزېدل	tezedúl	to get sharpened, pointed; to speed up, get faster	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527817056																												3
1527813899	طبي	tibée, tibbée	medical, medicinal; natural	4	adj.																													3
1527817604	تهي	tihée	empty, idle, vain	3	adj.																													2
1527811915	طلایي	tilaayée	golden, golden	4	adj.																													3
1527817664	تود	tod	warm, hot	4	adj.				تاوده	taawdu	تود	tawd																						3
1527815354	توفاني	tofaanée	stormy	4	adj.																													3
1527816780	توکمیز	tokaméez	racial	3	adj.																													3
1527819782	توکمپال	tokampáal	racist	3	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527816783	توکمیزي	tokumeezée	racial	3	adj.																													3
1527812962	ټولیز	Toléez	common, public, general	4	adj.																													3
1662619335776	ټولګډونه	TolguDóona	inclusive, all-inclusive	4	adj.																													3
1676889189206	ټولپوهنیز	Tolpohanéez	soiological		adj.																													3
1662619278050	ټولشمول	Tolshamóol	inclusive, all-inclusive (ټولشمول حکومت  - all-inclusive government)	4	adj.																													3
1527814076	ټولنیز	Tolunéez, Tolanéez	social, societal	4	adj.																													3
1579463480564	تومڼ	tomáN	lukewarm, indifferent, apathetic, unconcerned	3	adj.																													3
1579463492020	تومڼی	tomúNay	lukewarm, warm	4	adj.																													1
1527822894	توکم پال	tookum páal	racist	3	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													1
1527818912	تومڼی	toomÚNay, tomuNáy	lukewarm, warm	4	adj.																													1
1589022631931	توند	toond	sharp, harsh, caustic; fast, quick, swift; acrid, coarse	4	adj.				توند	toond	تند	tand																						3
1527820590	توند لاری	toond láaray	extremist, extravagant, excessive	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527813028	توریالی	tooryaaláy	brave, courageous, valourous	4	adj.																													3
1586276336971	توریالی	tooryaaláy	courageous, brave, valiant	4	adj.																													2
1527820431	تورزن	toorzán	brave, bold, fearless, courageous, daring	4	adj.																													3
1574871056550	توتی	tóotay	ground off, rounded off	2	adj.																													
1527815365	تور	tor	black	4	adj.																													3
1527817607	تور مخی	tor múkhay	disgraceful, shameful, dishonered	4	adj.																													3
1527813138	تورن	torán, torún	accused, charged, being sued, defendant	4	adj.																													3
1527819720	توری	toráy	black, having a dark complexion, black person	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1591805053098	تورپوست	torpóst	black (skinned person)	4	adj.																													3
1527813835	تورتلب	tortaláb	really black, black as soot, absolutely black	3	adj.																													3
1527822341	تورتپ	tortáp	see تورتم	4	adj.																													3
1579463390140	توښ	tox	paying attention, attentive	3	adj.																													3
1579644457295	توی	toy, tooy	poured, shed, spilled, scattered, knocked down (fruit)	4	adj.																													3
1527820436	ترافیکي	traafeekée	traffic	4	adj.																													3
1527820841	ترانزیتي	traanzeetée	transit, pertaining to transportation	4	adj.																													3
1593258382116	ترسکونه	traskóona	tasty, delicious	4	adj.																													
1527815366	تریخ	treekh	bitter, hot, spicy (of food); terrible, miserable	4	adj.				تراخه	traakhu	ترخ	turkh																						3
1527819604	ترینګلی	treengúlay	tense, stern, grim, sour, moody (person)	4	adj.																													3
1527818789	تریو	treew	salty, savoury, sour, acid, bitter, grumpy	4	adj.				تراوه	traawu	ترو	truw																						3
1576366107077	څک	tsak	straight, upright, pricked up, erect, alert	4	adj.																													3
1527812957	څک اروا	tsak arwáa	greedy, eager, hungry, grasping	4	adj.																													3
1590839082693	څلېرویشتم	tsalerweeshtúm	twenty-fourth	4	adj.																													3
1588689159818	څلورم	tsalorúm	fourth	4	adj.																													3
1713259104522	څلوېښتم	tsalwextúm	fortieth	4	adj.																													3
1527822284	څموڅی	tsamóotsay, tsamotsáy	bald, bald-headed	2	adj.																													3
1624352971513	څڼېور	tsaNewár, tsaNewúr	with longer hair	4	adj.																													3
1527822859	څپولی	tsapólay, tsapoláy	dishevelled, messy, curly (with hair etc.)	2	adj.																													3
1527816134	څپڅپانه	tsaptsapáana	disordered, disturbed, unsettled, grieved, pained	3	adj.																													2
1568411327197	څړه	tsaRá	solitary, lonely, secluded; travelling without burden/luggage	2	adj.																													2
1527815370	څرګند	tsargúnd	clear, obvious, apparent, disclosed	4	adj.																													3
1708355928197	څرګنده	tsargúnda	clear, obvious, apparent, disclosed	4	adj.																													3
1527822718	څرخېدونکی	tsarkhedóonkay	turning, revolving, spinning	3	adj.																													3
1594128581723	څرمني	tsarmúnee	leather	4	adj.																													3
1527818450	څیري	tséeree	torn, split, ripped	3	adj.																													3
1527811961	څېړنیز	tseRunéez	investigative, relating to research	3	adj.																													3
1527814250	څواړخیز	tsoaaRkhéez	having many sides, complicated (of a question)	3	adj.																													3
1527822828	څوڅلن	tsootslún	greedy, covetous, avid	2	adj.																													3
1732538860610	څوڅلند	tsootsulúnd	greedy, covetous, avid	2	adj.																													2
1527820297	څورنګه	tsoránga	colourful, multicoloured	3	adj.																													3
1590838876921	څوارلسم	tswaarlasúm	fourteenth	4	adj.																													3
1612618964231	څورب	tsorb	fat, plump, husky	4	adj.				څاربه	tsaarbú	څرب	tsarb																						1
1713091427072	څربول	tsarbawúl	to fatten, make plump	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1612618964231	fatten																											3
1713091429647	څربېدل	tsarbedúl	to get fattened, plump	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1612618964231	be	fattened																										3
1713091388665	څربت	tsarbát	fatness, plumpness, obeisity		adj.																													3
1590838860408	څورلسم	tswarlasúm	fourteenth	4	adj.																													3
1593792697327	طفلي	tUfilée, tuflée	childish, baby-like	3	adj.																													3
1527815381	تږی	túGay	thirsty	4	adj.																													3
1715721212806	تږی کول	tuGay kawúl	to make thirsty	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527815381	make	thirsty																										
1715721219220	تږی کېدل	tuGay kedúl	to get thirsty, thirst	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527815381	thirst																											3
1527820505	ټکي ټکي	TÚkee TÚkee, túkee túkee	torn into shreds; splattering, drizzling (of rain)	4	adj.																													3
1527819567	ټکر ټکر	TUkúr TUkúr, Tukúr Tukúr	cut up into pieces, torn up into pieces, destroyed, ruined	4	adj.																													2
1527820506	ټکیالی	Tukyáalay	spotted, speckled; having a diacritical mark (of a letter)	4	adj.																													2
1527818265	تلپاته	tulpáata, tilpáata	lasting, everlasting, eternal	4	adj.																													3
1527819383	تلپاتی	tulpáatay	eternal, everlasting	4	adj.																													3
1527818796	تندخوی	tUndkhóoy, tundkhóoy	grumbler, grouchy, grumpy	4	adj.																													3
1577400040486	تر	tur	wet, damp	4	adj.																													3
1577400137676	تر لاسه	tur láasa	gained, achieved, obtained (used with compound verbs)	4	adj.																													3
1527816128	ترغه	turghá	sparse, scattered, thrown about, diffused	4	adj.																													3
1527819289	تړم	tuRm, tRum	lukewarm, tepid	4	adj.																													3
1527818238	ترسره	tursára, tarsára	finished, accomplished, carried out, completed, happened	4	adj.																													3
1527814181	ترش	tUrsh, tursh	sour, dissatisfied, gloomy	4	adj.																													3
1527816121	تس	tus	thrown, tossed, strewn	4	adj.																													2
1527814907	تش لاسی	tush láasay	poor, empty handed	4	adj.																													3
1527819236	تشلاسی	tushláasay	needy, in need, poor	3	adj.																													3
1527814769	تت	tat, tut	faint, weak, muffled, dark (of a color)	4	adj.																													3
1577551132105	تول	twal, tol	equal (in weight)	4	adj.																													
1527816574	افقي	UfUqée	horizontal	4	adj.																													3
1527821195	عمده	U'mdá	chief, principal; wholesale	4	adj.																													3
1527813713	امیدوار	Umeedwáar	hopeful, pregnant	4	adj.																													3
1527813699	امیدواره	Umeedwáara	pregnant (امیدوار)	4																														3
1527816578	عمودي	U'moodée	vertical, perpendicular	2	adj.																													3
1527813951	عمومي	U'moomée	general, ordinary, typical, universal, main	4	adj.																													3
1527813229	عمري	U'mree, u'mrée	for life, forever, constant, final, eternal	3	adj.																													3
1577385194431	عقده	Uqdá, aqdá	complicated, intricate, twisted	2	adj.																													3
1577223774438	اردو یي	Urdoo yée, Udoo`ée	army, forces	4	adj.																												true	3
1527821184	عرفي	U'rfée, i'rfée	based on civil law, based on custom, usual	2	adj.																													3
1527818200	اریځي	Uryadzee	cloudy, cloudiness	1	adj.																													
1527819440	عثماني	U'smaanée	Ottoman	2	adj.																													3
1527823607	اصولي	Usoolée	fundamental, basic, essential, key, primary, organic, ultimate	4	adj.																													3
1527813348	استری	Ustráy	last, latest	3	adj.																													1
1527821278	وابسته	waabistá, waabustá	dependant, affiliated, attached, associated	3	adj.																													3
1527811248	واجب	waajíb	necessary, binding, incumbent, obligatory (Arabic and religious/Islamic)	4	adj.																													3
1527816037	واکمن	waakmán	in power, in control, in authority	4	adj.																													2
1527821049	واقف	waaqíf	informed, aware	4	adj.																													3
1527820846	وارداتي	waaridaatée	imported, import	3	adj.																													3
1527813012	وارخطا	waarkhatáa	flustered, excited, embarrassed, confused	4	adj.																													3
1638873347498	واورین	waawréen	snow (pertaining to snow)	4	adj.																													3
1592559895632	واز	waaz	open	4	adj.																													3
1527821259	واضح	waazíh	clear, plain, evident, obvious	4	adj.																													3
1708355873005	واضحه	waazíha	clear, plain, evident, obvious	4	adj.																													3
1527816608	ودان	wadáan	prosperous, built, established, populated (کور دې ودان)	4	adj.																													2
1527816266	وفادار	wafaadáar	faithful, loyal	4	adj.																													3
1527815398	وفات	wafáat	dead, deceased, passed away	4	adj.																													2
1621933529991	وحشتناک	wahshatnáak	dreadful, terrifying, frightful, awful	4	adj.																													3
1527821763	وحشي	wahshée	wild, savage, barbaric, fierce, vicious	4	adj.																													3
1527813009	وژیز	wajzéez	veined, neural	2	adj.																													2
1527813916	وژونکی	wajzóonkay	killing, lethal, deadly	4	adj.																													3
1576612617485	ول ول	wal wal	curled, pleated, tangled, disheveled, unravelled, entangled, confused	3	adj.																													2
1527811544	ولاړ	waláaR, wuláaR	standing; stopped	3	adj.																													3
1576612618619	ولول	walwal	curled, pleated, tangled, disheveled, unravelled, entangled, confused	4	adj.																													3
1527811747	ور د غاړې	war du gháaRe	belonging to, used in cases of accountability, blame, owning up to something etc. (ie. مسوليت اوس دولت ته ور د غاړې دی -- The responsibility now belongs to the government)	4	adj.																													3
1527812232	ور په غاړه	war pu gháaRa	belonging to, used in cases of accountability, blame, owning up to something etc. (i.e.. مسوليت اوس دولت ته ور په غاړه دی -- The responsibility now belongs to the government)	4	adj.																													1
1582335515390	وړین	waRéen	woollen	4	adj.																													2
1527818617	وړیا	waRiyáa, waRyáa	free, free of charge	4	adj.																													2
1527823715	وړکوټی	waRkóTay	small, little; (also as a child)	3	adj.																													2
1527815403	وړوکی	waRóokay	little, small	4	adj.																													3
1701935319359	وړوکی کول	waRookay kawúl	to shrink, make small	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527815403	shrink, shrinks, shrinking, shrunk, shrunken																											3
1701935323586	وړوکی کېدل	waRookay kedúl	to shrink, become small	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527815403	shrink, shrinks, shrinking, shrunk, shrunken																											3
1527815404	ورته	wárta	similar, alike, comparable (ته ورته)	4	adj.																													2
1527823714	وړکی	waRÚkay, waRUkáy	small, little; (also as a child)	4	adj.																													3
1584518589450	ورزووند	warzowánd, warzwánd	hateful	2	adj.																													2
1527821671	وسپنیز	waspanéez, ospanéez	iron	4	adj.																													3
1527822835	وټیز	waTéez	economic (اقتصادي)	2	adj.																													3
1675436853063	ویډیویي	weeDiyoyée	video ..., pertaining to video		adj.																													3
1527815408	ویده	weedú	asleep, sleeping	4	adj.																													3
1527816017	ویجاړ	weejáaR	destroyed, demolished	4	adj.																													3
1617991474774	ویلې	wéele	melted	4	adj.																													3
1715720833190	ویلې کول	weele kawúl	to melt (causative)		v. stat. comp. trans.	1617991474774	melt																											3
1715720835726	ویلې کېدل	weele kedúl	to melt		v. stat. comp. intrans.	1617991474774	melt																											3
1527822633	ویلي	wéelee, wáylee	melted	4	adj.																													2
1715720954509	ویلي کول	weelee kawúl, waylee kawúl	to melt (causative)		v. stat. comp. trans.	1527822633	melt																											3
1715720960097	ویلي کېدل	weelee kedúl, waylee kedúl	to melt		v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527822633	melt																											3
1527814036	ویړ	weeR	open, wide-open, gaping	4	adj.																													2
1623687946876	ویرجن	weerjún	tragic, sad, mournful, regrettable	4	adj.																													3
1527823179	ویت	weet	open, gaping, ajar	2	adj.																													3
1527817048	ویت خوله	weet khoolá	open-mouthed, stunned, amazed, inquiring	4	adj. / adv.								TRUE																					3
1732782629215	ویته خوله	weeta khoolá	open-mouthed, stunned, amazed, inquiring	4	adj. / adv.								TRUE																					2
1527817873	ویښ	weex	awake, awoken, alert, watchful, vigilant	4	adj.																													3
1527816455	وېشلی	weshúlay	separated, divided	3	adj.																													2
1527818913	وېزار	wezáar	fed up with, tired of, displeased with, lukewarm with	4	adj.																													2
1576113803291	ووړ	woR	small, little	4	adj.				واړه	waaRu	وړ	waR																						1
1527823713	ووړکی	wóRkay	small, little; (also as a child)	4	adj.																													
1527814002	ووړنی	woRúnay	summer	2	adj.																													2
1527817486	وران	wraan	ruined, destroyed; destructive, bad, naughty	4	adj.																													3
1702798307800	ورانول	wraanawúl	to ruin, destroy	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527817486																												3
1702798313177	ورانېدل	wraanedúl	to be ruined, destroyed	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527817486																												3
1527818305	ورځنی	wradzanáy	daily	4	adj.																													3
1527823106	ورین	wreen	cheerful	4	adj.																													3
1609949334478	وریت	wreet	roasted, grilled, barbequed, roast, burnt	3	adj.																													3
1586452546007	ورېښمین	wrexméen	silky, silken	4	adj.																													1
1649340997498	وروسته پاتې	wroosta páate	backwards (as in old-fashioned or undeveloped)	4	adj.																													3
1527818043	وروستنی	wroostanáy	final, last, latest, next???, extreme, top, rear, back	4	adj.																													3
1527813636	وروستی	wroostáy	last, latest, recent	4	adj.																													3
1527822838	وروست	wrost	rotten (non-food items), decayed, ruined	4	adj.				وراسته	wraastú	ورست	wrast																						1
1713119302072	ورستوب	wrastób	rot, decay, ruit		n. m.																													2
1701927961574	ورستول	wrastawúl	to make rot, spoil, to cause to decay	4	adj.		rot,rots,rotting,rotted,rotten																											2
1701927972367	ورستېدل	wrastedúl	to rot, spoil, decay	4	adj.	1527822838	rot,rots,rotting,rotted,rotten																											3
1527814373	ورک	wruk	lost	4	adj.																													3
1527819217	وړم	wRum	previous, prior, earlier	4	adj.																													2
1527817266	وچه	wúcha	barren, sterile, unfruitful; land, ground	4	adj.																													3
1527815424	وږی	wúGay, óoGay	hungry	4	adj.																													3
1576113883516	وږسترګی	wuGstúrgay	greedy, having greedy eyes	4	adj.																													2
1527813639	ولسي	wUlusée, oolasée	national, people's, folk	4	adj.																													3
1713258617078	اولسي	oolusée, oolasée	national, people's, folk	4	adj.																													3
1527818274	ولسمشري	wUlusmushurée, oolusmushurée	presidential	4	adj.																													3
1732598807178	ولسمشری	wUlusmushuráy, oolusmushuráy	presidential	4	adj.																													
1527818278	ولسمشریز	wUlusmushuréez, oolusmushuréez	presidential	3	adj.																													3
1611399565694	ولسواک	wUluswáak, Uluswáak	democratic	2	adj.																													3
1527819097	وزګار	wUzgáar, Uzgáar	free, unoccupied, available, at leisure	4	adj.																													3
1527821391	ویال	wyaal	fresh, young, free-and-easy, happy, glad	4	adj.																													3
1527818755	ښاد	xaad	cheerful, joyful, content, blessed, happy	4	adj.																													3
1527813027	ښاغلی	xaaghúlay	mister, Mr., honorable, esteemed, pleasing, nice	2	adj.																													3
1527820788	ښارنی	xaaranáy	city, urban	4	adj.																													3
1527811434	ښاري	xaarée	(pertaining to the) city, urban	4	adj.																													3
1527812761	ښایسته	xaaystá	beautiful	4	adj.																													3
1709149631280	ښایسته کول	xaaysta kawúl	to beautify	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527812761	beautify																											3
1709149634973	ښایسته کېدل	xaaysta kedúl	to be beutified	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527812761	be	beautified																										3
1645512585845	ښایسته	xaaystú	beautiful (non-standard inflecting version)	3	adj.																													
1622311165088	ښیښه یي	xeexa yée, xeexa`ée	glass, made of glass	4	adj.																													3
1527821613	ښېراز	xeráaz	fresh, cool; happy, merry, joyous	4	adj.																													3
1527821615	ښېرازه	xeráaza	prosperous, blossoming, thriving, flourishing, happiness, fresh	4	adj.																													3
1576373330532	ښی	xáy	right (direction - opposite of left)	4	adj.																													3
1527812778	ښکاره	xkaará	clear, obvious, apparent	3	adj.																													3
1702926248694	ښکاره کېدل	xkaara kedúl	to appear, become clear, to be revealed, to become obvious	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527812778																												3
1702926271272	ښکاره کول	xkaara kawúl	to expose, to reveal, to make clear	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527812778																												3
1527812779	ښکلی	xkÚlay	beautiful	4	adj.																													3
1709149728756	ښکلی کول	xkUlay kawúl	to beautify	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527812779	beautify																											3
1709149731295	ښکلی کېدل	xkUlay kedúl	to be beautified	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527812779	be	beautified																										3
1663958075432	ښوونیز	xowunéez, xowanéez	educational	4	adj.																													3
1527812796	ښه	xu	good	4	adj.																													3
1713866540567	ښه کول	xu kawúl	to make well, improve		v. stat. comp. trans.	1527812796	improve																											3
1713866542513	ښه کېدل	xu kedúl	to get well, improve		v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527812796	improve																											3
1527820752	ښځینه	xudzeená	womens, female, ladys	4	adj.																													3
1527818182	ښخ	xukh	buried, entombed; stuck in, thrust into, plunged into	4	adj.																													3
1527819905	ښویند	xwayúnd, xwayúnd	slippery	4	adj.																													3
1527819906	ښویندار	xwayundáar, xwayundáar	slippery	4	adj.																													3
1527819904	ښوی	xwáy	smooth, slippery; fake, counterfeit, hypocritical, fraudulent; sneakily, stealthily	1	adj. / adv.																													3
1527815498	یاد	yaad	aforementioned	3	adj.																													2
1527819950	یهودي	yahoodée	Jewish; Jew	4	adj. / n. m. anim.																													3
1527818331	یکړ	yakáR	single, only	2	adj.																													2
1527823757	یکي	yakée	only, just	4	adj.																													2
1527818332	یکي یو	yakee yo	sole, only, single	4	adj.				یکي یوه	yakee yawu	یکي یو	yakee yaw																						2
1527820246	یرغه	yarghá	ambling (horse or mule)	4	adj.																													2
1579831625395	یوازینی	yawaazeenáy	only, sole, single	4	adj.																													1
1527818328	یوازېنی	yawaazenáy	only, sole, single	4	adj.																													
1527815430	یوازنی	yawaazunáy	only, unique, sole	4	adj.																													3
1573151668550	یوکسیز	yawkaséez	for a single person	4	adj.																													2
1527820581	یولاس	yawláas	uniting, single homogeneous, uniform, identical, agreed	4	adj.																													3
1527811344	یومخی	yawmúkhay	sincere, true, genuine; truthful person	4	adj.																													2
1590839057909	یوویشتم	yawweeshtúm, yaweeshtúm	twenty-first	4	adj.																												true	2
1586618968254	یو اوونیز	yo ownéez	weekly	3	adj.																													3
1527820536	یوناني	yoonaanée	Greek	4	adj.																													3
1527818333	یووزری	yowazáray, yowzáray	alone, lacking a friend or partner, solitary, companion-less	4	adj.																													2
1586429021523	ظاهري	zaahirée	external, surface	4	adj.																													3
1527811491	ذاتي	zaatée	personal, individual; pertaining to caste	4	adj.																													3
1527815438	ضایع	zaayí', zaay, zaayá	spoiled, wasted, lost	3	adj.																													3
1578318352731	زایل	zaayúl, zaayíl	errased, self-effacing	3	adj.																													3
1527813379	زبان زد	zabaan zád	on everyone's lips	2	adj.																													3
1527813378	زباني	zabaanée	oral, spoken	4	adj.																													3
1578618090895	زبردست	zabardást	remarkable, great, splendid, lofty, immense, powerful, authoritative, skillful	2	adj.																													3
1576366788398	زبون	zabóon	weak, feable, helpless	3	adj.																													3
1527819700	ذهین	zahéen	intelligent, having a good memory	4	adj.																													3
1527817579	زهیر	zahéer	emaciated, gaunt, worn out, exhausted, powerless, sad, distressed	4	adj.																													3
1527815900	زحمت کش	zahmat kásh	hard-working, tough, industrious	4	adj.																													2
1527811256	زهرالود	zahraalóod, zahuralóod	poisonous, poisoned	4	adj.																													3
1527811258	زهروي	zahrawée	poisonous, toxic, venereal	4	adj.																													3
1527811257	زهردار	zahrdáar, zahurdáar	poisonous, poisoned, poisoning	4	adj.																													3
1527811283	زهري	zahrée	poisonous	3	adj.																													3
1613550671175	زهریله	zahréela	poisonuous, poisoning, poisoned (زهردار)	4	adj.																													3
1527818396	زهرجن	zahurjín, zahrjín	poisonous	3	adj.																													3
1527811628	زخمي	zakhmée	wounded, injured	4	adj.																													3
1527815918	زلند	zalánd, záland	vicious, nasty, malicious, spiteful, tyrannical	3	adj.																													3
1527817940	ذلیل	zaléel	disgraced, degraded, humiliated, contemptible	4	adj.																													3
1527819650	زمیني	zameenée	of the land, terrestrial	4	adj.																													3
1578319123789	زمنه پوهی	zamna póhay, zmana póhay	intelligent, comprehending, conscientious	3	adj.																													3
1527814026	زرین	zaréen	golden	4	adj.																													3
1527817116	زرغون	zarghóon	green, flourishing, flowering, growing; immature, unripe	3	adj.																													3
1609780002621	زرخیز	zarkhéez	fruitful, rich (as in soil), fertile	4	adj.																													3
1609780006604	زرخېز	zarkhéz	fruitful, rich (as in soil), fertile	3	adj.																													3
1713092993844	زرخېزه	zarkhéza	fruitful, rich (as in soil), fertile	3	adj.																													3
1527818005	ضروري	zaroorée	compulsory, necessary, crucial, critical, certain, definite, sure	4	adj.																													3
1527821342	ذروي	zarawée, zarrawée	nuclear, atomic, atom	4	adj.																													3
1527821344	ذري	zarée, zarrée	atomic, nuclear	3	adj.																													3
1527819991	زوجي	zawjée, zaujée	paired, composing a pair, pertaining to marriage	3	adj.																													3
1527814594	ضعیف	zayíf	weak, powerless	4	adj.																													3
1527811772	زبرګ	zburg	large, great, big, huge; saint, holy person	2	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527818939	زده	zda	learned, mastered, grasped, learned by heart	4	adj.																													3
1527821773	ذي علاقه	zee alaaqá	relevant, related to, pertaining to, in connection with	2	adj.																													3
1586617050315	ذي نفع	zee náf'a	beneficial	2	adj.																													3
1527818680	ذي صلاحیت	zee salaahiyát	competent	2	adj.																													3
1527818342	زیبا	zeebáa	beautiful	4	adj.																													3
1527819902	زیږ	zeeG	hard, stiff, firm, tight, rough, crude, having friction, crude, sharp, direct, frank, slang real (زيږ پښنون - a real Pashtun)	4	adj.				زیږه	zeeGú	زیږ	zeeG																						3
1595256274516	زیر	zeer	attentive, watchful, discreet; Farsi meaning "under"	4	adj.																													3
1527815445	زیړ	zeeR, zyaR	yellow, pale	4	adj.																													3
1527815922	زیرک	zeerák	sensible, wise, smart, well-behaved	4	adj.																													3
1577558872587	ذیروح	zeeróoh	animate, living (ساکښ)	3	adj.																													3
1527813924	زغمېدونکی	zghamedóonkay	bearable, tolerable	3	adj.																													3
1527816774	زغرد	zghard	outspoken, frank, brave	4	adj.																													3
1577816286639	زغروال	zghurawáal	armoured	3	adj.																													3
1610621303111	ضدي	zidée, ziddée	obstinate, stubborn, opposing, spiteful	4	adj.																													3
1527814790	ذهني	zihnée	mental, intellectual, psychological	4	adj.																													3
1595517359454	زله	zilá, zalá	weary, tired	4	adj.																													3
1527812158	ذمه بردار	zima bardáar, zama bardáar	accountable, responsible, taking responsibility	3	adj.																													3
1664030993279	ضمني	zimnée, zamanée	implied, indirect, collateral, fortuitous, detailed	4	adj.																													3
1527813879	زنده	zindá	living	4	adj.																													3
1527821143	زراعتي	ziraa'atée	agricultural, agrarian; agronomy	3	adj.																													3
1527816903	زره پوښ	zuri póx, zura póx	armoured	3	adj.																													3
1527823455	زشت	zisht	ugly, vile, bad, foul, evil	3	adj.																													3
1584528578172	زیانمن	ziyaanmún	suffering, damaged	4	adj.																													3
1527812093	زمنی	zmánay, zmanáy	dutiful	2	adj.																													3
1611421327243	زموخ	zmokh, zmookh, zamóokh	sharp, rough, harsh, rude	2	adj.																													2
1527818800	زموخت	zmokht, zamókht	rude, coarse, harsh, grumpy	3	adj.																													3
1611421329527	زموخت	zmokht, zmookht, zamókht	sharp, rough, harsh, rude	2	adj.																													2
1527821534	زمول	zmol, zamól	faded, withered, tarnished, dull, weak, powerless, helpless, numb, bed-ridden	2	adj.																													2
1591870719458	زود رنجه	zood ránja	quick-tempered, hot-tempered, tochy	4	adj.																													3
1527815451	زوړ	zoR	old	4	adj.				زاړه	zaaRu	زړ	zaR																						3
1527816811	زورور	zorawúr	strong, mighty, powerful	4	adj.																													3
1527818781	زوردار	zordáar	strong, powerful, bully, someone who uses/abuses power	3	adj.																													3
1527817399	زړه خوږی	zRu khóoGay	merciful, compassionate, soft-hearted	3	adj.																													1
1527817584	زړه خوړینی	zRu khwuRéenay	sad, distressed, saddened	3	adj.																													3
1577058349091	زړه پوری	zRu póray	interesting, entertaining, attractive, pleasant	4	adj.																													3
1527817585	زړه شین	zRu shéen	irate, angry, sad, distressed	3	adj.																													3
1527817400	زړه سواندی	zRu swáanday	merciful, compassionate, soft-hearted	4	adj.																													3
1527813136	زړه تورن	zRu torún	dissatisfied, indifferent, apathetic	3	adj.																													3
1527811259	زهروي	zahrawée, zUhrawée	poisonous, toxic, venereal	3	adj.																													3
1527814016	زلال	zuláal, ziláal	clear, pure, translucent	2	adj.																													3
1571946216213	ظلم رسیده	zUlum raseedá, zilum raaseedá	oppressed, persecuted	3	adj.																													3
1527820012	زړه ور	zuRa wár	brave, courageous, bold, fearless, bold	4	adj.																													3
1527820014	زړور	zuRawár	brave, courageous (actually زړه ور)	4	adj.																													3
1668757664361	زوړند	zwáRund	hanging	4	adj.																													3
1527820180	زیارکښ	zyaarkáx	hard-working, industrious, laborious, painful, heavy	3	adj.																													3
1527813053	آهسته	aahistá	slow, quiet; slowly, quietly	3	adj. / adv.																													3
1650297924157	عاجزانه	aajizaaná	humble, humbly	4	adj. / adv.																													2
1527819818	آخر	aakhír, aakhúr	last, final; lately, at last, in recently	4	adj. / adv.																													3
1527820764	عاقلانه	aaqilaaná	wise, sensible, intelligent, prudent	3	adj. / adv.																													3
1527820499	عاریتاً	aariyatan	for a time, for temporary use, for rent	2	adj. / adv.																													1
1585821362480	اکثره	aksára	most, the majority, mostly	4	adj. / adv.																													3
1527820921	علیحده	alayhida, alaayda, a'liháda	separate, separately	4	adj. / adv.																													2
1527814109	اول	awúl, awwúl	first, at first	4	adj. / adv.																													3
1527818644	برحال	barháal	existing, current; currently, on the present	4	adj. / adv.																													2
1527820126	برملا	barmaláa, barmláa	public, flagrant, evident; publicly	4	adj. / adv.																													2
1617989743649	بې ځایه	be dzáaya	out of place, improperly, incorrectly, irrelevant, incorrect, impertinent	4	adj. / adv.																													3
1713817981824	بې ځای	be dzáay	out of place, improperly, incorrectly, irrelevant, incorrect, impertinent	4	adj.																													3
1617989716527	بېځایه	bedzáaya	out of place, improperly, incorrectly, irrelevant, incorrect	4	adj. / adv.																													3
1678446884891	بیاځلي	byaadzálee	repeat, repeatedly		adj. / adv.																													3
1527813591	دوستانه	dostaaná	friendly, in a friendly manner	3	adj. / adv.																													3
1527814452	ایسته	éesta	at the side of something, yonder, over there	3	adj. / adv.																													2
1623688539364	ګانګوړ	gaangóR, gaangwÚR	nasal (speaking through the nose)	3	adj. / adv.																													3
1623688507454	ګنګوړ	gangóR, gangwÚR	nasal (speaking through the nose)	4	adj. / adv.																													3
1527818642	غبرګ	ghbarg	double, twin, duplicate, twofold, duplex, both at once	4	adj. / adv.																													3
1527816581	غیر مستقیم	ghayr-i-mUstaqéem, ghayr mUstaaqéem	indirect	3	adj. / adv.																													3
1527820416	حاکمانه	haakimaaná	commanding, authoritative	3	adj. / adv.																													3
1527822366	حق ناحق	haq naaháq	willy-nilly	3	adj. / adv.																													3
1527818306	هرورځنی	harwradzanáy, harwradzináy	daily, everyday	4	adj. / adv.																													3
1620041996603	هوائي	hawaa`ée, hawaayée	air, pertaining to air/aviation; by air (adv. ie. هوایي راغلې - you came by flying)	4	adj. / adv.																													3
1527811657	هوایي	hawaayée	air, pertaining to air/aviation; by air (adv. ie. هوایي راغلې - you came by flying)	4	adj. / adv.																													3
1678367487677	جابرانه	jaabiraaná	forcibly, by force, forceful		adj. / adv.																													3
1527815475	جبري	jabrée, jibrée	forcibly, compulsory	4	adj. / adv.																													3
1527811712	کابو	kaabóo	near, close, basically, approximately; control, check	2	adj. / adv.																													2
1527812762	خالي	khaalée	empty, only, just	3	adj. / adv.																													3
1709768767520	خالي کول	khaalee kawúl	to empty	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527812762	empty																											3
1527819679	خاص	khaas	special (fig. really, well, actually, totally)	4	adj. / adv.																													3
1527817078	خود	khood, khwud	sure, certainly, totally, surely, aware	4	adj. / adv.																													2
1527822440	خوابدی	khwaabáday	sad, feeling bad, offended, distressed, upset	4	adj. / adv.																													3
1527816129	خواره واره	khwaara waara	scattered, speed, thrown about	4	adj. / adv.																													3
1527822285	کل	kUl	all, the whole, total	3	adj. / adv.																													3
1610797421074	لاشعوري	laashU'oorée	unconscious, subconscious, un-aware, slow-witted	4	adj. / adv.																													3
1527817255	لیرې	leere	far, distant	3	adj. / adv.																													1
1527819777	ماهواري	maahawaarée, mahwaarée	monthly, by the month, per month	4	adj. / adv.																													3
1527818327	محض	mahz	pure, uncontaminated; plain, simple; merely, only, purely	3	adj. / adv.																													3
1678174167002	منصفانه	mUnsifaaná, munsifaaná	just, equitable, fair; justly, fairly, equitably		adj. / adv.																													3
1527816580	مستقیم	mUstaqéem	direct, straight	3	adj. / adv.																													3
1527819007	مطلق	mUtláq	absolute, fully, unconditional, absolutely	3	adj. / adv.																													3
1527819008	مطلق العنان	mUtlaq Ul'ináan, mUtlaq Ul'anáan	autocratic, despotic, absolute	3	adj. / adv.																													3
1527815099	نا وخته	naa wákhta	late	4	adj. / adv.																													3
1584689070748	نامستقیم	naamUstaqéem	indirect	4	adj. / adv.																													3
1527819210	ناوخته	naawákhta	late	4	adj. / adv.																													3
1661500082482	نازدانه	naazdaaná	pampered, spoiled, cute	4	adj. / adv.																													3
1661500101590	نازپرور	naazparwár	pampered, spoiled	4	adj. / adv.																													3
1527820490	نیمکاره	neemkaará, neemakaará	half-and-half, rented on a metayage basis	4	adj. / adv.																													3
1527818245	نهایت	nihaayát, nahaayát	extremely, bound, limit; extreme, excessive	4	adj. / adv.																													3
1579462935759	نور	noor	more, other, still, yet, various, remaining	4	adj. / adv.																													3
1527811691	نورمال	normáal, noormáal	normal	3	adj. / adv.																													3
1678971245199	پیامبرانه	payaambaraaná	prophetic, prophetically		adj. / adv.																													3
1527814256	پوره	poorá	full, complete, total, totally, entire	4	adj. / adv.																													3
1527814437	په شریکه	pu sharéeka	shared, together	4	adj. / adv.																													3
1591382269266	قابو	qaabóo	near, close, basically, approximately; control, check	3	adj. / adv. / n. f.																													3
1578191355725	رټ	raT, ruT	obvious, evident; bold, impertinent, rude; complex, confused; completely, quite	4	adj. / adv.																													3
1527815225	رشتیا	rishtyáa, rushtyáa, rUshtyáa	right, true, truly	4	adj. / adv.																													2
1527815224	رښتیا	rixtyáa, ruxtyáa, rUxtyáa	right, true, truly	4	adj. / adv.																													3
1527815228	رو	roo, ro	slow; slowly	4	adj. / adv.																													3
1527811327	صمیمانه	sameemaaná	sincere; sincerely, in a heartfelt manner	2	adj. / adv.																													3
1527821877	شفاهي	shafaahée	verbal, oral; verbally, orally	3	adj. / adv.																													3
1527815306	ستړی	stúRay	tired	4	adj. / adv.																													3
1527811873	تار په تار	taar pu taar	seperately, apart, scattered, strew about	4	adj. / adv.																													3
1527819029	تصادفي	tasaadUfée	by chance, coincidental, coincidentally, accidental, accidentally	3	adj. / adv.																													3
1527811894	ټینګ	Teeng	firm, thick, strong, tough, rigid	4	adj. / adv.																													3
1527822351	تېر و بېر	ter-U-bér	more or less suitable, approximate, changing, alternating, sooner or later	4	adj. / adv.																													2
1595515640766	تېر و بېر	ter-U-bér	more or less (suitable), sooner or later, approximate, changing	4	adj. / adv.																													3
1527815358	ټول	Tol	all / the whole; gathered, collected; gross (as opposed to net)	4	det. / adj. / adv.																													3
1527814904	تش	tush, tash	empty, hollow; just	4	adj. / adv.																													3
1527813109	واقعي	waaq'ée, waaqée	really, truly, real, true	4	adj. / adv.																													3
1527821764	وحشیانه	wahshiyaaná	wild, savage, barbaric	4	adj. / adv.																													3
1527814561	وظیفتاً	wazeefatán	duty bound, answering the call of duty	4	adj. / adv.																													3
1527816301	یله	yalá	free, wandering, loose, open, not serious; with nonsense, foolishly	4	adj. / adv.																													3
1527818646	یو په دوه	yaw pu dwá	double, twofold	4	adj. / adv.																													3
1527815428	یوازې	yawaaze	alone, only	4	adj. / adv.																													1
1527820103	یوموټ	yawmóoT	required (as of a payment or penalty), at once, immediately, forthwith	4	adj. / adv.																													2
1527819156	ظالمانه	zaalimaaná	cruel, cruelly, evil	4	adj. / adv.																													3
1527818003	ضرور	zaróor	obligatory, necessary; definitely, surely	4	adj. / adv.																													3
1527815456	زیات	zyaat	really, lots, tons, maximum, more; much, more, many, excess, most	4	adj. / adv.																													3
1527814254	بس	bus, bas	enough, adequate, suficcient; enough, sufficient, OK, all right, thatll do, filler word	4	adj. / interj.								TRUE																					3
1594909066356	خوا و شا	khwaa-U-sháa	around, in the area	4	adj. / loc. adv.																													3
1702927284023	خواوشا	khwaa`oo`sháa	around, in the area	4	adj. / loc. adv.																													3
1527819438	لېرې	lére	far, distant, removed	3	adj. / loc. adv.																													3
1527814605	لرې	lúre	far, distant	4	adj. / loc. adv.																													3
1527814911	نږدې	naGdé	near, close to, almost	4	adj. / loc. adv.																													1
1527814708	نژدې	nijzdé, najzdé	close, near, soon, almost	4	adj. / loc. adv.																													3
1702972031957	نژدې کېدل	nijzde kedúl	to approach, come near to	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527814708	approach																											3
1527821253	نزدې	nizdé, nazdé	near, close (نژدې)	4	adj. / loc. adv.																													3
1702972090132	نزدې کېدل	nizde kedúl	to approach, come near to	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527821253	approach																											3
1702971971790	نېزدې	nezdé	near, close (نژدې)	4	adj. / loc. adv.																													3
1702972103118	نېزدې کېدل	nezde kedúl	to approach, come near to	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1702971971790	approach																											3
1527812375	واپس	waapús	back (as in return)	4	loc. adv.																													3
1714727245271	واپس کول	waapus kawúl	to return, give back	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527812375	return																											3
1714727247558	واپس کېدل	waapus kedúl	to return, be given back, rebound	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527812375	return																											3
1579824262965	یو ځای	yo dzáay	together, in one place; at the same time	4	adj. / loc. adv.								TRUE																					3
1527817302	یوځای	yodzáay	together, in one place	4	adj. / loc. adv.																													3
1527814716	آماده	aamaadá	ready, willing, available, prepared; fit, ripe; lending, loan	4	adj. / n. f.																													3
1713872024023	آماده کول	aamaada kawúl	to prepare, make ready		v. stat. comp. trans.	1527814716	prepare																											3
1713872027098	آماده کېدل	aamaada kedúl	to get ready, be prepared		v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527814716	get	ready																										3
1527813011	عصبي	asabée	high strung, nervous, jittery; neurological, neurology; pertaining to emotions or psychology	4	adj. / n. f.																													3
1527823210	فنا	fanáa	perishable, temporary; mortality, destruction	3	adj. / n. f.																													2
1702916758099	فنا کېدل	fanaa kedúl	to pass away, to be anihilated, to perish, to be destroyed	3	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527823210	perish																											3
1702916820399	فنا کول	fanaa kawúl	to anihilate	3	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527823210	anihilate																											2
1702918058902	فناه	fanáah	perishable, temporary; mortality, destruction		adj.																													2
1702918700883	فناه کېدل	fanaah kedúl	to pass away, to be anihilated, to perish, to be destroyed	3	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1702918058902	perish																											3
1702918071562	فناه کول	fanaah kawúl	to anihilate	3	v. stat. comp. trans.	1702918058902	anihilate																											2
1527811537	غوره	ghwúra	chosen, select, best, great, leading, special, top; bragging, boasting	3	adj. / n. f.																													3
1584691050578	احاطه	ihaatá	surrounded, enclosed, encircled; encirclement, yard, courtyard	4	adj. / n. f.																													2
1527818343	اتفاقي	itifaaqée	allied, unified, in alliance, in agreement; coincidentally; unity, agreement, alliance	4	adj. / n. f.																													3
1675434847665	کمیډي	kameeDée	comedy		adj. / n. f.																													2
1527817172	ماشیني	maasheenée	mechanical, mechanized; factory; industrial	3	adj. / n. f.																													3
1527813396	نادوده	naadóda	out of style, out of fashion, unconventional; indecency; badness, problem ??; indecent, rude, uncouth	2	adj. / n. f.																													3
1668507986968	نیمچه	neemchá	hybrid, half-breed, mongrel, half-sized; short fur jacket	4	adj. / n. f.																													3
1527818197	اوریځي	ooréedzee	cloudy, cloudiness	4	adj. / n. f.																													2
1527816769	قاطع	qaatí'	decisive, categorical, crucial, outspoken, frank; intersection	4	adj. / n. f.																													2
1576612137112	رډ	ruD	protruding (of eyes), the bugging-out, sticking out of eyes when looking wide in amazement or in insolence/stubbornness	4	adj. / n. f.																													3
1527812338	شاهي	shaahée	kingly, royal, regal; kingdom, monarchy, sultanate, reign	4	adj. / n. f.																													3
1577065499642	یرغه	yurghá	ambling, fast; amble	4	adj. / n. f.																													2
1527821509	آوازدار	aawaazdáar	ringing, sounding, having sound, vowel (sound)	4	adj. / n. m.																													3
1527823606	اځل	adzál	dead, extinct, gone; fate, doom, fortune	1	adj. / n. m.																													3
1582316707368	عجیب	ajéeb	strange, surprising, parculiar, weird, odd	3	adj. / n. m.									عجایب	ajaayib																			3
1613551113380	علامه	alaamá	learned, scholarly, erudite	4	adj. / n. m.																													3
1527819936	امي	amée, ammée	illiterate, uneducated	4	adj. / n. m.																													3
1527816380	اړنګ بړنګ	aRang baRang	anxious or nervous person, worried, insecure, wavering	3	adj. / n. m.																													3
1527814156	اشنا	ashnáa	acquaintance, friend; familiar, known	4	adj. / n. m.																													3
1712933400228	اشنا کول	ashnaa kawúl	to familiarize, acquaint	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527814156	familiarize																											3
1712933403345	اشنا کېدل	ashnaa kedúl	to be familiarized, acquanited, get to know	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527814156	be	familiarized																										3
1702628258973	اشنایي	ashnaayée, ashnaa`ée	acquaintance, knowledge of, familiarity with	4	adj.																													3
1527813454	عیار	ayáar, iyáar	astute, crafty, clever, shrewd; adjustment, tweaking, tightening; assay (of precious metals); touchstone (of a jewler); standard, criterion	3	adj. / n. m.																												TRUE	3
1595417597863	بانجاني	baanjaanée	purple, violet	4	adj. / n. m.																													3
1527821496	بډا	baDáa	rich person, well-off, affluent	4	adj. / n. m.																													2
1527821323	بدبین	badbéen	pessimist, distrustful, mistrustful; enemy	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527818794	بدمزاجه	badmizáaja, badmazáaja	grumbler, grumpy, aggressive, belligerent, quarrelsome person	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527812166	بهر	bahár, buhár	outside	4	adj. / n. m.																													2
1708465413541	بهر کېدل	bahar kedúl	to go outside	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527812166																												3
1708465470570	بهر وتل	bahar watúl	to go outside			1527812166																												3
1617948732919	بېلتونپال	beltoonpáal	separatist	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527821495	بډا	bUDáa, buDáa	old, old person, aged, senior, elderly, advanced in years	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527823383	بزدل	bUzdíl	cowardly, coward	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527821859	چاڼ	chaaN	subdued, soft, refined, fine; strainer, sieve	4	adj. / n. m.																													3
1527820748	چوټ	chooT	sufficient; chintz, printed cotton	1	adj. / n. m.																													2
1527816727	داخل	daakhíl	entering, internal, included; participation	3	adj. / n. m.																													3
1566478142776	دانا	daanáa	wise, learned, sage	3	adj. / n. m.																													3
1527811882	ډبل	Dabál	double, twofold; double pay	4	adj. / n. m.																													3
1622374470790	دم دلاسا	dam dilaasáa	comfort, consolation, affection; comforted, consoled	4	adj. / n. m.																													
1527813337	ډر	Dar	mentally retarted, idiot	3	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1622374461771	دلاسا	dilaasáa	comfort, consolation, affection; comforted, consoled	2	adj. / n. m.																													1
1527816688	دوربین	doorbéen	far-seeing; binoculars, telescope	4	adj. / n. m.																													3
1527817949	درینګ	dreeng	hard; firm soil, forest	2	adj. / n. m.																													3
1527821371	دوه ګونی	dwa góonay	double-faced, two-faced; double, two-fold; two Afghanis banknote	3	adj. / n. m.																													3
1579051083691	فاعل	faa'íl	active, doing; subject (grammar)	3	adj. / n. m.																													3
1527822061	فاسق	faasíq	depraved, immoral, a bad Muslim, profligate, libertine	2	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527817989	فقیر	faqéer	poor, beggar; dervish	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1578683981019	فدایي	fidaayée	a man sacrificing his life for something important or sacred, dedicated	3	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527819531	غیرملکي	ghayrmUlkée, ghayrimUlkée	foreign (adjective), foreigner	4	adj. / n. m.																													3
1576374257427	غریو	ghreew	sorrowful, sorrow, poor, pathetic	2	adj. / n. m.																													3
1527818768	ګړند	guRúnd	smart, bright, quick; oscillation	4	adj. / n. m.																													1
1527821159	هم آهنګ	ham aaháng	harmonious, melodious; in agreement, in unity, in accord; consonant	4	adj. / n. m.																													2
1527820886	حقپال	haqpáal	lover of truth/justice, seeker of truth/justice	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527811529	عبارت	ibaarát	phrase, wording, expression, passage; consisting, made up of, including; meaning, term	4	adj. / n. m.																													3
1527818281	جمهوریپال	jUmhooreepáal, jumhooreepáal	republican	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527823177	کاغ	kaagh	wise, intelligent; wise person, sensible, well-behaved	1	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527822700	کنډو	kanDáw	chipped, cracked; crack, fracture	2	adj. / n. m.																													3
1527812769	ختیځ	khatéedz	east	4	adj. / n. m.																													3
1527814219	خپل	khpul	relative; one's own, farmiliar	4	adj. / n. m.																													1
1527822806	خوارکی	khwaarukáy, khwaarakáy	poor, miserable, poor thing, helpless (like بې چاره)	4	adj. / n. m.																													2
1527812810	خوښ	khwux, khwax	glad, pleasing, happy; pleasure, liking	4	adj. / n. m.																													3
1527819352	کشر	kúshur, kúshar, kíshur, kíshar	younger, junior (opposite of مشر)	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527820540	لکه دار	laka dáar	spotted, speckled, soiled; shamed; fever; typhus	3	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527813689	لر	lar	low, below, lower, descent	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527816018	لټ	luT, laT	lazy, sluggard, idle	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527812996	ماهر	maahír	skillful, able, capable, expert	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex									ماهرین	maahireen																			3
1527812147	مال دار	maal dáar	rich, wealthy, well off; herdsman, someone farming with cattle, sheep, etc.	4	adj. / n. m.																													3
1579041804943	مفعول	maf'óol	article, item, topic, object (grammar), subject	3	adj. / n. m.																													3
1527816571	مکار	makáar	deceitful, sly, cunning, trickster	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527811979	معلول	malóol	disabled person, invalid, unwell, diseased; consequence, reprecussion	2	adj. / n. m.																													3
1616270287056	منزوي	manzawée, munzawée	isolated, solitary, cloistered; recluse, hermit	4	adj. / n. m.																													2
1527814741	مقطوع	maqto' 	cut off, amputated, felled; final, decisive (Arabic); amputee	3	adj. / n. m.																													3
1614169856772	مزید	mazéed	more, additional, increased, added; addition, inrease	3	adj. / n. m.																													3
1527815522	مظلوم	mazlóom	oppressed, victim	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527818731	مومیایي	moomyaayée	embalmed, mummy	2	adj. / n. m.																													3
1589024122954	مدافع	mUdaafí'	defending, defence; defender	2	adj. / n. m.									مدافعین	mUdaaféen																			3
1527813523	مفکر	mUfakír	thoughtful, reflecting, deep thinker	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527816193	مفسد	mUfsíd	corrupt; seditious, mean, malicious, bad	3	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex									مفسدین	mUfsideen																			3
1527817548	محافظ	mUhaafíz	guarding, protecting, guard	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527813969	محرر	mUharír	written up, drawn up; writer, author	4	adj. / n. m.																													3
1527823088	مجمل	mUjmál, mUjamál	brief, concise, summary	3	adj. / n. m.																													3
1527814360	مخالف	mUkhaalíf	opposed, opponent	3	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527812023	مخاطب	mUkhaatáb, mUkaatíb	addressing (someone); the one being addressed; second-person (grammar)	4	adj. / n. m.																													3
1527812937	مخلوط	mukhlóot	blended, mixture	2	adj. / n. m.																													3
1527819831	ممکن	mUmkín	possible; possibility	3	adj. / n. m.									ممکنات	mUmkináat																			3
1527821650	منحرف	mUnharíf	deviated, distracted, diverted, mislead, bent, distorted, corrupted, unhealthy, perverted; trapezium (geom.)	4	adj. / n. m.																													3
1661534809167	منسجم	mUnsajám	coordinate, consistent	2	adj. / n. m.																													3
1527822227	مروج	mUrawwáj, mUrawwíj, mUrawáj	widespread, usual, common, in vogue; spreading, promoting	3	adj. / n. m.																													3
1571526777991	مشاهد	mUshaahíd	observer, observant, watcher, witness	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex.																													3
1527817152	مشترک	mUshtarák	common, shared; partner, participator	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex									مشترکین	mUshtarakéen																			3
1527812003	مصلح	mUslih	reconciling, peace-loving, improving; correcter, peace-maker, reformer	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex									مصلحین	mUslihéen																			
1527815541	مسلم	mUslím	Muslim	3	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527814442	مطابق	mUtaabíq	matching, corresponding, accordance (په مطابق - according to)	4	adj. / n. m.																													3
1527811672	معتاد	mU'táad, mu'táad	addicted, addict	3	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex									معتادین	mUtaadéen																		TRUE	3
1527820639	متهم	mUtahám, mUthám, mathám	accused, indicted, defendant	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527811662	ناب	naab	pure, unadulterated; molar tooth	2	adj. / n. m.																													3
1527820193	ناګاره	naagáara	denying, disowning, abnegating; denier, abnegator	4	adj. / n. m.																													3
1527813962	نازل	naazíl	happened, befallen, come, revealed (used of prophecies and religious texts); condescension, low, tolerance	4	adj. / n. m.																													3
1527817773	نزد	nazd	near, close; opinion, thought, ones mind or viewpoint	4	adj. / n. m.																													3
1527819783	نژادپرست	nijzaadparást	racist	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527814578	پېیلی	pe`yúlay	allied, ally	2	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527817282	پېس	pes	leprosy, leprous	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													1
1527821443	پیوسته ابرو	paywasta abróo	having eyebrows that are joined, unibrow	4	adj. / n. m.																													3
1527815181	پوځي	podzée	military, army	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527814506	قبول	qabóol	accepted, agreed, consent, acceptance, agreement	4	adj. / n. m.																													2
1527819319	رقیق	raqéeq	fine, delicate, thin, slender; finely, delicately, elegantly; finish, stop-point	3	adj. / n. m.																													3
1573684745428	روډه مست	roDa mást	indignant, begging, beggar	2	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													1
1527818175	صادر	saadír	outstanding, issued, given, sent, dispatched, pronounced, promulgated; exported	4	adj. / n. m.									صادرات	saadiráat																			3
1527821653	سرسپارلی	sarspaarúlay	devoted, devotee	3	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527816927	سرتېر	sartér	devoted, brave, courageous, selfless, self-sacrificing; commando, soldier	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527821654	سرښندلی	sarxandúlay, sarxindúlay	devoted, devotee	3	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527823319	سټ وټ	saT wáT	killed, destroyed, annihilated, perished	1	adj. / n. m.																													3
1527811446	سېلمه	sélma, selimá	near, close, neighboring; neighbor	3	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527811978	شوټ	shooT	disabled, invalid, cripple	3	adj. / n. m.																													3
1527813276	سوربڼی	soorbúNay	redhead, red-haired	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													1
1527813277	سورسری	soorsáray	redhead, red-haired	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													1
1527813095	سوړا	sóRaa, soRáa	lazy, clumsy, coward	3	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527823320	سټ سمټ	suT samáT	lazy, idle, loafing, loafer	2	adj. / n. m.																													1
1527813519	طاس	taas	bald, hairless	2	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1573658666590	ټاټ	TaaT	bent, inclined, bowed, curved; cared for; canvas, cloth, oilcloth	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527817327	تباه کوونکی	tabaah kawóonkay	destroying, destructive, annihilating	4	adj. / n. m.																													3
1527818799	توند خوی	toond khóoy	grumbler, grouchy, grumpy	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527823756	تورت	toort	direct, frank or candid person	3	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527822340	تورتم	tortám	darkness, complete and utter darkness, completely black	4	adj. / n. m.																													3
1527813270	تروش	troosh	sour, bitter; sarcastic	4	adj.				تراشه	traashú	ترش	trash																						3
1527822858	څپول	tsapól	curly, wavy; winnow	2	adj. / n. m.																													2
1527814414	واحد	waahíd	one, single, sole (Arabic); unity	4	adj. / n. m.																													3
1527820994	وهمي	wahmée	imaginary, mock, hypothetical, concoction; paranoid, worry-wart, hypochondriac	4	adj. / n. m.																													3
1573149703220	وسله وال	wasla wáal	armed (person, fighter)	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527815493	وسلوال	waslawaal	armed, fighter	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527815130	وچ	wuch, wUch	dry, land, ground, arid	4	adj. / n. m.																													3
1527821801	ښکېل	xkel	involved, implicated, caught; hobble	4	adj. / n. m.																													3
1574808545774	ضابط	zaabít	orderly, self-controlled; leader, ruler, officer	4	adj. / n. m.																													3
1714811695968	ظاهر	zaahír	revealed, evident, obvious, apparent; external, surface		adj. / n. m.									ظواهر	zawaahír																			3
1714811699407	ظاهرول	zaahirawúl	to reveal, make clear		v. stat. comp. trans.	1714811695968	reveal																											3
1714811702063	ظاهرېدل	zaahiredúl	to be revealed, made clear, to appear		v. stat. comp. intrans.	1714811695968	be	revealed																										3
1702926629168	ظاهره	zaahirá	obvious, apparent; external, surface		adj.																													3
1714811821399	ظاهره کول	zaahira kawúl	to reveal, make clear		v. stat. comp. trans.	1702926629168	reveal																											3
1714811823565	ظاهره کېدل	zaahira kedúl	to be revealed, made clear, to appear		v. stat. comp. intrans.	1702926629168	be	revealed																										3
1527812188	ضد	zid	opposite, against, opposed, anti, counter	2	adj. / n. m.																													3
1527812091	ذمه وار	zima wáar	responsible person, responsible	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527822551	اهل	áhul, ahl	fit, capable, worthy, proper; respectful, considerate; a member, resident, citizen, occupant (used as a prefix for Arabic religious words connecting people to certain things or belief systems)	4	adj. / n. m. / pref.																													3
1714386960715	اهل کېدل	ahul kedúl	to qualify, become qualified		v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527822551	qualify																											3
1622374362157	بدلمنی	badlamúnay	adulterous, adulterer, unfaithful, infedelity	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527816489	ایماندار	eemaandáar	faithful, believer, devoted, correct, true	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527812601	فعال	fa'áal	active; activist	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527817362	غریب	gharéeb	poor, needy; strange	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex									غربا	ghUrabaa																			3
1527820008	غیریهودي	ghayryahoodée, ghayriyahoodée	non-Jewish, gentile	2	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527811449	همجوار	hamjawáar	near, close, neighboring, neighbor	3	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1588783751043	خدمتي	khidmatée	serving, attentous; servant, attendant	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1678362238519	لرغونپال	larghoonpáal	conservative, traditionalist		adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527814445	مامور	maamóor	officer, clerk (as in government worker); assigned, appointed, given orders or istructions (Arabic), authorized, sent on business	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527820758	مسوول	mas'óol	responsible, accountable, in charge, person responsible, official	3	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex									مسوولین	mas'ooleen																		TRUE	3
1586682209639	مسئول	mas'óol	responsible, person responsible, accountable, in charge, official	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex									مسئولین	mas'ooleen																			3
1527816583	مسول	masóol	responsible, person responsible, accountable, in charge, official	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex									مسولین	masooleen																			3
1627156157285	میین	mayeen, mayín	enamoured, in love; someone in love		adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1610541340944	ملتپال	millatpáal, milatpáal	nationalist	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527820610	مسکین	miskéen, mUskéen, maskéen	poor, needy, destitute, wretched	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex									مساکین	mUsaakéen																			3
1593793275078	معترض	mU'taríz, mU'ataríz	objecting, opposing, interposing; protestor	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex									معترضین	mU'tarizéen																			3
1527812921	مشر	máshur, múshur	elder	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1578013455681	نانی	naanáy	tiny, teensy-weensy	2	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527818289	نوماند	noomáand	famous, well-known, reputed, nominated; candidate	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527820196	پلانی	pulaanáy, plaanáy	so-and-so, such-and-such, ambiguous pronoun (فلان)	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527820194	پلانکی	pulaankáy	so-and-so, such-and-such, ambiguous pronoun (فلان)	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1613561408232	قصوروار	qUsoorwáar, qusoorwáar	guilty, at fault	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1678365728964	سوسیالیست	sosyaaléest	socialist		adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527815334	ټپي	Tapée	wounded	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1733574456097	تی لرونکی	tay laróonkay	mammal	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1586270915475	تي لرونکی	tee laróonkay	mammal	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													1
1585474628276	توبه ګار	toba gáar	repentant	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527812124	وظیفه دار	wazeefa dáar	fulfilling one's duty, responsible, authorized employee, employee	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1584530715084	زندیق	zandéeq, zindíq	non-beliver (in Islam)	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1664030864502	الوتونکی	alwutóonkay	flying, something that flies, bird	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex.																													3
1527815300	سپور	spor	mounted, rider, riding	4	adj.				سپاره	spaaru	سپر	spar																						2
1527812559	ډېر	Der	very, lots, many	3	adj. / quant. adv.																													3
1527818938	زده	zadá	beaten down, beaten, oppressed	4	adj. / suffix.																													1
1527819724	زیېړ	zyeR	yellow, scab, yellowy; bronze; bile, gall, petulance, spleen	3	adj. and n. m.																													3
1527819225	نارینه	naareená	male, masculine, men	3	adj. and n. m. pl.																													3
1527814253	ګډ وډ	gaD waD	mixed, intermingled, disordered, confused	4	adj. doub.																													3
1715153766504	ګډوډول	gaDwaDawúl	to mix up, shuffle, confuse, mess up	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527814253	mix	up																										3
1715153770079	ګډوډېدل	gaDwaDedúl	to be mixed up, shuffled, confused, messed up	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527814253	be	mixed up																										3
1662621348155	خپ خپ	khap khap	stained, spotted, speckled	4	adj. doub.																													2
1527823689	لت پت	lat pát	soiled, polluted, splashed, besmirched, defiled	4	adj. doub.																													3
1627160171819	رک روغ	rak rogh	totally well, healthy, fine (emphatic of روغ)		adj. doub.																													3
1579367782766	سونډ مونډ	soonD moonD	reserved, taciturn, uncommunicative	3	adj. doub.																													3
1574867531681	پوخ	pokh	cooked, mature, ripe, ready, able, skillful, experienced, tried, tested, true	4	adj. irreg.				پاخه	paakhu	پخ	pakh																						3
1527812899	مین	mayín	enamoured, in love (په چا باندې); someone in love	4	adj., n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527813110	د	du	of, 's, third person possessive / genitive marker	4	adpos.																													2
1527813550	د لاسه	du láasa	because of, on account of	4	adpos.																													3
1527812580	د پاره	du páara	for (د ... د پاره, du … du para)	4	adpos.																													3
1527812586	دپاره	dupáara	for (د ... دپاره, du … dupara)	4	adpos.																													3
1527812753	کې	ke	in, at په ... کې, pa … ke	1	adpos.																													1
1578009689827	کښې	kxe	in, at په ... کې, pa … ke (کې)	4	adpos.																													3
1527813150	له	la	from, to	3	adpos.																													3
1527812842	له امله	la amála	because of, on account of, for this reasen, for this purpose	4	adpos.																													3
1527812845	له پاره	la páara	for (د ... له پاره, du … la para)	4	adpos.																													3
1527817988	له پلوه	la paláwa	in terms of, from the viewpoint of, in the subject or matter of	4	adpos.																													3
1527818004	لره	lára, lará	for, to, towards	3	adpos.																													3
1527815096	نه	na	from, د ... نه, du … na	4	adpos.																													3
1527815141	په	pu	by, for, by means of, because of, by means of, with	4	adpos.																													3
1527813949	په لحاظ	pu liháaz	in terms of, from the viewpoint of	4	adpos.																													3
1527814443	په مطابق	pu mUtaabíq	according to (د ... په مطابق)	4	adpos.																													3
1527822685	په نسبت	pu nisbát	in comparison, in this connection, likening to	4	adpos.																													2
1527814319	په وړاندې	pu wRáande	in front of, opposite, before, against	4	adpos.																													2
1527813549	په وجه	pu wúja	because of, on account of	4	adpos.																													3
1527815250	سره	sara	with, له ... سره, la … sara; together; with each other; from each other	4	adpos.																													3
1527815320	ته	ta	to	4	adpos.																													
1527819624	ترمنځ	tarmándz	between, among	4	adpos.																													2
1527815379	څخه	tsúkha	from	3	adpos.																													2
1527812136	تر	tur	up to, until; from; than, compared to	4	adpos.																													
1527815384	تر ... پورې	tur ... póre	until, up to, up until	4	adpos.																													2
1527815053	ترمنځ	turmándz	between	4	adpos.																													2
1527812361	پورې	póre	up to, until, beyond, over, across, on the other side; attached; closed, shut	4	adpos. / adj.																													3
1703659459308	پورې کول	pore kawúl	to attach, to make cross over; to shut, close	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527812361	attach																											3
1614083674358	عاجلانه	aajilaaná	hurridly, urgently	4	adv.																													2
1527823176	آخود	aakhwad	surely, naturally, independently	1	adv.																													
1527821666	آمرانه	aamuraaná, aamraaná	magisterial, authoritative	4	adv.																													2
1527811244	آن	aan	even, even up to, as far as, right up to, precisely	4	adv.																													3
1576439306974	ابرومندانه	abroomandaaná	honourably	4	adv.																													2
1527823047	اچانک	achaanák	suddenly, unexpectedly, all of a sudden	4	adv.																													3
1527817953	اګاهانه	agaahaaná	consciously, (doing something) while being informed	4	adv.																													2
1527823634	احیاناً	ahiyáanan	if it so happens that..., possibly	3	adv.																													2
1527822184	اخلاقاً	akhlaaqan	morally, ethically	3	adv.																													2
1671209066809	علانیه	aláaniya	publicly, openly		adv.																													
1645041265197	علناً	alanan	publicly, openly	4	adv.																													2
1527812448	البته	albátta, albáta	of course, certainly	4	adv.																													2
1527823390	عمداً	amadan	deliberately, intentionally, on purpose	2	adv.																													2
1566476668924	عملاً	amalán	practically, in practice	3	adv.																													2
1527811243	ان	an	even, even up to, as far as, right up to, precisely	4	adv.																													3
1527818655	عن	a'n	right up to, even; exactly, directly	2	adv.																													2
1584515639723	اقلاً	aqalan	at least	4	adv.																													2
1527822699	اساساً	asaasan	actually, in fact	3	adv.																													2
1527812457	اصلاً	aslan	actually	4	adv.																													2
1527812462	او	aw	yes	4	adv.																													3
1527818438	با عزت	baa i'zzát	with dignity, respectfully	4	adv.																													2
1527812472	بار بار	baar baar	again and again, often	4	adv.																													3
1575239139152	باره	baará	again	4	adv.																													2
1527823364	باوجود	baawujóod, baawUjóod	in spite of, despite, notwithstading	4	adv.																													2
1527812474	باید	baayid, baayad	must, have to, need to	4	adv.																													2
1527812477	بعد	ba'ad, baad, bad	after	4	adv.																													3
1578330078760	بدبد	badbad, budbud	badly, bad	4	adv.																													2
1527815997	بدبختانه	badbakhtaaná	unfortunately	4	adv.																													2
1527823024	بغیر	bagháyr	besides, except for, without (د دې نه بغير)	4	adv.																													3
1527812498	بلې	bále	yes (from Farsi)	4	adv.																													2
1527823029	برالا	baraaláa	evident, open, manifestly, frankly	4	adv.																													2
1585835393077	برایي	baraayée	last night	2	adv.																													2
1527819392	برسېره	barséra	moreover, besides, in addition to, apart from, over, above, more than, on top of	4	adv.																													2
1527813061	بې درنګه	be diránga	quickly, without delay	3	adv.																													2
1527813034	بې ځنډه	be dzúnDa	without delay, quickly	3	adv.																													2
1527813043	بې له ټاله	be la Táala	without delay, immediately	2	adv.																													2
1527815532	بې شک	be shák	undoubtably, absolutely, without doubt, of course	4	adv.																													3
1527815533	بې شکه	be sháka	undoubtably, absolutely, without doubt, of course	4	adv.																													3
1527818774	بې شبهه	be shUbhá	without a doubt, undoubtedly, certain	4	adv.																													2
1527818439	بېګا	begáa	last night, yesterday evening; this evening, dusk	4	adv.																													2
1527822788	بېګاته	begáata	tonight, this evening	4	adv.																													
1527812496	بېخي	bekhée	completely, totally	3	adv.																													2
1527812504	بېرته	bérta	back (as in go back, give back etc.)	4	adv.																													2
1527818586	بلا استثنیٰ	bilaa istisnáa	without exception	3	adv.																													2
1527813259	بالاخره	bilaakhirá	finally, at last (Arabic)	4	adv.																													2
1527823633	بالفرض	bilfárz	lets suppose, supposing, supposedly	4	adv.																													
1527819385	بالخصوص	bilkhUsóos	especially, in particular	4	adv.																													2
1527823385	بزدلانه	bUzdilaaná	cowardly	4	adv.																													2
1527812520	بیا	byaa	again	4	adv.																													3
1527816043	بیا هم	byaa hum, byaa ham	still, even so	4	adv.																													3
1527818081	بیاهم	byaahum	still, even so, yet	4	adv.																													2
1527816310	چاپېر	chaapér	round about, around	3	adj. / adv.																													2
1716309894032	چاپېرول	chaaperawúl	to surround, encircle, wind around		v. stat. comp. trans.	1527816310	surround																											2
1716309899152	چاپېرېدل	chaaperedúl	to be surrounded, encircled, wound around		v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527816310	be	surrounded																										2
1527817350	چاپېره	chaapéra	around, surrounding, encompassing	3	adj. / adv.																													2
1716309903980	چاپېره کول	chaapera kawúl	to surround, encircle, wind around		v. stat. comp. trans.	1527817350	surround																											3
1716309909927	چاپېره کېدل	chaapera kedúl	to be surrounded, encircled, wound around		v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527817350	be	surrounded																										2
1588781449015	چار چاپېره	chaar chaapéra	around, surrounding, encompassing	4	adv.																													3
1527813595	چندان	chandáan	such, as much, so much, much, as much as, until	2	adv.																													2
1660566212207	چورلټ	choorláT	completely, totally, wholly	4	adv.																													2
1527820750	چوټ انداز	choT andáaz, chooT andáaz	at random, haphazardly	2	adv.																													2
1527811233	ډاګه	Dáaga	openly, frankly	3	adv.																													2
1593176318060	ډانګ پېیلی	Daang pe`yúlay	openly, direct	4	adv.																													2
1527812321	داسې	dáase	such, like this, like that, in that way	4	adv. / det.																													3
1588073608418	دفعتاً	dáf'atan	suddenly, immediately, at once, currently	4	adv.																													2
1527817032	دغومره	daghaóomra	that much, so much, so much as	3	adv.																													2
1527813653	دغسې	dághase	just such, just like this, just like that, in just that way	3	adv. / det.																													2
1662099972424	دلې	dalé	here	2	adv.																													2
1662100000870	دلې دورې	dale dooré	here and there	4	adv.																													2
1527815959	دم درحال	dam darháal	in an instant, in a flash, at once	2	adv.																													2
1527815963	دم دستي	dam dastée	now, at this moment	3	adv.																													2
1527822405	دم په دم	dam pu dam	every moment, constantly	3	adv.																													2
1527816658	دم په دستي	dam pu dastée	immediately, at once, right away	2	adv.																													2
1527815951	دم پدم	dam pudam	constantly, every instant	4	adv.																													2
1527819158	دقیقاً	daqeeqan	exactly, precisely	4	adv.																													2
1527817376	درڅخه	dartsukha	from you	4	adv.																													2
1527821332	دست بسته	dast bastá	respectfully	3	adv.																													2
1667316280185	ډېر کله	Der kala	often	4	adv.																													2
1527823755	دوباره	doobaará	again, once more	4	adv.																													3
1714728942265	دوباره کول	doobaara kawúl	to redo, repeat, do again, do over again	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527823755	redo,redoes,redoing,redid,redone																											3
1575236274891	دوري	dóoree	this way, here, over there	3	adv.																													
1527814268	درېغی	dreghay	unfortunately, regretfully	2	adv.																													
1527812572	د ... په شان	du ... pu shaan	like ... (in comparison)	4	adv.																													2
1527813772	د بېلګې په توګه	du belge pu toga	for example	4	adv.																													2
1527818039	د بده مرغه	du buda murgha	unfortunately	4	adv.																													2
1527819455	د دې له کبله	du de la kabala	because of this	3	adv.																													2
1527819899	د استدراج په توګه	du istidraaj pu toga	gradually	2	adv.																													2
1527822222	د پاسه	du páasa	above	4	adv.																													3
1527813588	د ساري په توګه	du saaree pu toga	for instance, for example	2	adv.																													2
1527818040	د ښه مرغه	du xa murgha	fortunately	4	adv.																													2
1527816912	دباندي	dubáandee	outside, outside of, beyond	3	adv.																													2
1664091923484	دمخه	dumúkha	in front of, before, previously	4	adv.																													2
1527821919	دستي	dustée	immediately, right away, instantly	3	adv.																													2
1527813038	دواره	duwaara	at once, suddenly, all of a sudden	3	adv.																													2
1527819269	ځانله	dzáanla	individually, separately, apart	4	adv.																													2
1527817342	ځیر	dzeer	scrutiny, deliberation, intent; carefully, watchfully, intently (as in looking at somebody intently  چا ته په ځير کتل)	3	adv.																													2
1527823758	ایکي	eekée, yakée	only, just	4	adv.																													2
1527818323	ایله	eelá	barely, just, scarcely, only, merely	4	adv.																													2
1527821224	فقط	faqát	only, just, uniquely, thats all, the end	3	adv.																													2
1527818697	فراموش	faraamósh	forgotten	3	adv.																													2
1527818056	فی الحال	fi lhaal	now, presently, currently, right now, for now, at once, immediately	3	adv.																												true	2
1527816656	فعلاً	fi'lan	now, presently, currently, right now, for now	3	adv.																													2
1527823722	فوراً	foran, fauran	right away, immediately, at once, urgently	4	adv.																													3
1527814881	فوري	forée, faurée	urgently, sudden	3	adv.																													2
1527818671	ګاهې	gaahe	once, ever, anytime, sometimes, now and then	4	adv.																													
1610800612067	ګنې	gane	as if, like, seemingly; or else, otherwise	4	adv.																													
1610800613765	ګڼې	gaNe	as if, like, seemingly; or else, otherwise	4	adv.																													
1591984859456	ګڼې	gaNé	perhaps, really?	4	adv.																													
1527817351	ګرد چاپېره	gard chaapéra, gird chaapéra	around, surrounding, encompassing	4	adv.																													2
1527818049	غافلانه	ghaafilaana	foolishly, ignorantly, carelessly (often religious, ignoring eternal consequences)	3	adv.																													
1527818524	غالباً	ghaaliban	probably, in all probability, most likely	2	adv.																													3
1576103092146	غیر اختیاري	ghayr ikhtiyaarée	involuntarily, unintentionally	4	adv.																													2
1576104020648	غیر ارادي	ghayr iraadée	involuntarily, unintentionally	3	adv.																													2
1527817895	ګوندې	goonde	maybe, perhaps, possibly, apparently	4	adv.																													
1527822392	ګوټ ګوټ	gooT gooT	all over, in every corner	4	adv.																													2
1527818249	ګویا	goyáa, gooyáa	as if, as though, like, as if it was, it seems, perhaps	4	adv.																													2
1527823338	هاغومره	haaghóomra	that much, so much (هغومره)	3	adv.																													2
1527812322	هاسې	haase	just, just because; in vain, for no reason, to no avail	3	adv.																													
1527812324	هاسې په هاسې	haase pu haase	in vain, to no avail	3	adv.																													2
1586340494373	حد اقل	had-i-aqúl	at least, minimum (from Farsi)	3	adv.																													2
1527812419	هډو	haDó, haDóo	fully, quite	2	adv.																													2
1527823533	هغلته	haghalta	there, in that place, thence	4	adv.																													2
1527820737	هغسې	haghase	in that way, just like that, just such	4	adv. / det.																													1
1527823339	هغومره	haghóomra	that much, so much	4	adv.																													2
1527813261	هله	hála	at that time (used in correspondence with کله), in that case, then	4	adv.																													2
1527811360	هم مهاله	ham maháala	at the same time, simultaneous	3	adv.																													3
1527812278	هماغه	hamáagha	exactly that	4	adv.																													2
1527811781	هماغومره	hamaaghaóomra, humaaghaóomra	in the same degree, insofar as, in the same measure	4	adv.																													2
1527814067	همدا	hamdáa	this very	4	adv.																													2
1527815719	همدارنګه	hamdáaranga	in this way, in the same way, in just this way	3	adv.																													2
1527817157	همداسې	hamdáase	just like that, in just that manner	4	adv.																													2
1527813200	همدومره	hamdoomra	just so much, exactly this much, only	4	adv.																													
1571626944932	همېش	hamésh	always, forever	4	adv.																													2
1527821252	همېشه	hameshá	always, constantly, eternally	4	adv.																													2
1527816088	همیشه	hamayshá	always, at all times	4	adv.																													1
1585489925980	هنوز	hanóoz	yet, still, hitherto	3	adv.																													2
1527812665	هر کله	hár kala	any time	4	adv.																													3
1527818185	هرچرته	hárcharta	wherever	4	adv.																													2
1527818118	هرځای	hárdzaay	everywhere, every place	4	adv.																													2
1527821294	هرګز	hárgíz	never, not at all	3	adv.																													2
1572991416788	هرو مرو	haroo maroo	definately, for sure, I'll bet, certainly	4	adv.																													2
1527812670	هسې	háse	just, basically; like that, such	3	adv. / det.																													3
1527812671	حتماً	hatmán	definitely	4	adv.																													2
1575642923868	حتیٰ	hattáa	even, in fact	3	adv.																													2
1527822114	هیله بیله	heela beela	barely, scarcely, just, hardly ever; just, so much; in vain, for naught, for no reason	3	adv.																													2
1527812371	هیڅ کله	héets kala	never	3	adv.																													2
1675148946323	هېڅکله	hetskala	never		adv.																													
1527816949	هومره	hóomra	as much as	4	adv.																													2
1586453865821	هم مهاله	hum maháala	at the same time	4	adv.																													2
1527812683	هم	hum, ham, hUm	also, too, as well, even more	4	adv.																													3
1588758395153	همغسې	humaghase	just like that (abrev. of هم هغسې)	4	adv.																													
1527811986	همداراز	humdáaraaz	similarly	3	adv.																													2
1622875116871	همدغسې	humdághase	just like that/this (abrev of هم دغسې)	4	adv.																													2
1527811735	هنرمندانه	hUnarmandaaná	artistically, skillfully	4	adv.																													2
1527821743	ابتداً	ibtidán, abtadán	at first	3	adv.																													2
1585821444042	اتفاقاً	itifáaqan	accidentally, by chance; unanimously, by consensus	4	adv.																													3
1566477540941	جمعاً	jam'án	totally, wholly, all together	4	adv.																													2
1611401028364	جسماً	jismán	physically	4	adv.																													2
1527812721	ژر	jzur	quickly, fast	4	adv.																													2
1527812138	ژر تر ژره	jzúr tur jzura	as fast as possible, as quickly as possible, immediately	4	adv.																													2
1527819758	کاملاً	kaamilán	totally, fully, completely	4	adv.																													2
1527822679	کامیابانه	kaamyaabaaná	successfully	4	adv.																													2
1571526377164	کډن	kaDún	with a family, having a family	2	adv.																													2
1527812743	کله	kála	when, sometimes	4	adv.																													3
1527820205	کله ناکله	kála naakala	sometimes	4	adv.																													3
1527823027	کم از کم	kam az kam	at least	3	adv.																													2
1527817845	کټ مټ	kaT maT, kuT muT	exactly, precisely, as is	4	adv.																													2
1527812428	کټمټ	kaTmaT, kuTmuT	exactly, precisely, as is	4	adv.																													2
1527819967	خامخا	khaamakhaa	definitely, for sure, whether someone wants or not, willy-nilly (this last use more in Urdu)	3	adv.																													2
1527821015	خاصکر	kháaskar, khaaskár	especially, in particular	4	adv.																													3
1527821734	خاصتاً	kháassatan	especially	3	adv.																													3
1527811333	خلاملا	khalaamaláa	sincere, frank, open	1	adv.																													3
1527822660	خود به خود	khood ba khood	automatically, on ones own, on its own	3	adv.																													2
1527818710	خوشبختانه	khooshbakhtaaná	fortunately, luckily, thankfully	4	adv.																													2
1527813323	خوشبختانه	khoshbakhtaaná	fortunately, luckily	4	adv.																													2
1527818709	خصوصاً	khUsóosan	in particular, especially	4	adv.																													2
1527814166	خوا په خوا	khwaa pu khwaa	side by side	3	adv.																													2
1527819360	خواته	khwaata	towards (د چا خوا ته)	4	adv.																													
1527822286	کلاً	kUllan	totally, entirely	1	adv.																													
1527814270	له بده مرغه	la buda margha, la buda murgha	unfortunately, regretfully	4	adv.																													2
1527822765	له واره	la wáara	suddenly, immediately, instantly, at once	3	adv.																													2
1527811270	له ورا	la wráa	from a distance, from afar, distantly	4	adv.																													3
1527811269	له ورایه	la wráaya, la weráya	from afar, clearly, apparent	4	adv.																													3
1527819419	لاهم	laahúm	still	4	adv.																													2
1527811423	لاندې	láande	below, beneath	4	adv.																													1
1527820440	لاپسې	laapasé	all the more, still more	4	adv.																													2
1527813650	لکه	láka	like, as, similar to; spot, stain	4	adv.																													3
1527814711	لنډ پر لنډه	lanD par lanDa	soon, very soon, shortly	4	adv.																													2
1573149071525	لروبر	larobar	up and down, all over, encompassing the whole geographic range (of a country/land)	4	adv.																													2
1527812866	لږترلږه	luGturlúGa	at least	4	adv.																													2
1527818669	ماشومانه	maashoomaaná, maashoomaaná	childishly, childish	3	adv. / adj.																													2
1527821752	ماسوا	maasiwáa	except for, excepting, with the exception of	3	adv.																													2
1527818054	مازې	máaze	merely, only, just (محض)	3	adv.																													
1527815514	مخصوصاً	makhsóosan	especially, particularly	4	adv.																													2
1527812890	معمولاً	mamoolan	usually	3	adv.																													2
1527818411	منتقاً	mantiqan	logically	4	adv.																													
1527813773	مثلاً	maslan, masalan	for example	4	adv.																													2
1527821616	مظلومانه	mazloomaaná	victimly, pitiful	4	adv.																													2
1527811618	منحیث	minháys, munháys	as	4																														2
1584691547040	مودبانه	mUaddabaaná	politely, with courtesy, nicely	4	adv.																													2
1527822198	مدام	mUdáam	continually, perpetually, permanently, always	4	adv.																													3
1527822329	مفصلاً	mUfasalan, mUfsalan	in a detailed fashion, thoroughly	4	adv.																													2
1527821127	مشخصاً	mUshakhkhasan	specifically, especially, in particular	4	adv.																													2
1527819016	مستقیماً	mUstaqeeman	directly	4	adv.																													2
1527821074	مستقلانه	mUstaqilaaná	independently	3	adv.																													2
1527814269	متاسفانه	mUtaasafaana	unfortunately, regretfully	3	adv.																													2
1527820198	مطلقاً	mUtlaqán, mUtláqan	completely, totally, absolutely	3	adv.																													2
1527822241	ناببره	naabUbúra	sudden, suddenly, unexpected, unexpectedly, unforeseen (ناڅاپه)	2	adv.																													2
1527823589	ناداره	naadaará	poorly, miserably, thinly, sparsely	3	adv.																													
1584549648579	ناګهانه	naagaháana, naagahaaná	suddenly, at once, all of a sudden	3	adv.																													2
1584689085630	نامستقیماً	naamUstaqeeman	indirectly	3	adv.																													2
1527813711	ناڅاپه	naatsáapa	sudden, suddenly, unexpected, unexpectedly, unforeseen	4	adv.																													3
1527814710	نژدې پر نژدې	najzde par najzde	soon, very soon, shortly	3	adv.																													2
1578006215294	نوکی	nawakáy	beginner, new, inexperienced; a little bit	2	adv.																													
1566476674338	نظراً	nazarán, názran	theoretically, in theory	2	adv.																													2
1622369722256	نېغ په نېغه	negh pu negha	directly	4	adv.																													2
1527819335	نهار نهور	niháar nUhóor, naháar nuhóor	on an empty stomach, not having eaten	4	adv.																													2
1527820706	نهایتاً	nihaayatán	extremely, ultimately	3	adv.																													2
1527819271	نسبتاً	nísbatan	relatively	4	adv.																													2
1527815123	نن	nun	today, these days	4	adv.																													3
1527815124	نن سبا	nun sabáa	these days	4	adv.																													3
1527815135	اوس	oos, os	now	4	adv.																													3
1527815136	اوسمهال	oosmaháal, osmaháal	presently	4	adv.																													2
1527817155	پرله پسې	parla pase	continuous, back to back, uninterrupted, constant, unceasing	4	adv.																													2
1527817156	پرلپسې	parlapasé	continuous, back to back, uninterrupted, constant, unceasing	4	adv.																													3
1527815160	پرون	paróon	yesterday, (fig.) in the recent past	4	adv.																													3
1527818408	پروسه کال	parosa kaal	last year	4	adv.																													2
1527812983	پس	pas	after, later, afterwards, susequently	4	adv.																													3
1527812987	پس صبا	pas sabáa	the day after tomorrow	4	adv.																													2
1527819344	پسه	pása	after	3	adv.																													
1527820143	پسته	pásta	after, later, afterwards	4	adv.																													
1577390288042	پې	pe	colloqiual/dialectical contraction of the adverb پرې (thereupon, thereon)	4	adv.	1577390207734																												2
1527822215	پېدل	pedál, pedúl	by foot, on foot, walking	4	adv.																													2
1586262008294	پېټ	peT	never, not at all	4	adv.																													
1527822216	پیاده پا	pyaada páa	by foot, on foot, walking	4	adv.																													2
1527822217	پیاده پای	pyaada páay	by foot, on foot, walking	4	adv.																													2
1527822218	پیاده روي	piyaada rawee	by foot, on foot, walking	4	adv.																													
1577390207734	پرې	pre	thereupon, thereon, په plus something previously mentioned	4	adv.																													2
1527816897	پروسږکال	parósaGkaal, paróskaal	last year	4	adv.																													3
1527811508	په بشپړه توګه	pu búshpuRa toga	completely, totally	4	adv.																													2
1527813778	په چپه پښه	pu chapa pxa	barefoot	4	adv.																													
1527811234	په ډاګه	pu Dáaga	openly, frankly	4	adv.																													3
1527820344	په داوطلب ډول	pu daawtaláb Dawul	voluntarily	4	adv.																													2
1527813790	په دې خاطر	pu de khaatúr	because of this, for this reason	4	adv.																													2
1527815193	په ګډه	pu gúDa	together, combined	4	adv.																													2
1595517249765	په جلتۍ	pu jaltúy	quickly	4	adv.																													2
1527823231	په جڼه جڼه	pu jáNa jáNa	evasively	4	adv.																													2
1568927284353	په کراتو	pu karáato	again and again, again, over and over (څو ځلې)	4	adv.																													2
1527813692	په خاطر	pu khaatír, pu khaatúr	for the sake of, because of, out of deference to	4	adv.																													2
1527816045	په خپله	pu khpúla	itself, himself, herself, etc.	4	adv.																													3
1527814568	په خوښه	pu khwáxa, pu khwúxa	willingly, voluntarily	4	adv.																													3
1584688791272	په لوی لاس	pu looy laas	on purpose, intentionally (قصداً)	4	adv.																													2
1527821125	په منطقي ډول	pu mantiqee Dáwul	logically	4	adv.																													2
1593173323555	په مجمله توګه	pu mUjmala toga	in summary, briefly	3	adv.																													2
1527818324	په مټې	pu múTe	barely, just, scarcely, only, merely	4	adv.																													
1527821715	په موازي ډول	pu mUwaazee Dáwul	accordingly, appropriately, in parallel	4	adv.																													2
1527821736	په موقت ډول	pu mUwaqqát Dáwul	temporarily	4	adv.																													2
1527819870	په ناحقه	pu naaháqa	unfaily, unjustly, falsely, undeservingly	4	adv.																													2
1527813881	په نامه	pu náama, pu naamu	by name, called, so-called	4	adv.																													2
1579389575376	په نامه	pu náama, pu naamu	in name, by name only	4	adv.																													2
1577408435617	په نه زړه	pu nu zRu	unwillingly, grudingly	4	adv.																													2
1527811604	په قصد	pu qasd	intentionally, purposefully	4	adv.																													2
1527818714	په تدریجي ډول	pu tadreejee Dawul	gradually	4	adv.																													2
1600075984510	په تېره بیا	pu tera byaa	especially, specifically	3	adv.																													2
1527813586	په توګه	pu tóga	as	4	adv.																													2
1527811222	په څېر	pu tser	like, similar to, in this style, manner	4	adv.																													3
1527817230	په زور	pu zór	by force, roughly	4	adv.																													3
1527815195	په زوره	pu zóra	by force, roughly	4	adv.																													3
1527814073	پکې	puké	therein	4	adv.																													1
1527819612	پخپل	pukhpul	ones own (misspelling of په خپل - cf. پخپله)	4	adv.																													2
1527818237	پخپله	pukhpúla	(doing something) himself, herself, myself, ourself etc., used to indicate actions that the subject does himself	4	adv.																													3
1527815198	پخوا	pukhwáa	formerly, before	4	adv.																													3
1578014249199	پکښې	pukxé	therein	4	adv.																													2
1527818276	پرمهال	purmaháal	at the time of, during (د ... پر مهال)	4	adv.																													2
1662621657720	پړمخ	púRmukh	face-down, upside-down	4	adv.																													3
1662621676988	پړمخې	puRmúkhe, puRmukhé	face-down, upside-down	4	adv.																													2
1527819500	پرضد	purzíd	against (د ... پر ضد)	4	adv.																													2
1527814278	قصداً	qásdan	on purpose, intentionally	4	adv.																													2
1527819160	قطعاً	qattá'n	absolutely, decisively, categorically	4	adv.																												TRUE	2
1527818595	قدرتاً	qÚdratan	by nature, naturally	4	adv.																													2
1527814453	را ایسته	raa eesta	over here, this side	4	adv.																													2
1527820456	راباندې	raabaande	on me, on us (باندې with 1st person directive pronoun)	4	adv.																													2
1527815215	راپدېخوا	raapudékhwaa	since  (له ... راپدېخوا)	4	adv.																													2
1527816767	رډ رډ	raD raD	obvious, openly, boldly, immodestly	3	adv.																													2
1527811405	رسماً	rásman	officially	4	adv.																													3
1586363985796	روزانه	rozaaná	daily, each day	4	adv.																													3
1527819294	سهر وختي	sahar wakhtée	in the morning	4	adv.																													2
1527823222	سلابلا	salaabaláa	without rhyme or reason, for no reason at all	4	adv.																													2
1527812415	سم دلاسه	sam duláasa	immediately, at once, instantly	4	adv.																													2
1527819243	سمدلاسه	samdaláasa	immediately, right away, quickly	4	adv.																													2
1527819293	سملاسي	samlaasée	immediately, right away, quickly	3	adv.																													2
1527818326	صرفاً	sárfan, sírfan	merely, only	4	adv.																													2
1527814145	سوکه	sawká, sooká	slowly, gently, quietly, softly	3	adv.																													2
1527814146	سوکه سوکه	sawka sawka, soka soka	slowly, gently, quietly, softly	2	adv.																													2
1527822165	سیده	seedá	straight, level, right away, direct, frank	3	adv.																													3
1702810329175	سیده کول	seeda kawúl	to straighten, align, make level, make right	3	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527822165	straighten																											3
1702810331482	سیده کېدل	seeda kedúl	to be straightened, aligned, made level, made right	3	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527822165	be	straightened																										2
1527815260	شاوخوا	shaawkhwáa	around, approximately	4	adv.																													2
1527815261	شاوخوا	shaawkhwaa, shaa-U-khwaa	around, all around, approximately	4	adv.																													2
1527818717	شاید	sháayad, sháayid	probably, perhaps, possibly, maybe	4	adv.																													2
1527820539	شرافتمندانه	sharaafatmandaana	honourably, with dignity	3	adv.																													
1527822183	شرعاً	shar'án	according to Sharia law	4	adv.																													2
1527818507	شریفانه	shareefaaná	noble, well-known, nobly, with dignity and honour	4	adv.																													2
1527815962	شومه دم	shooma dám	in the middle of the night	2	adv.																													2
1527815291	صرف	sirf	only, just	3	adv.																													3
1527814075	سوچ	sooch	pure, unmixed; entirely, totally, completely		adj. / adv.																													
1574354759066	سوکه	sooká, sawká	slowly, gently, quietly, softly	4	adv.																													2
1574354762646	سوکه سوکه	sawka sawka, soka soka	slowly, gently, quietly, softly	2	adv.																													2
1661753167820	ستوني ستاک	stoonee stáak	on one's back, supine, prostrate	3	adv.																													
1661753188652	ستوني ستغ	stoonee stágh	on one's back, supine, prostrate	4	adv.																													2
1527814690	سږکال	súGkaal	this year, current year	4	adv.																													3
1527815317	سمدستي	sumdustée	immediately, instantly	4	adv.																													3
1527815318	سملاستي	sumlaastee	immediately, urgently, instantly	3	adv.																													2
1527813874	تاوراتاو	taawraatáaw	crooked, winding, twisted	4	adv.																													2
1527820609	ټایټ	TaayT	tight, good, well, firmly (انګليسي یې ښه ټايټه زده دا - hes learnt English really well)	4	adv.																													3
1527818594	طبعاً	tab'án	naturally, by nature, of course	3	adv.																													2
1527813618	طبعاً	tabán	by nature, naturally	3	adv.																													2
1527818596	طبیعتاً	tabiy'atan	naturally, by ones nature	3	adv.																													2
1527818716	تدریجاً	tadreejan	gradually	4	adv.																													2
1527822388	ټک په ټک	Tak pu Tak	immediately, instantly, right away	4	adv.																													2
1527816312	تخمیناً	takhmeenan	about, estimated	4	adv.																													2
1584518205499	تکراراً	takraaran, tikraaran	repeatedly	4	adv.																													2
1527813260	تماماً	tamáaman	finally, totally, completely, all together, in full	4	adv.																													2
1527815029	تنها	tanháa	alone, lone, solitary, only; desolate	4	adv.																													3
1702811149949	تنهایي	tanhaayée	solitude, lonliness, being alone	4	n. f.																													2
1527822464	تقلیداً	taqleedan	in imitation, in manner of copying	4	adv.																													2
1527822465	تقلیفاً	taqleefan	with trouble, with difficulty, strained	0	adv.																													2
1527816311	تقریباً	taqreeban	approximately, about	4	adv.																													3
1527819031	تصادفاً	tasaadUfan	by chance, coincidentally, accidentally	3	adv.																													2
1527815347	تېرکال	térkaal	last year	4	adv.																													2
1674545710320	ټول ټال	Tol Taal	all together, in total, entirely		adv.																													3
1527813516	څنګه	tsánga, tsúnga, tsínga	how	4	adv.																													3
1527818174	څرنګه	tsúranga	how, like	4	adv.																													2
1527815069	تکې تنها	tuke tanháa	on one's own, single handed	4	adv.																													2
1527821531	تل	tul	always, forever, constantly	4	adv.																													3
1527812137	تل تر تله	tul tur tula	eternal, everlasting, forever	4	adv.																													3
1527818051	تر ابده	tur abáda	eternally, forever, constantly, for eternity	4	adv.																													2
1586265891338	تر اوسه	tur óosa, tur ósa	until now, up until now, yet	4	adv.																													3
1527815385	تر پایه	tur páaya	until the end, until the finish	4	adv.																													2
1527814590	تر څنګ	tur tsang	alongside, along with this	4	adv.																													2
1527820016	ترهغه	turhaghú	until	4	adv.																													2
1527817130	ترخوا	turkhwáa	alongside, beside	4	adv.																													2
1527817002	ترڅنګ	turtsáng	along with, alongside of	4	adv.																													2
1527811453	ترڅو	turtso	until, as much, so that, in order that	4	adv.																													2
1593683680743	عموماً	Umóoman	in general, in broad areas, usually, normally	4	adv.																													3
1527820289	واقعاً	waaqi'an, waaqiyan	truly, really, actually	4	adv.																													2
1659635397088	واقعیاً	waaqiyan	really, indeed, definately, truly	4	adv.																												true	2
1527822766	وار له واره	waar la waara	suddenly, immediately, instantly, at once	4	adv.																													2
1527811459	وار په وار	waar pu waar	gradually, in turns	4	adv.																													2
1527820087	وخت ناوخت	wakht naawakht	time and again, sometimes, occasionally	4	adv.																													
1527819298	وختي	wakhtée	early, soon	4	adv.																													2
1527815410	ولې	wále	why	4	adv.																													1
1527812183	ورپام	warpáam	aware of, thinking of	4	adv.																													2
1527815418	ورو	wro, wroo	slow	4	adv.																													2
1527817261	وچ په وچه	wuch pu wucha	without reason, for no reason	4	adv.																													2
1662099888515	ورې	wUre, Uré	down there, under there, there	2	adv.																													2
1527814324	ښایي	xaayee	probably, possibly	4	adv.																													2
1674715255888	یک لخت	yak lakht	immediately, instantly, at once, fully, as a whole		adv.																													2
1674715276343	یک لخته	yak lakhta	immediately, instantly, at once, fully, as a whole		adv.																													2
1527823349	یقیناً	yaqéenan	certainly, surely, definitely	4	adv.																													3
1527819835	یواریځ	yawaaréedz	all at once, straight away, right away; quite, completely	4	adv.																													2
1527820827	یوځل	yawdzál	one time, once	4	adv.																													2
1527820017	یوناڅاپه	yawnaatsáapa	suddenly, at once, unexpectedly, by chance	3	adv.																													2
1527815433	یو یو	yo yo	one each	4	adv.																													2
1645130994575	ظاهراً	záahiran	apparently, visibly, ostensibly, by appearance, outwardly	4	adv.																													2
1621018588552	ذاتاً	záatan	by nature, naturally	4	adv.																													2
1527813064	ذره	zára	just, only	3	adv.																													2
1527815454	زر	zur	quickly, fast	4	adv.																													2
1588786919406	زر تر زره	zur tur zura	as fast as possible, as quickly as possible, immediately	4	adv.																													3
1527811773	زښت	zuxt, zikht	very much, exceedingly	3	adv.																													2
1586626956539	درست	drust, drast	all, everything, everyone	3	adv. ??																													
1622374915074	اغلب	aghláb	probably, likely, presumptively, having preference/advantage	2	adv. / adj.																													2
1527821618	احمقانه	ahmaqaaná	stupidly, foolishly, stupid, foolish; stupid, foolish	4	adv. / adj.																													2
1527822230	باقاعده	baaqaa'idá	regular, regularly; repaired, restored	4	adv. / adj.																													2
1527813686	برعکس	baráks, barakís	opposite, on the contrary	4	adv. / adj.																													2
1595233263437	بې واره	be wáara	suddenly, unexpectedly, out of turn, embarrassed	4	adv. / adj.																													2
1527823077	بېهوده	behoodá	vainly, in vain	4	adv. / adj.																													2
1527821368	بلاشرط	bilaashárt	unconditional	4	adv. / adj.																													2
1527813590	جادوګرانه	jaadoogaraaná	magical	4	adv. / adj.																													2
1527819764	ماهانه	maahaaná	monthly, every month	3	adv. / adj.																													2
1527817550	محافظه کارانه	mUhaafiza kaaraaná	conservatively, conservative	3	adv. / adj.																													2
1620904454896	مخلصانه	mUkhlisaana	sincerely, sincere	4	adv. / adj.																													2
1527811328	صادقانه	saadiqaaná	sincerely, truthfully, faithfully	3	adv. / adj.																													3
1527816034	تر شا	tur sháa	behind	4	adv. / adj.																													2
1527815070	یک تنها	yak tanháa	all alone, alone	4	adv. / adj.																													2
1527811637	زیاتره	zyaatára	most, the majority, predominating	4	adv. / adj.																													2
1527812952	غلامانه	ghUlaamaaná	slave-like, slavish, servant-like, servile	4	adv. / adv.																													2
1527817080	بالکل	bílkUl	totally, absolutely, entirely, wholly; thats right, yep	4	adv. / interj.																													2
1527815420	وروسته	wróosta	later, after, behind	4	adv. / loc. adv.																													2
1703747595362	وروسته کېدل	wroosta kedúl	to go back	3	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527815420																												3
1527822214	پیاده	pyaadá	by foot, on foot, walking; pedestrian, infantry	4	adv. / n. f.																													2
1610443940798	اخیر	akhéer	finally, end	4	adv. / n. m.																													3
1527821995	اخر	akhúr, akhír	finally, end	4	adv. / n. m.																													2
1527818313	پنځلس ورځنی	pindzúlas wradzanáy	bi-weekly, every two weeks, fortnightly pay	4	adv. / n. m.																													2
1653363833604	بنډۍ	binDúy	okra, ladyfinger	2	b. f.																													2
1527821430	آفرین	áafareen	well done, good job	4	conj.																													3
1527812437	آیا	aayaa	is? Question word	4	conj.																													2
1527812450	اما	amaa	but	4	conj.																													2
1527812325	او	aw	and	4	conj.																													3
1527813649	بلکې	bálke	but, but rather, also, however, adversative conjunction	4	conj.																													2
1527817272	بلکه	balki	but, but rather, also, however, adversative conjunction	4	conj.																													
1527813151	چې	che	that, so, so that, if, connecting particle	4	conj.																													
1527817724	لاکن	laakin	however, but, on the other hand, (contrastive particle, Arabic)	4	conj.																													
1527817521	لېکن	lekín	but, yet, however, moreover, nevertheless	4	conj.																													
1527818322	لیکن	laykín	but, yet, however, moreover, nevertheless	4	conj.																													2
1527811279	مګر	magár	but, however, only	4	conj.																													3
1527815121	نو	no	so, then	4	conj.																													3
1527812290	یا	yaa	or	4	conj.																													3
1527814766	یانې	yaane	that is to say, in other words, namely	3	conj.																													
1527811700	یعنې	yane	that is to say, in other words, namely	4	conj.																													
1527812327	ځکه	dzúka	because, due to the fact, for, since	4	conj. / adv.																													3
1611400737161	حیف	hayf	what a pity! what a shame! that's too bad!	3	exclam.																													2
1527822235	اخ	akh	interjection used in joy or satisfaction; great! bravo!; used to sigh	4	interj.																													2
1527815520	الحمدالله	alhamdUlilláh	Alhamdulillah, praise God (Arabic)	4	interj.																												true	2
1527818458	درېغه	drégha	alas! oh! pity!	2	interj.																													2
1527815712	ای	ay, aay	ay, oh, interjection	4	interj.																													2
1527818496	های های	haay haay	alas! woe! oh!	4	interj.																													2
1527813264	هله هله	hala hala	faster!, get a move on	4	interj.																													2
1527812679	هو	ho	yes	4	interj.																													2
1571840499420	کنه	kaná	Isn't it? (که نه)	4	interj.																													2
1527813913	خبردار	khabardáar	beware, watch out, look out	4	interj.																													3
1527821310	خدانخواسته	khUdaanakhaastá, khUdaaynaakhwaastá	God forbid!	4	interj.																													2
1527816579	خدای ناخواسته	khUdaay naakhaastá, khUdaay naakhwaastá	God forbid!	4	interj.																													2
1527819103	لبیک	labbáyk, labáyk	at your service! I obey! (Arabic)	4	interj.																													2
1527812870	لطفاً	lÚtfan	please	3	interj.																													2
1527821312	مبادا	mabaadáa, mUbaadáa	God forbid! lest, what if	4	interj.																													2
1527822576	مړه	máRa, máNa	dude! bro!	3	interj.																													2
1527813883	مرده باد	mUrda baad	death to …!	4	interj.																													2
1527815097	نه	na	no	4	interj.																													3
1527817859	نعوذبالله	na'oozUbilláh	I seek refuge in Allah, something said almost like “God forbid” or “Lord forgive” when mentioning something really bad or heretical	4	interj.																												true	2
1527823565	اوف	oof	interjection, expression of frustration	4	interj.																													2
1527817788	رحمه الله	rahimah Ulláh, raheem Ulláh	may God have mercy on him (Arabic), used after mentioning Islamic personalities that came after the companions of Muhammad	2	interj.																												true	2
1527819123	سهار دې په خیر	sahaar de pu khayr	good morning	4	interj.																													2
1527819124	سهار مو په خیر	sahaar mo pu khayr	good morning	4	interj.																													2
1527811590	شاباس	shaabaas	good job, well done, hurrah, wow	4	interj.																													2
1527811591	شاباش	sháabaash	good job, well done, hurrah, wow	4	interj.																													3
1527815346	تشکر	tashukÚr	thank you, thanks (from Farsi)	4	interj.																													2
1577231889397	افوه	Úfooh	ugh!	4	interj.																													
1527819529	والله	wallah	I swear to God, I promise	4	interj.																												true	2
1566121009379	زره	zára	just (used sort of like a filler word)	2	interj.																													2
1527813882	زنده باد	zinda baad	long live ...!	4	interj.																													2
1527818842	ادې	adé	mommy! mother, mom; grandmother	4	interj. / n. f.																													2
1527815247	سلام	saláam	hello, hi, greetings, peace	4	interj. / n. m.																													3
1713695127681	سلام کول	saláam kawúl	to greet, say hello	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527815247	greet																											3
1713695169702	سلام اچول	saláam achawúl	to greet, say hello	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527815247	greet																											3
1527813915	مخکې	múkhke	before, in front of, forward	4	loc adv.																													1
1702632661929	مخکې کېدل	mukhke kedúl	to go forward, to get ahead, to advance	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527813915	advance																											3
1702632670541	مخکې کول	mukhke kawúl	to put forward, to put ahead, to advance	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527813915	advance																											3
1527814163	اخوا	ákhwaa, íkhwaa	that side, across	4	loc. adv.																													3
1703677663870	آخوا	áakhwaa	that side, across	4	loc. adv.																													3
1702628405691	بل طرف ته	búl taraf ta	to the other side, across																															3
1702628450155	پورې غاړې ته	póre ghaaRe ta	to the other side, across																															3
1527813690	بر	bar	above, on top	4	loc. adv.																													2
1527823145	بېرون	beróon	outside, from without, on the outside; abroad (as in out of country)	4	loc. adv.																													2
1610454983695	دغلته	dághalta	at this place, at that place, here	4	loc. adv.																													2
1527812558	دلته	dálta, dílta	here	4	loc. adv.																													2
1527818186	درپسې	darpase	after you (sing and plural)	4	loc. adv.																													2
1527819393	درپورې	darpóre	over/across to you/there	4	loc. adv.																													2
1527812293	درسره	darsara	with you	4	loc. adv.																													2
1527822852	دېخوا هاخوا	dékhwaa háakhwaa	this way and that way, here and there	3	loc. adv.																													
1732865955258	دېخوا هېخوا	dékhaa hékhwaa	this way and that way, here and there	3	loc. adv.																													2
1578080952673	دباندې	dubáande	outside, outside of, beyond	3	loc. adv.																													2
1527813122	دننه	dunúna, dúnna	inside, within, interior	4	loc. adv.																													3
1708465305957	دننه کول	dununa kawúl	to bring inside	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527813122	bring	inside																										3
1708465310676	دننه کېدل	dununa kedúl	to come insinde, go in	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527813122	come	inside																										3
1527817710	ها خوا	háa khwaa	that side, across	4	loc. adv.																													2
1527812449	هلته	hálta, álta	there	4	loc. adv.																													3
1527820805	هماغلته	hamáaghalta	right there, in the same place, in the very same place	4	loc. adv.																													2
1527813928	همدلته	hamdálta, hamdílta	right here, in this very place	4	loc. adv.																													2
1577999518050	هورې	hooré, horé	there, over there, thither	4	loc. adv.																													2
1578015603537	له پاسه	la páasa	above	3	loc. adv.																													2
1610796256372	مخ په وړاندې	mukh pu wRáande	forward	4	loc. adv.																													2
1610796249240	مخ پر وړاندې	mukh pur wRáande	forward	4	loc. adv.																													2
1527814318	مخکښې	mukhkxe	in front, forward, before; already	4	loc. adv.																													
1527813279	مخته	múkhta	in front of, forward, ahead of	2	loc. adv.																													2
1588780597931	نېږدې	neGdé	near, close to, almost	3	loc. adv.																													2
1527817294	پاس	paas	up, above	4	loc. adv.																													3
1527817154	پسې	pasé	after (as in going after), in pursuit, behind (د چا پسې  خبرې کول  to talk bad about someone, gossip, or talk bad behind their back)	4	loc. adv.																													2
1581189430959	پېش	pesh	ahead, in front; earlier, first, before	4	loc. adv.																													2
1527811221	پورته	pórta	above, overhead	4	loc. adv.																													3
1527814912	رانږدې	raanaGdé	near, close to	3	loc. adv.																													2
1527812413	راپسې	raapasé	after oneself	4	loc. adv.																													2
1527822042	راپورته	raapórta	above, overhead	3	loc. adv.																													2
1527815457	سراسري	saraasarée	all over, throughout	4	loc. adv.																													2
1527820292	شاته	sháata	behind, back	4	loc. adv.																													3
1714743830394	شاته کول	shaata kawúl	to push back, repulse, rewind, put behind	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527820292	push	back																										3
1714743832180	شاته کېدل	shaata kedúl	to go back, be repulsed, be rewound, go behind	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527820292	go	back																										2
1588758935200	وراخوا	waráakhwaa	that way, direction, over there	3	loc. adv.																													2
1527819388	وردننه	wardunúna	inside, in	3	loc. adv.																													2
1527818064	ورپسې	warpasé	after him/her/it/them, behind	4	loc. adv.																													3
1527815416	وړاندې	wRáande	ahead, forward, before, earlier	4	loc. adv.																													1
1527812780	ښکته	xkúta	down, beneath	4	loc. adv.																													3
1527822803	هیسته	héesta	far, distantly, a bit further, to the side, back, away, direction	3	loc. adv. / adj.																													2
1527813688	کوز	kooz	lower, below, down	3	loc. adv. / adj.																													3
1527812935	مخامخ	mukhaamukh, mukhaamakh	face to face, across from, opposite; straight	4	loc. adv. / adj.																													3
1708738328629	مخامخ کول	mukhaamukh kawul	to confront, to make face	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527812935	confront																											3
1708738332713	مخامخ کېدل	mukhaamukh kedúl	to face, come to face with, encounter	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527812935	encounter																											3
1527822780	ورمخته	warmúkhta	forward, towards	4	loc. adv. / adj.																													2
1527814913	ورنږدې	warnaGdé	near, close to	4	loc. adv. / adj.																													2
1527818069	وروړاندې	warwRáande	in front of him/her/it/them	4	loc. adv. / adj.																													2
1527819321	کښته	kxúta	down, below; slope	4	loc. adv. / n. m.																													2
1527814164	دېخوا	dékhwaa	this side, on this side	4	loc.adv.																													2
1664028299000	ښنګ	xung	blood clot; frozen earth	4	n m.																													2
1592559534666	پخ	pakh	sniffing (of a cat etc.); laugh, exclamation	4	n. .m																													2
1527820603	پایګاه	paaygáa	foot (of a mountain), military bridgehead/beachhead, place or springboard for attack	4	n. f.		foot	feet																										2
1527816124	پښه	pxa	foot	4	n. f.		foot	feet																										2
1527815156	پاڼه	páaNa	leaf	4	n. f.		leaf	leaves																										3
1527816016	پښتو	puxtó, paxtó	Pashto, Pashtunwali	4	n. f.		Pashto																											3
1527823620	بزه	bza	patch (in a garment)	1	n. f.		patch	patches																										2
1527822437	تاخچه	taakhchá	shelf, niche	4	n. f.		shelf	shelves																										3
1527822792	توشک	toshák	narrow mattress used as a bed or a couch, reversible rug	4	n. f.		toshak																											2
1527812797	ښځه	xúdza	woman, wife	4	n. f.		woman	women																										3
1527820736	اعشاریه	a'shaariya', i'shaariyá	(decimal) point	4	n. f.																												TRUE	2
1527820285	آب بازي	aab baazée	swimming	3	n. f.																													2
1527820771	آباداني	aabaadaanee	population, number of settlers; prosperity, well-being; organization of public services and amenities; construction	1	n. f.																													
1587319094935	آبادونه	aabaadawúna	population; tilling, cultivation (of land); building, construction; prosperity, well-being	3	n. f.																													2
1527820777	آبادېدنه	aabaadedúna	population; tilling, cultivation (of land)	4	n. f.																													2
1527820772	آبادي	aabaadée	populated place, dwelling, village; population (from Urdu); the condition of thriving, flourishing; fertileness; construction, act of building	4	n. f.																													2
1594809128933	آبیاري	aabyaarée	irrigation	4	n. f.																													2
1527812260	آدینه	aadeená	Friday	1	n. f.																													2
1527822249	آغې	aaghé	light, illumination, daylight, shine, glow; lightness, joy, happiness	2	n. f.																													2
1527815872	آغېزه	aaghéza	influence, effect	4	n. f.																													2
1527815652	عاجزي	aajizée	humility, weakness	4	n. f.																													2
1527821758	آجرپزي	aajurpazée	kilning bricks, firing	1	n. f.																													2
1527819251	آنه بهانه	aaná bahaaná	excuse, evasion, trick	4	n. f.																													2
1527813075	آرامي	aaraamée	peace, tranquility; the Armenian language	4	n. f.																													2
1591873079335	آراستګي	aaraastagée	beauty, adornment, decoration	4	n. f.																													2
1527817533	آرموني	aarmoonée	(musical) harmony	1	n. f.																													
1527811856	آرزو	aarzóo	wish, desire; hope, expectancy	3	n. f.																													3
1527820239	آس ځغلونه	aas dzghulawúna	horse race	4	n. f.																													2
1527814061	آساني	aasaanée	ease	4	n. f.																													2
1527820240	آسمنډه	aasmánDa	horse race	4	n. f.																													2
1527811857	آسوده ګي	aasooda gée	rest, calm, peace; prosperity, wellbeing	4	n. f.																													2
1527822023	آسیا	aasyáa	Asia	4	n. f.																													2
1527820349	آتش خانه	aatash khaaná	focus; center (ie. of an infection); pocket; shelf, lock, bolt, block; fuse, detonator	3	n. f.																													2
1527811792	آتش پرستي	aatash parastée	Zoroastrianism, fire worship	4	n. f.																													2
1527823528	عاطفه	aatifá	affection, sentiment, sympathy	2	n. f.									عواطف	awaatif																			2
1527821378	آتیه	aatiyá	future	1	n. f.																													2
1573056042029	ایډیالژي	aayDiyaalajzée, iyDiyaalajzée	ideology	4	n. f.																													2
1527819548	عایله	aayilá	family, wife and children, household, kin	2	n. f.																													2
1527814540	آینه	aayná	mirror, glass; icing, frosting	3	n. f.																													2
1527815020	آینه	aayná, ayiná	mirror, glass; icing, frosting	4	n. f.																													2
1527813939	آزادي	aazaadée	freedom, independence	4	n. f.																													2
1527818579	ابادونه	abaadawúna	the act of building houses, settling, constructing, fattening	4	n. f.																													2
1649101004970	ابادي	abaadée	populated place, dwelling, village; population (from Urdu); the condition of thriving, flourishing; fertileness; construction, act of building	4	n. f.																													3
1594833584240	ابۍ	abúy	mommy, mom (way of addressing elderly woman), nanny, servant	4	n. f.																													2
1527811661	اډه	aDá	base, army post, (air) port	4	n. f.																													3
1527818029	ادا	adáa	setting forth, giving, fulfilling, execution, fulfillment, implementation, utterance, expression, rendering	4	n. f.																													2
1527822363	عدالتي	adaalatée	justice, fairness	3	n. f.																													2
1527823483	اډانه	aDaaná	schedule, outline, scheme; the cover or jacket of a book	3	n. f.																													2
1527820445	ادیره	adeerá	graveyard, cemetery	3	n. f.																													3
1527815046	عدلیه	adliya	court, tribunal	3	n. f.																													2
1527812440	افغانۍ	afghaanúy	Afghani, the currency of Afghanistan	4	n. f.																													3
1527817268	افریقه	afreeqá	Africa	4	n. f.																													3
1527820097	افریقا	afreeqáa	Africa	4	n. f.																													2
1527813303	افسانه	afsaaná	myth, legend, fairy tale	3	n. f.																													3
1527816758	عفوه	á'fwa	forgiveness, pardon, amnesty	4	n. f.																													2
1527812441	افواه	afwáah, ifwáah	rumour, hearsay	4	n. f.									افواهات	afwaahaat																			3
1527813432	افزارداني	afzaardaanée	box, bag for tools	4	n. f.																													
1527816212	اګاهي	agaahée	information, notification, awareness	4	n. f.																													2
1527813417	اغېزه	aghéza	influence, effect, affect, action	3	n. f.																													2
1610539003852	اغوا	aghwáa	kidnapping, abduction	4	n. f.																													2
1527819405	عهد شکني	ahd shikanée, ahud shikanéé	breaking or violation of a treaty, covenant, promise, or obligation	3	n. f.																													2
1527822547	اهلیت نامه	ahliyat naamá	drivers license	4	n. f.																													2
1662619883398	عجله	ajalá	rush, hurry	4	n. f.																													2
1614083533098	اجنډه	ajanDá	agenda	4	n. f.																													2
1566652353002	اجړا	ajRáa, ijRáa	hemaphrodite, she-male	4	n. f.																													2
1527816439	اکاني	akaanée	aunt; gay, queer, pansy, homosexual (slang)	4	n. f.																													2
1527812444	عکاسي	akaasée	photography	4	n. f.																													2
1527820167	اکېډمي	akeDamée, akaDUmée	academy	4	n. f.																													2
1527823760	عکس برداري	aks bardaarée	photography, taking photographs	3	n. f.																													2
1527820163	اله	ala	instrument, tool آلت	4	n. f.	1527814921																												
1527820156	اله بله	alá balá	cry, howl	4	n. f.																													2
1527820154	اله ګوله	alá goolá	riot, revolt, disturbances, noise	4	n. f.																													2
1527820155	اله ګله	alá gÚla	riot, revolt, disturbances, noise	4	n. f.																													2
1612113510009	علامه	alaamá	sign, symbol, mark	4	n. f.									علامات	alaamaat																			2
1527821770	علاقه	alaaqá	interest, concern, connection, affection; region, district, zone, territory	3	n. f.																													3
1527821772	علاقه داري	alaaqa daarée	interest, concern; region, area, precint, section of a city	4	n. f.																													2
1527821774	علاقه مندي	alaaqa mandée	interest, concern	3	n. f.																													2
1527813802	الغه	alghá	ring, hoop	3	n. f.																													2
1602179757779	الف بې	alif bé, alif-U-bé	alphabet	4	n. f.																													2
1602179787173	الف و بې	alif-U-bé	alphabet	4	n. f.																													2
1527822448	الفبا	alifbáa	alphabet	4	n. f.																													2
1527814931	المارۍ	almaarúy	cupboard, cabinet, wardrobe	4	n. f.																													3
1584885212687	الوچه	aloochá, alwúcha	plum	4	n. f.																													2
1577816185726	الوتکه	alwatáka	plane, airplane	4	n. f.																													2
1527813055	الوتنه	alwutúna, alwatúna, alootúna	flight, flying; explosion; take-off	4	n. f.																													3
1527816429	عمه	a'má	paternal aunt	3	n. f.																													2
1527821293	امادګي	amaadagée	preparation, readiness, planning	4	n. f.																													2
1527822548	عمل نامه	amal naama	protocol, written record, deed of property/land; in Islam, the book where you good and bad deeds are written	4	n. f.																													2
1527820878	عمله	amalá	staff, workers, crew 	2	n. f.																													3
1527814677	امنیه	amnyá	security, police force	4	n. f.																													2
1577232915386	امپراتوري	amparaatorée	empire	4	n. f.																													2
1527815039	امریکه	amreeká	America, the U.S.A.	4	n. f.																													3
1527816907	امریکا	amreekáa	America, the U.S.A.	4	n. f.																													2
1527818119	امسا	amsáa	stick, walking staff, walking stick, crutch	4	n. f.																													3
1527816440	امکه	amuká, amká	aunt; gay, queer, pansy, homosexual (slang)	4	n. f.																													2
1527816260	امیاني	amyaanée	wallet, purse, handbag	3	n. f.																													2
1527817553	عنعنه	an'aná	tradition (Arabic)	3	n. f.									عنعنات	an'anáat																			2
1527812451	انا	anáa	grandmother	4	n. f.																													2
1527822494	انانګه	anaangá, anáanga	cheek		n. f.																													2
1527811706	انرژي	inarjzée, anarjzée	energy, power	4	n. f.																													3
1527817225	اندازه	andaazá	measure, dimension, extent, scale	4	n. f.																													3
1527817228	اندازه ګیري	andaaza geerée	measuring, measurement	4	n. f.																													2
1527813759	اندېښنه	andexná	worry, concern, fear	4	n. f.																													3
1527820626	انځورګري	andzoorgurée	the art of drawing, painting (art)	4	n. f.																													2
1595516844401	انګاره	angaará	stubble, straw	2	n. f.																													2
1527814914	انګازه	angaazá	rumour, common talk, babble, hearsay; murmur; echo	4	n. f.																													3
1527815653	انګېرنه	angerúna	assumption, notion, imagination, calculation	4	n. f.																													2
1527814797	انګېزه	angezá	motive, reason, cause, idea; morale, motivation	4	n. f.																													2
1527823452	انګولا	angoláa	crying, wailing, weeping, howling	4	n. f.																													2
1527813796	انګریزي	angreezée	English (language)	4	n. f.																													3
1527812181	انګرېزي	angrezée	English (language)	4	n. f.																													2
1527819474	انګروزه	angrozá	rumour, hearsay	3	n. f.																													2
1610797303583	انتوشي	antooshée	sneeze	4	n. f.																													2
1527816422	انکه	anuka	granny, grandma (children's speech)	4	n. f.																													
1527816423	انۍ	anúy	granny, grandma, grandmother	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527811793	عقیده	aqeedá	faith, religion, creed	4	n. f.									عقائد	aqaaíd																			3
1527811553	اړه	áRa, aRá	relation, connection; need	3	n. f.																													3
1527821380	اره	ará	saw (the tool)	4	n. f.																													3
1527821382	اره کشي	ara kashée	sawing (lumber)	4	n. f.																													2
1527819843	اړه تړه	áRa táRa	collusion	3	n. f.																													2
1732867845046	اره تره	ára tára	horror		n. f.																													2
1674054375128	ارایه	araaya	presentation, producing, showing (of documents etc.)		n. f.																													2
1527817947	اړایي	aRaayée	bad harvest, crop failure	1	n. f.																													2
1576724261523	اراضي	araazée	earth, land; district, locality	4	n. f.																													2
1527811463	اربه	arabá	cart, wagon, carriage	3	n. f.																													2
1527816381	اړنګ نیونه	aRang neewúna	protest, outcry, appeal, furor	2	n. f.																													2
1527821826	اړنګۍ	aRangúy	step, running board,	2	n. f.																													2
1527818752	ارچه	archá	Archa, Juniperus semiglobosa, a kind of coniferous tree	2	n. f.																													2
1527818750	ارچه کاري	archa kaaree	wood panelling, plank panelling, cabinet making work, carpentry work	2	n. f.																													
1527814070	اړیکه	aRéeka	connection, relation, bridge	4	n. f.																													2
1631826679145	اړینتیا	aReentyáa	necessity, importance	4	n. f.																													2
1527822821	عریضه	areezá	petition, request, lawsuit	4	n. f.																													2
1527822097	ارکاره	arkaará	frying pan, a childrens game, casserole	4	n. f.																													2
1595252919385	ارماني	armaanée	desirable, ideal	4	n. f.																													2
1527816359	ارمټه	armáTa	widow, poor woman	2	n. f. anim.																													2
1527820174	ارمونیه	armooniya	harmonium	4	n. f.																													
1527817208	اروپا	aroopáa, Uroopáa	Europe	4	n. f.																													2
1527816486	ارتینه	arteená	wife, woman (can be negative)	3	n. f.																													2
1527812456	اړتیا	aRtyáa	need, necessity	4	n. f.																													2
1527812954	اروا درملنه	arwaa darmalúna	psychiatry	3	n. f.																													2
1527812945	اروا پوهنه	arwaa pohúna	pshychology	3	n. f.																													2
1527816487	اروته	arwata	wife, woman	3	n. f.																													
1575235366415	اریاني	aryaanée	surprise, alarm, amazement (حيراني)	4	n. f.																													2
1527814639	عرضه	arzá	supply (of goods)	2	n. f.																													2
1527814310	ارزونه	arzawúna	evaluation, appraisal, assessment	2	n. f.																													2
1672305639199	عصا	asáa	cane, baton, stick		n. f.																													2
1527814060	اساني	asaanée	ease	4	n. f.																													2
1527818026	اسانتیا	asaantyáa	ease, facility, easiness	4	n. f.																													3
1527813013	عصب پوهنه	asab pohúna	neurology	3	n. f.																													2
1678446947826	اسمبلي	asamblée	assembly (political)		n. f.																													2
1527816620	اشا	asháa	misfortune, disaster, danger	3	n. f.																													2
1527820869	اشاریه	ashaariyá, ishaariyá	(decimal) point	4	n. f.																													2
1527821749	اشپزي	ashpazée	cookery, cooking	4	n. f.																													2
1678796022540	اشرافیه	ashraafiya	aristocracy		n. f.																													2
1527816619	اسکېرنه	askeruná, askerná	misfortune, disaster, bad luck	1	n. f.																													2
1527822842	اسمان لار	asmaan laar	Milky Way	3	n. f.																													2
1610012325799	اثنا	asnáa	moment, interval, space (in time)	3	n. f.																													2
1527822277	اسپه	aspá	mare, female horse; fever	4	n. f.																													2
1527817039	استازي	astaazée	representation, ambassadorship	3	n. f.																													2
1527819108	استازوالي	astaazwaalée	representation, official mission	4	n. f.																													2
1527816971	استوګه	astogá	residence, stay	3	n. f.																													2
1527816972	استوګنه	astogúna	residence, stay	4	n. f.																													2
1527820201	استرالیا	astraaliyáa, istraalyáa	Australia	4	n. f.																													2
1675269163515	اسیا	asyáa, asiyáa	Asia		n. f.																													2
1527814326	عتا	atáa	ability, skill; gift, donation, grant; endowment, natural talent	1	n. f.																													2
1527818403	اتلوالي	atalwaalée	championship; courage	4	n. f.																													2
1527818402	اتلولي	atalwalée	championship; courage	4	n. f.																													2
1527816420	اتکو	atkó, atUkó	mother, grandmother (affectionate form of address)	3	n. f. anim.																													2
1527816421	اتکۍ	atkúy	mother, grandmother (affectionate form of address)	3	n. f. anim.																													2
1527816148	اڅه	atsa	endeavor, attempt, effort, aspiration, movement, advance (هڅه)	2	n. f.																													
1527818017	اټۍ	aTúy	store, shop	4	n. f.																													2
1527819475	اوازه	awaazá	rumour, hearsay	4	n. f.																													2
1578343584088	اوغانۍ	awghaanúy	Afghani (money) colloqual speech (افغانۍ)	4	n. f.																													2
1527818530	اوره	áwra, awrá	small cloud, cloudlet	3	n. f.																													2
1527818495	اوسېلنه	awselúna	sighing, whining, deep breathing	3	n. f.																													2
1527819354	عیاشي	ayaashée	partying, loose living, enjoying life, immorality and free living	3	n. f.																												TRUE	2
1527816687	اینکه	aynaka	glasses, spectacles (usually plural اينکې)	3	n. f.																													
1588782166073	عینکه	aynaká, aynáka	(looking) glass, spectacle (usually plural عینکې)	3	n. f.																												TRUE	2
1675275383469	ازادي	azaadée	freedom		n. f.																													3
1610617234788	ازانګه	azaangá	echo	2	n. f.																													
1527819296	عضله	azalá	muscle, sinew, tissue	4	n. f.																													2
1527819994	عزیزداري	azeezdaarée	relationship through marriage	3	n. f.																													2
1527819062	اضحیٰ	azháa	religious sacrifice, sacrificial offering (from Arabic, used for festival of sacrifice)	3	n. f.																													2
1527816065	ازماینه	azmaayná	trial, testing, difficulty, temptation	3	n. f.																													2
1527811606	ازموینه	azmoyúna	attempt, try; experiment, test	3	n. f.																													3
1623687085120	اذوقه	azooqá	provisions, stock, food	4	n. f.																													2
1527817173	ازوتي	azotée	nitrogen	1	n. f.																													2
1527812364	بابونه	baabawuna	spreading, dissemination	4	n. f.																													
1527816490	بابۍ	baabúy	brother's wife; general term of address for an alder woman, mother, aunty	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527821022	باده	baadá	wine, alcoholic drink, anything intoxicating	4	n. f.																													2
1527820035	باداري	baadaarée	dominion, holding sway over someone	4	n. f.																													2
1527819712	باډاسکه	baaDáaska, baaDaasuka	wave	4	n. f.																													2
1527812330	بادشاهي	baadshaahée	kingly, royal, regal; kingdom, monarchy, sultanate, reign	4	n. f.																													2
1527823190	باغچه	baaghichá, baaghchá	flower bead, flower garden, vegetable garden, little garden (from باغ)	4	n. f.	1527816268																												3
1527814626	باغواني	baaghwaanée	gardening, market gardening	4	n. f.																													3
1527816491	باجه	baajá	music, brass band; wife's sister's husband	4	n. f.																													2
1577238270133	باجي	baajée	older sister (from Urdu / Pakistan)	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527813309	باخو	baakhoo, baakhó	a fairy tale witch	2	n. f. anim.																													2
1527820712	باکۍ	baakúy	vomit, puke	4	n. f.																													2
1527818575	بالاخانه	baalaakhaaná	upstairs, upper floors of a building	4	n. f.																													2
1527817264	بالټۍ	baalTúy	bucket	4	n. f.																													3
1527814400	بامبوره	baamboorá	toy (the toy)	4	n. f.																													2
1527815591	بانډه	baanDá	pen for cattle, fence for animals; small village, camp of nomads	4	n. f.																													3
1527822272	باڼو	baaNóo, baaNó	eyelash	4	n. m.																													2
1527822231	باقاعده ګي	baaqaa'ida gée	regularity, agreement, harmony, state of good repair	4	n. f.																													2
1527820486	باړه	baaRá	rent, freight charge	4	n. f.																													2
1527816309	باره	báara, baará	fortification, large dam, barrier, obstacle	3	n. f.																													2
1527820485	باړه	báaRa	temporary fence; built up of rocks; enclosure (for cattle)	4	n. f.																													
1527814468	بارانۍ	baaraanúy	farming land without artificial irrigation; umbrella, raincoat	4	n. f.																													2
1586634360276	بارجامه	baarjaamá	sailcloth, duck (the cloth)	2	n. f.																													2
1527816346	باټه	baaTá	boasting, bragging	3	n. f.																													2
1611420723227	باورچي خانه	baawarchee khaaná	kitchen	4	n. f.																													2
1527823298	باښه	baaxá	sparrow-hawk, eagle	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1611063974469	باښه	baaxá	falcon, hawk	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527820814	بازي	baazée	game, playing	4	n. f.																													2
1527814399	بازیچه	baazeechá	toy	4	n. f.																													2
1527822532	بچه بازي	bacha baazee	pedophilia, paedophilia, pederastry (with young boys)	4	n. f.																													
1713802717954	هلک باز	haluk báaz	pedophile, paedophile, pederast (with young boys)		n. m. anim. unisex																													1
1713802740567	هلک بازي	haluk baazée	pedophilia, paedophilia, pederastry (with young boys)	4	n. f.																													
1527816024	بچه ګوته	bacha gwuta, bacha goota	ring finger	3	n. f.																													2
1527820828	بچۍ	bachúy	daughter, girl	4	n. f.																													2
1527822083	بد اخلاقي	bad akhlaaqée, bud ikhlaaqée	immorality	4	n. f.																													2
1527815993	بد بختي	bud bakhtée	bad luck, misforture	4	n. f.																													2
1588150634560	بد تمیزي	bad tameezée	rudeness (Urdu)	4	n. f.																													2
1622874694531	بډه	báDa	the upper part with the cord of the traditional loose trousers; disappearance, wane (of the moon in the last days of the lunar month)	4	n. f.																													2
1527822521	بدنۍ	badnúy, badanúy	a watering container with a spout (usually metal)	4	n. f.																													2
1527817732	بدبختي	budbakhtée	misfortune, difficulty	4	n. f.																													2
1527822611	بډبولتیا	baDboltyáa	truthfulness, righteousness	1	n. f.																													
1527817345	بدي	badée	enmity; badness, a bad deed	4	n. f.																													2
1527816109	بدګوماني	badgoomaanée	suspicion, distrust	4	n. f.																													2
1527812512	بدله	badlá	exchange, return, compensation, reward, recompense, revenge	4	n. f.																													3
1708559381630	بدله ورکول	badlá warkawúl	to compensate, reward, pay back		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527812512																												3
1527811928	بدلغامي	badlaghaamee	prostitution	3	n. f.																													
1588786872582	بدنامي	badnaamée	shame, disrepute, dishonour	4	n. f.																													3
1650297394423	بدنصیبي	badnaseebée	bad luck, misfortune	4	n. f.																													2
1527813651	بدرګه	badragá	escort, accompaniment	4	n. f.																													2
1527811242	بدتري	badtarée, budtarée	awfulness, getting worse, the worst	4	n. f.																													3
1527817599	بغل ګیري	baghal geerée	embrace, hugging	4	n. f.																													2
1527817598	بغل کشي	baghal kashée	embrace, hugging	4	n. f.																													2
1527822140	بغرۍ	baghrúy	mortar, mortar for threshing rice	4	n. f.																													2
1566468399630	بغره	baghúra	a rabbit's hole/burrow	4	n. f.																													
1527817914	بګوړا	bagoRáa	curds, cottage cheese	3	n. f.																													2
1527811906	بګړۍ	bagRúy	turban	3	n. f.																													2
1527822974	بګۍ	bagúy	cart, buggy, stroller, carriage	3	n. f.																													3
1527821306	بهادري	bahaadurée	bravery, courage	4	n. f.																													3
1527819250	بهانه	bahaaná	excuse, pretext	4	n. f.																													3
1527820357	بهنه	bahná	top (toy)	1	n. f.																													2
1527823759	بهره برداري	bahra bardaarée	use; operation; exploitation; utilization	4	n. f.																													2
1527820356	بهنه	bahúna	a lock of hair left with children as a vow or promise	1	n. f.																													
1527812479	بجه	baja	hour; o'clock	4	n. f.																													
1527814825	بکا	bakáa	frog	4	n. f.																													2
1527818235	بخوله	bakhóla	tragedy (literary), calamity, catastrophe	3	n. f.																													
1527819195	بخشه	bakhshá	forgiveness, pardon	4	n. f.																													2
1527815579	بخښنه	bakhxúna	forgiveness, pardon	4	n. f.																													3
1713260255137	بخښنه کول	bakhxúna kawúl	to forgive, pardon	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527815579	forgive, forgives, forgiving, forgave, forgiven																											3
1702925293948	بخښنه غوښتل	bakhxúna ghwUxtúl	to apologize, ask forgiveness	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527815579	apologise																											3
1527811905	بلا	baláa	misfortune, disaster; monster	4	n. f.																													3
1670563662968	بلدتیا	baladtyáa	knowledge, familiarity	3	n. f.																													3
1527811574	بلنه	balúna	calling	4	n. f.																													3
1576113420711	بلۍ	balúy	roof, rooftop, pole (for pushing a boat); eaves, cornice; bar, bolt	3	n. f.																													2
1622358627292	بلوا	balwáa	insurrection, revolt, rebellion	4	n. f.																													2
1594131219639	بمبه	bambá	pump	3	n. f.																													3
1527822579	بمباري	bambaarée	bombardment, bombing	4	n. f.																													3
1527811938	بڼه	búNa	appearance, shape, form, aspect, angle	3	n. f.																													3
1527822593	بڼه	báNa	feather, fin	4	n. f.																													2
1627298216333	بنفشه	banafshá	violet (color), flowers with purple leaves		n. f.																													2
1527819641	بنډه	banDá	part, portion, share	2	n. f.																													2
1527814668	بنده کوڅه	banda kootsá	dead end, impasse	4	n. f. doub.																													2
1527819384	بندګي	bandagée	slavery, servant-hood	4	n. f.																													2
1527821561	بندیخانه	bandeekhaaaná	jail	4	n. f.																													3
1588784498203	بڼکه	baNúka	feather (د واورې بڼکې - snowflakes)	4	n. f.																													2
1566477866591	بنۍ	banúy	bellows (of a blacksmith)	4	n. f.																													2
1527818754	بقا	baqáa	duration, length, continuation, existence, immortality	4	n. f.																													2
1527822425	برابرتیا	baraabartyáa	equality, evenness	4	n. f.																													3
1527817355	برابري	baraaburée	equality, evenness, parallel direction	4	n. f.																													3
1605093236690	برکه	baráka	a fabric made from camel fur	2	n. f.																													
1579294091093	برنډه	baranDá	balcony, veranda, porch	4	n. f.																													3
1577584084745	برچه	barchá	bayonet	4	n. f.																													2
1672387452072	برف جنګي	barf jangée	snow ball fighting (Farsi)		n. f.																													2
1527811566	برفي	barfée	A kind of ice cream that comes in little bars, popsicles	4	n. f.																													3
1527812001	برخه	bárkha	poriton, part, share	4	n. f.																													1
1527821688	برمه	barmá	auger (for drilling)	4	n. f.																													3
1705179194985	برمه کول	barma kawúl	to auger, drill		v. stat. comp. trans.	1527821688	drill																											3
1705179198004	برمه کېدل	barma kedúl	to be augered, drilled		v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527821688	be	drilled																										2
1527821689	برمه کاري	barma kaarée	drilling	4	n. f.																													2
1579907648537	برمه کاري	barma kaarée	drilling	4	n. f.																													2
1527816994	برنامه	barnaamá	program	4	n. f.																													2
1527818321	برقي جارو	barqee jaaróo	vacuum cleaner	4	n. f.																													2
1527819283	برقي زینه	barqee zeená	elevator, lift	4	n. f.																													2
1527812353	برتانیه	bartaanyá	Great Britian, England	4	n. f.																													2
1527812354	برطانیه	bartaanyá	Great Britian, England	4	n. f.																													2
1732869278462	برطانیا	bartaanyáa	Great Britian, England		n. f.																													2
1527812236	برطرفي	bartarafée	firing, dismissal (from a job)	4	n. f.																													2
1527817837	بړوا خانه	baRwaa khaana	whorehouse, brothel	4	n. f.																													
1527812486	بریا	baryáa	success	4	n. f.																													2
1527821404	بسېره	baserá, baséra	nest, perch, roost; twilight (when birds return to their nest)	4	n. f.																													2
1574188090133	بسپنه	báspuna	contribution, donation, gift, charity	4	n. f.																													2
1527821331	بسته	bastá	enough, will do; bunch, bundle, pack, leather briefcase	4	n. f.																													3
1527821337	بسته کاري	basta kaarée	assembly, installation	3	n. f.																													2
1527821336	بسته کارخانه	basta kaarkhaaná	assembly shop	4	n. f.																													2
1527816591	بستیا	bastyáa	sufficiency, to have enough or get by	4	n. f.																													2
1527816590	بسنه	basúna	sufficiency, to have enough or get by	3	n. f.																													2
1594908629506	بطحه	bathá, batá	duck	0	n. f. anim.																												true	2
1586634412756	بطه	báta, batá	duck	4	n. f.																													2
1527822192	بټۍ	baTúy	stove, oven, furnace	4	n. f.																													2
1566476931206	بتۍ	batúy	lamp, light	4	n. f.																													2
1527816261	بټوه	baTwá	wallet, purse	4	n. f.																													1
1590053924393	بورا	bawráa, boráa	moth, butterfly, bumblebee; basement, cellar	3	n. f.																													2
1527811294	بښنه	baxána, baxúna	forgiveness, pardon, sorry	4	n. f.																													3
1527816621	بښکوله	baxkóla	misfortune, disaster, unpleasantness	2	n. f.																													2
1527818236	بښکوله	baxkóla	tragedy (literary), calamity, catastrophe	2	n. f.																													2
1527816264	بیع	bay	deed of purchase, document of sale	3	n. f.																													
1527819152	بیعانه	bay'aaná	deposit, advance	4	n. f.																													2
1527813413	بیه	báya	price, cost	4	n. f.																													3
1703836115688	بیه کول	báya kawúl	to bargain		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527813413	bargain																											3
1713698359219	بیه جوړول	báya joRawúl	to bargain		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527813413	bargain																											3
1703836085806	بیعه	báy'a	price, cost	4	n. f.																													3
1703836119982	بیعه کول	báy'a kawúl	to bargain																															3
1527817520	بیانیه	bayaaniya	statement	3	n. f.																													
1527821295	بینه	bayina	irrefutable proof	2	n. f.																													
1527823617	بزه	bazá	crime, offense, sin, guilt, fault	1	n. f.																													
1527814471	بزګري	bazgarée	farming, share-cropping	4	n. f.																													2
1527813622	بزمي	bazmée	lyric (of poetry)	4	n. f.																													2
1527821041	بې عزتي	be 'izatée	humiliation, disgrace, dishonour	4	n. f.																													3
1527822823	بې عدالتي	be adaalatée	injustice	3	n. f.																													2
1527822909	بې ادبي	be adubée, be adbée	rudeness, impoliteness, poor upbrining, disrespect	4	n. f.																													3
1610541047518	بې چارګي	be chaaragée, be chaarigée	helplessness	4	n. f.																													2
1527814062	بې دیني	be deenée	atheism, godlessness	4	n. f.																													2
1527814089	بې فکري	be fikrée	lightheartedness, lack of concern; neglect, inattentiveness, disregard	4	n. f.																													2
1527822977	بې غوري	be ghawrée, be ghorée	carelessness, negligence, rashness, inattentiveness	4	n. f.																													2
1527822924	بې غیرتي	be ghayratée	dishonourable bahaviour, dishonour, being a scoundrel, cowardice	4	n. f.																													2
1527811292	بې ګناهي	be gUnaahée	sinlessness, innocence	4	n. f.																													3
1527817195	بې حوصله	be hawsalá, be hausalá	lack of patience, lack of courage	3	n. f.																													2
1612114401489	بې حرمتي	be hUrmatée	disrespect, disgrace	4	n. f.																													2
1527818814	بې احتیاطي	be ihtiyaatée	carelessness, lack of caution	4	n. f.																													3
1527818344	بې اتفاقي	be itifaaqée	disunity, discord, disharmony, disagreement	4	n. f.																													3
1709334076421	بې اتفاقي کول	be itifaaqée kawúl	to disagree, be in disunity	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527818344	disagree																											3
1527820995	بې اعتمادي	be i'timaadée	mistrust, lack of trust, lack of confidence	3	n. f.																													2
1527816763	بې کفایتي	be kafaayatée, be kifaayatée	insufficiency, inadequacy, incompetence	2	n. f.																													2
1527819528	بې کسي	be kasée	the state of having no relatives, being alone, having no guardian	4	n. f.																													2
1527819856	بې خوبي	be khobée	insomnia, sleeplessness	4	n. f.																													3
1527813615	بې ننګي	be nangée	shamelessness, honorlessness, cowardice	4	n. f.																													2
1527811907	بې نصیبي	be naseebee	haplessness, lack of success	4	n. f.																													
1588153053407	بې نظمي	be nazmée	disorder, lack of rule or order	4	n. f.																													2
1527819958	بې پلوي	be palawée	neutrality, impartiality	4	n. f.																													2
1527812500	بې پردګي	be pardagée	failure to wear a veil, open face, dishonor	3	n. f.																													2
1527818380	بې پروایي	be parwaayée	lack of concern, indifference, apathy, carelessness, lack of attention or courtesy	3	n. f.																													2
1713871497935	لا پروایي	laa parwaayée	lack of concern, indifference, apathy, carelessness, lack of attention or courtesy	3	n. f.																													3
1591805322267	بې پتي	be patée	disloyalty, disgrace, dishonour, treachery	4	n. f.																													2
1527820959	بې قراري	be qaraarée	uneasiness, anxiety, instability, inconsistency, changeableness	4	n. f.																													2
1584640784156	بې رحمي	be rahmée	heartlessness, cruelty, lack of mercy	4	n. f.																													2
1527819452	بې ثباتي	be sabaatée, be sUbaatée	instability, inconsistency	4	n. f.																													2
1578617946103	بې شرمي	be sharmée	shamelessness, immodesty	4	n. f.																													2
1527816267	بې وفایي	be wafaayée	unfaithfulness, disloyalty, infidelity	4	n. f.																													2
1527816756	بې وسي	be wusée	poverty, lack of means or ability	4	n. f.																													3
1527822362	بېعدالتي	be'adaalatée	injustice, unfairness	4	n. f.																													2
1610541043090	بېچارګي	bechaaragée, bechaarigée	helplessness	4	n. f.																													2
1661516891869	بېډۍ	beDúy	knucklebone (from animal, used in games)	2	n. f.																													2
1527821566	بېدیا	bedyáa	desert, outdoors	4	n. f.																													2
1527823694	بیجلي	beejlée, beejúlee	ankle bone	2	n. f.																													3
1527811385	بیمه	beemá	insurance, assurance	4	n. f.																													3
1713880492727	بیمه کول	beema kawúl	to insure	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527811385	insure																											3
1713880504754	بیمه کېدل	beema kedúl	to be insured	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527811385	be	insured																										2
1573682378816	بیماري	beemaarée	sickness, illness	3	n. f.																													3
1653363882851	بینډۍ	beenDúy	okra, ladyfinger (dialect vers. of بنډۍ)	4	n. f.																													2
1527820867	بیروکراسي	beerookraasée	bureaucracy	4	n. f.																													2
1566468038374	بیزو	beezó	monkey, ape	4	n. f. anim.																													
1527818598	بېکاري	bekaarée	unemployment, idleness	3	n. f.																													2
1527822564	بېخ کني	bekh kanée	ruin, destruction, extermination	4	n. f.																													2
1527819857	بېخوابي	bekhwaabée	insomnia, sleeplessness	3	n. f.																													2
1527814859	بېله	bela	trough, gutter, branch (of a river), small island; whistle	4	n. f.																													2
1527823172	بېله	belá	swamp, marsh	3	n. f.																													
1527812028	بېلچه	belchá	shovel	4	n. f.																													2
1715153449925	بېلچه وهل	belchá wahúl	to shovel		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527812028	shovel																											3
1527812499	بېلګه	bélga	example, model, clue	4	n. f.																													2
1527811641	بېلتیه	beltiyá	separation	0	n. f.																													2
1527815862	بېړه	béRa	speed, rush, hurry, urgency, haste	3	n. f.																													3
1713816725434	بېړه کول	béRa kawúl	to hurry, rush, make haste	3	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527815862	hurry																											3
1593852212828	بېره	béra	fear, fright	3	n. f.																													2
1527817489	بېراني	beraanée	loss of consciousness, fainting??, stupor	2	n. f.																													2
1527813873	بېړکۍ	beRukúy	boat	4	n. f.																													2
1527813872	بېړۍ	beRúy	boat, ship, vessel; shackles, chains	3	n. f.																													2
1527822964	بېړۍ	beRúy	boat, ship, canoe; shackles, fetters	4	n. f.																													2
1575236348486	بېسدي	besudée	fainting, unconsciousness	3	n. f.																													2
1527819959	بېطرفي	betarafée	neutrality, impartiality	3	n. f.																													2
1527816368	بېوه	bewá	widow (Urdu)	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527820739	بېوزلي	bewazlée	poor, needy, destitute, helpless, poverty, need, helplessness	4	n. f.																													2
1571607895925	بیت الخلا	bayt Ulkhaláa	bathroom, toilet (Arabic)	3	n. f.																													2
1622873088561	بېزه	beza	she-goat (dialectical variant of وزه)	4	n. f.																													2
1566468054028	بېزو	bezó	monkey, ape	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527818629	بغرګه	bghárga, bughargá	valley between two mountains; woman who has had twinns	4	n. f.																													2
1527812205	بهبودي	bihboodée	health, well-being, prosperity; large knife, dagger	4	n. f.																													2
1527811239	بهتري	bihtarée	improvement, getting better, prosperity	4	n. f.																													3
1527823693	بجلکه	bijláka, bajilaka	ankle	4	n. f.																													2
1527819115	بستر سازي	bistar saazée	making a bed, creating the conditions or pretext for something	4	n. f.																													2
1527818310	بستره	bistará, bistirá	bed, bed-roll	4	n. f.																													2
1527811206	بیولوژي	biyolojzée	biology	4	n. f.																													2
1527819247	بلندره	blándra, balundúra	invitation, entertainment (by a host)	3	n. f.																													2
1527813176	بلوده	blawda, baloodá	stumbling, getting stuck	3	n. f.																													2
1527818436	بوکه	boka	Aquarius constellation; water carrier	4	n. f.																													
1527816029	بوختیا	bokhtyáa	occupation, pursuit, busy-ness, business	4	n. f.																													2
1527816464	بوله	bola, boola	female relative's of bride giving groom's relatives rice	2	n. f.																													2
1527819889	بوده	booda	quadruped animal (horse, donkey, cow); simpleton, silly; gain, attainment	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527815875	بودجه	boodjá, boodijá	budget, financial plan	4	n. f.																													2
1527823152	بوغه	booghá, boghá	intoxication/buzz from smoking hashish/pot or strong tobacco	2	n. f.																													2
1527822775	بوغاره	boogháara	crying, whining, wailing, scream, bleating	4	n. f.																													2
1527819808	بوجه	boojá, bojá	stopper, plug, gap	2	n. f.																													2
1527816287	بوجۍ	bojúy	bag, purse	4	n. f.																													3
1527822648	بوکره	bookrá	veil, burka (برقع)	3	n. f.																													2
1527816356	بوره	bóora, boorá	a woman whose son died	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527818538	بوره	bóora, boorá	granulated sugar, sawdust, fillings	4	n. f.																													
1661756597518	بوړبکۍ	booRbUkúy	whirlwind, swirl, tornado, twister, storm, sandstorm	4	n. f.																													2
1672305902063	بوسه	boosa	kiss (Urdu)		n. f.																													
1588786388043	بوساړه	boosaaRá, boosáaRa	straw stack, a hut like structure made from a stack of straw and plastered clay, a hollow object; (fig. lazy, puffed up)	4	n. f.																													3
1584639241244	بوړۍ	boRúy, bóRuy	a ball (of yarn, hair, etc.)	2	n. f.																													2
1584889134904	بوښته	bóxta, boxtá	mire, bog, swamp	4	n. f.																													2
1577397158534	برجوره کلا	brajawara kaláa, barjora kaláa	fortified castle	4	n. f.																													2
1527820442	برمته	bramatá, baramtá	driving away of cattle, seizing of property	4	n. f.																													2
1527814147	بړستن	bRastún	blanket, coving, quilt	4	n. f.																													3
1527812510	برېښنا	brexnáa	electricity, lightning	4	n. f.																													2
1527819507	برتانیا	britaanyaa, bartaanyáa	Great Britain, England	4	n. f.																													2
1527814355	بدکاري	budkaarée	adultery, fornication, sinning	4	n. f.																													1
1527817365	بغاره	bUghaara	wail, mourning, cry	4	n. f.																													2
1566468433901	بغره	bUghrá, bughrá	veil, shawl	4	n. f.																													2
1527822851	بخارۍ	bUkhaarúy	furnace, heater	4	n. f.																													2
1527811479	بللګۍ	bulalgúy	a woman that gives birth every year; cattle that give increase each year	3	n. f.																													3
1527821971	بن	bun	second wife of own husband	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527816392	بنځۍ	bundzúy, bUndzúy	stepdaughter, daughter of one wife (under polygamy)	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1661756556591	بړبوکۍ	buRbookúy	whirlwind, swirl, tornado, twister, storm, sandstorm	4	n. f.																													2
1527822647	برقعه	bUrq'á	veil, burka	4	n. f.																													3
1715987100030	برقع	bUrq'á	veil, burka	4	n. f.																													3
1578009902092	برقه	bUrqá, burqá	veil, burka	4	n. f.																													2
1527811794	بت پرستي	bUt parastée	idolatry, idol-worshipping	4	n. f.																													3
1591026261598	بزه	buza, bza	she-goat	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527823619	بزه	bUzá	moth	4	n. f.																													2
1527823384	بزدلي	bUzdilée	cowardice	4	n. f.																													3
1584533419063	بزکشي	bUzkashée, buzkashée	buzkashi (the Afghan national sport played with horses and a dead goat)	4	n. f.																													2
1672160461927	بزرګي	bUzUrgée, buzurgée	greatness, mightiness		n. f.																													2
1672160438354	بزرګواري	bUzUrgwaarée	greatness, mightiness		n. f.																													2
1527820475	بیارغاونه	byaaraghaawúna	rebuilding, restoration, rehabilitation, reconstruction	3	n. f.																													2
1592558936200	بیاتي	byaatée	(pair of) scissors	4	n. f.																													2
1527813458	چابي	chaabée	key (Urdu)	4	n. f.																													2
1527821563	چابکي	chaabukée, chaabúkee	quickness, swiftness	3	n. f.																													2
1527816449	چاچي	chaachée	aunt (paternal uncle's wife)	3	n. f.																													3
1527813390	چادري	chaadarée	veil	3	n. f.																													2
1566478686505	چالاکي	chaalaakée	craftiness, cunning-ness, cleverness	4	n. f.																													3
1527812244	چاندمارۍ	chaandmaarúy	firing, shooting, execution by shooting	3	n. f.																													2
1527816680	چاپه	chaapá	pattern, composition (Archaeology), printing	4	n. f.																													2
1631221830768	چاپي	chaapée	massage, rubbing or kneading	4	n. f.																													2
1527813414	چاره	chaará	solution, way out, cure; work, act, deed, duty; method, way	4	n. f.																													2
1527811622	چاره سازي	chaara saazée	assistance, aid, healing, cure	4	n. f.																													2
1527813465	چاړه	chaaRú	knife	3	n. f.																													3
1527812254	چارشنبه	chaarshamba	Wednesday	3	n. f.																													
1527812032	چارۍ	chaarúy	shovel	4	n. f.																													2
1527821403	چارزانو	chaarzaanóo	sitting with crossed legs	3	n. f.																													2
1527814546	چاودنه	chaawdúna	explosion, blast, bomb	4	n. f.																													3
1527812527	چاینکه	chaayníka, chaanúka	teapot	4	n. f.																													2
1527818368	چغانغه	chagháangha, chaghaanghá	mint	1	n. f.																													2
1527821033	چغنه	chaghúna	wine press, press, extraction	2	n. f.																													2
1588075539331	چغزۍ	chaghzúy, chaghazúy	walnut kernel	4	n. f.																													2
1675268228412	چهارشنبه	chahaarshanbá, chaaharshambá, chaarshambá	Wednesday		n. f.																													2
1527823002	چجه	chajá	fishing weir; ribs; leafy tops (of carrots); fencing; eaves; splints (medicine)	4	n. f.																													2
1527817913	چکه	chaká	semi-sold cheese curds, cottage cheese; hand	3	n. f.																													3
1527814403	چکلۍ	chaklúy	whirlpool; cogwheel in Persian water-wheel; top (the toy)	2	n. f.																													
1527811838	چکۍ	chakúy	small piece, morsel, scrap; fat tail (sheep)	1	n. f.																													2
1527811415	چل بازي	chal baazée	cunning, deceit, trickery	4	n. f.																													3
1527815706	چله	chalá	flood, inundation	2	n. f.																													2
1527811413	چلبازي	chalbaazée	cunning, deceit, trickery	4	n. f.																													3
1527819041	چلیپا	chaleepáa	cross, crucifix	3	n. f.																													2
1576101632183	چلښت لیکه	chaluxt léeka	direction, course	3	n. f.																													2
1527821320	چمبه	chambá	paw, claws (birds); tambourine; circle, rim	2	n. f.																													2
1527815802	چمچه	chamácha, chamchá	spoon, ladle	3	n. f.																													3
1527821992	چمچه ګیري	chamcha geerée	sucking up, flattery	4	n. f.																													2
1650882378868	چمپل	champál	slipper	0	n. f.																													2
1573768760729	چنه	chaná	bartering, bargaining (for a price)	3	n. f.																													2
1589464494651	چڼچڼه	chaNcháNa, chUNchÚNa	sparrow, small bird	4	n. f.																													2
1589465641304	چڼچڼکه	chaNchaNáka	sparrow, small bird	4	n. f.																													2
1527816294	چنده	chandá	offering, collection of donations, collection	3	n. f.																													3
1527816669	چنډه	chanDá	part, piece, portion, share	2	n. f.																													2
1527813779	چپه	chapá	wave; gust; oar	4	n. f.																													2
1574808712109	چپه لاره	chapa láara	the wrong way	4	n. f. doub.																													2
1732870910641	چپه لار	chapa laar	the wrong way	4	n. f. doub.																													2
1594383159190	چپلکه	chapláka	slipper	4	n. f.																													2
1527820055	چپلۍ	chaplúy	sandals (څپلۍ)	4	n. f.																													2
1527822920	چره	chará	irrigation ditch, drainage ditch; shotgun	4	n. f.																													2
1527812307	چرده	chardá	color of the face, complexion, color of skin or fur	2	n. f.																													2
1527812033	چرۍ	charúy	shovel, dark red plum, cooking stove, ditch	3	n. f.																													2
1527823125	چشم بندي	chashm bandée	misdirection, illusion, hypnotic suggestion	3	n. f.																													2
1527815648	چشمه	chashmá, chishmá	spring, source, small stream of drinkable water; eye (poetic/Farsi); single glass (in glasses)	4	n. f.																													2
1527811232	چټکي	chaTakée, chaTkée	speed, swiftness	4	n. f.																													2
1527821601	چټکتیا	chaTaktyáa	speed, quickness	4	n. f.																													2
1527817716	چټلي	chaTalée	filth, dirt, scum, impurity, foulness	4	n. f.																													2
1527820587	چترۍ	chatrúy	umbrella, parasol; even; smooth land; scar	4	n. f.																													3
1586278761807	چتریي	chatruyée	bald, having bald patches	4	n. f.																													
1594835121943	چوټه	chawáTa	sandal-like shoe	2	n. f.																													
1527813972	چیغه	chéegha	yell, scream, cry	3	n. f.																													3
1527812530	چینه	cheená	spring, source, fountain	3	n. f.																													3
1527820608	چینده	cheendá	cellar, cavern, cave, cavity, hollow, vault	1	n. f.																													2
1527818559	چیني	cheenée	Chinese, chinaware, china	4	n. f.																													3
1585476080264	چیرړه	chéerRa	rag, cloth	2	n. f.																													
1610448589982	چېلي	chelée	kid (young goat)	4	n. f.																													2
1610793721691	چېلۍ	chelúy	female goat	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1594130655047	چلمچي	chilumchée	large basin (brass or tin washbasin)	4	n. f.																													2
1733212470475	چلمچۍ	chilumchúy	large basin (brass or tin washbasin)	4	n. f.																													2
1527820754	چلمي	chilumée, chulmée	water-pipe	4	n. f.																													2
1527814827	چنډخه	chinDákha, chunDákha	frog	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527822562	چټکه	chiTká	red calico, chintz, spot	4	n. f.																													
1610448128149	چوخه	chókha, chokhá	distortion, curvature; round shoulders	2	n. f.																													2
1527814199	چوکۍ	chokúy	chair, stool, seat, office	3	n. f.																													3
1527811315	چونه	chooná	old woman	1	n. f. anim.																													2
1527821656	چونتره	chontará, choontára	terrace, platform awning	4	n. f.																													2
1610448073948	چوغه	chooghá	outer robe, kaftan, cloak	4	n. f.																													3
1620042378182	چوغکه	chooghúka	sparrow, small birdd	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527819479	چوک چوکه	chook chóoka	gossip, hearsay, rumours	1	n. f.																													2
1527811314	چونه	chooná	limestone	4	n. f.																													2
1576949042257	چونډۍ	choonDúy	provocation, incitement; a little bit, a small amount, little chunk (of naswaar etc.)	3	n. f.																													2
1527814591	چوپتیا	chooptyáa	silence	4	n. f.																													2
1631018029806	چوره	choorá, chorá	hernia	4	n. f.																													3
1527822957	چورلکه	choorláka	helicopter, chopper, drone	4	n. f.																													2
1527822666	چوټي	chooTée	vacation, leave from work, day off, holidays	4	n. f.																													3
1527821655	چوتره	chotrá, chotára	terrace, platform awning	3	n. f.																													2
1576610895061	چړپا	chRapáa, chuRpáa	splashing, sloshing, plonk, ripple	4	n. f.																													2
1527821154	چړکه	chRúka	stitch, shooting pain	3	n. f.																													2
1527812532	چغه	chúgha, chígha	cry, yell, scream	4	n. f.																													2
1586446154730	چخړه	chúkhRa, chkhúRa	mucus and pus	4	n. f.																													2
1584519112824	چکوتره	chUkootrá, chUkootúra, chukotúra	grapefruit	4	n. f.																													2
1573768771851	چنه	chúna, chína	jaw; province, district, region	2	n. f.																													2
1527814823	چنګښه	chungúxa	frog	3	n. f. anim.																													2
1527817396	چپنه	chupána	jacket, caftan	4	n. f.																													2
1527820131	چړه	chúRa, chuRá	piece, slice (watermelon, melon); pin; hinge (door)	3	n. f.																													2
1596925694307	چړائي	chuRaa`ée	upward slope	4	n. f.																													2
1580005948284	چټي کړټي	chuTee kRuTee, chuTee kuRTee	nonsense	4	n. f.																													2
1527814333	ډاډ ګېرنه	DaaD gerúna	assurance, comfort, calming	4	n. f.																													2
1527814332	ډاډګېرنه	DaaDgerúna	assurance, comfort, calming	4	n. f.																													2
1589024198780	دافع	daafá', daafí'	defending, beating back	2	n. f.									دوافع	dawaafi'																			2
1527816682	ډاکه	Daaká, Dáaka	raid, attack, surprise, theft	4	n. f. anim.																													3
1714816466320	ډاکه مار	Daaka máar	raider, attacker, bandit, robber	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1714816568697	ډاکه کول	Daaká kawúl	to raid, attack, rob	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527816682	raid																											3
1527816734	داخله	daakhilá	entrance	4	n. f.																													3
1527823537	ډاکټره	DaakTára	female doctor	4	n. f.																													2
1527819144	ډاله	Daalá	trunk of a car	4	n. f.																													2
1527813932	ډالۍ	Daalúy	gift, present, reward; watchtower;	3	n. f.																													2
1527812539	دانه	daaná	piece, grain; a counter word for objects; pimple, blackhead	4	n. f.																													3
1527821824	ډانګه	Dáanga	leg (from thigh to foot), pole (telephone etc.), mast	3	n. f.																													2
1588161900934	ډانګوره	Daangoorá, Daangóora	crutch, cane	4	n. f.																													2
1527823382	دار الاقامه	daar Uliqaamá	hostel	2	n. f.																												true	2
1527818269	داړه	daaRá	foray, raid, attack, band of thieves; canine tooth, fang	3	n. f.																													2
1527818270	داره	dáara, daará	spray, splash, sprinkle, spurt	3	n. f.																													2
1527818268	داړه ماري	daaRa maarée	robbery, banditry	4	n. f.																													2
1527818271	داري	daarée	spray, splash, sprinkle, spurt	3	n. f.																													2
1610540920646	دایه	daayá	midwife	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1610540903278	دایي	daayée	midwife	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527812044	دایره	daayrá	circle, realm, office	4	n. f.																													3
1527819194	ډبه	Dabá	box, tin; railway car compartment, train, place of assembly, raised platform, scaffold, crossing	4	n. f.																													3
1594219589268	ډبلی	Dabláy	stick, club, mallet, paddle (for laundry); rolling pin; mixed-grain bread; box, pouch, bag	4	n. f.																													3
1527817483	ډبره	Dabára	rock, stone	3	n. f.																													2
1527821277	دبدبه	dabdabá	splendour, pomp; fear, terror	3	n. f.																													3
1527813446	ډبۍ	Dabúy	shudder, shiver, trembling, quiver	3	n. f.																													2
1527814081	ډډه	DáDa	direction, side	4	n. f.																													3
1527819727	ډډتیا	DaDtyáa, DaDatyáa	sulkiness, bad mood, grumpiness; bile, spleen	3	n. f.																													2
1527823726	ډغرۍ	Dagháruy	pushing, butting, collision	4	n. f.																													2
1527820290	ډغره	Daghúra	confrontation, rivalry, collision	4	n. f.																													2
1527823725	ډغره	Daghúra	pushing, butting, collision	3	n. f.																													2
1527813219	ډکه	Daká, Dáka	push, blow, hit; confinement, incarceration; state of frenzy, being possessed; crowd, commotion; obligation; event, occurance	4	n. f.																													2
1584690490663	ډکه	Dáka	caravan stopping place; embankment, quay	3	n. f.																													2
1527812585	ډله	Dúla	group, party, collective	4	n. f.																													3
1527821453	دلاکي	dalaakée	a haircut and a shave	3	n. f.																													2
1678365255482	ډلبندي	Dalbandée	classification, typology		n. f.																													2
1527819146	ډلۍ	Dalúy	trash bin, garbage bin; manure bag; pile	3	n. f.																													2
1527815956	دم دلاسا	dam dilaasaa	comfort, affection, consolation	4	n. f.																													
1527815965	دم سازي	dam saazée	concord, harmony; intimacy, close friendship	3	n. f.																													2
1527812542	دمه	damá	break, rest; asthma	4	n. f.																													3
1714811032881	دمه کول	damá kawúl	to take a break, rest, pause, relax	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527812542	take	a break																										3
1527815961	دمپخته	damapukhta, dampÚkhta	chicken pilaf	4	n. f.																													2
1527817468	ډمبره	Dambára	wasp, hornet, bee	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527812078	ډنډه	DanDá, DánDa	club, stick, bat, shaft; pool, pond	4	n. f.																													3
1527812085	دنده	dánda	obligation, duty, responsibility; job, work, position	4	n. f.																													2
1610538292815	ډنډا	DanDáa	rumour, heresay, murmuring (ډنډوره)	3	n. f.																													2
1574034929406	ډنډوکاري	DanDookáaree, DanDookaarée	yelling, shouting	3	n. f.																													2
1527818521	ډنډوکی	DanDookáy	pond, pool, puddle	3	n. f.																													2
1527821922	ډنډوره	DanDoorá	public crying, propaganda, show	4	n. f.																													2
1527823467	ډنډۍ	DanDúy	balance beam of a scale; ear lobe; bunch (of grapes)	3	n. f.																													2
1527812543	دڼیا	daNiyáa	cilantro/coriander, parsley	4	n. f.																													3
1527813475	دقیقه	daqeeqá	minute	4	n. f.									دقائق	daqaa'iq																			2
1527811438	دړه	dáRa	board, leaf, panel, strip, slice (of a melon etc.)	3	n. f.																													3
1527818230	دړه دوړه	dáRa dóoRa	noise, racket, hubbub	2	n. f.																													2
1527813973	دره	dará, darrá	valley, mountain pass, gorge	4	n. f.																													2
1594834298490	دره	dará, darrá	valley, gourge, mountain pass, ravine	4	n. f.																													2
1527816221	درجه	darajá	degree; extent; rank, class	4	n. f.																													3
1527815035	درجه بندي	daraja bandée	classification, gradation	4	n. f.																													2
1527823248	دړکه	daRaká, daRká, daRáka	threat, intimidation, threat with a firearm (په چا دړکه کول - to threaten someone)	4	n. f.																													3
1715722975615	دړکه ورکول	daRká warkawúl, daRáka warkawúl	to threaten, intimidate		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527823248	threaten																											3
1527820465	درکي	darakée, darkée	knowledge, information, idea (about where someone is etc.)	2	n. f.																													2
1527818527	درنده	darandá	predatory, savage, beast of prey	4	n. f.																													
1623687015049	دربدري	darbadarée	poverty, destitution, ruin	4	n. f.																													2
1527822907	دري	darée	Dari (language)	4	n. f.																													2
1662099073452	دریچه	dareechá	window, door, hatch, loop-hole	4	n. f.																													2
1662099097161	دریڅه	dareetsá	window, door, hatch, loop-hole	4	n. f.																													2
1527817388	درغلي	darghalée	deceit, fraud, deception, swindling	3	n. f.																													2
1527814475	درګهي	darguhée	cupboard (for dishes), buffet, pantry	2	n. f.																													2
1527814956	درګهي	darguhée	cupboard (for dishes), buffet, pantry	2	n. f.																													2
1527813423	درمل واکي	darmal wáakee	pharmacy (the business or practice)	3	n. f.																													2
1527820149	درملنه	darmalána	treatment, healing	3	n. f.																													2
1527817335	دړۍ	daRúy	foil, decorations made of foil; a seer (a measure of weight)	3	n. f.																													2
1527822969	درۍ	darúy	a cotton rug	3	n. f.																													3
1527811425	دروازه	darwaazá	door	3	n. f.																													3
1527819846	دسیسه	daseesá	collusion, plot, conspiracy, intrigue	4	n. f.									دسایس	dasaayís																			2
1584889774775	دسکله	daskalá, daskála	glove	4	n. f.																													2
1678971040179	دستانه	dastaaná	glove		n. f.																													3
1527822324	دستکاري	dastkaarée	handwork, handiwork, manipulation (from Farsi)	4	n. f.																													3
1527817067	دعوه	da'wá	claim; plea; dispute, conflict	4	n. f.																													3
1708355221807	دعوه کول	da'wá kawúl	to claim	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527817067	claim																											3
1527811295	دعوا	da'wáa	claim; plea; dispute, conflict	3	n. f.																													3
1527813415	دوا	dawáa	medicine, medication	3	n. f.																													2
1614082749001	دوایي	dawaayée, dawaa`ée	medication, medicine, treatment	4	n. f.																													3
1527813961	دښته	dáxta	desert, barren land	4	n. f.																													2
1527818885	دینداري	deendaarée	piety, virtue, godliness	4	n. f.																													2
1566474938098	ډینګرۍ	Deengrúy, Deengarúy	mushroom; oar, paddle; shadoof (at a well)	3	n. f.																													2
1676207439832	دېکتاتوري	dektaatorée	dictatorship		n. f.																													2
1527822080	دېموکراسي	demokraasée	democracy	4	n. f.																													2
1527814079	دېره	derá	dwelling, shelter, residence	3	n. f.																													2
1527820561	ډېوه	Dewá	lamp, lantern	4	n. f.																													2
1664026534692	ډبا	Dibbáa, Dabáa	box (Urdu)	4	n. f.																													2
1527816915	دفاع	difáa', difáa	defence, protection	4	n. f.																													2
1527814467	دهقاني	dihqaanée	farming, agriculture	3	n. f.																													2
1527818108	ډکشنري	Dikshinarée	dictionary	3	n. f.																													3
1527817429	دل بستګي	dil bastagée	attachment, love, affection, passion (for something or someone)	2	n. f.																													2
1527817415	دل داره	dil dáara	very good looking girl or woman, very beautiful girl or woman, babe; beloved, sweetheart, darling	3	n. f.																													2
1527817411	دل جویي	dil joyée	consolation, comfort, kindness, charm	3	n. f.																													2
1527817432	دل خواهي	dil khwaahée, dil khaahée	good will, favorable attitude	3	n. f.																													2
1527817433	دل ربا	dil rUbáa	captivating, charming, fascinating; beloved, sweetheart, darling	3	n. f.																													2
1527817434	دل ربایي	dil rUbaayée	charm, beauty	3	n. f.																													2
1527817435	دل سردي	dil sardée	indifference, hardness of heart, lack of concern; coolness, calmness, composure	3	n. f.																													2
1527817436	دل سوزه	dil sóza	beloved, sweetheart	3	n. f.																													2
1527817437	دل سوزي	dil sozée	compassion, soft-heartedness, responsiveness	3	n. f.																													2
1527817408	دلارام	dilaaráam	beloved, sweetheart, lover	2	n. f.																													2
1527817847	دلچسپي	dilchaspée	interest, attractiveness	3	n. f.																													3
1714028130429	دلچسپي لرل	dilchaspée larúl	to be interested	3	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527817847	be	interested																										3
1527817419	دلداره	dildáara	very good looking girl or woman, very beautiful girl or woman, babe; beloved, sweetheart, darling	3	n. f.																													2
1527817418	دلداري	dildaarée	comforting, soothing, calming	2	n. f.																													2
1527820516	دلته	diltá	delta (geography)	4	n. f.																													
1527820517	دماغه	dimaaghá	cape (geography)	2	n. f.																													2
1591711891073	دوبي خانه	dobee khaaná	laundrymat, a place where laundry is washed	4	n. f.																													2
1591711934718	دوبۍ	dobúy	washerwoman, someone who does the laundry, laundress	3	n. f. anim.																													2
1527812564	ډوډۍ	DoDúy	bread, food, meal	3	n. f.																													3
1527812565	دوکه	doká	deceit, cheating	3	n. f.																													3
1708188980884	دوکه ورکول	doká warkawúl	to deceive, cheat, trick	3	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527812565																												3
1527820954	ډوله	Dolá, Dóla	hole, pit, depression; ravine; rut, groove; dense	3	n. f.																													2
1610618020229	ډولچه	Dolchá	bucket, pail	4	n. f.																													2
1527820914	ډولۍ	Dolúy, Doolúy	palanquin, litter (carriage that the bride is carried in)	4	n. f.																													2
1527818019	دوکانداري	dookaandaarée	shopkeeping, retail store selling	4	n. f.																													2
1650298821954	دوخړه	dookhúRa	smother, smoulder	2	n. f.																													2
1610795228080	ډوکړه	DookRá	tambourine	3	n. f.																													2
1527818141	دوړه	dóoRa, dooRá	dust, powder, sand, sand storm; boasting, jibe, sneer, taunt, mocking; exaggeration, hyperbole	3	n. f.																													2
1703677795788	دوړې	dóoRe, dooRé	dust (plural of دوړه)	4	n. f. pl.																													1
1527818229	دوړه پاکي	dooRa paakée	vacuum cleaner	4	n. f.																													2
1527816689	دوربیني	doorbeenée	foresight, ability to see far	4	n. f.																													2
1527812255	دوشنبه	dooshamba	Monday	4	n. f.																													
1613564017752	ډوزه	Dóoza	nonsense, rubbish, exaggeration	4	n. f.																													
1527821405	دوزانو	doozaanóo, dwasaanóo	kneeling, being on ones knees	3	n. f.																													2
1527818231	دوړه	doRá	jibe, sneer, taunt, mocking; exaggeration, hyperbole	4	n. f.																													
1527811877	دوستي	dostée	friendship	3	n. f.																													3
1610617372890	دوسیه	dosyá	file	4	n. f.																													2
1577384966877	دربا	drabáa	sound of pounding, thumping	4	n. f.																													2
1527821038	درنه	draná	affliction, plague, disaster	3	n. f.																													2
1661753233925	درزا	drazáa	beating, pounding, thumping	4	n. f.																													2
1527820577	درېشي	dreshee, dareshee, darashée	uniform, suit	3	n. f.																													2
1648754546408	د هوا درجه	du hawaa daraja	temperature (of the air)	4	n. f.																													2
1527811645	د هویت پاڼه	du hUwiyat paaNa	I.D. card	3	n. f.																													2
1626765236175	د اشارو ژبه	du ishaaro jzuba	sign language	3	n. f.																													2
1527816444	د کاکا ماینه	du kaakaa maayná	paternal aunt	3	n. f. anim.																													2
1624352541878	د خوب خونه	du khob khoona	bedroom	4	n. f.																													2
1527812579	د کور ودانې	du kor wudaane	wife (the home-builder)	3	n. f.																													
1527819273	د معلولیت څوکۍ	du malooliyat tsokúy	wheelchair	2	n. f.																													
1733213857204	د معلولیت چوکۍ	du malooliyat chokúy	wheelchair	2	n. f.																													2
1653693311170	د مرګ څلوېښتي	du marg tsalwextée	the 40th day after death, a memorial service after someone's death in Islam an Eastern Orthodoxy	4	n. f.																													2
1579042015006	د ندا اشاره	du nadáa ishaará, di nidáa ishaará	exlamation mark	3	n. f.																													2
1527812581	د سمندر غاړه	du samundar gháaRa	seaside, coast	4	n. f.																													3
1527812582	دعا	dU'áa, dUáa	prayer	4	n. f.																													2
1527816116	ډګه	Duga	penis	4	n. f.																													
1591712545187	ډکی	Dúkay, Dukáy	stalk, sprout, stem; shrub, small bush; toothpick; fluff, down	2	n. m.																													3
1527819423	ډمه	Dúma	dancer?? ; woman hairdresser or hairstylist; table with mirrors and draws for dressing and makeup	4	n. f.																													2
1527821109	ډنډاره	DunDáara	ring of an earring, nose earring, scape; stalk with ear	4	n. f.																													2
1527812345	دنیا	dUnyáa	world; fig. wealth, possessions, money	3	n. f.																													3
1586356148469	دنیا پرستي	dUnyaa parastée	greed, worshipping the world	4	n. f.																													2
1594834321232	دره	dÚra, dirrá, dUrá	lash, whip, scourge	4	n. f.																													
1586627419806	درسته	durastá, darastá	weapons, arms	2	n. f.																													
1578014405951	درګه	dúrga	thicket of bushes/rushes; heart of the forest	2	n. f.																													
1527822919	درمه	dUrmá	rushes, cane; shepherds pipe (musical instrument); barrel (of a shotgun)	4	n. f.																													
1664091349581	ډۍ	Duy	a children's game, tip-cat	4	n. f.																													2
1527817151	ډیورنډ کرښه	DyooranD kúrxa	the Durand Line, the border line drawn up between Afghanistan and Pakistan	4	n. f.																													2
1527812098	ډیوټي	DyooTée	duty, watch; job, work	3	n. f.																													2
1527818190	ځاله	dzáala	nest	3	n. f.																													2
1527811844	ځان ځاني	dzaan dzaanée	egotism, self-love, disconnectedness	4	n. f.																													3
1589023295149	ځان ځولۍ	dzaan dzolúy	playfully rocking/swining a child back and forth	2	n. f.																													2
1527811843	ځان پرستي	dzaan parastée	selfishness, egoism	2	n. f.																													2
1527813865	ځان وژنه	dzaan wajzúna	suicide	4	n. f.																													2
1678174328227	ځانګړنه	dzaanguRána, dzaangRána	characteristic, feature, specialty, virtue		n. f.																													2
1527819278	ځانګړتیا	dzaanguRtyáa	distinction, specialty, unique feature	4	n. f.																													2
1527817929	ځانمني	dzaanmunée	selfishness, egoism, conceit	3	n. f.																													2
1527814863	ځانوژنه	dzaanwajzúna	suicide	4	n. f.																													2
1527820464	ځایځایګي	dzaaydzaayigee	(information about) a persons place of belonging or origins ??	4	n. f.																													
1527819329	ځلا	dzaláa	glow, lustre, brilliance, radiance	4	n. f.																													2
1527819799	ځنځیرکه	dzandzeeráka	embroidery/pattern in the form of a small chain	2	n. f.																													2
1527819797	ځنځۍ	dzandzúy, dzándzuy	small chain jewellery	2	n. f.																													2
1527811725	ځورونه	dzawrawúna, dzorawúna	bothering, troubling, harassment, assault, offense mistreatment	4	n. f.																													2
1527814930	ځیره	dzeerá	cumin, caraway-seed	4	n. f.																													2
1527811477	ځېږنه	dzeGuna	birth	4	n. f.																													
1527822607	ځغاسته	dzgháasta	run, race, contest of speed	3	n. f.																													2
1527817647	ځله	dzíla	distress, derangement, alarm, worry, distress	3	n. f.																													2
1678365458490	ځمکواکي	dzmakwáakee	feudalism		n. f.																													2
1527820504	ځمکه	dzmúka	land, earth, ground	4	n. f.																													3
1527811496	ځوکړه	dzókRa	birth	2	n. f.																													2
1584692803617	ځوغاله	dzooghaalá	lump, clump of dough (زغاله)	4	n. f.	1584692750562																												2
1527811497	ځږه	dzuGá	stomach pains, birth pangs	1	n. f.																													2
1527818253	ځواني	dzwaanée	youth	4	n. f.																													3
1527821631	ځوانمردي	dzwaanmardée	valour, courage, honourable behaviour, generosity	3	n. f.																													2
1527814518	ځوړه	dzwáRa	lowering	3	n. f.																													2
1527822934	ایجادکاري	eejaadkaarée	creativity, creative work	4	n. f.																													2
1527821985	ایمانداري	eemaandaarée	honesty, truthfulness, sincerity, candidness	4	n. f.																													3
1527819927	اینه	éena	liver	4	n. f.																													
1527822104	اینداره	eendáara	mirror, glass	3	n. f.																													2
1527813839	ایره	eerá	ash, ashes (usally plural)	4	n. f.																													2
1527813060	ایسارتیا	eesaartyáa	stop, delay, waiting	4	n. f.																													3
1527814293	ایستنه	eestúna	throwing away, chucking out; extracting, taking off; mining	4	n. f.																													2
1588758230254	ایټالوي	eeTaalawée	Italian	4	n. f.																													2
1527812599	ایټالیا	eeTaalyáa	Italy	4	n. f.																													2
1672206196664	اېن جیو	en jee`ó	NGO, non-governmental organization		n. f.																													2
1586429619762	فاحشه ګري	faahisha garee	prostitution, indecency, obscenity	3	n. f.																													
1527814341	فائده	faaidá	advantage, gain, benefit	4	n. f.																													2
1702632808219	فایده	faaydá	advantage, gain, benefit	4	n. f.																													3
1714370455681	فایده رسول	faaydá rasawúl	to benefit (causative)	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1702632808219	benefit																											3
1611397624756	فالوده	faaloodá	jam, marmalade	4	n. f.																													2
1527820365	فانه	faaná	wedge, bolt, catch, lock, bar	3	n. f.																													2
1527822443	فارسي	faarsée	Farsi	4	n. f.																													2
1527820127	فاصله	faasilá	distance, space, interval	4	n. f.																													3
1527816754	فاتحه	faatihá	al-fatiha (A sura from the Quran) used as a prayer for the dead.	4	n. f.																													2
1527817167	فبریکه	fabreeká	factory	3	n. f.																													2
1675281971593	فبروري	fabroorée, faburwarée	February		n. f.																													2
1527811922	فحاشي	fahhaashee, fahaashee	prostitution, depravity; swearing, verbal abuse	4	n. f.																													
1527811929	فحشا	fahishaa	depravation, depravity, wickedness, immorality	4	n. f.																													
1527818233	فجایع	fajaaya', fajaayí'	calamity, disaster, catastrophe	2	n. f.																													2
1527813684	فلسفه	falsafá	philosophy, theory	4	n. f.																													2
1527819070	فقیري	faqeerée	poverty, destitution; pertaining to the dervish (adj.)	4	n. f.																													2
1586430043701	فراموش کاري	faraamoosh kaarée	forgetfulness, absentmindedness	2	n. f.																													2
1586430079989	فریضه	fareezá	obligation, duty, bond, trust, commitment	4	n. f.																													2
1527817738	فرشته	farishtá	angel	3	n. f.																													2
1527823284	فرمان برداري	farmaan bardaarée	obedience, submission, subordination	4	n. f.																													2
1527819018	فرزندي	farzandée	the position of a son, adoption	2	n. f.																													2
1527822892	فرضیه	farziyá	hypothesis	2	n. f.																													2
1589023873660	فتح	fátha, fáta	victory, conquest	3	n. f.																													3
1716083894965	فتح کول	fátha kawúl	to conquer, to win		v. stat. comp. trans.	1589023873660	conquer																											3
1715961130237	فتحه	fátha, fáta	victory, conquest	3	n. f.																													3
1716083925945	فتحه کول	fátha kawúl	to conquer, to win		v. stat. comp. trans.	1715961130237	conquer																											3
1527815508	فتوا	fítwáa, fatwáa	fatwa, decree, ruling, judgment, sentence (in Islam)	4	n. f.																													3
1578683859160	فتویٰ	fatwáa, fitáa	fatwa, decree, ruling, judgment, sentence (in Islam)	4	n. f.																													2
1527822990	فواره	fawaará	fountain, jet, spout	4	n. f.																													3
1527813470	فضا	fazáa	space, air	4	n. f.																													3
1675267714023	فېبروري	febrooree, febarwarée	February		n. f.																													2
1631017437633	فیروزه	feerozá	turquoise	4	n. f.																													2
1527820596	فیصدي	feesadée	percentage	4	n. f.																													2
1527822358	فیته	feetá, faytá	ribbon, tape, audio cassette tape, measuring tape	4	n. f.																													3
1527814723	فیصله	faysalá	decision, resolution, sentence	4	n. f.																													3
1709149361005	فیصله کول	faysalá kawúl	to decide, resolved, make a decision, pronounce a sentence or resolution	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527814723																												3
1527821964	فداکاري	fidaakaarée	selflessness, sacrifice, self-denial	3	n. f.																													2
1527816848	فدیه	fidyá	ransom, payment for a religious debt or duty, discharging of a debt	4	n. f.																													2
1527817206	فلم سازي	film saazée	production of films/movies	3	n. f.																													2
1527811548	فرښته	firixtá	angel	3	n. f. anim.																													3
1588758852245	فرقه	firqá, farqá	group, detachment, sect, faction	4	n. f.																													3
1527817880	فتنه	fitná	discord, infighting, disturbance, trouble, mutiny, rebellion, disaster	4	n. f.																													2
1527812609	فرانسه	fraansá	France	4	n. f.																													2
1665043491625	ګاډۍ	gaaDúy	buggy, coach, stroller, carriage	4	n. f.																													3
1527819127	ګاجره	gaajára	carrot	4	n. f.																													2
1527823055	ګاڼه	gaaNá	jewellery, ornament	3	n. f.																													2
1594910554037	ګاڼۍ	gaaNúy	sugar-cane press	4	n. f.																													2
1527813346	ګانزه	gaanzá	third finger, ring finger	2	n. f.																													2
1579016507940	ګاره	gaará	heap of sugarcane, gravel	4	n. f.																													2
1579016476574	ګاره	gáara	cave, grotto	4	n. f.																													
1527814492	ګاوداري	gaawdaarée	cattle farming	3	n. f.																													2
1527819743	ګبینخانه	gabeenkhaaná	bee garden, apiary	3	n. f.																													2
1571674981609	ګچه	gácha, gachá	measurement, size, scope	3	n. f.																													2
1527818082	ګډا	gaDáa	dance	3	n. f.																													3
1566480780612	ګدا	gadáa	poverty	4	n. f.																													2
1611415468422	ګدا	gadáa	beggar, panhandler	4	n. m. anim.																													2
1595232178103	ګدایي	gadaayée	begging, panhandling	4	n. f.																													2
1613548089213	ګډونه	gaDawúna, guDawúna	mixing, turning, spinning, rotisserie	4	n. f.																													
1588161768681	ګډېکه	gaDéka	crutch; brace/support (of a distaff, axle etc.)	3	n. f.																													
1678467880467	ګډوله	gaDola	mixture, combination		n. f.																													
1597769486922	ګدۍ	gadúy	throne, seat, office, headquarters; party, meeting; cushion	4	n. f.																													3
1527812270	ګله	galá	flock, herd, drove	4	n. f.																													2
1527823149	ږلۍ	Galúy	hail	4	n. f.																													2
1527823744	ګڼه	gáNa	issue (of a magazine/publication)	3	n. f.																													3
1576101307989	ګنده ګي	ganda gée	dirtiness, filth	4	n. f.																													2
1576101342695	ګندګي	gandagée	dirtiness, filth (ګنده ګي)	2	n. f.																													2
1527814759	ګنډېرمرۍ	ganDermarúy	antidote (for poison)	2	n. f.																													
1527811575	ګنډنه	ganDúna	sewing	4	n. f.																													2
1566469042495	ګنجیفه	ganjeefá	pack, deck of playing cards; the playing of cards	2	n. f.																													2
1611064037274	ګنجۍ	ganjúy	vulture	4	n. f.																													2
1611064052298	ګنجۍ	ganjúy	woolen jacket; skein, hank (of yarn)	2	n. f.																													2
1579016664663	ګره	gará	a pit where sugarcane is stored	4	n. f.																													2
1589024795343	ګړنه	gaRúna	idiom	2	n. f.																													2
1527812613	ګرمي	garmée	heat, hot weather, summer	4	n. f.																													3
1589020883530	ګرمتیا	garmtyáa, garumtyáa	warmth, heat	4	n. f.																													2
1527821620	ګړۍ	gaRúy	hour, time; watch, wristwatch; pond, puddle, hollow in a rock filled with rainwater, gully; fort, castle	4	n. f.																													3
1527820724	ګرزونه	garzawúna	vomit, vomiting, puke, puking	3	n. f.																													2
1527822831	ګټه وټه	gaTa waTa	earnings, wages	3	n. f.																													
1527814086	ګټه	gáTa, gúTa	earning, wages; benefit, gain, profit	4	n. f.																													3
1716310409216	ګټه رسول	gáTa rasawúl, gúTa rasawúl	to benefit, yield		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527814086	yield																											3
1714371871666	ګټه ورکول	gáTa warkawúl, gúTa warkawúl	to benefit (causative), bring profit		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527814086	benefit																											3
1709563382167	ګټه کول	gáTa kawúl, gúTa kawúl	to earn, profit, benefit, gain	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527814086	profit																											3
1527816956	ګټنه	gaTúna	gain, benefit, usefulness, profit, win	3	n. f.																													3
1527818140	ګواهي	gawaahée	testimony, witness	4	n. f.																													3
1716306912833	ګواهي کول	gawaahée kawúl, gUwaahée kawúl	to testify, bear witness	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527818140	testify																											3
1527822483	ګزمه	gazmá	patrol	4	n. f.																													2
1527814865	ګېډه	géDa	stomach, womb	4	n. f.																													3
1527818426	ګېډۍ	geDúy	bunch (of flowers etc.), bouquet; sheaf (of wheat/grain/corn after harvesting)	4	n. f.																													3
1621366274018	ګېدۍ	gedúy	bunch (of flowers etc.), bouquet; sheaf (of wheat/grain/corn after harvesting); tuft (of hair); villus; female donkey	4	n. f.																													2
1527820931	ګیدړۍ	geedaRúy	senseless laughter, laughter without reason (ګيدړۍ خندل)	2	n. f.																													2
1527814304	ګیله	geelá	resentment, hurt, offense, anger	4	n. f.																													3
1708612386108	ګیله کول	geelá kawúl	to resent, complain, take offense	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527814304	resent																											3
1527816103	ږیره	Géera	beard	4	n. f.																													3
1602162432500	ګیټۍ	geeTúy, gayTúy	ankle	4	n. f.																													2
1527821006	غائطه	ghaaíta, ghaaitá	feces, defecation, poop, poo, excrement, stool	2	n. f.																													2
1527820845	غالۍ	ghaalúy	carpet, rug	3	n. f.																													2
1527812614	غاړه	gháaRa	neck, throat, front of shirt, collar; edge, band (of sea, river, etc.); cough, tune, song	4	n. f.																													3
1709767650200	غاړه ورکول	gháaRa warkawúl	to embrace, hug	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527812614																												3
1709767664936	ور غاړه وتل	war gháaRa watúl	to embrace, hug																															3
1527817543	غاړه غړۍ	ghaaRa ghaRúy	embrace	4	n. f.																													2
1527817541	غاړه غټۍ	ghaaRa ghaTúy	embrace	4	n. f.																													2
1527817542	غاړه غجي	ghaaRa ghujée	embrace	2	n. f.																													2
1527821059	غاړپټۍ	ghaaRpuTúy	scarf, muffler	2	n. f.																													2
1595256857333	غاښ ولۍ	ghaax wulúy, ghaax wúluy	root of a tooth	4	n. f.																													2
1527811522	غداري	ghaddaarée	treachery, sedition, perfidy	4	n. f.																													2
1665948063251	غځونه	ghadzawúna	stretching, stretching out, lengthening	4	n. f.																													2
1527812619	غله	ghalá	grains, cereal, ration	4	n. f.																													1
1527819572	غلبه	ghalabá	victory	3	n. f.																													2
1527820500	غلئي	ghalaée	rent-in-kind	2	n. f.																													2
1527822415	غلط فکري	ghalat fikrée	wrong thinking	3	n. f.																													2
1573667416624	غلطي	ghalatée	mistake, error	4	n. f.																													3
1527819735	غلبوزه	ghalbóoza, ghalbozá	bumblebee, bee, wasp	3	n. f. anim.																													2
1527817318	غم شریکي	gham shareekée	empathy, sympathy, compassion, sharing in anothers pain or difficulty	3	n. f.																													2
1527819640	غمیزه	ghaméeza	tragedy, disaster, calamity	4	n. f.																													2
1527819935	غمازي	ghammaazée, ghUmaazée	gossip, scandal, hurt or friction between people, slander, informing	4	n. f.																													2
1578607789144	غمرازي	ghamraazée	empathy, sympathy, compassion, sharing in anothers pain or difficulty	4	n. f.																													2
1527817332	غنم ګره	ghanum gára	wheat field	2	n. f.																													2
1527813164	غپا	ghapáa	barking, bow-wow, the sound a dog makes	4	n. f.																													2
1527819074	غریبي	ghareebée	poverty, toil	4	n. f.																													2
1527820555	غریزه	ghareezá	instinct, desire	2	n. f.									غرائز	gharaaiz																			3
1595257128211	غرغره	gharghará	hanging, execution	4	n. f.																													2
1527812617	غرمه	gharmá	noon, midday	4	n. f.																													2
1527819715	غرڅپه	ghartsapá	flow from the mountains, large wave	1	n. f.																													2
1527822734	غړۍ	ghaRúy	collar, neck	2	n. f.																													2
1588696223216	غټه غوښه	ghúTa ghwáxa	beef	3	n. f.																													3
1527819304	غټه کولمه	gháTa koolmá	large intestine	4	n. f.																													1
1527813824	غېږ	gheG	bosom, breast; wrestling	4	n. f.																													2
1527813825	غېږباسي	gheGbaasée	wrestling	3	n. f.																													2
1527820083	غیبګویي	ghaybgoyée	prophecy, soothsaying	3	n. f.																													2
1527813482	غیر حاضري	ghayr haazirée	absence, not showing up for, skipping	4	n. f.																													3
1589023650144	غشا	ghisháa	covering, membrane, tissue	1	n. f.																													2
1527818133	غذا	ghizáa, ghazáa	food, nourishment	4	n. f.																													3
1527817670	غلا	ghlaa	theft, robbery, stealing	4	n. f.																													3
1527819738	غلاوزه	ghlaaoozá	bee, wasp	2	n. f. anim.																													2
1527819739	غلاوزه	ghlaawzá	cow that gives little milk	2	n. f. anim.																													2
1527819740	غلوځه	ghlawdzá	bee	2	n. f.																													2
1527820818	غوغا	ghogháa, ghawgháa	noise, (hubbub, commotion)	4	n. f.																													2
1527822346	غوجل	ghojál, ghojúl, ghoojúl	barn, cowshed, sheepfold	4	n. f.																													3
1568407815282	غوله کمانه	ghola kamáana	slingshot, catapult	2	n. f.																													
1623688262770	غولانځ	gholáandz, ghooláandz	udder (of a cow)	4	n. f.																													2
1733575323215	غولانځه	gholáandza, ghooláandza	udder (of a cow)	4	n. f.																													2
1568407790621	غولکه	gholáka	slingshot, catapult	4	n. f.																													2
1527819995	غولي ناسته	gholee náasta	visit of the groom-to-be to the father-in-laws house after the marriage has been agreed to	2	n. f.																													2
1527822347	غوجله	ghoojúla, ghojúla	barn, cowshed, sheepfold	4	n. f.																													2
1584884112805	غوماشه	ghoomáasha	elm tree	3	n. f.																													2
1576948392340	غومبره	ghoombúra	cheek (غومبوری)	3	n. f.																													2
1672910723474	غومبسه	ghoombúsa	wasp, hornet		n. f.																													2
1578015362466	غونبۍ	ghoonbúy	dome, cupola	2	n. f.																													2
1527811664	غونده	ghoonda	spun wool	3	n. f.																													
1527818424	غوټه	ghóoTa, ghooTá	dive, diving, plunging, plunge; tie, knot, hitch, fastening	3	n. f.																													3
1713090922173	غوټه کول	ghwUTa kawúl	to fasten, tie, knot	3	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527818424	fastened																											3
1713090924922	غوټه کېدل	ghwUTa kedúl	to be fastened, tied, knotted	3	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527818424	be	fastened																										2
1527818423	غوټه وهنه	ghooTa wahúna	diving, dipping, going into water	4	n. f.																													2
1527820015	غوټۍ	ghooTúy	bud; drop (of sweat etc.); navel; scarf, shawl	4	n. f.																													3
1527813483	غوټه	ghóTa	abscess	3	n. f.																													2
1527821103	غوزه	ghozá	cocoon; cotton boll; pine cone; kind of earring	4	n. f.																													2
1527817656	غرېو	ghrew	moaning, outcry, groaning, weeping, regret	1	n. f.																													2
1527823652	غړومبنه	ghRoombúna	roar (of a lion etc.)	3	n. f.																													2
1527818528	غړوسکه	ghRooska	thick smoke, rain cloud	4	n. f.																													
1582391202540	غده	ghUdá	gland	4	n. f.									غدد	ghUdád																			2
1527813326	غږه	ghuGá	cowbell	2	n. f.																													2
1527819916	غماشه	ghUmáasha	mosquito, gnat	2	n. f. anim.																													2
1527811888	غنه	ghúna	thorny branch; thornbush, thorn hedge	3	n. f.																													3
1527811880	غڼه	ghúNa	spider	4	n. f.																													2
1527815883	غندنه	ghundúna	condemnation, reproach, criticism	4	n. f.																													2
1610617050112	غنګ	ghung	sound made from a metal object banging, echo	4	n. f.																													2
1610617077034	غنګا	ghungáa	echo	4	n. f.																													2
1627301952165	غرفه	ghUrfá	booth, cabin, room, pavilion, chamber, hall		n. f.																													2
1527821727	غرنده	ghurúnda, ghrundá	calamity, misfortune, hopeless situation	1	n. f.																													2
1527814572	غصه	ghUsá, ghUssá	anger, angry, fury, rage; grief, affliction	4	n. f.																													3
1611420834948	غسل خانه	ghUsul khaaná, ghUsl khaaná	bathroom	4	n. f.																													3
1527811867	غښتنه	ghuxtúna	rolling, twisting, wrapping, tortion, twist	3	n. f.																													2
1527811790	غزا	ghuzáa, ghazáa	holy war, war for the faith, battle in holy war	4	n. f.																													2
1527814362	غوا	ghwaa	cow	4	n. f. anim.																													3
1577819884241	غوږۍ	ghwaGúy, ghwuGúy	headphone, (telephone) receiver, hearing aid; whisper	3	n. f.																													2
1590053368388	غوړه مالي	ghwaRa maalée	excessive flattery, sucking up to, fawning over	4	n. f.																													2
1527815682	غوړژبي	ghwaRjzubée	flattery, sucking-up, buttering up, sweet talk	4	n. f.																													2
1527821943	غوښه	ghwáxa	meat	4	n. f.																													3
1577584926298	غوړنجه	ghwRánja	tounge of fire / flame	2	n. f.																													2
1527811668	غونډه	ghwúnDa	gathering, session, meeting, assembly	4	n. f.																													3
1630938332690	غونډله	ghwunDála	sentence, phrase; speech, talk	4	n. f.																													2
1527820120	غونډۍ	ghwunDúy	hill, hillrock, mound	4	n. f.																													2
1527816468	غوره انا	ghwura anáa	great-grandmother	4	n. f.																													2
1527816426	غوره نیا	ghwura niyáa	great-grandmother	4	n. f.																													2
1527814562	غورځونه	ghwurdzawúna, ghoordzawúna	throwing, falling	3	n. f.																													2
1527816425	غورله انا	ghwurla anaa	great-grandmother	3	n. f. anim.																													2
1527814574	غوسه	ghwusá, ghoosá	anger, angry, fury, rage	4	n. f.																													3
1713866976346	غوسه کول	ghwusa kawúl, ghoosa kawúl	to anger, make angry	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527814574	anger																											3
1713866979216	غوسه کېدل	ghwusa kedúl, ghoosa kedúl	to get angry	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527814574	get	angry																										2
1527812634	غوښتنه	ghwuxtúna	request, demand, application	3	n. f.																													1
1527812071	ګلکاري	gilkaaree	bricklaying, masonry	4	n. f.																													
1594910146077	ګنټه	ginTá, ginTá	hour, time	4	n. f.																													3
1591446773492	ګرجا	girjáa	church	4	n. f.																													2
1582145455043	ګیا	giyáa, guyáa	flora, weed	4	n. f.																													3
1527813294	ږمنځ	Gmundz, GUmúndz	comb	3	n. f.																													2
1566474844246	ګوبلکه	gobaláka	mushroom	3	n. f.																													2
1527811375	ګوبي	gobée	cauliflower, cabbage	4	n. f.																													2
1527817689	ګوله	golá	bite, morsel, crumb	3	n. f.																													2
1527814564	ګولۍ	golúy	pill tablet; bullet	4	n. f.																													3
1527821895	ګوډۍ	gooDúy	doll	3	n. f.																													2
1588161705418	ګوډیکه	gooDyáka, gooDéeka	crutch; small doll, dolly; brace/support of a distaff	4	n. f.																													2
1610619048756	ګوګوشتکه	googooshtúka	turtledove	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1574870450774	ګوجره	goojúra	dairymaid, feminine form of ګوجر	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1586446744624	ګومارنه	goomaarúna	appointment, selection, commission, commissioning	4	n. f.																													2
1578015334699	ګومبځه	goombádza	dome, cupola	4	n. f.																													2
1578015215415	ګومبته	goombáta	dome, cupola	4	n. f.																													2
1578015248288	ګومبزه	goombáza	dome, cupola; warhead	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527820057	ګونډه	goonDá, góonDa, gwúnDa,	knee	3	n. f.																													2
1584640008239	ګونځه	góondza, gwÚndza	wrinkle, crumple, ripple (on water etc.)	4	n. f.																													2
1527819328	ګونجه	góonja	wrinkle, pleat, crease	4	n. f.																													
1573766609115	ګوڼۍ	gooNúy	burlap/gunny sack, bag	3	n. f.																													2
1527813298	ګونز	goonz, gwUnz	comb	0	n. f.																													2
1594797372017	ګورګوره	goorgóora, gwurgóora	blackberry, blackberry bush	4	n. f.																													2
1568926918746	ګوتمۍ	gootmúy	a small ring	3	n. f.																													2
1527817970	ګوزاره	goozáara, goozaará	getting by, making ends meet; dealing with or bearing with, being tolerant or forgiving	3	n. f.																													2
1527822571	ګورواني	gorwaanée	herding, cattle herding	3	n. f.																													2
1527822709	ګوشکه	gosháka	telephone receiver, headphone?, earphone?	4	n. f.																													2
1610013168529	ګوسړه	gosRá, gosáRa	slap, smack, insult	3	n. f.																													2
1527822093	ګوښه	goxá, gooxá	secluded place, corner, privacy	4	n. f.																													2
1527811426	ګرمانه	gramaana	fine, penalty, punishment	1	n. f.																													
1577820448386	ګروه	groh	group; collarbone	4	n. f.																													
1527822889	ګروهه	grohá	belief, faith, trust, assurance, confidence, opinion, conviction; believing, trusting, assured, confident	3	n. f.																													2
1591026137855	ګډه	gúDa	female sheep	4	n. f. anim.																													3
1594834658860	ګډا	guDáa	basin	2	n. f.																													2
1664113804852	ګډوډي	guDwuDée, gaDwaDée	confusion, trouble, mess, disorder, disarray	4	n. f.																													3
1527823544	ګلدانۍ	gUldaanúy	flower pot	4	n. f.																													2
1602595162903	ګلکاري	gUlkáaree, gUlkaarée	embroidery	4	n. f.																													2
1527821155	ګمراهي	gUmraahée	error, heresy, straying from the true path, losing the way	4	n. f.																													2
1527817292	ګڼه ګوڼه	guNa góoNa	crowd or crowds of people, crowds, crowdedness	4	n. f.																													2
1527812642	ګناه	gUnáah	sin (often masc. with plural ګناهونه)	4	n. f.																													3
1578016227910	ګنبده	gUnbáda	dome, cupola	4	n. f.																													2
1578016221831	ګنبته	gUnbáta	dome, cupola	4	n. f.																													2
1627318892970	ګندنه	gundaná	leek	4	n. f.																													
1527813347	ګنځه	gundzu	third finger, ring finger	2	n. f.																													
1527819476	ګنګوسه	gUngoosá	rumour, hearsay, gossip	4	n. f.																													2
1527818573	ګړه	gURá	cane sugar, molasses, treacle	4	n. f.																													
1591872059942	ګړندي	guRandée	speed, swiftness, quickness	4	n. f.																													2
1527819339	ګرده	gUrda	kidney (from Farsi)	3	n. f.																													
1527819205	ګستاخي	gUstaakhée	impudence, rudeness, serious disrespect, arrogance, contempt, dishonouring someone or something, blasphemy	4	n. f.																													3
1704701981198	ګستاخي کول	gUstaakhée kawúl	to blaspheme, to show contempt		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527819205	blaspheme																											3
1527818841	ګتمه	gUtmá	ring, clasp, buckle, thimble	0	n. f.																													2
1527811589	ګۍ	gúy	cord for sewing sacks	2	n. f.																													2
1527817971	ګذاره	gUzáara, gUzaará	getting by, making ends meet; dealing with or bearing with, being tolerant or forgiving	4	n. f.																													2
1527811377	ګولبي	gwulbée, goolbée	cauliflower, cabbage	3	n. f.																													2
1588077160115	ګوړه	gwúRa, góoRa	treacle, molasses; jaggery, gur (hard sweet clump made from cane sugar)	4	n. f.																													3
1527816698	ګوټ ناسته	gwuT náasta, gooT náasta	seclusion, the life of a hermit or recluse	4	n. f.																													2
1527813339	ګوته	gwúta, góota	finger	4	n. f.																													3
1527819998	ګوتلکه	gwutláka, gootláka	girl given in marriage to stop a blood feud;	2	n. f.																													2
1527815820	حادثه	haadisá	accident, event	3	n. f.									حوادث, حادثات	hawaadis, haadisaat																			3
1527819701	حافظه	haafizá	memory, recall, recollection	4	n. f.																													2
1622897858990	هاغه	háagha	that (emphasizing)	4	n. f.																													2
1527820173	هارمونیه	haarmooniya	harmonium	4	n. f.																													
1571526689012	هاضمه	haazimá	digestion	4	n. f.																													3
1527812114	حاضري	haazirée, haazurée	appearance, showing up for	4	n. f.																													3
1588786604676	هبه ډبه	hába Dába	whooping cough	2	n. f.																													2
1527812240	هدفي وژنه	hadafee wajzúna	target killing	4	n. f.																													2
1527812654	حدیقه	hadeeqá	park, walled park (from Arabic)	2	n. f.																													2
1527811429	هدیره	hadeerá	graveyard, cemetery	4	n. f.																													3
1527814323	هدیه	hadiyá	gift, present, donation, contribution	4	n. f.																													2
1527812655	هفته	haftá	week	4	n. f.																													3
1527812659	هګۍ	hagúy	egg	4	n. f.																													3
1527817688	هله ګوله	hala góola	disturbance, riot; entertainment	4	n. f.																													3
1709422959437	هله ګوله کول	hala góola kawúl	to disturb, riot	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527817688	disturb																											3
1586453690097	هلي بلي	halee bálee	effort, efforts, working, labouring, uneasiness, worry	4	n. f.																													2
1527813800	حلقه	halqá	circle, ring, radius	4	n. f.																													2
1678175372130	حلوه	halwá	halva, halwa, sweets		n. f.																													
1678175363989	حلوا	halwáa	halva, halwa, sweets		n. f.																													3
1527821160	هم آهنګي	ham aahangée	harmony, agreement, unity, accord	4	n. f.																													2
1527823386	همبستري	hambistaree	sleeping together, cohabitation	3	n. f.																													
1527817317	همدردي	hamdardée	empathy, sympathy, compassion,sharing in anothers pain or difficulty, condolence	3	n. f.																													3
1708618873029	همدردي کول	hamdardée kawúl	to sympathize, condole, show empathy or compassion	3	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527817317	sympathize																											3
1527814071	همغږي	hamghaGée, hamghuGée	coordination, unity, understanding	3	n. f.																													2
1527817235	همغږي	hamghaGée, hamghuGée	coordination	3	n. f.																													2
1527818091	همکاري	hamkaarée	collaboration, cooperation, aid, help	3	n. f.																													2
1527811993	حمله	hamlá	attack, assault, invasion	4	n. f.																													3
1714030674610	حمله کول	hamlá kawúl	to attack, assault, invade		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527811993	attack																											3
1714030706709	حمله کوونکی	hamla kawóonkay	attacker, assaulter, invader		n. m. anim. unisex / adj.																													3
1527816664	همسایګي	hamsaayagée	neighbourliness	3	n. f.																													2
1527823464	هنډه	hánDa	piece, portion, part, member of the body	2	n. f.																													2
1527823465	هنډه	hánDa	wish, desire, inclination	2	n. f.																													2
1527814760	هندسه	handasá	geometry	4	n. f.																													2
1527820756	هنګري	hangarée	Hungary	4	n. f.																													2
1527811262	هپه	hapá	striving, aspiration; foray, raid; help, support	3	n. f.																													2
1527811263	هپي	hapée	adder, viper, poisonous snake	2	n. f.																													2
1527820498	حق الاجاره	haq Ulijaará	rent (Arabic)	2	n. f.																												true	2
1568410714483	حق الزحمه	haq Ulzahmá	wage, renumeration, fee, recompense	3	n. f.																													2
1527814552	حرام خوري	haraam khorée	freeloading, being a parasite, cheating or swindling money	4	n. f.																													2
1527819284	حرکت کوونکې زینه	harakat kawoonke zeena	escalator	4	n. f.																													2
1527814838	هرڼۍ	haraNúy	outburst	2	n. f.																													
1527819698	حربه	harbá	weapon, arms	3	n. f.																													2
1527822098	هرکاره	harkaará	with many abilities, multifaceted, versatile, many-sided; pan, frying pan	4	adj. / n. f. 																													2
1527813438	هړپۍ	haRpúy	small box, small case	2	n. f.																													2
1527822671	هسکه	háska	height, summit	3	n. f.																													2
1527817681	هستي	hastée	wealth, riches; existence, being	3	n. f.																													2
1527816974	هستوګه	hastogá	residence, dwelling, habitation	4	n. f.																													2
1527816975	هستوګنه	hastogúna	residence, dwelling, habitation	4	n. f.																													2
1527823309	هته	hatá	a weavers beam; elbow; cubit	2	n. f.																													2
1527812012	هڅه	hátsa	effort, endeavor, wish, inclination, attempt	4	n. f.																													2
1527811422	هڅونه	hatsawúna	encouragement, urging on, inducement, instigation	4	n. f.																													2
1527818013	هټۍ	haTúy	store, shop	4	n. f.																													2
1527818016	هټۍ والي	haTuy waalée	shopkeeping, retail store selling	4	n. f.																													2
1527812672	هوا	hawáa	air, atmosphere; weather	4	n. f.																													3
1715989047191	هوا بدلول	hawáa badlawúl	to ventilate, get fresh air		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527812672	ventilate																											3
1712933825863	هوا ورکول	hawáa warkawúl	to fan	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527812672	fan																											3
1664093129792	هوا خوري	hawaa khorée	walking around, stretching one's legs, getting fresh air, stroll, hike	4	n. f.																													2
1620042050117	هوائي کوربنه	hawaa`ee korbana	airline hostess, stewardess (on an airplane) (from کوربه)	4	n. f. anim.																												true	2
1527818829	هوابازي	hawaabaazée	aviation	4	n. f.																													2
1527817514	حواله	hawaalá	draft, money order, instruction, order, authorization, commission; quotation (په حواله - according to, by the account of) reference to text/scripture (as in chapter and verse)	4	n. f.									حوالات	hawaaláat																			3
1701703936305	حواله کول	hawaala kawúl	to transfer (money etc.), send, pass over	4	v. dyn./stat. comp. trans.	1527817514																												3
1620042025293	هوایي کوربنه	hawaayee korbana	airline hostess, stewardess (on an airplane) (from کوربه)	4	n. f.																													2
1527811815	هوس پرستي	hawás parastée	hedonism, profligacy, debauchery	3	n. f.																													2
1527817193	حوصله	hawsilá, hawsalá, hausilá	patience, courage, emotional strength or firmness	4	n. f.																													3
1709768914938	حوصله ورکول	hawsilá warkawúl	to encourage			1527817193	encourage																											3
1709420996189	حوصله ختمول	hawsilá khatmawúl	to discourage		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527817193	discourage																											3
1709768953441	حوصله افزایي	hawsila afzaayée	encouragement		n. f.																													2
1709768962263	حوصله افزایي کول	hawsila afzaayée kawúl	to encourage		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1709768953441	encourage																											3
1527818926	حوزه	hawzá	zone, area, region	3	n. f.																													2
1527820515	حوضه	hawzá	basin, pool (حوزه)	3	n. f.																													2
1527818525	هښمه	háxma	storm cloud, rain cloud, rainstorm, downpour	2	n. f.																													2
1527818809	حیا	hayáa	modesty, bashfulness, shame, staying modest in dress and behaviour (Islam)	4	n. f.																													3
1527812673	هیله	héela	wish, hope, desire, request	4	n. f.																													2
1527822688	هیله مندتیا	heela mandtyáa	hopefulness, optimism	4	n. f.																													2
1586634176348	هیلۍ	heelúy	duck, swan	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1588785421104	هینداره	heendáara	mirror, glass (هنداره)	4	n. f.																													2
1527819084	هیضه	heezá	cholera, a stomach disease	4	n. f.																													2
1527817031	هېله	helá	wish, hope, desire, request	4	n. f.																													2
1527817764	هېره	héra	forgetfulness, absentmindedness	3	n. f.																													2
1575235351704	حیراني	hayraanée	surprise, alarm, amazement	4	n. f.																													2
1527820313	حیرانتیا	hayraantyáa	surprise, amazement, wonder	4	n. f.																													3
1527812675	حیوان شناسي	haywaan shinaasée	zoology	2	n. f.																													2
1527819702	حفظ الصحه	hifz Ulsihá	hygiene	2	n. f.																													2
1527822486	هجا	hijáa, hajáa	syllable; slowly reading by the syllables	3	n. f.																													2
1527821043	حمایه	himaayá, hamaayá	custody, protection, support; aid, help, comforting words	4	n. f.																													2
1527822103	هنداره	hindáara, handáara	mirror, glass	4	n. f.																													2
1678173870974	هندوشاهي	hindooshaahée	Hindu Shahi dynasty		n. f.																													2
1527814417	هندوانه	hindwaaná	watermelon	4	n. f.																													3
1527814418	هندواڼه	hindwaaNá	watermelon	4	n. f.																													2
1577999538077	هرې	hire, hare	a sound/cry used to drive sheep on	2	n. f.																													
1671787987197	حرفه	hirfá, harfá	trade (as in a profession), job, career		n. f.																													2
1577818091416	حساب داري	hisaab daarée	accounting, record-keeping	3	n. f.																													2
1527814427	حصه	hissá	portion, share, lot	3	n. f.																													3
1708824399326	حصه اخیستل	hissá akheestúl	to inherit, take part		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527814427	inherit																											3
1527818526	هښمه	híxma, haxmá	storm cloud, rain cloud, rainstorm, downpour	2	n. f.																													2
1527812681	هوکړه	hókRa	agreement	4	n. f.																													2
1527813507	هوږه	hóoGa	garlic	4	n. f.																													
1527821710	هوښیاري	hooxyaarée, hoxyaarée	mind, intelligence, reason, smartness, rationality	4	n. f.																													2
1527816085	هوساینه	hosaayúna	peace, rest, tranquility	4	n. f.																													2
1527821372	هوسۍ	hosúy	gazelle, antelope	4	n. f. anim.																													3
1578190594103	هبره	hUbará, hubrá	a kind of crane (bird)	2	n. f. anim.																													2
1527814497	هجره	hUjrá	hujra, forum, space for discussion or ceremonies, community club, place for entertaining guests	3	n. f.																													1
1527819297	حجره	hUjrá	guest room, cell, unit, cage, tank; cell (biology)	4	n. f.																													2
1527823462	حما	hUmmáa, hUmáa	heat, high temperature, fever	2	n. f.																													2
1584888371428	هنډه	húnDa	stubbornness, forcefulness	2	n. f.																													2
1527816062	اعاده	i'aadá	return, restoration, restitution, repayment	3	n. f.																													2
1527819106	اعلامیه	i'laamiyá	declaration, communication, announcement, communique	4	n. f.																													2
1582389219401	عنبیه	i'nabiya	iris, uvea (of an eye)	3	n. f.																													
1610615489570	ابهامي	ibhaamée	vague, uncertain, ambiguous	3	n. f.																													2
1527815932	ابتدا	i'btidáa	beginning, first-stage	3	n. f.																												TRUE	3
1527813115	ادعا	id'áa	claim	3	n. f.																													2
1527812687	ادامه	idaamá	continuation	3	n. f.																													2
1527816215	اداره	idaará	administration, management, directorate	4	n. f.																													3
1527822458	افاده	ifaadá	expression	3	n. f.																													2
1527813329	افشا	ifsháa	disclosure, revealing; disclosed, revealed	4	n. f.																													2
1527818967	افتاري	iftaarée	the breaking of fast after sunset in Ramadan and meal	3	n. f.																													2
1671706935934	افتدا‌ء	iftidáa	redemption, ransom (Arabic)		n. f.																													2
1527816807	افتتاح	iftitáah	opening	3	n. f.																													2
1610538741714	اغوا	ighwáa	temptation, seduction, bribery, deception	3	n. f.																													2
1527820001	احاطه	ihaatá	encirlclement, envelopment, the action of surrounding; seige; enclosed place; fence, enclosure; understanding, comprehension	3	n. f.																													2
1594813783081	احصائیه	ihsaaiyá, ihsaayá	statistic	4	n. f.																													2
1527820602	احسان فراموشي	ihsaan faraamooshée	ingratitude, thanklessness	4	n. f.																													2
1577384467002	احتیاجي	ihtiyaajée	need, dependance	4	n. f.																													2
1678366549958	احیا	ihyáa, ahyáa	revival, revitalization		n. f.																													2
1527819953	اجاره	ijaará	rent, lease, sublet, hire	4	n. f.																													2
1527819952	اجاره داري	ijaara daarée	leasing, lease	4	n. f.																													2
1527820497	اجاره داري	ijaara daarée	lease, rent	4	n. f.																													2
1527813791	اجازه	ijaazá	permission	4	n. f.																													3
1702811404140	اجازه ورکول	ijaazá warkawúl	to give permission	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527813791	give	permission																										3
1702811553566	اجازت	ijaazát	permission	4	n. f.																													3
1702811557422	اجازت ورکول	ijaazát warkawúl	to give permission	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1702811553566	give	permission																										3
1666885729271	اجماع	ijmaa	consensus, agreement; unanimous decision or opinion by theologians; assembly; congregation, council	3	n. f.																													
1527815081	اجرا	ijráa	execution, fulfillment, carrying out, performance, implementation	3	n. f.																													2
1527815934	اجراییه	ijraayiyá, ijraayeeá	administrator, executive power	4	n. f.																													2
1527812201	اجتماع	ijtimáa	gathering, assembly, society, community	4	n. f.																													2
1527820237	اختراع	ikhtiraa	innovation, invention, initiative	3	n. f.																													
1568926976497	اکسرې	iksre	x-ray	4	n. f.																													
1527811654	اکتفا	iktifáa	contentment, satisfaction, sufficiency	2	n. f.																													2
1527811382	الاچي	ilaachée, alaachée	cardamon, cardamom	4	n. f.																													2
1595252694892	الغا	ilgháa, algháa	abolishment, canncellation	2	n. f.																													2
1527818874	الحاقیه	ilhaaqyá, alhaaqiyá	appendix, supplement, extension, wing (of a building)	1	n. f.																													2
1591803517557	التجا	iltijáa	appeal, recourse, claim, refuge	3	n. f.																													2
1527823751	املا	imláa	spelling, orthography	4	n. f.																													2
1527817210	امتناع	imtináa	refusal, rejection, abstinance	2	n. f.																													2
1527819616	امضا	imzáa	signature	4	n. f.																													2
1527812692	انګلیسي	ingleesée	English	4	n. f.																													2
1610616933842	انګۍ	ingúy	echo	4	n. f.																													2
1610616946336	انګۍ	ingúy	leapfrog	2	n. f.																													2
1577396541950	انجنیري	injuneerée	engineering	4	n. f.																													2
1527812694	انجنۍ	injUnúy, anjunúy	girl	4	n. f.																													2
1527823039	انکاري	inkaarée	denying, refusing, recanting	4	n. f.																													2
1678173958069	انقطاع	inqitáa'	cessation, stopping; separation, amputation		n. f.																													2
1527811805	انسان پرستي	insaan parastée	humanism	4	n. f.																													2
1617442271435	انتباه	intibáa	warning, awakening, perception; the Renaissance; vigilance; cheerfulness	4	n. f.																													2
1566473683629	انتها	intiháa	utimate, extremity, limit, end	4	n. f.																													3
1527821364	انزوا	inziwáa	isolation, seclusion, insularity, retreat	4	n. f.																													2
1527823481	اقامه	iqaamá	accommodation, residence, settling, placing	4	n. f.																													2
1527823556	اقامت ګاه	iqaamat gáah	place of residence; army reception center	4	n. f.																													2
1527816976	اقامتګا	iqaamatgaa	residence, place of residence	4	n. f.																													
1527821176	اقرارنامه	iqraarnaamá	written law contract, agreement	3	n. f.																													2
1664091744623	اقتدا	iqtidáa	imitation, following someone's example	4	n. f.																													2
1527816008	اراده	iraadá	will, willpower, intention, desire	4	n. f.																													3
1713880844804	اراده کول	iraadá kawúl	to intend, to make a plan, set a goal	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527816008	intend																											3
1527820897	ارادي	iraadée	deliberate, intending, intentional; voluntary, unpaid, willing	3	n. f.																													2
1527822672	ارتفاع	irtifáa'	altitude, height (plural ارتفاعات)	4	n. f.									ارتفاعات	irtifaa'aat																			2
1527812216	ارتجاع	irtijáa	reaction, regression, recoil, elasticity	3	n. f.																													2
1527811956	ارتقا	irtiqáa	rise, elevation, development, evolution, growth	4	n. f.																													2
1527812083	اشاره	ishaará	sign, signal, hint, allusion	4	n. f.																													3
1527812082	اشاره یي ژبه	ishaara yee jzuba	sign language	4	n. f.																													2
1527821701	اشباع	ishbaa'	satiation, satisfaction, saturation	3	n. f.																													
1527819058	اشتباه	ishtibáah, ishtibáa	error, mistake; suspicion, doubt	3	n. f.																													2
1527821548	اشتها	ishtiháa	appetite	4	n. f.																													2
1527812697	اشتیا	ishtiyáa, ishtyáa	appetite	3	n. f.																													2
1527822030	استبدادي	istibdaadée	despotic, autocratic	3	n. f.																													2
1527816642	استعفا	isti'fáa	resignation, quitting, retirement	4	n. f.																													3
1714744787408	استعفا ورکول	isti'fáa warkawúl	to resign, quit a job, retire	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527816642																												3
1527818044	استفاده	istifaadá	use, profit, gain, benefit	3	n. f.																													2
1585928568994	استغنا	istighnáa	lack of need, having enough financially, sufficiency	2	n. f.																													2
1610795927463	استخاره	istikhaará	fortune-telling	4	n. f.																													2
1527821137	اصطلاحي	istilaahee	phraseological, idiomatic, special, technical (of a term)	2	n. f.																													
1578014484426	استنجا	istinjáa	Islamic washing of private parts after going to the bathroom	4	n. f.																													
1527818585	استثنیٰ	istisnáa	exception	4	n. f.																													2
1585750625723	استطلاع	istitilaa'	investigation, research, inquiry	3	n. f.																													2
1658795458148	استري	istrée	iron (for ironing clothes)	4	n. f.																													3
1527816723	اتحادیه	itihaadiyá	union	4	n. f.																													2
1527815920	اتکا	itikáa	expectation, reliance, hope, support	3	n. f.																													2
1527816226	اطلاع	itláa	notice, information, report	4	n. f.																													3
1714744086725	اطلاع ورکول	itláa warkawúl	to report, give information	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527816226	report																											3
1527819534	اتباع	ittibáa', itbáa'	obedience, following, shadowing, observation, maintenance (of principles)	4	n. f.																													2
1527816227	اطلاعیه	ittilaa'iyá, itlaayá	notification, information	4	n. f.																													2
1527814922	اضافه	izaafá	addition, add-on, augmentation	3	n. f.																													2
1527820310	جعل کاري	ja'l kaarée	forgery, faking	4	n. f.																													2
1527821832	جابۍ	jaabúy	short skirt, ballerinas dress; mans pleated shirt; leg bracelets	4	n. f.																													2
1527823417	جاده	jaaddá, jaadá	highway, surfaced road, main road, road	4	n. f.																													2
1579313345263	جادوګري	jaadoogarée	magic, sorcery	4	n. f.																													2
1678361634982	جاګیرداري	jaageerdaaree	feudalism		n. f.																													2
1527818708	جاغه	jaaghá	collar (of a shirt)	2	n. f.																													2
1527818727	جاله	jaalá	raft, barge (made up of logs); calamity, misfortune	4	n. f.																													
1527818726	جاله	jáala	nest, spiderweb, beehive	4	n. f.																													3
1527816156	جامه	jáama, jaamá	clothes, clothing	4	n. f.																													2
1527820713	جار ایستنه	jaar eestúna	vomit, vomiting, puke, puking	4	n. f.																													2
1527820715	جارباسنه	jaarbaasúna	vomit, vomiting, puke, puking	4	n. f.																													2
1527818319	جارو	jaaróo	broom	4	n. f.																													3
1527816570	جاسوسي	jaasoosée	spying, intelligence, espionage	4	n. f.																													2
1715424787301	جاسوسي کول	jaasoosée kawúl	to spy, do espionage, do intelligence work	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527816570	spy																											3
1527820703	جایزه	jaayizá	award, prize, reward; assesment, analysis, look-over, survey	4	n. f.																													3
1702843632782	جایزه اخیستل	jaayizá akheestúl	to analyse, look over, assess, survey	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527820703																												3
1527821648	جاذبه	jaazibá	attraction, pulling, gravity, attractiveness, charm	4	n. f.																													2
1527814393	جبیره	jabeerá	bandage, splint (Arabic)	3	n. f.																													2
1630938686530	جبهه	jabhá	front (also as in battle/military)	4	n. f.																													2
1527817620	جفا	jafáa, jifáa	oppression, cruelty, difficulty, suffering, offense, injury	3	n. f.																													2
1527812703	جګړه	jagRá	fight, war, battle	4	n. f.																													3
1713118708157	جګړه کول	jagRá kawúl	to fight, battle, war	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527812703	fight																											3
1527813741	جلا	jaláa	shine, polish, luster	4	n. f.																													2
1527813743	جلاوطني	jalaawatanée	migration, exile, immigrant, emmigration, homesickness ??	4	n. f.																													2
1527815904	جلغوزه	jalghoozá	pine tree with edible nuts, pine-nut tree	4	n. f.																													2
1595516250168	جلتي	jaltée	speed, swiftness, hurry	4	n. f.																													3
1672306802138	جلوه	jalwá	magnificence, splendor, radiance; manifestation, show, event		n. f.																													2
1527813554	جمع	jáma'	collection, gathering; plural (grammar); addition, sum (math)	4	n. f.																													3
1527812704	جماع	jamaa	sexual intercourse	4	n. f.																													
1527823230	جڼه جڼه	jaNa jaNa	subterfuge, evasion, dodge, cunning, craftiness, cheat; vacillation, going back and forth	3	n. f. doub.																													
1527817504	جنازه	janaazá, jinaazá	funeral	4	n. f.																													3
1527820115	جنډه	janDá	flag	4	n. f.																													3
1610444343375	جنډا	janDáa	flag	3	n. f.																													2
1585486866124	جنډۍ	janDúy	flag, banner	4	n. f.																													2
1576373847078	جنغوزه	janghozá	pistachio, pine nut	4	n. f.																													2
1527820438	جنګړه	jangRá	thicket, bushes	4	n. f.																													
1527820439	جنګړه	janguRá, jangúRa	thicket, bushes	4	n. f.																													2
1527812111	جنجړۍ	janjaRúy	bindweed, Convolvulus arvensis	4	n. f.																													2
1527812112	جنجړۍ	janjuRúy	duty, responsibility, obligation	4	n. f.																													2
1527822119	جنتري	jantarée, jUntrée	calendar	4	n. f.																													3
1527820583	جنوري	janwarée	January	4	n. f.																													2
1527812706	جرابه	jaráaba	sock	4	n. f.																													2
1527819668	جریده	jareedá	journal, newspaper	4	n. f.																													2
1527820104	جریمه	jareemá	fine, penalty	4	n. f.																													2
1527823294	جرحه	jarhá	wound	4	n. f.																													2
1527816970	جرمني	jarmunée	Germany	4	n. f.																													2
1527814749	جړمړۍ	jaRmuRúy	antidote (for poison)	4	n. f.																													2
1527814815	جراحي	jarraahée, jaraahée	surgery (Arabic)	4	n. f.																													2
1588160897255	جراحي	jarraahée, jaraahée	surgery	3	n. f.																													2
1661499729403	جو	jaw	space, space between, interval; space, atmosphere	2	n. f.																													2
1527823421	جواري	jawaarée	gambling, card game, gambling game	4	n. f.																													3
1713437534959	جواري کول	jawaarée kawúl	to gamble	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527823421	gamble																											3
1527820636	جوله	jáwla	form, shape	3	n. f.																													2
1566549992928	جوسه	jawsá, jósa	cupboard	3	n. f.																													2
1527815043	جزا	jazáa	punishment, retribution	4	n. f.																													2
1527814384	جزیره	jazeerá	island	4	n. f.																													3
1527819372	جینۍ	jeenúy	girl, young woman	4	n. f.																													3
1714371051389	جینۍ غوښتل	jeenúy ghwUxtúl	to ask for a girl in marriage, to propose		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527819372																												3
1527822740	جیټکه	jeeTká, jiTká	push, shove, bump; jolt	3	n. f.																													2
1527821307	جلوګیري	jilawgeerée	interruption, halt, forestalling, forbidding	4	n. f.																													2
1527815499	جرګه	jirgá, jurgá	jirga, council, assembly, synod	4	n. f.																													3
1527821608	جرړه	jírRa, jirRá	cotton	4	n. f.																													2
1527822739	جټکه	jiTká	push, shove, bump; jolt (جيټکه)	4	n. f.																													3
1527814633	جوبه	jobá	market	3	n. f.																													2
1527818191	جولا	joláa, jooláa	cloth, fabric; weaver; spider	4	n. f.																													3
1527820437	جونګړه	joongúRa	shack, hut, lodge, cabin	4	n. f.																													3
1566549995565	جوسه	joosá	face, frame, body	3	n. f.																													
1566477622070	جوپه	jopá	turn, beat (as in a watchman's beat), caravan	4	n. f.																													2
1527818783	جوړ جاړي	joR jaaRée	agreement, dealing	4	n. f.																													2
1527818635	جوړه	joRá	pair, match, couple, double, twin, duplicate	4	n. f.																													3
1527818636	جوړه	jóRa	reconciliation, peace, settlement	4	n. f.																													
1714728403667	جوړه کول	jóRa kawúl	to make peace, reconcile		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527818636	make	peace																										3
1577649825813	جوټه	joTá	garbage, leftovers	3	n. f.																													2
1595253116694	جغرافیه	jUghraafiyá	geography	4	n. f.																													3
1527820514	جغرافیا	jUghraafiyáa	geography	4	n. f.																													2
1527811573	جلۍ	julúy	girl	4	n. f.																													2
1527812715	جمعه	jUm'á, jUmá	Friday	4	n. f.																													3
1527816696	جمله	jUmlá	sentence; whole, total, sum	4	n. f.																													3
1527812130	جنګي	jungée, jangée	local duty, municipal tax	4	n. f.																													3
1527812716	جنۍ	junúy, jinúy	girl, young girl/child	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527818167	جرعه	jur'á, jurhá	mouthful	3	n. f.																													2
1527811427	جرمانه	jUrmaaná	fine, penalty, punishment	4	n. f.																													3
1566474058252	جرقه	jurqá	spark, twinkle, flake	3	n. f.																													2
1527821607	جرړه	júrRa, jurRá	root	4	n. f.																													2
1527823345	جسه	jÚsa, jísa	figure, form (of face)	4	n. f.																													2
1527820598	جستجو	jUstUjóo	search, seeking out, effort/struggle	4	n. f.																													2
1527823420	جوا	jUwáa, juwáa	gambling	3	n. f.																													2
1527819949	جوار پاکي	juwaar paakée	shelling corn	3	n. f.																													2
1527821556	جۍ	júy	see ژۍ	4	n. f.																													2
1527822847	ژامه	jzaamá, jzáama	jaw	4	n. f.																													2
1527814044	ژاړنده	jzaaRunda	spring that dribbles out water	2	n. f.																													
1527820326	ژاوله	jzaawlá, jzáawla	resin, gum; cud; fig - nonsense, rubbish, foolishness	4	n. f.																													2
1527819592	ژبپوهنه	jzabpohúna	linguistics	3	n. f.																													2
1527823150	ژلۍ	jzalúy	hail (ږلۍ)	3	n. f.																													2
1527820381	ژندره	jzandurá, jzandúra	lock; a tool used to straighten used shells and cartridges	3	n. f.																													2
1527813807	ژړا	jzaRáa	weeping, crying	4	n. f.																													3
1527812718	ژباړه	jzbáaRa	translation, paraphrasing	3	n. f.																													2
1527813111	ژغورنه	jzghorúna	rescuing, sparing, defence, protection	4	n. f.																													2
1675280989003	ژمنتیا	jzmantyáa	commitment, dedication, resolve		n. f.																													2
1527811614	ژمنه	jzmúna	promise	4	n. f.																													2
1527819684	ژرنده	jzránda	grinder, mill	4	n. f.																													2
1527812720	ژبه	jzúba, jzíba	language, tongue	4	n. f.																													3
1714370596899	ژبه کول	jzúba kawúl, jzíba kawúl	to promise, to give one's word	3	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527812720	promise																											3
1527811889	ژره	jzúra	thorn, prickle	4	n. f.																													2
1527821555	ژۍ	jzúy	edge, verge, side	3	n. f.																													3
1527813589	ژوند توګه	jzwand tóga	lifestyle	2	n. f.																													2
1678361753429	ژوند بڼه	jzwund búNa	lifestyle		n. f.																													2
1527814082	ژوره	jzwura, jzuwúra	depth; pit, hole, cavity, chasm	4	n. f.																													3
1527818863	ژیړه	jzyáRa	yellowness, jaundice; insult, disgrace, mockery	3	n. f.																													2
1527820428	کابینه	kaabeená	cabinet (politics)	4	n. f.																													3
1527821429	کاچوغه	kaachóogha	spoon, ladle	4	n. f.																													2
1578706221814	کافي	kaafée	coffee	4	n. f.																													3
1527816196	کاغذداني	kaaghazdaanée	wastepaper basket	4	n. f.																													2
1566550212862	کاختي	kaakhtée	famine, shortage, dearth (from قحطي)	2	n. f.																													2
1527816438	کاکۍ	kaakúy	aunt (uncle's wife)	3	n. f. anim.																													2
1527816568	کاکۍ	kaakúy	beetle, scarab	2	n. f. anim.																													2
1527814743	کالیزه	kaaléeza	anniversary, birthday; calendar	4	n. f.																													2
1527813363	کامچه	kaamácha	little finger, pinkie	3	n. f.																													2
1527811744	کامره	kaamrá	camera	4	n. f.																													2
1527811855	کامیابي	kaamyaabée	success, acheivement, victory	4	n. f.																													3
1576889461346	کان کېندنه	kaan kendúna	mining	3	n. f.																													
1527818873	کانه	kaaná	misfortune, tragedy, calamity, trouble	1	n. f.																													2
1527818872	کانه	káana	edge, border, wing feather, wing quill	1	n. f.																													
1588162247009	کانه وانه	káana wáana	questions, squabbling, dispute	1	n. f.																													
1527812728	کاناډا	kaanaaDáa	Canada	3	n. f.																													2
1527816198	کانګه	káanga	vomiting, retching (usually plural)	3	n. f.																													2
1610616752370	کانګۍ	kaangúy	echo, repetition	4	n. f.																													2
1527814305	کانکني	kaankanee	mining	2	n. f.																													
1527823209	کاریګري	kaareegaree	employment, labor, working	3	n. f.																													2
1527812734	کارګاه	kaargáah	workshop	4	n. f.																													2
1527818741	کارکردګي	kaarkardagée	performance, output, work, efficiency; development (of deposits), extraction (of mineral resources)	3	n. f.																													2
1527817168	کارخانه	kaarkhaaná	factory, workshop	3	n. f.																													3
1527811854	کارنامه	kaarnaamá	deed, act; exploit, feat, achievement	3	n. f.																													3
1527813892	کاسه	kaasá	cup, basin, saucer	4	n. f.																													2
1527811926	کاسیر	kaaséer	prostitute	3	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527811930	کاسیري	kaaseerée	prostitution	3	n. f.																													2
1527812061	کاشي	kaashée	tiles, glazed tiles, glazed brick	4	n. f.																													2
1527812062	کاشي ګري	kaashee garée	manufacturing of glazed tiles, glazed brick	1	n. f.																													2
1527812736	کاشوغه	kaashóogha	spoon	3	n. f.																													2
1527814466	کاشتکاري	kaashtkaarée	farming, agriculture	3	n. f.																													2
1527817109	کاته	kaata	letter, notebook; directions, instructions	2	n. f.																													
1574784564095	کبي	kabée	rein, reins, bridle, halter (of a horse)	2	n. f.																													2
1578759565804	کچه	kácha	level	4	n. f.																													2
1527819426	کچنۍ	kachanúy	female dancer, prostitute	4	n. f.																													
1527821093	کچنۍ	kachanúy	prostitute, female dancer	4	n. f.																													
1527818569	کچکاسه	kachkaasá	bucket (for pouring syrup when making cane sugar)	1	n. f.																													2
1575237318265	کچره	kachúra	mule	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527814008	کدوچه	kadoochá	summer squash, vegetable marrow	3	n. f.																													2
1527813745	کډوالي	kaDwaalée	migration, exile, emmigration	4	n. f.																													2
1527818103	کفاره	kifaará, kafaará, kUfaará	atonement, payment for sins, expitiation, propitiation	3	n. f.																													3
1703659327737	کفاره ورکول	kifaará warkawúl, kUfaará warkawúl	to give atonement for	3	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527818103	atone	for																										3
1527816762	کفایتي	kifaayatée, kafaayatée	sufficiency, adequacy, competence	3	n. f.																													2
1586446956682	کږه	kaGá	hyena (female)	2	n. f. anim.																													2
1527820721	کهه	kahá	vomit, vomiting, puke, puking	1	n. f.																													2
1527823663	کهه	kahá	nausea, itch, itching	1	n. f.																													2
1527823000	کجاوه	kajaawá	seat (on camels back, for a bride); pannier, saddle-pack on a bike or motorcycle; basket; motorcycle sidecar; bubbles (on surface of water)	3	n. f.																													2
1527813392	کجوره	kajóora	date (food)	4	n. f.																													3
1527822079	ککرۍ	kakarúy	skull, crown (of the head); top, peak, summit (of a mountain)	4	n. f.																													2
1527822433	کلا	kaláa	castle, fort, fortress	4	n. f.																													2
1527820003	کلابندي	kalaabandée	siege	2	n. f.																													2
1527822720	کلوشه	kaláwsha	galosh (کلوښه)	4	n. f.																													2
1527822719	کلوښه	kaláwxa	galosh	3	n. f.																													2
1527819042	کلیسا	kaleesáa	church	4	n. f.																													3
1527814416	کلمه	kalimá	word; short form for the Islamic Shahadah (confession of faith), creed	4	n. f.									کلمات	kalimáat																			3
1708911049259	کلیمه	kaleemá	word; short form for the Islamic Shahadah (confession of faith), creed	4	n. f.																													3
1527822414	کم فکري	kam fikrée	lack of seriousness, lack of consideration/care, frivolousness	3	n. f.																													2
1527819855	کم خوبي	kam khobée	insomnia, sleeplessness	3	n. f.																													2
1527823595	کم خوني	kam khoonée	anemia	3	n. f.																													2
1527814045	کمانۍ	kamaanúy	spring	4	n. f.																													
1527815651	کمانۍ	kamaanúy	spring	4	n. f.																													
1566653299904	کمره	kamará, kamrá	camera	4	n. f.																													2
1644777956980	کمبل	kambál, kimbál	blanket, cloak, reversible rug, coarse carpet	4	n. f.																													3
1527820852	کمپنۍ	kampanúy	company	4	n. f.																													2
1527811745	کمره	kamrá	room, compartment	4	n. f.																													2
1622483530565	کمڅۍ	kamtsúy	plait, tress, lock, braid (of hair)	4	n. f.																													2
1586451679798	کمتري	kamturée	inadequacy, innsuficiency	4	n. f.																													2
1527813343	کمچه ګوته	kamúcha góota	fourth finger, ring finger	2	n. f.																													
1527819215	کمزورتیا	kamzortyáa	weakness	3	n. f.																													3
1527815510	کناري	kanaarée, kinaarée	butcher shop, butchery, slaughter, massacre	2	n. f.																													2
1527813517	کنده	kánda	pit, ditch, abyss, cavity	4	n. f.																													3
1709838506835	کنده کول	kanda kawúl	to dig, engrave		v. stat. comp. trans.	1527813517	dig																											3
1709838508737	کنده کېدل	kanda kedúl	to be dug, engraved		v. stat. comp. instrans.	1527813517	be	dug																										2
1527816364	کنډه	kánDa	balance, scale; source of a river	4	n. f.																													2
1527818566	کندانۍ	kandaanúy	sugar bowl	4	n. f.																													2
1630939439405	کنډاسه	kanDaasá	breaking, pulling, or knocking someone's tooth out	4	n. f.																													2
1527822046	کنډواله	kanDwaalá	ruin, destruction	4	n. f.																													2
1527813364	کنځه	kandzá	index finger	2	n. f.																													2
1527816566	کنځا	kandzáa	cursing, swearing, verbal abuse	4	n. f.																													2
1527818061	کنیسه	kaneesá	synagogue, temple	2	n. f.																													2
1527817341	کنیسا	kaneesáa	synagogue	3	n. f.																													2
1527814478	کنګالونه	kangaalawúna	washing, rinsing (of dishes)	4	n. f.																													2
1661858774881	کنجوغه	kanjooghá, kanjóogha	strap for tying up a load or attaching something	4	n. f.																													2
1527821438	کنجوسي	kanjoosée	stinginess, cheapness, miserly, meanness	4	n. f.																													2
1610540113709	کنجره	kanjÚra, kanjúra	female prostitute	4	n. f. anim.																													3
1527813345	کنزه ګوته	kánza góota	fourth finger, ring finger	2	n. f.																													
1614169152724	کپله	kapála, kaplá	sip, little piece, bite (of food/drink)	4	n. f.																													2
1585397330485	کپرۍ	kaparúy	skull, cranium	4	n. f.																													
1527823717	کپړه	kapRá	cloth, fabric, material, clothing, garment	3	n. f.																													
1527823590	کره	kará	sphere, globe	1	n. f.																													3
1527823591	کره	kára	shovel, scraper, scoop	1	n. f.																													
1527815884	کره کتنه	kara katúna	criticism	4	n. f.																													2
1527823137	کراچي	karaachée	cart (for selling things), wheelbarrow; Karachi (the city)	4	n. f.																													2
1527817466	کراچۍ	karaachúy	two-wheeled card	3	n. f.																													2
1527823136	کراچۍ	karaachúy	cart (for selling things), wheelbarrow	4	n. f.																													2
1527821398	کربېزي	karbézee, karbeezee	snot, mucus	2	n. f.																													2
1527821399	کړبېزي	kaRbézee, kaRbezee	snot, mucus	3	n. f.																													2
1598119732734	کرېله	karelá, karéla	bitter melon	4	n. f.																													2
1527812748	کرهڼه	karhuNa	planting crops, sowing, agriculture	4	n. f.																													2
1594834749012	کرشمه	karishmá, karashmá	flirting, wink, flirtatious wink	2	n. f.																													2
1527816856	کرکیله	karkéela, karkáyla	farming, agriculture	3	n. f.																													2
1527813367	کړمچه	kaRmúcha	little finger, pinkie	1	n. f.																													2
1527823035	کروړه	karoRá, karwáRa	whip	2	n. f.																													2
1527812034	کره	karu	bracelet, arm band	2	n. f.																													
1527817216	کرنه	karúna	planting, sowing, agriculture	3	n. f.																													2
1527816026	کړۍ	kaRúy	ring, curl; handcuffs, link, chain, fetter; loom; department, section	3	n. f.																													2
1527816870	کرونده	karwandá	farmland	3	n. f.																													2
1712934447700	کروندې کول	karwandé kawúl	to farm	3	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527816870	farm																											1
1585411788663	کرښی	karxáy	ruler (for drawing)	4	n. f.																													
1527819709	کریابي	karyaabée	neglect, disuse, obstacle, poverty, helplessness, lack of work	3	n. f.																													2
1571943844241	کشۍ	kashúy	pickaxe	3	n. f.																													
1591712129221	کته	káta	packsaddle	4	n. f.																													2
1527811841	کټه ګوټه	kaTa gooTa	thumb	4	n. f.																													2
1611396755493	کټاره	kaTaará	fence	2	n. f.																													2
1527823482	کتیبه	kateebá	frieze with an Arabic inscription	4	n. f.																													2
1527819565	کتره	katrá	small piece, little chunk	4	n. f.																													2
1527820050	کڅوړه	katsóRa	bag, purse, wallet	2	n. f.																													3
1527814320	کتنه	katúna	inspection, looking, check-up, fortune-telling	4	n. f.																													3
1527822713	کټو	kaTúw	clay cooking pot	3	n. f.																													2
1671100118015	کټوۍ	kaTwúy	earthenware pot, saucepan, pot		n. f.																													2
1527821894	کوډۍ	kawDúy, koDúy	cowry (a shell used for money in India and other countries)	3	n. f.																													2
1527823052	کونسل خانه	kawnsul khaaná, konsil khaaná	consulate	4	n. f.																													2
1527823053	کونسلګري	kawnsulgurée, konsilgurée	consulate	4	n. f.																													2
1623044617293	کوڅۍ	kawtsúy, kotsúy	braid, pigtail, strands of hair	4	n. f.																													2
1527813871	کښتۍ	kixtúy, kaxtúy	boat, ship	2	n. f.																													2
1527813462	کیلي	keelee	key	4	n. f.																													
1527821284	کینه	keená	malice, spite, vindictiveness, hatred	4	n. f.																													3
1713698936722	کینه کول	keená kawúl	to despise, hate, hold a grudge		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527821284																												3
1709218594968	کینه لرل	keená larúl	to despise, hate, hold a grudge	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527821284	despise																											3
1527812816	کیسه	keesá, keessá	story, tale, history; washcloth, glove used for rubbing in baths	4	n. f.																													3
1576374375326	کېږدۍ	keGdúy	tent, nomad's tent	4	n. f.																													2
1527812756	کېله	kelá	banana	3	n. f.																													3
1585736669456	خاکه	khaaká	sketch, rough outline, drawing; coal dust; broken rice	3	n. f.																													3
1577407874450	خاکساري	khaaksaarée	obedience, gentleness, meekness, humility	3	n. f.																													2
1527816428	خاله	khaalá	maternal aunt	3	n. f. anim.																													2
1527821682	خالپوڅي	khaalpotsée	crawling (خاپوړي)	3	n. f.																													2
1627319668040	خالوهنه	khaalwahúna	tattooing; vaccination, immunization	4	n. f.																													2
1577396411230	خامک دوزي	khaamak dozée	sewing done with untwisted threads	4	n. f.																													2
1588783989791	خاموشي	khaamoshée	silence	4	n. f.																													3
1527811912	خانه	khaaná	residence, house, compartment, room	3	n. f.																													2
1527820773	خانه آبادي	khaana aabaadée	prosperity, well-being, good or easy circumstances	4	n. f.																													2
1527816496	خانمه	khaanúma, khaanÚma	madame, polite for spouse or wife	4	n. f.																													2
1527814844	خاپوړي	khaapóRee	crawling, creeping	4	n. f.																													2
1527813959	خاره	khaará	bare steppe, uncultivated land	4	n. f.																													2
1527811900	خارګیري	khaargeerée	thorn-hedge enclosure or fence	3	n. f.																													2
1527814843	خاړپوڅي	khaaRpótsee	crawling on all fours	3	n. f.																													2
1527816648	خارجي	khaarujée, khaarijée	foreigner, foreign	4	n. f.																													2
1527821063	خارښتي	khaaruxtée, khaarixtée	itchy, mangy, a mangy she-goat; lustful man, scoundrel	4	n. f.																													3
1571526277443	خاشه	khaashá	piece, crumb, chunk of, pinch of, speck, trash, garbage, litter	2	n. f.																													2
1527822518	خاصره	khaasirá	side	1	n. f.																													2
1527814024	خاته	khaatú	lifting, rising, ascent	3	n. m.																													2
1621957939454	خاتمه	khaatimá	end, ending, completion, termination	4	n. f.																													3
1527815061	خاطره	khaatirá	memory, keepsake, souvenir, memento; deference, consideration (ie. of a person or something owing to them)	4	n. f.									خاطرات	khaatiraat																			2
1527812764	خاوره	kháawra	ground, land, area	4	n. f.																													3
1527820406	خایه	khaayá	testicle	3	n. f.																													2
1527820395	خبرپاڼه	khabarpáaNa	news release, bulletin, news letter	3	n. f.																													2
1527816236	خبرتیا	khabartyáa	knowledge	4	n. f.																													2
1527812766	خبره	khabúra	thought, speech, idea, thing, remark	4	n. f.																													3
1527813351	خچه ګوته	khacha goota	little finger	4	n. f.																													
1527819138	خځله	khadzúla, khadzíla	waste, trash, rubbish, garbage; poop, feces, excrement	4	n. f.																													3
1610797589510	خلا	khaláa	cavity, emptiness, vacuum, empty space, space (as in planets etc.)	4	n. f.																													3
1527822376	خلیته	khaleetá	bag (خلته)	2	n. f.																													2
1527822375	خلته	khaltá	bag	4	n. f.																													2
1527823235	خمیره	khameerá	yeast, leaven yeast, dough	4	n. f.																													2
1716310510891	خمبیره	khambeerá	yeast, leaven yeast, dough (خمیره)	3	n. f.																													3
1527823292	خمسه	khamsá, khamisá	Hamsa, the Hand of Fatima (a charm to ward of the evil eye)	2	n. f.																													
1527813350	خمچه	khamucha	lower rib; pinky, little finger	2	n. f.																													
1527817385	خندا	khandáa	laughter, happiness	4	n. f.																													2
1527821476	خپکۍ	khapakúy, khapkúy	nightmare, frightening dream	3	n. f.																													2
1662098881960	خپړ	khapúR, khpúR	paw, hand (with fingers spread); sole of foot	4	n. f.																													2
1662098904619	خپړه	khapúRa	paw, hand (with fingers spread); sole of foot (خپړ)	4	n. f.																													2
1614169279365	خپسه	khapúsa, khapsá	nightmare, bad dream	4	n. f.																													2
1527821475	خپسکه	khapúska	nightmare, frightening dream	4	n. f.																													2
1566471130952	خرټه	kharaTá	a mullah's large turban	1	n. f.																													2
1527822959	خربوزه	kharboozá	melon	4	n. f.																													3
1527817702	خرچه	kharchá	expense, expenditure, cost	4	n. f.																													3
1527815929	خریداري	khareedaarée	purchasing, buying, supply	4	n. f.																													2
1527817703	خرڅه	khartsa	expense, expenditure, cost	2	n. f.																													
1527814635	خرڅېده	khartsedá	sale, selling, vending	4	n. f.																													2
1527814225	خطا	khatáa	mistake, error, blunder	4	n. f.																													3
1527820629	خطاطي	khataatée	penmanship, calligraphy	3	n. f.																													3
1527823395	خټګري	khaTgarée	bricklaying	3	n. f.																													2
1527822166	ختنه	khatná, khitná	circumcision	3	n. f.																													2
1576637321000	خطره	khatrá	danger, risk, peril	4	n. f.									خطرات	khatraat																			3
1527811576	خیاطي	khayaatée	sewing, tailoring; tailor's shop	4	n. f.																													2
1527817492	خزانه	khazaaná, khizaaná	treasury, storehouse, depository; chamber (weapon/military)	4	n. f.																													3
1715074746180	خزانه کول	khazaana kawúl	to save (money etc.), store up		v. stat. comp. trans.	1527817492	save																											3
1715074781385	خزانه کېدل	khazaana kedúl	to be saved (money etc.), stored up		v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527817492	save																											2
1576373023384	خزنده	khazandá, khazindá	insect, bug, pest	3	n. f.																													2
1594373553022	خیره	khéera, kheerá	dirt, mud, dross, ear-wax	4	n. f.																													2
1527819545	خېلخانه	khelkhaaná	family	4	n. f.																													2
1527814878	خېمه	khemá	tent	4	n. f.																													2
1527811321	خېټه	khéTa	belly, stomach	4	n. f.																													3
1527819989	خېښي	khexée	relationship by marriage, the marriage that families or clans have because of the marriage between them	4	n. f.																													2
1527814877	خیمه	khaymá	tent	4	n. f.																													3
1527819422	خلاف ورزي	khilaaf warzée	infraction or violation of a law or custom; crime, misdemeanour	4	n. f.																													2
1527822989	خسته	khistá, khustá	stone, pit (of a fruit)	2	n. f.																													2
1586341506780	خوږ اروا	khoG arwáa	good natured, good humored, nice	3	n. f.																													2
1527815658	خوبانۍ	khoobaanúy	sweet dried apricot	3	n. f.																													1
1586341361713	خود داري	khood daarée	abstinence, evasion, avoiding, digression	3	n. f.																													3
1527823240	خود مختاري	khood mUkhtaarée	autonomy, independence	4	n. f.																													2
1671708831688	خودخواه یي	khoodkhwaa yée	selfishness, egoism		n. f.																												true	2
1631563066810	خودکفایي	khoodkifaayée	self-sufficiency, self-sustainable	2	n. f.																													2
1527814860	خودکشي	khoodkUshée, khoodgUshée	suicide	3	n. f.																													2
1715611047755	خودکشي کول	khoodkUshée kawúl, khoodgUshée kawúl	to commit suicide, kill oneself		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527814860	commit	suicide																										3
1527823493	خودنمایي	khoodnUmaayée, khoodnamaayée	showing off, bragging, doing something so others to see you	3	n. f.																													2
1527817043	خوله	khoolá, khwulá, khUlá	mouth; kiss	4	n. f.																													3
1713363529409	خوله بندول	khoolá bandawúl	to gag, to silence, to shut up		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527817043	gag, gags, gagging, gagged																											3
1527817046	خولګۍ	khoolgúy	mouth, kiss (diminutive)	3	n. f.																													2
1575237043710	خون بها	khoon baháa	blood money; money paid (to surviving family) in reperation for a killing	2	n. f.																													2
1527812784	خونه	khóona	house, room, barn	3	n. f.																													2
1527820341	خوره	khoorá	rust, gangrene, ulcer, corrosive substance (acid etc.)	2	n. f.																													
1527817276	خوراړه	khooráaRa	leprosy	1	n. f.																													2
1527816373	خورځه	khoordzá, khordzú	niece; sister's daughter	4	n. f.																													2
1527821719	خورمه	khóorma	cloudburst, downpour; pimples, fuzz (on the face)	2	n. f.																													
1527818037	خوشبختي	khooshbakhtée	good fortune, good luck, hapiness	4	n. f.																													2
1527815914	خوشبیني	khooshbeenée, khoshbeenée	optimism	3	n. f.																													2
1527811539	خوشبویي	khooshbooyée, khoshbooyée	fragrance, aroma, perfume, incense, scent, pleasant odour	4	n. f.																													3
1527817722	خوشخبري	khooshkhabrée, khoshkhabrée	good news (Arabic) (pashto: زېری)	4	n. f.																													2
1527816527	خوښینه	khooxéena, khoxéena, khwaxéena	sister in law	1	n. f. anim.																													2
1527823519	خورلڼه	khorláNa	girl's word for friend, fellow tribes-woman	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527823520	خورلنده	khorlánda	fellow tribes-woman	4	n. f.																													2
1527811908	خوش قسمتي	khosh qismatée	happiness, success, good luck	4	n. f.																													2
1527813477	خوشحالي	khosh`haalée	happiness, joy, rejoicing, celebration	4	n. f.																													3
1708116463320	خوشحالي کول	khosh`haalee kawúl, khoshaalee kawul	to celebrate, rejoice, be happy	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527813477	celebrate																											3
1527819521	خوشالي	khoshaalée	happiness, joy, rejoicing, celebration (خوشحالي)	4	n. f.																													3
1588075160983	خوشامندي	khoshaamandée	flattery, sucking up to, currying favor, brown-nosing	4	n. f.																													3
1713254405904	خوشامندي کول	khoshaamandée kawúl	to flatter, suck up to, curry favor, brown-nose	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1588075160983	flatter																											3
1527817727	خپرونه	khparawúna	distribution, spreading; program (as in a TV or radio program)	4	n. f.																													2
1527819421	خپلواکي	khpulwaakée	independence, freedom, autonomy	4	n. f.																													2
1572991476342	خپلوي	khpulwée, khpulawée	relationship, kinship	4	n. f.																													3
1527819891	خره	khra	pile, lot	4	n. f.																													
1527814566	خدای پاماني	khUdaay paamaanée, khodaay puamaanée	farewell	4	n. f.																													3
1582659568164	خدایي	khUdaayée	divinity, the quality of being divine	4	n. f.																													2
1566469940537	خفګي	khufagée, khufgée	choking, suffocation (from Farsi)	4	n. f.																													2
1586963607747	خله	khUlá	mouth	4	n. f.																													2
1527823086	خلاصه	khUlaasá	summary, abstract, resume	4	n. f.																													3
1715611302720	خلاصه کول	khUlaasá kawúl	to summarize	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527823086	summarize																											3
1715611305022	خلاصه کېدل	khUlaasá kedúl	to be summarized	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527823086	be	summarized																										2
1678442223097	خلوت پسندي	khulwut pisandée, khulwut pasandée, khilwat pasandée	isolationism, seclusionism		n. f.																													2
1527821026	خنجاړه	khunjáaRa	remains of grapes after pressing them for wine; oilcake; crab	2	n. f.																													2
1594218828092	خړه	khúRa	haze, dusk; silt, sediment (in water/stream); the transitory world; word for describing times between night and dawn etc. (په شنه خړه - at dawn etc.)	4	n. f.																													1
1527812804	خرابي	khuraabée	problem, brokenness	3	n. f.																													3
1527813393	خرما	khUrmáa	date (food)	4	n. f.																													2
1588153273589	خړپړتیا	khuRpuRtyáa	dustiness, dirtiness, complicatedness	4	n. f.																													2
1527822132	خشکه	khÚshka, khwúshka	boiled rice, steamed rice, cooked rice	2	n. f.																													2
1577823710521	خټه	khúTa	tribe, caste, people-group	4	n. f.																													2
1527814261	خطبه	khUtbá	sermon, preaching	4	n. f.																													3
1527816528	خښینه	khuxéena, khxéena	sister in law	3	n. f. anim.																													2
1527812052	خښته	khúxta	brick, cinder-block	4	n. f.																													3
1661533906001	خضوع	khUzóo	humility, submission, obediance	3	n. f.																													2
1527814165	خوا	khwaa	side, direction, appetite, mind, heart	4	n. f.																													3
1527816707	خوابدي	khwaabadée	unhappiness, disatisfaction, discontent, repulsion, disgust	4	n. f.																													2
1527820716	خواګرځي	khwaagurdzée	vomit, vomiting, puke, puking; nausea, sickness	3	n. f.																													2
1527815059	خواخوږي	khwaakhooGée	sympathy, compassion, empathy	4	n. f.																													2
1527811387	خواله	khwáala, khwaalá	conversation, talk; (د زړه خواله - secret of the heart, deep inner thoughts, intimate conversation)	3	n. f.																													2
1527811391	خواله رسنۍ	khwaala rasanúy	social media	3	n. f.																													2
1594807341420	خوار ځواکي	khwaar dzwaakée	malnourishment, lack of food	4	n. f.																													2
1527811351	خواري	khwaarée	hard labor, toil, effort, exertion	4	n. f.																													3
1712744367393	خواري کول	khwaarée kawúl	to work hard, exert, toil	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527811351	work																											3
1527815864	خواشیني	khwaasheenée	grief, hurt, offense, distress, dissatisfaction, disappointment	4	n. f.																													2
1527816501	خواښه	khwáaxa	wife's mother, husband's mother, mother-in-law	3	n. f. anim.																													2
1527816500	خواښې	khwáaxe	wife's mother, husband's mother, mother-in-law (plural?)	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527821820	خوله	khwalá, khwulá, kholá, khoolá	sweat, perspiration (usually plural)	4	n. f.																													2
1527813643	خولۍ	khwalúy	hat, cap	3	n. f.																													3
1576115620623	خوړه	khwaRá	gift, offering (to a religious leader), refreshments served at a wedding, refreshments sent to the bride from the fiancee,	4	n. f.																													
1576115708860	خوړه	khwáRa	sandy bottom (of a ravine), drift, alluvium, arroyo, wash, dried up stream	2	n. f.																													2
1527814567	خوښه	khwáxa	desire, wish, will, choice	4	n. f.																													3
1527817379	خوښي	khwaxée	joy, gladness, pleasure	4	n. f.																													2
1690458780857	خوندیینه	khwundee`yana	security, immunity	4	n. f.																													2
1527820407	خوټه	khwuTa	testicle	4	n. f.																													
1527815777	کلي	kilee	key	4	n. f.																													
1527820491	کراهه	kiraahá	hire, rent, lease	3	n. f.																													2
1527820492	کرایه	kiraayá	hire, rent, lease, fare	4	n. f.																													2
1586634846219	کرمچي	kirmichee	canvas, sailcloth, tarp, duck (the cloth)	2	n. f.																													
1610615872577	کشتي راني	kishtee raanée	navigation	4	n. f.																													2
1527813870	کشتۍ	kishtúy	boat, ship	4	n. f.																													3
1527816257	کتابچه	kitaabchá	notebook, little book	3	n. f.																													2
1586629718429	کتابخانه	kitaabkhaaná	library, publishing house	4	n. f.																													3
1527820642	کتله	kitlá, kUtlá, kutlá	mass, group, section (of people)	2	n. f.																													2
1623044275111	کلوښته	kloxtá, kuloxtá	tress or tuff of hair, topknot	4	n. f.																													2
1566474824560	کوبلکه	kobaláka, kobláka	mushroom	2	n. f.																													2
1527815708	کوبۍ	kobúy	bladder; stomach filled with dried sheep's fat (food storage for winter); dome, cupola	4	n. f.																													2
1527820532	کوډ لوبه	koD lóba, kooD lóba	conjuring, magic	2	n. f.																													2
1527818292	کودتا	koditáa	coup, coup detat, overthrow	4	n. f.																													2
1527822270	کوژده	kojzdá	engagement, matrimony; fiancee	4	n. f.																													2
1527817372	کوکاره	kokáara	cry, wail	4	n. f.																													2
1527814834	کوکۍ	kokúy	kiss, cheek, little girl/baby, little flower	4	n. f.																													3
1527813344	کوکۍ ګوته	kokuy gwúta, kokuy góota	index finger, forefinger	1	n. f.																													2
1588758045381	کولرا	kolaráa	cholera	4	n. f.																													2
1527823135	کوما	komáa	coma	4	n. f.																													3
1527821893	کوډۍ	kooDúy	hut, cabin, shack, hovel, summerhouse	4	n. f.																													2
1527816203	کوکه	kóoka	shout, yell, howl, cry of lament	4	n. f.																													2
1621366178462	کوکو ګېډۍ	kookoo geDúy	bunch, bouquet	2	n. f.																													2
1527819302	کولمه	koolmá, kwulmá	intestines, gut, bowels	4	n. f.																													3
1670564893300	کومبده	koombúda	dome, cupola		n. f.																													2
1527816360	کونډه	koonDa	fishing rod, hook	4	n. f.																													
1527816372	کونډکۍ	koonDakúy, kwunDakúy	widow	3	n. f. anim.																													2
1527813456	کونجي	koonjee	key	3	n. f.																													
1622873309886	کونجکه	koonjúka, kwunjúka	shell, cockleshell; box	4	n. f.																													2
1574867868541	کوپۍ	koopúy, kopúy	hunchback	3																														2
1527821706	کوره	koorá	furnace, brick-kiln	3	n. f.																													2
1527819744	کورکوړۍ	koorkooRúy	bee-eater (bird)	2	n. f.																													2
1594204308483	کورپچه	koorpachá, koorapchá	small mattress	2	n. f.																													2
1527812210	کوړۍ	kooRúy	beam, girder, joist	2	n. f.																													2
1527820410	کوټه	kooTá	kind of big dog, mongrel or sheep-dog ??	4	n. f.																													
1527812825	کوڅه	kootsá	street	4	n. f.																													3
1614083853596	کوټنه	kooTúna	bruise	3	n. f.																													
1527813443	کوتۍ	kootúy	box	4	n. f.																													2
1584515093638	کوزړګۍ	koozaRgúy, koozRagúy	small clay pitcher	3	n. f.																													2
1584515090634	کوزړۍ	koozaRúy	small clay pitcher	4	n. f.																													2
1527820572	کوپه	kopá	hair-cutting, haircutting; niche in a wall for a lamp	2	n. f.																													2
1527821595	کوپره	koprá	coconut, coco	2	n. f.																													2
1527821596	کوپړه	kopRá	coconut, coco	4	n. f.																													2
1527820121	کوپړۍ	kopuRúy, kopRúy	skull, cranium	4	n. f.																													3
1574867906543	کوپۍ	kopúy	tree saddle (for building saddles), small wineskin used of oil; the shell of an acorn	1	n. f.																													2
1527821703	کوره	korá	capers (botany)	2	n. f.																													2
1527812829	کورنۍ	koranúy	family, household	4	n. f.																													3
1595252860456	کورنۍ جګړه	koranuy jagRá	civil war	4	n. f.																													2
1591382561954	کورونا	koronáa	Corona (the virus)	4	n. f.																													2
1578190738698	کورړا	korRáa	a crane's call, croaking	2	n. f.																													2
1591872762329	کورواکي	korwaakée	autonomy	2	n. f.																													2
1566475969292	کوروالا	korwaaláa	family, wife	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1610447766031	کوسه	kosá	marrow (zucchini-like vegetable)	4	n. f.																													
1527820404	کوټه	koTá	room, chamber, office, compartment	4	n. f.																													3
1527819710	کوتاهي	kotaahée	a little bit; brevity; shortage; neglect; omission	4	n. f.																													2
1527818578	کوټۍ	koTúy	building, mansion	3	n. f.																													2
1527814675	کوټوالي	koTwaalée	police	4	n. f.																													2
1527816764	کوزده	kozdá	engagement, fiancee	4	n. f.																													2
1527814422	کراړه	kráaRa	ayran (yogurt drink), kurut (dried balls of curds or fermented milk); pebble, rocky soil	1	n. f.																													2
1527819186	کړنلاره	kRanláara	plan, program	4	n. f.																													2
1527819912	کړپه	kRapá, kRápa	slippery road, rough road	4	n. f.																													2
1577384309050	کړپا	kRapáa	snap, click, sound	3	n. f.																													2
1527817371	کریږه	kréeGa	lament, mourning aloud, wail, cry (also out of hapiness)	2	n. f.																													2
1595515450547	کړیکه	kRéeka	scream, noise, howl, cry	4	n. f.																													2
1574034991744	کرږه	krúGa, kúrGa	yell, scream, howl	3	n. f.																													2
1527814603	کرکه	krúka, kráka	grudge, loathing, detest, hatred, dislike, disgust	1	n. f.																													3
1527813930	کړنه	kRúna	action, conduct, behavior, deed	4	n. f.																													2
1527822761	کړټه	kRúTa, kuRTá	wrinkle, fold, crease	2	n. f.																													2
1527813366	کچه ګوته	kucha goota	little finger, pinkie	4	n. f.																													
1527817712	کلۍ	kulúy	key	3	n. f.																													
1527816366	کنډه	kunDá	statue, sculpture	2	n. f.																													2
1527816367	کنډه	kUnDa	hook	4	n. f.																													
1527815779	کنځل	kundzúl	swearing, name-calling, verbal abuse, bad language	4	n. f.																													3
1702029777549	کنځل کول	kundzúl kawúl	to swear, use bad language, verbally abuse	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527815779																												3
1527813457	کنجي	kUnjée	key	3	n. f.																													2
1527812045	کړکۍ	kuRkúy	window	4	n. f.																													3
1527813342	کرمه	kurma	index finger, little finger	1	n. f.																													
1527814202	کرسي	kUrsee	chair, seat, stool	3	n. f.																													
1527814203	کرسۍ	kUrsúy	chair, seat, stool	3	n. f.																													3
1527813252	کرښه	kúrxa	line, trace	3	n. f.																													3
1610615835095	کشتي	kUshtée	wrestling	4	n. f.																													2
1571943857587	کشۍ	kushúy, kshúy	only daughter	1	n. f. anim.																													2
1611396768542	کټاره	kuTaará	a stubborn cow that won't let anyone milk it; a daggar with a three-edged blade	4	n. f.																													2
1527819322	کښته	kúxta	seeding, planting, sowing	3	n. f.																													
1527814950	کښتګري	kuxtgarée	farming	3	n. f.																													2
1527820405	کوټه	kwáTa	heap, pile, mound; a lot, plenty, much	4	n. f.																													
1586448866074	کویله	kwaylá	coal	4	n. f.																													3
1527817863	کولچه	kwulchá, koolchá	cookie, cake (of soap)	4	n. f.																													2
1527823729	کونه	kwúna	butt, bum, bottom, ass; heart, essence	4	n. f.																													1
1527821238	کورخه	kwúrkha, kóorkha	okra, haricot, kidney bean	4	n. f.																													2
1527814505	کورتۍ	kwurtúy, koortúy	jacket, coat	3	n. f.																													2
1527821862	کښېکښنه	kxekxúna	pressing, crushing, squeezing, rubbing, massage	2	n. f.																													2
1527811379	لاچي	laachée	cardamon, cardamom	4	n. f.																													3
1527822991	لافه	láafa	boasting, bragging (لاپه) (usually plural لافې - لاپې	4	n. f.																													2
1705161492195	لافې کول	láafe kawúl	to boast, to brag		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527822991	boast																											3
1585836889082	لاحقه	laahiqá	suffix, ending (grammer)	2	n. f.									لواحق	lawaahiq																			
1527812847	لالو	laaló, laalóo	lullaby	2	n. f.																													2
1591804045450	لالهاندي	laaluháandee	dismay, distress	4	n. f.																													2
1582317904179	لاما	laamáa	llaama	2	n. f.																													2
1527818936	لامبو	laambó	swimming, bathing	4	n. f.																													3
1527820570	لامپه	laampá	lamp	3	n. f.																													2
1527813266	لانجه	laanjá	problem, dispute, issue, disagreement, puzzle	4	n. f.																													2
1527816347	لاپه	láapa	bragging, boasting, swagger, bravado	3	n. f.																													2
1527814150	لار	laar	road, way, path, street	4	n. f.																													1
1527814052	لاره	láara	road, way	3	n. f.																													3
1527823566	لاړه	láaRa	spit, saliva, slobber, slime (usually plural لاړې)	4	n. f.																													2
1579034879672	لاړي	láaRee	spit, saliva	3	n. f.																													3
1527822101	لاري	láaree	truck, lorry	4	n. f.																													2
1618473125616	لارغه	laarghá	second (in time); moment, pause	2	n. f.																													2
1574035049971	لارلباري	laarlubaarée	yell, scream	2	n. f.																													
1582336000732	لاروا	laarwaa	larva	2	n. f.																													
1527812298	لارښودنه	laarxodúna	guidance, direction, leadership	4	n. f.																													2
1527812299	لارښوونه	laarxowúna	guidance, direction, leadership	4	n. f.																													2
1527814065	لاس وهنه	laas wahúna	interference	4	n. f.																													2
1527817467	لاسي کراچۍ	laasee karaachúy	wheelbarrow	3	n. f.																													2
1527816084	لاسته راوړنه	laasta raawRúna	gain, success, achievement	4	n. f.																													2
1665387077595	لاټري	laaTrée	lottery, lottery ticked	4	n. f.																													2
1527817183	لایحه	laayihá	bill, regulation	4	n. f.									لوایح	lawaaéeh																			2
1527813887	لغته	lagháta	kick	3	n. f.																													2
1527817187	لغوه	lághwa	cancellation, repeal, waiver	4	n. f.																													2
1527813531	لهجه	lahjá	dialect, accent, tone	3	n. f.																													3
1589025858198	لحظه	lahzá	moment, instant, second	4	n. f.																													2
1579105393993	لکه	laká	spot, stain	3	n. f.																													2
1527819851	لکړه	lakáRa	cane, staff, rod, pole	3	n. f.																													2
1527811763	لکۍ	lakúy	tail	4	n. f.																													3
1527814470	للمه	lálma	dry or arid farming land	4	n. f.																													2
1527814000	لمبه	lambá	flame	4	n. f.																													3
1527818976	لمحه	lamhá	instant, moment, blink (of an eye, as in quick)	3	n. f.																													2
1670564323705	لمپه	lampá	lamp		n. f.																													2
1527817456	لمن	lamún	skirt, portion of clothing hanging down from the waist; foot, base (eg. of a mountain)	4	n. f.																													2
1588758010222	لمنه	lamúna	skirt, portion of clothing hanging down from the waist; foot, base (eg. of a mountain)	4	n. f.																													2
1527823354	لنډه	lanDá	sacroiliac, lumbar part of the spine	4	n. f.																													
1663958612958	لنډۍ	lanDúy	a kind of folk song	4	n. f.																													2
1573685459297	لنګه	lánga, langá	rope (fig. support, aid)	4	n. f.																													2
1593072905288	لنګرۍ	langrúy, langarúy	mortar, kneading trough, deep bowl	4	n. f.																													2
1574809414721	لپه	lápa	handful, palm open or cupped hands (for drinking water or praying)	4	n. f.																													2
1527813385	لړه	laRá	row, series, column, ridge	2	n. f.																													
1527813384	لړه	láRa	fight, battle, enmity	3	n. f.																													2
1527813383	لړایي	laRaayée	fight, battle (Urdu)	4	n. f.																													2
1527816961	لرغون پېژندنه	larghoon pejzandúna	archaeology	4	n. f.																													2
1527815467	لړۍ	laRúy	series, succession, chain, process, consecutive order, range	4	n. f.																													3
1576948823725	لړزه	laRzá	shaking, shivering, trembling	4	n. f.																													2
1660698467797	لړزا	laRzáa	shake, tremble, shaking, trembling	4	n. f.																													2
1527818160	لسي	lasée	lassi, a dahi-based dairy drink	3	n. f.																													2
1527816094	لسیزه	laséeza	decade	4	n. f.																													2
1527818916	لشماتي	lashmaatée	warm, lukewarm; moist, wet, lubricated	3	n. f.																													2
1527811886	لشکه	lashuka, láshka	sting (of a bee, wasp, scorpion etc.); beard, awn (of grain); splinter, chip, fragment	3	n. f.																													2
1527814054	لټه	láTa	search	4	n. f.																													2
1586962273533	لته	latá	kick	4	n. f.																													
1649702981493	لته	láta	swaddling cloth	3	n. f.																													2
1527820177	لټي	laTée	laziness, idleness, sloth, languor	3	n. f.																													2
1602593113009	لطیفه	lateefá	joke; wit, humour	3	n. f.									لطایف	lataa`eef																			2
1527818484	لوحه	lawhá	sign-board, sign; tablet, plate	4	n. f.																													2
1527811587	لوړیزه	lawRéeza, lwuRéeza	a type of sewing or stitching	3	n. f.																													2
1527823579	لوزه	lawzá	almond; tonsil	2	n. f.																													2
1527823536	لښته	láxta, lúxta	branch, stick, switch, twig, brushwood, switch	3	n. f.																													3
1527821098	لښتۍ	laxtúy	earring; (female) dancer	4	n. f.																													2
1602162423849	لېچه	lécha, lechá	arm	4	n. f.																													2
1527818272	لیدنه	leedúna	seeing, meeting	4	n. f.																													2
1527812264	لیکنه	leekúna	writing	3	n. f.																													2
1659122651016	لیلامي	leelaamée	something bought at an auction, second-hand goods, second-hand goods store	4	n. f.																													2
1527813165	لینده	leendá	bow; slingshot	3	n. f.																													3
1663958454012	لیندۍ	leendúy	bow, arch, bracket	4	n. f.																													2
1527819600	لیره	leerá, layrá	Lira	2	n. f.																													2
1527817212	لیسه	leesá, laysá	secondary school, lycee	4	n. f.																													2
1527813799	لېږدنه	leGdúna	narritive, tradition, story	2	n. f.																													2
1527820501	لېکه	leká	sharecropping (په لېکه اخيستل - to rent land on a sharecropping, half-and-half basis)	1	n. f.																													2
1527823469	لېرګۍ	lergúy	ear lobe	2	n. f.																													
1527813760	لېسه	lesa	lycee, high school	4	n. f.																													
1610797148186	لېشه	leshá	sting, dart, tongue	2	n. f.																													2
1527815488	لېوه	lewá	she-wolf	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527820098	لېوالتیا	lewaaltyáa	eagerness, desire, longing, thirst	4	n. f.																													2
1527816374	لېورزۍ	lewurzúy	daughter of a brother-in law, niece by marriage	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527820074	لیم جوشي	laym jooshée	welding	3	n. f.																													2
1673963320053	لفافه	lifaafá, lafaafá	envelope, folder, cover, wrapper; official letter		n. f.																													3
1527820096	لوا	liwáa, lawáa	brigade, squad, troop	3	n. f.																													2
1527818474	لمانځه	lmaandza	millwheel axle	4	n. f.																													
1675436093800	لمانځنه	lmaandzúna	celebration		n. f.																													2
1527814019	لمر تندره	lmar tandra, lmar tandúra	solar eclipse; annihilation, destruciton, completion, termination	2	n. f.																													2
1527815625	لمر څریکه	lmar tsréeka	rising of the sun, sunrise	4	n. f.																													2
1527816250	لمسۍ	lmasúy, lamsúy	granddaughter	3	n. f. anim.																													2
1626764219515	لمېسنه	lmesúna, lamesúna	writing; scripture; handwriting; paper-work; excercise	2	n. f.																													2
1594383092691	لو	lo	desire, appetite (no plural)	4	n. f.																													
1527812859	لوبه	lóba	game, match	4	n. f.																													3
1527811400	لوبډله	lobDúla	sports team	4	n. f.																													2
1527818599	لوبیا	lobyáa	beans	4	n. f.																													3
1527819794	لودره	lodára	stitch	2	n. f.																													2
1527811924	لولۍ	lolúy	prostitute	4	n. f.																													2
1527818600	لوبیا	loobiyaa	Libya	4	n. f.																													
1527818078	لوخه	lóokha	reed, bulrush	4	n. f.																													3
1527812860	لوخړه	lookhúRa, lokhúRa	dust, dense smoke	3	n. f.																													2
1527820293	لومه	lóoma	trap, snare	3	n. f.																													2
1589885155527	لومبړه	loombáRa	she-fox	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1589885159237	لونبړه	loonbáRa	she-fox	3	n. f. anim.																													2
1527813620	لونګۍ	loongúy	turban	3	n. f.																													2
1664026280631	لوپټه	loopaTá, lopaTá	woman's shawl, covering, dupata	4	n. f.																													3
1527822872	لوټ ماري	looT maarée	robber, brigandage	4	n. f.																													2
1527823062	لوټه	lóoTa	clod, clod of earth	4	n. f.																													3
1527822274	لوښه	lóoxa	dish, pot, pan (often plural)	2	n. f.																													2
1527822866	لویه وچه	looya wucha	continent	4	n. f.																													2
1527812276	لویي	looyée	greatness, nobility, glory, pride, arrogance, conceit	4	n. f.																													2
1527823580	لوزه	lóoza	honeybee; pine sapling	2	n. f.																													
1527811366	لوټه	loTa	pot for bathing or ablution	3	n. f.																													
1527823061	لوټه	loTá	small jug, small bucket, mug	3	n. f.																													
1527814480	لوښه	lóxa	moral custom, nature, character, quality, virtue	2	n. f.																													2
1527811634	لږکي	luGakée	minority	3	n. f.																													2
1527811633	لږکۍ	luGakúy	minority	3	n. f.																													2
1589885096884	لمبړه	lUmbáRa	she-fox	4	n. f.																													2
1566470947294	لنګوټه	lungoTá	turban	3	n. f.																													2
1527813386	لړه	lúRa, lwúRa	fog, mist	4	n. f.																													3
1527819795	لودره	lUwdúra, lawdúra	the tug of a plow (a rope or a chain)	2	n. f.																													2
1664092651588	لولانه	lwaláana, loolaaná	lecture	4	n. f.																													2
1527822725	لوېشت	lwesht	span, a measurement of the span of a hand	4	n. f.																													2
1527817497	لوږه	lwúGa	hunger; fig. poverty, lack	4	n. f.																													3
1527814516	لوړي	lwúRee, lóRee	altitude, promotion, success	3	n. f.																													2
1527814273	لوستانۍ	lwustaanúy, loostaanúy	female teacher of girls	3	n. f. anim.																													2
1527812175	لیار	lyaar	road, way	3	n. f.																													2
1527822321	معاشره	ma'aashirá	society	3	n. f.																													3
1527822423	معموري	ma'moorée	prosperity, well-being, fullness	4	n. f.																													2
1575642947741	معنیٰ	ma'náa	meaning, significance	4	n. f.																													2
1622720402465	معرکه	ma'riká	battlefield, battle, arena, meeting	2	n. f.																													2
1527812123	معافي	maafée	forgiveness, pardon	4	n. f.																													3
1702928191744	معافي غوښتل	m'aafée ghwUxtúl	to apologize, ask forgiveness	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527812123	apologize																											3
1527812153	مال خانه	maal khaaná	warehouse	3	n. f.																													2
1527814488	مالداري	maaldaarée	cattle-breeding, husbandry, farming; wealth, riches	4	n. f.																													2
1527818555	مالیده	maaleedá	rich flat cake sprinkled with sugar	3	n. f.																													2
1527814306	مالګه	máalga	salt	3	n. f.																													3
1527820503	مالګذاري	maalgUzaarée	land tax; taxable land; taxation	3	n. f.																													2
1527812876	مالکه	maalíka, maaliká	queen, lady, housewife, wife	4	n. f.																													2
1527820502	مالکانه	maalikaaná	landowners, ownership, a fee paid to landowners	4	n. f.																													2
1527812088	مالیه	maaliyá	tax, duty, income, revenue	4	n. f.																													2
1527812877	مالټه	maalTá	orange (the fruit)	4	n. f.																													2
1527816469	مامي	maamée	aunt, maternal uncle's wife	4	n. f.																													3
1527815654	ماڼه	maaNa	apple	4	n. f.																													
1573768422861	ماڼه	maaNá	grievance, discontent, cause for upset (usually plural)	2	n. f.																													2
1527812048	مانا	maanáa	meaning, sense, spirit	3	n. f.																													3
1527816478	ماندینه	maandeená	wife	4	n. f.																													2
1611397779469	مانع	maani'	obstacle, barrier, hinderance	3	n. f.									موانع	mawaani'																			2
1611398040992	مانع سازي	maani' saazée	construction of obstacles (military)	4	n. f.																													2
1527817526	مانجه	maanjá	kite string; military music	4	n. f.																													2
1527812879	ماڼۍ	maaNúy	mansion, palace	3	n. f.																													2
1610618806862	مارکونډۍ	maarkoonDúy	brier, caltrop	4	n. f.																													2
1527821590	مارماهي	maarmaahée	eel, moray eel	4	n. f.																													2
1527816437	ماسي	maasée	maternal aunt	3	n. f.																													2
1527819918	ماشه	máasha, maashá	mosquito	4	n. f. anim.																													3
1715953898468	ماشه	maashá	trigger	4	n. f.																													2
1527817169	ماشینخانه	maasheenkhaaná	factory, plant	3	n. f.																													2
1527819087	ماته	máata	defeat	3	n. f.																													1
1527819406	ماتونه	maatawúna	breaking, fracturing, hurting or bruising, cracking	4	n. f.																													2
1527816089	ماتې	maate	defeat, rout	4	n. f.																													
1527820367	ماټوۍ	maaTwúy, maaTuwúy	womans gold ornament on both sides of the forehead; lock, ringlet, curl (of hair)	1	n. f.																													2
1527823237	مایه	maayá	ferment, yeast	3	n. f.																													2
1527823219	ماینه	maayná	wife	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527820800	مایوسي	maayoosée	disappointment, hopelessness, despair	4	n. f.																													3
1527818055	ماضي	maazée	past, history, things or events of the past	4	n. f.																													2
1527821185	مبیعه	mabee'á	forward contract, provisional sale	1	n. f.																													2
1527814810	مچه	macha	kiss	3	n. f.																													
1527816183	مچلوغزه	machloghza	sling, slingshot	3	n. f.																													
1568407862246	مچلوغزه	machlóghza	slingshot, catapult	4	n. f.																													
1661499476788	مچنوغزه	machnóghza, machnoghzá	slingshot, sling	4	n. f.																													2
1527822961	مداري ګري	madaaree garée	sleight of hand	4	n. f.																													2
1527818761	مدني ټولنه	madanee Tolúna	civil society	3	n. f.																													2
1527814264	مدرسه	madrasá	school, religious school, Islamic boarding school, madrasa	4	n. f.									مدارس	madaaris																			3
1527814092	مفکوره	mafkoorá	idea, thought	4	n. f.																													2
1591972486826	مغایره	maghaayrá	contradiction, conflict	2	n. f.																													2
1527821915	مغازه	maghaazá	store, shop, warehouse	2	n. f.									ماغاز	maaghaaz																			2
1666153149677	مغرورتیا	maghroortyáa	pride, arrogance, conceit	4	n. f.																													2
1594906043262	مغزي سکته	maghzee saktá, maghzee siktá	(brain) stroke	4	n. f.																													2
1566474319693	محاکمه	mahaakamá, mahaakimá	trial, court-case	4	n. f.																													2
1527812134	محاسبه	mahaasibá	accounting, calculation, calculated, computation	4	n. f.																													2
1577559569256	محاوره	mahaawirá	conversing, discourse	4	n. f.																													2
1527816663	محله	mahala	neighbourhood, district, area	4	n. f.																													
1527822236	محلي	mahallée, mahalée	local	4	adj.																													2
1527819776	مهینه	maheená	monthly salary, monthly pay	4	n. f.																													2
1527815045	محکمه	mahkamá	court, tribunal	3	n. f.									محاکم	mahaakim																			3
1527815051	محکمي	mahkamee	strength, reinforcement, durability	3	n. f.																													
1620766596379	محوطه	mahwatá, mahotá	enclosure, yard, fence, pen	2	n. f.																													2
1527814557	مجبوري	majbooree	need, obligation, tight circumstances, necessity	3	n. f.																													2
1527822644	مجمه	majmá	a large metal tray (for food)	3	n. f.																													3
1527822645	مجمع	majmá'	meeting, association, league, society	4	n. f.																													1
1527821679	مجنون بېده	majnoon beda	weeping willow	2	n. f.																													2
1566476508064	مخینه	makheená, mukhéena	past record, background, precedent	2	n. f.																													2
1566478486889	مکر ژړا	makur jzaRáa, mikur jzaRáa	fake crying, crocidile tears	4	n. f.																													2
1527817735	ملائکه	malaa'iká	angel (from Arabic) (w/ Arabic pronunciation)	3	n. f. anim.																													2
1527813524	ملاغه	malaagha	ladle, deep spoon	2	n. f.																													2
1527818764	ملامتي	malaamatée	reproach, disapproval, condemnation, fault	4	n. f.																													2
1527818763	ملامتیا	malaamatyáa	reproach, disapproval, condemnation	4	n. f.																													2
1527813525	ملاقه	malaaqá	ladle, deep spoon	1	n. f.																													2
1527815801	ملاقه	malaaqá	ladle, deep spoon	1	n. f.																													2
1527819919	ملاریا	malaariyáa, malaaryáa	malaria	4	n. f.																													2
1527817728	ملایکه	malaayiká	angel	4	n. f.																													3
1527817729	ملکه	malaka	angel	0	n. f. anim.																													
1527821634	ملغلره	malghalúra	pearl	4	n. f.																													2
1527812230	ملګرتیا	malgurtyáa	friendship, alliance, partnership	4	n. f.																													3
1702031891919	ملګرتیا کول	malgurtyáa kawúl	to be friends with someone, to accompany	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527812230																												3
1527817730	ملکه	maliká	queen	4	n. f. anim.																													3
1527823170	ملتیا	maltyáa	accompaniment	3	n. f.																													2
1527812888	ملنډه	malúnDa	making fun of, mocking, mockery, ridicule	4	n. f.																													2
1527818358	مڼه	maNá	apple	4	n. f.																													3
1527812891	مننه	manána	thank you, thanks, expression of thanks	4	n. f.																													2
1527820212	منبع	manbá', manbí'	source, origin, resource, cause	4	n. f.									منابع	manaabí																			2
1593074107909	مندسته	mandastá	pestle	2	n. f.																													2
1527815656	مندته	mandáta	apricot, the pit or stone of an apricot or other fruit	4	n. f.																													2
1527814642	منډهۍ	manDhúy, manDúy	market	4	n. f.																													2
1527821347	مندکه	mandúka	pit, kernel, nucleus	4	n. f.																													2
1527813355	منځالۍ	mandzaalúy	middle finger	2	n. f.																													
1527813356	منځګلې	mandzgUle	ring finger	2	n. f.																													
1527818662	منځګړي	mandzguRee	mediation	3	n. f.																													2
1527823068	مني	manée	sperm, seed	4	n. f.																													
1527817021	منګول	mangóol	claw, paw	4	n. f.																													2
1527811609	منګل	mangúl	claw, paw	4	n. f.																													2
1527813296	منګز	mangúz	comb	4	n. f.																													2
1527819164	منشا	mansháa, minsháa	beginning, source, root, origin	2	n. f.																													2
1591033648000	منصوبه	mansoobá	plan, scheme, project	3	n. f.																													3
1671708944438	منطقه پرستي	mantiqa parastée, mUntiqa parastée	favoring an area in politics		n. f.																													2
1527818427	منطقه	mantiqá, mUntiqá	region, area, zone; shingles (med.)	3	n. f.									مناطق	manaatiq																			2
1527815981	منظره	manzará	view, scenery	3	n. f.									مناظر	manaazir																			2
1527813542	منظوري	manzoorée	acceptance	4	n. f.																													3
1527820469	مقاله	maqaalá	article, speech, remarks, presentation	3	n. f.																													2
1527820447	مقبره	maqbirá	tomb, grave, cemetery, graveyard	3	n. f.																													3
1527814167	مړه خوا	maRa khwaa	contentedness, satiety	3	n. f.																													2
1527823747	مرامنامه	maraamnaamá	platform, charter, program (a statement of plans etc. in politics)	4	n. f.																													2
1527811749	مرکه	maraká	interview, talk, conversation, meeting, conference, delegation	4	n. f.																													2
1527820665	مرکچي	marakchée	interviewer, mediator	3	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527823196	مرمت کاري	mUramat kaarée, maramat kaarée	reparation, mending, atonement, repair	3	n. f.																													2
1603263223663	مرده	mardá	millstone axle	2	n. f.																													2
1610556640847	مردمشماري	mardamshUmaarée, mardUmshUmaarée	census	4	n. f.																													2
1527823380	مردکه	mardúka, marduká	ball (for childrens game); fragment, splinter, shard	4	n. f.																													2
1594130016814	مردکۍ	mardukúy	ball (for childrens game); fragment, splinter, shard	4	n. f.																													2
1527823072	مردوي	mardwée, mardawée	sperm, seed (biology)	4	n. f.																													2
1651577674549	مرګي	margée, mirgée	epilepsy	4	n. f.																													2
1674642258976	مرغه	margha	grass that produces sod or turf	2	n. f.																													
1527818032	مرغه	marghá	Bermuda grass, Scutch grass, grass that produces turf or sod	2	n. f.																													2
1527818033	مرغه چڼه	margha chúNa	lawn, plot of grass	1	n. f.																													
1573681037801	مرګژوبله	margjzóbla	damage, injury, or loss of life, personal damage	4	n. f.																													2
1527817997	مرحله	marhalá	stage, level, phase, period, station	3	n. f.									مراحل	maraahil																			2
1527820693	مرجع	marja', marjí'	reference, authority, body, place to go (for help, shelter, etc.)	3	n. f.									مراجع	maraají'																			2
1610618799833	مرکونډۍ	markoonDúy	brier, caltrop	4	n. f.																													2
1527814398	مرمي	marmée	bullet, shell, projectile	4	n. f.																													2
1527820454	مرمۍ	marmúy	bullet, shell	4	n. f.																													2
1622873705990	مروښه	maróxa	married woman, betrothed girl	0	n. f. anim.																													2
1527819996	مړوښي	maRoxée	marriage, family life	3	n. f.																													2
1527820889	مرتبه	martabá	row, line, file; rank, degree, level; array, place; (w/ plural: circumstances, details, particulars)	4	n. f.									مراتب	maraatíb																			3
1527816684	مړۍ	maRúy	piece, bread, bite, sip, gulp, food, meal	4	n. f.																													2
1527819314	مرۍ	marúy	throat	4	n. f.																													1
1527823291	مرۍ	marúy	small ball, bead; talisman, charm	3	n. f.																													1
1527823359	مرضي	marzée, murzée	will, desire, pleasure	3	n. f.																													1
1527821941	مسه	mása	patting, touching	3	n. f.																													2
1527817086	مسا	masáa	smile	4	n. f.																													2
1588076706989	مسافه	masaafá	distance, span	4	n. f.																													2
1527821456	مساحه	masaahá	area, measurement	3	n. f.																													2
1527817153	مساله	masaalá	masala, spice; problem, issue (مسأله  masaala)	3	n. f.																													3
1527818940	مثانه	masaaná	bladder	4	n. f.																													2
1527814120	مسله	masala	prayer rug	3	n. f.																													
1527814122	مسئله	mas'alá, masalá	matter, issue	4	n. f.									مسایل	masaayil																			3
1527816605	مشوره	mashwará	advice, instructions, council, consultation	4	n. f.																													3
1709346974856	مشاوره	mashaawará, mushaarwirá	advice, instructions, council, consultation	4	n. f.																													2
1709346988981	مشاورت	mashaawarát, mushaawirát	advice, instructions, council, consultation	4	n. f.																													2
1708739572215	مشوره کول	mashwará kawúl	to consult, get advice	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527816605	consult																											3
1708824023499	مشوره ورکول	mashwará warkawúl	to give advice	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527816605	give	advice																										3
1527815685	مسکه	maská	woman who had a miscarriage	2	n. f.																													2
1527817857	مسخره	maskhará	ridicule, joking, jesting, mocking	4	n. f.																													2
1579188978548	مستي	mastée	excitement, intoxication, arousal, liveliness	4	n. f.																													3
1527817091	مسنه	masuná, masná	smile	2	n. f.																													2
1527812429	مټه	máTa	earthenware pot; lazy, listless, limp	4	n. f. / adj.																													2
1527814641	متاع	matáa	goods, things, propterty (in trade)	3	n. f.																													2
1527822795	مټاکه	maTáaka	blister, bump, swelling (from an insect bite); swelling, tumour	3	n. f.																													2
1527816517	مټیزه	maTéeza	a girl who has run away or eloped with her lover	4	n. f. anim.																													
1527817927	متره	mátra	curdled milk, cheese curds, cottage cheese	4	n. f.																													
1527817928	متره	mátra	feeling, force, strength, sensation	2	n. f.																													
1527820108	متروکه	matróka, matroká	whip	4	n. f.																													2
1527815673	مټۍ	maTúy	butter churn, jug for churning butter	3	n. f.																													2
1527822973	مټۍ	maTúy	pitcher, crock, jug, cistern, tub, vat	3	n. f.																													2
1527811630	موافقه	mawaafiqá, mUwaafiqá	agreement, conformity	4	n. f.																													2
1527811813	موهوم پرستي	mawhoom parastée	superstition	3	n. f.																													2
1610542081185	موجودګي	mawjoodgée, mawjoodagée, mawjoodigée	presence, existence	3	n. f.																													3
1527820288	موکه	mawká, mauká	occasion, opportunity, time, chance (موقع)	3	n. f.																													2
1527819972	موقع	mawqa', moqa', mawqí'	occasion, time, opportunity, chance	4	n. f.									مواقع	mawaaqí																			3
1527819975	موقعه	mawqa'á, moqá, mawqi'	occasion, time, opportunity, chance (inflected form of موقع?)	4	n. f.																													2
1527814613	موضوع	mawzóo, mauzóo'	subject, topic, matter, conversation, theme, talking	3	n. f.									موضوعات	mawzoo'aat																			3
1527823154	مښوکه	maxóoka	beak; spout (of a kettle)	4	n. f.																													1
1571840218961	مزه	mazá	enjoyment, fun, taste, pleasure	3	n. f.																													3
1527819141	مزبله	mazbalá	trash heap, garbage pile, garbage dump	2	n. f.																													2
1527817164	مزدوري	mazdoorée	labour, toil, job, work, (often daily) wage-earning	4	n. f.																													3
1527813221	مځکه	mdzúka	earth, land	4	n. f.																													2
1527822078	مېچنه	mechúna	hand mill, attrition mill	4	n. f.																													2
1527812901	مېده	medá	stomach	4	n. f.																													2
1527821421	میکروب شناسي	meekrob shinaasée	microbiology, bacteriology	4	n. f.																													2
1527819371	میله	meelá	stick, shaft, rod, block; pistil (botany)	2	n. f.																													2
1527812903	مینه	méena	love	4	n. f.																													3
1527816802	مینځه	méendza	female slave, servant, concubine	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1592390379981	میراته	meeraatá	inheritance (موروث)	4	n. f.	1592390296285																												
1566471086836	میرخانۍ	meerkhaanúy	a large turban	2	n. f.																													2
1527822561	مېږکۍ	meGakuy	anteater	2	n. f.																													
1527812907	مېله	melá	picnic, feast, celebration	4	n. f.																													3
1527822881	مېلمه پالنه	melma paalúna	hospitality	4	n. f.																													2
1527812910	مېلمستیا	melmastyáa	hospitality; invitation, event, party, banquet, reception	4	n. f.																													3
1527816973	مېنه	mena	homeland, motherland, fatherland, country, region, residence, place of dwelling, encampment	4	n. f.																													
1648403676776	مېره	merá	desert, emptiness, wilderness	4	n. f.																													
1527821415	مېړانه	meRáana	manliness, courage, valour, generosity, puberty	3	n. f.																													2
1527816471	مېرنۍ	meranúy	stepmother	4	n. f.																													2
1527816476	مېرېنۍ خور	merenuy khor	stepsister, half sister	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527816474	مېرېزی	merezáy	half brother, stepbrother	3	n. f.																													2
1527812912	مېرمن	mermán	lady, woman, wife	4	n. f.																													3
1588786756220	مېرمنه	mermána	lady, woman, wife	4	n. f.																													2
1527812190	مېړوښه	meRóxa	betrothed girl, bride	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1622873673598	مېروښه	meróxa	married woman, betrothed girl	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527817881	مېرڅي	mertsée	feud, hostility, offence, hurt feelings	2	n. f.																													
1733331463037	مېرچي	merchée	feud, hostility, offence, hurt feelings	2	n. f.																													2
1527812913	مېوه	mewá	fruit	4	n. f.																													3
1713348542229	مېوه نیول	mewá neewúl	to bear fruit	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527812913	bear, bears, bearing, bore, born	fruit																										3
1588787261699	میخانه	maykhaaná	pub, tavern, bar	4	n. f.																													2
1527816470	میره	mayrá	stepmother	4	n. f.																													2
1527812915	میوه	maywá	fruit	4	n. f.									میوجات	maywajaat																			2
1527812918	مېزباني	mezbaanee	hospitality	4	n. f.																													2
1527819086	معده	mi'dá	stomach	4	n. f.																													3
1566474611780	معیاري	mi'yaarée	standard, proper	3	n. f.																													2
1527812919	مهمان نوازي	mihmaan nawaazée	hospitality	4	n. f.																													2
1577397444040	مهمانخانه	mihmaankhaaná	guest house	4	n. f.																													3
1527822690	ملي نغمه	millee naghmá, milee naghmá	national anthem	4	n. f.																													2
1660566593058	ملېشه	mileshá	militia	4	n. f.																													2
1527815525	ملت دوستي	millat dostée	patriotism	4	n. f.																													2
1527815524	ملت پرستي	millat parastée	nationalism	4	n. f.																													2
1644240916456	ملي ترانه	millee taraaná, milee taraaná	national anthem	4	n. f.																													2
1527811812	ملیت پرستي	milyat parastée	nationalism, patriotism	4	n. f.																													2
1527813206	منت باري	minat baarée	gratitude, thankfulness	4	n. f.																													2
1527813207	منت زاري	minat zaaree	supplication, plea, asking, begging; serious command	4	n. f.																													2
1527820370	مقانیزمه	miqaaneezmá, muzaanéezma	lock (in weapons)	1	n. f.																													2
1527818552	مصري	misrée	lollipop, refined sugar	4	n. f.																													3
1585411710664	مسطر	mistár	ruler (for drawing)	2	n. f.																													2
1585411714307	مسطره	mistára, mistará	ruler (for drawing)	2	n. f.																													2
1527820543	میا	miyáa	herd (of horses)	1	n. f.																													2
1527812922	میاشت	myaasht	month; crescent	4	n. f.																													2
1527815483	ملا	mlaa	back (body part)	4	n. f.																													3
1614083901918	موغري	mogháree	bruise	3	n. f.																													2
1527821570	موجبه	mojibá, mawjíba	motive, reason, cause, motif	3	n. f.																													2
1527813474	موخه	mókha	goal, aim, purpose	4	n. f.																													2
1527818730	مومیایي	momyaayée	mineral oil, mineral resin (for treating sprained joints and fractures)	2	n. f.																													2
1578343853726	موعظه	moo'izá, mo'izá	sermon, preaching	3	n. f.																													2
1527821106	موچلۍ	moochlúy	spent cartridge case; earring; luring reed (for calling quail)	2	n. f.																													2
1527823224	موچڼه	moochúNa	a kind of shoe; a cobblers wife	4	n. f.																													2
1527812990	موده	moodá	time, period	4	n. f.																													3
1527819986	موخۍ	mookhúy, móokhuy	the act of two families swapping girls in marriage	2	n. f.																													2
1588695809959	مولۍ	moolúy	radish	4	n. f.																													3
1527821997	موم جامه	moom jaamá	oilskin, oilcloth	2	n. f.																													
1527821105	موندره	moondrá	earring	2	n. f.																													2
1527816868	موندنه	moondúna	finding	4	n. f.																													2
1527821910	موښنه	mooxúna	rubbing, friction, drag, scrubbing	4	n. f.																													2
1527816513	مورا	moraa	wife of a mullah, mother	2	n. f. anim.																													
1527818904	مورچه	morchá, moorchá	rust, termite; trench, position, entrenchment	4	n. f.																													2
1527822975	مورکۍ	morkúy	mommy, mom (childrens speech)	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527822976	مورکۍ	morukúy, morkúy	mommy, mom (childrens speech)	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527816557	مورۍ	morúy	clay, edge of a roof, eaves, chimney, gutter; swear word	4	n. f.																													2
1527812929	موسیقي	moseeqée	music	4	n. f.																													2
1527820879	موسسه	mosisá	institution, foundation, company, NGO, organization	4	n. f.																													2
1527818477	موټه	moTá	tumor, gold thread knot	2	n. f.																													2
1527818817	موټرواني	moTurwaanée	driving (the job)	4	n. f.																													2
1527822577	مړه	mRa	shawl, blanket, lap rope	3	n. f.																													2
1527812931	مرسته	mrásta	help, assistance, aid	4	n. f.																													3
1527814784	مړینه	mRéena	death	4	n. f.																													2
1527820394	مړینه	mRéena	death	3	n. f.																													2
1527822794	مروړه	mroRá	oil soaked rag (for cleaning guns)	3	n. f.																													
1527822793	مروړه	mróRa	bump, swelling (from an insect bite)	4	n. f.																													
1527821909	مروړنه	mroRuna	rubbing, friction, scrubbing, ruffling, creasing	4	n. f.																													
1610615993762	معاهده	mU'aahadá, mU'aahidá, m'aahidá	agreement (formal agreement)	4	n. f.																													3
1527818825	معامله	mU'aamala, maamilá, maamalá	transaction, dealing, business, issue	4	n. f.																													2
1619276910300	معاوضه	mU'aawizá	exchange, compensation, barter	4	n. f.																													2
1527820782	معاینه خانه	mU'aayaná khaaná	outpatient clinic	4	n. f.																													2
1527820781	معاینه	mU'aayaná, maayná	examination (ie. medical examination etc.), inspection, observation	4	n. f.									معاینات	mU'aayanáat																			3
1708189464427	معاینه کول	mU'aayana kawúl, maayna kawul	to examine, inspect	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527820781	examine																											3
1579289097783	معرفي	mU'arrifée, marrifée	introduction, recommendation, acquaintance	3	n. f.																													2
1669827653209	معضله	mU'azalá, mU'azilá	difficulty, problem, impasse		n. f.																													2
1527818259	معجزه	mU'jizá	miracle, wonder	4	n. f.									معاجزه	m'aajUza																			2
1732599665080	معجزه ناک	mU'jiza náak	miraculous		adj.																													
1527812119	معافي	mU'aafée	exemption	3	n. f.																													3
1527814282	معلمه	mUallíma	female teacher, instructor	4	n. f.																													2
1527814284	معلمي	mUalimée, maalimée	teaching	4	n. f.																													2
1579289283854	معطلي	ma'talée, mUatalée	delay, adjourment, deferment, suspension	3	n. f.																													3
1527823416	مباحثه	mUbaahisá	debate, discussion, argument	4	n. f.																													2
1527823104	مبالغه	mUbaalighá	exaggeration, overstatement	3	n. f.																													2
1527816057	مبارکي	mUbaarakée	congratulations	4	n. f.																													3
1708738746534	مبارکي ورکول	mUbaarakée warkawúl	to congratulate	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527816057	congratulate																											3
1527814629	مبارزه	mUbaarazá, mUbaarizá	fight, struggle	3	n. f.																													2
1610615401760	مبتدا	mUbtadáa	subject, matter, essence, subject of an equative sentence; beginning, starting	2	n. f.																													2
1527819915	مچرۍ	mUcharúy	mosquito net, mosquito netting	2	n. f.																													2
1527819914	مچرۍ	muchrúy	mosquito net, mosquito netting	2	n. f.																													2
1527814134	مداخله	mUdaakhalá, mUdaakilá	interference	4	n. f.																													2
1527812993	مده	mUdda	time, period	3	n. f.																													
1671707293637	مدعا	mUdda'áa, muda'áa	claim, assertion, demand, subject of argument		n. f.																													2
1527815907	مفاهمه	mUfaahíma, mUfaaháma, mUfaahimá	mutual understanding	3	n. f.																													2
1527821486	مږک رانه	mUGak ráana	mouse-hole; mouse burrow	3	n. f.																													2
1527812135	محاسبه	mUhaasibá	accounting, calculation, calculated, computation	4	n. f.																													2
1527811613	محاصره	mUhaasirá	sanctions, blockade, siege, surrounded	4	n. f.																													2
1527822566	مهر کندي	mUhr kandée	the craft of engraving	2	n. f.																													2
1527822565	مهر کني	mUhr kanée	the craft of engraving	2	n. f.																													2
1648997533771	محتوا	mUhtawáa	content, subject	4	n. f.																													2
1576887902183	مجادله	mUjaadilá	argument, dispute, squabble, conflict	3	n. f.																													2
1527819673	مجله	mUjalá, mUjallá	magazine, journal	3	n. f.																													2
1527820129	مجسمه	mUjasimá	statue	4	n. f.																													2
1595233544225	مژه	mUjzá	eyelashes (poetic)	2	n. f.											مژګان	mUjzgaan																	2
1527818673	مکالمه	mUkaalamá, mUkaalimá	conversation, talk, interview	3	n. f.																													2
1527820368	مخ تولي	mukh tolée	(a lock or ringlet of hair) falling down over the face	2	n. f.																													2
1579187477763	مخه	múkha	direction; way, path; basis; way; foundation	4	n. f.																													2
1527821386	مخه ښه	mukha xá, mukha xú	farewell, parting, leave-taking	4	n. f.																													2
1527823560	مخابره	mUkhaabirá	radio, wireless, communication	4	n. f.																													2
1527821200	مخفف نویسي	mUkhaffaf naweesée	cursive (writing)	3	n. f.																													2
1674934867657	مخکتنه	mukhkatúna, makhkatána	book-interview, attention to someone		n. f.																													2
1527822519	ملاحظه	mUlaahizá	consideration, regard, remark, argument, prudence, caution	3	n. f.									ملاحظات	mUlaahizaat																			2
1578329978867	ملایي	mUllaayée	the job/rank of being a mullah	3	n. f.																													3
1678365356589	ملوک الوایفي	mUlook alwaayfee	feudalism		n. f.																													
1527822052	ممثله	mUmassíla	actress	4	n. f.																													2
1527817774	مناظره	mUnaazará, mUnaazirá	debate, discussion, controversy	4	n. f.																													2
1527815805	منډه	múnDa	run, running	4	n. f.																													3
1714821787845	منډه کول	múnDa kawúl	to run	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527815805	run,runs,running,ran,run																											3
1527821140	منجیله	munjeelá	see منجله	4	n. f.																													2
1527821139	منجله	munjulá	support, ring or pillow place on the head when carrying a jug/load, intertwined wheat stalks	4	n. f.																													2
1571626622642	مننه	munúna, manúna	acceptance, agreement, obedience	4	n. f.																													2
1571626625953	منښته	munúxta	acceptance, agreement, obedience	4	n. f.																													
1527816223	مقابله	mUqaabalá, mUqaablá, mUqaabilá	comparison; resistance, competition, confronting	4	n. f.																													3
1586448678433	مقاوله	mUqaawalá	agreement, contract, convention, transaction	2	n. f.																													2
1527822011	مقاومه	mUqaawamá, mUqáawama	resistance, opposition, hostility, animosity	3	n. f.																													2
1527816216	مقایسه	mUqaayasá, mUqaayisá	comparison, juxtaposition	4	n. f.																													2
1527816076	مقدمه	mUqaddamá, mUqadimá	introduction, preface, preamble	2	n. f.																													3
1566647744593	مقتدا	mUqtadáa	clergyman, leader (Arabic)	2	n. f.																													2
1527814738	مرافعه	mUraafa'á, mUraafi'á	appeal (Arabic, legal term)	2	n. f.																													2
1527816958	مراجعه	mUraaja'a	turning to, recourse, reference, resort	4	n. f.																													
1586957574526	مراقبه	mUraaqibá, muraaqibá	meditiation, reflection, contemplation	4	n. f.																													2
1585474740972	مربع	mUrabá', mUrabí'	square, exponent of two	3	n. f.																													3
1527822783	مربا	mUrabáa	jam, preserve, marmalade	3	n. f.																													2
1584530920680	مریدي	mUreedée, mureedée	the practive of being a مرید (spiritual or religious student), discipleship	3	n. f.																													2
1578344232094	مریضي	mureezée	sickness (the state of a person being in sickness)	4	n. f.																													2
1586634286177	مرغابۍ	mUrghaabúy, murghaabúy	duck	4	n. f.																													2
1733379157953	مرغابي	mUrghaabée, murghaabée	duck	4	n. f.																													2
1527821635	مرغلره	murghalúra	pearl	4	n. f.																													2
1527818625	مرغۍ	murghúy	sparrow, small bird	4	n. f.																													3
1585487773078	مرلۍ	mUrlúy, murlúy	reed pipe (instrument used by snake charmer)	2	n. f.																													2
1675138061058	مسابقه	mUsaabiqá	competition, race		n. f.																													2
1527814436	مصافحه	mUsaafahá, mUsaafihá	handshake (Arabic)	3	n. f.																													2
1527811518	مسافري	mUsaafirée, mUsaafurée	the state/life of being an expat, living away from home / abroad; travelling	4	n. f.																													2
1527813707	مسافرخانه	mUsaafirkhaaná, mUsaafurkhaaná	guest house, inn, hotel	4	n. f.																													2
1664025308773	مصاحبه	mUsaahibá	interview	4	n. f.																													2
1527822981	مصالحه	mUsaalahá, mUsaalihá	reconciliation, compromise	4	n. f.																													2
1527821652	مساپري	mUsaapirée, mUsaapurée	the life of an expat, living away from home / abroad, travelling	3	n. f.																													2
1578015518297	مصله	mUsalá, masalá	prayer mat	3	n. f.																													
1617442505484	مشابهه	mUshaabahá, mUshaabihá	resemblence, similarity, likeness	4	n. f.																													2
1674054230642	مشاهده	mUshaahidá, mUshaahadá	observation, examination		n. f.																													2
1527813633	مشاعره	mUshaairá	poetry event, poetry contest	4	n. f.																													2
1527813248	مشکله	mUshkíla, mUshkúla	difficulty, trouble	3	n. f.																													2
1527820415	مشري	mushrée, mushurée	seniority, leadership, management, position of authority, supervision	4	n. f.																													2
1715612661946	مشري کول	mushrée kawúl, mushurée kawúl	to lead, supervise, manage, oversee	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527820415	lead,leads,leading,led																											3
1527815686	مسکه	muská	butter	4	n. f.																													2
1527817093	مسکا	muskáa, mUskáa	smile	4	n. f.																													3
1527817095	مسکتیا	musktyáa, mUsktyáa	kind smile	2	n. f.																													2
1527814739	مصوبه	mUssawaba, musawbá	decree, resolution, decision	2	n. f.																													2
1527819930	مستعفي	mUstafée	retiring, going into retirement, resigination, sending in ones resignation	3	n. f.																													
1527817017	مستعمره	mUsta'mará, mUsta'mirá	colony		n. f.																													2
1527819933	مستمري	mUstamirrée, mUstamarée	retirement, benefit, pension	2	n. f.																													2
1527812430	مټه	múTa	hand, forearm, force	4	n. f.																													2
1527821203	مطابقت نامه	mUtaabiqat naamá	mandate, instruction (given by voters to an elected official)	4	n. f.																													2
1527811675	معتادي	mU'taadée	addiction	4	n. f.																													2
1527816950	مطالعه	mUtaali'á, mUtaaliyá, mUtaaláa	study, research	4	n. f.									مطالعات	mUtaaliaat																			2
1527813315	مواسه	muwaasá	fairy tale	2	n. f.																													2
1527816722	موازنه	mUwaazaná, mUwaaziná	balance, equilibrium, balancing	4	n. f.																													2
1527821237	مۍ	múy	mung beans, kidney beans	4	n. f.																													2
1527823187	مظاهره	mUzaahirá	demonstration, protest	4	n. f.																													3
1592559190837	میانه	myaaná	pass, passing mark (in school)	4	n. f.																													2
1527813357	مینځه ګته	myandza gUta	middle finger	3	n. f.																													
1586449464276	نا امني	naa aamnée	unrest, disturbances, lack of peace (as in a geographical area), alarming or worrisome situation	4	n. f.																													2
1673632067615	نا دولتي موسسه	naa dawlatee mosisá	NGO (non-governmental orginization)		n. f.																													2
1733379615895	نا دولتي	naa dawlatée	non-governmental		adj.																													2
1527816472	نا سکه مور	naa saka mór	stepmother, mother in law	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1674546037783	ناعدالتي	naa`adaalatée	injustice		n. f.																													2
1675281714777	ناامني	naa`amanée, naa`amnée	lack of peace, unrest, disturbance		n. f.																												true	2
1674546403285	ناانصافي	naa`insaafée	injustice		n. f.																												true	2
1527821994	نابودي	naaboodée	extinction, annihilation, destruction, uselessness	2	n. f.																													2
1527822090	ناداري	naadaarée	poverty, need, want	3	n. f.																													2
1527821629	ناځواني	naadzwaanée	cowardice, faintheartedness	4	n. f.																													2
1527821251	نافرماني	naafarmaanée	disobedience, rebellion, noncompliance	4	n. f.																													3
1527815100	ناغه	naaghá	fine, penalty	4	n. f.																													2
1591712373663	ناغېړي	naagheRée	idleness, slacking off, loafing, evasion, ignoring, shirking	2	n. f.																													2
1527822365	ناحقي	naahaqée, naahaqqée	injustice, unfairness, inappropriateness	4	n. f.																													2
1527819493	ناهیلي	naaheelée	disappointment	4	n. f.																													2
1527821457	ناحیه	naahiyá	district, region, area, province, zone	4	n. f.									نواحي	nawaahée																			2
1527820420	ناجوړي	naajoRée	sickness, illness, disease	4	n. f.																													2
1617781446945	ناجوړتیا	naajoRtyáa	sickness, illness	4	n. f.																													3
1588151088797	ناکه	naaká	crocidile	2	n. f.																													2
1527817884	ناکامي	naakaamée	failure, downfall	3	n. f.																													3
1527819064	ناله	naalá	brook, small stream, ravine, hollow; moaning, wailing	3	n. f.																													2
1594204222857	نالي	naalée	mattress, straw-filled pallet	2	n. f.																													2
1527819216	نالوستي	naalwastée, naalwustée	lack of education, illiteracy	4	n. f.																													
1527821078	نام بدي	naam badée, naam bádee	disgrace, dishonour	3	n. f.																													2
1527821080	نام وري	naam warée, naam wáree	glory, fame, renown	3	n. f.																													2
1527818359	نامېندګي	naamendagee	despair	2	n. f.																													
1527821379	ناموسي وژنه	naamoosee wajzúna	honour killing	2	n. f.																													2
1527820033	ناندرۍ	naandrúy	argument, quarrel, fight, altercation	4	n. f.																													2
1527814402	نانځکه	naandzúka	toy, doll, puppet	4	n. f.																													2
1621884099330	نانوایي	naanwáayee, naanwaayée	bread bakery, bread baking	4	n. f.																													2
1586449503968	ناپاکي	naapaakée	uncleanliness, unholiness, filthiness	4	n. f.																													3
1527823059	ناپامي	naapaamée	carelessness, lack of attention	4	n. f.																													2
1527819957	ناپلوي	naapalawée	impartiality, neutrality	4	n. f.																													2
1527819408	ناپېینه	naape`yúna	disorder, violation of order	4	n. f.																													2
1527817135	ناپوهي	naapohée	lack of knowledge, ignorance	4	n. f.																													2
1527817368	ناره	naará	shout, crying out, chant, slogan	4	n. f.																													3
1709129353096	نارې وهل	naaré wahúl	to shoul, cry out, chant	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527817368	shout																											3
1609780143962	ناراستي	naaraastée	crookedness, unevenness; lie, deceit; laziness, idleness	4	n. f.																													2
1527817082	ناراضي	naaraazee	displeased, dissatisfied, displeasure, discontent, malcontent	3	n. f.																													
1527814550	ناروغي	naaroghée	sickness, illness, ailment	4	n. f.																													2
1527817286	ناروغي	naarooghée	sickness, illness	4	n. f.																													2
1619508712118	ناروښانتیا	naaroxaantyáa	uncertainty, unclarity	4	n. f.																													2
1588696102087	ناشپاتۍ	naashpaatúy	pear	4	n. f.																													2
1527819327	ناشته	naashtá	breakfast	4	n. f.																													3
1527812228	ناسته	náasta	sitting, session; diarrhea, pooping	4	n. f.																													2
1527812226	ناسته پاڅه	naasta páatsa	contact, dealing with, spending time with, having association or communication (literally sitting and getting up)	3	n. f.																													2
1733380484939	ناسته پاسته	naasta páasta	contact, dealing with, spending time with, having association or communication (literally sitting and getting up)	3	n. f.																													2
1527812227	ناسته ولاړه	naasta waláaRa	contact, dealing with, spending time with, having association or communication (literally sitting and standing)	4	n. f.																													2
1527821173	ناتواني	naatwaanée	weakness, powerlessness, debilitation, lack of strength, inability	4	n. f.																													
1601459079633	ناوه	naawá	drain, gutter, chute, spout; valley, avalanche; province, district	4	n. f.																													3
1649828217167	ناوکۍ	naawakúy	doll	3	n. f.																													2
1527818506	ناوړه	naawáRa	unpleasantness, indecency, inappropriateness	4	n. f.																													2
1527816136	ناوې	náawe	bride, daughter in law	4	n. f.																													3
1527812977	نایڼه	naayúNa, naayáNa	the wife of a barber or hairdresser	4	n. f.																													2
1527817882	نازله	naazíla	misfortune, disaster, bad-luck	2	n. f.																													2
1527818169	نبات پېژندنه	nabaat pejzandúna	botany	3	n. f.																													2
1527818170	نباتي	nabaatée	vegetable, herbal	3	n. f.																													2
1579041957559	ندا	nadáa, nidáa	call, appeal, shout, summoning	4	n. f.																													2
1527821978	نفعه	náf'a, náfa	profit, benefit, advantage, gain, yield	4	n. f.																													2
1527814342	نفع	náf'a, náfa	profit, benefit, advantage, gain, yield	3	n. f.																													3
1716310782405	نفع رسول	náfa rasawúl	to benefit, profit, yield		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527814342	benefit																											3
1527821698	نفقه	nafaqá	means of subsistence, honest wages, alimony, maintenance	4	n. f.																													2
1527821975	نفي	nafée	rejected, turned away, negation	2	n. f.																													2
1527811814	نفس پرستي	nafs parastée, nafas parastée	hedonism, profligacy, debauchery	4	n. f.																													2
1527818117	نفسي	nafsée	mental, psychological	2	n. f.																													2
1574784019072	نغاره	naghaará	kettledrum, drum	4	n. f.																													2
1527822689	نغمه	naghmá	song, tune, motif, melody	4	n. f.																													3
1527812257	نهه	nahá	Tuesday	4	n. f.																													2
1527817071	نحو	náhwa	syntax, grammar	2	n. f.																												true	2
1579463046963	نهیه	náhya, nahyá	prohibition, forbidding	2	n. f.																													2
1577822434268	نجاري	najaarée, nijaarée	carpentry	4	n. f.																													2
1527823453	نخره	nakhrá	playfulness, airs, flirting, pretense, joking around	4	n. f.																													2
1527822797	نکټایي	nakTaayée, nikTaayée	necktie, tie	4	n. f.																													2
1649787681222	نلدواني	naldawaanée	plumbing	4	n. f.																													2
1582335905125	نلکه	nalká	water pipe, straw (drinking), tube	4	n. f.																													3
1582335907159	نلکۍ	nalkúy	water pipe	4	n. f.																													2
1527822481	نلۍ	nalúy	pipe, tubing, empty cartridge, spool	4	n. f.																													2
1527817192	نمک حلالي	namak halaalée	gratefulenss, decency, thankfulness, faithfulness	4	n. f.																													2
1527811990	نمونه	namooná	sample, type, example, model, specimen	4	n. f.																													3
1527816815	نعناع	nanáa	mint	2	n. f.																													2
1527815986	ننداره	nandaará	a spectacle, show, sight, production, presentation	4	n. f.																													3
1527815985	نندره	nandra	a collection of goods or gifts for a wedding	4	n. f.																													
1584640124080	ننګه	nánga	honor, sense of honor, reputation	3	n. f.																													2
1527814542	ننګونه	nangawúna	challenge	2	n. f.																													2
1527820631	نقاشي	naqaashée	painting (the art of), depiction, description, portrayal	4	n. f.																													2
1527816321	نقادي	naqqaadée, naqaadée	literary criticism	2	n. f.																													2
1527812140	نقشه	naqshá	map, scheme, plan, diagram, blueprint	4	n. f.																													3
1527823071	نر تخمه	nar tUkhma	sperm	4	n. f.																													
1527815114	نرخنامه	narkhnaamá	price list	4	n. f.																													2
1527815846	نرمي	narmée	gentleness, kindness, meekness, softness	4	n. f.																													2
1527812349	نړۍ	naRúy	world, earth	4	n. f.																													3
1588696290296	نرۍ غوښه	narúy ghwáxa	mutton	4																														2
1527814137	نس ناسته	nas náasta	diarrhea	4	n. f.																													2
1527814238	نشه	nashá	intoxication, buzz, drunkenness, high, substance that causes highness or drunkenness	4	n. f.																													3
1527811488	نشره	nashrá	public prayer service on the third day after a child is born (Islam)	2	n. f.																													2
1527816329	نشر	náshur, náshar	publication, diffusion, propagation	4	n. f.																													2
1527814138	نسناسته	nasnáasta	diarrhea	4	n. f.																													2
1527821107	نته	náta	nostril pendant, large earning; wooden pin or plug in the nose of a camel with a rope attached for leading it	4	n. f.																													2
1527813694	نتیجه	nateejá	result	4	n. f.									نتائج	nataaij																			3
1527816023	نتکۍ	natkúy	nose ring, decoration like a jewel word in a pierced nostril	4	n. f.																													2
1527819369	نڅا	natsáa	dance, dancing, swaying, quivering; agitation	4	n. f.																													2
1527823081	نوع	náw'a	kind, type, sort, species (Farsi version of ډول)	4	n. f.																													2
1527817499	نوه	nawá	famine, starvation, hunger; (tradition) a sort of hunger fast until a serious, pressing issue is solved	2	n. f.																													
1527823302	نوشته	nawishtá	writing, handwriting	4	n. f.																													2
1527820371	نوسه	nawsá	moist soil	2	n. f.																													2
1527815110	نښه	núxa, níxa	sign, mark, indication	4	n. f.																													3
1527812081	نښژبه	naxjzába, nuxjzúba	sign language	2	n. f.																													2
1527823099	نظر بندي	nazar bandée	internment, detention, house arrest; magic, charms, illusion; charm fascination	4	n. f.																													2
1527811955	نظریه	nazariyá, nazaryá	theory, ideology, outlook	4	n. f.									نظریات	nazariyaat																			3
1611400813823	نظرپوښتنه	nazarpoxtúna	poll	2	n. f.																													2
1527819965	نذرانه	nazraaná	gift, offering	4	n. f.																													3
1527823705	نیمه وچه	neema wúcha	sub-continent	3	n. f. doub.																													2
1527813806	نیمایي	neemaayée	half	4	n. f.																													2
1527811740	نیمګړتیا	neemguRtyáa	incompleteness, default, shortcoming	4	n. f.																													2
1527823704	نیموچه	neemwacha, neemwUchá	sub-continent	3	n. f.																													2
1589465731614	نینکۍ	neenakúy	sparrow, small bird	2	n. f.																													
1527811728	نیوکه	neewúka	criticism, disaproval, critique	4	n. f.																													2
1527815879	نیوکه	neewaka	seizure, capture; leasing, rental; bride-to-be, fiancee	3	n. f.																													
1713347572750	نېکبختي	nekbakhtée	good luck, good fortune, success	4	n. f.																													2
1527816007	نېک مرغي	nek marghée	good luck, good fortune, success	3	n. f.																													2
1527811492	نېک ذاتي	nek zaatée	nobility, noble birth	4	n. f.																													2
1527817344	نېکي	nekée	goodness, a good deed	4	n. f.																													2
1594834190242	نېخۍ	nekhúy	carpt, rug (low quality)	2	n. f.																													
1527822798	نېکټایي	nekTaayée	necktie, tie	4	n. f.																													2
1527811681	نېستي	nestée	need, poverty, destitution	4	n. f.																													2
1527813391	نېټه	neTá	date (as in time)	4	n. f.																													2
1586962994180	نیچه	naychá	straw, tube	3	n. f.																													2
1527821518	نېزه	nezá	spear, pike, harpoon (د ماهي نېزه)	3	n. f.																													2
1631342471130	نېزه بازي	neza baazée	javelin throwing (the sport)	4	n. f.																													2
1594204164253	نغاړکۍ	nghaaRakúy, naghaaRakúy	old straw mattress	2	n. f.																													2
1594204182861	نغاړۍ	nghaaRúy	small straw mattress	2	n. f.																													2
1527823487	نغوته	nghóota, naghootá	obedience indication, evidence; sign, signal, beckoning; advice	2	n. f.																													2
1527823486	نغوته	nghóta	obedience indication, evidence; sign, signal, beckoning; advice	2	n. f.																													2
1715611961822	نګران	nigráan	supervisor, caretaker, observer, supervising		adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1591804149367	نګراني	nigraanée	supervision, observation, watching, surveilance	4	n. f.																													2
1715612007482	نګراني کول	nigraanée kawúl	to supervise, oversee, observe	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1591804149367																												3
1594204272376	نهالي	nihaalée, nahaalée	mattress, straw-filled pallet	3	n. f.																													2
1578011778126	نهالي	nihaalée, niaalée	mattress, straw pallet	2	n. f.																													2
1586266254880	نژادپرستي	nijzaadparastée	racism	4	n. f.																													2
1527816519	نکاح	nikáah	marriage, matrimony, wedlock, nuptials	4	n. f.																													2
1527821190	نکاحنامه	nikaahnaamá	marriage contract	4	n. f.																													2
1527822952	نشاسته	nishaaistá	starch	4	n. f.																													2
1527822953	نشایسته	nishaayistá	starch (نشاسته)	4	n. f.																													2
1527813917	نښانه	nixaaná	sign, trace, indication, marker	4	n. f.																													3
1527815120	نیا	niyáa, nyaa	grandmother	4	n. f. anim.																													3
1578011740651	نیالي	niyaalée, nihaalée	mattress, straw pallet	4	n. f.																													2
1527820974	نیازمندي	niyaazmandée	need, dependence (material); begging, entreating	4	n. f.																													2
1527818058	نظامي	nizáamee, nizaamée	military, pertaining to the military or forces	3	adj.																													2
1591804845214	نظاره	nazaará, nizaará	look, glance, sight, inspection; scene, apperance, view	4	n. f.																													3
1527813850	نمړۍ	nmaRúy, namRúy	piece of food	3	n. f.																													2
1527816252	نمسۍ	nmasúy, namsúy	granddaughter	4	n. f.																													2
1527815072	نوبت خانه	nobat khaaná	guardroom	2	n. f.																													2
1527812103	نوکري	nokarée	job, duty	3	n. f.																													3
1702971567767	نوکري کول	nokarée kawúl	to work, to do a job	3	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527812103																												3
1702971571798	نوکري ورکول	nokarée warkawúl	to employ, hire, appoint, give a job	3	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527812103																												3
1578012457828	نوکاره	nookáara	scratching, claw, talon	4	n. f.																													2
1527813703	نوم لیکنه	noom leekúna	registration, writing one's name	3	n. f.																													2
1527818288	نومیالي	noomyaalée	fame, repute	4	n. f.																													2
1578618183678	نوراني	nooraanée	radient, resplendent, full of light, glorious	4	n. f.																													2
1527820372	نوسه	noosá, nosá	key (to a lock)	2	n. f.																													2
1527820769	نفوس شماري	nUfoos shUmaarée, nafoos shUmaaréé	census enumeration, population census	3	n. f.																													2
1527823069	نفطه	nUftá	seed, sperm, embryo	0	n. f.																													2
1527817037	نماینده	namaayndá, nUmaayndá	representative	4	n. f.																													3
1714744160761	نمایندګي	namaayndagée, nUmaayndagée, nimaaydagée	representation	4	n. f.																													2
1714744204441	نمایندګي کول	namaayndagée kawúl	to represent	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527817037	represent																											3
1527817040	نماینده ګي	namaaynda gée, nUmaaynda gée	representation	4	n. f.																													2
1527823523	ننږور	nunGor	daughter-in-law (نږور)	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1621936407597	نقره	nUqrá	silver, silver coin, pl. silverware نقرې	4	n. f.																													2
1566469480843	نقطه	nUqtá	point; dot	4	n. f.									نقاط	nUqáat																			3
1584444574495	نرواکي	nurwaakée, narwaakée	patriarchy	1	n. f.																													2
1527823628	نرښځه	nurxúdza	she-male, transgender	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527823688	نسخه	nUskhá	prescription, recipe, model, copy, manuscript	4	n. f.																													3
1527813387	نښته	nuxúta	battle, skirmish, wrangle, quarrel, fighting, gluing, joining	4	n. f.																													
1527820373	نوسه	nwása, nawsá	test, trial	2	n. f.																													2
1527816255	نوسۍ	nwusúy, nwasúy, nawsúy	granddaughter	4	n. f. anim.																													3
1527821747	اوګره	ográ	groats, thin gruel	4	n. f.																													2
1527815140	اونۍ	onúy, ownúy, owunúy	week	4	n. f.																													2
1577220698157	اوبڼه	oobúNa, obúNa	placenta, afterbirth	3	n. f.																													2
1527822929	اوده	oodá	conspiracy, charm, exorcism, witchcraft	4	n. f.																													
1527815787	اوږه	ooGá	shoulder	4	n. f.																													3
1527821746	اوګره	oográ, ográ	groats, thin gruel	4	n. f.																													2
1527820576	اوړدي	ooRdée	uniform, tunic	4	n. f.																													2
1527818196	اوریځ	ooréedz, ooryádz	cloud	4	n. f.																													2
1527813787	اوښکه	óoxka	tear (from eye), teardrop	4	n. f.																													3
1591026295853	اوزه	oozá	she-goat	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527821753	اورۍ	orúy	gums (of teeth), cuticle (of nails)	4	n. f.																													
1527819050	اوسپنه	óspuna	iron (metal)	4	n. f.																													3
1582334723936	اوونۍ	ownúy, owunúy	week	4	n. f.																													2
1527815905	پابندي	paabandée	limitation, ban, restriction; taking control, doing well (ie. in moods etc.); linking, connection	4	n. f.																													3
1527819495	پاچاهي	paachaahée	kingship, kingdom, rule, throne, authority	3	n. f.																													2
1527812336	پاچایي	paachaayee	kingdom, monarchy, sultanate	4	n. f.																													
1527812332	پاچهي	paachahée	kingdom, monarchy, sultanate, reign	0	n. f.																													2
1527814395	پاډه	paaDá	bandage, ribbon	4	n. f.																													2
1574786441466	پاده	paadá	herd	4	n. f.																													
1527815143	پادشاه	paadisháah, paadsháa	king	4	n. m. anim.																													2
1617990414673	پاغونده	paaghoondá	bunch, mass, puffs (of smoke)	3	n. f.																													3
1527814394	پاهه	paahá	gauze, cotton padding placed under bandage	4	n. f.																													
1527816271	پاکي	paakée	cleanliness, tidiness, holiness	3	n. f.																													2
1613551175785	پاکیزګي	paakeezagée	holiness	4	n. f.																													2
1527817615	پاکنفسي	paaknafasée, paaknafsée	purity, innocence, innocent, sincerity, honesty	3	n. f.																													2
1527816817	پاکوالي	paakwaalée	cleanliness, hygiene	4	n. f.																													2
1527817614	پاکزړی	paakzúRay	pure, innocent, chaste, modest	4	adj.																													2
1527822879	پالنه	paalúna	development, education, instruction, training, care, looking after; suffix used to describe the act of care, attention, and dedication towards a noun, ideology etc. (مېلمه پلنه - hospitality)	4	n. f.																													3
1715623798617	پالنه کول	paalúna kawúl	to tend, care for, develop, look after, educate	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527822879	care																											3
1527815150	پاملرنه	paamlarúna	attention, care	4	n. f.																													2
1527820377	پانه	paaná	wedge (wooden); stocks (for holding people), torture rack	3	n. f.																													2
1610796775773	پانډه	páanDa	firewood basket	2	n. f.																													2
1527816575	پانګه	páanga	capital (financial)	3	n. f.																													2
1527820850	پانګونه	paangawúna	investment, capital	3	n. f.																													2
1666285673500	پاپایا	paapaayáa	papaya	2	n. f.																													2
1527821283	پاړه	paaRá	blemish, flaw (agriculture); unfinished work; bakers paddle/shover, board/paddle for moving wash around	2	n. f.																													2
1527818296	پارلماني	paarlamaanée	parliamentary	4	n. f.																													2
1566473625858	پاړسي	paaRsée	Farsi	3	n. f.																													2
1527816755	پاته	paatá	Pashto pronunciation of فاتحه, al-fatiha, a prayer for the dead.	4	n. f.																													
1527813861	پاتي شوني	paatee shoonee	the rest, remainder, remnant	4	n. f.																													
1527821875	پایه	paayá	pole, post, pillar, support; wheel; inflected form of پای (end)	3	n. f.																													3
1527822111	پایچه	paaychá	leg of trousers, pants	4	n. f.																													2
1527814665	پایله	páayla	conclusion, end, result	4	n. f.																													2
1668755671748	پایلوبه	paaylóba	final game (sports)	3	n. f.																													2
1527819410	پایمالي	paaymaalée	destruction, infringement, violation, suppression	3	n. f.																													2
1527816521	پایڅه	paaytsá	trousers, trousers hem, hem of pants	4	n. f.																													2
1527819992	پایڅه	paaytsá	a leg of pants/trousers	4	n. f.																													2
1527822260	پازه	paazá	work, action, effect, result; courage; dim light; regard, favour	1	n. f.																													2
1527811532	پچه	pácha	a kiss	4	n. f.																													2
1527820220	پدیده	padeedá	phenomenon	3	n. f.																													2
1527813619	پګړۍ	pagRúy	turban	4	n. f.																													2
1527814396	پهه	pahá	coating, ointment, bandage	4	n. f.																													2
1574867310703	پخته	pakhtá	fundamental/basic structure; training (of a falcon or a hawk)	3	n. f.																													2
1658541389964	پکوړه	pakóRa, pakoRá, pikóRa	pakora	4	n. f.																													2
1527817941	پله	palá	side, edge, flank, door (as in each door in a double-door)	4	n. f.																													
1527823261	پلیته	paleeta	fuse, primer (of a weapon); a corn ear with a husk that has just formed	4	n. f.																													
1527815155	پلمه	palmá	pretext, excuse	4	n. f.																													2
1670564043139	پلته	paltá, palitá	fuse, wick, cord		n. f.																													2
1527814030	پلوشه	palwashá	sunbeam, ray (of the sun etc.), sparkle, tongue (of a flame)	4	n. f.																													3
1527823676	پمنه	pamúna	scab, itch	3	n. f.																													2
1527822694	پڼه	paNá, páNa	slippers (middle-eastern type)	4	n. f.																													2
1527815637	پنا	panaa	refuge, assylum, shelter	4	n. f.																													2
1527814031	پناه	panáah	refuge, assylum, shelter	4	n. f.																													3
1713801402977	پناه کول	panaah kawúl	to hide (causative), make disappear		v. stat. comp. trans.	1527814031	hide,hides,hiding,hid,hidden																											3
1715151125498	پناه ورکول	panáah warkawúl	to shelter, give shelter		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527814031	shelter																											3
1713801405398	پناه کېدل	panaah kedúl	to hide, be hidden, to dissapear, vanish		v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527814031	hide,hides,hiding,hid,hidden																											3
1527823553	پناه ګاه	panaah gáah	shelter, place of refuge	4	n. f.																													3
1527819677	پناهي	panaahée	shelter, asylum, protection, patronage	4	n. f.																													2
1574865121845	پنډه	pánDa	heated iron; a chunk of clay lifted by a spade;  a group of guests served in turn ??	3	n. f.																													2
1527817932	پنیرمایه	paneermaayá	clabber, curds	4	n. f.																													2
1527813341	پنجه	panjá	hand (from wrist to finger-tips), claw	4	n. f.																													3
1527814798	پنجره	panjará	cage, lattice, window, shutter	4	n. f.																													3
1527812259	پنجشنبه	panjshambá	Thursday	4	n. f.																													2
1566469328688	پنکه	panká	fan	4	n. f.																													2
1666285642270	پپیته	papéeta	papaya	2	n. f.																													2
1527819796	پره	pará	blade, paddle; edge, rim; row, line, rank, column	4	n. f.																													
1589884500303	پړانګه	paRáanga, pRáanga	a thin stip (of cloth etc.)	3	n. f.																													2
1593690620347	پرنا	paranáa	drowsiness, sleepiness	2	n. f.																													2
1527823736	پرچه	parchá	piece; excerpt, clipping, issue (of a magazine/newspaper)	4	n. f.																													2
1527814450	پرده	pardá	curtain, bed-curtain, blinds; fret (ona guitar/rabab); purdah, Islamic idea of keeping women private	4	n. f.																													3
1715989102048	پرده کول	pardá kawúl	to cover, veil		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527814450																												3
1621452319429	پړده	paRdá	secret, mystery, cover, curtain; regional version of پرده	4	n. f.																													2
1527813306	پري	paree	fairy	4	n. f.																													
1527817682	پرېشاني	pareshaanée	bewilderment, difficulty, sadness, despair	4	n. f.																													3
1527813187	پرګنه	parganá	tribe, clan, sect	4	n. f.																													2
1586204619186	پرهېزګاري	parhezgaarée	righteousness, abstinence, self-control	4	n. f.																													2
1527817731	پرښته	parixtá	angel	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1593690604453	پرنا	parnáa	the Parana River	2	n. f.																													2
1527816068	پرتله	partalá	comparison	4	n. f.																													2
1527819817	پروا	parwáa	care, concern	4	n. f.																													3
1708003764985	پروا کول	parwáa kawúl	to care, have concern	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527819817	care																											3
1527815161	پرواه	parwáah	care, concern	4	n. f.																													2
1527812986	پس خورده	pas khoordá, pas khordá	leftovers, remainder of the meal	4	n. f.																													2
1527819923	پشه	pasha	gnat, mosquito, spades (in cards)	3	n. f.																													
1527820141	پستي	pastée	baseness, meanial-ness, vileness, fithiness (ځان پستي ته ورکول - to do a menial thing or base acts)	4	n. f.																													3
1664030379977	پټاخه	paTáakha	cap, hat, military percussion cap; fly-swatter (dialect)	4	n. f.																													2
1527820582	پټاره	paTaara	ribbon, strap, stripe	2	n. f.																													2
1527818554	پتاسه	pataasá	piece of sugar, candy	4	n. f.																													2
1527820652	پټاټه	paTaaTá	potato	3	n. f.																													2
1527817933	پټکه	paTáka	young hen, pullet	3	n. f.																													2
1527817936	پټکه	paTká	belt, sash, noose, lariat	4	n. f.																													
1527819636	پټلۍ	paTlúy	rail, rails, railroad tracks	4	n. f.																													3
1527817934	پټکه	paTuká, paTúka	scolding, reprimand, threat	2	n. f.																													2
1527814388	پټۍ	paTúy	bandage; blindfold; suspenders; leash	4	n. f.																													3
1527819288	پوړۍ	pawRúy	rank, authority, position, grade	4	n. f.																													2
1527814397	پیه	payá	dressing, eye ointment; moth; clothes	3	n. f.																													2
1527822412	پزه	páza	nose	4	n. f.																													2
1527822928	پېچلتیا	pechiltyáa	complication, complicatedness, complexity	4	n. f.																													2
1527815054	پېچکاري	pechkaarée	injection, needle, shot	4	n. f.																													2
1527820929	پېچموزي	pechmozée	mockery, laughter	3	n. f.																													2
1527820930	پېچمۍ	pechmúy	mockery, laughter	4	n. f.																													2
1527822790	پینه	peená	patch; brace, support; trough (for dough); wooden basin	4	n. f.																													2
1527820942	پیشاړه	peesháaRa	mockery, smirking, grinning	3	n. f.																													2
1527823200	پیته	peetá, paytá	measuring tape, tape measure	4	n. f.																													3
1527823603	پیڅه	peetsá, paytsá	edge, border, boundary (پيڅکه)	4	n. f.																													2
1527823602	پیڅکه	péetska	edge, border, boundary	4	n. f.																													2
1527812189	پېغله	péghla	maiden, girl, miss, unmarried girl, virgin	4	n. f. anim.																													3
1527822696	پېژندګلوي	pejzandgalawée, pejzandgalwée	acquaintance, familiarization, meeting	4	n. f.																													2
1527822695	پېژندګلي	pejzandgalée	acquaintance, familiarization, meeting	4	n. f.																													2
1670430405945	پېژندپاڼه	pejzandpáaNa	ID card, identity card		n. f.																													2
1527814217	پېژندنه	pejzandúna	acquaintance; introduction	4	n. f.																													2
1527822359	پېله	pelá, péla	cocoon	3	n. f.																													2
1584688911186	پېنډه	pénDa	the common dinner table, bowl, place where people are eating together, dinner party	4	n. f.																													2
1527811639	پېړه	péRa	time, trip, round, load	4	n. f.																													2
1527812129	پېره	péra	round, trip, shift; guard, security	2	n. f.																													2
1527822965	پېړه	péRa	lump, ball (of dough); a sweet dish made from cream and sugar	3	n. f.																													2
1527812128	پېره داري	pera daarée, payra daarée	guarding, carrying out security duties	4	n. f.																													2
1527813304	پېرۍ	perúy	fairy, spirit, demon, evil spirit (plural - پېريان)	4	n. f. anim.											پېریان	periyáan																	2
1527816093	پېړۍ	peRúy	century	4	n. f.																													2
1624353089072	پېرزوینه	perzoyúna	favour, favor, well-wishing	4	n. f.																													2
1527812392	پېش بیني	pesh beenée	foresight, anticipation, prediction	4	n. f.																													2
1527814090	پېش فکري	pesh fikrée	foresight	4	n. f.																													2
1527812394	پېش ګویي	pesh goyée	prediction, prophecy	4	n. f.																													2
1527816738	پېشه	peshá	profession, trade, craft; habit, practice; testimony, evidence (in court)	4	n. f.																													1
1664028138019	پېشګي	peshagée, peshgée	advance (given on money/transaction)	4	n. f.																													2
1527823083	پېشي	peshée	precedent, conduct, conducting (of a trial)	3	n. f.																													2
1527823084	پېشي	péshee	pee (childrens speech)	4	n. f.																													
1527812400	پېشګویي	peshgoyée	prediction, fortelling, prophecy	4	n. f.																													3
1713347295026	پېشګویي کول	peshgóyee kawúl	to predict, fortell		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527812400	predict																											3
1527812401	پېشنګویي	peshungóyee	prediction, fortelling, prophecy	4	n. f.																													
1713347341019	پېشنګویي کول	peshungóyee kawul	to predict, fortell		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527812401	predict																											
1527812319	پېټۍ	peTúy	sword-belt, belt, girdle, pack	4	n. f.																													2
1527815166	پېښه	péxa	event, occurance, happeing, case	4	n. f.																													3
1527823201	پیته	payíta	deposit, film (on teeth) (usually plural پيتې)	4	n. f.																													
1527822074	پیلامه	paylaamá	basis, foundation, base, sign; token, disposition, temper	3	n. f.																													2
1527817454	پیمانه	paymaaná	measure, scale, dimensions; a cup (of alchohol)	4	n. f.																													3
1527818316	پیره	payra	turn, trip, time, watch, guard	4	n. f.																													
1527818187	پیروي	payrawée	following, obedience (usually of a religious teacher or leader)	4	n. f.																													2
1527816298	پیسه	paysá	money, currency (singular, usually plural)	4	n. f.																													2
1527813317	پریانه	piryaaná	evil fairy, witch	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1586204910075	پسته	pista	pistachio	4	n. f.																													
1527815175	پیاله	piyaala, pyaalá	cup, glass	4	n. f.																													2
1527817942	پله	pla	tendon, sinew, ligament, nerve	4	n. f.																													
1527815664	پلا	plaa	time, occasion; journey, travel, trip, voyage	4	n. f.																													2
1584444376984	پلارواکي	plaarwaakée	patriarchy	4	n. f.																													2
1527818868	پلاسنتا	plaasintáa	placenta	4	n. f.																													2
1527815178	پلازمېنه	plaazména	capital (city)	4	n. f.																													2
1527818012	پلورنه	plorúna	selling, sale	4	n. f.																													2
1527815182	پوهه	póha	understanding, reason, intellect	4	n. f.																													3
1527819116	پولیو	polyó	Polio	4	n. f.																													2
1527822545	پوچکه	poocháka	freshly-set melon-fruit	4	n. f.																													2
1527818941	پوکاڼه	pookaaNá	bubble, bladder, balloon	4	n. f.																													2
1594196602116	پوکڼۍ	pookaNúy	baloon, bladder, bubble	4	n. f.																													3
1527814057	پوله	póola	border, boundary, limit; boundary fence/line in a field	4	n. f.																													3
1527823184	پولۍ	poolúy	bump, ulcer, sore, corn, callus, sparkles	3	n. f.																													3
1527817047	پونه	póona, póna	light rain, light sprinkle, spraying spit from the mouth	4	n. f.																													2
1527818702	پونده	póonda	heel	4	n. f.																													3
1527819241	پونډۍ	poonDúy	calf (part of leg)	2	n. f.																													3
1527822057	پوڼۍ	pooNúy	skein, hank (of wollen yarn)	2	n. f.																													2
1527816445	پوپو	poopó	aunt	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527819285	پوړۍ	poRúy, pooRúy	step, stair, stairs, steps; packet; stratification, stratum	3	n. f.																													3
1527815889	پوسکۍ	pooskúy	fart (slang)	4	n. f.																													1
1591805634565	پوښتۍ	pooxtúy	rib	4	n. f.																													3
1527814168	پورې خوا	pore khwaa	the other side	4	n. f.																													2
1527819145	پوسه	posá, poosá	garbage	0	n. f.																													2
1527813441	پوسته	postá	mail, postal service	4	n. f.																													2
1586261533912	پوتکۍ	potakúy, potkúy	necklace	4	n. f.																													
1527819077	پوتلۍ	potlúy	large doll, puppet, marionette	4	n. f.																													2
1527817911	پوڅه	potsá	cheese made from curdled milk	4	n. f.																													2
1566474918242	پوڅکۍ	potsakúy, potskúy	mushroom	4	n. f.																													2
1593352013970	پوټۍ	poTúy	small piece, fragment, crumb	4	n. f.																													2
1527815184	پوښتنه	poxtúna	question	4	n. f.																													3
1527815186	پوزه	póza	nose	4	n. f.																													2
1527813565	پړه	pRa	blame, reproach	4	n. f.																													2
1527814091	پراختیا	praakhtyáa, paraakhtyáa	wideness, expansiveness	4	n. f.																													2
1527817962	پرېږه	preGá	starvation, hunger from crop failure	2	n. f.																													2
1527815192	پرېکړه	prékRa	decision	3	n. f.																													2
1678302976999	پرېماني	premaanée	abundance		n. f.																													2
1527814614	پریکړه	práykRa	decision (پرېکړه)	4	n. f.																													
1527813481	پروژه	projzá	project	4	n. f.																													2
1527812966	پسیکولوژي	pseekolojzee	pshychology	4	n. f.																													
1527811533	پچه	púcha	lot (as in casting lots, lottery), coin toss	4	n. f.																													3
1527823312	پچه	púcha	dung, droppings (of goats, sheep, etc.)	4	n. f.																													3
1527823301	پکه باښه	púka baaxá	carrion vulture, carrion eagle, buzzard	4																														2
1658765111767	پخلاینه	pUkhlaayúna	reconciliation, settlement	4	n. f.																													2
1527817944	پله پوري	púla póree	adjoining, alongside, shut, connected	3	adj.																													2
1527821092	پلشته	pulashtá, pulishtá	prostitute	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527821318	پلترۍ	pulatrúy, pultarúy	squatting on ones hunches, sitting cross-legged	4	n. f.																													2
1527816078	پلټنه	pulaTúna	investigation, search, inquiry	4	n. f.																													2
1527821319	پلتۍ	pulatúy	squatting on ones hunches, sitting cross-legged	4	n. f.																													2
1577391608036	پلوي	pulawée	friendship, sympathy, partiality, support	4	n. f.																													2
1527822693	پڼه	púNa	pouring, irrigation, watering	4	n. f.																													2
1594809346947	پنبه	pUnbá, pUmbá	cotton	4	n. f.																													3
1574865049772	پنډه	púnDa	burden, bundle; alms, charity; sheaf; group of people, mob	4	n. f.																													2
1527814390	پنډکۍ	pUnDkúy, puDakúy	bandage, cloth for a wound	4	n. f.																													2
1527813440	پنډۍ	punDúy	iron tip, point	3	n. f.																													2
1527816395	پرکټۍ	purkaTúy	stepdaughter	4	n. f.																													2
1671884312027	پرخه	púrkha	frost, dew		n. f.																													2
1527821412	پرلترۍ	purlatrúy	sitting cross-legged (پلترۍ)	4	n. f.																													2
1620364051619	پرمختیا	purmakhtyáa	development	4	n. f.																													2
1527818409	پروسه	purosá	process	4	n. f.																													2
1566475041435	پرښه	púrxa	mushroom	4	n. f.																													3
1591872967696	پرزه	purzá, pUrzá	part, piece, spare part (of a car etc.)	4	n. f.																													2
1709421544643	پرزې کول	purze kawúl, pUrze kawúl	to dismantle			1591872967696																												3
1603260326888	پشتي	pUshtée, pushtée	support, prop; assistance, remittance; pillow, cushion; binding, cloth, bookbinding,	4	n. f.																													2
1527815890	پسکۍ	puskúy	fart (slang)	4	n. f.																													
1527815204	پټه	puTá, púTa	strip, stripe, step	4	n. f.																													3
1527817935	پټکه	puTáka, puTká	cottage cheese	3	n. f.																													2
1574867715174	پښته	pUxtá, puxtá	hillock; low ridge; small hill, mountain	4	n. f.																													2
1592559321327	پښته	pUxtá, puxtá	hill, low ridge	4	n. f.																													2
1527813625	پښتونخوا	puxtoonkhwáa	Pukhtunkhwa	4	n. f.																													2
1678971586714	پښتونولي	puxtoonwalée	Pashtunwali, the Pashtun traditional code of honor and ethics		n. f.																													2
1591805644630	پښتۍ	pUxtúy, puxtúy	rib	4	n. f.																													2
1527811303	پښېماني	pxemaanée	regret	4	n. f.																													3
1527811304	پښېمانتیا	pxemaantyáa	regret	4	n. f.																													2
1618473585000	پښویه	pxóya, pxooyá	grammar	2	n. f.																													2
1527820062	پیاګي	pyáagee, pyaagée	knee tendons	4	n. f.																													2
1527821056	پیاغله	pyáaghla	scarf, muffler	4	n. f.																													2
1527823535	پیاوړتیا	pyaawaRtyáa	powerfullness, strength	4	n. f.																													2
1585837246630	قاعده	qaa'idá	order, rule, general rule, structure, grammar (when plural)	4	n. f.									قواعد	qawaa'id																			3
1610540959598	قابله	qaabilá	midwife, obstetric assitant	4	n. f.																													2
1566478077784	قافله	qaafilá	caravan; train of troops or horses	3	n. f.																													3
1527813635	قافیه	qaafiyá	rhyming	4	n. f.																													3
1527822029	قائم مقامي	qaaim maqaamée	replacing, replacement (د چا قائم مقامي کول - to replace someone)	3	n. f.																													2
1527811798	قام پرستي	qaam parastée	nationalism, patriotism	3	n. f.																													2
1571526715605	قانال هاضمه	qaanaal-i-haazimá	digestive tract	3	n. f.																													2
1527817270	قاره	qaarrá, qaará	continent, part of the world, dry land	3	n. f.																													2
1588781800467	قاشوغه	qaashóogha	spoon	4	n. f.																													2
1527823526	قاضۍ	qaazúy	female judge	4	n. f. anim																													2
1527814804	قباله	qabaalá	deed, title, official papers	4	n. f.																													2
1527813145	قبیله	qabeelá	tribe	4	n. f.									قبایل	qabaayul																			3
1527814985	قبولي	qaboolée	acceptance, agreement, consent	4	n. f.																													2
1527823410	قدرداني	qadurdaanée	appreciation	3	n. f.																													2
1527821091	قحبه	qahbá	prostitute	2	n. f.																													2
1527820923	قهقهه	qahqahá	loud laugh, guffaw, squawk (ie. from a pelican)	4	n. f.																													2
1527812742	قهرماني	qahramaanée	heroism	4	n. f.																													2
1527823478	قحطي	qahtée	famine (usually from a drought), shortage, hunger, deficiency	4	n. f.																													2
1527814447	قهوه	qahwá, qawá	coffee; tea without milk	4	n. f.																													3
1527822434	قلعه	qala'á	castle, fort, fortress	4	n. f.																													3
1585487002625	قلا	qaláa	castle, fort, fortress	4	n. f.																													2
1527820002	قلابندي	qalaabandée	siege	4	n. f.																													2
1527812292	قمري	qamarée	turtledove, pidgeon	4	n. f.																													2
1527823036	قمچي	qamchée	whip	2	n. f.																													2
1527823037	قمچینه	qamchéena	whip	4	n. f.																													2
1527811564	قندسازي	qandsaazée	sugar-refining	3	n. f.																													2
1527821433	قراري	qaráaree, qaraarée	peace, stability, rest, repose, stability, complete calm	4	n. f.																													2
1527814734	قرارنامه	qaraarnaamá	decision or resolution in writing	4	n. f.																													2
1527817832	قرضه	qarzá	debt, loan	4	n. f.																													2
1527818835	قطع	qát'a, qát'	chopping off, break, interruption, discontinuance	3	n. f.																													2
1527813353	قټه ګوته	qaTa goota	middle finger	0	n. f.																													2
1527819044	قطره	qatrá	drop	4	n. f.																													3
1527821414	قواله	qawaalá	deed of sale, purchase title	4	n. f.																													2
1527822940	قواره	qawaará	external appearance, exterior, figure, build	3	n. f.																													2
1610792992848	قوالي	qawwaalée	a form of Sufi devotional music / singing	4	n. f.																													2
1527815659	قیسي	qaysee	type of apricot	4	n. f.																													
1527818102	قضا	qazáa	missing, skipping, missed, skipped (of a religious duty and of fulfilling that duty later, like prayers); judgment; fate, destiny	4	n. f.																													2
1622367333469	قضیه	qaziyá	cause, matter, cause; theorem, proposition; clause (grammar); syllogism (logic)	4	n. f.																													2
1571839402532	قیصه	qeesá	story, tale, history (کيسه)	4	n. f.																													3
1611396205039	قینچي	qaynchée	scissors	4	n. f.																													2
1582316056411	قیزه	qayzá	bridle, halter, muzzle	4	n. f.																													2
1571839398440	قصه	qisá	story, tale, history (کيسه)	3	n. f.																													2
1566469277280	قطعه	qit'á	playing card; piece	3	n. f.																													2
1566469138603	قطعه بازي	qit'a baazée	the playing of cards	3	n. f.																													2
1566478228846	قیافه	qiyaafá	look, appearance, face, countenance	3	n. f.																													2
1527811797	قوم پرستي	qom parastée	nationalism, patriotism	4	n. f.																													2
1623688365416	قولبه	qoolbá	plow, plough (قلبه)		n. f.																													2
1527821636	قورمه	qormá	gravy, stew-type dish (meat based)	3	n. f.																													2
1527818183	قلبه	qUlbá	plow	3	n. f.																													2
1527812288	قرباني	qUrbaanée	sacrifice	4	n. f.																													3
1714820668036	قرباني ورکول	qUrbaanée warkawúl	to sacrifice, make a sacrifice	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527812288	sacrifice																											3
1527822538	قطب نما	qUtub namáa, qUtba namáa	compass	3	n. f.																													3
1527813437	قطۍ	qUtúy	box	2	n. f.																													2
1576947704803	قوه	qUwá	strength, force, power, might	2	n. f.																													2
1622366148895	قوا	qUwáa	force	4	n. f.																													2
1527816776	رابطه	raabitá	communication, connection, link, tie, relation	3	n. f.									روابط	rawaabit																			3
1527822712	راډیو	raaDiyó	radio	3	n. f.																													2
1527812102	راهداري	raahdaarée	road tax, transit tax, transit duty, toll	4	n. f.																													2
1527819416	راڼۍ	raaNúy	title of nobility, princess, ladyship, wife of a raja, queen; queen in playing cards	4	n. f.																													2
1527818930	راشه درشه	ráasha dársha	contact, relations, associating	4	n. f.																													2
1619278755267	ربړنه	rabaRúna	troubling, pestering	4	n. f.																													2
1586363138557	ربیع	rabee', rabi'a	spring, spring harvest (Arabic)	2	n. f.																													2
1527811246	رفع	ráfa	discontinuance, elimination, getting rid of	3	n. f.																													2
1527811582	رغا	ragháa	sewing, needlework, embroidery; medical treatment	2	n. f.																													2
1527815217	رغاونه	raghaawúna	genesis, construction, development	3	n. f.																													2
1527811583	رغونه	raghawúna	mending, sewing, repairing, healing, repair, construction	3	n. f.																													2
1611396349293	رهائي	rahaa`ée, rahaayée	release	4	n. f.																													2
1527816752	رهبري	rahbarée	leadership, guidance, accompaniment	3	n. f.																													2
1648578999526	رهنمایي	rahnUmaayée, rahnamaayée, rahnamaa`ée	leadership, guidance	4	n. f.																													2
1610538625885	رکېبي	rakebee	small dish	3	n. f.																													
1527812269	رمه	ramá	flock, herd, drove	4	n. f.																													3
1576372324658	رمباړه	rambáaRa	bellowing, bleating	4	n. f.																													2
1527812272	رڼا	raNáa	light, glory, brightness, illumination	4	n. f.																													3
1709839797770	رڼا کول	raNaa kawúl	to enlighten, illuminate, light up		v. stat. comp. trans.	1527818348	illuminate																											3
1709839800436	رڼا کېدل	raNaa kedúl	to be enlightened, illuminated, lit up		v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527818348	be	illuminated																										3
1527818746	رنده	randá	plane (carpenters tool)	4	n. f.																													2
1527811755	رنډۍ	ranDúy	prostitute	4	n. f.																													
1527820298	رنګارنګي	rangaarangée	diversity, diversity of colours	3	n. f.																													2
1527823280	رنګمالي	rangmaalée	painting (the profession of painting houses etc.)	4	n. f.																													2
1582390748848	ړنګۍ	Rangúy	silk turban, silk kerchief	4	n. f.																													2
1589019559622	رسدګي	rasadagée	reaching, availability	4	n. f.																													2
1527811390	رسنۍ	rasanúy	media	3	n. f.																													2
1644842472803	رسولۍ	rasoolúy, raswalúy	tumor, lump, swollen gland	4	n. f.																													2
1527820634	رسامي	rassaamée, rasaamée	drawing, painting?? (the art of)	4	n. f.																													2
1527814565	رسۍ	rasúy	rope, string, cord	3	n. f.																													3
1527817323	رسوایي	raswaayée, rUswaayée	disgrace, shame	3	n. f.																													2
1586363595933	روانشناسي	rawaanshinaasée	knowledge of the tempermant, customs and life of a people; psychology	2	n. f.																													2
1527817074	رویه	rawiyá, rUwiyá	behaviour, manner, conduct	4	n. f.																													3
1704699142880	رویه ساتل	rawiyá saatúl	to behave, treat, act	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527817074																												3
1527822055	ړینګی	Reengáy	tray or tablecloth with refreshments	2	n. f.																													2
1527822338	رینجاړه	reenjáaRa	rag, shred, tatter	3	n. f.																													2
1527814115	ریشه	reeshá	root	3	n. f.																													3
1621959100097	ریښه	reexá	root, foundation; breed	4	n. f.																													2
1527816165	رېږدېدا	reGdedáa	shivering, trembling, shuddering	3	n. f.																													2
1588159632321	رېکشا	reksháa	rickshaw	4	n. f.																													2
1527822967	رېړه	reRá	myrobalan, cherry plum	2	n. f.																													3
1527818545	رېوړۍ	rewRúy	a candy made from sesame oil and sugar	3	n. f.																													2
1527819491	رېښه	rexá	root, rootlet	3	n. f.																													2
1527819492	رېښه	réxa	embroidery on the edge of a collar (on womans clothing)	2	n. f.																													
1588150102624	رېزه	rezá	small piece, bit, crumb	3	n. f.																													2
1527820567	رغۍ	rghúy, raghúy	soot, lampblack	2	n. f.																													2
1588076803134	رکشا	riksháa	rickshaw	4	n. f.																													2
1527822054	ړنګی	Ringáy, Rungáy	tray or tablecloth with refreshments	2	n. f.																													2
1593173209481	رساله	risaalá	brochure, pamphlet, leaflet, magazine; harsh satire, roast, lampoon	4	n. f.																													2
1577068266995	رشکه	rishká	alfalfa, lucerne	0	n. f.																													
1584692993126	رشخندي	rishkhandée	joking, mockery	4	n. f.																													2
1577068264996	رشقه	rishqá	alfalfa, lucerne	4	n. f.																													2
1527813515	رشته	rishtá	relationship, ties, bonds, marriage proposal; profession; thread; feeler; antenna	3	n. f.																													3
1527822311	رشته داري	rishta daarée	relations, extended family	3	n. f.																													2
1527814553	رشوت خوري	rishwat khorée	taking bribes, corruption	4	n. f.																													2
1527814555	رشوتخوري	rishwatkhorée	taking bribes, corruption	4	n. f.																													2
1527822379	رښتینوالي	rixteenwaalée	uprightness, straightness, faithfulness, righteousness	4	n. f.																													2
1527811340	ریا	riyáa	hypocrisy, insincerity, deceit	4	n. f.																													2
1527821122	رضامندي	rizaamandée	consent, agreement, satisfaction	4	n. f.																													2
1573684723561	روډه	roDá	large intestine	3	n. f.																													2
1591804635553	روغه	rógha	reconciliation	4	n. f.																													3
1661622930544	روغانۍ	roghaanúy	cookie, cake	4	n. f.																													2
1527811696	روغتیا	roghtyáa	health	4	n. f.																													2
1527813936	روژه	rojzá	fasting, fast	4	n. f.																													3
1527821340	روحیه	roohiyá	morale, mentality	4	n. f.																													2
1527819323	روڼتیا	rooNtyáa	clearness, transparency	3	n. f.																													2
1527816163	روپۍ	roopúy	rupee, money	4	n. f.																													3
1527815231	روسیه	roosiyá, roosyá	Russia	4	n. f.																													2
1527823245	رویا	rooyáa	dream, vision	3	n. f.																													2
1583458923784	روټه	roTá	food, bread, barley bread	3	n. f.																													2
1583458923782	روټۍ	roTúy	food, bread (from Urdu)	3	n. f.																													3
1527818348	روښنایي	roxnaayée	light, radiance, brilliance, brightness	4	n. f.																													2
1709839575895	روښنایي کول	roxnaayee kawúl	to enlighten, illuminate, light up		v. stat. comp. trans.	1527818348	illuminate																											3
1709839581147	روښنایي کېدل	roxnaayee kedúl	to be enlightened, illuminated, lit up		v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527818348	be	illuminated																										2
1586363997636	روزه	rozá	fast, fasting (see روژه)	4	n. f.																													2
1527817222	روزي	rozée	daily bread, livelihood, wages, living, substinance, lot, food-grant	3	n. f.																													2
1527815234	روزنه	rozúna	training, learning, education	4	n. f.																													2
1584528684178	رباعي	rUbaa'ée, rubaa'ée	quatrain	4	n. f.									رباعیاني	rUbaa'eeaanee																			2
1527817876	رجوع	rUjóo	reference, appeal, turning to	3	n. f.																													2
1527823515	رخه	rúkha	envy, jealousy, spite, ill-will	4	n. f.																													2
1588783708522	رخصتي	rUkhsatée	vacation, leave, permission, dismissal	4	n. f.																													3
1591870702472	رنجه	rúnja, runjá	small bit of fabric, rag	2	n. f.																													2
1527813543	رسایي	rasaayée	access	4	n. f.																													3
1586363267374	رسوایي	rUswaayée	disgrace, shame	3	n. f.																													2
1527817389	رتبه	rUtbá	rank, position	4	n. f.																													2
1527818214	سا	saa	breath, breathing, respiration	4	n. f.																													2
1527818220	سابندي	saabandée	shortness of breath, trouble breathing, asthma	4	n. f.																													2
1591805582413	سابقه	saabiqá	background, history, record, prefix	4	n. f.																													3
1527822917	ساچمه	saachmá	small shot (for a shotgun - usually plural), pellet; bearing	3	n. f.																													2
1527815977	سعادت مني	saadat manee	hapiness, success, prosperity, well-being	3	n. f.																													2
1527812192	سادین	saadéen	plowed field, virgin soil	4																														2
1586364268870	ساډۍ	saaDúy	a lazy and stupid woman	4	n. f.																													2
1527811300	ساه	saah	breath, breathing	3	n. f.																													3
1707683847177	ساه اخیستل	sáah akheestúl	to breathe	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527811300	breathe																											3
1527821141	ساحه	saahá	space, area, field, arena, sphere, zone	3	n. f.																													3
1527816623	ساخه	saakha	calamity, disaster; doomsday, judgment day; deafening noise	1	n. f.																													2
1527818584	ساختماني	saakhatamaanée, sakhtmaanée, sakhtUmaanée	construction	2	n. f.																													2
1527818226	سالنډي	saalanDée	shortness of breath, trouble breathing, asthma	3	n. f.																													2
1527821754	سالنګي	saalangée	scurvy	2	n. f.																													2
1527821867	سالګره	saalgirá	birthday, day of birth	4	n. f.																													2
1527820689	سامۍ	saamúy	the clients side (which is paying taxes to a chief)	3	n. f.																													2
1574785921776	سانګه	sáanga	branch (څانګه)	4	n. f.																													2
1527820276	ثانیه	saaniyá	second (unit of time)	4	n. f.																													2
1527812946	ساپوهنه	saapohúna	pshychology	2	n. f.																													2
1527821459	ساره	sáara	rural area, desert	3	n. f.																													2
1674503669195	ساړي	saaRée	sari (Indian dress)		n. f.																													2
1527813114	ساتنه	saatúna	protection, custody, guardianship	4	n. f.																													3
1527812305	سایه	saayá	shade, canopy, cover, shadow	3	n. f.																													2
1527812948	سایکالوجي	saaykaalojée	pshychology	2	n. f.																													2
1527815310	سبزي	sabzée	vegetables	4	n. f.									سبزیجات	sabzeejaat																			3
1527818432	صدمه	sadamá	blow, damage, harm, rattling blow	4	n. f.																													3
1527818246	صدقه	sadaqá	voluntary offering, charity, alms	4	n. f.									صدقات	sadaqaat																			3
1661499365815	سدرۍ	sadrúy	vest, waistcoat	4	n. f.																													2
1527820829	صفاکاري	safaakaarée	purification, refining, cleaning; making more precise; explanation	4	n. f.																													2
1527817734	صفایي	safaayée	cleanliness, well-cleaning	3	n. f.																													3
1527815034	صفحه	safhá	page	3	n. f.																													2
1527815033	صفحه بندي	safha bandée	pagination	2	n. f.																													2
1527819725	صفرا	safráa, sUfráa	bile, gall, petulance, spleen	2	n. f.																													2
1675435840125	سګبازي	sagbaazée	dog-fighting (Farsi)		n. f.																													2
1664878735663	سهارنۍ	sahaaranúy	breakfast (سهارنۍ ډوډۍ)	4	n. f.																													2
1527821028	صهبابء	sahbaabá	wine, alcoholic drink, anything intoxicating	0	n. f.																												TRUE	2
1626764386101	صحیفه	saheefá	book, scripture, writing, testament; pages	4	n. f.									صحیفت	saheefát																			2
1527817184	سهیمه	saheemá	share, part	3	n. f.																													2
1586428275357	سهمیه	sahmiyá	quota, share	2	n. f.																													2
1610539711102	صحنه	sahná	scene, place, venue, locality	4	n. f.																													2
1591034128816	سهوه	sáhwa	mistake, error, blunder, fault	4	n. f.																													2
1527819546	سجره	sajará, sajrá	lineage, family tree, genealogical tree	3	n. f.																													2
1527814514	سجیه	sajiyá	natural character, innate or inborn characteristic	1	n. f.									سجایا	sajaayaa																			2
1675281272639	سخت دریځي	sakht dareedzée	extremism, hard-lining		n. f.																													2
1527818801	سخت مزاجه	sakht mizáaja, sakht mazáaja	grouchy, miserly, grumpy, facetious	4	n. f.																													2
1586374234128	سخته	sákhta	hardship	3	n. f.																													3
1527818580	سختماني	sakhtamaanée, sakhtUmaanée	building, construction	3	n. f.																													2
1527816247	سختي	sakhtée	difficulty, hardship	3	n. f.																													3
1594905930980	سکته	saktá, siktá	interruption, stoppage, hitch, hesitation; comma	4	n. f.																													2
1527814732	صلا	saláa	invitation, summons, appeal	3	n. f.																													2
1527816606	سلا	saláa	advice, instructions, council, consultation	3	n. f.																													2
1708739672624	سلا کول	saláa kawul	to consult, get advice	3	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527816606	consult																											1
1527821144	صلاح	saláah	counsel, advice	4	n. f.																													3
1527818682	صلاحیت نامه	salaahiyat naamá	warrant, credentials, authority	3	n. f.																													2
1527813716	سلامتي	salaamatée	peace, safety, restfulness, safety	4	n. f.																													3
1527817811	سلامتیا	salaamatyáa	peace, restfulness, safety	4	n. f.																													2
1627318591485	سلواغه	salwaaghá	bucket, pail; 11th month of the solar calendar		n. f.																													2
1527823048	سمع	sám'a	hearing; audition; performance	3	n. f.																													2
1527819524	سما	samáa	sky, heavens, firmament, sky blue, canopy; amendment, correction, editing; enrichment; reclamation	4	n. f.																													2
1527822320	سماجي	samaajée	societal, social	4	n. f.																													2
1566471268400	سمټه	samáTa, samTá	large turban	3	n. f.																													2
1527822137	سمبټه	sambáTa	rice kasha, rice porridge	2	n. f.																													
1527818777	سملاسیوالي	samlaaseewáalee, samlaaseewaalée	emergency, urgency	3	n. f.																													2
1527820218	سمساره	samsaará	lizard	4	n. f.																													2
1527818142	سمسورتیا	samsortyáa	ripeness, maturity; flourishing; freshness; planting (of greenery)	4	n. f.																													2
1527814882	ثنا	sanáa	praise, exaltation, worship	4	n. f.																													2
1527812059	سندله	sandála	locally made cement (of broken brick, lime, and vegetable fibers)	3	n. f.																													2
1527822777	سندلۍ	sandalúy	brazier, hearth	4	n. f.																													2
1527813430	صندوقچه	sandooqchá	small chest, trunk, box	3	n. f.																													2
1527815249	سندره	sandúra, sandára	song, poem, verse	4	n. f.																													3
1715164916686	سندرې ویل	sandúre wayúl	to sing		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527815249	sing,sings,singing,sang,sung																											3
1715164945018	ګانه	gaaná	song (Urdu)		n. f.																													2
1715164965261	ګانې ویل	gaané wayúl	to sing		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1715164945018	sing,sings,singing,sang,sung																											3
1527823146	سنځله	sandzúla	Oleaster, Russian olive tree	4	n. f.																													
1527811218	سنګرېزي	sangrezée	stoning (to execute)	3	n. f.																													2
1527818515	سقاوه	saqaawá, saqáawa	swimming-pool, pond, cold-bath	4	n. f.																													2
1527811225	سر ښندنه	sar xindúna, sar xindúna	sacrifice, giving one's life for	4	n. f.																													2
1527813292	سړه کۍ	saRa kúy	top, summit (of a tree or a mountain)	3	n. f.																													2
1527813291	سړه لوه	saRa lúwa	fever, chill		n. f.																													2
1527820817	سربازي	sarbaazée	boldness, courage, daring, selflessness	4	n. f.																													2
1527821057	سربسته	sarbastá	closed, sealed, stopped, corked; whole, unbroken, untouched; small turban, scarf, kerchief	4	n. f.																													2
1566471200671	سربسته	sarbastá	closed, sealed, corked; whole, untouched, unbroken; scarf, kerchief; small turban	4	n. f.																													2
1527813683	سرچینه	sarcheená	source, spring, headwaters	4	n. f.																													2
1527822625	سردردي	sardardée	headache	4	n. f.																													2
1591871532819	سرینه	sareená	prefix (grammar)	3	n. f.																													2
1622460705077	سریزه	saréeza	preface, introduction, preamble	4	n. f.																													3
1661753660841	صرفه	sarfá	saving, thriftiness, economizing; sparing	2	n. f.																													2
1627297940885	سرګرمي	sargarmée	hobby, interest, amusement		n. f.																													2
1527816858	سرغړونه	sarghaRawúna	rebellion, revolt, mutiny, violation, disobedience, breaking	4	n. f.																													2
1527816860	سرغړنه	sarghaRúna	rebellion, revolt, mutiny, violation, disobedience, breaking	3	n. f.																													2
1527821298	سرکشي	sarkashée	insubordination, rebellion	4	n. f.																													3
1664025799194	سرکښي	sarkaxée	insubordination, rebellion	4	n. f.																													2
1527820390	سرکونډۍ	sarkoonDúy	somersault	3	n. f.																													2
1573767123400	سرلوړي	sarlóRee, sarlwúRee, sarloRée	honor, pride	3	n. f.																													2
1527813642	سرلوړي	sarlóRee, sarlwúRee, sarloRée	honor, pride	4	n. f.																													2
1527813452	سرمایه	sarmaayá	capital, equity	4	n. f.																													3
1591870535619	سرمایه ګذاري	sarmaaya gUzaarée	investment, investing	4	n. f.																													2
1527820468	سرمقاله	sarmaqaalá	editorial, lead article	4	n. f.																													2
1576440543584	سرمښکۍ	sarmUxkúy	lizard	3	n. f.																													2
1586373218267	سرپرستي	sarparastée	looking over, being responsible for, taking care of, cartaking, guardianship, management, supervising	4	n. f.																													2
1527819883	صراف خانه	sarraaf khaaná, saraaf khaaná	money-changing office, exchange office	4	n. f.																													2
1527813697	سرشمیرنه	sarshmayrúna	census	4	n. f.																													2
1527820784	سرشماري	sarshUmaarée	census (of population)	4	n. f.																													2
1527816362	سرتوره	sartóra	widow	4	n. f.																													2
1527821619	سرښندنه	sarxandúna, sarxindúna	sacrifice, offering	3	n. f.																													2
1527821883	سرزوري	sarzorée	stubbornness, obstinacy, wilfulness	4	n. f.																													2
1527818720	سطح	sátah, sátha	level, surface, level	4	n. f.																													2
1527818719	سطح	sátha	level, surface, level	4	n. f.																													2
1527814456	ستره	satra	curtain; covering; veil	2	n. f.																													
1527822254	سترنجي	satranjée, stranjée	light fabric for covering floors, carpet	3	n. f.																													2
1527816370	ستۍ	satúy, stuy	sati, a woman who burns herself alive when her husband dies	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527816041	سودا	sawdáa, sodáa	shopping, buying, purchasing; anxiety, worry	4	n. f.																													3
1527817958	سوداګري	sawdaagarée, sodaagarée	trading, business	4	n. f.																													2
1527817999	سویه	sawiyá	level, standard	4	n. f.																													2
1527815252	سیاره	sayaará	planet	4	n. f.																													2
1527818227	سیاره	sayyaará	shortness of breath, trouble breathing, asthma	3	n. f.																												TRUE	
1527815025	سزا	sazáa	retribution (good or bad); punishment, penalty, fine	3	n. f.																													3
1584517454357	صیغه	seeghá	formula, form, shape, type, conjugation (grammar)	4	n. f.																													2
1527819873	سیکه	seeká	lead (the metal), coin ?? (misspelling of سکه?)	0	n. f.																													2
1527819092	سیله	seelá	devotion, adherence; support, backing, friendship, favour, goodwill	2	n. f.																													2
1613547937220	سیلۍ	seelúy	drift, blast, blow, gust (of wind)	4	n. f.																													3
1527811759	سیمه	séema	area, region, zone	3	n. f.																													3
1527811879	سیمي	seemee	metal string, wire	3	n. f.																													2
1527817587	سینه	seená	chest	4	n. f.																													3
1577384894272	سېکه	seká	strength	2	n. f.																													1
1527817853	سېکړه	sekaRa	interest, percentage, lending; coarse fabric, group, society	4	n. f.																													
1527817920	سېلۍ	selúy	rennet, starter for cheese/cheese curds	2	n. f.																													
1649701856285	سېزني	seznée, sezanée	swaddling, swaddle, a band/ribbon used for tying up babies (alternate of سوزني)	4	n. f.																													2
1527816174	شا	shaa	back	4	n. f.																													3
1527811592	شاباسي	shaabaasée	congratulations, commendation, saying well done	4	n. f.																													2
1586374025045	شاباشي	shaabaashée	congratulations, commendation, saying well done	3	n. f.																													2
1527813107	شادي	shaadée	monkey, ape; happiness	3	n. f.																													2
1566468090556	شادو	shaadó	monkey, ape	3	n. f.																													2
1527818047	شاهدي	shaahidée	witness, testimony	4	n. f.																													2
1527813631	شاهنامه	shaahnaamá	epic poetry, long narrative poem	4	n. f.																													2
1527819415	شاهزادګۍ	shaahzaadagúy, shaahzaadgúy	princess	4	n. f.																													2
1527819417	شاهزادۍ	shaahzaadúy	princess	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527813629	شاعري	shaairée	poetry	4	n. f.																													2
1527819477	شایعه	shaaiy'á	rumour, talk	2	n. f.																													2
1527819647	شاکونډۍ	shaakoonDúy	wild pear tree, wild pear	2	n. f.																													2
1527822133	شالۍ	shaalúy	rice crop, raw rice, unthreshed rice	3	n. f.																													2
1586634254813	شامکۍ	shaamakúy, shaamkúy	swan	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527821623	شامته	shaamatá, shaamtá	noise, fuss	2	n. f.																													2
1582336612890	شامعه	sháamm'a	smell (the sense of smell)	4	n. f.																													2
1582336616053	شامه	sháamma	smell (the sense of smell)	4	n. f.																													2
1527817921	شاپیانګه	shaapyáanga	Withania, rennet plant	3	n. f.																													2
1527811291	شاټي	shaaTée	shock, current ??	3	n. f.																													2
1527820393	شبکه	shabaká	network, system	3	n. f.																													2
1622366535225	شهیدي	shaheedée	matrydom	4	n. f.																													2
1527811808	شهوت پرستي	shahwat parastee	lustfulness, hedonism	4	n. f.																													
1527819488	شهزادۍ	shahzaadúy	princess	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527811501	شجره	shajará	geneology, family tree, list of saints (Arabic)	4	n. f.																													2
1527819547	شجره	shajará	lineage, family tree, genealogical tree	4	n. f.																													2
1566471316184	شکلۍ	shakalúy, shkUlúy	the end of a turban	2	n. f.																													2
1527811563	شکره	shakára, shakúra	sugar	4	n. f.																													
1527811807	شخص پرستي	shakhs parastée	personality cult	3	n. f.																													2
1527820107	شلاخه	shaláakha, shlaakhá	whip, lash, scourge	2	n. f.																													2
1527823122	شمع	shám'a	candle	4	n. f.											شمعونه	shama`oona																	3
1527812261	شنبه	shanbá, shambá	Saturday	4	n. f.																													2
1527817132	شمله	shamlá	end part of a turban that hangs down; turban crown; honour	4	n. f.																													3
1582336790902	شمه	shammá	odour, smell	2	n. f.																													
1527820217	شمپانزه	shampáanza	chimpanzee	2	n. f. anim.																													2
1527820216	شمپانزي	shampaanzée	chimpanzee	2	n. f. anim.																													2
1527820430	شمسي	shamsée	solar	4	n. f.																													2
1527821998	شمشتۍ	shamshatúy	turtle, tortoise	4	n. f.																													2
1527823444	شمزۍ	shamzúy	spine, backbone, spinal cord; lower back	4	n. f.																													2
1591027455212	شمزۍ	shamzúy	spine, backbone	3	n. f.																													2
1584689614699	شرع	shár'a	Sharia, Islamic law	4	n. f.																													
1527814551	شراب خوري	sharaab khorée	drunkenness, drinking, alcoholism	3	n. f.																													2
1527821183	شراکت نامه	sharaakat naamá	agreement of fellowship, agreement or contract of shareholders	3	n. f.																													2
1527823310	شرح	sharh, shárha	explanation, description, interpretation, elucidation	2	n. f.																													2
1527823311	شرحه	shárha	explanation, description, interpretation, elucidation	2	n. f.																													2
1527817808	شرمندګي	sharmindagée, sharmandagée	shame, shyness, embarrassment, disgrace	4	n. f.																													2
1527817809	شرمندتیا	sharmandtyáa, sharmindatyáa	shame, shyness, embarrassment, disgrace	4	n. f.																													2
1527813744	شړونتیا	shaRoontyáa	exile, banishment	1	n. f.																													2
1527821090	شتایه	shatáaya, shtaayá	prostitute, impudent woman	1	n. f.																													2
1527821089	شتاهه	shattáaha, shtaahá	prostitute, impudent woman	1	n. f. anim.																													2
1527820063	شتۍ	shatúy	knee, point (arrow, sword); badminton	3	n. f.																													1
1527812991	شېبه	shebá	instant, second, twinkling	4	n. f.																													2
1588162422920	شیمه	sheemá	power, vigour, energy	4	n. f.																													2
1527813352	شین غټه	sheen ghaTa	index finger	1	n. f.																													2
1576948581471	شیره	sheerá	sap, juice (from a plant)	4	n. f.																													2
1527813375	شیرین بویه	sheereen bóoya	licorice	1	n. f.																													2
1527813373	شیریني	sheereenée	candy, sweets (slang for bribe)	4	n. f.																													3
1527815267	شیشه	sheeshá	glass	4	n. f.																													3
1527813307	شیشکه	sheesháka	witch	4	n. f.																													2
1610617583597	شیشکه	sheesháka	witch, sorceress	4	n. f.																													2
1527813310	شیشکه	sheeshka	twig, shoot; narrow stripe, pattern	1	n. f.																													
1578608338355	شېله	shela	low place, gully, canyon	4	n. f.																													
1527820578	شېلاوه	shelaawá	uniform irrigation of land	2	n. f.																													
1527822394	شېوه	shewá	method, plan of action; way, fashion, style	2	n. f.																													2
1671707909006	شعارپاڼه	shi'aarpáaNa, shU'aarpáaNa	placard (protest sign)		n. f.																													2
1527817273	شفا	shifáa, shafáa	healing, cure, health, recovery	3	n. f.																													2
1713793244918	شفا موندل	shifáa moondúl, shafáa moondúl	to heal, get well, get better, recover	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527817273	heal																											3
1713793298759	شفا ورکول	shifáa warkawúl, shafaa warkawúl	to heal (causitive)	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527817273	heal																											2
1527822164	شفاخانه	shifaakhaaná, shafaakhaaná	hospital	4	n. f.																													2
1527818542	شکره	shikrá	the female kind of a hawk	1	n. f.																													
1527823644	شکڼه	shkaNá, shukNá	female porcupine; barren woman	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1594284811305	شکنه	shkaná	a thick, onion-based soup	4	n. f.																													2
1527817505	شکنجه	shkanjá, shikanjá	torture	3	n. f.																													2
1527819598	شخړه	shkhúRa	dispute, conflict, litigation; clash, battle, gang, band	4	n. f.																													2
1527820985	شلومبه	shlombá, shloombá	ayran, skim milk, sour milk	3	n. f.																													2
1582664494985	شماره	shmaara, shUmaará	number, count	4	n. f.																													2
1527812133	شمېرانه	shmeraana	accounting, reckoning, calculational	0	n. f.																													
1527815274	شنه خونه	shna khóona	greenhouse	3	n. f.																													2
1527818385	شناخته	shnáakhta, shinaakhtá	tombstone, tombstone inscription, epitaph	4	n. f.																													2
1527811885	شوبلکه	shoblaká	centipede, millipede	1	n. f.																													2
1589464565670	شوله	sholá, shóla	rice, thin, soft rice gruel/kasha (often plural شولې)	4	n. f.																													3
1527822138	شولګره	sholgára	rice paddy, field growing rice	4	n. f.																													2
1527813099	شولۍ	sholúy	a lazy woman	2	n. f. anim.																													2
1610448095051	شوغه	shooghá, shóogha	stiff wool/hair	2	n. f.																													2
1527821474	شومه	shooma	fodder, feed, food, nourishment	2	n. f.																													2
1527821062	شومړه	shoomRá	skim milk, sour milk, ayran	3	n. f.																													2
1527813427	شومتیا	shoomtyáa	stinginess, greediness	4	n. f.																													2
1527821289	شونډه	shóonDa, shwúnDa	lip	4	n. f.																													2
1527817905	شونتیا	shoontyáa	possibility, plausibility	2	n. f.																													2
1586596579414	شورا	shooraa	council (an institution)	4	n. f.																													
1586596657203	شوریٰ	shooraa	council (an institution)	4	n. f.																													
1527823549	شوړه	shoRá, shóRa	plug; a mouthful, morsel (slang for bribe); sieve, strainer	3	n. f.																													3
1527815278	شپه	shpa	night	4	n. f.																													2
1678972400632	شپني	shpanée	shepherding, the job of a shepherd		n. f.																													2
1733387853422	شپنې	shpané	female shepherd(s) (plural or inflected)																															2
1527814852	شپېلۍ	shpelúy	whistle, whistling, flute, fife, pipe, barrel (of a gun)	4	n. f.																													3
1633786594534	شپږه	shpúGa	louse (usually plural سپږې - lice)	0	n. f.																													
1662099747089	شرنګا	shrangáa	ringing, jingle	4	n. f.																													2
1670565511071	شړومبه	shRombá, shRoombá	ayran, skim milk, sour milk	3	n. f.																													2
1527819163	شتمني	shtumunée, shtamunée	wealth, riches, prosperity	3	n. f.																													2
1527820064	شتۍ	shtúy	green mold; chlorella (seaweed); corn cob (without kernals)	2	n. f.																													2
1527822256	شعله	shU'lá	flame, blaze, glowing light	4	n. f.																													2
1586956759191	شعبه	shU'bá	branch, department	4	n. f.									شعبات	shUbáat																			2
1527818772	شبهه	shUbhá, shubhá	doubt, suspicion	4	n. f.																													3
1527821568	شګه	shúga	sand, pebbles, gravel	4	n. f.																													2
1527822257	شغله	shUghlá	flame, blaze, glowing light	4	n. f.																													3
1527817190	شکرګذاري	shUkurgUzaarée	thankfulness, gratitude	4	n. f.																													2
1582336832724	شمه	shUmá	juice (from fruit)	1	n. f.																													
1582336825332	شمه	shúma	tent	1	n. f.																													2
1660900997178	شمه	shúma	a black tent of goat's wool	2	n. f.																													2
1661753509641	شڼا	shuNáa	rustle, rustling, neighing, ringing, roar, whistle (شڼهار)	4	n. f.																													
1527814530	شوده	shuwdá, shodá	milk	4	n. f.																													2
1589464545375	شوله	shwúla	knife for timming a horse's hoof, nail clipper for horses	2	n. f.																													
1527823183	سه برګه	si barga	clover, red clover	2	n. f.																													
1527812256	سه شنبه	si shamba	Tuesday (Farsi)	4	n. f.																													
1527811788	صبغه	sibghá, sabghá	faith, religion	2	n. f.																													2
1527820317	سجده	sajdá, sijdá	bowing down to the ground, prostrating (in religion)	4	n. f.									سجود	sUjóod																			2
1527818090	سکه	siká, sikká	coin; posture, figure, shape; respected, honored	4	n. f.																													2
1527821354	سلاح	siláah, saláah	weapon, firearm	4	n. f.									اسلحه	aslahá																			2
1527815466	سلسله	silsilá	series, succession, chain, consecutive order, range	4	n. f.																													3
1527817908	سپاره	sipaará	Juz', one of the divisions of 30 parts of the Quran	4	n. f.																													2
1595409078831	سپیاکه	sipyáaka	mung bean bread,sweet brier; fork; dung-cake	4	n. f.																													3
1527818471	سرکه	sirká	vinegar	4	n. f.																													2
1527815293	سیالي	siyaalée	competition, rivalry	3	n. f.																													2
1527814612	سکالو	skaaló	subject, matter, conversation, theme, talking; see ښکالو	1	n. f.																													2
1527819736	سکڼۍ	skaNúy	queen bees cell (in a beehive); handle (of a dish)	3	n. f.																													2
1672406384728	سکړوته	skaRwáta	hot coal, ember		n. f.																													
1610794658533	سخۍ	skhúy, sakhúy	female calf, heifer	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1588075239779	سکونډاره	skoonDáara	pinch; scratch, cut	4	n. f.																													2
1527820606	سمڅه	smútsa	cave, cavern		n. f.																													2
1527815695	سوبه	soba	victory	1	n. f.																													
1527814370	سوږمه	soGmá	nostril	2	n. f.																													
1527816508	سوهاګن	sohaagún	favourite wife, young bride	4	n. f.																													2
1527817383	سوکالي	sokaalée	rest, repose, tranquility, prosperity	4	n. f.																													2
1527816461	سوله	sóla, sóola	peace, reconciliation	4	n. f.																													2
1595516510095	صومعه	somi'á, sauma'á	convent, monastary, hermit's dwelling	2	n. f.																													2
1586634626497	سونه	sóna	wild duck, mallard	2	n. f. anim.																													
1586618237779	سو استفاده	soo istifaadá	abuse, misuse, ill use	4	n. f.																													2
1527815697	صوبه	soobá	region, area	4	n. f.																													3
1527817498	سوکړه	sookRá, sókRa	famine, starvation, serious hunger/lack of food, drought, crop failure	4	n. f.																													3
1675137959403	سوکوهنه	sookwahúna	boxing		n. f.																													2
1527823042	سولۍ	soolúy	gallows, hanging, the stake	4	n. f.																													2
1527816507	سوره	sóora	a Sura, chapter of the Quran	4	n. f.																													2
1594373306641	سوري	soorée	large sack	4	n. f.																													2
1527819631	سوریه	sooriyá	Syria	4	n. f.																													2
1527823220	سوریته	sooryatá, sooreetá	concubine; female slave that has borne a child from her master	2	n. f. anim.																													2
1610448732123	سوټه	sóoTa	animal offspring	2	n. f.																													1
1610448778665	سوټکه	sooTáka	corn cob	2	n. f.																													2
1527818000	سویه	soyá	seedlings, sprouts	2	n. f.																													
1527818001	سویه	sóya	doe, rabbit, hare	4	n. f.																													1
1649701807502	سوزني	soznée, sozanée	swaddling, swaddle, a band/ribbon used for tying up babies	4	n. f.																													2
1527811585	سپاخه	spaakhá	a type of sewing or needlework	1	n. f.																													2
1527818375	سپانده	spáanda	wild rue, Syrian rue	3	n. f.																													2
1527817907	سپاره	spaara	plowshare	4	n. f.																													
1661623538015	سپارلي	spaarlée	riding (on a horse or vehicle), mounting, horesback riding	4	n. f.																													2
1586374140758	سپارښتنه	spaaruxtúna	order, commission, assignment; recommendation, asking or interceding on someones behalf	3	n. f.																													2
1527821046	سپاسنامه	spaasnaamá, sipaasnaamá	certificate of merit, appreciation letter, certification of appreciation	3	n. f.																													2
1527812406	سپما	spamáa	saving, economizing, austerity	4	n. f.																													2
1527822229	سپړنه	spaRúna	search, searching, finding, research, quest; opening, hatching, birth	3	n. f.																													2
1527817451	سپین سترګي	speen sturgée	rudeness, insolence, boldness ??	3	n. f.																													2
1527814830	سپینه	spéena	silver; money; fat on meat; egg white; resolution	4	n. f.																													2
1527816173	سپیني	speenée	Achilles tendon	3	n. f.																													2
1527823572	سپوږمکۍ	spoGmakúy	satellite	3	n. f.																													2
1527814788	سپوږمۍ	spoGmúy	moon	4	n. f.																													2
1577408787088	سپرې	spre	spray	3	n. f.																													
1715387062699	سپرې کول	spre kawúl	to spray	3	v. stat. comp. trans.	1577408787088	spray																											1
1715387069476	سپرې کېدل	spre kedúl	to be sprayed	3	v. stat. comp. instrans.	1577408787088	be	sprayed																										
1632350233969	سپږه	spúGa	louse (usually plural سپږې - lice)	4	n. f.																													2
1527814371	سپږمه	spuGmá	nostril	4	n. f.																													2
1527823457	سپرغه	spúrgha, spurghá	well (hole for a kahreez کارېز - underground irrigation tunnel), pit, hole, foxhole	4	n. f.																													2
1527821667	سپرغۍ	spurghúy	spark, sparkle, flicker	3	n. f.																													2
1527811678	سپښته	spuxtá	ankle, pastern; ankle bone, knuckle bone; foundation, basis	4	n. f.																													2
1527815302	سپۍ	spúy	female dog	4	n. f.																													2
1578325579046	سپیازه	spyáaza, supyaazá	misscarriage, premature/immature birth; pulse bread	3	n. f.																													2
1527815676	سرنجه	srunjá	sediment	2	n. f.																													2
1527813638	ستاینه	staayúna	praising, commendation, mention	4	n. f.																													3
1660900918442	ستما	stamáa	shortness of breath, laboured breathing, quick breathing	4	n. f.																													2
1527816844	سترګبندي	sturgbandée	juggling, sleight of hand	3	n. f.																													2
1527820824	ستوماني	stomaanée	exhaustion, tiredness, fatigue; regret, repentance; reluctance, unwillingness	4	n. f.																													3
1527821549	ستومانتیا	stomaantyáa	tiredness, exhaustion	4	n. f.																													2
1527815305	ستونزه	stóonza	problem, difficulty, issue	4	n. f.																													2
1527823573	ستوربېړۍ	storbeRúy	satellite	1	n. f.																													2
1648325412581	ستورپېژندنه	storpejzandúna	astronomy	2	n. f.																													2
1678446742525	ستراتیژي	straateejzée	strategy		n. f.																													2
1527811580	ستن	stun	needle, injection; pillar, mast	4	n. f.																													3
1713878825356	ستن وهل	stún wahúl	to give a needle, inject, innoculate, vaccinate		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527811580	inject																											3
1713879065971	ټیکه لګول	Teeká lugawúl	to give a needle, inject, innoculate, vaccinate		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527816001																												3
1527815307	سترګه	stúrga	eye	4	n. f.																													3
1527821240	ستړیا	stuRyáa	fatigue, exhaustion	4	n. f.																													2
1617989871203	ستړتیا	stuRtyáa	tiredness, fatigue, strain, tedious chore etc.	3	n. f.																													2
1527820361	سده	sUddá	hindrance, obstacle; bolt, lock (in a door); embolism, thrombosis	2	n. f.																													
1527814372	سږمه	suGmá	nostril	3	n. f.																													2
1594905387399	سکته	sukáta	patience, endurance; satisfaction	4	n. f.																													
1527823413	سخه	sukhá, sikhá	malice, spite, malicious joy, vindictiveness	3	n. f.																													2
1527812058	سله	sula	brick, casting, ingot	2	n. f.																													
1527820676	سلګۍ	sulgúy	sobbing, weeping, wheezing, hiccup, death rattle	4	n. f.																													3
1527816466	صلح	sÚlha	peace, compromise, reconcilliaton	3	n. f.																													3
1714728304819	صلح کول	sÚlha kawúl	to make peace, reconcile	3	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527816466	make	peace																										3
1527815315	سلنه	sulúna	percentage, rate	3	n. f.																													2
1678361147109	سنتي	sUnnatee	circumcision ceremony		n. f.																													
1527819267	سره	súra	manure, fertilizer	3	n. f.																													2
1527819806	صراحي	sUraahée, suraahée	clay pitcher with a long neck, flask, decanter	4	n. f.																													2
1527822676	سرجه	súrja, surjá	frozen snow crust	2	n. f.																													2
1527821757	سرکۍ	surkúy	gingivitis, inflammation of the gums	1	n. f.																													
1527823221	سریته	sUryatá	see سوريته	2	n. f.																													
1527818999	سستي	sUstée	laziness, sluggishness, slowness, weakness, impotence, carelessness, negligence	4	n. f.																													
1527823321	سټ سودا	suT sodáa, siT sawdáa	purchase without weighing	3	n. f.																													2
1527820282	سټه	súTa	root; base, basis, foundation; pillar, post, support; trunk (of a tree), log	4	n. f.																													2
1527823324	سټه	súTa	trunk (of a tree), basis, foundation, pillar, post, support	4	n. f.																													2
1527823325	سټه	suTa	massacre, carnage, slaughter	3	n. f.																													
1611063681366	سوه	swa	hoof (of a horse)	2	n. f.																													2
1586373724280	سوځېدنه	swadzedúna	burn, burning	4	n. f.																													2
1527814144	سوکه	swaka	charred log	2	n. f.																													
1527816506	سوره	swara	a daughter or girl given away in marriage as retribution, ransom, in exchange	4	n. f.																													
1586634603690	سونه	swúna	horse fly	2	n. f. anim.																													2
1527821755	سیالنګي	syaalingée	scurvy	3	n. f.																													2
1527823408	طعام خانه	ta'aam khaaná, taam khaaná	dining room, mess hall, cafeteria	3	n. f.																													2
1527821925	تعبیه	ta'biyá	arrangement, preparation	2	n. f.																													2
1527819579	تعرفه	ta'rUfá	tariff; bill of fare; timetable, schedule; list	4	n. f.																													2
1527820646	تعزیري	ta'zeerée	not given in the Sharia but decided by the judge himself (for punishment)	4	n. f.																													2
1527813737	تابع داري	taabi' daarée	subordination, devotion, obedience, readiness to serve	4	n. f.																													2
1527821501	تادي	taadée	hurry, rush, quickness, swiftness (په تادۍ کېدل - to be in a rush)	4	n. f.																													3
1714820239710	تادي کول	taadée kawúl	to hurry, rush, be quick		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527821501	hurry																											3
1664030120919	تادیه	taadiyá	payment	2	n. f.																													2
1527821024	تاکداري	taakdaarée	viticulture, viniculture, grapevine cultivation for producing wine	4	n. f.																													2
1527813395	ټاکنه	Taakúna	assignment, establishment, appointment; election, elections	4	n. f.																													3
1527821575	ټاکنده	Táakunda	peak, high point	2	n. f.																													2
1527816602	ټاکۍ	Taakúy	patch (on leather, footwear, etc.); cork; boil; overfed;	4	n. f.																													
1527820348	تاله	taalá	small stream, brook, shallow gully	4	n. f.																													2
1577398506018	تالا	taaláa	loot, plunder	4	n. f.																													2
1675282068827	تالاشي	taalaashée	searching, search, exploration, investigation	3	n. f.																													2
1592642905146	تالي	taalée	dish	4	n. f.																													2
1527819638	تالنده	táalunda	thunder	4	n. f.																													2
1527813289	تامبه	taambá	copper	4	n. f.																													2
1588152348016	تاڼه	taaNá	police station	4	n. f.																													2
1527822268	ټانګه	Taangá, Táanga	carriage, buggy	4	n. f.																													3
1527820734	ټانټه	TaanTá	stem, stalk (of corn), cane; an ear of corn	4	n. f.																													2
1527819663	ټاپه	Taapá	stamp, seal, mark, trace design (embroidery)	4	n. f.																													3
1715427748515	ټاپه لګول	Taapá lagawúl	to stamp	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527819663	stamp																											3
1527819272	ټاپو وزمه	Taapoo wázma	penninsula	3	n. f.																													2
1527822162	طاقچه	taaqchá	shelf, niche, bay	3	n. f.																													2
1527822438	تاقچه	taaqchá	shelf, niche (تاخچه)	3	n. f.																													2
1527817141	تاړي	taaRée	clapping, applause, cheering	4	n. f.																													2
1527813612	تاریخي	taareekhée	historical	4	n. f.																													3
1527817138	تاړۍ	taaRúy	clapping, applause, cheering	4	n. f.																													2
1527822710	تاوخانه	taawkhaaná	heating device placed under the floor	4	n. f.																													2
1571841394816	ټایي	Taayée	tie, necktie (نېکټايي)	2	n. f.																													3
1527813185	طایفه	taayfá	tribe, clan, sect	3	n. f.																													2
1586451609725	طایفه	taayfá	tribe, clan, group, sect	4	n. f.																													2
1527816826	تبادله	tabaadUlá, tabaadilá	exchange	4	n. f.																													2
1527817325	تباهي	tabaahée	destruction, ruin, death	4	n. f.																													3
1527813180	طبقه	tabaqá	class, stratum, layer	2	n. f.																													3
1527813188	طبقه بندي	tabaqa bandée	classification	3	n. f.																													2
1527815036	طبقه بندي	tabaqa bandée	classification	3	n. f.																													2
1527811810	طبیعت پرستي	tabiyat parastée	naturalism	3	n. f.																													2
1527820172	تبله	tablá	tabla (type of Indian drums)	3	n. f.																													2
1527811420	تبصره	tabsirá	note, comment, commentary, explanation, clarification	4	n. f.																													3
1527821853	تبنه	tabúna	massage (with ointment), application of poultice	3	n. f.																													
1527816614	تداوي	tadaawée	treatment, therapy	4	n. f.																													2
1588162032311	تداوي	tadaawée	treatment, therapy (medical)	3	n. f.																													2
1527823554	تفریح ګاه	tafreeh gáah	resort	4	n. f.																													2
1527813795	تفرېح	tafréh	entertainment, recreation, amusement	4	n. f.																													2
1610797742078	تفرقه	tafriqá	division, separation	4	n. f.																													2
1527821813	ټګي	Tagée	deception, deceit, trick, trickery	4	n. f.																													3
1708189220191	ټګي کول	Tagée kawúl	to deceive, cheat, trick	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527821813	deceive																											3
1527821814	ټګي برګي	Tagee bragée	fraud, cheat, deception, swindling, trickery	4	n. f.																													2
1566471721828	تغذیه	taghziyá	nourishment, feeding, digestion	4	n. f.																													2
1527819450	تګلاره	tagláara	policy, guideline, course of action	4	n. f.																													2
1527821816	ټګماري	Tagmaarée	deceit, cheating, swindling, trickery	4	n. f.																													2
1527821511	تحسین نامه	tahseen naamá	certificate of merit	4	n. f.																													2
1527819053	تجزیه	taj`ziyá	analysis, examination, separation, decomposition	4	n. f.																													2
1527815329	تجربه	tajribá, tajrabá, tajrUbá	experience	4	n. f.									تجارب	tajaarib																			3
1712920477834	تجربه کول	tajraba kawúl, tajrUba kawúl	to experience	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527815329	experience																											3
1527816979	ټکانه	Takaana	dimensions, extent, size, border, limit	4	n. f.																													2
1664091454895	تخطي	takhattée	infringement, encroachment, aggression; mistake, error	2	n. f.																													
1527813322	تخلیه	takhliyá	evacuation, unloading	4	n. f.																													2
1527820122	تخته	takhtá	board, plank	4	n. f.																													3
1527816285	تکیه	takiyá	support, pillow, head of bead, rest, prop, leaning	4	n. f.																													2
1527815970	تکیه ګاه	takiya gáah	airbase, beachheaad, post	4	n. f.																													2
1527814066	ټکنالوژۍ	Taknaalojzúy, Tiknaalojzúy	technology	4	n. f.																													
1733474082692	ټکنالوژي	Taknaalojzée, Tiknaalojzée	technology	4	n. f.																													2
1527817004	تکراري	takraarée, tikraarée	repetition, repetitive, redundant	4	n. f.																													2
1589465765743	ټکسره	Taksára, Tiksára	sparrow, small bird	2	n. f.																													2
1621886030796	ټکسي	Taksée	taxi	4	n. f.																													2
1527821574	ټکنده	Tákunda	peak, high point	4	n. f.																													2
1527817144	ټکوهنه	Takwahúna	beating, battering up, shaking up, driving in, clapping	4	n. f.																													2
1527821209	تله	tála	sole (of the foot)	4	n. f.																													3
1527818104	تلافي	talaafée	recompensation, compensation, making up for something, paying back	4	n. f.																													2
1527816492	تلاکۍ	talaakúy	divorced wife	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527821246	تلاشي	talaashée	searching, search, exploration, investigation	4	n. f.																													2
1527819993	طلب ګاري	talab gaarée	marriage brokerage, proposing a man as a husband	3	n. f.																													2
1527822972	ټلۍ	Talúy, Tulúy	ring, bell, doorbell, ringing, alarm	4	n. f.																													2
1714813268238	ټلۍ وهل	Talúy wahúl	to ring, ring a doorbell, sound an alarm		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527822972	ring																											3
1527818298	ټلواله	Talwaalá, Talwáala	alliance, league, marriage, wedding ring	3	n. f.																													2
1527818297	ټلوالي	Talwaalée	alliance, league, marriage, wedding ring	3	n. f.																													2
1527817285	تلوسه	talwasá	longing, craving, yearning, desire	4	n. f.																													2
1527821661	طمعه	tám'a	expectation	3	n. f.																													2
1527815332	تمه	táma	expectation, anticipation	4	n. f.																													3
1712744017267	تمه لرل	táma larúl	to expect, anticipate	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527815332																												3
1527822400	تمانچه	tamaanchá, tUmaanchá	pistol, handgun, gun	4	n. f.																													3
1527818459	تمنا	tamanáa	desire, wish, request	4	n. f.																													2
1527813220	تمبه	tambá	bolt, bar, lock; shutter; crowd, throng	4	n. f.																													2
1527820374	ټمبه	Tambá	assemblage, gathering, throng; constipation; bolt, bar, lock	4	n. f.																													2
1527818711	ټمبلي	Tambalée	laziness	4	n. f.																													2
1527820182	تنبلي	tambalee, tanbalée	laziness	4	n. f.																													2
1614168966150	تمغه	tamghá	medal	4	n. f.																													2
1527822282	تنه	taná	body, frame, torso, trunk; fuselage (airplane); hull (ship)	4	n. f.																													2
1527814548	تڼاکه	taNáaka	blister, callus, corn	4	n. f.																													3
1586266350112	تنبیه	tanbéeh	teaching, warning, caution, reminder	4	n. f.																													
1527816000	ټنډه	TanDá, TánDa	forehead, brow	3	n. f.																													2
1578704593901	تندار	tandáar, tindáar	aunt (paternal uncle's wife)	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527816451	تنداره	tandáara, tindáara	aunt (paternal uncle's wife)	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527816622	تندره	tandára	eclipse, disaster??	0	n. f.																													2
1527821588	تندي	tandée	swiftness, speed; harshness, causticity, rudeness	4	n. f.																													2
1527818992	تندره	tándra	eclipse (solar, lunar)	2	n. f.																													
1527817896	تندروستي	tanduroostée, tandrUstée	health, well-being	3	n. f.																													2
1527816450	تندیاره	tandyáara	aunt (paternal uncle's wife)	3	n. f. anim.																													2
1574354537060	تنګ دستي	tang dastée	poverty, stinginess	4	n. f.																													2
1574354492216	تنګدستي	tangdastée	poverty, stinginess	4	n. f.																													2
1527819237	تنګلاسي	tanglaasée	poverty, need	4	n. f.																													2
1527816666	ټنګره	Tangrá, Tangúra	slice, slab, section, part	4	n. f.																													2
1644870095945	تنګسه	tangsa, tangúsa	difficult situation, poverty, dire straits	4	n. f.																													2
1644870127510	تنګسیا	tangsyáa	difficult situation, poverty, dire straits	4	n. f.																													2
1578757499229	تنخوا	tankhwáa, tankháa	salary, wage, pay	4	n. f.																													3
1610616965242	تنتنا	tantanáa	shouts, pomp, cries, news, echo	4	n. f.																													2
1527816745	تڼۍ	taNúy	lace, string, ribbon, band, belt, strap, button	4	n. f.																													3
1527815078	تنظیمیه	tanzeemiyá	organizationally committee	4	n. f.																													2
1585398406960	ټپه	Tapá	tappa (form of poetry/singing); note; playing card; working of miracles	4	n. f.																													2
1527819662	ټپه ټغره	Tápa Taghára	destitution, extreme poverty (پر چا ټپه ټغره کېدل)	3	n. f.																													2
1527822401	تپانچه	tapaanchá	pistol, handgun, gun	4	n. f.																													2
1610012981517	تپېړه	tapéRa, tapeRá	slap, smack, insult	4	n. f.																													2
1527819667	ټپۍ	Tapúy	pressed dung for fuel use	4	n. f.																													2
1527814640	تقاضا	taqaazáa	demand	4	n. f.																													2
1527815881	تقبیح	taqbeeh	condemnation, criticism, censure	3	n. f.																													2
1527818891	تقدیر نامه	taqdeer naamá	certificate of achievement or good progress (school)	4	n. f.																													2
1527823431	تقسیم بندي	taqseem bundée	division	4	n. f.																													2
1577501042770	تقویٰ	taqwáa	piety, holiness, fear of God, virtue	4	n. f.																													2
1527821086	تقویه	taqwiyá	strengthening, reinforcing, development	4	n. f.																													2
1527816406	تره	tara	a kind of musk melon	4	n. f.																													
1592560283817	تړه	táRa	promise, obligation, condition	4	n. f.																													2
1644240879630	ترانه	taraaná	song, hymn, anthem	4	n. f.																													2
1612618625417	تراشه	traashá	shaving, filing, bit of something	2	n. f.																													2
1527823550	ترازو	taraazóo	scale, balance	4	n. f.																													2
1527818216	طرفداري	tarafdaarée	supporting, defending,adherence, picking a side, favoritism	4	n. f.																													3
1527818352	ترګمۍ	taragmúy	dark night, moonless night, darkness (Western form of تروږمۍ)	4	n. f.																													2
1585226308770	ترکه	taraká, tarká	heritage, inheritance, inherited property, succesion, series	4	n. f.																													
1527818922	تړمتیا	taRamtyáa	lukewarmness, lack of passion	4	n. f.																													2
1527814927	طریقه	tareeqá	way, method, manner, technique	4	n. f.																													3
1527821628	ترفیع	tarfée'	promotion	4	n. f.																													
1527816589	طرح	tárha	plan	3	n. f.																													2
1527822280	طرحه	tárha	plan	3	n. f.																													2
1527815482	ترها	tarháa	fear, fright, anxiety, alarm	4	n. f.																													2
1527818010	ترهګري	tarhagáree, tarhagarée	terrorism	4	n. f.																													2
1585226418259	ترکه	tariká	twig, shoot (of a tree)	2	n. f.																													
1527818744	ترکاڼي	tarkaaNée, trakaaNée	carpentry	4	n. f.																													3
1663856014623	ترکاري	tarkaarée	vegetables	4	n. f.																													3
1527814547	ترخه	tarkhá	split, crack	3	n. f.																													2
1527816448	ترله	tarlá, tarlú	cousin (paternal uncle's daughter)	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527816418	ترنه انا	tarna anáa, trana anáa	great-grandmother	4	n. f.																													2
1527821179	تړنه	taRúna	binding, linking, reinforcement, connection, closing, covering	4	n. f.																													2
1527814316	ترقي	taruqqée, taruqée	progress, development, advancement	4	n. f.																													3
1709219258407	ترقي کول	taruqée kawúl	to progress, advance	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527814316	progress																											3
1709219262898	ترقي ورکول	taruqée warkawúl	to develop, cause to advance and make progress	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527814316	develop																											3
1527815337	تسلي	tasalée, tasallée	consolation, comfort, satisfaction, reassurance	4	n. f.																													2
1715074253251	تسلي کول	tasalée kawúl	to console, comfort, satisfy, reassure	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527815337	console																											3
1708189702665	تسله	tasallá	consolation, comfort, satisfaction, reassurance	3	n. f.																													
1708189718575	تسلي ورکول	tasallée warkawúl, tasalee warkawúl	to comfort, console, reassure	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527815337	comfort																											3
1708189722761	تسله ورکول	tasallá warkawúl	to comfort, console, reassure	3	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1708189702665	comfort																											1
1622278360517	تصفیه	tasfiyá	clarification, removal, purification, refinement	2	n. f.																													2
1527816794	تشریح	tashréeh	explanation, description, dissection, comment	4	n. f.																													2
1527814201	تسکره	taskara	chair, litter, stretcher	4	n. f.																													
1613547737263	تسلیمي	tasleemée	surrender	4	n. f.																													2
1527817232	تسمه	tasmá	strip of leather, belt, strap, shoelace	4	n. f.																													3
1585486750021	تسپه	taspá	Muslim prayer bead/beads	4	n. f.																													2
1527821265	تصریح	tasréeh	explanation; clear; precise	4	n. f.																													2
1527823151	تواضع	tawaazÚ'	humility, meekness	4	n. f.																													2
1527817885	توجه	tawajÚ	attention, care, regard, paying attention, consideration	4	n. f.																													2
1527815921	توقع	tawaqqÚ, tawaqÚ'	expectation, hope, anticipation	4	n. f.									توقعات	tawaqqUáat																			3
1712743940789	توقع کول	tawaqÚ kawúl	to expect, anticipate	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527815921	expect																											3
1582145873843	تودوخه	tawdókha	heat, heating	3	n. f.																													2
1527817320	توجیه	tawjeeh	justification	3	n. f.									توجیهات	tawjeeháat																			
1586452182432	تولیه	toliyá, tawliyá	towel	4	n. f.																													3
1527823502	تولیا	tawliyáa	towel	4	n. f.																													2
1527822542	تولۍ	tawlúy, tolúy	cup (without a handle)	4	n. f.																													2
1527819290	توصیه	tawsiyá	recommendation, suggestion, advice	4	n. f.																													2
1527822193	توښۍ	tawxúy	stove, heater	4	n. f.																													
1527822395	توضیح	tawzéeh, tauzéeh	explanation	4	n. f.									توضیحات	tawzeeháat																			2
1527821927	تیاري	tayaarée	preperation, readiness	4	n. f.																													3
1588159745514	تذکیره	tazkeerá	identification papers, passport, residence permit; biography; gurney, stretcher (medical) (تذکره)	4	n. f.																													2
1527813623	تذکره	tazkirá, tazkará	identification papers, passport, residence permit; biography; gurney, stretcher (medical)	4	n. f.																													2
1527816779	تزکیه	tazkiyá	purification, cleansing, refinement, cultivation	3	n. f.																													2
1674053980771	تېوري	te`orée	theory		n. f.											تېوریګانې	te`oreegaane																	2
1586275928766	تي ورکوونکې	tee warkawóonke	woman who is breastfeeding a child	4	n. f.																													
1733474911959	تی ورکوونکی	tay warkawóonkay	woman who is breastfeeding a child	4	n. f.																													2
1527815716	تیږه	téeGa	stone, rock	4	n. f.																													3
1527820235	تیګه	teega	see تيګا	4	n. f.																													
1527820236	تیګا	teegáa	panting, breathlessness, gasping, puffing, dyspnea, shortness of breath	4	n. f.																													2
1527816001	ټیکه	Teeká	red mark on the forehead of Hindus; needle, injection	4	n. f.																													3
1527819557	ټیکاله	Teekáala	bread, loaf, meal, food, helping, serving	4	n. f.																													2
1527816493	تینداره	teendáara	wife of an uncle on father's side	4	n. f.																													2
1610616485772	تیر اندازي	teer andaazée	archery	4	n. f.																													2
1527812315	تېغنه	teghná	iron frying pan; sprouting; sword	2	n. f.																													2
1527821175	ټېکه	Teká	an agreement to deliver something, a contract; bearing (ټېکه نه کېده - it was unbearable)	4	n. f.																													2
1527823629	ټېله	Telá	dam, dyke, jetty; trees and brush carried down a river; towing, tugging	3	n. f.																													3
1527815345	تېروتنه	terwatúna	mistake, error, wrong	4	n. f.																													2
1582390417084	تېښته	téxta	escape, flight, running away	4	n. f.																													2
1527821249	تېزي	tezée	speed, quickness, hastiness, rush	4	n. f.																													3
1713816694764	تېزي کول	tezée kawúl	to hurry, rush, make haste	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527821249	hurry																											3
1527816978	ټکانه	Tikáana, Takáana	residence, dwelling, habitation	4	n. f.																													2
1588787437836	ټکټ پولي	TikaT poolée, TikaT polée	rate (ie. exchange rate), dividend (economics)	4	n. f.																													2
1527822837	طلا	tiláa	gold	4	n. f.																													2
1527818351	تیاره	tiyaarú, tiyaará	darkness, dark	4	n. f.																													3
1527815349	توبه	tobá	repentance	4	n. f.																													3
1527816288	توبره	tobrá	bag, purse, sack	4	n. f.																													2
1527813587	توګه	toga	manner, way, fashion, method	4	n. f.																													
1610541727428	توغه	toghá	fig; redemption, expiation	2	n. f.																													2
1527815356	ټوکه	Tóka	joke	0	n. f.																													2
1527818129	ټوکرۍ	Tokrúy, Tookrúy	basket; peddlers tray, hawkers tray	4	n. f.																													3
1585488917245	ټوله	Tolá	begging; tolah (12 grams)	2	n. f.																													1
1527811392	ټولیزي رسنۍ	Toleezee rasanúy	mass media	4	n. f.																													2
1664092691319	ټولګیخونه	Tolgeekhóona, Tolgaykhóona	classroom	4	n. f.																													2
1676889157525	ټولپوهنه	Tolpohúna	sociology		n. f.																													2
1527817311	ټولپوښتنه	Tolpoxtúna	referendum	4	n. f.																													2
1527812014	ټولنه	Tolúna	society, association, gathering, assembly, congregation	4	n. f.																													2
1527822543	تولۍ	tolúy	scales	4	n. f.																													2
1585490029602	ټولۍ	Tolúy	group, detatchment, batallion	4	n. f.																													2
1627319432819	ټولۍ	Tolúy	class, category, group; detachment (of soldiers 100-200), company, batallion	4	n. f.																													2
1527812339	ټولواکي	Tolwaakée	kingdom, monarchy	4	n. f.																													2
1527815504	ټولوژنه	Tolwajzúna	massacre, genocide	4	n. f.																													2
1527816882	تومانچه	tomaanchá	gun, revolver, pistol	4	n. f.																													2
1527817917	تومنه	tomná, tomuná	ferment, leaven	4	n. f.																													2
1527823140	ټونګه	Tónga, Tóonga	joint, phalange (of the finger); beak; back of leg	4	n. f.																													2
1527811595	توڼۍ	toNúy	suitcase, cupboard	4	n. f.																													2
1527819896	توکه	tooká	advantage, profit, use	3	n. f.																													
1527819897	توکه	tóoka	corn cob	4	n. f.																													
1527821428	ټوخه	Tóokha	cough	4	n. f.																													2
1588782019729	توکمه	tookmá	button, knob; hemorrhoid (تکمه)	3	n. f.																													2
1527822895	توکم پالنه	tookum paalúna	racism	3	n. f.																													2
1614083863653	ټوکنه	Tookúna	bruise	4	n. f.																													2
1594204068779	تولائي	toolaa`ée	mattress	4	n. f.																													2
1586634451015	تولنده	toolánda	wigeon, widgeon (a duck-like bird)	2	n. f.																													2
1527820804	ټولټاکنه	ToolTaakúna	election (political)	4	n. f.																													2
1527822544	تولۍ	toolúy	fife, reed pipe	4	n. f.																													2
1527818201	توره	tóora	sword, sabre	4	n. f.																													3
1527815360	توتي	tootée	parrot	0	n. f.																													2
1527815361	طوطي	tootée	parrot	4	n. f.																													2
1586958326170	توپه	tópa	cannon, gun	3	n. f.																													3
1573659282564	ټوپکۍ	Topakúy, Topkúy	loosely covered arch or vault of an irrigation system	4	n. f.																													2
1527822402	توپنچه	topanchá	pistol, handgun, gun	4	n. f.																													2
1586276322639	ټوپۍ	Topúy	hat, cap	4	n. f.																													3
1613563259315	ټوقه	Tóqa, Tóka	joke	4	n. f.																													2
1527812312	توره	tora	detachment of warriors, small villiage, nomads camp; emnity	4	n. f.																													
1527818349	توره	tóra	darkness, dark	4	n. f.																													2
1527816369	تورسرې	torsáre	widow, woman	4	n. f.																													2
1527816443	توړۍ	toRúy	aunt; gay, queer, pansy, homosexual (slang)	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527816436	توړۍ زۍ	toRuy zúy	cousin (daughter of maternal aunt)	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527814801	ټوټه	ToTá	piece, scrap, fragment, part	4	n. f.																													3
1527820058	ټوټکۍ	ToTakúy, ToTkúy	kneecap, patella	3	n. f.																													2
1577068439042	توتکۍ	totakúy	swallow, martin (bird); girl's name	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527817697	توښه	toxá	provisions (for a journey)	4	n. f.																													2
1566247077158	توښه	toxá	provisions for a journey	4	n. f.																													2
1527816407	تره	tra	repulsion, fear, aversion	4	n. f.																													
1527814389	تړاقۍ	tRaaqúy, taRaaqúy	band or bandage on the thigh	3	n. f.																													2
1527815480	ترهه	traha, turha, tarha	fear, fright, anxiety, alarm, apprehension, worry	4	n. f.																													2
1527815481	ترها	traháa, tarháa	fear, fright, anxiety, alarm	4	n. f.																													2
1527822136	ترمله	trámla, tarmalá	rice water, the water in which rice was washed	3	n. f.																													2
1586450715617	ترمنه	trámna, tarmúna	swamp, moist arable soil, pool in a bog	1	n. f.																													2
1527816430	ترنداره	trandáara, trindáara	paternal aunt	3	n. f. anim.																													2
1527814874	ترپه	trapá, tarpá	jump, gallop, dance	4	n. f.																													2
1527818927	ترینګلتیا	treengaltyáa	tension	3	n. f.																													2
1527816004	ترینګلۍ	treenglúy, treengulúy	a finger snap or flick to the forehead	4	n. f.																													2
1661511368545	ترېنداره	trendáara	paternal aunt	4	n. f.																													2
1527818353	تروږمۍ	troGmúy	dark night, moonless night, darkness	4	n. f.																													2
1527816442	ترورۍ	trorúy	aunt; gay, queer, pansy, homosexual (slang)	4	n. f. anim.																													
1527816432	ترورزۍ	trorzúy	cousin (daughter of paternal aunt)	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527822769	ترپکه	trupáka, turpaká	stamping, treading	4	n. f.																													2
1527819022	څا	tsaa	well, water-hole	3	n. f.																													2
1527823370	څاله	tsaala	a hut built in a tree for watchmen in a field	4	n. f.																													
1527816526	څانډو	tsaanDóo	husband of wife's sister, brother in law	3	n. f. anim.																													2
1527815367	څانګه	tsáanga	branch, department	4	n. f.																													3
1527817733	څاپاکي	tsaapaakée	cleanliness, well-cleaning	2	n. f.																													2
1527818556	څاره	tsaará, tsáara	pit into which juice flows	1	n. f.																													2
1527820402	څارګري	tsaargáree, tsaargarée	observation, intelligence, spying, espionage	4	n. f.																													2
1527813216	څارنه	tsaarúna	surveillance, intelligence	4	n. f.																													2
1576684800288	څکه	tsáka, tsaká	cliff, abyss, chasm, precipice	1	n. f.																													2
1577923864319	څکه	tsáka	trial, testing, taste, sip	3	n. f.																													
1527818591	څله	tsalá	wish, desire, inclination, day-dream	3	n. f.																													2
1620042634516	څلور لاره	tsalor láara	crossing, crossroads (intersection) (usually plural)	4	n. f.																													2
1527823306	څنګل	tsangúl	elbow	4	n. f.																													3
1527822618	څپه	tsapá	wave	3	n. f.																													2
1527820054	څپړۍ	tsapaRúy, tsapRúy	crossbar (on the handle of a spade or shovel); hockey stick	1	n. f.																													2
1527813431	څپېړه	tsapéRa	slap, smack, spank	4	n. f.																													3
1715364371079	څپېړه وهل	tsapéRa wahúl	to slap, smack	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527813431	slap																											2
1715364367327	څپېړه ورکول	tsapéRa warkawúl	to slap, smack	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527813431	slap																											3
1527820052	څپلۍ	tsaplúy	sandal	4	n. f.																													3
1527823657	څپړ	tsapúR	leg, paw	1	n. f.																													
1527823658	څپړه	tsapúRa	leg, paw	1	n. f.																													
1527812060	څپیاکه	tsapyáaka	beehive; honeycomb; flat; a kind of fuel made from dried manure patties	3	n. f.																													2
1568411412590	څړه خشمه	tsaRá khushma, tsaRa khúshma	saw (tool)	1	n. f.																													2
1589906471518	څرګه	tsárga, tsrága	little owl, Athene poctua	2	n. f. anim.																													2
1675336287530	څرګندنه	tsargandúna	expression, expressing		n. f.																													2
1527817010	څرګندونه	tsargundawúna	explanation, statement, communication, advertisement	4	n. f.																													3
1588161577332	څرخي څوکۍ	tsarkhee tsokúy	wheelchair	3	n. f.																													2
1527820524	څرمن	tsarmún, tsarmán	pelt, skin, hide, leather	4	n. f.																													3
1588161442976	څرمنه	tsarmúna	pelt, skin, hide, leather	3	n. f.																													2
1576440551847	څرمښکۍ	tsarmUxkúy	lizard	3	n. f.																													2
1527821863	څرښه	tsárxa, tsarxá	footprint, trace, mark, clue	2	n. f.																													2
1586955651545	څټه	tsáTa	full bag, full sack, saddlebag	3	n. f.																													2
1527814826	څینځښه	tseendzúxa	frog	3	n. f.																													2
1733478475807	څیرسترګي	tseersturgée, tseerstúrgee	impudence, insolence, cheek; insolent, impudent	3	n. f. / adj.																													1
1527814083	څېلمه	tselmá	edge, side	3	n. f.																													2
1527822632	څېلمه	tsélma	edge, side	3	n. f.																													
1527818907	څېلمه	tsélmu	edge, side; trench, foxhole	3	n. f.																													
1527815497	څېره	tserá	face, picture	3	n. f.																													2
1527815371	څېړنه	tseRúna	research, analysis	4	n. f.																													2
1576951583359	څېړۍ	tseRúy	oak (tree)	4	n. f.																													2
1527820320	څځله	tsidzlá, tsudzúla	to bowing down to the ground, to prostrating (in religion) (سجده)	2	n. f.																													2
1527818590	څله	tsilá	mid-winter, mid-summer; period of 40 days of asceticism or fasting, seclusion, devotion	3	n. f.																													2
1631018055267	څوهره	tsohrá, tsohára	herina	0	n. f. anim.																													2
1527819212	څوکیداري	tsokeedaar, tsaukeedaaree	the job of being a chokidar, watchman, doorman	4	n. f.																													2
1713696309122	څوکیداري کول	tsokeedaarée kawúl, tsaukeedaarée kawúl	to be a watchman, the job of being a chokidoor		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527819212																												3
1527814200	څوکۍ	tsokúy	chair; post, office, position; guard, watch	3	n. f.																													2
1592558916543	څولګۍ	tsolgúy	scissors, shears, chisel	1	n. f.																													2
1594383266571	څوکه	tsóoka	top, pinnacle, apex, peak, tip, point, spear	4	n. f.																													1
1661859026821	څرپا	tsrapáa, tsarpáa	quivering	2	n. f.																													2
1527823381	څړیکه	tsRéeka	prickling sensation, sharp pain	4	n. f.																													
1527822513	څڼه	tsúNa	lock, curl, ringlet (hair) Usually plural څڼې	4	n. f.																													2
1527823510	څنډه	tsúnDa, tsunDá	edge, hem, margin, brink	4	n. f.																													2
1527820382	څڼکه	tsuNúka	lock, curl, ringlet (of hair); cork, plug; filiform; corn silk, stigma maydis	3	n. f.																													2
1586955678884	څټه	tsúTa	base (of a treetrunk), stub, side (geometry), (fig.) stout / large lady	3	n. f.																													2
1527814974	تبه	túba, tába	fever	4	n. f.																													3
1585488091408	تبي	tubée	fever	4	n. f.																													
1593792733023	طفلي	tUfilée, tuflée, tiflée	childhood, infancy (طفولیت)	3	n. f.	1593792669551																												2
1527814328	تحفه	tUhfá	present, gift	4	n. f.																													3
1527822848	ټکا	Tukáa	see ټکهار	4	n. f.																													2
1577566234929	ټکا	TUkáa, tukáa	growing; knock, knocking	4	n. f.																													2
1527823169	ټکاله	Tukáala	doubling word with ټوقه	4	n. f.																													2
1527817915	تخه	tukhá	curds, cottage cheese	3	n. f.																													2
1527823070	تخمه	tUkhmá	origin, breed, seed-bud	4	n. f.																													2
1571607739310	تکمه	tUkmá	button, knob, hemorrhoid	4	n. f.																													2
1527821212	تله	túla	scales, standard, criterion, level	4	n. f.																													2
1527817501	تنده	túnda	thirst	4	n. f.																													3
1527820481	ترخه	túrkha	wormwood (plant)	3	n. f.																													
1527818707	ترخځ	turkhúdz	wedge; gusset (in a shirt)	4	n. f.																													2
1527819625	ترکیه	tUrkiyá	Turkey, Türkiye (the country)	4	n. f.																													2
1576103626259	ترکیه	tUrkiyá	Turkey, Türkiye (the country)	4	n. f.																													2
1527813666	تشه	túsha	void, emptiness, vacuum	3	n. f.																													2
1613548174186	تسکوره	tuskóra	curved shovel, axe	4	n. f.																													2
1527822732	تته رڼا	tuta raNáa	faint or dim light	4	n. f.																													2
1527813610	تواني	twaanée, tuwaanée, tawaanée	ability, power, capability, strength, ability	4	n. f.																													2
1527817196	توانمندي	twaanmandée, tawaanmandée	ability, capability	4	n. f.																													2
1527817918	تومنه	twamná, twamuná	ferment, leaven	4	n. f.																													2
1527814385	اچکۍ	Uchakúy, uchkúy	small island	1	n. f.																													2
1527816003	اچولي	Uchoolee	forehead, brow	2	n. f.																													
1610618653328	اجوره	Ujoorá, ajoorá	wages, compensation, pay	4	n. f.																													2
1610618682842	اجوره کاري	Ujoora kaarée, ajoora kaarée	work done for pay, earnings	4	n. f.																													2
1527820733	الټي	UlTée	vomit, vomiting, puke, puking (from Urdu)	4	n. f.																													2
1527821196	عمده فروشي	Umda fUrooshée, Umda farooshée	wholesale sales, wholesale trade	3	n. f.																													2
1571841463011	امیدواري	Umeedwaarée	pregnancy	4	n. f.																													2
1527816759	عمومي عفوه	Umoomee áfwa	amnesty	4	n. f.																													2
1527816760	عمومي بښنه	Umoomee baxúna	amnesty	3	n. f.																													2
1527817784	عمره	Umrá	Umra, pilgrimage to Mecca (at any time)	4	n. f.																													2
1577385220277	عقده	Uqdá	knox, tie, crux, node, (fig. grudge)	2	n. f.																													
1622133968130	اربه	Urbá, arbá	tendon, ligament	4	n. f.																													2
1527818199	اریځ	Uryádz, aréedz	cloud	1	n. f.																													2
1577224179485	اریځه	Uryadza, areedza	cloud	1	n. f.																													
1527820554	استخوان بندي	UstUkhwaan bandée, UstUkhaan bandée	skeleton, frame, framework; structural framework	3	n. f.																													2
1596925652145	اترائي	Utráa`ee	downward slope	4	n. f.																													
1610443837416	وابستګي	waabustagée, waabistagée	dependence, affiliation, dependency, connection, involvement	3	n. f.																													2
1527816021	واده ګوته	waada gwata, waada goota	wedding ring	4	n. f.																													2
1527816019	واده څله	waada tsála	wedding ring	4	n. f.																													2
1527819483	واکمني	waakmanée	reign, authority, government, kingdom	3	n. f.																													2
1578343468611	واڼه	wáaNa, waaNá	tendon, sinew; hamstring	2	n. f.																													2
1527813545	واقعه	waaqi'á, waaqiyá	event, accident, incident, occurance	4	n. f.									واقعات	waaqUaat																			3
1527820264	وارخطایي	waarkhataayée	fluster, excitement, confusion, being worked up	3	n. f.																													2
1527815395	واسته	waasitá	favourtism, string-pulling, connections	4	n. f.																													2
1527817819	واسطه	waasitá	(by) way (of), (by) means (of), medium, go-between, mediator	4	n. f.									وسایط	wasaayit																			2
1527822717	واوره	wáawra	snow	4	n. f.																													3
1713348713758	واوره کول	waawra kawúl	to freeze (causative)		v. stat. comp. trans.	1527822717	freeze, freezes, freezing, froze, frozen																											3
1713348716309	واوره کېدل	waawra kedúl	to freeze, become frozen		v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527822717	freeze, freezes, freezing, froze, frozen																											2
1576372912086	وازګه	wáazga	fat, blubber, grease	4	n. f.																													3
1527821040	وبا	wabáa	plague, cholera	4	n. f.																													3
1527814909	وعده	wa'dá	promise, word	4	n. f.																													3
1527815423	ودانۍ	wadaanúy, wudaanúy	building	4	n. f.																													2
1527816020	ودون ګوته	wadoon gwata, wadoon goota	wedding ring	2	n. f.																													2
1527816262	وفا	wafáa	loyalty, faithfulness, constancy	4	n. f.																													2
1527822259	وږمه	waGmá	breeze, light wind	3	n. f.																													
1591034101000	وهم پرستي	waham parastée	superstitiousness, superstition	4	n. f.																													2
1527817737	وحي	wáhee	revelation (from divine source), oracle, vision, inspiration	4	n. f.																													2
1672917895436	وحدي	wahidée, wahdée	oneness, the quality of being one (not many)		n. f.																													2
1527814064	وهنه	wahúna	hitting	4	n. f.																													3
1527811272	وجه	wája, wúja	reason, cause; aspect, point of view, facet	4	n. f.									وجوهات	wajooháat																			3
1586452364121	وجهه	wájha	reason, cause; aspect, point of view, facet (وجه)	4	n. f.									وجوهات	wajooháat																			2
1527813868	وژنه	wajzúna	killing, murder	4	n. f.																													2
1527823226	وله	walá	stream, river; irrigation ditch, channel	4	n. f.																													3
1527816052	ولسوالي	UlUswaalée, walaswaalée	district, division	4	n. f.																												TRUE	2
1527820075	ولدنګکاري	waldingkaarée	welding	4	n. f.																													2
1527815401	ولکه	walká	grasp, dominion, reign, region	4	n. f.																													2
1527822139	ونډه	wánDa	rice crumbs, threshed rice, hay shreds	4	n. f.																													2
1527816022	ونډیماري	wanDeemaarée	butcher's shop, butchery	2	n. f.																													2
1527818517	ونګره	wangra, wangara	pond, pool	2	n. f.																													2
1591806070691	وقایه	waqaayá, wiqaayá	defence, protection; cover (of a book etc.)	2	n. f.																													2
1527813040	وقفه	waqfá	interval, pause, intermission, delay	4	n. f.																													3
1527811616	ورثه	warasá, warsá	heir, inheritor	4																														2
1586452427997	ورخطایي	warkhataayée	excitement, being flustered, being confused	4	n. f.																													2
1527822353	ورکړه	wárkRa	giving	4	n. f.																													2
1591026440937	ورشو	warshó	meadow, open pasture	4	n. f.																													2
1527823534	وړتیا	waRtyáa	ability, capacity, capability, power, volumeá	4	n. f.																													3
1527815405	وړۍ	waRúy	wool, yarn	4	n. f.																													3
1527814001	وسه	wása	summer rain, monsoon	2	n. f.																													2
1527811535	وسیله	waseelá	means, agency, reason, cause, medium	4	n. f.									وسائل, وسایل	wasaa'il, wasaayil																			3
1584529132645	وثیقه	waseeqá	document, deed	4	n. f.																													2
1527814719	وسله	waslá	weapon, firearm, artillery	4	n. f.																													3
1527819683	وسوسه	waswasá	worry, fixation, obsessive concern, obsession, temptation, doubt	3	n. f.																													2
1527822834	وټه	waTá	exchange rate	2	n. f.																													
1527822833	وټه	wáTa	economy (اقتصاد); saving, savings	2	n. f.																													2
1527811795	وطن پرستي	watan parastée	patriotism	4	n. f.																													2
1666396499443	وترنري	watarnaree	verterinary (the practice/profession of)	4	n. f.																													
1527816806	وینا	waynáa	speech, statement, remark	4	n. f.																													3
1709149511629	وینا کول	waynáa kawúl	to make a speech, statement, remark	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527816806	speak, speaks, speaking, spoke, spoken																											3
1527813359	وینه	wayuna	speech, words, talk	4	n. f.																													
1527821577	وضعه	wáz'a	situation, state, condition, circumstance	4	n. f.													اوضاع	awzaa															2
1576888859302	وضع	wáz'a	situation, state, condition, circumstance	3	n. f.													اوضاع	awzaa															2
1576888864337	وضه	wáza	deduction	3	n. f.																													
1527812086	وظیفه	wazeefá	obligation, duty, responsibility; job, work (often with the connotation of military duty)	4	n. f.									وظایف	wazaayif																			3
1527822635	وزیره ګوته	wazéera goota	ring finger	3	n. f.																													2
1584533362810	وزلوبه	wazlóba	buzkashi - بزکشي (the Afghan national sport played with horses and a dead goat)	2	n. f.																													2
1527823761	وزنه برداري	wazna bardaarée	weight lifting	3	n. f.																													2
1527820086	وېبپاڼه	webpáaNa	website	4	n. f.																													2
1675002231126	وېډیو	weDiyó	video		n. f.																													
1675002244661	وېدیو	wediyó	video		n. f.																													
1674934574643	ویډیو	weeDiyó	video		n. f.																													3
1674934686847	ویدیو	weediyó	video		n. f.																													2
1527821227	ویجاړي	weejaaRée	destruction, demolishing	4	n. f.																													2
1527813358	وینه	wéena	blood	4	n. f.																													3
1527814646	وینځه	wéendza	female slave	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527811659	ویشتنه	weeshtúna	killing, murder, shooting	4	n. f.																													2
1678446000477	ویښتیا	weextyáa	awareness, consciousness		n. f.																													2
1527811547	وېره	wéra	fear, fright	4	n. f.																													3
1610443988250	وېشلتیا	weshiltyáa	division, distribution	4	n. f.																													2
1675146199671	ویناپاڼه	waynaapáaNa	official declaration		n. f.																													2
1527820857	وېزه	wezá	visa	4	n. f.																													2
1527821388	وداع	widáa', wadáa'	farewell, goodbye	4	n. f.																													2
1674934630830	ودیو	widiyó	video		n. f.																													2
1674934669154	وډیو	wiDiyo	video		n. f.																													
1527818529	ووره	wóra	small cloud	3	n. f.																													
1527811271	ورا	wraa	afar, far off (له ورايه  - from afar); a group of women that bring the bride to the groom's house	4	n. f.																													2
1527822389	وړاندوینه	wRaandwayúna	prediction, foretelling (of a prophet, etc.)	4	n. f.																													2
1527817491	وراني	wraanée	destruction, ruin, disturbance; destructive behavior, ruining spoiling, naughty behavior	4	n. f.																													3
1527822252	وړانګه	wRaangá, wRáanga	ray, beam of light, light beam (from sun etc.)	4	n. f.																													2
1527820801	ورانکاري	wraankaarée	destruction, destructive behaviour, sabotage	4	n. f.																													2
1527816358	وراره	wráara	woman who's brother is dead	4	n. f. anim.																													
1527816355	وراره بوره	wraara bóora	a woman whose brother and baby boy are dead	3	n. f. anim.																													2
1527815417	ورځ	wradz	day	4	n. f.																													3
1527818311	ورځچلندژبه	wradzchalandjzúba	colloquial speech, vernacular, everyday speech	3	n. f.																													2
1527818307	ورځپاڼه	wradzpáaNa	newspaper	4	n. f.																													2
1527816387	ورېنداره	wrendáara	sister in law; brother's wife	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527816375	ورېره	wrerá	niece; brother's daughter	4	n. f.																													3
1527811207	وروځه	wróodza, ooróodza	eyebrow	4	n. f.																													2
1611400483206	وروري	wrorée	brotherhood	4	n. f.																													
1527822877	ورورګلوي	wrorgalwée, wrorgilwée	brotherhood, comradery, tight and good friendship	4	n. f.																													2
1610013679820	ورورولي	wrorwalée	brotherhood	4	n. f.																													2
1527816350	ورندار	wrandáar, wrundáar	brother's wife, sister-in-law (of male)	4	n. f. anim.																													3
1715165815298	وریندار	wreendáar	brother's wife, sister-in-law (of male)	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527816377	ورنداره	wrandáara, wrundáara	brother's wife, sister-in-law (of male)	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1715165817975	ورینداره	wreendáara	brother's wife, sister-in-law (of male)	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1715165977709	ښینه	xéena	wife's sister, sister-in-law (of female)	4	n. f. anim.																													3
1527822251	وړنګه	wRúnga	ray, beam of light, light beam (from sun etc.)	4	n. f.																													2
1527817233	وچکالي	wuchkaalée	dryness, drought, barrenness	4	n. f.																													3
1527816105	وده	wuda	growth, development, improvement, bringing up	3	n. f.																													
1527814839	وږسترګي	wuGsturgee	greed; greedy	4	n. f.																													2
1527823227	وله	wúla	willow	4	n. f.																													
1527816051	ولسوالي	wUlaswaalée, ooluswaalée	district, division	4	n. f.																													2
1527814116	ولۍ	wulúy	root	4	n. f.																													2
1527816098	ونه	wúna	tree; height	4	n. f.																													3
1527813664	ونډه	wúnDa	share, portion, part, quota	4	n. f.																													2
1527822200	وربشه	wurbushá, orbushá, orbúsha	barley (usually plural)	4	n. f.																													2
1527822201	وربشینه	wurbusheená, orbushéena	barley bread	4	n. f.																													2
1527821684	ورېځ	wurédz	cloud	4	n. f.																													
1527822541	ورسۍ	wursúy, oorsúy	window	3	n. f.																													2
1527820627	ورنډه	wUrúnDa, wUrunDá	raid, foray; attack, invasion; plunder; haste	2	n. f.																													2
1527815427	وزه	wUzá	goat (nanny)	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1591027048439	وزه	wuza	she-goat	4	n. f. anim.																													
1527818053	ویاله	wyaalá	brook, stream	4	n. f.																													2
1586428811963	ښه ورځ	xa wradz	sufficiency, doing well, flourishing	4	n. f.																													2
1527820970	ښادي	xaadée	happiness, gladness, joy; wedding	4	n. f.																													3
1527822348	ښاخۍ	xaakhúy	pitchfork	4	n. f.																													2
1527814218	ښانده	xáanda	acquaintance; knowledge; expertise, discernment	2	n. f.																													2
1527813305	ښاپېرۍ	xaaperúy	fairy, nymph, pixie	4	n. f.																													3
1584530155981	ښارو	xaaró	myna, mynah (bird); beloved, darling, dear	4	n. f.																													2
1584530203060	ښارونۍ	xaaronúy	ښارو	4	n. f.																													
1618947725291	ښځمنه	xadzmána	female, woman	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527816530	ښینې	xeene	sister in law	4	n. f.																													
1527822105	ښیښه	xeexá	glass, vial, small bottle, glasses, spectacles, mirror	3	n. f.																													2
1621743009835	ښېګڼه	xegúNa	kindness, act of kindness, favor, gentleness	4	n. f.																													2
1702811291709	ښېګڼه کول	xegúNa kawúl	to do an act of kindness, goodness	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1621743009835	be	kind																										2
1621742608477	ښېګړه	xegúRa	kindness, act of kindness, favor, gentleness	4	n. f.																													1
1702811307560	ښېګړه کول	xegúRa kawúl	to do an act of kindness, goodness	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1621742608477	be	kind																										3
1583525814758	ښېره	xerá	curse, cursing	4	n. f.																													2
1709130350145	ښېرې	xeré	curses (plur. of ښېره)			1583525814758																												3
1709130385399	ښېرې کول	xeré kawúl	to curse		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1583525814758																												3
1583525800967	ښېرا	xeráa	curse, cursing	4	n. f.																													2
1527816529	ښینه	xayuna	cursed, cursing	1	n. f.																													
1527822342	ښکالو	xkaaló	whisper, dull noise, rustle, obscure sound; tread	3	n. f.																													2
1668755790717	ښکارندویي	xkaarandooyée	indication	4	n. f.																													
1527816565	ښکنځا	xkandzáa	cursing, swearing, verbal abuse	3	n. f.																													2
1586428641540	ښکنځله	xkandzúla, xkandzíla	swearing, cursing	4	n. f.																													2
1527819510	ښکېلتیا	xkeltyáa	involvement	4	n. f.																													2
1527815984	ښکلا	xkUláa	beauty	4	n. f.																													3
1588073293258	ښودنه	xodúna	teaching, instruction; display, presentation, showing	4	n. f.																													3
1714027487497	ښودنه کول	xodúna kawúl	to instruct, teach; depict, display, present		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1588073293258																												3
1527819268	ښوره	xorá	manure, fertilizer	3	n. f.																													2
1527821560	ښوروا	xorwáa	soup, broth	4	n. f.																													3
1527822213	ښوونه	xowúna	teaching, education	4	n. f.																													1
1527823415	ښه راغلاستي	xu raaghlaastee	welcome	4	n. f.																													2
1527811226	ښندنه	xundúna, xandúna	offering, giving, grant	1	n. f.																													2
1527816550	ښرا	xuraa	curse, cursing	0	n. f.																													
1527818441	یادونه	yaadawúna	reminder	4	n. f.																													2
1527819746	یادګاري	yaadgaarée	souvenir, a gift or token of remembrance, memorial	4	n. f.																													2
1527821818	یاراني	yaaraanée	dating, love, friendship	4	n. f.																													
1611400496123	یاري	yaarée	friendship; romance, love affair	3	n. f.																													2
1527822970	یږه	yaGá, yáGa	cancer (medicine), female bear ?	3	n. f.																													2
1527815967	یګانګي	yagaanagée	unity, agreement, singleness	4	n. f.																													2
1527818071	یهودیه	yahoodiyá	Judea	4	n. f.																													2
1527818531	یکاوه	yakaawá	unbroken cloud cover	2	n. f.																													2
1527812263	یکشنبه	yakshambá	Sunday	4	n. f.																													2
1586454505900	یله ګردي	yala gardée	wandering, roaming	4	n. f.																													2
1586454469518	یرغلګري	yarghalgarée	attack, aggression	4	n. f.																													2
1527822707	یې	ye	sound, noise, tone, ring; public company	4	n. f.																													2
1527823023	یېره	yéra	fear, fright	4	n. f.																													2
1671516548991	یوګا	yogáa	yoga		n. f.																													2
1527815435	یخني	yukhnée	cold; a kind of meat stew/soup	4	n. f.																													3
1527820261	یوې	yúwe	plow, plowing, plough, ploughing	4	n. f.																													2
1527811481	زا	zaa	percolation of water, dampness, moisture; drainage system; the time of calving or giving birth (for some animals); oozing, ooze (د خوشحالۍ له زا و -- he was oozing with happiness)	2	n. f.																													2
1672918170309	زاهدي	zaahidée	piety, devotion		n. f.																													2
1578190515000	زاڼه	záaNa	female crane (bird)	4	n. f.																													3
1527817480	زانګو	zaangó	cradle, swing, rocking chair	4	n. f.																													3
1527815437	زاري	zaarée	request, earnest plea, entreat	4	n. f.																													2
1527822560	زاویه	zaawiyá	angle, corner	3	n. f.																													3
1527816502	زایپه	zaayipá	wife, married woman	4	n. f.																													2
1527815506	ذبح	zábha	slaughter, killing, butchering	3	n. f.																													2
1584692750562	زغاله	zaghaalá, zUghaalá	lump, clump of dough	3	n. f.																													2
1527822354	ذخیره	zakheerá	reserve, store, stock	3	n. f.									زخایر	zakhaayir																			3
1527814429	زلزله	zalzalá	earthquake, shock, tremor	4	n. f.																													3
1527811503	زمانه	zamaaná	time, period, era; (verb) tense (grammar)	4	n. f.																													3
1527811676	زمینه	zameená	basis, grounds, circumstances, conditions, background	4	n. f.																													2
1527821953	زمینه سازي	zameena saazée	opening the door to, paving the way, creating opportunity for	3	n. f.																													2
1527814473	زمینداري	zameendaarée	farming, landed estate	3	n. f.																													3
1527819481	زمزمه	zamzamá	rumour, talk, singing, tune, melody	4	n. f.																													2
1527821722	زنه	zána	dye (for leather after tanning)	4	n. f.																													2
1661754853243	زنګا	zangáa	ringing	3	n. f.																													2
1576365438445	زنګوله	zangóla	bell, little bell, cowbell	3	n. f.																													
1527817717	ذره	zará	particle, tiny bit, atom, minuscule amount	3	n. f.																													2
1527815442	زرافه	zaraafá	giraffe	4	n. f.																													2
1527821576	ضربه	zarbá, zarabá	blow, stroke	3	n. f.																													2
1527814410	زرچوبه	zarchobá	turmeric, tumeric, curcuma	3	n. f.																													
1616922319712	زرچوبه	zarchobá	turmeric, curcuma	4	n. f.																													
1616922304109	زردچوبه	zardchobá	turmeric, curcuma	4	n. f.																													2
1527819125	زردکه	zardúka	carrot	3	n. f.																													2
1527822865	زردشتي	zardUshtée, zardushtée	Zoroastrianism	4	n. f.																													2
1690458785188	ذریعه	zaree'á, zareeyá	means, resource (د ... په ذريعه - by means of ...)	4	n. f.																													3
1527818365	ضراب خانه	zaraab khaaná, zaraaba khaaná	mint (for making money)	1	n. f.																													2
1586363213172	زړتیا	zaRtyáa	old age, seniority	3	n. f.																													2
1527816166	زولانه	zawlaaná	handcuffs, manacles, chains	4	n. f.																													2
1527821567	زولنه	zawlaná	fetter, chain, manacle, line, string, series	4	n. f.											زولنې	zolane																	2
1675145796422	زده کړه	zdá kRa	studies, learning, education		n. f.																													2
1675145851562	زدکړه	zdákRa	studies, learning, education		n. f.																													2
1527819282	زینه	zéena, zeená	stairway, stairs, ladder	4	n. f.																													2
1527821528	زیرکتیا	zeeraktiyáa	intelligence, smartness	3	n. f.																													2
1527811502	زېږېدنه	zeGedúna	birth	3	n. f.																													2
1527822314	زېرمه	zérma	saving, reserve, store, care	4	n. f.																													2
1527820388	زغره	zghúra	armour, protective covering, shield	4	n. f.																													2
1527812090	ذمه	zima	responsibility, charge	3	n. f.																													2
1527812092	ذمه واري	zima waarée	responsibility	4	n. f.																													3
1527814354	زنا	zináa	adultery, fornication	4	n. f.																													1
1527817711	زندګي	zindugée, zindagée	life	3	n. f.																													2
1527816902	زره	zirih	armour	4	n. f.																													
1527812374	زمکه	zmúka	land, earth	4	n. f.																													2
1527811483	زوکونه	zokawuna	birth	3	n. f.																													
1527811473	زوکړه	zókRa	birth	3	n. f.																													2
1527818973	زونبه	zóomba, zoonbá	wink, winking, blink, blinking	4	n. f.																													2
1610617000280	زونګه	zóonga, zwungá	buzz, hum, echo, reverberation	4	n. f.																													2
1527823297	زورنه	zorúna	oppression, pressure, stress, coercion; cursing, telling off	3	n. f.																													
1527821733	زورواکي	zorwaakée	dictatorship	3	n. f.																													2
1527820719	زړه بدېدنه	zRu badedúna	vomit, vomiting, puke, puking; quarrel, disagreement	4	n. f.																													2
1527823241	زړه ورتیا	zRu wartyáa	bravery, courage	4	n. f.																													2
1527817751	زخه	zúkha	wart, bump, growth, knot, corn, callus	4	n. f.																													2
1527819786	زلپۍ	zulpúy	link for a door-chain, door-chain, sword-knot	3	n. f.																													2
1527821723	زنه	zúna, zína	chin, depression	3	n. f.																													2
1586363184324	زړبودي	zuRboodée, zaRboodée	old age, seniority	3	n. f.																													2
1603262297979	زرکه	zúrka	partridge	4	n. f.																													2
1527821557	زۍ	zúy	extended family, clan	4	n. f.																													2
1610617031635	زوږتلانګه	zwaGtaláanga	echo	2	n. f.																													2
1527816554	زیاړه	zyáaRa	curse, abuse, swearing	3	n. f.																													2
1527820183	زیارکښي	zyaarkaxée	work ethic, indusrious-ness, hard working-ness	4	n. f.																													2
1527822367	زیاتي	zyaatée	violence, oppression, injustice; over and above, moreover, superflous, excess, addition, surplus	3	n. f.																													3
1527812785	خور	khor	sister	4	n. f.  anim. fam.											خویندې	khwaynde																	3
1527821376	آینده	aayandá, aaeendá	future, approaching, coming	4	n. f. / adj.																													3
1527811214	باکره	baakira	virgin (female)	4	n. f. / adj.																													
1584738314029	چوله	chóla, chóola, cholá	crevice, crack (noun); gaping, wide-open (adjective)	2	n. f. / adj.																													2
1527822335	داغمه	daaghmá	scrap, refuse, old	2	n. f. / adj.																													2
1664794803312	فدا	fidáa	sacrifice, devoted, in love	4	n. f. / adj.																													2
1527819126	ګازره	gaazúra, gaazára	carrot; carrot-like, orange	4	n. f. / adj.																													3
1527821762	ګزشته	gUzishtá	past (noun), last (adj.)	4	n. f. / adj.																													2
1527823347	حضوري	hUzoorée	presence, attendance (noun); pertaining to court or royal matters (adj.)	3	n. f. / adj.																													2
1527817759	انفعالي	infi'aalée	depression, depressed, grief, vexation, emotional difficulty, painful, unpleasant	3	n. f. / adj.																													2
1527819627	جاسوسي	jaasoosée	spying, reconnaissance; pertaining to intelligence, reconnaissance	4	n. f. / adj.																													2
1610449148158	کاسني	kaasnée	chicory; purple	4	n. f. / adj.																													3
1566549441207	خاصه	khaasá	characteristic, nature, property; special, excellent, choice (w/ plural: nobels / upper class people)	3	n. f. / adj.									خواص	khawáas																			2
1611415347864	منځپانګه	mandzpáanga	content, containing	4	n. f. / adj.																													
1579388443072	نارامي	naaraamée	uneasieness, unsettled, upset, violence	4	n. f. / adj.																													2
1527818036	نېک مرغه	nek múrgha	good luck, good fortune; lucky, fortunate	4	n. f. / adj.																													2
1527812337	پادشاهي	paadshaahée	kingdom, monarchy, sultanate; kingly, royal, regal	4	n. f. / adj.																													2
1527820376	پیانده	pyáanda	lock of hair; beautiful	4	n. f. / adj.																													2
1527813904	رواني	rawaanée	smoothness, flow; fluent; continual	3	n. f. / adj.																													2
1527818264	رضا	rizáa	will, pleasure; pleased (with), favorable (towards)	3	n. f. / adj.																													3
1527821726	سبزه	sabzá	greens, grass; fuzz (on a youths face/chin); swarthy, dark-complexioned	4	n. f. / adj.																													2
1527813728	تساوي	tasaawée	equality, equal	4	n. f. / adj.																													2
1527818280	ترکي	tUrkée	Turkish, Turkish language	4	n. f. / adj.																													2
1527819051	وسپنه	wúspuna	iron	4	n. f. / adj.																													2
1527823642	زېږنده	zeGúnda	product; fertile	3	n. f. / adj.																													2
1527818325	اېله	elá	fee; useless person, idle, vagrant; barely, just, scarcely, only, merely	4	n. f. / adj. / adv.																													2
1595233763403	رسا	rasáa, rusáa	attaining, achieving; precise, exact; height?	4	n. f. / adj. / adv.																													2
1591261999945	بوډۍ	booDúy	old woman, senior, elderly, old	4	n. f. anim. / adj. f.																													2
1527818329	منتها	mUntaháa	extremity, end, maximum, utmost; only, the thing is, at least	2	n. f. / adv.																													2
1527815242	سبا	sabáa	tomorrow, morning	4	n. f. / adv.																													3
1527812904	مهرباني	mihrabaanée	favor, kindness, greatness; thanks	4	n. f. / interj.																													3
1713091903764	مهرباني کول	mihrabaanee kawúl	to do a favor, to do an act of kindness, used often as in command form (مهرباني وکړئ) as a way of saying please	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527812904	do	a favor																										3
1527814462	فلاح	faláah	happiness, well-being, prosperity; farmer	2	n. f. / n. m.																													2
1527821514	سورلي	swarlée, sorlée	ride, riding (horse riding, riding in a car etc); passenger, rider	4	n. f. / n. m.																													3
1632858332297	عمه	amá	paternal aunt	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527812533	چرګه	chúrga	hen	4	n. f. anim.																													3
1527814046	غرڅه	ghurtsá	deer, ibex	4	n. f. anim.																													
1663958263298	غرڅنۍ	ghurtsanúy	gazelle	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1611400665973	غوایه	ghwaayá	cow	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527812423	حشره	hashará	insect	2	n. f. anim.									حشرات	hasharaat																			2
1527812693	انجلۍ	injulúy, unjulúy	girl (improper spelling of نجلۍ)	4	n. f. anim.											انجونې	injoone																	2
1527816361	کونډه	kwúnDa, kóonDa	widow	4	n. f. anim.																													3
1582335316606	کویه	kooyá, kuwiyá	moth	3	n. f. anim.																													2
1663958479173	لنډۍ	lanDúy	snake, adder, lizard	4	n. f. anim.																													2
1527812861	لور	loor	daughter	4	n. f. anim. fam.											لوڼې, لوریانې	lóoNe, looryáane																	3
1527812928	مور	mor	mother, mom	4	n. f. anim. fam.											میندې, میېندې	máynde, myénde																	2
1527815128	نرسه	nársa, núrsa	female nurse	3	n. f. anim.																													2
1664029717573	ندرور	ndrór, ndróor, indróor 	sister-in-law (husband's sister)	4	n. f. anim. fam.											ندرېندې, ندرېندیانې	ndrénde, ndrendiyaane																	2
1527823521	نږور	nGor	daughter-in-law	4	n. f. anim. fam.											نږیندې	nGaynde																	2
1527813268	نجلۍ	njulúy	girl	4	n. f. anim.											نجونې	njóone																	2
1582336957371	پیله	peelá, paylá	silkworm	2	n. f. anim.																													2
1582336917769	پیله	péela	female elephant, cow-elephant (فیله)	3	n. f. anim.																													
1527815163	پیشو	peeshó	cat	4	n. f. anim.																													1
1582336959996	پېله	pelá	silkworm	2	n. f. anim.																													2
1582335440542	سپږۍ	spuGúy	aphid, plant louse	3	n. f. anim.																													
1527816397	ترور	tror	aunt	4	n. f. anim. fam.											تریندې	traynde																	3
1527816485	یور	yor	wife of husbands brother, wife of brother-in-law	4	n. f. anim. fam.											یوڼې	yóoNe																	2
1527816424	بي بي	bee bée	lady, princess, elder, grandmother	4	n. f. anim. / suff.																													2
1527813236	هلي ځلي	halee dzalee	effort, efforts, working, labouring, uneasiness, worry	4	n. f. doub.																													2
1527813238	هپه دپه	hapa dapa	effort, endeavour, zeal, diligence	2	n. f. doub.																													2
1527820157	اله ستي	alá satée	rashly spoken word	2	n. f. pl.																													2
1527812209	اتکړۍ	atkaRúy	handcuffs	2	n. f. pl.																													2
1527816692	اینکې	aynake	glasses, spectacles	3	n. f. pl.																													2
1588782318000	عینکې	aynaké	glasses, spectacles	4	n. f. pl.																												TRUE	2
1577650493851	چایې	cháaye	tea	4	n. f. pl.																													2
1611065802811	چڼاسې	chaNáase	mold	3	n. f. pl.																													2
1611065786626	چڼاسکې	chaNáaske	mold	4	n. f. pl.																													2
1527817128	چیکړې	cheekuRé, cheekRé	mud, sludge, wet earth	4	n. f. pl.																													2
1591438610665	چولې	cholé	beans	3	n. f. pl.																													2
1617443087696	ډکې میچیازې	Duke meechyáaze	poop, poo, stool, fecal matter	4	n. f. pl.																													
1617442832012	ډکې میتیازې	Duke meetyáaze	poop, poo, stool, fecal matter	4	n. f. pl.																													1
1617443150213	ډکې مچیازې	Duke michyaaze, Duke muchyaaze	poop, poo, stool, fecal matter	4	n. f. pl.																													
1617442880963	ډکې متیازې	Duke mityaaze, Duke mutyaaze	poop, poo, stool, fecal matter	4	n. f. pl.																													
1527820458	ډزې	Dúze	gunshots, firing (pl. of ډز)	4	n. f. pl.																													2
1527813840	ایرې	eeré	ashes	4	n. f. pl.	1527813839																												2
1527817366	غلبلې	ghalbalé	cry of grief, lament, mourning, sorrow	2	n. f. pl.																													2
1527817669	غلاوې	ghláawe	plural of غلا (robbery), robberies, theft	4	n. f. pl.																													2
1527811832	غوړي	ghwaRée, ghoRée	fuel, oil, fats (plural)	3	n. m. pl.																													3
1527812074	هډوپلې	haDoplé	sinew, bone and sinew (هډوکي او پلې)	2	n. f. pl.																													2
1591803598624	هتکړۍ	hatkaRúy	handcuffs	4	n. f. pl.																													3
1573667460938	جامې	jaamé	clothes, clothing (plural of جامه)	4	n. f. pl.																													3
1527811572	جینکۍ	jeenukúy	girls (plural of جنۍ)	4	n. f. pl.																													2
1527819682	کلدارې	kaldáare	Pakistani Rupees (used in some area of Afghanistan)	4	n. f. pl.																													2
1527814583	خبرې اترې	khabure atúre	conversation (serious - as opposed to ګپ شپ), discussion, negotiation	4	n. f. pl.																													3
1709421218326	خبرې اترې کول	khabure atúre kawúl	to discuss, have conversation, negotion	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527814583	discuss																											3
1617443098752	خړې میچیازې	khuRe meechyáaze	poop, poo, stool, fecal matter	4	n. f. pl.																													
1617442980046	خړې میتیازې	khuRe meetyáaze	poop, poo, stool, fecal matter	4	n. f. pl.																													
1617443156564	خړې مچیازې	khuRe michyaaze, khuRe muchyaaze	poop, poo, stool, fecal matter	4	n. f. pl.																													
1617442941831	خړې متیازې	khuRe mityaaze, khuRe mutyaaze	poop, poo, stool, fecal matter	3	n. f. pl.																													
1527817878	خویندې	khwáynde, kwénde	sisters, plural of خور	4	n. f. pl.																													2
1527823567	لاړې	láaRe	spit, saliva, slobber, slime	4	n. f. pl.																													2
1527822275	لوښې	lóoxe	dishes, pots, pans	4	n. f. pl.																													2
1527814420	مستې	masté	yogurt	4	n. f. pl.																													2
1617443069174	میچیازې	meechyaaze	urine, pee, piss	4	n. f. pl.																													
1584887643784	میتیازې	meetyaaze	urine, pee, piss	4	n. f. pl.																													
1527821029	می	may	wine, alcoholic drink, anything intoxicating	4	n. m.																													
1617443138210	مچیازې	michyaaze, muchyaaze	urine, pee, piss	3	n. f. pl.																													
1584887615474	متیازې	mityaaze, mutyaaze	urine, pee, piss	4	n. f. pl.																													
1527816898	موندنې	moondúne	findings	3	n. f. pl.																													2
1603260006697	نکریزې	nakréeze, nikréeze	henna	4	n. f. pl.																													3
1527817877	ندریندې	ndráynde	sisters of the husband	2	n. f. pl.																													2
1586551768568	نږندې	nGánde, nGúnde	daughter-in-laws (eastern plural of نږور)	4	n. f. pl.																													2
1527823522	نږېندې	nGende	daughters-in-law (plural of نږور)	2	n. f. pl.																													
1527819497	نجونې	njóone	girls	4	n. f. pl.																													2
1527823570	نیاړې	nyáaRe	spit, saliva	2	n. f. pl.																													2
1527815129	اوبه	oobú, obú	water	4	n. f. pl.																													3
1527819286	پاشتقې	paashtaqe	stairs, steps, staircase	2	n. f. pl.																													2
1578329946219	پټاټې	paTaaTé	potatoes	3	n. f. pl.																													2
1527816299	پیسې	paysé	money (plural of پېسې)	4	n. f. pl.																													3
1626765107329	شرې	sharé, sháre	chickenpox, chicken pox, measles	4	n. f. pl.																													2
1527815009	شیدې	sheedé	milk (plural of شيده)	3	n. f. pl.																													2
1670565507926	شلومبې	shlombé, shloombé	ayran, skim milk, sour milk	3	n. f. pl.																													2
1527822131	شولې	shóole, shóle	raw rice, unprocessed rice	4	n. f. pl.																													2
1527815008	شودې	shoodé	milk	4	n. f. pl.																													2
1670565515208	شړومبې	shRombé, shRoombé	ayran, skim milk, sour milk	3	n. f. pl.																													2
1527822255	سپېدې	spedé, supedé	break of dawn, first light of day, sunrise	3	n. f. pl.																													2
1662619402824	سپږې	spúGe	lice (plural of سپږه)	4	n. f. pl.																													3
1584641442157	سوکۍ	suwakúy, swukúy, sokúy	pimples, acne	2	n. f. pl.																													2
1527819718	تسبیح	tasbéeh	Muslim prayer beads, praise	4	n. f. pl.																													3
1527815675	تړومبې	tRoombé	warm butter-milk	4	n. f. pl.																													2
1620042638389	څلور لارې	tsalor láare	crossing, crossroads (intersection) (usually plural)	3	n. f. pl.																													2
1527822514	څڼې	tsúNe	locks, curls, ringlets; longish hair (for men)	4	n. f. pl.																													2
1527815007	تروې	turwé	buttermilk	4	n. f. pl.																													2
1617443081571	تشې میچیازې	tushe meechyáaze	urine, pee, piss	4	n. f. pl.																													
1617442805592	تشې میتیازې	tushe meetyáaze	urine, pee, piss	4	n. f. pl.																													
1617443144760	تشې مچیازې	tushe michyaaze, tushe muchyaaze	urine, pee, piss	4	n. f. pl.																													
1617442875309	تشې متیازې	tushe mityaaze, tushe mutyaaze	urine, pee, piss	4	n. f. pl.																													
1610621455052	والۍ	waalúy	earrings	4	n. f. pl.																													3
1527822130	وریجې	wréeje	rice	4	n. f. pl.																													2
1586551382412	وریژې	wréejze	rice	4	n. f. pl.																													3
1623044522230	وژغنې	wujzghúne	goat's hair	2	n. f. pl.																													2
1527823571	ښیالمې	xyaalmé, xyáalme	spit, saliva	1	n. f. pl.																													2
1623044431478	زلفې	zUlfé, zulfé, zúlfe	hair, ringlets/locks of hair	4	n. f. pl.																													2
1527823569	زیاړې	zyaaRé, zyáaRe	spit, saliva	2	n. f. pl.																													2
1527823600	مایع	maayí, maayú', maayá	liquid, fluids; flowing, pouring	4	n. f. pl. / adj.																													3
1527814536	پۍ	púy	milk	4	n. f. pl. / n. m. pl.																													2
1527816376	اخښی	Ukhxay, ukháy	brother in law; sister's husband	3	n. m																													2
1527822345	سرای	saráay, sráay	caravansary, inn, large house	4	n. m.		carvansary																											3
1527820453	ولد	walád	child, kid, son; (w/ plural ofspring, descendents, progeny)	4	n. m.		child	children						اولاد	awláad																			2
1573149648251	وطن وال	watan waal	fellow country-man	4	n. m.		fellow country-man	fellow country-men																										
1582316802128	فوټ	fooT	foot (measurement)	4	n. m.		foot	feet																										3
1610797797756	سای	saay	hollow, depression	2	n. m.		hollow																											2
1527822533	پیر	peer	holy person, spiritual mentor/guide (in Sufism); monday (Urdu)	4	n. m. anim. unisex		holy person	holy people																										3
1527815251	سړی	saRáy	man	4	n. m. anim.		man	men																										2
1527811490	ذات	zaat	person; nature; breed; caste	3	n. m.		person	people																										3
1527820199	عکس	aks	photo, photograph, snapshot; contrast, antithesis, opposition, contrary; reflection	3	n. m.		photo	photos																										3
1527819345	پسه	psu	sheep, ram	4	n. m.		sheep	sheep								پسونه	pusoona																	3
1586598425514	بوی	booy	smell	4	n. m.		smell																											3
1527816746	غاښ	ghaax	tooth	4	n. m.		tooth	teeth																										3
1650696329398	للون	lalóon, lalón	weeding; speech, utterance	4	n. m.		weeding																											2
1527818255	لېوه	lewú	wolf, wild dog	4	n. m. anim.		wolf	wolves																										3
1527813739	عیش	a'ysh	pleasure, enjoyment of life, partying, revelling, debauchery	3	n. m.																													2
1575073756109	آب	aab	water (Farsi - poetic); luster, brilliance; honor, respect, dignity, reputation	4	n. m.																													2
1527818508	آب انبار	aab ambaar, aab anbáar	reservoir, pool (of water)	3	n. m.																													2
1527820284	آب باز	aab báaz	swimmer	4	n. m.																													2
1527811203	عادت	aadát	habit, accustomed; period, menstruation	4	n. m.									عادات	aadáat																			3
1527817726	عافیت	aafiyát	health, well-being	3	n. m.																													2
1527822516	آفتابه لګن	aaftaaba lagán	pitcher and basin (for washing)	2	n. m.																													2
1527821157	آهنګ	aaháng	melody, tune	3	n. m.																													2
1527821759	آجر	aajúr	brick (baked in a kiln)	1	n. m.																													
1527812067	آجرپز	aajurpáz	bricklayer	1	n. m.																													2
1527817692	آخرت	aakhirát	afterlife, life after death, eternity	4	n. m.																													2
1527813706	آخور	aakhór	manger, stall, stable	4	n. m.																													2
1527821798	آکسیجن	aakseeján	oxygen	4	n. m.																													2
1527821799	آکسیژن	aakseejzán	oxygen	4	n. m.																													
1527812155	آل	aal	children, posterity (Arabic)	1	n. m.																													2
1527812999	عالم	aalám	world, universe, cosmos	3	n. m.																													1
1527814921	آلت	aalát	instrument, tool	4	n. m.									آلات	aalaat																			2
1588787670191	الت	aalat	instrument, tool	3	n. m.									الات	aalaat																			
1527812998	عالم	aalím	learned, scholar, scientist, wise; mullah, scholar or authority in Islamic teaching/law	4	n. m. anim. unisex / adj.									علماء	Ulamáa																			2
1527812431	آم	aam	mango	4	n. m.																													2
1527812397	آمد	aamád	coming, arrival; income	3	n. m.																													2
1527814926	عامل	aamíl	reason, factor; agent, means	3	n. m.									عوامل	awaamil																			2
1527820022	آمر	aamír	chief, boss, head of staff, manager, employer	3	n. m.																													2
1527819676	آن	aan	moment, instant	4	n. m.																													2
1622020871410	ان	aan	moment, instant (آن)	4	n. m.																													
1582337038316	آنټن	aanTán	antenna	4	n. m.																													2
1662620371848	عاقبت	aaqibát	outcome, consequence, end result, aftereffect	2	n. m.									عواقب	awaaqib																			2
1527818735	آر	aar	foundation, basis	1	n. m.																													2
1627302280389	آرایش	aaraayísh	make-up, jewelry, embellishment, adornment, garnish		n. m.																													2
1527813566	آرن	aarán	horn (of a vehicle)	4	n. m.																													2
1527820162	آرن	aarán	bugle, horn	4	n. m.																													2
1527820487	عاریت	aariyát	temporary use of a thing; rent, hire	2	n. m.																													2
1527821326	آرمال	aarmáal	real friend	1	n. m.																													2
1527814154	آرمل	aarmál	real friend	1	n. m.																													2
1527813479	آرشیف	aarshéef	archive	3	n. m.																													2
1527820238	آس	aas	horse	4	n. m.																													3
1588785707452	اس	aas	horse	4	n. m.																													2
1527820241	آسبون	aasbóon	horse tender, jockey	4	n. m.																													2
1527812432	آسمان	aasmáan	sky, heaven	4	n. m.																													2
1527818415	آتش فشان غر	aatash fishaan ghár	volcano	4	n. m.																													2
1527817867	آتش بس	aatish bas	ceasefire (from Farsi)	3	n. m.																													2
1527821687	آتش بس	aatish bás	ceasefire (اوربند)	3	n. m.																													2
1527821544	آتشفشان	aatishfisháan	volcano	2	n. m.																													2
1595517679072	آواره ګرد	aawaara gard	wanderer, vagabond	4	n. m.																													2
1527812434	آواز	aawáaz	sound, voice	4	n. m.																													2
1527812171	آیین	aayéen	rite, ceremony; legal code, regulations	4	n. m.																													2
1527817218	عاید	aayíd	income, receiving, revenue	3	n. m.									عواید	awaayid																			2
1527821525	آزار	aazáar	offence, offense, injury; illness, disease	4	n. m.																													2
1527818050	ابد	abád	eternity	4	n. m.																													2
1602179717905	ابجد	abjád	Abjad, the Arabic system with numbers assigned to letters in the alphabet	4	n. m.																													2
1527812246	ابوس	abóos	howitzer, short cannon	4	n. m.																													2
1527818198	ابر	ábur, abr	cloud, storm cloud	4	n. m.																													2
1527821442	ابرو	abróo	eyebrow (pl. ابروان); dignity, honour	4	n. m.																													2
1527821872	ابرو	abróo	dignity, honor; eyebrow	4	n. m.																													2
1527816315	اداب	adáab	manners, etiquette	4	n. m.																													2
1527814223	اداکار	adaakáar	actor, performer	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1702628755733	اداکاري کول	adaakaarée kawúl	to act, be an actor, to perform, to be a performer	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1702628774460	act																											3
1702628774460	اداکاري	adaakaarée	acting, performing	4	n. f.																													2
1527812438	عدالت	adaalát	justice	4	n. m.																													3
1577556142104	ادات	adáat	instrument, tool, device, apparatus; particle (grammar)	3	n. m.									ادوات	adwáat																			2
1527816314	ادب	adáb	literature; politeness, courtesy, nicety	4	n. m.									ادبیات	adabiyáat																			3
1714745123139	ادب کول	adáb kawúl	to respect, be courteous	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527816314	respect																											3
1527822247	عدد	adád	number, quantity of	2	n. m.																													2
1527814824	اډک	aDák	leap-frog (the game)	1	n. m.																													2
1527823741	عدم بلدیت	adam baladiyát, admi baladiyát	lack of knowledge about something, unfamiliarity with something	2	n. m.																													2
1527822064	عدم اطاعت	adam itaa'át, admi itaa'át	disobedience, insubordination	2	n. m.																													2
1527811208	ادم کش	adam kÚsh, adam kúsh	killer, murderer	4	n. m.																													2
1527814131	عدم مداخلت	adam mUdaakhalat, admi mUdaakhilát	non-interference	3	n. m.																													2
1527821124	عدم رضایت	adam rizaayat, admi rizaayát	displeasure, lack of consent, discontent, dissatisfaction	3	n. m.																													2
1527820960	عدم تثبیت	adam tasbéet, admi tasbiyát	instability	2	n. m.																													2
1527813257	عدم توافق	adam tawaafÚq	disagreement, lack of accord or unity	3	n. m.																													2
1527822327	عدم تشدد	adam-i-tashadÚd	non-violence (the philosophy)	3	n. m.																													2
1527813228	عدن	'ádan	Eden (the garden/paradise) (Arabic)	4	n. m.																													2
1527822472	عدس	adás	lentil	1	n. m.																													2
1574783275463	ادیب	adéeb	a writer, a man of literature	4	n. m.																													2
1573658287586	ادوم	adóom	thigh, leg	1	n. m.																													2
1527819165	ادرک	adrák	ginger	4	n. m. pl.																													3
1577820008299	ادرس	adrás	address	4	n. m.																													
1527814660	عدل	ádul, ádl	justice, equity, equality	3	n. m.																													2
1527818683	عدم صلاحیت	adam salaahiyát, admi salaahiyát	incompetence	3	n. m.																													2
1527816625	افت	afát	disaster	4	n. m.																													3
1527812439	افغانستان	afghaanistáan	Afghanistan	4	n. m.																													3
1571524468998	عفونت	afoonát, Ufoonát	infection	2	n. m.																													2
1527817382	افسوس	afsós	alas, sadness, pity, expression of pity, regret, too bad!	3	n. m.																													3
1527820160	افزار	afzáar	tool, instrument, implement	3	n. m.																													2
1527818935	افضل	afzál	most virtuous, best, excellent	4	n. m.																													2
1573656280631	اګل	agál	(drainage) ditch	2	n. m.																													2
1527819456	اګست	agást	August	4	n. m.																													2
1527816143	اغېړ	aghéR	nausea, illness, indigestion, dyspepsia	4	n. m.																													2
1527813418	اغېز	aghéz	influence, effect, affect, action	3	n. m.																													2
1527820597	اغیار	aghiyáar	outsider, stranger, foreigner, enemy ??	3	n. m.																													2
1589024428688	اغزی	aghzáy	see ازغی	4	n. m.																													
1527816073	اهمیت	ahmiyát, ahammiyát 	importance, significance	4	n. m.																													3
1527821156	اهنګ	aháng	pitch, tone	4	n. m.																													2
1527820512	عهد	ahd	promise, obligation, assurance, treaty, covenant	4	n. m.																													2
1527819926	اهنګر	ahingár	black smith, smith	4	n. m.																													2
1527822546	اهلیت	ahliyát	qualification; specialty; ability	4	n. m.																													3
1527813782	احساس	ihsáas, ahsaas	feeling, sensation, emotion	4	n. m.									احساسات	ihsaasáat																			3
1527813781	احساسات	ihsaasáat, ahsaasáat	emotions, feelings (Arabic plural of احساس)	4	n. m. pl.																													3
1527822002	اجل	ajál	end of life, time of death; limit; fate, destiny	4	n. m.																													2
1566467976327	اجړ	ajáR	a monkey trainer who does tricks with a monkey; monkey owner	1	n. m.																													2
1527819537	اجنبیت	ajnabiyát	foreignness, the condition of being foreign, alien	3	n. m.																													2
1527812443	اجر	ájur	reward, retribution	4	n. m.																													3
1670424992090	اژانس	ajzáans	agency (as in news agency)		n. m.																													2
1527821817	اکا	akáa	uncle (paternal)	4	n. m.																													2
1527818778	اکر	akár	case, circumstance, condition, state, manner	3	n. m.																													2
1527818779	اکر بکر	akar bakar	condition, situation	3	n. m.																													2
1527818780	اکر وکر	akár wakár	identity	3	n. m.																													2
1571692997104	اخ او ډوب	akh aw Doob, akh aw Dub	fighting, skirmish	4	n. m.																													
1527822233	اخ ټوخ	akh Tookh, akhU Tookh	cough, clearing of throat	4	n. m.																													2
1587319411355	اخ و ډب	akh-U-Dáb	skirmish, clash, battle	4	n. m.																													2
1587319394825	اخ و ټوخ	akh-U-Tóokh	cough, clearing the throat	4	n. m.																													2
1527816213	اخبار	akhbáar	newspaper, news, information	4	n. m.																													2
1586448908888	اخګر	akhgár	coal, spark, hot ash	1	n. m.																													2
1527813762	اخلاق	akhláaq	morals, morality, character, ethics	4	n. m.																													2
1576950523306	اخور	akhór	trough, stall, manger	4	n. m.																													2
1527821300	اخطار	akhtáar	warning, reprimand, admonishment	4	n. m.																													2
1527816139	اختر	akhtár	holiday, festival, Eid	4	n. m.																													3
1527816481	اخښی	akhxáy	brother in law; sister's husband	3	n. m.																													2
1527815933	اخذ	akhz, akhuz	taking, reception, recruitment, collection	3	n. m.																													2
1708618662167	اخذ کول	ákhuz kawúl	to conclude, receive		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527815933																												3
1588075624988	اکوړ	akóR	walnut	4	n. m.											اکوړان	akoRaan																	3
1527819073	اکرب توب	akrab tób	poverty	4	n. m.																													2
1527812215	عکس العمل	aks Ulamál	reaction, reflex	3	n. m.																													2
1527811635	اکثریت	aksariyát	majority	4	n. m.																													2
1594813303269	اکتوبر	aktobár	October (month)	4	n. m.																													2
1527820159	اله څیک	ala tséek	thawed patch	3	n. m.																													2
1527821776	علاقه بند	alaaqa bánd	gold-lace maker, braid maker	2	n. m.																													
1527816230	علم	alám	banner, standard (w/ plural: notification, information, news, announcement)	3	n. m.									اعلام	alaam																			2
1527813906	الکول	alkól	alcohol	4	n. m.																													2
1527817789	الله	alláh	Allah, the Arabic name for God	4	n. m.																												true	2
1527823703	الماس	almáas	diamond (sing. and plural); small scissors, clippers	4	n. m.																													2
1527820648	الو	alóo	potato	4	n. m.																													2
1527819596	الواک	alwáak	view, sight, theory, opinion	2	n. m.																													2
1527816144	امان	amáan	security, calm; mercy, pardon, amnesty	4	n. m.																													2
1527812141	امانت	amaanát	honesty, decency, conscientiousness; trust, deposit, something left with someone in trust, something loaned	4	n. m.																													3
1585219039302	امار	amáar	number, count	4	n. m.																													2
1527811991	امل	amál	aim, goal, end, purpose; reason, basis	4	n. m.																													2
1527813805	عمل	amál	act, deed/work (often religious), action; labor; behavior, habit, addiction	4	n. m.									اعمال	a'maal																			3
1527814680	امن	áman	security, peace, safety	4	n. m.																													2
1527817178	امبار	ambáar, anbáar	barn, heap, storehouse, haystack; sewage, manure, fertilizer	4	n. m.																													2
1586346832339	انبار	ambáar, anbáar	barn, heap, storehouse, haystack; sewage, manure, fertilizer	4	n. m.																													3
1588758350882	امبولانس	ambooláans	ambulance	4	n. m.																													2
1527816145	امېل	amél	necklace, garland, wreath	4	n. m.																													2
1527814678	امنیت	amniyát	security, safety	4	n. m.																													2
1527813695	امپراتور	amparaatór	emperor	4	n. m.																													2
1588696880300	امرود	amróod	pear, guava	4	n. m.																													1
1527823475	امروت	amróot	guava	4	n. m.																													2
1588696931518	امروت	amróot	pear, guava	4	n. m.																													2
1527823474	امرت	amrÚt	guava	4	n. m.																													2
1527812363	امر	ámur	matter, affair	4	n. m.																													2
1527818685	امر	ámur, amr	order, instruction, command, imperitive (grammar)	4	n. m.									اوامر	awaamur																			2
1527819913	انافلس	anaafilis, anaafulus	anapheles mosquito, marsh mosquito, malarial mosquito	4	n. m.																													2
1584517598388	اناناس	anaannáas	pineapple	4	n. m.																													2
1527820854	انار	anáar	pomegranate	4	n. m.																													2
1527816419	اناوالی	anaawáalay	the position of a grandmother, grandmotherliness	4	n. m.																													2
1527822495	اننګ	anáng	pomegranate; cheek	4	n. m.																													
1527822497	اننګی	anangáy	cheek	4	n. m.																													2
1527812452	اند	and	opinion, thought, view	4	n. m.																													2
1527820813	انداخت	andáakht	shooting, firing	4	n. m.																													2
1527811803	اندام	andáam	limb, extremity; organ; figure; member	4	n. m.																													2
1527820751	انداز	andáaz	size, style, manner	4	n. m.																													3
1527815893	انډت	anDat	fart (slang)	3	n. m.																													
1527815894	انډز	anDaz	fart (slang)	3	n. m.																													
1527814157	انډیوال	anDeewáal	friend, companion, comrade, partner	4	n. m.																													2
1671708387217	انډیوالیزم	anDeewaaléezum	playing favorites with friends in politics etc.		n. m.																													2
1631018117674	انډی	anDáy	hernia	4	n. m.																													2
1527812453	انځور	andzóor	picture, painting, image	4	n. m.																													2
1527820625	انځورګر	andzoorgúr	painter, drawer (artist)	4	n. m.																													2
1527822855	انګار	angáar	embers, cinder, brand, brazier, metal dish holding burning coals	4	n. m.																													2
1527813765	انګړ	angáR	yard, court; fence	4	n. m.																													3
1527822498	انګی	angáy	cheek; sneezing sneeze	3	n. m.																													2
1527818947	انګی	angáy	cheek; sneezing, sneeze	3	n. m.																													2
1527817473	انګوري باغ	angooree báagh	vineyard	4	n. m.																													2
1527813349	انګشت	angúsht	finger	4	n. m.																													2
1527823432	انجام	anjáam	end, conclusion, outcome	4	n. m.																													3
1527815077	انجمن	anjUmán	society, organization, committee, commission, meeting	3	n. m.																													2
1527818945	انټوسی	anTósay	sneezing, sneeze	4	n. m.																													
1527822496	اننګ	anúng	the span of a hand, the distance between the little finger and thumb	3	n. m.																													2
1527814621	اپین	apéen	opium	4	n. m.																													2
1594814456427	اپریل	apréel	April (month)	4	n. m.																													2
1578344491652	اپرېشن	apureshún	operation (medical)	4	n. m.																													2
1527811632	اقلیت	aqaliyát, aqalliyát, aqliyát	minority	4	n. m.																													2
1527814111	عقل	áqul	mind, reason, intellect, intelligence	4	n. m.																													3
1527821381	اره کش	ara kásh	sawyer, woodcutter	4	n. m.																													2
1527820278	ارامښت	araamúxt, araamíxt	rest, relaxation, repose	3	n. m.																													2
1675274840307	عربستان	arabistáan	Arabia		n. m.																													2
1527816379	اړنګ	aRáng	doubt, suspicion, hesitation, anxiety, worry, misgiving, question	3	n. m.																													2
1527823250	عرض	aráz	symptom, chance, external characteristic	3	n. m.																													2
1588161171520	اردلی	ardaláy, ardiláy	lackey, servant; trooper	4	n. m.																													2
1527811951	اریک شریک	aréek sharéek	blood feud, tribal feud	1	n. m.																													2
1630842902084	اړیکی	aRéekay, aReekáy	relationship, relationship	4	n. m.																													2
1527818301	ارګ	arg	palace, castle, citadel, mansion	4	n. m.																													2
1527818487	ارږمی	arGamáy, arGmáy	yawn, gape (maybe also burping?)	4	n. m.																													2
1527817534	ارغنون	arghanóon	organ (musical instrument)	2	n. m.																													2
1527820898	ارغنون	arghanóon	organ (musical instrument)	2	n. m.																													2
1527817535	ارغون	arghóon	organ (musical instrument)	2	n. m.																													2
1527819020	ارهټ	arháT	well with a wheel turned by animals for irrigation	4	n. m.																													2
1572991587995	اړمن	aRimán	Ahriman, Ariman (from Zoroastrianism) (a demon, evil, destructive spirit)	3	n. m.																													
1585741867365	اړکېده	aRkedú	hinderance, delay	3	n. m.																													2
1527814222	اړخ	aRkh, áRukh	side	3	n. m.																													3
1527815811	ارمان	armáan	wish, desire, longing	4	n. m.																													3
1701636666357	ارمان کول	armáan kawúl	to wish, desire, long for		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527815811	wish, wishes, wishing, wished																											2
1527814325	ارمغان	armagháan	gift, present, souvenir	4	n. m.																													2
1611401194922	عرش	arsh	the heavens, firmament, skies	4	n. m.																													2
1574809204482	ارتاو	artáaw	a throw, toss, shot	4	n. m.																													2
1573659054031	ارتوالی	artwáalay, aratwáalay	width, spaciousness	4	n. m.																													1
1527812955	اروا پوه	arwaa poh	psychological, psychologist	4	n. m.																													
1527821827	اړونج	aRwánj	basis, foundation; leg (of a furniture piece), supporting member	3	n. m.																													2
1527814311	ارز	arz	foreign currency	1	n. m.																													
1527819522	ارض	arz	earth, land	3	n. m.									اراضي	araazée																			
1527823251	عرض	arz	width, breadth, latitude	3	n. m.																													1
1527823252	عرض	arz	report, petition, request (عرض مې دا دی چې - “What Im trying to say is”)	4	n. m.																													1
1527814308	ارزښت	arzúxt, arzíxt	value, worth	4	n. m.																													2
1527818027	اسانتوب	asaantób	ease, facility, easiness	4	n. m.																													2
1527811702	اساس	asáas	foundation, basis, base	4	n. m.																													2
1527813121	اساسي قانون	asaasee qaanóon	constitution	4	n. m.																													2
1678173256701	اساطیر	asaatéer	mythology		n. m.																													2
1527813010	عصب	asáb	nerve	3	n. m.									عصاب	asáab																			2
1527818688	اسف	asáf	regret	1	n. m.																													
1527815870	اثر	asár, ásar	influence, impression, tracks, affect; work (as in a piece of art)	4	n. m.									اثرات, آثار	asráat, aasáar																			3
1527819312	اسید	aséed	acid	4	n. m.																													2
1527820006	اسیر	aséer	captive (ie. prisoner of war د جګرې اسير)	3	n. m.									اسرا	Usaráa																			2
1650696695083	اشر	áshar	a task done collectively the community to help a community memeber; help, assistance	4	n. m.																													2
1650295396799	اشرف المخلوقات	ashraf almakhlooqáat	chief among created beings, a term used to describe the special place of humans in creation	4	n. m.																													2
1527815657	اشتغ	ashtágh	dried apricot without pit	3	n. m.																													2
1527814189	اشواګر	ashwaagár	discloser	2	n. m.																													2
1527816937	عسکر	askár	soldier	4	n. m.									عساکر	asaakar																			2
1527822841	اسمان	asmáan	sky, climate	4	n. m.																													3
1568927535533	اسرار	asraar	secret	3	n. m.																													
1713873925162	اسرار	isráar	insistence		n. m.																													3
1713873963762	اسرار کول	isráar kawúl	to insist		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1713873925162	insist																											3
1527817038	استازندوی	astaazandóy	missionary, representative, commissioner	3	n. m.																													2
1527817817	استازیتوب	astaazeetób	representation	4	n. m.																													2
1527814224	استر	astár	liner, lining, inside liner; understudy, actor's subsitute, stunt-double	4	n. m.																													2
1527816982	استوګنځی	astogundzáy	residence, dwelling; hostel, dormitory	3	n. m.																													2
1527812459	عسل	asal	honey	3	n. m.																													2
1527816244	عصر	ásur, asr	century, era, epoch	4	n. m.									اعصار	asaar																			2
1527818489	اسوېلی	asweláy, aswélay	yawn, sigh, deep breath, shivering	4	n. m.																													3
1716310982515	اسوېلی کول	asweláy kawúl, aswélay kawúl	to yawn, sign, take a deep breath, shiver	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527818489	yawn																											2
1527815975	اطام	atáam	meal, food	2	n. m.																													2
1527820147	اتڼ	atáN	the Atan, the Pashtun/Afghan national dance	4	n. m.																													2
1527812055	اټکور	aTkór	putting a hot brick or something else on a sore spot	4	n. m.																													2
1527812395	اټکل	aTkúl	estimation, prediction, surmise, conjecture	4	n. m.																													2
1527813428	عطر	átur	perfume, fragrance	4	n. m.																													3
1527818948	اټسکی	aTúskay, aTsukáy	sneezing, sneeze	2	n. m.																													2
1527819820	اواخر	awaakhír	for the last time	4	n. m.																													2
1675148914129	اواز	awáaz	voice, sound		n. m.																													3
1527821981	اوباش	awbáash, obáash	riff-raff, rabble; tramp, vagrant	4	n. m.																													2
1527811787	اودس	awdás	ablution, ritual washing in Islam	4	n. m.																													3
1527813869	اوګوټ	awgoT, ogóT	boat, ship	1	n. m.																													2
1527816679	اوج	awj	zenith, peak	3	n. m.																													2
1675148867739	اولاد	awláad	child, offspring (Arabic plural of ولد but used in the singular)		n. m.																													3
1527815937	اوراق	awráaq	archive, office	4	n. m.																													2
1527818899	اوسان	awsáan	feeling, presence of mind, self-control, bravery	3	n. m.																													2
1617442358264	اوښتون	awuxtóon	revolution, process, reformation; inflection (grammar)	3	n. m.																													
1527814110	اولیت	awwaliyat, awaliyát, awliyát	priority, precedence	4	n. m.																													2
1527816488	اوښی	áwxay, óxay	brother in law, wife's brother	4	n. m.																													3
1610539642829	اوزار	awzáar	tool, device	4	n. m.																													3
1527823346	ایت	ayát	verse (from a holy book)	4	n. m.									ایات	ayáat																			2
1527811966	عیب	a'yb	disgrace, disgraceful, bad, wrong, stain	4	n. m.																												TRUE	3
1527811646	عینیت	ayniyát	identity, sameness, objectivity, objectiveness	1	n. m.																												TRUE	2
1527820467	ایرلنډ	ayrlánD	Ireland	4	n. m.																													3
1527813786	عذاب	azáab	torture, torment, punishment, pain	4	n. m.																													2
1527822558	اذان	azáan	Islamic call to prayer, Adhan	4	n. m.																													3
1670766091712	عزاز	azáaz	honour, honor		n. m.																													2
1611394885857	عزازیل	azaazéel	Satan, the devil	4																														2
1527813897	ازل	azál	eternity without beginning	3	n. m.																													2
1527813898	ازل لیک	azal léek	fate	4	n. m.																													2
1527822404	عظمت	azamát, izmát	greatness, grandeur, magnificence	4	n. m.																													2
1591468932636	عزیز	azéez	esteemed, dear, respected or beloved one	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex									اعززا	a'izzaa																		TRUE	3
1527811895	ازغکی	azghakáy	prickle, thorn	2	n. m.																													2
1527811890	ازغی	azgháy	thorn, prickle	4	n. m.																													3
1527821394	ازغن تار	azghun táar	barbed wire	4	n. m.																													2
1527820473	ازمایښت	azmaayixt, azmaayuxt	test, trial, temptation	3	n. m.																													3
1527816066	ازمېښت	azméxt	trial, testing, difficulty, temptation	4	n. m.																													3
1715624066811	ازمیښت	azmáyxt	trial, testing, difficulty, temptation	4	n. m.																													1
1715720649556	ازمیښت کول	azmayxt kawúl	to test, try, tempt		v. stat. comp. trans.	1715624066811	test																											3
1715720654760	ازمیښت کېدل	azmayxt kedúl	to be tested, tried, temptet		v. stat. comp. intrans.	1715624066811	be	tested																										2
1527812466	عزم	ázum, ázim	determination	3	n. m.																													2
1527819318	باعث	baa'ís	cause, origin, reason for, motive; main idea, motif	4	n. m.																													2
1577238075936	باب	baab	chapter, door	4	n. m.																													3
1527816411	بابا	baabáa	father, grandfather (vocative or in child's speech)	4	n. m.																													3
1527816409	باباجي	baabaajée	grandfather	4	n. m.																													2
1576366854398	بابک	baabúk	Daddy, father, papa (term of endearment)	4	n. m.																													2
1527816345	باد	baad	wind, air; swelling, rheumitism	4	n. m.																													3
1527812468	بادام	baadáam	almond	4	n. m.																													3
1527817253	بادار	baadáar	master, lord, landlord, sir, owner	4	n. m.																													2
1591803682801	بادبان	baadbáan	sail, canvas	4	n. m.																													3
1527815896	بادماتی	baadmaatay	fart; wind instruments	4	n. m.																													
1527812469	بادرنګ	baadráng	cucumber	4	n. m.																													3
1527812329	بادشاه	baadsháah	king, padishah, ruler	4	n. m.																													2
1527818372	بادیان	baadyáan	star anise, star aniseed	4	n. m.																													2
1527816268	باغ	baagh	garden, orchard	4	n. m.																													2
1527814631	باغدار	baaghdáar	gardener, owner of the garden	4	n. m.																													2
1527821520	باغي	baaghée	rioter, insurrectionist, mutineer	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527814632	باغوان	baaghwáan	gardener	4	n. m.																													2
1527811386	باج	baaj	duty, tax, extortion	3	n. m.																													2
1594833663311	باک	baak	fear, anxiety, unrest	4	n. m.																													2
1527823341	بال	baal	ball (in sports)	4	n. m.																													3
1527822602	بالاپوښ	baalaapóx	topcoat, overcoat	4	n. m.																													2
1527812056	بالڼ	baaláN	fuel, dung brick, dung pattie; a kind of roast (meat)	3	n. m.																													2
1527823328	بالر	baalár	bowler (in cricket)	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527823329	بالېنګ	baaléng	bowling (in cricket)	4	n. m.																													2
1527816277	بالښت	baalíxt	pillow	4	n. m.																													3
1527816278	بالښتک	baalixták	small pillow, cushion, packing, separator	4	n. m.																													2
1566469737692	بالون	baalóon	balloon; gas cylinder etc. ?	4	n. m.																													2
1527817293	بام	baam	roof	4	n. m.																													3
1585400176934	بامبو	baambóo, baambó	bamboo; the buzzing of insects	4	n. m.																													2
1527823234	باني	baanée	founder	4	n. m.																													2
1527820046	بانګ	baang	crow (of a rooster etc.), cry, yell, shriek, call	4	n. m.																													3
1527814849	بانجن	baanján	eggplant	4	n. m.																													2
1527820868	بانک	baank	bank (financial)	4	n. m.																													2
1585400345357	باڼس	baaNs	bamboo	4	n. m.																													2
1527812471	بار	baar	load, weight, burden; field, plain; once, one time	4	n. m.																													3
1527814787	باران	baaráan	rain	4	n. m.																													3
1671706311238	باریکی	baareekáy	intricacy, fine detail, nicety		n. m.																													2
1527822499	بارخو	baarkhóo, baarkhó	cheek	4	n. m.																													2
1527823314	باټ	baaT	incitement, provocation, prompting, motivation, instigation	4	n. m.																													2
1527815665	باطن	baatín	inside, inner (matters of the heart, the inside, as opposed to outward appearances)	4	n. m.																													3
1527820432	باتور	baatóor	falcon, hawk	4	n. m.																													2
1527811994	باور	baawár	belief, faith, trust, assurance, confidence, opinion, conviction; believing, trusting, assured, confident	4	n. m.																													3
1703880687070	باور کول	baawár kawúl	to belive, trust (په ...)	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527811994	believe																											3
1527811995	باور لیک	baawar léek	recommendation letter	4	n. m.																													2
1588785956288	بایسکل	baaysakúl, baayskíl	bicycle, bike	4	n. m.																													2
1610444405032	باز	baaz	a kind of hawk	4	n. m.																													3
1527814625	بازار	baazáar	market, bazar	4	n. m.																													2
1527823587	بازو	baazóo	arm; pole	4	n. m.											بازوګان	baazoogáan																	2
1571692917547	ببر	babúr	lion	4	n. m. anim.																													2
1577298685334	بچ	bach	protection; busteded tire	4	n. m.																													3
1527822531	بچه باز	bacha báaz	pedophile, paedophile, pederast (with young boys)	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													1
1527812405	بچت	bachát	saving, economizing, budget, profit	4	n. m.																													3
1527812968	بد نیت	bad niyát	evil intention, bad intention	4	n. m.																													2
1527821023	بډال	baDáal	haze, mist, twilight; wine, alcoholic drink, anything intoxicating	4	n. m.																													2
1527812478	بدل	badál	exchange, return, reward, recompense, revenge; song	4	n. m.																													3
1703678034408	بدل اخیستل	badal akheestúl	to take revenge	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527812478																												3
1527811698	بدن	badán	body; trunk	4	n. m.																													3
1527822612	بډبول توب	baDbol tób	truthfulness, righteousness	1	n. m.																													2
1527814664	بدلون	badlóon	change, changing, transformation, alteration	4	n. m.																													3
1527819330	بډوډی	baDóoDay	kidney	4	n. m.																													2
1527819331	بډوګی	baDóogay, baDoogáy	kidney	4	n. m.																													2
1527821233	بډوکی	baDookáy	kidney (of a sheep or goat)	4	n. m.																													2
1527821239	بډوری	baDóoray, baDooráy	kidney	4	n. m.																													2
1527822112	بدرنګ	badráng	ugly, hideous, unsightly	4	n. m.																													3
1527820662	بګاښ والا	bagaax waalaa	mediator, arbitrator	3	n. m.																													
1527821828	بږی	baGáy	spasm, convulsion, cramp	2	n. m.																													2
1527820111	بغاوت	baghaawát	revolt, rebellion, uprising, insurrection	4	n. m.																													1
1714371246745	بغاوت کول	baghaawát kawúl	to revolt, rebel, rise up, cause and insurrection	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527820111	revolt																											3
1527817600	بغل	baghál	edge, side, curb; armpit	4	n. m.																													2
1568411756930	بغری	bagharáy, baghráy	pimp (swear word)	4	n. m.																													2
1527823563	بغور	baghóor, baghór	cheek, jowl	2	n. m.																													2
1670563436631	بهار	baháar	spring (season)		n. m.																													3
1527814322	بهیر	bahéer	process	4	n. m.																													2
1595258515075	بحر	bahr, báhar	sea, ocean; syllable	4	n. m.									ابحار	abhaar																			2
1527812020	بحث	bahs	discusion, talk, debate, argument	4	n. m.																													3
1702925646809	بحث کول	bahs kawul	to discuss, debate, talk, argue	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527812020	discuss																											3
1527822056	بک بکی	bak bakáy	chatterbox, gossip	3	n. m.																													2
1527821748	بکاول	bakaawál	cook, chef	3	n. m.																													2
1527822344	بکس	baks, bákus	case, purse, wallet, handbag, backpack	4	n. m.																													3
1671208864885	بخیلتوب	bakheeltób	stinginess, lack of generosity, jealously		n. m.																													2
1566551947817	بخمل	bakhmál	velvet	4	n. m.																													3
1527814327	بخشش	bakhshísh, bakhshúsh	gift, donation, grant, tip; forgiveness, pardon	4	n. m.																													3
1527814885	بخت	bakht	fortune, luck, fate	4	n. m.																													3
1610444222240	بخښاند	bakhxáand	forgiving, merciful, generous	3	n. m.																													2
1527822343	بکس	baks	obsolete, insignificant; few, not many	4	n. m.																													2
1578330145216	بلاغت	balaaghát	eloquence, oratory, (the study/art of) effective speaking/persuasion	4	n. m.																													2
1527823740	بلدیت	baladiyát	knowledge or familiarity with something	4	n. m.																													2
1527819277	بلوچستان	balochistáan	Balochistan	4	n. m.																													2
1527819924	بلوغ	balóogh, bUlóogh	maturity, ripeness, coming of age, after? puberty, manhood, womanhood	4	n. m.																													2
1586962949365	بلتستان	baltistáan	Baltistan	4	n. m.																													2
1527821345	بم	bam	bomb	4	n. m.																													3
1527822578	بمبار	bambáar	bombardment, bombing	4	n. m.																													2
1527811281	بڼ	baN	garden	4	n. m.																													2
1527820902	بڼ سات	baN sáat	gardener	3	n. m.																													2
1527820903	بڼ وال	baN wáal	gardener	3	n. m.																													2
1527812483	بند	band	joint, wrist; imprisonment, captivity; dam	4	n. m.																													3
1527822071	بند و بست	band-U-bást	arrangement, organization, measure	4	n. m.																													3
1703654319620	بندوبست	bandoobást	arrangement, organization, measure	4	n. m.																													3
1527814391	بنداژ	bandáajz	bandage, dressing (for wounds); band (metal), binding; tire	4	n. m.																													2
1527812484	بنډار	banDáar	gathering, get-together, gathering of people talking together	4	n. m.																													2
1527820837	بندر	bandár	port, harbour; access, approach, pass (mountains); stopping place, parking place, centre for trade	3	n. m.																													2
1527822328	بندړ	bandáR	word, speech, talk; alliance, agreement, treaty	2	n. m.																													2
1527815031	بندي	bandée	prisoner, captive	4	n. m. anim. unisex / adj.																													3
1527821192	بندیوان	bandeewáan	prisoner, captive, person under arrest	4	n. m.																													2
1527814713	بندیز	bandéez	blockade, ban, sanction	3	n. m.																													3
1527820355	بندوالی	bandwáalay, bandiwáalay	captivity, arrest, internment; jamming; stoppage; traffic	3	n. m.																													2
1527820790	بنګله دېش	bangla désh	Bangladesh	4	n. m.																													2
1594904072731	بنګړی	bangRáy, bungRáy	bangle, bracelet	4	n. m.																													3
1594903886993	بنجاره	banjaará	haberdasher, someone who sells/trades little goods	4	n. m.																													2
1527823393	برائت	baraa'át, bar'át	acquittal, release, purity, innocence	4	n. m.																													2
1527822426	برابرښت	baraabarúxt	equality, evenness	4	n. m.																													2
1666181704533	برآمد	baráamad, baráamid, baraamád, baraamíd	recover, confiscation	4	n. m.																												true	2
1672942193292	بربریت	barabariyát	barbarianism		n. m.																													
1527812485	برکت	barakát	blessing	4	n. m.																													3
1704702301410	برکت ورکول	barakát warkawúl	to bless		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527812485	bless																											3
1527811862	بربنډتوب	barbunDtob	nudity, nakedness, bareness	4	n. m.																													
1527813926	بردشت	bardásht	patience, steadfastness, forbearance, tolerance	4	n. m.																													2
1527811903	بری	baráy	success, victory	4	n. m.																													3
1708738984792	بری موندل	baráy moondúl	to succeed, be victorious, win		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527811903	succeed																											3
1527814368	برف کوچ	barf koch	avalanche	3	n. m.																													2
1527823699	برف کوچ	barf kóch	avalanche, flood, shower	3	n. m.																													2
1527822809	برګ	barg, brag	leaf	4	n. m.																													2
1527816326	برګړندی	bargaRandáy	hugging, embracing	2	n. m.																													2
1566469511561	برګشت	bargásht	return, turning	3	n. m.																													2
1527816396	برګټی	bargaTáy	stepson, son in law	3	n. m.																													2
1527818234	برغاست	bargháast	affliction, sorrow, lament, calamity	2	n. m.																													2
1527822629	برغولی	barghólay	lid, cover	4	n. m.																													2
1527821099	برغوږی	barghwáGay	earring	2	n. m.																													2
1527819265	برج	barj	thin tree bark, birch-bark, birch	1	n. m.																													
1527823296	برجو	barjóo	whetstone, touchstone, kidney stone; cheek	3	n. m.																													2
1577299807060	برخه وال	barkha wáal	participant	4	n. m.																													2
1527812234	برخاست	barkháast	closing, firing (from a job), removal	4	n. m.																													2
1527812503	برخلیک	barkhléek	fate	4	n. m.																													2
1527817069	برخورد	barkhórd	behaviour, bearing, conduct	4	n. m.																													2
1527821690	برمه کار	barma káar	driller, drill-operator	4	n. m.																													2
1527820444	برمته	baramtá	hostage, captive	4	n. m.																													2
1527816615	برق	barq	electricity, lightning	4	n. m.																													3
1527817267	براعظم	barriazam, barazám	continent (Urdu)	4	n. m.																												true	2
1527817836	بړوا	baRwáa	pimp, profligate	4	n. m.																													2
1527811849	بریالیتوب	baryaaleetób	success, victory	4	n. m.																													2
1527817777	برزخ	barzákh	purgatory, a time or place in between someones death and the day of ressurection in Islam	4	n. m.																													2
1527814502	برزو	barzóo	knitted wool jacket, cardigan	4	n. m.																													2
1527816233	بصیرت	baseerát	vision, sight, foresight, knowledge	4	n. m.																													2
1527812219	بشر	bashár	humanity, mankind, humankind; body, person (Arabic)	3	n. m.											بشار	basháar																	2
1631221728435	بشردوستي	bashardostée	humanism, humaneness, humanitarianism, philanthropy	4	n. m.																													2
1527822185	بست	bast	position (in an organization), post	4	n. m.																													2
1527821335	بسته کار	basta káar	assembler, installer (of equipment)	4	n. m.																													2
1527816597	بسوالی	baswaalay	sufficiency, to have enough or get by	3	n. m.																													
1527822191	بټ	baT	stove, oven, cooker	4	n. m.																													2
1527823331	بټ	baT	bat (in cricket)	4	n. m.																													2
1527823326	بټېنګ	baTéng	batting (in cricket)	4	n. m.																													2
1527823332	بټسمن	baTsmán	batsman (in cricket)	4	n. m.																													2
1527821668	بڅری	batsúray	spark, speck, flicker	4	n. m.																													2
1527821669	بڅرکی	batsúrkay	spark, speck, flicker (د واورې بڅرکي - snowflakes)	4	n. m.																													2
1527814259	بیان	bayáan	description, statement, speaking, narration, sermon	4	n. m.									بیانات	bayaanaat																			3
1527812487	بزار	bazáar	bazar, market	3	n. m.																													2
1527814460	بزګر	bazgár	farmer, peasant	4	n. m.																													2
1566648471322	بزم	bazm, bázum	celebration, banquet, feast, holiday, party, banquet	4	n. m.																													2
1527821676	بې مغزه	be mághza, be maghzú	stupid, insubstantial, emasculated	4	n. m.																													2
1527821961	بې نزاکت	be nizaakát	impoliteness, rudeness, lack of delicacy	2	n. m.																													2
1527819706	بې سره والی	be sara wáalay	neglect	3	n. m.																													2
1664116266197	بیم	beem	fear, aprehension, nervousness; flute, wind instrument; groove (architecture)	4	n. m.																													3
1527821778	بین	been	flute	3	n. m.																													2
1527821960	بیروبار	beerobáar	crowd, throng, lots of people out and around, mob, mass; commotion, turmoil, uproar	4	n. m.																													2
1566468174927	بیزوګی	beezogáy	monkey, ape	4	n. m.																													2
1576436286025	بېګار	begáar	forced labour, corvee, unpaid labour, drudgery, chore	3	n. m.																													2
1527814114	بېخ	bekh	root, bottom	3	n. m.																													3
1527814669	بېخبندی	bekhbandáy	dead end, impasse, cul-de-sac	2	n. m.																													2
1577378108931	بېل	bel	spade, shovel, scraper	4	n. m.																													3
1527811640	بېلتون	beltóon	separation	4	n. m.				بېلتانه	beltaanú	بېلتان	beltaan																						2
1527818364	بېلنی	belunáy	mint, peppermint, herbmint	3	n. m.																													2
1527820688	بېپاري	bepaarée	client (purchaser)	4	n. m.																													2
1593852277690	بېره	berá	servant, waiter	4	n. m.																													2
1641844350762	بېرل	berál	barrel (as in oil barrel)	4	n. m.																													2
1527818770	بېړنی اکر	beRanáy akár	emergency	4	n. m.																													2
1527813402	بېرته تګ	berta tug	return	4	n. m.																													2
1600076254673	بېواک غږ	bewáak ghuG	consonant	2	n. m.																													
1527821784	بین	bayn	midst	2	n. m.																													
1527821781	بین النحرین	bayn Ulnahráyn	Mesopotamia	2	n. m.																													2
1527816877	بیرغ	bayrágh	flag	3	n. m.																													2
1527813630	بیت	bayt	couplet (poetry); house, family, Arabic prefix meaning "place of"	3	n. m.																													2
1571607953805	بیت المال	bayt Ulmáal	treasury (Arabic)	4	n. m.																													2
1566468170220	بېزوګی	bezogáy	monkey, ape	4	n. m.																													2
1613547796586	بدعت	bidi'át, bid'át	innovation; heresy, falsehood added to a faith; heterodoxy	4	n. m.																													2
1527813225	بهشت	bihísht	paradise	4	n. m.																													2
1527821970	بن	bin	root, bottom, foundation	3	n. m.																													2
1527817721	بشارت	bishaarát	good news (Arabic) (pashto: زېری)	4	n. m.																													2
1527819114	بستر	bistár	bed, bed-roll, (fig. conditions favourable for something, pretext - بستر جوړول - to create a reason or pretext for something, pave the way for something)	4	n. m.																													2
1527822812	بیابان	biyaabáan	desert, wasteland, wilderness	3	n. m.																													3
1527819807	بوج	boj	burden, weight	3	n. m.																													3
1582145082405	بوک	bok	hump (of a camel), protrusion, bulge	2	n. m.											بوکه	boka																	2
1527812506	بوخت	bokht	busy, occupied	4	n. m.																													2
1527820944	بود	bood	being, existence; exaction, proceeds, recovered/made (as in money from a sale), gain, attainment	3	n. m.																													2
1527820950	بود	bood	the point (fig. of something, some idea), thought, idea; storehouse for hay (plastered in clay)	3	n. m.																													2
1678173765979	بودایزم	boodaa`éezum, boodaayízum	Buddhism		n. m.																													2
1527817537	بوغو	booghóo, booghó	trombone	3	n. m.																													2
1527823728	بوم	boom	owl	3	n. m.																													2
1582316017189	بوم	boom	local, native	3	n. m.																													2
1527821906	بورس	boors	brush, duster, scrub, paintbrush	4	n. m.																													2
1624039195280	بورس	boors	scholarship	4	n. m.																													2
1578013781877	بوتل	bootál	bottle	4	n. m.																													3
1527817159	بوټی	bóoTay	plant	4	n. m.																													3
1527821917	بورجل	borjál	dwelling place, abode	3	n. m.																													2
1585400357083	بوش	bosh	bamboo	3	n. m.																													2
1527820919	بوستان	bostáan	garden	2	n. m.																													2
1527817171	بوټ	boT, booT	shoe, footwear	4	n. m.																													3
1585400367621	بوښ	box	bamboo	4	n. m.																													2
1527822616	بړاس	bRaas	vapour, steam, fumes	4	n. m.																													3
1566647465726	برهمن	brahmán, barhamán	Brahmin (Hindu)	4	n. m.																													2
1527821692	برم	báram, bram	glory, honour, magnificence, power, strength	4	n. m.																													2
1527820926	بړق	bRaq	loud laugh, guffaw	4	n. m.																													2
1527821904	برش	brash	brush, duster, scrub, paintbrush	4	n. m.																													3
1707917398412	برش کول	brash kawúl	to brush, polish	4	v. dyn./stat. comp. trans.	1527821904	brush																											3
1707917487922	برش کېدل	brash kedúl	to be brushed, polished	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527821904	be	brushed																										2
1527820899	برټ	braT, baráT	leech (literal and figurative), bloodsucking worm	2	n. m.																													2
1527812508	برید	breed	attack, assault; limit, start, boundary	4	n. m.																													3
1594813337900	بریتانیا	breetaanyáa	Great Britian, the UK	4	n. m.																													2
1527819938	برېت	bret	a single hair of a moustache	4	n. m.																													
1527819413	برېښنالیک	brexnaaléek	e-mail	3	n. m.																													2
1527812509	بریک	brayk	brake (automotive)	4	n. m.																													1
1527818949	بړچ	bRuch, buRch	wrath, anger; sneeze, sneezing	4	n. m.																													2
1623044357441	ببوتنکی	bubootunkáy, bubootúnkay	tuft, clump, shock of hair	2	n. m.																													2
1527820806	بدایي	bUdaayée, budaayée	Buddhist	4	n. m.																													2
1527814353	بدکار	budkáar	adulterer, fornicator, sinner	4	n. m. anim. unisex / adj.																													3
1527820654	بګاښ	bugáax	mediation, arbitration	3	n. m.																													2
1591034228982	بغض	bUghuz, bUghz	grudge, spite, hatred, wickedness	4	n. m.																													3
1527814106	بحران	bUhráan	crisis	4	n. m.																													2
1527813561	بهتان	bUhtáan	false accusation	4	n. m.																													2
1527812514	بجاز	bujáaz	cloth merchant	4	n. m.																													2
1527815620	بلغار	bulgháar	gentle breeze	3	n. m.																													2
1527816393	بنځی	bundzáy, bUndzáy	stepson, son of one wife (under polygamy)	4	n. m.																													2
1527812516	بنسټ	bunsúT	base, foundation	3	n. m.																													2
1527816598	بنسټګر	bunsuTgár	founder	4	n. m.																													2
1527811703	بنیاد	bUnyáad	foundation, basis, base	4	n. m.																													3
1527812517	بنیان	bunyáan	knitted sweater, shirt, t-shirt, undershirt, jersey	4	n. m.																													1
1527816391	بنزی	bunzáy, bUnzáy	stepson	4	n. m.																													2
1527822307	برد	bUrd, burd	range, extent	4	n. m.																													2
1527823706	برصغیر	burisaghéer, bursaghéer	sub-continent (Urdu)	2	n. m.																													2
1527819266	برج	brij, bUrj	tower	4	n. m.																													3
1527821903	برس	bUrs, burs	brush, duster, scrub, paintbrush	4	n. m.																													2
1621205501572	بشقاب	bUshqáab, bishqáab	plate, dish	4	n. m.																													2
1527811796	بت	bUt	idol, statue	4	n. m.											بتان	bUtáan																	3
1527815897	بز	buz	fart (slang)	4	n. m.																													2
1591026258946	بز	buz	goat	4	n. m.																													2
1527820243	بیان	byaan	foal, young horse, colt	4	n. m.																													
1527811689	چاغښت	chaaghúxt	obesity, fatness	4	n. m.																													2
1527822735	چاک	chaak	crack, split, hole, cut, slit, knick	3	n. m.																													3
1527813464	چاکو	chaakoo	knife	4	n. m.																													2
1527815748	چاکو	chaakóo, chaakó	knife	4	n. m.																													2
1591007400832	چال	chaal	movement, action; trick, deception	4	n. m.																													2
1527813336	چان	chaan	bell; idiot, fool	4	n. m.																													2
1527820342	چانس	chaans	chance, opportunity, luck ??	4	n. m.																													2
1527815073	چاپ	chaap	printing, publishing; mark, impression; caliber (gun)	4	n. m.																													3
1577650149871	چاپ	chaap	caliber (military)	2	n. m.																													3
1527813819	چاپېریال	chaaperyáal	environment, surrounding, surroundings	4	n. m.																													2
1527813463	چاقو	chaaqóo	knife	4	n. m.																													2
1527812523	چارک	chaarák, chaarík	a quarter of a seer (1 seer = 1.25kg)	3	n. m.																													2
1527812351	چاردانګ	chaardáang	world, people, realm, kingdom, earth	3	n. m.																													2
1664028420818	چارمغز	chaarmághz	walnut	4	n. m.											چارمغزان	chaarmaghzáan																	2
1586956507612	چارتراش	chaartráash	beam, timber	4	n. m.																													2
1527823244	چاود	chaawd	crack, split, cleft; explosion, burst	3	n. m.																													2
1527812525	چای	chaay	tea	4	n. m.																													2
1527822436	چایجوش	chaayjósh	tea-kettle	3	n. m.																													2
1527812526	چاینک	chaaynúk, chaayník	teapot	4	n. m.																													2
1584516314961	چغال	chagháal	jackal	3	n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1589906499842	چغرو	chaghróo	eagle owl	2	n. m.																													2
1527823003	چجکی	chajakay, chajkáy	see چجه	4	n. m.																													2
1527821069	چکر	chakár	stroll, walk around, visit, trip	4	n. m.																													3
1527817305	چکچک	chakchak	clap, clapping, applause	4	n. m.																													2
1527821640	چکچکی	chakchakáy	clapping, applause, bravo	3	n. m.																													2
1527811409	چل	chal	method, way, thing, happening, trick, deceit, intrigue, cunning, motion	4	n. m.																													2
1527811414	چل باز	chal báaz	cheater, cunning or deceitful person	4	n. m.																													2
1673579637970	چل مل	chal mal	cheating, fraud	4	n. m.																													2
1527813774	چلن	chalán	behaviour, style, coduct	4	n. m.																													2
1527814072	چلند	chalánd	treatment, dealing, behaviour, getting along, action	4	n. m.																													2
1527811412	چلباز	chalbáaz	cheater, cunning or deceitful person	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1576101541861	چلش	chalúsh, chalísh	c.f. چلښت	1	n. m.																													2
1576101474744	چلښت	chalúxt	going along, behaviour, treatment, action (چلند)	3	n. m.																													2
1527816667	چم	cham	cleverness, cunning, joke, trick; dew; behaviour, manner, antics; dew; neighbourhood, section	4	n. m.																													2
1613997876546	چمن	chamán	grass, lawn	4	n. m. pl.																													3
1586625955916	چنبر	chambár, chanbár	clavicle, fence, wall (of a house, castle), circle, rim, disk	2	n. m.																													2
1527816668	چمګاونډ	chamgaawánD	neighbourhood, neighbourliness, vicinity	3	n. m.																													2
1527821924	چمتو والی	chamtoo wáalay	preparation, preparedness, readiness	4	n. m.																													2
1590852421749	چمیار	chamyáar	cobbler, shoemaker, shoe repairman	3	n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1589465837017	چڼچڼ	chaNcháN	sparrow, small bird	4	n. m.											چڼچڼ	chaNchúN																	2
1589465873028	چڼچڼک	chaNchaNák	little sparrow, small bird	4	n. m.																													2
1527821065	چنډال	chanDáal	a man of lowly origins, trash collector, childless, unfortunate man	4	n. m.																													2
1574786151608	چندڼ	chandáN	sandlewood (چندړ)	4	n. m.																													2
1574786136242	چندړ	chandáR	sandlewood	4	n. m.																													2
1527822808	چنی	chanáy	basin, bowl	3	n. m.																													2
1646131778437	چنګ	chang	paw, hand, hand with fingers spead open; cupped hand, handful, hook	4	n. m.																													2
1527819052	چنګک	changák	hook, grappling hook; tweezer; fishing rod and hook	4	n. m.																													2
1585476174084	چڼکاو	chaNkáaw	sprinkling, spraying	3	n. m.																													2
1527820624	چپاو	chapáaw	raid, foray; attack, invasion; plunder; haste	4	n. m.																													2
1610444895752	چپل	chapál, chapúl	slipper	4	n. m.																													2
1573151399199	چپرکټ	chaparkáT	bed, cot	3	n. m.																													2
1527821096	چپراسي	chapraasée	servant, waiter, courier, deliveryman, messenger	4	n. m.																													2
1527821097	چپړاسي	chapRaasée	servant, waiter, courier, deliveryman, messenger	4	n. m.																													2
1527823373	چړ	chaR, chuR	sandbar, ford; crackling	3	n. m.																													2
1589019624445	چر	char, chur	chirping, noise, chatter, nonsense	4	n. m.																													2
1662099588546	چړاخ	chaRáakh	crack; gash, deep wound	4	n. m.																													2
1527815503	چړاو	chaRáaw	massacre	3	n. m.																													2
1589465787877	چرچڼ	charcháN	sparrow, small bird	4	n. m.											چرچڼ	charchúN																	2
1527816654	چریک	charéek	guerrilla	4	n. m.																													2
1644843172705	چړی	chaRáy	servant in a mosque, a mullah's helper/assistant	4	n. m.																													2
1527820525	چرم	charm, cháram	leather (څرمن)	3	n. m.																													2
1527814236	چرسي	charsée	pot smoker, pothead, someone addicted to marijuana, pot, hash	4	n. m.																													2
1566477319214	چړتون	chaRtóon	sheath, scabbard	3	n. m.																													2
1527822092	چت	chat	roof, ceiling, awning, deck	4	n. m.																													3
1527823014	چټ	chaT	unmarried (man); hare	3	n. m.																													2
1527821602	چټکتوب	chaTaktób	speed, quickness	4	n. m.																													2
1568411561165	چټیات	chaTiyáat	nonsense, foolishness	4	n. m.																													2
1527811231	چټکی	chaTkáy	swearing, insult, swearing or harsh language	4	n. m.																													2
1593074212130	چټو	chaTóo	pestle (mortar)	4	n. m.																													2
1527823304	چتر	chatúr, chátur	umbrella, sunshade, parasol	4	n. m.																													2
1527818911	چو	chaw	crack, split, fissure, shallow ditch, trench	1	n. m.																													
1527814650	چوک	chawk	something well or bravely done	1	n. m.																													2
1527820735	چوکاټ	chokáaT, chawkáaT	framework, outline, scheme	4	n. m.																													3
1527819778	چول	chawúl	to detonate, blast, make explode; to burst, crack, split	4	n. m.																	چاوه	chaawu											2
1566477315401	چښتون	chaxtóon	sheath, scabbard	1	n. m.																													2
1626764897952	چیچک	cheechák	smallpox, variola; chickenpox, chicken pox	4	n. m.																													3
1527811498	چیچی	cheecháy	fledgling, chick, young (of animals)	2	n. m.																													2
1527812529	چین	cheen	China	4	n. m.																													3
1527821717	چین	cheen	picking, harvesting	1	n. m.																													3
1527818561	چیني دان	cheenee dáan	sugar bowl	3	n. m.																													2
1527822357	چینجی	cheenjáy	worm, small insect	4	n. m.																													3
1527821979	چیړ	cheeR	sticky substance, gum, pitch	3	n. m.																													
1527816653	چیرک	cheerak	footpath, trail, pathway	1	n. m.																													
1527818164	چیښن	cheexún	drink, drinking	2	n. m.																													
1675435435367	چېنل	chenál	channel		n. m.																													3
1527811354	چل چراغ	chil chiráagh	chandelier	2	n. m.																													2
1576597327529	چلتار	chiltáar	keiffiyeh, Arabic scarf/headdress	3	n. m.																													2
1527822005	چلم	chilúm	water pipe, sheesha, nargile	4	n. m.																													2
1527819866	چنار	chináar	poplar (tree)	4	n. m.																													2
1527822356	چنجی	chinjáy	worm, small insect	4	n. m.																													2
1527811352	چراغ	chiráagh	lamp, candle, illumination	4	n. m.																													2
1527820565	چراغک	chiraaghák	small lamp; glow-worm; firefly	4	n. m.																													2
1527820749	چرټ	chiráT	cigar	1	n. m.																													
1594219809713	چرټ	chiráT	cigar	2	n. m.																													
1527814649	چوک	chok, chawk, chauk	market square, crossroads, paved area in front of entrance	4	n. m.																													2
1593074126749	چومبی	chombáy, choombáy	pestle	2	n. m.																													2
1566469372831	چوف	choof	blow, puff of air	3	n. m.																													3
1714385133933	چوف کول	choof kawúl	to blow on something, puff air on something																															3
1527814651	چوک	chook	reduction, alleviation, suppression	1	n. m.																													
1577812817019	چوخ	chookh	flick; pricking, piercing, the act of making little holes	4	n. m.																													2
1527813158	چوخل	chookhúl	skating, ice skating, roller skating; skis, ice skates	2	n. m.																													2
1527811439	چوڼ	chooN, choN	fold, pleat, wrinkle, layer, sheet, pin, pivot	3	n. m.																													
1578006003319	چونګ	choong	peep, immature; handful, share, part	2	n. m.																													
1527816563	چوړ	chooR	pin, hinge	1	n. m.																													2
1527817767	چور	choor	powder, sawdust, small bit(s); tortured, suffering; robbery, raid; sharp stone (for slaughtering cattle)	1	n. m.																													2
1662099532322	چوړاخ	chooRáakh	crack; gash, deep wound	2	n. m.																													2
1578344461972	چورت	choort	reflection, thought, contemplation, worrying	4	n. m.																													2
1527820380	چوړک	chooRúk, chooRk	lock, bolt, bar	1	n. m.																													2
1527819518	چوپان	chopáan	shepherd	3	n. m.																													2
1527812087	چوپړ	chopáR	service, toil	3	n. m.																													2
1527822978	چوړی	choRáy	sweeper	4	n. m.																													2
1610793596675	چوتی	chotáy	femoral ligament; rope for tying packs to a camel; swimming trunks, underwear	2	n. m.																													2
1527816651	چړک	chRak	fountain, splash, water shoot, crackling, latch (door)	4	n. m.																													2
1527821153	چرک	chruk	mud, dirt; stitches; sharp pain in the side	3	n. m.																													2
1590053752911	چغهار	chughuháar	creaking (doors, wheels etc.), outcry, noise	4	n. m.																													2
1527818558	چغندر	chUghUndár, chughundár	beet	3	n. m.																													2
1527818165	چکاک	chukáak	drink, beverage	3	n. m.																													2
1662620107896	چنګ	chUng, chung	moaning, moan	4	n. m.																													2
1527819853	چنګاښ	chUngáax, chungáax	crab, crayfish	2	n. m.																													2
1527823374	چړ	chuR	hinge, crack, split; shaft of a lance/spear	3	n. m.																													2
1589019691384	چر	chUr, chur	resevoir, basin	2	n. m.											چران	chUraan																	2
1610443740518	چربانګ	churbáang	rooster crow; sunrise, dawn (چرګ بانګ)	4	n. m.																													2
1527820044	چرګ بانګ	churg báang	rooster crow; morn, sunrise; white robe worn by priests	4	n. m.																													2
1527820045	چرګ خالی	churg khaalay	hen house, coop	3	n. m.																													
1576436019811	چرګوړی	churgóoRay	chick	4	n. m.																													3
1527819605	چرت	churt	stream (of water), sound of spitting	4	n. m.																													
1527819606	چرت	chUrt	reflection, thought, contemplation, worrying	4	n. m.																													2
1527814652	چوک	chUwak	staff for measuring the water level in an irrigation well	2	n. m.																													
1527821786	دعوت	da'wát	invitation, religious invitation proslytizing; party, banquet	4	n. m.																													2
1714030957007	دعوت ورکول	da'wát warkawúl	to invite	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527821786	invite																											3
1527814330	داد	daad	the act of giving a gift, grant, appreciation; cry, wail, scream, clamour	3	n. m.																													2
1527814331	ډاډ	DaaD	assurance, comfort, calming	4	n. m.																													3
1623860194759	ډاګ	Daag	desert, wasteland, arid plain	4	n. m.																													2
1527814204	داغ	daagh	stain, scar, spot, brand	4	n. m.																													3
1527817410	دال	daal	daal, dhal, bean, lentil, lentils	4	n. m.																													2
1527818486	ډال	Daal	armour plate, shield	4	n. m.																													3
1527822435	دالان	daaláan	lounge, hall, vestibule; corridor, covered passageway; veranda	3	n. m.																													3
1527820550	ډالفین	Daalféen	dolphin	3	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527812538	ډالر	Daalúr	dollar	4	n. m.																													2
1527814364	دام	daam	trap, snare	4	n. m.																													2
1527813983	دامان	daamáan	skirt, hem of a skirt; foot (of a hill or mountain); valley; summer pastures; proper name for Daman mountain area	3	n. m.																													2
1527814576	ډانګ	Daang	club, mace, staff	3	n. m.																													2
1527814872	دانګ	daang	jump, leap, bound	4	n. m.																													2
1588161660483	ډانګوری	Daangóray, Daangooráy	crutch, walking-stick, cane	3	n. m.																													3
1527812540	ډار	Daar	fear, terror	3	n. m.																													2
1527818212	دار	daar	stake, picket, pillar, gallows, gibbet	4	n. m.																													2
1586600985225	دار العلوم	daar Ul'Ulóom	academy, religious academy	3	n. m.																													2
1527818267	داړه مار	daaRa máar	bandit, robber, raider	4	n. m.																													2
1527820080	داړه مار	daaRa máar	bandit, gangster	4	n. m.																													2
1527821760	داش	daash	oven, kiln	3	n. m.																													2
1527813311	داستان	daastáan	tale, legend, story, fairy tale, yarn	4	n. m.																													3
1527820343	داوطلب	daawtaláb	volunteer; aspirant, claimant, pretender; bidder (in an auction); instigator (of war), war-monger	3	n. m.																													2
1527819514	دای	daay	tier, row, foundation (masonry etc.)	1	n. m.																													2
1588787007390	ډب	Dab, Dub	force, strength, power; beating, hit, hitting, blow, slap, loss, crash, thud, dull noise; shape, form; conduct, behaviour; pit, hole; puddle, stagnant water; dam	4	n. m.																													3
1527821304	ډباو	Dabáaw	pressure (from Urdu)	0	n. m.																													2
1527813433	دبلی	dabláy	box, jar, pot, can	3	n. m.																													2
1527819649	دد	dad	wild animal, beast	1	n. m.																													2
1527816286	ډډی	DáDay, DaDáy	a dummy calf placed next to a cow that just lost it's calf; pillow	3	n. m.																													2
1527819726	ډډتوب	DaDtób	inflation, swelling, puffiness, bulge; sulkiness, bad mood, grumpiness; bile, spleen	4	n. m.																													2
1527821110	ډډوښی	DaDóoxay, DaDwuxáy	a kind of earring	2	n. m.																													2
1568411269032	دف	daf	small tambourine	1	n. m.																													2
1527811285	دفتر	daftár	office, bureau; book, journal, ledger; hereditary land	4	n. m.									دفاتر	dafaatír																			2
1527811431	دفن	dáfun	burial	3	n. m.																													2
1588784591138	ډګرمن	Dagarmán	lieuntenant, colonel	4	n. m.																													2
1588784686766	ډګروال	Dagarwáal	lieuntenant, colonel	4	n. m.																													2
1527816993	دهلېز	dahléz	hall, lobby; way, route	3	n. m.																													2
1527818009	دهشت	dahshát	terror, terrorism	4	n. m.																													1
1527812346	دهر	dahúr	world, people, realm, kingdom, earth; nature, temperament	3	n. m.																													2
1527823233	دجال	dajáal, dijáal	Antichrist	4	n. m.																													2
1527817409	دل	dal	grouts, bean porridge; loss, ruin	3	n. m.																													2
1588785229742	ډل	Dal	group, detachment	4	n. m.																													
1588785323196	ډل	Dal	shovel for digging irrigation ditches or mounding flower beds etc.	2	n. m.																													
1527822549	دلالت	dalaalát	evidence, proof, reason, argument, indication, implication, symbolization	4	n. m.																													2
1527816111	دلیل	daléel	reason; argument, proof	4	n. m.									دلایل	dalaayl																			3
1702925714567	دلیل ورکول	daléel warkawúl	to argue, reason	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527816111																												3
1588785355126	ډلګی	Dalgáy	diminutive of ډل, fragment, little piece, the smallest unit/grouping in the military	2	n. m.																													
1568411787898	دلال	daláal, dalláal	brokerer, middle-man, commision agent, pimp	4	n. m.																													2
1527820584	دلو	daló	pail, bucket; Aquarius (astronomy)	3	n. m.																													2
1527812979	ډم	Dam	pond, puddle, the sound of a drum	4	n. m.																													3
1527815953	دم	dam	exhalation, breathing, breath; a magical charm given by a holy person for healing, magic, etc.; instant, moment; fraud, trickery; steam; bellows	3	n. m.																													3
1527815964	دم ساز	dam sáaz	harmony, agreement, close friend, confidant	3	n. m.																													2
1527815950	دمګر	damgúr	sorcerer, exorcist	3	n. m.																													2
1527812084	ډنډ	DanD	pond, puddle, pool; fertile, green valley, shimmering	4	n. m.																													3
1586358323443	ډنګ و ډنګ	Dang-U-DÚng, Dang-U-Dúng	sounds of music and singing	3	n. m.																													2
1527821234	دنګو	dangóo	boiled beans	2	n. m.																													2
1527820757	ډنمارک	Danmáark	Denmark	4	n. m.																													2
1527818522	ډپ	Dap	puddle, pool; loss; conceit	4	n. m.																													2
1527814242	درک	darák, dark	address, sign, track, trace, knowledge, understood, clear	3	n. m.																													3
1585219862807	درمسال	daramsáal	gurdwara, sikh temple	4	n. m.																													2
1527817746	دربار	darbáar	court, the presence (of God or a king)	4	n. m.																													3
1595258181697	درباري	darbaarée	courtier, person in a (King's) court	4	n. m.																													2
1527814170	درد	dard	pain, ache, hurt	4	n. m.																													3
1584885646062	دردېدلی	dardedúlay	pained, having expereinced grief or pain	3	n. m.																													2
1527815850	دریځ	daréedz	point of view, position, stand; pulpit, stage; status	3	n. m.																													2
1527811298	درېغ	darégh, dregh	regret, sigh of regret; refusal, renouncing, declining	3	n. m.																													2
1527819045	دړی	dáRay, daRáy	drop, liquid measure	3	n. m.																													2
1527817387	درغلی	darghaláy	swindler, deceiver, fraud	3	n. m.																													2
1527814243	درک	darák, dark	address, sign, track, trace, knowledge, understood, clear	3	n. m.																													2
1527821390	درمان	darmáan	medicine, medication, remedy	3	n. m.																													2
1527813422	درمل	darmál	medicine, medication	4	n. m.																													2
1527821874	درملتون	darmaltóon	pharmacy	4	n. m.																													3
1527820700	درملنځی	darmalundzáy	place of treatment, medical center	4	n. m.																													2
1527816714	درمن	darmún	wheat being threshed	4	n. m.																													2
1527812557	درس	dars	lesson	4	n. m.																													2
1527819603	درشل	darshál	threshold, jamb (of a door)	4	n. m.																													3
1527816248	درخت	darúkht	tree	3	n. m.																													2
1585410868391	دروان	darwáan	doorman, doorkeeper	3	n. m.																													2
1585410872266	دروانچي	darwaanchée	doorman, doorkeeper	4	n. m.																													2
1617441986561	دروازه وان	darwaaza wáan	doorman, door-keeper, goalie, goal-keeper	4	n. m.																													2
1527817243	دریاب	daryáab	sea, river, lake	3	n. m.																													3
1527817304	درز	darz	crack, split, fissure; sound of something falling, boom, crash; penetration, breakthrough (military); seam, hem	4	n. m.																													3
1527822536	درزي	darzée	tailor; cracked	3	n. m. anim. / adj.																													3
1527819067	دسمال	dasmáal	handkerchief, necktie ??, scarf or little shawl that guys carry around	4	n. m.																													2
1586362472138	دسمال	dasmáal	handkerchief, kerchief, necktie	3	n. m.																													2
1527821002	دست	dast	usually used in combinations with the meaning hand/arm; elbow (a measure of length)	3	n. m.																													3
1527821003	دست	dast	feces, poop, poo,excrement, stool; diarrhea	3	n. m.																													3
1527820745	دست انداز	dast andáaz	someone who encroaches on someones rights; tyrant; enslaver	3	n. m.																													2
1566471183042	دستار	dastáar	turban	4	n. m.																													2
1527819615	دستخط	dastakhát, dastkhát	signature, receipt	4	n. m.																													3
1527812587	دستکش	dastkúsh	glove	3	n. m.																													2
1584889813032	دستکښ	dastkúx	glove	4	n. m.																													2
1527819068	دستمال	dastmáal	see دسمال	4	n. m.																													2
1527819877	دستمال	dastmáal	handkerchief, kerchief, necktie	4	n. m.																													2
1527812548	دستور	dastóor	custom, tradition	4	n. m.																													3
1527814194	دو	daw	bet, wager; auction; run, running	3	n. m.																													
1527811273	دوام	dawáam	continuation, duration	4	n. m.																													2
1527812549	دولت	dawlát	government, state, riches	3	n. m.																													3
1617990318540	دوران	dawráan, dauráan, doráan	turning, cycle, rotation; time, period, age, epoch; circulation (economics)	4	n. m.																													3
1527812589	ډول	Dáwul	manner, form, type, fashion	3	n. m.																													2
1527813960	دښت	daxt	steppe, desert	3	n. m.																													2
1527812250	ډز	Duz, Daz	gunshot, firing; explosion; fart (slang)	4	n. m.																													3
1713120653628	ډز کول	Dúz kawúl	to fire (a gunshot), shoot	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527812250	fire																											3
1705160963560	ډزېدل	Duzedúl	to get shot up, blow up		v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527812250	get	shot up																										3
1705160971813	ډزول	Duzawúl	to shoot up, blow up		v. stat. comp. trans.	1527812250	shoot, shoots, shooting, shot																											2
1527812243	ډزډز	DazDaz	exchange of shots, firing, skirmish	3	n. m.																													
1527812245	ډزهار	Dazháar	shooting, firing	3	n. m.																													2
1527817619	دیدان	deedáan	seeing; meeting, randezvous	3	n. m.																													
1610622040582	دیدار	deedáar	visit, randevous (often romantic), seeing	4	n. m.																													
1527822918	دیدبان	deedbáan	sight, rear sight (of a gun); tower; observer, scout	3	n. m.																													2
1527813047	ډیل	Deel, Dil	delay, hesitation, procrastination	3	n. m.																													2
1527813763	دین	deen	religion, faith	4	n. m.									ادیان	adiyáan																			3
1527821393	ډینګ	Deeng	lullaby; braggart	2	n. m.																													
1675281193592	ډیسمبر	Deesambar	December		n. m.																													
1527812555	دیوال	deewáal	wall	4	n. m.																													1
1527822430	دېګ	deg	a large metal cooking pot	4	n. m.																													2
1576439182617	دېګدان	degdáan	hearth	3	n. m.																													
1527819147	ډېران	Deráan	garbage dump, trash heap	4	n. m.																													1
1578165437559	ډېرښت	Deraxt	majority	3	n. m.																													
1527813493	ډېری	Deráy	majority; heap, pile	3	n. m.																													3
1600075871463	ډېرګری	Dergáray	plural (grammar)	3	n. m.																													
1527813494	ډېروالی	Derwáalay	abundance, majority	3	n. m.																													1
1675267643048	ډېسمبر	Desambar	December		n. m.																													
1610618224123	دېو	de`o, dew	giant	4	n. m.																													1
1527812556	دېوال	dewaal	wall	4	n. m.																													
1527813958	دېوان	dewáan	a collection of poems by one author	4	n. m.																													1
1527820571	ډېوډ	DewáD	aromatic candle (for a wedding); candlestick or earthenware stand for a lamp; long earring	2	n. m.																													
1610448927683	ډېوټ	DewaT	lampstand, candlestick	4	n. m.																													
1527814461	دهقان	dihqáan	farmer, peasant	3	n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527817405	دل	dil	heart, soul (from Farsi, used more in compound words)	4	n. m.																													2
1527822956	دلدار	dildáar	beloved, young man, boy, lad	4	n. m.																													2
1573151013630	دماغ	dimáagh, damáagh	brain, mind, mood	4	n. m.																													3
1675274916858	دمشق	dimáshq	Damascus		n. m.																													
1527823685	دق	diq	bored, weary, sad; boredom, depression	2	n. m.																													2
1527812151	دقه مال	diqa maal	boredom, lonliness	2	n. m.																													
1527815945	دقت	diqát	attention, care	3	n. m.																													2
1527813036	درنګ	diráng, dráng	delay, procrastination, hold up, pause, moment; ringing, knocking; mine, mineral deposit	3	n. m.																													2
1527822945	دیانت	diyaanát	honesty, piety, religiousness	4	n. m.																													2
1527820955	دیار	diyáar	country, land, province; Himalayan cedar	3	n. m.																													3
1611065991078	دیار	diyáar, dyaar	country, land; cedar, hyssop, pine	3	n. m.																													3
1591711877815	دوبي	dobée	washerman, someone who does the laundry	3	n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527813978	دوبی	dóbay	summer	3	n. m.																													2
1527813976	دوبنی	dobunáy, dobnáy	summer, relating to summer	2	n. m.																													2
1527812563	دود	dod	custom, ritual, manner	3	n. m.																													2
1527821617	دوکه مار	doka máar	cheat, deceiver	4	n. m.																													2
1594219747736	ډول ډبلی	Dol Dabaláy, Dol Dabláy	household goods	4	n. m.																													2
1568927184808	دولفین	dolféen	dolphin	4	n. m. anim.																													2
1527820916	ډولۍ مار	Doluy máar	palanquin bearer	2	n. m.																													2
1527813977	دوبګوړی	doobgóoRay	summer place, summer cottage, summer pasture	2	n. m.																													2
1527813858	دود	dood	smoke	4	n. m.																													2
1577397648979	دودکش	doodkásh	chimney	4	n. m.																													2
1527821426	ډوغل	Dooghál	hole, pit, cavity, depression, crater, abyss, gulf, crater	4	n. m.																													
1527817648	ډوګل	Doogúl	being upset or distressed, grief, sorry, despondency, dejection	2	n. m.																													
1527812568	دوکان	dookáan	shop, store	4	n. m.																													1
1527818018	دوکاندار	dookaandáar	storekeeper, shopkeeper	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527820701	ډول	Dool	drum	4	n. m.																													
1527823265	دوند	doond	fog, haze, mist	4	n. m.																													3
1527811909	دور	dor, daur	period, time; going around, circumvention	4	n. m.																													3
1527818232	دوړه مار	doRa máar	scoffer, mocker, heckler, joker	3	n. m.																													2
1527814158	دوست	dost	friend, companion	3	n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1613547531067	ډوز	Doz	dose	4	n. m.																													
1527813826	دوزخ	dozákh, doozákh	hell	4	n. m.																													3
1588159985939	ډرایور	Draaywár	driver	3	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527822599	درب	drab	the sound of something heavy falling; a kind of weed; awe, dignity, reverence	4	n. m.																													2
1527822722	دربی	drabáy	noise, din, beating (دربهار)	2	n. m.																													2
1527820273	درګهار	dragaháar	the sound of footsteps; heartbeat, beating of the heart; palpitation, throbbing, beating	2	n. m.																													2
1527819828	درناوی	dranaawáy	weight; respect, honour	4	n. m.																													2
1527812571	درنښت	draníxt, dranúxt	respect, dignity; heaviness	4	n. m.																													2
1527820422	ډرون	Dron	drone	4	n. m.																													2
1527822906	دروم	droom	roar, firing, march!	3	n. m.																													2
1527823647	دروم	droom	roaring (of a lion etc.); firing, roar (or weapons); march!	3	n. m.																													2
1527818745	دروزګر	droozgár	carpenter	2	n. m.																													2
1527820270	دربهار	drubaháar	noise, din; beating (of a drum, heart)	3	n. m.																													2
1527820272	درګی	drugáy	the sound of footsteps; heartbeat, beating of the heart; palpitation, throbbing, beating	1	n. m.																													2
1527816650	د بهرنیو چارو وزیر	du baharanayo chaaro wazéer	foreign minister, foreign secretary	3	n. m.																													2
1586355941420	د بوډۍ ټال	du booDuy Táal	rainbow	4	n. m.																													3
1527816749	د غاښ ډاکټر	du ghaax DaakTár	dentist	4	n. m.																													2
1527816750	د غاښ حکیم	du ghaax hakéem	dentist	3	n. m.																													2
1527811881	د غڼې تار	du ghuNe taar	spiderweb	3	n. m.																													
1582317842854	د هاضمې سیسټم	du haazime seesTúm	digestive system	4	n. m.																													2
1654706676158	د جامو د ځړېدلو چنګک	du jaamo du dzaRedulo changák	clothes hanger	4	n. m.																													2
1586451745810	د کمترۍ احساس	du kamturuy ahsáas, du kamturuy ihsáas	inferiority complex, feeling of inadequacy	4	n. m.																													2
1527816473	د میرې زوی	du mayre zooy	stepbrother, half brother	4	n. m.																													
1527819310	د معدې سوزش	du mide sozish	heartburn ?	4	n. m.																													
1527823445	د ملا تیر	du mlaa téer	spine, spinal column	4	n. m.																													3
1527822313	د نوکونو رنګ	du nookoono rang	nail polish	4	n. m.																													
1573150217444	د نه خوړو اعتصاب	du nu khwaRo itisáab	hunger strike	3	n. m.																													2
1664030702920	د اوبو حوض	du oobo hawz	pool of water, swimming pool	4	n. m.																													
1527818416	د اور غر	du or ghár	volcano	3	n. m.																													2
1577815555303	د اورلګیت خلی	du orlagéet khúlay	matchstick	3	n. m.																													2
1678365613222	د پېژندګلو بحران	du pejzandgilo bUhráan	identity crisis		n. m.																													
1527813971	د تعمید غسل	du tameed ghÚsul	baptism (in Christianity)	3	n. m.																													2
1527814772	د یخي غر	du yakhee ghur	iceberg	2	n. m.																													2
1527820175	ډګر	Dugúr	area, steppe, field (figurative and literal), ground, site	3	n. m.																													2
1588783934070	دکان	dUkaan	shop (see دوکان)	4	n. m.																													
1527812978	ډم	Dum	drummer, barber; dam	3	n. m.																													3
1527822124	ډمبک	DUmbák	drum	3	n. m.																													2
1527821108	ډنډر	DunDúr	ring of an earring, nose earring, scape; stalk with ear	3	n. m.																													2
1527814879	دنګ	dung	jump, leap; rice mill; swing	3	n. m.																													3
1527820984	دربل	durbál	hobble, fetters	3	n. m.																													2
1580767534518	دربل	dUrbál, durbál	hobble, fetters	3	n. m.																													2
1527814873	دړدنګ	duRdáng	jumping, leaping	2	n. m.																													2
1527814358	دشمن	dUshmán	enemy, foe, adversary	4	n. m.																													3
1527817679	دسترخوان	dastarkháan, dastarkhwáan	table set (with plenty), dining table, tablecloth, spread, sheet	4	n. m.																													3
1527815891	ډټ	DuT	fart (slang)	3	n. m.																													
1527821792	ډز بند	Duz bánd	ceasefire (اوربند)	4	n. m.																													2
1527812593	ځان	dzaan	self	4	n. m.																													2
1705161432126	ځان ښودل	dzaan xodúl	to boast, show off		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527812593	show,shows,showing,showed,shown	off																										3
1703677374217	ځان ساتل	dzaan saatúl	to avoid (له ... نه), keep away from, protect	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527812593	avoid																											3
1703677479248	ځان بچ کول	dzaan bach kawúl	to avoid (له ... نه), keep away from, protect	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527812593	avoid																											3
1578190617140	ځاڼی	dzáaNay	crane (bird)	4	n. m.																													
1527819270	ځانله والی	dzaanla waalay	solitude, loneliness, seclusion, unique-ness	3	n. m.																													
1527817930	ځانمنتوب	dzaanmuntób	selfishness, egoism, conceit	4	n. m.																													2
1527821168	ځار	dzaar	sacrifice, victim (جار)	3	n. m.																													2
1527812594	ځای	dzaay	place, space	4	n. m.																													3
1527816992	ځایګی	dzaaygáy	(colloquial) residence, little place, small town, diminutive of ځای	3	n. m.																													2
1527817862	ځګ	dzag	suds, froth, lather, soap bubbles	4	n. m.																													3
1527821858	ځګ چاڼ	dzag cháaN	skimmer	1	n. m.																													2
1527820249	ځل	dzal	brilliance, shininess, splendour	2	n. m.																													2
1586347141822	ځل	dzal	time (repitition)	4	n. m.											ځله	dzala																	2
1527819829	ځلمیتوب	dzalmeetób	youth	4	n. m.																													2
1527819733	ځلمی	dzalmáy	young, youth, young lad	4	n. m.																													
1701527576223	ځناور	dzinaawár, dzanaawár	wild beast; animal	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527813045	ځنډ	dzanD	delay, postponement, detention	4	n. m.																													2
1527817022	ځنځیر	dzandzéer	chain; handcuffs, shackles, bonds, ties	4	n. m.																													3
1708117144689	ځنځیرول	dzandzeerawúl	to chain up		v. stat. comp. trans.	1527817022	chain	up																										3
1708117148554	ځنځیرېدل	dzandzeeredúl	to be chained up		v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527817022	be	chained up																										2
1577408901204	ځنګون	dzangóon	knee	3	n. m.				ځنګانه	dzangaanú	ځنګن	dzangan				ځنګنونه	dzanganoona																	2
1527821835	ځنکدن	dzankadán	the last breaths before death, time approaching death	4	n. m.																													
1527821836	ځنکندن	dzankandán	the last breaths before death, time approaching death	4	n. m.																													2
1527814058	ځواب	dzawáab	answer, reply	4	n. m.																													2
1714744016695	ځواب ورکول	dzawáab warkawúl	to answer, respond, reply	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527814058	answer																											2
1668758653342	ځور	dzawr, dzaur, dzor	distress, oppression, grief	3	n. m.																													2
1527817618	ځیګر	dzeegár	liver	4	n. m.																													2
1527823228	ځین	dzeen	saddle	4	n. m.																													2
1595256411418	ځیر	dzeer	a soft leather from Iran; peep	4	n. m.																													2
1592559752927	ځېل	dzel	stubbornness, obstinancy	4	n. m.																													2
1708056571546	ځېلګر	dzelgúr	stubborn, obstinate		adj.																													2
1708056456875	ځېل کول	dzel kawúl	to be stubborn, obstinate	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1592559752927	be	stubborn																										2
1620766941369	ځمکنی توت	dzmukanay toot	strawberry	4	n. m.											ځمکني توتان	dzmukanee tootáan																	2
1527814464	ځمکوال	dzmukwáal	farmer	3	n. m.																													2
1527821031	ځوګل	dzoogúl	remains of grapes after pressing them for wine; oilcake; crab	2	n. m.																													
1582146400262	ځوز	dzoz	camelthorn	4	n. m.											ځوزان	dzozaan																	2
1627318781163	ځغ	dzugh	yoke (dialect)	0	n. m.																													2
1527820248	ځل	dzul	cloth for covering a horse or a donkey	4	n. m.																													2
1620767418305	ځنګلي توت	dzungalee toot	cranberry	4	n. m.											ځنګلي توتان	dzungalee tootáan																	2
1527812596	ځنګل	dzangúl, dzungúl	jungle, forest, wild	4	n. m.																													3
1527816887	ځواک	dzwaak	life, existence, energy, force	4	n. m.																													
1527816890	ځواک انډول	dzwaak anDwál	balance of power	2	n. m.																													2
1527819061	عید	eed, 'eed	religious holiday, celebration (from Arabic)	3	n. m.																													3
1622355960988	ایجاب	eejáab	necessity, need, requirement, urgency	2	n. m.																													2
1527813677	ایجاد	eejáad	invention; creation, foundation, organization	4	n. m.																													3
1527823698	ایمال	eemáal	avalanche, flood, shower	2	n. m.																													2
1527812597	ایمان	eemáan	belief, faith	4	n. m.																													3
1610541688669	اینځر	eendzúr	fig	4	n. m.																													2
1527816969	ایران	eeráan	Iran	4	n. m.																													3
1586598350124	عیسیٰ	eesáa, eesáa	Jesus, Isa	4	n. m.																													3
1708354049227	عیسی	eesáa, eesáa	Jesus, Isa	4	n. m.																												TRUE	3
1708354109658	حضرت عیسیٰ	hazrat-i-eesáa	Jesus, Isa (with honorific)	4	n. m.																													3
1708354115561	حضرت عیسی	hazrat-i-eesáa	Jesus, Isa (with honorific)	4	n. m.																													3
1708354181432	عیسی علیه السلام	eesaa alayhi isaláam	Jesus, Isa (with honorific)	4	n. m.																												TRUE	3
1708356345842	عیسیٰ علیه السلام	eesaa alayhi isaláam	Jesus, Isa (with honorific)	4	n. m.																												TRUE	3
1708354248217	عیسی مسیح	eeséa maséeh	Jesus Christ, Isa Al-Maseeh		n. m.																												TRUE	3
1708356597641	عیسیٰ مسیح	eesáa maséeh	Jesus Christ, Isa Al-Maseeh		n. m.																												TRUE	3
1527817776	ایصال ثواب	eesaal-i-sawaab, eesáal sawáab	doing or passing on good deeds (ثواب) for the dead	3	n. m.																													2
1527819035	عیسویت	eesawiyát	Christianity, Christendom	4	n. m.																													2
1702845385774	عیسوي	eesawée	Christian	4	n. m. anim. unisex / adj.																													3
1594813993142	ایتلاف	eetiláaf	coalition, bloc, alliance (ائتلاف)	4	n. m.	1594814015427																												2
1527814883	فال	faal	fortune telling, divination	4	n. m.																													2
1527813776	فعالیت	faaliyát	activity	4	n. m.																													2
1527812603	فامیل	faaméel	family	4	n. m.																													2
1527820562	فانوس	faanóos	lamp, lantern	2	n. m.																													2
1527813705	فارم	faarm	application form, registration form; farm	4	n. m.																													3
1527813381	فارسي بان	faarsee báan	Farsi speaker	3	n. m.																													2
1527815909	فهم	fahm, fáhum	understanding, intelligence, intellect	2	n. m.																													2
1527816339	فخر	fákhur, fakhr	pride, honor, honour	3	n. m.																													3
1527811753	فن	fan	art, skill (Arabic)	4	n. m.									فنون	fUnoon																			3
1527814011	فنر	fanár	spring, coil spring	3	n. m.																													2
1527815619	فنر	fanár	spring, coil spring	3	n. m.																													2
1527822160	فنر	fanár	spring, coil spring	2	n. m.																													2
1527822936	فنکار	fankáar	artist, musician, creative artist, one active in art	4	n. m.																													3
1527822360	فقیه	faqéeh	a specialist in Muslim law/Sharia	3	n. m.									فقها	fUqaháa																			
1527819071	فقر	faqr, fáqur	poverty, destitution	4	n. m.																													2
1527823050	فراغت	faraaghát	graduation; leisure, relief, rest	3	n. m.																													2
1527812106	فرد	fard	person, individual (Arabic)	3	n. m.									افراد	afráad																			2
1527818086	فریسي	fareesee	Pharisee	4	n. m.																													
1527812604	فرهنګ	farháng	culture, civilization; dictionary, lexicon	4	n. m.																													2
1527812265	فرمان	farmáan	decree, order	4	n. m.									فرامین	faraaméen																			3
1527814483	فرمایش	farmaayísh	order, offer	4	n. m.																													2
1527817678	فرق	farq	difference, distinction	4	n. m.																													3
1709422380232	فرق کول	farq kawúl	to distinguish	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527817678																												3
1527820028	فرش	farsh	flooring, material for covering floors	4	n. m.																													3
1527819063	فریاد	faryáad	crying out, yell, shout, weeping, groaning	4	n. m.																													2
1527818150	فرض	farz	obligation, debt, mandatory religious duty or requirement; supposing, assumption, guess	4	n. m.									فرائض	faraaiz																			3
1527811224	فساد	fasáad	corruption, immorality	4	n. m.																													3
1578330222487	فصاحت او بلاغت	fasaahát aw balaaghát	eloquence, oratory, (the study/art of) effective speaking/persuasion	3	n. m.																													2
1527815599	فصل	fásul	season; crop, harvest; period, chapter (w/ plural: the four seasons)	3	n. m.									فصول	fUsool																			3
1614096722671	فوقیت	fawqiyát, fauqiyát	superiority	4	n. m.																													2
1527813461	فضانورد	fazaanawárd	astronaut	3	n. m.																													2
1527815746	فضانورد	fazaanawárd	astronaut	2	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1578330473811	فضیلت	fazeelát	perfection, superiority, merit, greatness	3	n. m.									فضائل	fazaaíl																			2
1527813945	فضل	fázul	grace, generosity, virtue, superiority (Arabic, religious word)	3	n. m.									فضایل	fazáayil																			3
1527823335	فیلډېنګ	feelDéng	fielding (in cricket)	2	n. m.																													2
1527820595	فیصد	feesád	percent	4	n. m.																													2
1527816785	فېسبوک	fesbook	Facebook	3	n. m.																													2
1674054769052	فېشن	feshún	fasion		n. m.																													3
1527811916	فیض	fayz	favor, grace, abundance, well-being, blessing	3	n. m.																													2
1566471651069	فعل	fi'l	verb (grammar); action, business, affair, deed	4	n. m.									افعال	af'aal																			3
1644344195232	فهرست	fihríst	list, directory, table of contents, agenda, contents	4	n. m.																													3
1578684541083	فکر	fíkur	thought, idea, opinion	4	n. m.																													3
1527822128	فلفل	filfil, fulful	pepper, chili	2	n. m.																													2
1527820474	فلپین	filipeen	the Philippines	4	n. m.																													
1578343121366	فلسطین	filistéen, falastéen	Palestine	4	n. m.																													2
1577817487250	فلز	filíz	metal	4	n. m.																													2
1527817205	فلم	fílum	film, movie	4	n. m.																													3
1578330299245	فقه اللغت	fiqh UllUghát	etymology, the study of the development of words	3	n. m.																												true	2
1566478387778	فراق	firáaq, faráaq	separation, parting	2	n. m.																													2
1527816676	فرار	firáar	escape, flight, desertion	3	n. m.																													2
1527819390	فردوس	firdós, firdáus	heavenly garden, paradise	3	n. m.																													2
1527816789	فرصت	firsat	opportunity, occasion, chance	4	n. m.																													2
1527812608	فشار	fisháar	pressure	3	n. m.																													3
1577066793789	فشس	fishás	hiss, hissing sound	4	n. m.																													2
1527819400	فسق	fisq	dissipation, profligancy, violation of religious rules, depravities	4	n. m.																													2
1631018094009	فتق	futíq	hernia	2	n. m.																													2
1527817061	فطرت	fitrát	nature, character, disposition	4	n. m.																													3
1527811944	فزیک	fizeek	physics	2	n. m.																													2
1527811942	فزیک دان	fizeek daan	physicist	2	n. m.																													2
1527811941	فزیک پوه	fizeek poh	physicist	3	n. m.																													2
1527811940	فزیکپوه	fizeekpoh	physicist	2	n. m.																													2
1527811399	فوټبال	fooTbáal	football, soccer	4	n. m.																													3
1527820574	فورم	form	uniform (clothing)	2	n. m.																													3
1527814487	فریزر	freezúr	refrigerator, fridge, freezer	2	n. m.																													3
1527811631	فریب	faráyb	deceit, deception, trick	3	n. m.																													3
1708189057572	فریب ورکول	farayb warkawúl	to deceive, trick	3	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527811631	deceive																											3
1527816555	فحش	fáhush, fÚhsh	vulgarity, profanity, foul language, cursing, swearing, depravity	4	n. m.																													1
1527816790	فرصت	fUrsát	opportunity, occasion, chance	3	n. m.																													2
1527812610	فټبال	fuTbáal	football, soccer	4	n. m.																													2
1678361612817	فیوډالېزم	fyooDaalézm	feudalism		n. m.																													
1527819196	ګاډی	gáaDay, gaaDáy	car, train	4	n. m.																													2
1584638785902	ګاډر	gaaDúr	girder	4	n. m.																													2
1578011625186	ګاډر	gaaDúr	girder, beam	4	n. m.																													2
1527812611	ګام	gaam	step, move	3	n. m.																													3
1579016069786	ګار	gaar	cave	4	n. m.																													2
1527816670	ګاونډ	gaawánD	neighbourhood, neighbour ??	4	n. m.																													2
1527819630	ګاز	gaaz	gas (petrol)	4	n. m.																													2
1595232159907	ګدا	gadáa	begger, panhandler	4	n. m.																													2
1527814782	ګډون	gaDóon	participation, joining, involvement	4	n. m.																													3
1527819503	ګډوډی	gaDwaDáy	confusion, trouble, mess, disorder, disarray	3	n. m.																													
1527819805	ګډوی	gaDwáy	clay pitcher with a long neck	4	n. m.																													
1527811748	ږغ	Gagh	voice, sound, cry	4	n. m.																													2
1576100690604	ګهیځ	gahéedz	morning	4	n. m.																													2
1579029856365	ګل	gal	large hailstones, first snow on the mountains	4	n. m.																													
1584884742314	ګن	gan	kite	1	n. m.																													2
1584884750802	ګن	gan	machine gun, sprayer	1	n. m.																													2
1584884772698	ګن	gan	blood-sucking tick (cattle)	1	n. m.																													2
1527823746	ګڼه خور	gaNa khwár	rich pastureland	2	n. m.																													
1613551660106	ګند	gand	brushwood, undergrowth	2	n. m.																													2
1591443805459	ګنډېر	ganDér	poison, garbage	3	n. m.																													2
1527811579	ګنډون	ganDóon	sewing	4	n. m.																													2
1527822537	ګنډونکی	ganDóonkay	tailor	3	n. m.																													
1591443758666	ګنډیال	ganDyáal	poison	3	n. m.																													2
1579016593220	ګنی	ganáy	beehive; wasps' nest	3	n. m.																													3
1527814656	ګنج	ganj	treasure, treasury, alms; bread-market	3	n. m.																													2
1575239666478	ګڼون	gaNóon	enumeration, counting, assumption, supposition; (online) account (حساب)	2	n. m.																													2
1527820789	ګڼوالی	gaNwaaláy	thickness, denseness, shadiness, populousness	4	n. m.																													
1527819660	ګپ	gap, gup	conversation, talk, talking; joking	4	n. m.																													2
1527819659	ګپ شپ	gap sháp, gup shúp	conversation (informal), talking, chit-chat	4	n. m.																													3
1708188865621	ګپ شپ لګول	gup shúp lugawúl	to chat, have informal conversation	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527819659	chat																											1
1527816200	ګړنګ	gaRáng	sheer cliff, precipice, abyss, gulf	4	n. m.																													2
1527816787	ګرد	gard	dust, speck	4	n. m.																													2
1584530276400	ګردان	gardáan	inflection, conjugation, declension (grammar); repeat, rote learning, learning by heart, learning by repitition	4	n. m.																													3
1714741146065	ګردان کول	gardaan kawúl	to repeat, memorize by rote; inflect, conjugate	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1584530276400	repeat																											3
1714741208436	ګردان کېدل	gardaan kedúl	to be repeated, memorized by rote; to be inflected, conjugated	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1584530276400	be	repeated																										2
1527817349	ګردش	gardísh	stroll, trip, circulation, orbit	4	n. m.																													2
1595233843174	ګردون	gardóon	wheel, chariot; (fig.) fortune, fate; the heavens	2	n. m.																													2
1527820723	ګرځون	gardzóon	vomit, vomiting, puke, puking	3	n. m.																													2
1527823680	ګرګ	garg	mange, scabies, itch	2	n. m.																													2
1527823670	ګرګل	gargúl	itch, mange, scabies	1	n. m.																													2
1527823669	ګرګس	gargás, gargís	itch, mange, scabies	2	n. m.																													2
1527820553	ګرګی	gargáy	lazy ox, lazy bullock, childs game	2	n. m.																													2
1527821462	ګرمسېل	garumsél	warm climate area	3	n. m.																													2
1527821461	ګرمسېر	garumsér	warm climate area	4	n. m.																													2
1527821622	ګړۍ ستن	gaRuy stún	watch hand, clock hand	4	n. m.																													2
1527821621	ګړۍ والا	gaRuy waalaa	watchmaker	3	n. m.																													
1527820722	ګرزون	garzóon	vomit, vomiting, puke, puking	3	n. m.																													2
1527820900	ګشت	gasht	stroll, walk around	3	n. m.																													2
1527816703	ګټ	gaT	rock, stone, cliff, reef, dark storm cloud	4	n. m.																													2
1527818536	ګټ	gaT	cliff, reef, rock	4	n. m.																													2
1527818139	ګواه	gawáah, gUwáah	witness, someone who has seen something, someone bearing testimony	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1574870003959	ګوار	gawáar, gUwáar	boar, oof	3	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527816337	ګز	guz, gaz	guz, a unit of length about 40 inches or a yard	4	n. m.																													3
1527818189	ګیدړ	geedáR	jackal, fox	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527822779	ګیلاس	geeláas	glass, cup	4	n. m.																													2
1527819239	ګیلیګی	geeleegáy	calf	2	n. m.																													2
1617990149551	ګیم	geem	precipice, depression in a river valley	2	n. m.																													
1527823307	ږیری	Geeráy, Géeray	elbow, elbow joint	2	n. m.																													2
1579034812876	ګېر	ger	gear, clutch	4	n. m.																													3
1527818482	غاب	ghaab	dish, plate, saucer	1	n. m.																													2
1527821005	غائط	ghaaít	feces, defecation, poop, poo, excrement, stool	2	n. m.																													2
1527818228	غار	ghaar	cave, hole	4	n. m.																													3
1527816324	غاړې روغبړ	ghaaRe roghbáR	hugging, embracing	3	n. m.																													2
1664092247110	غاټول	ghaaTól	tulip, poppy	4	n. m.																													2
1664092277742	غاټوی	ghaaTóoy	tulip, poppy (غاټول)	3	n. m.																													2
1591805536042	غاښ چیچی	ghaax cheecháy	grinding or gnashing of teeth, anger	3	n. m.																													2
1527819261	غایب والی	ghaayib wáalay	absence, disappearance, vanishing	3	n. m.																													2
1588760557519	غاز	ghaaz	gas	4	n. m.																													2
1527811789	غازي	ghaazée	religious warrior for the faith (in Islam)	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527821724	غبغب	ghabgháb	double chin	1	n. m.																													2
1584882859892	غبن	ghabún	deception, trickery, deceit	3	n. m.																													2
1622374270383	غدر	ghadur, ghadr	treachery, treason, uprising, rebellion	2	n. m.																													2
1527817871	غفلت	ghaflát, ghiflát	negligence, neglect, carelessness, not being aware or attentive of something grave or serious (often religious)	3	n. m.																													2
1527822914	غفور	ghafóor	All-Forgiving (name of God)	4	n. m.																													2
1591891182204	غل غوبل	ghal ghobál	disorder, mess, muddle, confusion, embarrassment	4	n. m.																													2
1527812366	غله باب	ghala báab	whole grain	3	n. m.																													2
1527823687	غلبېل	ghalbél, ghUlbél	sieve, draier, colander	3	n. m.																													3
1715163905772	غلبېل کول	ghalbel kawúl	to sieve, strain	3	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527823687	sieve																											3
1715163912139	غلبېل کېدل	ghalbel kedúl	to be sieved, strained	3	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527823687	be	sieved																										
1527814361	غلیم	ghaléem	enemy, foe, adversary	2	n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1584884493630	غلیواج	ghaleewáaj	kite (bird)	2	n. m.																													2
1527812097	غم	gham, ghum	sadness, grief, sorrow, trouble; tax, duty; resolve (of a question)	4	n. m.																													3
1713695280183	غم کول	ghám kawúl	to grieve, be sad	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527812097	grieve																											3
1527822913	غمی	ghamáy	precious stone, precious stone in a signet ring	4	n. m.																													3
1527818241	غمجن	ghamjún	sad, grief-stricken	4	n. m.																													3
1527819934	غماز	ghUmáaz, ghammáaz	slanderer, gossip-monger, someone who turns people against each other, creates friction between people, informer, snitch	4	n. m.																													2
1527815885	غندل	ghandál	stalk or stem of a plant, cartilage of a nose	2	n. m.																													
1527821605	غنیمت	ghaneemát	plunder, trophy, catch (fishing), treasure, valuable and good thing	4	n. m.									غنایم	ghanaaéem																			2
1610617096179	غنګهار	ghangaháar	tapping, ringing, echo	4	n. m.																													2
1527823466	غنګوری	ghangóoray, ghangóray	ear lobe	2	n. m.																													2
1527823724	غر غچ	ghar ghúch	butting	2	n. m.																													
1733581459071	غر غڅ	ghar ghúts	butting	2	n. m.																													2
1527813593	غر	ghar, ghur	mountain	4	n. m.				غره	ghru	غر	ghr																						3
1527819460	غرب	gharb	west	4	n. m.																													
1527820521	غربي طول	gharbee tól	longitude	2	n. m.																													2
1527823648	غرېو	gharéw	roar (of a lion, tiger etc.); regret, outcry, weeping, groaning	1	n. m.																													2
1576597234701	غرمنی خوب	gharmanay khob	afternoon nap, siesta	4	n. m.																													2
1527813592	غروال	gharwáal	mountaineer, mountain dweller	4	n. m.																													2
1527822650	غټوالی	ghuTwáalay, ghaTwáalay	size, largeness, bigness	3	n. m.																													3
1588076363466	غز	ghaz	tamarisk tree	4	n. m.																													2
1527815714	غضب	ghazáb	wrath, anger, fury	4	n. m.																													2
1527817346	غزل	ghazál	a lyric poem, song	4	n. m.																													2
1527819765	غبرګولی	ghbargólay, ghbargóolay	twin; third month of the solar year	2	n. m.																													2
1527812618	غبرګون	ghbargóon	reaction, response	4	n. m.																													2
1527820084	غیب	gheeb	funnel (for pouring liquids)	2	n. m.																													
1527816115	غیڼ	gheeN	penis, dick (vulgar term)	4	n. m.																													
1527816327	غیبت	ghaybát	gossip	4	n. m.																													3
1527820082	غیبګو	ghaybgó	prophet, seer, soothsayer	3	n. m.																													2
1527818700	غیرت	ghayrát	pride, self-worth, honour, courage, zeal, jealousy	4	n. m.																													2
1527819530	غیرملک	ghayrmÚlk, ghayrimÚlk	foreign country, foreign land	3	n. m.																													2
1591891268895	غوبل	ghobál	grinding, crushing, milling; a crowd/throng of people	4	n. m.																													2
1527822502	غوبری	ghoburáy, ghobráy	cheek	2	n. m.																													2
1527821007	غول	ghol	detachment, group, herd, flock	2	n. m.																													
1527821008	غول	ghol	hernia, rupture	1	n. m.																													
1527822781	غولی	ghólay	yard, courtyard	4	n. m.																													3
1527822844	غونډوس	ghonDós	ball, scoop, bowl; balloon; flask	3	n. m.																													2
1527822845	غونډوسکی	ghonDoskáy, ghwunDooskáy	little ball, scoop, bowl	3	n. m.																													2
1527821009	غول	ghool	demon, evil spirit, monster	1	n. m.																													
1527822492	غومبوری	ghoombóoray	cheek	4	n. m.																													2
1527822572	غومبر	ghoombúr	coo, cooing, calls, cries, courting, making advances	4	n. m.																													2
1527823512	غونی	ghóonay	skin, leather; hair, fur, bristle; behavior, manner, action, bearing	3	n. m.																													
1527822680	غوړپ	ghooRáp	mouthful, drink	3	n. m.																													2
1527816178	غورځی	ghoordzáy	agitation, worry, throw, toss, unwinding, leaps; flood	2	n. m.																													2
1527814482	غوټندی	ghooTandáy	dishwasher (person); diver	1	n. m.																													2
1527814962	غوټندی	ghooTandáy	dishwasher (person); diver	1	n. m.																													2
1588075727222	غوز	ghoz, ghooz	walnut	4	n. m.											غوزان	ghozáan																	2
1527811470	غور	ghawr, ghor, gháwur	concentration, close attention, though, examination, discussion	4	n. m.																													3
1708618418733	غور کول	ghawr kawúl	to concentrate, pay close attention, examine, discuss	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527811470	concentrate																											3
1527818483	غوری	ghoráy	plate	3	n. m.																													2
1588075698411	غوز	ghoz	fatty covering of intestines or kidneys	4	n. m.																													2
1597092163407	غوزی	ghozáy, ghoozáy ??	grindstone, millstone; load, pack, burden, armful	2	n. m.																													
1588781884576	غړمب	ghRamb	onomatepia of blast, explosion, roar	3	n. m.																													2
1588781522262	غړمباری	ghRambáaray	blast, yelling, roaring	4	n. m.																													2
1662623651873	غړپ	ghRap	sip, gulp	4	n. m.																													2
1713696581210	غړپ کول	ghRáp kawúl	to sip, gulp		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1662623651873	sip, sips, sipping, sipped																											3
1527823650	غړوم	ghRoom	roar (of a lion etc.); rattle of firearms; peal of thunder	3	n. m.																													2
1527818532	غړڅکی	ghRutskáy, ghuRtsakáy	splinter, chip, speck of dust	1	n. m.																													2
1527818533	غړڅکی	ghRutskáy, ghuRtsakáy	peals/claps of thunder	1	n. m.																													2
1585928568989	غبار	ghUbáar	dust, fog, steam	4	n. m.																													2
1527819003	غچ	ghuch, ghach	vengeance, feeling of anger, spite, anger, revenge	4	n. m.																													2
1588243851093	غفران	ghUfráan	total forgivess, pardon from all sins	3	n. m.																													2
1527812621	غږ	ghuG, ghaG	voice, sound	4	n. m.																													2
1527813325	غږاوه	ghuGáawu	cowbell	2	n. m.																													2
1527819399	غلیلاک	ghuleeláak	attack, crossing, violation (of a border)	2	n. m.																													2
1527815679	غنځاښی	ghundzaaxáy, ghUndzaaxáy, ghundzáaxay	sweet bread cooked in butter	4	n. m.																													2
1650290838482	غړ	ghuR, ghaR	spitting	4	n. m.																													2
1527818534	غړڅکی	ghURátskay	cloud	1	n. m.																													2
1609945856267	غربت	ghUrbát	poverty, destitution	4	n. m.																													2
1527811650	غړیتوب	ghuReetób	membership, joining	4	n. m.																													2
1566652990776	غروب	ghUróob	sunset	3	n. m.																													2
1527816341	غرور	ghUróor, ghuróor	pride, conceit	4	n. m.																													3
1527815898	غرت	ghurt, ghrut	fart (slang)	2	n. m.																													2
1527817627	غشی	ghúshay	arrow	4	n. m.																													3
1527811365	غسل	ghÚsul	full ablution, bath, religious bath	3	n. m.																													3
1703837020907	غسل کول	ghÚsul kawúl	to bathe, to do full ablution	3	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527811365																												3
1588076384071	غز	ghUz, ghuz	walnut	4	n. m.											غزان	ghUzaan																	3
1584883196828	غضروف	ghUzróof	cartiladge, gristle	3	n. m.																													2
1527821104	غوږوالی	ghwuGwaaláy	earring	2	n. m.																													2
1584888228247	غویی	ghwayáy	bull, Taurus	4	n. m.																													3
1527819401	غویمنډ	ghwaymúnD	panic, alarm (among cattle); trampling, stamping; annihilation, ruin, gross violation	4	n. m.																													2
1527823649	غوړم	ghwRam, ghwRum	roar (of a lion etc.); rattle of firearms; peal of thunder	4	n. m.																													2
1527822681	غوړپ	ghwRáp	mouthful, drink	3	n. m.																													2
1527812631	غوږ	ghwuG, ghwaG	ear	4	n. m.																													3
1576367136120	غونډل	ghwunDál	tarantula	4	n. m.																													2
1577578909763	غور نیکه	ghor neekú, ghwur neekú	great grandfather	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1713624508512	ور نیکه	wúr neekú	great grandfather		n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1611401088870	غوراوی	ghwuraawáy	approval, acceptance, preference, choice, endorsement	2	n. m.																													2
1527813149	غورځنګ	ghwurdzáng, ghoordzáng	movement, jump, leap, bound, rush, offense	3	n. m.																													2
1527816415	غورنیکه	ghwurneeku	great-grandfather	4	n. m.																													2
1579029861098	ګل	gil	clay, mud, dirt	4	n. m.																													
1527812070	ګلکار	gilkáar	bricklayer, mason, construction worker	4	n. m.																													1
1527819240	ګلګی	gilugáy, gilgáy	calf	2	n. m.																													2
1591803884121	ګرداب	girdáab, gurdáab	whirlpool, abyss	3	n. m.																													2
1591803899331	ګرداو	girdáaw, gurdáaw	whirlpool, abyss (ګرداب)	4	n. m.	1591803884121																												2
1591804099813	ګردباد	girdbáad	watersprout	4	n. m.																													2
1527818749	ګرمټ	girmúT	drill auger (carpenters tool)	2	n. m.																													2
1527821431	ګلاس	glaas	glass, cup	4	n. m.																													3
1527822784	ګودال	godáal	trou de loup, booby trap, tank-trap	2	n. m.																													2
1527811968	ګوډی	goDáy, gooDáy	travelling bag, knapsack, young embryo/ear of corn	4	n. m.																													2
1527821288	ګوګل	googúl	chest, bosom, thorax	3	n. m.																													2
1527819690	ګوګړ	gogúR	sulphur, brimstone, match (for making fire)	4	n. m.																													2
1527817904	ګوهر	gohár	gem, jewel, pearl, precious stone	4	n. m.																													2
1610556404949	ګول	gol	goal	4	n. m.																													3
1527819076	ګوډاګی	gooDaagáy	doll, puppet	4	n. m.																													3
1527819635	ګودام	goodáam	dump, pile, storage, depot, piling up, granary, silo	4	n. m.																													3
1576945997050	ګودر	goodár	ford (water), seaside, a place where water is taken from the bank of a river or stream	4	n. m.																													2
1584884710164	ګودي پران	goodee paráan	kite	4	n. m.																													2
1579034106589	ګوډی	góoDay	small scythe, reaping/weeding hook	2	n. m.																													
1527821019	ګوه	gooh	feces, defecation, poop, poo, excrement, stool; slag	4	n. m.																													2
1610556411082	ګول	gool	flower	0	n. m.																													2
1588159588416	ګولي پنج	goolee pánj	crab	2	n. m.																													2
1527816108	ګومان	goomáan	thought, notion, suspicion doubt	4	n. m.																													3
1566474867817	ګومانډ	goomáanD	mushroom	3	n. m.																													2
1527822505	ګومبوری	goombóoray, goombooráy	cheek	3	n. m.																													2
1527822557	ګوند	goond, gwUnd, gwand	(political) party	4	n. m.																													
1610617156724	ږونګ	Goong, Gwung	echo	2	n. m.																													2
1589906214767	ګونګی	goongáy	owel	4	n. m.																													3
1527811444	ګونګری	goongray	doorbell	4	n. m.																													
1527822763	ګونج	goonj	wrinkle, crumple	4	n. m.																													
1527814479	ګونجکی	goonjukáy	cupboard (for dishes)	3	n. m.																													2
1579016633975	ګوړ	gooR, gwuR	rumbling (of cattle's stomach)	3	n. m.																													2
1527816701	ګوټ	gooT	corner; sip; shoe, boot	4	n. m.																													3
1566474890608	ګوڅی	gootsáy	a kind of edible mushroom	2	n. m.																													2
1527820078	ګوزار	goozáar	hit, strike, attack, blow, swat, throuw	4	n. m.																													2
1708115270028	ګوزارول	goozaarawúl	to cast, throw, strike, attack		v. stat. comp. trans.	1527820078	throw,throws,throwing,threw,thrown																											3
1708115368072	ګوزار کول	goozáar kawúl	to assault, strike, hit		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527820078	assault																											2
1708115274455	ګوزارېدل	goozaaredúl	to be cast, thrown, struck, attacked		v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527820078	be	thrown																										2
1527819117	ګوزڼ	goozúN	paralysis, palsy, sickness with tremors, polio	4	n. m.																													3
1527819120	ګوزن	goozún	reindeer	2	n. m.																													2
1527819118	ګوزڼد	goozúNd	paralysis, palsy, sickness with tremors, polio	4	n. m.																													
1527813880	ګور	gor	grave	4	n. m.																													2
1579016625262	ګوړ	goR	the weeding of sugarcane	4	n. m.																													2
1527820452	ګورستان	goristáan	graveyard, cemetery	4	n. m.																													2
1527812271	ګورم	górum	herd (of cattle etc.)	2	n. m.																													2
1527822570	ګوروان	gorwáan	herdsman, cattle herder	2	n. m.																													2
1579030550851	ګوټ	goT	bobbin, reel, chess pawn	3	n. m.																													1
1617441560801	ګرانښت	graanúxt, graaníxt	value, high-prices, dearness, difficulty	4	n. m.																													2
1527813410	ګړندوالی	gRandwaalay	speed, quickness		n. m.																													
1527813327	ګرنجانی	granjáanay	small bell, cowbell	2	n. m.																													2
1527822751	ګرنجی	granjáy	ringing sound, peal	3	n. m.																													2
1527818448	ګرېبان	grebáan	collar, neckband (ګرېوان)	4	n. m.																													2
1617990046301	ګرېو	grew	kidnapping, abduction, holding for ransom	4	n. m.																													2
1527818443	ګرېوان	grewáan	collar, neckband	4	n. m.																													2
1579016766218	ګړوبی	gRobáy, gRóbay	phlegm	3	n. m.																													2
1527814093	ګروپ	groop	group	4	n. m.																													2
1527821395	ګړنګ	gRung	snot, nasal mucous	3	n. m.																													2
1527813328	ګړنجانی	gRunjáanay	small bell, cowbell	4	n. m.																													2
1591026127615	ګډ	guD	ram, male sheep	4	n. m.																													3
1527819634	ګدام	gUdáam	dump, pile, storage, warehouse, depot, piling up, granary, silo	3	n. m.																													3
1527816641	ګډوکی	guDóokay	lamb	2	n. m.																													2
1527816640	ګډوری	guDóoray	lamb, ram	3	n. m.																													2
1527813203	ګفتار	gUftáar	speech, conversation, talk	4	n. m.																													2
1527812641	ګل	gUl	rose, flower	4	n. m.																													3
1527811374	ګل کرم	gUl karám	cauliflower, flowering cabbage	3	n. m.																													2
1527817161	ګلاب	gUláab	rose	4	n. m.																													3
1527811500	ګلی	gUláy	seizure, convulsions, epilepsy	2	n. m.																													2
1664030285344	ګلرېز	gUlréz	a kind of firework	4	n. m.																													2
1527820908	ګلزار	gUlzáar	rose garden	4	n. m.																													2
1527819871	ګمان	gUmáan	thought, opinion; suspicion, doubt	4	n. m.																													2
1527818850	ګنبت	gUnbát, gUmbát, gumbát	jump, leap	2	n. m.																													2
1527823745	ګڼه بوز	guNa bóoz, guNa bóz	decisive and bold man	2	n. m.																													2
1675275952692	ګناه	gUnáah, gUnáa	sin		n. m.																													3
1613551667510	ګند	gund	dirtiness, filth	4	n. m.																													3
1579016578450	ګنی	gunáy	sugarcane	4	n. m.																													3
1527814657	ګنجایش	gUnjaayísh	capacity, place for, space, room, tonnage	4	n. m.																													3
1527823159	ګړدود	guRdód	dialect, vernacular	4	n. m.																													2
1527819803	ګرځندوی	gurdzandóoy	tourist, sightseer	4	n. m.																													2
1585224284875	ګرځبندیز	gurdzbandéez	ban on moving back and forth/crossing (on a border etc.)	4	n. m.																													2
1586445866203	ګرګ	gUrg	wolf	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527820552	ګرګی	gurgáy	skeleton	2	n. m.																													2
1527818748	ګرمټ	gurmúT	spear, spike, lance, point	1	n. m.																													2
1579016709266	ګړوبی	gURobáy	syrup, molases, sherbet	3	n. m.																													2
1579016792599	ګړوبی	guRobáy	stagnant water; water leaking from irrigation	2	n. m.																													2
1577818393673	ګروپ	gUróop	light bulb	4	n. m.																													
1575236087164	ګړهار	guRuháar, guRháar	dissconnected, incomprehensible speech	3	n. m.																													2
1527813368	ګرت	gUrut	fork, finger (of a tree); distance between thumb and index finger	4	n. m.																													
1527819802	ګرزندوی	gurzandóoy	tourist, sightseer	4	n. m.																													2
1527811317	ګذار	gUzáar	attack, blow; leap, bound; crossing, passage	4	n. m.																													2
1527823470	ګذشت	gUzásht	privilege, concession; passing, conduct	4	n. m.																													2
1566247433985	ګذران	gUzráan	life, existence, getting by, life in common	4	n. m.																													2
1574870063996	ګوار	gwaar, guwáar	flock, herd	4	n. m.																													2
1527812650	ګواښ	gwaax	threat, danger, challeng	4	n. m.																													2
1527811671	ګوندي	goondee, gwandee	party member (political)	3	n. m.																													2
1527819348	ګور	gwar	rival or opponent who is equal in strength	2	n. m.																													
1527823300	ګوربت	gwurbút, goorbút	eagle	3	n. m.																													2
1527811565	ګوړمار	gwuRmáar, gooRmáar	one who makes sugar from sugarcane	4	n. m.																													2
1586446698332	ګوړمار	gwuRmáar, gooRmáar	someone who makes sugar from sugarcane	4	n. m.																													2
1527816705	ګوټ ناستی	gwuT náastay, gooT náastay	hermit, recluse, anchorite	3	n. m.																													2
1527816796	حافظ	haafíz	hafiz, one who has memorized the Koran; someone who has memorized the Koran	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527813199	حاجت	haaját	need, necessity, requirement	4	n. m.																													3
1578618561154	حاجي	haajée	Haji, someone who has gone on the Hajj	4	n. m.																													2
1527815874	حاکمیت	haakimiyat	authority, ruling, supremacy	4	n. m.																													2
1527814069	حال	haal	state, condition, circumstance	4	n. m.									احوال	ahwáal																			3
1527812652	حالت	haalát	state, condition, position, circumstance; form (of a word in grammar)	4	n. m.									حالات	haaláat																			3
1527821193	حامي	haamée	supporter, protector, defender, patron, saviour	3	n. m.																													2
1573686243031	هاڼ	haaN	similarity, likeness	4	n. m.																													2
1527813233	هاند	haand	effort, exertion, labour, zeal	2	n. m.																													2
1527821685	هار	haar	necklace, wreath, garland	4	n. m.																													3
1527814175	حاصل	haasíl	yield, result, achievement, received, harvest	3	n. m.									حاصلات	haasilaat																			3
1527813505	هاوان	haawáan	mortar, howitzer	3	n. m.																													2
1582146800217	حب	hab	love, affection (Arabic)	3	n. m.																													2
1527813230	حبس	habs	arrest, imprisonment	4	n. m.																													2
1527811952	هډ	haD	bone; family, clan, descent, blood; emnity, feud	4	n. m.																													2
1527816228	حد	had	boundary, limit, extent	4	n. m.									حدود	hUdood																			3
1527820110	حد	had	penance by lashing according to Sharia law	4	n. m.																													3
1527811953	هډ مډ	haD maD	skeleton, broad outline, bone	2	n. m.																													2
1527812653	هدف	hadáf	target, goal, aim	4	n. m.									اهداف	ahdáaf																			2
1527815519	حدیث	hadées	hadith	4	n. m.									احدیث	ahdees																			3
1527812073	هډوکی	haDóokay	bone	4	n. m.																													3
1527812072	هډتړ	haDtáR	skeleton, bone-structure; plan, sketch	2	n. m.																													2
1527819658	هډوال	haDwáal	relative (dialect)	2	n. m.																													2
1527817783	حج	haj	Hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca (at the certain time of year)	4	n. m.																													2
1527821450	حجامت	hajaamát, hijaamát	shaving, haircut; bloodletting, the use of cupping glasses	4	n. m.																													2
1527816748	حکیم	hakéem	wise man, thinker; eastern/traditional doctor or medicine man, doctor, physician	3	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527822075	هکتار	haktáar, hiktáar	hectare, 1000 square meters	2	n. m.																													2
1527814125	حل	hal	solution, resolution	4	n. m.																													3
1709337733496	حل کول	hal kawúl	to solve, resolve	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527814125	solve																											3
1709337736130	حل کېدل	hal kedúl	to resolve, be solved	4	v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527814125	resolve																											2
1573682845789	هل	hal	handle/shaft of a plow	2	n. m.																													2
1527814755	هلاهل	halaahál	deadly poison	2	n. m.																													2
1584529683652	هلاکت	halaakát	ruin, destruction	4	n. m.																													2
1674926260424	هلوکاسټ	halokáasT	holocaust		n. m.																													2
1527822466	حلق	halq	larynx, throat, gullet	4	n. m.																													2
1527813801	حلقه به ګوش	halqa ba gósh	slave, servant	3	n. m.																													2
1527811960	هلکت	halukát, halkát	boyhood, childhood	0	n. m.																													2
1578343721996	حمام	hamáam	bathroom, bath, bath-house, hot springs	4	n. m.																													2
1527821871	حماقت	hamaaqát	stupidity, foolishness, nonsense, folly	3	n. m.																													2
1527815952	همدم	hamdám	a sincere or true friend	3	n. m.																													2
1527821256	همېشه توب	hamesha tób	eternity, forever	4	n. m.																													2
1527823405	حمیت	hamiyát	courage, bravery, valor; nerves, fortitude	3	n. m.																													2
1527815974	همکلام	hamkaláam	interlocuter, one being spoken with	3	n. m.																													2
1527818514	حمامک	hammaamák	swimming-pool	3	n. m.																													2
1527811448	همسایه	hamsaayá	near, close, neighboring, neighbor; tenant, renter; vassal (protected party in a treaty)	3	n. m.																													2
1527816665	همسایه توب	hamsaaya tób	neighbourliness	4	n. m.																													2
1527819444	هند	hand, hind	measure, size	2	n. m.																													2
1586634232305	هنس	hans, hins	swan, goose	4	n. m.																													2
1527812050	حق	haq	right, share, claim; something one deserves; a sin done against someone	4	n. m.									حقوق	hUqóoq																			3
1709219688996	حق لرل	haq larúl	to deserve	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527812050	deserve																											3
1702966819828	حق غوښتل	haq ghwUxtúl	to appeal, to seek one's rights	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527812050	appeal																											3
1610541150518	حقانیت	haqaaniyát, haqaanyát	truthfullness, honesty, legitimacy, rightfulness	4	n. m.																													2
1527812663	حقیقت	haqeeqát	truth, fact, reality	4	n. m.									حقایق	haqáayq																			3
1527811468	هر	har	cheat, swindler, traitor	2	n. m.																													2
1527823459	حرارت	haraarát	heat, hot weather, temperature	3	n. m.																													2
1527812667	حرکت	harakat	motion, movement, operation	4	n. m.									حرکات	harakaat																			2
1527823218	حرم	háram	harem; the Kaaba and its surroundings in Mecca	4	n. m.																													2
1527816090	حریف	haréef	rival, competitor, partner; client, partner (regional)	2	n. m.																													2
1527823472	حریم	haréem	privacy, private things	3	n. m.																													2
1582390673218	حریر	haréer	silk	4	n. m.																													2
1527821977	حرف	harf	letter, letter of the alphabet	3	n. m.									حروف	haroof																			2
1527812668	هرکلی	harkaláy, harkálay	welcome	4	n. m.																													2
1527814498	حساسیت	hasaasiyát	sensitivity, allergy	3	n. m.																													3
1527822813	حسد	hasád	envy, jealousy	4	n. m.																													3
1709865450073	حسد کول	hasád kawúl	to envy, be jealous	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527822813																												2
1527823025	حشر	háshur, hashr	assembly, crowd; resurrection from the dead and judgment	2	n. m.																													2
1588153218244	هسکوالی	haskwáalay, haskwaaláy	height, elevation, tallness	4	n. m.																													2
1578013612448	هسپتال	haspitáal	hospital	4	n. m.																													3
1527821683	حسرت	hasrát	grief, sorrow, longing for	2	n. m.																													2
1579645031226	هټ	haT	effort, strain, stress, exertion; standing, stopping; stubbornness, obstinancy	2	n. m.																													2
1579645080332	هټ	haT	store, shop, large shop	2	n. m.																													2
1614169927527	هتک	haták	insult	2	n. m.																													2
1527814624	هټوځی	haTodzáy, haToodzáy	market	2	n. m.																													2
1527818014	هټۍ وال	haTuy wáal	storekeeper, shopkeeper	4	n. m.																													2
1527818020	هټیوال	haTuywáal	storekeeper, shopkeeper	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527822816	حوالات	hawaaláat	jail, lockup	4	n. m.																													2
1671707027473	هوایي ډګر	hawaayee Dagúr	airport		n. m.																													2
1527811818	هوس	hawás	lust, desire, yearning	4	n. m.																													2
1527818520	حوض	hawz	pool, tank	4	n. m.																													2
1527814128	حیات	hayáat	life, existence (Arabic)	3	n. m.																													2
1527822175	هیجان	hayajáan	disturbance, excitement	3	n. m.																													2
1591872641779	هیجان	hayajáan	excitement	4	n. m.																													2
1527821048	هیئت	hayát, hay'át	delegation, committee, board	2	n. m.																													2
1593173052731	حذف	hazf	abbreviation, elimination, dropping	4	n. m.																													2
1527812024	هضم	házum, hazm	digestion	4	n. m.																													2
1527820102	هیداد	heedáad	penalty, punishment; abuse, cursing	2	n. m.																													2
1527811383	هېل	hel	cardamon, cardamom	3	n. m.																													2
1527818497	هېنګ	heng	groan, sigh, bray (of a donkey)	4	n. m.																													2
1586453930333	هېرویین	heroyéen	heroin	4	n. m.																													2
1527821839	هېش	hesh	boiling	4	n. m.																													2
1527812677	هېواد	hewáad	country, homeland	4	n. m.																													2
1527811524	هېوادپلوری	hewaadplóray	traitor to one's country, one who sold out against his country	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527821642	هیبت	haybát	awe, wonder, respect, grandeur, panic, terror	4	n. m.																													3
1713349950851	هیبت اخیستل	haybat akheestúl	to fall in terrror, to fall in awe		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527821642																												2
1586454006187	هیرویین	hayroyéen	heroin	4	n. m.																													2
1586454030387	هیروین	hayrUwéen	heroin	3	n. m.																													2
1527811619	حیث	hays	respect, used in (په حيث -- as)	4	n. m.																													2
1527820187	حیثیت	haysiyát	dignity, respect, prestige, character, quality	3	n. m.																													3
1527812674	حیوان	haywáan	animal, livestock; child	3	n. m.									حیوانات	haywaanaat																			2
1527812676	حیوان شناس	haywaan shináas	zoologist	3	n. m.																													2
1527817800	هېزم کش	hezam kásh	woodcutter	3	n. m.																													2
1527813863	هدایت	hidaayát	guidance, advice, showing of the true path, revelation leading to the truth (religious)	3	n. m.																													3
1714027403782	هدایت ورکول	hidaayát warkawúl	to instruct, guide, advise		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527813863	instruct																											3
1527823160	حفاظت	hifaazát	protection, guardianship, custody	4	n. m.																													3
1527819703	حفظ	hifz	guard, protection, defence; memory, memorization, rote	4	n. m.																													2
1527822053	حجاب	hijáab	head-covering, veil, covering in Islam	3	n. m.																													3
1715989220485	حجاب کول	hijáab kawúl	to veil, for a woman to wear a covering, cover her head in Islam		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527822053	veil																											3
1527821657	هجر	hijr, híjur	parting, departure, leavetaking	4	n. m.																													2
1527823734	هجر	hijr, híjur	parting, leaving, separation	4	n. m.																													2
1527821658	هجران	hijráan	absence, separation (from lover or loved ones), departure	4	n. m.																													2
1527823735	هجران	hijráan	parting, leaving, separation	4	n. m.																													2
1527823732	هجرت	hijrát	resettlement, migration, in Islam the Hegira	4	n. m.																													3
1527823611	حکایت	hikaayát	story, fable, tale, anecdote	3	n. m.																													3
1527813738	حکمت	hikmát	wisdom, reason, ability (Arabic)	4	n. m.																													3
1527822076	هکتار	hiktáar	hectare, 1000 square meters	2	n. m.																													2
1527815876	حمایت	himaayát	custody, protection, support	4	n. m.																													2
1527813249	همت	himmát, himát	courage, bravery, valor, courage, strong willed-ness, strength of heart	4	n. m.																													3
1709768848857	همت ورکول	himmát warkawúl	to encourage		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527813249																												3
1527819443	هند	hind	India	4	n. m.																													2
1527822927	هندویزم	hindooéezm	Hinduism	4	n. m.																													2
1527814303	هندوستان	hindoostáan	India	4	n. m.																													3
1584888419157	هنډه	hinDú, húnDu	bull, stud	2	n. m.																													2
1527818498	هنګ	hing, hung	groan, sigh, bray (of a donkey)	4	n. m.																													2
1584531059953	هراس	hiráas, haráas	fear, alarm, panic, fright	4	n. m.																													2
1527814836	حرص	hirs	greed, passionate desire, lust	4	n. m.																													3
1527813893	حس	his	feeling, sensation, sense	4	n. m.									حواس	hawáas																			2
1527812686	حساب	hisáab	account, counting, math, reckoning, calculation, judgment	4	n. m.																													3
1708000225895	حساب کول	hisaab kawúl	to account, count, reckon, calculate, judge	4	v. dyn./stat. comp. trans.	1527812686	judge																											3
1527813551	حساب کتاب	hisáab kitáab	reckoning, account, calculation, judgement, counting, settling accounts	4	n. m.																													3
1708000099568	حساب کتاب کول	hisáab kitáab kawúl	to count, reckon, account, calculate, judge	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527813551	account																											3
1527823182	هسار	hisáar	fencing, barrier, wall, inclosure (حصار)	4	n. m.																													2
1527823180	حصار	hisáar	fencing, barrier, wall, inclosure	3	n. m.																													2
1527820998	حزب	hizb	political group, political party	3	n. m.									احزاب	ahzáab																			2
1527814499	هوډ	hoD	determination, will, plan, obstinacy, obstinance, firmness	2	n. m.																													2
1527819980	هوکی	hokáy, hókay	agreement, approval	4	n. m.																													2
1527820564	هولډر	holDár	clamp, holder, adapter; socket (lamp)	2	n. m.																													2
1527821374	هور	hor	deer; nest	2	n. m.																													2
1527820621	هور	hor, hoor ??	attack, rush, assault, raid	4	n. m.																													2
1527820265	هورمون	hormón, hormóon	hormone	4	n. m.																													2
1588783174098	هوش	hosh	consciousness, feeling, reason, mind	4	n. m.																													3
1588786803568	هوټل	hoTál, hoTúl	hotel, restaurant, cafe	4	n. m.																													3
1588783177625	هوښ	hox	consciousness, feeling, reason, mind	4	n. m.																													2
1582146841671	حب	hUb, hub	corn, fruit, legume	4	n. m.									حبوب	hUboob																			2
1527820619	هجوم	hUjóom, hajóom	attack, rushing, swarming, crowding	4	n. m.																													3
1670925065778	حجت	hUját	proof, argument; deed, certificate, IOU, short performance		n. m.																													
1527813749	حکومت	hUkoomát	government, reign, rule	4	n. m.																													3
1713622620922	حکومت کول	hUkoomát kawúl	to rule, reign, judge		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527813749	rule																											3
1527812376	حکم	hÚkum	ruling, ordinance, order, command, law	4	n. m.									احکام	ahkáam																			3
1714817826768	حکم چلول	hÚkum chalawúl	to rule, order, order around	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527812376	rule																											3
1708465807096	حکم کول	hÚkum kawúl	to command, order, rule	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527812376	rule																											3
1573682864646	هل	hul	the call/cry of a dervish asking for donations	2	n. m.																													2
1527811731	هنر	hUnár	art, skill	4	n. m.																													3
1527811734	هنر مل	hUnar mál	patron of the arts	4	n. m.																													2
1527811733	هنر پال	hUnar páal	patron of the arts	4	adj. / n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1675436040889	هنریت	hUnariyát	artfulness, culture		n. m.																													
1675962975039	هنرتون	hUnartóon	arts center		n. m.																													
1584888449798	هنډه	hUnDú, húnDu	wolf	2	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527811201	حقوق پوه	hUqooq póh	expert in law, lawyer	3	n. m.																													2
1527820928	هرکی	hurkáy	awkward/silly laugh, unmotivated laugh	2	n. m.																													2
1612114351321	حرمت	hUrmát	dignity, respect, reverence	4	n. m.																													2
1641828134782	حریت	hUriyát	freedom	4	n. m.																													2
1527812971	حسن	husún, hÚsun	beauty, prettiness	3	n. m.																													2
1527812972	حسن نیت	hUsun niyát	good intention	2	n. m.																													2
1527811644	هویت	hUwiyát	identity, I.D., personality, essence	4	n. m.																													2
1677347385947	هویتي بحران	hUwiyatee bUhráan	identity crisis		n. m.																													2
1527813717	حضور	hUzóor	presence	3	n. m.																													2
1527819104	اعلام	i'láam	notification, communication, news, announcement	3	n. m.																													2
1527818574	اعمار	i'máar	building, edifice, construction	3	n. m.																													2
1527817954	اعتبار	i'tibáar	trust, reliability, credibility	4	n. m.																													3
1527817747	اعتدال	i'tidáal	moderation, temperance	4	n. m.																													2
1527823388	اعتکاف	i'tikáaf	the practice of staying in a mosque (for men) or in a special place in the house (for women) and devoting oneself to prayer and worship	4	n. m.																													2
1594814015427	ائتلاف	i'tiláaf, eetiláaf	coalition, bloc	4	n. m.																													2
1527819428	اعتقاد	i'tiqáad	faith, confidence, trust; belief	3	n. m.									اعتقادات	i'tiqaadaat																			2
1527820880	اعتراف	i'tiráaf	confession, admission, acknowledgement	4	n. m.									اعترافات	i'tiraafaat																			2
1527821370	اعتیاد	i'tiyáad	habit	3	n. m.																													2
1527813938	عبادت	ibaadát	worship, performing religious duties, rituals, prayer	4	n. m.									عبادات	ibaadáat																			3
1527822925	عبادتځای	ibaadatdzáay	place of worship	4	n. m.																													2
1674926413263	عبادتځی	ibaadatdzáy	place of worship		n. m.																													
1527811245	ابهام	ibháam	doubt, vagueness, ambiguity, uncertainty, confusion	3	n. m.									ابهامات	ibhaamáat																			2
1527816214	ابلاغ	ibláagh, abláagh	notification, report, information, notice	4	n. m.																													2
1527819014	عبرت	ibrát	lesson (learned from the consequences or observation of something), example, warning, case in point	4	n. m.																													
1527820125	ابتکار	ibtikáar	initiative, innovation, proactivity, innovation	4	n. m.									ابتکارات	ibtikaaraat																			2
1527812380	اعدام	i'dáam	capital punishment, execution, death penalty	3	n. m.																													2
1527816618	ادبار	idbáar	misfortune, disaster (Arabic)	1	n. m.																													2
1527818723	عدل	i'dl, í'dul, á'dul	load, pile, piece (of goods)	1	n. m.																													2
1527818928	ادراک	idráak	comprehension, understanding, perception	4	n. m.																													2
1527820708	ادرار	idráar	urine, pee	3	n. m.																													2
1527818648	عفت	i'fát	modesty, chastity, honour for females	4	n. m.																													2
1527820593	افراط	ifráat, iffráat	excess, extreme, excessiveness, extremity, extravagance	3	n. m.																													2
1527816242	افهام	ifháam	exclamation, interpretation	4	n. m.																													2
1527819072	افلاس	ifláas	poverty, bankruptcy	3	n. m.																													2
1527817050	افطار	iftáar	iftar, the breaking of the fast after sunset in Ramadan	4	n. m.																													2
1652760678889	افتخار	iftikháar	pride (in the positive sense), something one is proud in/about, honor	4	n. m.																													2
1584690841618	اهمال	ihmáal	negligence, neglect, carelessness	2	n. m.																													2
1594813867655	احصائیه نویس	ihsaaiya nawées	statistician	4	n. m.																													2
1527820599	احسان	ihsáan	favour, grace, kindness, goodness (د چا احسان منل - to consider oneself obliged or indebted to someone)	4	n. m.																													2
1527816378	احتجاج	ihtijáaj	protest, objection	4	n. m.																													2
1714371323733	احتجاج کول	ihtijáaj kawúl	to protest	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527816378	protest																											3
1527821901	احتکاک	ihtikáak	rubbing down, friction, chafing, rub, scrubbing	3	n. m.																													2
1584518908942	احتکار	ihtikáar	to hoard, to hoard up goods to sell at a profit and forestall the market	2	n. m.																													2
1527817113	احتلام	ihtiláam	nocturnal emission, wet dream	3	n. m.																													2
1527819653	احتمال	ihtimáal	possibility, probability, likelihood	3	n. m.																													2
1527818461	اهتمام	ihtimáam	zeal, diligence, concern, attention, effort, charge	2	n. m.																													2
1527812105	احترام	ihtiráam	respect, honor, esteem, deference	4	n. m.																													3
1527814628	احتساب	ihtisáab	accountability, reckoning, overseeing weights and measures in the market	4	n. m.																													2
1527812689	احتیاج	ihtiyáaj	need, requirement	4	n. m.									احتیاجات	ihtiyaajáat																			2
1527812690	احتیاط	ihtiyáat	caution	3	n. m.																													3
1527822253	اهتزاز	ihtizáaz	flicker, vibration, shaking, unsteady light, sparkle	2	n. m.																													2
1527822478	احضار	ihzáar	training (of candidates), to summon (to court), to call up (into the army), to recall (a diplomat)	2	n. m.																													2
1527819951	اجاره دار	ijaara dáar	leaseholder, tenant, contractor	4	n. m.																													2
1578770600315	اجبار	ijbáar	obligation, compulsion	2	n. m.																													2
1666885727664	اجلاس	ijláas	sitting, session, conference	4	n. m.																													2
1666885729660	اجمال	ijmáal	summary, quick review	3	n. m.																													2
1527819402	اخلال	ikhláal	violation; disarray, confusion, disorder, disruption	3	n. m.																													2
1527811326	اخلاص	ikhláas	sincerity, devotion, affection	4	n. m.																													3
1527819343	اخراج	ikhráaj	ejection, expulsion, banishment	3	n. m.																													2
1527821299	اخطار	akhtáar, ikhtáar	warning, reprimand, admonishment	3	n. m.																													2
1527814124	اختلاف	ikhtiláaf	difference, discord, disagreement, discrepancy, contradiction	4	n. m.									اختلافات	ikhtilaafaat																			2
1527822646	اختلال	ikhtiláal	disorder, disorganization, disturbance, agitation	3	n. m.									اختلالات	ikhtilaaláat																			2
1527820895	اختلاس	ikhtiláas	embezzlement, malpractice	1	n. m.																													2
1527818404	اختلاط	ikhtiláat	mixing, mixture, blending, merging, contact, association, conversation, chatting	2	n. m.																													2
1577555645927	اختصار	ikhtisáar	shortening, abbreviation, reduction	3	n. m.																													2
1527819374	اختصاص	ikhtisáas	connection, anything to do with, participation; peculiarity, specialty, speciality, specialization; assignment, appropriation	4	n. m.																													2
1577222383506	اختطاف	ikhtitáaf	abduction, kidnapping	3	n. m.																													2
1527819102	اختتام	ikhtitáam	end, finishing, completion, termination	3	n. m.																													2
1527814424	اختیار	ikhtiyáar	authority, will, choice	4	n. m.																													3
1527816671	اکمال	ikmáal	completion, execution; military supply, ammunition	3	n. m.									اکمالات	ikmaalaat																			2
1527821929	اکتساب	iktisáab	acquisition, gain, money-grubbing; preparation, training	2	n. m.																													2
1527818112	علاج	iláaj, i'láaj	cure, remedy, healing, treatment, medicine, solution	4	n. m.																													3
1527816718	اعلان	i'láan	announcement, advertisement, proclamation	4	n. m.																													3
1702916988763	اعلان کول	i'láan kawúl	to advertise, make an announcement	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527816718																												3
1527820153	اله	ilah	God (god - Arabic)	4	n. m.																													
1527811962	الهیات	ilahiyaat	theology (Arabic)	4	n. m.																													
1527818588	علت	illát	reason, cause; defect, illness	3	n. m.																													2
1527815590	البند	ilbánd, albánd	summer pasture, mountain pasture	3	n. m.																													2
1527819671	الحاد	ilháad	atheism	4	n. m.																													2
1527819490	الهام	ilháam	inspiration	4	n. m.																													3
1527818854	القاح	ilqáah	impregnation, fertilization (biology), insemination	2	n. m.																													2
1527822622	التباس	iltibáas	confusion, vagueness	2	n. m.																													2
1613562966607	التفات	iltifáat	esteem, courtesy, honor, attention	4	n. m.																													2
1527813419	التهاب	iltiháab	inflamation	4	n. m.																													2
1584888938336	التماس	iltimáas	request, entreaty, supplication	2	n. m.																													2
1527823079	التزام	iltizáam	obligation, duty, requirement	2	n. m.																													2
1527816231	علم	í'lum	knowledge, science (w/ plural: studies, science)	4	n. m.									علوم	Ulóom																			3
1527813558	الزام	ilzáam	accusation, charge, blame	4	n. m.																													3
1702626948546	الزام لګول	ilzáam lugawúl	to accuse, blame, slander	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527813558	accuse																											3
1527814276	امام	imáam	imam, one who leads prayiers in the mosque	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1584639382023	امامت	imaamát	the rank, practice, act of being an imam	4	n. m.																													2
1527818577	عمارت	imaarát	building, structure, construction	3	n. m.																													2
1573150154608	امارت	imaarát	emirate, power, authority, principality	4	n. m.																													2
1527823101	امتیاز	imitiyáaz	privilege, advantage; concession; difference, distinction, peculiarity	4	n. m.									امتیازات	imtiyaazáat																			2
1527812172	امکان	imkáan	possibility, opportunity, feasibility, probability, means, ability	4	n. m.									امکانات	imkaanaat																			2
1527822896	امتداد	imtidáad	extent, duration; extension, prolongation	4	n. m.																													2
1527817778	امتحان	imtiháan	test, examination, exam	4	n. m.																													3
1712744087234	امتحان اخیستل	imtiháan akheestúl	to give a test	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527817778	give	a test																										3
1527817189	امتنان	imtináan	thankfulness, gratitude	2	n. m.																													2
1527817198	امتزاج	imtizáaj	blend, blending; combination	2	n. m.																													2
1527820702	انعام	in'áam	prize, reward	4	n. m.																													3
1527822559	انعکاس	in'ikáas	reflection, reflex, echo	4	n. m.																													3
1610541705370	انځیر	indzéer	fig	0	n. m.																													2
1527817471	انځر	indzúr	fig	4	n. m.																													3
1527817760	انفعال	infi'aal	shame, embarrassment, grief, vexation	3	n. m.																													
1527813056	انفجار	infijáar	explosion, burst	4	n. m.																													2
1527813059	انفلاق	infiláaq	explosion, outburst, breakaway, eruption	4	n. m.																													2
1662326259452	انفلاسیون	inflaasyón, inflaasyóon	inflation (economic)	4	n. m.																													2
1527812352	انګلستان	inglistáan	England	4	n. m.																													3
1671708248262	انحراف	inhiráaf	deviation, abberation		n. m.									انحرافات	inhiraafáat																			2
1527816726	انحصار	inhisáar	monopoly, siege, quota	4	n. m.																													2
1610618336107	انعطاف	initáaf, ini'táaf	flexibility	2	n. m.																													2
1527820307	انجیل	injéel	Injil, New Testament (in Islam, book given to Isa), Good News	4	n. m.																													2
1527814767	انجماد	injimáad	thickening, congealing, freezing, hardening	4	n. m.																													2
1588787527818	انجن	anjín	motor, engine	4	n. m.																													1
1527814295	انجنیر	injunéer	engineer	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527813407	انکار	inkáar	denial, refusal, rejection	4	n. m.																													3
1527816921	انکشاف	inkisháaf	development, growth, upsurge, progress	4	n. m.																													2
1571527453346	انقباض	inqibáaz	curtailment, decrease; pressure, compression, crumpling; systole; depression	4	n. m.																													2
1527812027	انقلاب	inqiláab	revolution	4	n. m.																													3
1527812173	انصاف	insáaf	justice	4	n. m.																													3
1527817062	انساني فطرت	insaanee fitrát	human nature	4	n. m.																													2
1571840042656	انشعاب	inshi'áab, insh'áab	split, branch, branching out	2	n. m.																													2
1527823440	انسجام	insijáam	order, state of order; smoothness	2	n. m.																													2
1594814280419	انسټیټیوټ	insTeeTyooT	institute	4	n. m.																													
1527814861	انتحار	intiháar	suicide (Arabic)	4	n. m.																													2
1527820613	انتحاري برید	intihaaree breed	suicide attack	4	n. m.																													2
1527820210	انتخاب	intikháab	choice, selection, election	4	n. m.									انتخابات	intikhaabáat																			3
1527811433	انتقاد	intiqaad	criticism	4	n. m.																													2
1527821794	انتقال	intiqaal	transport, transportation; passage, transition; passing; transferring; death	4	n. m.																													2
1527821793	انتقالي حکومت	intiqaalee hUkoomát	transitional government	4	n. m.																													2
1527812039	انتقام	intiqáam	revenge, retribution, reprisal, retaliation	4	n. m.																													3
1527819447	انتساب	intisáab	relationship, connection, belonging; origin; preface, forward (in a book)	2	n. m.																													2
1527813676	انتظام	intizáam	organization, orderliness, order, arrangement	4	n. m.																													3
1703654396372	انتظام کول	intizáam kawúl	to organzie, arrange, order	4	v. stat. comp. trans.	1527813676	organize																											3
1527812696	انتظار	intizáar	waiting	4	n. m.																													2
1527816730	عنوان	inwáan, Unwáan	title, name	4	n. m.																													3
1527818998	انضباط	inzibáat	order, discipline	4	n. m.																													2
1527816981	اقامت	iqaamát	residence, stay; to stand and sit during prayer, precise observance of some religious rite	3	n. m.																													2
1527819985	عقد	aqúd, iqd	collar, necklace	2	n. m.																													2
1527814812	اقدام	iqdáam	measure, arrangement, precaution, operation	3	n. m.									اقدامات	iqdaamaat																			2
1527823148	اقلیم	iqléem, aqléem	climate; region, territory; zone	4	n. m.																													2
1527815839	اقرار	iqráar	confession, admission	4	n. m.																													3
1702627553124	اقرار کول	iqráar kawúl	to confess, affirm	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527815839																												3
1657157473592	اقتباس	iqtibáas	adoption, adaptation, derivation, quotation	2	n. m.																													2
1527822836	اقتدار	iqtidáar	power, authority, ability	3	n. m.																													2
1527816913	اقتصاد	iqtisáad	economy, economics	4	n. m.																													2
1527816920	اقتصادي پوه	iqtisaadee poh	economist	4	n. m.																													2
1594813947932	عراق	i'ráaq	Iraq	4	n. m.																													3
1527814214	عرفان	irfáan	mystical spiritualism, mysticism; knowledge, information	3	n. m.																													2
1527820544	ارث	irs	inheritance, heritage, bequest	2	n. m.																													2
1527821712	ارشاد	irsháad	lesson, principle, instruction	3	n. m.									ارشادات	irshaadáat																			2
1527815935	ارتباط	irtibáat	link, communication, relationship	4	n. m.									ارتباطات	irtibaatáat																			2
1527811778	ارتداد	irtidáad	apostacy, renunciation, backsliding, leaving the faith	3	n. m.																													2
1527815972	ارتکاز	irtikáaz	support, basis, foundation, facts	2	n. m.																													2
1582317713407	اسهال	is`háal	diarrhea	3	n. m.																													2
1527816218	اصابت	isaabát	hit (on target); accuracy, preciseness	2	n. m.																													2
1527816169	اسار	isáar	slave, captive	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527816167	اسارت	isaarát	captivity, slavery, enslavement	3	n. m.																													2
1527819617	اثبات	isbáat	confirmation, proof	4	n. m.																													2
1527814232	اشغال	ishgháal	occupation, invasion, conquest	3	n. m.																													2
1527817812	اشتراک	ishitráak	participation, subscription, joining	4	n. m.									اشتراکات	ishtiraakaat																			2
1527817849	اشکال	ishkáal	difficulty	3	n. m.																													2
1527821537	عشق	í'shq	love (romantic/poetic)	3	n. m.																													3
1527818080	عشرت	ishrát	enjoyment, entertainment, merriment, partying	4	n. m.																													2
1566476854929	اشتغال	ishtigháal	seizing, taking hold of, conquering; tenure, appropriation; profesion, occupation, pursuit	3	n. m.																													2
1579043421547	اشتقاق	ishtiqáaq	derivation, pedigree	3	n. m.																													2
1527817500	اشتیاق	ishtiyáaq	eagerness, ardent desire, hunger; anxiety	3	n. m.																													2
1527820551	اسکلېت	iskilét	skeleton	4	n. m.																													2
1577066720812	اسکلیټ	iskláyT	skeleton	4	n. m.																													2
1527815849	اصلاح	isláah	correction, reform, reformation, fixing, improvement	3	n. m.									اصلاحات	islaaháat																			3
1714730029604	اصلاح کول	islaah kawúl	to reform, correct, make right		v. stat. comp. trans.	1527815849	reform																											3
1714730070642	اصلاح کېدل	islaah kedúl	to be reformed, corrected, made right		v. stat. comp. intrans.	1527815849	be	reformed																										2
1527815542	اسلام	isláam	Islam	4	n. m.																													3
1577555990876	اسم	ísum, ism	noun, name	3	n. m.																													2
1527818376	اسپند	ispánd	wild rue, Syrian rue	3	n. m.																													2
1527811475	اسقاط	isqáat	premature birth, abortion, miscarriage (Arabic)	3	n. m.																													2
1527821988	اسراف	isráaf	squandering, waste, wasting, overuse, profligacy, spending money	3	n. m.																													2
1527817822	اصرار	isráar	insistence, persistence, demand	4	n. m.																													2
1527819207	استیناف	isteenáaf	appeal	1	n. m.																													2
1576102217069	استیظاح	isteezáah	eradication, extermination, impeachment, extreme poverty, interpellation	1	n. m.																													2
1527820604	استعداد	isti'dáad	talent, aptitude, ability	3	n. m.																													2
1527820759	استعمال	isti'máal	use, utilization, application	4	n. m.																													3
1527822006	استبداد	istibdáad	despotism, autocracy	3	n. m.																													2
1527811249	استدلال	istidlaal	argument, reasoning, conclusion	4	n. m.																													
1527819898	استدراج	istidráaj	gradualness	2	n. m.																													2
1579042618443	استفهام	istifháam	question (Arabic)	2	n. m.																													2
1527822641	استفراغ	istifráagh	vomit, puke	3	n. m.																													2
1527822642	استفراغات	istifraagháat	vomiting, puking	3	n. m.																													2
1527820707	استفراق	istifráaq	vomit	4	n. m.																													2
1527822640	استغفار	istighfáar, astaghfáar	repentance, an appeal for forgiveness, pardon (religious)	4	n. m.																													3
1714744460034	استغفار کول	istighfáar kawúl	to repent, ask for forgiveness	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527822640																												3
1674935590650	استحکام	istihkáam	strengthening, stability, fortification, reinforcement		n. m.																													2
1678366024064	استحصال	istihsáal	exploitation, acquisition, gaining		n. m.																													2
1527821902	اصطکاک	istikaak	rubbing down, friction, chafing, rub, scrubbing	3	n. m.																													
1527817508	استخبارات	istikhbaaráat	intelligence (as in government spying etc.)	4	n. m.																													2
1527814292	استخراج	istikhráaj	mining, extraction	3	n. m.																													2
1527818339	اصطلاح	istiláah	term, phrase, idiom, terminology	3	n. m.																													3
1527817020	استعمار	isti'máar	colonialism, colonization	3	n. m.																													2
1527823547	استمرار	istimráar	duration; persistence, steadfastness; imperfect or continuous past aspect/tense (grammar)	2	n. m.																													2
1527823548	استمراري	istimraarée	continuous, continual, prolonged, imperfect or continuous aspect/tense (grammar)	2	n. m.																													2
1649184619887	استناد	istináad	reference, support, reinforcement	4	n. m.																													
1527815047	استناف	istinaaf	appeal, reclaim (law)	1	n. m.																													2
1527823509	استنباط	istinbáat	deduction, elicitation, follow	1	n. m.																													2
1527814979	استقلال	istiqláal	independence	3	n. m.																													2
1527822019	استقرار	istiqráar	stability, steadiness, constancy	3	n. m.																													2
1527820219	استراحت	istiraahát	rest, relaxation, repose	4	n. m.																													2
1527822063	اطاعت	itaa'át	obedience, subjection, subordination	4	n. m.																													2
1527813563	عتاب	'itáab	reprimand, reproach, criticism, accusation, blemish	2	n. m.																													2
1527815838	عتاب	'itáab	reprimand, reproach, criticism, accusation, blemish	2	n. m.																													2
1527811858	اتفاق	itifáaq	unity, alliance, agreement, understanding, consent; coincidence	4	n. m.																													3
1702798533291	اتفاق کول	itifáaq kawúl	to agree, come into unity with	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527811858																												3
1527811859	اتحاد	itiháad	union, alliance	4	n. m.																													3
1527813560	اتهام	itiháam	accusation, charge, indictment	3	n. m.									اتهامات	itihaamáat																			2
1527811512	اعتماد	i'timáad	trust, confidence	4	n. m.																													3
1527817303	اعتراض	i'tiráaz	objection, protest	3	n. m.																													2
1527812214	اعتصاب	i'tisáab	strike (protest)	3	n. m.																													2
1680849722411	اعتصاب شکن	i'tisaab shikán	strike breaker, scab	4	n. m.																													2
1527817011	اطلاق	itláaq	reference, designation, divorce	3	n. m.																													2
1617991002331	اطمینان	itmeenáan	confidence, assurance, trust, security, satisfaction	3	n. m.																													2
1715074364330	اطمینان کول	itmeenáan kawúl	to assure, satisfy	3	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1617991002331	satisfy																											2
1715074346417	اطمنان	itmináan	confidence, assurance, trust, security, satisfaction	3	n. m.																													2
1715074369380	اطمنان کول	itmináan kawúl	to assure, satisfy	3	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1715074346417	satisfy																											3
1527822033	اتصال	itisáal	joining, connection, contiguity, junction	4	n. m.																													2
1527812262	اتور	itwar	Sunday (Urdu)	4	n. m.																													
1527823242	عوض	iwáz, awz	substitute, replacement	4	n. m.																													2
1527815494	ایالت	iyaalát	province, district, state (Arabic)	4	n. m.																													2
1527819979	ازدواج	izdiwáaj	wedlock, the marriage bond	3	n. m.																													2
1527813108	اظهار	izháar	expression, statement, declaration	3	n. m.																													2
1527818824	اضحلال	izhiláal	dissolution, liquidation	1	n. m.																													2
1527818767	اضطراب	iztiráab	agitation, concern, alarm	3	n. m.																													2
1574354665915	اضطراب	iztiráab	agitation, anguish, alarm, anxiety; oscillation (electricity)	3	n. m.																													2
1676658084976	اضطرار	iztiráar, istiráar	extreme necessity, emergency, despair, hopeless situation		n. m.																													2
1527812700	عزت	izzát	honour, honor, respect, esteem	4	n. m.																													3
1714745059837	عزت کول	izzát kawúl	to respect, honor, esteem	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527812700																												3
1527820311	جعل	ja'l	forging, faking	4	n. m.																													2
1585241147122	جادو	jaadóo	magic, spell, witchcraft	4	n. m.																													3
1579313323182	جادوګر	jaadoogár	magician, charmer, sorcerer	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1584888555862	جاګنی	jaagunáy, jaangunáy	stag, bull (of certain horned animals); leader of a herd	2	n. m.																													2
1527812701	جاج	jaaj	understanding, thought, survey, analysis	4	n. m.																													2
1702843708157	جاج اخیستل	jaaj akheestúl	to survey, look over, analyse	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527812701																												3
1527814503	جاکت	jaakát	jacket	4	n. m.																													2
1527814981	جاکت	jaakát	jacket	4	n. m.																													2
1527817251	جال	jaal	net, screen	4	n. m.																													3
1527818734	جاله وان	jaala wáan	rower, oarsman, ferryman, boatman, raftsman	4	n. m.																													2
1594373229264	جالۍ	jaalúy	screen	4	n. m.																													2
1527818334	جام	jaam	cup, goblet (also used for sports cup/championship)	4	n. m.																													3
1610793659658	جانګی	jaangáy	femoral ligament; rope for tying packs to a camel ?? ; swimming trunks, underwear ??	2	n. m.																													2
1584887481646	جانب	jaaníb	side (as in from our side)	3	n. m.									جوانب	jawaanib																			2
1527821162	جار	jaar	pen (for cattle), temporary fence, enclosed area for trapping quail; corral; manure pile, dung heap	4	n. m.																													2
1527821163	جار	jaar	declaration, proclamation (په جار - openly, boldly)	4	n. m.																													2
1527821165	جار	jaar	sacrifice, victim (ځار) (like قربان)	4	n. m.																													2
1527820714	جار ایستنګ	jaar eestáng	vomit, vomiting, puke, puking	4	n. m.																													2
1527822173	جاړه	jaaRú	bush, shrub	4	n. m.																													2
1527816569	جاسوس	jaasóos	spy, secret agent	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527818318	جایداد	jaaydáad	property, assets, estate	4	n. m.																													3
1527822540	جاینماز	jaaynamáaz	prayer mat	4	n. m.																													2
1527815474	جبر	jábar	force, violence, compulsion	4	n. m.																													2
1584514940353	جبین	jabéen	forehead, brow, front	3	n. m.																													2
1527816413	جد	jad	grandfather, forefather (Arabic)	4	n. m.																													2
1678361902587	جدیدیت	jadeediyát	modernism		n. m.																													
1527822451	جدول	jadwál	chart, table, list	4	n. m.																													2
1588160960810	جګړن	jagRún	soldier, warrior, major	4	n. m.																													2
1527820480	جهالت	jahaalát	ignorance, savagery, barbarism, stupidity	4	n. m.																													3
1527812341	جهان	jaháan, jiháan	world, earth, universe, realm	4	n. m.																													3
1527820152	جهاز	jaháaz	ship, boat; vessel, organ (biology)	4	n. m.																													3
1527817792	جهنم	jahannám, jahannÚm, jahanám, jahanÚm	hell	4	n. m.																													3
1527813234	جهد	jahd, jahúd	effort, striving (Arabic)	3	n. m.																													2
1527822830	جهیل	jahéel	lake	4	n. m.																													2
1527816137	جهیز	jaheez	dowry, bride price, bride's household goods	3	n. m.																													2
1592559707851	جهل	jahl, jáhil, jíhil	ignorance, foolishness	3	n. m.																													2
1527821718	جج	jaj	double chin; judge	4	n. m.																													2
1622918319311	جک	jak	jack (for lifting)	4	n. m.																													2
1527813090	جکړ	jakaR	storm, thunderstorm, calamity, catastrophe	3	n. m.																													2
1527811898	جل	jal, jil	hedge, gateway, moat; windbreak around a house; hot wind, sunstroke	4	n. m.																													2
1577069907421	جلاد	jaláad, jalláad	hangman, executioner, torturer	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527813714	جلال	jaláal	glory, greatness (Arabic)	4	n. m.																													3
1586278290511	جلات	jaláat	hangman, executioner, torturer	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527813742	جلاوطن	jalaawatán	emigrant, migrant, immigrant, refugee, exile	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527822121	جلب	jaláb	escort; passenger seat (in a car)	2	n. m.																													
1527821647	جلب	jalb	attraction; summoning, involvement, recruitment	4	n. m.																													2
1527814455	جلباب	jalbáab	veil, bed-curtain, netting around bed	3	n. m.																													2
1527822653	جم	jam	crowd, clan, tribe, concentration of people, collection	4	n. m.																													2
1527820070	جم و جوش	jam-U-jósh	accumulation, abundance, profusion, confluence	4	n. m.																													2
1527820417	جماعت	jamáa'at, jUmáa'at, jUmáat	mosque; class (in school); organization, party (as in political party or orginazation), group; crowd, meeting	4	n. m.																													3
1527818729	جماد	jamáad	mineral, mineral deposit, inorganic substance	4	n. m.									جمادات	jamaadaat																			2
1595516756604	جمال	jamáal	beauty, gracefulness (Arabic); a name	4	n. m.																													2
1577556336876	جمعیت	jami'yát	society, association, meeting; plurality (grammar); population, riches	4	n. m.																													2
1527814504	جمپر	jampár	jacket, coat, cardigan	4	n. m.																													2
1527814982	جمپر	jampár	jacket, coat, cardigan	4	n. m.																													2
1527818875	جناح	janáah, jináah	wing, side, military flank	3	n. m.																													2
1527812705	جنت	janát	heaven, paradise	4	n. m.																													3
1527817313	جنین	janéen, jináyn	embryo, fetus	4	n. m.																													2
1527813371	جنګ	jang	war, fight, battle	4	n. m.																													3
1576373843716	جنغوزی	janghozáy, jinghozáy	pistachio, pine nut	4	n. m.																													2
1527822585	جنګسلار	jangsaláar	warlord	4	n. m.																													2
1527816936	جنګیالی	jangyaaláy	warrior, fighter, soldier	4	n. m.																													2
1527813265	جنجال	janjáal	fuss, trouble, issue, fighting, controversy	4	n. m.																													2
1714413140289	جنجال جوړول	janjáal joRawúl	to squabble, quibble, start a fight, cause trouble	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527813265	squabble																											3
1527818293	جنوب	jUnóob, janóob, jinóob	south	4	n. m.																													3
1527812224	جنرال	janráal	general	4	n. m.																													2
1614081918508	جره توب	jara tób	singleness, bachalorhood	4	n. m.																													2
1527813324	جرس	jaras, jars	bell	4	n. m.																													2
1527819669	جریده نګار	jareeda nigáar	journalist, reporter	4	n. m.																													2
1527823175	جړک	jaRk, jRak	jolt, shock, tremor	4	n. m.																													2
1527823174	جړق	jaRq, jRaq	jolt, shock, tremor	4	n. m.																													2
1577572674176	جرثقیل	jarsaqéel	crane	3	n. m.																													2
1527811435	جسد	jasád	corpse, dead body	4	n. m.									اجساد	ajsáad																			2
1527819366	جشن	jáshun, jashn	celebration, festivity, holiday	4	n. m.																													3
1584882738658	جټ	jaT	Gypsy	2	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527812383	جواب	jawáab	answer, response, reply (ځواب)	4	n. m.									جوابات	jawaabaat																			3
1714743941980	جواب ورکول	jawáab warkawúl	to answer, respond, reply	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527812383	answer																											3
1527814622	جواز	jawáaz	permit, licence, permission, reason, pretext	3	n. m.																													2
1577649987846	جوس	jawás	field; square; courtyard	4	n. m.																													
1527822467	جوف	jawf, jof	cavity (anatomy)	4	n. m.																													2
1577649882884	جور	jawr	violence	3	n. m.																													
1527819305	جذب	jazb, juzub	absorption, soaking, attraction, allurement, drawing in	4	n. m.																													2
1527818172	جزم	jazm, jázum	cutting off, truncation, amputation	3	n. m.																													2
1527819538	جېب	jeb	pocket	4	n. m.																													
1584519146311	جېل	jel	jail, prison; gel	4	n. m.																													3
1578329741074	جیب	jayb	pocket	4	n. m.																													
1527818377	جهاربوټی	juhaarbóoTay, juhaarbóTay	a variety of rue	3	n. m.																													2
1527813239	جد	jid, jad	effort, diligence	4	n. m.																													2
1527813240	جد و جهد	jid-U-jahd	struggle, efforts	4	n. m.																													2
1527814588	جدیت	jidiyát, jiddiyát	seriousness, gravity	4	n. m.																													2
1527822122	جګر	jigár	liver (used in combining forms / phrases)	3	n. m.																													
1527815495	جهاد	jiháad	jihad, holy war (Islam)	4	n. m.																													2
1527821050	جهت	jihát	reason, cause	4	n. m.																													2
1574785162928	جلو	jiláw	rein, reins, bridle (of a horse)	4	n. m.																													2
1527813269	جن	jin	demon, ghost, spirit, genie	4	n. m.																													2
1527818244	جن	jin	girl, little girl; evil spirit, demon	4	n. m.																													2
1527819756	جنایت	jinaayát	crime, illegal act, wrongdoing	4	n. m.																													2
1527819757	جنایت کار	jinaayat káar	felon, criminal, wrongdoer	4	n. m.																													2
1527813645	جنس	jins	sort, kind, breed; sex, gender; (w/ plural: commodities, wears, items, articles)	4	n. m.									اجناس	ajnáas																			2
1527811608	جنسي تېری	jinsee teray	sexual assault, sexual abuse, molestation, rape	4	n. m.																													
1527813659	جنسیت	jinsiyát	grade, type, sex, gender	4	n. m.																													2
1527816892	جریب	jiréeb	jerib, a measurement equal to 2000 m² or 0.2 hectare	4	n. m.																													3
1527811418	جرم	jirm	body, mass (Physics) (Arabic)	4	n. m.																													
1527823273	جریان	jiryáan, jaryáan	flow, current, process, current of events; stream	4	n. m.																													2
1527823396	جسم	jísum, jism	body, substance	4	n. m.									اجسام	ajsáam																			3
1527819947	جوار	jiwáar, jawáar	vicinity, proximity	4	n. m.																													2
1527819539	جوب	job	bag, pocket	2	n. m.																													2
1527818544	جوک	jook	a place for a camel to lie down and rest; melting down / boiling down sugar; weight	2	n. m.																													2
1527817511	جومات	joomáat	mosque	4	n. m.																													2
1675267834196	جون	joon	June		n. m.																													2
1527812252	جوس	joos	juice	4	n. m.																													2
1527817479	جوټۍ	jooTúy	rock, swing, nod, drowse	4	n. m.																													2
1527818513	جووړ	joowúR	pool, pond, reservoir	1	n. m.																													
1577649910775	جور	jor	the quality of being well-cooked (rice)	3	n. m.																													
1527811581	جوړېده	joRedú	production, manufacturing, structure	3	n. m.																													2
1527815544	جوړجاړی	joRjaaRáy	agreement	4	n. m.																													2
1527811705	جوړښت	joRúxt	structure	4	n. m.																													3
1527820068	جوش	josh	excitement, ardour, fervour, enthusiasm, boil, boiling	3	n. m.																													3
1586278822637	جوش و خروش	josh-U-kharósh	excitement, ardour, fervour, enthusiasm	4	n. m.																													2
1527811357	جبران	jibráan, jUbráan	compensation for damages and losses	4	n. m.																													2
1527812714	جغ	jugh	yoke	4	n. m.																													3
1527813241	جغات	jugháat	effort, labour	1	n. m.																													2
1527811892	جغن پړی	jughun púRay	rope tying the yoke to the pole of a cart	2	n. m.																													2
1595516359590	جلد	jUld, jild	volume, tome; tonne; skin, leather	4	n. m.																													3
1704701036106	جلد کول	jUld kawúl	to bind (a book)		v. stat. comp. trans.	1595516359590	bind, binds, binding, bound																											3
1527812213	جمات	jUmáat	mosque	4	n. m.																													2
1527818282	جمهور	jUmhóor, jumhóor	republic; populace	4	n. m.									جماهیر	jamaahéer																			2
1527818284	جمهوریت	jUmhooriyát, jumhooriyát	republic, republican system	4	n. m.																													3
1527814055	جنون	jUnóon, junóon	madness, craziness, insanity, lunacy	4	n. m.																													2
1527819151	جرأت	jUr'át	courage, boldness, bravery	4	n. m.																												TRUE	2
1714322800251	جرأت کول	jUr'át kawul	to dare, have courage	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527819151																											TRUE	3
1665948089837	جرئت	jUr'át	courage, boldness, bravery	4	n. m.																													2
1527811417	جرم	jÚrum, júrum	crime, offence, misdemeanour; fine, penalty	4	n. m.									جرائم	juraaim																			3
1702627063797	جرم کول	jÚrum kawul, júrum kawúl	to do a crime, offence	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527811417																												2
1702627228106	جرم راوړل	jÚrum raawRúl, júrum raawRúl	to slander, accuse, blame	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527811417																												3
1527819381	جوال	jUwáal	bag, sack	3	n. m.																													3
1527820528	جز	juz, jUz	hissing, bite (of a scorpion, snake, wasp etc.)	4	n. m.																													2
1527820529	جز	jUz	part, portion, component	4	n. m.																													2
1586340193892	جز	juz	bite, hissing (of snake, scorpion, wasp)	4	n. m.																													
1527817275	جذام	jUzáam	leprosy	4	n. m.																													2
1527817280	جذامي	jUzaamée	leper	4	n. m.																													2
1527816258	جزدان	jUzdáan	notebook, folder for paper	4	n. m.																													2
1663958124238	ژبدود	jzabdód	grammar, regularity of language	4	n. m.																													2
1617990943400	ژور خفګان	jzawár khafgáan	depression, deep sadness	4	n. m.																													2
1571525855452	ژباړن	jzbaaRán	translator, interpreter	3	n. m.																													2
1573686563723	ژی	jzay	wineskin, bagpipe, skin for carrying liquid	2	n. m.																													2
1527819962	ژغوری	jzghóray	backer, supporter	2	n. m.																													2
1527816863	ژمنماتی	jzmanmáatay	promise breaker	2	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527822393	ژوبڼ	jzobáN	zoo	2	n. m.																													2
1527819860	ژورنال	jzoornáal	journal (as in a scientific journal), magazine	3	n. m.																													2
1527811643	ژورنالیست	jzoornaaléest	journalist	3	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1678795152752	ژورنالېزم	jzoornaalézum, jzoornaalézm	journalism		n. m.																													2
1527815698	ژمی	jzúmay, jzímay	winter	4	n. m.																													2
1527815701	ژمګوری	jzumgóray	winter camp, winter dwelling	2	n. m.																													2
1527813599	ژواک	jzwaak	life, existence	2	n. m.																													2
1625944323115	ژوند لیک	jzwand léek, jzund léek	biography, autobiography	4	n. m.																													2
1527812722	ژوند	jzwand, jzwund	life	3	n. m.																													2
1527813594	ژوندو ژواک	jzwando jzwáak	lifestyle	2	n. m.																													2
1527815845	ژوندون	jzwundóon, jzwandóon	life, livelihood, way of life	4	n. m.				ژوندانه	jzwundaanu	ژوندن	jzwundan																						2
1527821477	کابوس	kaabóos	nightmare, frightening dream	2	n. m.																													2
1527817469	کافر	kaafír	infidel, unbeliever, atheist, pagan (in Islam)	3	n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1588786663660	کافی	kaafáy	cafe	4	n. m.																													2
1527818173	کافیت	kaafiyát	sufficiency, being enough	3	n. m.																													2
1590053605265	کاغ	kaagh	cawing/crowing sound of crows, hens etc.	4	n. m.																													2
1590053564590	کاغ کاغ	kaagh kaagh	cawing/crowing sound of crows, hens etc.	3	n. m.																													2
1527823178	کاغ والی	kaagh wáalay	wisdom, good sense, foresight, discretion, intelligence	1	n. m.																													2
1527812725	کاغذ	kaagház	paper	4	n. m.									کاغذات	kaaghazaat																			2
1584884648888	کاغذباد	kaaghazbáad	kite	1	n. m.																													2
1577067295826	کاګل	kaagíl, kaagúl	plaster (for walls made from straw and clay)	4	n. m.																													2
1527823679	کاهښت	kaahúxt, kaahíxt	itch; pruritus; angrily gnashing/grinding ones teeth; swearing	3	n. m.																													2
1623405986902	کاجو	kaajóo	cashew	4	n. m.																													2
1527816446	کاکا	kaakáa	paternal uncle, term of address for elderly man	4	n. m. anim.																													3
1527820353	کاکل	kaakÚl, kaakúl	lock (of hair), curl, ringlet; (small) crest (birds)	4	n. m.																													2
1527812727	کال	kaal	year	3	n. m.																													1
1527823368	کالبوت	kaalbóot	carcass, corpse, frame, structure, body, shell	3	n. m.																													
1578706351012	کالی	kaalay	dress, clothing, underwear, ornament (usually plural)	4	n. m.																													
1527822916	کالبر	kaalíbr, kaalbár	caliber (weapons/military)	2	n. m.																													2
1584528435434	کالج	kaalij	college	4	n. m.																													2
1527819550	کام	kaam	palate; kin, family, clan, tribe	2	n. m.																													2
1527814290	کان	kaan	mine, quarry, shaft, pit	4	n. m.																													2
1527823295	کاڼی	káaNay	stone, rock	4	n. m.																													3
1527820651	کانفلور	kaanflór	potato flour	1	n. m.																													2
1586551257500	کانکور	kaankór	test, exam; competition, concourse	4	n. m.																													2
1624352785739	کانکرېټ	kaankréT	concrete	4	n. m.																													2
1527812320	کاپرچټ	kaapircháT	long knife, short sword	1	n. m.																													2
1527822084	کار	kaar	work, job, business, stuff to do	4	n. m.																													3
1610793132864	کارن	kaarán	user	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527812733	کاربېټر	kaarbeTúr	carburetor	3	n. m.																													2
1527820792	کارډ	kaarD	card	4	n. m.																													3
1527816881	کاریګر	kaareegár	worker, employee, labourer; (often used in this form for plural of کارګر)	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527822442	کارېز	kaaréz	Kahriz, underground irrigation canal	3	n. m.																													2
1527816878	کارګر	kaargár	worker, employee, labourer	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527811783	کارګوټی	kaargóTay	no big deal, small piece of work	3	n. m.																													2
1527811286	کارمن	kaarmán	worker, employee	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527814476	کاړو کوړ	kaaRoo kóoR	howls, shouts, screams; clanking, clattering	1	n. m.																													2
1527816872	کاروبار	kaaroobáar	business, work, affairs, occupation	4	n. m.																													3
1527819291	کارپوه	kaarpóh	expert, specialist	4	n. m.																													2
1588782702477	کارتوس	kaartóos	cartridge, round (of a gun)	3	n. m.																													3
1664029465164	کارتن	kaartún	carton, cardboard	4	n. m.																													2
1527813579	کاروان	kaarwáan	caravan	4	n. m.																													3
1527811927	کاسیر توب	kaaseer tób	prostitution	3	n. m.																													2
1527814465	کاشتکار	kaashtkáar	farmer	4	n. m.																													2
1527822921	کاټلی	kaaTláy, kaaTuláy	shotgun cartridge	1	n. m.																													2
1527817108	کاته	kaatú	look, gaze, examination, inspection, spying	3	n. m.																													2
1527822479	کاوړ	kaawáR	anger, fury	1	n. m.																													2
1527821248	کاینات	kaayináat	universe, world, creation	4	n. m.																													3
1527815707	کاز	kaaz	den, cavern, lair, cave; scissors; wish, desire	1	n. m.																													2
1527817250	کب	kab	fish	3	n. m.																													3
1527820314	کباب	kabáab	kebab, roast	4	n. m.																													2
1568411038763	کباړ	kabáaR	garbage, trash, second-hand goods	3	n. m. pl.																													3
1527819453	کبل	kabál	reason, cause	2	n. m.																													2
1527818563	کبوړی	kabóoRay	muscle	3	n. m.																													2
1527818562	کبوړی	kaboRáy	juice of the sugar cane	3	n. m.																													
1527814897	کبر	kábur, kibr, kíbur	pride, arrogance	4	n. m.																													3
1624512527541	کچ	kach	measure, metering; step, yardstick; 42 inches; restraint, moderation	4	n. m.																													2
1624512543034	کچ مېچ	kach mech	measure, metering; step, yardstick; restraint, moderation	4	n. m.																													
1527818570	کچکول	kachkól	cup for collecting handouts/begging (used among the dervish)	4	n. m.																													2
1566652405558	کدو	kadóo	pumpkin, gourd; fool, twit (derogatory slang)	4	n. m.																													3
1527813746	کډوال	kaDwáal	migrant, emmigrant, immigrant, nomad	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527819821	کف	kaf	foam, froth	4	n. m.																													2
1527815459	کفالت	kafaalát	acting for, management, responsibility for, representing	4	n. m.																													2
1527816594	کفایت	kafaayát, kifaayát	sufficiency, to have enough or get by	4	n. m.																													2
1527820303	کفن	kafán	burial shroud, cloth wrapping someone for burial	4	n. m.																													3
1527820304	کفن دزد	kafan dUzd	cemetery thief, grave robber	3	n. m.																													2
1527815947	کفیل	kaféel	deputy	2	n. m.																													2
1527813169	کږ	kaG	lower jaw bone, lower part of beak	2	n. m.																													2
1527823205	کږلېچ	kaGléch	bend, twist	3	n. m.																													2
1527819551	کهول	kahól	family, kindred	4	n. m.																													2
1574868446005	کج لېچ	kaj léch	bend, turn, curve	4	n. m.																													2
1623044574331	کجک	kaják	curl, ringlet of hair	4	n. m.																													2
1574868472113	کجلېچ	kajléch	bend, turn, curve	3	n. m.																													2
1527821729	کژ	kajz	chin	1	n. m.																													2
1527818571	کک	kak	particle, crumb, blade of grass; sugar-cane molasses	2	n. m.																													3
1527815973	کلام	kaláam	word, speech, piece of poetry	4	n. m.																													2
1715385348572	کلام کول	kaláam kawúl	to speak																															3
1527819553	کلنګ	kaláng, kUláng	tribute; money; goods given from the husbands family to the brides	3	n. m.																													2
1527818373	کلوو	kalóow	anise, aniseed	1	n. m.																													
1527811723	کلتور	kaltóor	culture	4	n. m.																													2
1527819678	کمال	kamáal	perfection, maturity, completeness; skill, great talent, ability, achievement or quality	4	n. m.																													3
1578015160090	کمان	kamáan	bow (archery); arch, vault, dome	3	n. m.																													2
1566652848760	کمر	kamár	cliff, cragg; waist	3	n. m.																													2
1527812211	کمربند	kamarbánd	belt, sash, cummerbund; border or line in a conflict/war	3	n. m.																													2
1527812745	کمبود	kambóod	lack, deficiency	3	n. m.																													2
1527821551	کمین	kaméen	ambush	4	n. m.																													2
1527815718	کمیس	kamées, qamées	shirt, undershirt, slip, kameez, blouse	3	n. m.																													3
1715152151971	قمیس	qamées, kamées	shirt, undershirt, slip, kameez, blouse	3	n. m.																													3
1715152155728	قمیص	qamées, kamées	shirt, undershirt, slip, kameez, blouse	3	n. m.																													3
1527816880	کمی	kamáy	shortage, lack, deficiency deficit, reduction	3	n. m.																													3
1527817779	کمیت	kamiyát	quantity (کميت او کيفيت  quality and quantity)	3	n. m.																													2
1578014921595	کموډ	kamóD	commode, western toilet	3	n. m.																													2
1527822044	کمونیزم	kamoonéezm	communism	4	n. m.																													2
1527822045	کمونست	kamooníst	communist	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527813793	کمپ	kamp	camp	3	n. m.																													3
1527816853	کمپاین	kampáayn	campaign	4	n. m.																													2
1527814078	کمپیوټر	kampyooTár	computer	4	n. m.																													3
1527816879	کمښت	kamúxt	shortage, lack, deficiency, wane, lessening	3	n. m.																													2
1627318669821	کناراب	kanaaráab, kinaaráab	bathroom, toilet, restroom	4	n. m.																													2
1527823074	کنات	kanáat, kináat	see قنات - underground irrigation canal	2	n. m.																													2
1527818568	کنډ	kanD	small piece, small	2	n. m.																													2
1527821870	کند	kand	sugar	0	n. m.																													2
1610557016242	کنډ	kanD	rubber, gum, resin, eraser	2	n. m.																													2
1527823727	کنداغ	kUndáagh	butt, stock of a rifle/firearem	4	n. m.																													2
1527820853	کندهار	kandaháar	Kandahar	4	n. m.																													2
1527820095	کنډک	kanDák, kunDúk	flock; battalion, military unit; piece, fragment, bite, track (music)	3	n. m.																													3
1527822771	کنډر	kanDár, kanDúr	ruins; hole, passageway dug through a wall	4	n. m.																													3
1527818567	کندلوښی	kandlóxay	sugar bowl	0	n. m.																													2
1527823091	کندو	kandóo	bin, corn-crib, storehouse (for grain)	4	n. m.																													2
1527813365	کنډوری	kanDóoray	distance between thumb and index finger	2	n. m.																													2
1578770271277	کڼی	kaNáy	warp (of fabric)	2	n. m.																													2
1527813128	کنفرانس	kanfráans	conference	4	n. m.																													3
1578770124226	کنګال	kangáal	washed/cleaned dishware	4	n. m.																													2
1527814778	کنګل	kangál	freezing, frost; frozen	3	n. m.																													3
1527814777	کنګړ	kangáR	bracelet, hoop	2	n. m.																													2
1582146957797	کنګرو	kangaróo, kangróo	kangaroo	4	n. m.																													2
1610616852625	کنګرېزی	kangrézay	echo	2	n. m.																													2
1610540146830	کنجرتوب	kanjUrtob, kanjurtób	prostitution, shamelessness	3	n. m.																													2
1584884669377	کنکوک	kankóok	kite	1	n. m.																													2
1527817546	کنسرت	kansirt, kansart	concert	3	n. m.																													2
1527818901	کنترول	kantról	monitoring, supervision, checking, control, regulation	3	n. m.																													2
1527814717	کنټرول	kanTról, kunTról	control	3	n. m.																													2
1527822773	کپ	kap	bite, morsel; trophy, cup	3	n. m.																													3
1527820305	کپن	kapán	burial shroud, cloth wrapping someone for burial (کفن)	3	n. m.																													2
1527819013	کپېړ	kapéR	crocodile	1	n. m.																													2
1527817085	کر	kar	sowing	4	n. m.																													2
1621958572792	کړ	kaR	verb	4	n. m.																													2
1527823609	کره توب	kara tób	authenticity, genuineness, reliability	4	n. m.																													2
1527823610	کره والی	kara wáalay	authenticity, genuineness, reliability	3	n. m.																													2
1527823139	کراچي وان	karaachee wáan	carter, someone selling things from a cart	4	n. m.																													2
1576945749410	کرامت	karaamát, kiraamát	miraculous power, miraculous feat or miracle; mercy, generosity	4	n. m.									کرامات	karaamáat																			2
1566475011687	کراړۍ	karaaRúy, kiraaRúy	mushroom	1	n. m.																													2
1527811722	کړاو	kaRáaw	grief, distress, affliction, torment	4	n. m.																													3
1578616872634	کرک	karák	common quail	2	n. m.																													
1578616944967	کرک	karák	whole wheat	1	n. m.																													
1580769979312	کرل	karál	mortar (for grinding medicine)	3	n. m.																													1
1527811373	کرم	káram	kindness, mercy, goodness, generosity, pity (Arabic)	2	n. m.																													2
1591871510979	کړمچی	kaRamcháy	suffix (grammar)	3	n. m.																													
1574785006480	کرنګ	karáng	planting, sowing	1	n. m.																													2
1612112820319	کرت	karát, krat	time (as in 20 times - شل کرته)	4	n. m.																													2
1527821502	کربوړی	karbóRay	lizard	4	n. m.																													2
1527816638	کرهډ	karháD	blooming, flowering, turning green	1	n. m.																													2
1578616964055	کرک	kark	rhinoceros, rhinoceros hide/leather	1	n. m.																													
1527812749	کړکېچ	kaRkéch	tension, conflict	4	n. m.																													2
1630765169871	کړکی	kaRkáy, kaRukáy	reed, cane	4	n. m.																													
1527819858	کرمنتوب	karmuntób	insomnia	1	n. m.																													2
1600076411457	کړند	kaRúnd	subject (grammar)	4	n. m.																													2
1584515499002	کړښت	kaRúxt	suffering, pain, misery, hardship	4	n. m.																													2
1527812757	کس	kas	person	4	n. m.																													3
1527819148	کثافت	kasaafát	dirt, refuse, filth, garbage; density, thickness, weight	3	n. m.																													2
1527818808	کسالت	kasaalát	tiredness, weariness, fatigue, weakness	3	n. m.																													2
1527813002	کست	kasat, kast	spite, angre, malice	1	n. m.																													2
1527821694	کسب	kásub, kasb, kisb	trade, business, craft	4	n. m.																													3
1716308818370	کسب کول	kásub kawúl, kísb kawúl	to work a trade, do a job		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527821694	work																											3
1527811209	کش	kash	pull, stretch, traction; furrowing, plowing??; difficulty, concern, trouble; pulled, dragged; distorted; dash; hostility, dispute	4	n. m.																													2
1527817794	کش مکش	kash makásh	quarrel, skirmish, conflict, struggle	3	n. m.																													2
1586446226407	کش و ګیر	kash-U-géer	struggle, rivalry, fight, brawl, tussle	3	n. m.																													2
1527816207	کشف	kashf	exploration, discovery, finding, search, investigation	4	n. m.																													2
1670422680517	کشمالی	kashmaaláy	basil		n. m.																													2
1527812750	کشمیر	kashméer	Kashmir	3	n. m.																													2
1626767854663	کشری	kashráy	basket, kneading trough	3	n. m.																													2
1527822454	کسر	kasr, kásur	fraction	4	n. m.																													2
1527811638	کثرت	kasrát	numerical strength, majority, frequency, plenty	3	n. m.																													2
1527811801	کټ	kaT	cot, bed; large, fat, thing, strong; exclusion, cut; black pignment, black dye (made from pomegranate rinds)	4	n. m.																													3
1577822123658	کتار	katáar	line (as in a line of people waiting), file (قطار)	4	n. m.																													2
1527811893	کټپړی	kaTpúRay	the rope that holds a bed together	3	n. m.																													2
1626765029649	کڅوک	katsóok, katswák	chickenpox, chicken pox, varicella	4	n. m.																													2
1527819224	کتغ	katúgh	warm meal, dish	4	n. m.																													2
1527811594	کوچ	kawch	couch, sofa	4	n. m.																													
1527818902	کودی	kawdáy	potsherd, fragment, earthenware pot	1	n. m.																													2
1527823664	کوی	káway, kúway, kuwáy	smallpox	1	n. m.																													2
1527818838	کوکب	kawkáb, kookáb	star, planet, heavenly body	2	n. m.									کواکب	kawaakib																			2
1527823051	کونسل	konsúl, kawnsúl, koonsúl	consul	4	n. m.																													3
1527820076	کوشېر	kawshér, koshér	soldering, welding; compensation	4	n. m.																													2
1574866671907	کوشکن	kawshkán, koshkán	anteroom, antechamber, waiting room	2	n. m.																													
1527812289	کوتر	kawtár	pidgeon, dove	4	n. m.																													2
1626765002080	کوڅک	kawtsák	chickenpox, chicken pox, varicella	4	n. m.																													
1575237090194	کوکی	kawukáy, kookáy	small iron trowel (used like a spatula on bowls?), ladle	3	n. m.																													2
1527817802	کښ	kax	pulling, drawing, traction	3	n. m.																													2
1576888208912	کېدون	kedóon	possibility, probability, eventuality	1	n. m.																													2
1588785599570	کیلومتر	keelomítur	kilometer	4	n. m.																													2
1527821287	کین	keen	malice, spite, vindictiveness (کينه)	3	n. m.																													2
1614169400348	کیر	keer	rice milk porridge	4	n. m.																													2
1614169420758	کیر کیرک	keer keerák	kingfisher	2	n. m.																													2
1527820256	کیشپ	keesháp	turtle, tortoise	4	n. m.																													2
1527813459	کیواړ	keewaaR	lock, padlock	2	n. m.																													2
1527813764	کېک	kek	cake	4	n. m.																													2
1527816567	کېس	kes	glory, honor	1	n. m.																													2
1527811791	کېش	kesh	cotton blanket, shawl	1	n. m.																													2
1588074679735	کی	kay	king, hero	2	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1610795276513	کیف	kayf	pleasure, enjoyment, intoxication	3	n. m.																													2
1527811717	کیهان	kayháan	the world, universe (poetic)	1	n. m.																													2
1527811719	کیهان نورد	kayhaan nawárd	astronaut	1	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527813000	خادم	khaadim	servant	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													
1527822424	خواجه	khwaajá, khaajá	eunuch	3	n. m.																													2
1610793789926	خاک	khaak	corpse	4	n. m.																													2
1527822500	خال	khaal	birth mark, beauty mark (on the cheek), speck, spot, gold; tattoo; vaccination, immunization, inoculation; scaper (agriculture)	4	n. m.																													3
1527814049	خالق	khaalíq	Creator, Maker, God (Arabic)	4	n. m. anim.																													3
1577396427655	خامک	khaamák	shoots / sucklers of a vine; embroidery	4	n. m.																													2
1527819113	خان	khaan	khan, leader of a tribe or family	4	n. m. anim.																													2
1527819544	خاندان	khaanadáan	family, dynasty	3	n. m.																													3
1584444454388	خانکی	khaanakáy	diminutive of خان	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1590826000755	خانسامه	khaansaamá	cook	3	n. m. anim.																													2
1593172942097	خاپ	khaap	stain, speckle, blur	2	n. m.																													2
1527811896	خار	khaar	thorn, spine	4	n. m.																													3
1577823016740	خارج	khaaríj	outside, abroad	3	n. m.																													2
1527823673	خارش	khaarísh	itch, mange, scratching	3	n. m.																													2
1527823659	خارښت	khaarúxt, khaaríxt	itch, mange, scratching	4	n. m.																													3
1527817462	خاشاک	khaasháak	kindling, brushwood	4	n. m.																													3
1527813691	خاطر	khaatír	thought, memory, consideration or deference (out of respect); reason, cause; mind, spirit	3	n. m.																													2
1527812765	خبر	khabár	news, information, notice	4	n. m.											خبرونه	khabróona																	3
1708558394457	خبر ورکول	khabár warkawúl	to inform	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527812765	inform																											3
1573055311846	خبرداری	khabardaaráy	warning, notice, alarm	4	n. m.																													3
1618408634809	خبري کنفرانس	khaburee kanfráans	press conference	4	n. m.																													2
1527822323	خچر	khachúr	mule	3	n. m. anim.																													2
1527817200	خفګان	khafgáan	sadness, depression, grief	4	n. m.																													3
1713695329994	خفګان کول	khafgáan kawúl	to grieve, be sad, be depressed	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527817200	grieve																											3
1527822596	خج	khaj	stress, emphasis; foam, scum	4	n. m.																													2
1527819420	خجالت	khajaalát, khijaalát	shame, embarrassment, shyness	4	n. m.																													2
1527822910	خلاقیت	khallaaqiyát	creative work	2	n. m.																													2
1589906810921	خلتم	khaltám	see خړتم	4	n. m.																													2
1577899462253	خم	kham	bending, bowing, curving	4	n. m.																													2
1527813192	خمسور	khamsór	fall, beginning of autumn	2	n. m.																													2
1527816210	خنډ	khanD, khunD	stump, stubble, spur; hinderance, obstacle	4	n. m.																													2
1527817555	خندق	khandáq	trench, ditch, moat	3	n. m.																													3
1527818879	خنځیر	khandzéer	pig, hog, swine, pork	4	n. m.																													2
1527823045	خنجر	khanjár	dagger	4	n. m.																													2
1662621374296	خپ	khap	mark, stain, scar	4	n. m.																													2
1527813905	خپګان	khapgáan	sadness, depression	4	n. m.																													2
1527820911	خر توب	khar tób	nonsense, senselessness, absurdity	4	n. m.																													
1527814329	خرابات	kharaabáat	gift, grant, donation	3	n. m.																													2
1623687306911	خرک	kharák, khrak	trestle, bridge, table, stand, bridge (music)	2	n. m.																													2
1527817700	خرچ	kharch	expense, expenditure, cost	4	n. m.																													1
1714030828405	خرچ کول	kharch kawul	to spend, consume		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527817700	spend,spends,spending,spent																											1
1527823232	خردجال	khardajáal, khardijáal	Antichrist	4	n. m. anim.																													2
1527813627	خریدار	khareedáar	purchaser, customer, buyer	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1566468578178	خرګوش	khargósh	rabbit	3	n. m. anim. unisex																													3
1527822767	خروکی	kharóokay	scab, scar, incrustation	2	n. m.																													2
1527814871	خرسک	kharsak, khirsák	jumping for joy	2	n. m.																													2
1589906721230	خړتم	khaRtám, khaRtÚm	trunk (of an elephant), hose	4	n. m.																													2
1589906796501	خرطوم	khartóom	trunk (of an elephant), hose	4	n. m.																													3
1527817699	خرڅی	khartsáy	expense, expenditure, cost	2	n. m.																													2
1527814634	خرڅون	khartsóon	sale, selling, vending	4	n. m.																													2
1661499952197	خرڅوړی	khartsóRay	rags, cloth, tatters; dialect - short person	4	n. m.																													2
1527822947	خروار	kharwáar, khUrwáar	a unit of weight in Kabul/Afghanistan (565kg)	4	n. m.																													2
1527816095	خس	khas, khus	meat, placenta; woodchip, thorn, brushwood, straw; idiomatic none (as in no importance)	4	n. m.																													2
1584888643209	خسي	khasée	castration, gelding	4	n. m.											خسیان	khasiyaan																	
1527819714	خشیل	khashéel	small amounts of brushwood washed up by the waves on the shore	3	n. m.																													2
1586341034399	خسڼی	khasuNáy	drawing of a lot/lottery; toss; speck, bit ??	4	n. m.																													2
1527812805	خط	khat, khut	letter, correspondance	3	n. m.									خطوط	khUtóot																			3
1527819159	خطاکار	khataakáar	sinner	3	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527820628	خطاط	khatáat	penman, calligrapher	3	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527820324	خټکی	khaTakáy	melon	4	n. m.																													2
1584528782000	خطیب	khatéeb	orator, preacher	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527812066	خټګر	khaTgár	bricklayer, mason	3	n. m.																													2
1666977819226	ختمون	khatmóon	finishing, removal, completion	3	n. m.																													2
1527812770	خطر	khatúr	danger, risk, peril	4	n. m.																													2
1527817828	خیال پلو	khayaal paláw	imaginary; daydreaming, fantasizing	4	n. m.																													2
1527819977	خیانت	khiyaanát, khayaanát	betrayal, treason, embezzlement	4	n. m.																													2
1527814528	خیدک	khaydák	curdled milk, fermented milk, cheese, yoghurt, cheese in molds	3	n. m. pl.																													2
1527813190	خزان	khazáan	autumn, fall; fading, losing	4	n. m.																													3
1527819202	خیرن شی	kheeran sháy	dirtiness, nastiness, uncleanness, filthiness, foulness	2	n. m.																													2
1527813183	خېل	khel	clan, tribe	3	n. m.																													3
1527812774	خیر	khayr	goodness, blessing, charity, alm	4	n. m.									اخیار	akhyáar																			2
1703857370959	خیر غوښتل	khayr ghwUxtúl	to beg, to ask for alms; to wish well	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527812774	beg, begs, begging, begged																											3
1527812775	خیریت	khayriyát	state of wellness, everything being ok	4	n. m.																													2
1527812412	خېز	khez	jumping, leaping, bob up and down	4	n. m.																													2
1527812776	خدمت	khidmát	service, serving, helping	4	n. m.									خدمات	khidmáat																			3
1527814890	خدمتګار	khidmatgáar	servant	3	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527814227	خږ	khiG, khuG	liner, lining, inside liner; understudy, actor's subsitute, stunt-double	2	n. m.																													2
1527819441	خلافت	khilaafát	caliphate	4	n. m.																													2
1589021479153	خلقت	khilqát	creation (also is a person's makeup, the way they were created)	4	n. m.																													2
1527812115	خراج	khiráaj, khraaj	tax, duty (in Arabic/Islamic history)	2	n. m.																													2
1566469201607	خشت	khisht	tile, check, graph paper, window pane, the diamond in playing cards	3	n. m.																													2
1527819699	خصلت	khislát	character, trait, disposition; habit	4	n. m.																													3
1527814257	خطاب	khitáab	address, address (as in speaking)	4	n. m.																													3
1527819976	خیانت	khiyaanát	betrayal, treason	4	n. m.																													2
1527813804	خوب	khob	sleep, dream	4	n. m.																													3
1527822485	خول	khol	helmet, sheath, case, holster; light autumn frosts	3	n. m.																													2
1527819359	خوګ	khoog	pig, swine, hog	2	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527814172	خوږ	khooG, khoG	pain, ache, hurt, injury, illness	4	n. m.																													2
1573766517060	خوګلن	khooglún	embers	2	n. m.																													2
1527818987	خورهار	khooruháar	snore, snoring	3	n. m.																													2
1527821831	خوسی	khoosáy	a game where people hop on one leg and try to push the other people over	4	n. m.																													2
1527812399	خوش آمد	khoosh aamád	flattery, complimenting	4	n. m.																													2
1527819361	خوسکی	khooskáy, khoosakáy	calf (animal)	4	n. m.																													2
1527814511	خوی	khooy	character, nature, disposition, habit, attitude	4	n. m.																													3
1577902271755	خور	khor	crust, rind, crustiness, peel	2	n. m.																													3
1527812788	خوراک	khoráak, khwaráak	food	4	n. m.																													3
1713092437117	خوراک ورکول	khoráak warkawúl	to feed	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527812788	feed																											3
1709564011209	خوراک کول	khoráak kawúl	to eat	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527812788	eat																											3
1527822094	خوریی	khorayáy	nephew (sisters son)	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1588075156748	خوشامند	khoshaamánd	flattery, sucking up to	4	n. m.																													2
1527821025	خراس	khraas	wine press, press, extraction	1	n. m.																													2
1586957421645	خراشکی	khraashkáy	spit, phlegm, egg white	3	n. m.																													2
1577823937547	خرپ	khrap	crackling, crunching (onomatopoeia)	4	n. m.																													2
1584888187563	خسوندر	khswandár, khaswandár	young bull, bull-calf	3	n. m. anim.																													2
1527817743	خداوند	khUdaawúnd	the Lord, God	3	n. m. anim.																													2
1527812801	خلاصون	khlaasóon, khulaasóon	salvation	4	n. m.																													3
1527822391	خلی	khúlay	twig, brushwood, rod; sprout, blade of grass, straw, litter, garbage, trash	3	n. m.																													2
1527818665	خلوص	khUlóos	sincerity, honesty, candour	4	n. m.																													3
1678442168305	خلوت	khilwút, khulwút, khUlwút	isolation, privacy, seclusion		n. m.																													3
1577899514668	خم	khUm, khum	large clay pot for storing liquids, oil, etc.	4	n. m.																													2
1527821481	خمار	khUmáar	drunkenness, hangover; intoxication (from love), languor (in eyes)	4	n. m.																													2
1527820910	خر	khur	snore, snort, sneeze	3	n. m.																													1
1594218664126	خړ	khUR, khuR	vomit, vomiting, puke, puking, the sound made when puking	3	n. m.																													1
1582390242301	خراری	khUráaray	purring (of a cat)	4	n. m.																													2
1578006062824	خرهار	khuraháar, khurháar	snore, snoring, roar, squeak	4	n. m.																													2
1577384805271	خرهاری	khuraháaray	roar, snoring	4	n. m.																													2
1527818983	خرکی	khurkáy	snore, wheezing, purring	2	n. m.																													2
1527815990	خړوب ګری	khuRob gúray	plaster, mortar	3	n. m.																													2
1527822012	خشونت	khUshoonát	harshness, rudeness	3	n. m.																													2
1527818991	خسوف	khUsóof	lunar eclipse	3	n. m.																													2
1527821036	خصومت	khUsoomát	hostility, aversion, dislike, abhorrence	4	n. m.																													2
1610541514902	خصوصیت	khUsoosiyát	quality, property, specifity, particularity	4	n. m.									خصوصیات	khUsoosiyáat																			2
1586340744267	خسر	khUsúr, khUsÚr	father in law, wife's father	4	n. m. anim.																													2
1527818703	خت	khut	shirt	3	n. m.																													2
1527813894	خټ خټ	khuT khuT	roar of laughter, peal of laughter	3	n. m.																													2
1527822589	خوابدون	khwaabadóon	sadness, feeling upset	4	n. m.																													2
1586341337438	خوابدون	khwaabadóon	grief, sadness, sorrow, distress, offense	3	n. m.																													2
1527820717	خواګرځی	khwaagurdzáy	vomit, vomiting, puke, puking; nausea, sickness	4	n. m.																													2
1527818130	خواهش	khwaahísh	wish, desire, want, aspiration, request	4	n. m.									خواهشات	khwaahisháat																			3
1703655817834	خواهش کول	khwaahísh kawúl	to desire, aspire to, wish, want, request	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527818130	desire																											3
1527812162	خواشین	khwaashéen	grief, vexation	3	n. m.																													2
1527814428	خواست	khwaast	wish, request, supplication, entreaty	4	n. m.																													3
1527811937	خوند	khwand, khwund	taste, flavour, enjoyment, delight	4	n. m.																													3
1709838629770	خوند اخیستل	khwánd akheestúl	to enjoy, take plasure in (له ... نه)																															3
1527823173	خوړ	khwaR	ravine, brook, creek, gully, wash; race ??	3	n. m.																													3
1527816319	خورون	khwaróon	development	1	n. m.																													2
1611400948184	خوړنځی	khwaRundzáy	dining room, cafeteria, lunch room	4	n. m.																													2
1527814508	خوی	khway	wooden spade, a paddle for shoveling snow; wedding	4	n. m.																													2
1527811709	خوځښت	khwudzúxt	movement, stirring, flexibility	4	n. m.																													2
1527812815	خوندیتوب	khwundeetób	safety, security	4	n. m.																													2
1527820718	خوړ	khwuR	vomit, vomiting, puke, puking, the sound made when puking	3	n. m.																													2
1585402832491	خوشوی	khwushóy, khwuswáy	cow, horse, or donkey dung (often plural)	2	n. m.				خوشایه	khwushaayu	خوشای	khwushaay																						2
1527817827	خیال	khyaal, khayáal	thought, fancy, opinion, idea, care	4	n. m.																													3
1708003680880	خیال ساتل	khyaal saatúl	to care, look after, remember	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527817827	care																											3
1708003714794	خیال کول	khyaal kawúl	to care, look after, remember	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527817827	care																											3
1527823336	کپتان	kiptáan	captain (in cricket) (usually کپټان)	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527823337	کپټان	kipTáan	captain (in cricket)	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527813201	کردار	kirdáar	conduct, character, behavior, deed, action, role	4	n. m.																													3
1702628551959	کردار ادا کول	kurdáar adaa kawúl, kirdáar adaa kawúl	to act, play a role, impersonate, behave in a manner 	3	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527813201																												3
1617991068931	کردګار	kirdagáar, kirdgáar	God, the Creator	3	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1586634804764	کرمچ	kirmích	canvas, sailcloth, tarp, duck (the cloth)	2	n. m.																													2
1577381248174	کشیش	kishéesh, kashéesh	priest	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527817474	کشمش	kishmísh	kishmish, raisin, seedless grape	4	n. m.																													2
1527817472	کشمشي انګور	kishmishee angóor	the kishmish grape	3	n. m.																													2
1527814513	کشور	kishor	bandage, dressing	3	n. m.																													
1527814512	کشور	kishwár	country, land, region, territory	4	n. m.																													2
1527812817	کتاب	kitáab	book	4	n. m.																													3
1527822824	کتاب ګوټی	kitaab góTay	booklet, notebook	4	n. m.																													2
1675435376131	کتابي اثر	kitaabee asár	printed work		n. m.																													2
1673978528300	کتابپلورنځی	kitaabplorundzáy	bookstore		n. m.																													2
1527821338	کتابتون	kitaabtóon	library	4	n. m.																													2
1664092726747	کلاس روم	klaas róom	classroom	4	n. m.																													2
1622655291910	کلاشینکوف	klaasheenkóf	Kalashnikov (rifle)	4	n. m.																													3
1578330703431	کلاشنیکوف	klaashneekóf	klashnikov rifle	4	n. m.																													2
1527813118	کلک والی	klak wáalay	strength, steadfastness, solidity, staunchness	4	n. m.																													3
1527812818	کلینیک	kleenéek	clinic	4	n. m.																													3
1591804767559	کلیپ	kleep	clip (video)	4	n. m.																													3
1579014499969	کوچ	koch, kooch	migration, roaming	4	n. m.																													2
1527816845	کوډ	koD, kooD	chemical fertilizer, manure, dressing; code; magic, spell ??	4	n. m.																													2
1527816846	کوډ لوبی	koD lóbay, kooD lóbay	magician, illusionist, juggler	2	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527820533	کوډ لوبی	koD lóbay, kooD lóbay	illusionist, magician, conjurer; juggler, minstrel	2	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527820531	کوډګر	koDgúr	sorcerer	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1586446948449	کوږ	koG	hyena	4	n. m.																													3
1527812064	کوغاتی	koghaatáy	small hole, pit, depression; oven, kiln; hovel, shack	3	n. m.																													2
1527819023	کوهی	koháy	well (for water), shaft	3	n. m.																													3
1527821149	کوک	kok, kook	winding up, tuning (of a musical instrument); cry, howl, yell; stitches	3	n. m.																													2
1575237149875	کوکی	kokáy, kookáy	boy, little boy	4	n. m. anim.																													2
1527811651	کوکنار	koknáar	opium poppy	4	n. m.																													2
1527812821	کومک	komák	help, assistance, support	4	n. m.																													3
1702811038885	کومک کول	komák kawúl	to help, assist	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527812821	help																											3
1703656046453	کومک ورکول	komák warkawúl	to help, assist	4	v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527812821	help																											3
1527820832	کونتینر	kontaynúr, konteenár	container (shipping)		n. m.																													2
1527823743	کوچی	kóochay	young donkey, foal	4	n. m.																													
1527820191	کوچنیوالی	koochneewáalay	childhood, smallness	4	n. m.																													2
1527819200	کود	kood, kod	manure, fertilizer	3	n. m. pl.																													
1527816843	کوغالی	koogháalay	chicken coop	3	n. m.																													2
1527813389	کوژدن	koojzdún, kojzdán	engagement, fiancee	4	n. m.																													3
1527821150	کوک	kook	wild leek, wild onion	1	n. m.																													2
1575237152253	کوکی	kookáy	leek	1	n. m.																													2
1577384162080	کوکو	kookóo	din, shouting; cooing	4	n. m.																													2
1589906546272	کوکومیو	kookoomyáw	owl	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527821761	کوکړ	kookúR	a long pole to stir the coals (in an oven, kiln, etc.), a kind of pea with small kernels	2	n. m.																													2
1527822522	کولنګ	kooláng, kwuláng	pick (axe), hatchet, pick, hoe; peak, pinnacle	4	n. m.																													2
1527812422	کولولو	koolooloo	a kind of monster, demon or boogeyman that lives in the sand	1	n. m.																													
1675336186782	کولتور	kooltóor	culture		n. m.																													
1579015558826	کومبار	koombáar	potter	2	n. m.																													2
1527812824	کومباری	koombáaray	pottery	2	n. m.																													2
1527818266	کومی	koomáy, kóomay	hump (eg. of a camel)	3	n. m.																													2
1578012385709	کوناټی	koonaaTáy, kwunaaTáy	butt, buttocks, hip	4	n. m.																													1
1527814365	کونچ	koonch, kwunch	corner	0	n. m.																													2
1527819942	کونډی	koonDáy	a man who has been unable to take vengeance on his blood enemy, weak enemy	3	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1589906322995	کونګ	koong, kwUng, kwung	large owl, northern eagle owl	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527821111	کونګړ	koongáR	foundation (of a building); a custom done when there are repeated deaths of children in the family in which a earring is put on the newborn and alms are distributed	2	n. m.																													
1589906519830	کونګی	koongáy, kwungáy	owl	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1610617172927	کونګچ	koongúch	echo	2	n. m.																													
1527811277	کونج	koonj	corner, crook, bend, end, tip; convolutions;	4	n. m.																													2
1527815690	کوړ	kooR	gurgle, gurgling, rumbling	2	n. m.																													2
1527815693	کوړ	kooR	leprosy, infectious or contagious disease	4	n. m.																													2
1616922230255	کورکمن	koorkamán, kookmán	turmeric, curcuma	4	n. m.																													3
1527812063	کورکوری	koorkóoray	male turtle-dove; powdered brick used for cleaning metal dishes	2	n. m.																													2
1527813167	کورنش	koornish	low bow, greeting with great respect	2	n. m.																													
1566477276824	کوس	koos	vulva, vagina (vulgar)	4	n. m.																													1
1527819886	کوټی	kooTáy	little donkey, young donkey, foal of a donkey	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527820067	کوتی	kootáy	corner, nook; dimple; fossula below the knee	1	n. m.																													2
1527820065	کوتی	kootáy, kwutáy	puppy, puppy dog	1	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527816639	کوتونی	kootóonay	decorated or dressed up lamb or ox sent by the groom to the brides house for the wedding feast	2	n. m.																													2
1527823667	کوی	kooy	itch, itching	1	n. m.																													2
1527812826	کوزه ګر	kooza gúr	potter	3	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527812828	کور	kor	house, home	4	n. m.																													3
1527819133	کور ودانی	kor wadaanáy, kor wadáanay	thanks, gratitude, release, dismissal	3	n. m.																													2
1527820527	کوربه توب	korba tób	hosting, hospitality	4	n. m.																													2
1648113031433	کوربتوب	korbatób	hosting, hospitality	4	n. m.																													2
1527812830	کوروالی	korwaalay	sexual intercourse between husband and wife	4	n. m.																													
1527816524	کورزومی	korzóomay	someone who lives with his wife's parents	3	n. m.																													2
1527812831	کوشش	koshísh	effort, trying, work, attempt	4	n. m.																													3
1527821931	کوټ	koT, kooT	fort, stronghold, arsenal; coat, overcoat; stand, rack, pile, stockplie, heap, supply, reserve; alloy	2	n. m.																													3
1527821932	کوټ بند	koT bánd, kooT bánd	hat stand, coat hook, coat rack	4	n. m.																													2
1527812079	کوټک	koTak	neck; chin	1	n. m.																													
1527821873	کوتک	koták	back of the head; staff, cane	3	n. m.																													
1527822309	کوتل	kotál	pass, mountain range	3	n. m.																													2
1527819887	کوټی	koTáy	head, skull, mind, brain	2	n. m.																													2
1527812820	کوښښ	koxúx	effort, trying, work	4	n. m.																													2
1586448762910	کویل	koyl, kwayl	spool, bobbin, reel	2	n. m.																													2
1527817937	کراړک	kraaRák	salted cheese	1	n. m. pl.																													2
1578617097664	کرک	krak	furrow, rut, wheel track, dried and cracked silt	1	n. m.																													2
1527813929	کړن	kRan	action, conduct, behavior, deed	4	n. m.																													
1576369514752	کړنګ	kRang	cling, clatter, noise	4	n. m.																													2
1610617188512	کړنګار	kRangáar	echo	4	n. m.																													2
1527811443	کړنګاوو	kRangaawoo, kRangáaw	doorbell	3	n. m.																													2
1527822778	کړپ	kRap	crash, crack, noise, knock, tap, squeak, creak, flapping sound	3	n. m.																													2
1661858671680	کړپی	kRapáy	rustling, scratching; chitter-catter, idle talk	4	n. m.																													2
1527821329	کرس	kras	sound of cracking, splitting	3	n. m.																													2
1568927074979	کړس	kRas	crackling, chirping (کړس کړس ژړل - to cry really hard)	3	n. m.																													
1527816805	کریم	kreem	cream, toothpaste, medical creams etc.	4	n. m.																													3
1527813397	کرېکټ	krekúT, krekíT	cricket (game/sport)	4	n. m.																													2
1527818564	کرېړی	kreRáy	heavy molasses, thick syrup (made from sugar cane)	2	n. m.																													2
1588783550579	کرسمس	krismás	Christmas	4	n. m.																													2
1576369531087	کړنګ	kRung	a stick attached to livestocks' neck to keep them from running	4	n. m.																													2
1527822742	کړټی	kRúTay, kuRtáy	fold, crease, wrinkle	2	n. m.																													2
1527812834	کچالو	kuchaalóo	Jerusalem artichoke, earth apple (Pakistan); potato (Afghanistan)	4	n. m.																													2
1527817296	کفر	kÚfur	blasphemy	4	n. m.																													3
1527818572	کک	kUk	onion	1	n. m.																													
1578769875936	کلال	kUláal	potter	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527812836	کلی	kúlay, kílay	village	4	n. m.																													3
1527813460	کلف	kUlf, kluf	lock	4	n. m.																													2
1527820354	کلپ	kUlp	lock (کلف); locked	3	n. m.																													
1527820385	کلپکی	kUlpakáy, klupkáy	small lock (diminutive of کلپ)	4	n. m.																													2
1527823158	کمپوز	kumpóz, kampóz	composition (of music)	3	n. m.																													2
1527821400	کڼ	kuN	snivel, snot	1	n. m.																													2
1578012382491	کناټی	kUnaaTay	butt, buttocks, hip	3	n. m.																													
1527821017	کر	kur	runny poo, liquid feces	1	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527821018	کر	kur	squeak, crackle, crack, the sound of cloth being ripped (onomatopoeia)	2	n. m.																													2
1527819633	کرد	kUrd	Kurd	1	n. m.																													
1527818565	کرېړی	kureRáy	mole cricket, Eurasian woodcock	4	n. m.																													2
1578617123067	کرک	kUrk	goat's down	1	n. m.																													
1527814409	کرکمان	kUrkUmáan	turmeric, tumeric, curcuma	3	n. m. pl.																													
1527814408	کرکمن	kUrkUmán	turmeric, tumeric, curcuma	3	n. m. pl.																													2
1527820963	کړندتوب	kRundtób	disorder, lack of coordination, lack of organization, instability, laxity	3	n. m.																													2
1527820962	کړندوالی	kRundwáalay	disorder, lack of coordination, lack of organization, instability, laxity	2	n. m.																													2
1582388629980	کسی	kúsay, kusáy	pupil (of an eye)	4	n. m.																													3
1586446224875	کش و کړپ	kush-U-kRáp	the sound of footsteps, noise	4	n. m.																													2
1527817795	کشکش	kushkush	the sound of footsteps	4	n. m.																													2
1527818990	کسوف	kUsoof	solar eclipse	2	n. m.																													2
1527820924	کټ کټ	kuT kúT	loud laughter, boisterous laughter; with کتل, to stare, gaze fixed	3	n. m.																													2
1527820925	کټکی	kuTkáy	loud laughter, boisterous laughter	4	n. m.																													2
1650479397874	کټکی	kuTkáy	a little bed/charpai	4	n. m.																													2
1527823666	کوی	kuwáy	itch, itching	1	n. m.																													
1527811652	کښت	kuxt	planting, farming	4	n. m.																													2
1527817284	کوړ	kwaR	shaft of a butter-churning staff or beater	3	n. m.																													2
1527819885	کوټی	kwaTáy	wooden bin, crib	2	n. m.																													
1576684705738	کورت	kwrut	kurut, hard, dried balls of yoghurt/cheese curds	4	n. m.																													2
1573681813707	کونداغ	kwundáagh, koondáagh	butt, stock of a rifle/firearem, swaddling clothes	4	n. m.																													2
1527811756	کوني	koonée, kwunee	male prostitute, gay (vulgar), faggot	4	n. m.																													1
1527821034	کونوبی	kwunobáy	sediment, solid matter settled at the bottom of a liquid, material deposited by ice, wind, water	3	n. m.																													
1527820455	کوت	kwut, koot	fold; curly; armpit; a hole in the ground used as shelter for animals	2	n. m.																													2
1527819884	کوټی	kwuTáy, kootáy	corner	3	n. m.																													2
1646129413987	کوتی	kwútay	box, tin, case, crate	4	n. m.																													
1527822901	لعل	la'l	ruby	4	n. m.																													2
1527816556	لعن	la'n	damnation, perdition (Arabic)	2	n. m.																													2
1527816545	لعنت	la'nát	curse, cursing	4	n. m.																													3
1709130580894	لعنت ویل	la'nát wayúl	to curse		v. dyn. comp. trans.	1527816545	curse																											3
1527815684	لاغو	laaghóo, laaghó	skillet for heating butter or cooking oil	2	n. m.																													2
1527816416	لاغورنیکه	laaghwurneekú	great-great-grandfather	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1675281658443	لاهور	laahór	Lahore		n. m.																													2
1527822903	لاجورد	laajwárd	lazulite, lapis lazuli	3	n. m.																													2
1586634724937	لاله سر	laala sar	red-crested pochard (duck)	2	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527816512	لالا	laaláa	elder brother, general form of familiar and respectful address	4	n. m. anim.																													2
1527816511	لالاناوې	laalaanaawe	term of address for the wife of an older brother	3	n. f. anim.																													2
1614169779114	لالج	laaláj	animosity, hostility; stubbornness, willfulness, obstinacy	4	n. m.																													2
1527814840	لالچ	laalúch, laalích	greed; antagonism	4	n. m.																													3
1527818550	لامبات	laambáat	refined sugar, fruit drop	2	n. m.																													2
1527812848	لامل	laamíl	cause, reason, factor, motive	3	n. m.																													2
1576611069783	لانت	laanat	curse, cursing	3	n. m.																													
1594204041302	لاندستون	laandistóon	bed, mattress, bedding	2	n. m.																													2
1527816825	لاڼی	laaNáy	jet, spurt, stream	3	n. m.																													2
1527816331	لاپوک	laapóok	bragger, boastful person	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527822102	لاري والا	laaree waalaa	truck driver, lorry driver	4	n. m. anim. unisex																													2
1527816824	لاړی	láaRay	pole, timber, crossbar; jet, spurt, stream	4	n. m.																													2
1671958522504	لاریون	laaryóon	protest, march, demonstration		n. m.																													2
1527812849	لاس	laas	hand, arm	4	n. m.																													3
1584889713313	لاس ماغو	laas maaghóo	glove	2	n. m.											لاسماغانونه	laasmaaghaanoona																	2
1527817139	لاس پړک	laas pRak	clapping, applause, cheering	3	n. m.																													2
1527816325	لاس روغبړ	laas roghbáR	shaking hands, handshake	3	n. m.																													2
1616998194988	لاس څپوڼی	laas tsapóNay	napkin, handkerchief, hand towel	4	n. m.																													
1527811355	لاسي چراغ	laasee chiráagh	flashlight	2	n. m.																													
1591007374132	لاش	laash	corpse, dead body	4	n. m.																													3
1527819613	لاسلیک	laasléek	signature	4	n. m.																													2
1527816765	لاسنیوی	laasneewáy	hand-holding, help, assistance	3	n. m.																													2
1616998102082	لاسپاک	laaspáak	handkerchief, napkin, hand towel	3	n. m.																													2
1527819078	لاسپوچی	laaspocháy	puppet	3	n. m.																													
1527819080	لاسپوچی حکومت	laaspocháy hUkoomát	puppet state, puppet government, puppet regime	4	n. m.																													
1527819079	لاسپوڅی	laaspotsáy	puppet	4	n. m.																													2
1573149568665	لاسرسی	laasrasáy	access, availability	4	n. m.																													2
1661859266921	لاستی	laastáy	handle, crank	4	n. m.																													2
1650697098994	لاسوند	laaswánd	document, file, data file (on computers), bill, record, proof	4	n. m.																													2
1527814411	لاسیوی	laasyaway	unity, coalition, union	3	n. m.																													
1527820563	لاټېن	laaTén	lamp, lantern	4	n. m.																													2
1584518018697	لاټو	laaTóo	spinning top (toy)	4	n. m.																													2
1527822403	لایسنس	laaysáns, laaysíns	license	3	n. m.																													3
1527820993	لایټر	laayTúr	lighter (ie. cigarette lighter)	3	n. m.																													2
1588782762475	لایتر	laaytúr	lighter (ie. cigarette lighter)	3	n. m.																													2
1527818551	لبلبو	lablabóo	beet	4	n. m.																													3
1584638208676	لچک	lachak	kerchief, decorative head covering	3	n. m.																													
1527822456	لفظ	lafz	word, expression, form (of a literary work)	4	n. m.									الفاظ	alfáaz																			3
1527822318	لګ لګ	lag lág	crane	2	n. m.																													
1527822515	لګن	lagán	basin, copper basin, big plate (of food)	3	n. m.																													2
1527818811	لغم	laghm, lághum	mine, land-mine	4	n. m.																													2
1527817951	لغزش	laghzísh	sliding, failure	4	n. m.																													2
1527812850	لګښت	lagúxt	cost, expense	4	n. m.																													3
1527815038	لحد	lahád	grave, the inner niche of the grave where the body is placed	4	n. m.																													2
1527820975	لحن	lahan	tone (of speech), intonation	2	n. m.									الحان	alháan																			2
1527820522	لهر	lahur	a deep and wide basin (geography)	1	n. m.																													2
1527818407	لهو	lahw	fun, enjoyment, entertainment, play	3	n. m.																													2
1624352678471	لکچر	lakchár	lecture	4	n. m.																													2
1527811447	لخک	lakhák	hinge (door)	2	n. m.																													2
1527823078	لخچک	lakhchák	toboggan, sled; skating	3	n. m.																													2
1527811836	لکۍ وال ستوری	lakuy waal storay	comet	3	n. m.																													
1527821672	لمبر	lambár	number	4	n. m.																													2
1527818516	لمبېده	lambedú	swimming, bathing	4	n. m.																													2
1527816477	لمبی	lambáy	candle, lamp	3	n. m.																													2
1527813809	لمونځ	lmoondz, lamóondz	Muslim ritual prayers (namaz, salah, salat)	4	n. m.				لمانځه	lamaandzu	لمنځ	lamandz				لمونځونه	lamoondzóona																	2
1527822100	لمس	lams	touching, motivation, instigation	3	n. m.																													
1527819427	لندن	landán	London	4	n. m.																													2
1527816187	لنډیز	lanDéez	summary	4	n. m.																													2
1527820742	لنګر	langár	anchor; weight, load, burden, influence	4	n. m.																													3
1574809460867	لپکی	lapakáy,