
741 lines
33 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2021
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
// ["hit", "hits", "hitting", "hit", "hit"]
// ["eat", "eats", "eating", "ate", "eaten"]
// ["see", "sees", "seeing", "saw", "seen"]
// Present Perfect
// Past Perfect
// - subj "had" (N && "not") v.4 obj
// Future Perfect
// - subj "will have" (N && "not") v.4 obj
import {
} from "./misc-helpers";
import addPronouns from "./add-pronouns";
import * as T from "../types";
import { englishEquative } from "./grammar-units";
type FilterFunc = (form: any) => boolean;
type MapFunc = (opts: {
subject: T.Person,
object: T.Person,
displayForm: T.DisplayFormForSentence,
info: T.NonComboVerbInfo,
negative: boolean,
englishConjugation?: T.EnglishVerbConjugation,
sentenceLevel?: "easy" | "medium" | "hard",
}) => T.DisplayFormItem;
* Used to apply a filter function on both the levels of forms and subgroups
* @param input
* @param func
const formFilter = (
input: T.DisplayFormItem[],
func: FilterFunc | FilterFunc[]
): T.DisplayFormItem[] => {
// TODO: Better filtering that lets us filter things only in sub categories
// recursive madness to apply an array of filters 🤪
// i'm doing this because I couldn't get a compose function to work 🤷‍♂️
if (Array.isArray(func)) {
if (func.length === 0) return input;
return formFilter(
formFilter(input, func[0]),
return (
.map((f) => (
"content" in f
? { ...f, content: f.content.filter(func) }
: f
* Used to apply a filter function on both the levels of forms and subgroups
* @param input
* @param func
const formMap = (
input: T.DisplayFormItem[],
func: MapFunc,
info: T.NonComboVerbInfo,
subject: T.Person,
object: T.Person,
negative: boolean,
englishConjugation?: T.EnglishVerbConjugation,
sentenceLevel?: "easy" | "medium" | "hard",
): T.DisplayFormItem[] => {
return => (
"content" in f
? { ...f, content: formMap(f.content, func, info, subject, object, negative, englishConjugation, sentenceLevel) }
: func({ displayForm: f as T.DisplayFormForSentence, info, subject, object, negative, englishConjugation, sentenceLevel })
const makeSentence = ({ subject, object, info, displayForm, englishConjugation, negative, sentenceLevel }: {
subject: T.Person,
object: T.Person,
info: T.NonComboVerbInfo,
displayForm: T.DisplayFormForSentence,
negative: boolean,
sentenceLevel?: "easy" | "medium" | "hard",
englishConjugation?: T.EnglishVerbConjugation,
}): T.DisplayForm => {
const intransitive = info.transitivity === "intransitive" || !!displayForm.passive;
const ergative = !intransitive && !!displayForm.past;
function chooseConjugation(g: T.SingleOrLengthOpts<T.VerbBlock>): T.SentenceForm {
const person = ergative
? object
: subject;
return getPersonFromVerbForm(g, person);
const f = displayForm.form;
const matrixKey = getPersonInflectionsKey(object);
const matrixChosen = pickPersInf(f, matrixKey);
const conjugationChosen = chooseConjugation(matrixChosen);
const form = addPronouns({
s: conjugationChosen,
return {
function isToBe(v: T.EnglishVerbConjugationEc): boolean {
return (v[2] === "being");
const futureEngBuilder: T.EnglishBuilder = (s: T.Person, v: T.EnglishVerbConjugationEc, n: boolean) => ([
`${engSubj(s)} will${n ? " not" : ""} ${isToBe(v) ? "be" : v[0]}`,
const formsOfConjugation = (conj: T.VerbConjugation): T.DisplayFormItem[] => [
label: "Present",
aspect: "imperfective",
form: conj.imperfective.nonImperative,
formula: "Imperfective Stem + Present Ending",
sentence: true,
englishBuilder: (s: T.Person, v: T.EnglishVerbConjugationEc, n: boolean) => ([
`${engSubj(s)} ${isToBe(v)
? `${engEquative("present", s)}${n ? " not" : ""}`
: `${n ? engPresC(s, ["don't", "doesn't"]) : ""} ${n ? v[0] : engPresC(s, v)}`}`,
`${engSubj(s)} ${engEquative("present", s)}${n ? " not" : ""} ${v[2]}`,
explanation: "Something that is happening, happens generally, or is definitely about to happen. ('I am ____ing', 'I _____')",
label: "Subjunctive",
aspect: "perfective",
form: conj.perfective.nonImperative,
formula: "Perfective Stem + Present Ending",
sentence: true,
englishBuilder: (s: T.Person, v: T.EnglishVerbConjugationEc, n: boolean) => ([
`that ${engSubj(s, true)}${n ? " won't" : " will"} ${isToBe(v) ? "be" : v[0]}`,
`should ${engSubj(s, true)}${n ? " not" : ""} ${isToBe(v) ? "be" : v[0]}`,
explanation: "Used for hypothetical statements about the desire, necessity, purpose, or possibility of something happening. Or for saying something should or shouldn't happen. ('Should I ____?', 'so that'll I'll _____')"
label: "Imperfective Future",
aspect: "imperfective",
form: conj.imperfective.future,
advanced: true,
formula: "به - ba + Present",
sentence: true,
englishBuilder: futureEngBuilder,
explanation: "Saying something will happen, repeatedly or as an ongoing action",
label: "Perfective Future",
aspect: "perfective",
form: conj.perfective.future,
advanced: true,
formula: "به - ba + Subjunctive",
sentence: true,
englishBuilder: futureEngBuilder,
explanation: "Saying something will happen as a one-time event - May also used when there is some doubt",
...conj.imperfective.imperative ?
label: "Imperfective Imperative",
aspect: "imperfective",
form: conj.imperfective.imperative,
formula: "Imperfective Stem + Imperative Ending",
explanation: "Commanding someone/people to do something repeatedly, or in general",
} as T.DisplayForm] : [],
...conj.perfective.imperative ?
label: "Perfective Imperative",
aspect: "perfective",
form: conj.perfective.imperative,
formula: "Perfective Stem + Imperative Ending",
explanation: "Commanding someone/people to do something one time",
} as T.DisplayForm] : [],
label: "Continuous Past",
aspect: "imperfective",
form: conj.imperfective.past,
formula: "Imperfective Root + Past Ending",
sentence: true,
englishBuilder: (s: T.Person, v: T.EnglishVerbConjugationEc, n: boolean) => ([
// - subj pastEquative (N && "not") v.2 obj
`${engSubj(s)} ${engEquative("past", s)}${n ? " not" : ""} ${v[2]}`,
// - subj "would" (N && "not") v.0 obj
`${engSubj(s)} would${n ? " not" : ""} ${isToBe(v) ? "be" : v[0]}`,
// - subj pastEquative (N && "not") going to" v.0 obj
`${engSubj(s)} ${engEquative("past", s)}${n ? " not" : ""} going to ${isToBe(v) ? "be" : v[0]}`,
explanation: "Saying something was happening, or would happen ('I was ____ing', 'I would ____')",
past: true,
label: "Simple Past",
aspect: "perfective",
form: conj.perfective.past,
formula: "Perfective Root + Past Ending",
sentence: true,
englishBuilder: (s: T.Person, v: T.EnglishVerbConjugationEc, n: boolean) => ([
? ` ${engEquative("past", s)}${n ? " not" : ""}`
: `${n ? " did not" : ""} ${v[3]}`}`,
explanation: "Saying something happened ('I ____ed')",
past: true,
label: "Perfect",
subgroup: "perfect",
sentence: true,
content: [
label: "Half Perfect",
form: conj.perfect.halfPerfect,
past: true,
sentence: true,
englishBuilder: (s: T.Person, v: T.EnglishVerbConjugationEc, n: boolean) => ([
`${engSubj(s)} ${engHave(s)}${n ? " not" : ""} ${v[4]}`,
formula: "Past participle inflected",
secondPronounNeeded: true,
explanation: "The base of all perfect forms. Used on it's own as a sort of abreviated form of the present perfect.",
label: "Past Perfect",
form: conj.perfect.past,
past: true,
sentence: true,
englishBuilder: (s: T.Person, v: T.EnglishVerbConjugationEc, n: boolean) => ([
`${engSubj(s)} had${n ? " not" : ""} ${v[4]}`,
formula: "Past participle inflected + Past Equative",
explanation: "Talking about events that had happened in the past, or had affected a past situation ('I had ____ed')",
reorderWithNegative: true,
label: "Present Perfect",
form: conj.perfect.present,
past: true,
sentence: true,
englishBuilder: (s: T.Person, v: T.EnglishVerbConjugationEc, n: boolean) => ([
`${engSubj(s)} ${engHave(s)}${n ? " not" : ""} ${v[4]}`,
formula: "Past participle inflected + Present Equative",
explanation: "Talking about that something happened in the past and it affects the present ('I have _____ed')",
reorderWithNegative: true,
label: "Habitual Perfect",
form: conj.perfect.habitual,
past: true,
sentence: true,
englishBuilder: (s: T.Person, v: T.EnglishVerbConjugationEc, n: boolean) => ([
`${engSubj(s)} ${engHave(s)}${n ? " not" : ""} ${v[4]}`,
formula: "Past participle inflected + Habitual Equative",
explanation: "Talking about something that will have happened habitually",
reorderWithNegative: true,
label: "Subjunctive Perfect",
form: conj.perfect.subjunctive,
past: true,
sentence: true,
englishBuilder: (s: T.Person, v: T.EnglishVerbConjugationEc, n: boolean) => ([
`that ${engSubj(s, true)} will have${n ? " not" : ""} ${v[4]}`,
formula: "Past participle inflected + Subjunctive Equative",
explanation: "expressing hope, desire, or judgement about an action having happened",
reorderWithNegative: true,
label: "Future/Presumptive Perfect",
form: conj.perfect.future,
advanced: true,
past: true,
sentence: true,
englishBuilder: (s: T.Person, v: T.EnglishVerbConjugationEc, n: boolean) => ([
`${engSubj(s)} will${n ? " not" : ""} have ${v[4]}`,
formula: "به - ba + Past participle Inflected + Future Equative",
explanation: "Talking about something that will have happened in the future, or guessing that the event will have occured presently ('I will have ____ed')",
reorderWithNegative: true,
label: "Affirmational Perfect",
form: conj.perfect.affirmational,
advanced: true,
past: true,
sentence: true,
englishBuilder: (s: T.Person, v: T.EnglishVerbConjugationEc, n: boolean) => ([
`${engSubj(s)} will${n ? " not" : ""} have ${v[4]}`,
explanation: "Affirming that an event will have taken place ('I will have ____ed')",
formula: "به - ba + Past Participle Inflected + Past Equative",
reorderWithNegative: true,
label: "Conterfactual/Past Subjunctive Perfect",
form: conj.perfect.pastSubjunctiveHypothetical,
advanced: true,
past: true,
sentence: true,
secondPronounNeeded: true,
explanation: "Talking about an event that would have hypothetically taken place (but didn't), or that should have taken place but didn't",
formula: "به - ba + Past Participle Inflected + Past Subjunctive / Hypothetical Equative",
reorderWithNegative: true,
label: "Modal (ability/possibility)",
subgroup: "modal",
sentence: true,
content: [
label: "Present Modal",
aspect: "imperfective",
form: conj.imperfective.modal.nonImperative,
sentence: true,
englishBuilder: (s: T.Person, v: T.EnglishVerbConjugationEc, n: boolean) => ([
`${engSubj(s)} can${n ? "'t" : ""} ${isToBe(v) ? "be" : v[0]}`,
formula: "Imperfective Root + Non-Inflectinig Ey-Tail + Subjunctive کېدل - to become",
explanation: "saying that something is possible currently or in general ('I can ____')",
reorderWithNegative: true,
label: "Subjunctive Modal",
aspect: "perfective",
form: conj.perfective.modal.nonImperative,
advanced: true,
sentence: true,
englishBuilder: (s: T.Person, v: T.EnglishVerbConjugationEc, n: boolean) => ([
`that ${engSubj(s, true)} can${n ? "'t" : ""} ${isToBe(v) ? "be" : v[0]}`,
formula: "Perfective Root + Non-Inflectinig Ey-Tail + Subjunctive کېدل - to become",
explanation: "talking about the possibility of something in a subjunctive way ('so that I can ____')",
reorderWithNegative: true,
label: "Imperfective Future Modal",
aspect: "imperfective",
form: conj.imperfective.modal.future,
advanced: true,
sentence: true,
englishBuilder: (s: T.Person, v: T.EnglishVerbConjugationEc, n: boolean) => ([
`${engSubj(s)} will${n ? " not" : ""} be able to ${isToBe(v) ? "be" : v[0]}`,
formula: "به - ba + Present Modal",
explanation: "saying that something will be possible in general or in an ongoing sense in the future ('I'll be able to ____')",
reorderWithNegative: true,
label: "Perfective Future Modal",
aspect: "perfective",
form: conj.perfective.modal.future,
advanced: true,
sentence: true,
englishBuilder: (s: T.Person, v: T.EnglishVerbConjugationEc, n: boolean) => ([
`${engSubj(s)} will${n ? " not" : ""} be able to ${isToBe(v) ? "be" : v[0]}`,
formula: "به - ba + Subjunctive Modal",
explanation: "saying that something will be possible at a certain point in the future ('I'll be able to ____')",
reorderWithNegative: true,
label: "Continous Past Modal",
aspect: "imperfective",
form: conj.imperfective.modal.past,
advanced: true,
past: true,
sentence: true,
englishBuilder: (s: T.Person, v: T.EnglishVerbConjugationEc, n: boolean) => ([
`${engSubj(s)} ${engEquative("past", s)} ${n ? " not" : ""} able to ${isToBe(v) ? "be" : v[0]}`,
`${engSubj(s)} could${n ? " not" : ""} ${v[0]}`,
formula: "Imperfective Root + Non-Inflectinig Ey-Tail + Simple Past کېدل - to become",
explanation: "saying that something was possible in general, in an ongoing sense ('I was able to ____', ie. 'I could do ____ any time')",
reorderWithNegative: true,
label: "Simple Past Modal",
aspect: "perfective",
form: conj.perfective.modal.past,
formula: "Perfective Root + Non-Inflectinig Ey-Tail + Simple Past کېدل - to become",
explanation: "saying that something was possible at a certain point in time ('I was able to ____, at one particular point in time')",
past: true,
englishBuilder: (s: T.Person, v: T.EnglishVerbConjugationEc, n: boolean) => ([
`${engSubj(s)} ${engEquative("past", s)} ${n ? " not" : ""} able to ${isToBe(v) ? "be" : v[0]}`,
`${engSubj(s)} could${n ? " not" : ""} ${isToBe(v) ? "be" : v[0]}`,
sentence: true,
advanced: true,
reorderWithNegative: true,
label: "Imperfective hypothetical/wildcard Past Modal",
aspect: "imperfective",
form: conj.imperfective.modal.hypotheticalPast,
formula: "Imperfective Root + Non-Inflectinig Ey-Tail + ش - sh + Non-Inflectinig Ey-Tail",
explanation: "saying that something was possible in general, in an ongoing sense ('I was able to ____', ie. 'I could do ____ any time'). This 'wildcard' form can be used either to talk about hypothetical things, or to avoid worrying about verb agreement",
past: true,
sentence: true,
advanced: true,
reorderWithNegative: true,
label: "Perfective hypothetical/wildcard Past Modal",
aspect: "perfective",
form: conj.perfective.modal.hypotheticalPast,
formula: "Perfective Root + Non-Inflectinig Ey-Tail + ش - sh + Non-Inflectinig Ey-Tail",
explanation: "saying that something was possible at a certain point in time ('I was able to ____, at one particular point in time'). This 'wildcard' form can be used either to talk about hypothetical things, or to avoid worrying about verb agreement",
past: true,
sentence: true,
advanced: true,
reorderWithNegative: true,
label: "Hypothetical/Wish",
advanced: true,
form: conj.hypothetical,
formula: "Imperfective Root + Non-Inflecting Ey-Tail",
explanation: "Talking about a hypothetical, unreal situation, or something that is wished for ('If I ____')",
past: true,
label: "Participle",
subgroup: "participle",
advanced: true,
content: [
label: "Present Participle",
form: conj.participle.present,
formula: "Short form of Ininitive Root + ونکی - oonkey",
explanation: "Making a verb into a noun or adjective, talking about a person or thing that does or experiences something. Also used to say something is about to happen. ('____ing', '____er')",
label: "Past Participle",
form: conj.participle.past,
past: true,
formula: "Infinitive Root or Special Form + Inflecting Ey-Tail",
explanation: "Making a verb into a noun or adjective, talking about how a person or thing did or experienced something. ('____ed')",
...conj.passive ?
label: "Passive",
subgroup: "passive",
advanced: true,
sentence: true,
content: [
label: "Passive Present",
aspect: "imperfective",
form: conj.passive.imperfective.nonImperative,
sentence: true,
passive: true,
englishBuilder: (s: T.Person, v: T.EnglishVerbConjugationEc, n: boolean) => ([
`${engSubj(s)} ${engEquative("present", s)}${n ? " not" : ""} being ${v[4]}`,
formula: "Long Imperfective Root + Present کېدل - to become",
explanation: "Saying that something is being done or is done in general, without mentioning the subject/agent. ('I am being ____en')",
label: "Passive Subjunctive",
aspect: "perfective",
form: conj.passive.perfective.nonImperative,
sentence: true,
passive: true,
englishBuilder: (s: T.Person, v: T.EnglishVerbConjugationEc, n: boolean) => ([
`that ${engSubj(s, true)} will${n ? " not" : ""} be ${v[4]}`,
formula: "Long Perfective Root + Subjunctive کېدل - to become",
explanation: "Saying that something should be done, or giving a purpose for something being done etc., without mentioning the subject/agent. ('Should I be ____en?', 'So that I'll be ____en')"
label: "Passive Imperfective Future",
aspect: "imperfective",
form: conj.passive.imperfective.future,
sentence: true,
passive: true,
englishBuilder: (s: T.Person, v: T.EnglishVerbConjugationEc, n: boolean) => ([
`${engSubj(s)} will${n ? " not" : ""} be ${v[4]}`,
formula: "به - ba + Passive Present",
explanation: "Saying something will be done as a one-time event, without mentioning the subject/agent.",
label: "Passive Perfective Future",
aspect: "perfective",
form: conj.passive.perfective.future,
sentence: true,
passive: true,
englishBuilder: (s: T.Person, v: T.EnglishVerbConjugationEc, n: boolean) => ([
`${engSubj(s)} will${n ? " not" : ""} be ${v[4]}`,
formula: "به - ba + Passive Subjunctive",
explanation: "Saying something will be done in an ongoing or repeated sense, without mentioning the subject/agent."
label: "Passive Continuous Past",
aspect: "imperfective",
form: conj.passive.imperfective.past,
past: true,
sentence: true,
passive: true,
englishBuilder: (s: T.Person, v: T.EnglishVerbConjugationEc, n: boolean) => ([
`${engSubj(s)} ${engEquative("past", s)}${n ? " not" : ""} being ${v[4]}`,
formula: "Long Imperfective Root + Continuous Past کېدل - to become",
explanation: "Saying that something was being done, or would be done, without mentioning the subject/agent. ('I was being ____en', 'I would be ____en')",
label: "Passive Simple Past",
aspect: "perfective",
form: conj.passive.perfective.past,
past: true,
sentence: true,
passive: true,
englishBuilder: (s: T.Person, v: T.EnglishVerbConjugationEc, n: boolean) => ([
`${engSubj(s)} ${engEquative("past", s)}${n ? " not" : ""} ${v[4]}`,
formula: "Long Perfective Root + Simple Past کېدل - to become",
explanation: "Saying that was done as a one-time event, without mentioning the subject/agent. ('I was ____en')"
label: "Passive Perfect",
subgroup: "passive perfect",
passive: true,
sentence: true,
content: [
label: "Passive Half Perfect",
form: conj.passive.perfect.halfPerfect,
past: true,
sentence: true,
passive: true,
englishBuilder: (s: T.Person, v: T.EnglishVerbConjugationEc, n: boolean) => ([
`${engSubj(s)} ${engHave(s)}${n ? " not" : ""} been ${v[4]}`,
formula: "Infinitive + کېدل past participle inflected",
explanation: "The base of all perfect forms. Used on it's own as a sort of abbreviated form of the present perfect. (Passive voice)",
label: "Passive Past Perfect",
form: conj.passive.perfect.past,
past: true,
sentence: true,
passive: true,
englishBuilder: (s: T.Person, v: T.EnglishVerbConjugationEc, n: boolean) => ([
`${engSubj(s)} had${n ? " not" : ""} been ${v[4]}`,
formula: "Infinitive + کېدل past participle inflected + Past Equative",
explanation: "Talking about events that had happened in the past, or had affected a past situation (Passive voice) ('I had been ____ed')",
label: "Passive Present Perfect",
form: conj.passive.perfect.present,
past: true,
sentence: true,
passive: true,
englishBuilder: (s: T.Person, v: T.EnglishVerbConjugationEc, n: boolean) => ([
`${engSubj(s)} ${engHave(s)}${n ? " not" : ""} been ${v[4]}`,
formula: "Infinitive + کېدل past participle inflected + Present Equative",
explanation: "Talking about that something happened in the past and it affects the present (Passive voice) ('I have been _____ed')",
label: "Passive Habitual Perfect",
form: conj.passive.perfect.subjunctive,
past: true,
sentence: true,
passive: true,
englishBuilder: (s: T.Person, v: T.EnglishVerbConjugationEc, n: boolean) => ([
`${engSubj(s)} ${engHave(s)}${n ? " not" : ""} been ${v[4]}`,
formula: "Infinitive + کېدل past participle inflected + Habitual Equative",
label: "Passive Subjunctive Perfect",
form: conj.passive.perfect.subjunctive,
past: true,
sentence: true,
passive: true,
englishBuilder: (s: T.Person, v: T.EnglishVerbConjugationEc, n: boolean) => ([
`that ${engSubj(s, true)} will${n ? " not" : ""} have been ${v[4]}`,
formula: "Infinitive + کېدل past participle inflected + Subjunctive Equative",
label: "Passive Future/Presumptive Perfect",
form: conj.passive.perfect.future,
advanced: true,
past: true,
sentence: true,
passive: true,
englishBuilder: (s: T.Person, v: T.EnglishVerbConjugationEc, n: boolean) => ([
`${engSubj(s)} will${n ? " not" : ""} have been ${v[4]}`,
formula: "به - ba + Infinitive + کېدل past participle inflected + Future Equative",
explanation: "Talking about something that will have happened in the future, or guessing that the event will have occured presently (Passive voice) ('I will have been ____ed')",
label: "Passive Affirmational Perfect",
form: conj.passive.perfect.affirmational,
advanced: true,
past: true,
sentence: true,
passive: true,
englishBuilder: (s: T.Person, v: T.EnglishVerbConjugationEc, n: boolean) => ([
`${engSubj(s)} will${n ? " not" : ""} have been ${v[4]}`,
explanation: "Affirming that an event will have taken place (Passive voice) ('I will have been ____ed')",
formula: "به - ba + Infinitive + کېدل past participle inflected + Past Equative"
label: "Passive Past Subjunctive / Hypothetical Perfect",
form: conj.passive.perfect.pastSubjunctiveHypothetical,
advanced: true,
past: true,
sentence: true,
passive: true,
explanation: "Talking about an event that would have hypothetically taken place, or that should have taken place (Passive voice) ('I would have been ____ed')",
formula: "به - ba + Infinitive + کېدل past participle inflected + Past Subjunctive / Hypothetical Equative"
} as T.DisplayFormSubgroup]
: [],
export const getForms = ({ conj, filterFunc, mode, subject, object, sentenceLevel, englishConjugation, negative }: {
conj: T.VerbConjugation,
englishConjugation?: T.EnglishVerbConjugation
filterFunc?: FilterFunc | FilterFunc[],
mode: "chart" | "sentence",
subject: T.Person,
object: T.Person,
sentenceLevel?: "easy" | "medium" | "hard",
negative: boolean,
}): T.DisplayFormItem[] => {
const forms = formsOfConjugation(conj);
const formsToUse = filterFunc
? formFilter(forms, filterFunc)
: forms;
return mode === "chart"
? formsToUse
: formMap(
formFilter(formsToUse, (f) => f.sentence),
function isThirdPersonSing(p: T.Person): boolean {
return (
p === T.Person.ThirdSingMale ||
p === T.Person.ThirdSingFemale
function engPresC(s: T.Person, ec: T.EnglishVerbConjugationEc | [string, string]): string {
return isThirdPersonSing(s) ? ec[1] : ec[0];
function engEquative(tense: "past" | "present", s: T.Person): string {
const [row, col] = getVerbBlockPosFromPerson(s);
return englishEquative[tense][row][col];
function engHave(s: T.Person): string {
return isThirdPersonSing(s) ? "has" : "have";
function engSubj(s: T.Person, lowerCase?: boolean): string {
const pronoun = (s === T.Person.FirstSingMale || s === T.Person.FirstSingFemale)
? "I"
: (s === T.Person.FirstPlurMale || s === T.Person.FirstPlurFemale)
? "We"
: (s === T.Person.SecondSingMale || s === T.Person.SecondSingFemale)
? "You"
: (s === T.Person.SecondPlurMale || s === T.Person.SecondPlurFemale)
? "You (pl.)"
: (s === T.Person.ThirdSingMale)
? "He/it"
: (s === T.Person.ThirdSingFemale)
? "She/it"
: (s === T.Person.ThirdPlurMale)
? "They"
: "They (f.)";
return (lowerCase && pronoun !== "I")
? pronoun.toLowerCase()
: pronoun;