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# LingDocs Dictionary Monorepo
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![Functions Deploy](
## Contents
This monorepo contains:
- `/dictionary-client` the frontend of the dictionary, a React SPA
- `/account` a backend authentication server
- `/functions` backend Firebase functions for use with the dictionary
### Dictionary Client
SPA Dictionary Frontend
Use [Yarn](
cd website
yarn install
#### Development
yarn start
### Account
Backend authentication server build on express / passport
#### Development
Use [npm](
cd account
npm install
### Functions
Backend Firebase functions
Use [npm](
cd functions
npm install
#### Development
npm run serve
## Architecture
![LingDocs Pashto Dictioanry App Architecture](./architecture.svg)
### Source Layer
#### GitHub Git Repo
The monorepo contains both a `website` folder for the frontend PWA and a `functions` folder for the backend functions. Both parts are written in TypeScript and are tied together using the types found in the `@lingdocs/pashto-inflector` package used by both as well as the types found in `./website/src/lib/backend-types.ts`
##### `./website` frontend
The front-end website code in `./website` is made with `create-react-app` and written in typescript with `jest` testing. It is a SPA and PWA.
The deployment is done automatically by netlify upon pushing to the `master` branch.
##### `./functions` backend
The backend code found in `./functions` and is written in TypeScript.
It is compiled and deployed automatically by the repo's GitHub Actions to Firebase Cloud Functions upon pushing to the `master` branch.
#### Google Sheets Dictionary Source
The content of the dictionary is based on a Google Sheets documents containing rows with the information for each dictionary entry. This can be edited by an editor directly, or through the website frontend with editor priveledges.
A cloud function in the backend compiles the dictionary into binary form (protobuf) then uploads it into a Google Cloud Storage bucket. The deployment is triggered from the website by an editor.
### Backend Layer
#### Firebase Functions
Serverless functions are used in conjungtion with Firebase Authentication to:
- check if a user has elevated priveledges
- receive edits or suggestions for the dictionary
- compile and publish the dictionary
- create and clean up elevated users in the CouchDB database
#### Account Server
Deployed through a self-hosted actions runner. It runs on an Ubuntu 20.04 machine and it requries `node` and `redis`.
The runner is launched by this line in a crontab
@reboot ./actions-runner/
Process managed by pm2 using this `ecosystem.config.js`
module.exports = {
apps : [{
name : "account",
cwd : "./actions-runner/_work/lingdocs-main/lingdocs-main/account",
script: "npm",
args: "start",
env: {
NODE_ENVIRONMENT: "************",
LINGDOCS_EMAIL_HOST: "**************",
LINGDOCS_EMAIL_USER: "**************",
LINGDOCS_EMAIL_PASS: "*****************",
LINGDOCS_COUCHDB: "****************",
pm2 start ecosystem.config.js
pm2 save
#### CouchDB
When a user upgrades their account level to `student` or `editor`:
1. A doc in the `_users` db is created with their Firebase Authentication info, account level, and a password they can use for syncing their personal wordlistdb
2. A user database is created (by the firebase functions - *not* by the couchdb_peruser) which they use to sync their personal wordlist.
There is also a `review-tasks` database which is used to store all the review tasks for editors and syncs with the review tasks in the app for the editor(s).
#### Google Cloud Storage
- `dict` - the dictionary content in protobuf format
- `dict-info` - information about the version of the currently available dictionary in protobuf format
The website fetches `dict-info` and `dict` as needed to check for the latest dictionary version and download it into memory/`lokijs`
### Frontend Layer
#### PWA
The frontend is a static-site PWA/SPA built with `create-react-app` (React/TypeScript) and deployed to Netlify.