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ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp ssf tppp tppf prp prf pprtp pprtf shortIntrans noOo sepOo separationAtP separationAtF diacExcept a 1527816609 آباد aabáad prosperous, built, established, populated 4 adj. 1566552178969 آبچکن aabchakán moire, having and undulating appearance, pattern, or texture 2 adj. 1575058865062 آبدار aabdáar sparkling, shining; honorable, respectable, dignified, glorious; tempered, hardened (metal) 2 adj. 1527822106 آبي aabee moist, humid; pertaining to watering, irrigation; sky-blues 4 adj. 1527813777 عادي aadee ordinary, usual, accustomed to, normal 3 adj. 1614168996327 عادل aadíl just, right, fair, true 4 adj. 1527821158 آهنګ دار aahang dáar melodious, harmonious 3 adj. 1527818896 آهني aahinee iron; (fig. strong) 4 adj. 1613562345137 عاجل aajíl urgent, immediate, compelling, pressing 4 adj. 1527814889 عاجز aajiz weak, poor, humble, introverted, shy, innocent, cautious, reserved 4 adj. 1527821999 آخري aakhiree last, final, definitive, conclusive 4 adj. 1527822003 آخرین aakhireen last, final, latest 4 adj. 1690458870216 آخرینی aakhireenáy last, final, latest 4 adj. 1527812347 عالم aalam learned, scholarly, wise; mullah, scholar or authority in Islamic teaching/law 4 adj. علماء Ulamaa 1527815462 عالي aalee high, higher (Arabic) 4 adj. 1527814658 عام aam usual, ordinary, simple, public 4 adj. 1 1527820682 آماده aamaada ready, prepared 4 adj. 1527820765 عاقل aaqíl wise, sensible, intelligent, prudent 4 adj. 1622461081707 آراسته aaraastá adorned, ornate, dressed up, decorated 2 adj. 1671707118036 عارضي aarazée temporary, tentative (Urdu) adj. 1527821000 عارف aaríf expert, learned, wise, knowledgeable 4 adj. 1527820488 عاریتي aariyatee taken for temporary use, rented; false, fictitious 2 adj. 1527823435 آرزومند aarzoománd desiring or aspiring to something 3 adj. 1527816792 آسان aasaan easy 4 adj. 1527812433 آسماني aasmaanee heavenly, of the sky 4 adj. 1527819021 آسوده aasoodá quiet, peaceful; happy, content; comfortable, calm, well-off 4 adj. 1527818414 آتش فشان aatash fisháan volcanic, pyrogenetic 4 adj. 1527823517 عاطف aatíf favorable, kind, gracious 2 adj. 1588689220632 اتم aatum eigth 4 adj. 1575058859661 آبدار aawdáar watery, damp, humid, juicy 4 adj. true 1527817219 عاید aayid relating to, belonging to 3 adj. 1527812464 آزاد aazaad free, independent 4 adj. 1527817075 آزرده aazUrda offended, affronted, hurt 1 adj. 1527817447 آزرده خاطر aazUrda khaatír upset, offended, hurt 1 adj. 1527822662 ابایي abaayee paternal, ancestral, that which is taken on or inherited from the family 4 adj. 1527817793 ابدي abadee eternal 4 adj. 1527818429 عبث abás empty, worthless, vain, idle, useless, nonsense, squandered 4 adj. 1585398951862 ابلک ablák two-colored, piebald; (fig. two-faced, hypocritical) 4 adj. 1585398948903 ابلق abláq two-colored, piebald; (fig. two-faced, hypocritical) 3 adj. 1527817112 ابلون ablon wet, watery, moist, humid 2 adj. 1527818802 عبوس abóos glum, sulky, surly, grumpy 1 adj. 1576439289492 ابرومند abroomand honourable 4 adj. 1690458818627 ادب کوونکی adab kawóonkay polite, civil, well-mannered, respectable 4 adj. 1527822908 ادبي adabée literary 4 adj. 1527814765 عددي adadee numerical 2 adj. 1527818659 عدیل adeel even, equal, the same 2 adj. 1527814659 عدلي adlee forensic, legal, judicial (Arabic) 3 adj. 1527818433 ادنا adnáa low in position, small, trifle, insignificant, paltry, low-quality 4 adj. 1527814100 افغاني afghaanee Afghan 4 adj. 1527817269 افریقي afreeqee African 4 adj. 1527813308 افسانوي afsaanawée legendary, mythical 3 adj. 1 1527817423 افسرده afsUrdá freezing; fading, withering; sad, disheartened, depressed, cheerless 3 adj. 1527817424 افسرده دل afsUrda dil sad, disheartened, depressed, cheerless 2 adj. 1577232206938 اګاه agaah wise, informed, knowing, aware 4 adj. 1 1690458820794 اغیزمن aghayzman effective, affected 4 adj. 1690458821385 اغلی aghúlay refined, elegant, beautiful; pleasing, pleasant, nice; esteemed; proper, suitable, fitting (ښاغلی); used for Mrs. title for ladies 2 adj. 1527813667 اهم ahám important 4 adj. 1 1527820257 اهلي ahlee domesticated, tame, domestic (obedient, compliant, addicted??) 4 adj. 1527813780 احساساتي ahsaasaatee emotional, passionate, sensitive 3 adj. 1527822714 عجب ajáb surprising, amazing, astounding, strange 3 adj. 1527822715 اجب ajáb surprising, amazing, astounding, strange (عجب) 3 adj. 1527821769 عجیب الشکل ajeeb Ulshákl strange looking, unusual 2 adj. 1527813491 عجیبه ajeebá strange, amazing, absurd, unusual, weird, odd 4 adj. 1 1527819128 اجنبي ajnabée foreign, alien, strange 3 adj. 1527811445 اجوت ajwat attached, tied to, bound, near, next to 1 adj. 1527817512 اخلاقي akhlaaqee moral, pertaining to ethics and morals 4 adj. 1527812446 اخته akhtá occupied with, engrossed in, busy 4 adj. 1 1664091268679 اخترېز akhtaréz pertaining to holiday, pertaining to Eid (اخترېز پیغام - holiday message) 4 adj. 1527821771 علاقه دار alaaqa dáar relating to something, having an interest in something 3 adj. 1527821775 علاقه مند alaaqa mánd interested, concerned, keen on, interested in 3 adj. 1671208957051 علني alanée public, open, honest, frank; audience, spectators, public (noun) 3 adj. 1602179816100 الفبایي alfabaayée alphabetic 4 adj. 1527819595 الواکي alwaakee theoretical 2 adj. 1527821385 الوداعي alwidaa'ée parting, valedictory, pertaining to farewell, leave-taking 4 adj. 1527823400 الیافي alyaafee fibrous 3 adj. 1566478626044 امانت دار amaanat dáar trustworthy, conscientious 4 adj. 1527821191 عملبند amalbánd suffering from constipation, constipated 2 adj. 1527814818 عملي amalee in practice, in operation, practical 4 adj. 1527817449 امن پسند aman pasand peace-loving, peaceful 4 adj. 1527813520 عمیق ameeq deep, profound 4 adj. 1527815797 عمیق ameeq deep, profound 3 adj. 1527814674 امنیتي amnyatee security 4 adj. 1527818886 اموخته amokhta used to, accustomed to, adjusted to, tame 4 adj. 1527814737 امریکایي amreekaayee American 4 adj. 1527817552 عنعنه پسند an'ana pasand conservative, adhering to tradition 2 adj. 1527811767 اندامور andaamawar tall, big 4 adj. 1690458822051 اندېښمنوونکی andexmanawóonkay worrisome, troubling, concerning adj. 1527819075 اندېښمن andexmún worried, troubled, concerned 4 adj. 1591972115837 اندروني androonee inner 4 adj. 1527817540 انځوریز andzooreez pictoral, with pictures 4 adj. 1527820346 انلاین anlaayn on-line 3 adj. 1666108997434 انتاني antaanee infectious 4 adj. 1527817769 انتیکه anteeka rare, unique thing, strange, funny 2 adj. 1677572258589 اپوټه apoTa overturned, opposite adj. 1589021140384 عقیدتي aqeedatee pious, religious (person) 3 adj. 1595253270130 عقیدوي aqeedawée doctrinal, religious, pertaining to beliefs 4 adj. 1690458823723 عقل خوځېدلی aqul khwadzedulay not right in the head, not mentally sound, crazy, mad 2 adj. 1527814112 عقل مند aqul mand smart, wise 3 adj. 1527814795 اړ aR forced, need to, compelled 4 adj. 1527814722 اړنګمن aRangman suspected, doubtful, confused, undecided 2 adj. 1527817948 اړولي aRawulee muddled up, inappropriate, useemly, indecent 4 adj. 1527813170 اریب areeb bent, twisted, wry, askew, crooked, crazy, loony, sloped 1 adj. 1527813656 اړین aReen necessary, needed, important, crucial, vital 4 adj. 1527814587 اړینه aReena important, crucial, vital 4 adj. 1572991685973 اړمن aRman obliged, forced to, (مجبور), in need 2 adj. 1527817209 اروپایي aroopaayee European 4 adj. 1573663943732 ارت arat wide, spacious, extensive 4 adj. 1 1527813902 اروایي arwaayee psychologically, mentally 3 adj. 1527813909 اړوند aRwand related, connected, dependent 4 adj. 1575235389810 اریان aryaan amazed, suprised, stunned, dumbfounded, speechless, taken aback (حيران) 4 adj. 1677571965062 اریایي aryaayee Aryan adj. 1527812465 ارزان arzáan cheap, inexpensive 4 adj. 1 1644343901423 ارزښتناک arzixtnáak valuable 4 adj. 1527814345 ارزښتمن arzuxtman valuable, important 3 adj. 1527818821 اسهامي as`haamee joint-stock, share 1 adj. 1527814059 اسان asáan easy 4 adj. 1 1527813447 اساسي asaasee fundamental, key, essential, principal 4 adj. 1678218457589 اساطیري asaateeree mythological adj. 1527818687 اسفناک asafnaak regretful, sad, unfortunate 1 adj. 1527821649 اثرناک asarnáak impressive, effective, influencing 4 adj. 1527815870 1527811478 اصیل aseel nobel, of high birth, purebred, real 4 adj. 1527816938 عسکري askaree army, military 4 adj. 1690458823761 اسکېرلی askerúlay pitiful, weak, feeble, faint 1 adj. 1527814226 اصلي aslée real, actual, original, genuine, essential 4 adj. 1 1588849760045 اسپه aspa spotted, thick 4 adj. 1527816243 عصري asrée modern 3 adj. 1527820202 استرالیایي astraaliyaayee Australian 4 adj. 1527819449 اسیایي asyaayee Asian 3 adj. 1610617550750 عتیقه ateeqá ancient, very old, antique 4 adj. 1527821343 اتومي atomee nuclear, atomic, atom 4 adj. 1527822001 اتوڼی atoNáy last 3 adj. 1527817158 عطري atree fragrant, aromatic, sweet-smelling 4 adj. 1590838961046 اتلسم atúlasum eighteenth 4 adj. 1589025674899 اتیایم atyaayum, atiyaayum eightieth 4 adj. 1527818785 اولی awláy irritable, grumpy, sour, grouchy 4 adj. 1574785481606 اوتر awtár frightened, alarmed, distressed 4 adj. 1662618824589 اوښتی awÚxtay converted, sprained, inflected, oblique 4 adj. 1527817142 اولین awwaleen first 4 adj. 1527815661 اولنی awwalunáy first, beginning 4 adj. 1589025603430 اویایم awyaayum, awiyaayum seventieth 4 adj. 1595256707217 عیان ayáan, iyáan visible, clear, obvious 4 adj. TRUE 1527817060 عیاش ayaash fast-liver, lover of pleasure, profligate, playboy, party animal 4 adj. TRUE 1527818656 عیني aynee optic, visual, pertaining to eyes, objective; the same 3 adj. TRUE 1578340121962 ازاد azáad free, released 4 adj. 1527811766 اعظم azam big, high, great (Arabic) 3 adj. 1527823437 عظیم azéem great, huge, outstanding, important 4 adj. 1573149942245 ازغن azghán, azghún thorny, barbed 4 adj. 1 1675435941176 بعید ba'éed distant, far, removed adj. 1527820918 بعضي bá'zee some, few, a number of, several 4 adj. 1 1527823446 با احساس baa ahsaas sensitive, emotional 4 adj. 1588787041518 با اخلاقه baa akhlaaqa morally upstanding, of good character 4 adj. 1622279166541 با ارزښته baa arzuxta valuable, of value, expensive 4 adj. 1527820623 با استعداد baa isti'daad talented, apt, able 4 adj. 1671209320102 باادبه baa`adába well-mannered, respectful, polite, well brough-up adj. true 1622278438726 باعظمته baa`azamáta magnificent, grand, great 4 adj. 1527812367 باب baab widespread, fashionable, disseminated, accepted as usual 4 adj. 1 1585827269643 بابیزه baabeeza overused, hackneyed, worthless 4 adj. 1527819085 بادوک baadook gaseous, that which causes gas in the stomach 4 adj. 1690458824665 بادپیما baadpaymaa fast as the wind 4 adj. 1527814346 بالغ baalígh adult, mature 4 adj. 1 1527818362 باندینی baandeenáy upper, outside, external, foreign, someone else’s, another’s 4 adj. 1582390120162 باندنی baandináy upper, outside, external, foreign, someone else’s, another’s 4 adj. 1527820858 بانکي baankee pertaining to banking 4 adj. 1576947104129 بانفوذ baanUfooz influential, powerful, effective 4 adj. 1527822059 باریک baaréek thin, narrow, tender, soft, delicate, sensitive 4 adj. 1 1527822060 باریک بین baareek been penetrating, shrewd, understanding something to a fine degree 4 adj. 1577065929343 بارسوخ baarUsóokh firm, steadfast, composed, stable 4 adj. 1527823723 باسواد baasawáad literate 4 adj. 1589020280620 باسي baasée rotten, stale, not fresh 4 adj. 1675435661345 باشرفه baasharáfa honorable, respectable, decent adj. 1527821119 باثبات baasUbaat, baasabaat stable, constant 4 adj. 1618846912260 باتجربه baatajraba, baatajriba experienced 4 adj. 1594807837096 باتینګڼي baateenguNée purple 4 adj. 1527821886 باطل baatíl invalid, null, revoked, futile, vain, useless 4 adj. 1577238704871 باطني baatinee inside, inner; pertaining to inner things (as opposed to outward appearances) 4 adj. 1527820433 باتور baatóor courageous, brave, valiant 4 adj. 1527815058 باوري baawarée reliable, trustworthy, credible; confident, convinced, believing 4 adj. 1 1527822182 باوجدان baawijdaan conscientious, scrupulous, having a conscience 4 adj. 1571692880592 ببر babár shaggy, dissheveld, hairy 4 adj. 1 1578343389223 ببر سری babar sáray disheveled (person) 4 adj. 1527818787 ببرو babróo unsightly, ugly, grumbler, grumpy 3 adj. 1527821264 بډ baD equal, identical 4 adj. 1527812956 بد اروا bad arwaa greedy, mean, miserly 4 adj. 1527816862 بد ژمنی bad jzmanay faithless 3 adj. 1588150607691 بد تمیز bad taméez rude, unkind (Urdu) 4 adj. 1527819229 بډای baDáay rich 4 adj. 1577299160732 بدل badál changed, different, exchanged 4 adj. 1527815996 بدبخت badbakht unlucky, unfortunate 4 adj. 1527822610 بډبول baDból truthful, righteous 1 adj. 1690458824735 بدبولی badbolay faithless 4 adj. 1527821261 بدیهي badeehee clear, obvious 3 adj. 1527815995 بدمرغه badmargha unlucky, unfortunate 4 adj. 1527814187 بدنام badnaam defamed, scandalous, having a bad name or reputation, notorious 4 adj. 1527814195 بدنامه badnaama defamed, scandalous, having a bad name or reputation, notorious 4 adj. 1527811241 بدتر badtar really bad, awful, worse 4 adj. 1527818795 بدوربزی badwarbUzay unsightly, ugly, grumbler, grumpy 4 adj. 1527821305 بهادر bahaadúr brave, valiant, courageous 4 adj. 1 1619592561763 بهاند baháand flowing, running 3 adj. 1527816646 بهرنی baharanáy, bahranáy foreigner, foreign; outside, outer 4 adj. / n. m. anim. unisex 1 1527813425 بخیل bakheel stingy, miserly, closefisted, jealous 4 adj. 1527814884 بختور bakhtawár blessed, fortunate, lucky 4 adj. 1 1704702219552 بختور کول bakhtawar kawúl to bless, make fortunate v. stat. comp. trans. 1527814884 bless 1 1704702255079 بختور کېدل bakhtawar kedúl to be blessed, become fortunate v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527814884 be blessed 1527813469 بخښونکی bakhxóonkay forgiving 4 adj. 1527813841 بل bal on fire, burning 4 adj. 1527815725 بلد balad knowledgeable, informed, acquainted, accustomed, used to, familiar with 4 adj. 1658102140541 بلها balháa, baláa plentiful, copious, lots, plentiful 2 adj. 1527811282 بڼ سترګی baN stargay shortsighted, weak-sighted 2 adj. 1577301753727 بند band closed, blocked, stopped adj. 1 1594814412055 بندري bandaree harbour- 4 adj. 1594904088405 بنګړی bangRáy collapsed, ruined, destroyed 2 adj. 1574869800917 بڼیا baNyáa slightly-opened, half-opened, opened just a crack 2 adj. 1527819150 برکتي barakatee blessed, plentiful, fruitful 4 adj. 1527823767 برکتناک barakatnáak blessed 4 adj. 1527819355 برباد barbáad ruined, destroyed, wasted, spent, perished 4 adj. 1 1527811861 بربنډ barbúnD naked; bare 3 adj. 1 1690458825578 بریمن baraymán successful, victorious 4 adj. 1527821279 برهم barhám mixed up, spoiled, mixed 4 adj. 1630938898418 برحق barháq just, right, fair 4 adj. 1571524739886 برنده barinda winner (Farsi) 4 adj. 1592559792458 برجد barjád established, set-up, fixed 2 adj. 1527811959 برجسته barjasta emminent, outstanding 4 adj. 1566647560623 برخه من bărkha mún having a share, sharing in a portion 4 adj. 1582336118684 برخمن bărkhamún having a share, sharing in a portion (برخه من) 4 adj. 1566647560623 1527823142 برخوردار barkhoordáar fortunate, happy, prosperous 4 adj. 1577300424128 برلاسی barláasay dominant, prevailing, ruling 2 adj. 1527817052 برقرار barqaraar established, firm, stable, sound 4 adj. 1527816616 برقي barqée electric 4 adj. 1 1527821051 برتر bartár superior, better, higher 3 adj. 1527812235 برطرف bartaraf fired (from a job), dismissed 4 adj. 1527811850 بریالی baryaaláy victorious, succeding in, successful 4 adj. 1527822447 بسیط baséet wide, broad, simple, uncomplicated, elementary 4 adj. 1631221749424 بشردوستانه bashardostaana humanitarian 4 adj. 1527812220 بشري basharee human, mortal, humanitarian 4 adj. 1591872154088 بسیا basyaa sufficient; processed, cultivated 4 adj. 1527820051 بطني batnée abdominal, visceral 4 adj. 1527812960 بښاوو baxaawoo generous, magnanimous 3 adj. 1527823350 بې عیب be 'ayb perfect, without blemish or shame, irreproachable 4 adj. 1527823351 بې عیبه be 'ayba perfect, without blemish or shame, irreproachable 4 adj. 1527816316 بې ادب be adab disrespectful, uncouth, ill-bred, ill-mannered 4 adj. 1527816151 بې اندازې be andaaze extreme, excessive, extraordinary 4 adj. 1618947503103 بې انډواله be anDwáala imbalanced 4 adj. 1527815063 بې ارامه be araama uneasy, disquieted, disturbed, anxious, nervous 4 adj. 1527822782 بې ازاره be azáara harmless, inoffensive 4 adj. 1594835887398 بې باکه be báaka bold, fearless, carefree, careless, unafraid 4 adj. 1678173903266 بې برخې be barkhe deprived, left out adj. 1527818618 بې بیې be baye free, free of charge 3 adj. 1527820089 بې بنسټه be bunsuTa baseless, without backing/proof/foundation 3 adj. 1527812488 بې چاره be chaara poor thing, pitiful 3 adj. 1588786555493 بې ډبه be Dába ridiculous, sensless, absurd 4 adj. 1527814063 بې دین be deen atheist, godless, without faith 4 adj. 1527817322 بې دفاع be difaa defenceless 4 adj. 1527817425 بې دل be dil grieved, stressed, depressed 2 adj. 1527819826 بې ایمانه be eemáana faithless, treacherous, cowardly, dishonest, scoundrel 4 adj. 1 1661858564119 بې غرضه be gharaza not bothering anyone, not of concern 4 adj. 1527822923 بې غیرت be ghayrat scoundrel, dishonourable person, coward 4 adj. 1527822968 بې غشه be ghusha pure, unadulterated, sincere 2 adj. 1527817609 بې ګناه be gUnáah innocent, sinless 3 adj. 1 1588782497585 بې هوشه be hósha without feeling, unconscious, in a faint, stunned 4 adj. 1708464971839 بې هوشه کول be hosha kawúl to knock unconscious, to stun, to make faint 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1588782497585 stun,stuns,stunning,stunned 1708464975771 بې هوشه کېدل be hosha kedúl to go unconscious, to be stunned, to faint 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1588782497585 be stunned 1527819823 بې انصافه be insaafa unjust 3 adj. 1566473733009 بې انتها be intiháa limtless, endless 4 adj. 1 1527812490 بې کار be kaar useless 4 adj. 1577822319033 بې کبره be kabra humble, without pride 3 adj. 1527819527 بې کسه be kasa having no relatives, alone, having no guardian 4 adj. 1527811935 بې خونده be khwánda tastless, poor, bad, ruined, dull, bland 3 adj. 1 1527821709 بې کوره be kóra homeless; single, unmarried, bachelor, without family 4 adj. 1586518918929 بې لارې be laare astray, on the wrong path, erring 3 adj. 1527813953 بې لحاظ be lihaaz impolite, inconsiderate, crude 3 adj. 1575642990975 بې معنیٰ be ma'naa meaningless, senseless, vain, stupid 4 adj. 1586203586642 بې معني be ma'nee meaningless, senseless, vain, stupid 4 adj. 1527812049 بې مانا be maanaa meaningless 3 adj. 1527821270 بې منع be mán'a free, clear, unimpeded, without hindrance 2 adj. 1678972764874 بې معیاره be miyaara non-standard, low quality, unregulated adj. 1527821571 بې موجبه be mojíba without cause, unwarranted, unjustified, pointless 3 adj. 1527821081 بې نام be náam inglorious 3 adj. 1527819825 بې نصیبه be naseeba deprived of, unsuccessful 4 adj. 1527818303 بې نښه be nuxa unmarked 4 adj. 1527821876 بې پایه be páaya endless, unending, measureless, infinite, boundless 4 adj. 1527816342 بې پلوه be palawa neutral 3 adj. 1527822337 بې پرې be pare equitable, fair, even-handed, impartial, just, neutral 4 adj. 1661754309668 بې پرته be párta shameless, talkative 2 adj. 1527818381 بې پروا be parwáa unconcerned, inattentive, indifferent, apathetic, careless 4 adj. 1 1527820958 بې قراره be qaraara uneasy, anxious, unstable, changeable 4 adj. 1527817605 بې قصور be qUsóor innocent, faultless 4 adj. 1527811504 بې رحمه be ráhma stern, ruthless, cruel, harsh 4 adj. 1 1527811331 بې ریا be riyaa sincere, straightforward, genuine 4 adj. 1527816048 بې ساری be saaray unusual, unparallel, unprecedented, without equal 3 adj. 1527813733 بې ثبات be sabaat inconsistent, changeable, inconstant 4 adj. 1527814439 بې صبر be sabir impatient 4 adj. 1527814440 بې صبره be sabra impatient 4 adj. 1674053879348 بې ثمره be samara fruitless, in vain adj. 1527813678 بې سره be săra neglected, stray, without oversight, homeless 4 adj. 1527817684 بې سرپرسته be sărparásta without a guardian, caretaker, or husband, orphaned or widowed 4 adj. 1527812505 بې ستره be satra uncovered, dishonored, disgraced 4 adj. 1578617942339 بې شرم be sharm, be sharum shameless, immodest 4 adj. 1588162448774 بې شیمې be sheeme without energy or vigour, feeling weak 4 adj. 1527818386 بې شناخته be shnáakhta unknown, unacquainted; without a tombstone 3 adj. 1577303332532 بې سده be suda unconcious 3 adj. 1527811821 بې سواده be swaada, be sawaada illiterate, uneducated 3 adj. 1575057415723 بې طالع be taali unfortunate, unlucky 3 adj. 1527811822 بې تعلیمه be taleema uneducated 3 adj. 1527815861 بې طرفه be tarafa neutral 4 adj. 1527819526 بې څوکه be tsoka having no relatives, alone, having no guardian 4 adj. 1650696851218 بې اصوله be Usóola not conforming to regulations/rules, illegal 4 adj. 1527816265 بې وفا be wafaa unfaithful, disloyal 4 adj. 1671709045089 بې وسلې be waslé unarmed, disarmed; unequipped adj. 1527822832 بې وټه be waTa pure, unadulterated 3 adj. 1568407749309 بې وقوف be wuqóof stupid, dumb, idiot, lacking understanding, senseless 4 adj. 1 1672910810614 بې وسه be wúsa powerless, helpless adj. 1 1527813333 بېعقل beaqul idiot, stupid, moron, foolish 3 adj. 1622713361142 بېباکه bebáaka bold, fearless, carefree, careless, unafraid 4 adj. 1527812489 بېچاره bechaara poor thing, pitiful 4 adj. 1527822539 بیده beedú asleep 3 adj. 1527812494 بیمار beemaar sick 3 adj. 1527822609 بینا beenáa able to see (not blind), seeing, sharpsighted 4 adj. 1 1527812495 بېګانه begaana foreign, unfamiliar 4 adj. 1662630881793 بېګانی begaanáy of last night, of the previous evening; of evening, dusk 4 adj. 1589023481147 بېګار begáar ruined, fallen apart, in bad condition 4 adj. 1527821053 بېغمه beghama carefree, unconcerned, peaceful 4 adj. 1527813080 بېګړا begRaa lazy, languid 3 adj. 1527817610 بېګنا begUnaa innocent, sinless 4 adj. 1675281880640 بېګناه begUnáah innocent, sinless adj. 1527819642 بېهو behóo wild, frightened 3 adj. 1527820010 بېهوش behósh without feeling, unconscious, in a faint 4 adj. 1527820011 بېهوشه behósha without feeling, unconscious, in a faint 4 adj. 1577377788698 بېکار bekáar unemployed, unemployment, jobless, useless, awful 4 adj. 1703659600117 بې کاره be káara unemployed, unemployment, jobless, useless, awful 4 adj. 1 1527818895 بېخوده bekhóoda lost consciousness, fainted, intoxicated, drunk, lost self-control 4 adj. 1527811936 بېخونده bekhwanda tastless, poor, bad, ruined, dull, bland 4 adj. 1527812031 بېل bel separate, different, various 3 adj. 1 1527813752 بېلابېل belaabel different, various 4 adj. 1527817490 بېران beraan unconscious, stunned, stupified 2 adj. 1527818769 بېړنی beRanáy emergency 4 adj. 1664030003451 بېسیم beséem wireless 4 adj. 1527821609 بېسده besuda fainted, unconscious; extreme ?? 3 adj. 1527811819 بېسواده beswaada, besawáada illiterate, uneducated 4 adj. 1602178752892 بېسوادي beswaadee, besawáadee illiteracy, lack of education 3 adj. 1527820738 بېوزله bewazla poor, needy, destitute, helpless 4 adj. بېوزلان bewazláan 1568407701976 بېوقوف bewuqóof stupid, dumb, idiot, lacking understanding, senseless 4 adj. 1527817872 بیدار baydáar alert, awake, aware, wakeful 4 adj. 1 1690458826515 بین المللي bayn Ulmilalée international 3 adj. 1527816647 بیروني bayroonee foreigner, foreign 3 adj. 1527817581 بېزار bezáar fed up, tired of, repulsed by, dissatisfied, disgusted, done with 4 adj. 1527811240 بهتر bihtár better 4 adj. 1 1574786888061 بلرغو blarghóo not in agreement, disagreeing, not united 3 adj. 1527815055 بوږنوړی boGnwaRay terrible 3 adj. 1527820949 بود bood bright, clever, quick-witted, quick-wittedness 3 adj. 1624364830896 بوځ boodz angry, infuriated, insulted; sticking out, pricked up 2 adj. 1675145310063 بوږنوونکی booGnawóonkay disturbing, frightening, extremely distressing adj. 1577302468548 بوک book overturned, toppled over, knocked over 4 adj. 1527813081 بوم boom slack, lazy (of will power) 3 adj. 1582315979482 بومي boomee local, indigenous 2 adj. 1527814210 بونیا boonyaa familiar, customary, common, acquaintance, knowledge, familiarity 2 adj. 1672305876339 بوسه boosá inflated, puffed up, pudgy adj. 1527818788 بوټ booT angry, upset, grumpy, sullen 3 adj. 1624364849352 بوڅ boots angry, infuriated, insulted; sticking out, pricked up 4 adj. 1586598468552 بوی کښ booy kax greedy, envious 3 adj. 1527811542 بویناک booynaak smelly, foul smelling, stinky, fragrant 4 adj. 1527813700 برالبه braalba pregnant 3 adj. 1527822811 برګ brag multi-coloured, bicoloured; spotted; furious, angry, raging 4 adj. 1594372226979 برېتور bretawár moustached (person) 4 adj. 1527811288 برېښنایي brexnaayee electric, electronic 4 adj. 1527819509 برتانوي britaanawee British 4 adj. 1527821262 بډ buD clear, having on arm, one-armed 4 adj. 1527812511 بد bud, bad bad 4 adj. 1 1576951682524 بدي دار budee dáar having emnity with someone, being in a feud 4 adj. 1527811684 بږنوونکی bUGnawóonkay disturbing, frightening, extremely distressing 3 adj. 1577302628682 بک buk, bUk bent over, arched, hunchbacked 4 adj. 1527812515 بل bul other, next 4 adj. 1 1527816939 بنسټیز bunsuTeez foundational, fundamental 3 adj. 1527811704 بنیادي bUnyaadée basic, foundational, essential 3 adj. 1 1527812518 برابر buraabúr equal, even, all good 4 adj. 1 1566473865582 بري buree acquitted, relieved of charges 4 adj. 1527811511 بشپړ bushpuR full, complete, total, exhaustive, fulfilled, finished, utmost, superior, mature 4 adj. 1527811768 بزرګ buzúrg, bUzÚrg large, big, elder, mighty 4 adj. 1 1527821562 چابک chaabúk quick, fast, rapid 3 adj. 1 1527811692 چاغ chaagh fat, obese, healthy, fleshly, overweight 3 adj. 1527819672 چالاک chaaláak crafty, sly, tricky; quick, fast, nimble 4 adj. 1 1527821857 چاڼیز chaaNeez combing, sifting (چاڼيز عمليات - combing operations) 3 adj. 1527813820 چاپېریالي chaaperyaalee evironmental, ecological 4 adj. 1648402854720 چاړا chaaRaa dumb, fool 4 adj. 1690458826804 چاودونکی chaawdóonkay explosive, exploding 4 adj. 1527812524 چلان chalaan started, in motion 4 adj. 1527821923 چمتو chamtóo ready, prepared 3 adj. 1527813856 چپ chap left (hand, side); contradicting, against, hindering 4 adj. 1577811840227 چپه chapá overturned, flipped over, upset 4 adj. 1678795274140 چپي chapee over-thrown, turned over adj. 1527816655 چریکي chareekee guerrilla 4 adj. 1594128590119 چرمي charmee leather 3 adj. 1527823013 چټ chaT ruined, spoiled, perished, annihilated 4 adj. 1527811230 چټک chaTak quick, fast 4 adj. 1527814376 چټل chaTál filthy, foul, dirty 4 adj. 1527816595 چټي chaTee foolish, stupid, absurd, useless, harmful 4 adj. 1593074248876 چټو chaTo empty-headed, firvilous person; useless, spoiled, wasted 4 adj. 1527816562 چوړ chawR destroyed, ruined, annihilated 1 adj. 1577813261702 چیچړ cheechaR wrinkled, folded; stubborn 4 adj. 1527820085 چینایي cheenaayee Chinese 4 adj. 1527823155 چینګ cheeng open, gaping (of a mouth/beak) 2 adj. 1576948414202 چینجن cheenjún rotten, decayed, worm-eaten 3 adj. 1527822370 چیت پیت cheet peet crushed, flattened out 4 adj. 1576948418235 چنجن chinjún rotten, decayed, worm-eaten, wormy 4 adj. 1527822563 چټکه دار chiTka dáar spotted, dotted (cloth) 4 adj. 1527822429 چوداني choodaanee cast iron (attributive) 1 adj. 1577812929583 چوک chook cross-eyed, one-eyed 1 adj. 1527819771 چوڼیا chooNyaa song-bird, nightingale; violet 2 adj. 1527814592 چوپ choop silent, quiet 4 adj. 1527822667 چوټي choTee dishevelled, uncombed 3 adj. 1573656099253 چکور chukóor quick, smart, prompt 2 adj. 1577650713084 چپ chUp silent, quiet 3 adj. 1527820894 چرتي chUrtee pensive, thoughtful; troubled, concerned, worried 4 adj. 1591805719343 چست chUst quick, swift, lively, agile 3 adj. 1 1527812536 ډاډه DaaDa assured, secure, confident 4 adj. 1702627738504 ډاډه کېدل DaaDa kedúl to be assured, become secure 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527812536 1 1527812537 ډاډمن DaaDmun assured, secure, confident 4 adj. 1527820605 ډاګیز Daagéez clear, obvious, apparent 3 adj. 1527816728 داخلي daakhilee internal 4 adj. 1527814577 ډانګ پېیلی Daang pe`yalay open, direct, overt 3 adj. 1590873111653 داره daara well-off, not poor, rich 3 adj. 1586356246535 ډاروونکی Daarawóonkay frightening, scary; wild, savage 3 adj. 1527819648 داړونکی daaRóonkay predatory, preying (of animals) 3 adj. 1527814593 ډارن Daarún timid, coward, cowardly 3 adj. 1527811268 دایم daayum constant, eternal, everlasting, long, prolonged 4 adj. 1527811267 دایمي daayumee permanent, eternal, constant, life 4 adj. 1527823592 ډبل Dabál thick, heavy, excessive, double 3 adj. 1 1571841524888 ډبرین Dabaréen rocky, stony, of stone 3 adj. 1576366974818 ډډ DaD hollow, low, dull (sound); rough, hoarse (voice) 4 adj. 1527814097 دغځی daghdzáy paralyzed 1 adj. 1690458827965 دګلی dagúlay grateful, thankful; cursed, damned, accursed 2 adj. 1527817049 ډکه خوله Daka khoola gaping mouthed, mouth wide open 4 adj. 1527817439 دل پل dal pal real rumpled, trampled, flabby, baggy 3 adj. 1527819815 ډله ییز Dala yéez pubic, social, collective, pertaining to the group/collective 4 adj. 1527818363 دنننی danununáy internal, interior, inside 4 adj. 1527813476 دقیق daqeeq exact, precise, definate 4 adj. 1527815760 دقیق daqeeq exact, precise, definate 4 adj. 1527821626 دړ دړ daR daR broken, shattered, smashed, divided up in pieces 3 adj. 1527816742 در په در dar pu dar poor, destitute, impoverished, ruined homeless 4 adj. 1527823188 دراز daráaz long (Farsi) 3 adj. 1 1527813501 درنده daranda predatory, savage 3 adj. 1527815782 درنده daranda predatory, savage 3 adj. 1527816744 دربدر darbadar poor, destitute, impoverished, ruined homeless 3 adj. 1527814118 دردوونکی dărdawóonkay painful, hurtful, agonizing 4 adj. 1614170170569 دردمن dărdmán troubled, sad, pained 4 adj. 1614170176230 دردمند dărdmánd troubled, sad, pained 4 adj. 1527821280 درهم برهم darhám barhám confused, tangled up, mixed up 4 adj. 1527822349 درمند darmúnd level, smooth (of the earth) 2 adj. 1527814281 درسي darsee educational, academic, related to school 4 adj. 1527813818 دست تنګ dast tang poor, needy 3 adj. 1527812588 دوامدار dawaamdaar continuous, continual 3 adj. 1527812550 دولتي dawlatee government, state 3 adj. 1597092050060 ډولي Dawlée, Daulée decorated, adorned, stylish, beautiful 4 adj. 1527819645 دښتي daxtee wild (ie. animals) 3 adj. 1527818884 دیندار deendáar religious, pious, devoted, conservative 3 adj. 1527813797 دیني deenee religious 4 adj. 1527821392 ډینګ Deeng tall, leggy, lanky 4 adj. 1690458828444 ډېرېدونکی Deredóonkay increasing 3 adj. 1589025373304 دېرشم dershum thirtieth 4 adj. 1527815567 دېواني dewaanee judicial, legal 3 adj. 1690458828848 دیغ daygh sad, bored, weary (دق) 2 adj. 1527819341 دفاعي difaa'ee defence, (دفاعي سيستم - immune system) 4 adj. 1527823686 دغ digh sad, bored, weary (دق) 1 adj. 1527817427 دل آزرده dil aazUrda upset, distressed, offended 2 adj. 1527821333 دل بسته dil bastá fallen in love, become attached to, been carried away 3 adj. 1527817416 دل داده dil daada enthusiastic, easily carried away 3 adj. 1527817417 دل داري dil daaree comforting, soothing, calming 3 adj. 1527817431 دل خاه dil kháah desired, beloved, longed for 3 adj. 1527817430 دل خسته dil khasta depressed, distressed, dejected, aggrieved 3 adj. 1527817413 دل سرد dil sard hard-heated, calloused, indifferent, uncaring, unconcerned, unphased, cool/calm/composed 3 adj. 1527817401 دل سوز dil soz merciful, compassionate, soft-hearted 4 adj. 1527817406 دلاور dilaawar brave 3 adj. 1527817846 دلچسپ dilchasp fascinating, interesting, attractive, captivating 3 adj. 1527817414 دلداده dildaada enthusiastic, easily carried away 4 adj. 1591026823665 دلګیر dilgéer sad, upset 4 adj. 1527817421 دلپسند dilpasand pleasant, attractive 3 adj. 1579105536565 دلپذیر dilpazeer pleasant, attractive 3 adj. 1573151024515 دماغي dimaaghee, damaaghee mental, pertaining to the brain, cranium 3 adj. 1527822946 دیانت دار diyaanat dáar honest, pious, religious 3 adj. 1527816027 دودیز dodeez traditional, conservative 4 adj. 1645036353420 دوکه باز doka báaz deceitful, tricky 4 adj. 1527817256 ډوب Doob drowned, sunk, submerged 3 adj. 1527818641 دوچنده doochanda double, twofold 4 adj. 1594834129389 دوړ dooR deceptive, false 2 adj. 1611065752352 دربجن drabjan moldy, mildewy 3 adj. 1588689097153 درېیم dre`yum third 0 adj. 1527813499 دروند droond heavy; respectable, reliable, serious 4 adj. درانه draanu درن dran 1 1586626912173 درست drUst, dUrUst right, correct, true 3 adj. 1527813541 د منلو جوګه du munulo jogá acceptable 4 adj. 1 1527815816 د منلو وړ du munulo waR acceptable 4 adj. true 1594813906657 د پوښتنې وړ du poxtune waR questionable 4 adj. 1527816909 دباندینی dubaandeenáy external, foreign, exterior, outside 3 adj. 1527816910 دباندی dubaanday outside, outside of, beyond 3 adj. 1578084708430 ډبر Dubár destroyed, ruined, annihilated 0 adj. 1527812583 ډک Duk full 4 adj. 1527814880 دنګ dung tall, strapping 3 adj. 1702812530119 دنګوالی dungwáalay height, altitude 3 n. m. 1 1527822674 ډنګر Dungár, Dangár gaunt, thin, skinny, emaciated; singular and plural cattle; bull, ox 4 adj. 1527819382 دنیاوي dUnyaawee worldly 4 adj. 1527817787 دنیوي dUnyawee wordly, pertaining to the present life 4 adj. 1661753408821 دپ dup stuffy, stifled, stifling; cloudy, overcast; deaf 2 adj. 1590839036975 درویشتم durweeshtum twenty-third 4 adj. 1527813751 دوه اړخیز dwa aRkheez bilateral, mutual, two-sided, reciprocal 3 adj. 1527818637 دوه برابره dwa baraabára double, twofold 3 adj. 1527818638 دوه برغه dwa brágha double, twofold 4 adj. 1527818639 دوه چنده dwa chánda double, twofold 4 adj. 1690458829601 دوه ګوری dwa góray cross-eyed, blind in one eye, one eyed 3 adj. 1527818640 دوه ګرایه dwa graaya double, twofold 2 adj. 1527820526 دوه مخی dwa múkhay two faced, hypocritical, deceitful, insincere 3 adj. 1586617011088 دوه ییز dwa yéez double, twin- 3 adj. 1588689079919 دویم dwayúm second 4 adj. 1 1590838815378 دوولسم dwolasum twelth 4 adj. 1590838836793 دیارلسم dyaarlasum thirteenth 4 adj. 1527814601 ځان غوښتونکی dzaan ghoxtóonkay selfish 4 adj. 1690458830503 ځانګړی dzaanguRay individual, particular, special, personal 4 adj. 1527811514 ځانخبری dzaankhabaray self-confident 3 adj. 1675144946807 ځانمرګی dzaanmárgay suicide (suicide attack - ځانمرګی برید) adj. 1586347202343 ځانوژونکی dzaanwajzóonkay suicidal 4 adj. 1527811757 ځایي dzaayee local, settled 4 adj. 1527821032 ځګلن dzaglán frothy; sparkling, bubbling; sparkling wine; runny, slobbery 2 adj. 1595515718771 ځګمن dzagman frothy, bubbly, sudsy 4 adj. 1527816322 ځلان dzalaan shining, sparkling, outstanding, brilliant 4 adj. 1527816323 ځلاند dzalaand shining, sparkling, outstanding, brilliant 4 adj. 1527817645 ځلبلاند dzalbaláand agitated, distressed, deranged 3 adj. 1527820300 ځلېدونکی dzaledóonkay shining, glowing 4 adj. 1610617712149 ځنډن dzanDán, dzanDún old, ancient 2 adj. 1610617741649 ځنډنی dzanDanáy, dzanDunáy late, tardy, slow; (also maybe old, ancient ??) 2 adj. 1690458830987 ځوروونکی dzawrawóonkay bothershome, awful, torturing, distressing 3 adj. 1527812038 ځینې dzeene some 4 adj. 1527813569 ځیرک dzeerak intelligent, smart, clever, shrewd 3 adj. 1527820419 ځور dzoor intelligent, bright, clever 2 adj. 1527817475 ځنګلي dzungulee of the forest, jungle, wild 4 adj. 1527820112 ځوړند dzwaRúnd hanging 4 adj. 1527819893 ایله eelá free, discharged, released 4 adj. 1527817766 ایر eer obtained, received 2 adj. 1527820145 ایشولی eeshawúlay boiled 4 adj. 1588759177225 ایټالوي eeTaalawée Italian 4 adj. 1527822471 اېغ egh arrogant, rude; sticking out 4 adj. 1527822469 اېغ نېغ egh negh rigid, hard, stiff, tough, unyielding 4 adj. 1527822470 اېغ سترګی egh sturgay rude, impudent 4 adj. 1527821055 اېمن emún quiet, peaceful, peace-loving 3 adj. 1527817515 فعالي fa'aalee active; pertaining to the subject (grammar) 3 adj. 1579051150539 فاعل مختار faa'il-i-mUkhtáar independant, free in one's actions 2 adj. 1585219990167 فاحش faahísh grave, monstrous, scandalous 4 adj. 1527818466 فائده مند faaida mand beneficial, advantageous, useful, profitable 4 adj. 1527818467 فائده ناک faaida naak beneficial, advantageous, useful, profitable 4 adj. 1527819540 فامیلي faameelee family (adj.) pertaining to family 4 adj. 1527823441 فاني faanee perishable, will decay, unstable, non-eternal 3 adj. 1527815079 فاري faaree subsidiary, sub--, secondary, minor 2 adj. 1527814523 فارغ faarígh free, finished from something, liberated, graduated; graduate (a person) 4 adj. / n.m. anim. unisex 1 1527816706 فاسد faasid corrupt, immorral, polluted 2 adj. 1568411627277 فاضل faazíl learned, educated 2 adj. فضلا fUzaláa 1584518804345 فهیم faheem wise, knowing, intelligent 4 adj. 1527822409 فخري fakhree honorary, honourable 3 adj. 1527814096 فلج falj paralytic, paralyzed 4 adj. 1527813685 فلسفي falsafee philosophical 4 adj. 1527817991 فناناپذیر fanaanaapazéer inexhaustible 2 adj. 1527814035 فنري fanaree spring, elastic 3 adj. 1527815642 فنري fanaree spring, elastic 3 adj. 1527822159 فنري fanaree springy, elastic, resilient 3 adj. 1527820389 فرعي fara'ée secondary, subsidiary, subordinate 2 adj. 1527818660 فراهم faraaham gathered, assembled, collected 3 adj. 1594833866922 فراخ faraakh wide, broad, spacious, vast 4 adj. 1527813669 فرهنګي farhangee cultural, civilizational 4 adj. 1527817148 فرهنګی farhangáy cultured, civilized, cultured person 3 adj. 1586429777263 فرهنګیالی farhangyaaláy cultured, educated, accomplished, creator 3 adj. 1527823283 فرمان بردار fărmaan bărdaar submissive, obedient, subordinate 3 adj. 1527821085 فرضي farzee supposed, presumed, imaginary, fictitious 3 adj. 1527821257 فصیح faseeh clear, eloquent 4 adj. 1527819121 فوق العاده fawq al'aada, fawkq Ul'aada spectacular, terrific, phenomenal, remarkable, wonderful, outstanding, urgent 4 adj. 1625239512030 فوقاني fawqaanée excellent, splendid, magnificent, exquisite 2 adj. 1527813471 فضایي fazaayee astronomical, relating to space, air 4 adj. 1527815755 فضایي fazaayee astronomical, relating to space, air 4 adj. 1625915044908 فعلي fi'lee present, current; verbal (grammar) 4 adj. 1527814088 فکري fikree psychological, intellectual, philosophical 4 adj. 1527813197 فکرمن fikurman, fikurmun anxious, worried, pensive 4 adj. 1527813198 فکرمند fikurmánd, fikurmúnd anxious, worried, pensive 4 adj. 1 1577817495811 فلزي filizée metal 4 adj. 1527817063 فطرتي fitratee natural, inherent in human nature or creation 4 adj. 1527811943 فزیکي fizeekee physical, relating to physics 4 adj. 1527816010 فولادي folaadee steel 4 adj. 1690458832403 فریبي fraybee, faraybee deceitful 3 adj. 1527813946 فضول fuzóol inappropriate, unnecessary, superfluous, needless 4 adj. 1 1579016071867 ګار gaar rotted, decayed, deteriorated; spent, wasted 2 adj. 1527811261 ګارمن gaarman harmful, noxious 3 adj. 1527817938 ګاټه gaaTa thick, viscous, thickening, condensing; thick mass left over after cooking cheese 1 adj. 1527811839 ګاودم gaawdUm tapered at the end, conic 2 adj. 1527812640 ګډ gaD, guD combined, together 4 adj. 1527812308 ګڼ gaN thick, dense, heavy, deep, lots 4 adj. 1527819099 ګنګس gangs dizzy, stunned, unconscious 4 adj. 1527822300 ګنجی ganjáy bald, bald-headed 4 adj. 1 1579030297024 ګنس gans dizzy, stunned, unconscious 3 adj. 1527814820 ګرم سېر garm ser warm, tropical 4 adj. 1527814811 ګرم garm, garum warm, hot 4 adj. 1527811765 ګېډور geDawur big-bellied, big with child 3 adj. 1527811842 ګېډبنګ geDbang big-bellied, pot-bellied, gluttonous 2 adj. 1527814363 ګیر geer caught, stuck 4 adj. 1648461945105 ګېر ger caught, stuck 4 adj. 1674635548469 ږېرور Gerawár bearded (person) 4 adj. 1527819259 غائب ghaa'ib missing, absent, concealed, vanished; third-person (grammar) 4 adj. 1527823212 غافل ghaafúl unaware, negligent, heedless, amiss 3 adj. 1527818523 غالب ghaalíb victorious, conquering, overcoming 3 adj. 1 1708738861637 غالب کېدل ghaalib kedúl to conquer, be victorious, overcome, win v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527818523 conquer 1 1595254802868 غاور ghaawúr, ghaawír secret, concealed, introspect, intimate 3 adj. 1527819260 غایب ghaayib missing, absent, concealed, vanished; third-person (grammar) 4 adj. 1527818619 غبي ghabée dull, dumb, slow witted, forgetful, absentminded 2 adj. 1527820913 غږیز ghaGeez audio, pertaining to voice/sound 3 adj. 1527820947 غله بود ghala bóod, ghalla bóod fruitful, productive (of land) 2 adj. 1527820951 غله خېز ghala khez, ghalla khez fruitful, productive (of land) 2 adj. 1527823450 غلیظ ghaléez thick, dense, condensed 2 adj. 1527817799 غم کش gham kash concerned, caring about others 3 adj. 1527823514 غنم غونی ghanam ghoonay blonde, fair, fair haired, pale 2 adj. 1527821359 غني ghanee rich, prosperous 4 adj. 1527821362 غني ترین ghanee tareen very rich, richest 4 adj. 1527817334 غنم رنګ ghanum rang bronze (complexion), wheat color, slightly dark/brown 4 adj. 1527817331 غنم رنګی ghanum rángay bronzed complexion, slightly darker skin, slightly brown/tanned 4 adj. 1527819461 غربي gharbee western, west 4 adj. 1577822538712 غریبانه ghareebaana poor 4 adj. 1576597186307 غرمنی gharmanáy pertaining to noon 4 adj. 1527812180 غرمی gharmáy noon 4 adj. 1527814495 غرق gharq immersed, submerged, plunged, lost, drowned 3 adj. 1527820081 غیب ghayb hidden, lost, disappeared 3 adj. 1709334153471 غیبول ghaybawúl to make disappear, hide v. stat. comp. trans. 1527820081 make dissapear 1709334399417 غیبېدل ghaybedúl to disappear, hide, get lost v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527820081 disappear 1 1690458832491 غیر طبیعي ghay tabee'ee unnatural adj. 1527821765 غیر عادي ghayr 'aadee unusual, uncommon 4 adj. 1527823442 غیر فاني ghayr faanee imperishable, eternal, will not decay 4 adj. 1690458834026 غیر حاضر ghayr haazír absent (from a class, event, etc.) 4 adj. 1527821766 غیر معمولي ghayr ma'moolée unusual 4 adj. 1 1690458833839 غیرتي ghayratee honourable, proud, showing honourable conduct/zeal/jealousy 4 adj. 1527818701 غیرتمن ghayratmán having a sense of pride, self-worth, honour 4 adj. 1527820787 غیرنظامي ghayrnizaamée civil, non-military, civilian, peaceful 3 adj. 1650696921007 غیرقانوني ghayrqaanoonee illegal, unjust 4 adj. 1690458834819 غیرشرعي ghayrshar'ee unlawful, unacceptable by Islamic law 4 adj. 1527818134 غذایي ghizaayee pertaining to food, nourishment, being nourishing 4 adj. 1527814207 غول ghool stupid, brainless, foolish 3 adj. 1589020566695 غوټن ghooTán knotted, knotyy, suffering from a complex 4 adj. 1588426704120 غوزار ghoozáar falling, thrown, knocked over 3 adj. 1527814563 غورځېدن ghordzedan throwing, falling 3 adj. 1527817626 غرېوناک ghrewnaak disturbed, distressed, weeping 2 adj. 1527811350 غلی ghúlay quiet, silent 4 adj. 1 1708001160227 غلی کول ghulay kawúl to quiet, calm down, make quiet, silence 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527811350 quiet 1708001162736 غلی کېدل ghulay kedúl to get quiet, calm down, quiet down, be silenced, shut up 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527811350 get quiet 1527822716 غنجه ghunjá harshly, roughly, in an unfeeling manner; hard, stiff, tough; severe, stern 2 adj. 1584691820111 غړند ghuRund fading, withering; depressed, downcast; sluggish, lazy, dull 3 adj. 1527823768 غصه ناک ghUssa náak angry, angered, rageful 4 adj. 1527811774 غټ نسی ghuT nasay big-bellied, pot-bellied 4 adj. 1527812625 غټ ghuT, ghaT big, fat 4 adj. 1 1527812623 غښتلی ghuxtulay, ghaxtalay strong, powerful, overcoming, firm, sturdy; twisted 4 adj. 1584883202051 غضروفدار ghUzroofdaar having cartiladge, gristly 4 adj. 1584883206529 غضروفي ghUzroofee having cartiladge, gristly 3 adj. 1577383438224 غور ghwar superior, a cut above 2 adj. 1527821731 غوړین ghwaRéen oily 4 adj. 1527816773 غوڅاوو ghwatsaawoo decisive, categorical, crucial 2 adj. 1617991171640 غوښور ghwaxawúr stoutly, portly, muscular 4 adj. 1617991134399 غوښین ghwaxéen stoutly, portly, muscular 4 adj. 1617991136740 غوښلن ghwaxlún stoutly, portly, muscular 4 adj. 1617991131068 غوښن ghwaxún stoutly, portly, muscular 4 adj. 1527811764 غوږور ghwuGawur with big ears, big-eared, having ears 4 adj. 1527811667 غونډ ghwunD round, circular; all; gathered, collected, assembled; chunky, stocky, chubby (person) 4 adj. 1 1527822756 غونج ghwunj wrinkled, formed into sheaves 2 adj. 1586525868944 غوښتونکی ghwuxtóonkay desiring, seeking, wanting (often used as a suffix) 4 adj. 1527821805 ګرفتار giriftáar seized, caught, taken, arrested 4 adj. 1703654567957 ګرفتارول giriftaarawúl to arrest, catch, seize 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527821805 arrest 1 1703654570833 ګرفتارېدل giriftaaredúl to be arrested, caught, seized 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527821805 be arrested 1595258349109 ګریان giryaan weeping, crying, tearful 3 adj. 1610556377397 ګول gol round, bent, twisted, wry 4 adj. 1 1576100294147 ګوډ gooD lame, crippled 4 adj. 1 1527811969 ګوډی gooDáy crippled, disabled 4 adj. 1 1690458835186 ګونځی goondzay wrinkled, wrinkley 3 adj. 1527812635 ګونګ goong, gwung mute, unable to speak, dumb 4 adj. 1527812636 ګونګی goongáy mute, unable to speak, dumb 4 adj. 1 1527819347 ګور goor thick, dense, compact; rumbling 3 adj. 1527817288 ګوښه gooxa secluded, corner, private 3 adj. 1527816697 ګوټ goT dull, blunt, idiot 4 adj. 1527812639 ګران graan dear, valuable, expensive, difficult 4 adj. 1 1708612498392 ګران کول graan kawúl to make difficult, complicated, expensive v. stat. comp. trans. 1527812639 1 1708612502792 ګران کېدل graan kedúl to become difficult, complicated, expensive v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527812639 1527817662 ګرم gram guilty, blamed, culprit, culpable 4 adj. 1527822752 ګرنجی grUnjáy wrinkled, furrowed 2 adj. 1527819773 ګلابي gUlaabee pink 4 adj. 1527819130 ګلالی gUlaaláy pretty, beautiful, lovely, cute, sweet 4 adj. 1619278137418 ګلورین gUlwaréen, gwalwaréen strewn with flowers, lovely 4 adj. 1527819154 ګمراه gUmráah astray, strayed, erring 4 adj. 1 1703658691028 ګمراه کول gUmraah kawúl to lead astray, to cause to err 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527819154 lead, leads, leading, led astray 1 1703658831863 په غلطه لار اړول pu ghalata laar aRawul to lead astray, to cause to err 1 1703658836476 په غلطه لار اوښتل pu ghalata laar awUxtúl to go astray, to err 1703658693877 ګمراه کېدل gUmraah kedúl to go astray, to err 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527819154 go astray 1527812099 ګمرک gUmrUk customs (border) 3 adj. ګمرکات gUmrUkáat 1527812100 ګمرکي gUmrUkee customs (border) 3 adj. 1527814446 ګنده gundá dirty, filthy, unclean, sinful, rotten, stale, rotten, spoiled 4 adj. 1 1702629516901 ګندا gundáa dirty, filthy, unclean, sinful, rotten, stale, rotten, spoiled 4 adj. 1614083484276 ګپ شپي gup shupée chatty, sociable, gregarious, fun 3 adj. 1527818765 ګړندی guRandáy speedy, high speed, fast, quick 4 adj. 1527816786 ګرد gurd all, entire, whole, everything; round circular 4 adj. 1527819336 ګردی gurdáy round, spherical; short and fat 4 adj. 1690458837379 ګردی شکل gurday shakul round, circular 4 adj. 1527822212 ګرځمن gurdzman moving, wandering, roaming 4 adj. 1527822211 ګرځن gurdzun moving, wandering, roaming 4 adj. 1527822210 ګرځنده gurdzunda moving, wandering, roaming 4 adj. 1527818807 ګرموز gUrmóoz grouchy, miserly, grumpy, facetious 2 adj. 1586551337791 ګړوبن guRobún snot-nosed, slovenly 2 adj. 1527819206 ګستاخ gUstaakh impudent, arrogant, disrespectful, rude 4 adj. 1527818470 ګټور guTawúr profitable, beneficial 4 adj. 1527812648 ګڅ guts left (direction) 4 adj. 1588074780431 ګواښي gwaaxee threataning 4 adj. 1527814188 ګوتلکی gwatlákay flagrant, notorious 2 adj. 1594834915202 هاهولي haahoolée flirtatious, coquetish 2 adj. 1527820699 حامل haamíl carrying, transporting, conveying, pregnant 3 adj. 1527813701 حامله haamila pregnant 3 adj. 1527819467 حار haar hot (Arabic) 2 adj. 1527821686 هار haar rabid, mad (of a dog) 2 adj. 1613563936959 حاصل خېز haasil khez fruitful, productive (land) 4 adj. 1527817033 حاوي haawee containing, consisting, holding, including 3 adj. 1527812113 حاضر haazir, haazur present, on hand, ready, available, appearing; ready, prepared 4 adj. حاضرین haazireen 1576945635801 هډور haDawúr big-boned, broad-shouldered, strong, robust, boney 2 adj. 1527811460 هفته وار hafta waar weekly 4 adj. 1527817637 هلاک haláak destroyed, ruined, annihilated, perished 4 adj. 1527819363 حلال haláal halal, authorized or permitted by Sharia Law 4 adj. 1 1527821466 حلیم haléem gentle, quiet, gently, courteous, civil 3 adj. 1527814149 حل طلب hall talab debatable; requiring resolution or solving 2 adj. 1527821804 هم فکر ham fikur like-minded 3 adj. 1527814663 هم مرکز ham markaz co-centric, having the same center 4 adj. 1527821076 هم نام ham náam having the same name 4 adj. 1527821803 هم نظر ham nazár like-minded 4 adj. 1622366078163 حماسي hamaasée heroic, epic (literary) 2 adj. 1527817319 همدرد hamdărd empathetic, sympathetic 4 adj. 1690458837656 همیشنی hamayshanay attributive adjective for something that’s used/done always, all the time 4 adj. 1527819862 همغږی hamgháGay in agreement, concordant 3 adj. 1527823406 حمیت مند hamiyat mand brave, courageous, fearless, spirited 2 adj. 1630938487829 هممانیز hammaanéez synonymous 2 adj. true 1527821077 همنامی hamnaamáy having the same name 4 adj. 1527811786 هنډور hanDawar stout, stalwart 2 adj. 1527818776 هنګامي hangaamee emergency, compulsory 4 adj. 1527821779 حق بین haq béen just, fair 4 adj. 1527818258 حقدار haqdáar deserving, entitled 3 adj. 1 1527814228 حقیقي haqeeqée real, actual, true, genuine 4 adj. 1 1527812664 هر hăr every 4 adj. 1 1672942947760 هر اړخېز har aRkhéz multifaceted, comprehensive adj. 1527813792 حرام haraam haram, forbidden in Islam 4 adj. 1527819824 حریص harées greedy, mean 3 adj. 1 1527821837 هړیسه haReesá boiled soft (food) 2 adj. 1585928568991 هرکاره hărkaara multitalented, jack-of-all-trades 4 adj. 1527812669 حساس hasáas sensitive, delicate, allergic 3 adj. 1 1527823769 حسد ناک hasad náak jealous, envious 4 adj. 1527820542 حسین haséen beautiful 3 adj. 1527812424 حشره خورونکی hashara khoróonkay insectivorous, insect eating 2 adj. 1527822668 هسک hask lofty, tall, high, proud, supreme 3 adj. 1690458838537 هسکېرلی haskerúlay pitiful, weak, feeble, faint 2 adj. 1527821351 هسته یي hasta yee nuclear, essential (figurative) 4 adj. 1527821350 هستوي hastawée nuclear, essential (figurative) 4 adj. 1527822374 حتمي hatmee compulsory, obligatory; definite, certain 4 adj. 1527816695 هڅاند hatsaand dynamic, active 2 adj. 1527816694 هڅند hatsand dynamic, active 3 adj. 1586453720908 هڅوونکی hatsawóonkay encouraging / encourager 4 adj. 1613550750895 هواګیر hawaagéer very high, up high, elevated, striving 4 adj. 1527813130 هوار hawáar flat, smooth, level, plain 4 adj. 1 1527819981 هوکی hawkáy tired, worn out 2 adj. 1527821550 هولناک hawlnáak, haulnaak terrible, dreadful, horrifying, terrifying 4 adj. 1527823054 حیا ناک hayaa náak modest, honourable 4 adj. 1527814343 حیاتي hayaatee vital, important 3 adj. 1527820681 هذیاني hazyaanée delirious, crazy, insane 3 adj. 1527822687 هیله مند heela mand hopeful, optimistic 4 adj. 1527817761 هېر her forgotten 4 adj. 1527822590 هېرجن herjún forgetful, absentminded (a person) 3 adj. 1527822591 هېرمن hermún forgetful, absentminded (a person) (هېرجن) 4 adj. 1527823162 هېښ hex stunned, shocked, perplexed 4 adj. 1588163180700 هېښوونکی hexawóonkay stunning, shocking, perplexing, amazing 4 adj. 1690458839753 هیبتناک haybatnáak awe-inspring, awesome, wonderful, mighty 4 adj. 1 1527813718 حیران hayraan amazed, surprised, stunned, dumfounded, speechless, taken aback 4 adj. 1690458841825 حیرانوونکی hayraanawóonkay amazing, surprising 4 adj. 1527820424 هجري hijrée reckoned by the Hijri (Islamic) calendar 4 adj. 1527819442 هندي hindee Indian, of India 4 adj. 1527820999 حزبي hizbee party (attributive, pertaining to the party etc.) 3 adj. 1574784307693 هوډي hoDee determined, stubborn, obstinate 3 adj. 1586957266618 هوډیالی hoDyaaláy determined, relentless, fierce, willful, stubborn 2 adj. 1527816082 هوسا hosaa peaceful, calm, quiet, refreshed, relaxed, untired, comfortable 4 adj. 1527812680 هوښیار hooxyáar, hoxyáar, ooxyáar wise, smart, intelligent 4 adj. 1 1579044143384 حکمي hUkmée effectual, categorical, effective 3 adj. 1527818022 حکومتي hUkoomatee government, pertaining to goverment, official things 4 adj. 1527812377 حکم منونکی hUkum munóonkay obedient, submissive 3 adj. 1675436415505 هنري hUnaree artful, cultured, pertaining to art adj. 1527821267 هویدا hUwaydáa clear, obvious, apparent, proven, indisputable 2 adj. 1677347359976 هویتي hUwiyatee identity, pertaining to identity adj. true 1527819875 اعتباري i'tibaarée trustworthy, faithful, credible 4 adj. 1 1527819015 عبرت ناک ibrat naak an event or circumstance that people can learn from 4 adj. 1527815931 ابتدایي ibtidaayee elementary, first-stage, rudimentary 4 adj. 1527822933 ابتکاري ibtikaarée creative, full of initiative 4 adj. 1527820866 اداري idaaree pertaining to administration, management, government 4 adj. 1527820594 افراطي iffraatee extreme, ultra 3 adj. 1652760702014 افتخاري iftikhaaree honorary 3 adj. 1527816808 افتتاحي iftitaahee opening 4 adj. 1527820600 احسان من ihsaan man obliged, grateful, thankful (as a result of favour shown etc.) 4 adj. 1527820601 احسان مند ihsaan mand obliged, grateful, thankful (as a result of favour shown etc.) 4 adj. 1527812225 احتجاجي ihtijaajee protest, pertaining to protesting 4 adj. 1527820280 احتمالي ihtimaalee possible, potential 4 adj. 1527811309 احتیاطي ihtiyaatee cautionary 4 adj. 1527814727 اجباري ijbaaree compulsory, obligatory 3 adj. 1527823087 اجمالي ijmaalee short, concise, summary 4 adj. 1527815080 اجرایي ijraayee executive 3 adj. 1527822036 اجتماعي ijtimaa'ee, ijtimaayee public, social, societal 4 adj. 1527812200 اجتمایي ijtimaayee public, social, societal 3 adj. 1527811330 اخلاصمن ikhlaasman sincere, dedicated 4 adj. 1527814123 اختلافي ikhtilaafee opposing, conflicting, controversial, disagreeing, contradicting, dissenting 4 adj. 1586618557249 علاج نا پذیر ilaaj naa pazéer incurable, untreatable, incorrigable 4 adj. 1527823637 علاج پذیر ilaaj pazéer curable, treatable 4 adj. 1527819057 الهي ilahee divine 4 adj. 1566476253479 الهامي ilhaamee inspirational 4 adj. 1527814108 علمي ilmee scientific, academic, pertaining to knowledge 4 adj. 1527819338 التهابي iltihaabee inflamed 4 adj. 1527823639 امکان پذیر imkaan pazéer possible 4 adj. 1527813420 امتناعي imtinaa'ee, imtinaayee preventative 2 adj. 1527823102 امتیازي imtiyaazee privileged, advantaged, preferred; concessional; distinctive, different, special 4 adj. 1527817214 اناثي inaasee women’s, feminine 3 adj. 1527817215 اناثیه inaasiya women’s, feminine 3 adj. 1527823116 عندي indée made-up, subjective, fabricated, fictitious, imaginary 2 adj. 1527813054 انفلاقي infilaaqee explosive 4 adj. 1527822686 انفرادي infiraadee individual, personal, solitary 4 adj. 1527814780 انساني insaanee human 4 adj. 1566473783410 انتهایي intihaayée exremely, ulitmately, final, last 4 adj. 1 1527821796 انتقالي intiqaalee portable, transportable; transitional, progressive (of a movement) 4 adj. 1624364703342 انتصابي intisaabee designated, fixed, set 2 adj. 1527815044 انضباطي inzibaatee disciplinary 4 adj. 1527816914 اقتصادي iqtisaadee economic, pertaining to the economy 4 adj. 1527820545 ارثي irsee hereditary, inherited 2 adj. 1585740985216 ارتباطي irtibaatee connecting, linking, oblique (grammar) 4 adj. 1592389802397 اشاري ishaaree demonstrative (grammar) 3 adj. 1678367034707 اصلاحي islaahee correctional, reformational, corrective, pertaining to improvements adj. 1690458842503 اسلام ډاروونکی islaam Daarawóonkay Islamophobic 3 adj. 1527815543 اسلامي islaamee Islamic, Muslim 4 adj. 1527818299 اسلامپال islaampaal Islamist 4 adj. 1579042639154 استفهامي istifhaamee interrogative (grammar) 3 adj. 1527817509 استخباراتي istikhbaaraatee intelligence, pertaining to intelligence (as in government spying etc.) 4 adj. 1527817019 استعماري istimaaree colonial 4 adj. 1649184686379 استنادي istinaadee supporting, reinforcing, referencing, retaining (retaining wall - استنادي دېوال) 4 adj. 1527818587 استثنایي istisnaayee exceptional 4 adj. 1527814923 اضافي izaafee additional, supplemental 4 adj. 1527818766 اضطرابي iztiraabee concerned, alarmed, emergency 3 adj. 1670563530471 عزتمن izzatmán honorable, respectable, noble adj. 1670563525515 عزتمند izzatmánd honorable, respectable, noble adj. 1 1527820309 جعلي ja'lée fake, deceptive; unreal, imaginary 4 adj. 1 1527815916 جابر jaabir coercive, oppressive, despotic 4 adj. 1585241190585 جادویي jaadooyee, jaadoo`ee magical adj. 1527820479 جاهل jaahíl ignorant, stupid 4 adj. 1527819024 جائز jáaiz permitted, allowed, legal, permissible, correct 4 adj. true 1527811933 جالب jaalib appealing, interesting, attractive, fascinating 4 adj. 1527816809 جامع jaami full, comprehensive, rich, substantial, substantive 4 adj. 1566470849994 جامد jaamid solid (as opposid to liquid) 4 adj. 1527821219 جاندار jaandaar living (creature), animate 4 adj. 1527813087 جانجی jaanjáy sluggish, weak, lazy 4 adj. 1527822172 جاړه jaaRa thorny 4 adj. 1 1527812266 جاري jaarée running, current, started, continuing, flowing 4 adj. 1 1527814814 جارحانه jaarihaana decisive, crucial 4 adj. 1602250511163 جایز jaayíz permitted, allowed, lawful 4 adj. TRUE 1 1678361888726 جدید jadéed new, modern adj. 1527823766 جګړه ناک jagRa náak disputed 3 adj. 1527816465 جهاني jahaanee world 4 adj. 1577572484141 جلا jaláa seperate 4 adj. 1527817057 جلت jalt agile, quick, fast, hurried 4 adj. 1527813833 جلیا jalyaa burning, flaming 4 adj. 1594813028562 جنجالي janjaalée controversial 4 adj. 1 1527818294 جنوبي janoobee southern 4 adj. 1527814244 جړ jaR tangled, complicated 4 adj. 1614081873358 جره jará unmarried, single 4 adj. 1 1588160804176 جراحي jarráahee surgical 4 adj. 1527816944 جوت jawat clear, evident, explained, apparent, established 2 adj. 1527816946 جوت jawt joining, alongside 3 adj. 1527815042 جزایي jazaayee penal, punitive 4 adj. 1664029790694 جذاب jazzáab absorbing, fascinating, attractive 4 adj. 1527814582 جدي jiddee serious, seriously, grave 4 adj. 1527812707 جګ jig, jug high, tall 4 adj. 1527822123 جګر خونی jigar khoonay upset, sad, vexed, worn out 4 adj. 1527815496 جهادي jihaadee pertaining to jihad, involved in jihad 4 adj. 1591870352798 جهان دیده jihaan deeda having seen the world, being aware of the world/knowledgeable, well-travelled 3 adj. 1527811284 جنایي jinaayee criminal 4 adj. 1527812709 جنسي jinsee sexual 4 adj. 1527823398 جسماني jismaanee physical, corporeal 4 adj. 1527811364 جوګه jogá able 4 adj. 1 1527822996 جوخت jokht alongside, adjoining, next to, very close 4 adj. 1 1527813089 جونګړا jongRáa lazy 3 adj. 1577649371936 جوټ jooT sad, grim-faced, stern; rejected, spurned, futile, idle 3 adj. 1527819136 جوټه jooTa fake, false, counterfeit 3 adj. 1527812711 جوړ joR well, healthy, whole, made 4 adj. 1 1672943546000 جوړوونکی joRawóonkay builder, maker; constructive 4 n. m. anim. unisex / adj. 1 1527816456 جدا jUdáa different, separate, special, detached 4 adj. 1 1709131953042 جدا کول jUdaa kawúl to seperate, divide, detatch 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527816456 seperate 1 1709131954935 جدا کېدل jUdaa kedúl be be seperated, divided, detatched 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527816456 be seperated 1527822995 جفت jUft see جخت 4 adj. 1 1678174862168 جغرافیایي jUghraafiyaayee geographical adj. 1690458851690 جګپوړی jugpóRay, jigpóRay high-level adj. 1527822992 جخت jUkht alongside, adjoining, next to, very close 4 adj. 1527818283 جمهوري jUmhoorée, jumhoorée republican 4 adj. 1 1527819214 جسمي jusmée pertaining to the body, corporal 4 adj. 1584882748491 جټ juT pure, basic, ignorant 4 adj. 1584639063254 ژبه ور jzaba war eloquent, fluent, clear 4 adj. 1617441765093 ژبنی jzabanáy linguistic, pertaining to language 4 adj. 1584639029522 ژبور jzabawar elequent, fluent, clear 0 adj. 1690458848606 ژړه غوندی jzaRa ghóonday pitying, whining, weepy, crying 4 adj. 1690458850838 ژړه غونی jzaRa ghóonay pitying, whining, weepy, crying 4 adj. 1527813518 ژور jzawár deep, severe, serious 4 adj. 1 1527813283 ژیړ jzeeR, jzyaR brass; bile; yellow, pale 2 adj. 1584530987318 ژېړ jzeR yellow, bronze 3 adj. 1527815848 ژمن jzman dedicated, committed 3 adj. 1527814034 ژوبل jzobul wounded, hurt, crippled, injured 4 adj. ژوبل jzobul ژوبل jzobl 1619278676916 ژورنالیستکي jzoornaaleestikée journalistic 4 adj. 1527815700 ژمګنی jzumgunáy winter, wintery 3 adj. 1527815699 ژمنی jzumunáy winter, wintery 4 adj. 1527818784 ژر ځورېدونکی jzur dzawredóonkay grumpy, easily bothered 3 adj. 1527813600 ژواک خوړلی jzwaak khoRulay old, elderly 3 adj. 1527813923 ژوندی jzwundáy living 4 adj. 1 1527814255 کافي kaafée enough, adequate, suficcient 4 adj. 1 1590053626890 کاغ kaagh wise, clever, bright 4 adj. 1527823678 کاهل kaahíl lazy, sluggish, stagnant 3 adj. 1527822915 کالبر kaalbár bearing fruit every other year 4 adj. 1527813486 کامل kaamíl absolute, complete, mature 3 adj. 1 1527811846 کامیاب kaamyáab successful 4 adj. 1527818736 کاني kaanée dexterous, deft, skilled, skilful 1 adj. 1527818737 کاني kaanée mineral, mining 1 adj. 1527812398 کار آمد kaar aamad useful, suitable, necessary 2 adj. 1527819219 کاري kaaree work, pertaining to employment 3 adj. 1527813078 کاړي واړي kaaRee waaRee weakened, limp, flabby, very tired 1 adj. 1527816919 کاروباري kaaroobaaree business, pertaining to business, professional 4 adj. 1527818805 کارساو kaarsaaw grouchy, miserly, grumpy 1 adj. 1584517676790 کاتولیک kaatoleek Catholic 4 adj. 1675436535969 کاذب kaazíb false, untruthful, lying (کاذبې ادعاوې - false claims) adj. 1527811784 کبیر kabeer great, big (Arabic) 4 adj. 1527814896 کبرجن kaburjún, kibrjún proud, arrogant 4 adj. 1 1613560839718 کبرژن kaburjzun, kibrjzun proud, arrogant 3 adj. 1527811697 کچه kachá raw, unripe, immature 4 adj. 1 1527822293 کځر kadzúr bald, balding 1 adj. 1578190912336 کغن kaghún, kaghán hoarse, whimpering; crane (bird) ?? 1 adj. 1578190974824 کغند kaghun, kaghund hoarse, whimpering: crane (bird) ?? 1 adj. 1527813073 کهاله kahaala lazy 3 adj. 1527811362 ککړ kakaR soiled, stained, polluted, weighed down, stricken 4 adj. 1527822283 کل kal bald, balding, mangy, scabbing 4 adj. 1527819999 کلابند kalaabánd besieged, surrounded 2 adj. 1527823127 کلنی kalanáy yearly, annual 4 adj. 1 1678086585909 کلداني kaldaanee Chaldean adj. 1527817029 کلتوري kaltooree cultural 3 adj. 1527812744 کلن kalun years old 3 adj. 1578769492475 کم kam few, little 4 adj. 1527812077 کم اصل kam asul unauthentic, not genuine, counterfeit, ignoble, artificial 4 adj. 1527817842 کم بخته kam bakhta unlucky, unfortunate 4 adj. 1527811964 کم ځواکی kam dzwaakay weak, disabled 2 adj. 1527820762 کم استعمال kam isti'maal rarely used 3 adj. 1527817843 کم خرڅه kam khartsa thrifty, economic 3 adj. 1527818463 کم مهارت kam mahaarat having poor skills, not being an expert 2 adj. 1649839212571 کم پیدا kam paydaa rare, uncommon 4 adj. 1527817707 کم رنګه kam ranga bland, colorless 2 adj. 1527819002 کمین kameen younger 3 adj. 1527821552 کمین توګ kameen tóg low, mean, base, vulgar, coarse 3 adj. 1584965341524 کمینه kameená small, insignificant, meek, submissive; scoundral, villian 4 adj. 1678367193435 کمونیستي kamooneestee communist, communistic adj. 1527812746 کمساری kamsáaray unprecedented 2 adj. 1578769409512 کمزور kamzór weak 4 adj. 1527818613 کمزوری kamzóray weak, feeble, frail, faint, poor 3 adj. 1595516629483 کڼوونکی kaNawóonkay deafening 4 adj. 1578770339559 1586446422286 کنډ و کپر kanD-U-kapár scattered, strewn, broken, chipped 3 adj. 1578770035285 کنګال kangáal alone, solitary, single 3 adj. 1527821437 کنجوس kanjóos stingy, cheap, miserly, mean, foul 3 adj. 1527823616 کنجر kanjÚr shameless, imprudent (derogatory term) 4 adj. 1527821016 کر kar deaf 2 adj. 1527812035 کره kára pure, uncontaminated, true, trustworthy, exact, precise, sincere 3 adj. 1 1527817649 کړاند kaRáand bewildered, out of sorts, upset, lost one’s head 2 adj. 1527812747 کرار karaar quiet, peaceful, established, constant, stable, agreed 4 adj. 1678361714266 کرنیز karanéez agricultural adj. 1574785018588 کرنګ karáng frozen, numb (from cold); blood-stained 1 adj. 1527816804 کریم kareem gracious, great, noble, generous, kind; used as a religious adjective with the Kuran, Ramadan, etc. 4 adj. 1594834876571 کرشمه یي karishma yee flirtatious, coquetish 2 adj. 1578759802169 کرکنډ karkanD rolling down a mountain (for a rock etc.) 1 adj. 1527814130 کړکېچن kaRkechun unorganized, haphazard, spoiled, disgusting 4 adj. 1527817650 کړم kaRum, kuRum cut off, chopped, wounded, beaten, bleeding, disfigured, maimed, distressed 4 adj. 1527817652 کړمن kaRumún, kaRamún grief-stricken, sad, distressed, pained 3 adj. 1527812195 کړوړ kaRwaR workable, performable 2 adj. 1527819707 کریاب karyaab waste, neglected, unused, delayed, stopped, poor, in a difficult situation 4 adj. 1527820094 کسیز kaseez person (adj. as in ‘15 person team’) 4 adj. 1626775009928 کشفي kashfee investigative, exploratory adj. 1527822303 کشکل kashkál bald, bald-headed 2 adj. 1578768378812 کسکر kaskár divided into parts 3 adj. 1578768278986 کسکر kaskúr burned, scorched, shriveled; unclean 3 adj. 1527811840 کټه kaTá large, big 4 adj. 1 1527821095 کټه مېر kaTa mér wicked, bad, cruel, harsh, stern 3 adj. 1527821094 کټه مهر kaTa míhr wicked, bad, cruel, harsh, stern 3 adj. 1527813444 کوره kawara destroyed, annihilated, obliterated, crossed-out, deleted 2 adj. 1527822416 کودن kawdún dull, limited, stupid 2 adj. 1527818837 کوکبي kawkabée space, cosmic, interplanetary 2 adj. 1527812755 کیڼ keeN left 4 adj. 1527821285 کینه ګر keena gár vindictive, malicious, spiteful, revengeful 4 adj. 1527821286 کینه ور keena wár vindictive, malicious, spiteful, revengeful 3 adj. 1527819770 کینخي keenakhkhee purple 3 adj. 1527816544 کېږلی keGúlay cursed, damned, accursed 3 adj. 1527821274 کېته keta open 2 adj. 1527811718 کیهاني kayhaanee world, space, cosmic 1 adj. 1591803404796 خاکسار khaaksaar humble, meek, obedient 4 adj. 1527811332 خالص khaalis pure, real, genuine, natural 4 adj. 1617441286598 خالص khaalis net (as opposed to gross) 4 adj. 1527812057 خام khaam raw, unripe, immature 4 adj. 1 1527814103 خاموش khaamósh silent, quiet, still 3 adj. 1 1708001295582 خاموشه khaamósh silent, quiet, still 3 adj. 1527817058 خامتا khaamtaa fast, greedy 2 adj. 1527813144 خانه بدوش khaana badosh nomadic 4 adj. 1527817570 خاطرپرېشان khaatirpresháan worried, upset, distressed 2 adj. 1527821965 خاینانه khaayinaana treacherous 4 adj. 1610617463868 خبیث khabées wicked, evil, nasty, disgusting, vile 4 adj. 1661453800132 خبري khaburee press, pertaining to news 4 adj. 1527813448 خفي khafee hidden, secret, covert, low-key 3 adj. 1527822250 خفیف khaféef light, slight, weak 3 adj. 1527821612 خجل khajíl embarrassed, shamed, shy, inhibited 4 adj. 1527817059 خجونکی khajóonkay skittish, fast; rebounding; with a waddling gait 2 adj. 1610800413603 خلائي khalaa`ee space, astronautical 4 adj. 1594814090783 خلیجي khaleejée gulf 4 adj. 1527822932 خلاقه khallaaqá creative 2 adj. 1527822196 خمیر khameer fermented, leavened (dough) 4 adj. 1577899089150 خمسور khamsor spontaneous, sociable 2 adj. 1617991263023 خندانه khandaana humorous, funny 4 adj. 1586341318400 خندني khandunee laughing; funny; sarcastic 4 adj. 1620042274477 خندني khandunée funny, laughing, pleasant, funny, sarcastic 4 adj. 1527823057 خپ khap quiet, silent, still 2 adj. 1527817460 خس خس khas khas small, petty, in tiny little bits 3 adj. 1527822829 خسیس khasées greedy, miserly, unpleasant, mean, repulsive 2 adj. 1527822988 خسته khastá tired, exhausted 3 adj. 1671707708753 خسته کوونکی khasta kawóonkay boring, tiring adj. 1671707208906 خسته کن khasta kÚn boring, tiring (Farsi) adj. 1527812768 خټه kháTa mud; thick, condensed; gloomy 4 n. f. / adj. 1527812221 ختم khátum finished, completed, ended, done 4 adj. 1 1527812771 خطرناک khaturnáak dangerous 4 adj. 1 1527823115 خیالي khayaalee imaginary, fictitious; proud, haughty, romantic 4 adj. 1589906941707 خیچن kheechún see خچن 4 adj. 1594373463132 خیره kheerá dim, dull, blinded 4 adj. 1527819201 خیرن kheerán dirty, nasty, unclean, filthy, foul 4 adj. 1 1527819203 خیرن پیرن kheeran peeran dirty, nasty, unclean, filthy, foul 4 adj. 1527817115 خیشت kheesht soaking, wet, drenched, soggy 3 adj. 1527818085 خېټور kheTawár pot bellied, glutton, gluttonous, greedy 4 adj. 1527820809 خیریه khayriya charitable 3 adj. 1527823423 خیرخواه khayrkhaah well-wishing, desiring good 4 adj. 1527816857 خلاف khiláaf against, opposed, contrary 4 adj. 1 1644515905247 خوبجن khobjín sleepy 4 adj. 1627316873815 خوبوړی khobwúRay sleepy adj. 1574865652928 خوږ khoG sweet, nice 4 adj. خواږه khwaaGu خوږ khwaG 1 1591871233587 خوږژبی khoGjzubay well-spoken 4 adj. 1527818400 خود غرض khood gháraz selfish 4 adj. 1527817079 خود اختیاره khood ikhtiyáara autonomous 4 adj. 1527823239 خود مختار khood mUkhtáar autonomous, independent 4 adj. 1671708779407 خودخواه khoodkhwaa, khoodkhwaah selfish, egotistical, egoist adj. 1610796141060 خودکفا khoodkifáa self-sufficient 4 adj. 1592303515292 خوږمن khooGmún, khwuGmún suffering, grieving, empathetic, having sympathy for others 4 adj. 1527811682 خونړی khoonaRáy bloody, awful, bloodthirsty, dangerous 4 adj. 1527823594 خوني khoonee bloody, bloodstained 4 adj. 1594128309318 خوسا khoosáa foul-smelling, horrible-smelling 3 adj. 1527817403 خوش دل khoosh dil joyful, cheerful, merry 3 adj. 1527823427 خوش پوشاک khoosh posháak well-dressed 3 adj. 1527811252 خوشبین khooshbeen optimistic 4 adj. 1527817404 خوشدل khooshdil joyful, cheerful, merry 4 adj. 1527817111 خوشت khoosht damp, wet, moist, humid 4 adj. 1577902277292 خور khor spread, scattered, dispersed 4 adj. خواره khwaaru خور khor 1527817234 خوراکي khoraakee food, pertaining to food 4 adj. 1527811996 خوش باور khosh baawar naive, gullible, unsuspecting, trusting 4 adj. 1527821369 خوش باور khosh baawár gullible, naive, trusting 2 adj. 1527812791 خوشحال khosh`háal, khosháal happy, glad 4 adj. 1635654222358 خوشحاله khosh`háala, khosháala happy, glad 4 adj. 1 1527812792 خوشاله khoshaala happy, glad adj. 1527816071 خپور khpor spread, dispersed, publicized, published 4 adj. خپاره khpaaru خپر khpar 1527818399 خپل اړی khpul aRay selfish, self-interest, self-dependent, self-sufficient 2 adj. 1527817174 خپل سری khpul săray foolish, independent 3 adj. 1627298038614 خپلمنځي khpulmandzée mutual, reciprocal, between each other adj. 1527819418 خپلواک khpulwaak independent, free, autonomous 4 adj. 1566471461340 خرټ khraT, khuraT fat, fatty, portly 2 adj. 1589906920486 خچن khuchún muddy, slimy, dirty 3 adj. 1527816537 خدای شرمولی khUdaay sharmawúlay cursed, damned, accursed 4 adj. 1527816538 خدای وهلی khUdaay wahúlay cursed, damned, accursed 4 adj. 1527812798 خفه khufá sad, upset, angry; choked, suffocated 4 adj. 1 1527813449 خفیه khUfiya hidden, secret, covert, low-key 3 adj. 1527812777 خلاص khulaas open, free, done, saved 4 adj. 1678442196610 خلوت پسند khulwut pasand isolationist, seclusionist adj. 1527823005 خماري khUmaaree charming (eyes) 4 adj. 1527812799 خپه khupa sad, upset, angry 3 adj. 1527816161 خړ khuR grey, brown, dark; (fig.) vague, uncertain, embarrassed, confused 4 adj. 1527812803 خراب kharáab, khuráab bad, wrong, broken 4 adj. 1 1709132674057 خرابول kharaabawúl to ruin, break, make bad 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527812803 ruin 1 1709132677720 خرابېدل kharaabedúl to be ruined, broken, made bad 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527812803 be ruined 1 1527815988 خړوب khuRob well watered, irrigated 4 adj. 1527814247 خړپړ khuRpuR completely gray, dusty, dirty, soiled, cloudy, confused, complicated, tense 4 adj. 1594128308150 خسا khUsáa, khsáa foul-smelling, horrible-smelling 4 adj. 1592915562306 خشن khUshún rude, harsh 3 adj. 1527813952 خصوصي khUsoosee particular, private, special, personal 4 adj. 1527818132 خواهش من khwaahish mán wishing, desiring, wanting to, aspiring 4 adj. 1527815083 خواخوږی khwaakhóoGay sympathetic, compassionate, empathetic; sympethizer 4 adj. / n. m. anim. unisex 1 1527812808 خوار khwaar poor, pitiful, miserable, thin 4 adj. 1 1527812809 خوار ځواکی khwaar dzwáakay malnourished, underfed 3 adj. 1575129189335 خواري کښ khwaaree kux hard-working, laboring, pertaining to labor 3 adj. 1575129189336 خواري کښ khwaaree kux hard-working, laboring, pertaining to labor 3 adj. 1527815865 خواشینی khwaashéenay unhappy, hurt, sad, grieved, offended 4 adj. 1577900286994 خواټولی khwaaTólay calm 2 adj. 1527813658 خورا khwaraa very, exceedingly, extremely 2 adj. 1584516065974 خوړین khwReen, khooRéen soft, mushy, overcooked, boiled soft 3 adj. 1527812813 خوندور khwundawar tasty, delicious 4 adj. 1527812814 خوندي khwundee safe, free (from), secure, well 4 adj. 1527814381 خوشې khwushe free, released; free, free of charge, pointless 3 adj. 1527814380 خوشي khwushee free, released; free, free of charge, pointless 3 adj. 1675435287649 کتابي kitaabee pertaining to books, printed adj. 1527813117 کلک klak, kluk firm, solid, staunch, steadfast, serious, hard, unwavering 3 adj. 1527822747 کلوچ klooch wrinkled, rumpled, crumpled 2 adj. 1527813172 کوږ koG crooked, bent 4 adj. کاږه kaaGu کږ kaG 1 1527822445 کومکي komakée auxiliary, helper 4 adj. 1594303467890 کوچینی koocheenáy small, little 0 adj. 1527812822 کوچنی koochnáy little, small; child, little one 4 adj. 1527821275 کولاو kooláaw open 4 adj. 1 1675336201103 کولتوري kooltooree cultural adj. 1527813602 کوم koom which, that, any, some 4 adj. 1527823752 کومڼ koomuN rotten, withered, decayed, faded 2 adj. 1527811973 کوڼ kooN deaf 4 adj. کاڼه kaaNu کڼ kaN 1 1527819940 کونډی koonDáy cut, trimmed, cropped, trimmed, hornless (for livestock), short, undersized 4 adj. 1527817952 کوټلی kooTúlay decisive, outright, emphatic, categorical, crucial 2 adj. 1527818178 کوز ګوری kooz góray ashamed 2 adj. 1527815692 کوړ koR inclined, tilted 2 adj. 1527821707 کوره korá, koorá unbleached (new fabric), new, not-yet washed 2 adj. 1527820258 کورنی koranáy domestic, domesticated; pertaining to home, family 4 adj. 1591872758032 کورواک korwáak autonomous 2 adj. 1527816711 کوټه koTa fake, false, counterfeit, stupid, dull 4 adj. 1527820408 کوټه koTá false, counterfeit, fake; stupid, dumb 4 adj. 1527819888 کوټی kóTay diminutive suffix, tiny, little, small 3 adj. 1584515275205 کرکجن krakjún hateful, malicious, spiteful 4 adj. 1527821579 کړوپ kRoop bulging, protruding, convex, bent, crooked, hunched, having a hollow 4 adj. 1527812196 کروړ kroR hard, solid 1 adj. 1527820964 کړند kRund energetic, efficient, business-like 2 adj. 1568927127189 کړس kRus barren (as in a barren steppe) 2 adj. 1708356013414 کړس kRus click, crack (onomatopoeia) 1527818806 کروتی krúwtay jealous, envious, grumpy, grouchy 2 adj. 1527812191 کهنګه kUhanga tall, high, well-grown, plump 1 adj. 1527820042 کلنګي kUlangee long-legged, lanky, strong, big (used especially for a fighting cock) 4 adj. 1667025358977 کلهم kUlhÚm all, whole 4 adj. 1650961226352 کنجکاو kUnjkaaw curious, inquisitive (from Farsi) 4 adj. 1574784982095 کرنګ kuráng brown (a horse's colour) 1 adj. 1527819632 کردي kUrdee Kurdish 4 adj. 1527822142 کرغېړن kurgheRán dirty, soiled, filthy 4 adj. 1586618875462 کره ییز kurra yéez global 1 adj. 1527820961 کړند kuRund disordered, unorganized, unstable, lax, loose; in the scabbard (of a sword/dagger) 3 adj. 1626767888082 کشری kushuráy younger (as in a younger brother/sister) 4 adj. 1527820409 کوټه kwúTa having stopped laying eggs (for a hen) 2 adj. 1527821659 لعنتي la'natée cursed, accursed 4 adj. 1 1588074800747 لا ګواښي laa gwaaxee non-threatening 4 adj. 1527821966 لاهو laahóo afloat, drowned, plunged, sailing 3 adj. 1527819863 لاعلاجه laailaaja untreatable, incurable 4 adj. 1527813288 لاکي laakee varnished, lacquered 3 adj. 1527820463 لالچي laaluchee, laalichee greedy 4 adj. 1586447219237 لالهاند laaluhaand dismayed, distressed, saddened, pained 4 adj. 1582316583262 لاندینی laandeenáy lower, bottom 4 adj. 1527812851 لانجمن laanjaman disputed, problematic 4 adj. 1627298498822 لارورکی laarwrúkay lost, confused, bewildered, astray adj. 1527819234 لاس اړی laas áRay needy, in need, poor 3 adj. 1610797393808 لاشعور laashU'óor unconscious, un-aware, slow-witted 4 adj. 1527814405 لایق laayíq worthy, deserving 4 adj. 1 1527815944 لازم laazim necessary 4 adj. لوازم lawaazim 1527821250 لازمي laazmee necessary, required, obligatory; intransitive (verb - grammar) 4 adj. 1 1527822504 لچر lachár light-minded, frivolous, scatterbrained 2 adj. 1527822503 لچري lacharée stubbornness, obstinacy, frivolity, being nervy, angry mood or nature 3 adj. 1527816541 لعین laeen cursed, damned, accursed 4 adj. 1527819583 لفظي lafzee verbal, oral, literal, pronounced 4 adj. 1579105506576 لګن سری lagan sáray big-headed 3 adj. 1527814702 لګښتي lagaxtee expenditure, consumable 4 adj. 1527821582 لغړ lagháR, lughúR bare, naked, pure, unadulterated 4 adj. 1 1527819907 لغزن laghzún slippery 3 adj. 1670430279552 لهجوي lahjawee dialectical, pertaining to accent (in language) adj. 1613562748247 لهلپاند lahlapáand totally burned, scorched up; griefstricken 0 adj. 1527811834 لکۍ دار lakuy daar having a tail 4 adj. 1527811835 لکۍ وال lakuy waal having a tail 4 adj. 1527814472 للمي lalmee dry farmed 4 adj. 1527820425 لمریز lamréez solar 3 adj. 1527816531 لعنتی lanatáy cursed 4 adj. 1527816770 لنډ مهالي lanD mahaalee short-term 4 adj. 1527813816 لنډ lanD, lunD short, brief 4 adj. 1 1527811833 لنډی lanDáy short, stumpy, with cropped tail (horse); brazen (fig); 3 adj. 1661887915353 لپ خور lap khór regretful, sorrowful 2 adj. 1609947777710 لړه laRa thrown (used with لړه کول) 4 adj. 1527822721 لرګین largéen wooden; thin, emaciated, bony 4 adj. 1527816959 لرغونی larghoonay historical, ancient, old or having deep roots, from antiquity 3 adj. 1527819859 لرغن larghún uneasy, disturbed, unable to sleep, suffering from insomnia 3 adj. 1527821225 لړلی laRúlay soiled, dirtied, mixed up 3 adj. 1585489377755 لړزان laRzáan shaking, trembling 3 adj. 1527822553 لړزانده laRzaanda shaking, trembling 4 adj. 1579105007703 لسیز laseez decimal 4 adj. 1588689237203 لسم lasum, lusum tenth 4 adj. 1579035507218 لتاړ latáaR exposed to, staggared by, subject to, suprised by, ruined, destroyed, toppled 4 adj. 1527822294 لینډا leenDaa bald, bald-headed 2 adj. 1527819908 لیت leet smooth, slipper, worn, polished, burnished 2 adj. 1586525500169 لیت پیت leet peet drenched, soaked, super wet 4 adj. 1619277874681 لېش lesh filthy, dirty, foul, defiled 2 adj. 1527813848 لېوال lewaal desiring, eager, thirsting, lover 4 adj. 1527817213 لیلیه layliya nocturnal, evening; evening school; residence / hostel 4 adj. 1527817824 لګیا ligyáa busy, involved, engaged (with something) 4 adj. 1 1527813991 لمر لرونکی lmar laróonkay sunny 3 adj. 1589020922388 لمرین lmaréen sunny 4 adj. 1527820426 لمرنی lmarunay solar 3 adj. 1527814366 لوده loda, lawda stupid, foolish, moron 4 adj. 1527822174 لوغړن looghuRún dirty, soiled, slightly burnt 3 adj. 1613562616684 لولپه lóolapa totally burned, scorched up; griefstricken 4 adj. 1613562819967 لولپاند loolapáand totally burned, scorched up; griefstricken 4 adj. 1527817123 لومد loomd damp, wet, moist, humid 0 adj. لامده laamdu لمد lamd 1527813472 لومړنی loomRanáy first 4 adj. 1527813132 لومړی loomRáy first 4 adj. 1527817117 لوند loond wet, damp, moist, humid 4 adj. لانده laandu لند land 1 1576889120767 لوند loond wet, damp, moist, humid 4 adj. لامده laamdu لمد lamd 1 1527813859 لوڅ loots naked, bare 4 adj. 1576374772751 لوڅ لپړ loots lapúR completely naked 4 adj. 1527811551 لوی looy great, big, large, huge 3 adj. 1 1585823820568 لوی لاسی looy laasay generous 4 adj. 1527814781 لوړ loR, lwuR, lwaR high, tall 4 adj. 1627222388855 لوړپوړی loRpóRay high-level adj. 1582391167074 لعابي lU'aabee salival 3 adj. 1527813654 لږ luG little 4 adj. 1527815663 لمړنی lUmRanáy, lUmuRanáy first 2 adj. 1527815660 لمړی lUmRáy first 4 adj. 1573685521988 لنګه lúnga in labour, in childbirth, giving birth to a child 3 adj. 1527813877 لري luree far, distant 3 adj. 1623167207860 لوستی lwástay, lwústay educated, well-read 4 adj. 1588073551653 معافیتي m'aafiyatee immune (as in immune system) 4 adj. 1527822322 معاشرتي ma'aashiratee societal, social 4 adj. 1527814271 معلوم ma'aloom known, evident, apparent, obvious 4 adj. 1527814272 معلومدار ma'aloomdaar known, evident, obviously 4 adj. 1576368657785 معطل ma'atal suspending, hanging, waiting for (an answer etc.) 4 adj. 1527818728 معدني ma'danee mineral, ore 4 adj. 1527814444 معمور ma'móor cultivated, tilled; filled (as with the Spirit in Christianity); prosperous, abundant, well furnished or filled/equipped 2 adj. 1575642961891 معنیٰ خېز ma'naa khéz meaningful, significant 4 adj. 1527817838 معنوي ma'nawee spiritual, moral, pertaining to spiritual things or emotional/morale issues; semantic (pertaining to meaning - as in linguistics) 3 adj. 1527822455 معقول ma'qóol rational, sensible, acceptable, prudent, judicious, legitimate, valid, appropriate 4 adj. 1527818286 معروف ma'roof famous, well-known; active (verb - grammar) 3 adj. 1527817601 معصوم ma'sóom innocent 3 adj. 1527817636 معذور ma'azóor disabled, deformed,handicapped, forgiven, pardoned; upset, distressed, helpless; 3 adj. 1709333885567 معذوره ma'azóora disabled, deformed,handicapped, forgiven, pardoned; upset, distressed, helpless; adj. 1 1527813723 مادي maaddee material, monetary 4 adj. 1527819775 ماهوار maahawaar monthly 4 adj. 1527817960 مالګین maalgéen salty, salted 4 adj. 1527817007 مالوم maaloom known 4 adj. 1611400231930 ماناداره maanaadaara meaningful 4 adj. 1527817632 ماڼې جن maaNe jún upset, distressed, insulted 2 adj. 1527817631 ماڼېګر maaNegár easily offended, quick to take offense, touchy 2 adj. 1527816011 مات maat broken, split, defeated 4 adj. 1 1576368612925 ماتل maatal backward, late, hanging back (معطل) ? 3 adj. 1527821435 ماټور maaTawúr with a clean shaven chin 2 adj. 1527821954 مایل maayíl, maaéel inclined, sloping, leaning towards, inclined towards, attracted 4 adj. 1703659844170 مایلول maayilawul to incline (fig.), attract 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527821954 incline 1703659846882 مایلېدل maayiledul to be inclined (fig.), attracted 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527821954 be inclined 1703659927497 مایله maayíla, maaéela inclined, sloping, leaning towards, inclined towards, attracted 4 adj. 1703659954870 مایله کول maayila kawul to incline (fig.), attract 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1703659927497 incline 1 1703659956540 مایله کېدل maayila kedul to be inclined (fig.), attracted 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1703659927497 be inclined 1527820799 مایوس maayóos disappointed, hopeless, despairing, let down, depressed 4 adj. 1709334248773 مایوسول maayoosawúl to dissapoint, to make despair v. stat. comp. trans. 1527820799 dissapoint 1709334252086 مایوسېدل maayoosedúl to be dissapointed, to despair v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527820799 be dissapointed 1709218360692 مایوسه maayóosa disappointed, hopeless, despairing, let down, depressed 4 adj. 1 1709334233263 مایوسه کول maayoosa kawúl to dissapoint, to make despair v. stat. comp. trans. 1709218360692 dissapoint 1 1709334240629 مایوسه کېدل maayoosa kedúl to be dissapointed, to despair v. stat. comp. intrans. 1709218360692 be dissapointed 1527823215 مبغوز mabghóoz hateful, repulsive, hated 3 adj. 1527818759 مدني madanée civil, civilized, cultured, educated 3 adj. 1527816123 مدفوع madfoo discarded, thrown out, waste 2 adj. 1527821677 مفلوک maflóok unfortunate, unlucky 1 adj. 1527822705 مفتوح maftóoh open, opened; conquered, subjugated 1 adj. 1659408512659 مفتون maftóon delighted, enamoured 2 adj. 1527821807 مغلوب maghloob defeated, subjugated, vanquished, enslaved, conquered 4 adj. 1527821812 مغرور maghróor arrogant, haughty, conceited 3 adj. 1703654732556 مغروره maghróora arrogant, haughty, conceited 3 adj. 1 1579289629223 مغشوش maghshóosh confused, mixed, disturbed, adulterated, tumultuous 2 adj. 1644247254279 محال maháal impossible 4 adj. 1527815859 محدود mahdood limited, finite, restricted 4 adj. 1527819911 مهین mahéen fine, tender, smooth, slippery, high-quality 4 adj. 1527816607 محفوظ mahfooz safe, guarded, kept, secure 4 adj. 1527815052 محکم mahkam strong, durable, firm, reinforced 4 adj. 1527811264 محکوم mahkoom condemned, sentenced, criminal; subjugated 4 adj. 1591805178821 محلول mahlóol dissolved 2 adj. 1527815901 محنت کش mahnat kash, mihnat kash hard-working, tough, industrious 4 adj. 1598138974785 محنتي mahnatée, mihnatée hard-working, tough, industrious 4 adj. 1527820796 محروم mahróom deprived, excluded 3 adj. 1527817755 محوه mahwa shaken, destroyed 3 adj. 1527821889 مجازي majaazee figurative, metaphorical, allegoric 4 adj. 1527814556 مجبور majboor compelled, forced, obligated, in need 4 adj. 1527816080 مجهول majhool mysterious, unknown; passive (verb - grammar) 4 adj. 1527813455 مخفي makhfee hidden, secret, covert, low-key 4 adj. 1527815512 مخصوص makhsoos special, particular, peculiar 4 adj. 1579042295912 مختوم makhtóom final, concluding, ending, ultimate 2 adj. 1527823392 مختون makhtóon circumcised (person) 2 adj. 1566478420410 مکر mákur false, deceit, pretend 4 adj. 1 1610799278304 مکرجن makurján fake, lying, deceiving, false 4 adj. 1661535176652 ملایم malaayím gentle, tender, mild (climate), affectionate, moderate (ملائم) 4 adj. 1527822168 ملحوظ malhóoz likely, possible 2 adj. 1619592811752 ملموس malmóos tangible 2 adj. 1527816542 ملعون maloon cursed, damned, accursed 4 adj. 1527815946 ملزوم malzoom inseperable, interconnected 2 adj. 1584517283908 ممنون mamnóon content, happy, grateful, appreciative 4 adj. 1527813488 منع mána forbidden 4 adj. 1 1702030935407 منع کېدل mana kedúl to abstain, to be forbidden 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527813488 abstain 1 1702030937670 منع کول mana kawúl to forbid, to order not to 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527813488 forbid 1 1575642966457 معنیٰ دار manaa daar meaningful, significant 3 adj. 1527815745 منندوی manandooy grateful, thankful, appreciative 4 adj. 1527820414 منځنی mandzunáy middle, central 3 adj. 1708116803109 مېنځنی mendzunáy middle, central 3 adj. 1 1527814334 منفي manfée negative 4 adj. 1527818970 منفور manfóor hated, detested, despised 3 adj. 1527813191 منګنی mangunay autumn-like, born in the fall 2 adj. 1527822197 منحوس manhóos sinister, gloomy, dismal 4 adj. 1527812334 منسوب mansóob related, attributed, belonging to, ascribed 3 adj. 1703677060351 منصوب mansóob related, attributed, belonging to, ascribed 3 adj. 1576101042011 منصور mansóor triumphant, victorious 2 adj. 1527812037 منطقي mantiqee logical 4 adj. 1527815979 منظره دار manzara daar scenic 2 adj. 1527813679 منظوم manzóom well-organized, harmonious; poetic 2 adj. 1527813536 منظور manzóor approved, accepted 4 adj. 1527818440 مقبول maqbóol pleasant, acceptable, suitable, fit 4 adj. 1578343156898 مقبوض maqbóoz occupied, obtained 3 adj. 1578343181390 مقبوضه maqbóoza occupied, obtained 4 adj. 1527822581 مقصودي maqsoodée desirable, desired 3 adj. 1527812974 مړنی maRanáy corageous, bold, brave; skillful, capable 4 adj. 1527822066 مرور marawár, marawúr, marawÚr offended, treated badly, having a grudge (زما نه مروره ده - she’s offended / has a grudge against me) 4 adj. 1 1527823360 مرضي marazée sick, unwell, ill 4 adj. 1589883748532 مربوط mărbóot attached, connect, related, concerning something, depends on (په .... پورې مربوط - is connected to, depends on) 4 adj. 1527818626 مرغۍ مرغۍ marghúy marghúy sleepy, drowsy 3 adj. 1527811384 مرګونی margóonay deadly, lethal; morbid, death-filled, dying 4 adj. 1527820398 مرکزي markazee central 4 adj. 1527818088 مرمرین marmareen marbly 3 adj. 1527813313 مرموز marmóoz secret, mysterious, hidden, classified 3 adj. 1527821258 مشهود mashhóod noticed, seen, apparent, clear, witnessed 2 adj. 1527814196 مشهور mashhóor, mashahóor famous, renowned, popular, well-known 4 adj. 1702632960270 مشهورول mashhoorawul to make famous, familiarize 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527814196 make famous 1702632964223 مشهور کول mashhoor kawúl to make famous, familiarize 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527814196 make famous 1 1702632967341 مشهورېدل mashhooredul to become famous, to become known 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527814196 become famous 1702632973065 مشهور کېدل mashhoor kedul to become famous, to become known 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527814196 become famous 1648577517213 مشکور mashkóor grateful, thankful, obliged 4 adj. 1527818690 مشروع mashróo' lawful, legal, recognized, permitted 4 adj. 1584692183233 مشروط mashróot conditional, stipulated, specified 4 adj. 1626764499373 مشروټ mashróoT cocky, over-confident, thinking of himself greater than he is (negative or cute, as w/ a child) 4 adj. 1527815878 مسلکي maslakee professional, pertaining to work 4 adj. 1527816190 مسموم masmoom poisoned 4 adj. 1527822511 مصنوع masnoo' processed, made, fabricated, false, made up 3 adj. 1527814785 مصنوعي masnoo'ée fabricated, artificial, fake, unauthentic 4 adj. 1 1630564674670 مصون masóon safe, protected 3 adj. 1527817064 مست mast intoxicated, drunk; taken up, caught up, excited; rapid, wild, lively, passionate 4 adj. 1 1579287915604 مطبوع matboo' printed, impressed 3 adj. مطبوعات matboo'aat 1527811751 مطبوعاتي matbooaatee print, printed, press 4 adj. 1527814736 متین mateen strong, powerful, durable, hard, firm 3 adj. 1527815919 مطلوب matloob favorable, desired, desirable 3 adj. 1527817926 متره matrá rarely, barely existing, almost unobtainable, scant 3 adj. 1527812163 مطرح matrah brought forward, posed, under consideration 3 adj. 1664031083740 متروک matróok abandoned, deserted, obselete 2 adj. 1527815094 موافق mUwaafíq, mawaafíq in aggreance 4 adj. 1527823113 موهوم mawhóom fancied, imaginary, fanciful 2 adj. 1527819716 موجي mawjée, maujée wave-like, wave-shaped 4 adj. 1527814048 موجود mawjóod existing, present, available (w/ plural: beings) 4 adj. موجودات mawjoodáat 1 1527821314 موقوف mawqóof, mauqóof forbidden, prohibited, terminated, suspended, removed 4 adj. 1592390348457 موروثي mawroosee, mauroosee inherited, hereditary 4 adj. 1527811965 معیوب mayóob disabled, crippled, disfigured, defective 2 adj. 1527822109 مزه دار maza dáar tasty, sweet, pleasant, attractive 4 adj. 1571840263659 مزه دار maza dáar delicious, tasty, flavourfull 4 adj. 1527822110 مزه ناک maza náak tasty, sweet, pleasant, attractive 4 adj. 1 1527822048 مضبوط mazbóot strong, sturdy, firm, tough, determined, invincible 4 adj. 1 1527822949 مزېدار mazedáar tasty, sweet, pleasant, attractive (مزه دار) 4 adj. 1575239393600 مزی mázay, múzay firm, stable, muscular, stalwart; prompt, quick 4 adj. 1527817028 مذهبي mazhabee religious 4 adj. 1527821419 میکروب وژونکی meekrob wajzóonkay disinfecting 4 adj. 1527819471 میل meel full, packed 2 adj. 1527820870 میلادي meelaadee using the A.D. western calendar (ملادي کال) 4 adj. 1527823764 مینه ناک meena náak loving, sweet, likeable, gentle 4 adj. 1527812016 میراثي meeraasee inherited, pertaining to inheritance 4 adj. 1592390661000 میرات meeráat broken, ruined, destroyed 2 adj. 1527822292 میرګنجی meerganjáy completely bald 2 adj. 1527812973 مېړنی meRunáy corageous, bold, brave; skillful, capable 4 adj. 1527813299 مېشت mesht living, residing, resident (used after a place name to talk about someone who lives somewhere) 4 adj. 1527812914 میده mayda fine, tiny, chopped 4 adj. 1708353666221 میده کول mayda kawúl to chop up, dice 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527812914 chop up 1708353671212 میده کېدل mayda kedúl to be chopped up, diced 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527812914 be chopped up 1708353750353 قیمه qeema ground beef; ground, chopped 4 n. f. / adj. 1708353753886 قیمه کول qeema kawúl to chop up, dice 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1708353750353 chop up 1 1708353760202 قیمه کېدل qeema kedúl to be chopped up, diced 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1708353750353 be chopped up 1708353644981 مېده medá fine, tiny, chopped (میده) 4 adj. 1527817398 مهربان mihrabaan gracious, generous, kind 4 adj. 1527823031 ملاو miláaw met, united 3 adj. true 1527814630 ملي millee national, people's 4 adj. 1527822525 منت ګذار minat gUzaar appreciative, thankful, grateful, obliged 4 adj. 1527821194 منتقوي mintaqawée, mUntaqawee regional 4 adj. 1670563804160 مسي misée copper adj. 1670563827532 مسین miséen, muséen copper (مسي) adj. 1579287642109 مصري misrée Egyptian 4 adj. 1 1527811202 میاشتنی miyaashtanáy monthly 4 adj. 1527820222 ملاست mlaast lying down, lying 4 adj. 1622720575954 مودرن modarn modern 4 adj. 1527821572 1527812927 موړ moR full, satisfied, sated 4 adj. ماړه maaRu مړ maR 1 1576686912497 مور زاده mor zaada from birth (as in blind from birth etc.) 4 adj. 1619591943986 مورنی morunáy, moranáy mother, native (ie. mother tongue - مورنۍ ژبه native land - مورنی هیواد) 4 adj. 1622872866219 موذي mozee harmful, noxious, trouble maker 4 adj. 1527823546 مړاوی mRáaway withered, faded, lazy, sleepy, despondent, dispirited 3 adj. 1527815857 معادل mU'aadil equivalent, corresponding, equal 3 adj. 1527819081 معلق mU'aláq hanging, in suspension, undecided 3 adj. 1527817560 معتدل mU'atadíl moderate, average; average 4 adj. 1614169226466 معطر mU'attár perfumed, sweet-smelling, aromatic 4 adj. 1631017820616 معین mU'ayán fixed, determined, appointed, assigned, specified 4 adj. 1591871159777 معزز mU'azáz honoured, esteemed 4 adj. 1527819780 معظم mU'azzám great, respected, above-mentioned 4 adj. 1623860078378 معتمد mU'tamíd, mU'tamád reliable, trustworthy, respected 2 adj. 1527822077 معتقد mU'taqíd convinced, believing (in something) 3 adj. 1527812118 معاف mUaaf, m'aaf forgiven, pardoned, exempt, excused, acquitted, immune, dismissed 4 adj. 1527811752 معاصر mUaasir contemporary, modern 3 adj. 1584691522859 مودب mUaddáb polite, courteous, nice 4 adj. 1527819275 مونث mUannás feminine (grammar) 4 adj. 1527821128 موثر mUasár effective, functional, impressive, potent, helpful, impressive, forceful, dynamic 4 adj. 1666281584096 مباح mUbáah allowed, permissable (in Islamic law) 2 adj. مباحات mUbaaháat 1662618993527 مبالغه مېز mUbaaligha mez exaggerated 4 adj. 1527816056 مبارک mUbaarák blessed, auspicious, holy 4 adj. 1 1527821811 مبهم mUbhám unclear, unknown, indefinite, doubtful, concealed, secret 4 adj. 1527822637 مبتلا mUbtaláa suffering, stricken, overtaken, injured, given over to 3 adj. 1675435583394 مبتذل mUbtazál vile, filthy, base, stale, trite (مبتزلې خبرې - foul talk) adj. 1527815082 مداوم mUdaawim constant, permanent; diligent, industrious 3 adj. 1527819812 مدبر mUdabír prudent, wise, gifted, efficient, business-like 3 adj. 1585736880335 مدلل mUdallál proven, supported by evidence or logic, confirmed 2 adj. 1678361365751 مدغم mUdghum merged, combined adj. 1527821879 مفصل mUfasál detailed 3 adj. 1527812932 مفید mUféed useful, beneficial, advantageous 4 adj. 1527819187 مفلس mUflís bankrupt, broke, fallen on hard times, poor, destitute 4 adj. 1527819263 مفرد mUfrád unique, single, isolated, separated; singular (grammar) 3 adj. 1630939022089 مغیر mUghayír, mUghayár changed, changing, inflected (grammar) 4 adj. 1527822143 مغرض mUghríz self-interested, mercenary 2 adj. / n. m. anim. unisex مغرضین mUghrizéen 1527818469 مغتنم mUghtanám valuable, successful, profitable 1 adj. 1527817549 محافظه کار mUhaafiza káar conservative 3 adj. 1527817561 محافظه پاله mUhaafiza paala conservative 3 adj. 1527821974 محارب mUhaaríb warring, participating in war, combatant, belligerent 3 adj. 1527817265 محاط mUhaat surrounded, encircled, girded 3 adj. 1527823463 محیطي mUheetee surrounding, environmental 4 adj. 1527814344 مهم mUhím important 4 adj. 1 1527819704 مهمل mUhmál negligent, empty, senseless, absurd, meaningless; undotted (letter) adj. 1617442569124 محسن mUhsin charitable 4 adj. 1527819358 محتاج mUhtáaj in need, poor, needy 4 adj. 1527815479 محترم mUhtaram respected, honorable 4 adj. 1527816662 مجاور mUjaawir adjacent, joining 4 adj. 1527821939 مجهز mUjahház armed, equipped, trained, supplied 3 adj. 1527815851 مجلد mUjallad bound 3 adj. 1625239550644 مجلل mUjallál magnificent, splendid 2 adj. 1577556569167 مجرد mUjarrád bare, naked; pure, unmixed; abstract; momentary (aspect in grammar) 4 adj. 1527823089 مجملي mUjmalee brief, concise, shortened 3 adj. 1527812096 مکلف mUkalláf obligated, responsible, dutied to 4 adj. 1610448349896 مکمل mUkamál, mUkammál complete, perfect 4 adj. 1 1708559864807 مکمل کول mUkamal kawúl to complete, perfect v. stat. comp. trans. 1610448349896 complete 1 1708559868234 مکمل کېدل mUkamal kedúl to be completed, perfected v. stat. comp. intrans. 1610448349896 be completed 1584688500524 مکرم mUkarám revered, honoured, beloved 3 adj. 1527817616 مخ روڼی mukh róoNay honorable, honest, irreproachable, respectable, decent 3 adj. 1527817612 مخ سپینی mukh spéenay innocent 3 adj. 1527823562 مخابراتي mUkhaabiraatee pertaining to communications (wireless, radio, phone, etc.) 3 adj. 1527814693 مخدره mUkhadura illicit 3 adj. 1527821199 مخفف mUkhaffáf abbreviated, curtailed, lightened, eased 3 adj. 1527812936 مخور mukhawur respected, honorable 4 adj. 1527814313 مخکښ mukhkáx leading, head, forerunner, pioneer, leader, chief 3 adj. 1582335813846 مخکینی mukhkeenáy previous, former, past; forward, front; progressive, advanced 3 adj. 1527811325 مخلص mUkhlís sincere, devoted 3 adj. 1 1527823238 مختار mUkhtáar authorized, empowered, in authority, independent 3 adj. 1527821206 مختل mUkhtál disrupted, brought into disorder, spoiled, damaged, violated 2 adj. 1527823090 مختلط mUkhtalát mixed, intermixed 2 adj. 1527813253 مختلف mUkhtalíf different, distinct, various 4 adj. 1 1709331726232 مختلف کېدل mUkhtalif kedúl to differ, become different 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527813253 differ 1 1527821217 مختصر mUkhtasír short, abbreviated, small, modest 4 adj. 1 1701935203071 مختصر کول mUkhtasir kawúl to shorted, to abbreviate 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527821217 shorten 1 1701935253143 مختصر کېدل mUkhtasir kedúl to be shortened, abbreviated 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527821217 become shortened 1527818181 مختوری mukhtóray disgraced, ashamed, guilty 3 adj. 1589884075059 ملحق mUlháq joined, connected, attached, adjacent, dependant 2 adj. 1527812994 ملتفت mUltafit paying attention, noticting something 2 adj. 1566470052440 ممتاز mUmtáaz honorable, outstanding, admirable, splendid; above or unique in honor or position 4 adj. 1673935500270 منعکس mUn'akís, mUnakís reflected; overturned, opposite, inverse adj. 1527816318 منافي mUnaafee incompatible, contradictory 2 adj. 1527812958 مناسب mUnaasíb suitable, appropriate, fit, proper 4 adj. 1 1591984790777 منور mUnawwár, munawár enlightenened, intellectual, highbrow 2 adj. 1527813674 منظم mUnazzám regular, systematic, organized 4 adj. 1664794704299 مندری mUndráy, mundráy short, squat (adj.); scrubby, clip-eared 4 adj. 1527822186 منفک mUnfák separated, dismissed (from service) 4 adj. 1579043013113 منفصل mUnfasíl seperate, divided, independant; resigned, fired (from a job) 2 adj. 1622874967937 منحل mUnhál, mUnháll disolved, disbanded 4 adj. 1527821983 منحصر mUnhasír restricted, confined, exclusive 3 adj. 1527814771 منجمد mUnjamid frozen, congealed, hardened, solidified 4 adj. 1527821188 منقبض mUnqabíz contracted, shrunk, constipated 3 adj. 1591804310004 منقلب mUnqalíb folded back, turned back; retroflex, cacuminal 2 adj. 1702024809873 منسوخ کول munsookh kawúl to cancel, abrogate, annull, abolish 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527811367 cancel 1 1702024813255 منسوخ کېدل munsookh kedúl to be cancelled, abrogated, annulled, abolished 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527811367 be cancelled 1527811367 منسوخ munsookh canceled, abrogated, abolished, annulled 3 adj. 1527823721 منتخب mUntakháb selected, elected 4 adj. 1709670972687 منتخب کول mUntakháb kawúl to select, elect, choose v. stat. comp. trans. 1527823721 select 1 1709670976189 منتخب کېدل mUntakháb kedul to be selected, elected, chosen v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527823721 be selected 1566476291171 منتقل mUntaqíl transferred, moved 4 adj. 1527813675 منتظم mUntazam orderly, arranged, organized 4 adj. 1527815084 منتظر mUntazir waiting, expecting 4 adj. 1527815086 منظم mUnzím organized 4 adj. 1527819580 مقابل mUqaabil opposite, adverse, corresponding 4 adj. 1527816224 مقایسوي mUqaayasawee comparative 4 adj. 1527821118 مقدماتي mUqaddamaatee preliminary, preparatory, introductory 3 adj. 1527812125 مقدس mUqaddas holy, sacred 4 adj. 1527816457 مقرر mUqarár appointed, assigned, delegated 4 adj. 1702926041850 مقرر کول mUqarar kawúl to appoint, assign, delegate 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527816457 1 1527822167 مقصر mUqassír guilty, at fault 2 adj. 1527818136 مقوي mUqawwée reinforcing, restorative, bracing 2 adj. 1527822418 مقید mUqayyád obliged, established, determined, tied up, constrained, limited 2 adj. TRUE 1527821146 مقتدر mUqtadír strong, mighty, talented, able 3 adj. 1527815087 مړ muR dead 3 adj. مړه mRu مړ mR 1 1527822510 مرادف mUraadíf synonymous, corresponding 3 adj. 1610445342965 مربعي mUrabba'ée square 4 adj. 1527821885 مرتب mUratáb orderly, arranged, tidy 4 adj. 1603263199860 مرده mUrdá dead, deceased 4 adj. 1527814802 مردار mUrdáar foul, unclean, dirty 3 adj. 1527816535 مردود murdood cursed, devilish, damned 3 adj. 1527813074 مړغون muRghoon wilted, faded, lazy, droopy 3 adj. 1634528592039 مړخندی muRkhánday smiling 2 adj. 1586622284302 مرتبط mUrtabít closed, covered, constrained, linked, connected, communicating 3 adj. 1527820893 مساعد mUsaa'íd favourable, propitious 3 adj. 1527813726 مساوي mUsaawee equal, same, equivalent, tied (game) 4 adj. 1527811213 مسکن mUsakin tranquilizer, sedative, pain-killer 3 adj. 1527821938 مسلح mUsalláh armed 4 adj. 1527821940 مسلحانه mUsallahaana armed 3 adj. 1576103163063 مسلم mUsallám certain, confirmed, sure, definate, assured 3 adj. 1610445388018 مثلثي mUsallasée triangular 3 adj. 1527822050 مسلط mUsallát dominant, dominating, owning, having gained ownership 4 adj. 1679239053800 مصمم mUsamím determined, resolved, intent, resolute adj. 1658349603527 مصور mUsawár illustrated, pictorial 4 adj. 1527814321 مثبت mUsbat positive; proven 4 adj. 1527822655 مشابه mUshaabíh similar, resembling, analogous 4 adj. 1592391796705 مشارلیه mUshaariláyh, mUshaarilUnáyh aformentioned, said, referenced above (نوموړی) 3 adj. 1527815460 مشخص mUshakhkhas specific; special, distinguishing, definite, isolated, recognized, diagnosed; diacritic 4 adj. 1527822264 مشرف mUsharáf honoured, respected, esteemed 4 adj. 1626767918528 مشری mushuráy elder, older (as in an older brother/sister) 4 adj. 1527817098 مسککی muskukáy smiley, bright, vivacious person 2 adj. 1527815092 مصروف musróof busy, occupied 4 adj. 1 1527817856 مصوب mUssawab approved, authorized (Arabic) 2 adj. 1527821945 مستعار mUsta'áar borrowed, figurative 2 adj. 1627319973635 مستعد mUsta'íd talented, able, apt, ready 4 adj. 1527822035 مستعمر mUsta'már colonized 3 adj. 1586448457408 مستغني mUstaghnée not in need of something, well-off, rich 3 adj. 1666281659484 مستحب mUstaháb recommended (in Islamic law) 3 adj. 1527819190 مستحق mUstaháq, mUstahíq deserving, worthy, having a right (to) 4 adj. 1527815853 مستحکم mUstahkam strong, solid, firm, fortified 4 adj. 1527816061 مستند mUstanád grounded, founded, documented, certified, substantiated (Arabic) 3 adj. 1708117308894 مستند کول mUstanad kawúl to certify, attest, document v. stat. comp. trans. 1527816061 certified 1 1708117311739 مستند کېدل mUstanad kedúl to be certified, attested, documented v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527816061 be certified 1708117367893 مستندول mUstanadawúl to certify, attest, document v. stat. comp. trans. 1527816061 certified 1708117364280 مستندېدل mUstanadedúl to be certified, attested, documented v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527816061 be certified 1527820671 مستقل mUstaqíl independent, self-reliant; constant, permanent 4 adj. 1 1527820672 مستقل مزاجه mUstaqil mizáaja self-reliant, independent (when talking about a person) 4 adj. 1592915611692 مسترد mUstarăd rejected, turned down 4 adj. 1586618932936 مستثنیٰ mUstasnáa excepted, excluded, exempt 3 adj. 1527821740 متعارف mUta'aaríf familiar, acquainted, ordinary, commonplace 4 adj. 1566471909367 متعدي mUta'addée attacking, infringing, encroaching; transitive (verb - grammar) 2 adj. 1 1527821186 متعهد mUta'ahhíd being committed, being obliged, stipulated by contract 3 adj. 1623043933434 متعجب mUta'ajjíb astonished, amazed 2 adj. 1527817635 متألم mUta'allím suffering, grieving, sad, distressed 2 adj. 1527821439 متعرض mUta'arriz attacking, aggressive, disagreeing 4 adj. 1527817633 متأسف mUta'assíf feeling sorry for, regretting, feeling sad, grieved 3 adj. 1584515387365 متعصب mUta'asUb, mUta'asib pejudicial, fanatical, fanatic, bigoted 4 adj. 1590844539129 متاهل mUtaahíl married (person) 3 adj. 1527815877 متاثر mUtaasir moved, affected, impressed, grieved, upset 3 adj. 1586680016603 متاسف mUtaassíf feeling sorry for, regretting, feeling sad, grieved 3 adj. 1527817519 متبادل mUtabaadíl alternate, variant 3 adj. 1 1527811726 معتبر mUtabar, mUatabar respected, honorable, trusted, esteemed 3 adj. 1527822039 متدین mUtadayín religious, pious, devout 3 adj. 1527813255 متفاوت mUtafaawit different, distinct, distinguished 4 adj. 1674921939486 متفرق mUtafarríq various, diverse, scattered, seperate adj. 1586448091920 متغیر mUtaghayír changable, variable, inconstant 4 adj. 1527819654 متحمل mUtahammíl bearing (responsibility, expenses etc.), enduring suffering 3 adj. 1527819157 متحرک mUtaharrík moving, mobile 4 adj. 1527823425 متکبر mUtakabír proud, arrogant, conceited (Arabic from تکبر) 4 adj. 1527819258 متکلم mUtakallím speaking, conversing; first-person (grammar) 4 adj. 1651787510655 متخاصم mUtakhaasím hostile, feuding, quarrelling 2 adj. 1678173284739 متمدن mUtamaddÚn civilized, cultured, refined adj. 1527816582 متمرکز mUtamarkaz concentrated, focused 3 adj. 1591803134676 متناسب mUtanaasíb proportional, symmetrical, elegant 4 adj. 1573148917692 متنازع mUtanaazí disputed, controversial, arguing; pertaining to litigatation (law) 3 adj. 1584518353427 متنفر mUtanaffír, mUtanafir disgusted, hating, abhoring 4 adj. 1527820783 متنوع mUtanawwí' heterogeneous, different, diverse 2 adj. 1527819932 متقاعد mUtaqaa'íd being on pension, retired, retiree 4 adj. 1527822509 متقارب mUtaqaaríb coming nearer, getting close, close or similar (as in two words similar in meaning) 4 adj. 1589023796252 متقي mUtaqée pious, religious (person), virtuous 4 adj. 1527815858 مترادف mUtaraadif equivalent, synonym, similar, tantamount 3 adj. 1527822407 مترقي mUtaraqqée progressive, advanced 3 adj. 1617990843790 متردد mUtariddíd hesitant, indecisive, vacillating, having doubts 3 adj. 1527818971 متصل mUtasál connected, joined, connected 4 adj. 1527823117 متصور mUtasawwár imaginary, supposed, conjectural, projected, likely 2 adj. 1527822656 متشابه mUtashaabíh similar, resembling, analogous 4 adj. 1527822204 متشدد mUtashadíd violent, fierce, rough, cruel 3 adj. 1527823017 متشکل mUtashakkíl formed, consisting of, made up of 3 adj. 1527820575 متوازن mUtawaazin balanced, symmetric, even, steady, calm, uniform 4 adj. 1527816585 متوجه mUtawajíh attentive, attention, turned (towards), directed (towards) 4 adj. 1703676722782 متوجه کول mUtawajih kawúl to get the attention of, attract 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527816585 attract 1 1703676789674 متوجه کېدل mUtawajih kedúl to become attentive, attracted 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527816585 be attracted 1527822594 متوقف mUtawaqíf stopped, halted, standing still 3 adj. 1527823108 متوقع mUtawaqqÚ expected 4 adj. 1527816731 متوسط mUtawassit middle, medium, average 4 adj. 1527816983 متوطن mUtawattin settled, repatriated, taken up residence, naturalized 2 adj. 1572991904484 متضاد mUtazáad contradictory, antithetical, polar 4 adj. 1527814434 متزلزل mUtazalzil shaking, shaken, trembling 3 adj. 1527818932 متضرر mUtazarrír having suffered, suffering, seen harm (Arabic from ضرر) 3 adj. 1527814740 مطیع mUtee' obedient, submissive, docile (Arabic) 4 adj. 1527819910 متلی mutláy slippery, smooth 2 adj. 1591804949320 مطمئن mUtma'in certain, sure, assured (in Urdu/Pakistan - satisfied) 4 adj. 1 1527821436 مټور muTór suffering from constipation (for livestock) 3 adj. 1527820580 متحدالشکلانه mUttadidUshakláana homogeneous, uniform, identical, same 1 adj. true 1527818248 متفق mUttafíq in agreement, agreeing, in union, unanimous 3 adj. 1527820579 متحدالشکل mUttahidUshákl general, common, uniform 2 adj. true 1527818831 مواصلاتي mUwaasalaatee transportation, supply, communications 4 adj. 1527821714 موازي mUwaazée parallel, matching, appropriate, identical 4 adj. 1527811847 موفق mUwaffaq successful, lucky 3 adj. 1527813504 موقر mUwaqqar respected, esteemed 2 adj. 1527821735 موقت mUwaqqát temporary 3 adj. 1527821737 موقتي mUwaqqatée temporary 4 adj. 1527823695 موثق mUwassáq credible, trustworthy, authentic 4 adj. 1527812126 موظف mUwazzaf appointed, active (on duty) 4 adj. 1527821589 مزاحم mUzaahím blocking, preventing, bothering, disturbing, causing anxiety 4 adj. 1678972691144 مزخرف mUzakhráf baseless, foolish, meaningless, worthless adj. 1527819274 مذکر mUzakkár masculine (grammar) 3 adj. 1527811531 مضحک mUzhik funny, amusing (Arabic) 3 adj. 1527823121 مضر mUzír harmful, injurious, noxious 4 adj. 1527814105 مزمن mUzmin chronic 4 adj. 1592559152948 میانه myaaná average, passing 4 adj. 1527816013 نه بدلېدونکی na badledóonkay unchangeable, unalterable, firm, sturdy, irrevocable 4 adj. 1577558886813 نه ذیروح na zeerooh inanimate (نه ساکښ) 2 adj. 1527813927 نه زغمېدونکی na zghamedóonkay unbearable, intolerable 4 adj. 1527814155 نا اشنه naa ashina unfamiliar, unknown 4 adj. 1527822115 نا درک naa darák unknown, unclear, ambiguous as to where it is, lost 4 adj. 1527816276 نا روا naa rawaa not acceptable, not permitted, not allowed 4 adj. 1527815098 نا شکر naa shUkur ungrateful 4 adj. 1586449485269 نا امیده naa Uméeda hopeless, dissapointed 4 adj. 1 1709218429649 نا امېده naa Uméda hopeless, dissapointed adj. 1 1664091595857 نابلد naabalad unfamiliar, unaccustomed, unacquianted, stranger 4 adj. 1610542099016 نابلده naabalada unfamiliar, unaccustomed, unacquianted 4 adj. 1675002492491 نابریالی naabaryaaláy unsuccesful adj. 1527822608 نابینا naabeenaa blind, unable to see 4 adj. 1527812021 نابغه naabigha genius 4 adj. 1527817753 نابود naabood extinct, useless, worthless, bad, unfertile 4 adj. 1575239588561 ناچل naachál expired, out of circulation 4 adj. 1575239591287 ناچله naachála expired, out of circulation 4 adj. 1527821819 ناچیز naachéez modest, humble, trifling, insignificant 2 adj. 1527820920 نادان naadaan ignorant, foolish 4 adj. 1590873015031 نادار naadáar poor, miserable 4 adj. 1675145489180 نادولتي naadawlatée non-governmental adj. 1630939754607 نادیده naadeedá inexperienced, hasn't seen much; unseen, unprecedented 4 adj. 1527816033 نادر naadir uncommon 2 adj. 1671709127630 نافرمان naafarmáan disobedient, intractable adj. 1671709152695 نافرمانه naafarmáana disobedient, intractable adj. 1 1527818502 نافذ naafíz put into action, influencing, active, having force 3 adj. 1527813070 ناغېره naaghera laze, idle, sluggish 2 adj. 1527818609 ناغښتلی naaghuxtúlay weak, feeble, faint, poor 3 adj. 1645167694891 ناګزیر naagUzeer inevitable 4 adj. 1527819868 ناحق naahaq unfair, unjust, false, undeserved 4 adj. 1527819869 ناحقه naahaqa unfair, unjust, false, undeserved 4 adj. 1527815710 ناهواره naahawaara rough, uneven, not flat 3 adj. 1527813919 ناهیلی naahéelay disappointed, hopeless, disillusioned 4 adj. 1527819025 ناجائز naajáaiz impermissible, illegal, not allowed, not permitted, not acceptable 4 adj. 1611394633823 ناجاڼه naajaaNa ignorant, unaware, useless 4 adj. 1602250531379 ناجایزه naajaayiza not permitted, not allowed, unlawful 4 adj. 1527815101 ناجوړ naajoR sick, unwell 4 adj. 1527811762 ناکام naakaam unsuccessful 3 adj. 1631017595573 ناکاره naakáara useless, good-for-nothing, rejected 4 adj. 1 1588151435595 ناکره naakara impure, contaminated, untrue 4 adj. 1584885049381 ناخالص naakhaalis impure; gross (weight) 3 adj. 1591899861471 ناخبره naakhabura not knowing, ignorant 4 adj. 1527818340 ناخوالي naakhwaalee indecency, abusive language; problem, problems, badness, problems 4 adj. 1527811825 ناخوان naakhwaan illiterate 4 adj. 1527816543 نالتي naalatee cursed, damned, accursed 4 adj. 1588787606875 نالیدلی naaleedúlay unseen, new (unknown) 4 adj. 1527811820 نالوستی naalwástay, naalwústay illiterate, uneducated 4 adj. 1527821079 نام ور naam wár glorious, famous, honoured, renowned 4 adj. 1527815102 نامعلوم naama'alóom unknown 4 adj. 1527817006 نامالوم naamaaloom unknown 4 adj. 1579390247619 نامالوم naamaalóom unknown 4 adj. 1527821768 نامانوس naamaanóos unusual, uncommon 2 adj. 1619592846455 ناملموس naamalmóos intangible 2 adj. 1613551311010 نامنظور naamanzóor not accepted, disapproved 4 adj. 1527811980 نامرد naamărd cowardly, weak, faint, unmanly 4 adj. 1650697016189 نامشروع naamashroo' unlawful, illegitimate, unsavory, illegal 4 adj. 1662619623951 نامطلوب naamatlóob undesirable 4 adj. 1595233342129 نامدار naamdáar well-know, distinguished 4 adj. 1527813768 نامتو naamtoo famous, well-known 4 adj. 1643610603022 نامخلص naamUkhlís insincere 4 adj. 1527819836 ناممکن naamUmkín impossible 4 adj. 1527816371 نامراد naamUraad unhappy, unfulfilled, poor 4 adj. 1584519203608 نامضر naamUzír non-harmful, benign 4 adj. 1527818366 نانائي naanaaee mint, minty 4 adj. 1527816272 ناپاک naapaak unclean 4 adj. 1527817485 ناپوه naapoh foolish, ignorant, not knowing 4 adj. 1527818692 ناقبل فراموش naaqabil-i-faraamoosh unforgettable 3 adj. 1527815064 ناراحت naaraahat uncomfortable, uneasy 3 adj. 1527815067 نارام naaraam uneasy, disquieted, disturbed, anxious, nervous 3 adj. 1527815066 نارامه naaraama uneasy, disquieted, disturbed, anxious, nervous 4 adj. 1609780141131 ناراست naaráast crooked, uneven; lying, deceitful; lazy, idle 4 adj. 1527817084 ناراض naaraaz dissatisfied, displeased, upset, mad, hurt, offended, wounded, damaged, injured 3 adj. 1527817081 ناراضه naaráaza hurt, offended, wounded, damaged, injured, dissatisfied, displeased, upset, mad 4 adj. 1 1527817336 ناروا naarawaa not allowed, not acceptable, not permitted 4 adj. 1527821355 ناري naaree fiery, explosive, hot, hellish, infernal 2 adj. 1527811558 نارینه naareena male, manly, masculine, brave 4 adj. 1610797838033 نارمل naarmal normal 4 adj. 1527815105 ناروغ naarogh sick, unwell 4 adj. 1527819772 نارنجي naarunjee orange (colour) 4 adj. 1527816117 ناسم naasam, naasum incorrect, not true, bent, crooked, not right 4 adj. 1527822512 ناشناخته naashinaakhta unfamiliar, unknown 4 adj. 1527814718 ناشونی naashóonay improbable, unlikely 3 adj. 1527817397 ناشکر naashÚkur ungrateful, not thankful, unappreciative 4 adj. 1527815106 ناست naast sitting, seated 4 adj. 1675275493221 ناسنت naasUnát contrary to religious Sunnah, improper, uncircumcised adj. 1573150072109 ناتایید naataayeed unconfirmed 4 adj. 1566474701679 ناڅاپي naatsaapee sudden, unexpected 4 adj. 1664091618124 ناولد naawalád unfamiliar, unaccustomed, unacquianted (نابلد) 4 adj. 1527818505 ناوړ naawáR unpleasant, awful, repulsive, horrible 4 adj. 1527815107 ناوړه naawaRa bad, improper, indecent 3 adj. 1527814377 ناولی naawúlay filthy, foul, dirty, grimy, mucky 4 adj. 1527820864 نازک naazúk, naazÚk slender, fragile, soft, delicate, elegant, ticklish, tense 4 adj. 1 1579042063103 ندایي nadaayee vocative (grammar) 2 adj. 1527817996 نفتي naftee oil, petrol, petroleum 2 adj. 1527819333 نهار naháar hungry, not having eaten breakfast, fasting, not eating since morning 3 adj. 1527813922 نهیله naheela hopeless 3 adj. 1579390440218 نهیلی nahéelay disappointed, hopeless, disillusioned 2 adj. 1527821638 نجیب najéeb noble, gentle (also a name) 2 adj. 1527814375 نجس najús filthy, foul, dirty (also in a sinful or religious sense) 4 adj. 1527817127 نم جن nam jan damp, moist, moist, humid 3 adj. 1527811343 نمک حلال namak halaal sincere, faithful, grateful, devoted 4 adj. 1527821674 نمدار namdáar moist, damp, wet (نمجن) 3 adj. 1527821673 نمجن namjún moist, damp, wet 3 adj. 1527821675 نمناک namnáak moist, damp, wet (نمجن) 4 adj. 1527818302 ننګوونکی nangawóonkay challenging 2 adj. 1527813030 ننګیال nangyaal brave, valiant, courageous, undaunted 4 adj. 1527813029 ننګیالی nangyaaláy zealous, jealous, honorable, faithful 3 adj. 1527820397 نقیض naqéez contradictory, opposing 2 adj. 1527823638 نقل پذیر naql pazéer movable, portable, transportable 2 adj. 1527811556 نرینه nareena male, manly, masculine 4 adj. 1527819320 نری naráy thin; mild; high (pitch) 4 adj. 1527815113 نړیوال naRaywaal international, world 4 adj. 1527816963 نرغونی narghoonáy dialectical variant of لرغونی, ancient, historical 2 adj. 1527817445 نرم دل narm díl soft-hearted, tender, kind, gentle, gracious 4 adj. 1527819153 نرم ناک narm náak warm, gentle, kind 3 adj. 1527817446 نرم زړی narm zúRay soft-hearted, tender, kind, gentle, gracious 3 adj. 1527817507 نرم narum soft, smooth, fine, gentle 4 adj. 1527819083 نس خوږی nas khooGáy someone suffering from a stomach ache 4 adj. 1527821131 نس پړس nas pRús greedy, gluttonous 2 adj. 1527814140 نس پړسی nas púRsay gluttonous, voracious 2 adj. 1527823166 نصب nasb installed, mounted, set-up, fixed 4 adj. 1527817199 نسبي nasbee relative, relatively, related, genealogical 4 adj. 1584638047453 نسکور naskor, nuskor toppled, brought down, wrecked, shot down (aircraft) 4 adj. 1527819039 نصراني nasraanee Christian 4 adj. 1527819768 نسواري naswaaree brown 4 adj. 1527811251 نتلی natúlay poor, pitiful, robbed 4 adj. 1571524210085 نوېدونکی nawedóonkay renewable 4 adj. 1571524150715 نښلېدونکی naxledóonkay sticky, clinging 4 adj. 1527823632 نظري nazaree theoretical 4 adj. 1678971846667 نظریاتي nazariyaatee ideological, theoretical adj. 1527819774 نیلي neelee indigo 2 adj. 1610450741466 نیلمني neelmanée sapphire 4 adj. 1527815116 نیم neem half 2 adj. 1527818925 نیم ګرم neem gárum lukewarm, tepid 3 adj. 1527817042 نیمګړی neemgáRay incomplete, unfinished, defective, imperfect 4 adj. 1527822863 نیمکښ neemkáx half-open, slightly open 4 adj. 1527813204 نېغ negh straight, upright, righteous, proper 4 adj. 1702810501608 نېغول neghawúl to straighten, align, put upright, make right 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527813204 1 1702810503338 نېغېدل neghedúl to be straightened, aligned, put upright, made right 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527813204 1527816014 نېک nek kind, good (morally), righteous 4 adj. 1 1527821296 نېک بین nek béen optimistic 2 adj. 1527821082 نېک نام nek náam famous, esteemed, having a good name 3 adj. 1527812970 نېک نیت nek niyat loyal, benevolent 4 adj. 1527819230 نېکمرغه nekmurgha lucky 3 adj. 1527821083 نېکنام neknáam famous, esteemed, having a good name 4 adj. 1527812964 نېکنیته nekniyata kind, benevolent, generous, goodwilled, good natured 3 adj. 1653237135464 نېستمن nestman lacking, in need, poor 4 adj. 1527816015 نیک nayk kind, good (morally), righteous 4 adj. 1 1630708378124 نهادي nihaadee institutional 2 adj. 1527818413 نهائي nihaaee extreme, maximum, fully, final 4 adj. 1527818412 نهایي nihaayee extreme, maximum, fully, final 4 adj. 1527816781 نژادي nijzaadee racial 4 adj. 1594215491631 نکلي nikalee nickal 4 adj. 1527813316 نسایي nisaayee female, women's 4 adj. 1527811957 نسبتي nisbatee comparative, relative (Arabic) 4 adj. 1527816833 نیابتي niyaabatee proxy 3 adj. 1527820972 نیازمن niyaazman in want; beloved; favourite 4 adj. 1527820973 نیازمند niyaazmand in want; beloved; favourite 4 adj. 1579463171333 نوږ noG cleansed, cleaned, purified 2 adj. ناږه naaGu نږ naG 1527817277 نوکری nookuray tiny, small, minute 4 adj. 1590838973577 نولسم nóolasum ninetheenth 4 adj. 1527816035 نومي noomee so-called 4 adj. 1527822818 نومی noomay called, named 4 adj. 1527814047 نوموړی noomwáRay aforesaid, above-mentioned 4 adj. 1527818287 نومیال noomyaal famous, well-known 4 adj. 1574864995340 نومیالی noomyaaláy famous, honorable, distinguished 4 adj. 1590875720752 نونسم noonasum nineteenth 4 adj. 1588689231079 نهم nuhum ninth 4 adj. 1663856620440 نخودي nUkhoodée cream-colored, the color of a nut/chickpea, brownish-yellow 4 adj. 1527818969 نمایشي nUmaayushee for show, for display, pertaining to outward appearances; exhibition, display 4 adj. 1527817748 نننی nununáy today’s, of today, current 4 adj. 1622279246903 نقره یي nUqra yee, nUqra`ee silver, made of silver 4 adj. 1573055582465 نرواک nurwáak patriarchal 1 adj. 1690458761736 نوییم nuwee`yum ninetieth 4 adj. 1527813822 نوی núway new 4 adj. 1598724912198 اوچ ooch dry 4 adj. 1527814198 اوچت oochát high, tall, lofty 4 adj. 1 1594804070760 اودي oodée blue 4 adj. 1 1527822930 اوده oodú asleep 4 adj. 1 1527816772 اوږد مهال ooGd mahaal long-term 4 adj. 1527816351 اوږد مهالي ooGd mahaalee long-term 4 adj. 1527816778 اوږد ooGd, ooGud long 4 adj. اوږده ooGdu اوږد ooGd 1527821228 اوږدمهاله ooGdmahaala long-term 4 adj. 1527814245 اولجه oolja intricate, complex, complicated, tangled 3 adj. 1527822706 اوم oom raw, uncooked; blunt, crude; unripe, immature, not fully developed 4 adj. اومه oomu اوم oom 1527813400 اوسنی oosanáy current, present 4 adj. 1590838947884 اووه لسم oowú lasum seventeenth 4 adj. 1588689159822 اووم oowum seventh 4 adj. 1664028556728 اوښلن ooxlún teary, full of tears 4 adj. 1586452587974 اوزګار oozgáar free, unoccupied, available, at leisure 3 adj. 1 1527818418 اورنی oranay fire (attributive) 4 adj. 1585823596948 اوونیز owneez weekly 4 adj. 1585823679438 اووه ورځنی owu wradzanáy weekly 3 adj. 1527815906 پابند paaband bound, tied, linked, limited 4 adj. 1527815144 پاک paak clean, pure 3 adj. 1 1653107978848 پاک نفس paak nafs moral, clean, upright, godly 4 adj. 1527817741 پاکوونکی paakawóonkay purifying, cleansing, cleaning 4 adj. 1527823436 پاکترین paaktaréen the cleanest 4 adj. 1672206323644 پاموړ paamwáR noticable, significant, worth of attention adj. 1586203874421 پاروونکی paarawóonkay provocative, inciting, instigating 4 adj. 1527820821 پاسنی paasunáy upper, above, mountain, aforementioned 4 adj. 1527813126 پاته páata remaining, backward 4 adj. 1703747700517 پاتې páate remaining, backward 4 adj. 1 1527818753 پایدار paaydáar steady, stable, strong, firm 3 adj. 1 1527819409 پایمال paaymaal crushed, destroyed, trampled, suppressed 3 adj. 1586551512591 پاز دودی paaz doday progressive, liberal, pro-reform 4 adj. 1527812089 پازوال paazwaal with a duty, responsible, in charge 2 adj. 1592382613021 پخوانی pakhwaanáy old, ancient, previous, former 4 adj. 1 1527813403 پل تګ pal tug following somone, pursuing someone 4 adj. 1577391808799 پلې pale in motion, applied, enacted, enforced 3 adj. 1527823258 پلیت paléet muddy, soiled, defiled, nasty, disgusting, base 4 adj. 1 1527816925 پلی pálay on foot, unmounted, foot (adj.), foot soldier 4 adj. 1527815157 پنچر panchur punctured 4 adj. 1527811782 پپړ papuR big (of ears) 4 adj. 1527818964 پرچل parchál low-quality, unsuitable, bad 4 adj. 1527817639 پرېش parésh upset, distressed, alarmed, beside oneself, not knowing what to do, in a bad state 2 adj. 1527817640 پرېشان paresháan upset, distressed, alarmed, beside oneself, not knowing what to do, in a bad state 4 adj. 1527818602 پرکال parkáal weak, sickly, puny, debilitated 4 adj. 1527818606 پرکار parkáar put-together 4 adj. 1678086656391 پرتلیز partaléez comparative adj. 1646061736867 پرتلېز partaléz comparative 2 adj. 1527812984 پس پا pas paa withdrawing, departing 4 adj. 1527812988 پس پرده pas parda secret, hidden, undercover, suppressed 4 adj. 1584692923256 پساو pasaaw stuck 4 adj. 1527817448 پسند pasand pleasing, approved, select, choice; a suffix for one who likes or pursues an aim 4 adj. 1577384523298 پست past low, base, vile 4 adj. 1527814241 پته páta address, sign, track, trace, knowledge 4 adj. 1 1708738047108 پته لګول pata lugawúl to determine, to figure out, confirm, learn v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527814241 determine 1 1708738220484 پته لګېدل pata lugedúl to become known, get figured out, turn out 1664030195862 پټاکی paTaakay drunk, intoxicated 2 adj. 1527822372 پتیر pateer unleavened (bread, dough) 4 adj. 1527813815 پتلون پوش patloon posh dressed in European style 3 adj. 1604511739849 پښتني paxtanée Pashtun 4 adj. 1527814249 پېچلی pechúlay complicated, involved, unclean, twisted, wound 4 adj. 1527814758 پیکه peeka disordered, confused, embarrassed, spoiled; pale, dim, faint 4 adj. 1588858235903 پیکه peeká pale, plain, without sugar, tasteless, unlpleasant; disordered, confused 4 adj. 1 1590838908604 پینځلسم peendzulasum fifteenth 4 adj. 1588689159819 پینځم peendzum fifth 4 adj. 1527822371 پیت peet flat, shallow (of a dish), flat-bottomed (of a boat) 4 adj. 1527814209 پېژندوی pejzandooy acquainted, well-know, famous 4 adj. 1527814407 پېرزو perzo proper, fitting, worthy 4 adj. 1527812391 پېش بین pesh been having foresight, provident 4 adj. 1527816536 پېټلی peTulay cursed, damned, accursed 4 adj. 1527812384 پیدا paydaa found, born, created; creature 4 adj. 1672944421700 پیمال paymáal crushed, smashed (پايمال) adj. 1585501343831 پیوست paywast joined, connected, affiliated, right next to 3 adj. 1589025425783 پنځوسم pindzosum fiftieth 4 adj. 1590838893645 پنځلسم pindzulasum fifteenth 4 adj. 1588689159820 پنځم pindzum fifth 4 adj. 1527811493 پسي pisee arrogant, proud, haughty 3 adj. 1584444374038 پلارواک plaarwaak patriarchal 4 adj. 1678446636170 پلرنی plaranáy ancestral, pertaining to father/forefathers (پلرنی وطن - ancestral homeland) adj. 1527815179 پلن plun wide, broad, flat, dull, vapid 4 adj. 1 1527811469 پوه poh understanding, having understood; intelligent, quick, wise, clever; expert 4 adj. true 1527819611 پولادي polaadee steel 4 adj. 1651787720409 پوچ pooch nonsense, stupid, absurd, senseless 4 adj. 1576100373187 پوده poodá rotten, worm holed, putrified, wet 2 adj. 1576947921607 پوی pooy understanding, having understood, knowledgable (spoken form of پوهه) 4 adj. true 1527820169 پوړ poR green, immature, unripe, raw, uncooked 4 adj. 1573151449621 پوړیز poReez layered, floored (په دوه پوريزو چبرکټونو کې - on bunk beds) 4 adj. 1582316603483 پورتینی porteenáy upper, above 4 adj. 1582390092514 پورتنی portináy upper, above 4 adj. 1670563393263 پوشیده posheedá hidden, secret, unknown, clandestine adj. 1576952412644 پوست post soft, tender, gentle, loosened 3 adj. پاسته paastu پست past 1527815998 پراخ ټنډی praakh TanDay smiling, cheerful 4 adj. 1527812013 پراخ praakh, paráakh wide, broad, spacious, vast 4 adj. 1678446438781 پراخه praakha wide, broad, spacious, vast (پراخ) adj. 1527819532 پردی pradáy, prudáy foreign, unrelated, another('s) 4 adj. 1586962894002 پړسمن pRasmún rotten, spoiled; swollen up 4 adj. 1661754452813 پرت prat connected, linked, attached 4 adj. 1661754271545 پرته prata foolish, stupid, nonsensical 4 adj. 1527816333 پرې pre cut, decisive, final 4 adj. 1586962689949 پریړ preeR thick, fat 4 adj. 1661534462953 پرېکونی prekóonay decisive, categorical, crucial 4 adj. 1661534399042 پرېکنده prekunda deciscive, categorical, crucial 2 adj. 1527818866 پرېوان prewaan abundant, abounding in 4 adj. 1527816293 پریمانه praymaana lots, galore, lavish, profuse 4 adj. 1527813148 پروت prot lying, lying down or on, located, situated 4 adj. پراته praatu پرت prat 1527815194 په کار pu kaar necessary, needed, required 4 adj. 1577391018732 په سر pu săr being worn (like a hat or a veil on the head) 4 adj. 1605351874320 په سد pu sud concious, conscientious, intelligent 4 adj. true 1527819204 په زړه خیرن pu zRu kheeran malevolent, malicious, spiteful, evil 4 adj. 1577058394256 په زړه پوری pu zRu pooray, pu zRu poray interesting, entertaining, attractive, pleasant 4 adj. 1527823730 پک puk bald 4 adj. 1527823674 پخی pukháy mangy, scabby, suffering from some sort of itchy skin condition 4 adj. 1527812009 پخلا pUkhlaa reconciled 4 adj. 1527819955 پلوي pulawee alongside, neighbouring, adjoining 4 adj. 1527811255 پلولی pulawulay castrated, neutered 3 adj. 1659634553866 پڼ puN full, filled, bursting 2 adj. 1527819059 پنډ punD thick, fat 4 adj. 1527820674 پړ puR guilty, overcome, conquered 4 adj. 1527818605 پرکار pUrkáar full, stuffed, crowded, well-made 4 adj. 1527820347 پرلیکه purleeka on-line (computer neologism) 4 adj. 1527813577 پرمختللی purmakhtlulay advanced, developed, enhanced 4 adj. 1661754437684 پرت purt weak, useless, out of place, remote 2 adj. 1566476476835 پسمانده pusmáanda backward, undeveloped (from Urdu) 4 adj. 1527820142 پستي pUstee postal, post 4 adj. 1527815201 پټ puT hidden 4 adj. 1 1527817644 پټي پالا puTee paaláa secret, hidden, concealed; disordered, distressed 2 adj. 1527822171 پڅ puts dull, blunt, stupid, crude, rough (پڅه چاړه - a dull knife) 4 adj. 1 1527811305 پښېمانه pxemáana regretful, contrite 4 adj. 1 1703655309874 پښېمانه کېدل pxemaana kedúl to regret, to become regretful, contrite 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527811305 regret 1 1703655315249 پښېمانه کول pxemaana kawúl to make regret, to make regretful, contrite 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527811305 make regret 1527815205 پیاوړی pyaawáRay powerful, strong, great 4 adj. 1527811322 قابل qaabíl worthy, deserving; able, capable, talented 3 adj. 1 1527814893 قادر qaadir able, capable, competent, powerful, mighty (Arabic - religious) 3 adj. 1527822025 قائم qaaím established, standing, in place, vertical, persistent 4 adj. 1675282449481 قامي qaamee national, pertaining to the people/tribe adj. 1527812729 قانع qaani convinced, persuaded, satisfied 4 adj. 1527816510 قانوني qaanoonee legal 4 adj. 1573056474440 قاتېدونکی qaatedóonkay foldable, folding 3 adj. 1527822026 قایم qaayím established, standing, in place, vertical, persistent 4 adj. 1 1527813141 قبایلي qabaayulee tribal 4 adj. 1678361582289 قبیلوي qabeelawee tribal adj. 1527817551 قدامت پسند qadaamat pasand conservative, traditionalist 3 adj. 1527822331 قدیم qadéem ancient, old, archaic 4 adj. 1586429708302 قدرمن qadurman esteemed, valued, respected, dear 4 adj. 1527820000 قلابند qalaabánd besieged, surrounded 3 adj. 1663856690803 قلب qalb broken (terrain) 4 adj. 1527820427 قمري qamree lunar 4 adj. 1527823075 قناعت بخش qanaa'at bakhsh, qanaat bakhsh satisfactory, convincing (ie. of an answer) 3 adj. 1527811560 قندي qandee sugar, sugary 4 adj. 1527821432 قرار qaráar quiet, peaceful, calm, established, constant, stable, agreed 3 adj. 1708000793375 قرارول qaraarawúl to calm, make peaceful, settle 3 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527821432 calm 1708000796516 قرارېدل qaraaredúl to calm down, get quiet, settle 3 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527821432 calm down 1527820935 قصدي qasdée intended, planned, forced 3 adj. 1527814735 قطعي qatee decisive, categorical, conclusive 3 adj. 1527813514 قوي qawee strong, mighty, powerful 3 adj. 1602011514447 قید ګیر qayd géer restrictive 2 adj. 1527814661 قضایي qazaayee judicial; recompense, doing a religious duty later that was missed at an earlier time 3 adj. 1527815209 قیمته qeemata expensive 3 adj. 1527818079 قیمتي qeematée expensive, valuable 4 adj. 1 1527820100 قومي qomee, qaumee national, tribal 4 adj. 1527818597 قدرتي qUdratée natural, naturally, wild 3 adj. 1527819465 قطبي qUtbee polar 4 adj. 1585477181146 قوتناک qUwatnáak strong, powerful 4 adj. 1656194925657 قوتور qUwatwar strong, powerful 4 adj. 1678367097885 راډیکال raaDeekaal radical adj. 1527820018 راګیر raagéer enveloped, surrounded, grasped, captured 4 adj. 1527813412 راهسکېدونکی raahaskedóonkay rising, growing up 3 adj. 1527822016 رائج raaíj in circulation, disseminated, popular, generally accepted 3 adj. 1566471977104 راجع raají' pertaining to, relating to 3 adj. 1527820803 راجستر raajistur registered 3 adj. 1527818067 راژوندی raajzwundáy resurrected, back to life 4 adj. 1627222747130 راکټي raakaTee (pertaining to) rocket, missile adj. 1527818202 راکوز raakooz down, descended 4 adj. 1527820933 راپورې raapore over/across to me/us/here 4 adj. 1527815744 راروان raarawaan coming, on the way 4 adj. 1527814730 راسخ raasikh firm, unwavering 4 adj. 1527811334 راست ګو raast go straightforward, frank 3 adj. 1527811335 راست ګوی raast gooy straightforward, frank 3 adj. 1527813943 راستون raastoon returned, come back 4 adj. راستانه raastaanu راستن raastan 1573149745962 راتاو raataaw encircling, surrounding, wrapped arround 4 adj. 1527815713 راتلونکی raatlóonkay coming, future 4 adj. 1527820101 راټول raaTol gathered, brought together, assembled, collected 3 adj. 1527820412 راڅرګند raatsargund clear, obvious, apparent 4 adj. 1578010091515 راویښ raawéex awake, awoken, alert, watchful, vigilant 3 adj. 1527812274 راضي raazee agreeable, satisfied, pleased 4 adj. 1579042708851 ربطي rabtee linking, connecting, copulative (grammar) 3 adj. 1578191119801 ربل rabúl accepted, deemed worthy of, deserving 2 adj. 1527816766 رډ raD bold, stubborn, impudent, shameless, immodest 3 adj. 1527818002 رغنده rághanda constructive 2 adj. 1595259167229 رها rahaa free, released 3 adj. 1527822176 رهي rahee going, setting out, proceeding, dispatched 2 adj. 1527815218 رحیم raheem merciful (of God, Arabic) 4 adj. 1527817438 رحم دل rahm dil sympathetic, merciful 3 adj. 1527816540 رجیم rajeem cursed, damned, accursed 2 adj. 1576369607313 ړندکی Randukáy blind (diminutive of ړوند) 3 adj. 1527817574 رنځمن randzman sick, ill, distressed, pained 3 adj. 1527817572 رنځور randzóor sick, ill, distressed, pained 4 adj. 1527817573 رنځړی randzuRay sick, ill, distressed, pained 3 adj. 1527820295 رنګه rangá colourful, multicoloured, chromatic 3 adj. 1527820294 رنګارنګ rangaaráng colourful, multicoloured 3 adj. 1527820296 رنګین rangéen colourful, multicoloured, pretty, beautiful 4 adj. 1 1527818041 رسمي rasmée official 4 adj. 1527814190 رسوا riswáa, raswáa disgraced, shamed 3 adj. 1527816532 رټل شوی raTul shuway cursed, damned, accursed 4 adj. 1527816534 رټلی raTulay punished, disciplined, penalized, cursed 4 adj. 1527816274 روا rawáa allowed, permitted, accepted, acceptable 4 adj. 1 1527812409 روان rawaan going, moving, proceeding, flowing; coming, current; fluent 4 adj. 1584519024078 رواني rawaanee psychological, mental 4 adj. 1527819226 روزنیز rawzunéez, rozunéez educative, instructive, educational, pedagogic 3 adj. 1527821897 رذیل razéel base, vile, disgraceful 4 adj. 1576103562067 ریچې ریچې reeché reeché shattered, smashed 3 adj. 1527816291 ریچن reechun full of lice, infested with lice 4 adj. 1612613946350 ریښتونی reextóonay truthful 4 adj. 1 1527814378 رېمن reman filthy, foul, dirty, grimy, mucky 2 adj. 1582390708451 رېښمانګی rexmaangáy silk, silken 4 adj. 1582390642789 رېښمین rexméen silk, silken 4 adj. 1588150138614 رېزه رېزه reza reza ground up, chopped up, ground to bits 4 adj. 1527822380 رښتین rixteen faithful, dedicated, sincere, true, correct 4 adj. 1527811507 رښتینی rixtéenay true, truthful, righteous, good 4 adj. 1527812142 رښتنی rixtínay truthful, true 3 adj. 1527812160 رښتیامل rixtiyaamal truthful 3 adj. 1527823720 رښتیانی rixtiyaanay true, truthful, genuine 4 adj. 1527812161 رښتونی rixtóonay truthful 4 adj. 1527814744 ریاضي riyaazee mathematical 4 adj. 1527821120 رضامن rizaaman agreeing, consenting 4 adj. 1527821121 رضامند rizaamand agreeing, consenting 4 adj. 1527814277 روغ rogh healthy, well, intact, good, built-up 4 adj. 1527816847 روغتیایي roghtiyaayee healthy, heath, related to health 3 adj. 1527811673 روږدی rooGdáy, roGdáy addicted, addict; used to, adjusted to, accustomed to 3 adj. 1577218776062 روحاني roohaanee spiritual 4 adj. 1611401291814 روحي roohee spiritual 4 adj. 1527822854 ړومبی Roombáy first, before 4 adj. 1576596860977 روڼ rooN shiny, bright, clear, enlightened, transparent 4 adj. راڼه raaNu رڼ raN 1645512405872 روڼ انده rooN anda open-minded, intellectual, progressive, liberal 4 adj. 1527811971 ړوند Roond blind 4 adj. ړانده Raandu ړند Rand 1 1578317852261 رویکار rooyikaar in operation, carried out, executed 2 adj. 1645512384636 روشن فکر roshun fikur open-minded, intellectual, progressive, liberal 4 adj. 1586364023414 روښان roxáan bright, luminous, radiant, intellectual, lucid 4 adj. 1527815227 روښانه roxáana clear, enlightened, lit 3 adj. 1 1527811336 رک ruk straightforward, straight, open 2 adj. 1527821273 رک ruk clear, open, frank, straightforward 2 adj. 1527815235 ړنګ Rung demolished, ruined, dissolved 4 adj. 1527812943 ثابت saabít constant, firm, fixed, stable, established, proven 4 adj. 1 1527816482 ثابت قدم saabit qadam sure, steadfast, firm, loyal, devoted, constant 3 adj. 1527817440 ساده دل saada dil naive, simple minded 2 adj. 1527812144 صادق saadiq faithful, true, truthful, honest, loyal, righteous 4 adj. 1527818830 صادراتي saadiraatee export 4 adj. 1527817611 صاف باطن saaf baatín pure, innocent, chaste 2 adj. 1527811342 صاف ګو saaf go open, frank, sincere person 2 adj. 1527817356 ساحلي saahilee seaside, on the coast 4 adj. 1591804481890 ساحرانه saahiraana magical 4 adj. 1678087660181 ساکا saakaa Scythian adj. 1527821220 ساکښ saakax living (creature), animate 4 adj. 1527822450 ساکن saakín immovable, motionless; calm, tranquil, quiet; static 4 adj. 1671085640593 صالح saalíh good, decent, worthy, pious, competent adj. 1527817855 سالم saalím healthy, sound, whole, intact, well 4 adj. 1 1527822304 ساړ saaR thirsty, parching, dry, lean, barren, bald, neat, crude short 2 adj. 1666108914397 ساري saarée infectious, contagious, communicable 4 adj. 1527811932 ساینسي saayinsee scientific 4 adj. 1578320691268 ساز saaz made, manufactured; well, healthy, proper, appropriate 4 adj. 1527822116 سبایي sabaayee in the morning, morning 3 adj. 1527811329 صدیق saddeeq true, sincere, sincerity 4 adj. 1527815244 صفا safáa clean, clear, transparent, tidy 3 adj. 1 1708355736124 صفا کول safaa kawúl to clean, clear up 3 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527815244 clean 1 1708355738799 صفا کېدل safaa kedúl to be cleaned, cleared up 3 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527815244 be cleaned up 1527822263 صغیر saghéer small (ګناه صغير - minor sin cf. ګناه کبير - major sin); underage, under legal age, juvenile, minor 3 adj. 1664878705958 سهارنی sahaaranáy morning (adj.) 4 adj. 1655509561631 سهي sahée right, correct, true, proper صحیح 4 adj. 1527813557 صحیح sahéeh, sahée, saée correct, right, true, accurate 3 adj. TRUE 1 1708825013062 صحیح کول saheeh kawúl to correct, make right 3 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527813557 correct 1 1708825021759 صحیح کېدل saheeh kedúl to be corrected 3 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527813557 be corrected 1527818834 سهم ګر sahm gár frightening, terror, terrifying 3 adj. 1527812963 سخي sakhee generous 4 adj. 1527815246 سخت sakht hard, difficult, tough, strong 4 adj. 1 1527820088 سخت دریځ sakht dareedz hardline, extremist 4 adj. 1527817441 سخت دل sakht díl heard-hearted, cruel, heartless, callous 4 adj. 1527817442 سخت زړی sakht zúRay heard-hearted, cruel, heartless, callous 4 adj. 1675282611623 سختدریځ sakhtdaréedz hardline, extremist adj. 1586373647199 سختسری sakhtsăray having a stern temper or disposition 3 adj. true 1577816679306 سلامت salaamat well, fine; whole 4 adj. 1527816075 سلیم saleem peaceful, gentle, calm, meek, humble; safe and sound, well (Arabic) 3 adj. 1527821271 سلیس salées clear, intelligible, expressive 2 adj. 1527815316 سم sam, sum correct, right, fine 3 adj. 1577557430798 سماعي samaa'ee traditional; audio 3 adj. 1594814427634 سمندري samandarée sea- 4 adj. 1 1527813434 سمبال sambaal adornment, decoration; adjustment, arranging, adjusted, settled, arranged 3 adj. 1527813641 سمبولیک samboleek symbolic 4 adj. 1527821984 صمیمي sameemee cordial, sincere, heartfelt 2 adj. 1527818153 سمسور samsór fresh, blooming, flourishing, almost ripe 4 adj. 1666397302353 سمتي samtee regional 3 adj. 1527821145 صنعتي san'atée industrial, manufactured 4 adj. 1527813285 سناري sanaaree red 3 adj. 1527817443 سنګ دل sang dil heard-hearted, cruel, heartless, callous 4 adj. 1527814080 سنګین sangeen bayonet; stone, paved; serious; heavy 4 adj. 1527817444 سنګین دل sangeen díl cruel, heartless, ruthless 3 adj. 1527813085 ثقیل saqeel heavy, difficult, hard to digest, indigestible, lazy, burdensome 4 adj. 1527816171 سراسیمه săraaseema confused, perplexed; hurrying, bustling 3 adj. 1527816933 سرباز sărbaaz bold, courageous, selfless; bold, daredevil; (rarely can be) soldier, military man 4 adj. 1527811559 سرچپه sărchapa overturned, tipped over, upside down, inverted, turned over 3 adj. 1527821260 صریح sareeh clear, evident, explicit 4 adj. 1527814901 سرفراز sărfaraaz respectable, honorable 4 adj. 1527815902 سرګردان sărgardaan wandering, roaming, confused, bewildered, overwhelmed 4 adj. 1527815903 سرګردانه sărgardaana wandering, roaming, confused, bewildered, overwhelmed 4 adj. 1527819960 سرکار پلوه sărkaar paláwa pro government, loyal to the state 3 adj. 1527819485 سرکاري sărkaaree government, state, official 3 adj. 1527821297 سرکش sărkásh insubordinate, rebellious 3 adj. 1664025779149 سرکښ sărkáx insubordinate, rebellious 4 adj. 1662631080337 سرخرېیلی sărkhre`yúlay with a shaved head 4 adj. 1527816596 سرکوب sărkób towering above, overseeing, dominating, overseen, supervisor, supervised 4 adj. 1527814900 سرلوړی sărlwaRay respectable, honorable 4 adj. 1573767094577 سرلوړی sărlwáRay, sărlóRay respectable, honorable 3 adj. 1527813729 سروتن sarootan identical, equal 2 adj. 1527823748 سرپټی sărpáTay shelter ??, with covered head 3 adj. 1527821777 سرسبز sărsábz green, turning green, blooming; fertile 4 adj. 1573150016066 سرسخت sărsakht obstinate, hardened 4 adj. 1527816296 سرسري sărsaree superficial, superficially, outward, outwardly; rash, easy 3 adj. 1582335082733 سرتنبه sărtamba stubborn, obstinate 2 adj. 1527821058 سرتړونی sartaRóonay covering the head (attributive) 3 adj. 1527822958 سرتېز sărtéz hot, fiery, quick-tempered, hot-tempered; pointed 3 adj. 1527822799 سرتور sărtór uncovered (head), bare-headed, without a hat; defenceless, unprotected 4 adj. 1527813067 سست کاری sast káaray lazy, slow working 4 adj. 1610800769369 سطحي sat`hee surface, superficial, shallow 4 adj. 1527819629 سوداګریز sawdaagareez, sodaagareez business, pertaining to business or trade 4 adj. 1578014151000 سودایي sawdaayee, sodaayee worried, anxious, concerned; in thought (about) 3 adj. 1527821936 سوق الجیشي sawq aljayshee strategic 1 adj. 1610618046476 سیخ seekh straight, right, correct (central dialect synonym for سیده or سم) 4 adj. 1678361853184 سیکولر seekoolar secular adj. 1678365683272 سیمه ایز seema eez local, regional adj. 1586616831158 سیمه ییز seema yeez regional, local 4 adj. 1527817586 سینه داغی seena dáaghay sad, downcast, distressed 2 adj. 1527817594 سینه کباب seena kabáab worn out with suffering, exhausted 2 adj. 1527817589 سینه سوخته seena sokhtá exhausted, worn out, very tired; dejected, discouraged 2 adj. 1527817588 سینه سوز seena sóz exhausted, worn out, very tired; dejected, discouraged 2 adj. 1589885333888 سېوا sewáa above and beyond, in addition to, more 4 adj. 1527820968 شاد shaad happy, glad, joyful 4 adj. 1527816883 شامل shaamíl included, involved, blended 4 adj. 1 1704702115413 شاملول shaamilawúl to include, blend, join 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527816883 include 1 1704702122473 شاملېدل shaamiledúl to be included, blended, join 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527816883 be included 1527817617 شان مان shaan máan disturbed, distressed 2 adj. 1527815980 شاندار shaandaar magnificent, majestic, outstanding, splendid 3 adj. 1527821543 شاقه shaaqá hard, difficult 3 adj. 1527813096 شاړ shaaR lazy, suggish, unkempt, uncultivated 2 adj. 1527813097 شاړي واړي shaaRee waaRee lazy, sluggish, clumsy 2 adj. 1527813069 شډل shaDal rough, clumsy, impolite, lazy, unproductive 3 adj. 1527818880 شفاف shafáaf transparent, (translucent?) 3 adj. 1527822592 شفوي shafawee labial, bilabial (linguistics) 2 adj. 1578414448765 شک shak upright, on end, sticking up 4 adj. 1 1582659165416 شکي shakee, shukee doubtful, doubting, suspicious 4 adj. 1594218241691 شخ shakh firm, hard, rigid, tight, rooted 4 adj. 1527815264 شخصي shakhsee private, personal 4 adj. 1527820917 شکمن shakmán doubtful, suspicious 4 adj. 1 1610447951207 شکور shakóor very thankful, grateful 4 adj. 1586428048737 شل و شوټ shal-U-shooT having deformed hands and feet, disabled 4 adj. 1527819464 شمالي shamáalee northern, north 3 adj. 1527820793 شناختي shanaakhtee pertaining to acquaintance, knowing, identification, recognition 3 adj. 1527817262 شنډ shanD barren, sterile, unfruitful, neutralized, diffused 4 adj. 1 1527812378 شرعي shar'ee according to or pertaining to Islamic Sharia law 4 adj. 1527820538 شرافتمند sharaafatmand honourable, upstanding 3 adj. 1578097019080 شریف sharéef honourable, noble, high, reknown 3 adj. 1 1619278347723 شریر sharéer evil, wicked 4 adj. اشرار ashraar 1527817807 شرمنده sharmandá ashamed, embarrassed, modest, shy 4 adj. 1 1703655517735 شرمنده کول sharmanda kawúl to shame, make embarrased 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527817807 shame 1703655522759 شرمنده کېدل sharmanda kedúl to be ashamed, embarrased 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527817807 be ashamed 1 1527823202 شوقي shawqée, shoqée desirous for something, interested in something, enthusiastic about something 4 adj. 1 1527823203 شوقین shawqéen, shoqéen desirous for something, interested in something, enthusiastic about something 4 adj. 1 1527815265 شین sheen green, blue; unripe, immature; bright, sunny 4 adj. شنه shnu شن shn 1 1527813374 شیرین sheereen sweet; pleasant, kind 3 adj. 1527813376 شیرین زبان sheereen zabaan sweet-tongued, eloquent, affectionate 2 adj. 1527818924 شیرګرم sheergarm lukewarm, tepid 4 adj. 1527811462 شېوه shewa lowered, let down, sunken 2 adj. 1527813702 شګاره shigaara pregnant with calf 2 adj. 1527821991 شلخي shilakhée blank (cartridge, round, fire) 2 adj. 1527819458 شمالي shimáalee, shamáalee northern, north 4 adj. 1527818384 شناخته shnáakhta acquainted, known, recognized 4 adj. 1527814539 شوده shoda foolish, stupid, simpleton 3 adj. 1527821471 شوخ shokh mischievous, naughty, playful, cheeky, fun 4 adj. 1527821472 شوخ چشم shokh chashm having crafty or lively eyes 2 adj. 1586428190205 شوخ و شخ shokh-U-shákh immodest, brazen 3 adj. 1594833736380 شوخي shokhée mischievous, naughty, playful, cheeky, fun 3 adj. 1527813426 شوم shoom stingy, miserly, closefisted 4 adj. 1527819170 شوم shoom ill-fated, unlucky, ill-fated 2 adj. 1527822948 شومله shoomlá old, decrepit, worn out 1 adj. 1527813853 شونی shóonay possible, plausible 4 adj. 1527811977 شونټی shoonTáy disabled, invalid 2 adj. 1527815277 شوروي shorawee Soviet 3 adj. 1590838933220 شپاړسم shpaaRasum sixteenth 4 adj. 1527823598 شپنی shpanáy at night, pertaining to something at night 3 adj. 1589025464021 شپېتم shpetum sixtieth 4 adj. 1588689159821 شپږم shpuGum sixth 4 adj. 1527819231 شپږم shpuGum, shpaGum sixth 4 adj. 1527813100 شړم shRam loose, loose-hanging, poorly attached, lazy, clumsy 2 adj. 1527814903 شته من shtu man rich, wealthy 3 adj. 1527814902 شتمن shtuman rich, wealthy 3 adj. 1527818773 شبهه ناک shUbha náak dubious, suspicious 2 adj. 1527813211 شکر ګذار shUkur gUzaar thankful, appreciative 1 adj. 1591805227037 شله shúla, shla insistent, persistent, importunate 4 adj. 1589025148202 شلم shulum twentieth 4 adj. 1527811235 شوار shwaar spread out, laid out, straddled 1 adj. 1527815288 صحت مند sihhat mund healthy 3 adj. 1571526876342 صحي sihhée hygenic, sanitary, healthy, health 4 adj. 1675252112032 سلګونه silgóona hundreds of adj. 1527815471 سیاسي siyaasee political 4 adj. 1589907084008 سخا skhaa rotten, foul, putrid 3 adj. 1 1709149256052 سخا کول skhaa kawúl to (make) rot 3 v. stat. comp. trans. 1589907084008 rot 1709149258827 سخا کېدل skhaa kedúl to rot 3 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1589907084008 rot 1 1527822302 سخر skhur bald, bald-headed 1 adj. 1586634499416 سخواړ skhwaaR having a flat/duck-like nose 2 adj. 1527817384 سوکال sokaal comfortable, at rest, at ease 4 adj. 1527817597 سوخته sokhta burned, scorched, tired out, worn out 4 adj. 1527816460 سوله خوښوونکی sola khwuxawóonkay peace loving, peacable 4 adj. 1527821052 سوله ییز sola yeez peaceful 4 adj. 1527817149 سوچه soocha pure, genuine, unmixed 4 adj. 1527818468 سودمند soodmánd advantageous, profitable 3 adj. 1 1527821407 سوک موک sook mook wrinkled 3 adj. 1527822744 سونګټ soongúT wrinkled, numb, stiff, stiff with cold 3 adj. 1527813293 سور soor red; hot; angry 4 adj. سره sru سر sr 1527813273 سورکی soorkáy red, scarlet 3 adj. 1576946674316 سوتره sootrá clean, neat, tidy 3 adj. 1527813068 سوړ soR, sooR cold, cool; patient; lazy; inactive; satisfied 4 adj. ساړه saaRu سړ saR 1 1701943782864 سړول saRawúl to cool, make cold 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527813068 سړيخواره saReekhwaarú 1701943833082 سړېدل saRedúl to cool down, to get cold 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527813068 سړیخور saReekhwar 1 1701943860322 سړيخور saReekhór man-eater, cannibal 4 n. m. anim. unisex 1600080053835 سور sor riding, mounted (Pakistani) 4 adj. سواره swaaru سور swar 1630938741196 سورور sorawár wide, open 4 adj. 1578329248464 سپین speen white (fig. clear, honest, beautiful) 4 adj. 1 1527811785 سپین اندامی speen andáamay handsome 4 adj. 1527817606 سپین مخی speen múkhay white faced, honest, honorable, innocent 4 adj. 1527817452 سپین سترګی speen stúrgay rude, insolent, thankless 3 adj. 1527811338 سپین زړی speen zúRay sincere hearted, candid, trusting 3 adj. 1591805070681 سپینپوست speenpóst white (skinned person) 4 adj. 1527822575 سپېره sperú gray; infertile, barren; dirty, soiled; deathly pale, sallow; unfortunate, ill-fated; unfit, useless; ruined, devastated 4 adj. 1527822574 سپېره شان speru sháan grayish 4 adj. 1527818109 سپېڅلی spetsúlay absolutely or perfectly clean, uncontaminated, pure (holy, magnificent – سپيڅلي??) 4 adj. 1527814894 سپیڅلی spaytsúlay holy, magnificent 4 adj. 1610447888169 سپور spor stale, dry (bread/crust); offensive, unpleasant (word) 4 adj. 1527813498 سپک spuk light; dishonorable, not respectable 4 adj. 1527814841 سراښ sraax greedy, miserly, stingy 2 adj. 1582316966890 سریښناک sreexnaak sticky, adhesive 4 adj. 1527811301 ستومانه stomáana tired, exhausted, worn out 4 adj. 1 1703655437148 ستومانه کول stomaana kawúl to make tired, to exhaust, to wear out 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527811301 make tired 1703655440540 ستومانه کېدل stomaana kedúl to become tired, to be exhaused, worn out 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527811301 become tired 1 1527819505 ستون stoon returned, returning, being (in a place after returning, coming back etc.), delayed, late, lagging 3 adj. ستانه staanu ستن stan 1527820178 ستونزمن stoonzmán difficult, hard, problematic, fraught with difficulties, tough, awkward 3 adj. 1527820179 ستونزمنه stoonzmána difficult, hard, problematic, fraught with difficulties, tough, awkward 3 adj. 1678446764580 ستراتیژیک straateejzéek strategic adj. 1527811860 ستر stur big, large, great 3 adj. 1586373700088 سترګه وال sturga wáal clear-seeing, observant, intelligent, one with eyes to see, discerning 4 adj. 1527818455 سترګه ور sturga wúr clear-seeing, observant, intelligent, one with eyes to see, discerning 4 adj. 1527818457 سترګور sturgawúr clear-seeing, observant, intelligent, one with eyes to see, discerning (سترګه ور) 4 adj. 1527820362 سده sUdá pure, uncontaminated; genuine, real 3 adj. 1527822290 سډر sUDúr bald, balding, mangy, scabby 1 adj. 1527811934 سږ suG this, the current 4 adj. 1527811742 سږنی suGunáy this, current 4 adj. 1527818881 سهیلي sUhaylee southern 2 adj. 1527821054 صلح آمېز sUlha améz peaceful, peace-loving 4 adj. true 1589025266347 سلم sulúm hundredth 4 adj. 1527813286 سناري sUnaaree golden, gilded 3 adj. 1678361172157 سنتي sUnnatee do with Sunnah, religious adj. 1676484831429 سرخروی sUrkhróoy glorious, lustrous, proud, palmy adj. 1527813092 سست sust, sUst, sast weak; slow, sluggish, lazy; loose, slack 4 adj. 1527822745 سټکوری suTkóoray burned, charred; wrinkling, puckering; seared, scorched; frozen stiff with cold; withered 4 adj. 1527821951 سوی súway burned 4 adj. 1 1618426953106 سواد دار swaad dáar, sawaad dáar educated 4 adj. 1527816353 سوب swab ready, present 2 adj. 1527819964 سوځېدونکی swadzedóonkay burning 4 adj. 1527816875 سوېلي swelee southern 2 adj. 1527817529 تعلیمي ta'leemee educational, pertaining to eduction 4 adj. 1527822938 تعمیراتي ta'meeraatee pertaining to building, construction 4 adj. 1527822937 تعمیري ta'meerée pertaining to building, construction 4 adj. 1527820615 تعرضي ta'rUzee offensive, attacking, pertaining to attack 4 adj. 1527813735 تابع taabi submitting, subordinate, submissive, dependant, in agreement with (د چا تابع) 4 adj. 1527813736 تابع دار taabi daar at someone's service, submitting, devoted, obedient, obeying 4 adj. 1588786098052 تابیا taabyáa ready, made, done 4 adj. 1661534427131 ټاکند Táakand decisive, categorical, crucial 4 adj. 1527812382 تاکیدي taakeedee final, categorical, peremptory 4 adj. 1527818275 ټاکنیز Taakuneez electoral, election 4 adj. 1575057323596 تالیمن taaleemán lucky, fortunate 4 adj. 1575057352250 طالعمن taaliman lucky, fortunate 3 adj. 1575057359782 طالعمند taalimand lucky, fortunate 3 adj. 1527822417 ټانټس TaanTás dull-witted, stupid, of limited intelligence 3 adj. 1527822301 تاس taas bald, bald-headed 4 adj. 1588159413543 تاش پتاش taash putáash scattered, thrown about, sparse 4 adj. 1527814474 تاشله taashula wide and shallow (for describing dishes) 3 adj. 1527814955 تاشله taashula wide and shallow (for describing dishes) 3 adj. 1577398574957 تاو taaw twisted, wrapped, surrounding 4 adj. 1527811746 تاواني taawaanee damaged, hurt, experienced loss 4 adj. 1527815056 تاوتریخجن taawtreekhjin violent 4 adj. 1527815327 تازه taaza fresh 4 adj. 1527815958 تازه دم taaza dam fresh, new 4 adj. 1527812387 تباه tabáah destroyed, perished 4 adj. 1 1527817329 تباه حال tabaah haal annihilated, destroyed 4 adj. 1527817328 تباه کن tabaah kUn destroying, destructive, annihilating 4 adj. 1678366096445 طبقاتي tabaqaatee pertaining to class adj. 1527811216 طبیعي tabee'ee natural 4 adj. 1527820997 تدافعي tadaafu'ee defensive, defence 4 adj. 1527818713 تدریجي tadreejee gradual 4 adj. 1527815940 تدریسي tadreesee related to learning, education; educational 4 adj. 1527823119 تفهمده tafahmda understood (from Farsi) 3 adj. 1527819562 ټګری ټګری Tagúray Tagúray torn into pieces 4 adj. 1589020766261 تهاجمي tahaajUmee offensive, attacking 4 adj. 1527818920 تهن tahán lukewarm, tepid 3 adj. 1527814762 تحلیلي tahleelee analytical 4 adj. 1527817136 تحمیلي tahmeelee imposed 4 adj. 1527823460 تحت صفر taht-i-sifur below zero (temperature) 4 adj. 1527823124 تجربه کار tajraba káar, tajriba kaar experienced 4 adj. 1 1584518668545 ټکنی Takanáy holding back, stuck, stubborn, balky, clogged 4 adj. 1690461105719 تخیلي takhayyUlée imaginary, assumed, fantastic, dreamy, romantic 3 adj. TRUE 1527822935 تخلیقي takhleeqée creative 4 adj. 1527821494 تخمیني takhmeenee estimated, guessing, hypothetical, approximate; imaginary 4 adj. 1594814152371 تخنیکي takhneekée technical 4 adj. 1527820123 تخته takhtá compact, condensed, compressed 4 adj. 1527822049 تکړه takRá strong, energetic, skillful, great, competent 4 adj. 1 1620760084473 تکتیکي takteekee tactical 4 adj. 1527815331 تعلیم یافته taleem yaaftá educated 4 adj. 1 1577550900580 تلول talwál abundant, plentiful 4 adj. 1577551485470 تم tam waiting, stopped, held 4 adj. 1527815770 تمام tamáam all, the whole; finished, completed 4 adj. 1 1527821884 تمدن والا tamadUn waalaa civilized 4 adj. 1527818917 تمڼ tamaN lukewarm, tepid 4 adj. 1527818918 تمڼی tamaNay lukewarm, tepid 4 adj. 1527813066 ټمبل Tambál lazy 4 adj. 1527820181 تنبل tambál lazy 3 adj. 1527813084 تن پرور tan parwar soft, effeminate, delicate, lazy, slow-moving, glutton 4 adj. 1626764783732 تنفسي tanafUsee respiratory 4 adj. 1527818855 ټنډ TanD fat, swollen up, stout 3 adj. 1527818856 ټنډه TanDa pregnant (outside of wedlock?) 4 adj. 1612609262751 تندی tandáy round 4 adj. 1527811769 تنډو tanDoo big-bellied, pot-bellied (colloquial) 4 adj. 1527819943 تندرست tandrÚst healthy, fit, chubby 4 adj. 1 1527819944 تندروست tanduroost healthy, fit, chubby 4 adj. 1527813817 تنګ tang narrow, tight, cramped, constrained; troubled, bothered, annoyed 4 adj. 1 1527817426 تنګ دل tang dil miserly, stingy, not generous 4 adj. 1527818798 تنګ حوصله tang hawsilá impatient, anxious, hasty, grumpy 4 adj. 1527813271 تنګ تروش tang troosh very tight or narrow 4 adj. 1527819235 تنګلاسی tanglaasáy needy, in need, poor 4 adj. 1527814020 تنکی tankáy small, fine, dellicate, little, young 4 adj. 1611401435945 تنخا tankháa salary, wage, pay 4 adj. 1675435108751 طنزي tanzee satirical, ironic adj. 1527818355 تپه تیاره tapa tiyaara pitch black, absolutely black 4 adj. 1527820978 تربت tarbút compressed, squeezed, stuffed 4 adj. 1527811568 تری تم taray tam disappeared, lost, vanished, missing 4 adj. 1527819628 ترهګریز tarhagaréez terrorist, pertaining to terrorism 4 adj. 1527814246 ترکیبي tarkeebee compound, composite, complex, complicated, synthetic 4 adj. 1527816401 ترور taróor confused, flustered, upset, distressed, embarrassed 4 adj. 1611767359178 ترسناک tarsnáak compassionate 4 adj. 1527813406 تړلی taRúlay bound, tied, closed 4 adj. 1 1527814340 ترقي یافته taruqqee yaaftá advanced, developed 4 adj. 1 1527815338 تسلي بخش tasallee bákhsh consoling, reassuring, satisfying, satisfactory 4 adj. 1527818394 تشریفاتي tashreefaatee formal, ceremonial, done out of protocol; honour, honourable 3 adj. 1610455734519 تصویري tasweeree visual, pictured 4 adj. 1589021654910 تطبیقي tatbeeqee applied 3 adj. 1527818919 تودوکی tawdóokay lukewarm, tepid 3 adj. 1527816354 تیار tayáar ready, prepared 4 adj. 1 1527816006 ټیک Teek correct, true, exact, right, good 4 adj. TRUE 1 1527819864 ټیټ TeeT short, low, inferior 4 adj. 1577564227515 تیت teet spread, scattered, disperesed, instilled 4 adj. 1527816991 ټېک Tek residing, settled 4 adj. 1594909405356 ټېلفوني Telifoonee telephone, phone 4 adj. 1527813139 تېر ter last, past, previous, passed, gone over 4 adj. 1527822350 تېر هېر ter her long past, forgotten 4 adj. 1586266481569 تېر هېر ter her long past/gone, forgotten 4 adj. 1611767349960 تېره teru sharp 4 adj. 1527817056 تېز tez sharp, pointed, quick, fast, aggressive 4 adj. 1 1701931041427 تېزول tezawúl to sharpen, make pointed; to speed up, make fast 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527817056 1 1701931086341 تېزېدل tezedúl to get sharpened, pointed; to speed up, get faster 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527817056 1527813899 طبي tibbee medical, medicinal; natural 4 adj. 1527817604 تهي tihée empty, idle, vain 3 adj. 1527811915 طلایي tilaayee golden, golden 4 adj. 1527817664 تود tod warm, hot 4 adj. تاوده taawdu تود tawd 1527815354 توفاني tofaanee stormy 4 adj. 1527816780 توکمیز tokameez racial 3 adj. 1527819782 توکمپال tokampáal racist 3 adj. 1527816783 توکمیزي tokumeezee racial 3 adj. 1527812962 ټولیز Toleez common, public, general 4 adj. 1662619335776 ټولګډونه TolguDóona inclusive, all-inclusive 4 adj. 1676889189206 ټولپوهنیز Tolpohanéez soiological adj. 1662619278050 ټولشمول Tolshamóol inclusive, all-inclusive (ټولشمول حکومت - all-inclusive government) 4 adj. 1527814076 ټولنیز Toluneez social, societal 4 adj. 1579463480564 تومڼ tomáN lukewarm, indifferent, apathetic, unconcerned 3 adj. 1579463492020 تومڼی tomúNay lukewarm, warm 4 adj. 1527822894 توکم پال tookum paal racist 3 adj. 1527818912 تومڼی toomÚNay lukewarm, warm 4 adj. 1589022631931 توند toond sharp, harsh, caustic; fast, quick, swift; acrid, coarse 4 adj. توند toond تند tand 1527820590 توند لاری toond láaray extremist, extravagant, excessive 4 adj. 1527813028 توریالی tooryaaláy brave, courageous, valourous 4 adj. 1586276336971 توریالی tooryaaláy courageous, brave, valiant 4 adj. 1527820431 تورزن toorzán brave, bold, fearless, courageous, daring 4 adj. 1 1574871056550 توتی tóotay ground off, rounded off 2 adj. 1527815365 تور tor black 4 adj. 1 1527817607 تور مخی tor múkhay disgraceful, shameful, dishonered 4 adj. 1527813138 تورن toran accused, charged, being sued, defendant 4 adj. 1527819720 توری toráy black, having a dark complexion 4 adj. 1591805053098 تورپوست torpóst black (skinned person) 4 adj. 1527813835 تورتلب tortalab really black, black as soot, absolutely black 3 adj. 1527822341 تورتپ tortáp see تورتم 4 adj. 1579463390140 توښ tox paying attention, attentive 3 adj. 1579644457295 توی toy poured, shed, spilled, scattered, knocked down (fruit) 4 adj. 1527820436 ترافیکي traafeekee traffic 4 adj. 1527820841 ترانزیتي traanzeetee transit, pertaining to transportation 4 adj. 1593258382116 ترسکونه traskóona tasty, delicious 4 adj. 1527815366 تریخ treekh bitter, hot, spicy (of food); terrible, miserable 4 adj. تراخه traakhu ترخ turkh 1 1527819604 ترینګلی treengúlay tense, stern, grim, sour, moody (person) 4 adj. 1527818789 تریو treew salty, savoury, sour, acid, bitter, grumpy 4 adj. تراوه traawu ترو truw 1576366107077 څک tsak straight, upright, pricked up, erect, alert 4 adj. 1527812957 څک اروا tsak arwaa greedy, eager, hungry, grasping 4 adj. 1590839082693 څلېرویشتم tsalerweeshtum twenty-fourth 4 adj. 1588689159818 څلورم tsalorum fourth 4 adj. 1527819222 څلورم tsalórum fourth 4 adj. 1589025381115 څلوېښت tsalwéxt fortieth 4 adj. 1527822284 څموڅی tsamootsay bald, bald-headed 2 adj. 1624352971513 څڼېور tsaNewár with longer hair 4 adj. 1527822859 څپولی tsapolay dishevelled, messy, curly (with hair etc.) 2 adj. 1527816134 څپڅپانه tsaptsapaana disordered, disturbed, unsettled, grieved, pained 3 adj. 1568411327197 څړه tsaRá solitary, lonely, secluded; travelling without burden/luggage 2 adj. 1610540286200 څرب tsarb fat 4 adj. 1527815370 څرګند tsargúnd clear, obvious, apparent, disclosed 4 adj. 1 1708355928197 څرګنده tsargúnda clear, obvious, apparent, disclosed 4 adj. 1 1527822718 څرخېدونکی tsarkhedóonkay turning, revolving, spinning 3 adj. 1594128581723 څرمني tsarmunee leather 4 adj. 1527818450 څیري tséeree torn, split, ripped 3 adj. 1527811961 څېړنیز tseRuneez investigative, relating to research 3 adj. 1527814250 څواړخیز tsoaaRkheez having many sides, complicated (of a question) 3 adj. 1527822828 څوڅلن tsootslún greedy, covetous, avid 2 adj. 1527820297 څورنګه tsorangá colourful, multicoloured 3 adj. 1590838876921 څوارلسم tswaarlasum fourteenth 4 adj. 1612618964231 څورب tsorb, tswarb fat, plump, husky 4 adj. څاربه tsaarbú څرب tsarb 1590838860408 څورلسم tswarlasum fourteenth 4 adj. 1593792697327 طفلي tUfílee childish, baby-like 3 adj. 1527815381 تږی túGay thirsty 4 adj. 1527820505 ټکي ټکي TUkee TUkee torn into shreds; splattering, drizzling (of rain) 4 adj. 1527819567 ټکر ټکر TUkúr TUkúr, Tukúr Tukúr cut up into pieces, torn up into pieces, destroyed, ruined 4 adj. 1527820506 ټکیالی Tukyaalay spotted, speckled; having a diacritical mark (of a letter) 4 adj. 1527818265 تلپاته tulpaata lasting, everlasting, eternal 4 adj. 1527819383 تلپاتی tulpaatay eternal, everlasting 4 adj. 1527818796 تندخوی tUndkhooy grumbler, grouchy, grumpy 4 adj. 1577400040486 تر tur wet, damp 4 adj. 1577400137676 تر لاسه tur laasa gained, achieved, obtained (used with compound verbs) 4 adj. 1527816128 ترغه turgha sparse, scattered, thrown about, diffused 4 adj. 1527819289 تړم tuRm lukewarm, tepid 4 adj. 1527818238 ترسره tursara, tărsara finished, accomplished, carried out, completed, happened 4 adj. 1527814181 ترش tUrsh sour, dissatisfied, gloomy 4 adj. 1527816121 تس tus thrown, tossed, strewn 4 adj. 1527814907 تش لاسی tush laasay poor, empty handed 4 adj. 1527819236 تشلاسی tushlaasay needy, in need, poor 3 adj. 1527814769 تت tat, tut faint, weak, muffled, dark (of a color) 4 adj. 1 1577551132105 تول twal equal (in weight) 4 adj. 1527816574 افقي UfUqee horizontal 4 adj. 1527821195 عمده Umdá chief, principal 4 adj. 1527813713 امیدوار Umeedwaar hopeful, pregnant 4 adj. 1527813699 امیدواره Umeedwaara pregnant 4 adj. 1527816578 عمودي Umoodee vertical, perpendicular 2 adj. 1527813951 عمومي Umoomee general, ordinary, universal, main 4 adj. 1527813229 عمري Umree for life, forever, constant, final, eternal 3 adj. 1577385194431 عقده Uqdá complicated, intricate, twisted 2 adj. 1577223774438 اردو یي Urdoo yee, Udoo`ee army, forces 4 adj. true 1527821184 عرفي Urfee based on civil law, based on custom, usual 2 adj. 1527818200 اریځي Uryadzee cloudy, cloudiness 1 adj. 1527819440 عثماني Usmaanee Ottoman 2 adj. 1527823607 اصولي Usoolée fundamental, basic, essential, key, primary, organic, ultimate 4 adj. 1 1527813348 استری Ustráy last, latest 3 adj. 1527821278 وابسته waabistá, waabusta dependant, affiliated, attached, associated 3 adj. 1527811248 واجب waajib necessary, binding, incumbent, obligatory (Arabic and religious/Islamic) 4 adj. 1527816037 واکمن waakmán in power, in control, in authority 4 adj. 1527821049 واقف waaqíf informed, aware 4 adj. 1 1527820846 وارداتي waaridaatee imported, import 3 adj. 1527813012 وارخطا waarkhataa flustered, excited, embarrassed, confused 4 adj. 1638873347498 واورین waawréen snow (pertaining to snow) 4 adj. 1592559895632 واز waaz open 4 adj. 1527821259 واضح waazíh clear, plain, evident, obvious 4 adj. 1708355873005 واضحه waazíha clear, plain, evident, obvious 4 adj. 1 1527816608 ودان wadaan prosperous, built, established, populated (کور دې ودان) 4 adj. 1527816266 وفادار wafaadáar faithful, loyal 4 adj. 1 1527815398 وفات wafaat dead, deceased, passed away 4 adj. 1621933529991 وحشتناک wahshatnáak dreadful, terrifying, frightful, awful 4 adj. 1 1527821763 وحشي wahshee wild, savage, barbaric, fierce 4 adj. 1527813009 وژیز wajzeez veined, neural 2 adj. 1527813916 وژونکی wajzóonkay killing, lethal, deadly 4 adj. 1576612617485 ول ول wal wal curled, pleated, tangled, disheveled, unravelled, entangled, confused 3 adj. 1527811544 ولاړ waláaR, wuláaR standing; stopped 3 adj. 1576612618619 ولول walwal curled, pleated, tangled, disheveled, unravelled, entangled, confused 4 adj. 1527811747 ور د غاړې war du ghaaRe belonging to, used in cases of accountability, blame, owning up to something etc. (ie. مسوليت اوس دولت ته ور د غاړې دی -- The responsibility now belongs to the government) 4 adj. 1527812232 ور په غاړه war pu ghaaRa belonging to, used in cases of accountability, blame, owning up to something etc. (i.e.. مسوليت اوس دولت ته ور په غاړه دی -- The responsibility now belongs to the government) 4 adj. 1582335515390 وړین waRéen woollen 4 adj. 1527818617 وړیا waRiyáa free, free of charge 4 adj. 1527823715 وړکوټی waRkóTay small, little; (also as a child) 3 adj. 1527815403 وړوکی waRóokay little, small 4 adj. 1 1701935319359 وړوکی کول waRookay kawúl to shrink, make small 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527815403 shrink, shrinks, shrinking, shrunk, shrunken 1 1701935323586 وړوکی کېدل waRookay kedúl to shrink, become small 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527815403 shrink, shrinks, shrinking, shrunk, shrunken 1527815404 ورته warta similar, alike, comparable (ته ورته) 4 adj. 1527823714 وړکی waRÚkay small, little; (also as a child) 4 adj. 1 1584518589450 ورزووند warzowand hateful 2 adj. 1527821671 وسپنیز waspanéez iron 4 adj. 1527822835 وټیز waTéez economic (اقتصادي) 2 adj. 1675436853063 ویډیویي weeDiyoyee video ..., pertaining to video adj. 1527815408 ویده weedú asleep, sleeping 4 adj. 1527816017 ویجاړ weejáaR destroyed, demolished 4 adj. 1 1617991474774 ویلې weele melted 4 adj. 1527822633 ویلي weelee melted 4 adj. 1527814036 ویړ weeR open, wide-open, gaping 4 adj. 1623687946876 ویرجن weerjún tragic, sad, mournful, regrettable 4 adj. 1527823179 ویت weet open, gaping, ajar 2 adj. 1527817048 ویت خوله weet khoola open-mouthed, stunned, amazed, inquiring 4 adj. 1527817873 ویښ weex awake, awoken, alert, watchful, vigilant 4 adj. 1 1527816455 وېشلی weshúlay separated, divided 3 adj. 1527818913 وېزار wezáar fed up with, tired of, displeased with, lukewarm with 4 adj. 1576113803291 ووړ woR small, little 4 adj. واړه waaRu وړ waR 1527823713 ووړکی wóRkay small, little; (also as a child) 4 adj. 1527814002 ووړنی woRunay summer 2 adj. 1527817486 وران wraan ruined, destroyed; destructive, bad, naughty 4 adj. 1 1702798307800 ورانول wraanawúl to ruin, destroy 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527817486 1 1702798313177 ورانېدل wraanedúl to be ruined, destroyed 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527817486 1527818305 ورځنی wradzanáy daily 4 adj. 1527823106 ورین wreen cheerful 4 adj. 1609949334478 وریت wreet roasted, grilled, barbequed, roast, burnt 3 adj. 1586452546007 ورېښمین wrexmeen silky, silken 4 adj. 1649340997498 وروسته پاتې wroosta paate backwards (as in old-fashioned or undeveloped) 4 adj. 1527818043 وروستنی wroostanáy final, last, latest, next???, extreme, top, rear, back 4 adj. 1527813636 وروستی wroostáy last, latest, recent 4 adj. 1527822838 وروست wrost rotten (non-food items), decayed, ruined 4 adj. وراسته wraastú ورست wrast 1701927961574 ورستول wrastawúl to make rot, spoil, to cause to decay 4 adj. rot,rots,rotting,rotted,rotten 1701927972367 ورستېدل wrastedúl to rot, spoil, decay 4 adj. 1527822838 rot,rots,rotting,rotted,rotten 1527814373 ورک wruk lost 4 adj. 1527819217 وړم wRum previous, prior, earlier 4 adj. 1527817266 وچه wucha barren, sterile, unfruitful; land, ground 4 adj. 1527815424 وږی wúGay hungry 4 adj. 1 1576113883516 وږسترګی wuGstúrgay greedy, having greedy eyes 4 adj. 1527813639 ولسي wUlusee, oolasee national, people's 4 adj. 1527818274 ولسمشري wUlusmushuree, oolusmushuree presidential 4 adj. 1527818278 ولسمشریز wUlusmushureez, oolusmushureez presidential 3 adj. 1611399565694 ولسواک wUluswáak democratic 2 adj. 1527819097 وزګار wUzgáar free, unoccupied, available, at leisure 4 adj. 1527821391 ویال wyaal fresh, young, free-and-easy, happy, glad 4 adj. 1527818755 ښاد xaad cheerful, joyful, content, blessed, happy 4 adj. 1527813027 ښاغلی xaaghúlay mister, Mr., honorable, esteemed, pleasing, nice 2 adj. 1 1527820788 ښارنی xaaranáy city, urban 4 adj. 1527811434 ښاري xaaree (pertaining to the) city, urban 4 adj. 1527812761 ښایسته xaaystá beautiful 4 adj. 1 1709149631280 ښایسته کول xaaysta kawúl to beautify 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527812761 beautify 1 1709149634973 ښایسته کېدل xaaysta kedúl to be beutified 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527812761 be beautified 1645512585845 ښایسته xaaystú beautiful (non-standard inflecting version) 3 adj. 1622311165088 ښیښه یي xeexa yee, xeexa`ee glass, made of glass 4 adj. 1527821613 ښېراز xeráaz fresh, cool; happy, merry, joyous 4 adj. 1527821615 ښېرازه xeráaza prosperous, blossoming, thriving, flourishing, happiness, fresh 4 adj. 1576373330532 ښی xáy right (direction - opposite of left) 4 adj. 1527812778 ښکاره xkaará clear, obvious, apparent 3 adj. 1 1702926248694 ښکاره کېدل xkaara kedúl to appear, become clear, to be revealed, to become obvious 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527812778 1 1702926271272 ښکاره کول xkaara kawúl to expose, to reveal, to make clear 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527812778 1 1527812779 ښکلی xkÚlay beautiful 4 adj. 1 1709149728756 ښکلی کول xkUlay kawúl to beautify 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527812779 beautify 1 1709149731295 ښکلی کېدل xkUlay kedúl to be beautified 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527812779 be beautified 1663958075432 ښوونیز xowunéez, xowanéez educational 4 adj. 1527812796 ښه xu good 4 adj. 1527820752 ښځینه xudzéena women’s, female, lady’s 4 adj. 1527818182 ښخ xukh buried, entombed; stuck in, thrust into, plunged into 4 adj. 1527819905 ښویند xwayúnd, xwayúnd slippery 4 adj. 1527819906 ښویندار xwayundáar, xwayundáar slippery 4 adj. 1527819904 ښوی xwáy smooth, slippery; fake, counterfeit, hypocritical, fraudulent; sneakily, stealthily 1 adj. / adv. 1527815498 یاد yaad aforementioned 3 adj. 1527819950 یهودي yahoodee Jewish 4 adj. 1527818331 یکړ yakaR single, only 2 adj. 1527823757 یکي yakee only, just 4 adj. 1527818332 یکي یو yakee yo sole, only, single 4 adj. یکي یوه yakee yawu یکي یو yakee yaw 1527820246 یرغه yarghá ambling (horse or mule) 4 adj. 1579831625395 یوازینی yawaazeenáy only, sole, single 4 adj. 1527818328 یوازېنی yawaazenáy only, sole, single 4 adj. 1527815430 یوازنی yawaazunáy only, unique, sole 4 adj. 1573151668550 یوکسیز yawkaséez for a single person 4 adj. 1527820581 یولاس yawláas uniting, single homogeneous, uniform, identical, agreed 4 adj. 1527811344 یومخی yawmukhay sincere, true, genuine; truthful person 4 adj. 1590839057909 یوویشتم yawweeshtum twenty-first 4 adj. true 1586618968254 یو اوونیز yo owneez weekly 3 adj. 1527820536 یوناني yoonaanee Greek 4 adj. 1527818333 یووزری yowazáray alone, lacking a friend or partner, solitary, companion-less 4 adj. 1586429021523 ظاهري zaahirée external, surface 4 adj. 1 1527811491 ذاتي zaatee personal; pertaining to caste 4 adj. 1527815438 ضایع zaayi spoiled, wasted, lost 3 adj. 1578318352731 زایل zaayúl errased, self-effacing 3 adj. 1527813379 زبان زد zabaan zad on everyone's lips 2 adj. 1527813378 زباني zabaanee oral, spoken 4 adj. 1578618090895 زبردست zabardást remarkable, great, splendid, lofty, immense, powerful, authoritative, skillful 2 adj. 1576366788398 زبون zabóon weak, feable, helpless 3 adj. 1527819700 ذهین zahéen intelligent, having a good memory 4 adj. 1 1527817579 زهیر zahéer emaciated, gaunt, worn out, exhausted, powerless, sad, distressed 4 adj. 1527815900 زحمت کش zahmat kash hard-working, tough, industrious 4 adj. 1527811256 زهرالود zahraalood poisonous, poisoned 4 adj. 1527811258 زهروي zahrawee poisonous, toxic, venereal 4 adj. 1527811257 زهردار zahrdaar, zahurdaar poisonous, poisoned, poisoning 4 adj. 1527811283 زهري zahree poisonous 3 adj. 1613550671175 زهریله zahreela poisonuous, poisoning, poisoned (زهردار) 4 adj. 1527818396 زهرجن zahurjin, zahrjin poisonous 3 adj. 1527811628 زخمي zakhmee wounded, injured 4 adj. 1527815918 زلند zaland vicious, nasty, malicious, spiteful, tyrannical 3 adj. 1527817940 ذلیل zaleel disgraced, degraded, humiliated, contemptible 4 adj. 1527819650 زمیني zameenee of the land, terrestrial 4 adj. 1578319123789 زمنه پوهی zamna póhay intelligent, comprehending, conscientious 3 adj. 1527814026 زرین zareen golden 4 adj. 1527817116 زرغون zarghóon green, flourishing, flowering, growing; immature, unripe 3 adj. 1609780002621 زرخیز zarkhéez rich, fruitful 4 adj. 1609780006604 زرخېز zarkhéz rich, fruitful 3 adj. 1527818005 ضروري zaroorée compulsory, necessary, crucial, critical, certain, definite, sure 4 adj. 1 1527821342 ذروي zarrawee nuclear, atomic, atom 4 adj. 1527821344 ذري zarrée atomic, nuclear 3 adj. 1527819991 زوجي zawjee, zaujee paired, composing a pair, pertaining to marriage 3 adj. 1527814594 ضعیف zayíf weak, powerless 4 adj. 1 1527811772 زبرګ zburg large, great, big, huge 2 adj. 1 1527818939 زده zda learned, mastered, grasped, learned by heart 4 adj. 1527821773 ذي علاقه zee alaaqá relevant, related to, pertaining to, in connection with 2 adj. 1586617050315 ذي نفع zee naf'a beneficial 2 adj. 1527818680 ذي صلاحیت zee salaahiyat competent 2 adj. 1527818342 زیبا zeebaa beautiful 4 adj. 1527819902 زیږ zeeG hard, stiff, firm, tight, rough, crude, having friction, crude, sharp, direct, frank, slang real (زيږ پښنون - a real Pashtun) 4 adj. زیږه zeeGú زیږ zeeG 1 1595256274516 زیر zeer attentive, watchful, discreet; Farsi meaning "under" 4 adj. 1527815445 زیړ zeeR, zyaR yellow, pale 4 adj. 1527815922 زیرک zeerak sensible, wise, smart, well-behaved 4 adj. 1577558872587 ذیروح zeerooh animate, living (ساکښ) 3 adj. 1527813924 زغمېدونکی zghamedóonkay bearable, tolerable 3 adj. 1527816774 زغرد zghard outspoken, frank, brave 4 adj. 1577816286639 زغروال zghurawáal armoured 3 adj. 1610621303111 ضدي ziddée obstinate, stubborn, opposing, spiteful 4 adj. 1527814790 ذهني zihnee mental, intellectual 4 adj. 1586358233024 ذهني zihnee mental 4 adj. 1595517359454 زله zilá weary, tired 4 adj. 1527812158 ذمه بردار zima bardaar accountable, responsible, taking responsibility 3 adj. 1664030993279 ضمني zimnée implied, indirect, collateral, fortuitous, detailed 4 adj. 1527813879 زنده zinda living 4 adj. 1527821143 زراعتي ziraa'atee agricultural, agrarian; agronomy 3 adj. 1527816903 زره پوښ ziri pox armoured 3 adj. 1527823455 زشت zisht ugly, vile, bad, foul, evil 3 adj. 1584528578172 زیانمن ziyaanmún suffering, damaged 4 adj. 1527812093 زمنی zmánay dutiful 2 adj. 1611421327243 زموخ zmokh, zmookh sharp, rough, harsh, rude 2 adj. 1527818800 زموخت zmokht rude, coarse, harsh, grumpy 3 adj. 1611421329527 زموخت zmokht, zmookht sharp, rough, harsh, rude 2 adj. 1527821534 زمول zmol faded, withered, tarnished, dull, weak, powerless, helpless, numb, bed-ridden 2 adj. 1591870719458 زود رنجه zood ránja quick-tempered, hot-tempered, tochy 4 adj. 1527815451 زوړ zoR old 4 adj. زاړه zaaRu زړ zaR 1 1527816811 زورور zorawúr strong, mighty, powerful 4 adj. 1 1527818781 زوردار zordaar strong, powerful, bully, someone who uses/abuses power 3 adj. 1527817399 زړه خوږی zRu khooGay merciful, compassionate, soft-hearted 3 adj. 1527817584 زړه خوړینی zRu khwuRéenay sad, distressed, saddened 3 adj. 1577058349091 زړه پوری zRu póray interesting, entertaining, attractive, pleasant 4 adj. 1527817585 زړه شین zRu sheen irate, angry, sad, distressed 3 adj. 1527817400 زړه سواندی zRu swaanday merciful, compassionate, soft-hearted 4 adj. 1527813136 زړه تورن zRu torun dissatisfied, indifferent, apathetic 3 adj. 1527811259 زهروي zUhrawee poisonous, toxic, venereal 3 adj. 1527814016 زلال zUlaal clear, pure, translucent 2 adj. 1571946216213 ظلم رسیده zUlum raseeda oppressed, persecuted 3 adj. 1527820012 زړه ور zuRa wár brave, courageous, bold, fearless, bold 4 adj. 1527820014 زړور zuRawár brave, courageous (actually زړه ور) 4 adj. 1 1668757664361 زوړند zwaRúnd hanging 4 adj. 1527820180 زیارکښ zyaarkáx hard-working, industrious, laborious, painful, heavy 3 adj. 1527813053 آهسته aahista slow, quiet; slowly, quietly 3 adj. / adv. 1650297924157 عاجزانه aajizaana humble, humbly 4 adj. / adv. 1527819818 آخر aakhir, aakhur last, final; lately, at last, in recently 4 adj. / adv. 1527820764 عاقلانه aaqilaana wise, sensible, intelligent, prudent 3 adj. / adv. 1527820499 عاریتاً aariyatan for a time, for temporary use, for rent 2 adj. / adv. 1585821362480 اکثره aksara most, the majority, mostly 4 adj. / adv. 1527820921 علیحده alayhida, alaayda separate, separately 4 adj. / adv. 1527814109 اول awwal first, at first 4 adj. / adv. 1527818644 برحال barháal existing, current; currently, on the present 4 adj. / adv. 1527820126 برملا barmaláa public, flagrant, evident; publicly 4 adj. / adv. 1617989743649 بې ځایه be dzáaya out of place, improperly, incorrectly, irrelevant, incorrect 4 adj. / adv. 1617989716527 بېځایه bedzáaya out of place, improperly, incorrectly, irrelevant, incorrect 4 adj. / adv. 1678446884891 بیاځلي byaadzalee repeat, repeatedly adj. / adv. 1527813591 دوستانه dostaana friendly, in a friendly manner 3 adj. / adv. 1527814452 ایسته eesta at the side of something, yonder, over there 3 adj. / adv. 1623688539364 ګانګوړ gaangóR, gaangwÚR nasal (speaking through the nose) 3 adj. / adv. 1623688507454 ګنګوړ gangóR, gangwÚR nasal (speaking through the nose) 4 adj. / adv. 1527818642 غبرګ ghbarg double, twin, duplicate, twofold, duplex, both at once 4 adj. / adv. 1 1527816581 غیر مستقیم ghayr-i-mUstaqeem indirect 3 adj. / adv. 1527820416 حاکمانه haakimaana commanding, authoritative 3 adj. / adv. 1527822366 حق ناحق haq naaháq willy-nilly 3 adj. / adv. 1527818306 هرورځنی hărwradzanáy daily, everyday 4 adj. / adv. 1620041996603 هوائي hawaa`ee air, pertaining to air/aviation; by air (adv. ie. هوایي راغلې - you came by flying) 4 adj. / adv. 1527811657 هوایي hawaayée air, pertaining to air/aviation; by air (adv. ie. هوایي راغلې - you came by flying) 4 adj. / adv. 1 1678367487677 جابرانه jaabiraana forcibly, by force, forceful adj. / adv. 1527815475 جبري jabree forcibly, compulsory 4 adj. / adv. 1527811712 کابو kaaboo near, close, basically, approximately; control, check 2 adj. / adv. 1527812762 خالي khaalée empty, only, just 3 adj. / adv. 1 1709768767520 خالي کول khaalee kawul to empty 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527812762 empty 1 1527819679 خاص khaas special (fig. really, well, actually, totally) 4 adj. / adv. 1527817078 خود khood, khwud sure, certainly, totally, surely, aware 4 adj. / adv. 1527822440 خوابدی khwaabáday sad, feeling bad, offended, distressed, upset 4 adj. / adv. 1527816129 خواره واره khwaara waara scattered, speed, thrown about 4 adj. / adv. 1527822285 کل kUl all, the whole, total 3 adj. / adv. 1 1610797421074 لاشعوري laashU'ooree unconscious, subconscious, un-aware, slow-witted 4 adj. / adv. 1527817255 لیرې leere far, distant 3 adj. / adv. 1 1527819777 ماهواري maahawaaree monthly, by the month, per month 4 adj. / adv. 1527818327 محض mahz pure, uncontaminated; plain, simple; merely, only, purely 3 adj. / adv. 1678174167002 منصفانه mUnsifaana just, equitable, fair; justly, fairly, equitably adj. / adv. 1527816580 مستقیم mUstaqeem direct, straight 3 adj. / adv. 1527819007 مطلق mUtláq absolute, fully, unconditional, absolutely 3 adj. / adv. 1527819008 مطلق العنان mUtlaq Ul'ináan autocratic, despotic, absolute 3 adj. / adv. 1527815099 نا وخته naa wakhta late 4 adj. / adv. 1584689070748 نامستقیم naamUstaqeem indirect 4 adj. / adv. 1527819210 ناوخته naawakhta late 4 adj. / adv. 1661500082482 نازدانه naazdaaná pampered, spoiled, cute 4 adj. / adv. 1661500101590 نازپرور naazparwar pampered, spoiled 4 adj. / adv. 1527820490 نیمکاره neemkaara half-and-half, rented on a metayage basis 4 adj. / adv. 1527818245 نهایت nihaayat extremely, bound, limit; extreme, excessive 4 adj. / adv. 1579462935759 نور nor, noor more, other, still, yet, various, remaining 4 adj. / adv. 1527811691 نورمال normaal normal 3 adj. / adv. 1678971245199 پیامبرانه payaambaraana prophetic, prophetically adj. / adv. 1527814256 پوره poorá full, complete, total, totally, entire 4 adj. / adv. 1 1527814437 په شریکه pu sharéeka shared, together 4 adj. / adv. 1 1591382269266 قابو qaabóo near, close, basically, approximately; control, check 3 adj. / adv. 1 1578191355725 رټ raT, ruT obvious, evident; bold, impertinent, rude; complex, confused; completely, quite 4 adj. / adv. 1527815225 رشتیا rishtiyaa right, true, truly 4 adj. / adv. 1527815224 رښتیا rixtiyáa right, true, truly 4 adj. / adv. 1 1527815228 رو roo slow; slowly 4 adj. / adv. 1 1527811327 صمیمانه sameemaana sincere; sincerely, in a heartfelt manner 2 adj. / adv. 1527821877 شفاهي shafaahee verbal, oral; verbally, orally 3 adj. / adv. 1527815306 ستړی stúRay tired 4 adj. / adv. 1527811873 تار په تار taar pu taar seperately, apart, scattered, strew about 4 adj. / adv. 1527819029 تصادفي tasaadUfee by chance, coincidental, coincidentally, accidental, accidentally 3 adj. / adv. 1527811894 ټینګ Teeng firm, thick, strong, tough, rigid 4 adj. / adv. 1527822351 تېر و بېر ter-U-ber more or less suitable, approximate, changing, alternating, sooner or later 4 adj. / adv. 1595515640766 تېر و بېر ter-U-ber more or less (suitable), sooner or later, approximate, changing 4 adj. / adv. 1527815358 ټول Tol all; gathered, collected; gross (as opposed to net) 4 adj. / adv. 1 1527814904 تش tush, tash empty, hollow; just 4 adj. / adv. 1 1527813109 واقعي waaqee really, truly, real, true 4 adj. / adv. 1527821764 وحشیانه wahshiyaana wild, savage, barbaric 4 adj. / adv. 1527814561 وظیفتاً wazeefatan duty bound, answering the call of duty 4 adj. / adv. 1527816301 یله yala free, wandering, loose, open, not serious; with nonsense, foolishly 4 adj. / adv. 1527818646 یو په دوه yaw pu dwá double, twofold 4 adj. / adv. 1 1527815428 یوازې yawaaze alone, only 4 adj. / adv. 1527820103 یوموټ yawmóoT required (as of a payment or penalty), at once, immediately, forthwith 4 adj. / adv. 1527819156 ظالمانه zaalimaana cruel, cruelly, evil 4 adj. / adv. 1527818003 ضرور zaróor obligatory, necessary; definitely, surely 4 adj. / adv. 1527815456 زیات zyaat really, lots, tons, maximum, more; much, more, many, excess, most 4 adj. / adv. 1 1527814254 بس bus, bas enough, adequate, suficcient; enough, sufficient, OK, all right, that’ll do, filler word 4 adj. / interj. TRUE 1 1594909066356 خوا و شا khwáa-U-shaa around, in the area 4 adj. / loc. adv. 1 1702927284023 خواوشا khwáa`oo`shaa around, in the area 4 adj. / loc. adv. 1 1527819438 لېرې lere far, distant, removed 3 adj. / loc. adv. 1527814605 لرې lúre far, distant 4 adj. / loc. adv. 1 1527814911 نږدې naGde near, close to, almost 4 adj. / loc. adv. 1527814708 نژدې nijzde, najzde close, near, soon, almost 4 adj. / loc. adv. 1702972031957 نژدې کېدل nijzde kedúl to approach, come near to 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527814708 approach 1527821253 نزدې nizdé, nazdé near, close (نژدې) 4 adj. / loc. adv. 1 1702972090132 نزدې کېدل nizde kedúl to approach, come near to 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527821253 approach 1 1702971971790 نېزدې nezdé near, close (نژدې) 4 adj. / loc. adv. 1 1702972103118 نېزدې کېدل nezde kedúl to approach, come near to 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1702971971790 approach 1 1527812375 واپس waapus back (as in return) 4 loc. adv. 1579824262965 یو ځای yo dzaay together, in one place; at the same time 4 adj. / loc. adv. TRUE 1 1527817302 یوځای yodzaay together, in one place 4 adj. / loc. adv. 1527814716 آماده aamaada ready, willing, available; fit, ripe; lending, loan 4 adj. / n. f. 1527813011 عصبي asabee high strung, nervous, jittery; neurological, neurology; pertaining to emotions or psychology 4 adj. / n. f. 1527823210 فنا fanáa perishable, temporary; mortality, destruction 3 adj. / n. f. 1702916758099 فنا کېدل fanaa kedúl to pass away, to be anihilated, to perish, to be destroyed 3 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527823210 perish 1 1702916820399 فنا کول fanaa kawúl to anihilate 3 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527823210 anihilate 1702918058902 فناه fanáah perishable, temporary; mortality, destruction adj. 1702918700883 فناه کېدل fanaah kedúl to pass away, to be anihilated, to perish, to be destroyed 3 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1702918058902 perish 1 1702918071562 فناه کول fanaah kawúl to anihilate 3 v. stat. comp. trans. 1702918058902 anihilate 1527811537 غوره ghwura chosen, select, best, great, leading, special, top; bragging, boasting 3 adj. / n. f. 1 1584691050578 احاطه ihaatá surrounded, enclosed, encircled; encirclement, yard, courtyard 4 adj. / n. f. 1527818343 اتفاقي itifaaqee allied, unified, in alliance, in agreement; coincidentally; unity, agreement, alliance 4 adj. / n. f. 1675434847665 کمیډي kameeDee comedy adj. / n. f. 1527817172 ماشیني maasheenee mechanical, mechanized; factory; industrial 3 adj. / n. f. 1527813396 نادوده naadoda out of style, out of fashion, unconventional; indecency; badness, problem ??; indecent, rude, uncouth 2 adj. / n. f. 1668507986968 نیمچه neemchá hybrid, half-breed, mongrel, half-sized; short fur jacket 4 adj. / n. f. 1527818197 اوریځي ooreedzee cloudy, cloudiness 4 adj. / n. f. 1527816769 قاطع qaati decisive, categorical, crucial, outspoken, frank; intersection 4 adj. / n. f. 1576612137112 رډ ruD protruding (of eyes), the bugging-out, sticking out of eyes when looking wide in amazement or in insolence/stubbornness 4 adj. / n. f. 1527812338 شاهي shaahee kingly, royal, regal; kingdom, monarchy, sultanate, reign 4 adj. / n. f. 1577065499642 یرغه yurgha ambling, fast; amble 4 adj. / n. f. 1527821509 آوازدار aawaazdáar ringing, sounding, having sound, vowel (sound) 4 adj. / n. m. 1527823606 اځل adzál dead, extinct, gone; fate, doom, fortune 1 adj. / n. m. 1582316707368 عجیب ajéeb strange, surprising, parculiar, weird, odd 3 adj. / n. m. عجایب ajaayib 1613551113380 علامه allaamá learned, scholarly, erudite 4 adj. / n. m. 1527819936 امي ammée illiterate, uneducated 4 adj. / n. m. 1527816380 اړنګ بړنګ aRang baRang anxious or nervous person, worried, insecure, wavering 3 adj. / n. m. 1527814156 اشنا ashnaa acquaintance, friend; familiar, known 4 adj. / n. m. 1702628258973 اشنایي ashnaayée, ashnaa`ée acquaintance, knowledge of, familiarity with 4 adj. 1 1527813454 عیار ayaar astute, crafty, clever, shrewd; adjustment, tweaking, tightening; assay (of precious metals); touchstone (of a jewler); standard, criterion 3 adj. / n. m. TRUE 1595417597863 بانجاني baanjaanée purple, violet 4 adj. / n. m. 1527821496 بډا baDáa rich person, well-off, affluent 4 adj. / n. m. 1527821323 بدبین badbeen pessimist, distrustful, mistrustful; enemy 4 adj. / n. m. 1527818794 بدمزاجه badmizaaja grumbler, grumpy, aggressive, belligerent, quarrelsome person 4 adj. / n. m. 1527812166 بهر bahár, buhár outside 4 adj. / n. m. 1708465411248 بهر کول bahar kawul to put outside, to make go outside 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527812166 1708465413541 بهر کېدل bahar kedúl to go outside 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527812166 1 1708465470570 بهر وتل bahar watúl to go outside 1527812166 1 1617948732919 بېلتونپال beltoonpaal separatist 4 adj. / n. m. 1527821495 بډا bUDáa old, old person, aged, senior, elderly, advanced in years 4 adj. / n. m. 1527823383 بزدل bUzdíl cowardly, coward 4 adj. / n. m. 1527821859 چاڼ chaaN subdued, soft, refined, fine; strainer, sieve 4 adj. / n. m. 1527820748 چوټ chooT sufficient; chintz, printed cotton 1 adj. / n. m. 1527816727 داخل daakhíl entering, internal, included; participation 3 adj. / n. m. 1 1566478142776 دانا daanaa wise, learned, sage 3 adj. / n. m. 1527811882 ډبل Dabal double, twofold; double pay 4 adj. / n. m. 1622374470790 دم دلاسا dam dilaasáa comfort, consolation, affection; comforted, consoled 4 adj. / n. m. 1527813337 ډر Dar mentally retarted, idiot 3 adj. / n. m. 1622374461771 دلاسا dilaasáa comfort, consolation, affection; comforted, consoled 2 adj. / n. m. 1527816688 دوربین doorbéen far-seeing; binoculars, telescope 4 adj. / n. m. 1 1527817949 درینګ dreeng hard; firm soil, forest 2 adj. / n. m. 1527821371 دوه ګونی dwa góonay double-faced, two-faced; double, two-fold; two Afghanis banknote 3 adj. / n. m. 1579051083691 فاعل faa'íl active, doing; subject (grammar) 3 adj. / n. m. 1527822061 فاسق faasíq depraved, immoral, a bad Muslim, profligate, libertine 2 adj. / n. m. 1527817989 فقیر faqéer poor, beggar; dervish 4 adj. / n. m. 1 1578683981019 فدایي fidaayee a man sacrificing his life for something important or sacred, dedicated 3 adj. / n. m. 1527819531 غیرملکي ghayrmUlkee foreign (adjective), foreigner 4 adj. / n. m. 1576374257427 غریو ghreew sorrowful, sorrow, poor, pathetic 2 adj. / n. m. 1527818768 ګړند guRúnd smart, bright, quick; oscillation 4 adj. / n. m. 1527821159 هم آهنګ ham aaháng harmonious, melodious; in agreement, in unity, in accord; consonant 4 adj. / n. m. 1527820886 حقپال haqpaal lover of truth/justice, seeker of truth/justice 4 adj. / n. m. 1527811529 عبارت ibaarat phrase, wording, expression, passage; consisting, made up of, including; meaning, term 4 adj. / n. m. 1527818281 جمهوریپال jUmhooreepaal republican 4 adj. / n. m. anim. unisex 1527823177 کاغ kaagh wise, intelligent; wise person, sensible, well-behaved 1 adj. / n. m. 1527813338 کمعقل kamaqul stupid, foolish, senseless, idiot 4 adj. / n. m. 1527822700 کنډو kanDáw chipped, cracked; crack, fracture 2 adj. / n. m. 1527812769 ختیځ khateedz east 4 adj. / n. m. 1527814219 خپل khpul relative; one's own, farmiliar 4 adj. / n. m. 1527822806 خوارکی khwaarukáy poor, miserable, poor thing, helpless (like بې چاره) 4 adj. / n. m. 1527812810 خوښ khwux, khwax glad, pleasing, happy; pleasure, liking 4 adj. / n. m. 1527819352 کشر kúshur, kúshar, kíshur, kíshar younger, junior (opposite of مشر) 4 adj. / n. m. 1527820540 لکه دار laka dáar spotted, speckled, soiled; shamed; fever; typhus 3 adj. / n. m. 1527813689 لر lar low, below, lower, descent 4 adj. / n. m. 1527816018 لټ luT, laT lazy, sluggard, idle 4 adj. / n. m. 1 1527812996 ماهر maahír skillful, able, capable, expert 4 adj. / n. m. anim. unisex ماهرین maahireen 1 1527812147 مال دار maal dáar rich, wealthy, well off; herdsman, someone farming with cattle, sheep, etc. 4 adj. / n. m. 1579041804943 مفعول maf'óol article, item, topic, object (grammar), subject 3 adj. / n. m. 1527816571 مکار makaar deceitful, sly, cunning, trickster 4 adj. / n. m. 1527811979 معلول malóol disabled person, invalid, unwell, diseased; consequence, reprecussion 2 adj. / n. m. 1616270287056 منزوي manzawée, munzawée isolated, solitary, cloistered; recluse, hermit 4 adj. / n. m. 1527814741 مقطوع maqtoo' cut off, amputated, felled; final, decisive (Arabic); amputee 3 adj. / n. m. 1614169856772 مزید mazéed more, additional, increased, added; addition, inrease 3 adj. / n. m. 1527815522 مظلوم mazloom oppressed, victim 4 adj. / n. m. 1527818731 مومیایي moomyaayee embalmed, mummy 2 adj. / n. m. 1589024122954 مدافع mUdaafi defending, defence; defender 2 adj. / n. m. مدافعین mUdaaféen 1527813523 مفکر mUfakkír thoughtful, reflecting, deep thinker 4 adj. / n. m. 1527816193 مفسد mUfsíd corrupt; seditious, mean, malicious, bad 3 adj. / n. m. مفسدین mUfsideen 1527817548 محافظ mUhaafiz guarding, protecting, guard 4 adj. / n. m. 1527813969 محرر mUharrir written up, drawn up; writer, author 4 adj. / n. m. 1527823088 مجمل mUjmál brief, concise, summary 3 adj. / n. m. 1527814360 مخالف mUkhaalíf opposed, opponent 3 adj. / n. m. anim. unisex 1 1527812023 مخاطب mUkhaatab addressing (someone); the one being addressed; second-person (grammar) 4 adj. / n. m. 1527812937 مخلوط mukhloot blended, mixture 2 adj. / n. m. 1527819831 ممکن mUmkín possible; possibility 3 adj. / n. m. ممکنات mUmkináat 1527821650 منحرف mUnharíf deviated, distracted, diverted, mislead, bent, distorted, corrupted, unhealthy, perverted; trapezium (geom.) 4 adj. / n. m. 1661534809167 منسجم mUnsajám coordinate, consistent 2 adj. / n. m. 1527822227 مروج mUrawwáj, mUrawwíj widespread, usual, common, in vogue; spreading, promoting 3 adj. / n. m. 1571526777991 مشاهد mUshaahíd observer, observant, watcher, witness 4 adj. / n. m. 1527817152 مشترک mUshtarak common, shared; partner, participator 4 adj. / n. m. مشترکین mUshtarakéen 1527812003 مصلح mUslih reconciling, peace-loving, improving; correcter, peace-maker, reformer 4 adj. / n. m. مصلحین mUslihéen 1527815541 مسلم mUslim Muslim 3 adj. / n. m. 1527814442 مطابق mUtaabiq matching, corresponding, accordance (په مطابق - according to) 4 adj. / n. m. 1527811672 معتاد mUtaad addicted, addict 3 adj. / n. m. 1527820639 متهم mUttahám, mUthám, mathám accused, indicted, defendant 4 adj. / n. m. 1527811662 ناب naab pure, unadulterated; molar tooth 2 adj. / n. m. 1527820193 ناګاره naagaara denying, disowning, abnegating; denier, abnegator 4 adj. / n. m. 1527813962 نازل naazil happened, befallen, come, revealed (used of prophecies and religious texts); condescension, low, tolerance 4 adj. / n. m. 1527817773 نزد nazd near, close; opinion, thought, one’s mind or viewpoint 4 adj. / n. m. 1527819783 نژادپرست nijzaadparást racist 4 adj. / n. m. 1527814578 پېیلی pe`yúlay allied, ally 2 adj. / n. m. 1527817282 پېس pes leprosy, leprous 4 adj. / n. m. 1527821443 پیوسته ابرو paywasta abroo having eyebrows that are joined, unibrow 4 adj. / n. m. 1527815181 پوځي podzee military, army 4 adj. / n. m. 1527814506 قبول qabool accepted, agreed, consent, acceptance, agreement 4 adj. / n. m. 1527819319 رقیق raqéeq fine, delicate, thin, slender; finely, delicately, elegantly; finish, stop-point 3 adj. / n. m. 1573684745428 روډه مست roDa mást indignant, begging, beggar 2 adj. / n. m. 1527818175 صادر sáadir outstanding, issued, given, sent, dispatched, pronounced, promulgated; exported 4 adj. / n. m. صادرات saadiráat 1527821653 سرسپارلی sărspaarálay devoted, devotee 3 adj. / n. m. 1527816927 سرتېر sărter devoted, brave, courageous, selfless, self-sacrificing; commando, soldier 4 adj. / n. m. 1527821654 سرښندلی sărxandulay devoted, devotee 3 adj. / n. m. 1527823319 سټ وټ saT wáT killed, destroyed, annihilated, perished 1 adj. / n. m. 1527811446 سېلمه selma near, close, neighboring; neighbor 3 adj. / n. m. 1527811978 شوټ shooT disabled, invalid, cripple 3 adj. / n. m. 1527813276 سوربڼی soorbaNay redhead, red-haired 4 adj. / n. m. 1527813277 سورسری soorsăray redhead, red-haired 4 adj. / n. m. 1527813095 سوړا soRaa lazy, clumsy, coward 3 adj. / n. m. 1527823320 سټ سمټ suT samáT lazy, idle, loafing, loafer 2 adj. / n. m. 1527813519 طاس taas bald, hairless 2 adj. / n. m. 1573658666590 ټاټ TaaT bent, inclined, bowed, curved; cared for; canvas, cloth, oilcloth 4 adj. / n. m. 1527817327 تباه کوونکی tabaah kawóonkay destroying, destructive, annihilating 4 adj. / n. m. 1527818799 توند خوی toond khooy grumbler, grouchy, grumpy 4 adj. / n. m. 1527823756 تورت toort direct, frank or candid person 3 adj. / n. m. 1527822340 تورتم tortám darkness, complete and utter darkness, completely black 4 adj. / n. m. 1527813270 تروش troosh sour, bitter; sarcasm 4 adj. / n. m. 1 1527822858 څپول tsapól curly, wavy; winnow 2 adj. / n. m. 1527814414 واحد waahid one, single, sole (Arabic); unity 4 adj. / n. m. 1527820994 وهمي wahmée imaginary, mock, hypothetical, concoction; paranoid, worry-wart, hypochondriac 4 adj. / n. m. 1573149703220 وسله وال wasla waal armed (person, fighter) 4 adj. / n. m. 1527815493 وسلوال waslawaal armed, fighter 4 adj. / n. m. 1527815130 وچ wuch, wUch dry, land, ground, arid 4 adj. / n. m. 1 1527821801 ښکېل xkel involved, implicated, caught; hobble 4 adj. / n. m. 1574808545774 ضابط zaabit orderly, self-controlled; leader, ruler, officer 4 adj. / n. m. 1527815668 ظاهر zaahír obvious, apparent; external, surface 2 adj. / n. m. ظواهر zawaahír 1 1702926629168 ظاهره zaahíra obvious, apparent; external, surface adj. 1 1527812188 ضد zid opposite, against, opposed, anti, counter 2 adj. / n. m. 1527812091 ذمه وار zima wáar responsible person, responsible 4 adj. / n. m. 1527822551 اهل áhul, ahl fit, capable, worthy, proper; respectful, considerate; a member, resident, citizen, occupant (used as a prefix for Arabic religious words connecting people to certain things or belief systems) 4 adj. / n. m. / pref. 1 1622374362157 بدلمنی badlamúnay adulterous, adulterer, unfaithful, infedelity 4 adj. / n. m. anim. unisex 1527816489 ایماندار eemaandáar faithful, believer, devoted, correct, true 4 adj. / n. m. anim. unisex 1 1527812601 فعال fa'aal active; activist 4 adj. / n. m. anim. unisex 1527817362 غریب gharéeb poor, needy; strange 4 adj. / n. m. anim. unisex غربا ghUrabaa 1 1527820008 غیریهودي ghayryahoodee non-Jewish, gentile 2 adj. / n. m. anim. unisex 1527811449 همجوار hamjawaar near, close, neighboring, neighbor 3 adj. / n. m. anim. unisex 1588783751043 خدمتي khidmatée serving, attentous; servant, attendant 4 adj. / n. m. anim. unisex 1 1678362238519 لرغونپال larghoonpáal conservative, traditionalist adj. / n. m. anim. unisex 1527814445 مامور maamóor officer, clerk (as in government worker); assigned, appointed, given orders or istructions (Arabic), authorized, sent on business 4 adj. / n. m. anim. unisex 1527820758 مسوول mas'ool responsible, accountable, in charge, person responsible, official 3 adj. / n. m. anim. unisex مسوولین mas'ooleen 1586682209639 مسئول mas'ool responsible, person responsible, accountable, in charge, official 4 adj. / n. m. anim. unisex مسئولین mas'ooleen 1527816583 مسول masool responsible, person responsible, accountable, in charge, official 4 adj. / n. m. anim. unisex مسولین masooleen 1627156157285 میین mayeen enamoured, in love; someone in love adj. / n. m. anim. unisex 1610541340944 ملتپال millatpáal nationalist 4 adj. / n. m. anim. unisex 1527820610 مسکین miskéen, mUskéen poor, needy, destitute, wretched 4 adj. / n. m. anim. unisex مساکین mUsaakéen 1 1593793275078 معترض mU'taríz, mU'ataríz objecting, opposing, interposing; protestor 4 adj. / n. m. anim. unisex معترضین mU'tarizéen 1527812921 مشر múshar, múshur elder 4 adj. / n. m. anim. unisex 1 1578013455681 نانی naanáy tiny, teensy-weensy 2 adj. / n. m. anim. unisex 1527818289 نوماند noomáand famous, well-known, reputed, nominated; candidate 4 adj. / n. m. anim. unisex 1527820196 پلانی pulaanáy so-and-so, such-and-such, ambiguous pronoun (فلان) 4 adj. / n. m. anim. unisex 1527820194 پلانکی pulaankáy so-and-so, such-and-such, ambiguous pronoun (فلان) 4 adj. / n. m. anim. unisex 1613561408232 قصوروار qUsoorwáar guilty, at fault 4 adj. / n. m. anim. unisex 1678365728964 سوسیالیست sosyaaleest socialist adj. / n. m. anim. unisex 1527815334 ټپي Tapee wounded 4 adj. / n. m. anim. unisex 1586270915475 تي لرونکی tee laróonkay mammal 4 adj. / n. m. anim. unisex 1585474628276 توبه ګار toba gáar repentant 4 adj. / n. m. anim. unisex 1527812124 وظیفه دار wazeefa daar fulfilling one's duty, responsible, authorized employee, employee 4 adj. / n. m. anim. unisex 1584530715084 زندیق zandéeq, zindíq non-beliver (in Islam) 4 adj. / n. m. anim. unisex 1664030864502 الوتونکی alwutóonkay flying, something that flies, bird 4 adj. / n. m. anim. unisex. 1527815300 سپور spor mounted, rider, riding 4 adj. / n. m. unisex سپاره spaaru سپر spar 1527812559 ډېر Der very, lots, many 3 adj. / quant. adv. 1 1527818938 زده zada beaten down, beaten, oppressed 4 adj. / suffix. 1527819724 زیېړ zyeR yellow, scab, yellowy; bronze; bile, gall, petulance, spleen 3 adj. and n. m. 1527819225 نارینه naareená male, masculine, men 3 adj. and n. m. pl. 1527814253 ګډ وډ gaD waD mixed, intermingled, disordered, confused 4 adj. doub. 1 1662621348155 خپ خپ khap khap stained, spotted, speckled 4 adj. doub. 1527823689 لت پت lat pát soiled, polluted, splashed, besmirched, defiled 4 adj. doub. 1627160171819 رک روغ rak rogh totally well, healthy, fine (emphatic of روغ) adj. doub. 1579367782766 سونډ مونډ soonD moonD reserved, taciturn, uncommunicative 3 adj. doub. 1574867531681 پوخ pokh cooked, mature, ripe, ready, able, skillful, experienced, tried, tested, true 4 adj. irreg. پاخه paakhu پخ pakh 1 1527812899 مین mayín enamoured, in love (په چا باندې); someone in love 4 adj., n. m. anim. unisex 1 1527813110 د du of, 's, third person possessive / genitive marker 4 adpos. 1527813550 د لاسه du láasa because of, on account of 4 adpos. 1 1527812580 د پاره du paara for (د ... د پاره, du … du para) 4 adpos. 1527812586 دپاره dupaara for (د ... دپاره, du … dupara) 4 adpos. 1527812753 کې ke in, at په ... کې, pa … ke 1 adpos. 1578009689827 کښې kxe in, at په ... کې, pa … ke (کې) 4 adpos. 1527813150 له la from, to 3 adpos. 1527812842 له امله la amala because of, on account of, for this reasen, for this purpose 4 adpos. 1527812845 له پاره la paara for (د ... له پاره, du … la para) 4 adpos. 1527817988 له پلوه la palawa in terms of, from the viewpoint of, in the subject or matter of 4 adpos. 1527818004 لره lára for, to, towards 3 adpos. 1527815096 نه na from, د ... نه, du … na 4 adpos. 1527815141 په pu by, for, by means of, because of, by means of, with 4 adpos. 1 1527813949 په لحاظ pu lihaaz in terms of, from the viewpoint of 4 adpos. 1527814443 په مطابق pu mUtaabíq according to (د ... په مطابق) 4 adpos. 1 1527822685 په نسبت pu nisbat in comparison, in this connection, likening to 4 adpos. 1527814319 په وړاندې pu wRaande in front of, opposite, before, against 4 adpos. 1527813549 په وجه pu wúja because of, on account of 4 adpos. 1 1527815250 سره sara with, له ... سره, la … sara; together; with each other; from each other 4 adpos. 1527815320 ته ta to 4 adpos. 1527819624 ترمنځ tarmandz between, among 4 adpos. 1527815379 څخه tsukha from 3 adpos. 1527812136 تر tur up to, until; from; than, compared to 4 adpos. 1527815384 تر ... پورې tur ... pore until, up to, up until 4 adpos. 1527815053 ترمنځ turmandz between 4 adpos. 1527812361 پورې póre up to, until, beyond, over, across, on the other side; attached 4 adpos. / adj. 1 1703659459308 پورې کول pore kawúl to attach, to make cross over 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527812361 attach 1 1614083674358 عاجلانه aajilaana hurridly, urgently 4 adv. 1527823176 آخود aakhwad surely, naturally, independently 1 adv. 1527821666 آمرانه aamuraana magisterial, authoritative 4 adv. 1527811244 آن aan even, even up to, as far as, right up to, precisely 4 adv. 1576439306974 ابرومندانه abroomandaana honourably 4 adv. 1527823047 اچانک achaanak suddenly, unexpectedly, all of a sudden 4 adv. 1527817953 اګاهانه agaahaana consciously, (doing something) while being informed 4 adv. 1527823634 احیاناً ahiyaanan if it so happens that..., possibly 3 adv. 1527822184 اخلاقاً akhlaaqan morally, ethically 3 adv. 1671209066809 علانیه aláaniya publicly, openly adv. 1645041265197 علناً alanan publicly, openly 4 adv. 1527812448 البته albatta of course, certainly 4 adv. 1527823390 عمداً amadan deliberately, intentionally, on purpose 2 adv. 1566476668924 عملاً amalán practically, in practice 3 adv. 1527811243 ان an even, even up to, as far as, right up to, precisely 4 adv. 1527818655 عن an right up to, even; exactly, directly 2 adv. 1584515639723 اقلاً aqalan at least 4 adv. 1527822699 اساساً asaasan actually, in fact 3 adv. 1527812457 اصلاً aslan actually 4 adv. 1527812462 او aw yes 4 adv. 1 1527818438 با عزت baa izzat with dignity, respectfully 4 adv. 1527812472 بار بار baar baar again and again, often 4 adv. 1575239139152 باره baara again 4 adv. 1527823364 باوجود baawujood in spite of, despite, notwithstading 4 adv. 1527812474 باید baayid, baayad must, have to, need to 4 adv. 1527812477 بعد bad after 4 adv. 1 1578330078760 بدبد badbad, budbud badly, bad 4 adv. 1527815997 بدبختانه badbakhtaana unfortunately 4 adv. 1527823024 بغیر bagháyr besides, except for, without (د دې نه بغير) 4 adv. 1 1527812498 بلې băle yes (from Farsi) 4 adv. 1527823029 برالا baraalaa evident, open, manifestly, frankly 4 adv. 1585835393077 برایي baraayée last night 2 adv. 1527819392 برسېره barséra moreover, besides, in addition to, apart from, over, above, more than, on top of 4 adv. 1527813061 بې درنګه be diranga quickly, without delay 3 adv. 1527813034 بې ځنډه be dzunDa without delay, quickly 3 adv. 1527813043 بې له ټاله be la Taala without delay, immediately 2 adv. 1527815532 بې شک be shák undoubtably, absolutely, without doubt, of course 4 adv. 1 1527815533 بې شکه be sháka undoubtably, absolutely, without doubt, of course 4 adv. 1 1527818774 بې شبهه be shÚbha without a doubt, undoubtedly, certain 4 adv. 1527818439 بېګا begaa last night, yesterday evening; this evening, dusk 4 adv. 1527822788 بېګاته begáata tonight, this evening 4 adv. 1527812496 بېخي bekhee completely, totally 3 adv. 1527812504 بېرته berta back (as in go back, give back etc.) 4 adv. 1527818586 بلا استثنیٰ bilaa istisnaa without exception 3 adv. 1527813259 بالاخره bilaakhira finally, at last (Arabic) 4 adv. 1527823633 بالفرض bilfárz let’s suppose, supposing, supposedly 4 adv. 1527819385 بالخصوص bilkhUsóos especially, in particular 4 adv. 1527823385 بزدلانه bUzdilaana cowardly 4 adv. 1527812520 بیا byaa again 4 adv. 1 1527816043 بیا هم byaa hum, byaa ham still, even so 4 adv. 1527818081 بیاهم byaahum still, even so, yet 4 adv. 1527816310 چاپېر chaaper round about, around 3 adv. 1527817350 چاپېره chaapéra around, surrounding, encompassing 3 adv. 1588781449015 چار چاپېره chaar chaapéra around, surrounding, encompassing 4 adv. 1 1527813595 چندان chandaan such, as much, so much, much, as much as, until 2 adv. 1660566212207 چورلټ choorláT completely, totally, wholly 4 adv. 1527820750 چوټ انداز choT andaaz, chooT andaaz ?? at random, haphazardly 2 adv. 1527811233 ډاګه Daaga openly, frankly 3 adv. 1593176318060 ډانګ پېیلی Daang pe`yúlay openly, direct 4 adv. 1527812321 داسې daase such, like this, like that, like 4 adv. 1588073608418 دفعتاً daf'atan suddenly, immediately, at once, currently 4 adv. 1527817032 دغومره daghaoomra that much, so much, so much as 3 adv. 1527813653 دغسې daghase in this way, like this 3 adv. 1662099972424 دلې dalé here 2 adv. 1662100000870 دلې دورې dale doore here and there 4 adv. 1527815959 دم درحال dam dărhaal in an instant, in a flash, at once 2 adv. 1527815963 دم دستي dam dastee now, at this moment 3 adv. 1527822405 دم په دم dám pu dam every moment, constantly 3 adv. 1527816658 دم په دستي dam pu dastee immediately, at once, right away 2 adv. 1527815951 دم پدم dam pudam constantly, every instant 4 adv. 1527819158 دقیقاً daqeeqan exactly, precisely 4 adv. 1527817376 درڅخه dărtsukha from you 4 adv. 1527821332 دست بسته dast bastá respectfully 3 adv. 1667316280185 ډېر کله Der kala often 4 adv. 1527823755 دوباره doobaará again, once more 4 adv. 1 1575236274891 دوري dóoree this way, here, over there 3 adv. 1527814268 درېغی dreghay unfortunately, regretfully 2 adv. 1527812572 د ... په شان du ... pu shaan like ... (in comparison) 4 adv. 1527813772 د بېلګې په توګه du belge pu toga for example 4 adv. 1527818039 د بده مرغه du buda murgha unfortunately 4 adv. 1527819455 د دې له کبله du de la kabala because of this 3 adv. 1527819899 د استدراج په توګه du istidraaj pu toga gradually 2 adv. 1527822222 د پاسه du páasa above 4 adv. 1 1527813588 د ساري په توګه du saaree pu toga for instance, for example 2 adv. 1527818040 د ښه مرغه du xu murgha fortunately 4 adv. 1527816912 دباندي dubaandee outside, outside of, beyond 3 adv. 1664091923484 دمخه dumúkha in front of, before, previously 4 adv. 1527821919 دستي dustée immediately, right away, instantly 3 adv. 1527813038 دواره duwaara at once, suddenly, all of a sudden 3 adv. 1527819269 ځانله dzaanla individually, separately, apart 4 adv. 1527817342 ځیر dzeer scrutiny, deliberation, intent; carefully, watchfully, intently (as in looking at somebody intently – چا ته په ځير کتل) 3 adv. 1527823758 ایکي eekee only, just 4 adv. 1527818323 ایله eelá barely, just, scarcely, only, merely 4 adv. 1527821224 فقط faqát only, just, uniquely, that’s all, the end 3 adv. 1527818697 فراموش faraamosh, faraamoosh forgotten 3 adv. 1527818056 فی الحال fi lháal now, presently, currently, right now, for now, at once, immediately 3 adv. true 1527816656 فعلاً fi'lan now, presently, currently, right now, for now 3 adv. 1527823722 فوراً forán, faurán right away, immediately, at once, urgently 4 adv. 1527814881 فوري foree, fauree urgently, sudden 3 adv. 1527818671 ګاهې gaahe once, ever, anytime, sometimes, now and then 4 adv. 1610800612067 ګنې gane as if, like, seemingly; or else, otherwise 4 adv. 1610800613765 ګڼې gaNe as if, like, seemingly; or else, otherwise 4 adv. 1591984859456 ګڼې gaNé perhaps, really? 4 adv. 1527817351 ګرد چاپېره gard chaapera around, surrounding, encompassing 4 adv. 1527818049 غافلانه ghaafilaana foolishly, ignorantly, carelessly (often religious, ignoring eternal consequences) 3 adv. 1527818524 غالباً ghaalibán probably, in all probability, most likely 2 adv. 1576103092146 غیر اختیاري ghayr ikhtiyaaree involuntarily, unintentionally 4 adv. 1576104020648 غیر ارادي ghayr iraadee involuntarily, unintentionally 3 adv. 1527817895 ګوندې goonde maybe, perhaps, possibly, apparently 4 adv. 1527822392 ګوټ ګوټ gooT gooT all over, in every corner 4 adv. 1527818249 ګویا goyaa, gooyaa as if, as though, like, as if it was, it seems, perhaps 4 adv. 1527823338 هاغومره haaghoomra that much, so much (هغومره) 3 adv. 1527812322 هاسې haase just, just because; in vain, for no reason, to no avail 3 adv. 1527812324 هاسې په هاسې haase pu haase in vain, to no avail 3 adv. 1586340494373 حد اقل had-i-aqul at least, minimum (from Farsi) 3 adv. 1527812419 هډو haDo fully, quite 2 adv. 1527823533 هغلته haghalta there, in that place, thence 4 adv. 1527820737 هغسې hagháse in this/that way, like this/that 4 adv. 1 1527823339 هغومره haghoomra that much, so much 4 adv. 1527813261 هله hala at that time (used in correspondence with کله), in that case, then 4 adv. 1527811360 هم مهاله ham mahaala at the same time, simultaneous 3 adv. 1527812278 هماغه hamaagha exactly that 4 adv. 1527811781 هماغومره hamaaghaoomra, humaaghaoomra in the same degree, insofar as, in the same measure 4 adv. 1527814067 همدا hamdaa this very 4 adv. 1527815719 همدارنګه hamdaaranga in this way, in the same way, in just this way 3 adv. 1527817157 همداسې hamdaase just like that, in just that manner 4 adv. 1527813200 همدومره hamdoomra just so much, exactly this much, only 4 adv. 1571626944932 همېش hamésh always, forever 4 adv. 1527821252 همېشه hamesha always, constantly, eternally 4 adv. 1527816088 همیشه hamayshá always, at all times 4 adv. 1 1585489925980 هنوز hanóoz yet, still, hitherto 3 adv. 1527812665 هر کله hăr kala any time 4 adv. 1 1527818185 هرچرته hărcharta wherever 4 adv. 1527818118 هرځای hărdzaay everywhere, every place 4 adv. 1527821294 هرګز hărgíz never, not at all 3 adv. 1572991416788 هرو مرو haroo maroo definately, for sure, I'll bet, certainly 4 adv. 1527812670 هسې hase just, basically 3 adv. 1527812671 حتماً hatman definitely 4 adv. 1575642923868 حتیٰ hattaa even, in fact 3 adv. 1527822114 هیله بیله heela beela barely, scarcely, just, hardly ever; just, so much; in vain, for naught, for no reason 3 adv. 1527812371 هیڅ کله heets kala never 3 adv. 1675148946323 هېڅکله hetskala never adv. 1527816949 هومره hoomra as much as 4 adv. 1586453865821 هم مهاله hum mahaala at the same time 4 adv. 1527812683 هم hum, ham, hUm also, too, as well, even more 4 adv. 1 1588758395153 همغسې humaghase just like that (abrev. of هم هغسې) 4 adv. 1527811986 همداراز humdaaraaz similarly 3 adv. 1622875116871 همدغسې humdaghase just like that/this (abrev of هم دغسې) 4 adv. 1527811735 هنرمندانه hUnarmandaana artistically, skillfully 4 adv. 1527821743 ابتداً ibtidán at first 3 adv. 1585821444042 اتفاقاً itifáaqan accidentally, by chance; unanimously, by consensus 4 adv. 1 1566477540941 جمعاً jam'an totally, wholly, all together 4 adv. 1611401028364 جسماً jismán physically 4 adv. 1527812721 ژر jzur quickly, fast 4 adv. 1527812138 ژر تر ژره jzur tur jzura as fast as possible, as quickly as possible, immediately 4 adv. 1527819758 کاملاً kaamilan totally, fully, completely 4 adv. 1527822679 کامیابانه kaamyaabaana successfully 4 adv. 1571526377164 کډن kaDún with a family, having a family 2 adv. 1527812743 کله kala when, sometimes 4 adv. 1527820205 کله ناکله kala naakala sometimes 4 adv. 1527823027 کم از کم kam az kam at least 3 adv. 1527817845 کټ مټ kaT maT, kuT muT exactly, precisely, as is 4 adv. 1527812428 کټمټ kaTmaT, kuTmuT exactly, precisely, as is 4 adv. 1527819967 خامخا khaamakhaa definitely, for sure, whether someone wants or not, willy-nilly (this last use more in Urdu) 3 adv. 1527821015 خاصکر kháaskar especially, in particular 4 adv. 1 1527821734 خاصتاً khaassatán especially 3 adv. 1527811333 خلاملا khalaamalaa sincere, frank, open 1 adv. 1527822660 خود به خود khood ba khood automatically, on one’s own, on it’s own 3 adv. 1527818710 خوشبختانه khooshbakhtaana fortunately, luckily, thankfully 4 adv. 1527813323 خوشبختانه khoshbakhtaana fortunately, luckily 4 adv. 1527818709 خصوصاً khUsoosan in particular, especially 4 adv. 1527814166 خوا په خوا khwaa pu khwaa side by side 3 adv. 1527819360 خواته khwaata towards (د چا خوا ته) 4 adv. 1527822286 کلاً kUllan totally, entirely 1 adv. 1527814270 له بده مرغه la buda margha, la buda murgha unfortunately, regretfully 4 adv. 1527822765 له واره la waara suddenly, immediately, instantly, at once 3 adv. 1527811270 له ورا la wraa from a distance, from afar, distantly 4 adv. 1527811269 له ورایه la wraaya, la weraya from afar, clearly, apparent 4 adv. 1527819419 لاهم laahum still 4 adv. 1527811423 لاندې láande below, beneath 4 adv. 1 1527820440 لاپسې laapasé all the more, still more 4 adv. 1527813650 لکه lăka like, as, similar to; spot, stain 4 adv. 1 1527814711 لنډ پر لنډه lanD par lanDa soon, very soon, shortly 4 adv. 1573149071525 لروبر larobar up and down, all over, encompassing the whole geographic range (of a country/land) 4 adv. 1527812866 لږترلږه luGturluGa at least 4 adv. 1527818669 ماشومانه maashoomaana childishly 3 adv. 1527821752 ماسوا maasiwáa except for, excepting, with the exception of 3 adv. 1527818054 مازې máaze merely, only, just (محض) 3 adv. 1527815514 مخصوصاً makhsoosan especially, particularly 4 adv. 1527812890 معمولاً mamoolan usually 3 adv. 1527818411 منتقاً mantiqan logically 4 adv. 1527813773 مثلاً maslan for example 4 adv. 1527821616 مظلومانه mazloomaana victimly, pitiful 4 adv. 1527811618 منحیث minhays as 4 adv. 1584691547040 مودبانه mUaddabaana politely, with courtesy, nicely 4 adv. 1527822198 مدام mUdáam continually, perpetually, permanently, always 4 adv. 1 1527822329 مفصلاً mUfasalan in a detailed fashion, thoroughly 4 adv. 1527821127 مشخصاً mUshakhkhasan specifically, especially, in particular 4 adv. 1527819016 مستقیماً mUstaqeeman directly 4 adv. 1527821074 مستقلانه mUstaqilaana independently 3 adv. 1527814269 متاسفانه mUtaasafaana unfortunately, regretfully 3 adv. 1527820198 مطلقاً mUtlaqán completely, totally, absolutely 3 adv. 1527822241 ناببره naabUbúra sudden, suddenly, unexpected, unexpectedly, unforeseen (ناڅاپه) 2 adv. 1527823589 ناداره naadaará poorly, miserably, thinly, sparsely 3 adv. 1584549648579 ناګهانه naagaháana suddenly, at once, all of a sudden 3 adv. 1584689085630 نامستقیماً naamUstaqeeman indirectly 3 adv. 1527813711 ناڅاپه naatsáapa sudden, suddenly, unexpected, unexpectedly, unforeseen 4 adv. 1 1527814710 نژدې پر نژدې najzde par najzde soon, very soon, shortly 3 adv. 1578006215294 نوکی nawakáy beginner, new, inexperienced; a little bit 2 adv. 1566476674338 نظراً nazarán theoretically, in theory 2 adv. 1622369722256 نېغ په نېغه negh pu negha directly 4 adv. 1527819335 نهار نهور niháar nUhóor on an empty stomach, not having eaten 4 adv. 1527820706 نهایتاً nihaayatan extremely, ultimately 3 adv. 1527819271 نسبتاً nisbatan relatively 4 adv. 1527815123 نن nun today, these days 4 adv. 1527815124 نن سبا nun sabaa these days 4 adv. 1527815135 اوس oos now 4 adv. 1527815136 اوسمهال oosmahaal presently 4 adv. 1527817155 پرله پسې parla pase continuous, back to back, uninterrupted, constant, unceasing 4 adv. 1527817156 پرلپسې parlapasé continuous, back to back, uninterrupted, constant, unceasing 4 adv. 1 1527815160 پرون paroon yesterday 4 adv. 1527818408 پروسه کال parosa kaal last year 4 adv. 1527812983 پس pas after, later, afterwards, susequently 4 adv. 1 1527812987 پس صبا pas sabaa the day after tomorrow 4 adv. 1527819344 پسه pása after 3 adv. 1527820143 پسته pasta after, later, afterwards 4 adv. 1577390288042 پې pe colloqiual/dialectical contraction of the adverb پرې (thereupon, thereon) 4 adv. 1577390207734 1527822215 پېدل pedál by foot, on foot, walking 4 adv. 1586262008294 پېټ peT never, not at all 4 adv. 1527822216 پیاده پا piyaada paa by foot, on foot, walking 4 adv. 1527822217 پیاده پای piyaada paay by foot, on foot, walking 4 adv. 1527822218 پیاده روي piyaada rawee by foot, on foot, walking 4 adv. 1577390207734 پرې pre thereupon, thereon, په plus something previously mentioned 4 adv. 1527816897 پروسږکال prosaGkaal last year 4 adv. 1527811508 په بشپړه توګه pu bushpuRa toga completely, totally 4 adv. 1527813778 په چپه پښه pu chapa pxa barefoot 4 adv. 1527811234 په ډاګه pu Daaga openly, frankly 4 adv. 1527820344 په داوطلب ډول pu daawtaláb Dawul voluntarily 4 adv. 1527813790 په دې خاطر pu de khaatur because of this, for this reason 4 adv. 1527815193 په ګډه pu guDa together, combined 4 adv. 1595517249765 په جلتۍ pu jaltúy quickly 4 adv. 1527823231 په جڼه جڼه pu jaNa jaNa evasively 4 adv. 1568927284353 په کراتو pu karaato again and again, again, over and over (څو ځلې) 4 adv. 1527813692 په خاطر pu khaatir for the sake of, because of, out of deference to 4 adv. 1527816045 په خپله pu khpula itself, himself, herself, etc. 4 adv. 1527814568 په خوښه pu khwaxa willingly, voluntarily 4 adv. 1584688791272 په لوی لاس pu looy laas on purpose, intentionally (قصداً) 4 adv. 1527821125 په منطقي ډول pu mantiqee Dawul logically 4 adv. 1593173323555 په مجمله توګه pu mUjmala toga in summary, briefly 3 adv. 1527818324 په مټې pu múTe barely, just, scarcely, only, merely 4 adv. 1527821715 په موازي ډول pu mUwaazee Dawul accordingly, appropriately, in parallel 4 adv. 1527821736 په موقت ډول pu mUwaqqat Dawul temporarily 4 adv. 1527819870 په ناحقه pu naahaqa unfaily, unjustly, falsely, undeservingly 4 adv. 1527813881 په نامه pu naama by name, called, so-called 4 adv. 1579389575376 په نامه pu naama in name, by name only 4 adv. 1577408435617 په نه زړه pu nu zRu unwillingly, grudingly 4 adv. 1527811604 په قصد pu qasd intentionally, purposefully 4 adv. 1527818714 په تدریجي ډول pu tadreejee Dawul gradually 4 adv. 1600075984510 په تېره بیا pu tera byaa especially, specifically 3 adv. 1527813586 په توګه pu toga as 4 adv. 1527811222 په څېر pu tser like, similar to, in this style, manner 4 adv. 1527817230 په زور pu zor by force 4 adv. 1527815195 په زوره pu zóra by force 4 adv. 1 1527814073 پکې puke therein 4 adv. 1527819612 پخپل pukhpul one’s own (misspelling of په خپل - cf. پخپله) 4 adv. 1527818237 پخپله pukhpúla (doing something) himself, herself, myself, ourself etc., used to indicate actions that the subject does himself 4 adv. 1 1527815198 پخوا pukhwáa formerly, before 4 adv. 1 1578014249199 پکښې pukxe therein 4 adv. 1527818276 پرمهال purmahaal at the time of, during (د ... پر مهال) 4 adv. 1662621657720 پړمخ puRmúkh face-down 4 adv. 1662621676988 پړمخې puRmúkhe face-down 4 adv. 1527819500 پرضد purzid against (د ... پر ضد) 4 adv. 1527814278 قصداً qasdan on purpose, intentionally 4 adv. 1527819160 قطعاً qattan absolutely, decisively, categorically 4 adv. 1527818595 قدرتاً qUdratan by nature, naturally 4 adv. 1527814453 را ایسته raa eesta over here, this side 4 adv. 1527820456 راباندې raabaande on me, on us (باندې with 1st person directive pronoun) 4 adv. 1527815215 راپدېخوا raapudekhwaa since (له ... راپدېخوا) 4 adv. 1527816767 رډ رډ raD raD obvious, openly, boldly, immodestly 3 adv. 1527811405 رسماً rasman officially 4 adv. 1586363985796 روزانه rozaaná daily, each day 4 adv. 1 1527819294 سهر وختي sahar wakhtee in the morning 4 adv. 1527823222 سلابلا salaabaláa without rhyme or reason, for no reason at all 4 adv. 1527812415 سم دلاسه sam dulaasa immediately, at once, instantly 4 adv. 1527819243 سمدلاسه samdalaasa immediately, right away, quickly 4 adv. 1527819293 سملاسي samlaasee immediately, right away, quickly 3 adv. 1527818326 صرفاً sarfan merely, only 4 adv. 1527814145 سوکه sawka slowly, gently, quietly, softly 3 adv. 1527814146 سوکه سوکه sawka sawka slowly, gently, quietly, softly 2 adv. 1527822165 سیده seedá straight, level, right away, direct, frank 3 adv. 1 1702810329175 سیده کول seeda kawúl to straighten, align, make level, make right 3 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527822165 straighten 1 1702810331482 سیده کېدل seeda kedúl to be straightened, aligned, made level, made right 3 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527822165 be straightened 1527815260 شاوخوا shaawkhwaa around, approximately 4 adv. 1527815261 شاوخوا shaawkhwaa, shaa-U-khwaa around, all around, approximately 4 adv. 1527818717 شاید shaayad probably, perhaps, possibly, maybe 4 adv. 1527820539 شرافتمندانه sharaafatmandaana honourably, with dignity 3 adv. 1527822183 شرعاً sharan according to Sharia law 4 adv. 1527818507 شریفانه shareefaana noble, well-known, nobly, with dignity and honour 4 adv. 1527815962 شومه دم shooma dam in the middle of the night 2 adv. 1527815291 صرف sirf only, just 3 adv. 1527814075 سوچ sooch pure, entirely, totally, completely 0 adv. 1574354759066 سوکه sooka slowly, gently, quietly, softly 4 adv. 1574354762646 سوکه سوکه sooka sooka slowly, gently, quietly, softly 2 adv. 1661753167820 ستوني ستاک stoonee stáak on one's back, supine, prostrate 3 adv. 1661753188652 ستوني ستغ stoonee stágh on one's back, supine, prostrate 4 adv. 1527814690 سږکال suGkaal this year, current year 4 adv. 1527815317 سمدستي sumdustée immediately, instantly 4 adv. 1 1527815318 سملاستي sumlaastee immediately, urgently, instantly 3 adv. 1527813874 تاوراتاو taawraataaw crooked, winding, twisted 4 adv. 1527820609 ټایټ TaayT good, well, firmly (انګليسي ښه ټايټه زده دا - he’s learn’t English really well) 4 adv. 1527818594 طبعاً tab'án naturally, by nature, of course 3 adv. 1527813618 طبعاً taban by nature, naturally 3 adv. 1527818596 طبیعتاً tabiy'atan naturally, by one’s nature 3 adv. 1527818716 تدریجاً tadreejan gradually 4 adv. 1527822388 ټک په ټک Tak pu Tak immediately, instantly, right away 4 adv. 1527816312 تخمیناً takhmeenan about, estimated 4 adv. 1584518205499 تکراراً takraaran repeatedly 4 adv. 1527813260 تماماً tamaaman finally, totally, completely, all together, in full 4 adv. 1527815029 تنها tanháa alone, lone, solitary, only; desolate 4 adv. 1 1702811149949 تنهایي tanhaayée solitude, lonliness, being alone 4 n. f. 1527822464 تقلیداً taqleedan in imitation, in manner of copying 4 adv. 1527822465 تقلیفاً taqleefan with trouble, with difficulty, strained 0 adv. 1527816311 تقریباً taqréeban approximately, about 4 adv. 1 1527819031 تصادفاً tasaadUfan by chance, coincidentally, accidentally 3 adv. 1527815347 تېرکال terkaal last year 4 adv. 1674545710320 ټول ټال Tol Taal all together, in total adv. 1527813516 څنګه tsanga, tsunga how 4 adv. 1527818174 څرنګه tsuranga how, like 4 adv. 1527815069 تکې تنها tuke tanhaa on one's own, single handed 4 adv. 1527821531 تل tul always, forever, constantly 4 adv. 1 1527812137 تل تر تله tul tur tula eternal, everlasting, forever 4 adv. 1 1527818051 تر ابده tur abada eternally, forever, constantly, for eternity 4 adv. 1586265891338 تر اوسه tur oosa until now, up until now, yet 4 adv. 1527815385 تر پایه tur paaya until the end, until the finish 4 adv. 1527814590 تر څنګ tur tsang alongside, along with this 4 adv. 1527820016 ترهغه turhaghú until 4 adv. 1527817130 ترخوا turkhwaa alongside, beside 4 adv. 1527817002 ترڅنګ turtsang along with, alongside of 4 adv. 1527811453 ترڅو turtso until, as much, so that, in order that 4 adv. 1593683680743 عموماً Umóoman in general, in broad areas, usually, normally 4 adv. 1527820289 واقعاً waaqi'an, waaqiyan truly, really, actually 4 adv. 1659635397088 واقعیاً waaqiyan really, indeed, definately, truly 4 adv. true 1527822766 وار له واره waar la waara suddenly, immediately, instantly, at once 4 adv. 1527811459 وار په وار waar pu waar gradually, in turns 4 adv. 1527820087 وخت ناوخت wakht naawakht time and again, sometimes, occasionally 4 adv. 1527819298 وختي wakhtee early, soon 4 adv. 1527815410 ولې wăle why 4 adv. 1527812183 ورپام wărpaam aware of, thinking of 4 adv. 1527815418 ورو wro, wroo slow 4 adv. 1527817261 وچ په وچه wuch pu wucha without reason, for no reason 4 adv. 1662099888515 ورې wÚre down there, under there, there 2 adv. 1527814324 ښایي xaayee probably, possibly 4 adv. 1674715255888 یک لخت yak lakht immediately, instantly, at once, fully, as a whole adv. 1674715276343 یک لخته yak lakhta immediately, instantly, at once, fully, as a whole adv. 1527823349 یقیناً yaqeenan certainly, surely, definitely 4 adv. 1527819835 یواریځ yawaaréedz all at once, straight away, right away; quite, completely 4 adv. 1527820827 یوځل yawdzal one time, once 4 adv. 1527820017 یوناڅاپه yawnaatsáapa suddenly, at once, unexpectedly, by chance 3 adv. 1527815433 یو یو yo yo one each 4 adv. 1645130994575 ظاهراً zaahiran apparently, visibly, ostensibly, by appearance, outwardly 4 adv. 1621018588552 ذاتاً zaatan by nature, naturally 4 adv. 1527813064 ذره zára just, only 3 adv. 1527815454 زر zur quickly, fast 4 adv. 1588786919406 زر تر زره zur tur zura as fast as possible, as quickly as possible, immediately 4 adv. 1527811773 زښت zuxt very much, exceedingly 3 adv. 1586626956539 درست drust, drast all, everything, everyone 3 adv. ?? 1622374915074 اغلب aghláb probably, likely, presumptively, having preference/advantage 2 adv. / adj. 1527821618 احمقانه ahmaqaana stupidly, foolishly, stupid, foolish; stupid, foolish 4 adv. / adj. 1527822230 باقاعده baaqaa'ida regular, regularly; repaired, restored 4 adv. / adj. 1527813686 برعکس baraks, barakis opposite, on the contrary 4 adv. / adj. 1595233263437 بې واره be wáara suddenly, unexpectedly, out of turn, embarrassed 4 adv. / adj. 1527823077 بېهوده behoodá vainly, in vain 4 adv. / adj. 1527821368 بلاشرط bilaashárt unconditional 4 adv. / adj. 1527813590 جادوګرانه jaadoogaraana magical 4 adv. / adj. 1527819764 ماهانه maahaaná monthly, every month 3 adv. / adj. 1527817550 محافظه کارانه mUhaafiza kaaraana conservatively, conservative 3 adv. / adj. 1620904454896 مخلصانه mUkhlisaana sincerely, sincere 4 adv. / adj. 1527811328 صادقانه saadiqaana sincerely, truthfully, faithfully 3 adv. / adj. 1527816034 تر شا tur shaa behind 4 adv. / adj. 1527815070 یک تنها yak tanhaa all alone, alone 4 adv. / adj. 1527811637 زیاتره zyaatara most, the majority, predominating 4 adv. / adj. 1527812952 غلامانه ghUlaamaana slave-like, slavish, servant-like, servile 4 adv. / adv. 1527817080 بالکل bilkUl totally, absolutely, entirely, wholly; that’s right, yep 4 adv. / interj. 1527815420 وروسته wroosta later, after, behind 4 adv. / loc. adv. 1703747595362 وروسته کېدل wroosta kedúl to go back 3 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527815420 1 1527822214 پیاده piyaada by foot, on foot, walking; pedestrian, infantry 4 adv. / n. f. 1610443940798 اخیر akhéer finally, end 4 adv. / n. m. 1 1527821995 اخر akhúr, akhír finally, end 4 adv. / n. m. 1527818313 پنځلس ورځنی pindzúlas wradzanáy bi-weekly, every two weeks, fortnightly pay 4 adv. / n. m. 1653363833604 بنډۍ binDúy okra, ladyfinger 2 b. f. 1527821430 آفرین aafareen well done, good job 4 conj. 1527812437 آیا aayaa is? Question word 4 conj. 1527812450 اما amaa but 4 conj. 1527812325 او aw and 4 conj. 1 1527813649 بلکې bălke but, but rather, also, however, adversative conjunction 4 conj. 1527817272 بلکه balki but, but rather, also, however, adversative conjunction 4 conj. 1527813151 چې che that, so, so that, if, connecting particle 4 conj. 1527817724 لاکن laakin however, but, on the other hand, (contrastive particle, Arabic) 4 conj. 1527817521 لېکن lekin but, yet, however, moreover, nevertheless 4 conj. 1527818322 لیکن laykin but, yet, however, moreover, nevertheless 4 conj. 1527811279 مګر magar but, however, only 4 conj. 1527815121 نو no so, then 4 conj. 1527812290 یا yaa or 4 conj. 1 1527814766 یانې yaane that is to say, in other words, namely 3 conj. 1527811700 یعنې yane that is to say, in other words, namely 4 conj. 1527812327 ځکه dzuka because, due to the fact, for, since 4 conj. / adv. 1 1611400737161 حیف hayf what a pity! what a shame! that's too bad! 3 exclam. 1527822235 اخ akh interjection used in joy or satisfaction; great! bravo!; used to sigh 4 interj. 1527815520 الحمدالله alhamdUlillah Alhamdulillah, praise God (Arabic) 4 interj. true 1527818458 درېغه drégha alas! oh! pity! 2 interj. 1527815712 ای ay ay, oh, interjection 4 interj. 1527818496 های های haay haay alas! woe! oh! 4 interj. 1527813264 هله هله hala hala faster!, get a move on 4 interj. 1527812679 هو ho yes 4 interj. 1571840499420 کنه kana Isn't it? (که نه) 4 interj. 1527813913 خبردار khabardáar beware, watch out, look out 4 interj. 1 1527821310 خدانخواسته khUdaanakhaasta God forbid! 4 interj. 1527816579 خدای ناخواسته khUdaay naakhaasta God forbid! 4 interj. 1527819103 لبیک labbayk at your service! I obey! (Arabic) 4 interj. 1527812870 لطفاً lUtfan please 3 interj. 1527821312 مبادا mabaadáa God forbid! lest, what if 4 interj. 1527822576 مړه maRa, maNa dude! bro! 3 interj. 1527813883 مرده باد mUrda baad death to …! 4 interj. 1527815097 نه na no 4 interj. 1527817859 نعوذبالله na'oozUbillah I seek refuge in Allah, something said almost like “God forbid” or “Lord forgive” when mentioning something really bad or heretical 4 interj. true 1527823565 اوف oof interjection, expression of frustration 4 interj. 1527817788 رحمه الله rahimah Ullah may God have mercy on him (Arabic), used after mentioning Islamic personalities that came after the companions of Muhammad 2 interj. true 1527819123 سهار دې په خیر sahaar de pu khayr good morning 4 interj. 1527819124 سهار مو په خیر sahaar mo pu khayr good morning 4 interj. 1527811590 شاباس shaabaas good job, well done, hurrah, wow 4 interj. 1527811591 شاباش shaabaash good job, well done, hurrah, wow 4 interj. 1527815346 تشکر tashukkUr thank you, thanks (from Farsi) 4 interj. 1577231889397 افوه Úfooh ugh! 4 interj. 1527819529 والله wallah I swear to God, I promise 4 interj. true 1566121009379 زره zára just (used sort of like a filler word) 2 interj. 1527813882 زنده باد zinda baad long live ...! 4 interj. 1527818842 ادې adé mommy! mother, mom 4 interj. / n. f. 1527815247 سلام salaam hello, hi, greetings, peace 4 interj. / n. m. 1527813915 مخکې múkhke before, in front of, forward 4 loc adv. 1 1702632661929 مخکې کېدل mukhke kedúl to go forward, to get ahead, to advance 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527813915 advance 1 1702632670541 مخکې کول mukhke kawúl to put forward, to put ahead, to advance 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527813915 advance 1527814163 اخوا ákhwaa that side, across 4 loc. adv. 1 1703677663870 آخوا áakhwaa that side, across 4 loc. adv. 1 1702628405691 بل طرف ته búl taraf ta to the other side, across 1 1702628450155 پورې غاړې ته póre ghaaRe ta to the other side, across 1 1527813690 بر bar above, on top 4 loc. adv. 1527823145 بېرون beróon outside, from without, on the outside; abroad (as in out of country) 4 loc. adv. 1610454983695 دغلته daghalta at this place, at that place, here 4 loc. adv. 1527812558 دلته dălta here 4 loc. adv. 1527818186 درپسې dărpase after you (sing and plural) 4 loc. adv. 1527819393 درپورې darpore over/across to you/there 4 loc. adv. 1527812293 درسره dărsara with you 4 loc. adv. 1527822852 دېخوا هاخوا dekhwaa haakhwaa this way and that way, here and there 3 loc. adv. 1578080952673 دباندې dubaande outside, outside of, beyond 3 loc. adv. 1527813122 دننه dunúna, dúnna inside, within, interior 4 loc. adv. 1708465305957 دننه کول dunúna kawul to bring inside 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527813122 bring inside 1708465310676 دننه کېدل dununa kedúl to come insinde, go in 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527813122 come inside 1 1527817710 ها خوا haa khwaa that side, across 4 loc. adv. 1527812449 هلته hálta, álta there 4 loc. adv. 1527820805 هماغلته hamáaghalta right there, in the same place, in the very same place 4 loc. adv. 1527813928 همدلته hamdalta right here, in this very place 4 loc. adv. 1577999518050 هورې hooré there, over there, thither 4 loc. adv. 1578015603537 له پاسه la paasa above 3 loc. adv. 1610796256372 مخ په وړاندې mukh pu wRaande forward 4 loc. adv. 1610796249240 مخ پر وړاندې mukh pur wRaande forward 4 loc. adv. 1527814318 مخکښې mukhkxe in front, forward, before; already 4 loc. adv. 1527813279 مخته mukhta in front of, forward, ahead of 2 loc. adv. 1588780597931 نېږدې neGdé near, close to, almost 3 loc. adv. 1527817294 پاس paas up, above 4 loc. adv. 1 1527817154 پسې pase after (as in going after), in pursuit, behind (د چا پسې خبرې کول – to talk bad about someone, gossip, or talk bad behind their back) 4 loc. adv. 1581189430959 پېش pesh ahead, in front; earlier, first, before 4 loc. adv. 1527811221 پورته pórta above, overhead 4 loc. adv. 1 1527814912 رانږدې raanaGde near, close to 3 loc. adv. 1527812413 راپسې raapase after oneself 4 loc. adv. 1527822042 راپورته raaporta above, overhead 3 loc. adv. 1527815457 سراسري săraasaree all over, throughout 4 loc. adv. 1527820292 شاته sháata behind 4 loc. adv. 1 1588758935200 وراخوا wăraakhwaa that way, direction, over there 3 loc. adv. 1527819388 وردننه wardunúna inside, in 3 loc. adv. 1527818064 ورپسې warpasé after him/her/it/them, behind 4 loc. adv. 1 1527815416 وړاندې wRáande ahead, forward, before, earlier 4 loc. adv. 1 1527812780 ښکته xkúta down, beneath 4 loc. adv. 1 1527822803 هیسته héesta far, distantly, a bit further, to the side, back, away, direction 3 loc. adv. / adj. 1527813688 کوز kooz lower, below, down 3 loc. adv. / adj. 1 1527812935 مخامخ múkhaamukh, mákhaamakh face to face, across from, opposite; straight 4 loc. adv. / adj. 1 1708738328629 مخامخ کول mukhaamukh kawul to confront, to make face 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527812935 confront 1 1708738332713 مخامخ کېدل mukhaamukh kedul to face, come to face with, encounter 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527812935 encounter 1 1527822780 ورمخته wărmukhta forward, towards 4 loc. adv. / adj. 1527814913 ورنږدې warnaGde near, close to 4 loc. adv. / adj. 1527818069 وروړاندې wărwRaande in front of him/her/it/them 4 loc. adv. / adj. 1527819321 کښته kxúta down, below; slope 4 loc. adv. / n. m. 1527814164 دېخوا dekhwaa this side, on this side 4 loc.adv. 1664028299000 ښنګ xung blood clot; frozen earth 4 n m. 1592559534666 پخ pakh sniffing (of a cat etc.); laugh, exclamation 4 n. .m 1527820603 پایګاه paaygáa foot (of a mountain), military bridgehead/beachhead, place or springboard for attack 4 n. f. foot feet 1527816124 پښه pxa foot 4 n. f. foot feet 1527815156 پاڼه paaNa leaf 4 n. f. leaf leaves 1527816016 پښتو puxto Pashto, Pashtunwali 4 n. f. Pashto 1527823620 بزه bza patch (in a garment) 1 n. f. patch patches 1527822437 تاخچه taakhchá shelf, niche 4 n. f. shelf shelves 1527822792 توشک toshák narrow mattress used as a bed or a couch, reversible rug 4 n. f. toshak 1527812797 ښځه xúdza woman, wife 4 n. f. woman women 1527820736 اعشاریه a'shaariya (decimal) point 4 n. f. 1527820285 آب بازي aab baazee swimming 3 n. f. 1527820771 آباداني aabaadaanee population, number of settlers; prosperity, well-being; organization of public services and amenities; construction 1 n. f. 1587319094935 آبادونه aabaadawúna population; tilling, cultivation (of land); building, construction; prosperity, well-being 3 n. f. 1527820777 آبادېدنه aabaadedúna population; tilling, cultivation (of land) 4 n. f. 1527820772 آبادي aabaadee populated place, dwelling, village; population (from Urdu); the condition of thriving, flourishing; fertileness; construction, act of building 4 n. f. 1594809128933 آبیاري aabyaaree irrigation 4 n. f. 1527812260 آدینه aadeena Friday 1 n. f. 1527822249 آغې aaghé light, illumination, daylight, shine, glow; lightness, joy, happiness 2 n. f. 1527815872 آغېزه aagheza influence, effect 4 n. f. 1527815652 عاجزي aajizee humility, weakness 4 n. f. 1527821758 آجرپزي aajurpazée kilning bricks, firing 1 n. f. 1527819251 آنه بهانه aaná bahaaná excuse, evasion, trick 4 n. f. 1527813075 آرامي aaraamee peace, tranquility; the Armenian language 4 n. f. 1591873079335 آراستګي aaraastagée beauty, adornment, decoration 4 n. f. 1527817533 آرموني aarmoonée (musical) harmony 1 n. f. 1527811856 آرزو aarzóo wish, desire; hope, expectancy 3 n. f. 1 1527820239 آس ځغلونه aas dzghulawána horse race 4 n. f. 1527814061 آساني aasaanee ease 4 n. f. 1527820240 آسمنډه aasmánDa horse race 4 n. f. 1527811857 آسوده ګي aasooda gee rest, calm, peace; prosperity, wellbeing 4 n. f. 1527822023 آسیا aasyaa Asia 4 n. f. 1527820349 آتش خانه aatash khaaná focus; center (ie. of an infection); pocket; shelf, lock, bolt, block; fuse, detonator 3 n. f. 1527811792 آتش پرستي aatash parastee Zoroastrianism, fire worship 4 n. f. 1527823528 عاطفه aatifa affection, sentiment, sympathy 2 n. f. عواطف awaatif 1527821378 آتیه aatiyá future 1 n. f. 1573056042029 ایډیالژي aayDiyaalajzee ideology 4 n. f. 1527819548 عایله aayilá family, wife and children, household, kin 2 n. f. 1527814540 آینه aayna mirror, glass; icing, frosting 3 n. f. 1527815020 آینه aayna mirror, glass; icing, frosting 4 n. f. 1527813939 آزادي aazaadee freedom, independence 4 n. f. 1527818579 ابادونه abaadawuna the act of building houses, settling, constructing, fattening 4 n. f. 1649101004970 ابادي abaadee populated place, dwelling, village; population (from Urdu); the condition of thriving, flourishing; fertileness; construction, act of building 4 n. f. 1594833584240 ابۍ abúy mommy, mom (way of addressing elderly woman), nanny, servant 4 n. f. 1527811661 اډه aDa base, army post, (air) port 4 n. f. 1527818029 ادا adáa setting forth, giving, fulfilling, execution, fulfillment, implementation, utterance, expression, rendering 4 n. f. 1527822363 عدالتي adaalatee justice, fairness 3 n. f. 1527823483 اډانه aDaana schedule, outline, scheme; the cover or jacket of a book 3 n. f. 1527820445 ادیره adeera graveyard, cemetery 3 n. f. 1527815046 عدلیه adliya court, tribunal 3 n. f. 1527812440 افغانۍ afghaanúy Afghani, the currency of Afghanistan 4 n. f. 1 1527817268 افریقه afreeqá Africa 4 n. f. 1 1527820097 افریقا afreeqaa Africa 4 n. f. 1527813303 افسانه afsaana myth, legend, fairy tale 3 n. f. 1527816758 عفوه afwa forgiveness, pardon, amnesty 4 n. f. 1527812441 افواه afwaah rumour, hearsay 4 n. f. افواهات afwaahaat 1527813432 افزارداني afzaardaanee box, bag for tools 4 n. f. 1527816212 اګاهي agaahee information, notification, awareness 4 n. f. 1527813417 اغېزه agheza influence, effect, affect, action 3 n. f. 1610539003852 اغوا aghwáa kidnapping, abduction 4 n. f. 1527819405 عهد شکني ahd shikanee breaking or violation of a treaty, covenant, promise, or obligation 3 n. f. 1527822547 اهلیت نامه ahliyat naama driver’s license 4 n. f. 1662619883398 عجله ajalá rush, hurry 4 n. f. 1614083533098 اجنډه ajanDa agenda 4 n. f. 1566652353002 اجړا ajRáa, ijRáa hemaphrodite, she-male 4 n. f. 1527816439 اکاني akaanee aunt; gay, queer, pansy, homosexual (slang) 4 n. f. 1527812444 عکاسي akaasee photography 4 n. f. 1527820167 اکېډمي akeDamee academy 4 n. f. 1527823760 عکس برداري aks bardaaree photography, taking photographs 3 n. f. 1527820163 اله ala instrument, tool آلت 4 n. f. 1527814921 1527820156 اله بله alá balá cry, howl 4 n. f. 1527820154 اله ګوله alá goolá riot, revolt, disturbances, noise 4 n. f. 1527820155 اله ګله alá gÚla riot, revolt, disturbances, noise 4 n. f. 1612113510009 علامه alaamá sign, symbol, mark 4 n. f. علامات alaamaat 1527821770 علاقه alaaqá interest, concern, connection, affection; region, district, zone, territory 3 n. f. 1 1527821772 علاقه داري alaaqa daaree interest, concern; region, area, precint, section of a city 4 n. f. 1527821774 علاقه مندي alaaqa mandee interest, concern 3 n. f. 1527813802 الغه algha ring, hoop 3 n. f. 1602179757779 الف بې alif be alphabet 4 n. f. 1602179787173 الف و بې alif-U-be alphabet 4 n. f. 1527822448 الفبا alifbaa alphabet 4 n. f. 1527814931 المارۍ almaarúy cupboard, cabinet, wardrobe 4 n. f. 1 1584885212687 الوچه aloochá plum 4 n. f. 1577816185726 الوتکه alwatáka plane, airplane 4 n. f. 1527813055 الوتنه alwUtúna, alwatúna, alootúna flight, flying; explosion; take-off 4 n. f. 1527816429 عمه ama paternal aunt 3 n. f. 1527821293 امادګي amaadagee preparation, readiness, planning 4 n. f. 1527822548 عمل نامه amal naama protocol, written record, deed of property/land; in Islam, the book where you good and bad deeds are written 4 n. f. 1527820878 عمله amala crew 2 n. f. 1527814677 امنیه amnya security, police force 4 n. f. 1577232915386 امپراتوري amparaatoree empire 4 n. f. 1527815039 امریکه amreeká America, the U.S.A. 4 n. f. 1 1527816907 امریکا amreekaa America, the U.S.A. 4 n. f. 1527818119 امسا amsáa stick, walking staff, walking stick, crutch 4 n. f. 1 1527816440 امکه amuka aunt; gay, queer, pansy, homosexual (slang) 4 n. f. 1527816260 امیاني amyaanee wallet, purse, handbag 3 n. f. 1527817553 عنعنه an'aná tradition (Arabic) 3 n. f. عنعنات an'anáat 1527812451 انا anaa grandmother 4 n. f. 1527822494 انانګه anaangá cheek n. f. 1527811706 انرژي inarjzée, anarjzée energy, power 4 n. f. 1 1527817225 اندازه andaazá measure, dimension, extent, scale 4 n. f. 1 1527817228 اندازه ګیري andaaza geeree measuring, measurement 4 n. f. 1527813759 اندېښنه andexná worry, concern, fear 4 n. f. 1 1527820626 انځورګري andzoorguree the art of drawing, painting (art) 4 n. f. 1595516844401 انګاره angaará stubble, straw 2 n. f. 1527814914 انګازه angaazá rumour, common talk, babble, hearsay; murmur; echo 4 n. f. 1 1527815653 انګېرنه angeruna assumption, notion, imagination, calculation 4 n. f. 1527814797 انګېزه angeza motive, reason, cause, idea; morale, motivation 4 n. f. 1527823452 انګولا angoláa crying, wailing, weeping, howling 4 n. f. 1527813796 انګریزي angreezée English 4 n. f. 1 1527812181 انګرېزي angrezee English 4 n. f. 1527819474 انګروزه angrozá rumour, hearsay 3 n. f. 1610797303583 انتوشي antooshee sneeze 4 n. f. 1527816422 انکه anuka granny, grandma (children's speech) 4 n. f. 1527816423 انۍ anúy granny, grandma, grandmother 4 n. f. 1527811793 عقیده aqeedá faith, religion, creed 4 n. f. عقائد aqaaíd 1 1527811553 اړه aRa relation, connection; need 3 n. f. 1527821380 اره ara saw (the tool) 4 n. f. 1527821382 اره کشي ara kashee sawing (lumber) 4 n. f. 1527819843 اړه تړه áRa táRa collusion 3 n. f. 1674054375128 ارایه araayá presentation, producing, showing (of documents etc.) n. f. 1527817947 اړایي aRaayée bad harvest, crop failure 1 n. f. 1576724261523 اراضي araazée earth, land; district, locality 4 n. f. 1527811463 اربه araba cart, wagon, carriage 3 n. f. 1527816381 اړنګ نیونه aRang neewuna protest, outcry, appeal, furor 2 n. f. 1527821826 اړنګۍ aRangúy step, running board, 2 n. f. 1527818752 ارچه archá Archa, Juniperus semiglobosa, a kind of coniferous tree 2 n. f. 1527818750 ارچه کاري archa kaaree wood panelling, plank panelling, cabinet making work, carpentry work 2 n. f. 1527814070 اړیکه aReeka connection, relation, bridge 4 n. f. 1631826679145 اړینتیا aReentyáa necessity, importance 4 n. f. 1527822821 عریضه areezá petition, request, lawsuit 4 n. f. 1527822097 ارکاره arkaará frying pan, a children’s game, casserole 4 n. f. 1595252919385 ارماني armaanee desirable, ideal 4 n. f. 1527816359 ارمټه armaTa widow, poor woman 2 n. f. 1527820174 ارمونیه armooniya harmonium 4 n. f. 1527817208 اروپا aroopaa Europe 4 n. f. 1527816486 ارتینه arteena wife, woman (can be negative) 3 n. f. 1527812456 اړتیا aRtiyáa, aRtyáa need, necessity 4 n. f. 1527812954 اروا درملنه arwaa darmaluna psychiatry 3 n. f. 1527812945 اروا پوهنه arwaa pohana pshychology 3 n. f. 1527816487 اروته arwata wife, woman 3 n. f. 1575235366415 اریاني aryaanee surprise, alarm, amazement (حيراني) 4 n. f. 1527814639 عرضه arza supply (of goods) 2 n. f. 1527814310 ارزونه arzawuna evaluation, appraisal, assessment 2 n. f. 1672305639199 عصا asáa cane, baton, stick n. f. 1527814060 اساني asaanee ease 4 n. f. 1527818026 اسانتیا asaantyáa ease, facility, easiness 4 n. f. 1 1527813013 عصب پوهنه asab pohuna neurology 3 n. f. 1678446947826 اسمبلي asamblee assembly (political) n. f. 1527816620 اشا ashaa misfortune, disaster, danger 3 n. f. 1527820869 اشاریه ashaariya (decimal) point 4 n. f. 1527821749 اشپزي ashpazee cookery, cooking 4 n. f. 1678796022540 اشرافیه ashraafiya aristocracy n. f. 1527816619 اسکېرنه askeruna misfortune, disaster, bad luck 1 n. f. 1527822842 اسمان لار asmaan laar Milky Way 3 n. f. 1610012325799 اثنا asnáa moment, interval, space (in time) 3 n. f. 1527822277 اسپه aspa mare, female horse; fever 4 n. f. 1527817039 استازي astaazee representation, ambassadorship 3 n. f. 1527819108 استازوالي astaazwaalee representation, official mission 4 n. f. 1527816971 استوګه astogá residence, stay 3 n. f. 1527816972 استوګنه astogna residence, stay 4 n. f. 1527820201 استرالیا astraaliyaa Australia 4 n. f. 1675269163515 اسیا asyáa, asiyáa Asia n. f. 1527814326 عتا ataa ability, skill; gift, donation, grant; endowment, natural talent 1 n. f. 1527818403 اتلوالي atalwaalée championship; courage 4 n. f. 1527818402 اتلولي atalwalée championship; courage 4 n. f. 1527816420 اتکو atko mother, grandmother (affectionate form of address) 3 n. f. 1527816421 اتکۍ atkúy mother, grandmother (affectionate form of address) 3 n. f. 1527816148 اڅه atsa endeavor, attempt, effort, aspiration, movement, advance 2 n. f. 1527818017 اټۍ aTúy store, shop 4 n. f. 1527819475 اوازه awaazá rumour, hearsay 4 n. f. 1578343584088 اوغانۍ awghaanúy Afghani (money) colloqual speech (افغانۍ) 4 n. f. 1527818530 اوره áwra small cloud, cloudlet 3 n. f. 1527818495 اوسېلنه awselúna sighing, whining, deep breathing 3 n. f. 1527819354 عیاشي ayaashee partying, loose living, enjoying life, immorality and free living 3 n. f. TRUE 1527816687 اینکه aynaka glasses, spectacles (usually plural اينکې) 3 n. f. 1588782166073 عینکه aynaká (looking) glass, spectacle (usually plural عینکې) 3 n. f. TRUE 1675275383469 ازادي azaadee freedom n. f. 1610617234788 ازانګه azaangá echo 2 n. f. 1527819296 عضله azalá muscle, sinew, tissue 4 n. f. 1527819994 عزیزداري azeezdaaree relationship through marriage 3 n. f. 1527819062 اضحیٰ azháa religious sacrifice, sacrificial offering (from Arabic, used for festival of sacrifice) 3 n. f. 1527816065 ازماینه azmaayna trial, testing, difficulty, temptation 3 n. f. 1527811606 ازموینه azmoyuna attempt, try; experiment, test 3 n. f. 1623687085120 اذوقه azooqá provisions, stock, food 4 n. f. 1527817173 ازوتي azotee nitrogen 1 n. f. 1527812364 بابونه baabawuna spreading, dissemination 4 n. f. 1527816490 بابۍ baabúy brother's wife; general term of address for an alder woman, mother, aunty 4 n. f. 1527821022 باده baadá wine, alcoholic drink, anything intoxicating 4 n. f. 1527820035 باداري baadaaree dominion, holding sway over someone 4 n. f. 1527819712 باډاسکه baaDáaska wave 4 n. f. 1527812330 بادشاهي baadshaahee kingly, royal, regal; kingdom, monarchy, sultanate, reign 4 n. f. 1527823190 باغچه baaghchá flower bead, flower garden, vegetable garden, little garden (from باغ) 4 n. f. 1527816268 1527814626 باغواني baaghwaanee gardening, market gardening 4 n. f. 1527816491 باجه baaja music, brass band; wife's sister's husband 4 n. f. 1577238270133 باجي baajee older sister (from Urdu / Pakistan) 4 n. f. 1527813309 باخو baakhoo a fairy tale witch 2 n. f. 1527820712 باکۍ baakúy vomit, puke 4 n. f. 1527818575 بالاخانه baalaakhaana upstairs, upper floors of a building 4 n. f. 1527817264 بالټۍ baalTúy bucket 4 n. f. 1 1527814400 بامبوره baamboora toy (the toy) 4 n. f. 1527813981 بانډه baanDa pen for cattle, fence for animals; small village, camp of nomads 4 n. f. 1527815591 بانډه baanDa pen for cattle, fence for animals; small village, camp of nomads 4 n. f. 1527822272 باڼو baaNoo, baaNo eyelash 4 n. f. 1527822231 باقاعده ګي baaqaa'ida gee regularity, agreement, harmony, state of good repair 4 n. f. 1527820486 باړه baaRá rent, freight charge 4 n. f. 1527816309 باره báara fortification, large dam, barrier, obstacle 3 n. f. 1527820485 باړه báaRa temporary fence; built up of rocks; enclosure (for cattle) 4 n. f. 1527814468 بارانۍ baaraanúy farming land without artificial irrigation; umbrella, raincoat 4 n. f. 1586634360276 بارجامه baarjaamá sailcloth, duck (the cloth) 2 n. f. 1527816346 باټه baaTa boasting, bragging 3 n. f. 1611420723227 باورچي خانه baawarchee khaana kitchen 4 n. f. 1527823298 باښه baaxá sparrow-hawk, eagle 4 n. f. 1611063974469 باښه baaxá falcon, hawk 4 n. f. 1527820814 بازي baazee game, playing 4 n. f. 1527814399 بازیچه baazeecha toy 4 n. f. 1527822532 بچه بازي bacha baazee paedophilia, pederastry (with young boys) 4 n. f. 1527816024 بچه ګوته bacha gwuta ring finger 3 n. f. 1527820828 بچۍ bachúy daughter, girl 4 n. f. 1527822083 بد اخلاقي bad akhlaaqee immorality 4 n. f. 1527815993 بد بختي bad bakhtee bad luck, misforture 4 n. f. 1588150634560 بد تمیزي bad tameezee rudeness (Urdu) 4 n. f. 1622874694531 بډه báDa the upper part with the cord of the traditional loose trousers; disappearance, wane (of the moon in the last days of the lunar month) 4 n. f. 1527822521 بدنۍ badnúy, badanúy a watering container with a spout (usually metal) 4 n. f. 1527817732 بدبختي badbakhtee misfortune, difficulty 4 n. f. 1527822611 بډبولتیا baDboltiyaa truthfulness, righteousness 1 n. f. 1527817345 بدي badee enmity; badness, a bad deed 4 n. f. 1527816109 بدګوماني badgoomaanee suspicion, distrust 4 n. f. 1527812512 بدله badlá exchange, return, compensation, reward, recompense, revenge 4 n. f. 1 1708559381630 بدله ورکول badlá warkawul to compensate, reward, pay back v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527812512 1 1527811928 بدلغامي badlaghaamee prostitution 3 n. f. 1588786872582 بدنامي badnaamée shame, disrepute, dishonour 4 n. f. 1 1650297394423 بدنصیبي badnaseebee bad luck, misfortune 4 n. f. 1527813651 بدرګه badraga escort, accompaniment 4 n. f. 1527811242 بدتري badtaree awfulness, getting worse 4 n. f. 1527817599 بغل ګیري baghal geerée embrace, hugging 4 n. f. 1527817598 بغل کشي baghal kashée embrace, hugging 4 n. f. 1527822140 بغرۍ baghrúy mortar, mortar for threshing rice 4 n. f. 1566468399630 بغره baghúra a rabbit's hole/burrow 4 n. f. 1527817914 بګوړا bagoRaa curds, cottage cheese 3 n. f. 1527811906 بګړۍ bagRúy turban 3 n. f. 1527822974 بګۍ bagúy cart, buggy, stroller, carriage 3 n. f. 1 1527821306 بهادري bahaadurée bravery, courage 4 n. f. 1 1527819250 بهانه bahaaná excuse, pretext 4 n. f. 1 1527820357 بهنه bahná top (toy) 1 n. f. 1527823759 بهره برداري bahra bardaaree use; operation; exploitation; utilization 4 n. f. 1527820356 بهنه bahúna a lock of hair left with children as a vow or promise 1 n. f. 1527812479 بجه baja hour; o'clock 4 n. f. 1527814825 بکا bakaa frog 4 n. f. 1527818235 بخوله bakhóla tragedy (literary), calamity, catastrophe 3 n. f. 1527819195 بخشه bakhsha forgiveness, pardon 4 n. f. 1527815579 بخښنه bakhxúna forgiveness, pardon, sorry 4 n. f. 1 1702925293948 بخښنه غوښتل bakhxúna ghwUxtul to apologize, ask forgiveness 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527815579 apologise 1 1527811905 بلا baláa misfortune, disaster; monster 4 n. f. 1 1670563662968 بلدتیا baladtiyaa knowledge, familiarity 3 n. f. 1527811574 بلنه baluna calling 4 n. f. 1576113420711 بلۍ balúy roof, rooftop, pole (for pushing a boat); eaves, cornice; bar, bolt 3 n. f. 1622358627292 بلوا balwáa insurrection, revolt, rebellion 4 n. f. 1594131219639 بمبه bambá pump 3 n. f. 1527822579 بمباري bambaarée bombardment, bombing 4 n. f. 1 1527811938 بڼه baNá appearance, shape, form, aspect, angle 3 n. f. 1527822593 بڼه báNa feather, fin 4 n. f. 1627298216333 بنفشه banafshá violet (color), flowers with purple leaves n. f. 1527819641 بنډه banDá part, portion, share 2 n. f. 1527814668 بنده کوڅه banda kootsa dead end, impasse 4 n. f. 1527819384 بندګي bandagée slavery, servant-hood 4 n. f. 1527821561 بندیخانه bandeekhaaana jail 4 n. f. 1588784498203 بڼکه baNúka feather (د واورې بڼکې - snowflakes) 4 n. f. 1566477866591 بنۍ banúy bellows (of a blacksmith) 4 n. f. 1527818754 بقا baqáa duration, length, continuation, existence, immortality 4 n. f. 1527822425 برابرتیا baraabartyaa equality, evenness 4 n. f. 1527817355 برابري baraaburée equality, evenness, parallel direction 4 n. f. 1 1605093236690 برکه baráka a fabric made from camel fur 2 n. f. 1579294091093 برنډه baranDá balcony, veranda, porch 4 n. f. 1577584084745 برچه bărchá bayonet 4 n. f. 1672387452072 برف جنګي barf jangee snow ball fighting (Farsi) n. f. 1527811566 برفي barfee A kind of ice cream that comes in little bars, popsicles 4 n. f. 1527812001 برخه barkha poriton, part, share 4 n. f. 1527821688 برمه barmá auger (for drilling) 4 n. f. 1 1705179194985 برمه کول barma kawúl to auger, drill v. stat. comp. trans. 1527821688 drill 1 1705179198004 برمه کېدل barma kedúl to be augered, drilled v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527821688 be drilled 1527821689 برمه کاري barma kaaree drilling 4 n. f. 1579907648537 برمه کاري barma kaaree drilling 4 n. f. 1527816994 برنامه barnaama program 4 n. f. 1527818321 برقي جارو barqee jaaroo vacuum cleaner 4 n. f. 1527819283 برقي زینه barqee zeená elevator, lift 4 n. f. 1527812353 برتانیه bartaanya Great Britian, England 4 n. f. 1527812354 برطانیه bartaanya Great Britian 4 n. f. 1527812236 برطرفي bartarafee firing, dismissal (from a job) 4 n. f. 1527817837 بړوا خانه baRwaa khaana whorehouse, brothel 4 n. f. 1527812486 بریا baryaa success 4 n. f. 1527821404 بسېره baserá nest, perch, roost; twilight (when birds return to their nest) 4 n. f. 1574188090133 بسپنه baspuna contribution, donation, gift, charity 4 n. f. 1527821331 بسته bastá enough, will do; bunch, bundle, pack, leather briefcase 4 n. f. 1 1527821337 بسته کاري basta kaaree assembly, installation 3 n. f. 1527821336 بسته کارخانه basta kaarkhaana assembly shop 4 n. f. 1527816591 بستیا bastyaa sufficiency, to have enough or get by 4 n. f. 1527816590 بسنه basuna sufficiency, to have enough or get by 3 n. f. 1594908629506 بطحه batá duck 0 n. f. true 1586634412756 بطه báta duck 4 n. f. 1527822192 بټۍ baTúy stove, oven, furnace 4 n. f. 1566476931206 بتۍ batúy lamp, light 4 n. f. 1527816261 بټوه baTwá wallet, purse 4 n. f. 1 1590053924393 بورا bawráa moth, butterfly, bumblebee; basement, cellar 3 n. f. 1527811294 بښنه baxána, baxúna forgiveness, pardon, sorry 4 n. f. 1527816621 بښکوله baxkola misfortune, disaster, unpleasantness 2 n. f. 1527818236 بښکوله baxkóla tragedy (literary), calamity, catastrophe 2 n. f. 1527816264 بیع bay deed of purchase, document of sale 3 n. f. 1527819152 بیعانه bay'aaná deposit, advance 4 n. f. 1527813413 بیه báya price, cost 4 n. f. 1 1703836115688 بیه کول baya kawul to bargain 1 1703836085806 بیعه báya price, cost 4 n. f. 1 1703836119982 بیعه کول baya kawul to bargain 1 1527817520 بیانیه bayaaniya statement 3 n. f. 1527821295 بینه bayina irrefutable proof 2 n. f. 1527823617 بزه bazá crime, offense, sin, guilt, fault 1 n. f. 1527814471 بزګري bazgaree farming, share-cropping 4 n. f. 1527813622 بزمي bazmee lyric (of poetry) 4 n. f. 1527821041 بې عزتي be 'izatée humiliation, disgrace, dishonour 4 n. f. 1 1527822823 بې عدالتي be adaalatee injustice 3 n. f. 1527822909 بې ادبي be adabée, be adbée rudeness, impoliteness, poor upbrining, disrespect 4 n. f. 1 1610541047518 بې چارګي be chaaragee, be chaarigee helplessness 4 n. f. 1527814062 بې دیني be deenee atheism, godlessness 4 n. f. 1527814089 بې فکري be fikree lightheartedness, lack of concern; neglect, inattentiveness, disregard 4 n. f. 1527822977 بې غوري be ghawree, be ghoree carelessness, negligence, rashness, inattentiveness 4 n. f. 1527822924 بې غیرتي be ghayratee dishonourable bahaviour, dishonour, being a scoundrel, cowardice 4 n. f. 1527811292 بې ګناهي be gUnaahee sinlessness, innocence 4 n. f. 1527817195 بې حوصله be hawsala, be hausala lack of patience, lack of courage 3 n. f. 1612114401489 بې حرمتي be hUrmatée disrespect, disgrace 4 n. f. 1527818814 بې احتیاطي be ihtiyaatée carelessness, lack of caution 4 n. f. 1 1527818344 بې اتفاقي be itifaaqée disunity, discord, disharmony, disagreement 4 n. f. 1 1709334076421 بې اتفاقي کول be itifaaqée kawul to disagree, be in disunity 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527818344 disagree 1 1527820995 بې اعتمادي be itimaadee mistrust, lack of trust, lack of confidence 3 n. f. 1527816763 بې کفایتي be kafaayatee insufficiency, inadequacy, incompetence 2 n. f. 1527819528 بې کسي be kasee the state of having no relatives, being alone, having no guardian 4 n. f. 1527819856 بې خوبي be khobee insomnia, sleeplessness 4 n. f. 1527813615 بې ننګي be nangee shamelessness, honorlessness, cowardice 4 n. f. 1527811907 بې نصیبي be naseebee haplessness, lack of success 4 n. f. 1588153053407 بې نظمي be nazmee disorder, lack of rule or order 4 n. f. 1527819958 بې پلوي be palawee neutrality, impartiality 4 n. f. 1527812500 بې پردګي be pardagee failure to wear a veil, open face, dishonor 3 n. f. 1527818380 بې پروایي be parwaayee lack of concern, indifference, apathy, carelessness, lack of attention or courtesy 3 n. f. 1591805322267 بې پتي be patée disloyalty, disgrace, dishonour, treachery 4 n. f. 1527820959 بې قراري be qaraaree uneasiness, anxiety, instability, inconsistency, changeableness 4 n. f. 1584640784156 بې رحمي be rahmee heartlessness, cruelty, lack of mercy 4 n. f. 1527819452 بې ثباتي be sabaatée, be sUbaatée instability, inconsistency 4 n. f. 1578617946103 بې شرمي be sharmee shamelessness, immodesty 4 n. f. 1527816267 بې وفایي be wafaayee unfaithfulness, disloyalty, infidelity 4 n. f. 1527816756 بې وسي be wusee poverty, lack of means or ability 4 n. f. 1527822362 بېعدالتي be'adaalatee injustice, unfairness 4 n. f. 1610541043090 بېچارګي bechaaragee, bechaarigee helplessness 4 n. f. 1661516891869 بېډۍ beDúy knucklebone (from animal, used in games) 2 n. f. 1527821566 بېدیا bedyáa desert, outdoors 4 n. f. 1527823694 بیجلي beejlée ankle bone 2 n. f. 1 1527811385 بیمه beema insurance, assurance 4 n. f. 1573682378816 بیماري beemaarée sickness, illness 3 n. f. 1 1653363882851 بینډۍ beenDúy okra, ladyfinger (dialect vers. of بنډۍ) 4 n. f. 1527820867 بیروکراسي beerookraasee bureaucracy 4 n. f. 1566468038374 بیزو beezó monkey, ape 4 n. f. 1527818598 بېکاري bekaaree unemployment, idleness 3 n. f. 1527822564 بېخ کني bekh kanée ruin, destruction, extermination 4 n. f. 1527819857 بېخوابي bekhwaabee insomnia, sleeplessness 3 n. f. 1527814859 بېله bela trough, gutter, branch (of a river), small island; whistle 4 n. f. 1527823172 بېله belá swamp, marsh 3 n. f. 1527812028 بېلچه belcha shovel 4 n. f. 1527812499 بېلګه belga example, model, clue 4 n. f. 1527811641 بېلتیه beltiya separation 0 n. f. 1527815862 بېړه béRa speed, rush, hurry, urgency 3 n. f. 1593852212828 بېره béra fear, fright 3 n. f. 1527817489 بېراني beraanee loss of consciousness, fainting??, stupor 2 n. f. 1527813873 بېړکۍ beRukúy boat 4 n. f. 1527813872 بېړۍ beRúy boat, ship, vessel; shackles, chains 3 n. f. 1527822964 بېړۍ beRúy boat, ship, canoe; shackles, fetters 4 n. f. 1575236348486 بېسدي besudee fainting, unconsciousness 3 n. f. 1527819959 بېطرفي betarafee neutrality, impartiality 3 n. f. 1527816368 بېوه bewa widow (Urdu) 4 n. f. 1527820739 بېوزلي bewazlee poor, needy, destitute, helpless, poverty, need, helplessness 4 n. f. 1571607895925 بیت الخلا bayt Ulkhalaa bathroom, toilet (Arabic) 3 n. f. 1622873088561 بېزه beza she-goat (dialectical variant of وزه) 4 n. f. 1566468054028 بېزو bezó monkey, ape 4 n. f. 1527818629 بغرګه bghárga valley between two mountains; woman who has had twinns 4 n. f. 1527812205 بهبودي bihboodee health, well-being, prosperity; large knife, dagger 4 n. f. 1527811239 بهتري bihtaree improvement, getting better, prosperity 4 n. f. 1527823693 بجلکه bijláka, bajilaka ankle 4 n. f. 1527819115 بستر سازي bistar saazee making a bed, creating the conditions or pretext for something 4 n. f. 1527818310 بستره bistará bed, bed-roll 4 n. f. 1527811206 بیولوژي biyolojzee biology 4 n. f. 1527819247 بلندره blándra invitation, entertainment (by a host) 3 n. f. 1527813176 بلوده blawda stumbling, getting stuck 3 n. f. 1527818436 بوکه boka Aquarius constellation; water carrier 4 n. f. 1527816029 بوختیا bokhtiyaa occupation, pursuit, busy-ness, business 4 n. f. 1527816464 بوله bola female relative's of bride giving groom's relatives rice 2 n. f. 1527819889 بوده booda quadruped animal (horse, donkey, cow); simpleton, silly; gain, attainment 4 n. f. 1527815875 بودجه boodja budget, financial plan 4 n. f. 1527823152 بوغه boogha intoxication/buzz from smoking hashish/pot or strong tobacco 2 n. f. 1527822775 بوغاره boogháara crying, whining, wailing, scream, bleating 4 n. f. 1527819808 بوجه booja stopper, plug, gap 2 n. f. 1527816287 بوجۍ bojúy bag, purse 4 n. f. 1 1527822648 بوکره bookra veil, burka (برقعه) 3 n. f. 1527816356 بوره boora a woman whose son died 4 n. f. 1527818538 بوره boora granulated sugar, sawdust, fillings 4 n. f. 1661756597518 بوړبکۍ booRbUkúy whirlwind, swirl, tornado, twister, storm, sandstorm 4 n. f. 1672305902063 بوسه boosa kiss (Urdu) n. f. 1588786388043 بوساړه boosaaRá a hut like structure made from a stack of straw and plastered clay, a hollow object; (fig. lazy, puffed up) 4 n. f. 1584639241244 بوړۍ boRúy a ball (of yarn, hair, etc.) 2 n. f. 1584889134904 بوښته bóxta mire, bog, swamp 4 n. f. 1577397158534 برجوره کلا brajawara kalaa fortified castle 4 n. f. 1527820442 برمته bramatá driving away of cattle, seizing of property 4 n. f. 1527814147 بړستن bRastún blanket, coving, quilt 4 n. f. 1527812510 برېښنا brexnáa electricity, lightning 4 n. f. 1527819507 برتانیا britaanyaa Great Britain, England 4 n. f. 1527814355 بدکاري budkaarée adultery, fornication, sinning 4 n. f. 1 1527817365 بغاره bUghaará wail, mourning, cry 4 n. f. 1566468433901 بغره bUghrá veil, shawl 4 n. f. 1527822851 بخارۍ bUkhaarúy furnace, heater 4 n. f. 1527811479 بللګۍ bulalgúy a woman that gives birth every year; cattle that give increase each year 3 n. f. 1527821971 بن bun second wife of own husband 4 n. f. 1527816392 بنځۍ bundzúy stepdaughter, daughter of one wife (under polygamy) 4 n. f. 1661756556591 بړبوکۍ buRbookúy whirlwind, swirl, tornado, twister, storm, sandstorm 4 n. f. 1527822647 برقعه bUrq'á veil, burka 4 n. f. 1578009902092 برقه bUrqá veil, burka 4 n. f. 1527811794 بت پرستي bUt parastee idolatry 4 n. f. 1591026261598 بزه buza she-goat 4 n. f. 1527823619 بزه bUzá moth 4 n. f. 1527823384 بزدلي bUzdilee cowardice 4 n. f. 1584533419063 بزکشي bUzkashee buzkashi (the Afghan national sport played with horses and a dead goat) 4 n. f. 1672160461927 بزرګي bUzUrgée greatness, mightiness n. f. 1672160438354 بزرګواري bUzUrgwaarée greatness, mightiness n. f. 1527820475 بیارغاونه byaaraghaawúna rebuilding, restoration, rehabilitation, reconstruction 3 n. f. 1592558936200 بیاتي byaatée (pair of) scissors 4 n. f. 1527813458 چابي chaabee key (Urdu) 4 n. f. 1527821563 چابکي chaabukée quickness, swiftness 3 n. f. 1527816449 چاچي chaachée aunt (paternal uncle's wife) 3 n. f. 1 1527813390 چادري chaadaree veil 3 n. f. 1566478686505 چالاکي chaalaakée craftiness, cunning-ness, cleverness 4 n. f. 1 1527812244 چاندمارۍ chaandmaarúy firing, shooting, execution by shooting 3 n. f. 1527816680 چاپه chaapa pattern, composition (Archaeology), printing 4 n. f. 1631221830768 چاپي chaapee massage, rubbing or kneading 4 n. f. 1527813414 چاره chaara solution, way out, cure; work, act, deed, duty; method, way 4 n. f. 1527811622 چاره سازي chaara saazee assistance, aid, healing, cure 4 n. f. 1527813465 چاړه chaaRa, chaaRu knife 3 n. f. 1527812254 چارشنبه chaarshamba Wednesday 3 n. f. 1527812032 چارۍ chaarúy shovel 4 n. f. 1527821403 چارزانو chaarzaanóo sitting with crossed legs 3 n. f. 1527814546 چاودنه chaawdúna explosion, blast, bomb 4 n. f. 1 1527812527 چاینکه chaaynika teapot 4 n. f. 1527818368 چغانغه chagháangha mint 1 n. f. 1527821033 چغنه chaghana wine press, press, extraction 2 n. f. 1588075539331 چغزۍ chaghzúy walnut kernel 4 n. f. 1675268228412 چهارشنبه chahaarshambá, chaarshambá Wednesday n. f. 1527823002 چجه chajá fishing weir; ribs; leafy tops (of carrots); fencing; eaves; splints (medicine) 4 n. f. 1527817913 چکه chaká semi-sold cheese curds, cottage cheese; hand 3 n. f. 1 1527814403 چکلۍ chaklúy whirlpool; cogwheel in Persian water-wheel; top (the toy) 2 n. f. 1527811838 چکۍ chakúy small piece, morsel, scrap; fat tail (sheep) 1 n. f. 1527811415 چل بازي chal baazee cunning, deceit, trickery 4 n. f. 1527815706 چله chala flood, inundation 2 n. f. 1527811413 چلبازي chalbaazee cunning, deceit, trickery 4 n. f. 1527819041 چلیپا chaleepaa cross, crucifix 3 n. f. 1576101632183 چلښت لیکه chaluxt leeka direction, course 3 n. f. 1527821320 چمبه chamba paw, claws (bird’s); tambourine; circle, rim 2 n. f. 1527815802 چمچه chamcha spoon, ladle 3 n. f. 1527821992 چمچه ګیري chamcha geeree sucking up, flattery 4 n. f. 1650882378868 چمپل champál slipper 0 n. f. 1573768760729 چنه chaná bartering, bargaining (for a price) 3 n. f. 1589464494651 چڼچڼه chaNchaNa, chUNchÚNa sparrow, small bird 4 n. f. 1589465641304 چڼچڼکه chaNchaNáka sparrow, small bird 4 n. f. 1527816294 چنده chandá offering, collection of donations, collection 3 n. f. 1 1527816669 چنډه chanDa part, piece, portion, share 2 n. f. 1527813779 چپه chapa wave; gust; oar 4 n. f. 1574808712109 چپه لاره chapa laara the wrong way 4 n. f. 1594383159190 چپلکه chapláka slipper 4 n. f. 1527820055 چپلۍ chaplúy sandals (څپلۍ) 4 n. f. 1527822920 چره chará irrigation ditch, drainage ditch; shotgun 4 n. f. 1527812307 چرده charda color of the face, complexion, color of skin or fur 2 n. f. 1527812033 چرۍ charúy shovel, dark red plum, cooking stove, ditch 3 n. f. 1527823125 چشم بندي chashm bandee misdirection, illusion, hypnotic suggestion 3 n. f. 1527814042 چشمه chashma spring, source, small stream of drinkable water 3 n. f. 1527815648 چشمه chashma spring, source, small stream of drinkable water 4 n. f. 1527811232 چټکي chaTakee speed, swiftness 4 n. f. 1527821601 چټکتیا chaTaktiyáa speed, quickness 4 n. f. 1527817716 چټلي chaTalée filth, dirt, scum, impurity, foulness 4 n. f. 1527820587 چترۍ chatrúy umbrella, parasol; even; smooth land; scar 4 n. f. 1586278761807 چتریي chatruyée bald, having bald patches 4 n. f. 1594835121943 چوټه chawáTa sandal-like shoe 2 n. f. 1527813972 چیغه chéegha yell, scream, cry 3 n. f. 1 1527812530 چینه cheená spring, source, fountain 3 n. f. 1 1527820608 چینده cheenda cellar, cavern, cave, cavity, hollow, vault 1 n. f. 1527818559 چیني cheenée Chinese, chinaware, china 4 n. f. 1585476080264 چیرړه chéerRa rag, cloth 2 n. f. 1610448589982 چېلي chelée kid (young goat) 4 n. f. 1610793721691 چېلۍ chelúy female goat 4 n. f. 1594130655047 چلمچي chilumchée large basin (brass or tin washbasin) 4 n. f. 1527820754 چلمي chilumée water-pipe 4 n. f. 1527814827 چنډخه chinDakha frog 4 n. f. 1527822562 چټکه chiTká red calico, chintz, spot 4 n. f. 1610448128149 چوخه chókha distortion, curvature; round shoulders 2 n. f. 1527814199 چوکۍ chokúy chair, stool, seat, office 3 n. f. 1 1527811315 چونه chona old woman 1 n. f. 1527821656 چونتره chontará terrace, platform awning 4 n. f. 1610448073948 چوغه chooghá outer robe, kaftan 4 n. f. 1620042378182 چوغکه chooghúka sparrow, small birddd 4 n. f. 1527819479 چوک چوکه chook chóoka gossip, hearsay, rumours 1 n. f. 1527811314 چونه choona limestone 4 n. f. 1576949042257 چونډۍ choonDúy provocation, incitement; a little bit, a small amount, little chunk (of naswaar etc.) 3 n. f. 1527814591 چوپتیا chooptiyaa silence 4 n. f. 1631018029806 چوره choorá hernia 4 n. f. 1 1527822957 چورلکه choorláka helicopter, chopper, drone 4 n. f. 1527822666 چوټي chooTee vacation, leave from work, day off, holidays 4 n. f. 1527821655 چوتره chotrá terrace, platform awning 3 n. f. 1576610895061 چړپا chRapaa splashing, sloshing, plonk, ripple 4 n. f. 1527821154 چړکه chRúka stitch, shooting pain 3 n. f. 1527812532 چغه chúgha, chígha cry, yell, scream 4 n. f. 1586446154730 چخړه chúkhRa mucus and pus 4 n. f. 1584519112824 چکوتره chUkootrá grapefruit 4 n. f. 1573768771851 چنه chúna jaw; province, district, region 2 n. f. 1527814823 چنګښه chunguxa frog 3 n. f. 1527817396 چپنه chupána jacket, caftan 4 n. f. 1527820131 چړه chúRa piece, slice (watermelon, melon); pin; hinge (door) 3 n. f. 1596925694307 چړائي chuRáa`ee upward slope 4 n. f. 1580005948284 چټي کړټي chuTee kRuTee nonsense 4 n. f. 1527814333 ډاډ ګېرنه DaaD geruna assurance, comfort, calming 4 n. f. 1527814332 ډاډګېرنه DaaDgeruna assurance, comfort, calming 4 n. f. 1589024198780 دافع daafa', daafi' defending, beating back 2 n. f. دوافع dawaafi' 1527816682 ډاکه Daaka raid 4 n. f. 1527816734 داخله daakhilá entrance 4 n. f. 1 1527823537 ډاکټره DaakTara female doctor 4 n. f. 1527819144 ډاله Daala trunk of a car 4 n. f. 1527813932 ډالۍ Daalúy gift, present, reward; watchtower; 3 n. f. 1527812539 دانه daaná piece, grain; a counter word for objects; pimple, blackhead 4 n. f. 1 1527821824 ډانګه Dáanga leg (from thigh to foot), pole (telephone etc.), mast 3 n. f. 1588161900934 ډانګوره Daangoorá crutch 4 n. f. 1527823382 دار الاقامه daar Uliqaama hostel 2 n. f. true 1527818269 داړه daaRa foray, raid, attack, band of thieves; canine tooth, fang 3 n. f. 1527818270 داره dáara spray, splash, sprinkle, spurt 3 n. f. 1527818268 داړه ماري daaRa maaree robbery, banditry 4 n. f. 1527818271 داري daaree spray, splash, sprinkle, spurt 3 n. f. 1610540920646 دایه daaya midwife 4 n. f. 1610540903278 دایي daayee midwife 4 n. f. 1527812044 دایره daayrá circle, realm, office 4 n. f. 1 1527819194 ډبه Dabá box, tin; railway car compartment, train, place of assembly, raised platform, scaffold, crossing 4 n. f. 1 1594219589268 ډبلی Dabláy stick, club, mallet, paddle (for laundry); rolling pin; mixed-grain bread; box, pouch, bag 4 n. f. 1 1527817483 ډبره Dabara rock, stone 3 n. f. 1527821277 دبدبه dabdaba splendour, pomp; fear, terror 3 n. f. 1527813446 ډبۍ Dabúy shudder, shiver, trembling, quiver 3 n. f. 1527814081 ډډه DaDa direction, side 4 n. f. 1527819727 ډډتیا DaDtiyaa sulkiness, bad mood, grumpiness; bile, spleen 3 n. f. 1527823726 ډغرۍ Dagharúy pushing, butting, collision 4 n. f. 1527820290 ډغره Daghúra confrontation, rivalry, collision 4 n. f. 1527823725 ډغره Daghúra pushing, butting, collision 3 n. f. 1527813219 ډکه Daká push, blow, hit; confinement, incarceration; state of frenzy, being possessed; crowd, commotion; obligation; event, occurance 4 n. f. 1584690490663 ډکه Dáka caravan stopping place; embankment, quay 3 n. f. 1527812585 ډله Dála group, party, collective 4 n. f. 1527821453 دلاکي dalaakee a haircut and a shave 3 n. f. 1678365255482 ډلبندي Dalbandee classification, typology n. f. 1527819146 ډلۍ Dalúy trash bin, garbage bin; manure bag; pile 3 n. f. 1527815956 دم دلاسا dam dilaasaa comfort, affection, consolation 4 n. f. 1527815965 دم سازي dam saazee concord, harmony; intimacy, close friendship 3 n. f. 1527812542 دمه damá break, rest; asthma 4 n. f. 1 1527815961 دمپخته damapukhta chicken pilaf 4 n. f. 1527817468 ډمبره Dambara wasp, hornet, bee 4 n. f. 1527812078 ډنډه DanDá club, stick, bat, shaft; pool, pond 4 n. f. 1 1527812085 دنده danda obligation, duty, responsibility; job, work, position 4 n. f. 1610538292815 ډنډا DanDáa rumour, heresay, murmuring (ډنډوره) 3 n. f. 1574034929406 ډنډوکاري DanDookáaree yelling, shouting 3 n. f. 1527818521 ډنډوکی DanDookáy pond, pool, puddle 3 n. f. 1527821922 ډنډوره DanDoorá public crying, propaganda, show 4 n. f. 1527823467 ډنډۍ DanDúy balance beam of a scale; ear lobe; bunch (of grapes) 3 n. f. 1527812543 دڼیا daNiyáa cilantro/coriander, parsley 4 n. f. 1 1527813475 دقیقه daqeeqa minute 4 n. f. دقائق daqaa'iq 1527811438 دړه daRa board, leaf, panel, strip, slice (of a melon etc.) 3 n. f. 1527818230 دړه دوړه dáRa dóoRa noise, racket, hubbub 2 n. f. 1527813973 دره dara, darra valley, mountain pass, gorge 4 n. f. 1594834298490 دره dara, darra valley, gourge, mountain pass, ravine 4 n. f. 1527816221 درجه darajá degree; extent 4 n. f. 1 1527815035 درجه بندي daraja bandee classification, gradation 4 n. f. 1527823248 دړکه daRaka threat, intimidation, threat with a firearm (په چا دړکه کول - to threaten someone) 4 n. f. 1527820465 درکي darakee knowledge, information, idea (about where someone is etc.) 2 n. f. 1527818527 درنده darandá predatory, savage, beast of prey 4 n. f. 1623687015049 دربدري darbadaree poverty, destitution, ruin 4 n. f. 1527822907 دري daree Dari (language) 4 n. f. 1662099073452 دریچه dareechá window, door, hatch, loop-hole 4 n. f. 1662099097161 دریڅه dareetsá window, door, hatch, loop-hole 4 n. f. 1527817388 درغلي darghalee deceit, fraud, deception, swindling 3 n. f. 1527814475 درګهي darguhee cupboard (for dishes), buffet, pantry 2 n. f. 1527814956 درګهي darguhee cupboard (for dishes), buffet, pantry 2 n. f. 1527813423 درمل واکي darmal waakee pharmacy (the business or practice) 3 n. f. 1527820149 درملنه darmalána treatment, healing 3 n. f. 1527817335 دړۍ daRúy foil, decorations made of foil; a seer (a measure of weight) 3 n. f. 1527822969 درۍ darúy a cotton rug 3 n. f. 1 1527811425 دروازه darwaazá door 3 n. f. 1 1527819846 دسیسه daseesa collusion, plot, conspiracy, intrigue 4 n. f. دسایس dasaayís 1584889774775 دسکله daskalá glove 4 n. f. 1678971040179 دستانه dastaaná glove n. f. 1527822324 دستکاري dastkaaree handwork, handiwork, manipulation (from Farsi) 4 n. f. 1527817067 دعوه dawá claim; plea; dispute, conflict 4 n. f. 1 1708355221807 دعوه کول dawá kawul to claim 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527817067 claim 1 1527811295 دعوا dawáa claim; plea; dispute, conflict 3 n. f. 1 1527813415 دوا dawaa medicine, medication 3 n. f. 1614082749001 دوایي dawáayee, dawáa`ee medication, medicine, treatment 4 n. f. 1 1527813961 دښته daxta desert, barren land 4 n. f. 1527818885 دینداري deendáar piety, virtue, godliness 4 n. f. 1566474938098 ډینګرۍ Deengrúy mushroom; oar, paddle; shadoof (at a well) 3 n. f. 1676207439832 دېکتاتوري dektaatoree dictatorship n. f. 1527822080 دېموکراسي demokraasee democracy 4 n. f. 1527814079 دېره dera dwelling, shelter, residence 3 n. f. 1527820561 ډېوه Dewá lamp, lantern 4 n. f. 1664026534692 ډبا Dibbáa box (Urdu) 4 n. f. 1527816915 دفاع difaa defence, protection 4 n. f. 1527814467 دهقاني dihqaanee farming, agriculture 3 n. f. 1527818108 ډکشنري Dikshinarée dictionary 3 n. f. 1 1527817429 دل بستګي dil bastagee attachment, love, affection, passion (for something or someone) 2 n. f. 1527817415 دل داره dil daara very good looking girl or woman, very beautiful girl or woman, babe; beloved, sweetheart, darling 3 n. f. 1527817411 دل جویي dil joyee consolation, comfort, kindness, charm 3 n. f. 1527817432 دل خواهي dil khaahee good will, favorable attitude 3 n. f. 1527817433 دل ربا dil rUbaa captivating, charming, fascinating; beloved, sweetheart, darling 3 n. f. 1527817434 دل ربایي dil rUbaayee charm, beauty 3 n. f. 1527817435 دل سردي dil sardee indifference, hardness of heart, lack of concern; coolness, calmness, composure 3 n. f. 1527817436 دل سوزه dil soza beloved, sweetheart 3 n. f. 1527817437 دل سوزي dil sozee compassion, soft-heartedness, responsiveness 3 n. f. 1527817408 دلارام dilaaraam beloved, sweetheart, lover 2 n. f. 1527817847 دلچسپي dilchaspee interest, attractiveness 3 n. f. 1527817419 دلداره dildaara very good looking girl or woman, very beautiful girl or woman, babe; beloved, sweetheart, darling 3 n. f. 1527817418 دلداري dildaaree comforting, soothing, calming 2 n. f. 1527820516 دلته diltá delta (geography) 4 n. f. 1527820517 دماغه dimaaghá cape (geography) 2 n. f. 1591711891073 دوبي خانه dobee khaaná laundrymat, a place where laundry is washed 4 n. f. 1591711934718 دوبۍ dobúy washerwoman, someone who does the laundry, laundress 3 n. f. 1527812564 ډوډۍ DoDúy bread, food, meal 3 n. f. 1 1527812565 دوکه doká deceit, cheating 3 n. f. 1 1708188980884 دوکه ورکول doká warkawúl to deceive, cheat, trick 3 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527812565 1 1527820954 ډوله Dolá hole, pit, depression; ravine; rut, groove; dense 3 n. f. 1610618020229 ډولچه Dolchá bucket, pail 4 n. f. 1527820914 ډولۍ Dolúy, Doolúy palanquin, litter (carriage that the bride is carried in) 4 n. f. 1527818019 دوکانداري dookaandaaree shopkeeping, retail store selling 4 n. f. 1650298821954 دوخړه dookhúRa smother, smoulder 2 n. f. 1610795228080 ډوکړه DookRá tambourine 3 n. f. 1527818141 دوړه dooRá dust, powder, sand, sand storm 3 n. f. 1703677795788 دوړې dooRé dust (plural of دوړه) 4 n. f. pl. 1 1527818229 دوړه پاکي dooRa paakee vacuum cleaner 4 n. f. 1527816689 دوربیني doorbeenee foresight, ability to see far 4 n. f. 1527812255 دوشنبه dooshamba Monday 4 n. f. 1613564017752 ډوزه Dóoza nonsense, rubbish, exaggeration 4 n. f. 1527821405 دوزانو doozaanóo kneeling, being on one’s knees 3 n. f. 1527818231 دوړه doRá jibe, sneer, taunt, mocking; exaggeration, hyperbole 4 n. f. 1527811877 دوستي dostee friendship 3 n. f. 1610617372890 دوسیه dosya, dosiya file 4 n. f. 1577384966877 دربا drabáa sound of pounding, thumping 4 n. f. 1527821038 درنه draná affliction, plague, disaster 3 n. f. 1661753233925 درزا drazaa beating, pounding, thumping 4 n. f. 1527820577 درېشي dreshee, dareshee uniform, suit 3 n. f. 1648754546408 د هوا درجه du hawaa daraja temperature (of the air) 4 n. f. 1527811645 د هویت پاڼه du hUwiyat paaNa I.D. card 3 n. f. 1626765236175 د اشارو ژبه du ishaaro jzuba sign language 3 n. f. 1527816444 د کاکا ماینه du kaakaa maayna paternal aunt 3 n. f. 1624352541878 د خوب خونه du khob khoona bedroom 4 n. f. 1527812579 د کور ودانې du kor wudaane wife (the home-builder) 3 n. f. 1527819273 د معلولیت څوکۍ du malooliyat tsokúy wheelchair 2 n. f. 1653693311170 د مرګ څلوېښتي du marg tsalwextee the 40th day after death, a memorial service after someone's death in Islam an Eastern Orthodoxy 4 n. f. 1579042015006 د ندا اشاره du nadáa ishaara exlamation mark 3 n. f. 1527812581 د سمندر غاړه du samundar gháaRa seaside, coast 4 n. f. 1 1527812582 دعا dUaa prayer 4 n. f. 1527816116 ډګه Duga penis 4 n. f. 1591712545187 ډکی Dúkay stalk, sprout, stem; shrub, small bush; fluff, down 2 n. f. 1527819423 ډمه Dúma dancer?? ; woman hairdresser or hairstylist; table with mirrors and draws for dressing and makeup 4 n. f. 1527821109 ډنډاره DunDaara ring of an earring, nose earring, scape; stalk with ear 4 n. f. 1527812345 دنیا dUnyáa world; fig. wealth, possessions, money 3 n. f. 1 1586356148469 دنیا پرستي dUnyaa parastee greed, worshipping the world 4 n. f. 1527820109 دره dUrá lash, scourge, whip 3 n. f. 1594834321232 دره dÚra, dirrá lash, whip, scourge 4 n. f. 1586627419806 درسته durastá, darastá weapons, arms 2 n. f. 1578014405951 درګه dúrga thicket of bushes/rushes; heart of the forest 2 n. f. 1527822919 درمه dUrmá rushes, cane; shepherd’s pipe (musical instrument); barrel (of a shotgun) 4 n. f. 1664091349581 ډۍ Duy a children's game, tip-cat 4 n. f. 1527817151 ډیورنډ کرښه DyooranD kurxa the Durand Line, the border line drawn up between Afghanistan and Pakistan 4 n. f. 1527812098 ډیوټي DyooTee duty, watch; job, work 3 n. f. 1527818190 ځاله dzáala nest 3 n. f. 1527811844 ځان ځاني dzaan dzaanée egotism, self-love, disconnectedness 4 n. f. 1 1589023295149 ځان ځولۍ dzaan dzolúy playfully rocking/swining a child back and forth 2 n. f. 1527811843 ځان پرستي dzaan parastee selfishness, egoism 2 n. f. 1527813865 ځان وژنه dzaan wajzuna suicide 4 n. f. 1678174328227 ځانګړنه dzaanguRána characteristic, feature, specialty, virtue n. f. 1527819278 ځانګړتیا dzaanguRtiyaa distinction, specialty, unique feature 4 n. f. 1527817929 ځانمني dzaanmunee selfishness, egoism, conceit 3 n. f. 1527814863 ځانوژنه dzaanwajzana suicide 4 n. f. 1527820464 ځایځایګي dzaaydzaayigee (information about) a persons place of belonging or origins ?? 4 n. f. 1527819329 ځلا dzaláa glow, lustre, brilliance, radiance 4 n. f. 1527819799 ځنځیرکه dzandzeeráka embroidery/pattern in the form of a small chain 2 n. f. 1527819797 ځنځۍ dzandzúy small chain jewellery 2 n. f. 1527811725 ځورونه dzawrawuna bothering, troubling, harassment, assault, offense mistreatment 4 n. f. 1527814930 ځیره dzeera cumin, caraway-seed 4 n. f. 1527811477 ځېږنه dzeGuna birth 4 n. f. 1527822607 ځغاسته dzgháasta run, race, contest of speed 3 n. f. 1527817647 ځله dzíla distress, derangement, alarm, worry, distress 3 n. f. 1678365458490 ځمکواکي dzmakwaakee feudalism n. f. 1527820504 ځمکه dzmúka land, earth, ground 4 n. f. 1 1527811496 ځوکړه dzokRa birth 2 n. f. 1584692803617 ځوغاله dzooghaala lump, clump of dough (زغاله) 4 n. f. 1584692750562 1527811497 ځږه dzuGa stomach pains, birth pangs 1 n. f. 1527818253 ځواني dzwaanée youth 4 n. f. 1 1527821631 ځوانمردي dzwaanmardée valour, courage, honourable behaviour, generosity 3 n. f. 1527814518 ځوړه dzwaRa lowering 3 n. f. 1527822934 ایجادکاري eejaadkaarée creativity, creative work 4 n. f. 1527821985 ایمانداري eemaandaaree honesty, truthfulness, sincerity, candidness 4 n. f. 1527819927 اینه éena liver 4 n. f. 1527822104 اینداره eendáara mirror, glass 3 n. f. 1527813839 ایره eera ash, ashes (usally plural) 4 n. f. 1527813060 ایسارتیا eesaartyaa stop, delay, waiting 4 n. f. 1527814293 ایستنه eestuna throwing away, chucking out; extracting, taking off; mining 4 n. f. 1588758230254 ایټالوي eeTaalawée Italian 4 n. f. 1527812599 ایټالیا eeTaalyaa Italy 4 n. f. 1672206196664 اېن جیو en jee`o NGO, non-governmental organization n. f. 1586429619762 فاحشه ګري faahisha garee prostitution, indecency, obscenity 3 n. f. 1527814341 فائده faaidá advantage, gain, benefit 4 n. f. 1702632808219 فایده faaydá advantage, gain, benefit 4 n. f. 1 1611397624756 فالوده faaloodá jam, marmalade 4 n. f. 1527820365 فانه faaná wedge, bolt, catch, lock, bar 3 n. f. 1527822443 فارسي faarsee Farsi 4 n. f. 1527820127 فاصله faasilá distance, space, interval 4 n. f. 1 1527816754 فاتحه faatiha al-fatiha (A sura from the Quran) used as a prayer for the dead. 4 n. f. 1527817167 فبریکه fabreeka factory 3 n. f. 1675281971593 فبروري fabrooree February n. f. 1527811922 فحاشي fahhaashee, fahaashee prostitution, depravity; swearing, verbal abuse 4 n. f. 1527811929 فحشا fahishaa depravation, depravity, wickedness, immorality 4 n. f. 1527818233 فجایع fajaaya', fajaayí' calamity, disaster, catastrophe 2 n. f. 1527813684 فلسفه falsafa philosophy, theory 4 n. f. 1527819070 فقیري faqeeree poverty, destitution; pertaining to the dervish (adj.) 4 n. f. 1586430043701 فراموش کاري faraamoosh kaaree forgetfulness, absentmindedness 2 n. f. 1586430079989 فریضه fareezá obligation, duty, bond, trust, commitment 4 n. f. 1527817738 فرشته farishta angel 3 n. f. 1527823284 فرمان برداري fărmaan bărdaaree obedience, submission, subordination 4 n. f. 1527819018 فرزندي farzandée the position of a son, adoption 2 n. f. 1527822892 فرضیه farziya hypothesis 2 n. f. 1589023873660 فتح fatha victory, conquest 3 n. f. 1527815508 فتوا fítwáa, fatwáa fatwa, decree, ruling, judgment, sentence (in Islam) 4 n. f. 1 1578683859160 فتویٰ fatwáa fatwa, decree, ruling, judgment, sentence (in Islam) 4 n. f. 1527822990 فواره fawaara fountain, jet, spout 4 n. f. 1527813470 فضا fazáa space, air 4 n. f. 1 1675267714023 فېبروري febrooree February n. f. 1631017437633 فیروزه feeroza turquoise 4 n. f. 1527820596 فیصدي feesadee percentage 4 n. f. 1527822358 فیته feetá ribbon, tape, audio cassette tape, measuring tape 4 n. f. 1527814723 فیصله faysalá decision, resolution, sentence 4 n. f. 1 1709149361005 فیصله کول faysalá kawul to decide, resolved, make a decision, pronounce a sentence or resolution 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527814723 1 1527821964 فداکاري fidaakaaree selflessness, sacrifice, self-denial 3 n. f. 1527816848 فدیه fidya ransom, payment for a religious debt or duty, discharging of a debt 4 n. f. 1527817206 فلم سازي film saazee production of films/movies 3 n. f. 1527811548 فرښته firixtá angel 3 n. f. 1 1588758852245 فرقه firqá group, detachment, sect, faction 4 n. f. 1527817880 فتنه fitna discord, infighting, disturbance, trouble, mutiny, rebellion, disaster 4 n. f. 1527812609 فرانسه fraansa France 4 n. f. 1665043491625 ګاډۍ gaaDúy buggy, coach, stroller, carriage 4 n. f. 1527819127 ګاجره gaajára carrot 4 n. f. 1527823055 ګاڼه gaaNá jewellery, ornament 3 n. f. 1594910554037 ګاڼۍ gaaNúy sugar-cane press 4 n. f. 1527813346 ګانزه gaanza third finger, ring finger 2 n. f. 1579016507940 ګاره gaará heap of sugarcane, gravel 4 n. f. 1579016476574 ګاره gáara cave, grotto 4 n. f. 1527814492 ګاوداري gaawdaaree cattle farming 3 n. f. 1527819743 ګبینخانه gabeenkhaana bee garden, apiary 3 n. f. 1571674981609 ګچه gácha measurement, size, scope 3 n. f. 1527818082 ګډا gaDáa dance 3 n. f. 1 1566480780612 ګدا gadáa poverty 4 n. f. 1611415468422 ګدا gadáa beggar, panhandler 4 n. f. 1595232178103 ګدایي gadaayee begging, panhandling 4 n. f. 1613548089213 ګډونه gaDawúna, guDawúna mixing, turning, spinning, rotisserie 4 n. f. 1588161768681 ګډېکه gaDéka crutch; brace/support (of a distaff, axle etc.) 3 n. f. 1678467880467 ګډوله gaDola mixture, combination n. f. 1597769486922 ګدۍ gadúy throne, seat, office, headquarters; party, meeting; cushion 4 n. f. 1 1527812270 ګله galá flock, herd, drove 4 n. f. 1527823149 ږلۍ Galúy hail 4 n. f. 1527823744 ګڼه gáNa issue (of a magazine/publication) 3 n. f. 1 1576101307989 ګنده ګي ganda gée dirtiness, filth 4 n. f. 1576101342695 ګندګي gandagee dirtiness, filth (ګنده ګي) 2 n. f. 1527814759 ګنډېرمرۍ ganDermarúy antidote (for poison) 2 n. f. 1527811575 ګنډنه ganDuna sewing 4 n. f. 1566469042495 ګنجیفه ganjeefá pack, deck of playing cards; the playing of cards 2 n. f. 1611064037274 ګنجۍ ganjúy vulture 4 n. f. 1611064052298 ګنجۍ ganjúy woolen jacket; skein, hank (of yarn) 2 n. f. 1579016664663 ګره gará a pit where sugarcane is stored 4 n. f. 1589024795343 ګړنه gaRána idiom 2 n. f. 1527812613 ګرمي garmee heat, hot weather 4 n. f. 1589020883530 ګرمتیا garmtiyaa, garmtyaa warmth, heat 4 n. f. 1527821620 ګړۍ gaRúy hour, time; watch, wristwatch; pond, puddle, hollow in a rock filled with rainwater, gully; fort, castle 4 n. f. 1527820724 ګرزونه garzawúna vomit, vomiting, puke, puking 3 n. f. 1527822831 ګټه وټه gaTa waTa earnings, wages 3 n. f. 1527814086 ګټه gáTa, gúTa earning, wages; benefit, gain, profit 4 n. f. 1 1709563382167 ګټه کول gáTa kawul to earn, profit, benefit, gain 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527814086 profit 1 1527816956 ګټنه gaTuna gain, benefit, usefulness, profit, win 3 n. f. 1527818140 ګواهي gawaahee testimony, witness 4 n. f. 1527822483 ګزمه gazma patrol 4 n. f. 1527814865 ګېډه géDa stomach, womb 4 n. f. 1 1527818426 ګېډۍ geDúy bunch (of flowers etc.), bouquet; sheaf (of wheat/grain/corn after harvesting) 4 n. f. 1 1621366274018 ګېدۍ gedúy bunch (of flowers etc.), bouquet; sheaf (of wheat/grain/corn after harvesting); tuft (of hair); villus; female donkey 4 n. f. 1527820931 ګیدړۍ geedaRúy senseless laughter, laughter without reason (ګيدړۍ خندل) 2 n. f. 1527814304 ګیله geelá resentment, hurt, offense, anger 4 n. f. 1 1708612386108 ګیله کول geelá kawul to resent, complain, take offense 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527814304 resent 1 1527816103 ږیره Géera beard 4 n. f. 1 1602162432500 ګیټۍ geeTúy ankle 4 n. f. 1527821006 غائطه ghaaíta feces, defecation, poop, poo, excrement, stool 2 n. f. 1527820845 غالۍ ghaalúy carpet, rug 3 n. f. 1527812614 غاړه gháaRa neck, throat, front of shirt, collar; edge, band (of sea, river, etc.); cough, tune, song 4 n. f. 1 1709767650200 غاړه ورکول gháaRa warkawul to embrace, hug 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527812614 1 1709767664936 ور غاړه وتل war gháaRa watúl to embrace, hug 1 1527817543 غاړه غړۍ ghaaRa ghaRúy embrace 4 n. f. 1527817541 غاړه غټۍ ghaaRa ghaTúy embrace 4 n. f. 1527817542 غاړه غجي ghaaRa ghujée embrace 2 n. f. 1527821059 غاړپټۍ ghaaRpuTúy scarf, muffler 2 n. f. 1595256857333 غاښ ولۍ ghaax wulúy root of a tooth 4 n. f. 1527811522 غداري ghaddaaree treachery, sedition, perfidy 4 n. f. 1665948063251 غځونه ghadzawúna stretching, stretching out, lengthening 4 n. f. 1527812619 غله ghalá grains, cereal 4 n. f. 1527819572 غلبه ghalabá victory 3 n. f. 1527820500 غلئي ghalaee rent-in-kind 2 n. f. 1527822415 غلط فکري ghalat fikree wrong thinking 3 n. f. 1573667416624 غلطي ghalatee mistake, error 4 n. f. 1527819735 غلبوزه ghalbóoza bumblebee, bee, wasp 3 n. f. 1527817318 غم شریکي gham shareekee empathy, sympathy, compassion, sharing in another’s pain or difficulty 3 n. f. 1527819640 غمیزه ghaméeza tragedy, disaster, calamity 4 n. f. 1527819935 غمازي ghammaazee gossip, scandal, hurt or friction between people, slander, informing 4 n. f. 1578607789144 غمرازي ghamraazee empathy, sympathy, compassion, sharing in another’s pain or difficulty 4 n. f. 1527817332 غنم ګره ghanum gara wheat field 2 n. f. 1527813164 غپا ghapaa barking, bow-wow, the sound a dog makes 4 n. f. 1527819074 غریبي ghareebée poverty, toil 4 n. f. 1527820555 غریزه ghareezá instinct, desire 2 n. f. غرائز gharaaiz 1595257128211 غرغره gharghará hanging, execution 4 n. f. 1527812617 غرمه gharma noon, midday 4 n. f. 1527819715 غرڅپه ghartsapá flow from the mountains, large wave 1 n. f. 1527822734 غړۍ ghaRúy collar, neck 2 n. f. 1588696223216 غټه غوښه ghúTa ghwáxa beef 3 n. f. 1 1527819304 غټه کولمه gháTa koolmá large intestine 4 n. f. 1 1527813824 غېږ gheG bosom, breast; wrestling 4 n. f. 1527813825 غېږباسي gheGbaasee wrestling 3 n. f. 1527820083 غیبګویي ghaybgoyee prophecy, soothsaying 3 n. f. 1527813482 غیر حاضري ghayr haazirée absence, not showing up for, skipping 4 n. f. 1 1589023650144 غشا ghisháa covering, membrane, tissue 1 n. f. 1527818133 غذا ghizáa food, nourishment 4 n. f. 1 1527817670 غلا ghlaa theft, robbery, stealing 4 n. f. 1527819738 غلاوزه ghlaaooza bee, wasp 2 n. f. 1527819739 غلاوزه ghlaawza cow that gives little milk 2 n. f. 1527819740 غلوځه ghlawdza bee 2 n. f. 1527820818 غوغا ghoghaa, ghawghaa noise, (hubbub, commotion) 4 n. f. 1527822346 غوجل ghojál, ghojúl, ghoojúl barn, cowshed, sheepfold 4 n. f. 1 1568407815282 غوله کمانه ghola kamáana slingshot, catapult 2 n. f. 1623688262770 غولانځ gholaandz, ghoolaandz ?? udder (of a cow) 4 n. f. 1568407790621 غولکه gholáka slingshot, catapult 4 n. f. 1527819995 غولي ناسته gholee náasta visit of the groom-to-be to the father-in-law’s house after the marriage has been agreed to 2 n. f. 1527822347 غوجله ghoojúla barn, cowshed, sheepfold 4 n. f. 1584884112805 غوماشه ghoomaasha elm tree 3 n. f. 1576948392340 غومبره ghoombúra cheek (غومبوری) 3 n. f. 1672910723474 غومبسه ghoombúsa wasp, hornet n. f. 1578015362466 غونبۍ ghoonbúy dome, cupola 2 n. f. 1527811664 غونده ghoonda spun wool 3 n. f. 1527818424 غوټه ghóoTa dive, diving, plunging, plunge; tie, knot, hitch, fastening 3 n. f. 1 1527818423 غوټه وهنه ghooTa wahuna diving, dipping, going into water 4 n. f. 1527820015 غوټۍ ghooTúy bud; drop (of sweat etc.); navel; scarf, shawl 4 n. f. 1 1527813483 غوټه ghoTa abscess 3 n. f. 1527821103 غوزه ghozá cocoon; cotton boll; pine cone; kind of earring 4 n. f. 1527817656 غرېو ghrew moaning, outcry, groaning, weeping, regret 1 n. f. 1527823652 غړومبنه ghRoombúna roar (of a lion etc.) 3 n. f. 1527818528 غړوسکه ghRooska thick smoke, rain cloud 4 n. f. 1582391202540 غده ghUdá gland 4 n. f. غدد ghUdád 1527813326 غږه ghuGa cowbell 2 n. f. 1527819916 غماشه ghUmáasha mosquito, gnat 2 n. f. 1527811888 غنه ghuna thornbush, thorn hedge 3 n. f. 1527811880 غڼه ghúNa spider 4 n. f. 1527815883 غندنه ghunduna condemnation, reproach, criticism 4 n. f. 1610617050112 غنګ ghung sound made from a metal object banging, echo 4 n. f. 1610617077034 غنګا ghungáa echo 4 n. f. 1627301952165 غرفه ghUrfá booth, cabin, room, pavilion, chamber, hall n. f. 1527821727 غرنده ghurúnda calamity, misfortune, hopeless situation 1 n. f. 1527814572 غصه ghUsá, ghUssá anger, angry, fury, rage; grief, affliction 4 n. f. 1 1611420834948 غسل خانه ghUsul khaana, ghUsl khaana bathroom 4 n. f. 1 1527811867 غښتنه ghuxtuna rolling, twisting, wrapping, tortion, twist 3 n. f. 1527811790 غزا ghuzaa, ghazaa holy war, war for the faith, battle in holy war 4 n. f. 1527814362 غوا ghwaa cow 4 n. f. 1 1577819884241 غوږۍ ghwaGúy, ghwuGúy headphone, (telephone) receiver, hearing aid; whisper 3 n. f. 1590053368388 غوړه مالي ghwaRa maalée excessive flattery, sucking up to, fawning over 4 n. f. 1527815682 غوړژبي ghwaRjzubee flattery, sucking-up, buttering up, sweet talk 4 n. f. 1527821943 غوښه ghwáxa meat 4 n. f. 1577584926298 غوړنجه ghwRánja tounge of fire / flame 2 n. f. 1527811668 غونډه ghwunDa gathering, session, meeting, assembly 4 n. f. 1630938332690 غونډله ghwunDála sentence, phrase; speech, talk 4 n. f. 1527820120 غونډۍ ghwunDúy hill, hillrock, mound 4 n. f. 1527816468 غوره انا ghwura anaa great-grandmother 4 n. f. 1527816426 غوره نیا ghwura niyaa great-grandmother 4 n. f. 1527814562 غورځونه ghwurdzawuna, ghoordzawuna throwing, falling 3 n. f. 1527816425 غورله انا ghwurla anaa great-grandmother 3 n. f. 1527814574 غوسه ghwusa anger, angry, fury, rage 4 n. f. 1527812634 غوښتنه ghwuxtúna request, demand, application 3 n. f. 1 1527812071 ګلکاري gilkaaree bricklaying, masonry 4 n. f. 1594910146077 ګنټه ginTá, ginTá hour, time 4 n. f. 1591446773492 ګرجا girjáa church 4 n. f. 1582145455043 ګیا giyaa flora 4 n. f. 1527813294 ږمنځ Gmundz comb 3 n. f. 1566474844246 ګوبلکه gobaláka mushroom 3 n. f. 1527811375 ګوبي gobee cauliflower, cabbage 4 n. f. 1527817689 ګوله golá bite, morsel, crumb 3 n. f. 1527814564 ګولۍ golúy pill tablet; bullet 4 n. f. 1 1527821895 ګوډۍ gooDúy doll 3 n. f. 1588161705418 ګوډیکه gooDyáka crutch; small doll, dolly; brace/support of a distaff 4 n. f. 1610619048756 ګوګوشتکه googooshtúka turtledove 4 n. f. 1574870450774 ګوجره goojura dairymaid, feminine form of ګوجر 4 n. f. 1586446744624 ګومارنه goomaaruna appointment, selection, commission, commissioning 4 n. f. 1578015334699 ګومبځه goombádza dome, cupola 4 n. f. 1578015215415 ګومبته goombáta dome, cupola 4 n. f. 1578015248288 ګومبزه goombáza dome, cupola; warhead 4 n. f. 1527820057 ګونډه goonDá knee 3 n. f. 1584640008239 ګونځه goondza wrinkle, crumple, ripple (on water etc.) 4 n. f. 1527819328 ګونجه góonja wrinkle, pleat, crease 4 n. f. 1573766609115 ګوڼۍ gooNúy burlap/gunny sack, bag 3 n. f. 1527813298 ګونز goonz comb 0 n. f. 1594797372017 ګورګوره goorgóora, gwurgóora blackberry, blackberry bush 4 n. f. 1568926918746 ګوتمۍ gootmúy a small ring 3 n. f. 1527817970 ګوزاره goozáara getting by, making ends meet; dealing with or bearing with, being tolerant or forgiving 3 n. f. 1527822571 ګورواني gorwaanee herding, cattle herding 3 n. f. 1527822709 ګوشکه gosháka telephone receiver, headphone?, earphone? 4 n. f. 1610013168529 ګوسړه gosRá slap, smack, insult 3 n. f. 1527822093 ګوښه goxá secluded place, corner, privacy 4 n. f. 1527811426 ګرمانه gramaana fine, penalty, punishment 1 n. f. 1577820448386 ګروه groh group; collarbone 4 n. f. 1527822889 ګروهه groha belief, faith, trust, assurance, confidence, opinion, conviction; believing, trusting, assured, confident 3 n. f. 1591026137855 ګډه gúDa female sheep 4 n. f. 1 1594834658860 ګډا guDáa basin 2 n. f. 1664113804852 ګډوډي guDwuDée, gaDwaDée confusion, trouble, mess, disorder, disarray 4 n. f. 1 1527823544 ګلدانۍ gUldaanúy flower pot 4 n. f. 1602595162903 ګلکاري gUlkáaree embroidery 4 n. f. 1527821155 ګمراهي gUmraahee error, heresy, straying from the true path, losing the way 4 n. f. 1527817292 ګڼه ګوڼه guNa góoNa crowd or crowds of people, crowds, crowdedness 4 n. f. 1527812642 ګناه gUnaah sin (often masc. with plural ګناهونه) 4 n. f. 1578016227910 ګنبده gUnbáda dome, cupola 4 n. f. 1578016221831 ګنبته gUnbáta dome, cupola 4 n. f. 1627318892970 ګندنه gundaná leek 4 n. f. 1527813347 ګنځه gundzu third finger, ring finger 2 n. f. 1527819476 ګنګوسه gUngoosá rumour, hearsay, gossip 4 n. f. 1527818573 ګړه gURá cane sugar, molasses, treacle 4 n. f. 1591872059942 ګړندي guRandée speed, swiftness, quickness 4 n. f. 1527819339 ګرده gUrda kidney (from Farsi) 3 n. f. 1527819205 ګستاخي gUstaakhée impudence, rudeness, serious disrespect, arrogance, contempt, dishonouring someone or something, blasphemy 4 n. f. 1 1704701981198 ګستاخي کول gUstaakhée kawul to blaspheme, to show contempt v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527819205 blaspheme 1 1527818841 ګتمه gUtmá ring, clasp, buckle, thimble 0 n. f. 1527811589 ګۍ gúy cord for sewing sacks 2 n. f. 1527817971 ګذاره gUzáara getting by, making ends meet; dealing with or bearing with, being tolerant or forgiving 4 n. f. 1527811377 ګولبي gwulbee cauliflower, cabbage 3 n. f. 1588077160115 ګوړه gwuRa treacle, molasses; jaggery, gur (hard sweet clump made from cane sugar) 4 n. f. 1527816698 ګوټ ناسته gwuT naasta seclusion, the life of a hermit or recluse 4 n. f. 1527813339 ګوته gwuta, goota finger 4 n. f. 1527819998 ګوتلکه gwutláka girl given in marriage to stop a blood feud; 2 n. f. 1527815820 حادثه haadisá accident, event 3 n. f. حوادث, حادثات hawaadis, haadisaat 1 1527819701 حافظه haafiza memory, recall, recollection 4 n. f. 1622897858990 هاغه háagha that (emphasizing) 4 n. f. 1527820173 هارمونیه haarmooniya harmonium 4 n. f. 1571526689012 هاضمه haazimá digestion 4 n. f. 1 1527812114 حاضري haaziree, haazuree appearance, showing up for 4 n. f. 1588786604676 هبه ډبه hába Dába whooping cough 2 n. f. 1527812240 هدفي وژنه hadafee wajzuna target killing 4 n. f. 1527812654 حدیقه hadeeqa park, walled park (from Arabic) 2 n. f. 1527811429 هدیره hadeerá graveyard, cemetery 4 n. f. 1 1527814323 هدیه hadiya gift, present, donation, contribution 4 n. f. 1527812655 هفته hafta week 4 n. f. 1527812659 هګۍ hagúy egg 4 n. f. 1 1527817688 هله ګوله hala góola disturbance, riot; entertainment 4 n. f. 1 1709422959437 هله ګوله کول hala góola kawul to disturb, riot 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527817688 disturb 1 1586453690097 هلي بلي halee balee effort, efforts, working, labouring, uneasiness, worry 4 n. f. 1527813800 حلقه halqa circle, ring, radius 4 n. f. 1678175372130 حلوه halwá halva, halwa, sweets n. f. 1678175363989 حلوا halwáa halva, halwa, sweets n. f. 1527821160 هم آهنګي ham aahangee harmony, agreement, unity, accord 4 n. f. 1527823386 همبستري hambistaree sleeping together, cohabitation 3 n. f. 1527817317 همدردي hamdărdee empathy, sympathy, compassion,sharing in another’s pain or difficulty, condolence 3 n. f. 1708618873029 همدردي کول hamdărdee kawul to sympathize, condole, show empathy or compassion 3 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527817317 sympathize 1 1527814071 همغږي hamghaGee coordination, unity, understanding 3 n. f. 1527817235 همغږي hamghaGee coordination 3 n. f. 1527818091 همکاري hamkaaree collaboration, cooperation, aid, help 3 n. f. 1527811993 حمله hamlá attack, assault 4 n. f. 1 1527816664 همسایګي hamsaayagee neighbourliness 3 n. f. 1527823464 هنډه hánDa piece, portion, part, member of the body 2 n. f. 1527823465 هنډه hánDa wish, desire, inclination 2 n. f. 1527814760 هندسه handasa geometry 4 n. f. 1527820756 هنګري hangaree Hungary 4 n. f. 1527811262 هپه hapa striving, aspiration; foray, raid; help, support 3 n. f. 1527811263 هپي hapee adder, viper, poisonous snake 2 n. f. 1527820498 حق الاجاره haq Ulijaara rent (Arabic) 2 n. f. true 1568410714483 حق الزحمه haq Ulzahmá wage, renumeration, fee, recompense 3 n. f. 1527814552 حرام خوري haraam khoree freeloading, being a parasite, cheating or swindling money 4 n. f. 1527819284 حرکت کوونکې زینه harakat kawoonke zeena escalator 4 n. f. 1527814838 هرڼۍ haraNúy outburst 2 n. f. 1527819698 حربه harbá weapon, arms 3 n. f. 1527822098 هرکاره hărkaará with many abilities, multifaceted, versatile, many-sided; pan, frying pan 4 n. f. 1527813438 هړپۍ haRpúy small box, small case 2 n. f. 1527822671 هسکه háska height, summit 3 n. f. 1527817681 هستي hastée wealth, riches; existence, being 3 n. f. 1527816974 هستوګه hastoga residence, dwelling, habitation 4 n. f. 1527816975 هستوګنه hastogna residence, dwelling, habitation 4 n. f. 1527823309 هته hatá a weaver’s beam; elbow; cubit 2 n. f. 1527812012 هڅه hátsa effort, endeavor, wish, inclination, attempt 4 n. f. 1527811422 هڅونه hatsawuna encouragement, urging on, inducement, instigation 4 n. f. 1527818013 هټۍ haTúy store, shop 4 n. f. 1527818016 هټۍ والي haTuy waalee shopkeeping, retail store selling 4 n. f. 1527812672 هوا hawáa air, atmosphere; weather 4 n. f. 1 1664093129792 هوا خوري hawaa khorée walking around, stretching one's legs, getting fresh air, stroll, hike 4 n. f. 1620042050117 هوائي کوربنه hawaa`ee korbana airline hostess, stewardess (on an airplane) (from کوربه) 4 n. f. true 1527818829 هوابازي hawaabaazee aviation 4 n. f. 1527817514 حواله hawaalá draft, money order, instruction, order, authorization, commission; (په حواله - according to, by the account of), reference to text/scripture (as in chapter and verse) 4 n. f. حوالات hawaaláat 1 1701703936305 حواله کول hawaala kawúl to transfer (money etc.), send, pass over 4 v. dyn./stat. comp. trans. 1527817514 1 1620042025293 هوایي کوربنه hawaayee korbana airline hostess, stewardess (on an airplane) (from کوربه) 4 n. f. 1527811815 هوس پرستي hawas parastee hedonism, profligacy, debauchery 3 n. f. 1527817193 حوصله hawsilá, hawsalá, hausilá patience, courage, emotional strength or firmness 4 n. f. 1 1709768914938 حوصله ورکول hawsilá warkawúl to encourage 1527817193 encourage 1 1709420996189 حوصله ختمول hawsilá khatmawúl to discourage v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527817193 discourage 1 1709768953441 حوصله افزایي hawsila afzaayee encouragement n. f. 1709768962263 حوصله افزایي کول hawsila afzaayee kawul to encourage v. dyn. comp. trans. 1709768953441 encourage 1 1527818926 حوزه hawza zone, area, region 3 n. f. 1527820515 حوضه hawzá basin, pool (حوزه) 3 n. f. 1527818525 هښمه háxma storm cloud, rain cloud, rainstorm, downpour 2 n. f. 1527818809 حیا hayáa modesty, bashfulness, shame, staying modest in dress and behaviour (Islam) 4 n. f. 1527812673 هیله heela wish, hope, desire, request 4 n. f. 1527822688 هیله مندتیا heela mandtiyaa hopefulness, optimism 4 n. f. 1586634176348 هیلۍ heelúy duck, swan 4 n. f. 1588785421104 هینداره heendáara mirror, glass (هنداره) 4 n. f. 1527819084 هیضه heeza cholera, a stomach disease 4 n. f. 1527817031 هېله hela wish, hope, desire, request 4 n. f. 1527817764 هېره hera forgetfulness, absentmindedness 3 n. f. 1575235351704 حیراني hayraanee surprise, alarm, amazement 4 n. f. 1527820313 حیرانتیا hayraantyáa surprise, amazement, wonder 4 n. f. 1 1527812675 حیوان شناسي haywaan shinaasee zoology 2 n. f. 1527819702 حفظ الصحه hifz Ulsihá hygiene 2 n. f. 1527822486 هجا hijaa syllable; slowly reading by the syllables 3 n. f. 1527821043 حمایه himaaya custody, protection, support; aid, help, comforting words 4 n. f. 1527822103 هنداره hindáara mirror, glass 4 n. f. 1678173870974 هندوشاهي hindooshaahee Hindu Shahi dynasty n. f. 1527814417 هندوانه hindwaana watermelon 4 n. f. 1527814418 هندواڼه hindwaaNa watermelon 4 n. f. 1577999538077 هرې hire a sound/cry used to drive sheep on 2 n. f. 1671787987197 حرفه hirfá trade (as in a profession), job, career n. f. 1577818091416 حساب داري hisaab daaree accounting, record-keeping 3 n. f. 1527814427 حصه hissá portion, share, lot 3 n. f. 1708824399326 حصه اخیستل hissá akheestúl to inherit, take part v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527814427 inherit 1 1527818526 هښمه híxma storm cloud, rain cloud, rainstorm, downpour 2 n. f. 1527812681 هوکړه hókRa agreement 4 n. f. 1527813507 هوږه hóoGa garlic 4 n. f. 1527821710 هوښیاري hooxyaarée mind, intelligence, reason, smartness, rationality 4 n. f. 1527816085 هوساینه hosaayuna peace, rest, tranquility 4 n. f. 1527821372 هوسۍ hosúy gazelle, antelope 4 n. f. 1 1578190594103 هبره hUbará a kind of crane (bird) 2 n. f. 1527814497 هجره hUjra hujra, forum, space for discussion or ceremonies, community club, place for entertaining guests 3 n. f. 1527819297 حجره hUjrá guest room, cell, unit, cage, tank; cell (biology) 4 n. f. 1527823462 حما hUmmáa heat, high temperature, fever 2 n. f. 1584888371428 هنډه hunDa stubbornness, forcefulness 2 n. f. 1527816062 اعاده i'aada return, restoration, restitution, repayment 3 n. f. 1527819106 اعلامیه i'laamiyá declaration, communication, announcement, communique 4 n. f. 1582389219401 عنبیه i'nabiya iris, uvea (of an eye) 3 n. f. 1610615489570 ابهامي ibhaamee vague, uncertain, ambiguous 3 n. f. 1527815932 ابتدا i'btidáa beginning, first-stage 3 n. f. TRUE 1 1527813115 ادعا idaa claim 3 n. f. 1527812687 ادامه idaama continuation 3 n. f. 1527816215 اداره idaará administration, management, directorate 4 n. f. 1 1527822458 افاده ifaada expression 3 n. f. 1527813329 افشا ifshaa disclosure, revealing; disclosed, revealed 4 n. f. 1527818967 افتاري iftaaree the breaking of fast after sunset in Ramadan and meal 3 n. f. 1671706935934 افتداء iftidáa redemption, ransom (Arabic) n. f. 1527816807 افتتاح iftitaah opening 3 n. f. 1610538741714 اغوا ighwaa temptation, seduction, bribery, deception 3 n. f. 1527820001 احاطه ihaatá encirlclement, envelopment, the action of surrounding; seige; enclosed place; fence, enclosure; understanding, comprehension 3 n. f. 1594813783081 احصائیه ihsaaiyá, ihsaaya statistic 4 n. f. 1527820602 احسان فراموشي ihsaan faraamooshee ingratitude, thanklessness 4 n. f. 1577384467002 احتیاجي ihtiyaajee need, dependance 4 n. f. 1678366549958 احیا ihyáa revival, revitalization n. f. 1527819953 اجاره ijaara rent, lease, sublet, hire 4 n. f. 1527819952 اجاره داري ijaara daaree leasing, lease 4 n. f. 1527820497 اجاره داري ijaara daaree lease, rent 4 n. f. 1527813791 اجازه ijaazá permission 4 n. f. 1 1702811404140 اجازه ورکول ijaazá warkawul to give permission 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527813791 give permission 1 1702811553566 اجازت ijaazát permission 4 n. f. 1 1702811557422 اجازت ورکول ijaazát warkawul to give permission 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1702811553566 give permission 1 1666885729271 اجماع ijmaa consensus, agreement; unanimous decision or opinion by theologians; assembly; congregation, council 3 n. f. 1527815081 اجرا ijraa execution, fulfillment, carrying out, performance, implementation 3 n. f. 1527815934 اجراییه ijraayiya, ijraayeea administrator, executive power 4 n. f. 1527812201 اجتماع ijtimaa gathering, assembly, society, community 4 n. f. 1527820237 اختراع ikhtiraa innovation, invention, initiative 3 n. f. 1568926976497 اکسرې iksre x-ray 4 n. f. 1527811654 اکتفا iktifaa contentment, satisfaction, sufficiency 2 n. f. 1527811382 الاچي ilaachee cardamon, cardamom 4 n. f. 1595252694892 الغا ilgháa abolishment, canncellation 2 n. f. 1527818874 الحاقیه ilhaaqya appendix, supplement, extension, wing (of a building) 1 n. f. 1591803517557 التجا iltijáa appeal, recourse, claim, refuge 3 n. f. 1527823751 املا imláa spelling, orthography 4 n. f. 1527817210 امتناع imtinaa refusal, rejection, abstinance 2 n. f. 1527819616 امضا imzaa signature 4 n. f. 1527812692 انګلیسي ingleesee English 4 n. f. 1610616933842 انګۍ ingúy echo 4 n. f. 1610616946336 انګۍ ingúy leapfrog 2 n. f. 1577396541950 انجنیري injuneeree engineering 4 n. f. 1527812694 انجنۍ injUnúy girl 4 n. f. 1527823039 انکاري inkaaree denying, refusing, recanting 4 n. f. 1678173958069 انقطاع inqitáa' cessation, stopping; seperation, amputation n. f. 1527811805 انسان پرستي insaan parastee humanism 4 n. f. 1617442271435 انتباه intibáa warning, awakening, perception; the Renaissance; vigilance; cheerfulness 4 n. f. 1566473683629 انتها intiháa utimate, extremity, limit, end 4 n. f. 1 1527821364 انزوا inziwáa isolation, seclusion, insularity, retreat 4 n. f. 1527823481 اقامه iqaamá accommodation, residence, settling, placing 4 n. f. 1527823556 اقامت ګاه iqaamat gáah place of residence; army reception center 4 n. f. 1527816976 اقامتګا iqaamatgaa residence, place of residence 4 n. f. 1527821176 اقرارنامه iqraarnaama written law contract, agreement 3 n. f. 1664091744623 اقتدا iqtidaa imitation, following someone's example 4 n. f. 1527816008 اراده iraadá will, willpower, intention, desire 4 n. f. 1 1527820897 ارادي iraadee deliberate, intending, intentional; voluntary, unpaid, willing 3 n. f. 1527822672 ارتفاع irtifáa' altitude, height (plural ارتفاعات) 4 n. f. ارتفاعات irtifaa'aat 1527812216 ارتجاع irtijaa reaction, regression, recoil, elasticity 3 n. f. 1527811956 ارتقا irtiqaa rise, elevation, development, evolution, growth 4 n. f. 1527812083 اشاره ishaará sign, signal, hint, allusion 4 n. f. 1 1527812082 اشاره یي ژبه ishaara yee jzuba sign language 4 n. f. 1527821701 اشباع ishbaa' satiation, satisfaction, saturation 3 n. f. 1527819058 اشتباه ishtibáa error, mistake; suspicion, doubt 3 n. f. 1527821548 اشتها ishtiháa appetite 4 n. f. 1527812697 اشتیا ishtiyaa appetite 3 n. f. 1527822030 استبدادي istibdaadee despotic, autocratic 3 n. f. 1527816642 استعفا istifaa resignation, quitting, retirement 4 n. f. 1527818044 استفاده istifaada use, profit, gain, benefit 3 n. f. 1585928568994 استغنا istighnáa lack of need, having enough financially, sufficiency 2 n. f. 1610795927463 استخاره istikhaara fortune-telling 4 n. f. 1527821137 اصطلاحي istilaahee phraseological, idiomatic, special, technical (of a term) 2 n. f. 1578014484426 استنجا istinjáa Islamic washing of private parts after going to the bathroom 4 n. f. 1527818585 استثنیٰ istisnaa exception 4 n. f. 1585750625723 استطلاع istitilaa' investigation, research, inquiry 3 n. f. 1658795458148 استري istree iron (for ironing clothes) 4 n. f. 1527816723 اتحادیه itihaadiya union 4 n. f. 1527815920 اتکا itikaa expectation, reliance, hope, support 3 n. f. 1527816226 اطلاع itlaa notice, information 4 n. f. 1527819534 اتباع ittibaa obedience, following, shadowing, observation, maintenance (of principles) 4 n. f. 1527816227 اطلاعیه ittilaa'iya notification, information 4 n. f. 1527814922 اضافه izaafa addition, add-on, augmentation 3 n. f. 1527820310 جعل کاري ja'l kaaree forgery, faking 4 n. f. 1527821832 جابۍ jaabúy short skirt, ballerina’s dress; man’s pleated shirt; leg bracelets 4 n. f. 1527823417 جاده jaaddá highway, surfaced road, main road, road 4 n. f. 1579313345263 جادوګري jaadoogaree magic, sorcery 4 n. f. 1678361634982 جاګیرداري jaageerdaaree feudalism n. f. 1527818708 جاغه jaaghá collar (of a shirt) 2 n. f. 1527818727 جاله jaalá raft, barge (made up of logs); calamity, misfortune 4 n. f. 1527818726 جاله jáala nest, spiderweb, beehive 4 n. f. 1527816156 جامه jaama clothes, clothing 4 n. f. 1527820713 جار ایستنه jaar eestúna vomit, vomiting, puke, puking 4 n. f. 1527820715 جارباسنه jaarbaasúna vomit, vomiting, puke, puking 4 n. f. 1527818319 جارو jaaróo broom 4 n. f. 1 1527816570 جاسوسي jaasoosee spying, intelligence, espionage 4 n. f. 1527820703 جایزه jaayizá award, prize, reward; assesment, analysis, look-over, survey 4 n. f. 1702843632782 جایزه اخیستل jaayizá akheestul to analyse, look over, assess, survey 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527820703 1 1527821648 جاذبه jaazibá attraction, pulling, gravity, attractiveness, charm 4 n. f. 1527814393 جبیره jabeera bandage, splint (Arabic) 3 n. f. 1630938686530 جبهه jabhá front (also as in battle/military) 4 n. f. 1527817620 جفا jafáa, jifáa oppression, cruelty, difficulty, suffering, offense, injury 3 n. f. 1527812703 جګړه jagRa fight, war, battle 4 n. f. 1527813741 جلا jaláa shine, polish, luster 4 n. f. 1527813743 جلاوطني jalaawatanee migration, exile, immigrant, emmigration, homesickness ?? 4 n. f. 1527815904 جلغوزه jalghooza pine tree with edible nuts, pine-nut tree 4 n. f. 1595516250168 جلتي jaltée speed, swiftness, hurry 4 n. f. 1672306802138 جلوه jalwá magnificence, splendor, radiance; manifestation, show, event n. f. 1527813554 جمع jama collection, gathering; plural (grammar); addition (math) 4 n. f. 1527812704 جماع jamaa sexual intercourse 4 n. f. 1527823230 جڼه جڼه jaNa jaNa subterfuge, evasion, dodge, cunning, craftiness, cheat; vacillation, going back and forth 3 n. f. 1527817504 جنازه janaazá funeral 4 n. f. 1527820115 جنډه janDá flag 4 n. f. 1 1610444343375 جنډا janDaa flag 3 n. f. 1585486866124 جنډۍ janDúy flag, banner 4 n. f. 1576373847078 جنغوزه janghoza pistachio, pine nut 4 n. f. 1527820438 جنګړه jangRá thicket, bushes 4 n. f. 1527820439 جنګړه janguRá thicket, bushes 4 n. f. 1527812111 جنجړۍ janjaRúy bindweed, Convolvulus arvensis 4 n. f. 1527812112 جنجړۍ janjuRúy duty, responsibility, obligation 4 n. f. 1527822119 جنتري jantarée, jUntrée calendar 4 n. f. 1 1527820583 جنوري janwarée January 4 n. f. 1527812706 جرابه jaraaba sock 4 n. f. 1527819668 جریده jareedá journal, newspaper 4 n. f. 1527820104 جریمه jareemá fine, penalty 4 n. f. 1527823294 جرحه jarha wound 4 n. f. 1527816970 جرمني jarmunee Germany 4 n. f. 1527814749 جړمړۍ jaRmuRúy antidote (for poison) 4 n. f. 1527814815 جراحي jarraahee surgery (Arabic) 4 n. f. 1588160897255 جراحي jarraahee surgery 3 n. f. 1661499729403 جو jaw space, space between, interval; space, atmosphere 2 n. f. 1527823421 جواري jawáaree gambling, card game, gambling game 4 n. f. 1527820636 جوله jawla form, shape 3 n. f. 1566549992928 جوسه jawsá cupboard 3 n. f. 1527815043 جزا jazaa punishment, retribution 4 n. f. 1527814384 جزیره jazeera island 4 n. f. 1527819372 جینۍ jeenúy girl, young woman 4 n. f. 1527822740 جیټکه jeeTká push, shove, bump; jolt 3 n. f. 1527821307 جلوګیري jilawgeerée interruption, halt, forestalling, forbidding 4 n. f. 1527815499 جرګه jirgá jirga, council, assembly, synod 4 n. f. 1 1527821608 جرړه jírRa cotton 4 n. f. 1527822739 جټکه jiTká push, shove, bump; jolt (جيټکه) 4 n. f. 1527814633 جوبه joba market 3 n. f. 1527818191 جولا jolaa, joolaa cloth, fabric; weaver; spider 4 n. f. 1527820437 جونګړه joongúRa shack, hut, lodge, cabin 4 n. f. 1566549995565 جوسه joosá face, frame, body 3 n. f. 1566477622070 جوپه jopa turn, beat (as in a watchman's beat), caravan 4 n. f. 1527818783 جوړ جاړي joR jaaRee agreement, dealing 4 n. f. 1527818635 جوړه joRá pair, match, couple, double, twin, duplicate 4 n. f. 1 1527818636 جوړه jóRa reconciliation, peace, settlement 4 n. f. 1577649825813 جوټه joTa garbage, leftovers 3 n. f. 1595253116694 جغرافیه jUghraafiyá geography 4 n. f. 1527820514 جغرافیا jUghraafiyaa geography 4 n. f. 1527811573 جلۍ julúy girl 4 n. f. 1527812715 جمعه jUma Friday 4 n. f. 1527816696 جمله jUmlá sentence; whole, total, sum 4 n. f. 1 1527812130 جنګي jungee local duty, municipal tax 4 n. f. 1527812716 جنۍ junúy girl, young girl/child 4 n. f. 1527818167 جرعه jur'á mouthful 3 n. f. 1527811427 جرمانه jUrmaana fine, penalty, punishment 4 n. f. 1566474058252 جرقه jurqá spark, twinkle, flake 3 n. f. 1527821607 جرړه júrRa root 4 n. f. 1527823345 جسه jUsa figure, form (of face) 4 n. f. 1527820598 جستجو jUstUjóo search, seeking out, effort/struggle 4 n. f. 1527823420 جوا jUwáa gambling 3 n. f. 1527819949 جوار پاکي juwaar paakee shelling corn 3 n. f. 1527821556 جۍ júy see ژۍ 4 n. f. 1527822847 ژامه jzaamá jaw 4 n. f. 1527814044 ژاړنده jzaaRunda spring that dribbles out water 2 n. f. 1527820326 ژاوله jzaawlá resin, gum; cud; fig - nonsense, rubbish, foolishness 4 n. f. 1527819592 ژبپوهنه jzabpohána linguistics 3 n. f. 1527823150 ژلۍ jzalúy hail (ږلۍ) 3 n. f. 1527820381 ژندره jzandurá lock; a tool used to straighten used shells and cartridges 3 n. f. 1527813807 ژړا jzaRáa weeping, crying 4 n. f. 1 1527812718 ژباړه jzbaaRa translation, paraphrasing 3 n. f. 1527813111 ژغورنه jzghoruna rescuing, sparing, defence, protection 4 n. f. 1675280989003 ژمنتیا jzmantyaa commitment, dedication, resolve n. f. 1527811614 ژمنه jzmuna promise 4 n. f. 1527819684 ژرنده jzránda grinder, mill 4 n. f. 1527812720 ژبه jzúba, jzíba language 4 n. f. 1527811889 ژره jzura thorn, prickle 4 n. f. 1527821555 ژۍ jzúy edge, verge, side 3 n. f. 1527813589 ژوند توګه jzwand toga lifestyle 2 n. f. 1678361753429 ژوند بڼه jzwund buNa lifestyle n. f. 1527814082 ژوره jzwura, jzuwúra depth; pit, hole, cavity, chasm 4 n. f. 1 1527818863 ژیړه jzyáRa yellowness, jaundice; insult, disgrace, mockery 3 n. f. 1527820428 کابینه kaabeená cabinet (politics) 4 n. f. 1 1580349119530 کابو kaaboo control, check 3 n. f. 1527821429 کاچوغه kaachóogha spoon, ladle 4 n. f. 1578706221814 کافي kaafee coffee 4 n. f. 1 1527816196 کاغذداني kaaghazdaanee wastepaper basket 4 n. f. 1566550212862 کاختي kaakhtee famine, shortage, dearth (from قحطي) 2 n. f. 1527816438 کاکۍ kaakúy aunt (uncle's wife) 3 n. f. 1527816568 کاکۍ kaakúy beetle, scarab 2 n. f. 1527814743 کالیزه kaaléeza anniversary, birthday; calendar 4 n. f. 1527813363 کامچه kaamacha little finger, pinkie 3 n. f. 1527811744 کامره kaamrá camera 4 n. f. 1527811855 کامیابي kaamyaabee success, acheivement, victory 4 n. f. 1576889461346 کان کېندنه kaan kenduna mining 3 n. f. 1527818873 کانه kaaná misfortune, tragedy, calamity, trouble 1 n. f. 1527818872 کانه káana edge, border, wing feather, wing quill 1 n. f. 1588162247009 کانه وانه káana wáana questions, squabbling, dispute 1 n. f. 1527812728 کاناډا kaanaaDáa Canada 3 n. f. 1527816198 کانګه káanga vomiting, retching (usually plural) 3 n. f. 1610616752370 کانګۍ kaangúy echo, repetition 4 n. f. 1527814305 کانکني kaankanee mining 2 n. f. 1527823209 کاریګري kaareegaree employment, labor, working 3 n. f. 1527812734 کارګاه kaargaah workshop 4 n. f. 1527818741 کارکردګي kaarkardagée performance, output, work, efficiency; development (of deposits), extraction (of mineral resources) 3 n. f. 1527817168 کارخانه kaarkhaaná factory, workshop 3 n. f. 1 1527811854 کارنامه kaarnaama deed, act; exploit, feat, achievement 3 n. f. 1527813892 کاسه kaasa cup, basin, saucer 4 n. f. 1527811926 کاسیر kaaseer prostitute 3 n. f. 1527811930 کاسیري kaaseeree prostitution 3 n. f. 1527812061 کاشي kaashee tiles, glazed tiles, glazed brick 4 n. f. 1527812062 کاشي ګري kaashee garee manufacturing of glazed tiles, glazed brick 1 n. f. 1527812736 کاشوغه kaashoogha spoon 3 n. f. 1527814466 کاشتکاري kaashtkaaree farming, agriculture 3 n. f. 1527817109 کاته kaata letter, notebook; directions, instructions 2 n. f. 1574784564095 کبي kabee rein, reins, bridle, halter (of a horse) 2 n. f. 1578759565804 کچه kácha level 4 n. f. 1527819426 کچنۍ kachanúy female dancer, prostitute 4 n. f. 1527821093 کچنۍ kachanúy prostitute, female dancer 4 n. f. 1527818569 کچکاسه kachkaasá bucket (for pouring syrup when making cane sugar) 1 n. f. 1575237318265 کچره kachura mule 4 n. f. 1527814008 کدوچه kadoocha summer squash, vegetable marrow 3 n. f. 1527813745 کډوالي kaDwaalee migration, exile, emmigration 4 n. f. 1527818103 کفاره kifaará, kafaará atonement, payment for sins, expitiation, propitiation 3 n. f. 1 1703659327737 کفاره ورکول kifaara warkawúl to give atonement for 3 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527818103 atone for 1 1527816762 کفایتي kafaayatee sufficiency, adequacy, competence 3 n. f. 1586446956682 کږه kaGa hyena (female) 2 n. f. 1527820721 کهه kahá vomit, vomiting, puke, puking 1 n. f. 1527823663 کهه kahá nausea, itch, itching 1 n. f. 1527823000 کجاوه kajaawá seat (on camel’s back, for a bride); pannier, saddle-pack on a bike or motorcycle; basket; motorcycle sidecar; bubbles (on surface of water) 3 n. f. 1527813392 کجوره kajóora date (food) 4 n. f. 1 1527822079 ککرۍ kakarúy skull, crown (of the head); top, peak, summit (of a mountain) 4 n. f. 1527822433 کلا kalaa castle, fort, fortress 4 n. f. 1527820003 کلابندي kalaabandée siege 2 n. f. 1527822720 کلوشه kaláwsha galosh (کلوښه) 4 n. f. 1527822719 کلوښه kaláwxa galosh 3 n. f. 1527819042 کلیسا kaleesáa church 4 n. f. 1 1527814416 کلمه kalimá word; short form for the Islamic Shahadah (confession of faith), creed 4 n. f. کلمات kalimáat 1 1708911049259 کلیمه kaleemá word; short form for the Islamic Shahadah (confession of faith), creed 4 n. f. 1 1527822414 کم فکري kam fikrée lack of seriousness, lack of consideration/care, frivolousness 3 n. f. 1527819855 کم خوبي kam khobee insomnia, sleeplessness 3 n. f. 1527823595 کم خوني kam khoonee anemia 3 n. f. 1527814045 کمانۍ kamaanúy spring 4 n. f. 1527815651 کمانۍ kamaanúy spring 4 n. f. 1566653299904 کمره kamara camera 4 n. f. 1644777956980 کمبل kambál blanket, cloak, reversible rug, coarse carpet 4 n. f. 1 1527820852 کمپنۍ kampanúy company 4 n. f. 1527811745 کمره kamra room, compartment 4 n. f. 1622483530565 کمڅۍ kamtsúy plait, tress, lock, braid (of hair) 4 n. f. 1586451679798 کمتري kamturee inadequacy, innsuficiency 4 n. f. 1527813343 کمچه ګوته kamúcha góota fourth finger, ring finger 2 n. f. 1527819215 کمزورتیا kamzortiyaa weakness 3 n. f. 1527815510 کناري kanaaree butcher shop, butchery, slaughter, massacre 2 n. f. 1527813517 کنده kánda pit, ditch, abyss, cavity 4 n. f. 1 1709838506835 کنده کول kanda kawúl to dig, engrave v. stat. comp. trans. 1527813517 dig 1709838508737 کنده کېدل kanda kedúl to be dug, engraved v. stat. comp. instrans. 1527813517 be dug 1527816364 کنډه kanDa balance, scale; source of a river 4 n. f. 1527818566 کندانۍ kandaanúy sugar bowl 4 n. f. 1630939439405 کنډاسه kanDaasa breaking, pulling, or knocking someone's tooth out 4 n. f. 1527822046 کنډواله kanDwaalá ruin, destruction 4 n. f. 1527813364 کنځه kandza index finger 2 n. f. 1527816566 کنځا kandzaa cursing, swearing, verbal abuse 4 n. f. 1527818061 کنیسه kaneesa synagogue, temple 2 n. f. 1527817341 کنیسا kaneesaa synagogue 3 n. f. 1527814478 کنګالونه kangaalawuna washing, rinsing (of dishes) 4 n. f. 1661858774881 کنجوغه kanjooghá strap for tying up a load or attaching something 4 n. f. 1527821438 کنجوسي kanjoosee stinginess, cheapness, miserly, meanness 4 n. f. 1610540113709 کنجره kanjUra female prostitute 4 n. f. 1527813345 کنزه ګوته kánza góota fourth finger, ring finger 2 n. f. 1614169152724 کپله kapála sip, little piece, bite (of food/drink) 4 n. f. 1585397330485 کپرۍ kaparúy skull, cranium 4 n. f. 1527823717 کپړه kapRá cloth, fabric, material, clothing, garment 3 n. f. 1527823590 کره kará sphere, globe 1 n. f. 1 1527823591 کره kára shovel, scraper, scoop 1 n. f. 1527815884 کره کتنه kara katuna criticism 4 n. f. 1527823137 کراچي karaachee cart (for selling things), wheelbarrow; Karachi (the city) 4 n. f. 1527817466 کراچۍ karaachúy two-wheeled card 3 n. f. 1527823136 کراچۍ karaachúy cart (for selling things), wheelbarrow 4 n. f. 1527821398 کربېزي karbézee snot, mucus 2 n. f. 1527821399 کړبېزي kaRbézee snot, mucus 3 n. f. 1598119732734 کرېله karelá bitter melon 4 n. f. 1527812748 کرهڼه karhuNa planting crops, sowing, agriculture 4 n. f. 1594834749012 کرشمه karishmá, karashmá flirting, wink, flirtatious wink 2 n. f. 1527816856 کرکیله karkéela farming, agriculture 3 n. f. 1527813367 کړمچه kaRmucha little finger, pinkie 1 n. f. 1527823035 کروړه karoRá whip 2 n. f. 1527812034 کره karu bracelet, arm band 2 n. f. 1527817216 کرنه karúna planting, sowing, agriculture 3 n. f. 1527816026 کړۍ kaRúy ring, curl; handcuffs, link, chain, fetter; loom; department, section 3 n. f. 1527816870 کرونده karwanda farmland 3 n. f. 1585411788663 کرښی karxáy ruler (for drawing) 4 n. f. 1527819709 کریابي karyaabée neglect, disuse, obstacle, poverty, helplessness, lack of work 3 n. f. 1571943844241 کشۍ kashúy pickaxe 3 n. f. 1591712129221 کته káta packsaddle 4 n. f. 1527811841 کټه ګوټه kaTa gooTa thumb 4 n. f. 1611396755493 کټاره kaTaará fence 2 n. f. 1527823482 کتیبه kateebá frieze with an Arabic inscription 4 n. f. 1527819565 کتره katra small piece, little chunk 4 n. f. 1527820050 کڅوړه katsóRa bag, purse 2 n. f. 1527814320 کتنه katuna inspection, looking, check-up, fortune-telling 4 n. f. 1527822713 کټو kaTúw clay cooking pot 3 n. f. 1671100118015 کټوۍ kaTwúy earthenware pot, saucepan, pot n. f. 1527821894 کوډۍ kawDúy cowry (a shell used for money in India and other countries) 3 n. f. 1527823052 کونسل خانه kawnsul khaana consulate 4 n. f. 1527823053 کونسلګري kawnsulguree consulate 4 n. f. 1623044617293 کوڅۍ kawtsúy braid, pigtail, strands of hair 4 n. f. 1527813871 کښتۍ kaxtúy boat, ship 2 n. f. 1527813462 کیلي keelee key 4 n. f. 1527821284 کینه keená malice, spite, vindictiveness, hatred 4 n. f. 1709218594968 کینه لرل keená larul to despise, hate 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527821284 despise 1 1527812816 کیسه keesá story, tale, history; washcloth, glove used for rubbing in baths 4 n. f. 1 1576374375326 کېږدۍ keGdúy tent, nomad's tent 4 n. f. 1527812756 کېله kelá banana 3 n. f. 1 1585736669456 خاکه khaaka sketch, rough outline, drawing; coal dust; broken rice 3 n. f. 1577407874450 خاکساري khaaksaaree obedience, gentleness, meekness, humility 3 n. f. 1527816428 خاله khaala maternal aunt 3 n. f. 1527821682 خالپوڅي khaalpotsee crawling (خاپوړي) 3 n. f. 1627319668040 خالوهنه khaalwahúna tattooing; vaccination, immunization 4 n. f. 1577396411230 خامک دوزي khaamak dozée sewing done with untwisted threads 4 n. f. 1588783989791 خاموشي khaamoshée silence 4 n. f. 1527811912 خانه khaana residence, house, compartment, room 3 n. f. 1527820773 خانه آبادي khaana aabaadee prosperity, well-being, good or easy circumstances 4 n. f. 1527816496 خانمه khaanuma madame, polite for spouse or wife 4 n. f. 1527814844 خاپوړي khaapoRee crawling, creeping 4 n. f. 1527813959 خاره khaara bare steppe, uncultivated land 4 n. f. 1527811900 خارګیري khaargeeree thorn-hedge enclosure or fence 3 n. f. 1527814843 خاړپوڅي khaaRpotsee crawling on all fours 3 n. f. 1527816648 خارجي khaarujee foreigner, foreign 4 n. f. 1527821063 خارښتي khaaruxtée itchy, mangy, a mangy she-goat; lustful man, scoundrel 4 n. f. 1571526277443 خاشه khaasha piece, crumb, chunk of, pinch of, speck, trash, garbage, litter 2 n. f. 1527822518 خاصره khaasirá side 1 n. f. 1527814024 خاته khaatú lifting, rising, ascent 3 n. m. 1621957939454 خاتمه khaatimá end, ending, completion, termination 4 n. f. 1 1527815061 خاطره khaatira memory, keepsake, souvenir, memento; deference, consideration (ie. of a person or something owing to them) 4 n. f. خاطرات khaatiraat 1527812764 خاوره kháawra ground, land, area 4 n. f. 1 1527820406 خایه khaayá testicle 3 n. f. 1527820395 خبرپاڼه khabarpaaNa news release, bulletin, news letter 3 n. f. 1527816236 خبرتیا khabartiyaa knowledge 4 n. f. 1527812766 خبره khabúra thought, speech, idea, thing 4 n. f. 1527813351 خچه ګوته khacha goota little finger 4 n. f. 1527819138 خځله khadzúla, khadzíla waste, trash, rubbish, garbage; poop, feces, excrement 4 n. f. 1610797589510 خلا khaláa cavity, emptiness, vacuum, empty space, space (as in planets etc.) 4 n. f. 1527822376 خلیته khaleetá bag (خلته) 2 n. f. 1527822375 خلته khaltá bag 4 n. f. 1527823235 خمیره khameerá leaven yeast, dough 4 n. f. 1527823292 خمسه khamsa, khamisa Hamsa, the Hand of Fatima (a charm to ward of the evil eye) 2 n. f. 1527813350 خمچه khamucha lower rib; pinky, little finger 2 n. f. 1527817385 خندا khandaa laughter, happiness 4 n. f. 1527821476 خپکۍ khapakúy nightmare, frightening dream 3 n. f. 1662098881960 خپړ khapúR paw, hand (with fingers spread); sole of foot 4 n. f. 1662098904619 خپړه khapúRa paw, hand (with fingers spread); sole of foot (خپړ) 4 n. f. 1614169279365 خپسه khapúsa nightmare, bad dream 4 n. f. 1527821475 خپسکه khapúska nightmare, frightening dream 4 n. f. 1566471130952 خرټه kharaTá a mullah's large turban 1 n. f. 1527822959 خربوزه kharboozá melon 4 n. f. 1 1527817702 خرچه kharchá expense, expenditure, cost 4 n. f. 1 1527815929 خریداري khareedaaree purchasing, buying, supply 4 n. f. 1527817703 خرڅه khartsa expense, expenditure, cost 2 n. f. 1527814635 خرڅېده khartseda sale, selling, vending 4 n. f. 1527814225 خطا khataa mistake, error, blunder 4 n. f. 1527820629 خطاطي khataatée penmanship, calligraphy 3 n. f. 1 1527823395 خټګري khaTgaree bricklaying 3 n. f. 1527822166 ختنه khatná circumcision 3 n. f. 1576637321000 خطره khatrá danger, risk, peril 4 n. f. خطرات khatraat 1 1527811576 خیاطي khayaatee sewing, tailoring; tailor's shop 4 n. f. 1527817492 خزانه khazaana treasury, storehouse, depository; chamber (weapon/military) 4 n. f. 1576373023384 خزنده khazandá insect, bug, pest 3 n. f. 1594373553022 خیره khéera dirt, mud, dross, ear-wax 4 n. f. 1527819545 خېلخانه khelkhaaná family 4 n. f. 1527814878 خېمه khema tent 4 n. f. 1527811321 خېټه khéTa belly, stomach 4 n. f. 1 1527819989 خېښي khexée relationship by marriage, the marriage that families or clans have because of the marriage between them 4 n. f. 1527814877 خیمه khayma tent 4 n. f. 1527819422 خلاف ورزي khilaaf warzee infraction or violation of a law or custom; crime, misdemeanour 4 n. f. 1527822989 خسته khistá stone, pit (of a fruit) 2 n. f. 1527817493 خزانه khizaana treasury, storehouse, depository; chamber (weapon/military) 4 n. f. 1586341506780 خوږ اروا khoG arwaa good natured, good humored, nice 3 n. f. 1527815658 خوبانۍ khoobaanúy sweet dried apricot 3 n. f. 1 1586341361713 خود داري khood daaree abstinence, evasion, avoiding, digression 3 n. f. 1527823240 خود مختاري khood mUkhtaaree autonomy, independence 4 n. f. 1671708831688 خودخواه یي khoodkhwaa yee selfishness, egoism n. f. true 1631563066810 خودکفایي khoodkifaayee self-sufficiency, self-sustainable 2 n. f. 1527814860 خودکشي khoodkUshee suicide 3 n. f. 1527823493 خودنمایي khoodnamaayee showing off, bragging, doing something so others to see you 3 n. f. 1527817043 خوله khoola mouth; kiss 4 n. f. 1527817046 خولګۍ khoolgúy mouth, kiss (diminutive) 3 n. f. 1575237043710 خون بها khoon baháa blood money; money paid (to surviving family) in reperation for a killing 2 n. f. 1527812784 خونه khoona house, room, barn 3 n. f. 1527820341 خوره khoorá rust, gangrene, ulcer, corrosive substance (acid etc.) 2 n. f. 1527817276 خوراړه khooraaRa leprosy 1 n. f. 1527816373 خورځه khoordza niece; sister's daughter 4 n. f. 1527821719 خورمه khóorma cloudburst, downpour; pimples, fuzz (on the face) 2 n. f. 1527818037 خوشبختي khooshbakhtee good fortune, good luck, hapiness 4 n. f. 1527815914 خوشبیني khooshbeenee optimism 3 n. f. 1527811539 خوشبویي khooshbooyee fragrance, aroma, perfume, incense, scent, pleasant odour 4 n. f. 1527817722 خوشخبري khooshkhabree good news (Arabic) (pashto: زېری) 4 n. f. 1527816527 خوښینه khooxéena, khoxéena sister in law 1 n. f. 1527823519 خورلڼه khorlaNa girl's word for friend, fellow tribes-woman 4 n. f. 1527823520 خورلنده khorlanda fellow tribes-woman 4 n. f. 1527811908 خوش قسمتي khosh qismatee happiness, success, good luck 4 n. f. 1527813477 خوشحالي khosh`haalée happiness, joy, rejoicing, celebration 4 n. f. 1 1708116463320 خوشحالي کول khosh`haalee kawúl, khoshaalee kawul to celebrate, rejoice, be happy 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527813477 celebrate 1 1527819521 خوشالي khoshaalée happiness, joy, rejoicing, celebration (خوشحالي) 4 n. f. 1 1588075160983 خوشامندي khoshaamandee flattery, sucking up to 4 n. f. 1527817727 خپرونه khparawuna distribution, spreading; program (as in a TV or radio program) 4 n. f. 1527819421 خپلواکي khpulwaakee independence, freedom, autonomy 4 n. f. 1572991476342 خپلوي khpulwee relationship, kinship 4 n. f. 1527819891 خره khra pile, lot 4 n. f. 1527814566 خدای پاماني khUdaay paamaanee, khodaay puamaanee farewell 4 n. f. 1582659568164 خدایي khUdaayee divinity, the quality of being divine 4 n. f. 1566469940537 خفګي khufagée choking, suffocation (from Farsi) 4 n. f. 1586963607747 خله khUla mouth 4 n. f. 1527823086 خلاصه khUlaasá summary, abstract, resume 4 n. f. 1678442223097 خلوت پسندي khulwut pasandee isolationism, seclusionism n. f. 1527821026 خنجاړه khunjaaRa remains of grapes after pressing them for wine; oilcake; crab 2 n. f. 1594218807251 خړه khúRa silt, sediment (in water/stream) 4 n. f. 1594218828092 خړه khúRa the transitory world; word for describing times between night and dawn etc. (په شنه خړه - at dawn etc.) 4 n. f. 1527812804 خرابي khuraabée problem, brokenness 3 n. f. 1 1527813393 خرما khUrmaa date (food) 4 n. f. 1588153273589 خړپړتیا khuRpuRtiyaa dustiness, dirtiness, complicatedness 4 n. f. 1527822132 خشکه khUshka boiled rice, steamed rice, cooked rice 2 n. f. 1577823710521 خټه khúTa tribe, caste, people-group 4 n. f. 1527814261 خطبه khUtbá sermon, preaching 4 n. f. 1 1527816528 خښینه khuxeena sister in law 3 n. f. 1527812052 خښته khúxta brick, cinder-block 4 n. f. 1 1661533906001 خضوع khUzóo humility, submission, obediance 3 n. f. 1527814165 خوا khwaa side, direction, appetite, mind, heart 4 n. f. 1 1527816707 خوابدي khwaabadee unhappiness, disatisfaction, discontent, repulsion, disgust 4 n. f. 1527820716 خواګرځي khwaagurdzée vomit, vomiting, puke, puking; nausea, sickness 3 n. f. 1527815059 خواخوږي khwaakhooGee sympathy, compassion, empathy 4 n. f. 1527811387 خواله khwáala conversation, talk; (د زړه خواله - secret of the heart, deep inner thoughts, intimate conversation) 3 n. f. 1527811391 خواله رسنۍ khwaala rasanúy social media 3 n. f. 1594807341420 خوار ځواکي khwaar dzwaakee malnourishment, lack of food 4 n. f. 1527811351 خواري khwaarée hard labor, toil 4 n. f. 1 1527815864 خواشیني khwaasheenee grief, hurt, offense, distress, dissatisfaction, disappointment 4 n. f. 1527816501 خواښه khwaaxa wife's mother, husband's mother, mother-in-law 3 n. f. 1527816500 خواښې khwaaxe wife's mother, husband's mother, mother-in-law (plural?) 4 n. f. 1527821820 خوله khwala, khwula, khola, khoola sweat, perspiration (usually plural) 4 n. f. 1527813643 خولۍ khwalúy hat, cap 3 n. f. 1576115620623 خوړه khwaRá gift, offering (to a religious leader), refreshments served at a wedding, refreshments sent to the bride from the fiancee, 4 n. f. 1576115708860 خوړه khwáRa sandy bottom (of a ravine), drift, alluvium, arroyo, wash, dried up stream 2 n. f. 1527814567 خوښه khwáxa desire, wish, will, choice 4 n. f. 1 1527817379 خوښي khwaxee joy, gladness, pleasure 4 n. f. 1690458780857 خوندیینه khwundee`yana security, immunity 4 n. f. 1527820407 خوټه khwuTa testicle 4 n. f. 1527815777 کلي kilee key 4 n. f. 1527820491 کراهه kiraahá hire, rent, lease 3 n. f. 1527820492 کرایه kiraaya hire, rent, lease 4 n. f. 1586634846219 کرمچي kirmichee canvas, sailcloth, tarp, duck (the cloth) 2 n. f. 1610615872577 کشتي راني kishtee raanee navigation 4 n. f. 1527813870 کشتۍ kishtúy boat, ship 4 n. f. 1 1527816257 کتابچه kitaabcha notebook, little book 3 n. f. 1586629718429 کتابخانه kitaabkhaaná library, publishing house 4 n. f. 1 1527820642 کتله kitla, kUtla mass, group, section (of people) 2 n. f. 1623044275111 کلوښته kloxtá tress or tuff of hair, topknot 4 n. f. 1566474824560 کوبلکه kobaláka mushroom 2 n. f. 1527815708 کوبۍ kobúy bladder; stomach filled with dried sheep's fat (food storage for winter); dome, cupola 4 n. f. 1527820532 کوډ لوبه koD loba conjuring, magic 2 n. f. 1527818292 کودتا koditáa coup, coup d’etat, overthrow 4 n. f. 1527822270 کوژده kojzda engagement, matrimony; fiancee 4 n. f. 1527817372 کوکاره kokaara cry, wail 4 n. f. 1527814834 کوکۍ kokúy kiss, cheek, little girl/baby, little flower 4 n. f. 1527813344 کوکۍ ګوته kokuy gwuta index finger, forefinger 1 n. f. 1588758045381 کولرا kolaraa cholera 4 n. f. 1527823135 کوما komáa coma 4 n. f. 1 1527821893 کوډۍ kooDúy hut, cabin, shack, hovel, summerhouse 4 n. f. 1527816203 کوکه kóoka shout, yell, howl, cry of lament 4 n. f. 1621366178462 کوکو ګېډۍ kookoo geDúy bunch, bouquet 2 n. f. 1527819302 کولمه koolmá, kwulmá intestines, gut, bowels 4 n. f. 1670564893300 کومبده koombúda dome, cupola n. f. 1527816360 کونډه koonDa fishing rod, hook 4 n. f. 1527816372 کونډکۍ koonDakúy widow 3 n. f. 1527813456 کونجي koonjee, kwunjúy key 3 n. f. 1622873309886 کونجکه koonjúka, kwunjúka shell, cockleshell; box 4 n. f. 1574867868541 کوپۍ koopúy hunchback 3 n. f. 1527821706 کوره koorá furnace, brick-kiln 3 n. f. 1527819744 کورکوړۍ koorkooRúy bee-eater (bird) 2 n. f. 1594204308483 کورپچه koorpachá small mattress 2 n. f. 1527812210 کوړۍ kooRúy beam, girder, joist 2 n. f. 1527820410 کوټه kooTá kind of big dog, mongrel or sheep-dog ?? 4 n. f. 1527812825 کوڅه kootsa street 4 n. f. 1614083853596 کوټنه kooTúna bruise 3 n. f. 1527813443 کوتۍ kootúy box 4 n. f. 1584515093638 کوزړګۍ koozaRgúy small clay pitcher 3 n. f. 1584515090634 کوزړۍ koozaRúy small clay pitcher 4 n. f. 1527820572 کوپه kopá hair-cutting, haircutting; niche in a wall for a lamp 2 n. f. 1527821595 کوپره koprá coconut, coco 2 n. f. 1527821596 کوپړه kopRá coconut, coco 4 n. f. 1527820121 کوپړۍ kopRúy skull, cranium 4 n. f. 1574867906543 کوپۍ kopúy tree saddle (for building saddles), small wineskin used of oil; the shell of an acorn 1 n. f. 1527821703 کوره korá capers (botany) 2 n. f. 1527812829 کورنۍ koranúy family, household 4 n. f. 1 1595252860456 کورنۍ جګړه koranuy jagRa civil war 4 n. f. 1591382561954 کورونا koronaa Corona (the virus) 4 n. f. 1578190738698 کورړا korRáa a crane's call, croaking 2 n. f. 1591872762329 کورواکي korwaakee autonomy 2 n. f. 1566475969292 کوروالا korwaalaa family, wife 4 n. f. 1610447766031 کوسه kosá marrow (zucchini-like vegetable) 4 n. f. 1527820404 کوټه koTa room, chamber, office, compartment 4 n. f. 1527819710 کوتاهي kotaahee a little bit; brevity; shortage; neglect; omission 4 n. f. 1527818578 کوټۍ koTúy building, mansion 3 n. f. 1527814675 کوټوالي koTwaalee police 4 n. f. 1527816764 کوزده kozda engagement, fiancee 4 n. f. 1527814422 کراړه kraaRa ayran (yogurt drink), kurut (dried balls of curds or fermented milk); pebble, rocky soil 1 n. f. 1527819186 کړنلاره kRanláara plan, program 4 n. f. 1527819912 کړپه kRapá slippery road, rough road 4 n. f. 1577384309050 کړپا kRapáa snap, click, sound 3 n. f. 1527817371 کریږه kreeGa lament, mourning aloud, wail, cry (also out of hapiness) 2 n. f. 1595515450547 کړیکه kRéeka scream, noise, howl, cry 4 n. f. 1574034991744 کرږه krúGa yell, scream, howl 3 n. f. 1527814603 کرکه krúka, kráka grudge, loathing, detest, hatred, dislike, disgust 1 n. f. 1 1527813930 کړنه kRúna action, conduct, behavior, deed 4 n. f. 1527822761 کړټه kRúTa wrinkle, fold, crease 2 n. f. 1527813366 کچه ګوته kucha goota little finger, pinkie 4 n. f. 1527817712 کلۍ kulúy key 3 n. f. 1527816366 کنډه kunDa statue, sculpture 2 n. f. 1527816367 کنډه kUnDa hook 4 n. f. 1527815779 کنځل kundzúl swearing, name-calling, verbal abuse, bad language 4 n. f. 1 1702029777549 کنځل کول kundzúl kawul to swear, use bad language, verbally abuse 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527815779 1 1527813457 کنجي kUnjee key 3 n. f. 1527812045 کړکۍ kuRkúy window 4 n. f. 1527813342 کرمه kurma index finger, little finger 1 n. f. 1527814202 کرسي kUrsee chair, seat, stool 3 n. f. 1527814203 کرسۍ kUrsúy chair, seat, stool 3 n. f. 1 1527813252 کرښه kúrxa line, trace 3 n. f. 1 1610615835095 کشتي kUshtée wrestling 4 n. f. 1571943857587 کشۍ kushúy only daughter 1 n. f. 1611396768542 کټاره kuTaará a stubborn cow that won't let anyone milk it; a daggar with a three-edged blade 4 n. f. 1527819322 کښته kúxta seeding, planting, sowing 3 n. f. 1527814950 کښتګري kuxtgaree farming 3 n. f. 1527820405 کوټه kwáTa heap, pile, mound; a lot, plenty, much 4 n. f. 1586448866074 کویله kwaylá coal 4 n. f. 1 1527817863 کولچه kwulcha cookie, cake (of soap) 4 n. f. 1527823729 کونه kwúna butt, bum, bottom, ass; heart, essence 4 n. f. 1 1527821238 کورخه kwurkhá okra, haricot, kidney bean 4 n. f. 1527814505 کورتۍ kwurtúy jacket, coat 3 n. f. 1527821862 کښېکښنه kxekxúna pressing, crushing, squeezing, rubbing, massage 2 n. f. 1527811379 لاچي laachée cardamon, cardamom 4 n. f. 1 1527822991 لافه laafa boasting, bragging (لاپه) (usually plural لافې - لاپې 4 n. f. 1705161492195 لافې کول láafe kawul to boast, to brag v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527822991 boast 1 1585836889082 لاحقه laahiqá suffix, ending (grammer) 2 n. f. لواحق lawaahiq 1527812847 لالو laalo lullaby 2 n. f. 1591804045450 لالهاندي laaluhaandee dismay, distress 4 n. f. 1582317904179 لاما laamaa llaama 2 n. f. 1527818936 لامبو laambó swimming, bathing 4 n. f. 1527820570 لامپه laampá lamp 3 n. f. 1527813266 لانجه laanja problem, dispute, issue, disagreement, puzzle 4 n. f. 1527816347 لاپه laapa bragging, boasting, swagger, bravado 3 n. f. 1527814150 لار laar road, way, path 4 n. f. 1527814052 لاره láara road, way 3 n. f. 1 1527823566 لاړه laaRa spit, saliva, slobber, slime (usually plural لاړې) 4 n. f. 1579034879672 لاړي laaRee spit, saliva 3 n. f. 1527822101 لاري láaree truck, lorry 4 n. f. 1618473125616 لارغه laarghá second (in time); moment, pause 2 n. f. 1574035049971 لارلباري laarlubaarée yell, scream 2 n. f. 1582336000732 لاروا laarwaa larva 2 n. f. 1527812298 لارښودنه laarxoduna guidance, direction, leadership 4 n. f. 1527812299 لارښوونه laarxowuna guidance, direction, leadership 4 n. f. 1527814065 لاس وهنه laas wahuna interference 4 n. f. 1527817467 لاسي کراچۍ laasee karaachúy wheelbarrow 3 n. f. 1527816084 لاسته راوړنه laasta raawRúna gain, success, achievement 4 n. f. 1665387077595 لاټري laaTrée lottery, lottery ticked 4 n. f. 1527817183 لایحه laayiha bill, regulation 4 n. f. لوایح lawaaéeh 1527813887 لغته laghata kick 3 n. f. 1527817187 لغوه laghwa cancellation, repeal, waiver 4 n. f. 1527813531 لهجه lahjá dialect, accent, tone 3 n. f. 1 1589025858198 لحظه lahzá moment, instant, second 4 n. f. 1579105393993 لکه laka spot, stain 3 n. f. 1527819851 لکړه lakáRa cane, staff, rod, pole 3 n. f. 1527811763 لکۍ lakúy tail 4 n. f. 1527814470 للمه lalma dry or arid farming land 4 n. f. 1527814000 لمبه lamba flame 4 n. f. 1527818976 لمحه lamhá instant, moment, blink (of an eye, as in quick) 3 n. f. 1670564323705 لمپه lampa lamp n. f. 1527817456 لمن lamún skirt, portion of clothing hanging down from the waist; foot, base (eg. of a mountain) 4 n. f. 1588758010222 لمنه lamuna skirt, portion of clothing hanging down from the waist; foot, base (eg. of a mountain) 4 n. f. 1527823354 لنډه lanDá sacroiliac, lumbar part of the spine 4 n. f. 1663958612958 لنډۍ lanDúy a kind of folk song 4 n. f. 1573685459297 لنګه lánga rope (fig. support, aid) 4 n. f. 1593072905288 لنګرۍ langrúy mortar, kneading trough, deep bowl 4 n. f. 1574809414721 لپه lapa handful, palm open or cupped hands (for drinking water or praying) 4 n. f. 1527813385 لړه laRá row, series, column, ridge 2 n. f. 1527813384 لړه láRa fight, battle, enmity 3 n. f. 1527813383 لړایي laRaayee fight, battle (Urdu) 4 n. f. 1527816961 لرغون پېژندنه larghoon pejzanduna archaeology 4 n. f. 1527815467 لړۍ laRúy series, succession, chain, process, consecutive order, range 4 n. f. 1576948823725 لړزه laRzá shaking, shivering, trembling 4 n. f. 1660698467797 لړزا laRzaa shake, tremble, shaking, trembling 4 n. f. 1527818160 لسي lasee lassi, a dahi-based dairy drink 3 n. f. 1527816094 لسیزه laseeza decade 4 n. f. 1527818916 لشماتي lashmaatée warm, lukewarm; moist, wet, lubricated 3 n. f. 1527811886 لشکه lashuka sting (of a bee, wasp, scorpion etc.); beard, awn (of grain); splinter, chip, fragment 3 n. f. 1527814054 لټه laTa search 4 n. f. 1586962273533 لته latá kick 4 n. f. 1649702981493 لته láta swaddling cloth 3 n. f. 1527820177 لټي laTee laziness, idleness, sloth, languor 3 n. f. 1602593113009 لطیفه lateefá joke; wit, humour 3 n. f. لطایف lataa`eef 1527818484 لوحه lawhá sign-board, sign; tablet, plate 4 n. f. 1527811587 لوړیزه lawReeza a type of sewing or stitching 3 n. f. 1527823579 لوزه lawzá almond; tonsil 2 n. f. 1527823536 لښته láxta, lúxta branch, stick, switch, twig, brushwood, switch 3 n. f. 1527821098 لښتۍ laxtúy earring; (female) dancer 4 n. f. 1602162423849 لېچه lécha arm 4 n. f. 1527818272 لیدنه leeduna seeing, meeting 4 n. f. 1527812264 لیکنه leekúna writing 3 n. f. 1659122651016 لیلامي leelaamee something bought at an auction, second-hand goods, second-hand goods store 4 n. f. 1527813165 لینده leendá bow; slingshot 3 n. f. 1 1663958454012 لیندۍ leendúy bow, arch, bracket 4 n. f. 1527819600 لیره leera Lira 2 n. f. 1527817212 لیسه leesa secondary school, lycee 4 n. f. 1527813799 لېږدنه leGdna narritive, tradition, story 2 n. f. 1527820501 لېکه leká sharecropping (په لېکه اخيستل - to rent land on a sharecropping, half-and-half basis) 1 n. f. 1527823469 لېرګۍ lergúy ear lobe 2 n. f. 1527813760 لېسه lesa lycee, high school 4 n. f. 1610797148186 لېشه lesha sting, dart, tongue 2 n. f. 1527815488 لېوه lewa she-wolf 4 n. f. 1527820098 لېوالتیا lewaaltiyaa eagerness, desire, longing, thirst 4 n. f. 1527816374 لېورزۍ lewurzúy daughter of a brother-in law, niece by marriage 4 n. f. 1527820074 لیم جوشي laym jooshée welding 3 n. f. 1673963320053 لفافه lifaafá envelope, folder, cover, wrapper; official letter n. f. 1 1527820096 لوا liwaa brigade, squad, troop 3 n. f. 1527818474 لمانځه lmaandza millwheel axle 4 n. f. 1675436093800 لمانځنه lmaandzúna celebration n. f. 1527814019 لمر تندره lmar tandra solar eclipse; annihilation, destruciton, completion, termination 2 n. f. 1527815625 لمر څریکه lmar tsreeka rising of the sun, sunrise 4 n. f. 1527816250 لمسۍ lmasúy granddaughter 3 n. f. 1626764219515 لمېسنه lmesúna writing; scripture; handwriting; paper-work; excercise 2 n. f. 1594383092691 لو lo desire, appetite (no plural) 4 n. f. 1527812859 لوبه lóba game, match 4 n. f. 1527811400 لوبډله lobDúla sports team 4 n. f. 1527818599 لوبیا lobyaa beans 4 n. f. 1 1527819794 لودره lodára stitch 2 n. f. 1527811924 لولۍ lolúy prostitute 4 n. f. 1527818600 لوبیا loobiyaa Libya 4 n. f. 1527818078 لوخه lóokha reed, bulrush 4 n. f. 1527812860 لوخړه lookhúRa dust, dense smoke 3 n. f. 1527820293 لومه lóoma trap, snare 3 n. f. 1589885155527 لومبړه loombáRa she-fox 4 n. f. 1589885159237 لونبړه loombáRa she-fox 3 n. f. 1527813620 لونګۍ loongúy turban 3 n. f. 1664026280631 لوپټه loopaTá woman's shawl, covering, dupata 4 n. f. 1527822872 لوټ ماري looT maaree robber, brigandage 4 n. f. 1527823062 لوټه lóoTa clod, clod of earth 4 n. f. 1 1527822274 لوښه lóoxa dish, pot, pan (often plural) 2 n. f. 1527822866 لویه وچه looya wucha continent 4 n. f. 1527812276 لویي looyee greatness, nobility, glory, pride, arrogance, conceit 4 n. f. 1527823580 لوزه lóoza honeybee; pine sapling 2 n. f. 1527811366 لوټه loTa pot for bathing or ablution 3 n. f. 1527823061 لوټه loTá small jug, small bucket, mug 3 n. f. 1527814480 لوښه loxa moral custom, nature, character, quality, virtue 2 n. f. 1527811634 لږکي luGakee minority 3 n. f. 1527811633 لږکۍ luGakúy minority 3 n. f. 1589885096884 لمبړه lUmbáRa she-fox 4 n. f. 1566470947294 لنګوټه lungoTá turban 3 n. f. 1527813386 لړه lúRa, lwúRa fog, mist 4 n. f. 1527819795 لودره lUwdúra the tug of a plow (a rope or a chain) 2 n. f. 1664092651588 لولانه lwaláana lecture 4 n. f. 1527822725 لوېشت lwesht span, a measurement of the span of a hand 4 n. f. 1527817497 لوږه lwúGa hunger; fig. poverty, lack 4 n. f. 1527814516 لوړي lwuRee altitude, promotion, success 3 n. f. 1527814273 لوستانۍ lwustaanúy female teacher of girls 3 n. f. 1527812175 لیار lyaar road, way 3 n. f. 1527822321 معاشره ma'aashira society 3 n. f. 1527822423 معموري ma'moorée prosperity, well-being, fullness 4 n. f. 1575642947741 معنیٰ ma'naa meaning, significance 4 n. f. 1622720402465 معرکه ma'riká battlefield, battle, arena, meeting 2 n. f. 1527812123 معافي maafée forgiveness, pardon 4 n. f. 1 1702928191744 معافي غوښتل m'aafée ghwUxtúl to apologize, ask forgiveness 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527812123 apologize 1 1527812153 مال خانه maal khaana warehouse 3 n. f. 1527814488 مالداري maaldaaree cattle-breeding, husbandry, farming; wealth, riches 4 n. f. 1527818555 مالیده maaleedá rich flat cake sprinkled with sugar 3 n. f. 1527814306 مالګه máalga salt 3 n. f. 1527820503 مالګذاري maalgUzaaree land tax; taxable land; taxation 3 n. f. 1527812876 مالکه maalíka queen, lady, housewife, wife 4 n. f. 1527820502 مالکانه maalikaana landowner’s, ownership, a fee paid to landowners 4 n. f. 1527812088 مالیه maaliya tax, duty, income, revenue 4 n. f. 1527812877 مالټه maalTá orange (the fruit) 4 n. f. 1527816469 مامي maamée aunt, maternal uncle's wife 4 n. f. 1 1527815654 ماڼه maaNa apple 4 n. f. 1573768422861 ماڼه maaNá grievance, discontent, cause for upset (usually plural) 2 n. f. 1527812048 مانا maanáa meaning, sense, spirit 3 n. f. 1 1527816478 ماندینه maandeená wife 4 n. f. 1611397779469 مانع maani' obstacle, barrier, hinderance 3 n. f. موانع mawaani' 1611398040992 مانع سازي maani' saazee construction of obstacles (military) 4 n. f. 1527817526 مانجه maanjá kite string; military music 4 n. f. 1527812879 ماڼۍ maaNúy mansion, palace 3 n. f. 1610618806862 مارکونډۍ maarkoonDúy brier, caltrop 4 n. f. 1527821590 مارماهي maarmaahee eel, moray eel 4 n. f. 1527816437 ماسي maasee maternal aunt 3 n. f. 1527819918 ماشه maasha mosquito; trigger 4 n. f. 1527817169 ماشینخانه maasheenkhaana factory, plant 3 n. f. 1527819087 ماته máata defeat 3 n. f. 1 1527819406 ماتونه maatawúna breaking, fracturing, hurting or bruising, cracking 4 n. f. 1527816089 ماتې maate defeat, rout 4 n. f. 1527820367 ماټوۍ maaTwúy woman’s gold ornament on both sides of the forehead; lock, ringlet, curl (of hair) 1 n. f. 1527823237 مایه maayá ferment, yeast 3 n. f. 1527823219 ماینه maayná wife 4 n. f. 1527820800 مایوسي maayoosée disappointment, hopelessness, despair 4 n. f. 1 1527818055 ماضي maazee past, history, things or events of the past 4 n. f. 1527821185 مبیعه mabee'á forward contract, provisional sale 1 n. f. 1527814810 مچه macha kiss 3 n. f. 1527816183 مچلوغزه machloghza sling, slingshot 3 n. f. 1568407862246 مچلوغزه machlóghza slingshot, catapult 4 n. f. 1661499476788 مچنوغزه machnóghza slingshot, sling 4 n. f. 1527822961 مداري ګري madaaree garee sleight of hand 4 n. f. 1527818761 مدني ټولنه madanee Tolúna civil society 3 n. f. 1527814264 مدرسه madrasa school, religious school, Islamic boarding school, madrasa 4 n. f. مدارس madaaris 1527814092 مفکوره mafkoora idea, thought 4 n. f. 1591972486826 مغایره maghaayra contradiction, conflict 2 n. f. 1527821915 مغازه maghaazá store, shop, warehouse 2 n. f. ماغاز maaghaaz 1666153149677 مغرورتیا maghroortiyaa, magroortyaa pride, arrogance, conceit 4 n. f. 1594906043262 مغزي سکته maghzee saktá (brain) stroke 4 n. f. 1566474319693 محاکمه mahaakama trial, court-case 4 n. f. 1527812134 محاسبه mahaasiba accounting, calculation, calculated, computation 4 n. f. 1577559569256 محاوره mahaawirá conversing, discourse 4 n. f. 1527816663 محله mahala neighbourhood, district, area 4 n. f. 1527822236 محلي mahallée local 4 n. f. 1527819776 مهینه maheena monthly salary, monthly pay 4 n. f. 1527815045 محکمه mahkamá court, tribunal 3 n. f. محاکم mahaakim 1 1527815051 محکمي mahkamee strength, reinforcement, durability 3 n. f. 1620766596379 محوطه mahwatá enclosure, yard, fence, pen 2 n. f. 1527814557 مجبوري majbooree need, obligation, tight circumstances, necessity 3 n. f. 1527822644 مجمه majmá a large metal tray (for food) 3 n. f. 1 1527822645 مجمع majmá' meeting, association, league, society 4 n. f. 1 1527821679 مجنون بېده majnoon béda weeping willow 2 n. f. 1566476508064 مخینه makheená past record, background, precedent 2 n. f. 1566478486889 مکر ژړا makur jzaRáa fake crying, crocidile tears 4 n. f. 1527817735 ملائکه malaa'ika angel (from Arabic) (w/ Arabic pronunciation) 3 n. f. 1527813524 ملاغه malaagha ladle, deep spoon 2 n. f. 1527818764 ملامتي malaamatee reproach, disapproval, condemnation, fault 4 n. f. 1527818763 ملامتیا malaamatyaa reproach, disapproval, condemnation 4 n. f. 1527813525 ملاقه malaaqa ladle, deep spoon 1 n. f. 1527815801 ملاقه malaaqa ladle, deep spoon 1 n. f. 1527819919 ملاریا malaariyaa malaria 4 n. f. 1527817728 ملایکه maláayika angel 4 n. f. 1 1527817729 ملکه malaka angel 0 n. f. 1527821634 ملغلره malghalúra pearl 4 n. f. 1527812230 ملګرتیا malgurtyáa friendship, alliance, partnership 4 n. f. 1 1702031891919 ملګرتیا کول malgurtyáa kawul to be friends with someone, to accompany 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527812230 1 1527817730 ملکه malika queen 4 n. f. 1527823170 ملتیا maltiyáa accompaniment 3 n. f. 1527812888 ملنډه malúnDa making fun of, mocking, mockery, ridicule 4 n. f. 1527818358 مڼه maNá apple 4 n. f. 1 1527812891 مننه manána thank you, thanks, expression of thanks 4 n. f. 1527820212 منبع manbá source, origin, resource, cause 4 n. f. منابع manaabí 1593074107909 مندسته mandastá pestle 2 n. f. 1527815656 مندته mandata apricot, the pit or stone of an apricot or other fruit 4 n. f. 1527814642 منډهۍ manDhúy, manDúy market 4 n. f. 1527821347 مندکه mandúka pit, kernel, nucleus 4 n. f. 1527813355 منځالۍ mandzaalúy middle finger 2 n. f. 1527813356 منځګلې mandzgUle ring finger 2 n. f. 1527818662 منځګړي mandzguRee mediation 3 n. f. 1527823068 مني manée sperm, seed 4 n. f. 1527817021 منګول mangool claw, paw 4 n. f. 1527811609 منګل mangul claw, paw 4 n. f. 1527813296 منګز mangúz comb 4 n. f. 1527819164 منشا mansháa beginning, source, root, origin 2 n. f. 1591033648000 منصوبه mansooba plan, scheme, project 3 n. f. 1671708944438 منطقه پرستي mantiqa parastée, mUntiqa parastée favoring an area in politics n. f. 1527818427 منطقه mantiqá, mUntiqá region, area, zone; shingles (med.) 3 n. f. مناطق manaatiq 1527815981 منظره manzara view, scenery 3 n. f. مناظر manaazir 1527813542 منظوري manzoorée acceptance 4 n. f. 1 1527820469 مقاله maqaala article, speech, remarks, presentation 3 n. f. 1527820447 مقبره maqbirá tomb, grave, cemetery, graveyard 3 n. f. 1 1527814167 مړه خوا maRa khwaa contentedness, satiety 3 n. f. 1527823747 مرامنامه maraamnaamá platform, charter, program (a statement of plans etc. in politics) 4 n. f. 1527811749 مرکه maraka interview, talk, conversation, meeting, conference, delegation 4 n. f. 1527820665 مرکچي marakchee interviewer, mediator 3 n. f. 1527823196 مرمت کاري maramat kaaree reparation, mending, atonement, repair 3 n. f. 1603263223663 مرده mardá millstone axle 2 n. f. 1610556640847 مردمشماري mărdamshUmaaree census 4 n. f. 1527823380 مردکه mardúka ball (for children’s game); fragment, splinter, shard 4 n. f. 1594130016814 مردکۍ mardukúy ball (for children’s game); fragment, splinter, shard 4 n. f. 1527823072 مردوي mardwée sperm, seed (biology) 4 n. f. 1651577674549 مرګي margee, mirgee epilepsy 4 n. f. 1674642258976 مرغه margha grass that produces sod or turf 2 n. f. 1527818032 مرغه marghá Bermuda grass, Scutch grass, grass that produces turf or sod 2 n. f. 1527818033 مرغه چڼه margha chúNa lawn, plot of grass 1 n. f. 1573681037801 مرګژوبله margjzobla damage, injury, or loss of life, personal damage 4 n. f. 1527817997 مرحله marhalá stage, level, phase, period, station 3 n. f. مراحل maraahil 1527820693 مرجع marja' reference, authority, body, place to go (for help, shelter, etc.) 3 n. f. مراجع maraají' 1610618799833 مرکونډۍ markoonDúy brier, caltrop 4 n. f. 1527814398 مرمي marmee bullet, shell, projectile 4 n. f. 1527820454 مرمۍ marmúy bullet, shell 4 n. f. 1622873705990 مروښه maróxa, marwáxa ?? married woman, betrothed girl 0 n. f. 1527819996 مړوښي maRoxée marriage, family life 3 n. f. 1527820889 مرتبه martabá row, line, file; rank, degree, level; array, place; (w/ plural: circumstances, details, particulars) 4 n. f. مراتب maraatíb 1527816684 مړۍ maRúy piece, bread, bite, sip, gulp, food, meal 4 n. f. 1527819314 مرۍ marúy throat 4 n. f. 1 1527823291 مرۍ marúy small ball, bead; talisman, charm 3 n. f. 1527823359 مرضي marzée, murzée will, desire, pleasure 3 n. f. 1 1527821941 مسه mása patting, touching 3 n. f. 1527817086 مسا masaa smile 4 n. f. 1588076706989 مسافه masaafá distance, span 4 n. f. 1527821456 مساحه masaahá area, measurement 3 n. f. 1527817153 مساله masaala masala, spice; problem, issue (مسأله – masa’ala) 3 n. f. 1527818940 مثانه masaaná bladder 4 n. f. 1527814120 مسله masala prayer rug 3 n. f. 1527814122 مسئله masala matter, issue 4 n. f. مسایل masaayil 1527816605 مشوره mashwará, mushwará advice, instructions, council, consultation 4 n. f. 1 1709346974856 مشاوره mashaawará advice, instructions, council, consultation 4 n. f. 1709346988981 مشاورت mashaawarát advice, instructions, council, consultation 4 n. f. 1708739572215 مشوره کول mashwará kawúl to consult, get advice 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527816605 consult 1 1708824023499 مشوره ورکول mashwará warkawúl to give advice 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527816605 give advice 1 1527815685 مسکه maska woman who had a miscarriage 2 n. f. 1527817857 مسخره maskhara ridicule, joking, jesting, mocking 4 n. f. 1579188978548 مستي mastée excitement, intoxication, arousal, liveliness 4 n. f. 1 1527817091 مسنه masuna smile 2 n. f. 1527812429 مټه maTa earthenware pot; lazy, listless, limp 4 n. f. 1527814641 متاع mataa goods, things, propterty (in trade) 3 n. f. 1527822795 مټاکه maTáaka blister, bump, swelling (from an insect bite); swelling, tumour 3 n. f. 1527816517 مټیزه maTéeza a girl who has run away or eloped with her lover 4 n. f. 1527817927 متره mátra curdled milk, cheese curds, cottage cheese 4 n. f. 1527817928 متره mátra feeling, force, strength, sensation 2 n. f. 1527820108 متروکه matróka whip 4 n. f. 1527815673 مټۍ maTúy butter churn, jug for churning butter 3 n. f. 1527822973 مټۍ maTúy pitcher, crock, jug, cistern, tub, vat 3 n. f. 1527811630 موافقه mawaafiqa agreement, conformity 4 n. f. 1527811813 موهوم پرستي mawhoom parastee superstition 3 n. f. 1610542081185 موجودګي mawjoodgée, mawjoodagée, mawjoodigée presence, existence 3 n. f. 1 1527820288 موکه mawka, mauka occasion, opportunity, time, chance (موقع) 3 n. f. 1527819972 موقع mawqa, moqa, mawqí occasion, time, opportunity, chance 4 n. f. 1 1527819975 موقعه mawqa'á, moqá occasion, time, opportunity, chance (inflected form of موقع?) 4 n. f. 1527814613 موضوع mawzoo, mauzoo' subject, matter, conversation, theme, talking 3 n. f. موضوعات mawzoo'aat 1527823154 مښوکه maxóoka beak; spout (of a kettle) 4 n. f. 1 1571840218961 مزه mazá enjoyment, fun, taste, pleasure 3 n. f. 1 1527819141 مزبله mazbalá trash heap, garbage pile, garbage dump 2 n. f. 1527817164 مزدوري mazdoorée labour, toil, job, work, (often daily) wage-earning 4 n. f. 1 1527813221 مځکه mdzuka earth, land 4 n. f. 1527822078 مېچنه mechúna hand mill, attrition mill 4 n. f. 1527812901 مېده medá stomach 4 n. f. 1527821421 میکروب شناسي meekrob shinaasee microbiology, bacteriology 4 n. f. 1527819371 میله meelá stick, shaft, rod, block; pistil (botany) 2 n. f. 1527812903 مینه méena love 4 n. f. 1 1527816802 مینځه meendza female slave, servant, concubine 4 n. f. 1592390379981 میراته meeraatá inheritance (موروث) 4 n. f. 1592390296285 1566471086836 میرخانۍ meerkhaanúy a large turban 2 n. f. 1527822561 مېږکۍ meGakuy anteater 2 n. f. 1527812907 مېله melá picnic, feast, celebration 4 n. f. 1 1527822881 مېلمه پالنه melma paalúna hospitality 4 n. f. 1527812910 مېلمستیا melmastiyaa hospitality; invitation, event, party, banquet, reception 4 n. f. 1527816973 مېنه mena homeland, motherland, fatherland, country, region, residence 4 n. f. 1648403676776 مېره merá desert, emptiness, wilderness 4 n. f. 1527821415 مېړانه meRáana manliness, courage, valour, generosity, puberty 3 n. f. 1527816471 مېرنۍ meranúy stepmother 4 n. f. 1527816476 مېرېنۍ خور merenuy khor stepsister, half sister 4 n. f. 1527816474 مېرېزی merezáy half brother, stepbrother 3 n. f. 1527812912 مېرمن mermán lady, woman, wife 4 n. f. 1588786756220 مېرمنه mermána lady, woman, wife 4 n. f. 1527812190 مېړوښه meRoxa betrothed girl, bride 4 n. f. 1622873673598 مېروښه meróxa married woman, betrothed girl 4 n. f. 1527817881 مېرڅي mertsee feud, hostility, offence, hurt feelings 2 n. f. 1527812913 مېوه mewá fruit 4 n. f. 1 1588787261699 میخانه maykhaaná pub, tavern, bar 4 n. f. 1527816470 میره mayra stepmother 4 n. f. 1527812915 میوه maywá fruit 4 n. f. میوجات maywajaat 1527812918 مېزباني mezbaanee hospitality 4 n. f. 1527819086 معده mi'dá stomach 4 n. f. 1566474611780 معیاري mi'yaaree standard, proper 3 n. f. 1527812919 مهمان نوازي mihmaan nawaazee hospitality 4 n. f. 1577397444040 مهمانخانه mihmaankhaana guest house 4 n. f. 1527822690 ملي نغمه milee naghma national anthem 4 n. f. 1660566593058 ملېشه milesha militia 4 n. f. 1527815525 ملت دوستي millat dostee patriotism 4 n. f. 1527815524 ملت پرستي millat parastee nationalism 4 n. f. 1644240916456 ملي ترانه millee taraana national anthem 4 n. f. 1527811812 ملیت پرستي milyat parastee nationalism, patriotism 4 n. f. 1527813206 منت باري minat baaree gratitude, thankfulness 4 n. f. 1527813207 منت زاري minat zaaree supplication, plea, asking, begging; serious command 4 n. f. 1527820370 مقانیزمه miqaaneezmá lock (in weapons) 1 n. f. 1527818552 مصري misrée lollipop, refined sugar 4 n. f. 1 1585411710664 مسطر mistár ruler (for drawing) 2 n. f. 1585411714307 مسطره mistará ruler (for drawing) 2 n. f. 1527820543 میا miyaa herd (of horses) 1 n. f. 1527812922 میاشت miyaasht month; crescent 4 n. f. 1527815483 ملا mlaa back (body part) 4 n. f. 1 1614083901918 موغري mogháree bruise 3 n. f. 1527821570 موجبه mojibá motive, reason, cause, motif 3 n. f. 1527813474 موخه mokha goal, aim, purpose 4 n. f. 1527818730 مومیایي momyaayee mineral oil, mineral resin (for treating sprained joints and fractures) 2 n. f. 1578343853726 موعظه moo'izá, mo'izá sermon, preaching 3 n. f. 1527821106 موچلۍ moochlúy spent cartridge case; earring; luring reed (for calling quail) 2 n. f. 1527823224 موچڼه moochuNa a kind of shoe; a cobbler’s wife 4 n. f. 1527812990 موده moodá time, period 4 n. f. 1 1527819986 موخۍ mookhúy the act of two families swapping girls in marriage 2 n. f. 1588695809959 مولۍ moolúy radish 4 n. f. 1527821997 موم جامه moom jaamá oilskin, oilcloth 2 n. f. 1527821105 موندره moondrá earring 2 n. f. 1527816868 موندنه moondúna finding 4 n. f. 1527821910 موښنه mooxúna rubbing, friction, drag, scrubbing 4 n. f. 1527816513 مورا moraa wife of a mullah, mother 2 n. f. 1527818904 مورچه morchá, moorchá rust, termite; trench, position, entrenchment 4 n. f. 1527822975 مورکۍ morkúy mommy, mom (children’s speech) 4 n. f. 1527822976 مورکۍ morukúy mommy, mom (children’s speech) 4 n. f. 1527816557 مورۍ morúy clay, edge of a roof, eaves, chimney, gutter; swear word 4 n. f. 1527812929 موسیقي moseeqee music 4 n. f. 1527820879 موسسه mosisá institution, foundation, company, NGO, organization 4 n. f. 1527818477 موټه moTá tumor, gold thread knot 2 n. f. 1527818817 موټرواني moTurwaanee driving (the job) 4 n. f. 1527822577 مړه mRa shawl, blanket, lap rope 3 n. f. 1527812931 مرسته mrásta help, assistance, aid 4 n. f. 1 1527814784 مړینه mReena death 4 n. f. 1527820394 مړینه mReená death 3 n. f. 1527822794 مروړه mroRá oil soaked rag (for cleaning guns) 3 n. f. 1527822793 مروړه mróRa bump, swelling (from an insect bite) 4 n. f. 1527821909 مروړنه mroRuna rubbing, friction, scrubbing, ruffling, creasing 4 n. f. 1610615993762 معاهده mU'aahadá, mU'aahidá agreement (formal agreement) 4 n. f. 1 1527818825 معامله mU'aamala, maamilá, maamalá transaction, dealing, business, issue 4 n. f. 1619276910300 معاوضه mU'aawizá exchange, compensation, barter 4 n. f. 1527820782 معاینه خانه mU'aayaná khaana outpatient clinic 4 n. f. 1527820781 معاینه mU'aayaná, maayná examination (ie. medical examination etc.) 4 n. f. معاینات mU'aayanáat 1708189464427 معاینه کول mU'aayana kawúl, maayna kawul to examine 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527820781 examine 1 1579289097783 معرفي mU'arrifee, marrifee introduction, recommendation, acquaintance 3 n. f. 1669827653209 معضله mU'azalá difficulty, problem, impasse n. f. 1527818259 معجزه mU'jizá miracle, wonder 4 n. f. معاجزه m'aajUza 1527812119 معافي mUaafée exemption 3 n. f. 1 1527814282 معلمه mUallima female teacher, instructor 4 n. f. 1527814284 معلمي mUallimee, maallimee teaching 4 n. f. 1579289283854 معطلي mUattalee delay, adjourment, deferment 3 n. f. 1527823416 مباحثه mUbaahisa debate, discussion, argument 4 n. f. 1527823104 مبالغه mUbaalighá exaggeration, overstatement 3 n. f. 1527816057 مبارکي mUbaarakée congratulations 4 n. f. 1 1708738746534 مبارکي ورکول mUbaarakée warkawul to congratulate 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527816057 congratulate 1 1527814629 مبارزه mUbaaraza fight, struggle 3 n. f. 1610615401760 مبتدا mUbtadáa subject, matter, essence, subject of an equative sentence; beginning, starting 2 n. f. 1527819915 مچرۍ mUcharúy mosquito net, mosquito netting 2 n. f. 1527819914 مچرۍ muchrúy mosquito net, mosquito netting 2 n. f. 1527814134 مداخله mUdaakhala interference 4 n. f. 1527812993 مده mUdda time, period 3 n. f. 1671707293637 مدعا mUdda'áa claim, assertion, demand, subject of argument n. f. 1527815907 مفاهمه mUfaahíma, mUfaaháma mutual understanding 3 n. f. 1527821486 مږک رانه mUGak ráana mouse-hole; mouse burrow 3 n. f. 1527812135 محاسبه mUhaasiba accounting, calculation, calculated, computation 4 n. f. 1527811613 محاصره mUhaasira sanctions, blockade, siege, surrounded 4 n. f. 1527822566 مهر کندي mUhr kandee the craft of engraving 2 n. f. 1527822565 مهر کني mUhr kanee the craft of engraving 2 n. f. 1648997533771 محتوا mUhtawáa content, subject 4 n. f. 1576887902183 مجادله mUjaadilá argument, dispute, squabble, conflict 3 n. f. 1527819673 مجله mUjalá magazine, journal 3 n. f. 1527820129 مجسمه mUjasimá statue 4 n. f. 1595233544225 مژه mUjza eyelashes (poetic) 2 n. f. مژګان mUjzgaan 1527818673 مکالمه mUkaalamá conversation, talk, interview 3 n. f. 1527820368 مخ تولي mukh tolée (a lock or ringlet of hair) falling down over the face 2 n. f. 1579187477763 مخه múkha direction; way, path; basis; way; foundation 4 n. f. 1527821386 مخه ښه mukha xá farewell, parting, leave-taking 4 n. f. 1527823560 مخابره mUkhaabira radio, wireless, communication 4 n. f. 1527821200 مخفف نویسي mUkhaffaf naweesée cursive (writing) 3 n. f. 1674934867657 مخکتنه mukhkatúna, makhkatána book-interview, attention to someone n. f. 1527822519 ملاحظه mUlaahizá consideration, regard, remark, argument, prudence, caution 3 n. f. ملاحظات mUlaahizaat 1578329978867 ملایي mUllaayée the job/rank of being a mullah 3 n. f. 1 1678365356589 ملوک الوایفي mUlook alwaayfee feudalism n. f. 1527822052 ممثله mUmassila actress 4 n. f. 1527817774 مناظره mUnaazará debate, discussion, controversy 4 n. f. 1527815805 منډه múnDa run, running 4 n. f. 1527821140 منجیله munjeelá see منجله 4 n. f. 1527821139 منجله munjulá support, ring or pillow place on the head when carrying a jug/load, intertwined wheat stalks 4 n. f. 1571626622642 مننه munúna acceptance, agreement, obedience 4 n. f. 1571626625953 منښته munúxta acceptance, agreement, obedience 4 n. f. 1527816223 مقابله mUqaabalá, mUqaablá comparison; resistance, competition, confronting 4 n. f. 1 1586448678433 مقاوله mUqaawalá agreement, contract, convention, transaction 2 n. f. 1527822011 مقاومه mUqaawamá resistance, opposition, hostility, animosity 3 n. f. 1527816216 مقایسه mUqaayasa comparison, juxtaposition 4 n. f. 1527816076 مقدمه mUqaddamá introduction, preface, preamble 2 n. f. 1 1566647744593 مقتدا mUqtadáa clergyman, leader (Arabic) 2 n. f. 1527814738 مرافعه mUraafa'a appeal (Arabic, legal term) 2 n. f. 1527816958 مراجعه mUraaja'a turning to, recourse, reference, resort 4 n. f. 1586957574526 مراقبه mUraaqibá meditiation, reflection, contemplation 4 n. f. 1585474740972 مربع mUraba' square, exponent of two 3 n. f. 1527822783 مربا mUrabáa jam, preserve, marmalade 3 n. f. 1584530920680 مریدي mUreedee the practive of being a مرید (spiritual or religious student), discipleship 3 n. f. 1578344232094 مریضي mureezee sickness (the state of a person being in sickness) 4 n. f. 1586634286177 مرغابۍ mUrghaabúy duck 4 n. f. 1527821635 مرغلره murghalúra pearl 4 n. f. 1527818625 مرغۍ murghúy sparrow, small bird 4 n. f. 1 1585487773078 مرلۍ mUrlúy reed pipe (instrument used by snake charmer) 2 n. f. 1675138061058 مسابقه mUsaabiqá competition, race n. f. 1527814436 مصافحه mUsaafaha handshake (Arabic) 3 n. f. 1527811518 مسافري mUsaafiree the state/life of being an expat, living away from home / abroad; travelling 4 n. f. 1527813707 مسافرخانه mUsaafirkhaana guest house, inn, hotel 4 n. f. 1664025308773 مصاحبه mUsaahiba interview 4 n. f. 1527822981 مصالحه mUsaalahá reconciliation, compromise 4 n. f. 1527821652 مساپري mUsaapiree the life of an expat, living away from home / abroad, travelling 3 n. f. 1578015518297 مصله mUsalá, masalá prayer mat 3 n. f. 1617442505484 مشابهه mUshaabahá resemblence, similarity, likeness 4 n. f. 1674054230642 مشاهده mUshaahidá, mUshaahadá observation n. f. 1527813633 مشاعره mUshaaira poetry event, poetry contest 4 n. f. 1527813248 مشکله mUshkila difficulty, trouble 3 n. f. 1527820415 مشري mushree seniority, leadership, position of authority 4 n. f. 1527815686 مسکه muska butter 4 n. f. 1527817093 مسکا muskáa, mUskáa smile 4 n. f. 1527817095 مسکتیا musktiyaa kind smile 2 n. f. 1527814739 مصوبه mUssawaba decree, resolution, decision 2 n. f. 1527819930 مستعفي mUstafée retiring, going into retirement, sending in one’s resignation 3 n. f. 1527817017 مستعمره mUstamara colony n. f. 1527819933 مستمري mUstamirrée retirement, benefit, pension 2 n. f. 1527812430 مټه muTa hand, forearm, force 4 n. f. 1527821203 مطابقت نامه mUtaabiqat naama mandate, instruction (given by voters to an elected official) 4 n. f. 1527811675 معتادي mUtaadee addiction 4 n. f. 1527816950 مطالعه mUtaali'a, mUtaaliya, mUtaalaa study, research 4 n. f. مطالعات mUtaaliaat 1527813315 مواسه muwaasa fairy tale 2 n. f. 1527816722 موازنه mUwaazana balance, equilibrium, balancing 4 n. f. 1527821237 مۍ múy mung beans, kidney beans 4 n. f. 1527823187 مظاهره mUzaahirá demonstration, protest 4 n. f. 1 1592559190837 میانه myaaná pass, passing mark (in school) 4 n. f. 1527813357 مینځه ګته myandza gUta middle finger 3 n. f. 1586449464276 نا امني naa aamnée unrest, disturbances, lack of peace (as in a geographical area), alarming or worrisome situation 4 n. f. 1673632067615 نا دولتي موسسه naa dawlatee mosisa NGO (non-governmental orginization) n. f. 1527816472 نا سکه مور naa saka mor stepmother, mother in law 4 n. f. 1674546037783 ناعدالتي naa`adaalatée injustice n. f. 1675281714777 ناامني naa`amanee lack of peace, unrest, disturbance n. f. true 1674546403285 ناانصافي naa`insaafee injustice n. f. true 1527821994 نابودي naaboodee extinction, annihilation, destruction, uselessness 2 n. f. 1527822090 ناداري naadaaree poverty, need, want 3 n. f. 1527821629 ناځواني naadzwaanée cowardice, faintheartedness 4 n. f. 1527821251 نافرماني naafarmaanée disobedience, rebellion, noncompliance 4 n. f. 1 1527815100 ناغه naagha fine, penalty 4 n. f. 1591712373663 ناغېړي naagheRée idleness, slacking off, loafing, evasion, ignoring, shirking 2 n. f. 1527822365 ناحقي naahaqee, naahaqqee injustice, unfairness, inappropriateness 4 n. f. 1527819493 ناهیلي naaheelee disappointment 4 n. f. 1527821457 ناحیه naahiyá district, region, area, province, zone 4 n. f. نواحي nawaahée 1527820420 ناجوړي naajoRee sickness, illness, disease 4 n. f. 1617781446945 ناجوړتیا naajoRtyáa sickness, illness 4 n. f. 1 1588151088797 ناکه naaká crocidile 2 n. f. 1527817884 ناکامي naakaamée failure, downfall 3 n. f. 1 1527819064 ناله naalá brook, small stream, ravine, hollow; moaning, wailing 3 n. f. 1594204222857 نالي naalée mattress, straw-filled pallet 2 n. f. 1527819216 نالوستي naalwastée, naalwustée lack of education, illiteracy 4 n. f. 1527821078 نام بدي naam badée disgrace, dishonour 3 n. f. 1527821080 نام وري naam warée glory, fame, renown 3 n. f. 1527818359 نامېندګي naamendagee despair 2 n. f. 1527821379 ناموسي وژنه naamoosee wajzuna honour killing 2 n. f. 1527820033 ناندرۍ naandrúy argument, quarrel, fight, altercation 4 n. f. 1527814402 نانځکه naandzuka toy, doll, puppet 4 n. f. 1621884099330 نانوایي naanwáayee bread bakery, bread baking 4 n. f. 1586449503968 ناپاکي naapaakee uncleanliness, unholiness, filthiness 4 n. f. 1527823059 ناپامي naapaamee carelessness, lack of attention 4 n. f. 1527819957 ناپلوي naapalawee impartiality, neutrality 4 n. f. 1527819408 ناپېینه naape`yúna disorder, violation of order 4 n. f. 1527817135 ناپوهي naapohee lack of knowledge, ignorance 4 n. f. 1527817368 ناره naará shout, crying out, chant, slogan 4 n. f. 1 1709129353096 نارې وهل naaré wahul to shoul, cry out, chant 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527817368 shout 1 1609780143962 ناراستي naaraastée crookedness, unevenness; lie, deceit; laziness, idleness 4 n. f. 1527817082 ناراضي naaraazee displeased, dissatisfied, displeasure, discontent, malcontent 3 n. f. 1527814550 ناروغي naaroghée sickness, illness, ailment 4 n. f. 1527817286 ناروغي naarooghee sickness, illness 4 n. f. 1619508712118 ناروښانتیا naaroxaantyaa, naaroxaantiyaa uncertainty, unclarity 4 n. f. 1588696102087 ناشپاتۍ naashpaatúy pear 4 n. f. 1527819327 ناشته naashtá breakfast 4 n. f. 1 1527812228 ناسته naasta sitting, session; diarrhea, pooping 4 n. f. 1527812226 ناسته پاڅه naasta paatsa contact, dealing with, spending time with, having association or communication (literally sitting and getting up) 3 n. f. 1527812227 ناسته ولاړه naasta walaaRa contact, dealing with, spending time with, having association or communication (literally sitting and standing) 4 n. f. 1527821173 ناتواني naatwaanée weakness, powerlessness, debilitation, lack of strength, inability 4 n. f. 1601459079633 ناوه naawá drain, gutter, chute, spout; valley, avalanche; province, district 4 n. f. 1 1649828217167 ناوکۍ naawakúy doll 3 n. f. 1527818506 ناوړه naawáRa unpleasantness, indecency, inappropriateness 4 n. f. 1527816136 ناوې náawe bride, daughter in law 4 n. f. 1 1527812977 نایڼه naayuNa, naayaNa the wife of a barber or hairdresser 4 n. f. 1527817882 نازله naazila misfortune, disaster, bad-luck 2 n. f. 1527818169 نبات پېژندنه nabaat pejzandúna botany 3 n. f. 1527818170 نباتي nabaatee vegetable, herbal 3 n. f. 1579041957559 ندا nadáa call, appeal, shout, summoning 4 n. f. 1527821978 نفعه náf'a profit, benefit, advantage, gain 4 n. f. 1527814342 نفع náfa benefit, gain 3 n. f. 1 1527821698 نفقه nafaqá means of subsistence, honest wages, alimony, maintenance 4 n. f. 1527821975 نفي nafée rejected, turned away, negation 2 n. f. 1527811814 نفس پرستي nafs parastee hedonism, profligacy, debauchery 4 n. f. 1527818117 نفسي nafsee mental, psychological 2 n. f. 1574784019072 نغاره naghaará kettledrum, drum 4 n. f. 1527822689 نغمه naghmá song, tune, motif, melody 4 n. f. 1527812257 نهه naha Tuesday (Urdu) 4 n. f. 1527817071 نحو nahwa syntax, grammar 2 n. f. true 1579463046963 نهیه náhya prohibition, forbidding 2 n. f. 1577822434268 نجاري najaaree carpentry 4 n. f. 1527823453 نخره nakhra playfulness, airs, flirting, pretense, joking around 4 n. f. 1527822797 نکټایي năkTaayee necktie, tie 4 n. f. 1649787681222 نلدواني naldawaanee plumbing 4 n. f. 1582335905125 نلکه nalká water pipe 4 n. f. 1582335907159 نلکۍ nalkúy water pipe 4 n. f. 1527822481 نلۍ nalúy pipe, tubing, empty cartridge, spool 4 n. f. 1527817192 نمک حلالي namak halaalee gratefulenss, decency, thankfulness, faithfulness 4 n. f. 1527811990 نمونه namooná sample, type, example, model, specimen 4 n. f. 1 1527816815 نعناع nanaa mint 2 n. f. 1527815986 ننداره nandaará a spectacle, show, sight, production, presentation 4 n. f. 1 1527815985 نندره nandra a collection of goods or gifts for a wedding 4 n. f. 1584640124080 ننګه nanga honor, sense of honor, reputation 3 n. f. 1527814542 ننګونه nangawúna challenge 2 n. f. 1527820631 نقاشي naqaashee painting (the art of), depiction, description, portrayal 4 n. f. 1527816321 نقادي naqqaadee literary criticism 2 n. f. 1527812140 نقشه naqshá map, scheme, plan, diagram, blueprint 4 n. f. 1 1527823071 نر تخمه nar tUkhma sperm 4 n. f. 1527815114 نرخنامه narkhnaama price list 4 n. f. 1527815846 نرمي narmee gentleness, kindness, meekness, softness 4 n. f. 1527812349 نړۍ naRúy world, earth 4 n. f. 1588696290296 نرۍ غوښه narúy ghwáxa mutton 4 n. f. 1527814137 نس ناسته nas naasta diarrhea 4 n. f. 1527814238 نشه nashá intoxication, buzz, drunkenness, high, substance that causes highness or drunkenness 4 n. f. 1 1527811488 نشره nashra public prayer service on the third day after a child is born (Islam) 2 n. f. 1527816329 نشر náshur, náshar publication, diffusion, propagation 4 n. f. 1527814138 نسناسته nasnaasta diarrhea 4 n. f. 1527821107 نته náta nostril pendant, large earning; wooden pin or plug in the nose of a camel with a rope attached for leading it 4 n. f. 1527813694 نتیجه nateejá result 4 n. f. نتائج nataaij 1 1527816023 نتکۍ natkúy nose ring, decoration like a jewel word in a pierced nostril 4 n. f. 1527819369 نڅا natsáa dance, dancing, swaying, quivering; agitation 4 n. f. 1527823081 نوع náw'a kind, type, sort, species (Farsi version of ډول) 4 n. f. 1527817499 نوه nawá famine, starvation, hunger; (tradition) a sort of hunger fast until a serious, pressing issue is solved 2 n. f. 1527823302 نوشته nawishta writing, handwriting 4 n. f. 1527820371 نوسه nawsá moist soil 2 n. f. 1527815110 نښه níxa, náxa, núxa sign, mark, indication 4 n. f. 1 1527812081 نښژبه naxjzaba sign language 2 n. f. 1527823099 نظر بندي nazar bandee internment, detention, house arrest; magic, charms, illusion; charm fascination 4 n. f. 1527811955 نظریه nazariya theory, ideology (Arabic) 4 n. f. نظریات nazariyaat 1611400813823 نظرپوښتنه nazarpoxtúna poll 2 n. f. 1527819965 نذرانه nazraaná gift, offering 4 n. f. 1 1527823705 نیمه وچه neema wacha sub-continent 3 n. f. 1527813806 نیمایي neemaayee half 4 n. f. 1527811740 نیمګړتیا neemguRtiyaa incompleteness, default, shortcoming 4 n. f. 1527823704 نیموچه neemwacha sub-continent 3 n. f. 1589465731614 نینکۍ neenakúy sparrow, small bird 2 n. f. 1527811728 نیوکه neewaka criticism, disaproval, critique 4 n. f. 1527815879 نیوکه neewaka seizure, capture; leasing, rental; bride-to-be, fiancee 3 n. f. 1527815992 نېک بختي nek bakhtee good luck, good fortune, success 4 n. f. 1527816007 نېک مرغي nek marghee good luck, good fortune, success 3 n. f. 1527811492 نېک ذاتي nek zaatee nobility, noble birth 4 n. f. 1527817344 نېکي nekee goodness, a good deed 4 n. f. 1594834190242 نېخۍ nekhúy carpt, rug (low quality) 2 n. f. 1527822798 نېکټایي nekTaayee necktie, tie 4 n. f. 1527811681 نېستي nestee need, poverty, destitution 4 n. f. 1527813391 نېټه neTa date (as in time) 4 n. f. 1586962994180 نیچه naychá straw, tube 3 n. f. 1527821518 نېزه nezá spear, pike, harpoon (د ماهي نېزه) 3 n. f. 1631342471130 نېزه بازي neza baazee javelin throwing (the sport) 4 n. f. 1594204164253 نغاړکۍ nghaaRakúy old straw mattress 2 n. f. 1594204182861 نغاړۍ nghaaRúy small straw mattress 2 n. f. 1527823487 نغوته nghóota obedience indication, evidence; sign, signal, beckoning; advice 2 n. f. 1527823486 نغوته nghóta obedience indication, evidence; sign, signal, beckoning; advice 2 n. f. 1591804149367 نګراني nigraanee observation, watching, surveilance 4 n. f. 1594204272376 نهالي nihaalée mattress, straw-filled pallet 3 n. f. 1578011778126 نهالي nihaalee, niaalee mattress, straw pallet 2 n. f. 1586266254880 نژادپرستي nijzaadparastee racism 4 n. f. 1527816519 نکاح nikaah marriage, matrimony, wedlock, nuptials 4 n. f. 1527821190 نکاحنامه nikaahnaama marriage contract 4 n. f. 1527822952 نشاسته nishaaistá starch 4 n. f. 1527822953 نشایسته nishaayistá starch (نشاسته) 4 n. f. 1527813917 نښانه nixaana sign, trace, indication, marker 4 n. f. 1527815120 نیا niyaa grandmother 4 n. f. 1578011740651 نیالي niyaalee, nihaalee mattress, straw pallet 4 n. f. 1527820974 نیازمندي niyaazmandee need, dependence (material); begging, entreating 4 n. f. 1527818058 نظامي nizáamee military, pertaining to the military or forces 3 n. f. 1591804845214 نظاره nizaará look, glance, sight, inspection; scene, apperance, view 4 n. f. 1527813850 نمړۍ nmaRúy piece of food 3 n. f. 1527816252 نمسۍ nmasúy granddaughter 4 n. f. 1527815072 نوبت خانه nobat khaana guardroom 2 n. f. 1527812103 نوکري nokarée job, duty 3 n. f. 1 1702971567767 نوکري کول nokarée kawul to work, to do a job 3 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527812103 1 1702971571798 نوکري ورکول nokarée warkawul to employ, hire, appoint, give a job 3 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527812103 1 1578012457828 نوکاره nookáara scratching, claw, talon 4 n. f. 1527813703 نوم لیکنه noom leekuna registration, writing one's name 3 n. f. 1527818288 نومیالي noomyaalee fame, repute 4 n. f. 1578618183678 نوراني nooraanee radient, resplendent, full of light, glorious 4 n. f. 1527820372 نوسه noosá key (to a lock) 2 n. f. 1527820769 نفوس شماري nUfóos shUmaaree census enumeration, population census 3 n. f. 1527823069 نفطه nUftá seed, sperm, embryo 0 n. f. 1527817037 نماینده nUmaayunda representative 4 n. f. 1527817040 نماینده ګي nUmaayunda gee representation 4 n. f. 1527823523 ننږور nunGor daughter-in-law (نږور) 4 n. f. 1621936407597 نقره nUqrá silver, silver coin, pl. silverware نقرې 4 n. f. 1566469480843 نقطه nUqtá point; dot 4 n. f. نقاط nUqáat 1 1584444574495 نرواکي nurwaakee patriarchy 1 n. f. 1527823628 نرښځه nurxúdza she-male, transgender 4 n. f. 1527823688 نسخه nUskhá prescription, recipe, model, copy, manuscript 4 n. f. 1 1527813387 نښته nuxúta battle, skirmish, wrangle, quarrel, fighting, gluing, joining 4 n. f. 1527820373 نوسه nwása test, trial 2 n. f. 1527816255 نوسۍ nwasúy granddaughter 4 n. f. 1527821747 اوګره ográ groats, thin gruel 4 n. f. 1527815140 اونۍ onúy, ownúy, owunúy week 4 n. f. 1577220698157 اوبڼه oobúNa placenta, afterbirth 3 n. f. 1527822929 اوده oodá conspiracy, charm, exorcism, witchcraft 4 n. f. 1527815787 اوږه ooGá shoulder 4 n. f. 1527821746 اوګره oográ groats, thin gruel 4 n. f. 1527820576 اوړدي ooRdée uniform, tunic 4 n. f. 1527818196 اوریځ ooreedz cloud 4 n. f. 1527813787 اوښکه ooxka tear (from eye), teardrop 4 n. f. 1591026295853 اوزه ooza she-goat 4 n. f. 1527821753 اورۍ orúy gums (of teeth), cuticle (of nails) 4 n. f. 1527819050 اوسپنه óspuna iron (metal) 4 n. f. 1582334723936 اوونۍ ownúy, owunúy week 4 n. f. 1527815905 پابندي paabandee limitation, ban; taking control, doing well (ie. in moods etc.); linking, connection 4 n. f. 1 1527819495 پاچاهي paachaahee kingship, kingdom, rule, throne, authority 3 n. f. 1527812336 پاچایي paachaayee kingdom, monarchy, sultanate 4 n. f. 1527812332 پاچهي paachahee kingdom, monarchy, sultanate, reign 0 n. f. 1527814395 پاډه paaDa bandage, ribbon 4 n. f. 1574786441466 پاده paada herd 4 n. f. 1527815143 پادشاه paadishaah king 4 n. f. 1617990414673 پاغونده paaghoondá bunch, mass, puffs (of smoke) 3 n. f. 1 1527814394 پاهه paahá gauze, cotton padding placed under bandage 4 n. f. 1527816271 پاکي paakee cleanliness, tidiness, holiness 3 n. f. 1613551175785 پاکیزګي paakeezagee holiness 4 n. f. 1527817615 پاکنفسي paaknafasée purity, innocence, innocent, sincerity, honesty 3 n. f. 1527816817 پاکوالي paakwaalee cleanliness, hygiene 4 n. f. 1527817614 پاکزړی paakzúRay pure, innocent, chaste, modest 4 n. f. 1527822879 پالنه paalúna development, education, instruction, training, care, looking after; suffix used to describe the act of care, attention, and dedication towards a noun, ideology etc. (مېلمه پلنه - hospitality) 4 n. f. 1527815150 پاملرنه paamlurina attention, care 4 n. f. 1527820377 پانه paaná wedge (wooden); stocks (for holding people), torture rack 3 n. f. 1610796775773 پانډه páanDa firewood basket 2 n. f. 1527816575 پانګه paanga capital (financial) 3 n. f. 1527816104 پانګونه paangawuna investment 4 n. f. 1527820850 پانګونه paangawúna investment, capital 3 n. f. 1666285673500 پاپایا paapaayaa papaya 2 n. f. 1527821283 پاړه paaRá blemish, flaw (agriculture); unfinished work; baker’s paddle/shover, board/paddle for moving wash around 2 n. f. 1527818296 پارلماني paarlamaanée parliamentary 4 n. f. 1566473625858 پاړسي paaRsee Farsi 3 n. f. 1527816755 پاته paata Pashto pronunciation of فاتحه, al-fatiha, a prayer for the dead. 4 n. f. 1527813861 پاتي شوني paatee shoonee the rest, remainder, remnant 4 n. f. 1527821875 پایه paayá pole, post, pillar, support; wheel; inflected form of پای (end) 3 n. f. 1527822111 پایچه paaycha leg of trousers, pants 4 n. f. 1527814665 پایله páayla conclusion, end, result 4 n. f. 1668755671748 پایلوبه paayloba final game (sports) 3 n. f. 1527819410 پایمالي paaymaalee destruction, infringement, violation, suppression 3 n. f. 1527816521 پایڅه paaytsa trousers, trousers hem, hem of pants 4 n. f. 1527819992 پایڅه paaytsá a leg of pants/trousers 4 n. f. 1527822260 پازه paazá work, action, effect, result; courage; dim light; regard, favour 1 n. f. 1527811532 پچه pacha a kiss 4 n. f. 1527820220 پدیده padeedá phenomenon 3 n. f. 1527813619 پګړۍ pagRúy turban 4 n. f. 1527814396 پهه paha coating, ointment, bandage 4 n. f. 1574867310703 پخته pakhtá fundamental/basic structure; training (of a falcon or a hawk) 3 n. f. 1658541389964 پکوړه pakóRa pakora 4 n. f. 1527817941 پله palá side, edge, flank, door (as in each door in a double-door) 4 n. f. 1527823261 پلیته paleeta fuse, primer (of a weapon); a corn ear with a husk that has just formed 4 n. f. 1527815155 پلمه palma pretext, excuse 4 n. f. 1670564043139 پلته paltá, palitá fuse, wick, cord n. f. 1527814030 پلوشه palwasha sunbeam, ray (of the sun etc.), sparkle, tongue (of a flame) 4 n. f. 1527823676 پمنه pamúna scab, itch 3 n. f. 1527822694 پڼه paNá slippers (middle-eastern type) 4 n. f. 1527815637 پنا panaa refuge, assylum, shelter 4 n. f. 1527814031 پناه panáah refuge, assylum, shelter 4 n. f. 1 1527823553 پناه ګاه panaah gáah shelter, place of refuge 4 n. f. 1527819677 پناهي panaahée shelter, asylum, protection, patronage 4 n. f. 1574865121845 پنډه pánDa heated iron; a chunk of clay lifted by a spade; a group of guests served in turn ?? 3 n. f. 1527817932 پنیرمایه paneermaaya clabber, curds 4 n. f. 1527813341 پنجه panjá hand (from wrist to finger-tips), claw 4 n. f. 1 1527814798 پنجره panjará cage, lattice, window, shutter 4 n. f. 1 1527812259 پنجشنبه panjshamba Thursday 4 n. f. 1566469328688 پنکه panka fan 4 n. f. 1666285642270 پپیته papéeta papaya 2 n. f. 1527819796 پره pará blade, paddle; edge, rim; row, line, rank, column 4 n. f. 1589884500303 پړانګه paRáanga a thin stip (of cloth etc.) 3 n. f. 1593690620347 پرنا paranáa drowsiness, sleepiness 2 n. f. 1527823736 پرچه parchá piece; excerpt, clipping, issue (of a magazine/newspaper) 4 n. f. 1527814450 پرده pardá curtain, bed-curtain, blinds; fret (ona guitar/rabab); purdah, Islamic idea of keeping women private 4 n. f. 1 1621452319429 پړده paRdá secret, mystery, cover, curtain; regional version of پرده 4 n. f. 1527813306 پري paree fairy 4 n. f. 1527817682 پرېشاني pareshaanée bewilderment, difficulty, sadness, despair 4 n. f. 1 1527813187 پرګنه pargana tribe, clan, sect 4 n. f. 1586204619186 پرهېزګاري parhezgaaree righteousness, abstinence, self-control 4 n. f. 1527817731 پرښته parixta angel 4 n. f. 1593690604453 پرنا parnáa the Parana River 2 n. f. 1527816068 پرتله partala comparison 4 n. f. 1527819817 پروا parwáa care, concern 4 n. f. 1 1708003764985 پروا کول parwáa kawúl to care, have concern 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527819817 care 1 1527815161 پرواه parwaah care, concern 4 n. f. 1527812986 پس خورده pas khoorda leftovers, remainder of the meal 4 n. f. 1527819923 پشه pasha gnat, mosquito, spades (in cards) 3 n. f. 1527820141 پستي pastée baseness, meanial-ness, vileness, fithiness (ځان پستي ته ورکول - to do a menial thing or base acts) 4 n. f. 1 1566469004923 پته páta playing card 4 n. f. 1 1664030379977 پټاخه paTaakha cap, hat, military percussion cap; fly-swatter (dialect) 4 n. f. 1527820582 پټاره paTaara ribbon, strap, stripe 2 n. f. 1527818554 پتاسه pataasa piece of sugar, candy 4 n. f. 1527820652 پټاټه paTaaTa potato 3 n. f. 1527817933 پټکه paTáka young hen, pullet 3 n. f. 1527817936 پټکه paTká belt, sash, noose, lariat 4 n. f. 1527819636 پټلۍ paTlúy rail, rails, railroad tracks 4 n. f. 1527817934 پټکه paTuká scolding, reprimand, threat 2 n. f. 1527814388 پټۍ paTúy bandage; blindfold; suspenders; leash 4 n. f. 1 1527819288 پوړۍ pawRúy rank, authority, position 4 n. f. 1527814397 پیه paya dressing, eye ointment; moth; clothes 3 n. f. 1527822412 پزه páza nose 4 n. f. 1527822928 پېچلتیا pechiltiyaa complication, complicatedness, complexity 4 n. f. 1527815054 پېچکاري pechkaaree injection, needle, shot 4 n. f. 1527820929 پېچموزي pechmozee mockery, laughter 3 n. f. 1527820930 پېچمۍ pechmúy mockery, laughter 4 n. f. 1527822790 پینه peená patch; brace, support; trough (for dough); wooden basin 4 n. f. 1527820942 پیشاړه peesháaRa mockery, smirking, grinning 3 n. f. 1527823200 پیته peetá measuring tape, tape measure 4 n. f. 1 1527823603 پیڅه peetsa edge, border, boundary (پيڅکه) 4 n. f. 1527823602 پیڅکه peetska edge, border, boundary 4 n. f. 1527812189 پېغله peghla maiden, girl, miss, unmarried girl, virgin 4 n. f. 1527822696 پېژندګلوي pejzandgalawee acquaintance, familiarization, meeting 4 n. f. 1527822695 پېژندګلي pejzandgalee acquaintance, familiarization, meeting 4 n. f. 1670430405945 پېژندپاڼه pejzandpaaNa ID card, identity card n. f. 1527814217 پېژندنه pejzanduna acquaintance; introduction 4 n. f. 1527822359 پېله pelá cocoon 3 n. f. 1584688911186 پېنډه pénDa the common dinner table, bowl, place where people are eating together, dinner party 4 n. f. 1527811639 پېړه peRa time, trip, round, load 4 n. f. 1527812129 پېره pera round, trip, shift; guard, security 2 n. f. 1527822965 پېړه peRa lump, ball (of dough); a sweet dish made from cream and sugar 3 n. f. 1527812128 پېره داري pera daaree guarding, carrying out security duties 4 n. f. 1527813304 پېرۍ perúy fairy, spirit, demon, evil spirit (plural - پېريان) 4 n. f. پېریان periyáan 1527816093 پېړۍ peRúy century 4 n. f. 1624353089072 پېرزوینه perzoyúna favour, favor, well-wishing 4 n. f. 1527812392 پېش بیني pesh beenee foresight, anticipation, prediction 4 n. f. 1527814090 پېش فکري pesh fikree foresight 4 n. f. 1527812394 پېش ګویي pesh goyee prediction, prophecy 4 n. f. 1527816738 پېشه pesha profession, trade, craft; habit, practice; testimony, evidence (as in a trial) 4 n. f. 1588074989388 پېشه peshá profession, trade, craft; testimory, evidence (in court) 4 n. f. 1664028138019 پېشګي peshagée, peshgée advance (given on money/transaction) 4 n. f. 1527823083 پېشي peshée precedent, conduct, conducting (of a trial) 3 n. f. 1527823084 پېشي péshee pee (children’s speech) 4 n. f. 1527812400 پېشګویي peshgoyee prediction, prophecy 4 n. f. 1527812401 پېشنګویي peshungoyee prediction, prophecy 4 n. f. 1527812319 پېټۍ peTúy sword-belt, belt, girdle, pack 4 n. f. 1527815166 پېښه péxa event, occurance, happeing, case 4 n. f. 1 1527823201 پیته payíta deposit, film (on teeth) (usually plural پيتې) 4 n. f. 1527822074 پیلامه paylaamá basis, foundation, base, sign; token, disposition, temper 3 n. f. 1527817454 پیمانه paymaana measure, scale, dimensions; a cup (of alchohol) 4 n. f. 1527818316 پیره payra turn, trip, time, watch, guard 4 n. f. 1527818187 پیروي payrawee following, obedience (usually of a religious teacher or leader) 4 n. f. 1527816298 پیسه paysa money, currency (singular, usually plural) 4 n. f. 1527813317 پریانه piryaana evil fairy, witch 4 n. f. 1586204910075 پسته pista pistachio 4 n. f. 1527815175 پیاله piyaala cup, glass 4 n. f. 1527817942 پله pla tendon, sinew, ligament, nerve 4 n. f. 1527815664 پلا plaa time, occasion; journey, travel, trip, voyage 4 n. f. 1584444376984 پلارواکي plaarwaakee patriarchy 4 n. f. 1527818868 پلاسنتا plaasintaa placenta 4 n. f. 1527815178 پلازمېنه plaazmena capital (city) 4 n. f. 1527818012 پلورنه plorúna selling, sale 4 n. f. 1527815182 پوهه póha understanding, reason, intellect 4 n. f. 1 1527819116 پولیو polyo Polio 4 n. f. 1527822545 پوچکه poocháka freshly-set melon-fruit 4 n. f. 1527818941 پوکاڼه pookaaNa bubble, bladder, balloon 4 n. f. 1594196602116 پوکڼۍ pookaNúy baloon, bladder, bubble 4 n. f. 1 1527814057 پوله póola border, boundary, limit; boundary fence/line in a field 4 n. f. 1 1527823184 پولۍ poolúy bump, ulcer, sore, corn, callus, sparkles 3 n. f. 1 1527817047 پونه poona light rain, light sprinkle, spraying spit from the mouth 4 n. f. 1527818702 پونده póonda heel 4 n. f. 1527819241 پونډۍ poonDúy calf (part of leg) 2 n. f. 1 1527822057 پوڼۍ pooNúy skein, hank (of wollen yarn) 2 n. f. 1527816445 پوپو poopo aunt 4 n. f. 1527819285 پوړۍ pooRúy step, stair, stairs, steps 3 n. f. 1527815889 پوسکۍ pooskúy fart (slang) 4 n. f. 1591805634565 پوښتۍ pooxtúy rib 4 n. f. 1527814168 پورې خوا pore khwaa the other side 4 n. f. 1527819287 پوړۍ poRúy packet; stratification, stratum 4 n. f. 1527819145 پوسه posá garbage 0 n. f. 1527813441 پوسته posta mail, postal service 4 n. f. 1586261533912 پوتکۍ potakúy necklace 4 n. f. 1527819077 پوتلۍ potlúy large doll, puppet, marionette 4 n. f. 1527817911 پوڅه potsa cheese made from curdled milk 4 n. f. 1566474918242 پوڅکۍ potsakúy mushroom 4 n. f. 1593352013970 پوټۍ poTúy small piece, fragment, crumb 4 n. f. 1527815184 پوښتنه poxtuna question 4 n. f. 1527815186 پوزه poza nose 4 n. f. 1527813565 پړه pRa blame, reproach 4 n. f. 1527814091 پراختیا praakhtiyaa wideness, expansiveness 4 n. f. 1527817962 پرېږه preGá starvation, hunger from crop failure 2 n. f. 1527815192 پرېکړه prékRa decision 3 n. f. 1678302976999 پرېماني premaanee abundance n. f. 1527814614 پریکړه praykRa decision 4 n. f. 1527813481 پروژه projza project 4 n. f. 1527812966 پسیکولوژي pseekolojzee pshychology 4 n. f. 1527811533 پچه púcha lot (as in casting lots, lottery), coin toss 4 n. f. 1 1527823312 پچه púcha dung, droppings (of goats, sheep, etc.) 4 n. f. 1 1527823301 پکه باښه púka baaxa carrion vulture, carrion eagle, buzzard 4 n. f. 1658765111767 پخلاینه pUkhlaayína reconciliation, settlement 4 n. f. 1527817944 پله پوري púla póree adjoining, alongside, shut, connected 3 n. f. 1527821092 پلشته pulashta prostitute 4 n. f. 1527821318 پلترۍ pulatrúy squatting on one’s hunches, sitting cross-legged 4 n. f. 1527816078 پلټنه pulaTuna investigation, search, inquiry 4 n. f. 1527821319 پلتۍ pulatúy squatting on one’s hunches, sitting cross-legged 4 n. f. 1577391608036 پلوي pulawee friendship, sympathy, partiality, support 4 n. f. 1527822693 پڼه púNa pouring, irrigation, watering 4 n. f. 1594809346947 پنبه pUnbá, pUmbá cotton 4 n. f. 1 1574865049772 پنډه púnDa burden, bundle; alms, charity; sheaf; group of people, mob 4 n. f. 1527814390 پنډکۍ pUnDkúy bandage, cloth for a wound 4 n. f. 1527813440 پنډۍ punDúy iron tip, point 3 n. f. 1527816395 پرکټۍ purkaTúy stepdaughter 4 n. f. 1671884312027 پرخه púrkha frost, dew n. f. 1527821412 پرلترۍ purlatrúy sitting cross-legged (پلترۍ) 4 n. f. 1620364051619 پرمختیا purmakhtyaa development 4 n. f. 1527818409 پروسه purosa process 4 n. f. 1566475041435 پرښه púrxa mushroom 4 n. f. 1 1591872967696 پرزه purzá, pUrzá part, piece, spare part (of a car etc.) 4 n. f. 1709421544643 پرزې کول purze kawúl to dismantle 1591872967696 1 1603260326888 پشتي pUshtée, pushtée support, prop; assistance, remittance; pillow, cushion; binding, cloth, bookbinding, 4 n. f. 1527815890 پسکۍ puskúy fart (slang) 4 n. f. 1527815204 پټه puTá strip, stripe, step 4 n. f. 1 1527817935 پټکه puTáka cottage cheese 3 n. f. 1574867715174 پښته pUxtá hillock; low ridge; small hill, mountain 4 n. f. 1592559321327 پښته pUxtá hill, low ridge 4 n. f. 1527813625 پښتونخوا puxtoonkhwaa Pukhtunkhwa 4 n. f. 1678971586714 پښتونولي puxtoonwalée Pashtunwali, the Pashtun traditional code of honor and ethics n. f. 1591805644630 پښتۍ pUxtúy rib 4 n. f. 1527811303 پښېماني pxemaanee regret 4 n. f. 1527811304 پښېمانتیا pxemaantiyaa regret 4 n. f. 1618473585000 پښویه pxóya grammar 2 n. f. 1527820062 پیاګي pyáagee knee tendons 4 n. f. 1527821056 پیاغله pyaaghla scarf, muffler 4 n. f. 1527823535 پیاوړتیا pyaawaRtiyaa powerfullness, strength 4 n. f. 1585837246630 قاعده qaa'idá order, rule, structure, grammar (when plural) 4 n. f. قواعد qawaa'id 1 1610540959598 قابله qaabilá midwife, obstetric assitant 4 n. f. 1566478077784 قافله qaafilá caravan; train of troops or horses 3 n. f. 1 1527813635 قافیه qaafiya rhyming 4 n. f. 1527822029 قائم مقامي qaaim maqaamee replacing, replacement (د چا قائم مقامي کول - to replace someone) 3 n. f. 1527811798 قام پرستي qaam parastee nationalism, patriotism 3 n. f. 1571526715605 قانال هاضمه qaanaal-i-haazima digestive tract 3 n. f. 1527817270 قاره qaarra continent, part of the world, dry land 3 n. f. 1588781800467 قاشوغه qaashóogha spoon 4 n. f. 1527823526 قاضۍ qaazúy female judge 4 n. f. anim 1527814804 قباله qabaala deed, title, official papers 4 n. f. 1527813145 قبیله qabeelá tribe 4 n. f. قبایل qabaayul 1 1527814985 قبولي qaboolee acceptance, agreement, consent 4 n. f. 1527823410 قدرداني qadurdaanee appreciation 3 n. f. 1527821091 قحبه qahbá prostitute 2 n. f. 1527820923 قهقهه qahqahá loud laugh, guffaw, squawk (ie. from a pelican) 4 n. f. 1527812742 قهرماني qahramaanee heroism 4 n. f. 1527823478 قحطي qahtee famine (usually from a drought), shortage, hunger, deficiency 4 n. f. 1527814447 قهوه qahwá, qawá coffee; tea without milk 4 n. f. 1527822434 قلعه qal'á castle, fort, fortress 4 n. f. 1 1585487002625 قلا qaláa castle, fort, fortress 4 n. f. 1527820002 قلابندي qalaabandee siege 4 n. f. 1527812292 قمري qamaree turtledove, pidgeon 4 n. f. 1527823036 قمچي qamchee whip 2 n. f. 1527823037 قمچینه qamcheena whip 4 n. f. 1527811564 قندسازي qandsaazee sugar-refining 3 n. f. 1527821433 قراري qaráaree peace, stability, rest, repose, stability, complete calm 4 n. f. 1527814734 قرارنامه qaraarnaama decision or resolution in writing 4 n. f. 1527817832 قرضه qarza debt, loan 4 n. f. 1527818835 قطع qat'a, qat' chopping off, break, interruption, discontinuance 3 n. f. 1527813353 قټه ګوته qaTa goota middle finger 0 n. f. 1527819044 قطره qatrá drop 4 n. f. 1 1527821414 قواله qawaalá deed of sale, purchase title 4 n. f. 1527822940 قواره qawaará external appearance, exterior, figure, build 3 n. f. 1610792992848 قوالي qawwaalee a form of Sufi devotional music / singing 4 n. f. 1527815659 قیسي qaysee type of apricot 4 n. f. 1527818102 قضا qazáa missing, skipping, missed, skipped (of a religious duty and of fulfilling that duty later, like prayers); judgment; fate, destiny 4 n. f. 1622367333469 قضیه qaziya cause, matter, cause; theorem, proposition; clause (grammar); syllogism (logic) 4 n. f. 1571839402532 قیصه qeesá story, tale, history (کيسه) 4 n. f. 1 1611396205039 قینچي qaynchée scissors 4 n. f. 1582316056411 قیزه qayzá bridle, halter, muzzle 4 n. f. 1571839398440 قصه qisa story, tale, history (کيسه) 3 n. f. 1566469277280 قطعه qit'a playing card; piece 3 n. f. 1566469138603 قطعه بازي qit'a baazee the playing of cards 3 n. f. 1566478228846 قیافه qiyaafá look, appearance, face, countenance 3 n. f. 1527811797 قوم پرستي qom parastee nationalism, patriotism 4 n. f. 1623688365416 قولبه qoolbá plow, plough (قلبه) n. f. 1527821636 قورمه qormá gravy, stew-type dish (meat based) 3 n. f. 1527818183 قلبه qUlbá plow 3 n. f. 1527812288 قرباني qUrbaanee sacrifice 4 n. f. 1527822538 قطب نما qUtub namáa compass 3 n. f. 1 1527813437 قطۍ qUtúy box 2 n. f. 1576947704803 قوه qUwá strength, force, power, might 2 n. f. 1622366148895 قوا qUwáa force 4 n. f. 1527816776 رابطه raabitá communication, connection, link, tie, relation 3 n. f. روابط rawaabit 1 1527822712 راډیو raaDiyó radio 3 n. f. 1527812102 راهداري raahdaaree road tax, transit tax, transit duty, toll 4 n. f. 1527819416 راڼۍ raaNúy title of nobility, princess, ladyship, wife of a raja, queen; queen in playing cards 4 n. f. 1527818930 راشه درشه ráasha dársha contact, relations, associating 4 n. f. 1619278755267 ربړنه rabaRúna troubling, pestering 4 n. f. 1586363138557 ربیع rabee' spring, spring harvest (Arabic) 2 n. f. 1527811246 رفع rafa discontinuance, elimination, getting rid of 3 n. f. 1527811582 رغا raghaa sewing, needlework, embroidery; medical treatment 2 n. f. 1527815217 رغاونه raghaawuna genesis, construction, development 3 n. f. 1527811583 رغونه raghawuna mending, sewing, repairing, healing, repair 3 n. f. 1611396349293 رهائي rahaa`ee release 4 n. f. 1527816752 رهبري rahbaree leadership, guidance, accompaniment 3 n. f. 1648578999526 رهنمایي rahnUmaayee, rahnamaayee, rahnamaa`ee leadership, guidance 4 n. f. 1610538625885 رکېبي rakebee small dish 3 n. f. 1527812269 رمه rama flock, herd, drove 4 n. f. 1576372324658 رمباړه rambáaRa bellowing, bleating 4 n. f. 1527812272 رڼا raNáa light, glory, brightness, illumination 4 n. f. 1 1709839797770 رڼا کول raNaa kawúl to enlighten, illuminate, light up v. stat. comp. trans. 1527818348 illuminate 1709839800436 رڼا کېدل raNaa kedúl to be enlightened, illuminated, lit up v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527818348 be illuminated 1527818746 رنده randá plane (carpenter’s tool) 4 n. f. 1527811755 رنډۍ ranDúy prostitute 4 n. f. 1527820298 رنګارنګي rangaarangée diversity, diversity of colours 3 n. f. 1527823280 رنګمالي rangmaalee painting (the profession of painting houses etc.) 4 n. f. 1582390748848 ړنګۍ Rangúy silk turban, silk kerchief 4 n. f. 1589019559622 رسدګي rasadagee reaching, availability 4 n. f. 1527811390 رسنۍ rasanúy media 3 n. f. 1644842472803 رسولۍ rasoolúy, raswalúy tumor, lump, swollen gland 4 n. f. 1527820634 رسامي rassaamee drawing, painting?? (the art of) 4 n. f. 1527814565 رسۍ rasúy rope, string, cord 3 n. f. 1527817323 رسوایي raswaayee disgrace, shame 3 n. f. 1586363595933 روانشناسي rawaanshinaasee knowledge of the tempermant, customs and life of a people; psychology 2 n. f. 1527817074 رویه rawiyá behaviour, manner, conduct 4 n. f. 1 1704699142880 رویه ساتل rawiyá saatul to behave, treat, act 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527817074 1 1527822055 ړینګی Reengáy tray or tablecloth with refreshments 2 n. f. 1527822338 رینجاړه reenjaaRa rag, shred, tatter 3 n. f. 1527814115 ریشه reeshá root 3 n. f. 1621959100097 ریښه reexá root, foundation; breed 4 n. f. 1527816165 رېږدېدا reGdedaa shivering, trembling, shuddering 3 n. f. 1588159632321 رېکشا reksháa rickshaw 4 n. f. 1527822967 رېړه reRá myrobalan, cherry plum 2 n. f. 1 1527818545 رېوړۍ rewRúy a candy made from sesame oil and sugar 3 n. f. 1527819491 رېښه rexá root, rootlet 3 n. f. 1527819492 رېښه réxa embroidery on the edge of a collar (on woman’s clothing) 2 n. f. 1588150102624 رېزه rezá small piece, bit, crumb 3 n. f. 1527820567 رغۍ rghúy soot, lampblack 2 n. f. 1588076803134 رکشا riksháa rickshaw 4 n. f. 1527822054 ړنګی Ringáy tray or tablecloth with refreshments 2 n. f. 1593173209481 رساله risaalá brochure, pamphlet, leaflet, magazine; harsh satire, roast, lampoon 4 n. f. 1577068266995 رشکه rishká alfalfa, lucerne 0 n. f. 1584692993126 رشخندي rishkhandee joking, mockery 4 n. f. 1577068264996 رشقه rishqá alfalfa, lucerne 4 n. f. 1527813515 رشته rishta ties, bonds, relationship; profession; thread; feeler; antenna 3 n. f. 1527822311 رشته داري rishta daaree relations, extended family 3 n. f. 1527814553 رشوت خوري rishwat khoree taking bribes, corruption 4 n. f. 1527814555 رشوتخوري rishwatkhoree taking bribes, corruption 4 n. f. 1527822379 رښتینوالي rixteenwaalee uprightness, straightness, faithfulness, righteousness 4 n. f. 1527811340 ریا riyáa hypocrisy, insincerity, deceit 4 n. f. 1527821122 رضامندي rizaamandee consent, agreement, satisfaction 4 n. f. 1573684723561 روډه roDa large intestine 3 n. f. 1591804635553 روغه rógha reconciliation 4 n. f. 1 1661622930544 روغانۍ roghaanúy cookie, cake 4 n. f. 1527811696 روغتیا roghtiyaa health 4 n. f. 1527813936 روژه rojza fasting, fast 4 n. f. 1527821340 روحیه roohiyá morale, mentality 4 n. f. 1527819323 روڼتیا rooNtiyaa clearness, transparency 3 n. f. 1527816163 روپۍ roopúy rupee, money 4 n. f. 1 1527815231 روسیه roosiya Russia 4 n. f. 1527823245 رویا rooyáa dream, vision 3 n. f. 1583458923784 روټه roTa food, bread, barley bread 3 n. f. 1583458923782 روټۍ roTúy food, bread (from Urdu) 3 n. f. 1 1527818348 روښنایي roxnaayee light, radiance, brilliance, brightness 4 n. f. 1709839575895 روښنایي کول roxnaayee kawúl to enlighten, illuminate, light up v. stat. comp. trans. 1527818348 illuminate 1709839581147 روښنایي کېدل roxnaayee kedúl to be enlightened, illuminated, lit up v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527818348 be illuminated 1586363997636 روزه roza fast, fasting (see روژه) 4 n. f. 1527817222 روزي rozee daily bread, livelihood, wages, living, substinance, lot, food-grant 3 n. f. 1527815234 روزنه rozuna training, learning 4 n. f. 1584528684178 رباعي rUbaa'ée quatrain 4 n. f. رباعیاني rUbaa'eeaanee 1527817876 رجوع rUjoo reference, appeal, turning to 3 n. f. 1527823515 رخه rúkha envy, jealousy, spite, ill-will 4 n. f. 1588783708522 رخصتي rUkhsatée vacation, leave, permission, dismissal 4 n. f. 1 1591870702472 رنجه rúnja small bit of fabric, rag 2 n. f. 1527813543 رسایي rusaayée access 4 n. f. 1 1586363267374 رسوایي rUswaayee disgrace, shame 3 n. f. 1527817389 رتبه rUtba rank, position 4 n. f. 1527818214 سا saa breath, breathing, respiration 4 n. f. 1527818220 سابندي saabandee shortness of breath, trouble breathing, asthma 4 n. f. 1591805582413 سابقه saabiqá background, history, record 4 n. f. 1527822917 ساچمه saachma small shot (for a shotgun - usually plural), pellet; bearing 3 n. f. 1527815977 سعادت مني saadat manee hapiness, success, prosperity, well-being 3 n. f. 1527812192 سادین saadeen plowed field, virgin soil 4 n. f. 1586364268870 ساډۍ saaDúy a lazy and stupid woman 4 n. f. 1527811300 ساه saah breath, breathing 3 n. f. 1 1707683847177 ساه اخیستل saah akheestul to breathe 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527811300 breathe 1 1527821141 ساحه saahá space, area, field, arena, sphere, zone 3 n. f. 1527816623 ساخه saakha calamity, disaster; doomsday, judgment day; deafening noise 1 n. f. 1527818584 ساختماني saakhatamaanee, sakhtmaanee construction 2 n. f. 1527818226 سالنډي saalanDee shortness of breath, trouble breathing, asthma 3 n. f. 1527821754 سالنګي saalangée scurvy 2 n. f. 1527821867 سالګره saalgirá birthday, day of birth 4 n. f. 1527820689 سامۍ saamúy the client’s side (which is paying taxes to a chief) 3 n. f. 1574785921776 سانګه saanga branch (څانګه) 4 n. f. 1527820276 ثانیه saaniya second (unit of time) 4 n. f. 1527812946 ساپوهنه saapohana pshychology 2 n. f. 1527821459 ساره saara rural area, desert 3 n. f. 1674503669195 ساړي saaRee sari (Indian dress) n. f. 1527813114 ساتنه saatúna protection, custody, guardianship 4 n. f. 1 1527812305 سایه saaya shade, canopy, cover, shadow 3 n. f. 1527812948 سایکالوجي saaykaalojee pshychology 2 n. f. 1527815310 سبزي sabzee vegetables 4 n. f. سبزیجات sabzeejaat 1527818432 صدمه sadamá blow, damage, harm 4 n. f. 1527818246 صدقه sadaqá voluntary offering, charity, alms 4 n. f. صدقات sadaqaat 1 1661499365815 سدرۍ sadrúy vest, waistcoat 4 n. f. 1527820829 صفاکاري safaakaaree purification, refining, cleaning; making more precise; explanation 4 n. f. 1527817734 صفایي safaayee cleanliness, well-cleaning 3 n. f. 1527815034 صفحه safha page 3 n. f. 1527815033 صفحه بندي safha bandee pagination 2 n. f. 1527819725 صفرا safraa bile, gall, petulance, spleen 2 n. f. 1675435840125 سګبازي sagbaazee dog-fighting (Farsi) n. f. 1664878735663 سهارنۍ sahaaranúy breakfast (سهارنۍ ډوډۍ) 4 n. f. 1527821028 صهبابء sahbaa wine, alcoholic drink, anything intoxicating 0 n. f. 1626764386101 صحیفه saheefa book, scripture, writing, testament; pages 4 n. f. صحیفت saheefát 1527817184 سهیمه saheema share, part 3 n. f. 1586428275357 سهمیه sahmiya quota, share 2 n. f. 1610539711102 صحنه sahná scene, place, venue, locality 4 n. f. 1591034128816 سهوه sáhwa mistake, error, blunder, fault 4 n. f. 1527819546 سجره sajará lineage, family tree, genealogical tree 3 n. f. 1527814514 سجیه sajiya natural character, innate or inborn characteristic 1 n. f. سجایا sajaayaa 1675281272639 سخت دریځي sakht dareedzee extremism, hard-lining n. f. 1527818801 سخت مزاجه sakht mizaaj grouchy, miserly, grumpy, facetious 4 n. f. 1586374234128 سخته sákhta hardship 3 n. f. 1 1527818580 سختماني sakhtamaanee building, construction 3 n. f. 1527816247 سختي sakhtee difficulty, hardship 3 n. f. 1594905930980 سکته saktá interruption, stoppage, hitch, hesitation; comma 4 n. f. 1527814732 صلا salaa invitation, summons, appeal 3 n. f. 1527816606 سلا saláa advice, instructions, council, consultation 3 n. f. 1708739672624 سلا کول saláa kawul to consult, get advice 3 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527816606 consult 1 1527821144 صلاح saláah counsel, advice 4 n. f. 1 1527818682 صلاحیت نامه salaahiyat naama warrant, credentials, authority 3 n. f. 1527813716 سلامتي salaamatee peace, safety, restfulness, safety 4 n. f. 1527817811 سلامتیا salaamatiyaa peace, restfulness, safety 4 n. f. 1627318591485 سلواغه salwaaghá bucket, pail; 11th month of the solar calendar n. f. 1527823048 سمع sam'a hearing; audition; performance 3 n. f. 1527819524 سما samaa sky, heavens, firmament, sky blue, canopy; amendment, correction, editing; enrichment; reclamation 4 n. f. 1527822320 سماجي samaajee societal, social 4 n. f. 1566471268400 سمټه samáTa large turban 3 n. f. 1527822137 سمبټه sambáTa rice kasha, rice porridge 2 n. f. 1527818777 سملاسیوالي samlaaseewáalee emergency, urgency 3 n. f. 1527820218 سمساره samsaará lizard 4 n. f. 1527818142 سمسورتیا samsortyáa ripeness, maturity; flourishing; freshness; planting (of greenery) 4 n. f. 1527814882 ثنا sanaa praise, exaltation, worship 4 n. f. 1527812059 سندله sandala locally made cement (of broken brick, lime, and vegetable fibers) 3 n. f. 1527822777 سندلۍ sandalúy brazier, hearth 4 n. f. 1527813430 صندوقچه sandooqcha small chest, trunk, box 3 n. f. 1527815249 سندره sandura song, poem, verse 4 n. f. 1527823146 سنځله sandzúla Oleaster, Russian olive tree 4 n. f. 1527811218 سنګرېزي sangrezee stoning (to execute) 3 n. f. 1527818515 سقاوه saqaawá swimming-pool, pond, cold-bath 4 n. f. 1527811225 سر ښندنه săr xunduna sacrifice, giving one's life for 4 n. f. 1527813292 سړه کۍ saRa kúy top, summit (of a tree or a mountain) 3 n. f. 1527813291 سړه لوه saRa luwa fever, chill n. f. 1527820817 سربازي sărbaazee boldness, courage, daring, selflessness 4 n. f. 1527821057 سربسته sărbastá closed, sealed, stopped, corked; whole, unbroken, untouched; small turban, scarf, kerchief 4 n. f. 1566471200671 سربسته sărbastá closed, sealed, corked; whole, untouched, unbroken; scarf, kerchief; small turban 4 n. f. 1527813683 سرچینه sărcheena source, spring, headwaters 4 n. f. 1527822625 سردردي sărdărdee headache 4 n. f. 1591871532819 سرینه sareená prefix (grammar) 3 n. f. 1622460705077 سریزه saréeza preface, introduction, preamble 4 n. f. 1661753660841 صرفه sarfá saving, thriftiness, economizing; sparing 2 n. f. 1627297940885 سرګرمي sărgarmee hobby, interest, amusement n. f. 1527816858 سرغړونه sărghaRawúna rebellion, revolt, mutiny, violation, disobedience, breaking 4 n. f. 1527816860 سرغړنه sărghaRuna rebellion, revolt, mutiny, violation, disobedience, breaking 3 n. f. 1527821298 سرکشي sărkashee insubordination, rebellion 4 n. f. 1664025799194 سرکښي sărkaxée insubordination, rebellion 4 n. f. 1527820390 سرکونډۍ sărkoonDúy somersault 3 n. f. 1573767123400 سرلوړي sărloRee honor, pride 3 n. f. 1527813642 سرلوړي sărlwaRee honor, pride 4 n. f. 1527813452 سرمایه sarmaaya capital, equity 4 n. f. 1591870535619 سرمایه ګذاري sarmaaya gUzaaree investment, investing 4 n. f. 1527820468 سرمقاله sărmaqaalá editorial, lead article 4 n. f. 1576440543584 سرمښکۍ sărmUxkúy lizard 3 n. f. 1586373218267 سرپرستي sărparastée looking over, being responsible for, taking care of, cartaking, guardianship, management, supervising 4 n. f. 1527819883 صراف خانه sarraaf khaana money-changing office, exchange office 4 n. f. 1527813697 سرشمیرنه sărshmayruna census 4 n. f. 1527820784 سرشماري sărshUmaaree census (of population) 4 n. f. 1527816362 سرتوره sartora widow 4 n. f. 1527821619 سرښندنه sărxandúna sacrifice, offering 3 n. f. 1527821883 سرزوري sărzoorée stubbornness, obstinacy, wilfulness 4 n. f. 1527818720 سطح sátah level, surface, level 4 n. f. 1527818719 سطح sátha level, surface, level 4 n. f. 1527814456 ستره satra curtain; covering; veil 2 n. f. 1527822254 سترنجي satranjée light fabric for covering floors, carpet 3 n. f. 1527816370 ستۍ satúy sati, a woman who burns herself alive when her husband dies 4 n. f. 1527816041 سودا sawdáa, sodáa shopping, buying, purchasing; anxiety, worry 4 n. f. 1 1527817958 سوداګري sawdaagaree, sodaagaree trading, business 4 n. f. 1527817999 سویه sawiyá level, standard 4 n. f. 1527815252 سیاره sayaara planet 4 n. f. 1527818227 سیاره sayyaará shortness of breath, trouble breathing, asthma 3 n. f. TRUE 1527815025 سزا sazáa retribution (good or bad); punishment, penalty, fine 3 n. f. 1 1584517454357 صیغه seeghá formula, form, shape, type, conjugation (grammar) 4 n. f. 1527819873 سیکه seeká lead (the metal), coin ?? (misspelling of سکه?) 0 n. f. 1527819092 سیله seela devotion, adherence; support, backing, friendship, favour, goodwill 2 n. f. 1613547937220 سیلۍ seelúy drift, blast, blow, gust (of wind) 4 n. f. 1 1527811759 سیمه séema area, region, zone 3 n. f. 1 1527811879 سیمي seemee metal string, wire 3 n. f. 1527817587 سینه seená chest 4 n. f. 1 1577384894272 سېکه seká strength 2 n. f. 1 1527817853 سېکړه sekaRa interest, percentage, lending; coarse fabric, group, society 4 n. f. 1527817920 سېلۍ selúy rennet, starter for cheese/cheese curds 2 n. f. 1649701856285 سېزني seznée swaddling, swaddle, a band/ribbon used for tying up babies (alternate of سوزني) 4 n. f. 1527816174 شا shaa back 4 n. f. 1 1527811592 شاباسي shaabaasee congratulations, commendation, saying well done 4 n. f. 1586374025045 شاباشي shaabaashee congratulations, commendation, saying well done 3 n. f. 1527813107 شادي shaadee monkey, ape; happiness 3 n. f. 1566468090556 شادو shaadó monkey, ape 3 n. f. 1527818047 شاهدي shaahidée witness, testimony 4 n. f. 1527813631 شاهنامه shaahnaama epic poetry, long narrative poem 4 n. f. 1527819415 شاهزادګۍ shaahzaadagúy princess 4 n. f. 1527819417 شاهزادۍ shaahzaadúy princess 4 n. f. 1527813629 شاعري shaairee poetry 4 n. f. 1527819477 شایعه shaaiy'a rumour, talk 2 n. f. 1527819647 شاکونډۍ shaakoonDúy wild pear tree, wild pear 2 n. f. 1527822133 شالۍ shaalúy rice crop, raw rice, unthreshed rice 3 n. f. 1586634254813 شامکۍ shaamakúy swan 4 n. f. 1527821623 شامته shaamatá noise, fuss 2 n. f. 1582336612890 شامعه shaamm'a smell (the sense of smell) 4 n. f. 1582336616053 شامه shaamma smell (the sense of smell) 4 n. f. 1527817921 شاپیانګه shaapyaanga Withania, rennet plant 3 n. f. 1527811291 شاټي shaaTee shock, current ?? 3 n. f. 1527820393 شبکه shabaká network, system 3 n. f. 1622366535225 شهیدي shaheedee matrydom 4 n. f. 1527811808 شهوت پرستي shahwat parastee lustfulness, hedonism 4 n. f. 1527819488 شهزادۍ shahzaadúy princess 4 n. f. 1527811501 شجره shajara geneology, family tree, list of saints (Arabic) 4 n. f. 1527819547 شجره shajará lineage, family tree, genealogical tree 4 n. f. 1566471316184 شکلۍ shakalúy the end of a turban 2 n. f. 1527811563 شکره shakára, shakúra sugar 4 n. f. 1527811807 شخص پرستي shakhs parastee personality cult 3 n. f. 1527820107 شلاخه shaláakha whip, lash, scourge 2 n. f. 1527823122 شمع shám'a candle 4 n. f. شمعونه shama`oona 1 1527812261 شنبه shambá Saturday 4 n. f. 1527817132 شمله shamlá end part of a turban that hangs down; turban crown; honour 4 n. f. 1 1582336790902 شمه shammá odour, smell 2 n. f. 1527820217 شمپانزه shampaanza chimpanzee 2 n. f. 1527820216 شمپانزي shampaanzee chimpanzee 2 n. f. 1527820430 شمسي shamsee solar 4 n. f. 1527821998 شمشتۍ shamshatúy turtle, tortoise 4 n. f. 1527823444 شمزۍ shamzúy spine, backbone, spinal cord; lower back 4 n. f. 1591027455212 شمزۍ shamzúy spine, backbone 3 n. f. 1584689614699 شرع shár'a Sharia, Islamic law 4 n. f. 1527814551 شراب خوري sharaab khoree drunkenness, drinking, alcoholism 3 n. f. 1527821183 شراکت نامه sharaakat naama agreement of fellowship, agreement or contract of shareholders 3 n. f. 1527823310 شرح sharh explanation, description, interpretation, elucidation 2 n. f. 1527823311 شرحه sharha explanation, description, interpretation, elucidation 2 n. f. 1527817808 شرمندګي sharmandagee shame, shyness, embarrassment, disgrace 4 n. f. 1527817809 شرمندتیا sharmandtiyaa shame, shyness, embarrassment, disgrace 4 n. f. 1527813744 شړونتیا shaRoontyaa exile, banishment 1 n. f. 1527821090 شتایه shatáaya prostitute, impudent woman 1 n. f. 1527821089 شتاهه shattáaha prostitute, impudent woman 1 n. f. 1527820063 شتۍ shatúy knee, point (arrow, sword); badminton 3 n. f. 1 1527812991 شېبه sheba instant, second, twinkling 4 n. f. 1588162422920 شیمه sheema power, vigour, energy 4 n. f. 1527813352 شین غټه sheen ghaTa index finger 1 n. f. 1576948581471 شیره sheerá sap, juice (from a plant) 4 n. f. 1527813375 شیرین بویه sheereen booya licorice 1 n. f. 1527813373 شیریني sheereenee candy, sweets (slang for bribe) 4 n. f. 1527815267 شیشه sheesha glass 4 n. f. 1527813307 شیشکه sheeshaka witch 4 n. f. 1610617583597 شیشکه sheesháka witch, sorceress 4 n. f. 1527813310 شیشکه sheeshka twig, shoot; narrow stripe, pattern 1 n. f. 1578608338355 شېله shela low place, gully, canyon 4 n. f. 1527820578 شېلاوه shelaawá uniform irrigation of land 2 n. f. 1527822394 شېوه shewá method, plan of action; way, fashion, style 2 n. f. 1671707909006 شعارپاڼه shi'aarpáaNa placard (protest sign) n. f. 1527817273 شفا shifaa healing, cure, health, recovery 3 n. f. 1527822164 شفاخانه shifaakhaana hospital 4 n. f. 1527818542 شکره shikrá the female kind of a hawk 1 n. f. 1527823644 شکڼه shkaNá female porcupine; barren woman 4 n. f. 1594284811305 شکنه shkaná a thick, onion-based soup 4 n. f. 1527817505 شکنجه shkanjá torture 3 n. f. 1527819598 شخړه shkhúRa dispute, conflict, litigation; clash, battle, gang, band 4 n. f. 1527820985 شلومبه shlombá, shloombá ayran, skim milk, sour milk 3 n. f. 1582664494985 شماره shmaara number, count 4 n. f. 1527812133 شمېرانه shmeraana accounting, reckoning, calculational 0 n. f. 1527815274 شنه خونه shna khoona greenhouse 3 n. f. 1527818385 شناخته shnáakhta tombstone, tombstone inscription, epitaph 4 n. f. 1527811885 شوبلکه shoblaka centipede, millipede 1 n. f. 1589464565670 شوله sholá rice, thin, soft rice gruel/kasha (often plural شولې) 4 n. f. 1527822138 شولګره sholgára rice paddy, field growing rice 4 n. f. 1527813099 شولۍ sholúy a lazy woman 2 n. f. 1610448095051 شوغه shooghá stiff wool/hair 2 n. f. 1527821474 شومه shooma fodder, feed, food, nourishment 2 n. f. 1527821062 شومړه shoomRa skim milk, sour milk, ayran 3 n. f. 1527813427 شومتیا shoomtiyaa stinginess, greediness 4 n. f. 1527821289 شونډه shóonDa lip 4 n. f. 1527817905 شونتیا shoontiyaa possibility, plausibility 2 n. f. 1586596579414 شورا shooraa council (an institution) 4 n. f. 1586596657203 شوریٰ shooraa council (an institution) 4 n. f. 1527823549 شوړه shoRá plug; a mouthful, morsel (slang for bribe); sieve, strainer 3 n. f. 1 1527815278 شپه shpa night 4 n. f. 1678972400632 شپني shpanee shepherding, the job of a shepherd n. f. 1527814852 شپېلۍ shpelúy whistle, whistling, flute, fife, pipe, barrel (of a gun) 4 n. f. 1 1633786594534 شپږه shpúGa louse (usually plural سپږې - lice) 0 n. f. 1662099747089 شرنګا shrangaa ringing 4 n. f. 1670565511071 شړومبه shRombá, shRoombá ayran, skim milk, sour milk 3 n. f. 1527819163 شتمني shtumunee, shtamunee wealth, riches, prosperity 3 n. f. 1527820064 شتۍ shtúy green mold; chlorella (seaweed); corn cob (without kernals) 2 n. f. 1527822256 شعله shU'lá flame, blaze, glowing light 4 n. f. 1586956759191 شعبه shUba branch, department 4 n. f. شعبات shUbáat 1527818772 شبهه shUbhá doubt, suspicion 4 n. f. 1 1527821568 شګه shúga sand, pebbles, gravel 4 n. f. 1527822257 شغله shUghlá flame, blaze, glowing light 4 n. f. 1527817190 شکرګذاري shUkurgUzaaree thankfulness, gratitude 4 n. f. 1582336832724 شمه shUmá juice (from fruit) 1 n. f. 1582336825332 شمه shúma tent 1 n. f. 1660900997178 شمه shúma a black tent of goat's wool 2 n. f. 1661753509641 شڼا shuNáa rustle, rustling, neighing, ringing, roar, whistle (شڼهار) 4 n. f. 1527814530 شوده shuwda milk 4 n. f. 1589464545375 شوله shwúla knife for timming a horse's hoof, nail clipper for horses 2 n. f. 1527823183 سه برګه si barga clover, red clover 2 n. f. 1527812256 سه شنبه si shamba Tuesday 4 n. f. 1527811788 صبغه sibgha faith, religion 2 n. f. 1527820317 سجده sijdá bowing down to the ground, prostrating (in religion) 4 n. f. سجود sUjóod 1527818090 سکه siká coin; posture, figure, shape; blood (relative – adj.); respected, honored 4 n. f. 1527821354 سلاح siláah weapon, firearm 4 n. f. اسلحه aslahá 1527815466 سلسله silsila series, succession, chain, consecutive order, range 4 n. f. 1527817908 سپاره sipaara Juz', one of the divisions of 30 parts of the Quran 4 n. f. 1595409078831 سپیاکه sipyáaka mung bean bread,sweet brier; fork; dung-cake 4 n. f. 1 1527818471 سرکه sirká vinegar 4 n. f. 1527815293 سیالي siyaalee competition, rivalry 3 n. f. 1527814612 سکالو skaalo subject, matter, conversation, theme, talking; see ښکالو 1 n. f. 1527819736 سکڼۍ skaNúy queen bee’s cell (in a beehive); handle (of a dish) 3 n. f. 1672406384728 سکړوته skaRwáta hot coal, ember n. f. 1610794658533 سخۍ skhúy female calf, heifer 4 n. f. 1588075239779 سکونډاره skoonDaara pinch; scratch, cut 4 n. f. 1527820606 سمڅه smútsa cave, cavern n. f. 1527815695 سوبه soba victory 1 n. f. 1527814370 سوږمه soGmá nostril 2 n. f. 1527816508 سوهاګن sohaagun favourite wife, young bride 4 n. f. 1527817383 سوکالي sokaalee rest, repose, tranquility, prosperity 4 n. f. 1527816461 سوله sóla, sóola peace, reconciliation 4 n. f. 1595516510095 صومعه somi'á, sauma'á convent, monastary, hermit's dwelling 2 n. f. 1586634626497 سونه sóna wild duck, mallard 2 n. f. 1586618237779 سو استفاده soo istifaada abuse, misuse, ill use 4 n. f. 1527815697 صوبه sooba region, area 4 n. f. 1527817498 سوکړه sookRá famine, starvation, serious hunger/lack of food, drought, crop failure 4 n. f. 1 1675137959403 سوکوهنه sookwahúna boxing n. f. 1527823042 سولۍ soolúy gallows, hanging, the stake 4 n. f. 1527816507 سوره soora a Sura, chapter of the Quran 4 n. f. 1594373306641 سوري soorée large sack 4 n. f. 1527819631 سوریه sooriya Syria 4 n. f. 1527823220 سوریته sooryatá concubine; female slave that has borne a child from her master 2 n. f. 1610448732123 سوټه sóoTa animal offspring 2 n. f. 1 1610448778665 سوټکه sooTáka corn cob 2 n. f. 1527818000 سویه soyá seedlings, sprouts 2 n. f. 1527818001 سویه sóya doe, rabbit, hare 4 n. f. 1 1649701807502 سوزني soznée swaddling, swaddle, a band/ribbon used for tying up babies 4 n. f. 1527811585 سپاخه spaakha a type of sewing or needlework 1 n. f. 1527818375 سپانده spáanda wild rue, Syrian rue 3 n. f. 1527817907 سپاره spaara plowshare 4 n. f. 1661623538015 سپارلي spaarlée riding (on a horse or vehicle), mounting, horesback riding 4 n. f. 1586374140758 سپارښتنه spaaruxtúna order, commission, assignment; recommendation, asking or interceding on someone’s behalf 3 n. f. 1527821046 سپاسنامه spaasnaama certificate of merit, appreciation letter, certification of appreciation 3 n. f. 1527812406 سپما spamaa saving, economizing, austerity 4 n. f. 1527822229 سپړنه spaRúna search, searching, finding, research, quest; opening, hatching, birth 3 n. f. 1527817451 سپین سترګي speen sturgee rudeness, insolence, boldness ?? 3 n. f. 1527814830 سپینه speena silver; money; fat on meat; egg white; resolution 4 n. f. 1527816173 سپیني speenee Achilles tendon 3 n. f. 1527823572 سپوږمکۍ spoGmakúy satellite 3 n. f. 1527814788 سپوږمۍ spoGmúy moon 4 n. f. 1577408787088 سپرې spre sprey (as in a medicinal spray) 3 n. f. 1632350233969 سپږه spúGa louse (usually plural سپږې - lice) 4 n. f. 1527814371 سپږمه spuGmá nostril 4 n. f. 1527823457 سپرغه spúrgha well (hole for a kahreez کارېز - underground irrigation tunnel), pit, hole, foxhole 4 n. f. 1527821667 سپرغۍ spurghúy spark, sparkle, flicker 3 n. f. 1527811678 سپښته spuxta ankle, pastern; ankle bone, knuckle bone; foundation, basis 4 n. f. 1527815302 سپۍ spúy female dog 4 n. f. 1578325579046 سپیازه spyáaza misscarriage, premature/immature birth; pulse bread 3 n. f. 1527815676 سرنجه srunja sediment 2 n. f. 1527813638 ستاینه staayúna praising, commendation, mention 4 n. f. 1 1660900918442 ستما stamáa shortness of breath, laboured breathing, quick breathing 4 n. f. 1527816844 سترګبندي stargbandee juggling, sleight of hand 3 n. f. 1527820824 ستوماني stomaanee exhaustion, tiredness, fatigue; regret, repentance; reluctance, unwillingness 4 n. f. 1527821549 ستومانتیا stomaantiyaa tiredness, exhaustion 4 n. f. 1527815305 ستونزه stoonza problem, difficulty, issue 4 n. f. 1527823573 ستوربېړۍ storbeRúy satellite 1 n. f. 1648325412581 ستورپېژندنه storpejzandúna astronomy 2 n. f. 1678446742525 ستراتیژي straateejzée strategy n. f. 1527811580 ستن stun needle, injection; pillar, mast 4 n. f. 1 1527815307 سترګه stúrga eye 4 n. f. 1 1527821240 ستړیا stuRiyaa fatigue, exhaustion 4 n. f. 1617989871203 ستړتیا stuRtyaa, stuRtiyaa tiredness, fatigue, strain, tedious chore etc. 3 n. f. 1527820361 سده sUddá hindrance, obstacle; bolt, lock (in a door); embolism, thrombosis 2 n. f. 1527814372 سږمه suGmá nostril 3 n. f. 1594905387399 سکته sukáta patience, endurance; satisfaction 4 n. f. 1527823413 سخه sukha malice, spite, malicious joy, vindictiveness 3 n. f. 1527812058 سله sula brick, casting, ingot 2 n. f. 1527820676 سلګۍ sulgúy sobbing, weeping, wheezing, hiccps, death rattle 4 n. f. 1527816466 صلح sÚlha peace, compromise 3 n. f. 1 1527815315 سلنه suluna percentage, rate 3 n. f. 1678361147109 سنتي sUnnatee circumcision ceremony n. f. 1527819267 سره súra manure, fertilizer 3 n. f. 1527819806 صراحي sUraahée clay pitcher with a long neck, flask, decanter 4 n. f. 1527822676 سرجه súrja frozen snow crust 2 n. f. 1527821757 سرکۍ surkúy gingivitis, inflammation of the gums 1 n. f. 1527823221 سریته sUryatá see سوريته 2 n. f. 1527818999 سستي sUstée laziness, sluggishness, slowness, weakness, impotence, carelessness, negligence 4 n. f. 1527823321 سټ سودا suT soodáa purchase without weighing 3 n. f. 1527820282 سټه suTa root; base, basis, foundation; pillar, post, support; trunk (of a tree), log 4 n. f. 1527823324 سټه suTa trunk (of a tree), basis, foundation, pillar, post, support 4 n. f. 1527823325 سټه suTa massacre, carnage, slaughter 3 n. f. 1611063681366 سوه swa hoof (of a horse) 2 n. f. 1586373724280 سوځېدنه swadzeduna burn, burning 4 n. f. 1527814144 سوکه swaka charred log 2 n. f. 1527816506 سوره swara a daughter or girl given away in marriage as retribution, ransom, in exchange 4 n. f. 1586634603690 سونه swúna horse fly 2 n. f. 1527821755 سیالنګي syaalingée scurvy 3 n. f. 1527823408 طعام خانه ta'aam khaana dining room, mess hall, cafeteria 3 n. f. 1527821925 تعبیه ta'biyá arrangement, preparation 2 n. f. 1527819579 تعرفه ta'rUfá tariff; bill of fare; timetable, schedule; list 4 n. f. 1527820646 تعزیري ta'zeerée not given in the Sharia but decided by the judge himself (for punishment) 4 n. f. 1527813737 تابع داري taabi daaree subordination, devotion, obedience, readiness to serve 4 n. f. 1527821501 تادي taadee hurry, rush, quickness, swiftness (په تادۍ کېدل - to be in a rush) 4 n. f. 1664030120919 تادیه taadiya payment 2 n. f. 1527821024 تاکداري taakdaaree viticulture, viniculture, grapevine cultivation for producing wine 4 n. f. 1527813395 ټاکنه Taakuna assignment, establishment, appointment; election, elections 4 n. f. 1527821575 ټاکنده Taakunda peak, high point 2 n. f. 1527816602 ټاکۍ Taakúy patch (on leather, footwear, etc.); cork; boil; overfed; 4 n. f. 1527820348 تاله taalá small stream, brook, shallow gully 4 n. f. 1577398506018 تالا taalaa loot, plunder 4 n. f. 1675282068827 تالاشي taalaashee searching, search, exploration, investigation 3 n. f. 1592642905146 تالي taalee dish 4 n. f. 1527819638 تالنده táalunda thunder 4 n. f. 1527813289 تامبه taamba copper 4 n. f. 1588152348016 تاڼه taaNa police station 4 n. f. 1527822268 ټانګه Taangá carriage, buggy 4 n. f. 1 1527820734 ټانټه TaanTa stem, stalk (of corn), cane; an ear of corn 4 n. f. 1527819663 ټاپه Taapá seal, stamp, mark, trace design (embroidery) 4 n. f. 1527819272 ټاپو وزمه Taapoo wázma penninsula 3 n. f. 1527822162 طاقچه taaqchá shelf, niche, bay 3 n. f. 1527822438 تاقچه taaqchá shelf, niche (تاخچه) 3 n. f. 1527817141 تاړي taaRee clapping, applause, cheering 4 n. f. 1527813612 تاریخي taareekhee historical 4 n. f. 1527817138 تاړۍ taaRúy clapping, applause, cheering 4 n. f. 1527822710 تاوخانه taawkhaaná heating device placed under the floor 4 n. f. 1571841394816 ټایي Taayee tie, necktie (نېکټايي) 2 n. f. 1527813185 طایفه taayfa tribe, clan, sect 3 n. f. 1586451609725 طایفه taayfá tribe, clan, group, sect 4 n. f. 1527816826 تبادله tabaadUla exchange 4 n. f. 1527817325 تباهي tabaahée destruction, ruin, death 4 n. f. 1 1527813180 طبقه tabaqá class, stratum, layer 2 n. f. 1 1527813188 طبقه بندي tabaqa bandee classification 3 n. f. 1527815036 طبقه بندي tabaqa bandee classification 3 n. f. 1527811810 طبیعت پرستي tabiyat parastee naturalism 3 n. f. 1527820172 تبله tablá tabla (type of Indian drums) 3 n. f. 1527811420 تبصره tabsirá note, comment, commentary, explanation, clarification 4 n. f. 1 1527821853 تبنه tabúna massage (with ointment), application of poultice 3 n. f. 1527816614 تداوي tadaawee treatment, therapy 4 n. f. 1588162032311 تداوي tadaawee treatment, therapy (medical) 3 n. f. 1527823554 تفریح ګاه tafreeh gáah resort 4 n. f. 1527813795 تفرېح tafreh entertainment, recreation, amusement 4 n. f. 1610797742078 تفرقه tafriqá division, seperation 4 n. f. 1527821813 ټګي Tagée deception, deceit, trick, trickery 4 n. f. 1 1708189220191 ټګي کول Tagée kawul to deceive, cheat, trick 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527821813 deceive 1 1527821814 ټګي برګي Tagee bragee fraud, cheat, deception, swindling, trickery 4 n. f. 1566471721828 تغذیه taghziyá nourishment, feeding, digestion 4 n. f. 1527819450 تګلاره taglaara policy, guideline, course of action 4 n. f. 1527821816 ټګماري Tagmaaree deceit, cheating, swindling, trickery 4 n. f. 1527821511 تحسین نامه tahseen naama certificate of merit 4 n. f. 1527819053 تجزیه taj`ziya analysis, examination, separation, decomposition 4 n. f. 1527815329 تجربه tajribá, tajrabá experience 4 n. f. تجارب tajaarib 1 1527816979 ټکانه Takaana dimensions, extent, size, border, limit 4 n. f. 1664091454895 تخطي takhattée infringement, encroachment, aggression; mistake, error 2 n. f. 1527813322 تخلیه takhliya evacuation, unloading 4 n. f. 1527820122 تخته takhtá board, plank 4 n. f. 1 1527816285 تکیه takiya support, pillow, head of bead, rest, prop, leaning 4 n. f. 1527815970 تکیه ګاه takiya gaah airbase, beachheaad, post 4 n. f. 1527814066 ټکنالوژۍ Taknaalojzúy technology 4 n. f. 1527817004 تکراري takraaree repetition, repetitive, redundant 4 n. f. 1589465765743 ټکسره Taksára sparrow, small bird 2 n. f. 1621886030796 ټکسي Taksée taxi 4 n. f. 1527821574 ټکنده Takunda peak, high point 4 n. f. 1527817144 ټکوهنه Takwahuna beating, battering up, shaking up, driving in, clapping 4 n. f. 1527821209 تله tála sole (of the foot) 4 n. f. 1 1527818104 تلافي talaafee recompensation, compensation, making up for something, paying back 4 n. f. 1527816492 تلاکۍ talaakúy divorced wife 4 n. f. 1527821246 تلاشي talaashee searching, search, exploration, investigation 4 n. f. 1527819993 طلب ګاري talab gaarée marriage brokerage, proposing a man as a husband 3 n. f. 1527822972 ټلۍ Talúy, Tulúy ring, bell, doorbell, ringing, alarm 4 n. f. 1 1527818298 ټلواله Talwaalá alliance, league, marriage, wedding ring 3 n. f. 1527818297 ټلوالي Talwaalée alliance, league, marriage, wedding ring 3 n. f. 1527817285 تلوسه talwasa longing, craving, yearning, desire 4 n. f. 1527821661 طمعه tam'a expectation 3 n. f. 1527815332 تمه táma expectation 4 n. f. 1 1527822400 تمانچه tamaanchá pistol, handgun, gun 4 n. f. 1 1527818459 تمنا tamannáa desire, wish, request 4 n. f. 1527813220 تمبه tamba bolt, bar, lock; shutter; crowd, throng 4 n. f. 1527820374 ټمبه Tambá assemblage, gathering, throng; constipation; bolt, bar, lock 4 n. f. 1527818711 ټمبلي Tambalee laziness 4 n. f. 1527820182 تنبلي tambalee laziness 4 n. f. 1614168966150 تمغه tamghá medal 4 n. f. 1527822282 تنه taná body, frame, torso, trunk; fuselage (airplane); hull (ship) 4 n. f. 1527814548 تڼاکه taNáaka blister, callus, corn 4 n. f. 1 1586266350112 تنبیه tanbéeh teaching, warning, caution, reminder 4 n. f. 1527816000 ټنډه TanDá forehead, brow 3 n. f. 1578704593901 تندار tandaar aunt (paternal uncle's wife) 4 n. f. 1527816451 تنداره tandaara, tindaara aunt (paternal uncle's wife) 4 n. f. 1527816622 تندره tandara eclipse, disaster?? 0 n. f. 1527821588 تندي tandee swiftness, speed; harshness, causticity, rudeness 4 n. f. 1527818992 تندره tándra eclipse (solar, lunar) 2 n. f. 1527817896 تندروستي tanduroostee, tandrUstee health, well-being 3 n. f. 1527816450 تندیاره tandyaara aunt (paternal uncle's wife) 3 n. f. 1574354537060 تنګ دستي tang dastee poverty, stinginess 4 n. f. 1574354492216 تنګدستي tangdastee poverty, stinginess 4 n. f. 1527819237 تنګلاسي tanglaasee poverty, need 4 n. f. 1527816666 ټنګره Tangrá slice, slab, section, part 4 n. f. 1644870095945 تنګسه tangsa difficult situation, poverty, dire straits 4 n. f. 1644870127510 تنګسیا tangsiyaa difficult situation, poverty, dire straits 4 n. f. 1578757499229 تنخوا tankhwáa, tankháa salary, wage, pay 4 n. f. 1 1610616965242 تنتنا tantanáa shouts, pomp, cries, news, echo 4 n. f. 1527816745 تڼۍ taNúy lace, string, ribbon, band, belt, strap, button 4 n. f. 1 1527815078 تنظیمیه tanzeemiya organizationally committee 4 n. f. 1585398406960 ټپه Tapá tappa (form of poetry/singing); note; playing card; working of miracles 4 n. f. 1527819662 ټپه ټغره Tápa Taghára destitution, extreme poverty (پر چا ټپه ټغره کېدل) 3 n. f. 1527822401 تپانچه tapaanchá pistol, handgun, gun 4 n. f. 1610012981517 تپېړه tapéRa slap, smack, insult 4 n. f. 1527819667 ټپۍ Tapúy pressed dung for fuel use 4 n. f. 1527814640 تقاضا taqaazaa demand 4 n. f. 1527815881 تقبیح taqbeeh condemnation, criticism, censure 3 n. f. 1527818891 تقدیر نامه taqdeer naama certificate of achievement or good progress (school) 4 n. f. 1527823431 تقسیم بندي taqseem bundee division 4 n. f. 1577501042770 تقویٰ taqwáa piety, holiness, fear of God, virtue 4 n. f. 1527821086 تقویه taqwiyá strengthening, reinforcing, development 4 n. f. 1527816406 تره tara a kind of musk melon 4 n. f. 1592560283817 تړه táRa promise, obligation, condition 4 n. f. 1644240879630 ترانه taraaná song, hymn, anthem 4 n. f. 1612618625417 تراشه taraashá shaving, filing, bit of something 2 n. f. 1527823550 ترازو taraazóo scale, balance 4 n. f. 1527818216 طرفداري tarafdaarée supporting, defending,adherence, picking a side, favoritism 4 n. f. 1 1527818352 ترګمۍ taragmúy dark night, moonless night, darkness (Western form of تروږمۍ) 4 n. f. 1585226308770 ترکه taraká, tarká heritage, inheritance, inherited property, succesion, series 4 n. f. 1527818922 تړمتیا taRamtiyaa lukewarmness, lack of passion 4 n. f. 1527814927 طریقه tareeqa way, method, manner, technique 4 n. f. 1527821628 ترفیع tarfée' promotion 4 n. f. 1527816589 طرح tarha plan 3 n. f. 1527822280 طرحه tarha plan 3 n. f. 1527815482 ترها tarhaa fear, fright, anxiety, alarm 4 n. f. 1527818010 ترهګري tarhagáree terrorism 4 n. f. 1585226418259 ترکه tariká twig, shoot (of a tree) 2 n. f. 1527818744 ترکاڼي tarkaaNée, trakaaNée carpentry 4 n. f. 1 1663856014623 ترکاري tarkaarée vegetables 4 n. f. 1 1527814547 ترخه tarkha split, crack 3 n. f. 1527816448 ترله tarla cousin (paternal uncle's daughter) 4 n. f. 1527816418 ترنه انا tarna anaa great-grandmother 4 n. f. 1527821179 تړنه taRúna binding, linking, reinforcement, connection, closing, covering 4 n. f. 1527814316 ترقي taruqqée, taruqée progress, development, advancement 4 n. f. 1 1709219258407 ترقي کول taruqée kawúl to progress, advance 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527814316 progress 1709219262898 ترقي ورکول taruqqée warkawul to develop, cause to advance and make progress 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527814316 develop 1 1527815337 تسلي tasallée consolation, comfort, satisfaction, reassurance 4 n. f. 1708189702665 تسله tasallá consolation, comfort, satisfaction, reassurance 3 n. f. 1708189718575 تسلي ورکول tasallée warkawúl to comfort, console, reassure 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527815337 comfort 1 1708189722761 تسله ورکول tasallá warkawúl to comfort, console, reassure 3 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1708189702665 comfort 1 1622278360517 تصفیه tasfiya clarification, removal, purification, refinement 2 n. f. 1527816794 تشریح tashreeh explanation, description, dissection, comment 4 n. f. 1527814201 تسکره taskara chair, litter, stretcher 4 n. f. 1613547737263 تسلیمي tasleemee surrender 4 n. f. 1527817232 تسمه tasma strip of leather, belt, strap 4 n. f. 1585486750021 تسپه taspá Muslim prayer bead/beads 4 n. f. 1527821265 تصریح tasreeh explanation; clear; precise 4 n. f. 1527823151 تواضع tawaazÚ' humility, meekness 4 n. f. 1527817885 توجه tawajÚ attention, care, regard, paying attention, consideration 4 n. f. 1527815921 توقع tawaqqÚ expectation, hope, anticipation 4 n. f. توقعات tawaqqUáat 1 1582145873843 تودوخه tawdókha heat, heating 3 n. f. 1527817320 توجیه tawjeeh justification 3 n. f. توجیهات tawjeeháat 1586452182432 تولیه tawliyá towel 4 n. f. 1527823502 تولیا tawliyáa towel 4 n. f. 1527822542 تولۍ tawlúy cup (without a handle) 4 n. f. 1527819290 توصیه tawsiyá recommendation, suggestion, advice 4 n. f. 1527822193 توښۍ tawxúy stove, heater 4 n. f. 1527822395 توضیح tawzéeh explanation 4 n. f. توضیحات tawzeeháat 1527821927 تیاري tayaarée preperation, readiness 4 n. f. 1588159745514 تذکیره tazkeera identification papers, passport, residence permit; biography; gurney, stretcher (medical) (تذکره) 4 n. f. 1527813623 تذکره tazkira identification papers, passport, residence permit; biography; gurney, stretcher (medical) 4 n. f. 1527816779 تزکیه tazkiya purification, cleansing, refinement, cultivation 3 n. f. 1674053980771 تېوري te`oree theory n. f. تېوریګانې te`oreegaane 1586275928766 تي ورکوونکې tee warkawóonke woman who is breastfeeding a child 4 n. f. 1527815716 تیږه teeGa stone, rock 4 n. f. 1527820235 تیګه teega see تيګا 4 n. f. 1527820236 تیګا teegaa panting, breathlessness, gasping, puffing, dyspnea, shortness of breath 4 n. f. 1527816001 ټیکه Teeká red mark on the forehead of Hindus 4 n. f. 1 1527819557 ټیکاله Teekáala bread, loaf, meal, food, helping, serving 4 n. f. 1527816493 تینداره teendaara wife of an uncle on father's side 4 n. f. 1610616485772 تیر اندازي teer andaazee archery 4 n. f. 1527812315 تېغنه teghna iron frying pan; sprouting; sword 2 n. f. 1527821175 ټېکه Teká an agreement to deliver something, a contract; bearing (ټېکه نه کېده - it was unbearable) 4 n. f. 1527823629 ټېله Telá dam, dyke, jetty; trees and brush carried down a river; towing, tugging 3 n. f. 1527815345 تېروتنه terwatúna mistake, error, wrong 4 n. f. 1582390417084 تېښته téxta escape, flight, running away 4 n. f. 1527821249 تېزي tezée speed, quickness, hastiness, rush 4 n. f. 1 1527816978 ټکانه Tikaana residence, dwelling, habitation 4 n. f. 1588787437836 ټکټ پولي TikaT poolée rate (ie. exchange rate), dividend (economics) 4 n. f. 1527822837 طلا tiláa gold 4 n. f. 1527818351 تیاره tiyaarú darkness, dark 4 n. f. 1 1527815349 توبه toba repentance 4 n. f. 1527816288 توبره tobra bag, purse, sack 4 n. f. 1527813587 توګه toga manner, way, fashion, method 4 n. f. 1610541727428 توغه toghá fig; redemption, expiation 2 n. f. 1527815356 ټوکه Tóka joke 0 n. f. 1527818129 ټوکرۍ Tokrúy basket; peddler’s tray, hawker’s tray 4 n. f. 1 1585488917245 ټوله Tolá begging 2 n. f. 1527811392 ټولیزي رسنۍ Toleezee rasanúy mass media 4 n. f. 1664092691319 ټولګیخونه Tolgeekhóona classroom 4 n. f. 1676889157525 ټولپوهنه Tolpohána sociology n. f. 1527817311 ټولپوښتنه Tolpoxtuna referendum 4 n. f. 1527812014 ټولنه Toluna society, association, gathering, assembly, congregation 4 n. f. 1527822543 تولۍ tolúy scales 4 n. f. 1585490029602 ټولۍ Tolúy group, detatchment, batallion 4 n. f. 1627319432819 ټولۍ Tolúy class, category, group; detachment (of soldiers 100-200), company, batallion 4 n. f. 1527812339 ټولواکي Tolwaakee kingdom, monarchy 4 n. f. 1527815504 ټولوژنه Tolwajzúna massacre, genocide 4 n. f. 1527816882 تومانچه tomaancha gun, revolver, pistol 4 n. f. 1527817917 تومنه tomna ferment, leaven 4 n. f. 1527823140 ټونګه Tónga, Tóonga joint, phalange (of the finger); beak; back of leg 4 n. f. 1527811595 توڼۍ toNúy suitcase, cupboard 4 n. f. 1527819896 توکه tooká advantage, profit, use 3 n. f. 1527819897 توکه tóoka corn cob 4 n. f. 1527821428 ټوخه Tóokha cough 4 n. f. 1588782019729 توکمه tookmá button, knob; hemorrhoid (تکمه) 3 n. f. 1527822895 توکم پالنه tookum paalúna racism 3 n. f. 1614083863653 ټوکنه Tookúna bruise 4 n. f. 1594204068779 تولائي toolaa`ee mattress 4 n. f. 1586634451015 تولنده toolánda wigeon, widgeon (a duck-like bird) 2 n. f. 1527820804 ټولټاکنه ToolTaakuna election (political) 4 n. f. 1527822544 تولۍ toolúy fife, reed pipe 4 n. f. 1527818201 توره toora sword, sabre 4 n. f. 1527815360 توتي tootee parrot 0 n. f. 1527815361 طوطي tootee parrot 4 n. f. 1586958326170 توپه tópa cannon, gun 3 n. f. 1 1573659282564 ټوپکۍ Topakúy loosely covered arch or vault of an irrigation system 4 n. f. 1527822402 توپنچه topanchá pistol, handgun, gun 4 n. f. 1586276322639 ټوپۍ Topúy hat, cap 4 n. f. 1 1613563259315 ټوقه Tóqa joke 4 n. f. 1527812312 توره tora detachment of warriors, small villiage, nomad’s camp; emnity 4 n. f. 1527818349 توره tóra darkness, dark 4 n. f. 1527816369 تورسرې torsăre widow, woman 4 n. f. 1527816443 توړۍ toRúy aunt; gay, queer, pansy, homosexual (slang) 4 n. f. 1527816436 توړۍ زۍ toRuy zúy cousin (daughter of maternal aunt) 4 n. f. 1527814801 ټوټه ToTá piece, scrap, fragment, part 4 n. f. 1 1527820058 ټوټکۍ ToTakúy kneecap, patella 3 n. f. 1577068439042 توتکۍ totakúy swallow, martin (bird); girl's name 4 n. f. 1527817697 توښه toxá provisions (for a journey) 4 n. f. 1566247077158 توښه toxá provisions for a journey 4 n. f. 1527816407 تره tra repulsion, fear, aversion 4 n. f. 1527814389 تړاقۍ tRaaqúy band or bandage on the thigh 3 n. f. 1527815480 ترهه traha, turha fear, fright, anxiety, alarm, apprehension, worry 4 n. f. 1527815481 ترها trahaa fear, fright, anxiety, alarm 4 n. f. 1527822136 ترمله trámla rice water, the water in which rice was washed 3 n. f. 1586450715617 ترمنه trámna swamp, moist arable soil, pool in a bog 1 n. f. 1527816430 ترنداره trandaara paternal aunt 3 n. f. 1527814874 ترپه trapa jump, gallop, dance 4 n. f. 1527818927 ترینګلتیا treengaltiyaa tension 3 n. f. 1527816004 ترینګلۍ treenglúy a finger snap or flick to the forehead 4 n. f. 1661511368545 ترېنداره trendaara paternal aunt 4 n. f. 1527818353 تروږمۍ troGmúy dark night, moonless night, darkness 4 n. f. 1527816442 ترورۍ trorúy aunt; gay, queer, pansy, homosexual (slang) 4 n. f. 1527816432 ترورزۍ trorzúy cousin (daughter of paternal aunt) 4 n. f. 1527822769 ترپکه trupáka stamping, treading 4 n. f. 1527819022 څا tsaa well, water-hole 3 n. f. 1527823370 څاله tsaala a hut built in a tree for watchmen in a field 4 n. f. 1527816526 څانډو tsaanDoo husband of wife's sister, brother in law 3 n. f. 1527815367 څانګه tsáanga branch, department 4 n. f. 1 1527817733 څاپاکي tsaapaakee cleanliness, well-cleaning 2 n. f. 1527818556 څاره tsaará pit into which juice flows 1 n. f. 1527820402 څارګري tsaargáree observation, intelligence, spying, espionage 4 n. f. 1527813216 څارنه tsaaruna surveillance, intelligence 4 n. f. 1576684800288 څکه tsáka cliff, abyss, chasm, precipice 1 n. f. 1577923864319 څکه tsáka trial, testing, taste, sip 3 n. f. 1527818591 څله tsalá wish, desire, inclination, day-dream 3 n. f. 1620042634516 څلور لاره tsalor láara crossing, crossroads (intersection) (usually plural) 4 n. f. 1527823306 څنګل tsangúl elbow 4 n. f. 1 1527822618 څپه tsapá wave 3 n. f. 1527820054 څپړۍ tsapaRúy crossbar (on the handle of a spade or shovel); hockey stick 1 n. f. 1527813431 څپېړه tsapeRa slap 4 n. f. 1527820052 څپلۍ tsaplúy sandal 4 n. f. 1527823657 څپړ tsapúR leg, paw 1 n. f. 1527823658 څپړه tsapúRa leg, paw 1 n. f. 1527812060 څپیاکه tsapyaaka beehive; honeycomb; flat; a kind of fuel made from dried manure patties 3 n. f. 1568411412590 څړه خشمه tsaRá khushma saw (tool) 1 n. f. 1589906471518 څرګه tsárga little owl, Athene poctua 2 n. f. 1675336287530 څرګندنه tsargandúna expression, expressing n. f. 1527817010 څرګندونه tsărgundawúna explanation, statement, communication, advertisement 4 n. f. 1 1588161577332 څرخي څوکۍ tsarkhee tsokúy wheelchair 3 n. f. 1527820524 څرمن tsarmún pelt, skin, hide, leather 4 n. f. 1588161442976 څرمنه tsarmúna pelt, skin, hide, leather 3 n. f. 1576440551847 څرمښکۍ tsărmUxkúy lizard 3 n. f. 1527821863 څرښه tsárxa footprint, trace, mark, clue 2 n. f. 1586955651545 څټه tsáTa full bag, full sack, saddlebag 3 n. f. 1527814826 څینځښه tseendzuxa frog 3 n. f. 1527822506 څیرسترګي tseersturgee impudence, insolence, cheek 3 n. f. 1527814083 څېلمه tselma edge, side 3 n. f. 1527822632 څېلمه tsélma edge, side 3 n. f. 1527818907 څېلمه tsélmu edge, side; trench, foxhole 3 n. f. 1527815497 څېره tsera face, picture 3 n. f. 1527815371 څېړنه tseRuna research, analysis 4 n. f. 1576951583359 څېړۍ tseRúy oak (tree) 4 n. f. 1527820320 څځله tsidzlá to bowing down to the ground, to prostrating (in religion) (سجده) 2 n. f. 1527818590 څله tsilá mid-winter, mid-summer; period of 40 days of asceticism or fasting, seclusion, devotion 3 n. f. 1631018055267 څوهره tsohrá herina 0 n. f. 1527819212 څوکیداري tsokeedaar, tsaukeedaaree the job of being a chokidar, watchman, doorman 4 n. f. 1527814200 څوکۍ tsokúy chair; post, office, position; guard, watch 3 n. f. 1592558916543 څولګۍ tsolgúy scissors, shears, chisel 1 n. f. 1594383266571 څوکه tsóoka top, pinnacle, apex, peak, tip, point, spear 4 n. f. 1 1661859026821 څرپا tsrapáa quivering 2 n. f. 1527823381 څړیکه tsRéeka prickling sensation, sharp pain 4 n. f. 1527822513 څڼه tsuNa lock, curl, ringlet (hair) Usually plural څڼې 4 n. f. 1527823510 څنډه tsúnDa edge, hem, margin, brink 4 n. f. 1527820382 څڼکه tsuNúka lock, curl, ringlet (of hair); cork, plug; filiform; corn silk, stigma maydis 3 n. f. 1586955678884 څټه tsúTa base (of a treetrunk), stub, side (geometry), (fig.) stout / large lady 3 n. f. 1527814974 تبه tuba fever 4 n. f. 1585488091408 تبي tubée fever 4 n. f. 1593792733023 طفلي tUfilée childhood, infancy (طفولیت) 3 n. f. 1593792669551 1527814328 تحفه tUhfa present, gift 4 n. f. 1527822848 ټکا Tukaa see ټکهار 4 n. f. 1577566234929 ټکا TUkaa growing; knock, knocking 4 n. f. 1527823169 ټکاله Tukáala doubling word with ټوقه 4 n. f. 1527817915 تخه tukha curds, cottage cheese 3 n. f. 1527823070 تخمه tUkhmá origin, breed, seed-bud 4 n. f. 1571607739310 تکمه tUkmá button, knob, hemorrhoid 4 n. f. 1527821212 تله tula scales, standard, criterion, level 4 n. f. 1527817501 تنده túnda thirst 4 n. f. 1527820481 ترخه túrkha wormwood (plant) 3 n. f. 1527818707 ترخځ turkhúdz wedge; gusset (in a shirt) 4 n. f. 1527819625 ترکیه tUrkiya Turkey (the country) 4 n. f. 1576103626259 ترکیه tUrkiyá Turkey (the country) 4 n. f. 1527813666 تشه tusha void, emptiness, vacuum 3 n. f. 1613548174186 تسکوره tuskóra curved shovel, axe 4 n. f. 1527822732 تته رڼا tuta raNaa faint or dim light 4 n. f. 1527813610 تواني twaanee, tuwaanee, tawaanee ability, power, capability, strength, ability 4 n. f. 1527817196 توانمندي twaanmandee ability, capability 4 n. f. 1527817918 تومنه twamna ferment, leaven 4 n. f. 1527814385 اچکۍ Uchakúy small island 1 n. f. 1527816003 اچولي Uchoolee forehead, brow 2 n. f. 1610618653328 اجوره Ujoorá wages, compensation, pay 4 n. f. 1610618682842 اجوره کاري Ujoora kaaree work done for pay, earnings 4 n. f. 1527820733 الټي UlTee vomit, vomiting, puke, puking (from Urdu) 4 n. f. 1527821196 عمده فروشي Umda fUrooshée, Umda farooshée wholesale sales, wholesale trade 3 n. f. 1571841463011 امیدواري Umeedwaaree pregnancy 4 n. f. 1527816759 عمومي عفوه Umoomee afwa amnesty 4 n. f. 1527816760 عمومي بښنه Umoomee baxuna amnesty 3 n. f. 1527817784 عمره Umra Umra, pilgrimage to Mecca (at any time) 4 n. f. 1577385220277 عقده Uqdá knox, tie, crux, node, (fig. grudge) 2 n. f. 1622133968130 اربه Urbá tendon, ligament 4 n. f. 1527818199 اریځ Uryadz cloud 1 n. f. 1577224179485 اریځه Uryadza cloud 1 n. f. 1527820554 استخوان بندي UstUkhaan bandee skeleton, frame, framework; structural framework 3 n. f. 1596925652145 اترائي Utráa`ee downward slope 4 n. f. 1610443837416 وابستګي waabustagee, waabistagee dependence, affiliation, dependency, connection, involvement 3 n. f. 1527816021 واده ګوته waada gwata wedding ring 4 n. f. 1527816019 واده څله waada tsala wedding ring 4 n. f. 1527819483 واکمني waakmanée reign, authority, government, kingdom 3 n. f. 1578343468611 واڼه wáaNa tendon, sinew; hamstring 2 n. f. 1527813545 واقعه waaqi'á, waaqiyá event, accident, incident, occurance 4 n. f. واقعات waaqUaat 1 1527820264 وارخطایي waarkhataayee fluster, excitement, confusion, being worked up 3 n. f. 1527815395 واسته waasita favourtism, string-pulling, connections 4 n. f. 1527817819 واسطه waasitá (by) way (of), (by) means (of), medium, go-between, mediator 4 n. f. وسایط wasaayit 1527822717 واوره wáawra snow 4 n. f. 1576372912086 وازګه waazga fat, blubber, grease 4 n. f. 1527821040 وبا wabáa plague, cholera 4 n. f. 1 1527814909 وعده wadá promise, word 4 n. f. 1 1527815423 ودانۍ wadaanúy, wudaanúy building 4 n. f. 1527816020 ودون ګوته wadoon gwata wedding ring 2 n. f. 1527816262 وفا wafaa loyalty, faithfulness, constancy 4 n. f. 1527822259 وږمه waGmá breeze, light wind 3 n. f. 1591034101000 وهم پرستي waham parastee superstitiousness, superstition 4 n. f. 1527817737 وحي wahee revelation (from divine source), oracle, vision, inspiration 4 n. f. 1672917895436 وحدي wahidee oneness, the quality of being one (not many) n. f. 1527814064 وهنه wahuna hitting 4 n. f. 1527811272 وجه wája, wúja reason, cause; aspect, point of view, facet 4 n. f. وجوهات wajooháat 1 1586452364121 وجهه wajha reason, cause; aspect, point of view, facet (وجه) 4 n. f. وجوهات wajooháat 1527813868 وژنه wajzuna killing, murder 4 n. f. 1527823226 وله walá stream, river; irrigation ditch, channel 4 n. f. 1 1527816052 ولسوالي walaswaalee district, division 4 n. f. 1527820075 ولدنګکاري waldingkaarée welding 4 n. f. 1527815401 ولکه walka grasp, dominion, reign, region 4 n. f. 1527822139 ونډه wánDa rice crumbs, threshed rice, hay shreds 4 n. f. 1527816022 ونډیماري wanDeemaaree butcher's shop, butchery 2 n. f. 1527818517 ونګره wangra, wangara pond, pool 2 n. f. 1591806070691 وقایه waqaayá defence, protection; cover (of a book etc.) 2 n. f. 1527813040 وقفه waqfá interval, pause, intermission, delay 4 n. f. 1527811616 ورثه warasa heir, inheritor 4 n. f. 1586452427997 ورخطایي warkhataayee excitement, being flustered, being confused 4 n. f. 1527822353 ورکړه warkRa giving 4 n. f. 1591026440937 ورشو warshó meadow, open pasture 4 n. f. 1527823534 وړتیا waRtiyáa ability, capacity, capability, power, volumeá 4 n. f. 1527815405 وړۍ waRúy wool, yarn 4 n. f. 1527814001 وسه wasa summer rain, monsoon 2 n. f. 1527811535 وسیله waseela means, agency, reason, cause, medium 4 n. f. وسائل, وسایل wasaa'il, wasaayil 1584529132645 وثیقه waseeqá document, deed 4 n. f. 1527814719 وسله waslá weapon, firearm, artillery 4 n. f. 1 1527819683 وسوسه waswasa worry, fixation, obsessive concern, obsession, temptation, doubt 3 n. f. 1527822834 وټه waTá exchange rate 2 n. f. 1527822833 وټه wáTa economy (اقتصاد); saving, savings 2 n. f. 1527811795 وطن پرستي watan parastee patriotism 4 n. f. 1666396499443 وترنري watarnaree verterinary (the practice/profession of) 4 n. f. 1527816806 وینا waynáa speech, statement, remark 4 n. f. 1 1709149511629 وینا کول waynáa kawul to make a speech, statement, remark 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527816806 speak, speaks, speaking, spoke, spoken 1 1527813359 وینه wayuna speech, words, talk 4 n. f. 1527821577 وضعه wáz'a situation, state, condition, circumstance 4 n. f. اوضاع awzaa 1576888859302 وضع wáz'a situation, state, condition, circumstance 3 n. f. اوضاع awzaa 1576888864337 وضه wáza deduction 3 n. f. 1527812086 وظیفه wazeefá obligation, duty, responsibility; job, work (often with the connotation of military duty) 4 n. f. وظایف wazaayif 1527822635 وزیره ګوته wazéera góota ring finger 3 n. f. 1584533362810 وزلوبه wazlóba buzkashi - بزکشي (the Afghan national sport played with horses and a dead goat) 2 n. f. 1527823761 وزنه برداري wazna bardaaree weight lifting 3 n. f. 1527820086 وېبپاڼه webpáaNa website 4 n. f. 1675002231126 وېډیو weDiyo video n. f. 1675002244661 وېدیو wediyo video n. f. 1674934574643 ویډیو weeDiyo video n. f. 1674934686847 ویدیو weediyo video n. f. 1527821227 ویجاړي weejaaRee destruction, demolishing 4 n. f. 1527813358 وینه wéena blood 4 n. f. 1 1527814646 وینځه wéendza female slave 4 n. f. 1527811659 ویشتنه weeshtuna killing, murder, shooting 4 n. f. 1678446000477 ویښتیا weextiyaa, weextyaa awareness, consciousness n. f. 1527811547 وېره wera fear, fright 4 n. f. 1610443988250 وېشلتیا weshiltyaa, weshiltiyaa division, distribution 4 n. f. 1675146199671 ویناپاڼه waynaapaaNa official declaration n. f. 1527820857 وېزه weza visa 4 n. f. 1527821388 وداع widáa' farewell, goodbye 4 n. f. 1674934630830 ودیو widiyo video n. f. 1674934669154 وډیو wiDiyo video n. f. 1527818529 ووره wóra small cloud 3 n. f. 1527811271 ورا wraa afar, far off (له ورايه - from afar); a group of women that bring the bride to the groom's house 4 n. f. 1527822389 وړاندوینه wRaandwayúna prediction, foretelling (of a prophet, etc.) 4 n. f. 1527817491 وراني wraanée destruction, ruin, disturbance; destructive behavior, ruining spoiling, naughty behavior 4 n. f. 1 1527822252 وړانګه wRaangá ray, beam of light, light beam (from sun etc.) 4 n. f. 1527820801 ورانکاري wraankaarée destruction, destructive behaviour, sabotage 4 n. f. 1527816358 وراره wráara woman who's brother is dead 4 n. f. 1527816355 وراره بوره wraara boora a woman whose brother and baby boy are dead 3 n. f. 1527815417 ورځ wradz day 4 n. f. 1 1527818311 ورځچلندژبه wradzchalándjzába colloquial speech, vernacular, everyday speech 3 n. f. 1527818307 ورځپاڼه wradzpáaNa newspaper 4 n. f. 1527816387 ورېنداره wrendaara sister in law; brother's wife 4 n. f. 1527816375 ورېره wrerá niece; brother's daughter 4 n. f. 1 1527811207 وروځه wróodza eyebrow 4 n. f. 1611400483206 وروري wrorée brotherhood 4 n. f. 1527822877 ورورګلوي wrorgalwée, wrorgilwée brotherhood, comradery, tight and good friendship 4 n. f. 1610013679820 ورورولي wrorwalée brotherhood 4 n. f. 1527816350 ورندار wrundaar brothers wife, sister-in-law 4 n. f. 1527816377 ورنداره wrundaara brothers wife, sister-in-law 4 n. f. 1527822251 وړنګه wRúnga ray, beam of light, light beam (from sun etc.) 4 n. f. 1527817233 وچکالي wuchkaalée dryness, drought, barrenness 4 n. f. 1 1527816105 وده wuda growth, development, improvement, bringing up 3 n. f. 1527814839 وږسترګي wuGsturgee greed 4 n. f. 1527823227 وله wúla willow 4 n. f. 1527816051 ولسوالي wUlaswaalee, ooluswaalee district, division 4 n. f. 1527814116 ولۍ wulúy root 4 n. f. 1527816098 ونه wuna tree; height 4 n. f. 1527813664 ونډه wúnDa share, portion, part, quota 4 n. f. 1527822200 وربشه wurbushá, orbushá barley (usually plural) 4 n. f. 1527822201 وربشینه wurbusheená barley bread 4 n. f. 1527821684 ورېځ wurédz cloud 4 n. f. 1527822541 ورسۍ wursúy window 3 n. f. 1527820627 ورنډه wUrúnDa raid, foray; attack, invasion; plunder; haste 2 n. f. 1527815427 وزه wUza goat (nanny) 4 n. f. 1591027048439 وزه wuza she-goat 4 n. f. 1527818053 ویاله wyaalá brook, stream 4 n. f. 1586428811963 ښه ورځ xa wradz sufficiency, doing well, flourishing 4 n. f. 1527820970 ښادي xaadée happiness, gladness, joy; wedding 4 n. f. 1 1527822348 ښاخۍ xaakhúy pitchfork 4 n. f. 1527814218 ښانده xaanda acquaintance; knowledge; expertise, discernment 2 n. f. 1527813305 ښاپېرۍ xaaperúy fairy, nymph, pixie 4 n. f. 1 1584530155981 ښارو xaaro myna, mynah (bird); beloved, darling, dear 4 n. f. 1584530203060 ښارونۍ xaaronúy ښارو 4 n. f. 1618947725291 ښځمنه xadzmána female, woman 4 n. f. 1527816530 ښینې xeene sister in law 4 n. f. 1527822105 ښیښه xeexá glass, vial, small bottle, glasses, spectacles, mirror 3 n. f. 1621743009835 ښېګڼه xegúNa kindness, act of kindness, favor, gentleness 4 n. f. 1702811291709 ښېګڼه کول xegúNa kawul to do an act of kindness, goodness 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1621743009835 be kind 1621742608477 ښېګړه xegúRa kindness, act of kindness, favor, gentleness 4 n. f. 1 1702811307560 ښېګړه کول xegúRa kawul to do an act of kindness, goodness 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1621742608477 be kind 1 1583525814758 ښېره xerá curse, cursing 4 n. f. 1709130350145 ښېرې xeré curses (plur. of ښېره) 1583525814758 1 1709130385399 ښېرې کول xeré kawul to curse v. dyn. comp. trans. 1583525814758 1 1583525800967 ښېرا xeráa curse, cursing 4 n. f. 1527816529 ښینه xayuna cursed, cursing 1 n. f. 1527822342 ښکالو xkaaló whisper, dull noise, rustle, obscure sound; tread 3 n. f. 1668755790717 ښکارندویي xkaarandooyee indication 4 n. f. 1527816565 ښکنځا xkandzaa cursing, swearing, verbal abuse 3 n. f. 1586428641540 ښکنځله xkandzula swearing, cursing 4 n. f. 1527819510 ښکېلتیا xkeltiyaa involvement 4 n. f. 1527815984 ښکلا xkuláa beauty 4 n. f. 1 1588073293258 ښودنه xodúna teaching; display, presentation, showing 4 n. f. 1 1527819268 ښوره xorá manure, fertilizer 3 n. f. 1527821560 ښوروا xorwáa soup, broth 4 n. f. 1527822213 ښوونه xowúna teaching, education 4 n. f. 1 1527823415 ښه راغلاستي xu raaghlaastee welcome 4 n. f. 1527811226 ښندنه xunduna, xanduna offering, giving, grant 1 n. f. 1527816550 ښرا xuraa curse, cursing 0 n. f. 1527818441 یادونه yaadawuna reminder 4 n. f. 1527819746 یادګاري yaadgaaree souvenir, a gift or token of remembrance, memorial 4 n. f. 1527821818 یاراني yaaraanee friendship, love, dating 4 n. f. 1611400496123 یاري yaaree friendship; romance, love affair 3 n. f. 1527822970 یږه yaGá cancer (medicine) 3 n. f. 1527815967 یګانګي yagaanagee unity, agreement, singleness 4 n. f. 1527818071 یهودیه yahoodiya Judea 4 n. f. 1527818531 یکاوه yakaawá unbroken cloud cover 2 n. f. 1527812263 یکشنبه yakshambá Sunday 4 n. f. 1586454505900 یله ګردي yala gardee wandering, roaming 4 n. f. 1586454469518 یرغلګري yarghalgarée attack, aggression 4 n. f. 1527822707 یې ye sound, noise, tone, ring; public company 4 n. f. 1527823023 یېره yera fear, fright 4 n. f. 1671516548991 یوګا yogaa yoga n. f. 1527815435 یخني yukhnée cold; a kind of meat stew/soup 4 n. f. 1 1527820261 یوې yuwe plow, plowing, plough, ploughing 4 n. f. 1527811481 زا zaa percolation of water, dampness, moisture; drainage system; the time of calving or giving birth (for some animals); oozing, ooze (د خوشحالۍ له زا و -- he was oozing with happiness) 2 n. f. 1672918170309 زاهدي zaahidee piety, devotion n. f. 1578190515000 زاڼه záaNa female crane (bird) 4 n. f. 1 1527817480 زانګو zaangó cradle, swing, rocking chair 4 n. f. 1 1527815437 زاري zaaree request, earnest plea, entreat 4 n. f. 1527822560 زاویه zaawiyá angle, corner 3 n. f. 1 1527816502 زایپه zaayipa wife, married woman 4 n. f. 1527815506 ذبح zabha slaughter, killing, butchering 3 n. f. 1584692750562 زغاله zaghaala lump, clump of dough 3 n. f. 1527822354 ذخیره zakheerá reserve, store, stock 3 n. f. زخایر zakhaayir 1527814429 زلزله zalzalá earthquake, shock, tremor 4 n. f. 1 1527811503 زمانه zamaaná time, period, era; (verb) tense (grammar) 4 n. f. 1 1527811676 زمینه zameena basis, grounds, circumstances, conditions, background 4 n. f. 1527821953 زمینه سازي zameena saazee opening the door to, paving the way, creating opportunity for 3 n. f. 1527814473 زمینداري zameendaaree farming, landed estate 3 n. f. 1527819481 زمزمه zamzamá rumour, talk, singing, tune, melody 4 n. f. 1527821722 زنه zaná dye (for leather after tanning) 4 n. f. 1661754853243 زنګا zangáa ringing 3 n. f. 1576365438445 زنګوله zangóla bell, little bell, cowbell 3 n. f. 1527817717 ذره zará particle, tiny bit, atom, minuscule amount 3 n. f. 1527815442 زرافه zaraafa giraffe 4 n. f. 1527821576 ضربه zarbá blow, stroke 3 n. f. 1527814410 زرچوبه zarchoba turmeric, tumeric, curcuma 3 n. f. 1616922319712 زرچوبه zarchobá turmeric, curcuma 4 n. f. 1616922304109 زردچوبه zardchobá turmeric, curcuma 4 n. f. 1527819125 زردکه zardúka carrot 3 n. f. 1527822865 زردشتي zărdUshtée Zoroastrianism 4 n. f. 1527823491 ذریعه zaree'a means, mean, (د ... په ذريعه - by means of ...) 4 n. f. 1690458785188 ذریعه zaree'a, zaree`ya means, mean, (د ... په ذريعه - by means of ...) 4 n. f. 1527818365 ضراب خانه zarraab khaana mint (for making money) 1 n. f. 1586363213172 زړتیا zaRtyaa old age, seniority 3 n. f. 1527816166 زولانه zawlaana handcuffs, manacles, chains 4 n. f. 1527821567 زولنه zawlaná fetter, chain, manacle, line, string, series 4 n. f. زولنې zolane 1675145796422 زده کړه zdá kRa studies, learning, education n. f. 1675145851562 زدکړه zdákRa studies, learning, education n. f. 1527819282 زینه zéena stairway, stairs, ladder 4 n. f. 1527821528 زیرکتیا zeeraktiyaa intelligence, smartness 3 n. f. 1527811502 زېږېدنه zeGeduna birth 3 n. f. 1527822314 زېرمه zerma saving, reserve, store, care 4 n. f. 1527820388 زغره zghúra armour, protective covering, shield 4 n. f. 1527812090 ذمه zima responsibility, charge 3 n. f. 1527812092 ذمه واري zima waaree responsibility 4 n. f. 1527814354 زنا zináa adultery, fornication 4 n. f. 1 1527817711 زندګي zindugée life 3 n. f. 1527816902 زره zirih armour 4 n. f. 1527812374 زمکه zmuka land, earth 4 n. f. 1527811483 زوکونه zokawuna birth 3 n. f. 1527811473 زوکړه zokRa birth 3 n. f. 1527818973 زونبه zóomba wink, winking, blink, blinking 4 n. f. 1610617000280 زونګه zóonga buzz, hum, echo, reverberation 4 n. f. 1527823297 زورنه zorúna oppression, pressure, stress, coercion; cursing, telling off 3 n. f. 1527821733 زورواکي zorwaakee dictatorship 3 n. f. 1527820719 زړه بدېدنه zRu badeduna vomit, vomiting, puke, puking; quarrel, disagreement 4 n. f. 1527823241 زړه ورتیا zRu wartyaa bravery, courage 4 n. f. 1527817751 زخه zukha wart, bump, growth, knot, corn, callus 4 n. f. 1527819786 زلپۍ zulpúy link for a door-chain, door-chain, sword-knot 3 n. f. 1527821723 زنه zúna, zína chin, depression 3 n. f. 1586363184324 زړبودي zuRboodée, zaRboodée old age, seniority 3 n. f. 1603262297979 زرکه zúrka partridge 4 n. f. 1527821557 زۍ zúy extended family, clan 4 n. f. 1610617031635 زوږتلانګه zwaGtaláanga echo 2 n. f. 1527816554 زیاړه zyaaRa curse, abuse, swearing 3 n. f. 1527820183 زیارکښي zyaarkáxee work ethic, indusrious-ness, hard working-ness 4 n. f. 1527822367 زیاتي zyaatee violence, oppression, injustice; over and above, moreover, superflous, excess, addition, surplus 3 n. f. 1527812785 خور khor sister 4 n. f. anim. خویندې khwaynde 1527821376 آینده aayanda, aaeenda future, approaching, coming 4 n. f. / adj. 1527811214 باکره baakira virgin (female) 4 n. f. / adj. 1584738314029 چوله chóla, chóola crevice, crack (noun); gaping, wide-open (adjective) 2 n. f. / adj. 1527822335 داغمه daaghmá scrap, refuse, old 2 n. f. / adj. 1664794803312 فدا fidáa sacrifice, devoted, in love 4 n. f. / adj. 1527819126 ګازره gaazúra, gaazára carrot; carrot-like, orange 4 n. f. / adj. 1 1527821762 ګزشته gUzíshta past (noun), last (adj.) 4 n. f. / adj. 1527823347 حضوري hUzooree presence, attendance (noun); pertaining to court or royal matters (adj.) 3 n. f. / adj. 1527817759 انفعالي infi'aalee depression, depressed, grief, vexation, emotional difficulty, painful, unpleasant 3 n. f. / adj. 1527819627 جاسوسي jaasoosee spying, reconnaissance; pertaining to intelligence, reconnaissance 4 n. f. / adj. 1610449148158 کاسني kaasnée chicory; purple 4 n. f. / adj. 1566549441207 خاصه khaasa characteristic, nature, property; special, excellent, choice (w/ plural: nobels / upper class people) 3 n. f. / adj. خواص khawáas 1611415347864 منځپانګه mandzpáanga content, containing 4 n. f. / adj. 1579388443072 نارامي naaraamee uneasieness, unsettled, upset, violence 4 n. f. / adj. 1527818036 نېک مرغه nek murgha good luck, good fortune; lucky, fortunate 4 n. f. / adj. 1527812337 پادشاهي paadshaahee kingdom, monarchy, sultanate; kingly, royal, regal 4 n. f. / adj. 1527820376 پیانده pyáanda lock of hair; beautiful 4 n. f. / adj. 1527813904 رواني rawaanee smoothness, flow; fluent; continual 3 n. f. / adj. 1527818264 رضا rizáa will, pleasure; pleased (with), favorable (towards) 3 n. f. / adj. 1 1527821726 سبزه sabzá greens, grass; fuzz (on a youth’s face/chin); swarthy, dark-complexioned 4 n. f. / adj. 1527819584 ترجمه tarjUmá translation, translated 4 n. f. / adj. 1527813728 تساوي tasaawee equality, equal 4 n. f. / adj. 1527818280 ترکي tUrkee Turkish, Turkish language 4 n. f. / adj. 1527819051 وسپنه wúspuna iron 4 n. f. / adj. 1527823642 زېږنده zeGunda product; fertile 3 n. f. / adj. 1527818325 اېله elá fee; useless person, idle, vagrant; barely, just, scarcely, only, merely 4 n. f. / adj. / adv. 1595233763403 رسا rasáa, rusáa attaining, achieving; precise, exact; height? 4 n. f. / adj. / adv. 1591261999945 بوډۍ booDúy old person (female), senior, elderly, old 4 n. f. / adj. f. 1527818329 منتها mUntaháa extremity, end, maximum, utmost; only, the thing is, at least 2 n. f. / adv. 1527815242 سبا sabaa tomorrow, morning 4 n. f. / adv. 1527812904 مهرباني mihrabaanee thanks, favor, kindness, greatness 4 n. f. / interj. 1527814462 فلاح falaa happiness, well-being, prosperity; farmer 2 n. f. / n. m. 1527821514 سورلي swarlée ride, riding (horse riding, riding in a car etc); passenger, rider 4 n. f. / n. m. 1 1632858332297 عمه amá paternal aunt 4 n. f. anim. 1527812533 چرګه churga hen 4 n. f. anim. 1527814046 غرڅه ghurtsá deer, ibex 4 n. f. anim. 1663958263298 غرڅنۍ ghurtsanúy gazelle 4 n. f. anim. 1611400665973 غوایه ghwaaya cow 4 n. f. anim. 1527812423 حشره hashara insect 2 n. f. anim. حشرات hasharaat 1527812693 انجلۍ injulúy girl (improper spelling of نجلۍ) 4 n. f. anim. انجونې injoone 1527816361 کونډه koonDa, kwunDa widow 4 n. f. anim. 1582335316606 کویه kooyá moth 3 n. f. anim. 1663958479173 لنډۍ lanDúy snake, adder, lizard 4 n. f. anim. 1527812861 لور loor daughter 4 n. f. anim. لوڼې, لوریانې lóoNe, looryáane 1 1527812928 مور mor mother, mom 4 n. f. anim. میندې, میېندې máynde, myénde 1527815128 نرسه nars, nursa female nurse 3 n. f. anim. 1664029717573 ندرور ndróor, indróor sister-in-law (husband's sister) 4 n. f. anim. ندرېندې, ندرېندیانې ndrénde, ndrendiyaane 1527823521 نږور nGor daughter-in-law 4 n. f. anim. نږیندې nGaynde 1527813268 نجلۍ njulúy girl 4 n. f. anim. نجونې njóone 1582336957371 پیله peelá silkworm 2 n. f. anim. 1582336917769 پیله péela female elephant, cow-elephant (فیله) 3 n. f. anim. 1527815163 پیشو peeshó cat 4 n. f. anim. 1 1582336959996 پېله pelá silkworm 2 n. f. anim. 1582335440542 سپږۍ spuGúy aphid, plant louse 3 n. f. anim. 1527816397 ترور tror aunt 4 n. f. anim. تریندې traynde 1 1527816485 یور yor wife of husbands brother, wife of brother-in-law 4 n. f. anim. یوڼې yóoNe 1527816424 بي بي bee bee lady, princess, elder, grandmother 4 n. f. anim. / suff. 1527813236 هلي ځلي halee dzalee effort, efforts, working, labouring, uneasiness, worry 4 n. f. doub. 1527813238 هپه دپه hapa dapa effort, endeavour, zeal, diligence 2 n. f. doub. 1527820157 اله ستي alá stee rashly spoken word 2 n. f. pl. 1527812209 اتکړۍ atkaRúy handcuffs 2 n. f. pl. 1527816692 اینکې aynake glasses, spectacles 3 n. f. pl. 1588782318000 عینکې aynaké glasses, spectacles 4 n. f. pl. TRUE 1577650493851 چایې chaaye tea 4 n. f. pl. 1611065802811 چڼاسې chaNáase mold 3 n. f. pl. 1611065786626 چڼاسکې chaNáaske mold 4 n. f. pl. 1527817128 چیکړې cheekuRe mud, sludge, wet earth 4 n. f. pl. 1591438610665 چولې cholé beans 3 n. f. pl. 1617443087696 ډکې میچیازې Duke meechyáaze poop, poo, stool, fecal matter 4 n. f. pl. 1617442832012 ډکې میتیازې Duke meetyáaze poop, poo, stool, fecal matter 4 n. f. pl. 1617443150213 ډکې مچیازې Duke michyaaze, Duke muchyaaze poop, poo, stool, fecal matter 4 n. f. pl. 1617442880963 ډکې متیازې Duke mityaaze, Duke mutyaaze poop, poo, stool, fecal matter 4 n. f. pl. 1527820458 ډزې Duze gunshots, firing (pl. of ډز) 4 n. f. pl. 1527813840 ایرې eere ashes 4 n. f. pl. 1527813839 1527817366 غلبلې ghalbale cry of grief, lament, mourning, sorrow 2 n. f. pl. 1527817669 غلاوي ghláawee plural of غلا, robbery, theft 4 n. f. pl. 1527811832 غوړي ghwaRee fuel, oil, fats (plural) 3 n. f. pl. 1527812074 هډوپلې haDople sinew, bone and sinew (هډوکي او پلې) 2 n. f. pl. 1591803598624 هتکړۍ hatkaRúy handcuffs 4 n. f. pl. 1573667460938 جامې jaamé clothes, clothing (plural of جامه) 4 n. f. pl. 1 1527811572 جینکۍ jeenukúy girls (plural of جنۍ) 4 n. f. pl. 1527819682 کلدارې kaldáare Pakistani Rupees (used in some area of Afghanistan) 4 n. f. pl. 1527814583 خبرې اترې khabure atúre conversation (serious - as opposed to ګپ شپ), discussion, negotiation 4 n. f. pl. 1 1709421218326 خبرې اترې کول khabure atúre kawul to discuss, have conversation, negotion 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527814583 discuss 1 1617443098752 خړې میچیازې khuRe meechyáaze poop, poo, stool, fecal matter 4 n. f. pl. 1617442980046 خړې میتیازې khuRe meetyáaze poop, poo, stool, fecal matter 4 n. f. pl. 1617443156564 خړې مچیازې khuRe michyaaze, khuRe muchyaaze poop, poo, stool, fecal matter 4 n. f. pl. 1617442941831 خړې متیازې khuRe mityaaze, khuRe mutyaaze poop, poo, stool, fecal matter 3 n. f. pl. 1527817878 خویندې khwaynde sisters, plural of خور 4 n. f. pl. 1527823567 لاړې laaRe spit, saliva, slobber, slime 4 n. f. pl. 1527822275 لوښې looxe dishes, pots, pans 4 n. f. pl. 1527814420 مستې maste yogurt 4 n. f. pl. 1617443069174 میچیازې meechyaaze urine, pee, piss 4 n. f. pl. 1584887643784 میتیازې meetyaaze urine, pee, piss 4 n. f. pl. 1527821029 می may wine, alcoholic drink, anything intoxicating 4 n. f. pl. 1617443138210 مچیازې michyaaze, muchyaaze urine, pee, piss 3 n. f. pl. 1584887615474 متیازې mityaaze, mutyaaze urine, pee, piss 4 n. f. pl. 1527816898 موندنې moondune findings 3 n. f. pl. 1603260006697 نکریزې nakréeze henna 4 n. f. pl. 1527817877 ندریندې ndraynde sisters of the husband 2 n. f. pl. 1586551768568 نږندې nGánde daughter-in-laws (eastern plural of نږور) 4 n. f. pl. 1527823522 نږېندې nGende daughters-in-law (plural of نږور) 2 n. f. pl. 1527811408 نجونه njoona girls 3 n. f. pl. 1527819497 نجونې njoone girls 4 n. f. pl. 1527823570 نیاړې nyaaRe spit, saliva 2 n. f. pl. 1527815129 اوبه oobú water 4 n. f. pl. 1527819286 پاشتقې paashtáqe stairs, steps, staircase 2 n. f. pl. 1578329946219 پټاټې paTaaTe potatoes 3 n. f. pl. 1527816299 پیسې paysé money (plural of پېسې) 4 n. f. pl. 1 1566477113703 پوړۍ poRúy stairs 4 n. f. pl. 1626765107329 شرې sharé chickenpox, chicken pox, measles 4 n. f. pl. 1527815009 شیدې sheede milk (plural of شيده) 3 n. f. pl. 1670565507926 شلومبې shlombé, shloombé ayran, skim milk, sour milk 3 n. f. pl. 1527822131 شولې shole raw rice, unprocessed rice 4 n. f. pl. 1527815008 شودې shoodé milk 4 n. f. pl. 1670565515208 شړومبې shRombé, shRoombé ayran, skim milk, sour milk 3 n. f. pl. 1527822255 سپېدې spedé break of dawn, first light of day, sunrise 3 n. f. pl. 1662619402824 سپږې spuGe lice (plural of سپږه) 4 n. f. pl. 1584641442157 سوکۍ suwakúy, swukúy pimples, acne 2 n. f. pl. 1527819718 تسبیح tasbéeh Muslim prayer beads, praise 4 n. f. pl. 1 1527815675 تړومبې tRoombe warm butter-milk 4 n. f. pl. 1620042638389 څلور لارې tsalor láare crossing, crossroads (intersection) (usually plural) 3 n. f. pl. 1527822514 څڼې tsuNe locks, curls, ringlets; longish hair (for men) 4 n. f. pl. 1527815007 تروې turwé buttermilk 4 n. f. pl. 1617443081571 تشې میچیازې tushe meechyáaze urine, pee, piss 4 n. f. pl. 1617442805592 تشې میتیازې tushe meetyáaze urine, pee, piss 4 n. f. pl. 1617443144760 تشې مچیازې tushe michyaaze, tushe muchyaaze urine, pee, piss 4 n. f. pl. 1617442875309 تشې متیازې tushe mityaaze, tushe mutyaaze urine, pee, piss 4 n. f. pl. 1610621455052 والۍ waalúy earrings 4 n. f. pl. 1 1527822130 وریجې wreeje rice 4 n. f. pl. 1586551382412 وریژې wreejze rice 4 n. f. pl. 1623044522230 وژغنې wujzghúne goat's hair 2 n. f. pl. 1527823571 ښیالمې xyaalmé spit, saliva 1 n. f. pl. 1623044431478 زلفې zUlfé, zulfé hair, ringlets/locks of hair 4 n. f. pl. 1527823569 زیاړې zyaaRé spit, saliva 2 n. f. pl. 1527823600 مایع maayú', maayá, maayí liquid, fluids; flowing, pouring 4 n. f. pl. / adj. 1527814536 پۍ púy milk 4 n. f. pl. / n. m. pl. 1527816376 اخښی Ukhxay brother in law; sister's husband 3 n. m 1527822345 سرای saráay caravansary, inn, large house 4 n. m. carvansary 1527820453 ولد walád child, kid, son; (w/ plural ofspring, descendents, progeny) 4 n. m. child children اولاد awláad 1573149648251 وطن وال watan waal fellow country-man 4 n. m. fellow country-man fellow country-men 1582316802128 فوټ fooT foot (measurement) 4 n. m. foot feet 1610797797756 سای saay hollow, depression 2 n. m. hollow 1527822533 پیر peer holy person, spiritual mentor/guide (in Sufism) 4 n. m. holy person holy people 1527815251 سړی saRáy man 4 n. m. man men 1527811490 ذات zaat person; nature; breed; caste 3 n. m. person people 1 1527820199 عکس aks photo, photograph, snapshot; contrast, antithesis, opposition, contrary; reflection 3 n. m. photo photos 1527819345 پسه psu sheep, ram 4 n. m. sheep sheep پسونه pusoona 1586598425514 بوی booy smell 4 n. m. smell 1527816746 غاښ ghaax tooth 4 n. m. tooth teeth 1650696329398 للون lalóon weeding; speech, utterance 4 n. m. weeding 1527818255 لېوه lewú wolf, wild dog 4 n. m. wolf wolves لېوان lewáan 1527813739 عیش a'ysh pleasure, enjoyment of life, partying, revelling, debauchery 3 n. m. 1575073756109 آب aab water (Farsi - poetic); luster, brilliance; honor, respect, dignity, reputation 4 n. m. 1527818508 آب انبار aab ambaar reservoir, pool (of water) 3 n. m. 1527820284 آب باز aab báaz swimmer 4 n. m. 1527811203 عادت aadat habit, accustomed; period, menstruation 4 n. m. عادات aadáat 1527817726 عافیت aafiyat health, well-being 3 n. m. 1527822516 آفتابه لګن aaftaaba lagán pitcher and basin (for washing) 2 n. m. 1527821157 آهنګ aaháng melody, tune 3 n. m. 1527821759 آجر aajúr brick (baked in a kiln) 1 n. m. 1527812067 آجرپز aajurpaz bricklayer 1 n. m. 1527817692 آخرت aakhirát afterlife, life after death, eternity 4 n. m. 1527813706 آخور aakhor manger, stall, stable 4 n. m. 1527821798 آکسیجن aakseeján oxygen 4 n. m. 1527821799 آکسیژن aakseejzán oxygen 4 n. m. 1527812155 آل aal children, posterity (Arabic) 1 n. m. 1527812999 عالم aalam world, universe, cosmos 3 n. m. 1527814921 آلت aalat instrument, tool 4 n. m. آلات aalaat 1588787670191 الت aalat instrument, tool 3 n. m. الات aalaat 1527812998 عالم aalim learned, scholar, scientist 4 n. m. 1527812431 آم aam mango 4 n. m. 1527812397 آمد aamad coming, arrival; income 3 n. m. 1527814926 عامل aamil reason, factor; agent, means 3 n. m. عوامل awaamil 1527820022 آمر aamír chief, boss, head of staff, manager, employer 3 n. m. 1527819676 آن aan moment, instant 4 n. m. 1622020871410 ان aan moment, instant (آن) 4 n. m. 1582337038316 آنټن aanTan antenna 4 n. m. 1662620371848 عاقبت aaqibát outcome, consequence, end result, aftereffect 2 n. m. عواقب awaaqib 1527818735 آر aar foundation, basis 1 n. m. 1627302280389 آرایش aaraayish make-up, jewelry, embellishment, adornment, garnish n. m. 1527813566 آرن aaran horn (of a vehicle) 4 n. m. 1527820162 آرن aaran bugle, horn 4 n. m. 1527820487 عاریت aariyát temporary use of a thing; rent, hire 2 n. m. 1527821326 آرمال aarmáal real friend 1 n. m. 1527814154 آرمل aarmal real friend 1 n. m. 1527813479 آرشیف aarsheef archive 3 n. m. 1527820238 آس aas horse 4 n. m. 1588785707452 اس aas horse 4 n. m. 1527820241 آسبون aasbóon horse tender, jockey 4 n. m. 1527812432 آسمان aasmaan sky, heaven 4 n. m. 1527818415 آتش فشان غر aatash fishaan ghar volcano 4 n. m. 1527817867 آتش بس aatish bas ceasefire (from Farsi) 3 n. m. 1527821687 آتش بس aatish bás ceasefire (اوربند) 3 n. m. 1527821544 آتشفشان aatishfisháan volcano 2 n. m. 1595517679072 آواره ګرد aawaara gard wanderer, vagabond 4 n. m. 1527812434 آواز aawaaz sound, voice 4 n. m. 1527812171 آیین aayeen rite, ceremony; legal code, regulations 4 n. m. 1527817218 عاید aayid income, receiving, revenue 3 n. m. عواید awaayid 1527821525 آزار aazaar offence, offense, injury; illness, disease 4 n. m. 1527818050 ابد abad eternity 4 n. m. 1602179717905 ابجد abjád Abjad, the Arabic system with numbers assigned to letters in the alphabet 4 n. m. 1527812246 ابوس aboos howitzer, short cannon 4 n. m. 1527818198 ابر abr cloud, storm cloud 4 n. m. 1527821442 ابرو abroo eyebrow (pl. ابروان); dignity, honour 4 n. m. 1527821872 ابرو abroo dignity, honor; eyebrow 4 n. m. 1527816315 اداب adaab manners, etiquette 4 n. m. 1527814223 اداکار adaakáar actor, performer 4 n. m. anim. unisex 1702628755733 اداکاري کول adaakaarée kawul to act, be an actor, to perform, to be a performer 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1702628774460 act 1 1702628774460 اداکاري adaakaarée acting, performing 4 n. f. 1527812438 عدالت adaalát justice 4 n. m. 1 1577556142104 ادات adaat instrument, tool, device, apparatus; particle (grammar) 3 n. m. ادوات adwáat 1527816314 ادب adab literature; politeness, courtesy, nicety 4 n. m. ادبیات adabiyáat 1527822247 عدد adád number, quantity of 2 n. m. 1527814824 اډک aDak leap-frog (the game) 1 n. m. 1527823741 عدم بلدیت adam baladiyat lack of knowledge about something, unfamiliarity with something 2 n. m. 1527822064 عدم اطاعت adam itaa'át disobedience, insubordination 2 n. m. 1527811208 ادم کش adam kUsh killer, murderer 4 n. m. 1527814131 عدم مداخلت adam mUdaakhalat non-interference 3 n. m. 1527821124 عدم رضایت adam rizaayat displeasure, lack of consent, discontent, dissatisfaction 3 n. m. 1527820960 عدم تثبیت adam tasbéet instability 2 n. m. 1527813257 عدم توافق adam tawaafÚq disagreement, lack of accord or unity 3 n. m. 1527822327 عدم تشدد adam-i-tashadÚd non-violence (the philosophy) 3 n. m. 1527813228 عدن adan Eden (the garden/paradise) (Arabic) 4 n. m. 1527822472 عدس adás lentil 1 n. m. 1574783275463 ادیب adéeb a writer, a man of literature 4 n. m. 1573658287586 ادوم adóom thigh, leg 1 n. m. 1527819165 ادرک adrák ginger 4 n. m. 1577820008299 ادرس adrás address 4 n. m. 1527814660 عدل adul, adl justice, equity, equality 3 n. m. 1527818683 عدم صلاحیت adum salaahiyát incompetence 3 n. m. 1527816625 افت afát disaster 4 n. m. 1 1527812439 افغانستان afghaanistáan Afghanistan 4 n. m. 1 1571524468998 عفونت afoonát infection 2 n. m. 1527817382 افسوس afsos alas, sadness, pity, expression of pity, regret, too bad! 3 n. m. 1527820160 افزار afzaar tool, instrument, implement 3 n. m. 1527818935 افضل afzál most virtuous, best, excellent 4 n. m. 1573656280631 اګل agál (drainage) ditch 2 n. m. 1527819456 اګست agast August 4 n. m. 1527816143 اغېړ agheR nausea, illness, indigestion, dyspepsia 4 n. m. 1527813418 اغېز aghez influence, effect, affect, action 3 n. m. 1527820597 اغیار aghiyáar outsider, stranger, foreigner, enemy ?? 3 n. m. 1589024428688 اغزی aghzáy see ازغی 4 n. m. 1527816073 اهمیت ahammiyat, ahmiyat importance, significance 4 n. m. 1527821156 اهنګ aháng pitch, tone 4 n. m. 1527820512 عهد ahd promise, obligation, assurance, treaty, covenant 4 n. m. 1527819926 اهنګر ahingár black smith, smith 4 n. m. 1527822546 اهلیت ahliyát professional qualification; specialty; ability 4 n. m. 1527813782 احساس ihsáas, ahsaas feeling, sensation, emotion 4 n. m. 1 1527813781 احساسات ahsaasaat emotions, feelings 4 n. m. 1527822002 اجل ajál end of life, time of death; limit; fate, destiny 4 n. m. 1566467976327 اجړ ajáR a monkey trainer who does tricks with a monkey; monkey owner 1 n. m. 1527819537 اجنبیت ajnabiyat foreignness, the condition of being foreign, alien 3 n. m. 1527812443 اجر ajur reward, retribution 4 n. m. 1670424992090 اژانس ajzáans agency (as in news agency) n. m. 1527821817 اکا akáa uncle (paternal) 4 n. m. 1527818778 اکر akár case, circumstance, condition, state, manner 3 n. m. 1527818779 اکر بکر akár bakár condition, situation 3 n. m. 1527818780 اکر وکر akár wakár identity 3 n. m. 1571692997104 اخ او ډوب akh aw Doob fighting, skirmish 4 n. m. 1527822233 اخ ټوخ akh Tookh cough, clearing of throat 4 n. m. 1587319411355 اخ و ډب akh-U-Dáb skirmish, clash, battle 4 n. m. 1587319394825 اخ و ټوخ akh-U-Tóokh cough, clearing the throat 4 n. m. 1527816213 اخبار akhbaar newspaper, news, information 4 n. m. 1586448908888 اخګر akhgár coal, spark, hot ash 1 n. m. 1527813762 اخلاق akhlaaq morals, morality, character, ethics 4 n. m. 1576950523306 اخور akhór trough, stall, manger 4 n. m. 1527821300 اخطار akhtáar warning, reprimand, admonishment 4 n. m. 1527816139 اختر akhtár holiday, festival, Eid 4 n. m. 1 1527816481 اخښی akhxay brother in law; sister's husband 3 n. m. 1527815933 اخذ akhz, ákhuz taking, reception, recruitment, collection 3 n. m. 1708618662167 اخذ کول ákhuz kawul to conclude, receive v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527815933 1 1588075624988 اکوړ akoR walnut 4 n. m. اکوړان akoRaan 1527819073 اکرب توب akrab tob poverty 4 n. m. 1527812215 عکس العمل aks Ulamal reaction, reflex 3 n. m. 1527811635 اکثریت aksariyat majority 4 n. m. 1594813303269 اکتوبر aktobar October (month) 4 n. m. 1527820159 اله څیک ala tséek thawed patch 3 n. m. 1527821776 علاقه بند alaaqa bánd gold-lace maker, braid maker 2 n. m. 1527816230 علم alam banner, standard (w/ plural: notification, information, news, announcement) 3 n. m. اعلام alaam 1527813906 الکول alkol alcohol 4 n. m. 1527817789 الله allah Allah, the Arabic name for God 4 n. m. true 1527823703 الماس almaas diamond (sing. and plural); small scissors, clippers 4 n. m. 1527820648 الو aloo potato 4 n. m. الوګان aloogáan 1527819596 الواک alwaak view, sight, theory, opinion 2 n. m. 1527816144 امان amaan security, calm; mercy, pardon, amnesty 4 n. m. 1527812141 امانت amaanát honesty, decency, conscientiousness; trust, deposit, something left with someone in trust, something loaned 4 n. m. 1 1585219039302 امار amáar number, count 4 n. m. 1527811991 امل amal aim, goal, end, purpose; reason, basis 4 n. m. 1527813805 عمل amal act, deed/work (often religious), action; labor; behavior, habit, addiction 4 n. m. اعمال a'maal 1527814680 امن aman security, peace, safety 4 n. m. 1527817178 امبار ambaar barn, heap, storehouse, haystack; sewage, manure, fertilizer 4 n. m. 1586346832339 انبار ambáar barn, heap, storehouse, haystack; sewage, manure, fertilizer 4 n. m. 1 1588758350882 امبولانس amboolaans ambulance 4 n. m. 1527816145 امېل amél necklace, garland, wreath 4 n. m. 1527814678 امنیت amniyat security, safety 4 n. m. 1527813695 امپراتور amparaator emperor 4 n. m. 1588696880300 امرود amróod pear, guava 4 n. m. 1527823475 امروت amróot guava 4 n. m. 1588696931518 امروت amróot pear, guava 4 n. m. 1527823474 امرت amrÚt guava 4 n. m. 1527812363 امر amur matter, affair 4 n. m. 1527818685 امر ámur, amr order, instruction, command, imperitive (grammar) 4 n. m. اوامر awaamur 1527819913 انافلس anáafilis anapheles mosquito, marsh mosquito, malarial mosquito 4 n. m. 1584517598388 اناناس anaannaas pineapple 4 n. m. 1527820854 انار anaar pomegranate 4 n. m. 1527816419 اناوالی anaawaalay the position of a grandmother, grandmotherliness 4 n. m. 1527822495 اننګ anáng pomegranate; cheek 4 n. m. 1527822497 اننګی anangáy cheek 4 n. m. 1527812452 اند and opinion, thought, view 4 n. m. 1527820813 انداخت andáakht shooting, firing 4 n. m. 1527811803 اندام andaam limb, extremity; organ; figure; member 4 n. m. 1527820751 انداز andaaz size, style, manner 4 n. m. 1527815893 انډت anDat fart (slang) 3 n. m. 1527815894 انډز anDaz fart (slang) 3 n. m. 1527814157 انډیوال anDeewaal friend, companion, comrade, partner 4 n. m. 1671708387217 انډیوالیزم anDeewaaléezum playing favorites with friends in politics etc. n. m. 1631018117674 انډی anDáy hernia 4 n. m. 1527812453 انځور andzoor picture, painting, image 4 n. m. 1527820625 انځورګر andzoorgur painter, drawer (artist) 4 n. m. 1527822855 انګار angáar embers, cinder, brand, brazier, metal dish holding burning coals 4 n. m. 1527813765 انګړ angáR yard, court; fence 4 n. m. 1 1527822498 انګی angay cheek; sneezing sneeze 3 n. m. 1527818947 انګی angáy cheek; sneezing, sneeze 3 n. m. 1527817473 انګوري باغ angooree baagh vineyard 4 n. m. 1527813349 انګشت angusht finger 4 n. m. 1527823432 انجام anjáam end, conclusion, outcome 4 n. m. 1 1527815077 انجمن anjUman society, organization, committee, commission, meeting 3 n. m. 1527818945 انټوسی anTósay sneezing, sneeze 4 n. m. 1527822496 اننګ anúng the span of a hand, the distance between the little finger and thumb 3 n. m. 1527814621 اپین apeen opium 4 n. m. 1594814456427 اپریل apréel April (month) 4 n. m. 1578344491652 اپرېشن apureshun operation (medical) 4 n. m. 1527811632 اقلیت aqaliyat, aqalliyat minority 4 n. m. 1527814111 عقل áqul mind, reason, intellect, intelligence 4 n. m. 1 1527821381 اره کش ara kash sawyer, woodcutter 4 n. m. 1527820278 ارامښت araamuxt rest, relaxation, repose 3 n. m. 1675274840307 عربستان arabistáan Arabia n. m. 1527816379 اړنګ aRang doubt, suspicion, hesitation, anxiety, worry, misgiving, question 3 n. m. 1527823250 عرض aráz symptom, chance, external characteristic 3 n. m. 1588161171520 اردلی ardalay lackey, servant; trooper 4 n. m. 1527811951 اریک شریک areek shareek blood feud, tribal feud 1 n. m. 1630842902084 اړیکی aRéekay relationship, relationship 4 n. m. 1527818301 ارګ arg palace, castle, citadel, mansion 4 n. m. 1527818487 ارږمی arGamáy yawn, gape (maybe also burping?) 4 n. m. 1527817534 ارغنون arghanóon organ (musical instrument) 2 n. m. 1527820898 ارغنون arghanóon organ (musical instrument) 2 n. m. 1527817535 ارغون arghóon organ (musical instrument) 2 n. m. 1527819020 ارهټ arháT well with a wheel turned by animals for irrigation 4 n. m. 1572991587995 اړمن aRimán Ahriman, Ariman (from Zoroastrianism) (a demon, evil, destructive spirit) 3 n. m. 1585741867365 اړکېده aRkedu hinderance, delay 3 n. m. 1527814222 اړخ aRkh, aRukh side 3 n. m. 1 1527815811 ارمان armaan wish, desire, longing 4 n. m. 1 1701636666357 ارمان کول armáan kawul to wish, desire, long for v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527815811 wish, wishes, wishing, wished 1527814325 ارمغان armaghaan gift, present, souvenir 4 n. m. 1611401194922 عرش arsh the heavens, firmament, skies 4 n. m. 1574809204482 ارتاو artaaw a throw, toss, shot 4 n. m. 1573659054031 ارتوالی artwáalay, aratwáalay width, spaciousness 4 n. m. 1527812955 اروا پوه arwaa poh psychological, psychologist 4 n. m. 1527821827 اړونج aRwánj basis, foundation; leg (of a furniture piece), supporting member 3 n. m. 1527814311 ارز arz foreign currency 1 n. m. 1527819522 ارض arz earth, land 3 n. m. اراضي araazée 1527823251 عرض arz width, breadth, latitude 3 n. m. 1527823252 عرض arz report, petition, request (عرض مې دا دی چې - “What I’m trying to say is”) 4 n. m. 1527814308 ارزښت arzuxt value, worth 4 n. m. 1527818027 اسانتوب asaantob ease, facility, easiness 4 n. m. 1527811702 اساس asaas foundation, basis, base 4 n. m. 1527813121 اساسي قانون asaasee qaanoon constitution 4 n. m. 1678173256701 اساطیر asaateer mythology n. m. 1527813010 عصب asab nerve 3 n. m. عصاب asáab 1527818688 اسف asáf regret 1 n. m. 1527815870 اثر asár influence, impression, tracks, affect; work (as in a piece of art) 4 n. m. اثرات, آثار asráat, aasáar 1 1527819312 اسید aseed acid 4 n. m. 1527820006 اسیر aséer captive (ie. prisoner of war د جګرې اسير) 3 n. m. اسرا Usaráa 1650696695083 اشر ashár a task done collectively the community to help a community memeber; help, assistance 4 n. m. 1650295396799 اشرف المخلوقات ashraf almakhlooqaat chief among created beings, a term used to describe the special place of humans in creation 4 n. m. 1527815657 اشتغ ashtagh dried apricot without pit 3 n. m. 1527814189 اشواګر ashwaagar discloser 2 n. m. 1527816937 عسکر askar soldier 4 n. m. عساکر asaakar 1527822841 اسمان asmaan sky, climate 4 n. m. 1568927535533 اسرار asraar secret 3 n. m. 1527817038 استازندوی astaazandoy missionary, representative, commissioner 3 n. m. 1527817817 استازیتوب astaazeetob representation 4 n. m. 1527817719 استغفار astaghfáar asking for forgiveness, pardon 4 n. m. 1527814224 استر astar liner, lining, inside liner; understudy, actor's subsitute, stunt-double 4 n. m. 1527816982 استوګنځی astogundzáy residence, dwelling; hostel, dormitory 3 n. m. 1527812459 عسل asul honey 3 n. m. 1527816244 عصر ásur, asr century, era, epoch 4 n. m. اعصار asaar 1527818489 اسوېلی aswélay yawn, sigh, deep breath, shivering 4 n. m. 1527815975 اطام ataam meal, food 2 n. m. 1527820147 اتڼ atáN the Atan, the Pashtun/Afghan national dance 4 n. m. 1527812055 اټکور aTkor putting a hot brick or something else on a sore spot 4 n. m. 1527812395 اټکل aTkul estimation, prediction, surmise, conjecture 4 n. m. 1527813428 عطر atur perfume, fragrance 4 n. m. 1527818948 اټسکی aTúskay sneezing, sneeze 2 n. m. 1527819820 اواخر awaakhír for the last time 4 n. m. 1675148914129 اواز awáaz voice, sound n. m. 1527821981 اوباش awbáash riff-raff, rabble; tramp, vagrant 4 n. m. 1527811787 اودس awdás ablution, ritual washing in Islam 4 n. m. 1 1527813869 اوګوټ awgoT boat, ship 1 n. m. 1527816679 اوج awj zenith, peak 3 n. m. 1675148867739 اولاد awláad child, offspring (Arabic plural of ولد but used in the singular) n. m. 1 1527815937 اوراق awraaq archive, office 4 n. m. 1527818899 اوسان awsáan feeling, presence of mind, self-control, bravery 3 n. m. 1617442358264 اوښتون awuxtóon revolution, process, reformation 3 n. m. 1527814110 اولیت awwaliyat priority, precedence 4 n. m. 1527816488 اوښی áwxay brother in law, wife's brother 4 n. m. 1 1610539642829 اوزار awzaar tool, device 4 n. m. 1527823346 ایت ayát verse (from a holy book) 4 n. m. ایات ayáat 1527811966 عیب a'yb disgrace, disgraceful, bad, wrong, stain 4 n. m. TRUE 1 1527811646 عینیت ayniyat identity, sameness, objectivity, objectiveness 1 n. m. TRUE 1527820467 ایرلنډ ayrlanD Ireland 4 n. m. 1527813786 عذاب azáab torture, torment, punishment, pain 4 n. m. 1527822558 اذان azáan Islamic call to prayer, Adhan 4 n. m. 1 1670766091712 عزاز azáaz honour, honor n. m. 1611394885857 عزازیل azaazéel Satan, the devil 4 n. m. 1527813897 ازل azal eternity without beginning 3 n. m. 1527813898 ازل لیک azal leek fate 4 n. m. 1527822404 عظمت azamát greatness, grandeur, magnificence 4 n. m. 1591468932636 عزیز azéez esteemed, dear, respected or beloved one 4 adj. / n. m. anim. unisex اعززا a'izzaa TRUE 1 1527811895 ازغکی azghakay prickle, thorn 2 n. m. 1527811890 ازغی azgháy thorn, prickle 4 n. m. 1527821394 ازغن تار azghun taar barbed wire 4 n. m. 1527820473 ازمایښت azmáayixt test, trial, temptation 3 n. m. 1 1527816066 ازمېښت azmext trial, testing, difficulty, temptation 4 n. m. 1527812466 عزم azum, azim determination 3 n. m. 1527819318 باعث baa'is cause, origin, reason for, motive; main idea, motif 4 n. m. 1577238075936 باب baab chapter, door 4 n. m. 1 1527816411 بابا baabaa father, grandfather (vocative or in child's speech) 4 n. m. 1527816409 باباجي baabaajee grandfather 4 n. m. 1576366854398 بابک baabúk Daddy, father, papa (term of endearment) 4 n. m. 1527816345 باد baad wind, air; swelling, rheumitism 4 n. m. 1 1527812468 بادام baadáam almond 4 n. m. 1 1527817253 بادار baadaar master, lord, landlord, sir, owner 4 n. m. 1591803682801 بادبان baadbáan sail 4 n. m. 1 1527815896 بادماتی baadmaatay fart; wind instruments 4 n. m. 1527812469 بادرنګ baadráng cucumber 4 n. m. 1 1527812329 بادشاه baadshaah king, padishah, ruler 4 n. m. 1527818372 بادیان baadyáan star anise, star aniseed 4 n. m. 1527816268 باغ baagh garden, orchard 4 n. m. 1527814631 باغدار baaghdaar gardener, owner of the garden 4 n. m. 1527821520 باغي baaghee rioter, insurrectionist, mutineer 4 n. m. 1527814632 باغوان baaghwaan gardener 4 n. m. 1527811386 باج baaj duty, tax, extortion 3 n. m. 1594833663311 باک baak fear, anxiety, unrest 4 n. m. 1527823341 بال baal ball (in sports) 4 n. m. 1 1527822602 بالاپوښ baalaapóx topcoat, overcoat 4 n. m. 1527812056 بالڼ baalaN fuel, dung brick, dung pattie; a kind of roast (meat) 3 n. m. 1527823328 بالر báalar bowler (in cricket) 4 n. m. anim. unisex 1 1527823329 بالېنګ baaleng bowling (in cricket) 4 n. m. 1527816277 بالښت baalíxt pillow 4 n. m. 1 1527816278 بالښتک baalixtak small pillow, cushion, packing, separator 4 n. m. 1566469737692 بالون baalóon balloon; gas cylinder etc. ? 4 n. m. 1527817293 بام baam roof 4 n. m. 1585400176934 بامبو baambóo bamboo; the buzzing of insects 4 n. m. 1527823234 باني baanee founder 4 n. m. 1527820046 بانګ baang crow (of a rooster etc.), cry, yell, shriek, call 4 n. m. 1 1527814849 بانجن baanjan eggplant 4 n. m. 1527820868 بانک baank bank (financial) 4 n. m. 1585400345357 باڼس baaNs bamboo 4 n. m. 1527812471 بار baar load, weight, burden; field, plain; once, one time 4 n. m. 1 1527814787 باران baaraan rain 4 n. m. 1671706311238 باریکی baareekáy intricacy, fine detail, nicety n. m. 1527822499 بارخو baarkhóo cheek 4 n. m. 1527823314 باټ baaT incitement, provocation, prompting, motivation, instigation 4 n. m. 1527815665 باطن baatin inside, inner (matters of the heart, the inside, as opposed to outward appearances) 4 n. m. 1527820432 باتور baatóor falcon, hawk 4 n. m. 1527811994 باور baawár belief, faith, trust, assurance, confidence, opinion, conviction; believing, trusting, assured, confident 4 n. m. 1 1703880687070 باور کول baawár kawul to belive, trust (په ...) 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527811994 believe 1527811995 باور لیک baawar leek recommendation letter 4 n. m. 1588785956288 بایسکل baaysakul bicycle, bike 4 n. m. 1610444405032 باز baaz a kind of hawk 4 n. m. 1 1527814625 بازار baazaar market, bazar 4 n. m. 1527823587 بازو baazóo arm; pole 4 n. m. بازوګان baazoogáan 1 1571692917547 ببر bábur loin 4 n. m. 1577298685334 بچ bach protection; busteded tire 4 n. m. 1527822531 بچه باز bacha baaz pedophile, pederast (with young boys) 4 n. m. 1527812405 بچت bachát saving, economizing, budget, profit 4 n. m. 1 1527812968 بد نیت bad niyat evil intention, bad intention 4 n. m. 1527821023 بډال baDaal haze, mist, twilight; wine, alcoholic drink, anything intoxicating 4 n. m. 1527812478 بدل badál exchange, return, reward, recompense, revenge; song 4 n. m. 1703678034408 بدل اخیستل badal akheestúl to take revenge 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527812478 1 1527811698 بدن badán body; trunk 4 n. m. 1 1527822612 بډبول توب baDbol tób truthfulness, righteousness 1 n. m. 1527814664 بدلون badlóon change, changing, transformation, alteration 4 n. m. 1 1527819330 بډوډی baDóoDay kidney 4 n. m. 1527819331 بډوګی baDóogay kidney 4 n. m. 1527821233 بډوکی baDookáy kidney (of a sheep or goat) 4 n. m. 1527821239 بډوری baDóoray kidney 4 n. m. 1527822112 بدرنګ badrang ugly 4 n. m. 1527820662 بګاښ والا bagaax waalaa mediator, arbitrator 3 n. m. 1527821828 بږی baGay spasm, convulsion, cramp 2 n. m. 1527820111 بغاوت baghaawát revolt, rebellion, uprising, insurrection 4 n. m. 1 1527817600 بغل baghál edge, side, curb; armpit 4 n. m. 1568411756930 بغری bagharáy pimp (swear word) 4 n. m. 1527823563 بغور baghóor, baghór cheek, jowl 2 n. m. 1527814014 بهار bahaar spring (season) 4 n. m. 1670563436631 بهار baháar spring (season) n. m. 1527814322 بهیر baheer process 4 n. m. 1595258515075 بحر bahr, báhar sea, ocean; syllable 4 n. m. ابحار abhaar 1527812020 بحث bahs discusion, talk, debate, argument 4 n. m. 1 1702925646809 بحث کول bahs kawul to discuss, debate, talk, argue 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527812020 discuss 1 1527822056 بک بکی bak bakáy chatterbox, gossip 3 n. m. 1527821748 بکاول bakaawál cook, chef 3 n. m. 1527822344 بکس baks, bákus case, purse, wallet, handbag, backpack 4 n. m. 1 1671208864885 بخیلتوب bakheeltób stinginess, lack of generosity, jealously n. m. 1566551947817 بخمل bakhmál velvet 4 n. m. 1527814327 بخشش bakhshísh, bakhshúsh gift, donation, grant, tip; forgiveness, pardon 4 n. m. 1 1527814885 بخت bakht fortune, luck, fate 4 n. m. 1610444222240 بخښاند bakhxaand forgiving, merciful, generous 3 n. m. 1527822343 بکس baks obsolete, insignificant; few, not many 4 n. m. 1578330145216 بلاغت balaaghát eloquence, oratory, (the study/art of) effective speaking/persuasion 4 n. m. 1527823740 بلدیت baladiyát knowledge or familiarity with something 4 n. m. 1527819277 بلوچستان balochistáan Balochistan 4 n. m. 1527819924 بلوغ baloogh, bUloogh maturity, ripeness, coming of age, after? puberty, manhood, womanhood 4 n. m. 1586962949365 بلتستان baltistaan Baltistan 4 n. m. 1527821345 بم bam bomb 4 n. m. 1 1527822578 بمبار bambáar bombardment, bombing 4 n. m. 1527811281 بڼ baN garden 4 n. m. 1527820902 بڼ سات baN sáat gardener 3 n. m. 1527820903 بڼ وال baN waal gardener 3 n. m. 1527812483 بند band joint, wrist; imprisonment, captivity; dam 4 n. m. 1 1527822071 بند و بست band-U-bást arrangement, organization, measure 4 n. m. 1 1703654319620 بندوبست bandoobást arrangement, organization, measure 4 n. m. 1 1527814391 بنداژ bandaajz bandage, dressing (for wounds); band (metal), binding; tire 4 n. m. 1527812484 بنډار banDaar gathering, get-together, gathering of people talking together 4 n. m. 1527820837 بندر bandár port, harbour; access, approach, pass (mountains); stopping place, parking place, centre for trade 3 n. m. 1527822328 بندړ bandáR word, speech, talk; alliance, agreement, treaty 2 n. m. 1527815031 بندي bandee prisoner, captive 4 n. m. 1527821192 بندیوان bandeewáan prisoner, captive, person under arrest 4 n. m. 1527814713 بندیز bandéez blockade, ban, sanction 3 n. m. 1 1527820355 بندوالی bandwáalay captivity, arrest, internment; jamming; stoppage; traffic 3 n. m. 1527820790 بنګله دېش bangla désh Bangladesh 4 n. m. 1594904072731 بنګړی bangRáy, bungRáy bangle, bracelet 4 n. m. 1 1594903886993 بنجاره banjaará haberdasher, someone who sells/trades little goods 4 n. m. 1527823393 برائت baraa'át acquittal, release, purity, innocence 4 n. m. 1527822426 برابرښت baraabarúxt equality, evenness 4 n. m. 1666181704533 برآمد baráamad, baráamid recover, confiscation 4 n. m. true 1672942193292 بربریت barabariyát barbarianism n. m. 1527812485 برکت barakát blessing 4 n. m. 1 1704702301410 برکت ورکول barakát warkawúl to bless v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527812485 bless 1 1527811862 بربنډتوب barbunDtob nudity, nakedness, bareness 4 n. m. 1527813926 بردشت bardasht patience, steadfastness, forbearance, tolerance 4 n. m. 1527811903 بری baráy success, victory 4 n. m. 1708738984792 بری موندل baráy moondúl to succeed, be victorious, win v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527811903 succeed 1 1527814368 برف کوچ barf koch avalanche 3 n. m. 1527823699 برف کوچ barf kóch avalanche, flood, shower 3 n. m. 1527822809 برګ barg leaf 4 n. m. 1527816326 برګړندی bargaRanday hugging, embracing 2 n. m. 1566469511561 برګشت bargásht return, turning 3 n. m. 1527816396 برګټی bargaTay stepson, son in law 3 n. m. 1527818234 برغاست barghaast affliction, sorrow, lament, calamity 2 n. m. 1527822629 برغولی barghólay lid, cover 4 n. m. 1527821099 برغوږی barghwáGay earring 2 n. m. 1527819265 برج barj thin tree bark, birch-bark, birch 1 n. m. 1527823296 برجو barjóo whetstone, touchstone, kidney stone; cheek 3 n. m. 1577299807060 برخه وال barkha wáal participant 4 n. m. 1527812234 برخاست bărkhaast closing, firing (from a job), removal 4 n. m. 1527812503 برخلیک bărkhleek fate 4 n. m. 1527817069 برخورد barkhord behaviour, bearing, conduct 4 n. m. 1527821690 برمه کار barma kaar driller, drill-operator 4 n. m. 1527820444 برمته barmatá hostage, captive 4 n. m. 1527816615 برق barq electricity, lightning 4 n. m. 1 1527817267 براعظم barriazam continent (Urdu) 4 n. m. true 1527817836 بړوا baRwaa pimp, profligate 4 n. m. 1527811849 بریالیتوب baryaaleetob success, victory 4 n. m. 1527817777 برزخ barzakh purgatory, a time or place in between someone’s death and the day of ressurection in Islam 4 n. m. 1527814502 برزو barzoo knitted wool jacket, cardigan 4 n. m. 1527816233 بصیرت baseerat vision, sight, foresight, knowledge 4 n. m. 1527812219 بشر bashar humanity, mankind, humankind; body, person (Arabic) 3 n. m. بشار basháar 1631221728435 بشردوستي bashardostee humanism, humaneness, humanitarianism, philanthropy 4 n. m. 1527822185 بست bast position (in an organization), post 4 n. m. 1527821335 بسته کار basta káar assembler, installer (of equipment) 4 n. m. 1527816597 بسوالی baswaalay sufficiency, to have enough or get by 3 n. m. 1527822191 بټ baT stove, oven, cooker 4 n. m. 1527823331 بټ baT bat (in cricket) 4 n. m. 1527823326 بټېنګ báTeng batting (in cricket) 4 n. m. 1527823332 بټسمن baTsman batsman (in cricket) 4 n. m. 1527821668 بڅری batsúray spark, speck, flicker 4 n. m. 1527821669 بڅرکی batsúrkay spark, speck, flicker (د واورې بڅرکي - snowflakes) 4 n. m. 1527814259 بیان bayáan description, statement, speaking, narration, sermon 4 n. m. بیانات bayaanaat 1 1527812487 بزار bazaar bazar, market 3 n. m. 1527814460 بزګر bazgar farmer, peasant 4 n. m. 1566648471322 بزم bazm celebration, banquet, feast, holiday, party, banquet 4 n. m. 1527821676 بې مغزه be mághza stupid, insubstantial, emasculated 4 n. m. 1527821961 بې نزاکت be nizaakát impoliteness, rudeness, lack of delicacy 2 n. m. 1527819706 بې سره والی be săra wáalay neglect 3 n. m. 1664116266197 بیم beem fear, aprehension, nervousness; flute, wind instrument; groove (architecture) 4 n. m. 1 1527821778 بین been flute 3 n. m. 1527821960 بیروبار beerobáar crowd, throng, lots of people out and around, mob, mass; commotion, turmoil, uproar 4 n. m. 1566468174927 بیزوګی beezogáy monkey, ape 4 n. m. 1576436286025 بېګار begáar forced labour, corvee, unpaid labour, drudgery, chore 3 n. m. 1527814114 بېخ bekh root, bottom 3 n. m. 1 1527814669 بېخبندی bekhbanday dead end, impasse, cul-de-sac 2 n. m. 1577378108931 بېل bel spade, shovel, scraper 4 n. m. 1 1527811640 بېلتون beltoon separation 4 n. m. بېلتانه beltaanú بېلتان beltaan 1527818364 بېلنی belúnay mint, peppermint, herbmint 3 n. m. 1527820688 بېپاري bepaaree client (purchaser) 4 n. m. 1593852277690 بېره berá servant, waiter 4 n. m. 1641844350762 بېرل béral barrel (as in oil barrel) 4 n. m. 1527818770 بېړنی اکر beRanáy akár emergency 4 n. m. 1527813402 بېرته تګ berta tug return 4 n. m. 1600076254673 بېواک غږ bewáak ghuG consonant 2 n. m. 1527821784 بین bayn midst 2 n. m. 1527821781 بین النحرین bayn Ulnahráyn Mesopotamia 2 n. m. 1527816877 بیرغ bayragh flag 3 n. m. 1527813630 بیت bayt couplet (poetry); house, family, Arabic prefix meaning "place of" 3 n. m. 1571607953805 بیت المال bayt Ulmáal treasury (Arabic) 4 n. m. 1566468170220 بېزوګی bezogáy monkey, ape 4 n. m. 1613547796586 بدعت bid'át innovation; heresy, falsehood added to a faith 4 n. m. 1527813225 بهشت bihish paradise 4 n. m. 1527821970 بن bin root, bottom, foundation 3 n. m. 1527817721 بشارت bishaarat good news (Arabic) (pashto: زېری) 4 n. m. 1527819114 بستر bistár bed, bed-roll, (fig. conditions favourable for something, pretext - بستر جوړول - to create a reason or pretext for something, pave the way for something) 4 n. m. 1527822812 بیابان biyaabáan desert, wasteland, wilderness 3 n. m. 1 1527819807 بوج boj burden, weight 3 n. m. 1 1582145082405 بوک bok hump (of a camel), protrusion, bulge 2 n. m. بوکه boka 1527812506 بوخت bokht busy, occupied 4 n. m. 1527820944 بود bood being, existence; exaction, proceeds, recovered/made (as in money from a sale), gain, attainment 3 n. m. 1527820950 بود bood the point (fig. of something, some idea), thought, idea; storehouse for hay (plastered in clay) 3 n. m. 1678173765979 بودایزم boodaa`eezum, boodaayizum Buddhism n. m. 1527817537 بوغو booghóo trombone 3 n. m. 1527823728 بوم boom owl 3 n. m. 1582316017189 بوم boom local, native 3 n. m. 1527821906 بورس boors brush, duster, scrub, paintbrush 4 n. m. 1624039195280 بورس boors scholarship 4 n. m. 1578013781877 بوتل bootál bottle 4 n. m. 1 1527817159 بوټی bóoTay plant 4 n. m. 1527821917 بورجل borjál dwelling place, abode 3 n. m. 1585400357083 بوش bosh bamboo 3 n. m. 1527820919 بوستان bostáan garden 2 n. m. 1527817171 بوټ boT, booT shoe, footwear 4 n. m. 1 1585400367621 بوښ box bamboo 4 n. m. 1527822616 بړاس bRaas vapour, steam, fumes 4 n. m. 1566647465726 برهمن brahman Brahmin (Hindu) 4 n. m. 1527821692 برم bram glory, honour, magnificence, power, strength 4 n. m. 1527820926 بړق bRaq loud laugh, guffaw 4 n. m. 1527821904 برش brush, brash brush, duster, scrub, paintbrush 4 n. m. 1 1707917398412 برش کول brush kawúl to brush, polish 4 v. dyn./stat. comp. trans. 1527821904 brush 1 1707917487922 برش کېدل brush kedúl to be brushed, polished 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527821904 be brushed 1527820899 برټ braT leech (literal and figurative), bloodsucking worm 2 n. m. 1527812508 برید breed attack, assault; limit, start, boundary 4 n. m. 1 1594813337900 بریتانیا breetaanyaa Great Britian, the UK 4 n. m. 1527819938 برېت bret a single hair of a moustache 4 n. m. 1527819413 برېښنالیک brexnaaleek e-mail 3 n. m. 1527812509 بریک brayk brake (automotive) 4 n. m. 1 1527818949 بړچ bRuch wrath, anger; sneeze, sneezing 4 n. m. 1623044357441 ببوتنکی bubootúnkay tuft, clump, shock of hair 2 n. m. 1527820806 بدایي bUdaayee Buddhist 4 n. m. 1527814353 بدکار budkáar adulterer, fornicator, sinner 4 n. m. 1 1527820654 بګاښ bugáax mediation, arbitration 3 n. m. 1591034228982 بغض bUghz grudge, hatred, wickedness 4 n. m. 1 1527814106 بحران bUhraan crisis 4 n. m. 1527813561 بهتان bUhtaan false accusation 4 n. m. 1527812514 بجاز bujaaz cloth merchant 4 n. m. 1527815620 بلغار bulghaar gentle breeze 3 n. m. 1527816393 بنځی bundzay stepson, son of one wife (under polygamy) 4 n. m. 1527812516 بنسټ bunsuT base, foundation 3 n. m. 1527816598 بنسټګر bunsuTgar founder 4 n. m. 1527811703 بنیاد bUnyáad foundation, basis, base 4 n. m. 1 1527812517 بنیان bunyaan knitted sweater, shirt, t-shirt 4 n. m. 1527816391 بنزی bunzay stepson 4 n. m. 1527822307 برد bUrd range, extent 4 n. m. 1527823706 برصغیر burisagheer sub-continent (Urdu) 2 n. m. 1527819266 برج bUrj tower 4 n. m. 1527821903 برس bUrs brush, duster, scrub, paintbrush 4 n. m. 1621205501572 بشقاب bUshqáab plate, dish 4 n. m. 1527811796 بت bUt idol, statue 4 n. m. بتان bUtáan 1 1527815897 بز buz fart (slang) 4 n. m. 1591026258946 بز buz goat 4 n. m. 1527820243 بیان byaan foal, young horse, colt 4 n. m. 1527811689 چاغښت chaaghuxt obesity, fatness 4 n. m. 1527822735 چاک chaak crack, split, hole, cut, slit, knick 3 n. m. 1 1527813464 چاکو chaakoo knife 4 n. m. 1527815748 چاکو chaakoo knife 4 n. m. 1591007400832 چال chaal movement, action; trick, deception 4 n. m. 1527813336 چان chaan bell; idiot, fool 4 n. m. 1527820342 چانس chaans chance, opportunity, luck ?? 4 n. m. 1527815073 چاپ chaap printing, publishing; mark; caliber (gun) 4 n. m. 1577650149871 چاپ chaap caliber (military) 2 n. m. 1527813819 چاپېریال chaaperyaal environment, surrounding, surroundings 4 n. m. 1527813463 چاقو chaaqoo knife 4 n. m. 1527812523 چارک chaarak a quarter of a seer (1 seer = 1.25kg) 3 n. m. 1527812351 چاردانګ chaardaang world, people, realm, kingdom, earth 3 n. m. 1664028420818 چارمغز chaarmághz walnut 4 n. m. چارمغزان chaarmaghzáan 1586956507612 چارتراش chaartraash beam, timber 4 n. m. 1527823244 چاود chaawd crack, split, cleft; explosion, burst 3 n. m. 1527812525 چای chaay tea 4 n. m. 1527822436 چایجوش chaayjósh tea-kettle 3 n. m. 1527812526 چاینک chaaynik teapot 4 n. m. 1584516314961 چغال chagháal jackal 3 n. m. 1589906499842 چغرو chaghróo eagle owl 2 n. m. 1527823003 چجکی chajakay see چجه 4 n. m. 1527821069 چکر chakár stroll, walk around, visit, trip 4 n. m. 1 1527817305 چکچک chakchak clap, clapping, applause 4 n. m. 1527821640 چکچکی chakchakay clapping, applause, bravo 3 n. m. 1527811409 چل chal method, way, thing, happening, trick, deceit, intrigue, cunning, motion 4 n. m. 1527811414 چل باز chal baaz cheater, cunning or deceitful person 4 n. m. 1673579637970 چل مل chal mal cheating, fraud 4 n. m. 1527813774 چلن chalan behaviour, style, coduct 4 n. m. 1527814072 چلند chaland treatment, dealing, behaviour, getting along, action 4 n. m. 1527811412 چلباز chalbaaz cheater, cunning or deceitful person 4 n. m. 1576101541861 چلش chalúsh c.f. چلښت 1 n. m. 1576101474744 چلښت chalúxt going along, behaviour, treatment, action (چلند) 3 n. m. 1527816667 چم cham cleverness, cunning, joke, trick; dew; behaviour, manner, antics; dew; neighbourhood, section 4 n. m. 1613997876546 چمن chamán grass, lawn 4 n. m. 1586625955916 چنبر chambár clavicle, fence, wall (of a house, castle), circle, rim, disk 2 n. m. 1527816668 چمګاونډ chamgaawanD neighbourhood, neighbourliness, vicinity 3 n. m. 1527821924 چمتو والی chamtoo waalay preparation, preparedness, readiness 4 n. m. 1590852421749 چمیار chamyáar cobbler 3 n. m. 1589465837017 چڼچڼ chaNchaN sparrow, small bird 4 n. m. چڼچڼ chaNchúN 1589465873028 چڼچڼک chaNchaNak little sparrow, small bird 4 n. m. 1527821065 چنډال chanDáal a man of lowly origins, trash collector, childless, unfortunate man 4 n. m. 1574786151608 چندڼ chandáN sandlewood (چندړ) 4 n. m. 1574786136242 چندړ chandáR sandlewood 4 n. m. 1527822808 چنی chanáy basin, bowl 3 n. m. 1646131778437 چنګ chang paw, hand, hand with fingers spead open; cupped hand, handful, hook 4 n. m. 1527819052 چنګک changák hook, grappling hook; tweezer; fishing rod and hook 4 n. m. 1585476174084 چڼکاو chaNkaaw sprinkling, spraying 3 n. m. 1527820624 چپاو chapáaw raid, foray; attack, invasion; plunder; haste 4 n. m. 1610444895752 چپل chapál, chapúl slipper 4 n. m. 1573151399199 چپرکټ chaparkáT bed, cot 3 n. m. 1527821096 چپراسي chapraasée servant, waiter, courier, deliveryman, messenger 4 n. m. 1527821097 چپړاسي chapRaasée servant, waiter, courier, deliveryman, messenger 4 n. m. 1527823373 چړ chaR sandbar, ford; crackling 3 n. m. 1589019624445 چر char, chur chirping, noise, chatter, nonsense 4 n. m. 1662099588546 چړاخ chaRaakh crack; gash, deep wound 4 n. m. 1527815503 چړاو chaRaaw massacre 3 n. m. 1589465787877 چرچڼ charcháN sparrow, small bird 4 n. m. چرچڼ charchúN 1527816654 چریک chareek guerrilla 4 n. m. 1644843172705 چړی chaRay servant in a mosque, a mullah's helper/assistant 4 n. m. 1527820525 چرم charm, cháram leather (څرمن) 3 n. m. 1527814236 چرسي charsee pot smoker, pothead, someone addicted to marijuana, pot, hash 4 n. m. 1566477319214 چړتون chaRtóon sheath, scabbard 3 n. m. 1527822092 چت chat roof, ceiling, awning, deck 4 n. m. 1 1527823014 چټ chaT unmarried (man); hare 3 n. m. 1527821602 چټکتوب chaTaktób speed, quickness 4 n. m. 1568411561165 چټیات chaTiyáat nonsense, foolishness 4 n. m. 1527811231 چټکی chaTkay swearing, insult, swearing or harsh language 4 n. m. 1593074212130 چټو chaTóo pestle (mortar) 4 n. m. 1527823304 چتر chátur umbrella, sunshade, parasol 4 n. m. 1527818911 چو chaw crack, split, fissure, shallow ditch, trench 1 n. m. 1527814650 چوک chawk something well or bravely done 1 n. m. 1527820735 چوکاټ chokáaT, chawkáaT framework, outline, scheme 4 n. m. 1 1527819778 چول chawul to detonate, blast, make explode; to burst, crack, split 4 n. m. چاوه chaawu 1566477315401 چښتون chaxtóon sheath, scabbard 1 n. m. 1626764897952 چیچک cheechák smallpox, variola; chickenpox, chicken pox 4 n. m. 1 1527811498 چیچی cheechay fledgling, chick, young (of animals) 2 n. m. 1527812529 چین cheen China 4 n. m. 1 1527821717 چین cheen picking, harvesting 1 n. m. 1 1527818561 چیني دان cheenee daan sugar bowl 3 n. m. 1527822357 چینجی cheenjáy worm, small insect 4 n. m. 1527821979 چیړ cheeR sticky substance, gum, pitch 3 n. m. 1527816653 چیرک cheerak footpath, trail, pathway 1 n. m. 1527818164 چیښن cheexún drink, drinking 2 n. m. 1675435435367 چېنل chenál channel n. m. 1 1527811354 چل چراغ chil chiraagh chandelier 2 n. m. 1576597327529 چلتار chiltáar keiffiyeh, Arabic scarf/headdress 3 n. m. 1527822005 چلم chilúm water pipe, sheesha, nargile 4 n. m. 1527819866 چنار chinaar poplar (tree) 4 n. m. 1527822356 چنجی chinjáy worm, small insect 4 n. m. 1527811352 چراغ chiraagh lamp, candle, illumination 4 n. m. 1527820565 چراغک chiraaghák small lamp; glow-worm; firefly 4 n. m. 1527820749 چرټ chiráT cigar 1 n. m. 1594219809713 چرټ chiráT cigar 2 n. m. 1527814649 چوک chok market square, crossroads, paved area in front of entrance 4 n. m. 1593074126749 چومبی chombáy pestle 2 n. m. 1566469372831 چوف choof blow, puff of air 3 n. m. 1527814651 چوک chook reduction, alleviation, suppression 1 n. m. 1577812817019 چوخ chookh flick; pricking, piercing, the act of making little holes 4 n. m. 1527813158 چوخل chookhul skating, ice skating, roller skating; skis, ice skates 2 n. m. 1527811439 چوڼ chooN fold, pleat, wrinkle, layer, sheet, pin, pivot 3 n. m. 1578006003319 چونګ choong peep, immature; handful, share, part 2 n. m. 1527816563 چوړ chooR pin, hinge 1 n. m. 1527817767 چور choor powder, sawdust, small bit(s); tortured, suffering; robbery, raid; sharp stone (for slaughtering cattle) 1 n. m. 1662099532322 چوړاخ chooRáakh crack; gash, deep wound 2 n. m. 1578344461972 چورت choort reflection, thought, contemplation, worrying 4 n. m. 1527820380 چوړک chooRúk lock, bolt, bar 1 n. m. 1527819518 چوپان chopaan shepherd 3 n. m. 1527812087 چوپړ chopaR service, toil 3 n. m. 1527822978 چوړی choRáy sweeper 4 n. m. 1610793596675 چوتی chotáy femoral ligament; rope for tying packs to a camel; swimming trunks, underwear 2 n. m. 1527816651 چړک chRak fountain, splash, water shoot, crackling, latch (door) 4 n. m. 1527821153 چرک chruk mud, dirt; stitches; sharp pain in the side 3 n. m. 1590053752911 چغهار chughuháar creaking (doors, wheels etc.), outcry, noise 4 n. m. 1527818558 چغندر chUghUndár beet 3 n. m. 1527818165 چکاک chukáak drink, beverage 3 n. m. 1662620107896 چنګ chUng moaning, moan 4 n. m. 1527819853 چنګاښ chUngáax crab, crayfish 2 n. m. 1527823374 چړ chuR hinge, crack, split; shaft of a lance/spear 3 n. m. 1589019691384 چر chUr resevoir, basin 2 n. m. چران chUraan 1610443740518 چربانګ churbaang rooster crow; sunrise, dawn (چرګ بانګ) 4 n. m. 1527820044 چرګ بانګ churg baang rooster crow; morn, sunrise; white robe worn by priests 4 n. m. 1527820045 چرګ خالی churg khaalay hen house, coop 3 n. m. 1576436019811 چرګوړی churgóoRay chick 4 n. m. 1 1527819605 چرت churt stream (of water), sound of spitting 4 n. m. 1527819606 چرت chUrt reflection, thought, contemplation, worrying 4 n. m. 1527814652 چوک chUwak staff for measuring the water level in an irrigation well 2 n. m. 1527821786 دعوت da'wát invitation, religious invitation proslytizing; party, banquet 4 n. m. 1527814330 داد daad the act of giving a gift, grant, appreciation; cry, wail, scream, clamour 3 n. m. 1527814331 ډاډ DaaD assurance, comfort, calming 4 n. m. 1 1623860194759 ډاګ Daag desert, wasteland, arid plain 4 n. m. 1527814204 داغ daagh stain, scar, spot, brand 4 n. m. 1 1527817410 دال daal daal, dhal, bean, lentil, lentils 4 n. m. 1527818486 ډال Daal armour plate, shield 4 n. m. 1527822435 دالان daaláan lounge, hall, vestibule; corridor, covered passageway; veranda 3 n. m. 1527820550 ډالفین Daalféen dolphin 3 n. m. 1527812538 ډالر Daalur dollar 4 n. m. 1527814364 دام daam trap, snare 4 n. m. 1527813983 دامان daamaan skirt, hem of a skirt; foot (of a hill or mountain); valley; summer pastures; proper name for Daman mountain area 3 n. m. 1527814576 ډانګ Daang club, mace, staff 3 n. m. 1527814872 دانګ daang jump, leap, bound 4 n. m. 1588161660483 ډانګوری Daangooráy crutch, walking-stick, cane 3 n. m. 1 1527812540 ډار Daar fear, terror 3 n. m. 1527818212 دار daar stake, picket, pillar, gallows, gibbet 4 n. m. 1586600985225 دار العلوم daar Ul'Uloom academy, religious academy 3 n. m. 1527818267 داړه مار daaRa máar bandit, robber, raider 4 n. m. 1527820080 داړه مار daaRa máar bandit, gangster 4 n. m. 1527821760 داش daash oven, kiln 3 n. m. 1527813311 داستان daastaan tale, legend, story, fairy tale 4 n. m. 1527820343 داوطلب daawtaláb volunteer; aspirant, claimant, pretender; bidder (in an auction); instigator (of war), war-monger 3 n. m. 1527819514 دای daay tier, row, foundation (masonry etc.) 1 n. m. 1527819437 ډب Dab pit, hole; puddle, stagnant water; dam, impounding, delay; crash, hit, blow, loss 2 n. m. 1588787007390 ډب Dab force, strength, power; shape, form; conduct, behaviour 4 n. m. 1527821304 ډباو Dabáaw pressure (from Urdu) 0 n. m. 1527813433 دبلی dablay box, jar, pot, can 3 n. m. 1527819649 دد dad wild animal, beast 1 n. m. 1527816286 ډډی DaDáy a dummy calf placed next to a cow that just lost it's calf; pillow 3 n. m. 1527819726 ډډتوب DaDtób inflation, swelling, puffiness, bulge; sulkiness, bad mood, grumpiness; bile, spleen 4 n. m. 1527821110 ډډوښی DaDwuxáy a kind of earring 2 n. m. 1568411269032 دف daf small tambourine 1 n. m. 1527811285 دفتر daftar office, bureau; book, journal, ledger; hereditary land 4 n. m. دفاتر dafaatír 1527811431 دفن dafun burial 3 n. m. 1588784591138 ډګرمن Dagarmán lieuntenant, colonel 4 n. m. 1588784686766 ډګروال Dagarwáal lieuntenant, colonel 4 n. m. 1527816993 دهلېز dahlez hall, lobby; way, route 3 n. m. 1527818009 دهشت dahshát terror, terrorism 4 n. m. 1527812346 دهر dahur world, people, realm, kingdom, earth; nature, temperament 3 n. m. 1527823233 دجال dajáal Antichrist 4 n. m. 1527817409 دل dal grouts, bean porridge; loss, ruin 3 n. m. 1588785229742 ډل Dal group, detachment 4 n. m. 1588785323196 ډل Dal shovel for digging irrigation ditches or mounding flower beds etc. 2 n. m. 1527822549 دلالت dălaalát evidence, proof, reason, argument, indication, implication, symbolization 4 n. m. 1527816111 دلیل daléel reason; argument, proof 4 n. m. دلایل dalaayl 1 1702925714567 دلیل ورکول daléel warkawúl to argue, reason 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527816111 1 1588785355126 ډلګی Dalgáy diminutive of ډل, fragment, little piece, the smallest unit/grouping in the military 2 n. m. 1568411787898 دلال dalláal brokerer, middle-man, commision agent, pimp 4 n. m. 1527820584 دلو dalw pail, bucket; Aquarius (astronomy) 3 n. m. 1527812979 ډم Dam pond, puddle, the sound of a drum 4 n. m. 1 1527815953 دم dam exhalation, breathing, breath; a magical charm given by a holy person for healing, magic, etc.; instant, moment; fraud, trickery; steam; bellows 3 n. m. 1 1527815964 دم ساز dam saaz harmony, agreement, close friend, confidant 3 n. m. 1527815950 دمګر damgur sorcerer, exorcist 3 n. m. 1527812084 ډنډ DanD pond, puddle, pool; fertile, green valley, shimmering 4 n. m. 1586358323443 ډنګ و ډنګ Dang-U-DÚng sounds of music and singing 3 n. m. 1527821234 دنګو dangóo boiled beans 2 n. m. 1527820757 ډنمارک Danmaark Denmark 4 n. m. 1527818522 ډپ Dap puddle, pool; loss; conceit 4 n. m. 1527814242 درک darak address, sign, track, trace, knowledge, understood, clear 3 n. m. 1585219862807 درمسال daramsáal gurdwara, sikh temple 4 n. m. 1527817746 دربار dărbáar court, the presence (of God or a king) 4 n. m. 1 1595258181697 درباري darbaarée courtier, person in a (King's) court 4 n. m. 1527814170 درد dărd pain, ache, hurt 4 n. m. 1 1584885646062 دردېدلی dărdedúlay pained, having expereinced grief or pain 3 n. m. 1527815850 دریځ dareedz point of view, position, stand; pulpit, stage; status 3 n. m. 1527811298 درېغ daregh, dregh regret, sigh of regret; refusal, renouncing, declining 3 n. m. 1527819045 دړی daRáy drop, liquid measure 3 n. m. 1527817387 درغلی darghalay swindler, deceiver, fraud 3 n. m. 1527814243 درک dark address, sign, track, trace, knowledge, understood, clear 3 n. m. 1527821390 درمان darmaan medicine, medication, remedy 3 n. m. 1527813422 درمل darmal medicine, medication 4 n. m. 1527821874 درملتون darmaltóon pharmacy 4 n. m. 1 1527820700 درملنځی darmalundzay place of treatment, medical center 4 n. m. 1527816714 درمن darmun wheat being threshed 4 n. m. 1527812557 درس dărs lesson 4 n. m. 1527819603 درشل durshál, dărshál threshold, jamb (of a door) 4 n. m. 1 1527816248 درخت darukht tree 3 n. m. 1585410868391 دروان darwáan doorman, doorkeeper 3 n. m. 1585410872266 دروانچي darwaanchee doorman, doorkeeper 4 n. m. 1617441986561 دروازه وان darwaaza waan doorman, door-keeper, goalie, goal-keeper 4 n. m. 1527817243 دریاب daryaab sea, river, lake 3 n. m. 1527817304 درز darz crack, split, fissure; sound of something falling, boom, crash; penetration, breakthrough (military); seam, hem 4 n. m. 1527822536 درزي dărzée tailor; cracked 3 n. m. 1527819067 دسمال dasmáal handkerchief, necktie ??, scarf or little shawl that guys carry around 4 n. m. 1586362472138 دسمال dasmáal handkerchief, kerchief, necktie 3 n. m. 1527821002 دست dast usually used in combinations with the meaning hand/arm; elbow (a measure of length) 3 n. m. 1 1527821003 دست dast, dust feces, poop, poo,excrement, stool; diarrhea 3 n. m. 1 1527820745 دست انداز dast andáaz someone who encroaches on someone’s rights; tyrant; enslaver 3 n. m. 1566471183042 دستار dastáar turban 4 n. m. 1527819615 دستخط dastakhát signature, receipt 4 n. m. 1 1527812587 دستکش dastkúsh glove 3 n. m. 1584889813032 دستکښ dastkúx glove 4 n. m. 1527819068 دستمال dastmaal see دسمال 4 n. m. 1527819877 دستمال dastmáal handkerchief, kerchief, necktie 4 n. m. 1527812548 دستور dastóor custom, tradition 4 n. m. 1 1527814194 دو daw bet, wager; auction; run, running 3 n. m. 1527811273 دوام dawaam continuation, duration 4 n. m. 1527812549 دولت dawlat government, state, riches 3 n. m. 1617990318540 دوران dawráan, dauráan, doráan turning, cycle, rotation; time, period, age, epoch; circulation (economics) 4 n. m. 1 1527812589 ډول Dawul manner, form, type, fashion 3 n. m. 1527813960 دښت daxt steppe, desert 3 n. m. 1527812250 ډز Duz, Daz gunshot, firing; explosion; fart (slang) 4 n. m. 1 1705160963560 ډزېدل Duzedúl to get shot up, blow up v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527812250 get shot up 1 1705160971813 ډزول Duzawúl to shoot up, blow up v. stat. comp. trans. 1527812250 shoot, shoots, shooting, shot 1527812243 ډزډز DazDaz exchange of shots, firing, skirmish 3 n. m. 1527812245 ډزهار Dazuhaar shooting, firing 3 n. m. 1527817619 دیدان deedáan seeing; meeting, randezvous 3 n. m. 1610622040582 دیدار deedáar visit, randevous (often romantic), seeing 4 n. m. 1527822918 دیدبان deedbáan sight, rear sight (of a gun); tower; observer, scout 3 n. m. 1527813047 ډیل Deel delay, hesitation, procrastination 3 n. m. 1527813763 دین deen religion, faith 4 n. m. ادیان adiyáan 1527821393 ډینګ Deeng lullaby; braggart 2 n. m. 1675281193592 ډیسمبر Deesambar December n. m. 1527812555 دیوال deewaal wall 4 n. m. 1527822430 دېګ deg a large metal cooking pot 4 n. m. 1576439182617 دېګدان degdáan hearth 3 n. m. 1527819147 ډېران Deráan garbage dump, trash heap 4 n. m. 1 1578165437559 ډېرښت Deraxt majority 3 n. m. 1527813493 ډېری Deráy majority; heap, pile 3 n. m. 1 1600075871463 ډېرګری Dergáray plural (grammar) 3 n. m. 1527813494 ډېروالی Derwáalay abundance, majority 3 n. m. 1 1675267643048 ډېسمبر Desambar December n. m. 1610618224123 دېو dew giant 4 n. m. 1527812556 دېوال dewaal wall 4 n. m. 1527813958 دېوان dewáan a collection of poems by one author 4 n. m. 1 1527820571 ډېوډ DewáD aromatic candle (for a wedding); candlestick or earthenware stand for a lamp; long earring 2 n. m. 1610448927683 ډېوټ DewaT lampstand, candlestick 4 n. m. 1527814461 دهقان dihqaan farmer, peasant 3 n. m. 1527814942 دهقان dihqaan farmer, peasant 3 n. m. 1527817405 دل dil heart, soul (from Farsi, used more in compound words) 4 n. m. 1527822956 دلدار dildáar beloved, young man, boy, lad 4 n. m. 1573151013630 دماغ dimáagh, damáagh brain, mind, mood 4 n. m. 1 1675274916858 دمشق dimáshq Damascus n. m. 1527823685 دق diq bored, weary, sad; boredom, depression 2 n. m. 1527812151 دقه مال diqa maal boredom, lonliness 2 n. m. 1527815945 دقت diqat attention, care 3 n. m. 1527813036 درنګ dirang, drang delay, procrastination, hold up, pause, moment; ringing, knocking; mine, mineral deposit 3 n. m. 1527822945 دیانت diyaanát honesty, piety, religiousness 4 n. m. 1527820955 دیار diyáar country, land, province; Himalayan cedar 3 n. m. 1 1611065991078 دیار diyáar, dyaar country, land; cedar, hyssop, pine 3 n. m. 1 1591711877815 دوبي dobée washerman, someone who does the laundry 3 n. m. 1527813978 دوبی dóbay summer 3 n. m. 1527813976 دوبنی dobunay summer, relating to summer 2 n. m. 1527812563 دود dod custom, ritual, manner 3 n. m. 1527821617 دوکه مار doka máar cheat, deceiver 4 n. m. 1594219747736 ډول ډبلی Dol Dabaláy household goods 4 n. m. 1568927184808 دولفین dolfeen dolphin 4 n. m. 1527820916 ډولۍ مار Doluy máar palanquin bearer 2 n. m. 1527813977 دوبګوړی doobgooRay summer place, summer cottage, summer pasture 2 n. m. 1527813858 دود dood smoke 4 n. m. 1577397648979 دودکش doodkash chimney 4 n. m. 1527821426 ډوغل Dooghál hole, pit, cavity, depression, crater, abyss, gulf, crater 4 n. m. 1527817648 ډوګل Doogúl being upset or distressed, grief, sorry, despondency, dejection 2 n. m. 1527812568 دوکان dookaan shop, store 4 n. m. 1527818018 دوکاندار dookaandáar storekeeper, shopkeeper 4 n. m. 1527820701 ډول Dool drum 4 n. m. 1527823265 دوند doond fog, haze, mist 4 n. m. 1527811909 دور dor, daur period, time; going around, circumvention 4 n. m. 1 1527818232 دوړه مار doRa maar scoffer, mocker, heckler, joker 3 n. m. 1527814158 دوست dost friend, companion 3 n. m. 1613547531067 ډوز Doz dose 4 n. m. 1527813826 دوزخ dozakh hell 4 n. m. 1588159985939 ډرایور Draaywar driver 3 n. m. anim. unisex 1527822599 درب drab the sound of something heavy falling; a kind of weed; awe, dignity, reverence 4 n. m. 1527822722 دربی drabay noise, din, beating (دربهار) 2 n. m. 1527820273 درګهار dragaháar the sound of footsteps; heartbeat, beating of the heart; palpitation, throbbing, beating 2 n. m. 1527819828 درناوی dranaawáy weight; respect, honour 4 n. m. 1527812571 درنښت dranixt respect, dignity; heaviness 4 n. m. 1527820422 ډرون Dron drone 4 n. m. 1527822906 دروم droom roar, firing, march! 3 n. m. 1527823647 دروم droom roaring (of a lion etc.); firing, roar (or weapons); march! 3 n. m. 1527818745 دروزګر droozgár carpenter 2 n. m. 1527820270 دربهار drubaháar noise, din; beating (of a drum, heart) 3 n. m. 1527820272 درګی drugáy the sound of footsteps; heartbeat, beating of the heart; palpitation, throbbing, beating 1 n. m. 1527816650 د بهرنیو چارو وزیر du baharanayo chaaro wazeer foreign minister, foreign secretary 3 n. m. 1586355941420 د بوډۍ ټال du booDuy Taal rainbow 4 n. m. 1527816749 د غاښ ډاکټر du ghaax DaakTar dentist 4 n. m. 1527816750 د غاښ حکیم du ghaax hakeem dentist 3 n. m. 1527811881 د غڼې تار du ghuNe taar spiderweb 3 n. m. 1582317842854 د هاضمې سیسټم du haazime seesTum digestive system 4 n. m. 1654706676158 د جامو د ځړېدلو چنګک du jaamo du dzaRedulo changak clothes hanger 4 n. m. 1586451745810 د کمترۍ احساس du kamturuy ahsaas inferiority complex, feeling of inadequacy 4 n. m. 1527816473 د میرې زوی du mayre zooy stepbrother, half brother 4 n. m. 1527819310 د معدې سوزش du mide sozish heartburn ? 4 n. m. 1527823445 د ملا تیر du mlaa teer spine, spinal column 4 n. m. 1 1527822313 د نوکونو رنګ du nookoono rang nail polish 4 n. m. 1573150217444 د نه خوړو اعتصاب du nu khwaRo itisaab hunger strike 3 n. m. 1664030702920 د اوبو حوض du oobo hawz pool of water, swimming pool 4 n. m. 1527818416 د اور غر du or ghar volcano 3 n. m. 1577815555303 د اورلګیت خلی du orlagéet khúlay matchstick 3 n. m. 1678365613222 د پېژندګلو بحران du pejzandgilo bUhráan identity crisis n. m. 1527813971 د تعمید غسل du tameed ghUsul baptism (in Christianity) 3 n. m. 1527814772 د یخي غر du yakhee ghur iceberg 2 n. m. 1527820175 ډګر Dugúr area, steppe, field (figurative and literal), ground, site 3 n. m. 1588783934070 دکان dUkaan shop (see دوکان) 4 n. m. 1527812978 ډم Dum drummer, barber; dam 3 n. m. 1 1527822124 ډمبک DUmbák drum 3 n. m. 1527821108 ډنډر DunDúr ring of an earring, nose earring, scape; stalk with ear 3 n. m. 1527814879 دنګ dung jump, leap; rice mill; swing 3 n. m. 1527820984 دربل durbál hobble, fetters 3 n. m. 1580767534518 دربل dUrbal, durbal hobble, fetters 3 n. m. 1527814873 دړدنګ duRdang jumping, leaping 2 n. m. 1527814358 دشمن dUshmán enemy, foe, adversary 4 n. m. 1 1527817679 دسترخوان dustarkhaan table set (with plenty), dining table, tablecloth, spread, sheet 4 n. m. 1527815891 ډټ DuT fart (slang) 3 n. m. 1527821792 ډز بند Duz bánd ceasefire (اوربند) 4 n. m. 1527812593 ځان dzaan self 4 n. m. 1705161432126 ځان ښودل dzaan xodul to boast, show off v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527812593 show,shows,showing,showed,shown off 1 1703677374217 ځان ساتل dzaan saatúl to avoid (له ... نه), keep away from, protect 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527812593 avoid 1 1703677479248 ځان بچ کول dzaan bach kawul to avoid (له ... نه), keep away from, protect 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527812593 avoid 1 1578190617140 ځاڼی dzáaNay crane (bird) 4 n. m. 1527819270 ځانله والی dzaanla waalay solitude, loneliness, seclusion, unique-ness 3 n. m. 1527817930 ځانمنتوب dzaanmuntob selfishness, egoism, conceit 4 n. m. 1527821168 ځار dzaar sacrifice, victim (جار) 3 n. m. 1527812594 ځای dzaay place, space 4 n. m. 1 1527816992 ځایګی dzaaygay (colloquial) residence, little place, small town, diminutive of ځای 3 n. m. 1527817862 ځګ dzag suds, froth, lather, soap bubbles 4 n. m. 1527821858 ځګ چاڼ dzag chaaN skimmer 1 n. m. 1527820249 ځل dzal brilliance, shininess, splendour 2 n. m. 1586347141822 ځل dzal time (repitition) 4 n. m. ځله dzala 1527819829 ځلمیتوب dzalmeetób youth 4 n. m. 1527819733 ځلمی dzalmáy young, youth, young lad 4 n. m. 1701527576223 ځناور dzinaawár, dzanaawár wild beast; animal 4 n. m. anim. unisex 1 1527813045 ځنډ dzanD delay, postponement, detention 4 n. m. 1527817022 ځنځیر dzandzéer chain; handcuffs, shackles, bonds, ties 4 n. m. 1 1708117144689 ځنځیرول dzandzeerawúl to chain up v. stat. comp. trans. 1527817022 chain up 1 1708117148554 ځنځیرېدل dzandzeeredúl to be chained up v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527817022 be chained up 1577408901204 ځنګون dzangóon knee 3 n. m. ځنګانه dzangaanú ځنګن dzangan ځنګنونه dzanganoona 1527821835 ځنکدن dzankadán the last breaths before death, time approaching death 4 n. m. 1527821836 ځنکندن dzankandán the last breaths before death, time approaching death 4 n. m. 1527814058 ځواب dzawaab answer, reply 4 n. m. 1668758653342 ځور dzawr, dzaur distress, oppression, grief 3 n. m. 1527817618 ځیګر dzeegár liver 4 n. m. 1527823228 ځین dzeen saddle 4 n. m. 1595256411418 ځیر dzeer a soft leather from Iran; peep 4 n. m. 1592559752927 ځېل dzel stubbornness, obstinancy 4 n. m. 1708056571546 ځېلګر dzelgúr stubborn, obstinate adj. 1708056456875 ځېل کول dzel kawul to be stubborn, obstinate 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1592559752927 be stubborn 1620766941369 ځمکنی توت dzmukanay toot strawberry 4 n. m. ځمکني توتان dzmukanee tootáan 1527814464 ځمکوال dzmukwaal farmer 3 n. m. 1527821031 ځوګل dzoogúl remains of grapes after pressing them for wine; oilcake; crab 2 n. m. 1582146400262 ځوز dzoz camelthorn 4 n. m. ځوزان dzozaan 1627318781163 ځغ dzugh yoke (dialect) 0 n. m. 1527820248 ځل dzul cloth for covering a horse or a donkey 4 n. m. 1620767418305 ځنګلي توت dzungalee toot cranberry 4 n. m. ځنګلي توتان dzungalee tootáan 1527812596 ځنګل dzungul jungle, forest, wild 4 n. m. 1527816887 ځواک dzwaak life, existence, energy, force 4 n. m. 1527816890 ځواک انډول dzwaak anDwal balance of power 2 n. m. 1527819061 عید eed religious holiday, celebration (from Arabic) 3 n. m. 1 1622355960988 ایجاب eejáab necessity, need, requirement, urgency 2 n. m. 1527813677 ایجاد eejáad invention; creation, foundation, organization 4 n. m. 1 1527823698 ایمال eemáal avalanche, flood, shower 2 n. m. 1527812597 ایمان eemáan belief, faith 4 n. m. 1 1610541688669 اینځر eendzúr fig 4 n. m. 1527816969 ایران eeraan Iran 4 n. m. 1586598350124 عیسیٰ eesáa, eesáa Jesus, Isa 4 n. m. 1 1708354049227 عیسی eesáa, eesáa Jesus, Isa 4 n. m. TRUE 1 1708354109658 حضرت عیسیٰ hazrat-i-eesáa Jesus, Isa (with honorific) 4 n. m. 1 1708354115561 حضرت عیسی hazrat-i-eesáa Jesus, Isa (with honorific) 4 n. m. 1 1708354181432 عیسی علیه السلام eesaa alayhi isaláam Jesus, Isa (with honorific) 4 n. m. TRUE 1 1708356345842 عیسیٰ علیه السلام eesaa alayhi isaláam Jesus, Isa (with honorific) 4 n. m. TRUE 1 1708354248217 عیسی مسیح eesaah maséeh Jesus Christ, Isa Al-Maseeh n. m. TRUE 1 1708356597641 عیسیٰ مسیح eesaah maséeh Jesus Christ, Isa Al-Maseeh n. m. TRUE 1 1527817776 ایصال ثواب eesaal-i-sawaab doing or passing on good deeds (ثواب) for the dead 3 n. m. 1527819035 عیسویت eesawiyat Christianity, Christendom 4 n. m. 1702845385774 عیسوي eesawée Christian 4 n. m. anim. unisex / adj. 1 1594813993142 ایتلاف eetiláaf coalition, bloc, alliance (ائتلاف) 4 n. m. 1594814015427 1527814883 فال faal fortune telling, divination 4 n. m. 1527813776 فعالیت faaliyat activity 4 n. m. 1527812603 فامیل faameel family 4 n. m. 1527820562 فانوس faanóos lamp, lantern 2 n. m. 1527813705 فارم faarm application form, registration form; farm 4 n. m. 1527813381 فارسي بان faarsee baan Farsi speaker 3 n. m. 1527815909 فهم fahm understanding, intelligence, intellect 2 n. m. 1527816339 فخر fákhur, fakhr pride, honor, honour 3 n. m. 1527811753 فن fan art, skill (Arabic) 4 n. m. فنون fUnoon 1 1527814011 فنر fanar spring, coil spring 3 n. m. 1527815619 فنر fanar spring, coil spring 3 n. m. 1527822160 فنر fanár spring, coil spring 2 n. m. 1527822936 فنکار fankáar artist, musician, creative artist, one active in art 4 n. m. 1 1527822360 فقیه faqéeh a specialist in Muslim law/Sharia 3 n. m. فقها fUqaháa 1527819071 فقر faqr, fáqur poverty, destitution 4 n. m. 1527823050 فراغت faraaghat graduation; leisure, relief, rest 3 n. m. 1527812106 فرد fard person, individual (Arabic) 3 n. m. افراد afráad 1527818086 فریسي fareesee Pharisee 4 n. m. 1527812604 فرهنګ farháng culture, civilization; dictionary, lexicon 4 n. m. 1527812265 فرمان farmáan decree, order 4 n. m. فرامین faraaméen 1 1527814483 فرمایش farmaayish order, offer 4 n. m. 1527817678 فرق farq difference, distinction 4 n. m. 1 1709422380232 فرق کول fárq kawul to distinguish 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527817678 1 1527820028 فرش farsh flooring, material for covering floors 4 n. m. 1527819063 فریاد faryáad crying out, yell, shout, weeping, groaning 4 n. m. 1527818150 فرض farz obligation, debt, mandatory religious duty or requirement; supposing, assumption, guess 4 n. m. فرائض faraaiz 1 1527811224 فساد fasaad corruption, immorality 4 n. m. 1578330222487 فصاحت او بلاغت fasaahát aw balaaghat eloquence, oratory, (the study/art of) effective speaking/persuasion 3 n. m. 1527815599 فصل fásul season; crop, harvest; period, chapter (w/ plural: the four seasons) 3 n. m. فصول fUsool 1 1614096722671 فوقیت fawqiyát, fauqiyát superiority 4 n. m. 1527813461 فضانورد fazaanaward astronaut 3 n. m. 1527815746 فضانورد fazaanaward astronaut 2 n. m. anim. unisex 1578330473811 فضیلت fazeelát perfection, superiority, merit, greatness 3 n. m. فضائل fazaaíl 1527813945 فضل fazul grace, generosity, virtue, superiority (Arabic, religious word) 3 n. m. 1527823335 فیلډېنګ feelDeng fielding (in cricket) 2 n. m. 1527820595 فیصد feesad percent 4 n. m. 1527816785 فېسبوک fesbook Facebook 3 n. m. 1674054769052 فېشن feshun fasion n. m. 1527811916 فیض fayz favor, grace, abundance, well-being, blessing 3 n. m. 1566471651069 فعل fi'l verb (grammar); action, business, affair, deed 4 n. m. افعال af'aal 1527816483 فداکار fidaakaar devoted, selfless, dedicated 4 n. m. 1644344195232 فهرست fihríst list, directory, table of contents, agenda, contents 4 n. m. 1578684541083 فکر fíkur thought, idea, opinion 4 n. m. 1 1527822128 فلفل filfil pepper, chili 2 n. m. 1527820474 فلپین filipeen the Philippines 4 n. m. 1578343121366 فلسطین filistéen Palestine 4 n. m. 1577817487250 فلز filíz metal 4 n. m. 1527817205 فلم film film, movie 4 n. m. 1578330299245 فقه اللغت fiqh UllUghát etymology, the study of the development of words 3 n. m. true 1566478387778 فراق firáaq seperation, parting 2 n. m. 1527816676 فرار firaar escape, flight, desertion 3 n. m. 1527819390 فردوس firdós, firdáus heavenly garden, paradise 3 n. m. 1527816789 فرصت firsat opportunity, occasion, chance 4 n. m. 1527812608 فشار fisháar pressure 3 n. m. 1 1577066793789 فشس fishás hiss, hissing sound 4 n. m. 1527819400 فسق fisq dissipation, profligancy, violation of religious rules, depravities 4 n. m. 1631018094009 فتق fitq, fituq hernia 2 n. m. 1527817061 فطرت fitrat nature, character, disposition 4 n. m. 1527811944 فزیک fizeek physics 2 n. m. 1527811942 فزیک دان fizeek daan physicist 2 n. m. 1527811941 فزیک پوه fizeek poh physicist 3 n. m. 1527811940 فزیکپوه fizeekpoh physicist 2 n. m. 1527811399 فوټبال fooTbaal football, soccer 4 n. m. 1527820574 فورم form uniform (clothing) 2 n. m. 1527814487 فریزر freezur refrigerator, fridge, freezer 2 n. m. 1527811631 فریب faréeb deceit, deception, trick 3 n. m. 1 1708189057572 فریب ورکول faréeb warkawúl to deceive, trick 3 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527811631 deceive 1 1527816555 فحش fUhsh foul language, cursing, swearing, depravity ?? 4 n. m. 1527816790 فرصت fUrsat opportunity, occasion, chance 3 n. m. 1527812610 فټبال fuTbaal football, soccer 4 n. m. 1678361612817 فیوډالېزم fyooDaalezm feudalism n. m. 1527819196 ګاډی gáaDay car, train 4 n. m. 1584638785902 ګاډر gaaDur girder 4 n. m. 1578011625186 ګاډر gaaDúr girder, beam 4 n. m. 1527812611 ګام gaam step, move 3 n. m. 1579016069786 ګار gaar cave 4 n. m. 1527816670 ګاونډ gaawanD neighbourhood, neighbour ?? 4 n. m. 1527819630 ګاز gaaz gas (petrol) 4 n. m. 1595232159907 ګدا gadáa begger, panhandler 4 n. m. 1527814782 ګډون gaDoon participation, joining, involvement 4 n. m. 1527819503 ګډوډی gaDwaDáy confusion, trouble, mess, disorder, disarray 3 n. m. 1527819805 ګډوی gaDwáy clay pitcher with a long neck 4 n. m. 1527811748 ږغ Gagh voice, sound, cry 4 n. m. 1576100690604 ګهیځ gaheedz morning 4 n. m. 1579029856365 ګل gal large hailstones, first snow on the mountains 4 n. m. 1584884742314 ګن gan kite 1 n. m. 1584884750802 ګن gan machine gun, sprayer 1 n. m. 1584884772698 ګن gan blood-sucking tick (cattle) 1 n. m. 1527823746 ګڼه خور gaNa khwár rich pastureland 2 n. m. 1613551660106 ګند gand brushwood, undergrowth 2 n. m. 1591443805459 ګنډېر ganDér poison, garbage 3 n. m. 1527811579 ګنډون ganDoon sewing 4 n. m. 1527822537 ګنډونکی ganDóonkay tailor 3 n. m. 1591443758666 ګنډیال ganDyáal poison 3 n. m. 1579016593220 ګنی ganáy beehive; wasps' nest 3 n. m. 1527814656 ګنج ganj treasure, treasury, alms; bread-market 3 n. m. 1575239666478 ګڼون gaNóon enumeration, counting, assumption, supposition; (online) account (حساب) 2 n. m. 1527820789 ګڼوالی gaNwaaláy thickness, denseness, shadiness, populousness 4 n. m. 1527819660 ګپ gap conversation, talk, talking; joking 4 n. m. 1527819659 ګپ شپ gup shúp, gap sháp conversation (informal), talking, chit-chat 4 n. m. 1 1708188865621 ګپ شپ لګول gup shúp lugawúl to chat, have informal conversation 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527819659 chat 1 1527816200 ګړنګ gaRang sheer cliff, precipice, abyss, gulf 4 n. m. 1527816787 ګرد gard dust, speck 4 n. m. 1584530276400 ګردان gardáan inflection, conjugation, declension (grammar); rote learning, learning by heart, learning by repitition 4 n. m. 1527817349 ګردش gardish stroll, trip, circulation, orbit 4 n. m. 1595233843174 ګردون gardóon wheel, chariot; (fig.) fortune, fate; the heavens 2 n. m. 1527820723 ګرځون gardzóon vomit, vomiting, puke, puking 3 n. m. 1527823680 ګرګ garg mange, scabies, itch 2 n. m. 1527823670 ګرګل gargal itch, mange, scabies 1 n. m. 1527823669 ګرګس gargás itch, mange, scabies 2 n. m. 1527820553 ګرګی gargáy lazy ox, lazy bullock, child’s game 2 n. m. 1527821462 ګرمسېل garumsél warm climate area 3 n. m. 1527821461 ګرمسېر garumsér warm climate area 4 n. m. 1527821622 ګړۍ ستن gaRuy stún watch hand, clock hand 4 n. m. 1527821621 ګړۍ والا gaRuy waalaa watchmaker 3 n. m. 1527820722 ګرزون garzóon vomit, vomiting, puke, puking 3 n. m. 1527820900 ګشت gasht stroll, walk around 3 n. m. 1527816703 ګټ gaT rock, stone, cliff, reef, dark storm cloud 4 n. m. 1527818536 ګټ gaT cliff, reef, rock 4 n. m. 1527818139 ګواه gawaah witness, someone who has seen something, someone bearing testimony 4 n. m. 1574870003959 ګوار gawáar, gUwáar boar, oof 3 n. m. 1527816337 ګز gaz guz, a unit of length about 40 inches or a yard 4 n. m. 1527818189 ګیدړ geedáR jackal, fox 4 n. m. 1527822779 ګیلاس geeláas glass, cup 4 n. m. 1527819239 ګیلیګی geeleegáy calf 2 n. m. 1617990149551 ګیم geem precipice, depression in a river valley 2 n. m. 1527823307 ږیری Geeráy elbow, elbow joint 2 n. m. 1579034812876 ګېر ger gear, clutch 4 n. m. 1527818482 غاب ghaab dish, plate, saucer 1 n. m. 1527821005 غائط ghaaít feces, defecation, poop, poo, excrement, stool 2 n. m. 1527818228 غار ghaar cave, hole 4 n. m. 1 1527816324 غاړې روغبړ ghaaRe roghbaR hugging, embracing 3 n. m. 1664092247110 غاټول ghaaTól tulip, poppy 4 n. m. 1664092277742 غاټوی ghaaTóoy tulip, poppy (غاټول) 3 n. m. 1591805536042 غاښ چیچی ghaax cheecháy grinding or gnashing of teeth, anger 3 n. m. 1527819261 غایب والی ghaayib waalay absence, disappearance, vanishing 3 n. m. 1588760557519 غاز ghaaz gas 4 n. m. 1527811789 غازي ghaazee religious warrior for the faith (in Islam) 4 n. m. 1527821724 غبغب ghabgháb double chin 1 n. m. 1584882859892 غبن ghábun deception, trickery, deceit 3 n. m. 1622374270383 غدر ghádur, ghadr treachery, treason, uprising, rebellion 2 n. m. 1527817871 غفلت ghaflat negligence, neglect, carelessness, not being aware or attentive of something grave or serious (often religious) 3 n. m. 1527822914 غفور ghafóor All-Forgiving (name of God) 4 n. m. 1591891182204 غل غوبل ghal ghobál disorder, mess, muddle, confusion, embarrassment 4 n. m. 1527812366 غله باب ghala baab whole grain 3 n. m. 1527823687 غلبېل ghalbél, ghUlbél sieve, draier, colander 3 n. m. 1527814361 غلیم ghaléem enemy, foe, adversary 2 n. m. anim. unisex 1 1584884493630 غلیواج ghaleewáaj kite (bird) 2 n. m. 1527812097 غم gham, ghum sadness, grief, sorrow, trouble; tax, duty; resolve (of a question) 4 n. m. 1 1527822913 غمی ghamáy precious stone, precious stone in a signet ring 4 n. m. 1527818241 غمجن ghamjún sad, grief-stricken 4 n. m. 1 1527819934 غماز ghammaaz slanderer, gossip-monger, someone who turns people against each other, creates friction between people, informer, snitch 4 n. m. 1527815885 غندل ghandál stalk or stem of a plant, cartilage of a nose 2 n. m. 1527821605 غنیمت ghaneemát plunder, trophy, catch (fishing), treasure, valuable and good thing 4 n. m. غنایم ghanaaéem 1610617096179 غنګهار ghangaháar tapping, ringing, echo 4 n. m. 1527823466 غنګوری ghangóoray ear lobe 2 n. m. 1527823724 غر غچ ghar ghúch butting 2 n. m. 1527813593 غر ghar, ghur mountain 4 n. m. غره ghru غر ghr 1527819460 غرب gharb west 4 n. m. 1527820521 غربي طول gharbee tool longitude 2 n. m. 1527823648 غرېو gharéw roar (of a lion, tiger etc.); regret, outcry, weeping, groaning 1 n. m. 1576597234701 غرمنی خوب gharmanay khob afternoon nap, siesta 4 n. m. 1527813592 غروال gharwaal mountaineer, mountain dweller 4 n. m. 1527822650 غټوالی ghaTwáalay size, largeness, bigness 3 n. m. 1588076363466 غز ghaz tamarisk tree 4 n. m. 1527815714 غضب ghazáb wrath, anger, fury 4 n. m. 1527817346 غزل ghazal a lyric poem, song 4 n. m. 1527819765 غبرګولی ghbargoolay twin; third month of the solar year 2 n. m. 1527812618 غبرګون ghburgóon reaction, response 4 n. m. 1527820084 غیب gheeb funnel (for pouring liquids) 2 n. m. 1527816115 غیڼ gheeN penis, dick (vulgar term) 4 n. m. 1527816327 غیبت ghaybat gossip 4 n. m. 1527820082 غیبګو ghaybgo prophet, seer, soothsayer 3 n. m. 1527818700 غیرت ghayrát pride, self-worth, honour, courage, zeal, jealousy 4 n. m. 1527819530 غیرملک ghayrmUlk foreign country, foreign land 3 n. m. 1591891268895 غوبل ghobál grinding, crushing, milling; a crowd/throng of people 4 n. m. 1527822502 غوبری ghoburáy cheek 2 n. m. 1527821007 غول ghol detachment, group, herd, flock 2 n. m. 1527821008 غول ghol hernia, rupture 1 n. m. 1527822781 غولی ghólay yard, courtyard 4 n. m. 1 1527822844 غونډوس ghonDós ball, scoop, bowl; balloon; flask 3 n. m. 1527822845 غونډوسکی ghonDoskay little ball, scoop, bowl 3 n. m. 1527821009 غول ghool demon, evil spirit, monster 1 n. m. 1527822492 غومبوری ghoombooray cheek 4 n. m. 1527822572 غومبر ghoombúr coo, cooing, calls, cries, courting, making advances 4 n. m. 1527823512 غونی ghóonay skin, leather; hair, fur, bristle; behavior, manner, action, bearing 3 n. m. 1527822680 غوړپ ghooRáp mouthful, drink 3 n. m. 1527816178 غورځی ghoordzay agitation, worry, throw, toss, unwinding, leaps; flood 2 n. m. 1527814482 غوټندی ghooTanday dishwasher (person); diver 1 n. m. 1527814962 غوټندی ghooTanday dishwasher (person); diver 1 n. m. 1588075727222 غوز ghooz walnut 4 n. m. غوزان ghoozaan 1527811470 غور ghor, ghawr, gháwur concentration, close attention, examination, discussion 4 n. m. 1708618418733 غور کول ghawr kawul to concentrate, pay close attention, examine, discuss 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527811470 concentrate 1 1527818483 غوری ghoray plate 3 n. m. 1588075698411 غوز ghoz fatty covering of intestines or kidneys 4 n. m. 1597092163407 غوزی ghozáy, ghoozáy ?? grindstone, millstone; load, pack, burden, armful 2 n. m. 1588781884576 غړمب ghRamb onomatepia of blast, explosion, roar 3 n. m. 1588781522262 غړمباری ghRambaaray blast, yelling, roaring 4 n. m. 1662623651873 غړپ ghRap sip 4 n. m. 1527823650 غړوم ghRoom roar (of a lion etc.); rattle of firearms; peal of thunder 3 n. m. 1527818532 غړڅکی ghRutskáy splinter, chip, speck of dust 1 n. m. 1527818533 غړڅکی ghRutskáy peals/claps of thunder 1 n. m. 1585928568989 غبار ghUbáar dust, fog, steam 4 n. m. 1527819003 غچ ghuch, ghach vengeance, feeling of anger, spite, anger, revenge 4 n. m. 1588243851093 غفران ghUfráan total forgivess, pardon from all sins 3 n. m. 1527812621 غږ ghuG, ghaG voice, sound 4 n. m. 1527813325 غږاوه ghuGaawu cowbell 2 n. m. 1527819399 غلیلاک ghuleelaak attack, crossing, violation (of a border) 2 n. m. 1527815679 غنځاښی ghUndzaaxay sweet bread cooked in butter 4 n. m. 1650290838482 غړ ghuR spitting 4 n. m. 1527818534 غړڅکی ghURátskay cloud 1 n. m. 1609945856267 غربت ghUrbát poverty, destitution 4 n. m. 1527811650 غړیتوب ghuReetób membership, joining 4 n. m. 1566652990776 غروب ghUróob sunset 3 n. m. 1527816341 غرور ghUróor, ghuróor pride, conceit 4 n. m. 1 1527815898 غرت ghurt fart (slang) 2 n. m. 1527817627 غشی ghúshay arrow 4 n. m. 1 1527811365 غسل ghÚsul full ablution, bath, religious bath 3 n. m. 1 1703837020907 غسل کول ghÚsul kawul to bathe, to do full ablution 3 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527811365 1 1588076384071 غز ghUz walnut 4 n. m. غزان ghUzaan 1584883196828 غضروف ghUzróof cartiladge, gristle 3 n. m. 1527821104 غوږوالی ghwaGwaaláy earring 2 n. m. 1584888228247 غویی ghwayáy bull, Taurus 4 n. m. 1 1527819401 غویمنډ ghwaymúnD panic, alarm (among cattle); trampling, stamping; annihilation, ruin, gross violation 4 n. m. 1527823649 غوړم ghwRam roar (of a lion etc.); rattle of firearms; peal of thunder 4 n. m. 1527822681 غوړپ ghwRáp mouthful, drink 3 n. m. 1527812631 غوږ ghwuG, ghwaG ear 4 n. m. 1 1576367136120 غونډل ghwunDal tarantula 4 n. m. 1577578909763 غور نیکه ghwúr neekú great grandfather 4 n. m. 1611401088870 غوراوی ghwuraawáy approval, acceptance, preference, choice, endorsement 2 n. m. 1527813149 غورځنګ ghwurdzáng, ghoordzáng movement, jump, leap, bound, rush, offense 3 n. m. 1527816415 غورنیکه ghwurneeku great-grandfather 4 n. m. 1579029861098 ګل gil clay, mud, dirt 4 n. m. 1527812070 ګلکار gilkáar bricklayer, mason, construction worker 4 n. m. 1 1527819240 ګلګی gilugáy calf 2 n. m. 1591803884121 ګرداب girdáab whirlpool, abyss 3 n. m. 1591803899331 ګرداو girdaaw whirlpool, abyss (ګرداب) 4 n. m. 1591803884121 1591804099813 ګردباد girdbáad watersprout 4 n. m. 1527818749 ګرمټ girmúT drill auger (carpenter’s tool) 2 n. m. 1527821431 ګلاس glaas glass, cup 4 n. m. 1527822784 ګودال godáal trou de loup, booby trap, tank-trap 2 n. m. 1527811968 ګوډی goDáy travelling bag, knapsack, young embryo/ear of corn 4 n. m. 1527821288 ګوګل gogul, googul ?? chest, bosom, thorax 3 n. m. 1527819690 ګوګړ gogúR sulphur, brimstone, match (for making fire) 4 n. m. 1527817904 ګوهر gohar gem, jewel, pearl, precious stone 4 n. m. 1610556404949 ګول gol goal 4 n. m. 1 1527819076 ګوډاګی gooDaagáy doll, puppet 4 n. m. 1527819635 ګودام goodaam dump, pile, storage, depot, piling up, granary, silo 4 n. m. 1576945997050 ګودر goodár ford (water), seaside, a place where water is taken from the bank of a river or stream 4 n. m. 1584884710164 ګودي پران goodee paráan kite 4 n. m. 1579034106589 ګوډی góoDay small scythe, reaping/weeding hook 2 n. m. 1527821019 ګوه gooh feces, defecation, poop, poo, excrement, stool; slag 4 n. m. 1610556411082 ګول gool flower 0 n. m. 1588159588416 ګولي پنج goolee pánj crab 2 n. m. 1527816108 ګومان goomaan thought, notion, suspicion doubt 4 n. m. 1566474867817 ګومانډ goomáanD mushroom 3 n. m. 1527822505 ګومبوری goombooráy cheek 3 n. m. 1527822557 ګوند goond, gwUnd, gwand (political) party 4 n. m. 1610617156724 ږونګ Goong echo 2 n. m. 1589906214767 ګونګی goongáy owel 4 n. m. 1 1527811444 ګونګری goongray doorbell 4 n. m. 1527822763 ګونج goonj wrinkle, crumple 4 n. m. 1527814479 ګونجکی goonjukay cupboard (for dishes) 3 n. m. 1579016633975 ګوړ gooR rumbling (of cattle's stomach) 3 n. m. 1527816701 ګوټ gooT corner; sip; shoe, boot 4 n. m. 1 1566474890608 ګوڅی gootsáy a kind of edible mushroom 2 n. m. 1527820078 ګوزار goozáar hit, strike, attack, blow, swat, throuw 4 n. m. 1708115270028 ګوزارول goozaarawúl to cast, throw, strike, attack v. stat. comp. trans. 1527820078 throw,throws,throwing,threw,thrown 1 1708115368072 ګوزار کول goozáar kawul to assault, strike, hit v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527820078 assault 1708115274455 ګوزارېدل goozaaredúl to be cast, thrown, struck, attacked v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527820078 be thrown 1527819117 ګوزڼ goozúN paralysis, palsy, sickness with tremors, polio 4 n. m. 1527819120 ګوزن goozún reindeer 2 n. m. 1527819118 ګوزڼد goozúNd paralysis, palsy, sickness with tremors, polio 4 n. m. 1527813880 ګور gor grave 4 n. m. 1579016625262 ګوړ goR the weeding of sugarcane 4 n. m. 1527820452 ګورستان goristáan graveyard, cemetery 4 n. m. 1527812271 ګورم gorum herd (of cattle etc.) 2 n. m. 1527822570 ګوروان gorwáan herdsman, cattle herder 2 n. m. 1579030550851 ګوټ goT bobbin, reel, chess pawn 3 n. m. 1617441560801 ګرانښت graanúxt value, high-prices, dearness, difficulty 4 n. m. 1527813410 ګړندوالی gRandwaalay speed, quickness n. m. 1527813327 ګرنجانی granjaanay small bell, cowbell 2 n. m. 1527822751 ګرنجی granjáy ringing sound, peal 3 n. m. 1527818448 ګرېبان grebáan collar, neckband (ګرېوان) 4 n. m. 1617990046301 ګرېو grew kidnapping, abduction, holding for ransom 4 n. m. 1527818443 ګرېوان grewáan collar, neckband 4 n. m. 1579016766218 ګړوبی gRóbay phlegm 3 n. m. 1527814093 ګروپ groop group 4 n. m. 1527821395 ګړنګ gRung snot, nasal mucous 3 n. m. 1527813328 ګړنجانی gRunjaanay small bell, cowbell 4 n. m. 1591026127615 ګډ guD ram, male sheep 4 n. m. 1527819634 ګدام gUdaam dump, pile, storage, depot, piling up, granary, silo 3 n. m. 1527816641 ګډوکی guDookay lamb 2 n. m. 1527816640 ګډوری guDooray lamb, ram 3 n. m. 1527813203 ګفتار gUftáar speech, conversation, talk 4 n. m. 1527812641 ګل gUl rose, flower 4 n. m. 1 1527811374 ګل کرم gUl karam cauliflower, flowering cabbage 3 n. m. 1527817161 ګلاب gUlaab rose 4 n. m. 1527811500 ګلی gUlay seizure, convulsions, epilepsy 2 n. m. 1664030285344 ګلرېز gUlréz a kind of firework 4 n. m. 1527820908 ګلزار gUlzáar rose garden 4 n. m. 1527819871 ګمان gUmaan thought, opinion; suspicion, doubt 4 n. m. 1527818850 ګنبت gUmbát jump, leap 2 n. m. 1527823745 ګڼه بوز guNa bóoz decisive and bold man 2 n. m. 1675275952692 ګناه gUnáah sin n. m. 1613551667510 ګند gund dirtiness, filth 4 n. m. 1 1579016578450 ګنی gunáy sugarcane 4 n. m. 1 1527814657 ګنجایش gUnjaayish capacity, place for, space, room, tonnage 4 n. m. 1 1527823159 ګړدود guRdód dialect, vernacular 4 n. m. 1527819803 ګرځندوی gurdzandóoy tourist, sightseer 4 n. m. 1585224284875 ګرځبندیز gurdzbandeez ban on moving back and forth/crossing (on a border etc.) 4 n. m. 1586445866203 ګرګ gUrg wolf 4 n. m. 1527820552 ګرګی gurgáy skeleton 2 n. m. 1527818748 ګرمټ gurmúT spear, spike, lance, point 1 n. m. 1579016709266 ګړوبی gURobáy syrup, molases, sherbet 3 n. m. 1579016792599 ګړوبی guRobáy stagnant water; water leaking from irrigation 2 n. m. 1577818393673 ګروپ gUróop light bulb 4 n. m. 1575236087164 ګړهار guRuháar dissconnected, incomprehensible speech 3 n. m. 1527813368 ګرت gUrut fork, finger (of a tree); distance between thumb and index finger 4 n. m. 1527819802 ګرزندوی gurzandóoy tourist, sightseer 4 n. m. 1527811317 ګذار gUzaar attack, blow; leap, bound; crossing, passage 4 n. m. 1527823470 ګذشت gUzásht privilege, concession; passing, conduct 4 n. m. 1566247433985 ګذران gUzráan life, existence, getting by, life in common 4 n. m. 1574870063996 ګوار gwaar flock, herd 4 n. m. 1527812650 ګواښ gwaax threat, danger, challeng 4 n. m. 1527811671 ګوندي gwandee party member (political) 3 n. m. 1527819348 ګور gwar rival or opponent who is equal in strength 2 n. m. 1527823300 ګوربت gwurbút eagle 3 n. m. 1527811565 ګوړمار gwuRmaar one who makes sugar from sugarcane 4 n. m. 1586446698332 ګوړمار gwuRmáar someone who makes sugar from sugarcane 4 n. m. 1527816705 ګوټ ناستی gwuT naastay hermit, recluse, anchorite 3 n. m. 1527816796 حافظ haafiz hafiz, one who has memorized the Koran; someone who has memorized the Koran 4 n. m. 1527813199 حاجت haaját need, necessity, requirement 4 n. m. 1578618561154 حاجي haajee Haji, someone who has gone on the Hajj 4 n. m. 1527815874 حاکمیت haakimiyat authority, ruling, supremacy 4 n. m. 1527814069 حال haal state, condition, circumstance 4 n. m. احوال ahwáal 1 1527812652 حالت haalát state, condition, position, circumstance; form (of a word in grammar) 4 n. m. حالات haaláat 1 1527821193 حامي haamee supporter, protector, defender, patron, saviour 3 n. m. 1573686243031 هاڼ haaN similarity, likeness 4 n. m. 1527813233 هاند haand effort, exertion, labour, zeal 2 n. m. 1527821685 هار haar necklace, wreath, garland 4 n. m. 1527814175 حاصل haasil yield, result, achievement, received, harvest 3 n. m. حاصلات haasilaat 1527813505 هاوان haawaan mortar, howitzer 3 n. m. 1582146800217 حب hab love, affection (Arabic) 3 n. m. 1527813230 حبس habs arrest, imprisonment 4 n. m. 1527811952 هډ haD bone; family, clan, descent, blood; emnity, feud 4 n. m. 1527816228 حد had boundary, limit, extent 4 n. m. حدود hUdood 1 1527820110 حد had penance by lashing according to Sharia law 4 n. m. 1 1527811953 هډ مډ haD maD skeleton, broad outline, bone 2 n. m. 1527812653 هدف hadáf target, goal, aim 4 n. m. اهداف ahdáaf 1527815519 حدیث hadees hadith 4 n. m. احدیث ahdees 1527812073 هډوکی haDóokay bone 4 n. m. 1527812072 هډتړ haDtaR skeleton, bone-structure; plan, sketch 2 n. m. 1527819658 هډوال haDwáal relative (dialect) 2 n. m. 1527817783 حج haj Hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca (at the certain time of year) 4 n. m. 1527821450 حجامت hajaamát bloodletting, the use of cupping glasses; a shave, a haircut 4 n. m. 1527816748 حکیم hakeem wise man, thinker; eastern/traditional doctor or medicine man, doctor, physician 3 n. m. 1527822075 هکتار haktáar hectare, 1000 square meters 2 n. m. 1527814125 حل hal solution, resolution 4 n. m. 1709337733496 حل کول hal kawúl to solve, resolve 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527814125 solve 1 1709337736130 حل کېدل hal kedúl to resolve, be solved 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527814125 resolve 1573682845789 هل hal handle/shaft of a plow 2 n. m. 1527814755 هلاهل halaahal deadly poison 2 n. m. 1584529683652 هلاکت halaakát ruin, destruction 4 n. m. 1674926260424 هلوکاسټ halokaasT holocaust n. m. 1527822466 حلق halq larynx, throat, gullet 4 n. m. 1527813801 حلقه به ګوش halqa ba gosh slave, servant 3 n. m. 1527811960 هلکت halukat boyhood, childhood 0 n. m. 1578343721996 حمام hamáam bathroom, bath, bath-house, hot springs 4 n. m. 1527821871 حماقت hamaaqát stupidity, foolishness, nonsense, folly 3 n. m. 1527815952 همدم hamdam a sincere or true friend 3 n. m. 1527821256 همېشه توب hamesha tob eternity, forever 4 n. m. 1527823405 حمیت hamiyát courage, bravery, valor; nerves, fortitude 3 n. m. 1527815974 همکلام hamkalaam interlocuter, one being spoken with 3 n. m. 1527818514 حمامک hammaamak swimming-pool 3 n. m. 1527811448 همسایه hamsaaya near, close, neighboring, neighbor; tenant, renter; vassal (protected party in a treaty) 3 n. m. 1527816665 همسایه توب hamsaaya tob neighbourliness 4 n. m. 1527819444 هند hand measure, size 2 n. m. 1586634232305 هنس hans swan, goose 4 n. m. 1527812050 حق haq right, share, claim; something one deserves; a sin done against someone 4 n. m. حقوق hUqóoq 1709219688996 حق لرل haq larúl to deserve 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527812050 deserve 1 1702966819828 حق غوښتل haq ghwUxtul to appeal, to seek one's rights 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527812050 appeal 1 1610541150518 حقانیت haqaaniyat, haqaanyat truthfullness, honesty, legitimacy, rightfulness 4 n. m. 1527812663 حقیقت haqeeqát truth, fact, reality 4 n. m. حقایق haqáayq 1 1527811468 هر har cheat, swindler, traitor 2 n. m. 1527823459 حرارت haraarát heat, hot weather, temperature 3 n. m. 1527812667 حرکت harakat motion, movement, operation 4 n. m. حرکات harakaat 1527823218 حرم harám harem; the Kaaba and it’s surroundings in Mecca 4 n. m. 1527816090 حریف hareef rival, competitor, partner; client, partner (regional) 2 n. m. 1527823472 حریم haréem privacy, private things 3 n. m. 1582390673218 حریر haréer silk 4 n. m. 1527821977 حرف harf letter, letter of the alphabet 3 n. m. حروف haroof 1527812668 هرکلی hărkálay welcome 4 n. m. 1527814498 حساسیت hasaasiyát sensitivity, allergy 3 n. m. 1 1527822813 حسد hasád envy, jealousy 4 n. m. 1 1527823025 حشر hashur, hashr assembly, crowd; resurrection from the dead and judgment 2 n. m. 1588153218244 هسکوالی haskwáalay height, elevation, tallness 4 n. m. 1578013612448 هسپتال haspitáal hospital 4 n. m. 1527821683 حسرت hasrát grief, sorrow, longing for 2 n. m. 1579645031226 هټ haT effort, strain, stress, exertion; standing, stopping; stubbornness, obstinancy 2 n. m. 1579645080332 هټ haT store, shop, large shop 2 n. m. 1614169927527 هتک haták insult 2 n. m. 1527814624 هټوځی haTodzay market 2 n. m. 1527818014 هټۍ وال haTuy wáal storekeeper, shopkeeper 4 n. m. 1527818020 هټیوال haTuywáal storekeeper, shopkeeper 4 n. m. 1527822816 حوالات hawaaláat jail, lockup 4 n. m. 1671707027473 هوایي ډګر hawaayee Dugúr airport n. m. 1527811818 هوس hawas lust, desire, yearning 4 n. m. 1527818520 حوض hawz pool, tank 4 n. m. 1527814128 حیات hayaat life, existence (Arabic) 3 n. m. 1527822175 هیجان hayajáan disturbance, excitement 3 n. m. 1591872641779 هیجان hayajáan excitement 4 n. m. 1527821048 هیئت hayát delegation, committee, board 2 n. m. 1593173052731 حذف hazf abbreviation, elimination, dropping 4 n. m. 1527812024 هضم házum, hazm digestion 4 n. m. 1527820102 هیداد heedaad penalty, punishment; abuse, cursing 2 n. m. 1527811383 هېل hel cardamon, cardamom 3 n. m. 1527818497 هېنګ heng groan, sigh, bray (of a donkey) 4 n. m. 1586453930333 هېرویین heroyeen heroin 4 n. m. 1527821839 هېش hesh boiling 4 n. m. 1527812677 هېواد hewaad country, homeland 4 n. m. 1527811524 هېوادپلوری hewaadploray traitor to one's country, one who sold out against his country 4 n. m. 1527821642 هیبت haybát awe, wonder, respect, grandeur, panic, terror 4 n. m. 1 1586454006187 هیرویین hayroyeen heroin 4 n. m. 1586454030387 هیروین hayrUwéen heroin 3 n. m. 1527811619 حیث hays respect, used in (په حيث -- as) 4 n. m. 1527820187 حیثیت haysiyát dignity, respect, prestige, character, quality 3 n. m. 1527812674 حیوان haywaan animal, livestock; child 3 n. m. حیوانات haywaanaat 1527812676 حیوان شناس haywaan shinaas zoologist 3 n. m. 1527817800 هېزم کش hezam kash woodcutter 3 n. m. 1527813863 هدایت hidaayát guidance, showing of the true path, revelation leading to the truth (religious) 3 n. m. 1 1527823160 حفاظت hifaazát protection, guardianship, custody 4 n. m. 1 1527819703 حفظ hifz guard, protection, defence; memory, memorization, rote 4 n. m. 1527822053 حجاب hijáab veil, covering in Islam 3 n. m. 1527821657 هجر hijr parting, departure, leavetaking 4 n. m. 1527823734 هجر hijr parting, leaving, separation 4 n. m. 1527821658 هجران hijráan absence, separation (from lover or loved ones), departure 4 n. m. 1527823735 هجران hijráan parting, leaving, separation 4 n. m. 1527823732 هجرت hijrăt resettlement, migration, in Islam the Hegira 4 n. m. 1527823611 حکایت hikaayat story, fable, tale, anecdote 3 n. m. 1527813738 حکمت hikmat wisdom, reason, ability (Arabic) 4 n. m. 1527822076 هکتار hiktáar hectare, 1000 square meters 2 n. m. 1527815876 حمایت himaayat custody, protection, support 4 n. m. 1527813249 همت himmát, himát courage, bravery, valor, courage, strong willed-ness, strength of heart 4 n. m. 1 1709768848857 همت ورکول himát warkawúl to encourage v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527813249 1 1527819443 هند hind India 4 n. m. 1527822927 هندویزم hindooeezm Hinduism 4 n. m. 1527814303 هندوستان hindoostaan India 4 n. m. 1584888419157 هنډه hinDú bull, stud 2 n. m. 1527818498 هنګ hing groan, sigh, bray (of a donkey) 4 n. m. 1584531059953 هراس hiráas fear, alarm, panic, fright 4 n. m. 1527814836 حرص hirs greed, passionate desire, lust 4 n. m. 1 1527813893 حس his feeling, sensation, sense 4 n. m. حواس hawáas 1527812686 حساب hisáab account, counting, math, reckoning, calculation, judgment 4 n. m. 1 1708000225895 حساب کول hisaab kawul to account, count, reckon, calculate, judge 4 v. dyn./stat. comp. trans. 1527812686 judge 1 1527813551 حساب کتاب hisáab kitáab reckoning, account, calculation, judgement, counting, settling accounts 4 n. m. 1 1708000099568 حساب کتاب کول hisáab kitáab kawúl to count, reckon, account, calculate, judge 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527813551 account 1 1527823182 هسار hisaar fencing, barrier, wall, inclosure (حصار) 4 n. m. 1527823180 حصار hisáar fencing, barrier, wall, inclosure 3 n. m. 1527820998 حزب hizb political group, political party 3 n. m. احزاب ahzáab 1527814499 هوډ hoD determination, will, plan, obstinacy, obstinance, firmness 2 n. m. 1527819980 هوکی hokáy agreement, approval 4 n. m. 1527820564 هولډر holDár clamp, holder, adapter; socket (lamp) 2 n. m. 1527821374 هور hor deer; nest 2 n. m. 1527820621 هور hor, hoor ?? attack, rush, assault, raid 4 n. m. 1527820265 هورمون hormon hormone 4 n. m. 1588783174098 هوش hosh consciousness, feeling, reason, mind 4 n. m. 1 1588786803568 هوټل hoTál, hoTúl hotel, restaurant, cafe 4 n. m. 1588783177625 هوښ hox consciousness, feeling, reason, mind 4 n. m. 1582146841671 حب hUb corn, fruit, legume 4 n. m. حبوب hUboob 1672917541611 حباب hUbáab bubble n. m. 1670925065778 حجت hUját proof, argument; deed, certificate, IOU, short performance n. m. 1527820619 هجوم hUjóom attack, rushing, swarming, crowding 4 n. m. 1527813749 حکومت hUkoomat government, reign, rule 4 n. m. 1527812376 حکم hÚkum ruling, ordinance, order, command, law 4 n. m. احکام ahkáam 1 1708465807096 حکم کول hÚkum kawúl to command, order, rule 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527812376 rule 1 1573682864646 هل hul the call/cry of a dervish asking for donations 2 n. m. 1527811731 هنر hUnár art, skill 4 n. m. 1 1527811734 هنر مل hUnar mal patron of the arts 4 n. m. 1527811733 هنر پال hUnar paal patron of the arts 4 n. m. 1675436040889 هنریت hUnariyát artfulness, culture n. m. 1675962975039 هنرتون hUnartóon arts center n. m. 1584888449798 هنډه hUnDú wolf 2 n. m. 1527811201 حقوق پوه hUqooq poh expert in law, lawyer 3 n. m. 1527820928 هرکی hurkáy awkward/silly laugh, unmotivated laugh 2 n. m. 1612114351321 حرمت hUrmát dignity, respect, reverence 4 n. m. 1641828134782 حریت hUrriyát freedom 4 n. m. 1527812971 حسن hUsun beauty, prettiness 3 n. m. 1527812972 حسن نیت hUsun niyat good intention 2 n. m. 1527811644 هویت hUwiyat identity, I.D., personality, essence 4 n. m. 1677347385947 هویتي بحران hUwiyatee bUhráan identity crisis n. m. 1527813717 حضور hUzoor presence 3 n. m. 1527819104 اعلام i'laam notification, communication, news, announcement 3 n. m. 1527818574 اعمار i'máar building, edifice, construction 3 n. m. 1527817954 اعتبار i'tibáar trust, reliability, credibility 4 n. m. 1 1527817747 اعتدال i'tidaal moderation, temperance 4 n. m. 1527823388 اعتکاف i'tikáaf the practice of staying in a mosque (for men) or in a special place in the house (for women) and devoting oneself to prayer and worship 4 n. m. 1594814015427 ائتلاف i'tiláaf, eetiláaf coalition, bloc 4 n. m. 1527819428 اعتقاد i'tiqáad faith, confidence, trust; belief 3 n. m. اعتقادات i'tiqaadaat 1527820880 اعتراف i'tiráaf confession, admission, acknowledgement 4 n. m. اعترافات i'tiraafaat 1527821370 اعتیاد i'tiyaad habit 3 n. m. 1527813938 عبادت ibaadát worship, performing religious duties, rituals, prayer 4 n. m. عبادات ibaadáat 1527822925 عبادتځای ibaadatdzaay place of worship 4 n. m. 1674926413263 عبادتځی ibaadatdzáy place of worship n. m. 1527811245 ابهام ibhaam doubt, vagueness, ambiguity, uncertainty, confusion 3 n. m. ابهامات ibhaamáat 1527816214 ابلاغ iblaagh notification, report, information, notice 4 n. m. 1527819014 عبرت ibrát lesson (learned from the consequences or observation of something), example, warning, case in point 4 n. m. 1527820125 ابتکار ibtikáar initiative, innovation, proactivity, innovation 4 n. m. ابتکارات ibtikaaraat 1527812380 اعدام idaam capital punishment, execution, death penalty 3 n. m. 1527816618 ادبار idbaar misfortune, disaster (Arabic) 1 n. m. 1527818723 عدل idl load, pile, piece (of goods) 1 n. m. 1527818928 ادراک idráak comprehension, understanding, perception 4 n. m. 1527820708 ادرار idráar urine, pee 3 n. m. 1527818648 عفت ifát modesty, chastity, honour for females 4 n. m. 1527820593 افراط iffráat excess, extreme, excessiveness, extremity, extravagance 3 n. m. 1527816242 افهام ifhaam exclamation, interpretation 4 n. m. 1527819072 افلاس iflaas poverty, bankruptcy 3 n. m. 1527817050 افطار iftaar iftar, the breaking of the fast after sunset in Ramadan 4 n. m. 1652760678889 افتخار iftikháar pride (in the positive sense), something one is proud in/about, honor 4 n. m. 1584690841618 اهمال ihmáal negligence, neglect, carelessness 2 n. m. 1594813867655 احصائیه نویس ihsaaiya nawées statistician 4 n. m. 1527820599 احسان ihsaan favour, grace, kindness, goodness (د چا احسان منل - to consider oneself obliged or indebted to someone) 4 n. m. 1527816378 احتجاج ihtijaaj protest, objection 4 n. m. 1527821901 احتکاک ihtikaak rubbing down, friction, chafing, rub, scrubbing 3 n. m. 1584518908942 احتکار ihtikaar to hoard, to hoard up goods to sell at a profit and forestall the market 2 n. m. 1527817113 احتلام ihtilaam nocturnal emission, wet dream 3 n. m. 1527819653 احتمال ihtimaal possibility, probability, likelihood 3 n. m. 1527818461 اهتمام ihtimaam zeal, diligence, concern, attention, effort, charge 2 n. m. 1527812105 احترام ihtiraam respect, honor, esteem, deference 4 n. m. 1527814628 احتساب ihtisaab accountability, reckoning, overseeing weights and measures in the market 4 n. m. 1527812689 احتیاج ihtiyaaj need, requirement 4 n. m. احتیاجات ihtiyaajáat 1527812690 احتیاط ihtiyáat caution 3 n. m. 1 1527822253 اهتزاز ihtizáaz flicker, vibration, shaking, unsteady light, sparkle 2 n. m. 1527822478 احضار ihzaar training (of candidates), to summon (to court), to call up (into the army), to recall (a diplomat) 2 n. m. 1527819951 اجاره دار ijaara daar leaseholder, tenant, contractor 4 n. m. 1578770600315 اجبار ijbáar obligation, compulsion 2 n. m. 1666885727664 اجلاس ijlaas sitting, session, conference 4 n. m. 1666885729660 اجمال ijmáal summary, quick review 3 n. m. 1527819402 اخلال ikhláal violation; disarray, confusion, disorder, disruption 3 n. m. 1527811326 اخلاص ikhláas sincerity, devotion, affection 4 n. m. 1 1527819343 اخراج ikhráaj ejection, expulsion, banishment 3 n. m. 1527821299 اخطار ikhtáar warning, reprimand, admonishment 3 n. m. 1527814124 اختلاف ikhtilaaf difference, discord, disagreement, discrepancy, contradiction 4 n. m. اختلافات ikhtilaafaat 1527822646 اختلال ikhtiláal disorder, disorganization, disturbance, agitation 3 n. m. اختلالات ikhtilaaláat 1527820895 اختلاس ikhtiláas embezzlement, malpractice 1 n. m. 1527818404 اختلاط ikhtilaat mixing, mixture, blending, merging, contact, association, conversation, chatting 2 n. m. 1577555645927 اختصار ikhtisáar shortening, abbreviation, reduction 3 n. m. 1527819374 اختصاص ikhtisaas connection, anything to do with, participation; peculiarity, specialty, speciality, specialization; assignment, appropriation 4 n. m. 1577222383506 اختطاف ikhtitáaf abduction, kidnapping 3 n. m. 1527819102 اختتام ikhtitáam end, finishing, completion, termination 3 n. m. 1527814424 اختیار ikhtiyáar authority, will, choice 4 n. m. 1 1527816671 اکمال ikmaal completion, execution; military supply, ammunition 3 n. m. اکمالات ikmaalaat 1527821929 اکتساب iktisaab acquisition, gain, money-grubbing; preparation, training 2 n. m. 1527818112 علاج iláaj cure, remedy, healing, treatment, medicine, solution 4 n. m. 1 1527816718 اعلان i'láan announcement, advertisement, proclamation 4 n. m. 1 1702916988763 اعلان کول i'laan kawul to advertise, make an announcement 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527816718 1 1527820153 اله ilah God (god - Arabic) 4 n. m. 1527811962 الهیات ilahiyaat theology (Arabic) 4 n. m. 1527818588 علت ilát reason, cause; defect, illness 3 n. m. 1527815590 البند ilband summer pasture, mountain pasture 3 n. m. 1527819671 الحاد ilháad atheism 4 n. m. 1527819490 الهام ilháam inspiration 4 n. m. 1527818854 القاح ilqaah impregnation, fertilization (biology), insemination 2 n. m. 1527822622 التباس iltibáas confusion, vagueness 2 n. m. 1613562966607 التفات iltifáat esteem, courtesy, honor, attention 4 n. m. 1527813419 التهاب iltihaab inflamation 4 n. m. 1584888938336 التماس iltimaas request, entreaty, supplication 2 n. m. 1527823079 التزام iltizáam obligation, duty, requirement 2 n. m. 1527816231 علم í'lum knowledge, science (w/ plural: studies, science) 4 n. m. علوم Ulóom 1 1527813558 الزام ilzáam accusation, charge, blame 4 n. m. 1 1702626948546 الزام لګول ilzáam lugawul to accuse, blame, slander 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527813558 accuse 1 1527814276 امام imaam imam, one who leads prayiers in the mosque 4 n. m. 1584639382023 امامت imaamat the rank, practice, act of being an imam 4 n. m. 1527818577 عمارت imaarat building, structure, construction 3 n. m. 1573150154608 امارت imaarát emirate, power, authority, principality 4 n. m. 1527823101 امتیاز imitiyáaz privilege, advantage; concession; difference, distinction, peculiarity 4 n. m. امتیازات imtiyaazáat 1527812172 امکان imkaan possibility, opportunity, feasibility, probability, means, ability 4 n. m. امکانات imkaanaat 1527822896 امتداد imtidáad extent, duration; extension, prolongation 4 n. m. 1527817778 امتحان imtiháan test, examination, exam 4 n. m. 1 1527817189 امتنان imtinaan thankfulness, gratitude 2 n. m. 1527817198 امتزاج imtizáaj blend, blending; combination 2 n. m. 1527820702 انعام in'áam prize, reward 4 n. m. 1 1527822559 انعکاس in'ikáas reflection, reflex, echo 4 n. m. 1610541705370 انځیر indzéer fig 0 n. m. 1527817471 انځر indzúr fig 4 n. m. 1527817760 انفعال infi'aal shame, embarrassment, grief, vexation 3 n. m. 1527813056 انفجار infijaar explosion, burst 4 n. m. 1527813059 انفلاق infilaaq explosion, outburst, breakaway, eruption 4 n. m. 1662326259452 انفلاسیون inflaasyon inflation (economic) 4 n. m. 1527812352 انګلستان inglistáan England 4 n. m. 1 1671708248262 انحراف inhiráaf deviation, abberation n. m. انحرافات inhiraafáat 1527816726 انحصار inhisaar monopoly, siege, quota 4 n. m. 1610618336107 انعطاف initáaf flexibility 2 n. m. 1527820307 انجیل injéel Injil, New Testament (in Islam, book given to Isa), Good News 4 n. m. 1527814767 انجماد injimaad thickening, congealing, freezing, hardening 4 n. m. 1588787527818 انجن injín, anjín motor, engine 4 n. m. 1527814295 انجنیر injuneer engineer 4 n. m. anim. unisex 1527813407 انکار inkaar denial, refusal, rejection 4 n. m. 1527816921 انکشاف inkishaaf development, growth, upsurge, progress 4 n. m. 1571527453346 انقباض inqibáaz curtailment, decrease; pressure, compression, crumpling; systole; depression 4 n. m. 1527812027 انقلاب inqilaab revolution 4 n. m. 1527812173 انصاف insáaf justice 4 n. m. 1 1527817062 انساني فطرت insaanee fitrat human nature 4 n. m. 1571840042656 انشعاب inshi'aab split, branch, branching out 2 n. m. 1527823440 انسجام insijáam order, state of order; smoothness 2 n. m. 1594814280419 انسټیټیوټ insTeeTyooT institute 4 n. m. 1527814861 انتحار intihaar suicide (Arabic) 4 n. m. 1527820613 انتحاري برید intihaaree breed suicide attack 4 n. m. 1527820210 انتخاب intikháab choice, selection, election 4 n. m. انتخابات intikhaabáat 1527811433 انتقاد intiqaad criticism 4 n. m. 1527821794 انتقال intiqaal transport, transportation; passage, transition; passing; transferring; death 4 n. m. 1527821793 انتقالي حکومت intiqaalee hUkoomat transitional government 4 n. m. 1527812039 انتقام intiqaam revenge, retribution, reprisal, retaliation 4 n. m. 1527819447 انتساب intisáab relationship, connection, belonging; origin; preface, forward (in a book) 2 n. m. 1527813676 انتظام intizáam organization, orderliness, order, arrangement 4 n. m. 1 1703654396372 انتظام کول intizaam kawúl to organzie, arrange, order 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527813676 organize 1 1527812696 انتظار intizaar waiting 4 n. m. 1527816730 عنوان inwaan title, name 4 n. m. 1527818998 انضباط inzibáat order, discipline 4 n. m. 1527816981 اقامت iqaamat residence, stay; to stand and sit during prayer, precise observance of some religious rite 3 n. m. 1527819985 عقد iqd collar, necklace 2 n. m. 1527814812 اقدام iqdaam measure, arrangement, precaution, operation 3 n. m. اقدامات iqdaamaat 1527823148 اقلیم iqléem climate; region, territory; zone 4 n. m. 1527815839 اقرار iqráar confession, admission 4 n. m. 1 1702627553124 اقرار کول iqráar kawul to confess, affirm 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527815839 1 1657157473592 اقتباس iqtibáas adoption, adaptation, derivation, quotation 2 n. m. 1527822836 اقتدار iqtidáar power, authority, ability 3 n. m. 1527816913 اقتصاد iqtisaad economy, economics 4 n. m. 1527816920 اقتصادي پوه iqtisaadee poh economist 4 n. m. 1594813947932 عراق iraaq Iraq 4 n. m. 1527814214 عرفان irfaan mystical spiritualism, mysticism; knowledge, information 3 n. m. 1527820544 ارث irs inheritance, heritage, bequest 2 n. m. 1527821712 ارشاد irsháad lesson, principle, instruction 3 n. m. ارشادات irshaadáat 1527815935 ارتباط irtibaat link, communication, relationship 4 n. m. ارتباطات irtibaatáat 1527811778 ارتداد irtidaad apostacy, renunciation, backsliding, leaving the faith 3 n. m. 1527815972 ارتکاز irtikaaz support, basis, foundation, facts 2 n. m. 1582317713407 اسهال is`háal diarrhea 3 n. m. 1527816218 اصابت isaabat hit (on target); accuracy, preciseness 2 n. m. 1527816169 اسار isaar slave, captive 4 n. m. 1527816167 اسارت isaarat captivity, slavery, enslavement 3 n. m. 1527819617 اثبات isbaat confirmation, proof 4 n. m. 1527814232 اشغال ishghaal occupation, invasion, conquest 3 n. m. 1527817812 اشتراک ishitraak participation, subscription, joining 4 n. m. اشتراکات ishtiraakaat 1527817849 اشکال ishkaal difficulty 3 n. m. 1527821537 عشق i'shq love (romantic/poetic) 3 n. m. 1 1527818080 عشرت ishrát enjoyment, entertainment, merriment, partying 4 n. m. 1566476854929 اشتغال ishtighaal seizing, taking hold of, conquering; tenure, appropriation; profesion, occupation, pursuit 3 n. m. 1579043421547 اشتقاق ishtiqáaq derivation, pedigree 3 n. m. 1527817500 اشتیاق ishtiyáaq eagerness, ardent desire, hunger; anxiety 3 n. m. 1527820551 اسکلېت iskilét skeleton 4 n. m. 1577066720812 اسکلیټ iskláyT skeleton 4 n. m. 1527815849 اصلاح islaah correction, reform, fixing, improvement 3 n. m. اصلاحات islaaháat 1527815542 اسلام islaam Islam 4 n. m. 1577555990876 اسم ism, isum noun, name 3 n. m. 1527818376 اسپند ispánd wild rue, Syrian rue 3 n. m. 1527811475 اسقاط isqaat premature birth, abortion, miscarriage (Arabic) 3 n. m. 1527821988 اسراف isráaf squandering, waste, wasting, overuse, profligacy, spending money 3 n. m. 1527817822 اصرار israar insistence, persistence, demand 4 n. m. 1527819207 استیناف isteenáaf appeal 1 n. m. 1576102217069 استیظاح isteezaah eradication, extermination, impeachment, extreme poverty, interpellation 1 n. m. 1527820604 استعداد isti'dáad talent, aptitude, ability 3 n. m. 1527820759 استعمال isti'máal use, utilization, application 4 n. m. 1 1527822006 استبداد istibdáad despotism, autocracy 3 n. m. 1527811249 استدلال istidlaal argument, reasoning, conclusion 4 n. m. 1527819898 استدراج istidraaj gradualness 2 n. m. 1579042618443 استفهام istifháam question (Arabic) 2 n. m. 1527822641 استفراغ istifraagh vomit, puke 3 n. m. 1527822642 استفراغات istifraaghaat vomiting, puking 3 n. m. 1527820707 استفراق istifráaq vomit 4 n. m. 1527822640 استغفار istighfaar repentance, an appeal for forgiveness 4 n. m. 1674935590650 استحکام istihkáam strengthening, stability, fortification, reinforcement n. m. 1678366024064 استحصال istihsáal exploitation, acquisition, gaining n. m. 1527821902 اصطکاک istikaak rubbing down, friction, chafing, rub, scrubbing 3 n. m. 1527817508 استخبارات istikhbaaraat intelligence (as in government spying etc.) 4 n. m. 1527814292 استخراج istikhraaj mining, extraction 3 n. m. 1527818339 اصطلاح istilaah term, phrase, idiom, terminology 3 n. m. 1527817020 استعمار istimaar colonialism, colonization 3 n. m. 1527823547 استمرار istimraar duration; persistence, steadfastness; imperfect or continuous past aspect/tense (grammar) 2 n. m. 1527823548 استمراري istimraaree continuous, continual, prolonged, imperfect or continuous aspect/tense (grammar) 2 n. m. 1649184619887 استناد istináad reference, support, reinforcement 4 n. m. 1527815047 استناف istinaaf appeal, reclaim (law) 1 n. m. 1527823509 استنباط istinbáat deduction, elicitation, follow 1 n. m. 1527814979 استقلال istiqlaal independence 3 n. m. 1527822019 استقرار istiqráar stability, steadiness, constancy 3 n. m. 1527820219 استراحت istiraahát rest, relaxation, repose 4 n. m. 1527822063 اطاعت itaa'át obedience, subjection, subordination 4 n. m. 1527813563 عتاب itaab reprimand, reproach, criticism, accusation, blemish 2 n. m. 1527815838 عتاب itaab reprimand, reproach, criticism, accusation, blemish 2 n. m. 1527811858 اتفاق itifáaq unity, alliance, agreement, understanding, consent; coincidence 4 n. m. 1 1702798533291 اتفاق کول itifáaq kawul to agree, come into unity with 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527811858 1 1527811859 اتحاد itihaad union, alliance 4 n. m. 1527813560 اتهام itihaam accusation, charge, indictment 3 n. m. اتهامات itihaamáat 1527811512 اعتماد itimáad trust, confidence 4 n. m. 1 1527817303 اعتراض itiraaz objection, protest 3 n. m. 1527812214 اعتصاب itisaab strike (protest) 3 n. m. 1680849722411 اعتصاب شکن itisaab shikan strike breaker, scab 4 n. m. 1527817011 اطلاق itlaaq reference, designation, divorce 3 n. m. 1617991002331 اطمینان itmeenáan confidence, assurance, trust, security 3 n. m. 1527822033 اتصال ittisáal joining, connection, contiguity, junction 4 n. m. 1527812262 اتور itwar Sunday (Urdu) 4 n. m. 1527823242 عوض iwáz substitute, replacement 4 n. m. 1527815494 ایالت iyaalat province, district, state (Arabic) 4 n. m. 1527819979 ازدواج izdiwáaj wedlock, the marriage bond 3 n. m. 1527813108 اظهار izháar expression, statement, declaration 3 n. m. 1527818824 اضحلال izhilaal dissolution, liquidation 1 n. m. 1527818767 اضطراب iztiráab agitation, concern, alarm 3 n. m. 1574354665915 اضطراب iztiráab agitation, anguish, alarm, anxiety; oscillation (electricity) 3 n. m. 1676658084976 اضطرار iztiráar, istiráar extreme necessity, emergency, despair, hopeless situation n. m. 1527812700 عزت izzat honor, respect, esteem 4 n. m. 1527820311 جعل ja'l forging, faking 4 n. m. 1585241147122 جادو jaadoo magic, spell, witchcraft 4 n. m. 1579313323182 جادوګر jaadoogar magician, charmer, sorcerer 4 n. m. 1584888555862 جاګنی jaagunáy stag, bull (of certain horned animals); leader of a herd 2 n. m. 1527812701 جاج jaaj understanding, thought, survey, analysis 4 n. m. 1702843708157 جاج اخیستل jaaj akheestúl to survey, look over, analyse 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527812701 1 1527814503 جاکت jaakat jacket 4 n. m. 1527814981 جاکت jaakat jacket 4 n. m. 1527817251 جال jaal net, screen 4 n. m. 1527818734 جاله وان jaala wáan rower, oarsman, ferryman, boatman, raftsman 4 n. m. 1594373229264 جالۍ jaalúy screen 4 n. m. 1527818334 جام jaam cup, goblet (also used for sports cup/championship) 4 n. m. 1 1610793659658 جانګی jaangay femoral ligament; rope for tying packs to a camel ?? ; swimming trunks, underwear ?? 2 n. m. 1584887481646 جانب jaaníb side (as in from our side) 3 n. m. جوانب jawaanib 1527821162 جار jaar pen (for cattle), temporary fence, enclosed area for trapping quail; corral; manure pile, dung heap 4 n. m. 1527821163 جار jaar declaration, proclamation (په جار - openly, boldly) 4 n. m. 1527821165 جار jaar sacrifice, victim (ځار) (like قربان) 4 n. m. 1527820714 جار ایستنګ jaar eestáng vomit, vomiting, puke, puking 4 n. m. 1527822173 جاړه jaaRú bush, shrub 4 n. m. 1527816569 جاسوس jaasoos spy, secret agent 4 n. m. 1527818318 جایداد jaaydaad property, assets, estate 4 n. m. 1527822540 جاینماز jaaynamáaz prayer mat 4 n. m. 1527815474 جبر jabar force, violence, compulsion 4 n. m. 1584514940353 جبین jabéen forehead, brow, front 3 n. m. 1527816413 جد jad grandfather, forefather (Arabic) 4 n. m. 1678361902587 جدیدیت jadeediyát modernism n. m. 1527822451 جدول jadwál chart, table, list 4 n. m. 1588160960810 جګړن jagRún soldier, warrior, major 4 n. m. 1527820480 جهالت jahaalát ignorance, savagery, barbarism, stupidity 4 n. m. 1527812341 جهان jaháan, jiháan world, earth, universe, realm 4 n. m. 1527820152 جهاز jaháaz ship, boat; vessel, organ (biology) 4 n. m. 1 1527817792 جهنم jahannam hell 4 n. m. 1527818406 جهنم jahannUm hell 4 n. m. 1527813234 جهد jahd effort, striving (Arabic) 3 n. m. 1527822830 جهیل jaheel lake 4 n. m. 1527816137 جهیز jaheez dowry, bride price, bride's household goods 3 n. m. 1592559707851 جهل jahl, jahil ignorance, foolishness 3 n. m. 1527821718 جج jaj double chin; judge 4 n. m. 1622918319311 جک jak jack (for lifting) 4 n. m. 1527813090 جکړ jakaR storm, thunderstorm, calamity, catastrophe 3 n. m. 1527811898 جل jal hedge, gateway, moat; windbreak around a house; hot wind, sunstroke 4 n. m. 1577069907421 جلاد jalláad hangman, executioner, torturer 4 n. m. anim. unisex 1 1527813714 جلال jalaal glory, greatness (Arabic) 4 n. m. 1586278290511 جلات jaláat hangman, executioner, torturer 4 n. m. 1527813742 جلاوطن jalaawatan emigrant, migrant, immigrant, refugee, exile 4 n. m. 1527822121 جلب jaláb escort; passenger seat (in a car) 2 n. m. 1527821647 جلب jalb attraction; summoning, involvement, recruitment 4 n. m. 1527814455 جلباب jalbaab veil, bed-curtain, netting around bed 3 n. m. 1527822653 جم jam crowd, clan, tribe, concentration of people, collection 4 n. m. 1527820070 جم و جوش jam-U-jósh accumulation, abundance, profusion, confluence 4 n. m. 1527820417 جماعت jamáa'at, jUmáa'at, jUmáat mosque; class (in school); organization, party (as in political party or orginazation), group; crowd, meeting 4 n. m. 1 1527818729 جماد jamáad mineral, mineral deposit, inorganic substance 4 n. m. جمادات jamaadaat 1595516756604 جمال jamáal beauty, gracefulness (Arabic); a name 4 n. m. 1577556336876 جمعیت jami'yát society, association, meeting; plurality (grammar); population, riches 4 n. m. 1527814504 جمپر jampar jacket, coat, cardigan 4 n. m. 1527814982 جمپر jampar jacket, coat, cardigan 4 n. m. 1527818875 جناح janáah wing, side, military flank 3 n. m. 1527812705 جنت janat heaven, paradise 4 n. m. 1527817313 جنین janeen embryo, fetus 4 n. m. 1527813371 جنګ jang war, fight, battle 4 n. m. 1 1576373843716 جنغوزی janghozay pistachio, pine nut 4 n. m. 1527822585 جنګسلار jangsalaar warlord 4 n. m. 1527816936 جنګیالی jangyaalay warrior, fighter, soldier 4 n. m. 1527813265 جنجال janjaal fuss, trouble, issue, fighting, controversy 4 n. m. 1527818293 جنوب janóob south 4 n. m. 1527812224 جنرال janraal general 4 n. m. 1614081918508 جره توب jara tób singleness, bachalorhood 4 n. m. 1527813324 جرس jaras bell 4 n. m. 1527819669 جریده نګار jareeda nigáar journalist, reporter 4 n. m. 1527823175 جړک jaRk jolt, shock, tremor 4 n. m. 1527823174 جړق jaRq jolt, shock, tremor 4 n. m. 1577572674176 جرثقیل jarsaqéel crane 3 n. m. 1527811435 جسد jasád corpse, dead body 4 n. m. اجساد ajsáad 1527819366 جشن jáshun, jashn celebration, festivity, holiday 4 n. m. 1 1584882738658 جټ jaT Gypsy 2 n. m. 1527812383 جواب jawáab answer, response (ځواب) 4 n. m. جوابات jawaabaat 1 1527814622 جواز jawaaz permit, licence, permission, reason, pretext 3 n. m. 1577649987846 جوس jawás field; square; courtyard 4 n. m. 1527822467 جوف jawf, jof cavity (anatomy) 4 n. m. 1577649882884 جور jawr violence 3 n. m. 1527819305 جذب jazb, juzub absorption, soaking, attraction, allurement, drawing in 4 n. m. 1527818172 جزم jazm cutting off, truncation, amputation 3 n. m. 1527819538 جېب jeb pocket 4 n. m. 1584519146311 جېل jel gel 4 n. m. 1578329741074 جیب jayb pocket (جېب) 4 n. m. 1527818377 جهاربوټی jhaarbóoTay a variety of rue 3 n. m. 1527813239 جد jid effort, diligence 4 n. m. 1527813240 جد و جهد jid-U-jahd struggle, efforts 4 n. m. 1527814588 جدیت jiddiyat seriousness, gravity 4 n. m. 1527822122 جګر jigár liver (used in combining forms / phrases) 3 n. m. 1527815495 جهاد jihaad jihad, holy war (Islam) 4 n. m. 1527821050 جهت jihát reason, cause 4 n. m. 1574785162928 جلو jiláw rein, reins, bridle (of a horse) 4 n. m. 1527813269 جن jin demon, ghost, spirit, genie 4 n. m. 1527818244 جن jin girl, little girl; evil spirit, demon 4 n. m. 1527819756 جنایت jinaayát crime, illegal act, wrongdoing 4 n. m. 1527819757 جنایت کار jinaayát kaar felon, criminal, wrongdoer 4 n. m. 1527813645 جنس jins sort, kind, breed; sex, gender; (w/ plural: commodities, wears, items, articles) 4 n. m. اجناس ajnáas 1527811608 جنسي تېری jinsee teray sexual assault, sexual abuse, molestation, rape 4 n. m. 1527813659 جنسیت jinsiyat grade, type, sex, gender 4 n. m. 1527816892 جریب jireeb jerib, a measurement equal to 2000 m² or 0.2 hectare 4 n. m. 1527811418 جرم jirm body, mass (Physics) (Arabic) 4 n. m. 1527823273 جریان jiryáan, jaryáan flow, current, process, current of events; stream 4 n. m. 1527823396 جسم jísum, jism body, substance 4 n. m. اجسام ajsáam 1 1527819947 جوار jiwáar vicinity, proximity 4 n. m. 1527819539 جوب job bag, pocket 2 n. m. 1527818544 جوک jook a place for a camel to lie down and rest; melting down / boiling down sugar; weight 2 n. m. 1675267882803 جولائي joolaa'ee July n. m. 1527817511 جومات joomaat mosque 4 n. m. 1675267834196 جون joon June n. m. 1527812252 جوس joos juice 4 n. m. 1527817479 جوټۍ jooTúy rock, swing, nod, drowse 4 n. m. 1527818513 جووړ joowúR pool, pond, reservoir 1 n. m. 1577649910775 جور jor the quality of being well-cooked (rice) 3 n. m. 1527811581 جوړېده joRedu production, manufacturing, structure 3 n. m. 1527815544 جوړجاړی joRjaaRay agreement 4 n. m. 1527811705 جوړښت joRúxt structure 4 n. m. 1 1527820068 جوش josh excitement, ardour, fervour, enthusiasm 3 n. m. 1 1586278822637 جوش و خروش josh-U-kharósh excitement, ardour, fervour, enthusiasm 4 n. m. 1527811357 جبران jUbraan compensation for damages and losses 4 n. m. 1527812714 جغ jugh yoke 4 n. m. 1527813241 جغات jughaat effort, labour 1 n. m. 1527811892 جغن پړی jughun puRay rope tying the yoke to the pole of a cart 2 n. m. 1595516359590 جلد jald, jÚld, jíld volume, tome; tonne; skin, leather 4 n. m. 1 1704701036106 جلد کول jald kawúl to bind (a book) v. stat. comp. trans. 1595516359590 bind, binds, binding, bound 1 1527812213 جمات jUmaat mosque 4 n. m. 1527818282 جمهور jUmhoor republic; populace 4 n. m. جماهیر jamaahéer 1527818284 جمهوریت jUmhooriyát, jumhooriyát republic, republican system 4 n. m. 1 1527814055 جنون jUnoon madness, craziness, insanity, lunacy 4 n. m. 1527819151 جرأت jUrát courage, boldness, bravery 4 n. m. true 1665948089837 جرئت jUrát courage, boldness, bravery 4 n. m. 1527811417 جرم jÚrum crime, offence, misdemeanour; fine, penalty 4 n. m. جرائم juraaim 1 1702627063797 جرم کول jÚrum kawul to do a crime, offence 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527811417 1702627228106 جرم راوړل jÚrum raawRul to slander, accuse, blame 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527811417 1 1527819381 جوال jUwáal bag, sack 3 n. m. 1 1527820528 جز juz hissing, bite (of a scorpion, snake, wasp etc.) 4 n. m. 1527820529 جز jUz part, portion, component 4 n. m. 1586340193892 جز juz bite, hissing (of snake, scorpion, wasp) 4 n. m. 1527817275 جذام jUzáam leprosy 4 n. m. 1527817280 جذامي jUzaamee leper 4 n. m. 1527816258 جزدان jUzdaan notebook, folder for paper 4 n. m. 1663958124238 ژبدود jzabdód grammar, regularity of language 4 n. m. 1617990943400 ژور خفګان jzawár khafgáan depression, deep sadness 4 n. m. 1571525855452 ژباړن jzbaaRan translator, interpreter 3 n. m. 1573686563723 ژی jzay wineskin, bagpipe, skin for carrying liquid 2 n. m. 1527819962 ژغوری jzghóray backer, supporter 2 n. m. 1527816863 ژمنماتی jzmanmaatay promise breaker 2 n. m. 1527822393 ژوبڼ jzobáN zoo 2 n. m. 1527819860 ژورنال jzoornáal journal (as in a scientific journal), magazine 3 n. m. 1527811643 ژورنالیست jzoornaaleest journalist 3 n. m. 1678795152752 ژورنالېزم jzoornaalezum, jzoornaalezm journalism n. m. 1527815698 ژمی jzúmay, jzímay winter 4 n. m. 1527815701 ژمګوری jzumgoray winter camp, winter dwelling 2 n. m. 1527813599 ژواک jzwaak life, existence 2 n. m. 1625944323115 ژوند لیک jzwand leek, jzund leek biography, autobiography 4 n. m. 1527812722 ژوند jzwand, jzwund life 3 n. m. 1527813594 ژوندو ژواک jzwando jzwaak lifestyle 2 n. m. 1527815845 ژوندون jzwundoon life, livelihood, way of life 4 n. m. ژوندانه jzwundaanu ژوندن jzwundan 1527821477 کابوس kaabóos nightmare, frightening dream 2 n. m. 1675145516872 کابل kaabúl Kabul n. m. 1588786663660 کافی kaafáy cafe 4 n. m. 1527817469 کافر kaafir infidel, unbeliever, atheist, pagan (in Islam) 3 n. m. 1527818173 کافیت kaafiyat sufficiency, being enough 3 n. m. 1590053605265 کاغ kaagh cawing/crowing sound of crows, hens etc. 4 n. m. 1590053564590 کاغ کاغ kaagh kaagh cawing/crowing sound of crows, hens etc. 3 n. m. 1527823178 کاغ والی kaagh waalay wisdom, good sense, foresight, discretion, intelligence 1 n. m. 1527812725 کاغذ kaaghaz paper 4 n. m. کاغذات kaaghazaat 1584884648888 کاغذباد kaaghazbáad kite 1 n. m. 1577067295826 کاګل kaagíl plaster (for walls made from straw and clay) 4 n. m. 1527823679 کاهښت kaahúxt itch; pruritus; angrily gnashing/grinding one’s teeth; swearing 3 n. m. 1623405986902 کاجو kaajóo cashew 4 n. m. 1527816446 کاکا kaakaa paternal uncle, term of address for elderly man 4 n. m. 1527820353 کاکل kaakÚl lock (of hair), curl, ringlet; (small) crest (birds) 4 n. m. 1527812727 کال kaal year 3 n. m. 1527823368 کالبوت kaalbóot carcass, corpse, frame, structure, body, shell 3 n. m. 1578706351012 کالی kaalay dress, clothing, underwear, ornament (usually plural) 4 n. m. 1527822916 کالبر kaalíbr caliber (weapons/military) 2 n. m. 1584528435434 کالج kaalij college 4 n. m. 1527819550 کام kaam palate; kin, family, clan, tribe 2 n. m. 1527814290 کان kaan mine, quarry, shaft, pit 4 n. m. 1527823295 کاڼی káaNay stone, rock 4 n. m. 1527820651 کانفلور kaanflór potato flour 1 n. m. 1586551257500 کانکور kaankor test, exam; competition, concourse 4 n. m. 1624352785739 کانکرېټ kaankréT concrete 4 n. m. 1527812320 کاپرچټ kaapirchaT long knife, short sword 1 n. m. 1527822084 کار kaar work, job, business, stuff to do 4 n. m. 1 1610793132864 کارن kaaran user 4 n. m. 1527812733 کاربېټر kaarbeTur carburetor 3 n. m. 1527820792 کارډ kaarD card 4 n. m. 1 1527816881 کاریګر kaareegár worker, employee, labourer; (often used in this form for plural of کارګر) 4 n. m. anim. unisex 1 1527822442 کارېز kaaréz Kahriz, underground irrigation canal 3 n. m. 1527816878 کارګر kaargar worker, employee, labourer 4 n. m. 1527811783 کارګوټی kaargoTay no big deal, small piece of work 3 n. m. 1527811286 کارمن kaarman worker, employee 4 n. m. 1527814476 کاړو کوړ kaaRoo kooR howls, shouts, screams; clanking, clattering 1 n. m. 1527816872 کاروبار kaaroobaar business, work, affairs, occupation 4 n. m. 1 1527819291 کارپوه kaarpóh expert, specialist 4 n. m. 1588782702477 کارتوس kaartóos cartridge, round (of a gun) 3 n. m. 1 1664029465164 کارتن kaartún carton, cardboard 4 n. m. 1527813579 کاروان kaarwáan caravan 4 n. m. 1 1527811927 کاسیر توب kaaseer tob prostitution 3 n. m. 1527814465 کاشتکار kaashtkaar farmer 4 n. m. 1527822921 کاټلی kaaTláy shotgun cartridge 1 n. m. 1527817108 کاته kaatu look, gaze, examination, inspection, spying 3 n. m. 1527822479 کاوړ kaawáR anger, fury 1 n. m. 1527821248 کاینات kaayináat universe, world, creation 4 n. m. 1527815707 کاز kaaz den, cavern, lair, cave; scissors; wish, desire 1 n. m. 1527817250 کب kab fish 3 n. m. 1527820314 کباب kabáab kebab, roast 4 n. m. 1568411038763 کباړ kabáaR garbage, trash, second-hand goods 3 n. m. 1527819453 کبل kabál reason, cause 2 n. m. 1527818563 کبوړی kabóoRay muscle 3 n. m. 1527818562 کبوړی kaboRáy juice of the sugar cane 3 n. m. 1527814897 کبر kábur, kibr pride, arrogance 4 n. m. 1 1624512527541 کچ kach measure, metering; step, yardstick; 42 inches; restraint, moderation 4 n. m. 1624512543034 کچ مېچ kach mech measure, metering; step, yardstick; restraint, moderation 4 n. m. 1527818570 کچکول kachkól cup for collecting handouts/begging (used among the dervish) 4 n. m. 1566652405558 کدو kadóo pumpkin, gourd; fool, twit (derogatory slang) 4 n. m. 1 1527813746 کډوال kaDwaal migrant, emmigrant, immigrant 4 n. m. 1527819821 کف kaf foam, froth 4 n. m. 1527815459 کفالت kafaalat acting for, management, responsibility for, representing 4 n. m. 1527816594 کفایت kafaayat sufficiency, to have enough or get by 4 n. m. 1527820303 کفن kafán burial shroud, cloth wrapping someone for burial 4 n. m. 1527820304 کفن دزد kafan dUzd cemetery thief, grave robber 3 n. m. 1527815947 کفیل kafeel deputy 2 n. m. 1527813169 کږ kaG lower jaw bone, lower part of beak 2 n. m. 1527823205 کږلېچ kaGléch bend, twist 3 n. m. 1527819551 کهول kahól family, kindred 4 n. m. 1574868446005 کج لېچ kaj léch bend, turn, curve 4 n. m. 1623044574331 کجک kaják curl, ringlet of hair 4 n. m. 1574868472113 کجلېچ kajléch bend, turn, curve 3 n. m. 1527821729 کژ kajz chin 1 n. m. 1527818571 کک kak particle, crumb, blade of grass; sugar-cane molasses 2 n. m. 1 1527815973 کلام kalaam word, speech, piece of poetry 4 n. m. 1527819553 کلنګ kaláng tribute; money; goods given from the husband’s family to the bride’s 3 n. m. 1527818373 کلوو kalóow anise, aniseed 1 n. m. 1527811723 کلتور kaltoor culture 4 n. m. 1527819678 کمال kamáal perfection, maturity, completeness; skill, great talent, ability, achievement or quality 4 n. m. 1 1578015160090 کمان kamáan bow (archery); arch, vault, dome 3 n. m. 1566652848760 کمر kamár cliff, cragg; waist 3 n. m. 1527812211 کمربند kamarband belt, sash, cummerbund; border or line in a conflict/war 3 n. m. 1527812745 کمبود kambóod lack, deficiency 3 n. m. 1527821551 کمین kaméen ambush 4 n. m. 1527815718 کمیس kamees shirt, undershirt, slip, kameez 3 n. m. 1527816880 کمی kamáy shortage, lack, deficiency 3 n. m. 1 1527817779 کمیت kámiyat quantity (کميت او کيفيت – quality and quantity) 3 n. m. 1578014921595 کموډ kamóD commode, western toilet 3 n. m. 1527822044 کمونیزم kamoonéezm communism 4 n. m. 1527822045 کمونست kamoonist communist 4 n. m. 1527813793 کمپ kamp camp 3 n. m. 1 1527816853 کمپاین kampaayn campaign 4 n. m. 1527814078 کمپیوټر kampyooTár computer 4 n. m. 1 1527816879 کمښت kamuxt shortage, lack, deficiency, wane, lessening 3 n. m. 1627318669821 کناراب kanaaraab bathroom, toilet, restroom 4 n. m. 1527823074 کنات kanáat see قنات - underground irrigation canal 2 n. m. 1527818568 کنډ kanD small piece, small 2 n. m. 1527821870 کند kand sugar 0 n. m. 1610557016242 کنډ kanD rubber, gum, resin, eraser 2 n. m. 1527823727 کنداغ kandáagh butt, stock of a rifle/firearem 4 n. m. 1527820853 کندهار kandahaar Kandahar 4 n. m. 1527820095 کنډک kanDak battalion, military unit; piece, fragment, bite, track (music) 3 n. m. 1527822771 کنډر kanDár, kanDúr ruins; hole, passageway dug through a wall 4 n. m. 1 1527818567 کندلوښی kandlóxay sugar bowl 0 n. m. 1527823091 کندو kandóo bin, corn-crib, storehouse (for grain) 4 n. m. 1527813365 کنډوری kanDooray distance between thumb and index finger 2 n. m. 1578770271277 کڼی kaNáy warp (of fabric) 2 n. m. 1527813128 کنفرانس kanfráans conference 4 n. m. 1 1578770124226 کنګال kangáal washed/cleaned dishware 4 n. m. 1527814778 کنګل kangal freezing, frost; frozen 3 n. m. 1527814777 کنګړ kangaR bracelet, hoop 2 n. m. 1582146957797 کنګرو kangaroo kangaroo 4 n. m. 1610616852625 کنګرېزی kangrezáy echo 2 n. m. 1610540146830 کنجرتوب kanjUrtob prostitution, shamelessness 3 n. m. 1584884669377 کنکوک kankóok kite 1 n. m. 1527817546 کنسرت kansirt concert 3 n. m. 1527818901 کنترول kantrol monitoring, supervision, checking, control, regulation 3 n. m. 1527814717 کنټرول kanTrol, kunTrol control 3 n. m. 1527822773 کپ kap bite, morsel; trophy, cup 3 n. m. 1527820305 کپن kapán burial shroud, cloth wrapping someone for burial (کفن) 3 n. m. 1527819013 کپېړ kapéR crocodile 1 n. m. 1527817085 کر kar sowing 4 n. m. 1621958572792 کړ kaR verb 4 n. m. 1527823609 کره توب kara tób authenticity, genuineness, reliability 4 n. m. 1527823610 کره والی kara waalay authenticity, genuineness, reliability 3 n. m. 1527823139 کراچي وان karaachee wáan carter, someone selling things from a cart 4 n. m. 1576945749410 کرامت karaamát miraculous power, miraculous feat or miracle; mercy, generosity 4 n. m. کرامات karaamáat 1566475011687 کراړۍ karaaRúy mushroom 1 n. m. 1527811722 کړاو kaRáaw grief, distress, affliction, torment 4 n. m. 1 1578616872634 کرک karák common quail 2 n. m. 1578616944967 کرک karák whole wheat 1 n. m. 1580769979312 کرل karál mortar (for grinding medicine) 3 n. m. 1527811373 کرم karam kindness, mercy, goodness, generosity, pity (Arabic) 2 n. m. 1591871510979 کړمچی kaRamcháy suffix (grammar) 3 n. m. 1574785006480 کرنګ karáng planting, sowing 1 n. m. 1612112820319 کرت karát time (as in 20 times - شل کرته) 4 n. m. 1527821502 کربوړی karbóRay lizard 4 n. m. 1527816638 کرهډ karhaD blooming, flowering, turning green 1 n. m. 1578616964055 کرک kark rhinoceros, rhinoceros hide/leather 1 n. m. 1527812749 کړکېچ kaRkéch tension, conflict 4 n. m. 1630765169871 کړکی kaRkáy, kaRukáy reed, cane 4 n. m. 1527819858 کرمنتوب karmuntób insomnia 1 n. m. 1600076411457 کړند kaRúnd subject (grammar) 4 n. m. 1584515499002 کړښت kaRuxt suffering, pain, misery, hardship 4 n. m. 1527816891 کروندګر karwandgar farmer 3 n. m. 1527812757 کس kas person 4 n. m. 1527819148 کثافت kasaafát dirt, refuse, filth, garbage; density, thickness, weight 3 n. m. 1527818808 کسالت kasaalát tiredness, weariness, fatigue, weakness 3 n. m. 1527813002 کست kasat spite, angre, malice 1 n. m. 1527821694 کسب kásb, kasúb trade, business, craft 4 n. m. 1 1527811209 کش kash pull, stretch, traction; furrowing, plowing??; difficulty, concern, trouble; pulled, dragged; distorted; dash; hostility, dispute 4 n. m. 1527817794 کش مکش kash makash quarrel, skirmish, conflict, struggle 3 n. m. 1586446226407 کش و ګیر kash-U-geer struggle, rivalry, fight, brawl, tussle 3 n. m. 1527816207 کشف kashf exploration, discovery, finding, search, investigation 4 n. m. 1670422680517 کشمالی kashmaaláy basil n. m. 1527812750 کشمیر kashmeer Kashmir 3 n. m. 1626767854663 کشری kashráy basket, kneading trough 3 n. m. 1527822454 کسر kasr, kasur fraction 4 n. m. 1527811638 کثرت kasrat numerical strength, majority, frequency, plenty 3 n. m. 1527811801 کټ kaT cot, bed; large, fat, thing, strong; exclusion, cut; black pignment, black dye (made from pomegranate rinds) 4 n. m. 1 1577822123658 کتار katáar line (as in a line of people waiting), file (قطار) 4 n. m. 1527811893 کټپړی kaTpuRay the rope that holds a bed together 3 n. m. 1626765029649 کڅوک katsóok, katswák chickenpox, chicken pox, varicella 4 n. m. 1527819224 کتغ katúgh warm meal, dish 4 n. m. 1527811594 کوچ kawch couch, sofa 4 n. m. 1527818902 کودی kawdáy potsherd, fragment, earthenware pot 1 n. m. 1527823664 کوی káway, kúway smallpox 1 n. m. 1527818838 کوکب kawkab star, planet, heavenly body 2 n. m. کواکب kawaakib 1527823051 کونسل konsúl, kawnsúl consul 4 n. m. 1 1527820076 کوشېر kawshér soldering, welding; compensation 4 n. m. 1574866671907 کوشکن kawshkán, koshkán anteroom, antechamber, waiting room 2 n. m. 1527812289 کوتر kawtar pidgeon, dove 4 n. m. 1626765002080 کوڅک kawtsák chickenpox, chicken pox, varicella 4 n. m. 1575237090194 کوکی kawukáy small iron trowel (used like a spatula on bowls?), ladle 3 n. m. 1527817802 کښ kax pulling, drawing, traction 3 n. m. 1576888208912 کېدون kedóon possibility, probability, eventuality 1 n. m. 1588785599570 کیلومتر keelomítur kilometer 4 n. m. 1527821287 کین keen malice, spite, vindictiveness (کينه) 3 n. m. 1614169400348 کیر keer rice milk porridge 4 n. m. 1614169420758 کیر کیرک keer keerák kingfisher 2 n. m. 1527820256 کیشپ keesháp turtle, tortoise 4 n. m. 1527813459 کیواړ keewaaR lock, padlock 2 n. m. 1527813764 کېک kek cake 4 n. m. 1527816567 کېس kes glory, honor 1 n. m. 1527811791 کېش kesh cotton blanket, shawl 1 n. m. 1588074679735 کی kay king, hero 2 n. m. 1610795276513 کیف kayf pleasure, enjoyment, intoxication 3 n. m. 1527811717 کیهان kayhaan the world, universe (poetic) 1 n. m. 1527811719 کیهان نورد kayhaan naward astronaut 1 n. m. anim. unisex 1527813000 خادم khaadim servant 4 n. m. 1527822424 خواجه khaajá eunuch 3 n. m. 1610793789926 خاک khaak corpse 4 n. m. 1527822500 خال khaal birth mark, beauty mark (on the cheek), speck, spot, gold; tattoo; vaccination, immunization, inoculation; scaper (agriculture) 4 n. m. 1527814049 خالق khaalíq Creator, Maker, God (Arabic) 4 n. m. 1 1577396427655 خامک khaamák shoots / sucklers of a vine; embroidery 4 n. m. 1527819113 خان khaan khan, leader of a tribe or family 4 n. m. 1527819544 خاندان khaanadáan family, dynasty 3 n. m. 1584444454388 خانکی khaanakáy diminutive of خان 4 n. m. 1590826000755 خانسامه khaansaamá cook 3 n. m. 1593172942097 خاپ khaap stain, speckle, blur 2 n. m. 1527811896 خار khaar thorn, spine 4 n. m. 1577823016740 خارج khaarij outside, abroad 3 n. m. 1527823673 خارش khaarish itch, mange, scratching 3 n. m. 1527823659 خارښت khaarúxt itch, mange, scratching 4 n. m. 1 1527817462 خاشاک khaashaak kindling, brushwood 4 n. m. 1527813691 خاطر khaatir thought, memory, consideration or deference (out of respect); reason, cause; mind, spirit 3 n. m. 1527812765 خبر khabár news, information, notice 4 n. m. خبرونه khabróona 1 1708558394457 خبر ورکول khabár warkawul to inform 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527812765 inform 1 1573055311846 خبرداری khabardaaráy warning, notice, alarm 4 n. m. 1 1618408634809 خبري کنفرانس khaburee kanfraans press conference 4 n. m. 1527822323 خچر khachúr mule 3 n. m. 1527817200 خفګان khafgáan sadness, depression 4 n. m. 1 1527822596 خج khaj stress, emphasis; foam, scum 4 n. m. 1527819420 خجالت khajaalát shame, embarrassment, shyness 4 n. m. 1527822910 خلاقیت khallaaqiyát creative work 2 n. m. 1589906810921 خلتم khaltám see خړتم 4 n. m. 1577899462253 خم kham bending, bowing, curving 4 n. m. 1527813192 خمسور khamsor fall, beginning of autumn 2 n. m. 1527816210 خنډ khanD stump, stubble, spur; hinderance, obstacle 4 n. m. 1527817555 خندق khandáq trench, ditch, moat 3 n. m. 1 1527818879 خنځیر khandzéer pig, hog, swine, pork 4 n. m. 1527823045 خنجر khanjár dagger 4 n. m. 1662621374296 خپ khap mark, stain, scar 4 n. m. 1527813905 خپګان khapgaan sadness, depression 4 n. m. 1527820911 خر توب khar tób nonsense, senselessness, absurdity 4 n. m. 1527814329 خرابات kharaabaat gift, grant, donation 3 n. m. 1623687306911 خرک kharák trestle, bridge, table, stand, bridge (music) 2 n. m. 1527817700 خرچ kharch expense, expenditure, cost 4 n. m. 1 1527823232 خردجال khardajáal Antichrist 4 n. m. 1527813627 خریدار khareedáar purchaser, customer, buyer 4 n. m. 1 1566468578178 خرګوش khargosh rabbit 3 n. m. 1 1527822767 خروکی kharóokay scab, scar, incrustation 2 n. m. 1527814871 خرسک kharsak jumping for joy 2 n. m. 1589906721230 خړتم khaRtám, khaRtÚm trunk (of an elephant), hose 4 n. m. 1589906796501 خرطوم khartóom trunk (of an elephant), hose 4 n. m. 1527817699 خرڅی khartsáy expense, expenditure, cost 2 n. m. 1527814634 خرڅون khartsoon sale, selling, vending 4 n. m. 1661499952197 خرڅوړی khartsóRay rags, cloth, tatters; dialect - short person 4 n. m. 1527822947 خروار kharwáar a unit of weight in Kabul/Afghanistan (565kg) 4 n. m. 1527816095 خس khas, khus meat, placenta; woodchip, thorn, brushwood, straw; idiomatic none (as in no importance) 4 n. m. 1584888643209 خسي khasée castration, gelding 4 n. m. خسیان khasiyaan 1527819714 خشیل khashéel small amounts of brushwood washed up by the waves on the shore 3 n. m. 1586341034399 خسڼی khasuNáy drawing of a lot/lottery; toss; speck, bit ?? 4 n. m. 1527812805 خط khat, khut letter, correspondance 3 n. m. خطوط khUtóot 1527819159 خطاکار khataakáar sinner 3 n. m. 1527820628 خطاط khatáat penman, calligrapher 3 n. m. 1527820324 خټکی khaTakáy melon 4 n. m. 1584528782000 خطیب khatéeb orator, preacher 4 n. m. 1527812066 خټګر khaTgar bricklayer, mason 3 n. m. 1666977819226 ختمون khatmóon finishing, removal, completion 3 n. m. 1527812770 خطر khatur danger, risk, peril 4 n. m. 1527817828 خیال پلو khayaal palaw imaginary; daydreaming, fantasizing 4 n. m. 1527819977 خیانت khiyaanát,khayaanát betrayal, treason, embezzlement 4 n. m. 1527814528 خیدک khaydak curdled milk, fermented milk, cheese 3 n. m. 1527815006 خیدک khaydak curdled milk, fermented milk, cheese 3 n. m. 1527813190 خزان khazáan autumn, fall; fading, losing 4 n. m. 1 1527819202 خیرن شی kheeran shay dirtiness, nastiness, uncleanness, filthiness, foulness 2 n. m. 1527813183 خېل khel clan, tribe 3 n. m. 1 1527814421 خیدک khaydak yogurt, curdled soured milk 3 n. m. 1527817919 خیدک khaydak yoghurt, curdled sour milk, cheese in molds 3 n. m. 1527812774 خیر khayr goodness, blessing, charity, alm 4 n. m. اخیار akhyáar 1703857370959 خیر غوښتل khayr ghwUxtul to beg, to ask for alms; to wish well 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527812774 beg, begs, begging, begged 1 1527812775 خیریت khayriyat state of wellness, everything being ok 4 n. m. 1527812412 خېز khez jumping, leaping, bob up and down 4 n. m. 1527812776 خدمت khidmat service, serving, helping 4 n. m. خدمات khidmáat 1527814890 خدمتګار khidmatgaar servant 3 n. m. 1527814227 خږ khiG liner, lining, inside liner; understudy, actor's subsitute, stunt-double 2 n. m. 1527819441 خلافت khilaafát caliphate 4 n. m. 1589021479153 خلقت khilqát creation (also is a person's makeup, the way they were created) 4 n. m. 1527812115 خراج khiraaj tax, duty (in Arabic/Islamic history) 2 n. m. 1566469201607 خشت khisht tile, check, graph paper, window pane, the diamond in playing cards 3 n. m. 1527819699 خصلت khislát character, trait, disposition; habit 4 n. m. 1 1527814257 خطاب khitaab address, address (as in speaking) 4 n. m. 1 1527819976 خیانت khiyaanát betrayal, treason 4 n. m. 1527813804 خوب khob sleep, dream 4 n. m. 1 1527822485 خول khol helmet, sheath, case, holster; light autumn frosts 3 n. m. 1527819359 خوګ khoog pig, swine, hog 2 n. m. 1527814172 خوږ khooG, khoG pain, ache, hurt, injury, illness 4 n. m. 1573766517060 خوګلن khooglún embers 2 n. m. 1527818987 خورهار khooruháar snore, snoring 3 n. m. 1527821831 خوسی khoosáy a game where people hop on one leg and try to push the other people over 4 n. m. 1527812399 خوش آمد khoosh aamad flattery, complimenting 4 n. m. 1527819361 خوسکی khooskáy, khoosakáy calf (animal) 4 n. m. 1527814511 خوی khooy character, nature, disposition, habit 4 n. m. 1 1577902271755 خور khor crust, rind, crustiness 2 n. m. 1527812788 خوراک khoráak, khwaráak food 4 n. m. 1 1709564011209 خوراک کول khoráak kawúl to eat 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527812788 eat 1 1527822094 خوریی khorayáy nephew (sister’s son) 4 n. m. 1588075156748 خوشامند khoshaamand flattery, sucking up to 4 n. m. 1527821025 خراس khraas wine press, press, extraction 1 n. m. 1586957421645 خراشکی khraashkay spit, phlegm, egg white 3 n. m. 1577823937547 خرپ khrap crackling, crunching (onomatopoeia) 4 n. m. 1584888187563 خسوندر khswandár young bull, bull-calf 3 n. m. 1527817743 خداوند khUdaawund the Lord, God 3 n. m. 1527812801 خلاصون khulaasoon salvation 4 n. m. 1527822391 خلی khúlay twig, brushwood, rod; sprout, blade of grass, straw, litter, garbage, trash 3 n. m. 1527818665 خلوص khUlóos sincerity, honesty, candour 4 n. m. 1678442168305 خلوت khulwut isolation, privacy, seclusion n. m. 1577899514668 خم khUm large clay pot for storing liquids, oil, etc. 4 n. m. 1527821481 خمار khUmáar drunkenness, hangover; intoxication (from love), languor (in eyes) 4 n. m. 1527820910 خر khur snore, snort, sneeze 3 n. m. 1594218664126 خړ khUR vomit, vomiting, puke, puking, the sound made when puking 3 n. m. 1582390242301 خراری khUraaray purring (of a cat) 4 n. m. 1578006062824 خرهار khuraháar snore, snoring, roar, squeak 4 n. m. 1577384805271 خرهاری khurahaaray roar, snoring 4 n. m. 1527818983 خرکی khurkáy snore, wheezing, purring 2 n. m. 1527815990 خړوب ګری khuRob guray plaster, mortar 3 n. m. 1527822012 خشونت khUshoonát harshness, rudeness 3 n. m. 1527818991 خسوف khUsoof lunar eclipse 3 n. m. 1527821036 خصومت khUsoomát hostility, aversion, dislike, abhorrence 4 n. m. 1610541514902 خصوصیت khUsoosiyát quality, property, specifity, particularity 4 n. m. خصوصیات khUsoosiyáat 1586340744267 خسر khUsúr, khUsÚr father in law, wife's father 4 n. m. 1527818703 خت khut shirt 3 n. m. 1527813894 خټ خټ khuT khuT roar of laughter, peal of laughter 3 n. m. 1527822589 خوابدون khwaabadoon sadness, feeling upset 4 n. m. 1586341337438 خوابدون khwaabadoon grief, sadness, sorrow, distress, offense 3 n. m. 1527820717 خواګرځی khwaagurdzáy vomit, vomiting, puke, puking; nausea, sickness 4 n. m. 1527818130 خواهش khwaahísh wish, desire, want, aspiration, request 4 n. m. خواهشات khwaahisháat 1 1703655817834 خواهش کول khwaahísh kawul to desire, aspire to, wish, want, request 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527818130 desire 1 1527812162 خواشین khwaasheen grief, vexation 3 n. m. 1527814428 خواست khwaast wish, request, supplication, entreaty 4 n. m. 1527811937 خوند khwand taste, flavour, enjoyment, delight 4 n. m. 1 1709838629770 خوند اخیستل khwánd akheestúl to enjoy, take plasure in (له ... نه) 1527817879 خور khwar crust, skin (fruit), peel, rind 2 n. m. 1527823173 خوړ khwaR ravine, brook, creek, gully, wash; race ?? 3 n. m. 1 1527816319 خورون khwaroon development 1 n. m. 1611400948184 خوړنځی khwaRundzay dining room, cafeteria, lunch room 4 n. m. 1527814508 خوی khway wooden spade, a paddle for shoveling snow; wedding 4 n. m. 1527811709 خوځښت khwudzuxt movement, stirring, flexibility 4 n. m. 1527812815 خوندیتوب khwundeetob safety, security 4 n. m. 1527820718 خوړ khwuR vomit, vomiting, puke, puking, the sound made when puking 3 n. m. 1585402832491 خوشوی khwushóy cow, horse, or donkey dung (often plural) 2 n. m. خوشایه khwushaayu خوشای khwushaay 1527817827 خیال khyaal, khayáal thought, fancy, opinion, idea, care 4 n. m. 1 1708003680880 خیال ساتل khyaal saatúl to care, look after, remember 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527817827 care 1 1708003714794 خیال کول khyaal kawúl to care, look after, remember 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527817827 care 1 1527823336 کپتان kiptaan captain (in cricket) (usually کپټان) 4 n. m. 1527823337 کپټان kipTaan captain (in cricket) 4 n. m. 1527813201 کردار kirdáar conduct, character, behavior, deed, action, role 4 n. m. 1 1702628551959 کردار ادا کول kurdáar adaa kawul to act, play a role, impersonate, behave in a manner 3 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527813201 1 1617991068931 کردګار kirdagáar God, the Creator 3 n. m. 1586634804764 کرمچ kirmích canvas, sailcloth, tarp, duck (the cloth) 2 n. m. 1577381248174 کشیش kisheesh priest 4 n. m. 1527817474 کشمش kishmísh kishmish, raisin, seedless grape 4 n. m. 1527817472 کشمشي انګور kishmishee angoor the kishmish grape 3 n. m. 1527814513 کشور kishor bandage, dressing 3 n. m. 1527814512 کشور kishwar country, land, region, territory 4 n. m. 1527812817 کتاب kitáab book 4 n. m. 1 1527822824 کتاب ګوټی kitaab góTay booklet, notebook 4 n. m. 1675435376131 کتابي اثر kitaabee asár printed work n. m. 1673978528300 کتابپلورنځی kitaabplorundzáy bookstore n. m. 1527821338 کتابتون kitaabtóon library 4 n. m. 1664092726747 کلاس روم klaas room classroom 4 n. m. 1622655291910 کلاشینکوف klaasheenkof Kalashnikov (rifle) 4 n. m. 1578330703431 کلاشنیکوف klaashneekóf klashnikov rifle 4 n. m. 1527813118 کلک والی klak waalay strength, steadfastness, solidity, staunchness 4 n. m. 1527812818 کلینیک kleenéek clinic 4 n. m. 1 1591804767559 کلیپ kleep clip (video) 4 n. m. 1 1579014499969 کوچ koch, kooch migration, roaming 4 n. m. 1527816845 کوډ koD chemical fertilizer, manure, dressing; code; magic, spell ?? 4 n. m. 1527816846 کوډ لوبی koD lobay magician, illusionist, juggler 2 n. m. 1527820533 کوډ لوبی koD lobáy illusionist, magician, conjurer; juggler, minstrel 2 n. m. 1527820531 کوډګر koDgúr sorcerer 4 n. m. 1586446948449 کوږ koG hyena 4 n. m. 1527812064 کوغاتی koghaatay small hole, pit, depression; oven, kiln; hovel, shack 3 n. m. 1527819023 کوهی koháy well (for water), shaft 3 n. m. 1527821149 کوک kok winding up, tuning (of a musical instrument); cry, howl, yell; stitches 3 n. m. 1575237149875 کوکی kokáy boy, little boy 4 n. m. 1527811651 کوکنار koknaar opium poppy 4 n. m. 1527812821 کومک komák help, assistance 4 n. m. 1 1702811038885 کومک کول komák kawul to help, assist 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527812821 help 1 1703656046453 کومک ورکول komák warkawul to help, assist 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527812821 help 1 1527820832 کونتینر kontaynur container (shipping) n. m. 1527823743 کوچی kóochay young donkey, foal 4 n. m. 1527820191 کوچنیوالی koochneewaalay childhood, smallness 4 n. m. 1527819200 کود kood manure, fertilizer 3 n. m. 1527816843 کوغالی kooghaalay chicken coop 3 n. m. 1527813389 کوژدن koojzdún engagement, fiancee 4 n. m. 1 1527821150 کوک kook wild leek, wild onion 1 n. m. 1575237152253 کوکی kookáy leek 1 n. m. 1577384162080 کوکو kookoo din, shouting; cooing 4 n. m. 1589906546272 کوکومیو kookoomyáw owl 4 n. m. 1527821761 کوکړ kookúR a long pole to stir the coals (in an oven, kiln, etc.), a kind of pea with small kernels 2 n. m. 1527822522 کولنګ kooláng, kwuláng pick (axe), hatchet, pick, hoe; peak, pinnacle 4 n. m. 1527812422 کولولو koolooloo a kind of monster, demon or boogeyman that lives in the sand 1 n. m. 1675336186782 کولتور kooltóor culture n. m. 1579015558826 کومبار koombáar potter 2 n. m. 1527812824 کومباری koombaaray pottery 2 n. m. 1527818266 کومی koomáy hump (eg. of a camel) 3 n. m. 1578012385709 کوناټی koonaaTáy, kwunaaTáy butt, buttocks, hip 4 n. m. 1 1527814365 کونچ koonch, kwunch corner 0 n. m. 1527819942 کونډی koonDáy a man who has been unable to take vengeance on his blood enemy, weak enemy 3 n. m. 1589906322995 کونګ koong, kwUng large owl, northern eagle owl 4 n. m. 1527821111 کونګړ koongáR foundation (of a building); a custom done when there are repeated deaths of children in the family in which a earring is put on the newborn and alms are distributed 2 n. m. 1589906519830 کونګی koongáy owl 4 n. m. 1610617172927 کونګچ koongúch echo 2 n. m. 1527811277 کونج koonj corner, crook, bend, end, tip; convolutions; 4 n. m. 1527815690 کوړ kooR gurgle, gurgling, rumbling 2 n. m. 1527815693 کوړ kooR leprosy, infectious or contagious disease 4 n. m. 1616922230255 کورکمن koorkamán turmeric, curcuma 4 n. m. 1527812063 کورکوری koorkooray male turtle-dove; powdered brick used for cleaning metal dishes 2 n. m. 1527813167 کورنش koornish low bow, greeting with great respect 2 n. m. 1566477276824 کوس koos vagina (vulgar) 4 n. m. 1527819886 کوټی kooTáy little donkey, young donkey, foal of a donkey 4 n. m. 1527820067 کوتی kootáy corner, nook; dimple; fossula below the knee 1 n. m. 1527820065 کوتی kootáy, kwutáy puppy, puppy dog 1 n. m. 1527816639 کوتونی kootoonay decorated or dressed up lamb or ox sent by the groom to the bride’s house for the wedding feast 2 n. m. 1527823667 کوی kooy itch, itching 1 n. m. 1527812826 کوزه ګر kooza gur potter 3 n. m. 1527812828 کور kor house, home 4 n. m. 1527819133 کور ودانی kor wadaanáy thanks, gratitude, release, dismissal 3 n. m. 1527820527 کوربه توب korba tob hosting, hospitality 4 n. m. 1648113031433 کوربتوب korbatób hosting, hospitality 4 n. m. 1527812830 کوروالی korwaalay sexual intercourse between husband and wife 4 n. m. 1527816524 کورزومی korzoomay someone who lives with his wife's parents 3 n. m. 1527812831 کوشش koshísh effort, trying, work, attempt 4 n. m. 1 1527821931 کوټ koT fort, stronghold, arsenal; coat, overcoat; stand, rack, pile, stockplie, heap, supply, reserve; alloy 2 n. m. 1 1527821932 کوټ بند koT bánd hat stand, coat hook, coat rack 4 n. m. 1527812079 کوټک koTak neck; chin 1 n. m. 1527821873 کوتک koták back of the head; staff, cane 3 n. m. 1527822309 کوتل kotál pass, mountain range 3 n. m. 1527819887 کوټی koTáy head, skull, mind, brain 2 n. m. 1527812820 کوښښ koxux effort, trying, work 4 n. m. 1586448762910 کویل koyl spool, bobbin, reel 2 n. m. 1527817937 کراړک kraaRak salted cheese 1 n. m. 1578617097664 کرک krak furrow, rut, wheel track, dried and cracked silt 1 n. m. 1527813929 کړن kRan action, conduct, behavior, deed 4 n. m. 1576369514752 کړنګ kRang cling, clatter, noise 4 n. m. 1610617188512 کړنګار kRangáar echo 4 n. m. 1527811443 کړنګاوو kRangaawoo doorbell 3 n. m. 1527822778 کړپ kRap crash, crack, noise, knock, tap, squeak, creak, flapping sound 3 n. m. 1661858671680 کړپی kRapáy rustling, scratching; chitter-catter, idle talk 4 n. m. 1527821329 کرس kras sound of cracking, splitting 3 n. m. 1568927074979 کړس kRas crackling, chirping (کړس کړس ژړل - to cry really hard) 3 n. m. 1527816805 کریم kreem cream, toothpaste, medical creams etc. 4 n. m. 1 1527813397 کرېکټ krekuT cricket (game/sport) 4 n. m. 1527818564 کرېړی kreRáy heavy molasses, thick syrup (made from sugar cane) 2 n. m. 1588783550579 کرسمس krismas Christmas 4 n. m. 1576369531087 کړنګ kRung a stick attached to livestocks' neck to keep them from running 4 n. m. 1527822742 کړټی kRúTay fold, crease, wrinkle 2 n. m. 1527812834 کچالو kuchaaloo Jerusalem artichoke, earth apple (Pakistan); potato (Afghanistan) 4 n. m. 1527817296 کفر kÚfur blasphemy 4 n. m. 1527818572 کک kUk onion 1 n. m. 1578769875936 کلال kUláal potter 4 n. m. 1527812836 کلی kúlay, kílay village 4 n. m. 1527813460 کلف kUlf lock 4 n. m. 1527820354 کلپ kUlp lock (کلف); locked 3 n. m. 1527820385 کلپکی kUlpakáy small lock (diminutive of کلپ) 4 n. m. 1527823158 کمپوز kumpóz composition (of music) 3 n. m. 1527821400 کڼ kuN snivel, snot 1 n. m. 1578012382491 کناټی kUnaaTay butt, buttocks, hip 3 n. m. 1527821017 کر kur runny poo, liquid feces 1 n. m. 1527821018 کر kur squeak, crackle, crack, the sound of cloth being ripped (onomatopoeia) 2 n. m. 1527819633 کرد kUrd Kurd 1 n. m. 1527818565 کرېړی kureRáy mole cricket, Eurasian woodcock 4 n. m. 1578617123067 کرک kUrk goat's down 1 n. m. 1527814409 کرکمان kUrkUmáan turmeric, tumeric, curcuma 3 n. m. 1527814408 کرکمن kUrkUmán turmeric, tumeric, curcuma 3 n. m. 1527820963 کړندتوب kuRundtób disorder, lack of coordination, lack of organization, instability, laxity 3 n. m. 1527820962 کړندوالی kuRundwáalay disorder, lack of coordination, lack of organization, instability, laxity 2 n. m. 1582388629980 کسی kúsay pupil (of an eye) 4 n. m. 1586446224875 کش و کړپ kush-U-kRap the sound of footsteps, noise 4 n. m. 1527817795 کشکش kushkush the sound of footsteps 4 n. m. 1527818990 کسوف kUsoof solar eclipse 2 n. m. 1527820924 کټ کټ kuT kúT loud laughter, boisterous laughter; with کتل, to stare, gaze fixed 3 n. m. 1527820925 کټکی kuTkáy loud laughter, boisterous laughter 4 n. m. 1650479397874 کټکی kuTkáy a little bed/charpai 4 n. m. 1527823666 کوی kuwáy itch, itching 1 n. m. 1527811652 کښت kuxt planting, farming 4 n. m. 1527817284 کوړ kwaR shaft of a butter-churning staff or beater 3 n. m. 1527819885 کوټی kwaTáy wooden bin, crib 2 n. m. 1576684705738 کورت kwrut kurut, hard, dried balls of yoghurt/cheese curds 4 n. m. 1573681813707 کونداغ kwundáagh butt, stock of a rifle/firearem, swaddling clothes 4 n. m. 1527811756 کوني kwunee male prostitute, devoted gay (vulgar), faggot 4 n. m. 1527821034 کونوبی kwunobáy sediment, solid matter settled at the bottom of a liquid, material deposited by ice, wind, water 3 n. m. 1527820455 کوت kwut fold; curly; armpit; a hole in the ground used as shelter for animals 2 n. m. 1527819884 کوټی kwuTáy corner 3 n. m. 1646129413987 کوتی kwútay box, tin, case, crate 4 n. m. 1527822901 لعل la'l ruby 4 n. m. 1527816556 لعن la'n damnation, perdition (Arabic) 2 n. m. 1527816545 لعنت la'nát curse, cursing 4 n. m. 1 1709130580894 لعنت ویل la'nát wayul to curse v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527816545 curse 1 1527815684 لاغو laaghoo skillet for heating butter or cooking oil 2 n. m. 1527816416 لاغورنیکه laaghwurneeku great-great-grandfather 4 n. m. 1675281658443 لاهور laahór Lahore n. m. 1527822903 لاجورد laajwárd lazulite, lapis lazuli 3 n. m. 1586634724937 لاله سر laala săr red-crested pochard (duck) 2 n. m. 1527816512 لالا laalaa elder brother, general form of familiar and respectful address 4 n. m. 1527816511 لالاناوې laalaanaawe term of address for the wife of an older brother 3 n. m. 1614169779114 لالج laaláj animosity, hostility; stubbornness, willfulness, obstinacy 4 n. m. 1527814840 لالچ laaluch, laalich greed; antagonism 4 n. m. 1527818550 لامبات laambaat refined sugar, fruit drop 2 n. m. 1527812848 لامل laamil cause, reason, factor, motive 3 n. m. 1576611069783 لانت laanat curse, cursing 3 n. m. 1594204041302 لاندستون laandistóon bed, mattress, bedding 2 n. m. 1527816825 لاڼی laaNay jet, spurt, stream 3 n. m. 1527816331 لاپوک laapook bragger, boastful person 4 n. m. 1527822102 لاري والا laaree waalaa truck driver, lorry driver 4 n. m. 1527816824 لاړی laaRay pole, timber, crossbar; jet, spurt, stream 4 n. m. 1671958522504 لاریون laaryóon protest, march, demonstration n. m. 1527812849 لاس laas hand, arm 4 n. m. 1 1584889713313 لاس ماغو laas maaghóo glove 2 n. m. لاسماغانونه laasmaaghaanoona 1527817139 لاس پړک laas paRak clapping, applause, cheering 3 n. m. 1527816325 لاس روغبړ laas roghbaR shaking hands, handshake 3 n. m. 1616998194988 لاس څپوڼی laas tsapóNay napkin, handkerchief, hand towel 4 n. m. 1527811355 لاسي چراغ laasee chiraagh flashlight 2 n. m. 1591007374132 لاش laash corpse, dead body 4 n. m. 1 1527819613 لاسلیک laasléek signature 4 n. m. 1527816765 لاسنیوی laasneeway hand-holding, help, assistance 3 n. m. 1616998102082 لاسپاک laaspáak handkerchief, napkin, hand towel 3 n. m. 1527819078 لاسپوچی laaspocháy puppet 3 n. m. 1527819080 لاسپوچی حکومت laaspocháy hUkoomát puppet state, puppet government, puppet regime 4 n. m. 1527819079 لاسپوڅی laaspotsáy puppet 4 n. m. 1573149568665 لاسرسی laasrasáy access, availability 4 n. m. 1661859266921 لاستی láastay handle, crank 4 n. m. 1650697098994 لاسوند laaswánd document, file, data file (on computers), bill, record, proof 4 n. m. 1527814411 لاسیوی laasyaway unity, coalition, union 3 n. m. 1527820563 لاټېن laaTén lamp, lantern 4 n. m. 1584518018697 لاټو laaTóo spinning top (toy) 4 n. m. 1527822403 لایسنس laaysáns license 3 n. m. 1 1527820993 لایټر laayTur lighter (ie. cigarette lighter) 3 n. m. 1588782762475 لایتر laaytur lighter (ie. cigarette lighter) 3 n. m. 1527818551 لبلبو lablabóo beet 4 n. m. 1 1584638208676 لچک lachak kerchief, decorative head covering 3 n. m. 1527822456 لفظ lafz word, expression, form (of a literary work) 4 n. m. الفاظ alfáaz 1527822318 لګ لګ lag lág crane 2 n. m. 1527822515 لګن lagán basin, copper basin, big plate (of food) 3 n. m. 1527818811 لغم laghm mine, land-mine 4 n. m. 1527817951 لغزش laghzísh sliding, failure 4 n. m. 1527812850 لګښت lagúxt cost, expense 4 n. m. 1 1527815038 لحد lahad grave, the inner niche of the grave where the body is placed 4 n. m. 1527820975 لحن láhan tone (of speech), intonation 2 n. m. الحان alháan 1527820522 لهر lahúr a deep and wide basin (geography) 1 n. m. 1527818407 لهو lahw fun, enjoyment, entertainment, play 3 n. m. 1624352678471 لکچر lakchar lecture 4 n. m. 1527811447 لخک lakhak hinge (door) 2 n. m. 1527823078 لخچک lakhchák toboggan, sled; skating 3 n. m. 1527811836 لکۍ وال ستوری lakuy waal storay comet 3 n. m. 1527821672 لمبر lambár number 4 n. m. 1527818516 لمبېده lambedú swimming, bathing 4 n. m. 1527816477 لمبی lambáy candle, lamp 3 n. m. 1527813809 لمونځ lamoondz Muslim ritual prayers (namaz, salah, salat) 4 n. m. لمانځه lamaandzu لمنځ lamandz لمونځونه lamoondzóona 1527822100 لمس lams touching, motivation, instigation 3 n. m. 1527819427 لندن landán London 4 n. m. 1527816187 لنډیز lanDéez summary 4 n. m. 1527820742 لنګر langár anchor; weight, load, burden, influence 4 n. m. 1 1574809460867 لپکی lapakáy diminutive of لپه 3 n. m. 1576374819712 لپړ lapáR flat pebble used in pitch-and-toss/coin-toss ??; shivering, shaking (from the cold) 3 n. m. 1527817925 لپیت lapeet whey 2 n. m. 1527817126 لپړی lapRay mud, sludge, wet earth 4 n. m. 1527823286 لقب laqáb title, rank, designation; nickname 3 n. m. القاب alqáab 1527815492 لړ laR series, range, line, row, chain 3 n. m. 1527823604 لړه غومی laRa ghóomay robbery, theft 3 n. m. 1527811884 لړم laRam scorpion 4 n. m. anim. 1527811891 لړم بوټی laRam booTay Doronicum (a plant that heals scorpion bites) 2 n. m. 1527813875 لری laray first stomach of a ruminant, entrails 4 n. m. 1527817464 لرګی largáy wood, timber 4 n. m. 1527816960 لرغون larghoon old times, ancient time, antiquity 4 n. m. 1614082254680 لرلید larléed outlook, perspective, view, landscape 4 n. m. 1527823498 لړماچ laRmáach intestines, guts, bowels (لړمون) 2 n. m. 1585741922846 لړماښ laRmáax intestines, guts, bowels (لړمون) 3 n. m. 1527823497 لړمون laRmóon intestines, guts, bowels 3 n. m. لړمانه laRmaanu لړمن laRman 1527812029 لړومی laRoomay poker, shovel 2 n. m. 1527812030 لړونی laRoonay poker, shovel 4 n. m. 1579105042332 لسګون lasgoon a ten Afghani note 4 n. m. 1527822801 لستوڼی lastóNay sleeve 4 n. m. 1527813382 لټپېر laTaper piling, pile-on 2 n. m. 1527811853 لټون laTóon search, inspection 4 n. m. 1 1527813995 لو law, lau harvesting, reaping, hay-making; mowed, reaped, harvested 4 n. m. 1646991662084 لونګ lawáng clove (spice) 4 n. m. 1665385472160 لوډسپیکر lawDspeekur loudspeaker, speaker (electronic) 4 n. m. 1527813354 لوړکی lawRúkay truncheon, baton, tube, pipe, flick 2 n. m. 1579107420295 لوړ lawúR cane, walking-stick, stake, baton, picket 4 n. m. 1527813712 لښکر laxkár soldier, warrior, army 4 n. m. 1 1527812416 لښتی laxtáy brook, rivulet, small irrigation 4 n. m. 1 1527819377 لښتی laxtáy ditch; dancer, acrobat, magician, juggler; almond; forfeit; kernal 3 n. m. 1 1574868340750 لېچ lech forearm; butt/stock (on a rifle) 2 n. m. 1574866244874 لیچ leech conjunctivitis, pink-eye 3 n. m. 1527819594 لید leed viewpoint, view, sight, insight 3 n. m. 1527823103 لیدلوری leedlóray perspective, viewpoint 3 n. m. 1527823401 لیف leef fiber 2 n. m. الیاف alyaaf 1527813864 لیک leek letter, writing, paper 2 n. m. 1663958185155 لیکدود leekdóod spelling 4 n. m. 1621114312999 لیکی leekay book 0 n. m. 1571525526237 لیلام leelaam auction, bidding 3 n. m. 1571525624339 لیلام چي leelaam chee auctioneer 3 n. m. 1527812857 لیمو leemoo lemon 3 n. m. 1576946739873 لیمڅی leemtsay felt rug 4 n. m. 1527819909 لیت leet Himalayan Pine 2 n. m. 1588160568805 لېفت left lift, elevator 4 n. m. 1527820830 لېږد رالېږد leGd raaleGd transportation, sending back and forth 2 n. m. 1527821833 لېنګی lengáy the leg from thigh to sole 3 n. m. 1578014532841 لېټرین leTreen latrine 3 n. m. 1611066503215 لېو lew plaster, plastering, coating 4 n. m. 1527813862 لېونتوب lewantob madness, craziness, lunacy 4 n. m. 1635621983761 لېونتون lewantóon mental hospital, insane asylump 4 n. m. 1527816388 لېور lewar brother in law; husband's brother 4 n. m. 1527821790 لین دین layn dayn dealings, business, relations, give-and-take 4 n. m. 1527818180 لباس libáas clothing, costume, clothes, dress 4 n. m. 1 1527813948 لحاظ lihaaz viewpoint, point of view, attention, care, consideration, politeness 4 n. m. 1527818943 لیاقت liyaaqát qualification, merit, deserving, value, fitness 4 n. m. 1 1527813992 لمر لوېده lmar lwedu sunset 2 n. m. 1527813986 لمر پرېواته lmar prewaatu sunset, west 4 n. m. 1586447467856 لمر څرک lmar tsrak rising of the sun 3 n. m. 1527813984 لمر lmar, lamar sun 4 n. m. 1527813987 لمرخاته lmarkhaatú sunrise, east 4 n. m. 1709563920211 لمر خاته lmar khaatú sunrise, east 4 n. m. 1527814401 لوبونی lobawúnay toy 2 n. m. 1527811402 لوبځی lobdzay playground 4 n. m. 1527811403 لوبغالی lobgháalay stadium 4 n. m. 1527820547 لوفر lofar sketchy person, thug/punk/not-involved-in-good things and sitting around 4 n. m. 1590826056861 لوهار loháar blacksmith 4 n. m. 1 1591804443889 لوژ lojz loge, private box seat 2 n. m. 1527813335 لولکی lolakáy bumblebee; state of depression, blues; ommision 3 n. m. 1 1527811925 لولۍ توب loluy tob prostitution 4 n. m. 1610557059621 لوبان loobáan frankincense, incense 4 n. m. 1527813846 لوګی loogáy smoke 4 n. m. 1675280804994 لومړیتوب loomReetób priority n. m. 1527822869 لوټ مار looT máar robber, raider 4 n. m. 1527822873 لوټ میری looT méeray robber chieftan, gang leader 3 n. m. 1527822874 لوټ پاټ looT páaT robbery 4 n. m. 1527823063 لوټه مار looTa máar mallet, tamper (agriculture) 2 n. m. 1527814481 لوښی lóoxay dish, pot, jar, utensil, cutlery (often plural) 3 n. m. 1 1708911460956 لوښي lóoxee dishes, pots, jars, cutlery (plural of لوښی) 1 1527819233 لوی څارنوال looy tsaaranwáal attorney general, public prosecutor 3 n. m. 1527820548 لوپر lopar sketchy person, thug/punk/not-involved-in-good things and sitting around 4 n. m. 1527812864 لور lor side, direction 3 n. m. 1527813466 لور lor sickle 4 n. m. 1579107472039 لوړ loR stake, picket 3 n. m. 1527814519 لوری lóray side, direction 3 n. m. 1527816635 لورغی lorghay a lamb given to a shepherd as a form of payment 2 n. m. 1527821532 لوست lost vomiting, nausea 2 n. m. 1527822868 لوټ loT banknote, currency, paper money 4 n. m. 1527816389 لوظ loz, lauz promise, word, word of honor 4 n. m. 1588760593222 لوز loz promise, word of honour (لوظ) 3 n. m. 1527813492 لږی luGay minority 4 n. m. 1527822508 لغت lUghát word; (w/ plural: words, vocabulary, speech, dictionary) 4 n. m. لغات lUgháat 1 1674386880683 لږوالی luGwáalay lack, having little of n. m. 1610445525049 لکنت lUknát stammering, stuttering 3 n. m. 1527811829 لم lum fatty tail, but of sheep 4 n. m. 1527819494 لمسون lumsoon provocation, temptation, instigation 3 n. m. 1589884418392 لنډون lunDóon shortening, shortness 4 n. m. 1527821463 لنګ lung, lUng, ling ?? loincloth, bathing trunks 4 n. m. 1584885142010 لنګون lungóon childbirth, parturition, delivery 4 n. m. 1527813878 لرې والی lure waalay being distant (used for homesickness) 4 n. m. 1527813876 لری luray defeat 3 n. m. 1527820686 لطف lUtf grace, favour, kindness 3 n. m. 1527820589 لوېشتنک lweshtinák dwarf, midget, pigmy 4 n. m. 1527820588 لوېشتکی lweshtukáy dwarf, midget, pigmy 4 n. m. 1527821533 لوست lwust learning, studies, writing 4 n. m. 1600076179350 لوست lwust lesson 4 n. m. 1527820807 معبد ma'bád temple, place of worship 3 n. m. معابد ma'aabíd 1527814294 معدن ma'dan ore, deposit, mineral 3 n. m. معادن ma'aadín 1527817887 معفیت ma'fiyat pleasure ?? 3 n. m. 1527819407 معصیت ma'siyát sin, fault, transgression (religious) 3 n. m. 1631017842781 معین ma'yán rhombus 2 n. m. 1527815526 مابین maabayn middle, midst, between; interval 4 n. m. 1527817840 مادیت maaddiyat materiality, materialism 4 n. m. 1527819119 ماغزي ګوزڼ maaghzee goozúN Cerebral palsy (CP) 2 n. m. 1586551727279 ماهي نیوونکی maahee neewóonkay fisherman 3 n. m. 1527817246 ماهی maahay fish 4 n. m. 1595253009197 ماهیت maahiyát essence, substance, nature, characteristic 4 n. m. 1527813821 ماحول maahól, maahául environment, surrounding, surroundings 4 n. m. 1 1527816241 ماخذ maakhaz base, basis, source (of information) 3 n. m. 1527822785 ماخوستن maakhostán night, late evening 3 n. m. 1527822786 ماخستن maakhUstán night, late evening 4 n. m. 1527812152 مال حال maal haal goods, belongings 4 n. m. 1527812149 مال وړونکی maal wRóonkay freight, cargo 3 n. m. 1586447914370 مال و منال maal-U-manaal property, belongings, fortune 3 n. m. 1527812146 مالچر maalchar pasture 3 n. m. 1527817981 مالدار maaldáar rich, well-off, cattle farmer, farmer 4 n. m. 1527817961 مالګین توب maalgeen tob saltiness, salinity, attractiveness 4 n. m. 1527812326 مالک maalík lord, master, owner, the Lord (God) 3 n. m. 1 1527820677 مالکیت maalikiyát ownership 4 n. m. 1527821845 مالش maalísh friction, rubbing, massage, filling 3 n. m. 1527821846 مالښ maalíx friction, rubbing, massage, filling 3 n. m. 1527812878 ماما maamaa uncle (maternal), respectful form of address 4 n. m. 1527816403 ماماجي maamaajee diminutive form of uncle 4 n. m. 1527816063 ماموریت maamooriyat position, job, post, service, mission, assignment 4 n. m. 1527816405 مامک maamuk diminutive form of uncle 4 n. m. 1594813588409 مانع maaní obstacle, barrier 4 n. m. موانع mawaaní 1527821597 ماڼو maaNóo sailor, myrtle 4 n. m. 1527821598 ماڼوتوب maaNootob sailing 3 n. m. 1527812179 ماپښین maapxeen afternoon 3 n. m. 1527815711 مار maar snake 4 n. m. 1527819917 مارباغ maarbáagh mosquito trap plant, venus fly trap?? 3 n. m. 1594813275177 مارچ maarch March (month) 4 n. m. 1527815949 معارف maaríf, ma'aaríf education, public instruction, enlightenment 4 n. m. 1527821591 مارکب maarkab eel, moray eel 2 n. m. 1527812880 مارکېټ maarkeT market 4 n. m. 1527811967 معاش maash, ma'aash livelihood, means of living, wage, life 4 n. m. معاشات maashaat 1527811588 ماشین maasheen machine 4 n. m. 1527819920 ماشی máashay mosquito, midge 4 n. m. 1527812882 ماشومتوب maashoomtob childhood 4 n. m. 1588760523565 ماسک maask mask 3 n. m. 1527822787 ماسختن maaskhUtán night, late evening 4 n. m. 1588759817538 ماسپښین maaspaxéen, maaspixéen afternoon 4 n. m. 1 1527812178 ماسپېښین maaspexeen afternoon 4 n. m. 1527813521 ماتم maatam mourning, grief, grieving, deep sorrow 4 n. m. 1527811358 ماتمی maatumay compensation, payment 4 n. m. 1527812176 ماښام maaxáam evening 4 n. m. 1 1527820029 ماښامی maaxaamáy pertaining to evening (adj.); supper; bat (animal... emphasis different??) 3 n. m. 1578340552798 ماین maayn, maayin mine (explosive) 3 n. m. 1527812177 مازدیګر maazdeegar late afternoon 4 n. m. 1527818290 مازیګر maazeegár late afternoon 4 n. m. 1 1527812883 مبلغ mablagh sum, amount (of money) 4 n. m. 1579114293434 مچ mach kiss 4 n. m. 1527820228 مچچکی machUchkáy fly larva; maggot (growing in a wound) 2 n. m. 1527823274 مد mad flow, tide 3 n. m. 1527820523 مدار madáar circle, circumference, orbit 3 n. m. 1527822960 مداري madaarée juggler, magician, conjuror 4 n. m. 1527812884 مدد madád help, assistance 4 n. m. 1 1702811003755 مدد کول madád kawul to help, assist 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527812884 help 1 1527818762 مدنیت madaniyát civilization, culture 2 n. m. 1527820446 مدفن madfán grave, cemetery, burial place 2 n. m. 1588857384219 مدرک madrák document, evidence, proof 2 n. m. مدارک madaarik 1527821878 مفصل mafsál joint, juncture 2 n. m. مفاصل mafaasíl 1527820229 مګس magás fly (insect) 4 n. m. 1527817557 مغاک magháak pit, trench 1 n. m. 1527821916 مغازه دار maghaaza daar shopkeeper, storekeeper 2 n. m. 1527814288 مغدن maghdan mine, quarry 2 n. m. 1527817790 مغفرت maghfirat pardon, forgiveness, absolution 4 n. m. 1527821808 مغلوبیت maghloobiyat state of defeat, subjugation, depression 4 n. m. 1527822649 مغشوشوالی maghshooshwáalay confusion 2 n. m. 1527821592 مغز maghz brain, marrow, kennel, pith, pulp, interior, inside of a fruit (often plural) 4 n. m. ماغزه maaghzu مغز maghz 1 1623688129216 مغزی maghzáy neck, nape; golden trim on shoes 4 n. m. 1527814009 مهال mahaal time, season 4 n. m. 1527815617 مهال mahaal time, season 4 n. m. 1623167146790 مهالوېش mahaalwesh schedule, timetable 4 n. m. 1527811219 مهار mahaar reins, halter, muzzle, camel's bridle 4 n. m. 1527818462 مهارت mahaarát skill, mastery, ability 4 n. m. 1 1527821207 محک mahák touchstone; test; criterion 2 n. m. 1527816984 محل mahal place, locality, residence (Arabic) 4 n. m. 1527819129 مهلوېش mahalwesh timetable, timeline, time management 4 n. m. 1527821542 محبس mahbás prison, jail 3 n. m. 1527821221 محبوبیت mahboobiyát popularity, attractiveness, pleasantness, affection 4 n. m. 1527819213 محدودیت mahdoodiyát limitation 4 n. m. 1662023131048 محفله mahfíl, mafhíl party, gathering, event, assembly 4 n. m. 1678446368187 محکومیت mahkoomiyát condemnation n. m. 1586956457276 محلت mahlát neighborhood, district, section 3 n. m. 1527813247 محنت mahnat, mihnat effort, labor, diligence, hard work 3 n. m. 1 1671707581792 محرومیت mahroomiyát deprivation, bereavement, exclusion, being cut off from something n. m. 1527817693 محشر mahshár judgement day 3 n. m. 1527812101 محصول mahsool product 4 n. m. محصولات mahsoolaat 1527816135 مهر mahur, mahr dowry, bride price (Arabic Islamic term) 4 n. m. 1527817756 محو mahw annihilation, destruction 3 n. m. 1677868857722 محور mahwár axis, pivot n. m. 1527812885 محضر mahzar presence, attendance, meeting, gathering 4 n. m. 1527821222 مجال majáal possibility, occasion, grounds, authority 4 n. m. 1527814094 مجاز majaaz metaphor, allegory 4 n. m. 1527819220 مجبوریت majbooriyát obligation, being stuck or forced 4 n. m. 1527814822 مجلس majlís conference, assembly, meeting 4 n. m. مجالس majáalis 1 1611063404297 مجمر majmár censer, brazier (for burning incense) 4 n. m. 1527821678 مجنون majnóon madman, lunatic, fool 4 n. m. 1584690268041 مجوس majóos magus, one of the magi 4 n. m. 1527820684 مکان makaan place, dwelling; toilet 4 n. m. 1527816637 مکړک makaRuk lamb collar 2 n. m. 1527817106 مکېز makez smile, flirting, coquetry 2 n. m. 1527818718 مخلوق makhlóoq created, created being (ie. human) 4 n. m. مخلوقات makhlooqáat 1 1527811695 مخنیوی makhneewáy prevention 3 n. m. 1574866383447 مخرج makhráj pronunciation, organ of speech/pronunciation, speech, pronunciation; denominator (math); outlet, outcome, way out, cost 3 n. m. مخارج makhaarij 1586448266947 مختیاری makhtayaaráy, mukhtayaaráy preparation, preparedness, readiness 2 n. m. 1527821235 مخزن makhzán depository, depot, storehouse, reservoir; arsenal, ammunition 4 n. m. مخازن makhaazin 1527813104 مکث maks delay, suspension, stay 2 n. m. 1527814265 مکتب maktab school 4 n. m. مکاتب makaatib 1527817736 ملایک malaayik angel 3 n. m. 1527812356 ملک malak angel 3 n. m. 1584528907130 ملخ malákh, mulákh, mUlákh locust 4 n. m. ملخان malakhaan, mulakhaan, mUlakhaan 1527811983 معلولیت malooliyat disability, disease; being justified, stipulated 2 n. m. 1576687354694 ملک maluk chieftan, owner, head of the village 4 n. m. 1627298334609 ممانعت mamaani'at, mamaanat hinderance, prevention n. m. 1527811276 ممات mamaat death (Arabic) 2 n. m. 1612113041588 ممیز maméez rasin, dried grape 4 n. m. 1527821142 مملکت mamlakát nation, state, country 4 n. m. ممالک mamaalík 1527817969 من man mahn, a measurement of weight 4 n. m. 1527816788 معنویت manawiyat spirituality, spiritual-ness, morality 3 n. m. 1527816099 منډ manD step, footprint; tree stump; snow-crust 4 n. m. 1527820091 منډو manDáw awning, terrace, veranda, gazebo, hut; hump (of a camel) 2 n. m. 1527811454 منځ mandz middle, center, among, between 4 n. m. 1675281453559 منځګرتوب mandzgartób mediation, arbitration n. m. 1527818661 منځګړ mandzguR intermediary, go-between 4 n. m. 1527818663 منځګړتوب mandzguRtob mediation 4 n. m. 1527820669 منځوال mandzwaal referee, mediator, arbitrator 4 n. m. 1527820670 منځوی mandzway median, average, intermediary, middle-man 2 n. m. 1527813189 منی mánay fall, autumn 4 n. m. 1 1527819928 منفعت manfa'at, manfi'át advantage, benefit, gain, benefit, profit, interest 3 n. m. منافع manaafí 1527820023 منګی mangáy large earthenware water-pot 4 n. m. 1588076987098 منګور mangóor blunt-nosed viper, levant viper, adder 4 n. m. 1588076953799 منګور mangór blind puppy 2 n. m. 1 1527820025 منګوړی mangoRay, mongooRay ?? water-pot (diminutive of منګی) 4 n. m. 1527820024 منګوټی mangoTay water-pot (diminutive of منګی) 4 n. m. 1566477216284 منجغی manjagháy vagina 4 n. m. 1578190834100 منجنیق manjanéeq tower, cattapult, battering ram, ballista, crane 2 n. m. 1527818059 منصب mansáb rank, position, title (Arabic) 4 n. m. 1527818060 منصبدار mansabdaar officer, ranked official 4 n. m. 1527816320 منثور mansoor prose 2 n. m. 1585487085118 منتر mantár incantation or prayer for protection, charm 4 n. m. 1527812026 منطق mantíq logic 4 n. m. 1664031322562 منزل manzál floor, storey, story (in a building) 4 n. m. 1 1527815978 منظر manzar looks, appearance, sight, view 2 n. m. 1527813657 منزل manzíl day's journey, day's march, distance in a journey, destination, goal 4 n. m. 1 1613551267854 منظور manzóor aim intention; object 3 n. m. 1527817527 مقام maqáam place, location, echelon, authority, body, role; maqam (music term) 4 n. m. 1527813730 مقصد maqsád purpose, goal, intention 4 n. m. مقاصد maqaasid 1 1671084870824 مقصود maqsóod goal, task, objective, intention, desire n. m. 1527811437 مقتول maqtool killed, murdered (person) 4 n. m. 1527814509 مړه خوی maRa khooy nutritious, rich, high-calorie food 4 n. m. 1527817182 مرام maraam aim, purpose, objective 4 n. m. 1527820664 مرکوال marakawáal reconciliator, mediator 4 n. m. 1527823194 مرمت maramát repairing, mending, treatment 4 n. m. 1527823193 مرمت marammát repairing, mending, treatment 3 n. m. 1527812892 مرض maráz sickness, illness, disease 4 n. m. امراض amráaz 1 1527811982 مړد maRd saint, spritual teacher 2 n. m. 1576439587287 مریتوب maraytób slavery 2 n. m. 1527818464 مرفق marfáq, mirfáq profitable thing, handy, beneficial, benefit, advantage, handy device 2 n. m. 1527813601 مرګ marg death 4 n. m. 1 1527820585 مرغومی marghóomay young goat; Capricorn (astronomy) 3 n. m. 1527819970 مرګو margó plague, pestilence; nuisance, pest 3 n. m. 1527822584 مرهم mărhám plaster, ointment, balm 4 n. m. 1527814215 معرفت marifat acquaintance; knowledge; expertise, discernment 4 n. m. 1589020609199 مرجوڼا marjooNáa diver, pearl diver 4 n. m. 1527820663 مرکاوو markaawoo reconciliator, mediator 2 n. m. 1577557067572 مرکب markáb riding animal (ie. horse, camel); saddle; ship, vessel 3 n. m. 1527814662 مرکز markáz center, centre 4 n. m. مراکز maraakiz 1 1527818087 مرمر marmar marble, alabaster 4 n. m. 1527818089 مرمرتوږاند marmartoGaand marble cutter, marble grinder 3 n. m. 1527819813 مرقد marqád tomb, grave 2 n. m. مراقد maraaqíd 1527816757 مړښت maRuxt satiety, satisfaction, being full, having enough 3 n. m. 1577817865606 مړز maRúz, maRz quail 4 n. m. 1527822586 مړوند maRwánd wrist (or shoulder or elbow joint) 4 n. m. 1527823378 مرز marz border, boundary, edge 3 n. m. 1527815091 مسوولیت mas'ooliyat responsibility 3 n. m. 1586682245309 مسئولیت mas'ooliyat responsibility 4 n. m. 1675145128161 مسؤلیت mas'ooliyat responsibility n. m. true 1588076770206 مسافت masaafát distance, span 4 n. m. 1527821455 مساحت masaahát area, measurement 3 n. m. 1527816282 مسند masanid predicate (Arabic, grammar) 2 n. m. 1579042375690 مصدر masdár source, origin, cause; infinitive, verbal noun, indefinate (grammar) 4 n. m. مصادر masaadír 1527812408 مسیح maseeh Messiah, anointed one 4 n. m. 1527821553 مسیر maséer line, track, route, path, course 3 n. m. 1675281922841 مشال masháal torch, beacon n. m. 1527813235 مشقت mUshaqqát, mashaqqát effort, labour, hard labour (Arabic) 4 n. m. 1 1527814791 مشعر mashar sense, sensation, intelligence 2 n. m. 1527819188 مشغول mashghóol busy, occupied 3 n. m. 1 1527817309 مشک mashk, mUshk wineskin 3 n. m. 1586627622738 مشکوک mashkóok suspicious, questionable 4 n. m. 1 1585400383006 مشکڼی mashkúNay bamboo 2 n. m. 1586518605862 مشق mashq practice, exercise, drill 3 n. m. 1 1527819445 مشرق mashríq east, sunrise, Orient 4 n. m. 1 1527818691 مشروعیت mashroo'iyat lawfulness, legality, justice 4 n. m. 1527815527 مسجد masjid mosque 4 n. m. مساجد masaajíd 1527811212 مسکن maskan dwelling, residence 4 n. m. 1527819848 مصلحت maslahát advice, consultation; benefit, interest; (w/ plural: materials, procurement) 4 n. m. مصالح masaalíh 1527815702 مسلک maslak profession, trade, branch; worldview, doctrine 4 n. m. 1574354953592 مسلکیتوب maslakeetób profesionalism 4 n. m. 1591804686243 مسمومیت masmoomiyat poisoning 4 n. m. 1527816281 مسند masnad big pillow, thrown, support, high position 3 n. m. 1527815090 مسولیت masooliyat responsibility 4 n. m. 1664025237812 مصونیت masooniyat immunity 4 n. m. 1527812895 مصرف masraf consumption, use, expense, cost, expenditure 3 n. m. مصارف masaarif 1527812426 مټ maT dust, silt, earth 3 n. m. 1592659206062 مټاک maTáak nut with a hard shell, walnut shell, short horn of a gazelle, thorny tree 4 n. m. 1527821524 متانت mataanát hardness, solidity, constancy, tenacity, endurance, restraint, endurance 2 n. m. 1527812898 متل matal proverb, saying 4 n. m. 1527811750 مطبوعات matboo'aat press, printed material (sing. مطبوع) 4 n. m. 1527816516 مټیز maTéez someone who has abducted someone's wife or daughter 4 n. m. 1527813616 مطلب matláb meaning; purpose, aim, intention; article, column (in a newspaper or magazine) 4 n. m. مطالب mataalib 1 1527820200 متن mátun text; center (of a road etc.); content; context 4 n. m. متون matóon 1 1527819487 موافقت mawaafiqat agreement, accord 4 n. m. 1527813314 مواس mawaas gossip, rumor teller, snitch, informant, slanderer 2 n. m. 1527819711 موج mawj, mauj wave, ripple, oscillation 4 n. m. 1527818933 موقف mawqif, mauqif position, point of view 3 n. m. 1527817217 موقعیت mawqiyat position, location, situation 3 n. m. 1592390296285 موروث mawróos, mauróos inheritance 4 n. m. 1527819987 مینتوب mayintób crush, infatuation, being in love 4 n. m. 1591041684552 مینتوب mayintób romance, love 4 n. m. 1527813954 مذاق mazaaq taste, interest, fun, poking fun 3 n. m. حکام hakkaam 1527815564 مذاق mazaaq taste, interest, fun, poking fun 3 n. m. 1527813582 مزل mazál passage, run; walking, journey; distance between stops 4 n. m. 1 1527820872 مضرت mazarrát harm, damage, adverse consequence 3 n. m. مضار mazaar 1619593232831 مذبح mazbáh slaughterhouse, abbatoir 3 n. m. 1527817513 مزدک mazdak place of worship, mosque, temple 2 n. m. 1527817163 مزدور mazdoor labourer, hired worker, day-labourer 4 n. m. 1 1527822141 مزدورکار mazdoorkáar worker, labourer 4 n. m. 1527811776 مذهب mazháb religion, faith, sect, denomination 4 n. m. مذاهب mazáahib 1527823185 مظهر mazhár manifestation, revealing, embodiment 3 n. m. مظاهر mazaahír 1527817963 مظلومیت mazloomiyát victim-hood, oppression 4 n. m. 1623861056236 مضمون mazmóon subject (in school etc.), topic, article, content, essay 4 n. m. مضامین mazaaméen 1 1527820214 مزری mazráy lion 3 n. m. 1527823655 مزری mazúray dwarf palm tree 4 n. m. 1527814463 مځکوال mdzukwaal farmer 4 n. m. 1527819692 مېچن mechún handmill 4 n. m. 1588161026478 مېډال meDáal medal 4 n. m. 1646991710177 میخک meekhak clove (spice) (Farsi) 2 n. m. 1527821418 میکروب meekrób microbe, germ 4 n. m. 1527821420 میکروب شناس meekrob shináas microbiologist, bacteriologist 3 n. m. 1527819468 میل meel mile 4 n. m. 1527811472 میلاد meelaad birth, birth of Christ (A.D.) 4 n. m. 1527813205 مینت meenat admonition, warning, reproach, blame; rumbling, growling 4 n. m. 1527818645 مینوټ meenóT reproduction, copy, double, twin; exercise 2 n. m. 1527812015 میراث meeraas inheritance, heritage 4 n. m. 1527819299 میتابولیزم meetaaboleezum metabolism 2 n. m. 1527822398 میټر meeTár counter, meter 4 n. m. 1527812418 مېږتون meGatoon anthill 4 n. m. 1527812421 مېږی meGáy ant 4 n. m. 1 1527812905 مېخ mekh nail, peg, pin, stake 4 n. m. 1527817752 مېخک mekhak wart, callus, corn 3 n. m. 1527813767 مېلمستځی melmastdzáy hotel, place for guests 2 n. m. 1527813766 مېلمستون melmastóon hotel, place for guests 2 n. m. 1527817658 مېلو meloo bear 4 n. m. 1527811455 مېنځ mendz middle, center, among, between 4 n. m. 1 1527816475 مېرېنی ورور merenay wror stepbrother, half brother 4 n. m. 1527812911 مېړه meRu husband, brave 4 n. m. 1527819997 مېړښتوب meRUxtób marriage (with regard to a woman) 2 n. m. 1594813520710 مېتود metód method, manner 4 n. m. 1575128454364 مېښ کټی mex kaTay buffalo calf 2 n. m. 1527820812 میدان maydáan ground (as in sports, battle etc.), public square 4 n. m. 1527819469 میل mayl dirt, filth, scum, foam rust 2 n. m. 1527819470 میل mayl wish, desire; inclination, slope, affection towards 4 n. m. 1653182018430 میلان mayláan tendency, leaning, penchant, inclination, partiality 4 n. m. 1527812917 مېز mez table, desk 4 n. m. 1 1527819249 مېزبان mezbáan host 4 n. m. anim. unisex 1 1527820190 معیار mi'yáar, ma'yáar standard, criteria, criterion, level 4 n. m. معیارات mi'yaaraat 1527820369 مفتاح miftáah key (to a lock) 1 n. m. 1527819246 مهماندار mihmaandáar host 4 n. m. 1527822427 مهر mihr love, kindness 4 n. m. 1578015676053 محراب mihráab mihrab, a niche in a wall in a mosque indicating the direction of the qibla 4 n. m. محاریب mahaareeb 1527821084 محور mihwár axis, shaft 4 n. m. 1527814356 ملاوټ milaawuT mixture, impurity, adulteration 3 n. m. 1702632166842 ملاوټ کول milaawúT kawul to adulturate, to make something mixed, impure v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527814356 1 1527820396 ملکیت mUlkiyát ownership, property 4 n. m. 1 1527815523 ملت millat people, nation 4 n. m. 1527823419 ملي سرود millee sUróod national anthem 4 n. m. 1527820802 ملیون milyoon million 4 n. m. 1527820876 ممبر mimbár member (of an organization) 3 n. m. 1578015626173 منبر mimbár minbar, mimber, pulpit in the mosque 4 n. m. منابر manaabir 1578344294853 منټ minaT minute 3 n. m. منټه minaTa 1527822524 منت minát obligation, indebtedness, grace, favor 4 n. m. 1527823451 منهاج minháaj road, high road, wide road; style, manner 2 n. m. 1527823153 منقار minqáar beak (Arabic) 2 n. m. 1527821115 مقدار miqdáar quantity, supply, dose, size 3 n. m. 1527822900 مس mis copper 3 n. m. 1527817307 مثال misáal example, model, sample 4 n. m. 1 1619592472989 مصداق misdáaq evidence, proof, witness, testimony 2 n. m. 1654718620245 مسکال miskáal missed call (phone) 4 n. m. 1527816816 مسواک miswaak miswak, a kind of natural toothbrush made from the Salvadora persica tree. 4 n. m. 1566475744762 مټر miTár meter; counter 3 n. m. 1527822397 متر mitúr meter 4 n. m. 1527818797 مزاج mizáaj temper, mood, disposition, frame 3 n. m. 1 1527819961 ملاتړی mlaatáRay supporter, buttress, back 4 n. m. 1527813119 ملاتړ mlaatuR support, backing 4 n. m. 1527823711 موبایل mobaayl mobile phone, cell phone 4 n. m. 1701527965047 موچی mocháy shoemaker, shoe repairman, cobbler 4 n. m. anim. unisex 1678361936933 موډرنېزم moDarnezum modernism n. m. 1610624121243 موږی moGáy, mawGáy peg, tent peg, tethering post 4 n. m. 1566471045130 مول mol tip of a turban 2 n. m. 1527812924 مولا molaa God, Lord, Master, Mullah 4 n. m. 1593074047849 مولی moláy pestle; tree stump 4 n. m. 1527812925 مومپلی mompalay peanut 4 n. m. 1527814720 مو moo one hair 4 n. m. 1586452936921 موډ mooD mood 2 n. m. 1527821834 موږک mooGák muscle, biceps, calf (of a leg) 4 n. m. 1527821996 موم moom wax 4 n. m. 1527817083 مومن moomín believer, pious, good religious person 4 n. m. 1527816100 مونډ moonD stump, root, source 4 n. m. مونډان moonDaan 1527816101 مونډک moonDuk small tree stump, stub of a branch 3 n. m. 1527813808 مونځ moondz Muslim ritual prayers (namaz, salah, salat); office ?? 4 n. m. مانځه maandzu منځ mandz 1527820077 مونځ ګوزار moondz goozáar someone who is performing the namaz prayer 4 n. m. 1577820170587 موسک moosk smile, smiling 2 n. m. 1527818479 موټ mooT fist, handful 3 n. m. 1527818480 موټی mooTay fist, handful, fistful; hilt 4 n. m. 1527817530 موزیک moozéek music 4 n. m. 1568927216089 موزیم mooziyum museum 4 n. m. 1527816091 مورچل morchal trench 4 n. m. 1527811946 مورد morid, maurid instance, case, subject, object 2 n. m. موارد mawaarid 1527813263 موسم mosím, mosúm, mausúm season 4 n. m. 1 1527817241 موسوم mosoom season 3 n. m. 1527812930 موټر moTúr car (can be fem. in some dialects - pl. موټرې) 4 n. m. 1 1588759121272 موټرسایکل moTursaaykul motorcycle, motorbike 4 n. m. 1527818667 موټروان moTurwaan driver 4 n. m. 1527814027 مرستی mrastay one who is helping, giving assistance 4 n. m. 1527815633 مرستی mrastay one who is helping, giving assistance 3 n. m. 1527820450 مړستون mRastóon graveyard, cemetery; eternal peace; tower of death (among the ancient Persians) 1 n. m. 1595252779879 مریي توب mrayee tób slavery 4 n. m. 1527821603 مرئیتوب mrayitób slavery 3 n. m. 1527821522 مریه mrayú slave, servant 3 n. m. 1527818035 مرغ mrugh hearth made of clumps of earth (cone shape) 3 n. m. 1588073549183 معافیت mU'aafiyat, maafiyat immunity, exemption 3 n. m. 1527822203 معالج mU'aalíj one who is attending, treating (physician) 4 n. m. 1527818820 معامله دار mU'aamala daar, maamala daar contractor, party to a contract 3 n. m. 1527822179 معاون mU'aawín assistant, aid, deputy 4 n. m. 1527814283 معلم mUallím, maallím teacher, instructor 4 n. m. معلمین mUallimeen 1527821129 موثریت mUasariyat effectiveness, potency 4 n. m. 1527812923 مبلغ mUbaligh propagandist, missionary 3 n. m. 1527821864 مبصر mUbassir commentator 4 n. m. 1527820223 مچ much fly (insect) 4 n. m. anim. 1589884542382 مچ پړانګ much pRáang spider 2 n. m. 1527820230 مچک muchák staff, crook, hook (shepherd’s); larva (fly etc.), insect 2 n. m. 1627298287826 مچمړ muchmuR fly swatter, device for killing flies n. m. 1527820226 مچشړ muchsháR fly swatter, fly net 2 n. m. 1527820227 مچواژی muchwáajzay insecticide for flies, fly paper etc. 2 n. m. 1527820224 مچوژی muchwajzáy fly swatter 2 n. m. 1610541286660 مدعي mUda'ee plaintiff, claimant, accuser 4 n. m. 1527814133 مداخلت mUdaakhalat interference 4 n. m. 1527812992 مدت mUddat time, period 4 n. m. 1527815930 مدیر mUdéer director, manager, administrator 4 n. m. 1527816761 مدیریت mUdeeriyat management, administration 3 n. m. 1588857537259 مدرک mUdrík understanding, comprehension, intellect 4 n. m. 1527820618 مفاجات mUfaajáat unexpected attack 1 n. m. 1527819560 مهاجر mUhaajír migrant, refugee, immigrant 4 n. anim. unisex مهاجرین mUhaajiréen 1610800185455 مهاجرت mUhaajirát emmigration 4 n. m. 1527821973 محارب mUhaaríb military combat, line, drill, aggression, combatant 4 n. m. 1579114355696 محبت mUhabbát, mUhabát love, affection, attachment (Arabic) 3 n. m. 1 1527822266 محیط mUhéet environment, surroundings, circumference, milieu 4 n. m. 1527813103 مهلت mUhlat time, respite, grace period, deadline; adjournment, postponement, deferment 4 n. m. 1527822428 مهر mUhr seal, stamp 4 n. m. 1527813246 مجاهد mUjaahid zealot, religious warrior, religious fighter, jihadi 3 n. m. مجاهدین mUjaahidéen 1527816660 مجاورت mUjaawirat neighbourhood, neighbours, vicinity 4 n. m. 1527816661 مجاورتوب mUjaawirtob neighbourhood, neighbours, vicinity 4 n. m. 1527820643 مجازات mUjaazáat punishment 4 n. m. 1527815537 مجرم mUjrím criminal, offender, guilty 4 n. m. مجرمین mUjriméen 1 1527813722 مکافات mUkaafaat remuneration, reward, retribution, payback, payment 4 n. m. 1527816028 مکاتب mUkaatib correspondant 3 n. m. 1527812095 مکلفیت mUkallafiyat obligation, duty, responsibility 4 n. m. 1527812933 مخ mukh, makh face, front, surface 4 n. m. 1 1527813757 مخالفت mUkhaalifat oppistion, resistance, objection 3 n. m. 1527823266 مخبر mUkhbír spy, agent, informer 4 n. m. 1527814317 مخکی mukhkay even and gentle slope of a hill 2 n. m. 1591871316865 مختاړی mukhtaaRay prefix (grammar) 2 n. m. 1527823016 مختګ mukhtág development, progress 3 n. m. 1527823484 مخترع mUkhtari' inventor, constructor, builder 2 n. m. مخترع عین mUkhtari' 'een 1527818675 ملاقات mUlaaqáat conversation, interview, meeting, meeting or seeing, or being introduced to somebody, date 4 n. m. 1 1586956609009 ملازمت mUlaazimat serving, wating on, work 4 n. m. 1527817516 ملحد mUlhíd atheist, heretic, unbeliever 3 n. m. 1527821963 ملحدتوب mUlhidtób Athiesm 2 n. m. 1527812357 ملک mUlk, mulk country, land, nation, region; landed property, estate 4 n. m. 1 1584528950879 ملخی mulukháy arm (of a rifle), eleven-cartridge-rifle 4 n. m. 1527821315 ممانعت mUmaana'at obstacle, barrier, impediment, hindrance 4 n. m. 1612113073609 ممیز mUmayíz supervisor, inspector, controller, overseer 4 n. m. 1527817463 منافق mUnaafiq very serious word for hypocrite, someone who is not being true and faithful to their faith, seditious 4 n. m. 1527812997 مناسبت mUnaasibat cause, reason, motive, occasion, connection 4 n. m. 1527823067 منی múnay necklace 2 n. m. 1527819517 منجي mUnjjee saviour, liberator 4 n. m. 1591804284956 منقلب mUnqaláb outcome, end, demise, death; location of a turn 3 n. m. 1527822820 منصف mUnsíf judge, arbiter, just, referee 3 n. m. 1527820822 منتقد mUntaqíd critic 2 n. m. منتقدین mUntaqidéen 1527817528 مقام mUqáam place, location, echelon, authority, body, role; maqam (music term) 4 n. m. 1527822010 مقاومت mUqaawamát resistance, opposition, hostility, animosity 3 n. m. 1584889064620 مقرب mUqarráb near, close, intimate 4 n. m. 1527821213 مقوم mUqawwím appraiser; factor, criterion 1 n. m. مقومات mUqawwimáat 1610556772374 مر mUr myrrh 4 n. m. 1527822244 مراعت mUraa'at following, applying, putting in action (a law etc.) 3 n. m. 1527818657 مراد mUráad desire, goal, wish; meaning, intention 3 n. m. 1585474793699 مربع جذر mUraba' jazúr square root 3 n. m. 1527815088 مرچ murch, mrach pepper 4 n. m. 1527813274 مرچک murchak pepper, red pepper 4 n. m. 1527813275 مرچکی murchakáy red pepper, hot tempered person 4 n. m. 1 1527814287 مرید mUreed spiritual or religious student, disciple, learner (of a murshid - مرشد) 4 n. m. 1 1527820451 مړېستان muRestáan graveyard, cemetery 3 n. m. 1527817771 مړی muRay ram, mail sheep 4 n. m. 1527817770 مړی múRay dead body, corpse 3 n. m. 1 1527818034 مرغ murgh omen, luck; bird 4 n. m. 1577827084444 مرغی murghay little bird (diminuitve) 4 n. m. 1527817105 مړخندی muRkhandáy smile 3 n. m. 1527822587 مړمند muRmánd wrist (مړوند) 3 n. m. 1527814286 مرشد mUrshíd murshid, spiritual or religious guide, mentor, teacher 3 n. m. 1527811525 مرتد mUrtád apostate, traitor, renegade, one who has left the faith (Islam) 4 n. m. anim. unisex مرتدین mUrtadéen 1 1527820449 مړتون muRtóon graveyard, cemetery 2 n. m. 1527813724 مساوات mUsaawaat equality 3 n. m. 1527819142 مصلي mUsalée garbage collector, street sweeper, janitor 4 n. m. 1527823076 مثلث mUsallás triangle 4 n. m. 1527817720 مصیبت mUseebát calamity, trouble, suffering, hardship, unfortunate event, bother 4 n. m. 1 1617442466363 مشابهت mUshaabihát, mUshaabahát resemblence, similarity, likeness 4 n. m. 1527820966 مشارکت mUshaarakát partnership, company, participation 4 n. m. 1527817976 مشکل ګذار mUshkil gUzáar a mountain area with difficult or limited access 2 n. m. 1527818449 مشت mUsht fist (of a hand) 3 n. m. 1527820695 مشتري mUshtarée customer, client; patron; Jupiter (the planet) 3 n. m. 1586760783536 مشرتوب mushurtob leadership, authority, presidency 4 n. m. 1527822330 مسن mUsín old man, elderly gentleman 2 n. m. 1610617617346 مسن mUsín old man, old gentleman 2 n. m. 1527817092 مسک musk smile, smiling 2 n. m. 1527817099 مسکتوب musktob quality of being smiley, bright, vivacious 3 n. m. 1527815093 مصروفیت musroofiyát occupation, engagement, state of being busy 4 n. m. 1527821946 مستعار نوم mUsta'áar noom pseudonym, pen name 2 n. m. 1527822034 مستعمر mUsta'mír colonialist, colonizer 3 n. m. مستعمرین mUstamireen 1527817691 مستقبل mUstaqbil future 3 n. m. 1527812427 مټ muT hand, forearm, force 4 n. m. 1585407338236 متابعت mUtaaba'át following, obedience, submission 4 n. m. 1527821202 مطابقت mUtaabiqát correspondence, coordination, agreement 4 n. m. 1576636096342 مطالب mUtaalib lender, moneylender, creditor 2 n. m. 1566475732606 مټر muTár pea 4 n. m. 1527819588 مترجم mUtarjím translator, interpreter 4 n. m. 1527819589 مترجمان mUtarjimáan translator, interpreter 2 n. m. 1527811845 موفقیت mUwaffaqiyat success, achievement, good fortune (Arabic) 4 n. m. 1527812127 موظفیت mUwazzafiyat active duty (military) 3 n. m. 1586518684183 مښود muxod rubbing, drag; attempt, effort; stroke, pain 3 n. m. 1527817772 مز muz payment (for a service etc.) 4 n. m. 1527819316 مزاحمت mUzaahimát disturbance, trouble, annoyance, inconvenience, bother, hindrance, constraint 4 n. m. 1527820794 مزد mUzd pay, wage 4 n. m. 1527820795 مزد muzd pay, wage 4 n. m. 1575239456594 مزی múzay cord, line, yarn, twine, cable 3 n. m. 1527819921 میاش کوډۍ myaash kooDúy mosquito net, mosquito netting 2 n. m. 1527823656 مزری mzaráy tiger, lion 4 n. m. 1527821204 نه مطابقت na mUtaabiqát non-conformity 4 n. m. 1527818653 نه رعایت na ri'aayat non-obedience, non-observation 2 n. m. 1527819172 نه شوم na shwum vice 2 n. m. 1527819717 نه توافق na tawaafÚq disagreement, divergence, difference, disharmony 2 n. m. 1578329635683 نه یاست na yaast vice 2 n. m. 1646238018054 نعت na'at, na't poetry in praise of Islamic prophet 4 n. m. 1527820137 نعیم na'éem blissful life, paradise; proper name of a person 2 n. m. 1579389276489 ناک naak pear 4 n. m. 1527820244 نال naal horseshoe; heel-piece 4 n. m. 1527816548 نالت naalat curse, cursing 4 n. m. 1527823576 نالګی naalgáy sapling, seedling, sprout, young tree 4 n. m. 1527821546 نالش naalísh, naalúsh complaint 3 n. m. 1527821547 نالښت naalíxt, naalúxt complaint 2 n. m. 1527821075 نام naam honour, repute, glory, fame, name 2 n. m. 1575237892313 نامت naamát intention, desire, will 2 n. m. 1527814302 ناموس naamoos honor, dignity 4 n. m. 1527820967 نامزد naamzád candidate, aspirant, claimant; fiancee 4 n. m. 1527811663 ناپ naap measurement, measure, dimensions 4 n. m. 1527815104 ناری naaráy food, meal 3 n. m. 1527821594 نارګیل naargéel coconut, coco, coconut palm (ناريال) 2 n. m. 1527821593 ناریال naariyáal coconut, coco, coconut palm 3 n. m. 1527816399 ناسکه پلار naasaka plaar stepfather, father in law 4 n. m. 1527816118 ناسموالی naasamwaalay incorrectness 4 n. m. 1596500572950 ناسور naasóor fistula, suppurating wound/sore 4 n. m. 1527819620 ناټو naaTo NATO 4 n. m. 1527819424 ناڅګر naatsgúr, naatsagúr dancer 4 n. m. 1611319557141 ناو naaw small valley, hollow 4 n. m. 1527819741 ناوک naawák a kind of arrow, a sting (from a wasp or bee) 2 n. m. 1527816454 ناوېشلی naaweshálay undivided, inseparated 3 n. m. 1527813369 ناورین naawreen disaster, tribulation, misfortune 2 n. m. 1527813004 نایي naayée barber, hairdresser 4 n. m. 1 1527815108 ناز naaz whim, desire, wish, coquetry, tease, teasing (romantic) 3 n. m. نازات naazaat 1670422646367 نازبو naazbóo basil n. m. 1527819375 ناضر naazír overseas, supervisor, manager 4 n. m. 1527823518 نازکوالی naazUkwaalay fragility, softness, tenderness, slenderness 4 n. m. 1527818168 نبات nabáat plant, vegetation, herb, grass; rock candy, candy 3 n. m. نباتات nabaataat 1579390616998 نبوت nabUwat prophecy 4 n. m. 1586262390716 نبوت nabUwát prophecy, the role or mission of a prophet 4 n. m. 1527822603 نبض nabz pulse 4 n. m. 1657159894530 ندامت nadaamát, nidaamát repentence 4 n. m. 1527811826 نفس nafas breath, respiration 4 n. m. 1527823207 نفرت năfrát hatred, aversion, abhorrence, loathing 4 n. m. 1527816549 نفرین nafreen curse, cursing 4 n. m. 1527811817 نفس nafs self, ego, sinful nature, desires 4 n. m. 1527812965 نفسیات nafsiyaat state of mind, psyche, personality, psychology 4 n. m. 1527815118 نفر nafúr individual, person 3 n. m. 1527814289 نغم naghm tunnel, mine, burrow 3 n. m. 1527818812 نغم naghúm mine, land-mine 2 n. m. 1527819012 نهنګ naháng crocodile, shark, leviathan, whale (folklore) 4 n. m. 1645607070201 نهضت nahzát movement, development 4 n. m. 1527821529 نجابت najaabát nobility, decency, noble birth 3 n. m. 1527818747 نجار najáar carpenter, joiner 4 n. m. 1527814643 نخاس nakhkhaas profiteer, cattle trader, slave trader (Arabic); shameful event, disgrace (fig.) 2 n. m. 1576100866715 نخل nakhúl date palm, palm tree 2 n. m. 1527813302 نکل nákul tale, fairy tale (نقل), narration; copying, copy 0 n. m. 1578014848564 نل nal pipe, faucet, conduit; trick, maneuver; reed 4 n. m. 1573656902442 نم nam moisture, dampness, humidity 4 n. m. 1527818676 نمایش namaayush show, demonstration, exhibition 4 n. m. 1527822108 نمک namak salt 3 n. m. 1527813810 نمونځ namoondz Muslim ritual prayers (namaz, salah, salat) 4 n. m. نمانځه namaandzu نمنځ namandz 1527811738 نندارغاړی nandaarghaaRay actor, performer, acrobat 2 n. m. 1527823204 نندارتون nandaartóon exhibition, exhibit, spectacle, show 3 n. m. 1527813021 ننګ nang, nung honor, sense of honor, reputation; disgrace, shame 4 n. m. 1527817955 ننګرهار nangarhaar Nangarhar 4 n. m. 1527820630 نقاش naqáash painter, portraitist, artist 4 n. m. 1527815112 نقد naqd ready money, cash 4 n. m. 1527820534 نقد naqd cash, ready-money; criticism, critique 4 n. m. 1527816673 نقص nÚqs, naqs shortcoming, defect, deficiency, damage, harm 3 n. m. نواقص nawaaqis 1 1527819340 نقش naqsh design, impression, engraving, print; role, part 3 n. m. 1579459728708 نقل náqul, naql tale, fairy tale (نقل), narration; copying, copy; transfer, moving 3 n. m. 1 1708189300980 نقل کول náqul kawul to deceive, trick 3 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1579459728708 deceive 1 1527822399 نړ naR 250 square meters, one quarter jirib 2 n. m. 1527819181 نری رنځ naray randz tuberculosis, TB 4 n. m. 1527816962 نرغون narghoon dialectical variant of لرغون, old times, ancient times, antiquity 2 n. m. 1527819122 نرګوړان nargooRaan carrot, carrot-like, plant in the parsley family 1 n. m. 1527814644 نرخ narkh price, value 3 n. m. 1527819082 نس nas stomach, abdomen, belly 4 n. m. 1527814136 نس خوږی nas khooGay suffering from diarrhea or colic 3 n. m. 1527811954 نسبیت nasbiyat relativity (Arabic) 2 n. m. 1527819386 نصیب naséeb lot, fate, destiny, fortune, destined 3 n. m. 1527819656 نصیحت naseehát advice, moral instruction or exhortation 4 n. m. 1 1702633368967 نصیحت کول naseehát kawul to give advice, to give moral instruction 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527819656 1 1527811228 نشاط nashaat cheerfulness, joy (Arabic) 2 n. m. 1586451106776 نشتون nashtoon lack 4 n. m. 1527819227 نشتوالی nashtwáalay lack, absence 4 n. m. 1527823198 نسج nasj weaving, cloth; tissue (w/ plural: tissues - as in anatomy) 2 n. m. انساج ansáaj 1527814160 نسکیر naskeer relative, friend 2 n. m. 1527822081 نصرانیت nasraaniyát Christianity (Arabic) 4 n. m. 1527822410 نص nass manifestation, evidence, exposition, formulation, religious text 2 n. m. نصوص nUsoos 1527822802 نستوڼی nastóNay sleeve 4 n. m. 1527813399 نسل násul, nasl generation, posterity 4 n. m. 1 1584518272966 نثر násur prose 4 n. m. 1527822482 نڅاګر natsaagar dancer 4 n. m. 1579391032801 نڅوړ natsóR compressing, squeezing, wringing out 4 n. m. 1527823407 نطاق nattáaq orator, announcer, official representative 3 n. m. 1659408577492 نوعیت naw'iyat quality, attribute, particularity 4 n. m. 1527816206 نوار nawaar