
394 lines
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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

* Copyright (c) 2021
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import * as T from "../types";
import { removeAccents } from "./accent-helpers";
import { firstPhonetics } from "./p-text-helpers";
const zwar = "َ";
const zwarakey = "ٙ";
const zer = "ِ";
const pesh = "ُ";
const sukun = "ْ";
const hamzaAbove = "ٔ";
const tashdeed = "ّ";
const wasla = "ٱ";
const daggerAlif = "ٰ";
const fathahan = "ً";
type Consonant = "b" | "p" | "t" | "T" | "s" | "j" | "ch" | "kh" | "ts" | "dz" | "d" | "D" | "r" | "R" | "z" | "jz" | "G" | "sh" | "x" | "gh" | "f" | "q" | "k" | "g" | "l" | "m" | "n" | "N" | "h" | "w" | "y";
type Ain = "'"
type JoiningVowel = "-i-" | "-U-" | "-Ul-";
type LongVowel = "aa" | "ee" | "e" | "oo" | "o" | "ey" | "uy" | "eyy";
type ShortVowel = "a" | "i" | "u" | "U";
type Phoneme = Consonant | Ain | LongVowel | ShortVowel | JoiningVowel;
type DiacriticsAccumulator = { pIn: string, pOut: string };
type PhonemeInfo = {
matches?: string[],
beginningMatches?: string[],
endingMatches?: string[],
consonant?: true,
diacritic?: string,
endingOnly?: true,
takesSukunOnEnding?: true,
addAlefOnBeginning?: true,
canStartWithAynBefore?: true,
const phonemeTable: Record<Phoneme, PhonemeInfo> = {
// Consonants
"b": {
matches: ["ب"],
consonant: true,
"p": {
matches: ["پ"],
consonant: true,
"t": {
matches: ["ت", "ط"],
consonant: true,
"T": {
matches: ["ټ"],
consonant: true,
"s": {
matches: ["س", "ص", "ث"],
consonant: true,
"j": {
matches: ["ج"],
consonant: true,
"ch": {
matches: ["چ"],
consonant: true,
"kh": {
matches: ["خ"],
consonant: true,
"ts": {
matches: ["څ"],
consonant: true,
"dz": {
matches: ["ځ"],
consonant: true,
"d": {
matches: ["د"],
consonant: true,
"D": {
matches: ["ډ"],
consonant: true,
"r": {
matches: ["ر"],
consonant: true,
"R": {
matches: ["ړ"],
consonant: true,
"z": {
matches: ["ز", "ذ", "ظ", "ض"],
consonant: true,
"jz": {
matches: ["ژ"],
consonant: true,
"G": {
matches: ["ږ"],
consonant: true,
"sh": {
matches: ["ش"],
consonant: true,
"x": {
matches: ["ښ"],
consonant: true,
"gh": {
matches: ["غ"],
consonant: true,
"f": {
matches: ["ف"],
consonant: true,
"q": {
matches: ["ق"],
consonant: true,
"k": {
matches: ["ک"],
consonant: true,
"g": {
matches: ["ګ"],
consonant: true,
"l": {
matches: ["ل"],
consonant: true,
"m": {
matches: ["م"],
consonant: true,
"n": {
matches: ["ن"],
consonant: true,
"N": {
matches: ["ڼ"],
consonant: true,
"h": {
matches: ["ه", "ح"],
consonant: true,
takesSukunOnEnding: true,
"w": {
matches: ["و"],
consonant: true,
"y": {
matches: ["ی"],
consonant: true,
// Ain
"'": {
matches: ["ع", "ئ"],
consonant: true,
// Joining Vowels
"-i-": {
"-U-": {
matches: [" و ", "و"],
"-Ul-": {
matches: ["ال"],
// Long Vowels
"aa": {
matches: ["ا"],
beginningMatches: ["آ", "ا"],
endingMatches: ["ا", "یٰ"],
"ee": {
matches: ["ی"],
addAlefOnBeginning: true,
endingMatches: ["ي"],
diacritic: zer,
canStartWithAynBefore: true
"e": {
matches: ["ې"],
addAlefOnBeginning: true,
"o": {
matches: ["و"],
addAlefOnBeginning: true,
"oo": {
matches: ["و"],
addAlefOnBeginning: true,
// alsoCanBePrefix: true,
diacritic: pesh,
"ey": {
matches: ["ی"],
addAlefOnBeginning: true,
endingMatches: ["ی"],
"uy": {
matches: ["ۍ"],
endingOnly: true,
"eyy": {
matches: ["ئ"],
endingOnly: true,
// Short Vowels
"a": {
diacritic: zwar,
endingMatches: ["ه"],
beginningMatches: ["ا"],
// canComeAfterHeyEnding: true,
// canBeFirstPartOfFathahanEnding: true,
"u": {
diacritic: zwarakey,
endingMatches: ["ه"],
// hamzaOnEnd: true,
"i": {
diacritic: zer,
endingMatches: ["ه"],
beginningMatches: ["ا", "ع"],
// takesDiacriticBeforeGurdaHeyEnding: true,
// canBeWasla: true,
"U": {
diacritic: pesh,
endingMatches: ["ه"],
// takesDiacriticBeforeGurdaHeyEnding: true,
beginningMatches: ["ا", "ع"],
* splits a phonetics string into an array of Phonemes
* will error if there is an illeagal phonetics character
* @param fIn a phonetics string
* @returns an array of phonemes
export function splitFIntoPhonemes(fIn: string): Phoneme[] {
const singleLetterPhonemes: Phoneme[] = ["a", "i", "u", "o", "e", "U", "b", "p", "t", "T", "s", "j", "d", "D", "r", "R", "z", "G", "x", "f", "q", "k", "g", "l", "m", "n", "N", "h", "w", "y"];
const quadrigraphs: Phoneme[] = ["-Ul-"];
const trigraphs: Phoneme[] = ["eyy", "-i-", "-U-"];
const digraphs: Phoneme[] = ["aa", "ee", "ey", "oo", "kh", "gh", "ts", "dz", "jz", "ch", "sh"];
const endingDigraphs: Phoneme[] = ["uy"];
const willIgnore = ["?", " ", "`", ".", "…", ","];
const result: Phoneme[] = [];
const f = removeAccents(fIn);
let index = 0;
while (index < f.length) {
const isLastTwoLetters = (index === f.length - 2 || f[index + 2] === " ");
const threeLetterChunk = f.slice(index, index + 3) as Phoneme;
const fourLetterChunk = f.slice(index, index + 4) as Phoneme;
if (quadrigraphs.includes(fourLetterChunk)) {
index += 4;
if (trigraphs.includes(threeLetterChunk)) {
index += 3;
const twoLetterChunk = f.slice(index, index + 2) as Phoneme;
if (
digraphs.includes(twoLetterChunk) ||
(isLastTwoLetters && endingDigraphs.includes(twoLetterChunk))
) {
index += 2;
const singleLetter = f.slice(index, index + 1) as Phoneme;
if (!willIgnore.includes(singleLetter)) {
if (!singleLetterPhonemes.includes(singleLetter)) {
throw new Error(`illegal phonetic character: ${singleLetter}`);
return result;
* Adds diacritics to a given PsString.
* Errors if the phonetics and script don't line up.
* @param ps a PsSTring without phonetics
export function addDiacritics({ p, f }: T.PsString, ignoreCommas?: true): T.PsString {
const phonemes: Phoneme[] = splitFIntoPhonemes(!ignoreCommas ? firstPhonetics(f) : f);
const { pIn, pOut } = phonemes.reduce(processPhoneme, { pOut: "", pIn: p });
if (pIn !== "") {
throw new Error("phonetics error - phonetics shorter than pashto script");
return {
p: pOut,
function processPhoneme(
acc: DiacriticsAccumulator,
phoneme: Phoneme,
i: number,
phonemes: Phoneme[],
) {
// Prep state
const state = acc.pIn[0] === " " ? advanceP(acc) : acc;
// WARNING: Do not use acc after this point!
const prevPLetter = last(state.pOut);
const currentPLetter = state.pIn[0];
// const nextPLetter = state.pIn[1];
const isBeginningOfWord = state.pOut === "" || prevPLetter === " ";
const phonemeInfo = phonemeTable[phoneme];
const previousPhoneme = i > 0 && phonemes[i-1];
const previousPhonemeInfo = (!isBeginningOfWord && i > 0) && phonemeTable[phonemes[i-1]];
const doubleConsonant = previousPhonemeInfo && (phonemeInfo.consonant && previousPhonemeInfo.consonant);
const needsTashdeed = doubleConsonant && (previousPhoneme === phoneme);
const needsSukun = doubleConsonant && (previousPhoneme !== phoneme);
if (needsTashdeed) {
return {
pOut: state.pOut + tashdeed,
pIn: state.pIn,
// TODO: Beginning of word with long vowels and alef etc.
if (isBeginningOfWord && (phonemeInfo.beginningMatches?.includes(currentPLetter) || phonemeInfo.matches?.includes(currentPLetter))) {
const ns = advanceP(state);
return {
pOut: ns.pOut + (needsSukun ? sukun : phonemeInfo.diacritic ? phonemeInfo.diacritic : ""),
} else if (phonemeInfo.matches?.includes(currentPLetter)) {
return advanceP({
pOut: state.pOut
+ (needsSukun ? sukun : phonemeInfo.diacritic ? phonemeInfo.diacritic : ""),
if (phonemeInfo.diacritic) {
return {
pOut: state.pOut + phonemeInfo.diacritic,
throw new Error("phonetics error");
* returns the last character of a string
* @param s
function last(s: string) {
return s[s.length - 1];
function advanceP(state: DiacriticsAccumulator, n: number = 1): DiacriticsAccumulator {
return {
pOut: state.pOut + state.pIn.slice(0, n),
pIn: state.pIn.slice(n),