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export default[
{ ts: 1527812828, e: "house" }, // kor
{ ts: 1527812432, e: `sky, heaven` }, // آسمان - aasmaan
{ ts: 1527812431, e: `mango` }, // آم - aam
{ ts: 1527812434, e: `sound, voice` }, // آواز - aawaaz
{ ts: 1527816724, e: `room, chamber` }, // اتاق - Utaaq
{ ts: 1527811859, e: `union, alliance` }, // اتحاد - itihaad
{ ts: 1527822033, e: `joining, connection, contiguity, junction` }, // اتصال - ittisáal
{ ts: 1527811858, e: `unity, alliance, agreement, understanding, consent; coincidence` }, // اتفاق - itifaaq
{ ts: 1527813560, e: `accusation, charge, indictment` }, // اتهام - itihaam
{ ts: 1527812105, e: `respect, honor, esteem, deference` }, // احترام - ihtiraam
{ ts: 1527819653, e: `possibility, probability, likelihood` }, // احتمال - ihtimaal
{ ts: 1527812689, e: `need, requirement` }, // احتیاج - ihtiyaaj
{ ts: 1527812690, e: `caution` }, // احتیاط - ihtiyaat
{ ts: 1527813782, e: `feeling, sensation, emotion` }, // احساس - ahsaas
{ ts: 1527817303, e: `objection, protest` }, // اعتراض - itiraaz
{ ts: 1527813418, e: `influence, effect, affect, action` }, // اغېز - aghez
{ ts: 1527816625, e: `disaster` }, // افت - afat
{ ts: 1527813558, e: `accusation, charge, blame` }, // الزام - ilzaam
{ ts: 1527815388, e: `hope, expectation` }, // امید - Umeed
{ ts: 1527812453, e: `picture, painting, image` }, // انځور - andzoor
{ ts: 1527813827, e: `fire, flame` }, // اور - or
{ ts: 1527814787, e: `rain` }, // باران - baaraan
{ ts: 1527817293, e: `roof` }, // بام - baam
{ ts: 1527814849, e: `eggplant` }, // بانجن - baanjan
{ ts: 1527814106, e: `crisis` }, // بحران - bUhraan
{ ts: 1527814885, e: `fortune, luck, fate` }, // بخت - bakht
{ ts: 1527811281, e: `garden` }, // بڼ - baN
{ ts: 1624039195280, e: `scholarship` }, // بورس - boors
{ ts: 1527816877, e: `flag` }, // بیرغ - beyragh
{ ts: 1527820423, e: `passport` }, // پاسپورټ - paasporT
{ ts: 1527813224, e: `bridge` }, // پل - pUl
{ ts: 1527813480, e: `plan` }, // پلان - plaan
{ ts: 1527815199, e: `central-asian/middle-eastern rice dish, pilaf` }, // پلاو - pulaaw
{ ts: 1527815185, e: `loan, debt` }, // پور - por
{ ts: 1527815176, e: `onion` }, // پیاز - piyaaz
{ ts: 1527815171, e: `start` }, // پیل - peyl
{ ts: 1527816610, e: `crown, crest` }, // تاج - taaj
{ ts: 1527822373, e: `vine; mouthful` }, // تاک - taak
{ ts: 1527815326, e: `confirmation` }, // تایید - taayeed
{ ts: 1527815357, e: `seed` }, // تخم - tUkhum
{ ts: 1527821586, e: `pity, sympathy` }, // ترحم - tarahhÚm
{ ts: 1527811389, e: `picture` }, // تصویر - tasweer
{ ts: 1527814679, e: `guarantee, insurance, security` }, // تضمین - tazmeen
{ ts: 1527814258, e: `speech, lecture` }, // تقریر - taqreer
{ ts: 1527821670, e: `cheating, deception, fraud, forgery` }, // تقلب - taqalÚb
{ ts: 1527811602, e: `attempt, aspiration, intention, effort` }, // تکل - takál
{ ts: 1527813398, e: `movement, motion, going` }, // تګ - tug, tag
{ ts: 1527822126, e: `anniversary` }, // تلین - tleen
{ ts: 1527811308, e: `contact, touch` }, // تماس - tamaas
{ ts: 1527817900, e: `body, flesh` }, // تن - tan
{ ts: 1527821061, e: `contrast, opposition, contradiction` }, // تناقض - tanaaqÚz
{ ts: 1527822387, e: `rope, cord; a measurement of ground or distances` }, // تناو - tanáaw
{ ts: 1527818995, e: `lightning` }, // تندر - tandúr
{ ts: 1527815362, e: `ball; (cannon) ball` }, // توپ - top
{ ts: 1527816820, e: `spit` }, // توک - took
{ ts: 1527816520, e: `family, clan, tribe, people` }, // ټبر - Tabar
{ ts: 1527811348, e: `wound` }, // ټپ - Tap
{ ts: 1527819566, e: `piece, part; cloth, fabric` }, // ټکر - TUkúr
{ ts: 1527812213, e: `mosque` }, // جمات - jUmaat
{ ts: 1527811705, e: `structure` }, // جوړښت - joRuxt
{ ts: 1527814058, e: `answer, reply` }, // ځواب - dzawaab
{ ts: 1527816887, e: `life, existence, energy, force` }, // ځواک - dzwaak
{ ts: 1527814649, e: `market square, crossroads, paved area in front of entrance` }, // چوک - chok
{ ts: 1527815065, e: `hammer` }, // څټک - tsaTak, tsTuk
{ ts: 1527814589, e: `side` }, // څنګ - tsang
{ ts: 1527816228, e: `boundary, limit, extent` }, // حد - had
{ ts: 1527813749, e: `government, reign, rule` }, // حکومت - hUkoomat
{ ts: 1527814125, e: `solution` }, // حل - hal
{ ts: 1527818703, e: `shirt` }, // خت - khut
{ ts: 1527813804, e: `sleep, dream` }, // خوب - khob
{ ts: 1527812815, e: `safety, security` }, // خوندیتوب - khwundeetob
{ ts: 1527813763, e: `religion, faith` }, // دین - deen
{ ts: 1527811517, e: `journey, travel` }, // سفر - safar
{ ts: 1527815389, e: `age, life` }, // عمر - Úmur
{ ts: 1527816746, e: `tooth` }, // غاښ - ghaax
{ ts: 1527812631, e: `ear` }, // غوږ - ghwuG, ghwaG
{ ts: 1527812265, e: `decree, order` }, // فرمان - farmaan
{ ts: 1527817205, e: `film, movie` }, // فلم - film
{ ts: 1527812727, e: `year` }, // کال - kaal
{ ts: 1527812817, e: `book` }, // کتاب - kitaab
{ ts: 1527812611, e: `step, move` }, // ګام - gaam
{ ts: 1527812641, e: `rose, flower` }, // ګل - gUl
{ ts: 1527812650, e: `threat, danger, challeng` }, // ګواښ - gwaax
{ ts: 1527813521, e: `mourning, grief, grieving, deep sorrow` }, // ماتم - maatam
{ ts: 1527812176, e: `evening` }, // ماښام - maaxaam
{ ts: 1527813601, e: `death` }, // مرګ - marg
{ ts: 1527817691, e: `future` }, // مستقبل - mUstaqbil
{ ts: 1527811866, e: `damage, defect, loss` }, // نقصان - nUqsaan
{ ts: 1527815122, e: `name` }, // نوم - noom
{ ts: 1527812661, e: `boy, young lad` }, // هلک - halík, halúk
{ ts: 1566476070874, e: `street, road` }, // واټ - waaT
{ ts: 1527816036, e: `authority, power` }, // واک - waak
{ ts: 1527815400, e: `time` }, // وخت - wakht
{ ts: 1527818582, e: `building, prosperity, habitable state` }, // ودانښت - wadaanuxt
{ ts: 1527811441, e: `door, gate, entrance` }, // ور - war
{ ts: 1527815406, e: `homeland, home country` }, // وطن - watán
{ ts: 1573149648251, e: `fellow country-man` }, // وطن وال - watanwaal
{ ts: 1586428847646, e: `national (person), a citizen or person of that land` }, // وطنوال - watanwáal
{ ts: 1527822208, e: `bat, coward, pipsqueak, hesitant person` }, // وطواط - watwáat
{ ts: 1527819571, e: `apprehension, anxiety, suspicion; imagination, whims, some problem made up in someones head` }, // وهم - wáhum, wahm
{ ts: 1527816332, e: `pride, glory` }, // ویاړ - wyaaR