/** * Copyright (c) 2021 lingdocs.com * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * */ import * as T from "../types"; // TODO: Automatice syncing of aux verbs from dictionary export const dynamicAuxVerbs: Array< { entry: T.DictionaryEntry, complement?: T.DictionaryEntry, } > = [ { entry: {"i":10058,"ts":1527812752,"p":"کول","f":"kawul","e":"to do (an action or activity)","c":"v. trans. irreg. dyn. aux.","ssp":"وکړ","ssf":"óokR","prp":"وکړل","prf":"óokRul","pprtp":"کړی","pprtf":"kúRey","diacExcept":true}, }, { entry: {"i":10122,"ts":1527812754,"p":"کېدل","f":"kedul","e":"to happen, occur","c":"v. intrans. irreg. aux. dyn.","ssp":"وش","ssf":"óosh","prp":"وشول","prf":"óoshwul","pprtp":"شوی","pprtf":"shúwey","diacExcept":true}, }, { entry: { ts:1527813914, p:"ورکول", f:"wărkawul", e:"to give (to him, her, them, others)", c: "v. trans.", i:12350, }, }, { entry: { ts: 1527812157, p: "تېرول", f: "terawul", e: "to pass (time), to take across, to pass, endure (difficulties)", c: "v. stat. comp. trans.", l: 1527813139, i: 3459, }, complement: {"i":3774,"ts":1527813139,"p":"تېر","f":"ter","e":"last, past, previous, passed, gone over","c":"adj."}, }, { entry: { ts: 1527815399, p: "وهل", f: "wahul", e: "to hit", c: "v. trans.", i: 12183, tppp: "واهه", tppf: "waahu", }, }, { entry: { ts: 1527817026, p: "کښل", f: "kxul", e: "to drag, pull, take out, draw, get", c: "v. trans.", i: 8862, }, }, { entry: { ts: 1527814084, p: "لګول", f: "lagawul", e: "to touch, join, use, take, place", c: "v. trans.", i: 9794, }, }, { entry: { ts: 1527814084, p: "لګول", f: "lagawul", e: "to touch, join, use, take, place", c: "v. trans.", i: 9794, } }, { entry: { ts: 1527817013, p: "ویل", f: "wayl", e: "to say, to tell", c: "v. trans. indir.", i: 12229, }, }, { entry: { ts: 1527815396, p: "وایل", f: "waayul", e: "to say, to tell", c: "v. trans. indir.", i: 11929, }, }, { entry: { ts: 1527812447, p: "اخستل", f: "akhustul", e: "to take, buy, purchase, receive; to shave, cut with scissors", c: "v. trans.", i: 251, psp: "اخل", psf: "akhl", }, }, { entry: { ts: 1527817298, p: "اخیستل", f: "akheestul", e: "to take, buy, purchase, receive; to shave, cut with scissors", c: "v. trans.", i: 266, }, }, { entry: { ts: 1527814617, p: "نیول", f: "neewul", e: "to catch, grab, take, arrest; bear (fruit)", c: "v. trans. irreg.", i: 11880, psp: "نیس", psf: "nees", }, }, { entry: { ts: 1527811872, p: "اچول", f: "achawul", e: "to pour, drop, throw, put on", c: "v. trans.", i: 194, }, }, { entry: { ts: 1527812790, p: "خوړل", f: "khoRul", e: "to eat, to bite", c: "v. trans.", i: 4769, psp: "خور", psf: "khor", tppp: "خوړ", tppf: "khoR", }, }, { entry: { ts: 1527811868, p: "غښتل", f: "ghuxtul", e: "to twist, curl, roll up, wrap up", c: "v. trans.", i: 7958, }, }, { entry: { ts: 1527816127, p: "اړول", f: "aRawul", e: "to turn over, flip over; convert, change; to move over to, establish oneself in a new spot; divert, turn away, hijack; oblige, force", c: "v. trans.", i: 389, }, }, { entry: { ts: 1527812868, p: "لرل", f: "larul", e: "to have, possess", c: "v. trans.", i: 9707, tppp: "لاره", tppf: "laaru", }, }, { entry: { ts: 1527813572, p: "رسول", f: "rasawul", e: "to deliver, to make arrive, provide, send, supply, bring to,", c: "v. trans.", i: 5897, }, }, { entry: { ts: 1581619940636, p: "باسل", f: "baasul", e: "to take out, extract, pull out, tear out", c: "v. trans.", i: 1115, }, }, { entry: { ts: 1527816146, p: "ایستل", f: "eestul", e: "to throw out, discard, chuck, toss; to extract, to take out", c: "v. trans.", i: 1025, psp: "باس", psf: "baas", }, }, { entry: { ts: 1527818123, p: "څنډل", f: "tsanDúl", e: "to shake out, shake off, brush aside", c: "v. trans.", i: 4975, tppp: "څانډ", tppf: "tsaanD", }, }, { entry: { ts: 1527814862, p: "وژل", f: "wajzul", e: "to kill, slaughter", c: "v. trans. irreg.", i: 12071, psp: "وژن", psf: "wajzn", tppp: "واژه", tppf: "waajzu", }, }, { entry: { ts: 1527813019, p: "ګرول", f: "grawul", e: "to scratch, scrape", c: "v. trans.", i: 9370, }, }, { entry: { ts: 1527818260, p: "بادول", f: "baadawúl", e: "to winnow, toss, throw to the wind, squander", c: "v. stat. comp. trans.", l: 1527816345, i: 1088, }, complement: { ts: 1527816345, p: "باد", f: "baad", e: "wind, air; swelling, rheumitism", c: "n. m.", i: 1076, }, }, { entry: { ts: 1527815343, p: "تېرېدل", f: "teredul", e: "to pass, go across, go by", c: "v. stat. comp. intrans.", l: 1527813139, i: 3461, }, complement: { ts: 1527813139, p: "تېر", f: "ter", e: "last, past, previous, passed, gone over", c: "adj.", i: 3449, }, }, { entry: { ts: 1571859113828, p: "پخول", f: "pukhawul", e: "to cook, prepare, to cause to ripen", c: "v. stat. comp. trans.", l: 1574867531681, i: 2011, }, complement: { ts: 1574867531681, p: "پوخ", f: "pokh", e: "mature, ripe, ready, cooked, able, skillful, experienced, tried, tested, true", c: "adj. irreg.", i: 2321, infap: "پاخه", infaf: "paakhu", infbp: "پخ", infbf: "pakh", }, }, { entry: { ts: 1527817706, p: "ټکول", f: "Takawul", e: "to knock, tap", c: "v. trans.", i: 3568, }, }, { entry: { ts: 1527812869, p: "لټول", f: "luTawul", e: "to search, seek", c: "v. trans.", i: 9686, }, }, { entry: { ts: 1574784362578, p: "ډنګول", f: "Dangawul", e: "to make sound, to make ring out, to meat to make a sound (like a symbal, pan, etc.)", c: "v. trans.", i: 5653, }, }, { entry: { ts: 1527811289, p: "کېنول", f: "kenawul", e: "to seat, to make or have someone sit down", c: "v. trans.", i: 9240, noOo: true, }, }, { entry: { ts: 1527812873, p: "لوستل", f: "lwustul", e: "to read, study", c: "v. trans. irreg.", i: 10163, psp: "لول", psf: "lwul", }, }, { entry: { i:4362, ts:1527814586, p:"چلول", f:"chalawul", e:"to drive, operate, handle, put forward, circulate", c:"v. trans.", }, }, { entry: {"i":6731,"ts":1527815240,"p":"ساتل","f":"saatul","e":"to keep, protect, watch over; to hold","c":"v. trans."}, }, { entry: {"i":11782,"ts":1527814053,"p":"موندل","f":"moondúl","e":"to find, acquire, discover, get","c":"v. trans. irreg.","psp":"موم","psf":"moom"}, }, { entry: {"i":4212,"ts":1527812712,"p":"جوړول","f":"joRawul","e":"to make, form, build, mend","l":1527812711,"c":"v. stat. comp. trans."}, complement: {"i":4206,"ts":1527812711,"p":"جوړ","f":"joR","e":"well, healthy, whole, made","c":"adj."}, }, { entry: {"i":13869,"ts":1527816865,"p":"وړل","f":"wuRúl, oRúl, wRul","e":"to take, carry, bear, move (inanimate objects); to win, earn (subjunctive یوسي - yósee or ویسي - wéesee, simple past یو یې وړلو - yo ye wRulo)","separationAtP":2,"separationAtF":2,"c":"v. trans. irreg.","ssp":"یوس","ssf":"yos","prp":"یوړل","prf":"yóRul","noOo":true,"diacExcept":true}, }, { entry: {"i":6503,"ts":1527815214,"p":"راوړل","f":"raawRúl","e":"to bring, deliver (inanimate objects)","separationAtP":2,"separationAtF":3,"c":"v. trans. irreg.","noOo":true}, }, ];