export default[ { ts: 1527818948, e: `sneezing, sneeze` }, // اټسکی - aTúskey { ts: 1573681135691, e: `tribal constable, tribal offical with police powers` }, // اربکی - arbakéy { ts: 1573659054031, e: `width, spaciousness` }, // ارتوالی - artwaaley, aratwaaley { ts: 1527811890, e: `thorn, prickle` }, // ازغی - azghey { ts: 1527817036, e: `representative, envoy, ambassador, commissioner` }, // استازی - astaazey { ts: 1527816982, e: `residence, dwelling; hostel, dormitory` }, // استوګنځی - astogundzey { ts: 1527818489, e: `yawn, sigh, deep breath, shivering` }, // اسوېلی - asweley { ts: 1527822497, e: `cheek` }, // اننګی - anangey { ts: 1527821967, e: `beaver, seal` }, // اوبسپی - obspéy { ts: 1527822190, e: `stove, oven, furnace, hearth, floor of a fireplace` }, // اور غالی - orgháaley { ts: 1527821545, e: `volcano` }, // اورشیندی - orsheendéy { ts: 1527819192, e: `train` }, // اورګاډی - orgáaDey { ts: 1527815585, e: `summer` }, // اوړی - oRey { ts: 1623044357441, e: `tuft, clump, shock of hair` }, // ببوتنکی - bubootúnkey { ts: 1527821668, e: `spark, speck, flicker` }, // بڅری - batsúrey { ts: 1527821239, e: `kidney` }, // بډوری - baDóorey { ts: 1527821099, e: `earring` }, // برغوږی - barghwáGey { ts: 1527822629, e: `lid, cover` }, // برغولی - barghóley { ts: 1527811903, e: `success, victory` }, // بری - barey { ts: 1594904072731, e: `bracelet` }, // بنګړی - bangRéy { ts: 1527817159, e: `plant` }, // بوټی - booTey { ts: 1527815055, e: `terrible` }, // بوږنوړی - boGnwaRey { ts: 1610618917483, e: `orphanage, nursery` }, // پالنځی - paalundzéy { ts: 1527814666, e: `final point, end point` }, // پای ټکی - paayTakey { ts: 1527816195, e: `small turban` }, // پټکی - paTkey { ts: 1527811611, e: `field, place where crops are sown` }, // پټی - paTey { ts: 1588762458105, e: `kitchen` }, // پخلنځی - pukhlandzéy { ts: 1527816059, e: `cooking, preparation of food; wisdom, maturity` }, // پخلی - pakhley { ts: 1527821241, e: `acorn` }, // پرګی - purgéy { ts: 1527813812, e: `veil, covering for women, cover` }, // پړونی - paRóoney { ts: 1527822385, e: `rope, cable, cord` }, // پړی - púRey { ts: 1527812980, e: `whispering, murmuring, rumor, gossip` }, // پس پسی - puspusey { ts: 1527814005, e: `spring, springtime (season)` }, // پسرلی - psarléy, pusărléy { ts: 1527821229, e: `kidney` }, // پښتورګی - paxtawurgey { ts: 1527817035, e: `mission, delegation` }, // پلاوی - plaawey { ts: 1527815187, e: `mat` }, // پوزی - pozey { ts: 1527816627, e: `fleece, pelt, skin, shell, rind, bark; ear lobe` }, // پوستکی - postukey { ts: 1527819332, e: `kidney` }, // پوښتورګی - pooxtawúrgey { ts: 1527819496, e: `understanding, comprehension` }, // پوهاوی - pohaawéy { ts: 1527815168, e: `load, weight, burden` }, // پېټی - peTéy { ts: 1527815927, e: `customer` }, // پېرونکی - peroonkey { ts: 1527815017, e: `cream` }, // پېروی - perúwey, peráwey { ts: 1527815325, e: `violence` }, // تاوتریخوالی - taawtreekhwaaley { ts: 1611397750325, e: `screwdriver, screw` }, // تاوی - taawéy { ts: 1622374978659, e: `hatchet` }, // تبرګی - tubúrgey { ts: 1527818705, e: `gusset (in a shirt)` }, // تخرګی - tkhurgéy { ts: 1527814392, e: `band, bandage` }, // تړونی - taRooney { ts: 1527822723, e: `side, groin, empty place, void` }, // تشی - túshey { ts: 1577585114379, e: `sole (of a shoe); yard, compound; palm` }, // تلی - táley { ts: 1527816630, e: `forehead, brow, slope` }, // تندی - tandey { ts: 1527821980, e: `bellyband (of a harness)` }, // تڼی - taNéy { ts: 1527819719, e: `spleen` }, // توری - tórey { ts: 1527819721, e: `letter, letter of the alphabet` }, // توری - tórey { ts: 1527819622, e: `rocket, missile` }, // توغندی - toghandéy { ts: 1527814705, e: `element, item, material; thing, material, kind, type` }, // توکی - tokey { ts: 1527819563, e: `piece, small piece; a length (of cloth); blanket` }, // ټکری - TUkréy { ts: 1577408381145, e: `shawl, head-covering` }, // ټکری - Tikréy { ts: 1527814667, e: `word; point; dot` }, // ټکی - Tákey { ts: 1527813617, e: `shawl, head covering` }, // ټیکری - Teekréy { ts: 1527819733, e: `young, youth, young lad` }, // ځلمی - dzalméy { ts: 1527815465, e: `official authority, official, authority` }, // چارواکی - chaarwaakey { ts: 1527822356, e: `worm, small insect` }, // چنجی - chinjéy { ts: 1527822808, e: `basin, bowl` }, // چنی - chanéy { ts: 1527822357, e: `worm, small insect` }, // چینجی - cheenjéy { ts: 1527819046, e: `drop` }, // څاڅکی - tsáatskey { ts: 1527817874, e: `quality, nature` }, // څرنګوالی - tsurangwaaley { ts: 1527814041, e: `spring (season)` }, // څړمنی - tsaRmuney { ts: 1573055311846, e: `warning, notice, alarm` }, // خبرداری - khabardaarey { ts: 1527820324, e: `melon` }, // خټکی - khaTakéy { ts: 1527819828, e: `weight; respect, honour` }, // درناوی - dranaawey { ts: 1588161660483, e: `crutch, walking-stick, cane` }, // ډانګوری - Daangooréy { ts: 1527819732, e: `young, youth, young lad` }, // زلمی - zalméy { ts: 1527813708, e: `good news, gospel` }, // زېری - zerey { ts: 1588758498458, e: `jaundice` }, // زېړی - zeRéy { ts: 1571626392709, e: `birthplace` }, // زېږنځی - zeGundzey { ts: 1527815698, e: `winter` }, // ژمی - jzúmey { ts: 1573686563723, e: `wineskin, bagpipe, skin for carrying liquid` }, // ژی - jzey { ts: 1527815239, e: `entertainment, fun, recreation` }, // ساتېری - saaterey { ts: 1527813725, e: `equal, equivalent, match, precedent` }, // ساری - sáarey { ts: 1527814021, e: `spring (season)` }, // سپرلی - sparléy { ts: 1527813509, e: `insult, disgrace, defamation, disrespect` }, // سپکاوی - spukaawéy { ts: 1527815298, e: `clarification, attestation` }, // سپیناوی - speenaawey { ts: 1578002674551, e: `eye-socket, eyelid; orbit` }, // سترغلی - sturghúley { ts: 1527811999, e: `star` }, // ستوری - storey { ts: 1527817001, e: `throat, larynx` }, // ستونی - stóoney { ts: 1527813511, e: `headache, trouble` }, // سرخوږی - sărkhwuGey { ts: 1527815251, e: `man` }, // سړی - saRéy { ts: 1527819850, e: `lung` }, // سږی - súGey { ts: 1527812302, e: `hole, slit, opening` }, // سوری - soorey { ts: 1527818221, e: `burning, zeal, fervour` }, // سوی - swey { ts: 1527812304, e: `shade, shadow` }, // سیوری - syórey, syóorey { ts: 1527815268, e: `thing` }, // شی - shey { ts: 1527822527, e: `ankle, ankle-bone` }, // ښتګری - xatgaréy { ts: 1527812793, e: `school` }, // ښوونځی - xowundzey { ts: 1527821064, e: `a quick, clever, agile, bright man; a swindler, a fraud` }, // ښویکی - xwayakéy { ts: 1527822650, e: `largeness, bigness` }, // غټوالی - ghaTwaaley { ts: 1527814569, e: `member` }, // غړی - ghuRey { ts: 1527817627, e: `arrow` }, // غشی - ghúshey { ts: 1527822913, e: `precious stone, precious stone in a signet ring` }, // غمی - ghaméy { ts: 1527816181, e: `vomit, nausea (Arabic)` }, // قی - qey { ts: 1527814715, e: `user` }, // کاروونکی - kaarawoonkey { ts: 1527823295, e: `stone, rock` }, // کاڼی - káaNey { ts: 1527818563, e: `muscle` }, // کبوړی - kabóoRey { ts: 1527822824, e: `booklet, notebook` }, // کتاب ګوټی - kitaabgóTey { ts: 1582388629980, e: `pupil (of an eye)` }, // کسی - kúsey { ts: 1594906790729, e: `boy` }, // ککی - kakéy { ts: 1527812836, e: `village` }, // کلی - kuley, kiley { ts: 1610616852625, e: `echo` }, // کنګرېزی - kangrezéy { ts: 1527819196, e: `car, train` }, // ګاډی - gaaDey { ts: 1579016593220, e: `beehive; wasps' nest` }, // ګنی - ganéy { ts: 1527819076, e: `doll, puppet` }, // ګوډاګی - gooDaagéy { ts: 1527822505, e: `cheek` }, // ګومبوری - goomboorey { ts: 1527819079, e: `puppet` }, // لاسپوڅی - laaspotséy { ts: 1573149568665, e: `access, availability` }, // لاسرسی - laasraséy { ts: 1527817464, e: `wood, timber` }, // لرګی - largey { ts: 1527822801, e: `sleeve` }, // لستوڼی - lastóNey { ts: 1527814401, e: `toy` }, // لوبونی - lobawuney { ts: 1527814519, e: `side, direction` }, // لوری - lorey { ts: 1527823103, e: `perspective, viewpoint` }, // لیدلوری - leedlorey { ts: 1527819920, e: `mosquito, midge` }, // ماشی - maashey { ts: 1527820224, e: `fly swatter` }, // مچوژی - muchwajzéy { ts: 1527817770, e: `dead body, corpse` }, // مړی - múRey { ts: 1527813189, e: `fall, autumn` }, // منی - máney { ts: 1527812421, e: `ant` }, // مېږی - meGey { ts: 1527819227, e: `lack` }, // نشتوالی - nashtwaaley { ts: 1527823577, e: `sapling, seedling, sprout, young tree` }, // نیالګی - niyaalgey { ts: 1527812073, e: `bone` }, // هډوکی - haDookey { ts: 1527812668, e: `welcome` }, // هرکلی - hărkáley { ts: 1588153218244, e: `height, elevation, tallness` }, // هسکوالی - haskwáaley { ts: 1585309922022, e: `flu, respiratory illness, influenza, cold` }, // والګی - waalgéy { ts: 1527821465, e: `shoulder` }, // ولی - wuléy ]