export default[ { ts: 1527821971, e: `second wife of own husband` }, // بن - bun { ts: 1527816397, e: `aunt` }, // ترور - tror { ts: 1578704593901, e: `aunt (paternal uncle's wife)` }, // تندار - tandaar { ts: 1527812785, e: `sister` }, // خور - khor { ts: 1527812861, e: `daughter` }, // لور - loor { ts: 1527812928, e: `mother, mom` }, // مور - mor { ts: 1527812912, e: `lady, woman, wife` }, // مېرمن - mermán { ts: 1527816476, e: `stepsister, half sister` }, // مېرېنۍ خور - merenuy khor { ts: 1527823521, e: `daughter-in-law` }, // نږور - nGor { ts: 1527816350, e: `brothers wife, sister-in-law` }, // ورندار - wrundaar { ts: 1527816485, e: `wife of husbands brother, wife of brother-in-law` }, // یور - yor ];