export default[ { ts: 1568926976497, e: `x-ray` }, // اکسرې - iksre { ts: 1602179757779, e: `alphabet` }, // الف بې - alif be { ts: 1527813840, e: `ashes` }, // ایرې - eere { ts: 1527816692, e: `glasses, spectacles` }, // اینکې - aynake { ts: 1527819286, e: `stairs, steps, staircase` }, // پاشتقې - paashtáqe { ts: 1527816299, e: `money (plural of پېسې)` }, // پیسې - peyse { ts: 1527814529, e: `buttermilk` }, // تروې - turwe { ts: 1527816369, e: `widow, woman` }, // تورسرې - torsăre { ts: 1577408787088, e: `sprey (as in a medicinal spray)` }, // سپرې - spre { ts: 1527822255, e: `break of dawn, first light of day, sunrise` }, // سپېدې - spedé { ts: 1626765107329, e: `chickenpox, chicken pox` }, // شرې - sharé { ts: 1527815008, e: `milk` }, // شودې - shoode { ts: 1527822131, e: `raw rice, unprocessed rice` }, // شولې - shole { ts: 1527815009, e: `milk (plural of شيده)` }, // شیدې - sheede { ts: 1527823571, e: `spit, saliva` }, // ښیالمې - xyaalmé { ts: 1527816530, e: `sister in law` }, // ښینې - xeene { ts: 1527823567, e: `spit, saliva, slobber, slime` }, // لاړې - laaRe { ts: 1527822275, e: `dishes, pots, pans` }, // لوښې - looxe { ts: 1617443138210, e: `urine, pee, piss` }, // مچیازې - michyaaze, muchyaaze { ts: 1527814420, e: `yogurt` }, // مستې - maste { ts: 1577999538077, e: `a sound/cry used to drive sheep on` }, // هرې - hire { ts: 1586551382412, e: `rice` }, // وریژې - wreejze { ts: 1527820261, e: `plow, plowing, plough, ploughing` }, // یوې - yuwe ];