/** * Copyright (c) 2021 lingdocs.com * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * */ module.exports = [ 1527819279, // راکول 1527813914, // ورکول 1527814617, // نیول - to take 1527811872, // اچول - to put, pour, drop, throw, put on 1527817298, // اخیستل - to take, buy, purchase, receive; to shave, cut with scissors 1527816127, // اړول - to turn over, flip over; convert, change; to move over to, establish oneself in a new spot; divert, turn away, hijack 1527811605, // ازمویل - to attempt, try; to experiment, test 1527812458, // استول - to send 1527811397, // اغوستل - to wear, to put on (clothes) 1527816125, // الوزول - to make fly, to toss, to release (birds); to blow up 1527816146, // ایستل - to throw out, discard, chuck, toss; to extract, to take out 1527817786, // بخښل - to forgive, to pardon 1527816092, // بلل - to call, invite; to consider, deem 1577389204616, // پرانیستل - to open; to undo; to initiate 1527819396, // پرځول - to throw down, to topple, overcome, wrestle to the ground 1527816874, // پلورل - to sell 1527813647, // پوښتل - to ask, question 1527815190, // پرېښودل - to quit 1527815216, // راتلل - to come 1527812284, // کېښودل - to put 1577394422280, // پوهول - to explain, to try to make understand 1527815165, // پېژندل - to recognize, know, meet 1527813405, // تړل - to connect, tie, bind, close 1527816494, // تښتول - to drive off, steal, abduct, kidnap 1527813394, // ټاکل - to select, appoint 1527821498, // ټکول - to knock, pound, crush, grind, hammer 1527818537, // ځړول - to hang, to suspend, to lower down, to let down 1527813046, // ځنډول - to delay, to postpone, to hold back, to detain 1527820418, // ځورول - to bother, irritate, torture, distress, vex, grind on 1527814586, // چلول - to drive, operate, handle, put forward, circulate 1527816564, // چیچل - to bite, chew, grind (teeth), clench (teeth), sting 1527812790, // خوړل - to eat, to bite 1527823551, // خېژول - load, upload, boost, cause to climb, cause to get on/in (a boat etc.) 1527815489, // داړل - to bite, tear, gnaw 1527812544, // درول - to stop (active, causative); to stand, set up, put in place; to bring in, introduce; to advance/field (an army/troops) 1527816533, // رټل - to tell off, berate, banish, drive off 1527813572, // رسول - to deliver, to make arrive, provide, send, supply, bring to, 1527819880, // رېبل - to reap, harvest 1527816064, // زغمل - to endure, bear, tolerate, take on, digest 1527811485, // زېږول - to give birth, to bear, create 1527813637, // ستایل - to praise, commend, glorify, mention 1527817750, // سکل - to drink 1527811625, // سنجول - to think over, deliberate, examine, think, develop 1527813831, // سوځول - to cause to burn, set on fire 1527814596, // شرمول - to shame, to disgrace, to dishonor 1527814908, // شړل - to drive out, fire, evict, push out 1527815531, // شکول - to tear, to break of, to dig up, to pull out 1527815296, // شمارل - to count 1527815273, // شمېرل - to count 1527811293, // ښودل - to show; to teach; to suit, look good with (fig.), befit 1527817865, // غځول - to extend, to stretch out, to expand 1527817622, // غړول - to open or roll (the eyes) 1527820150, // غږول - to make a sound, pronounce, to sing, to play (an instrument), to resound; to make someone talk, to get information 1527815886, // غندل - to condemn, reproach, to criticize 1527816122, // غورځول - to throw, hurl, fling 1527812627, // غوښتل - to want, to request 1527819301, // غولول - to deceive, cheat, fool 1527813568, // کارول - to use, utilize 1527816300, // کرل - to sow, to plant 1527819378, // کندل - to dig 1527811289, // کېنول - to seat, to make or have someone sit down 1527817661, // ګالل - to bear up under (diffucult things), to suffer, to take, to endure 1527812649, // ګټل - to earn (money), to win 1527812612, // ګنډل - to sew, mend, make, knit 1527812000, // ګڼل - to count, consider, reckon, suppose, assume 1527822144, // ګواښل - to threaten 1527812873, // لوستل - to read, study 1527816453, // ګومارل - to appoint, assign, delegate; load, charge 1527812869, // لټول - to search, seek 1527818206, // لړزول - to shake, rattle, cause to shake 1527813866, // لېږل - to send 1527812856, // لیکل - to write 1527815085, // منل - to accept, to believe 1527815399, // وهل - to hit 1527823020, // وېرول - to make afraid, to scare, to make fear 1527811701, // وېشل - divide, distribute, share 1579015359582, // کول - to make ____ ____ (as in "He's making me angry.") 1527812752, // کول - to do (an action or activity) 1527816865, // وړل 1527815214, // راوړل - to bring 1527819827, // راوستل - to bring 1527812275, // لیدل - to see 1579015359582, // کول - to make 1527812752, // کول - to do ];