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module.exports = [
  1527818320, // جارو کول - to sweep
  1658796089458, // استري کول - to iron
  1527816643, // استعفا کول - to resign, to quit (a job or position)
  1527817823, // اصرار کول - to insist, persist, demand
  1591002320547, // امر کول - to order, command
  1527821339, // انتظار کول - to wait
  1527817226, // اندازه لګول - to guess, to estimate
  1527812167, // انکار کول - to deny, to renounce, to not recognize
  1527812598, // ایمان راوړل - to beileve, have faith (du chaa baande / د چا باندې)
  1527812002, // برخه اخستل - to take part in, to participate, to join in
  1527813489, // پرهېز کول - to abstain, fast
  1577390517316, // پرېکړه کول - to decide
  1527820710, // پناه اړول - to take/seek refuge
  1527817312, // پوښتنه کول - to ask
  1527818188, // پیروي کول - to follow, obey (usually a religious teacher or leader)
  1527811863, // تاوان رسول - to harm, damage
  1527816383, // تپوس کول - to ask, to question, to request
  1527822770, // ترپکې وهل - to stamp (feet), to tread, to tap one’s foot
  1527821587, // ترحم کول - to feel pity, to have sympathy, to feel sorry for someone
  1527818390, // تشریف راوړل - to come (when speaking about someone w/ respect)
  1527818391, // تشریف وړل - to go (when speaking about someone w/ respect)
  1527814726, // تصمیم نیول - to make a decision
  1579394718033, // تصور کول - to imagine, suppose
  1527815968, // تکیه کول - to rely on, to depend on
  1592303372377, // تلاوت کول - to read (relgious, usually the Quran)
  1577551342853, // تمرکز کول - to concentrate, focus (په يوه شي باندې)
  1527815351, // توبه ایستل - to repent
  1586452103064, // توجه کول - to pay attention to, to consider
  1527816822, // توکل کول - to count on, hope for, depend on
  1527812186, // تیاري نیول - to prepare
  1527814870, // ټوپونه وهل - to jump
  1527815355, // ټوکې کول - to joke, tease, make fun of
  1527815867, // ټینګار کول - to emphasize, to insist
  1527822741, // جیټکه خوړل - to be jolted, surprised
  1527814864, // ځان وژل - to commit suicide
  1527819607, // چرت وهل - to think about something, reflect on something, worry about something
  1527821070, // چکر وهل - to stroll, walk around
  1577812269585, // چمچه ګیري کول - to suck up to, to flatter
  1573768865232, // چنې وهل - to barter, bargain (for a price)
  1527822814, // حسد کول - to be envious, to be jealous
  1527823161, // حفاظت کول - to protect, guard
  1527821042, // حمایه کول - to support, aid, protect, back
  1527818810, // حیا کول - to be bashful, modest, observing of Islamic rules of modesty
  1577823792516, // خدمت کول - to serve (د چا خدمت کول)
  1588858155947, // خېز وهل - to jump, leap, bob up and down
  1589024311021, // دافع کول - to defend (د ځان دفاع کول - to defend oneself)
  1527816916, // دفاع کول - to defend, protect
  1527820291, // ډغره وهل - to challenge, invite to engage in a contest, confront, provoke
  1527813125, // ذکر کول - to mention, refernce, remark, refer to
  1527813937, // روژه نیول - to fast
  1591804639647, // روغه کول - to reconcile, to make peace
  1527813212, // زاري کول - to plea, ask, request, beg
  1584529741244, // زړه ساتل - to hold back and not say what you're really thinking
  1575128717139, // زړه وهل - to feel hesitancy about some action or thing (د دې کار څخه زړه وهي); to satiate
  1527813319, // زنګ وهل - to ring, phone, call (Afghanistan)
  1527822368, // زیاتي کول - to do injustice, oppression (to someone) (د چا سرس زياتي کول)
  1527819178, // زیان رسول - to damage, to cause harm
  1594129207239, // سا اخستل - to breathe
  1594129204513, // سا اخیستل - to breathe
  1527815309, // سبق وایل - to study, go to school
  1527814102, // ست کول - to invite, to make an offer out of politeness (د ډوډۍ ست مې ورته وکړ)
  1527818975, // سترګه وهل - to wink, to blink
  1578326320888, // سجده لګول - to bowing down to the ground, to prostrating (in religion)
  1527816152, // سر ټکول - complain, gripe
  1527816463, // سوله کول - to make peace, to reconcile
  1527818094, // سیل کول - to stroll through, go on a walk or tour through, to see, watch, examine, survey, visit, tour
  1527814855, // شپېلۍ وهل - to play the flute, fife, reed, to whistle
  1527819033, // شکایت کول - to complain, to express a grievance
  1577817988469, // شکست خوړل - to be defeated, to experience defeat
  1527819185, // صبر کول - to be patient, to bear up and endure under difficult or painful circumstances
  1527814887, // صفت کول - to praise; admire, glorify
  1527818217, // طرفداري کول - to support, adhere to, pick a side, stand up for something or someone
  1571946107980, // ظلم کول - to be cruel to, to oppress, to do voilence against, to persecute (د چا باندې ظلم کول)
  1581610643511, // عبادت کول - to worship, pray
  1527811674, // عمل کول - to act, to put into practice; to do something addicting (like smoking), to do out of habit
  1581610659810, // غچ اخیستل - to take revenge
  1527818401, // غرض کول - to interfere, to meddle, to step in
  1592303194144, // غږ کول - to call out, to say something, make a sound
  1578607689918, // غلا کول - to steal
  1527818341, // غمرازي کول - to share in someone’s sorrow, to show sympathy or give condolences
  1527818425, // غوټه اچول - to tie, fasten, hitch
  1527818422, // غوټه وهل - to dive, dip, go into water
  1527812633, // غوږ نیول - to listen
  1527816328, // غیبت کول - to gossip
  1588784260692, // فال اچول - to do fortune telling, divination
  1527812607, // فکر کول - to think
  1527822096, // قدم وهل - to take a step, to walk
  1588152878869, // قرباني کول - to make a sacrifice
  1527817624, // قسم خوړل - to take an oath, vow, to swear
  1527812732, // کار کول - to work
  1527811600, // کوشش کول - to try, to attempt, to put in effort
  1527819661, // ګپ لګول - to talk, converse; to joke
  1527814357, // ګډون کول - to participate, join, be involved
  1582146016627, // ګذاره کول - to get by, make ends meet, deal with something, handle or get some task done (with difficulty or not quite in the ideal way), to bear with, to be tolerant or forgiving
  1527819872, // ګمان کول - to think, to suppose
  1579034883717, // لاړې تېرول - to spit ?? (other fluids too??)
  1527817357, // لاس وړل - to touch
  1527818937, // لامبو وهل - to swim, bathe
  1527813950, // لحاظ کول - to be considerate of, pay attention to someone or something, to be polite, to show deference or respect to someone
  1527813888, // لغته وهل - to kick
  1527822099, // لمس کول - to touch, motivate, instigate
  1588760636420, // لوظ کول - to promise, give one's word
  1527819089, // ماته خوړل - to be defeated, beaten by someone
  1527817361, // مخ اړول - to turn (one’s face), to face, (when turning from someone or people) to neglect, (when turning to someone or people) to pay attention to
  1527812934, // مخه نیول - to prevent, hold back
  1588161314887, // مرسته کول - to help, assist
  1527817165, // مزدوري کول - to do labour, to work
  1609162269829, // مزې کول - to be enjoyable, to have good taste (the thing that gives enjoyment/taste "does maza"), to have fun
  1579295606403, // ملاتړ کول - to support (ie. a political party etc.)
  1589031340746, // موټر چلول - to drive a car
  1527812902, // مینه کول - to love
  1527817369, // ناره وهل - to cry out, to yell, to yell a chant or slogan
  1527819687, // نارې کول - to cry out, shout (ناره)
  1527821254, // نافرماني کول - to disobey, to not comply, to rebel
  1527817709, // نجات موندل - to be saved, to find salvation
  1527823208, // نفرت کول - to hate, abhor
  1527811827, // نفس ایستل - breath in, inhale; kill
  1579459605988, // نقصان کول - to suffer loss
  1527815991, // ننداره کول - to behold, to spectate, to watch, to take in
  1527823707, // نیالګی کېنول - to plant a sapling, young tree
  1527811729, // نیوکه کول - to criticize
  1527823733, // هجرت کول - to migrate, resettle
  1527820620, // هجوم کول - to swarm, rush, attack
  1527811599, // هڅه کول - to try, to attempt, to put in effort
  1604431102462, // هدایت کول - to guide, show the true path, give revelation leading to truth
  1527818092, // همکاري کول - to collaborate, to work together, to aid/help
  1527816106, // وده کول - to grow, develop, improve, rise
  1579723460957, // ورزش کول - to de exercise, athletics
  1527814910, // وعده کول - to promise
  1527816263, // وفا کول - to be faithful, to keep one's promise
  1609162463793, // واده کول - to marry, get married
  1609599425410, // دعا کول - to pray
  1527812939, // منډې وهل - to run
  1614602054303, // بدله اخیستل - to take revenge