module.exports = [ { ts: 1527812797, e: "woman" }, // xudza { ts: 1527816466, e: `peace` }, // صلح - sUlha { ts: 1527816589, e: `plan` }, // طرح - tarha { ts: 1589023873660, e: `victory, conquest` }, // فتح - fathá { ts: 1527813791, e: `permission` }, // اجازه - ijaaza { ts: 1614083533098, e: `agenda` }, // اجنډه - ajanDa { ts: 1527811425, e: "door" }, // darwaaza { ts: 1527816215, e: `administration, management, directorate` }, // اداره - idaara { ts: 1527812687, e: `continuation` }, // ادامه - idaama { ts: 1527811661, e: `base, army post, (air) port` }, // اډه - aDa { ts: 1527814310, e: `evaluation, appraisal, assessment` }, // ارزونه - arzawuna { ts: 1527821380, e: `saw (the tool)` }, // اره - ara { ts: 1527822277, e: `mare, female horse; fever` }, // اسپه - aspa { ts: 1527814922, e: `addition, add-on, augmentation` }, // اضافه - izaafa { ts: 1527822458, e: `expression` }, // افاده - ifaada { ts: 1527813303, e: `myth, legend, fairy tale` }, // افسانه - afsaana { ts: 1527822494, e: `cheek` }, // انانګه - anaangá { ts: 1527817225, e: `measure, dimension, extent, scale` }, // اندازه - andaaza { ts: 1527813759, e: `worry, concern, fear` }, // اندېښنه - andexna { ts: 1527815787, e: `shoulder` }, // اوږه - ooGá { ts: 1527813787, e: `tear (from eye)` }, // اوښکه - ooxka { ts: 1527819927, e: `liver` }, // اینه - éena { ts: 1527816261, e: `wallet` }, // بټوه - baTwa { ts: 1527812001, e: `poriton, part, share` }, // برخه - barkha { ts: 1578009902092, e: `veil, burka` }, // برقه - bUrqá { ts: 1527816994, e: `program` }, // برنامه - barnaama { ts: 1579294091093, e: `balcony, veranda, porch` }, // برنډه - baranDá { ts: 1527823617, e: `crime, offense, sin, guilt, fault` }, // بزه - bazá { ts: 1527823619, e: `moth` }, // بزه - bUzá { ts: 1527823620, e: `patch (in a garment)` }, // بزه - bza { ts: 1591026261598, e: `she-goat` }, // بزه - buza { ts: 1574188090133, e: `contribution, donation, gift, charity` }, // بسپنه - baspuna { ts: 1527816590, e: `sufficiency, to have enough or get by` }, // بسنه - basuna { ts: 1593852212828, e: `fear, fright` }, // بېره - béra { ts: 1527815862, e: `speed, rush, hurry, urgency` }, // بېړه - beRa { ts: 1527815156, e: `leaf` }, // پاڼه - paaNa { ts: 1527813481, e: `project` }, // پروژه - projza { ts: 1527818409, e: `process` }, // پروسه - purosa { ts: 1527815192, e: `decision` }, // پرېکړه - prékRa { ts: 1527822412, e: `nose` }, // پزه - páza { ts: 1527816124, e: `foot` }, // پښه - pxa { ts: 1527815155, e: `pretext, excuse` }, // پلمه - palma { ts: 1566469328688, e: `fan` }, // پنکه - panka { ts: 1527815184, e: `question` }, // پوښتنه - poxtuna { ts: 1527822437, e: `shelf, niche` }, // تاخچه - taakhchá { ts: 1527814974, e: `fever` }, // تبه - tuba { ts: 1527815332, e: `expectation` }, // تمه - tama { ts: 1527815716, e: `stone, rock` }, // تیږه - teeGa { ts: 1582390417084, e: `escape, flight, running away` }, // تېښته - téxta { ts: 1527822268, e: `carriage, buggy` }, // ټانګه - Taangá { ts: 1527812014, e: `society, association, gathering, assembly, congregation` }, // ټولنه - Toluna { ts: 1527816696, e: `sentence; whole, total, sum` }, // جمله - jUmla { ts: 1527820504, e: `land, earth, ground` }, // ځمکه - dzmuka { ts: 1527815497, e: `face, picture` }, // څېره - tsera { ts: 1527811993, e: `attack, assault` }, // حمله - hamla { ts: 1527812720, e: `language` }, // ژبه - jzúba, jzíba { ts: 1527812052, e: `brick, cinder-block` }, // خښته - khuxta { ts: 1527813475, e: `minute` }, // دقیقه - daqeeqa { ts: 1527812542, e: `break, rest` }, // دمه - dama { ts: 1527812085, e: `obligation, duty, responsibility; job, work, position` }, // دنده - danda { ts: 1527822847, e: `jaw` }, // ژامه - jzaamá { ts: 1527815278, e: `night` }, // شپه - shpa { ts: 1527813145, e: `tribe` }, // قبیله - qabeela { ts: 1566653299904, e: `camara` }, // کمره - kamara { ts: 1527812825, e: `street` }, // کوڅه - kootsa { ts: 1527812756, e: `banana` }, // کېله - kela { ts: 1527812859, e: `game, match` }, // لوبه - lóba { ts: 1527819087, e: `defeat` }, // ماته - maata { ts: 1588076706989, e: `distance, span` }, // مسافه - masaafá { ts: 1527818358, e: `apple` }, // مڼه - maNá { ts: 1527812901, e: `stomach` }, // مېده - meda { ts: 1527813387, e: `gluing, joining, wrangle, quarrel, fighting, skirmish, battle` }, // نښته - nuxúta { ts: 1527815110, e: `sign, mark, indication` }, // نښه - náxa, núxa { ts: 1527813391, e: `date (as in time)` }, // نېټه - neTa { ts: 1527811429, e: `graveyard, cemetery` }, // هدیره - hadeera { ts: 1527814323, e: `gift, present, donation, contribution` }, // هدیه - hadiya { ts: 1527812655, e: `week` }, // هفته - hafta { ts: 1527812681, e: `agreement` }, // هوکړه - hókRa { ts: 1578343468611, e: `tendon, sinew; hamstring` }, // واڼه - wáaNa { ts: 1527822717, e: `snow` }, // واوره - wáawra { ts: 1527811207, e: `eyebrow` }, // وروځه - wróodza { ts: 1527816375, e: `niece; brother's daughter` }, // ورېره - wrera { ts: 1527822259, e: `breeze, light wind` }, // وږمه - waGmá { ts: 1527814719, e: `weapons, firearms, artillery` }, // وسله - wasla { ts: 1527823717, e: `cloth, fabric, material, clothing, garment` }, // کپړه - kapRá { ts: 1527816257, e: `notebook, little book` }, // کتابچه - kitaabcha { ts: 1527820050, e: `bag, purse` }, // کڅوړه - katsóRa { ts: 1527813252, e: `line, trace` }, // کرښه - kurxa { ts: 1527823590, e: `sphere, globe` }, // کره - kará { ts: 1527823591, e: `shovel, scraper, scoop` }, // کره - kára { ts: 1527815884, e: `criticism` }, // کره کتنه - karakatuna { ts: 1527823035, e: `whip` }, // کروړه - karoRá { ts: 1527816870, e: `farmland` }, // کرونده - karwanda { ts: 1527817371, e: `lament, mourning aloud, wail, cry (also out of hapiness)` }, // کریږه - kreeGa { ts: 1598119732734, e: `bitter melon` }, // کرېله - karelá { ts: 1527820606, e: `cave, cavern` }, // سمڅه - smútsa { ts: 1527815249, e: `song, poem, verse` }, // سندره - sandura { ts: 1591034128816, e: `mistake, error, blunder, fault` }, // سهوه - sáhwa { ts: 1527814370, e: `nostril` }, // سوږمه - soGma { ts: 1527817498, e: `famine, starvation, serious hunger/lack of food, drought, crop failure` }, // سوکړه - sookRá ];