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export default [
// stative comp trans
1658537998960, // لېونی کول
1527812403, // بچ کول - to save, protect, guard, spare, rescue, economize
1577299232429, // بدلول - to change, to adapt, exchange, replace
1527815728, // بلدول - to familiarize with, to acquaint, orient, to train
1527821309, // بندول - to close, block, stop
1527821309, // بندول - to close, barricade, cut off, restrain, hold back
1527815843, // بېلول - to separate
1588073727998, // پاکول - to clean, cleanse, purify
1527812010, // پخلا کول - to reconcile, to bring to an agreement
1527820144, // پستول - to soften, knead, pulverize, dig over again
1584689306281, // پستول - to make soft, tender, gentle, loosened
1583269391864, // پورته کول - to raise up, lift up, bring up
1577394118297, // پوهول - to make understand (to bring someone to the state of understanding)
1571859113828, // پخول - to cook
1527812385, // پیدا کول - to find, birth, create
1581189437955, // پېش کول - to bring forward, present, deliver
1527820021, // پېښول - to cause, provoke, bring on
1591872434020, // پیلول - to start, begin
1527815323, // تاوول - to turn, to twist (active, causative), to rotate (causative) to wrap up, wind up
1527812388, // تباه کول - to destroy, ruin
1580754885011, // ترکول - to abandon, leave, refuse
1527821357, // تصدیق کول - to confirm, affirm, attest
1577501129214, // تکرار کول - to repeat
1527822697, // تولول - to weigh
1579908304357, // تولول - to balance
1579644522321, // تویول - to pour, shed, spill, scatter, knock down (fruit)
1527815731, // ټولول - to gather, collect
1589019863017, // ټیک کول - to correct, make right
1527816201, // ثبتول - to enter, save, record, register
1527821167, // جارول - to clean (with a brush), to warp (textiles); to sacrifice
1527816945, // جوتول - to make clear, evident, apparent, explained, established
1527816947, // جوتول - to harness, hitch up
1527812712, // جوړول - to make, form, build, mend, fix
1527817455, // ځایول - to place, put, accommodate, make room for, to make fit
1527815074, // چاپول - to print, publish
1527811693, // چاغول - to fatten up, to fatten, to make stout, plump
1527816239, // خبرول - to inform, communicate, make known, notify
1527811395, // خپرول - to spread, disperse, open, unfold, publicize, distribute
1527812222, // ختمول - to finish, complete, end, use up, destroy, kill
1527814183, // خرڅول - to sell, to spend, (fig.) to betray
1577898915919, // خفه کول - to make sad, to grieve, to annoy; to choke, to make suffocate
1592303701516, // خوږول - to sweeten, to make sweet, to delight, to give pleasure
1527814174, // خوږول - to cause hurt, pain
1527812811, // خوښول - to like, to choose, to select; to make happy
1527813502, // درنول - to make heavier; to make serious, respectable, reliable
1527811432, // دفن کول - to bury
1527813665, // ډکول - to fill
1527817258, // ډوبول - to cause to drown, to make sing, to submerge
1527823503, // ډېرول - to increase, make more
1527818347, // راپورته کول - to raise up
1527823277, // رنګول - to paint, color
1527813179, // ړنګول - to destroy, wreck, ruin, demolish, mess up, liquidate, disband
1591033078746, // ستړی کول - to make tired, wear out
1527813065, // ستنول - to return, to give back; to delay someone or something, to direct, to turn, to fix on
1527811949, // شریکول - to make a participant or involved, to share, to bring someone or something in, to include
1589883890933, // شړمول - to attach loosely, to cause to be loose, lazy, flabby
1527814493, // غرقول - to sink, plunge, submerge, immerse
1527823133, // غلطول - confuse, mix up, make a mistake; to go wrong, to stray from; to deceive, to lead into error; to distract, to be distracted
1527823366, // قبلول - to accept, to approve
1527820386, // کلکول - to make firm, hard solid, to fasten, to secure, to lock, to staunchly defend
1527814819, // ګرمول - to warm, to heat up, to heat
1579034597012, // ګیرول - to seize, catch, trap, confine, imprison, beseige, make stuck
1588152253147, // لرې کول - to remove, put far away
1527817121, // لندول - to make wet, moisten, to make damp, to soak
1527817118, // لنډول - to shorten, to make short, abbreviate
1527814350, // لویول - to raise, bring up (children)
1527816012, // ماتول - to break, split, defeat
1579387733916, // مینول - to cause to fall in love, to make to fall in love
1527817762, // هېرول - to forget
1589640176788, // ورکول - to lose/make lost, to misplace, to make dissapear, get rid off
1527812004, // وقفول - to devote, dedicate, give, donate
1579724723019, // ویدول - to put to sleep
1579822065104, // ویښول - to wake up, to make awake, to make alert
1527816559, // یادول - to remember, to recall, to think on, to call
1527813556, // یو ځای کول - to gather, bring together
1527815444, // زده کول - to learn, to teach
// stative comp intrans
1658537932357, // لېونی کېدل
1588760879818, // احساسېدل - to feel, be sensed
1577223176187, // ادا کېدل - to be set forth, given, rendered (service), performed, fulfilled, expressed, said, done
1527814793, // اړېدل - to need, to be forced, to have to, to experience a need
1527820761, // استعمالېدل - to be used, utilized, applied
1527818887, // اموخته کېدل - to get used to, to get accustomed to, adjusted to, to become tame
1527821797, // انتقال کېدل - to be transfered, to move; to die, to pass away
1527822931, // اوده کېدل - to sleep, to be asleep
1588853804403, // اوږدېدل - to get long, to drag out, to get longer
1527813033, // ایسارېدل - to wait, wait (for), to be delayed, detained, stopped
1527812404, // بچ کېدل - to be saved, spared; run off, escape, nip off
1527814231, // بدلېدل - to be changed, replaced, exchanged, to undergo a change
1527815729, // بلدېدل - to become familiar, acquainted, used to
1527813842, // بلېدل - to burn, catch fire
1527815032, // بندي کېدل - to become a prisoner, to get imprisoned
1588781671306, // بندېدل - to be closed, blocked, stopped
1527817582, // بېزارېدل - to be fed up with, tired of, repulsed by, dissatisfied with, done with, disgusted by
1527815844, // بېلېدل - to be separated
1588073731662, // پاکېدل - to be cleaned, become clean, to be cleansed, purified
1527813895, // پټېدل - to hide, to be hidden
1527812011, // پخلا کېدل - to be reconciled, brought to an agreement
1581906176268, // پخېدل - to be cooked, prepared, ripened, matured
1584689265872, // پستېدل - to become soft, tender, gentle, loosened
1583269419054, // پورته کېدل - to be raised up, lifted up, brought up
1527814169, // پورې کېدل - to cross, traverse, go to the other side
1577394057681, // پوهېدل - to understand (to come to a state of understanding)
1527815170, // پیدا کېدل - to be found, born
1581189978440, // پېش کېدل - to be brought forward, presented, delivered
1527815167, // پېښېدل - to happen, occur, come up
1591872442272, // پیلېدل - to be started, begin
1527815324, // تاوېدل - to turn, rotate (passive), to be wrapped, twisted
1577398809240, // تباه کېدل - to be destroyed, ruined
1582391432928, // تبدیلېدل - to change, to undergo change, to be transformed
1580755448566, // ترکېدل - to be abondoned, left, refused
1527821367, // تسلیمېدل - to surrender, capitulate; to be handed over, delivered, passed on
1527814905, // تشېدل - to be emptied
1527821358, // تصدیق کېدل - to be confirmed, affirmed, attested
1527823430, // تقسیمېدل - to be divided, partitioned, distributed
1577501138221, // تکرار کېدل - to be repeated
1527814919, // تولیدېدل - to be produced, manufactured; to spring up, to be created, birthed
1579644515886, // تویېدل - to be poured, shed, spilled, scattered, knocked down (fruit)
1577571228633, // تیارېدل - to become ready, to become prepared, to get ready
1577571096956, // ټولېدل - to be gathered, collected
1577571391494, // ټیټېدل - to bow, stoop, go down
1589019870271, // ټیک کېدل - to be corrected, made right
1585310006948, // ثابتېدل - to be proven, established, made firm
1527816202, // ثبتېدل - to be entered, saved, recorded, registered
1527821166, // جارېدل - to be sacrificed, to be offered/at someones service
1527816943, // جوتېدل - to become evident, clear, apparent, explained, established
1527812713, // جوړېدل - to be made, formed, build, mended, become
1577905544406, // ځایېدل - to fit, to fit into a space, to be accomodated
1527812522, // چاپ کېدل - to be published, printed
1527811694, // چاغېدل - to put on weight, to get fat
1588783381414, // حاضرېدل - to show up, be present, appear; to be prepared, to get ready
1527814126, // حلېدل - to be solved, resolved
1588426001132, // حیرانېدل - to be amazed, astonished, shocked, surprized
1527819313, // خارجېدل - to be exiled, dismissed, fired, extracted, processed
1527816079, // خبرېدل - to be informed, to come to know
1527811394, // خپرېدل - to be spread, dispersed, opened, unfolded, publicized, distributed
1577900112011, // ختمېدل - to be finished, completed, ended, used up, killed, destroyed
1527814184, // خرڅېدل - to be sold, to be spent
1577898920635, // خفه کېدل - to be sad, grieved, annoyed, upset; to be choked, to suffocate
1527818360, // خلاصېدل - to be freed, saved, rescued, opened
1527814173, // خوږېدل - to hurt, to have pain
1527817114, // خوشتېدل - to become damp, wet, moist
1527812812, // خوښېدل - to be pleasing, happy, to be liked; to be chosen, selected
1527816735, // داخلېدل - to enter, go in; to be included; to be enrolled
1527815784, // درنېدل - to become heavier; to become more serious, respectable, reliable
1577059043220, // دفن کېدل - to be buried
1527817671, // ډکېدل - to fill up
1527817257, // ډوبېدل - to drown, sink, dissapear, be submerged
1527816895, // ډېرېدل - to increase, to become more, to be increased, to rise
1527818346, // راپورته کېدل - to be raised up, to rise
1527815734, // راټولېدل - to be brought together, gathered, collected, assembled
1585474304911, // رغېدل - to become healthy, to heal, to get better, to recover, to be cured; to be built up; to be sewn, mended, repaired
1527823278, // رنګېدل - to be painted, colored
1527812410, // روانېدل - to get under way, to get going, to depart
1527815236, // ړنګېدل - to be demolished, ruined, dissolved, disbanded
1527817576, // زرغونېدل - to germinate, grow, flourish, develop
1566120362058, // زړېدل - to get old, to age, to get worn out
1527817668, // زیاتېدل - to become more, to grow in number
1591033069786, // ستړی کېدل - to get tired, fatigued
1527816404, // ستنېدل - to return go back; to be delayed, to linger
1591782112190, // سمېدل - to become right, correct, get repaired, be fixed, be straightened out
1527811948, // شریکېدل - to be shared, held in common; to participate in something, share in something, be involved
1589883893191, // شړمېدل - to ba attached loosely, to become loose, lazy, flabby
1527820128, // ښخېدل - to be buried, entombed; to be pierced, plunged, thrust into
1527814077, // ښکارېدل - to become clear, evident, obvious; to appear, to seem
1577057620783, // عادت کېدل - to get used to, to get accustomed to; to get addicted to
1585475932743, // عذابېدل - to be tortured, tormented, punished, bothered, pained
1527814972, // غرقېدل - to be sunk, immersed, plunged, lost
1527821483, // غصه کېدل - to be angry, upset, distressed
1578607410634, // غلطېدل - to make a mistake, to err, to be decieved, to stray from, to miscalculate
1578683722262, // فارغېدل - to graduate; to become free from, finished from something, liberated
1527823367, // قبلېدل - to be accepted, to be approved
1578705585960, // قربانېدل - to be sacrificed
1588074081731, // قرنطینېدل - to be quarentined
1527811848, // کامیابېدل - to succed, to achieve success
1578769047886, // کلکېدل - to become firm, solid, to be hardened, to solidify; to became staunch, secured
1578769553469, // کمېدل - to decrease, become small, become less
1527811975, // کڼېدل - to become deaf
1573149364576, // ګډېدل - to be mixed, combined, blended, to meet, rejoin
1527814821, // ګرمېدل - to become warm, to warm up, heat up
1527819155, // ګمراه کېدل - to stray (from the path, the faith), to err
1579034600343, // ګیرېدل - to be seized, caught, trapped, confined, imprisoned, beseiged, stuck
1588152260378, // لرې کېدل - to be removed, put far away
1527817122, // لندېدل - to dampen, moisten, soak, get wet
1527817119, // لنډېدل - to be shortened, made short
1527813947, // لویېدل - to grow up, to be raised up, to get big
1527811901, // ماتېدل - to be broken, break, hurt badle, crumble
1527814560, // مجبورېدل - to be compelled, forced, obligated
1527820885, // مړېدل - to become full, to have ones fill; (fig.) to grow cold towards, lose interest in
1579295191646, // مقررېدل - to be appointed, assigned, delegated
1579295944312, // ملامتېدل - to be condemned, blamed, guilty
1527812920, // ملاوېدل - to meet, to be met, to be found, to be available
1579387693725, // مینېدل - to fall in love
1527815573, // نازلېدل - to befall, to come down, to be revealed, to be sent down
1527811761, // ناکامېدل - to fail, to not succeed
1527820482, // نسکورېدل - to be toppled over, brought down, ruined, shot down (ie. a plane), stoop down
1527817763, // هېرېدل - to be forgotten (ستا نوم ما نه هېر شو I forgot your name lit, Your name was forgotten from me)
1579721195157, // واردېدل - to be imported
1527817238, // وچېدل - to become dry
1589640142987, // ورکېدل - to get lost, dissapear
1588153594269, // وړېدل - to become smaller, shrink
1527812005, // وقفېدل - to be devoted, dedicated, given, donated, bequeathed
1576947352743, // ویدېدل - to sleep
1527819292, // ویښېدل - to awaken, become alert, wake up
1527812941, // یادېدل - to be remembered, to be missed
1527814768, // یخېدل - to chill, cool down, freeze
1579824223049, // یو ځای کېدل - to be gathered, brought together, come together
// simp trans
1527814617, // نیول - to take
1527811872, // اچول - to put, pour, drop, throw, put on
1527817298, // اخیستل - to take, buy, purchase, receive; to shave, cut with scissors
1527816127, // اړول - to turn over, flip over; convert, change; to move over to, establish oneself in a new spot; divert, turn away, hijack
1527811605, // ازمویل - to attempt, try; to experiment, test
1527812458, // استول - to send
1527811397, // اغوستل - to wear, to put on (clothes)
1527816125, // الوزول - to make fly, to toss, to release (birds); to blow up
1527816146, // ایستل - to throw out, discard, chuck, toss; to extract, to take out
1527817786, // بخښل - to forgive, to pardon
1527816092, // بلل - to call, invite; to consider, deem
1577389204616, // پرانیستل - to open; to undo; to initiate
1527819396, // پرځول - to throw down, to topple, overcome, wrestle to the ground
1527816874, // پلورل - to sell
1527813647, // پوښتل - to ask, question
1527815190, // پرېښودل - to quit
1527815216, // راتلل - to come
1527812284, // کېښودل - to put
1577394422280, // پوهول - to explain, to try to make understand
1527815165, // پېژندل - to recognize, know, meet
1527813405, // تړل - to connect, tie, bind, close
1527816494, // تښتول - to drive off, steal, abduct, kidnap
1527813394, // ټاکل - to select, appoint
1527821498, // ټکول - to knock, pound, crush, grind, hammer
1527818537, // ځړول - to hang, to suspend, to lower down, to let down
1527813046, // ځنډول - to delay, to postpone, to hold back, to detain
1527813755, // ځورول - to bother, irritate, torture, distress, vex, grind on
1527814586, // چلول - to drive, operate, handle, put forward, circulate
1527816564, // چیچل - to bite, chew, grind (teeth), clench (teeth), sting
1527812790, // خوړل - to eat, to bite
1527823551, // خېژول - load, upload, boost, cause to climb, cause to get on/in (a boat etc.)
1527815489, // داړل - to bite, tear, gnaw
1527812544, // درول - to stop (active, causative); to stand, set up, put in place; to bring in, introduce; to advance/field (an army/troops)
1527816533, // رټل - to tell off, berate, banish, drive off
1527813572, // رسول - to deliver, to make arrive, provide, send, supply, bring to,
1527819880, // رېبل - to reap, harvest
1527816064, // زغمل - to endure, bear, tolerate, take on, digest
1527811485, // زېږول - to give birth, to bear, create
1527813637, // ستایل - to praise, commend, glorify, mention
1527817750, // سکل - to drink
1527811625, // سنجول - to think over, deliberate, examine, think, develop
1527813831, // سوځول - to cause to burn, set on fire
1527814596, // شرمول - to shame, to disgrace, to dishonor
1527814908, // شړل - to drive out, fire, evict, push out
1527815531, // شکول - to tear, to break of, to dig up, to pull out
1527815296, // شمارل - to count
1527815273, // شمېرل - to count
1527811293, // ښودل - to show; to teach; to suit, look good with (fig.), befit
1527817865, // غځول - to extend, to stretch out, to expand
1527817622, // غړول - to open or roll (the eyes)
1527820150, // غږول - to make a sound, pronounce, to sing, to play (an instrument), to resound; to make someone talk, to get information
1527815886, // غندل - to condemn, reproach, to criticize
1527816122, // غورځول - to throw, hurl, fling
1527812627, // غوښتل - to want, to request
1527819301, // غولول - to deceive, cheat, fool
1527813568, // کارول - to use, utilize
1527816300, // کرل - to sow, to plant
1527819378, // کندل - to dig
1527811289, // کېنول - to seat, to make or have someone sit down
1527817661, // ګالل - to bear up under (diffucult things), to suffer, to take, to endure
1527812649, // ګټل - to earn (money), to win
1527812612, // ګنډل - to sew, mend, make, knit
1527812000, // ګڼل - to count, consider, reckon, suppose, assume
1527822144, // ګواښل - to threaten
1527812873, // لوستل - to read, study
1527816453, // ګومارل - to appoint, assign, delegate; load, charge
1527812869, // لټول - to search, seek
1527818206, // لړزول - to shake, rattle, cause to shake
1527813866, // لېږل - to send
1527812856, // لیکل - to write
1527815085, // منل - to accept, to believe
1527815399, // وهل - to hit
1527823020, // وېرول - to make afraid, to scare, to make fear
1527811701, // وېشل - divide, distribute, share
1579015359582, // کول - to make ____ ____ (as in "He's making me angry.")
1527812752, // کول - to do (an action or activity)
1527816865, // وړل
1527815214, // راوړل - to bring
1527819827, // راوستل - to bring
1527812275, // لیدل - to see
1579015359582, // کول - to make
1527812752, // کول - to do
// simp gramm trans
1577383674332, // انګولل - to howl, wail
1527818962, // پرنجل - to sneeze
1527821425, // ټوخل - to cough
1527812767, // خندل - to laugh
1605360223155, // دنګل - to jump, leap, run, race
1605360127430, // زنګل - to swing, rock (back and forth)
1527812717, // ژړل - to cry
1591899573844, // نڅل - to dance
1577049208257, // اورېدل - to hear
1527812362, // فرمایل - to declare
1527812751, // کتل - to look
1527815396, // وایل - to say
1527817013, // ویل - to say
// simp intrans
1527815216, // راتلل - to come
1527813473, // الوتل - to fly
1527814012, // اوښتل - to pass over, overturn, be flipped over, spill over, shift, change, diverge, pass, cross, abandon
1527822843, // برېښېدل - to appear, seem; to shine, sparkle; to smart, have a pricking pain
1527815183, // پوهېدل - to understand (to do the act of understanding)
1527816495, // تښتېدل - to run off, escape, flee
1527811442, // توانېدل - become able, become strong or good enough to…
1527813022, // ټوخېدل - to cough
1527817259, // پرېوتل - to fall
1577572987826, // جنګېدل - to fight, battle, war, to bump or crash into
1527818535, // ځړېدل - to hang, to be hung, to be lowered
1527812273, // ځلېدل - to shine, glow, glitter
1577921634357, // ځنډېدل - to be delayed, postponed, held back, detained
1527814025, // ختل - to climb, ascend, rise, go up; to fall out, to fall off, to leave/dissapear; to turn out to be ...
1527823376, // وتل - to go out
1527814433, // خوځېدل - to shake, tremble, wiggle, move, vibrate
1527818980, // رپېدل - to quiver, shake, flutter, shiver
1578191534500, // رحمېدل - to have mercy on, to have compassion on
1527813573, // رسېدل - reach, arrive; (fig.) understand, attain to; mature, ripen
1527813710, // زېږېدل - to be born, to appear, arise
1527813837, // سوځېدل - to burn
1527814597, // شرمېدل - to be ashamed, to be embarrassed, to be shy
1527821558, // شړېدل - to be decomposed, break down, fall apart; to be boiled soft (meat)
1527811516, // شلېدل - to be torn, broken, rent, broken, severed
1527812615, // غځېدل - stretch out, lie, be extended, expand
1527813680, // غږېدل - to converse, speak, talk, sing
1527814867, // غورځېدل - to jump, leap, fall
1578682066756, // غوړېدل - to be spread, extended, opened, unfolded; to fall with arms flailing; to blossom, to be set with mines (military)
1527823696, // غولېدل - to be deceived, cheated, fooled
1527812759, // کېناستل - to sit
1527812645, // ګرځېدل - to walk, wander, turn about; to become, to be
1527814430, // لړزېدل - to shake, shudder, tremble, vibrate
1527814085, // لګېدل - to be busy or in motion, to be spent, to flare up, to hit, crash, touch, to suit / fit / conform, to seem
1527813994, // لوېدل - to fall, to tumble, go down, settle
1527823019, // وېرېدل - to be afraid, scared, to fear
1581086654898, // کېدل - to become _____
1527812754, // کېدل - to happen, occur
1527815348, // تلل - to go
1527815216, // راتلل - to come
1527819674, // څملاستل - to lie down
1581086654898, // کېدل - to become
1527812754, // کېدل - to happen
// dyn comp trans
1527816643, // استعفا کول - to resign, to quit (a job or position)
1527817823, // اصرار کول - to insist, persist, demand
1591002320547, // امر کول - to order, command
1527821339, // انتظار کول - to wait
1527817226, // اندازه لګول - to guess, to estimate
1527812167, // انکار کول - to deny, to renounce, to not recognize
1527812598, // ایمان راوړل - to beileve, have faith (du chaa baande / د چا باندې)
1527812002, // برخه اخستل - to take part in, to participate, to join in
1527813489, // پرهېز کول - to abstain, fast
1577390517316, // پرېکړه کول - to decide
1527820710, // پناه اړول - to take/seek refuge
1527817312, // پوښتنه کول - to ask
1527818188, // پیروي کول - to follow, obey (usually a religious teacher or leader)
1527811863, // تاوان رسول - to harm, damage
1527816383, // تپوس کول - to ask, to question, to request
1527822770, // ترپکې وهل - to stamp (feet), to tread, to tap ones foot
1527821587, // ترحم کول - to feel pity, to have sympathy, to feel sorry for someone
1527818390, // تشریف راوړل - to come (when speaking about someone w/ respect)
1527818391, // تشریف وړل - to go (when speaking about someone w/ respect)
1527814726, // تصمیم نیول - to make a decision
1579394718033, // تصور کول - to imagine, suppose
1527815968, // تکیه کول - to rely on, to depend on
1592303372377, // تلاوت کول - to read (relgious, usually the Quran)
1577551342853, // تمرکز کول - to concentrate, focus (په يوه شي باندې)
1527815351, // توبه ایستل - to repent
1586452103064, // توجه کول - to pay attention to, to consider
1527816822, // توکل کول - to count on, hope for, depend on
1527812186, // تیاري نیول - to prepare
1527814870, // ټوپونه وهل - to jump
1527815355, // ټوکې کول - to joke, tease, make fun of
1527815867, // ټینګار کول - to emphasize, to insist
1527822741, // جیټکه خوړل - to be jolted, surprised
1527814864, // ځان وژل - to commit suicide
1527819607, // چرت وهل - to think about something, reflect on something, worry about something
1527821070, // چکر وهل - to stroll, walk around
1577812269585, // چمچه ګیري کول - to suck up to, to flatter
1573768865232, // چنې وهل - to barter, bargain (for a price)
1527822814, // حسد کول - to be envious, to be jealous
1527823161, // حفاظت کول - to protect, guard
1527821042, // حمایه کول - to support, aid, protect, back
1527818810, // حیا کول - to be bashful, modest, observing of Islamic rules of modesty
1577823792516, // خدمت کول - to serve (د چا خدمت کول)
1588858155947, // خېز وهل - to jump, leap, bob up and down
1589024311021, // دافع کول - to defend (د ځان دفاع کول - to defend oneself)
1527816916, // دفاع کول - to defend, protect
1527820291, // ډغره وهل - to challenge, invite to engage in a contest, confront, provoke
1527813125, // ذکر کول - to mention, refernce, remark, refer to
1527813937, // روژه نیول - to fast
1591804639647, // روغه کول - to reconcile, to make peace
1527813212, // زاري کول - to plea, ask, request, beg
1584529741244, // زړه ساتل - to hold back and not say what you're really thinking
1575128717139, // زړه وهل - to feel hesitancy about some action or thing (د دې کار څخه زړه وهي); to satiate
1527813319, // زنګ وهل - to ring, phone, call (Afghanistan)
1527822368, // زیاتي کول - to do injustice, oppression (to someone) (د چا سرس زياتي کول)
1527819178, // زیان رسول - to damage, to cause harm
1594129207239, // سا اخستل - to breathe
1594129204513, // سا اخیستل - to breathe
1527815309, // سبق وایل - to study, go to school
1527814102, // ست کول - to invite, to make an offer out of politeness (د ډوډۍ ست مې ورته وکړ)
1527818975, // سترګه وهل - to wink, to blink
1578326320888, // سجده لګول - to bowing down to the ground, to prostrating (in religion)
1527816152, // سر ټکول - complain, gripe
1527816463, // سوله کول - to make peace, to reconcile
1527818094, // سیل کول - to stroll through, go on a walk or tour through, to see, watch, examine, survey, visit, tour
1527814855, // شپېلۍ وهل - to play the flute, fife, reed, to whistle
1527819033, // شکایت کول - to complain, to express a grievance
1577817988469, // شکست خوړل - to be defeated, to experience defeat
1527819185, // صبر کول - to be patient, to bear up and endure under difficult or painful circumstances
1527814887, // صفت کول - to praise; admire, glorify
1527818217, // طرفداري کول - to support, adhere to, pick a side, stand up for something or someone
1571946107980, // ظلم کول - to be cruel to, to oppress, to do voilence against, to persecute (د چا باندې ظلم کول)
1581610643511, // عبادت کول - to worship, pray
1527811674, // عمل کول - to act, to put into practice; to do something addicting (like smoking), to do out of habit
1581610659810, // غچ اخیستل - to take revenge
1527818401, // غرض کول - to interfere, to meddle, to step in
1592303194144, // غږ کول - to call out, to say something, make a sound
1578607689918, // غلا کول - to steal
1527818341, // غمرازي کول - to share in someones sorrow, to show sympathy or give condolences
1527818425, // غوټه اچول - to tie, fasten, hitch
1527818422, // غوټه وهل - to dive, dip, go into water
1527812633, // غوږ نیول - to listen
1527816328, // غیبت کول - to gossip
1588784260692, // فال اچول - to do fortune telling, divination
1527812607, // فکر کول - to think
1527822096, // قدم وهل - to take a step, to walk
1588152878869, // قرباني کول - to make a sacrifice
1527817624, // قسم خوړل - to take an oath, vow, to swear
1527812732, // کار کول - to work
1527811600, // کوشش کول - to try, to attempt, to put in effort
1527819661, // ګپ لګول - to talk, converse; to joke
1527814357, // ګډون کول - to participate, join, be involved
1582146016627, // ګذاره کول - to get by, make ends meet, deal with something, handle or get some task done (with difficulty or not quite in the ideal way), to bear with, to be tolerant or forgiving
1527819872, // ګمان کول - to think, to suppose
1579034883717, // لاړې تېرول - to spit ?? (other fluids too??)
1527817357, // لاس وړل - to touch
1527818937, // لامبو وهل - to swim, bathe
1527813950, // لحاظ کول - to be considerate of, pay attention to someone or something, to be polite, to show deference or respect to someone
1527813888, // لغته وهل - to kick
1527822099, // لمس کول - to touch, motivate, instigate
1588760636420, // لوظ کول - to promise, give one's word
1527819089, // ماته خوړل - to be defeated, beaten by someone
1527817361, // مخ اړول - to turn (ones face), to face, (when turning from someone or people) to neglect, (when turning to someone or people) to pay attention to
1527812934, // مخه نیول - to prevent, hold back
1588161314887, // مرسته کول - to help, assist
1527817165, // مزدوري کول - to do labour, to work
1609162269829, // مزې کول - to be enjoyable, to have good taste (the thing that gives enjoyment/taste "does maza"), to have fun
1579295606403, // ملاتړ کول - to support (ie. a political party etc.)
1589031340746, // موټر چلول - to drive a car
1527812902, // مینه کول - to love
1527817369, // ناره وهل - to cry out, to yell, to yell a chant or slogan
1527819687, // نارې کول - to cry out, shout (ناره)
1527821254, // نافرماني کول - to disobey, to not comply, to rebel
1527817709, // نجات موندل - to be saved, to find salvation
1527823208, // نفرت کول - to hate, abhor
1527811827, // نفس ایستل - breath in, inhale; kill
1579459605988, // نقصان کول - to suffer loss
1527815991, // ننداره کول - to behold, to spectate, to watch, to take in
1527823707, // نیالګی کېنول - to plant a sapling, young tree
1527811729, // نیوکه کول - to criticize
1527823733, // هجرت کول - to migrate, resettle
1527820620, // هجوم کول - to swarm, rush, attack
1527811599, // هڅه کول - to try, to attempt, to put in effort
1604431102462, // هدایت کول - to guide, show the true path, give revelation leading to truth
1527818092, // همکاري کول - to collaborate, to work together, to aid/help
1527816106, // وده کول - to grow, develop, improve, rise
1579723460957, // ورزش کول - to de exercise, athletics
1527814910, // وعده کول - to promise
1527816263, // وفا کول - to be faithful, to keep one's promise
1609162463793, // واده کول - to marry, get married
1609599425410, // دعا کول - to pray
1527812939, // منډې وهل - to run
1614602054303, // بدله اخیستل - to take revenge