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* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
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2022-10-06 08:17:28 +00:00
module.exports = [
{ ts: 1527816747, e: "doctor" }, // ډاکټر
{ ts: 1527815408, e: "asleep" }, // ویده - weedú
{ ts: 1527812796, e: "good" }, // ښه - xu
{ ts: 1527821744, e: "cook, chef" }, // آشپز - aashpáz
{ ts: 1527812461, e: "hero, brave" }, // اتل - atul
{ ts: 1527821649, e: "impressive, effective, influencing" }, // اثرناک - asarnáak
{ ts: 1527818704, e: "wide, spacious, extensive" }, // ارت - arát
{ ts: 1578340121962, e: "free, independant" }, // ازاد - azáad
{ ts: 1527819418, e: "independant, autonomous" }, // خپلواک - khpulwaak
{ ts: 1527817146, e: "resident; settled" }, // استوګن - astogan
{ ts: 1527813713, e: "hopeful, pregnant" }, // امیدوار - Umeedwaar
{ ts: 1527819451, e: "Englishman, English (adjective)" }, // انګرېز - angréz
{ ts: 1527820346, e: "on-line" }, // انلاین - anlaayn
{ ts: 1527813667, e: "important" }, // اهم - aham
{ ts: 1598724912198, e: "dry" }, // اوچ - ooch
{ ts: 1527815138, e: "insurgent" }, // اورپک - orpak
{ ts: 1586452587974, e: "free, available" }, // اوزګار - oozgáar
{ ts: 1527816489, e: "faithful, believer" }, // ایماندار - eemaandaar
{ ts: 1527820433, e: "valiant" }, // باتور - baatóor
{ ts: 1527813425, e: "stingy" }, // بخیل - bakheel
{ ts: 1527812511, e: "bad" }, // بد - bud, bad
{ ts: 1527812518, e: "equal, even, set up" }, // برابر - buraabur
{ ts: 1527811861, e: "naked" }, // بربنډ - barbunD
{ ts: 1527811511, e: "full, complete" }, // بشپړ - bushpuR
{ ts: 1527812515, e: "other, next" }, // بل - bul
{ ts: 1527815725, e: "knowledgeable, accustomed" }, // بلد - balad
{ ts: 1577301753727, e: "closed" }, // بند - band
{ ts: 1527812490, e: "useless" }, // بې کار - be kaar
{ ts: 1527812031, e: "separate, different" }, // بېل - bel
{ ts: 1527815144, e: "clean, pure" }, // پاک - paak
{ ts: 1527815201, e: "hidden" }, // پټ - puT
{ ts: 1527815179, e: "wide" }, // پلن - plun
{ ts: 1527819059, e: "thick, fat" }, // پنډ - punD
{ ts: 1611767359178, e: "compassionate" }, // ترسناک - tarsnáak
{ ts: 1527813270, e: "sour" }, // تروش - troosh
{ ts: 1527813817, e: "narrow, cramped" }, // تنګ - tang
{ ts: 1527816354, e: "ready" }, // تیار - tayaar
{ ts: 1527817056, e: "sharp, fast" }, // تېز - tez
{ ts: 1527814076, e: "societal, social" }, // ټولنیز - Toluneez
{ ts: 1527819864, e: "low" }, // ټیټ - TeeT
{ ts: 1527811894, e: "firm, tough, rigid" }, // ټینګ - Teeng
{ ts: 1527812943, e: "constant, stable, proven" }, // ثابت - saabit
{ ts: 1527813085, e: "heavy, difficult" }, // ثقیل - saqeel
{ ts: 1527820479, e: "ignorant" }, // جاهل - jaahíl
{ ts: 1588160800930, e: "surgeon" }, // جراح - jarráah
{ ts: 1527812707, e: "high, tall" }, // جګ - jig, jug
{ ts: 1527816944, e: "clear, evident" }, // جوت - jawat
{ ts: 1527822996, e: "alongside, adjoining" }, // جوخت - jokht
{ ts: 1527812711, e: "well, healthy" }, // جوړ - joR
{ ts: 1527816323, e: "shining, sparkling" }, // ځلاند - dzalaand
{ ts: 1527812291, e: "young, youthful" }, // ځوان - dzwaan
{ ts: 1527820112, e: "hanging" }, // ځوړند - dzwáRund
{ ts: 1527819672, e: "crafty" }, // چالاک - chaaláak
{ ts: 1527811230, e: "quick, fast" }, // چټک - chaTak
{ ts: 1527812524, e: "started, in motion" }, // چلان - chalaan
{ ts: 1527815370, e: "clear, apparent" }, // څرګند - tsărgund
{ ts: 1576366107077, e: "straight, upright" }, // څک - tsak
{ ts: 1527812113, e: "present, on hand, ready" }, // حاضر - haazir, haazur
{ ts: 1527820699, e: "pregnant, carrying" }, // حامل - haamíl
{ ts: 1527819824, e: "greedy" }, // حریص - harées
{ ts: 1527812669, e: "sensitive" }, // حساس - hasaas
{ ts: 1527812057, e: "raw, unripe" }, // خام - khaam
{ ts: 1527811523, e: "traitor, treacherous" }, // خاین - khaayin
{ ts: 1527814219, e: "relative, one's own" }, // خپل - khpul
{ ts: 1527812795, e: "relative" }, // خپلوان - khpulwaan
{ ts: 1527812808, e: "poor, miserable" }, // خوار - khwaar
{ ts: 1527814880, e: "tall" }, // دنګ - dung
{ ts: 1527812537, e: "assured" }, // ډاډمن - DaaDmun
{ ts: 1527812583, e: "full" }, // ډک - Duk
{ ts: 1527822674, e: "gaunt" }, // ډنګر - Dungár, Dangár
{ ts: 1527817256, e: "sunk" }, // ډوب - Doob
{ ts: 1527814277, e: "healthy" }, // روغ - rogh
{ ts: 1609780006604, e: "fruitful" }, // زرخېز - zarkhéz
{ ts: 1527817116, e: "green, flourishing" }, // زرغون - zarghoon
{ ts: 1527814026, e: "golden" }, // زرین - zareen
{ ts: 1527815848, e: "committed" }, // ژمن - jzman
{ ts: 1527813498, e: "light" }, // سپک - spuk
{ ts: 1578329248464, e: "white" }, // سپین - speen
{ ts: 1527811860, e: "great" }, // ستر - stur
{ ts: 1527820178, e: "problematic" }, // ستونزمن - stoonzmán
{ ts: 1527815246, e: "difficult" }, // سخت - sakht
{ ts: 1527817262, e: "barren" }, // شنډ - shanD
{ ts: 1527813426, e: "stingy" }, // شوم - shoom
{ ts: 1527812625, e: "big" }, // غټ - ghuT, ghaT
{ ts: 1527811846, e: "successful" }, // کامیاب - kaamyaab
{ ts: 1527823678, e: "lazy" }, // کاهل - kaahíl
{ ts: 1527814896, e: "proud, arrogant" }, // کبرجن - kaburjun
{ ts: 1527813117, e: "firm, solid" }, // کلک - klak, kluk
{ ts: 1578769492475, e: "few, little" }, // کم - kam
// { ts: 1527814253, e: "mixed up" }, // ګډ وډ // TODO: FIX INFLECTION MACHINE FOR DOUBLES!
{ ts: 1578769409512, e: "weak" }, // کمزور - kamzór
{ ts: 1527812639, e: "dear, difficult" }, // ګران - graan
{ ts: 1527816786, e: "all" }, // ګرد - gurd
{ ts: 1527814811, e: "warm, hot" }, // ګرم - garm, garum
{ ts: 1527817662, e: "guilty" }, // ګرم - gram
{ ts: 1527812308, e: "thick, lots" }, // ګڼ - gaN
{ ts: 1527813848, e: "desiring, eager" }, // لېوال - lewaal
{ ts: 1527816011, e: "broken" }, // مات - maat
{ ts: 1527812881, e: "child" }, // ماشوم - maashoom
{ ts: 1527817007, e: "known" }, // مالوم - maaloom
{ ts: 1527814321, e: "positive" }, // مثبت - mUsbat
{ ts: 1527811264, e: "condemned" }, // محکوم - mahkoom
{ ts: 1527814802, e: "foul" }, // مردار - mUrdáar
{ ts: 1527821812, e: "arrogant" }, // مغرور - maghróor
{ ts: 1527820222, e: "lying down" }, // ملاست - mlaast
{ ts: 1527814344, e: "important" }, // مهم - mUhím
{ ts: 1527816033, e: "uncommon" }, // نادر - naadir
{ ts: 1527815106, e: "sitting, seated" }, // ناست - naast
{ ts: 1527815127, e: "nurse" }, // نرس - nurs
{ ts: 1527821673, e: "moist, damp, wet" }, // نمجن - namjún
{ ts: 1527815130, e: "dry, land, ground" }, // وچ - wuch, wUch
{ ts: 1527817486, e: "ruined, destroyed; destructive, bad, naughty" }, // وران - wraan
{ ts: 1527814373, e: "lost" }, // ورک - wruk
{ ts: 1527822838, e: "decayed, spoiled, rotten" }, // وروست - wrost
{ ts: 1609949334478, e: "roasted" }, // وریت - wreet
{ ts: 1527811544, e: "standing" }, // ولاړ - waláaR, wuláaR
{ ts: 1527815498, e: "aforementioned" }, // یاد - yaad
{ ts: 1527815434, e: "cold" }, // یخ - yakh, yukh