
34 lines
909 B

import { randFromArray } from "@lingdocs/pashto-inflector";
function shuffleArray<T>(arr: Readonly<Array<T>>): Array<T> {
let currentIndex = arr.length, temporaryValue, randomIndex;
const array = [...arr];
// While there remain elements to shuffle...
while (0 !== currentIndex) {
// Pick a remaining element...
randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex);
currentIndex -= 1;
// And swap it with the current element.
temporaryValue = array[currentIndex];
array[currentIndex] = array[randomIndex];
array[randomIndex] = temporaryValue;
return array;
export function maybeShuffleArray<T>(arr: Array<T>): Array<T> {
const shuffle = randFromArray([true, false, true, false, false]);
if (shuffle) {
return shuffleArray(arr);
return arr;
export default shuffleArray;