diff --git a/src/content/pronouns/pronouns-indefinite.mdx b/src/content/pronouns/pronouns-indefinite.mdx
index b87da42..9bc0bf7 100644
--- a/src/content/pronouns/pronouns-indefinite.mdx
+++ b/src/content/pronouns/pronouns-indefinite.mdx
@@ -263,14 +263,88 @@ The words ,
+ - inflects to or
-These negative forms are used with negative verbs to make a **double negative** for emphasis.
+These negative forms are used with negative verbs and equatives to make a **double negative** for emphasis.
+ {psmd([
+ {
+ p: "دلته **څه** نشته",
+ f: "dalta **tsu** nushta",
+ e: "There is nothing here",
+ sub: "Here څه means 'nothing' because of negative نشته",
+ },
+ {
+ p: "دلته **هیڅ څه** نشته",
+ f: "dalta **heets tsu** nushta",
+ e: "There is _absolutely_ nothing here",
+ sub: "Double negative (هیڅ څه and نشته) for emphasis",
+ },
+ {
+ p: "❌ دلته **هیڅ څه** شته",
+ f: "❌ dalta **heets tsu** shta",
+ e: "There is nothing here",
+ sub: "You can't use هیڅ څه with a positive phrase (شته)",
+ },
+ {
+ p: "**چا** نه دي وایلي چې...",
+ f: "**chaa** nú dee waayulee che...",
+ e: "**Nobody** has said that...",
+ sub: "inflected as the subject of a past tense transitive verb",
+ },
+ {
+ p: "**هیڅ چا** نه دي وایلي چې...",
+ f: "**heets chaa** nú dee waayulee che...",
+ e: "_Absolutely nobody_ has said that...",
+ sub: "Double negative (هیڅ چا and نه دي وایلي) for emphasis",
+ },
+ {
+ p: "❌ **هیڅ چا** وایلي دي چې...",
+ f: "❌ **heets chaa** waayulee dee che...",
+ e: "_Nobody_ has said that...",
+ sub: "You can't use هیڅ چا with a positive verb (وایلي دي)",
+ },
+ ])}
### With یو - one
-More coming soon... 🚧
+These forms can be used to emphasize that you are talking about one person, or about a little, or one, of something.
+ {psmd([
+ {
+ p: "زه باید **یو څه** وکړم!",
+ f: "zu baayad **yo tsu** óokRum!",
+ e: "I have to do (at least) _something_!",
+ },
+ {
+ p: "کله چې یو څوک تا ته خفه وي...",
+ f: "kala che **yo tsok** taa ta khufá wee...",
+ e: "When **somone** (one person) is upset with you...",
+ },
+ ])}
+#### Using as an intensifier
+Note that and can also be used as intensifiers with adjectives to mean "somewhat" or "a little."
+ {psmd([
+ {
+ p: "هغه له ما نه **یو څه** خفه دی",
+ f: "haghá la maa na **yo tsu** khufá day",
+ e: "He's _a little_ upset with me",
+ },
+ ])}