This commit is contained in:
lingdocs 2022-03-24 21:02:51 +05:00
parent 825b37e9fb
commit ab19fa995e
2 changed files with 52 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ import {
} from "@lingdocs/pashto-inflector";
import { removeBa } from "./vp-tools";
import { isMiniPronoun, removeBa } from "./vp-tools";
type ListOfEntities = (T.PsString & { isVerbPrefix?: boolean, prefixFollowedByParticle?: boolean })[][];
type ListOfSegments = (T.PsString & { isVerbPrefix?: boolean, prefixFollowedByMiniPronoun?: boolean })[][];
export function compileVP(VP: VPRendered, form: FormVersion): { ps: T.SingleOrLengthOpts<T.PsString[]>, e?: string [] } {
const { head, rest } =;
const { kids, NPs } = shrinkEntitiesAndGatherKids(VP, form);
const { kids, NPs } = shrinkSegmentsAndGatherKids(VP, form);
return {
ps: compilePs(NPs, head, rest, VP.verb.negative, kids),
e: compileEnglish(VP),
@ -21,25 +21,25 @@ export function compileVP(VP: VPRendered, form: FormVersion): { ps: T.SingleOrLe
// TODO: ISSUE off prefix-nu in the phonetics
function compilePs(
nps: ListOfEntities,
nps: ListOfSegments,
head: T.PsString | undefined,
rest: T.PsString[],
negative: boolean,
kids: ListOfEntities,
kids: ListOfSegments,
): T.PsString[];
function compilePs(
nps: ListOfEntities,
nps: ListOfSegments,
head: T.PsString | undefined,
rest: T.SingleOrLengthOpts<T.PsString[]>,
negative: boolean,
kids: ListOfEntities,
kids: ListOfSegments,
): T.SingleOrLengthOpts<T.PsString[]>;
function compilePs(
nps: ListOfEntities,
nps: ListOfSegments,
head: T.PsString | undefined,
rest: T.SingleOrLengthOpts<T.PsString[]>,
negative: boolean,
kids: ListOfEntities,
kids: ListOfSegments,
): T.SingleOrLengthOpts<T.PsString[]> {
if ("long" in rest) {
return {
@ -50,19 +50,19 @@ function compilePs(
} : {},
const verbEntities = compileVerbWNegative(head, rest, negative)
const entities: ListOfEntities = [
const verbSegments = compileVerbWNegative(head, rest, negative)
const segments: ListOfSegments = [
const entitiesWKids = putKidsInKidsSection(
const segmentsWKids = putKidsInKidsSection(
return combineEntities(entitiesWKids);
return combineSegments(segmentsWKids);
function shrinkEntitiesAndGatherKids(VP: VPRendered, form: FormVersion): { kids: ListOfEntities, NPs: ListOfEntities } {
function shrinkSegmentsAndGatherKids(VP: VPRendered, form: FormVersion): { kids: ListOfSegments, NPs: ListOfSegments } {
const main = {
object: typeof VP.object === "object" ? : undefined,
@ -99,37 +99,44 @@ function shrink(np: Rendered<NPSelection>): T.PsString[] {
function putKidsInKidsSection(entities: ListOfEntities, kids: ListOfEntities): ListOfEntities {
const first = entities[0];
const rest = entities.slice(1);
function putKidsInKidsSection(segments: ListOfSegments, kids: ListOfSegments): ListOfSegments {
const first = segments[0];
const rest = segments.slice(1);
console.log({ kids }, kids.length);
return [ => (
x.isVerbPrefix &&
// TODO: This isn't quite working
) ? { ...x, prefixFollowedByParticle: true } : x),
(x.isVerbPrefix && isMiniPronoun(kids[0][0]))
? { ...x, prefixFollowedByMiniPronoun: true }
: x
function combineEntities(loe: ListOfEntities): T.PsString[] {
function combineSegments(loe: ListOfSegments): T.PsString[] {
function isLast(index: number, arr: any[]): boolean {
return index === (arr.length - 1);
const first = loe[0];
const rest = loe.slice(1);
if (!rest.length) return first;
return combineEntities(rest).flatMap(r => (
console.log({ loe });
return combineSegments(rest).flatMap((r, restIndex, arr) => ( => concatPsString(
(ps.isVerbPrefix && isLast(restIndex, arr)
? ""
: ps.prefixFollowedByMiniPronoun
? { p: "", f: "-" }
: ps.isVerbPrefix ? "" : " "),
: ps.isVerbPrefix ? " " : " "),
function compileVerbWNegative(head: T.PsString | undefined, restRaw: T.PsString[], negative: boolean): ListOfEntities {
function compileVerbWNegative(head: T.PsString | undefined, restRaw: T.PsString[], negative: boolean): ListOfSegments {
const rest =;
if (!negative) {
return [

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@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ import {
Types as T,
} from "@lingdocs/pashto-inflector";
import { psRemove } from "@lingdocs/pashto-inflector/dist/lib/p-text-helpers";
export function getPersonFromNP(np: NPSelection): T.Person;
export function getPersonFromNP(np: NPSelection | ObjectNP): T.Person | undefined;
@ -25,4 +25,20 @@ export function getPersonFromNP(np: NPSelection | ObjectNP): T.Person | undefine
export function removeBa(ps: T.PsString): T.PsString {
return psRemove(ps, concatPsString(grammarUnits.baParticle, " "));
export function isMiniPronoun(ps: T.PsString | undefined): boolean {
if (!ps) return false;
return isInVerbBlock(ps.p,;
* returns true if the pashto text matches any item in a verb block
* @param vb
function isInVerbBlock(p: string, vb: T.VerbBlock): boolean {
return vb.some((r) => (
r.some(x => x.some(y => y.p === p)