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adueck 2025-01-21 20:56:47 -05:00
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commit 81c0ba479f
1 changed files with 83 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -190,6 +190,87 @@ It's important to remember that <InlinePs opts={opts} ps={{ p: "څوک", f: "tso
## Other Indefinite Pronouns
## Gender and Number of Indefinite Pronouns
Coming soon... 🚧
By default, these indefinite pronouns are considered **masculine plural**. When the indefinite pronoun is the <Link to="/phrase-structure/vp/">king of the sentence</Link>, the verb will be 3rd person masculine plural.
In rare cases where we know they are for sure referring to some specific thing or person, then they can take a different gender and number.
<Examples opts={opts}>
p: "تا **څه** کول؟",
f: "taa **tsu** kawúl?",
e: "**What** were you doing?",
sub: "The object څه, is **masculine plural**. Here the object is king. The verb is 3rd pers. masc. plural",
p: "تا څه لیدلي دي؟",
f: "taa **tsu** leedúlee dee?",
e: "**What** did you see?",
sub: "The object څه, is **masculine plural**. Here the object is king. The verb is 3rd pers. masc. plural",
p: "**څه** شوي دي؟",
f: "**tsu** shúwee dee?",
e: "**What** happened?",
sub: "The subject څه is **masculine plural**. Here the subject is king. The verb is 3rd pers. masc. plural",
p: "څوک** نه دي راغلي**",
f: "**tsok** nú dee raaghúlee",
e: "Nobody has come. (lit. **Someone** has not come - meaning no person/people have come)",
sub: "The subject څوک is **masculine plural**. Here the subject is king. The verb is 3rd pers. masc. plural",
## Some/every/no + one/thing
The words <InlinePs opts={opts} ps={{ p: "هر", f: "har", e: "every" }} />, <InlinePs opts={opts} ps={{ p: "هیڅ", f: "heets", e: "no" }} />, and <InlinePs opts={opts} ps={{ p: "یو", f: "yo", e: "one" }} /> can be combined to form the following indefinite articles. Inflection works just the same.
### With هر - every
- <InlinePs opts={opts} ps={{ p: "هر څوک", f: "har tsok", e: "everybody" }} />
- <InlinePs opts={opts} ps={{ p: "هر څه", f: "har tsu", e: "everything" }} />
<Examples opts={opts}>
p: "**هر څه** ولرې او دوستان ونه لرې...",
f: "**har tsu** óolare aw dostáan on-nú lare...",
e: "If you have **everything** and don't have friends...",
p: "**هر څوک** خاشحاله دي",
f: "**har tsok** khoshháala dee",
e: "**Everyone** is happy",
p: "**هر چا** دا لوبه ولیده",
f: "**har chaa** daa lóba óoleeda",
e: "**Everyone** saw that game",
sub: "Inflected because it is the subject of a past tense transitive verb",
p: "له **هر چا** سره ملګرتیا مه کوه!",
f: "la **har chaa** sara malgurtyáa má kawa!",
e: "Don't make friends with everyone!",
sub: "Inflected because it is in a sandwich",
### With هیڅ - none
- <InlinePs opts={opts} ps={{ p: "هیځ څوک", f: "heets tsok", e: "nobody" }} />
- <InlinePs opts={opts} ps={{ p: "هیڅ څه", f: "heets tsu", e: "nothing" }} />
These negative forms are used with negative verbs to make a **double negative** for emphasis.
### With یو - one
- <InlinePs opts={opts} ps={{ p: "یو څوک", f: "yo tsok", e: "someone" }} />
- <InlinePs opts={opts} ps={{ p: "یو څه", f: "yo tsu", e: "something" }} />
More coming soon... 🚧