first little gamelet in
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,8 +17,10 @@
"markdown-to-jsx": "^7.1.3",
"react": "^17.0.1",
"react-bootstrap": "^1.5.2",
"react-countdown-circle-timer": "^2.5.4",
"react-dom": "^17.0.1",
"react-ga": "^3.3.0",
"react-rewards": "^1.1.2",
"react-router-dom": "^5.2.0",
"react-router-hash-link": "^2.3.1",
"react-scripts": "3.4.3",
@ -31,9 +31,10 @@ export default verbs;`;
const allNounsAdjs = getNounsAdjsFromTsS(entries);
const content1 = `const nounsAdjs = ${JSON.stringify(allNounsAdjs)};
const content1 = `import { Types as T } from "@lingdocs/pashto-inflector";
const nounsAdjs: { entry: T.DictionaryEntry, def: string, category: string }[] = ${JSON.stringify(allNounsAdjs)};
export default nounsAdjs;`;
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(verbsPath, "nouns-adjs.js"), content1);
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(verbsPath, "nouns-adjs.ts"), content1);
function getVerbsFromTsS(entries) {
@ -66,7 +67,7 @@ function getNounsAdjsFromTsS(entries) {
return => {
const entry = entries.find(x => item.ts === x.ts);
if (!entry) {
console.log("couldn't find ts", ts);
console.log("couldn't find ts", item);
return undefined;
return { entry, def: item.e, category: item.category };
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ const verbsPath = path.join(".", "src", "words");
const collectionPath = path.join(verbsPath, "verb-categories");
const verbTsFiles = fs.readdirSync(collectionPath);
const pConsonants = ["ب", "پ", "ت", "ټ", "ث", "ج", "چ", "ح", "خ", "څ", "ځ", "د", "ډ", "ذ", "ر", "ړ", "ز", "ژ", "ږ", "س", "ش", "ښ", "ص", "ض", "ط", "ظ", "غ", "ف", "ق", "ک", "ګ", "گ", "ل", "ل", "م", "ن", "ڼ"];
// const allTsS = [ Set(verbTsFiles.reduce((arr, fileName) => {
// const TsS = require(path.join("..", collectionPath, fileName));
// return [...arr, ...TsS];
@ -14,11 +16,11 @@ const verbTsFiles = fs.readdirSync(collectionPath);
fetch(process.env.LINGDOCS_DICTIONARY_URL).then(res => res.arrayBuffer()).then(data => {
const { entries } = readDictionary(data);
const filtered = entries.filter(e => (
e.c && (e.c === "n. f.") && e.p.slice(-1) === "ا"
e.c?.startsWith("n. f.") && pConsonants.includes(e.p.slice(-1))
const content = `module.exports = [
${filtered.reduce((text, entry) => (
text + `{ ts: ${entry.ts}, e: "${entry.e}" }, // ${entry.p} - ${entry.f}
text + `{ ts: ${entry.ts}, e: \`${entry.e.replace(/"/g, '\\"')}\` }, // ${entry.p} - ${entry.f}
`), "")}
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(verbsPath, "my-words.js"), content);
@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
import React, { useState, useRef } from "react";
import { CountdownCircleTimer } from "react-countdown-circle-timer";
import Reward, { RewardElement } from 'react-rewards';
import "./timer.css";
import {
} from "../lib/game-utils";
const errorVibration = 200;
function Game<T>({ questions, Display, timeLimit, Instructions }: GameInput<T>) {
const rewardRef = useRef<RewardElement | null>(null);
const [finish, setFinish] = useState<null | "pass" | "fail" | "time out">(null);
const [current, setCurrent] = useState<Current<T> | undefined>(undefined);
const [questionBox, setQuestionBox] = useState<QuestionGenerator<T>>(questions());
const [timerKey, setTimerKey] = useState<number>(1);
function handleCallback(correct: boolean) {
if (correct) handleAdvance();
else handleFailure();
function handleFailure() {
// rewardRef.current?.punishMe();
function handleAdvance() {
const next =;
if (next.done) handleFinish();
else setCurrent(next.value);
function handleFinish() {
// post results
function handleRestart() {
const newQuestionBox = questions();
const { value } =;
// just for type safety -- the generator will have at least one question
if (!value) return;
setTimerKey(prev => prev + 1);
function handleTimeOut() {
setFinish("time out");
function getProgressWidth(): string {
const num = !current
? 0
: (finish === "pass")
? 100
: getPercentageDone(current.progress);
return `${num}%`;
const progressColor = finish === "pass"
? "success"
: finish === "fail"
? "danger"
: "primary";
return <div className="text-center" style={{ minHeight: "200px" }}>
<div className="progress" style={{ height: "5px" }}>
<div className={`progress-bar bg-${progressColor}`} role="progressbar" style={{ width: getProgressWidth() }} />
<div className="d-flex flex-row-reverse mt-2">
{current && <CountdownCircleTimer
isPlaying={!!current && !finish}
<Reward ref={rewardRef} config={{ lifetime: 130, spread: 90, elementCount: 125 }} type="confetti">
<div className="py-3">
{finish === null &&
? <Display question={current.question} callback={handleCallback} />
: <div>
<Instructions />
<button className="btn btn-primary mt-4" onClick={handleAdvance}>Start</button>
{finish === "pass" && <div>
<h4 className="mt-4">
<span role="img" aria-label="celebration">🎉</span> Finished!
<button className="btn btn-secondary mt-4" onClick={handleRestart}>Try Again</button>
{(finish === "fail" || finish === "time out") && <div>
<h4 className="mt-4">{failMessage(current?.progress, finish)}</h4>
<button className="btn btn-secondary mt-4" onClick={handleRestart}>Try Again</button>
function failMessage(progress: Progress | undefined, finish: "time out" | "fail"): string {
const pDone = progress ? getPercentageDone(progress) : 0;
const { message, face } = pDone < 20
? { message: "No, sorry", face: "😑" }
: pDone < 30
? { message: "Oops, that's wrong", face: "😟" }
: pDone < 55
? { message: "Fail", face: "😕" }
: pDone < 78
? { message: "You've almost got it!", face: "😩" }
: { message: "Nooo! So close!", face: "😭" };
return finish === "fail"
? `${message} ${face}`
: `⏳ Time's Up ${face}`;
export default Game;
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
import React from "react";
import {
} from "../lib/game-utils";
import genderColors from "../lib/gender-colors";
import Game from "./Game";
import {
Types as T,
defaultTextOptions as opts,
} from "@lingdocs/pashto-inflector";
import words from "../words/nouns-adjs";
// const masc = words.filter((w) => w.entry.c === "n. m.");
// const fem = words.filter((w) => w.entry.c === "n. f.");
type CategorySet = Record<string, { category: string, def: string, entry: T.DictionaryEntry }[]>;
const types: Record<string, CategorySet> = {
masc: {
consonantMasc: words.filter((w) => w.category === "consonant-masc"),
eyMasc: words.filter((w) => w.category === "ey-masc"),
uMasc: words.filter((w) => w.category === "u-masc"),
yMasc: words.filter((w) => w.category === "y-masc"),
fem: {
aaFem: words.filter((w) => w.category === "aa-fem"),
eeFem: words.filter((w) => w.category === "ee-fem"),
uyFem: words.filter((w) => w.category === "uy-fem"),
aFem: words.filter((w) => w.category === "a-fem"),
eFem: words.filter((w) => w.category === "e-fem"),
// TODO add ې fem words and balance gender
// consonantFem: words.filter((w) => w.category === "consonant-fem"),
const amount = 40;
function* questions () {
const wordPool = {...types};
for (let i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
const gender = getRandomFromList(Object.keys(wordPool));
const typeToUse = getRandomFromList(Object.keys(wordPool[gender]));
const question = getRandomFromList(wordPool[gender][typeToUse]).entry;
wordPool[gender][typeToUse] = wordPool[gender][typeToUse].filter(({ entry }) => entry.ts !== question.ts);
yield {
progress: makeProgress(i, amount),
function Display({ question, callback }: QuestionDisplayProps<T.DictionaryEntry>) {
function check(gender: "m" | "f") {
return <div>
<div className="mb-4">
<Examples opts={opts}>{[
removeFVariants({ p: question.p, f: question.f })
<div className="mt-4">
<button style={{ background: genderColors.f, color: "black" }} className="btn btn-lg mr-3" onClick={() => check("f")}>Feminine</button>
<button style={{ background: genderColors.m, color: "black" }} className="btn btn-lg ml-3" onClick={() => check("m")}>Masculine</button>
function Instructions() {
return <h4>
Choose the right gender for each word
export default function() {
return <Game questions={questions} Display={Display} timeLimit={65} Instructions={Instructions} />
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
.base-timer {
position: relative;
height: 300px;
width: 300px;
/* Removes SVG styling that would hide the time label */
.base-timer__circle {
fill: none;
stroke: none;
/* The SVG path that displays the timer's progress */
.base-timer__path-elapsed {
stroke-width: 7px;
stroke: grey;
.base-timer__label {
position: absolute;
/* Size should match the parent container */
width: 300px;
height: 300px;
/* Keep the label aligned to the top */
top: 0;
/* Create a flexible box that centers content vertically and horizontally */
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
/* Sort of an arbitrary number; adjust to your liking */
font-size: 48px;
.base-timer__path-remaining {
/* Just as thick as the original ring */
stroke-width: 7px;
/* Rounds the line endings to create a seamless circle */
stroke-linecap: round;
/* Makes sure the animation starts at the top of the circle */
transform: rotate(90deg);
transform-origin: center;
/* One second aligns with the speed of the countdown timer */
transition: 1s linear all;
/* Allows the ring to change color when the color value updates */
stroke: currentColor;
.base-timer__svg {
/* Flips the svg and makes the animation to move left-to-right */
transform: scaleX(-1);
@ -36,18 +36,18 @@ There are also a few more patterns that are only for **feminine nouns**.
## Feminine Nouns Ending in <InlinePs opts={opts} ps={{ p: "ي", f: "ee" }} />
<InflectionCarousel items={startingWord(words, "ee-fem-noun", "آزادي")} />
<InflectionCarousel items={startingWord(words, "ee-fem", "آزادي")} />
**Note:** This only works with **inanimate nouns**. (ie. words for people like <InlinePs opts={opts} ps={{ p: "باجي", f: "baajée", e: "older sister" }} /> will not inflect like this.)
## Feminine Nouns Ending in <InlinePs opts={opts} ps={{ p: "ۍ", f: "uy" }} />
<InflectionCarousel items={startingWord(words, "uy-fem-noun", "هګۍ")} />
<InflectionCarousel items={startingWord(words, "uy-fem", "هګۍ")} />
## Feminine Nouns Ending in <InlinePs opts={opts} ps={{ p: "ا", f: "aa" }} />
<InflectionCarousel items={startingWord(words, "aa-fem-noun", "وینا")} />
<InflectionCarousel items={startingWord(words, "aa-fem", "وینا")} />
**Note:** With this pattern, the first inflection is often only used for making the noun plural. Also, many dialects use the plural <InlinePs opts={opts} ps={{ p: "ګانې", f: "gáane" }} /> ending instead. For instance:
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Don't worry about memorizing them all perfectly to start. Instead keep looking b
## Words ending in a consonant / <InlinePs opts={opts} ps={{ p: "ه", f: "a" }} />
<InflectionCarousel items={startingWord(words, "consonant", "غټ")} />
<InflectionCarousel items={startingWord(words, "consonant-unisex", "غټ")} />
@ -69,19 +69,19 @@ Notice how it does not use the first feminine inflection <InlinePs opts={opts} p
## Words ending in an unstressed <InlinePs opts={opts} ps={{ p: "ی", f: "ey" }} />
<InflectionCarousel items={startingWord(words, "ey-unstressed", "ستړی")} />
<InflectionCarousel items={startingWord(words, "ey-unstressed-unisex", "ستړی")} />
## Words ending in a stressed <InlinePs opts={opts} ps={{ p: "ی", f: "éy" }} />
<InflectionCarousel items={startingWord(words, "ey-stressed", "لومړی")} />
<InflectionCarousel items={startingWord(words, "ey-stressed-unisex", "لومړی")} />
## Words with the "Pashtun" pattern
<InflectionCarousel items={startingWord(words, "aanu", "پښتون")} />
<InflectionCarousel items={startingWord(words, "aanu-unisex", "پښتون")} />
**Note**: Nouns in this pattern will often only use the first inflection for the plural. Adjectives will use the 1st inflection for all 3 reasons.
## Shorter irregular words
<InflectionCarousel items={startingWord(words, "short-irreg", "غل")} />
<InflectionCarousel items={startingWord(words, "short-irreg-unisex", "غل")} />
@ -7,8 +7,10 @@ import {
} from "@lingdocs/pashto-inflector";
export const femColor = "#FFECEF"
export const mascColor = "#C1D5F4";
import genderColors from "../../lib/gender-colors";
import GenderGame from "../../components/GenderGame";
export const femColor = genderColors.f;
export const mascColor = genderColors.m;
export const Masc = () => (
<span style={{ backgroundColor: mascColor }}>masculine</span>
@ -24,8 +26,8 @@ All nouns in Pashto are either <Masc /> or <Fem />. Thankfully, you can pretty m
- if a noun ends in a *consonant* (including ی - y at the end), it's <Masc />
- if a noun ends in a *vowel*, it's <Fem />
- if a noun ends in a *consonant* (including ی - y at the end) or a shwa sound <InlinePs opts={opts} ps={{ p: "ـه", f: "u" }} /> it's <Masc />
- if a noun ends in a different *vowel*, it's <Fem />
Well... almost. 😉 There are a few exceptions and it's a little more complicated than that.
@ -125,6 +127,10 @@ Words ending in <InlinePs opts={opts} ps={{p:"و", f:"oo"}} /> can be either <Ma
Words ending in <InlinePs opts={opts} ps={{ p: "ه", f: "u" }} /> can also be <Fem /> plural, as in <InlinePs opts={opts} ps={{ p: "اوبه", f: "oobu", e: "water" }} />
**Here's a little game to practice identifying the genders of words:**
<GenderGame />
## Exceptions
### Feminine words that lost their <InlinePs opts={opts} ps={{ p: "ه", f: "a" }} />
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
export function makeRandomQs<Q>(
amount: number,
makeQuestion: () => Q
): () => QuestionGenerator<Q> {
function makeProgress(i: number, total: number): Progress {
return { current: i + 1, total };
return function* () {
for (let i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
yield {
progress: makeProgress(i, amount),
question: makeQuestion(),
export function getPercentageDone(progress: Progress): number {
return Math.round(
(progress.current / ( + 1)) * 100
export function getRandomFromList<T>(list: T[]): T {
return list[Math.floor((Math.random()*list.length))];
export function makeProgress(i: number, total: number): Progress {
return { current: i + 1, total };
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
export default {
m: "#C1D5F4",
f: "#FFECEF",
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
type Progress = {
total: number,
current: number,
type Current<T> = {
progress: Progress,
question: T,
type QuestionGenerator<T> = Generator<Current<T>, void, unknown>;
type QuestionDisplayProps<T> = {
question: T,
callback: (correct: boolean) => void,
type GameInput<T> = {
Instructions: (props: { opts?: import("@lingdocs/pashto-inflector").Types.TextOptions }) => JSX.Element,
questions: () => QuestionGenerator<T>,
Display: (props: QuestionDisplayProps<T>) => JSX.Element,
timeLimit: number;
@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
module.exports = [
{ ts: 1527822023, e: "Asia" }, // آسیا - aasyaa
{ ts: 1527815932, e: "beginning, first-stage" }, // ابتدا - ibtidaa
{ ts: 1527815920, e: "expectation, reliance, hope, support" }, // اتکا - itikaa
{ ts: 1610012325799, e: "moment, interval, space (in time)" }, // اثنا - asnáa
{ ts: 1566652353002, e: "hemaphrodite, she-male" }, // اجړا - ajRáa
{ ts: 1566652548455, e: "hemaphrodite, she-male" }, // اجړا - ijRáa
{ ts: 1527818029, e: "setting forth, giving, fulfilling, execution, fulfillment, implementation, utterance, expression, rendering" }, // ادا - adáa
{ ts: 1527813115, e: "claim" }, // ادعا - idaa
{ ts: 1527811956, e: "rise, elevation, development, evolution, growth" }, // ارتقا - irtiqaa
{ ts: 1527817208, e: "Europe" }, // اروپا - aroopaa
{ ts: 1527812456, e: "need, necessity" }, // اړتیا - aRtiyaa, aRtyaa
{ ts: 1527818026, e: "ease, facility, easiness" }, // اسانتیا - asaantiyaa
{ ts: 1527820201, e: "Australia" }, // استرالیا - astraaliyaa
{ ts: 1527816642, e: "resignation, quitting, retirement" }, // استعفا - istifaa
{ ts: 1585928568994, e: "lack of need, having enough financially, sufficiency" }, // استغنا - istighnáa
{ ts: 1578014484426, e: "washing after going to the bathroom" }, // استنجا - istinjáa
{ ts: 1527816620, e: "misfortune, disaster, danger" }, // اشا - ashaa
{ ts: 1527821548, e: "appetite" }, // اشتها - ishtiháa
{ ts: 1527812697, e: "appetite" }, // اشتیا - ishtiyaa
{ ts: 1610538741714, e: "temptation, seduction, bribery, deception" }, // اغوا - ighwaa
{ ts: 1610539003852, e: "kidnapping, abduction" }, // اغوا - aghwáa
{ ts: 1527820097, e: "Africa" }, // افریقا - afreeqaa
{ ts: 1527813329, e: "disclosure, revealing; disclosed, revealed" }, // افشا - ifshaa
{ ts: 1527816976, e: "residence, place of residence" }, // اقامتګا - iqaamatgaa
{ ts: 1527811654, e: "contentment, satisfaction, sufficiency" }, // اکتفا - iktifaa
{ ts: 1591803517557, e: "appeal, recourse, claim, refuge" }, // التجا - iltijaa
{ ts: 1595252694892, e: "abolishment, canncellation" }, // الغا - ilgháa
{ ts: 1527822448, e: "alphabet" }, // الفبا - alifbaa
{ ts: 1527816907, e: "America, the U.S.A." }, // امریکا - amreekaa
{ ts: 1527818119, e: "stick, walking staff, walking stick, crutch" }, // امسا - amsaa
{ ts: 1527819616, e: "signature" }, // امضا - imzaa
{ ts: 1527823751, e: "spelling, orthography" }, // املا - imláa
{ ts: 1527812451, e: "grandmother" }, // انا - anaa
{ ts: 1566473683629, e: "utimate, extremity, limit, end" }, // انتها - intihaa
{ ts: 1527821364, e: "isolation, seclusion, insularity, retreat" }, // انزوا - inziwáa
{ ts: 1527823452, e: "crying, wailing, weeping, howling" }, // انګولا - angoláa
{ ts: 1527812599, e: "Italy" }, // ایټالیا - eeTaalyaa
{ ts: 1527813060, e: "stop, delay, waiting" }, // ایسارتیا - eesaartyaa
{ ts: 1527822611, e: "truthfulness, righteousness" }, // بډبولتیا - baDboltiyaa
{ ts: 1527822425, e: "equality, evenness" }, // برابرتیا - baraabartyaa
{ ts: 1527819507, e: "Great Britain, England" }, // برتانیا - britaanyaa
{ ts: 1577397158534, e: "fortified castle" }, // برجوره کلا - brajawara kalaa
{ ts: 1527812486, e: "success" }, // بریا - baryaa
{ ts: 1527812510, e: "electricity, lightning" }, // برېښنا - brexnáa
{ ts: 1527816591, e: "sufficiency, to have enough or get by" }, // بستیا - bastyaa
{ ts: 1527818754, e: "duration, length, continuation, existence, immortality" }, // بقا - baqáa
{ ts: 1527814825, e: "frog" }, // بکا - bakaa
{ ts: 1527817914, e: "curds, cottage cheese" }, // بګوړا - bagoRaa
{ ts: 1527811905, e: "misfortune, disaster; monster" }, // بلا - balaa
{ ts: 1527816029, e: "occupation, pursuit, busy-ness, business" }, // بوختیا - bokhtiyaa
{ ts: 1571607895925, e: "bathroom, toilet (Arabic)" }, // بیت الخلا - beytUlkhalaa
{ ts: 1527821566, e: "desert, outdoors" }, // بېدیا - bedyáa
{ ts: 1527814091, e: "wideness, expansiveness" }, // پراختیا - praakhtiyaa
{ ts: 1593690604453, e: "the Parana River" }, // پرنا - parnáa
{ ts: 1593690620347, e: "drowsiness, sleepiness" }, // پرنا - paranáa
{ ts: 1527819817, e: "care, concern" }, // پروا - parwaa
{ ts: 1527813625, e: "Pukhtunkhwa" }, // پښتونخوا - puxtoonkhwaa
{ ts: 1527811304, e: "regret" }, // پښېمانتیا - pxemaantiyaa
{ ts: 1527815664, e: "time, occasion" }, // پلا - plaa
{ ts: 1527818868, e: "placenta" }, // پلاسنتا - plaasintaa
{ ts: 1527815637, e: "refuge, assylum, shelter" }, // پنا - panaa
{ ts: 1527814168, e: "the other side" }, // پورې خوا - pore khwaa
{ ts: 1527823535, e: "powerfullness, strength" }, // پیاوړتیا - pyaawaRtiyaa
{ ts: 1527822928, e: "complication, complicatedness" }, // پېچلتیا - pechiltiyaa
{ ts: 1577398506018, e: "loot, plunder" }, // تالا - taalaa
{ ts: 1527822732, e: "faint or dim light" }, // تته رڼا - tuta raNaa
{ ts: 1527816418, e: "great-grandmother" }, // ترنه انا - tarna anaa
{ ts: 1527815481, e: "fear, fright, anxiety, alarm" }, // ترها - trahaa
{ ts: 1527815482, e: "fear, fright, anxiety, alarm" }, // ترها - tarhaa
{ ts: 1527818927, e: "tension" }, // ترینګلتیا - treengaltiyaa
{ ts: 1527818922, e: "lukewarmness, lack of passion" }, // تړمتیا - taRamtiyaa
{ ts: 1527814640, e: "demand" }, // تقاضا - taqaazaa
{ ts: 1527818459, e: "desire, wish, request" }, // تمنا - tamannáa
{ ts: 1610616965242, e: "shouts, pomp, cries, news, echo" }, // تنتنا - tantanáa
{ ts: 1527823502, e: "towel" }, // تولیا - tawliyáa
{ ts: 1527820236, e: "panting, breathlessness, gasping, puffing, dyspnea, shortness of breath" }, // تیګا - teegaa
{ ts: 1527822848, e: "see ټکهار" }, // ټکا - Tukaa
{ ts: 1577566234929, e: "growing" }, // ټکا - TUkaa
{ ts: 1527814882, e: "praise, exaltation, worship" }, // ثنا - sanaa
{ ts: 1527815043, e: "punishment, retribution" }, // جزا - jazaa
{ ts: 1527820514, e: "geography" }, // جغرافیا - jUghraafiyaa
{ ts: 1527817620, e: "oppression, cruelty, difficulty, suffering, offense, injury" }, // جفا - jafaa, jifaa
{ ts: 1527813741, e: "shine, polish, luster" }, // جلا - jaláa
{ ts: 1610444343375, e: "flag" }, // جنډا - janDaa
{ ts: 1527823420, e: "gambling" }, // جوا - jUwáa
{ ts: 1527818191, e: "cloth, fabric; spider" }, // جولا - jolaa
{ ts: 1527819278, e: "distinction, specialty, unique feature" }, // ځانګړتیا - dzaanguRtiyaa
{ ts: 1527819329, e: "glow, lustre, brilliance, radiance" }, // ځلا - dzaláa
{ ts: 1527821601, e: "speed, quickness" }, // چټکتیا - chaTaktiyáa
{ ts: 1576610895061, e: "splashing, sloshing, plonk, ripple" }, // چړپا - chRapaa
{ ts: 1527819041, e: "cross, crucifix" }, // چلیپا - chaleepaa
{ ts: 1527814591, e: "silence" }, // چوپتیا - chooptiyaa
{ ts: 1527819022, e: "well, water-hole" }, // څا - tsaa
{ ts: 1527823462, e: "heat, high temperature, fever" }, // حما - hUmmáa
{ ts: 1527818809, e: "modesty, bashfulness, shame, staying modest in dress and behaviour (Islam)" }, // حیا - hayáa
{ ts: 1527820313, e: "surprise, amazement, wonder" }, // حیرانتیا - heyraantiyaa
{ ts: 1527816236, e: "knowledge" }, // خبرتیا - khabartiyaa
{ ts: 1527813393, e: "date (food)" }, // خرما - khUrmaa
{ ts: 1588153273589, e: "dustiness, dirtiness, complicatedness" }, // خړپړتیا - khuRpuRtiyaa
{ ts: 1527814225, e: "mistake, error, blunder" }, // خطا - khataa
{ ts: 1610797589510, e: "cavity, emptiness, vacuum, empty space, space (as in planets etc.)" }, // خلا - khaláa
{ ts: 1527817385, e: "laughter, happiness" }, // خندا - khandaa
{ ts: 1527814165, e: "side, direction, appetite, mind, heart" }, // خوا - khwaa
{ ts: 1586341506780, e: "good natured, good humored, nice" }, // خوږ اروا - khoGarwaa
{ ts: 1575237043710, e: "blood money, payment for a death to the surviving family members" }, // خون بها - khoonbaháa
{ ts: 1577384966877, e: "sound of pounding, thumping" }, // دربا - drabáa
{ ts: 1527812582, e: "prayer" }, // دعا - dUaa
{ ts: 1527811295, e: "claim; plea; dispute, conflict" }, // دعوا - dawaa
{ ts: 1527817433, e: "captivating, charming, fascinating; beloved, sweetheart, darling" }, // دل ربا - dilrUbaa
{ ts: 1527815956, e: "comfort, affection, consolation" }, // دم دلاسا - dam dilaasaa
{ ts: 1527812345, e: "world; fig. wealth, possessions, money" }, // دنیا - dUnyaa
{ ts: 1527812543, e: "cilantro/coriander, parsley" }, // دڼیا - daNiyaa
{ ts: 1527813415, e: "medicine, medication" }, // دوا - dawaa
{ ts: 1527819727, e: "sulkiness, bad mood, grumpiness; bile, spleen" }, // ډډتیا - DaDtiyaa
{ ts: 1610538292815, e: "rumour, heresay, murmuring (ډنډوره)" }, // ډنډا - DanDáa
{ ts: 1527811582, e: "sewing, needlework, embroidery; medical treatment" }, // رغا - raghaa
{ ts: 1588076803134, e: "rickshaw" }, // رکشا - riksháa
{ ts: 1527812272, e: "light, glory" }, // رڼا - raNaa
{ ts: 1527811696, e: "health" }, // روغتیا - roghtiyaa
{ ts: 1527819323, e: "clearness, transparency" }, // روڼتیا - rooNtiyaa
{ ts: 1527823245, e: "dream, vision" }, // رویا - rooyáa
{ ts: 1527811340, e: "hypocrisy, insincerity, deceit" }, // ریا - riyaa
{ ts: 1527816165, e: "shivering, trembling, shuddering" }, // رېږدېدا - reGdedaa
{ ts: 1588159632321, e: "rickshaw" }, // رېکشا - reksháa
{ ts: 1527811481, e: "percolation of water, dampness, moisture; drainage system; the time of calving or giving birth (for some animals); oozing, ooze (د خوشحالۍ له زا و -- he was oozing with happiness)" }, // زا - zaa
{ ts: 1586363213172, e: "old age, seniority" }, // زړتیا - zaRtyaa
{ ts: 1527823241, e: "bravery, courage" }, // زړه ورتیا - zRuwartyaa
{ ts: 1527814354, e: "adultery, fornication" }, // زنا - zináa
{ ts: 1527821528, e: "intelligence, smartness" }, // زیرکتیا - zeeraktiyaa
{ ts: 1527813807, e: "weeping, crying" }, // ژړا - jzaRaa
{ ts: 1527818214, e: "breath, breathing, respiration" }, // سا - saa
{ ts: 1527812406, e: "saving, economizing, austerity" }, // سپما - spamaa
{ ts: 1617989871203, e: "tiredness, fatigue, strain, tedious chore etc." }, // ستړتیا - stuRtyaa, stuRtiyaa
{ ts: 1527821240, e: "fatigue, exhaustion" }, // ستړیا - stuRiyaa
{ ts: 1527821549, e: "tiredness, exhaustion" }, // ستومانتیا - stomaantiyaa
{ ts: 1527823321, e: "purchase without weighing" }, // سټ سودا - suTsoodáa
{ ts: 1527815025, e: "retribution (good or bad); punishment, penalty, fine" }, // سزا - sazaa
{ ts: 1527816606, e: "advice, instructions, council, consultation" }, // سلا - salaa
{ ts: 1527817811, e: "peace, restfulness, safety" }, // سلامتیا - salaamatiyaa
{ ts: 1527819524, e: "sky, heavens, firmament, sky blue, canopy; amendment, correction, editing; enrichment; reclamation" }, // سما - samaa
{ ts: 1527818142, e: "ripeness, maturity; flourishing; freshness; planting (of greenery)" }, // سمسورتیا - samsortyáa
{ ts: 1527816041, e: "shopping, buying, purchasing; anxiety, worry" }, // سودا - sawdáa, sodáa
{ ts: 1527816174, e: "back" }, // شا - shaa
{ ts: 1527817809, e: "shame, shyness, embarrassment, disgrace" }, // شرمندتیا - sharmandtiyaa
{ ts: 1527813744, e: "exile, banishment" }, // شړونتیا - shaRoontyaa
{ ts: 1527817273, e: "healing, cure, health, recovery" }, // شفا - shifaa
{ ts: 1586596579414, e: "council (an institution)" }, // شورا - shooraa
{ ts: 1527813427, e: "stinginess, greediness" }, // شومتیا - shoomtiyaa
{ ts: 1527817905, e: "possibility, plausibility" }, // شونتیا - shoontiyaa
{ ts: 1527816550, e: "curse, cursing" }, // ښرا - xuraa
{ ts: 1527815984, e: "beauty" }, // ښکلا - xkulaa
{ ts: 1527816565, e: "cursing, swearing, verbal abuse" }, // ښکنځا - xkandzaa
{ ts: 1527819510, e: "involvement" }, // ښکېلتیا - xkeltiyaa
{ ts: 1527821560, e: "soup, broth" }, // ښوروا - xorwáa
{ ts: 1583525800967, e: "curse, cursing" }, // ښېرا - xeráa
{ ts: 1527819725, e: "bile, gall, petulance, spleen" }, // صفرا - safraa
{ ts: 1527814732, e: "invitation, summons, appeal" }, // صلا - salaa
{ ts: 1527822837, e: "gold" }, // طلا - tiláa
{ ts: 1527814326, e: "ability, skill; gift, donation, grant; endowment, natural talent" }, // عتا - ataa
{ ts: 1527813164, e: "barking, bow-wow, the sound a dog makes" }, // غپا - ghapaa
{ ts: 1527818133, e: "food, nourishment" }, // غذا - ghizaa
{ ts: 1527811790, e: "holy war, war for the faith, battle in holy war" }, // غزا - ghuzaa, ghazaa
{ ts: 1589023650144, e: "covering, membrane, tissue" }, // غشا - ghisháa
{ ts: 1527817670, e: "theft, robbery, stealing" }, // غلا - ghlaa
{ ts: 1610617077034, e: "echo" }, // غنګا - ghungáa
{ ts: 1527814362, e: "cow" }, // غوا - ghwaa
{ ts: 1527816425, e: "great-grandmother" }, // غورله انا - ghwurla anaa
{ ts: 1527816468, e: "great-grandmother" }, // غوره انا - ghwura anaa
{ ts: 1527816426, e: "great-grandmother" }, // غوره نیا - ghwura niyaa
{ ts: 1527820818, e: "noise, (hubbub, commotion)" }, // غوغا - ghoghaa, ghawghaa
{ ts: 1527815508, e: "fatwa, decree, ruling, judgment, sentence (in Islam)" }, // فتوا - fatwáa
{ ts: 1527811929, e: "depravation, depravity, wickedness, immorality" }, // فحشا - fahishaa
{ ts: 1527813470, e: "space, air" }, // فضا - fazaa
{ ts: 1527818102, e: "missing, skipping, missed, skipped (of a religious duty and of fulfilling that duty later, like prayers); judgment; fate, destiny" }, // قضا - qazáa
{ ts: 1585487002625, e: "castle, fort, fortress" }, // قلا - qaláa
{ ts: 1527812728, e: "Canada" }, // کاناډا - kaanaaDaa
{ ts: 1577384309050, e: "snap, click, sound" }, // کړپا - kRapáa
{ ts: 1527822433, e: "castle, fort, fortress" }, // کلا - kalaa
{ ts: 1527819042, e: "church" }, // کلیسا - kaleesáa
{ ts: 1527819215, e: "weakness" }, // کمزورتیا - kamzortiyaa
{ ts: 1527816566, e: "cursing, swearing, verbal abuse" }, // کنځا - kandzaa
{ ts: 1527817341, e: "synagogue" }, // کنیسا - kaneesaa
{ ts: 1527818292, e: "coup, coup d’etat, overthrow" }, // کودتا - koditáa
{ ts: 1578190738698, e: "a crane's call, croaking" }, // کورړا - korRáa
{ ts: 1566475969292, e: "family, wife" }, // کوروالا - korwaalaa
{ ts: 1591382561954, e: "Corona (the virus)" }, // کورونا - koronaa
{ ts: 1588758045381, e: "cholera" }, // کولرا - kolaraa
{ ts: 1527823135, e: "coma" }, // کوما - komaa
{ ts: 1566480780612, e: "poverty" }, // ګدا - gadáa
{ ts: 1611415468422, e: "beggar, panhandler" }, // ګدا - gadáa
{ ts: 1527818082, e: "dance" }, // ګډا - gaDaa
{ ts: 1594834658860, e: "basin" }, // ګډا - guDáa
{ ts: 1591446773492, e: "church" }, // ګرجا - girjáa
{ ts: 1589020883530, e: "warmth, heat" }, // ګرمتیا - garmtiyaa, garmtyaa
{ ts: 1582145455043, e: "flora" }, // ګیا - giyaa
{ ts: 1582336000732, e: "larva" }, // لاروا - laarwaa
{ ts: 1527820096, e: "brigade, squad, troop" }, // لوا - liwaa
{ ts: 1527818599, e: "beans" }, // لوبیا - lobyaa
{ ts: 1527818600, e: "Libya" }, // لوبیا - loobiyaa
{ ts: 1527820098, e: "eagerness, desire, longing, thirst" }, // لېوالتیا - lewaaltiyaa
{ ts: 1527812048, e: "meaning, sense, spirit" }, // مانا - maanaa
{ ts: 1610615401760, e: "subject, matter, essence, subject of an equative sentence; beginning, starting" }, // مبتدا - mUbtadáa
{ ts: 1527822783, e: "jam, preserve, marmalade" }, // مربا - mUrabáa
{ ts: 1527814167, e: "contentedness, satiety" }, // مړه خوا - maRa khwaa
{ ts: 1527817086, e: "smile" }, // مسا - masaa
{ ts: 1527817093, e: "smile" }, // مسکا - muskaa
{ ts: 1527817094, e: "smile" }, // مسکا - mUskaa
{ ts: 1527817095, e: "kind smile" }, // مسکتیا - musktiyaa
{ ts: 1566478486889, e: "fake crying, crocidile tears" }, // مکر ژړا - makurjzaRáa
{ ts: 1527815483, e: "back (body part)" }, // ملا - mlaa
{ ts: 1527819919, e: "malaria" }, // ملاریا - malaariyaa
{ ts: 1527818763, e: "reproach, disapproval, condemnation" }, // ملامتیا - malaamatyaa
{ ts: 1527823170, e: "accompaniment" }, // ملتیا - maltiyáa
{ ts: 1527812230, e: "friendship" }, // ملګرتیا - malgurtiyaa
{ ts: 1527819164, e: "beginning, source, root, origin" }, // منشا - mansháa
{ ts: 1527816513, e: "wife of a mullah, mother" }, // مورا - moraa
{ ts: 1527820543, e: "herd (of horses)" }, // میا - miyaa
{ ts: 1527812910, e: "hospitality; invitation, event, party, banquet, reception" }, // مېلمستیا - melmastiyaa
{ ts: 1617781446945, e: "sickness, illness" }, // ناجوړتیا - naajoRtiyaa, naajoRtyaa
{ ts: 1527819369, e: "dance, dancing, swaying, quivering; agitation" }, // نڅا - natsáa
{ ts: 1527815120, e: "grandmother" }, // نیا - niyaa
{ ts: 1527811740, e: "incompleteness, default, shortcoming" }, // نیمګړتیا - neemguRtiyaa
{ ts: 1527822486, e: "syllable; slowly reading by the syllables" }, // هجا - hijaa
{ ts: 1527812672, e: "air, atmosphere; weather" }, // هوا - hawaa
{ ts: 1527822688, e: "hopefulness, optimism" }, // هیله مندتیا - heelamandtiyaa
{ ts: 1527821040, e: "plague, cholera" }, // وبا - wabáa
{ ts: 1527811271, e: "afar, far off (له ورايه - from afar); a group of women that bring the bride to the groom's house" }, // ورا - wraa
{ ts: 1527823534, e: "ability, capacity, capability, power, volumeá" }, // وړتیا - waRtiyáa
{ ts: 1527816262, e: "loyalty, faithfulness, constancy" }, // وفا - wafaa
{ ts: 1610443988250, e: "division, distribution" }, // وېشلتیا - weshiltyaa, weshiltiyaa
{ ts: 1527816806, e: "speech, statement" }, // وینا - waynaa
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module.exports = [
{ ts: 1527816466, e: `peace` }, // صلح - sUlha
{ ts: 1527816589, e: `plan` }, // طرح - tarha
{ ts: 1589023873660, e: `victory, conquest` }, // فتح - fathá
{ ts: 1527813791, e: `permission` }, // اجازه - ijaaza
{ ts: 1614083533098, e: `agenda` }, // اجنډه - ajanDa
{ ts: 1527816215, e: `administration, management, directorate` }, // اداره - idaara
{ ts: 1527812687, e: `continuation` }, // ادامه - idaama
{ ts: 1527811661, e: `base, army post, (air) port` }, // اډه - aDa
{ ts: 1527814310, e: `evaluation, appraisal, assessment` }, // ارزونه - arzawuna
{ ts: 1527821380, e: `saw (the tool)` }, // اره - ara
{ ts: 1527822277, e: `mare, female horse; fever` }, // اسپه - aspa
{ ts: 1527814922, e: `addition, add-on, augmentation` }, // اضافه - izaafa
{ ts: 1527822458, e: `expression` }, // افاده - ifaada
{ ts: 1527813303, e: `myth, legend, fairy tale` }, // افسانه - afsaana
{ ts: 1527822494, e: `cheek` }, // انانګه - anaangá
{ ts: 1527817225, e: `measure, dimension, extent, scale` }, // اندازه - andaaza
{ ts: 1527813759, e: `worry, concern, fear` }, // اندېښنه - andexna
{ ts: 1527815787, e: `shoulder` }, // اوږه - ooGá
{ ts: 1527813787, e: `tear (from eye)` }, // اوښکه - ooxka
{ ts: 1527819927, e: `liver` }, // اینه - éena
{ ts: 1527816261, e: `wallet` }, // بټوه - baTwa
{ ts: 1527812001, e: `poriton, part, share` }, // برخه - barkha
{ ts: 1578009902092, e: `veil, burka` }, // برقه - bUrqá
{ ts: 1527816994, e: `program` }, // برنامه - barnaama
{ ts: 1579294091093, e: `balcony, veranda, porch` }, // برنډه - baranDá
{ ts: 1527817837, e: `whorehouse, brothel` }, // بړوا خانه - baRwaakhaana
{ ts: 1527823617, e: `crime, offense, sin, guilt, fault` }, // بزه - bazá
{ ts: 1527823619, e: `moth` }, // بزه - bUzá
{ ts: 1527823620, e: `patch (in a garment)` }, // بزه - bza
{ ts: 1591026261598, e: `she-goat` }, // بزه - buza
{ ts: 1574188090133, e: `contribution, donation, gift, charity` }, // بسپنه - baspuna
{ ts: 1527816590, e: `sufficiency, to have enough or get by` }, // بسنه - basuna
{ ts: 1593852212828, e: `fear, fright` }, // بېره - béra
{ ts: 1527815862, e: `speed, rush, hurry, urgency` }, // بېړه - beRa
{ ts: 1527815156, e: `leaf` }, // پاڼه - paaNa
{ ts: 1527813481, e: `project` }, // پروژه - projza
{ ts: 1527818409, e: `process` }, // پروسه - purosa
{ ts: 1527815192, e: `decision` }, // پرېکړه - prékRa
{ ts: 1527822412, e: `nose` }, // پزه - páza
{ ts: 1527816124, e: `foot` }, // پښه - pxa
{ ts: 1527815155, e: `pretext, excuse` }, // پلمه - palma
{ ts: 1566469328688, e: `fan` }, // پنکه - panka
{ ts: 1527815184, e: `question` }, // پوښتنه - poxtuna
{ ts: 1527822437, e: `shelf, niche` }, // تاخچه - taakhchá
{ ts: 1527814974, e: `fever` }, // تبه - tuba
{ ts: 1527815332, e: `expectation` }, // تمه - tama
{ ts: 1527815716, e: `stone, rock` }, // تیږه - teeGa
{ ts: 1582390417084, e: `escape, flight, running away` }, // تېښته - téxta
{ ts: 1527822268, e: `carriage, buggy` }, // ټانګه - Taangá
{ ts: 1527812014, e: `society, association, gathering, assembly, congregation` }, // ټولنه - Toluna
{ ts: 1527816696, e: `sentence; whole, total, sum` }, // جمله - jUmla
{ ts: 1527820504, e: `land, earth, ground` }, // ځمکه - dzmuka
{ ts: 1527815497, e: `face, picture` }, // څېره - tsera
{ ts: 1527811993, e: `attack, assault` }, // حمله - hamla
{ ts: 1527812720, e: `language` }, // ژبه - jzúba, jzíba
{ ts: 1527812052, e: `brick, cinder-block` }, // خښته - khuxta
{ ts: 1527813475, e: `minute` }, // دقیقه - daqeeqa
{ ts: 1527812542, e: `break, rest` }, // دمه - dama
{ ts: 1527812085, e: `obligation, duty, responsibility; job, work, position` }, // دنده - danda
{ ts: 1527822847, e: `jaw` }, // ژامه - jzaamá
{ ts: 1527815278, e: `night` }, // شپه - shpa
{ ts: 1527813145, e: `tribe` }, // قبیله - qabeela
{ ts: 1566653299904, e: `camara` }, // کمره - kamara
{ ts: 1527812825, e: `street` }, // کوڅه - kootsa
{ ts: 1527812756, e: `banana` }, // کېله - kela
{ ts: 1527812859, e: `game, match` }, // لوبه - lóba
{ ts: 1527819087, e: `defeat` }, // ماته - maata
{ ts: 1588076706989, e: `distance, span` }, // مسافه - masaafá
{ ts: 1527818358, e: `apple` }, // مڼه - maNá
{ ts: 1527812901, e: `stomach` }, // مېده - meda
{ ts: 1527813387, e: `gluing, joining, wrangle, quarrel, fighting, skirmish, battle` }, // نښته - nuxúta
{ ts: 1527815110, e: `sign, mark, indication` }, // نښه - náxa, núxa
{ ts: 1527813391, e: `date (as in time)` }, // نېټه - neTa
{ ts: 1527811429, e: `graveyard, cemetery` }, // هدیره - hadeera
{ ts: 1527814323, e: `gift, present, donation, contribution` }, // هدیه - hadiya
{ ts: 1527812655, e: `week` }, // هفته - hafta
{ ts: 1527812681, e: `agreement` }, // هوکړه - hókRa
{ ts: 1578343468611, e: `tendon, sinew; hamstring` }, // واڼه - wáaNa
{ ts: 1527822717, e: `snow` }, // واوره - wáawra
{ ts: 1527811207, e: `eyebrow` }, // وروځه - wróodza
{ ts: 1527816375, e: `niece; brother's daughter` }, // ورېره - wrera
{ ts: 1527822259, e: `breeze, light wind` }, // وږمه - waGmá
{ ts: 1527814719, e: `weapons, firearms, artillery` }, // وسله - wasla
{ ts: 1527823717, e: `cloth, fabric, material, clothing, garment` }, // کپړه - kapRá
{ ts: 1527816257, e: `notebook, little book` }, // کتابچه - kitaabcha
{ ts: 1527820050, e: `bag, purse` }, // کڅوړه - katsóRa
{ ts: 1594834749012, e: `flirting, wink, flirtatious wink` }, // کرشمه - karishmá, karashmá
{ ts: 1527813252, e: `line, trace` }, // کرښه - kurxa
{ ts: 1527823590, e: `sphere, globe` }, // کره - kará
{ ts: 1527823591, e: `shovel, scraper, scoop` }, // کره - kára
{ ts: 1527815884, e: `criticism` }, // کره کتنه - karakatuna
{ ts: 1527823035, e: `whip` }, // کروړه - karoRá
{ ts: 1527816870, e: `farmland` }, // کرونده - karwanda
{ ts: 1527817371, e: `lament, mourning aloud, wail, cry (also out of hapiness)` }, // کریږه - kreeGa
{ ts: 1598119732734, e: `bitter melon` }, // کرېله - karelá
{ ts: 1527820606, e: `cave, cavern` }, // سمڅه - smútsa
{ ts: 1527815249, e: `song, poem, verse` }, // سندره - sandura
{ ts: 1591034128816, e: `mistake, error, blunder, fault` }, // سهوه - sáhwa
{ ts: 1527814370, e: `nostril` }, // سوږمه - soGma
{ ts: 1527817498, e: `famine, starvation, serious hunger/lack of food, drought, crop failure` }, // سوکړه - sookRá
{ ts: 1527814144, e: `charred log` }, // سوکه - swaka
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
module.exports = [
{ ts: 1527814147, e: `blanket, coving, quilt` }, // بړستن - bRastun
{ ts: 1527818707, e: `wedge; gusset (in a shirt)` }, // ترخځ - turkhúdz
{ ts: 1527822792, e: `narrow mattress used as a bed or a couch, reversible rug` }, // توشک - toshák
{ ts: 1527820524, e: `pelt, skin, hide, leather` }, // څرمن - tsarmún
{ ts: 1527823306, e: `elbow` }, // څنګل - tsangúl
{ ts: 1527813294, e: `comb` }, // ږمنځ - Gmundz
{ ts: 1527811580, e: `needle, injection; pillar, mast` }, // ستن - stun
{ ts: 1527813824, e: `bosom, breast; wrestling` }, // غېږ - gheG
{ ts: 1527815779, e: `swearing, name-calling, verbal abuse, bad language` }, // کنځل - kundzul
{ ts: 1527814150, e: `road, way, path` }, // لار - laar
{ ts: 1527817456, e: `skirt, portion of clothing hanging down from the waist; foot, base (eg. of a mountain)` }, // لمن - lamun
{ ts: 1527822725, e: `span` }, // لوېشت - lwesht
{ ts: 1527811609, e: `claw, paw` }, // منګل - mangul
{ ts: 1527812922, e: `month` }, // میاشت - miyaasht
{ ts: 1527815417, e: `day` }, // ورځ - wradz
{ ts: 1527821684, e: `cloud` }, // ورېځ - wurédz
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module.exports = [
{ ts: 1527812432, e: `sky, heaven` }, // آسمان - aasmaan
{ ts: 1527812431, e: `mango` }, // آم - aam
{ ts: 1527812434, e: `sound, voice` }, // آواز - aawaaz
{ ts: 1527816724, e: `room, chamber` }, // اتاق - Utaaq
{ ts: 1527811859, e: `union, alliance` }, // اتحاد - itihaad
{ ts: 1527822033, e: `joining, connection, contiguity, junction` }, // اتصال - ittisáal
{ ts: 1527811858, e: `unity, alliance, agreement, understanding, consent; coincidence` }, // اتفاق - itifaaq
{ ts: 1527820147, e: `the Atan, the Pashtun/Afghan national dance` }, // اتڼ - atáN
{ ts: 1527813560, e: `accusation, charge, indictment` }, // اتهام - itihaam
{ ts: 1527812105, e: `respect, honor, esteem, deference` }, // احترام - ihtiraam
{ ts: 1527819653, e: `possibility, probability, likelihood` }, // احتمال - ihtimaal
{ ts: 1527812689, e: `need, requirement` }, // احتیاج - ihtiyaaj
{ ts: 1527812690, e: `caution` }, // احتیاط - ihtiyaat
{ ts: 1527813782, e: `feeling, sensation, emotion` }, // احساس - ahsaas
{ ts: 1527817303, e: `objection, protest` }, // اعتراض - itiraaz
{ ts: 1527813418, e: `influence, effect, affect, action` }, // اغېز - aghez
{ ts: 1527816625, e: `disaster` }, // افت - afat
{ ts: 1527813558, e: `accusation, charge, blame` }, // الزام - ilzaam
{ ts: 1527815388, e: `hope, expectation` }, // امید - Umeed
{ ts: 1527812453, e: `picture, painting, image` }, // انځور - andzoor
{ ts: 1527813827, e: `fire, flame` }, // اور - or
{ ts: 1527814787, e: `rain` }, // باران - baaraan
{ ts: 1527817293, e: `roof` }, // بام - baam
{ ts: 1527814849, e: `eggplant` }, // بانجن - baanjan
{ ts: 1527814106, e: `crisis` }, // بحران - bUhraan
{ ts: 1527814885, e: `fortune, luck, fate` }, // بخت - bakht
{ ts: 1527811281, e: `garden` }, // بڼ - baN
{ ts: 1624039195280, e: `scholarship` }, // بورس - boors
{ ts: 1527816877, e: `flag` }, // بیرغ - beyragh
{ ts: 1527820423, e: `passport` }, // پاسپورټ - paasporT
{ ts: 1527813224, e: `bridge` }, // پل - pUl
{ ts: 1527813480, e: `plan` }, // پلان - plaan
{ ts: 1527815199, e: `central-asian/middle-eastern rice dish, pilaf` }, // پلاو - pulaaw
{ ts: 1527815185, e: `loan, debt` }, // پور - por
{ ts: 1527815176, e: `onion` }, // پیاز - piyaaz
{ ts: 1527815171, e: `start` }, // پیل - peyl
{ ts: 1527816610, e: `crown, crest` }, // تاج - taaj
{ ts: 1527822373, e: `vine; mouthful` }, // تاک - taak
{ ts: 1527815326, e: `confirmation` }, // تایید - taayeed
{ ts: 1527815357, e: `seed` }, // تخم - tUkhum
{ ts: 1527821586, e: `pity, sympathy` }, // ترحم - tarahhÚm
{ ts: 1527811389, e: `picture` }, // تصویر - tasweer
{ ts: 1527814679, e: `guarantee, insurance, security` }, // تضمین - tazmeen
{ ts: 1527814258, e: `speech, lecture` }, // تقریر - taqreer
{ ts: 1527821670, e: `cheating, deception, fraud, forgery` }, // تقلب - taqalÚb
{ ts: 1527811602, e: `attempt, aspiration, intention, effort` }, // تکل - takál
{ ts: 1527813398, e: `movement, motion, going` }, // تګ - tug, tag
{ ts: 1527822126, e: `anniversary` }, // تلین - tleen
{ ts: 1527811308, e: `contact, touch` }, // تماس - tamaas
{ ts: 1527817900, e: `body, flesh` }, // تن - tan
{ ts: 1527821061, e: `contrast, opposition, contradiction` }, // تناقض - tanaaqÚz
{ ts: 1527822387, e: `rope, cord; a measurement of ground or distances` }, // تناو - tanáaw
{ ts: 1527818995, e: `lightning` }, // تندر - tandúr
{ ts: 1527815362, e: `ball; (cannon) ball` }, // توپ - top
{ ts: 1527816820, e: `spit` }, // توک - took
{ ts: 1527816520, e: `family, clan, tribe, people` }, // ټبر - Tabar
{ ts: 1527811348, e: `wound` }, // ټپ - Tap
{ ts: 1527819566, e: `piece, part; cloth, fabric` }, // ټکر - TUkúr
{ ts: 1527812213, e: `mosque` }, // جمات - jUmaat
{ ts: 1527811705, e: `structure` }, // جوړښت - joRuxt
{ ts: 1527814058, e: `answer, reply` }, // ځواب - dzawaab
{ ts: 1527816887, e: `life, existence, energy, force` }, // ځواک - dzwaak
{ ts: 1527814649, e: `market square, crossroads, paved area in front of entrance` }, // چوک - chok
{ ts: 1527815065, e: `hammer` }, // څټک - tsaTak, tsTuk
{ ts: 1527814589, e: `side` }, // څنګ - tsang
{ ts: 1527816228, e: `boundary, limit, extent` }, // حد - had
{ ts: 1527813749, e: `government, reign, rule` }, // حکومت - hUkoomat
{ ts: 1527814125, e: `solution` }, // حل - hal
{ ts: 1527818703, e: `shirt` }, // خت - khut
{ ts: 1527813804, e: `sleep, dream` }, // خوب - khob
{ ts: 1527812815, e: `safety, security` }, // خوندیتوب - khwundeetob
{ ts: 1527813763, e: `religion, faith` }, // دین - deen
{ ts: 1527811517, e: `journey, travel` }, // سفر - safar
{ ts: 1527815389, e: `age, life` }, // عمر - Úmur
{ ts: 1527816746, e: `tooth` }, // غاښ - ghaax
{ ts: 1527812631, e: `ear` }, // غوږ - ghwuG, ghwaG
{ ts: 1527812265, e: `decree, order` }, // فرمان - farmaan
{ ts: 1527817205, e: `film, movie` }, // فلم - film
{ ts: 1527812727, e: `year` }, // کال - kaal
{ ts: 1527812817, e: `book` }, // کتاب - kitaab
{ ts: 1527812611, e: `step, move` }, // ګام - gaam
{ ts: 1527812641, e: `rose, flower` }, // ګل - gUl
{ ts: 1527812650, e: `threat, danger, challeng` }, // ګواښ - gwaax
{ ts: 1527813521, e: `mourning, grief, grieving, deep sorrow` }, // ماتم - maatam
{ ts: 1527812176, e: `evening` }, // ماښام - maaxaam
{ ts: 1527813601, e: `death` }, // مرګ - marg
{ ts: 1527817691, e: `future` }, // مستقبل - mUstaqbil
{ ts: 1527817963, e: `victim-hood, oppression` }, // مظلومیت - mazloomiyát
{ ts: 1527811866, e: `damage, defect, loss` }, // نقصان - nUqsaan
{ ts: 1527815122, e: `name` }, // نوم - noom
{ ts: 1527812661, e: `boy, young lad` }, // هلک - halík, halúk
{ ts: 1566476070874, e: `street, road` }, // واټ - waaT
{ ts: 1527816036, e: `authority, power` }, // واک - waak
{ ts: 1527815400, e: `time` }, // وخت - wakht
{ ts: 1527818582, e: `building, prosperity, habitable state` }, // ودانښت - wadaanuxt
{ ts: 1527811441, e: `door, gate, entrance` }, // ور - war
{ ts: 1527815406, e: `homeland, home country` }, // وطن - watán
{ ts: 1573149648251, e: `fellow country-man` }, // وطن وال - watanwaal
{ ts: 1586428847646, e: `national (person), a citizen or person of that land` }, // وطنوال - watanwáal
{ ts: 1527822208, e: `bat, coward, pipsqueak, hesitant person` }, // وطواط - watwáat
{ ts: 1527819571, e: `apprehension, anxiety, suspicion; imagination, whims, some problem made up in someone’s head` }, // وهم - wáhum, wahm
{ ts: 1527816332, e: `pride, glory` }, // ویاړ - wyaaR
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
module.exports = [
{ ts: 1568926976497, e: `x-ray` }, // اکسرې - iksre
{ ts: 1602179757779, e: `alphabet` }, // الف بې - alif be
{ ts: 1527813840, e: `ashes` }, // ایرې - eere
{ ts: 1527816692, e: `glasses, spectacles` }, // اینکې - aynake
{ ts: 1527819286, e: `stairs, steps, staircase` }, // پاشتقې - paashtáqe
{ ts: 1527816299, e: `money (plural of پېسې)` }, // پیسې - peyse
{ ts: 1527814529, e: `buttermilk` }, // تروې - turwe
{ ts: 1527816369, e: `widow, woman` }, // تورسرې - torsăre
{ ts: 1577408787088, e: `sprey (as in a medicinal spray)` }, // سپرې - spre
{ ts: 1527822255, e: `break of dawn, first light of day, sunrise` }, // سپېدې - spedé
{ ts: 1626765107329, e: `chickenpox, chicken pox` }, // شرې - sharé
{ ts: 1527815008, e: `milk` }, // شودې - shoode
{ ts: 1527822131, e: `raw rice, unprocessed rice` }, // شولې - shole
{ ts: 1527815009, e: `milk (plural of شيده)` }, // شیدې - sheede
{ ts: 1527823571, e: `spit, saliva` }, // ښیالمې - xyaalmé
{ ts: 1527816530, e: `sister in law` }, // ښینې - xeene
{ ts: 1527823567, e: `spit, saliva, slobber, slime` }, // لاړې - laaRe
{ ts: 1527822275, e: `dishes, pots, pans` }, // لوښې - looxe
{ ts: 1617443138210, e: `urine, pee, piss` }, // مچیازې - michyaaze, muchyaaze
{ ts: 1527814420, e: `yogurt` }, // مستې - maste
{ ts: 1577999538077, e: `a sound/cry used to drive sheep on` }, // هرې - hire
{ ts: 1586551382412, e: `rice` }, // وریژې - wreejze
{ ts: 1527820261, e: `plow, plowing, plough, ploughing` }, // یوې - yuwe
@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
module.exports = [
{ ts: 1527818948, e: `sneezing, sneeze` }, // اټسکی - aTúskey
{ ts: 1527816481, e: `brother in law; sister's husband` }, // اخښی - akhxey
{ ts: 1573681135691, e: `tribal constable, tribal offical with police powers` }, // اربکی - arbakéy
{ ts: 1573659054031, e: `width, spaciousness` }, // ارتوالی - artwaaley, aratwaaley
{ ts: 1527811890, e: `thorn, prickle` }, // ازغی - azghey
{ ts: 1527817036, e: `representative, envoy, ambassador, commissioner` }, // استازی - astaazey
{ ts: 1527816982, e: `residence, dwelling; hostel, dormitory` }, // استوګنځی - astogundzey
{ ts: 1527818489, e: `yawn, sigh, deep breath, shivering` }, // اسوېلی - asweley
{ ts: 1527822497, e: `cheek` }, // اننګی - anangey
{ ts: 1527821967, e: `beaver, seal` }, // اوبسپی - obspéy
{ ts: 1527822190, e: `stove, oven, furnace, hearth, floor of a fireplace` }, // اور غالی - orgháaley
{ ts: 1527821545, e: `volcano` }, // اورشیندی - orsheendéy
{ ts: 1527819192, e: `train` }, // اورګاډی - orgáaDey
{ ts: 1527815585, e: `summer` }, // اوړی - oRey
{ ts: 1527815132, e: `giraffe` }, // اوښ غویی - oox ghwayey
{ ts: 1527816488, e: `brother in law, wife's brother` }, // اوښی - awxey
{ ts: 1623044357441, e: `tuft, clump, shock of hair` }, // ببوتنکی - bubootúnkey
{ ts: 1527821668, e: `spark, speck, flicker` }, // بڅری - batsúrey
{ ts: 1527821239, e: `kidney` }, // بډوری - baDóorey
{ ts: 1527821099, e: `earring` }, // برغوږی - barghwáGey
{ ts: 1527822629, e: `lid, cover` }, // برغولی - barghóley
{ ts: 1527811903, e: `success, victory` }, // بری - barey
{ ts: 1594904072731, e: `bracelet` }, // بنګړی - bangRéy
{ ts: 1527817159, e: `plant` }, // بوټی - booTey
{ ts: 1527815055, e: `terrible` }, // بوږنوړی - boGnwaRey
{ ts: 1610618917483, e: `orphanage, nursery` }, // پالنځی - paalundzéy
{ ts: 1527814666, e: `final point, end point` }, // پای ټکی - paayTakey
{ ts: 1527816195, e: `small turban` }, // پټکی - paTkey
{ ts: 1527811611, e: `field, place where crops are sown` }, // پټی - paTey
{ ts: 1588762458105, e: `kitchen` }, // پخلنځی - pukhlandzéy
{ ts: 1527816059, e: `cooking, preparation of food; wisdom, maturity` }, // پخلی - pakhley
{ ts: 1527821241, e: `acorn` }, // پرګی - purgéy
{ ts: 1527813812, e: `veil, covering for women, cover` }, // پړونی - paRóoney
{ ts: 1527822385, e: `rope, cable, cord` }, // پړی - púRey
{ ts: 1527812980, e: `whispering, murmuring, rumor, gossip` }, // پس پسی - puspusey
{ ts: 1527814005, e: `spring, springtime (season)` }, // پسرلی - psarléy, pusărléy
{ ts: 1527821229, e: `kidney` }, // پښتورګی - paxtawurgey
{ ts: 1527817035, e: `mission, delegation` }, // پلاوی - plaawey
{ ts: 1527815187, e: `mat` }, // پوزی - pozey
{ ts: 1527816627, e: `fleece, pelt, skin, shell, rind, bark; ear lobe` }, // پوستکی - postukey
{ ts: 1527819332, e: `kidney` }, // پوښتورګی - pooxtawúrgey
{ ts: 1527819496, e: `understanding, comprehension` }, // پوهاوی - pohaawéy
{ ts: 1527815168, e: `load, weight, burden` }, // پېټی - peTéy
{ ts: 1527815927, e: `customer` }, // پېرونکی - peroonkey
{ ts: 1527815017, e: `cream` }, // پېروی - perúwey, peráwey
{ ts: 1527815325, e: `violence` }, // تاوتریخوالی - taawtreekhwaaley
{ ts: 1611397750325, e: `screwdriver, screw` }, // تاوی - taawéy
{ ts: 1622374978659, e: `hatchet` }, // تبرګی - tubúrgey
{ ts: 1527818705, e: `gusset (in a shirt)` }, // تخرګی - tkhurgéy
{ ts: 1527814392, e: `band, bandage` }, // تړونی - taRooney
{ ts: 1527822723, e: `side, groin, empty place, void` }, // تشی - túshey
{ ts: 1577585114379, e: `sole (of a shoe); yard, compound; palm` }, // تلی - táley
{ ts: 1527816630, e: `forehead, brow, slope` }, // تندی - tandey
{ ts: 1527821980, e: `bellyband (of a harness)` }, // تڼی - taNéy
{ ts: 1527819719, e: `spleen` }, // توری - tórey
{ ts: 1527819721, e: `letter, letter of the alphabet` }, // توری - tórey
{ ts: 1527819622, e: `rocket, missile` }, // توغندی - toghandéy
{ ts: 1527814705, e: `element, item, material; thing, material, kind, type` }, // توکی - tokey
{ ts: 1527819563, e: `piece, small piece; a length (of cloth); blanket` }, // ټکری - TUkréy
{ ts: 1577408381145, e: `shawl, head-covering` }, // ټکری - Tikréy
{ ts: 1527814667, e: `word; point; dot` }, // ټکی - Tákey
{ ts: 1527813617, e: `shawl, head covering` }, // ټیکری - Teekréy
{ ts: 1527819733, e: `young, youth, young lad` }, // ځلمی - dzalméy
{ ts: 1527815465, e: `official authority, official, authority` }, // چارواکی - chaarwaakey
{ ts: 1527822356, e: `worm, small insect` }, // چنجی - chinjéy
{ ts: 1527822808, e: `basin, bowl` }, // چنی - chanéy
{ ts: 1527822357, e: `worm, small insect` }, // چینجی - cheenjéy
{ ts: 1527819046, e: `drop` }, // څاڅکی - tsáatskey
{ ts: 1527817874, e: `quality, nature` }, // څرنګوالی - tsurangwaaley
{ ts: 1527814041, e: `spring (season)` }, // څړمنی - tsaRmuney
{ ts: 1527813361, e: `column, pilliar, pyramid` }, // څلی - tsaley
{ ts: 1527819027, e: `ladle, dipper` }, // څمڅی - tsamtsey
{ ts: 1573055311846, e: `warning, notice, alarm` }, // خبرداری - khabardaarey
{ ts: 1527820324, e: `melon` }, // خټکی - khaTakéy
{ ts: 1527819828, e: `weight; respect, honour` }, // درناوی - dranaawey
{ ts: 1588161660483, e: `crutch, walking-stick, cane` }, // ډانګوری - Daangooréy
{ ts: 1527813493, e: `majority; heap, pile` }, // ډېری - Derey
{ ts: 1527823700, e: `avalanche, flood, shower` }, // راشی - raashey
{ ts: 1527819525, e: `diminutive form of زړه - little heart; precious, dear` }, // زړګی - zuRgéy
{ ts: 1527819732, e: `young, youth, young lad` }, // زلمی - zalméy
{ ts: 1527813708, e: `good news, gospel` }, // زېری - zerey
{ ts: 1588758498458, e: `jaundice` }, // زېړی - zeRéy
{ ts: 1571626392709, e: `birthplace` }, // زېږنځی - zeGundzey
{ ts: 1527815698, e: `winter` }, // ژمی - jzúmey
{ ts: 1573686563723, e: `wineskin, bagpipe, skin for carrying liquid` }, // ژی - jzey
{ ts: 1527815239, e: `entertainment, fun, recreation` }, // ساتېری - saaterey
{ ts: 1527813725, e: `equal, equivalent, match, precedent` }, // ساری - sáarey
{ ts: 1527814021, e: `spring (season)` }, // سپرلی - sparléy
{ ts: 1527813509, e: `insult, disgrace, defamation, disrespect` }, // سپکاوی - spukaawéy
{ ts: 1527815298, e: `clarification, attestation` }, // سپیناوی - speenaawey
{ ts: 1578002674551, e: `eye-socket, eyelid; orbit` }, // سترغلی - sturghúley
{ ts: 1527811999, e: `star` }, // ستوری - storey
{ ts: 1527817001, e: `throat, larynx` }, // ستونی - stóoney
{ ts: 1527813511, e: `headache, trouble` }, // سرخوږی - sărkhwuGey
{ ts: 1527815251, e: `man` }, // سړی - saRéy
{ ts: 1527819850, e: `lung` }, // سږی - súGey
{ ts: 1527812302, e: `hole, slit, opening` }, // سوری - soorey
{ ts: 1527818221, e: `burning, zeal, fervour` }, // سوی - swey
{ ts: 1527812304, e: `shade, shadow` }, // سیوری - syórey, syóorey
{ ts: 1527815268, e: `thing` }, // شی - shey
{ ts: 1527822527, e: `ankle, ankle-bone` }, // ښتګری - xatgaréy
{ ts: 1527812793, e: `school` }, // ښوونځی - xowundzey
{ ts: 1527821064, e: `a quick, clever, agile, bright man; a swindler, a fraud` }, // ښویکی - xwayakéy
{ ts: 1527822650, e: `largeness, bigness` }, // غټوالی - ghaTwaaley
{ ts: 1527814569, e: `member` }, // غړی - ghuRey
{ ts: 1527817627, e: `arrow` }, // غشی - ghúshey
{ ts: 1527822913, e: `precious stone, precious stone in a signet ring` }, // غمی - ghaméy
{ ts: 1527823466, e: `ear lobe` }, // غنګوری - ghangóorey
{ ts: 1527818483, e: `plate` }, // غوری - ghorey
{ ts: 1527816181, e: `vomit, nausea (Arabic)` }, // قی - qey
{ ts: 1527814715, e: `user` }, // کاروونکی - kaarawoonkey
{ ts: 1578706351012, e: `dress, clothing, underwear, ornament (usually plural)` }, // کالی - kaaley
{ ts: 1527823295, e: `stone, rock` }, // کاڼی - káaNey
{ ts: 1527818563, e: `muscle` }, // کبوړی - kabóoRey
{ ts: 1527822824, e: `booklet, notebook` }, // کتاب ګوټی - kitaabgóTey
{ ts: 1582388629980, e: `pupil (of an eye)` }, // کسی - kúsey
{ ts: 1594906790729, e: `boy` }, // ککی - kakéy
{ ts: 1527812836, e: `village` }, // کلی - kuley, kiley
{ ts: 1527816880, e: `shortage, lack, deficiency` }, // کمی - kamey
{ ts: 1610616852625, e: `echo` }, // کنګرېزی - kangrezéy
{ ts: 1527819196, e: `car, train` }, // ګاډی - gaaDey
{ ts: 1579016593220, e: `beehive; wasps' nest` }, // ګنی - ganéy
{ ts: 1527819076, e: `doll, puppet` }, // ګوډاګی - gooDaagéy
{ ts: 1527822505, e: `cheek` }, // ګومبوری - goomboorey
{ ts: 1527819079, e: `puppet` }, // لاسپوڅی - laaspotséy
{ ts: 1573149568665, e: `access, availability` }, // لاسرسی - laasraséy
{ ts: 1527817464, e: `wood, timber` }, // لرګی - largey
{ ts: 1527822801, e: `sleeve` }, // لستوڼی - lastóNey
{ ts: 1527812416, e: `brook, rivulet, small irrigation` }, // لښتی - laxtey
{ ts: 1527814401, e: `toy` }, // لوبونی - lobawuney
{ ts: 1527814519, e: `side, direction` }, // لوری - lorey
{ ts: 1527813846, e: `smoke` }, // لوګی - loogéy
{ ts: 1527823103, e: `perspective, viewpoint` }, // لیدلوری - leedlorey
{ ts: 1527819920, e: `mosquito, midge` }, // ماشی - maashey
{ ts: 1527820224, e: `fly swatter` }, // مچوژی - muchwajzéy
{ ts: 1591871316865, e: `prefix (grammar)` }, // مختاړی - mukhtaaRey
{ ts: 1527817105, e: `smile, smiling` }, // مړخندی - muRkhandey
{ ts: 1527817770, e: `dead body, corpse` }, // مړی - múRey
{ ts: 1527813189, e: `fall, autumn` }, // منی - máney
{ ts: 1527812925, e: `peanut` }, // مومپلی - mompaley
{ ts: 1527812421, e: `ant` }, // مېږی - meGey
{ ts: 1527819227, e: `lack` }, // نشتوالی - nashtwaaley
{ ts: 1527823577, e: `sapling, seedling, sprout, young tree` }, // نیالګی - niyaalgey
{ ts: 1527812073, e: `bone` }, // هډوکی - haDookey
{ ts: 1527812668, e: `welcome` }, // هرکلی - hărkáley
{ ts: 1527820928, e: `awkward/silly laugh, unmotivated laugh` }, // هرکی - hurkéy
{ ts: 1588153218244, e: `height, elevation, tallness` }, // هسکوالی - haskwáaley
{ ts: 1585309922022, e: `flu, respiratory illness, influenza, cold` }, // والګی - waalgéy
{ ts: 1527813014, e: `vein, nerve` }, // وژی - wajzey
{ ts: 1527821465, e: `shoulder` }, // ولی - wuléy
{ ts: 1527814004, e: `summer` }, // ووړی - woRey
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
module.exports = [
{ ts: 1527819345, e: `sheep, ram` }, // پسه - psu
{ ts: 1527822173, e: `bush, shrub` }, // جاړه - jaaRú
{ ts: 1527813508, e: `heart` }, // زړه - zRu
{ ts: 1588857967561, e: `bull` }, // غوایه - ghwaayú
{ ts: 1527817108, e: `look, gaze, examination, inspection, spying` }, // کاته - kaatu
{ ts: 1527817768, e: `raven, crow` }, // کارګه - kaargu
{ ts: 1527819245, e: `master of house, head of family, married man` }, // کوربانه - korbaanú
{ ts: 1527818516, e: `swimming, bathing` }, // لمبېده - lambedú
{ ts: 1527813986, e: `sunset, west` }, // لمر پرېواته - lmarprewaatu
{ ts: 1527813992, e: `sunset` }, // لمر لوېده - lmarlwedu
{ ts: 1527813987, e: `sunrise, east` }, // لمرخاته - lmarkhaatu
{ ts: 1527818255, e: `wolf, wild dog` }, // لېوه - lewú
{ ts: 1527821522, e: `slave, servant` }, // مریه - mrayú
{ ts: 1527812911, e: `husband, brave` }, // مېړه - meRu
{ ts: 1527811626, e: `impracticability, impossibility, improbability` }, // نکېده - nukedu
{ ts: 1527816410, e: `grandfather, grandpa` }, // نیکه - neekú
{ ts: 1527822420, e: `rein, bridle (for horses); string for trousers, string used inside to hold up the partoog/shalwar` }, // واګه - waagu
{ ts: 1527816357, e: `nephew, brother's son` }, // وراره - wraaru
{ ts: 1527823225, e: `flock, herd, drove` }, // وله - wUlú
{ ts: 1527814789, e: `hair` }, // وېښته - wextu
{ ts: 1527815394, e: 'wedding' }, // واده - waadú
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
module.exports = [
{ ts: 1527815154, e: `end, finish, close, conclusion` }, // پای - paay
{ ts: 1527812594, e: `place, space` }, // ځای - dzaay
{ ts: 1527812525, e: `tea` }, // چای - chaay
{ ts: 1527812783, e: `God, Lord` }, // خدای - khUdaay
{ ts: 1527819514, e: `tier, row, foundation (masonry etc.)` }, // دای - daay
{ ts: 1610797797756, e: `hollow, depression` }, // سای - saay
{ ts: 1527822345, e: `caravansary, inn, large house` }, // سرای - saráay
{ ts: 1586598425514, e: `smell` }, // بوی - booy
{ ts: 1527814511, e: `character, nature, disposition, habit` }, // خوی - khooy
{ ts: 1566468540788, e: `rabbit` }, // سوی - sooy
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1348,6 +1348,18 @@
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version "2.0.3"
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version "4.10.1"
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Reference in New Issue