import { conjugateVerb, Types as T, removeFVarients, splitPsString, inflectWord, } from "@lingdocs/inflect"; import { typePredicates as tp } from "@lingdocs/inflect"; export type PsHash = `${string}X${string}`; export function psHash(o: T.PsWord): PsHash { if ("hyphen" in o && o.hyphen) { return o.hyphen.reduce((acc, h) => { return (acc + `-${h.type === "written" ? h.p : ""}X${h.f}`) as PsHash; }, `${o.p}X${o.f}` as PsHash); } return `${o.p}X${o.f}`; } export function dePsHash(h: PsHash): T.PsWord { function deHashHyphenContents(c: string[]): T.HyphenPsContent[] { return c.reduce((acc, x) => { const [p, f] = x.split("X"); const n: T.HyphenPsContent = p === "" ? { type: "unwritten", f, } : { type: "written", p, f, }; return [...acc, n]; }, []); } const [first,] = h.split("-"); const [p, f] = first.split("X"); if (rest.length === 0) { return { p, f }; } return { p, f, hyphen: deHashHyphenContents(rest), }; } function search(object: any): Set { const fieldsToIgnore = ["info", "type", "perfectiveSplit"]; let splitError: any = false; // adapted from // function inside(haystack: any, found: Set): Set { if (haystack === null) { return found; } Object.keys(haystack).forEach((key: string) => { if (fieldsToIgnore.includes(key)) { return; } if (key === "p" && typeof haystack[key] === "string") { try { splitPsString(haystack).forEach((word) => { found.add(psHash(word)); }); } catch (e) { splitError = { haystack }; } return; } if (typeof haystack[key] === "object") { inside(haystack[key], found); } return; }); return found; } const r = inside(object, new Set()); if (splitError) { console.log(splitError); } return r; } export function getWordList(entries: T.DictionaryEntry[]): | { ok: true; wordlist: T.PsWord[]; } | { ok: false; errors: T.DictionaryEntryError[]; } { const allWords = new Set(); entries.forEach((entry) => { const words = splitPsString(removeFVarients({ p: entry.p, f: entry.f })); words.forEach((w) => allWords.add(psHash(w))); if (tp.isNounOrAdjEntry(entry)) { try { const infs = inflectWord(entry); if (infs) { search(infs).forEach((x) => allWords.add(x)); } } catch (e) { console.error("error inflecting word"); console.error(e); } } else if (tp.isVerbDictionaryEntry(entry)) { const linked = entry.l ? entries.find((e) => e.ts === entry.l) : undefined; try { const conj = conjugateVerb(entry, linked); search(conj).forEach((x) => allWords.add(x)); } catch (e) { console.error("error conjugating verb"); console.error(e); } } }); // const errors: T.DictionaryEntryError[] = []; // function getNounAdjInflections(entry: T.DictionaryEntry) { // const infs = inflectWord(entry); // if (infs) { // search(infs).forEach(x => allInflections.add(x)); // } else { // allInflections.add(psHash(removeFVarients(entry))); // } // } // function getVerbConjugations(word: T.DictionaryEntry, linked?: T.DictionaryEntry) { // search(conjugateVerb(word, linked)).forEach(x => allInflections.add(x)); // } // // got the entries, make a wordList of all the possible inflections // entries.forEach((entry) => { // try { // if (entry.c?.startsWith("v. ")) { // const linked = entry.l ? entries.find((e) => e.ts === entry.l) : undefined; // getVerbConjugations(entry, linked); // } else if (isNounOrAdjEntry(entry as T.Entry)) { // getNounAdjInflections(entry); // } else { // allInflections.add(psHash(removeFVarients(entry))); // } // } catch (error) { // console.log({ entry, error }); // errors.push({ // ts: entry.ts, // p: entry.p, // f: entry.f, // e: entry.e, // erroneousFields: [], // errors: ["error inflecting/conjugating entry"], // }); // } // }); // if (errors.length) { // return ({ // ok: false, // errors, // }); // } // // add ی version of words with ې (to accomadate for some bad spelling) // // allInflections.forEach((word: string) => { // // // for words with ې in the middle, also have a version with ی in the middle instead // // // if (eInMiddleRegex.test(word)) { // // // allInflections.add(word.replace(eInMiddleRegex, "ی")); // // // } // // // for words ending in ې, also have a version ending in ي // // // if (word.slice(-1) === "ې") { // // // allInflections.add(word.slice(0, -1) + "ي"); // // // } // // }); // // const wordlist = Array.from(allInflections).filter((s) => !(s.includes(".") || s.includes("?"))); // // wordlist.sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b, "ps")); const wordlist: T.PsWord[] = []; allWords.forEach((x) => { wordlist.push(dePsHash(x)); }); wordlist.sort((a, b) => a.p.localeCompare(b.p, "ps")); return { ok: true, wordlist, }; } // const eInMiddleRegex = new RegExp("ې(?=[\u0621-\u065f\u0670-\u06d3\u06d5])", "g");