import { Types as T, validateEntry } from "@lingdocs/inflect"; const title = "LingDocs Pashto Dictionary"; const license = `Copyright © ${new Date().getFullYear()} All Rights Reserved - Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License -`; const baseUrl = ``; export const dictionaryFilename = "dictionary"; export const dictionaryInfoFilename = "dictionary-info"; // const hunspellAffFileFilename = "ps_AFF.aff"; // const hunspellDicFileFilename = "ps_AFF.dic"; // const allWordsJsonFilename = "all-words-dictionary.json"; const url = `${baseUrl}${dictionaryFilename}`; const infoUrl = `${baseUrl}${dictionaryInfoFilename}`; export function makeDictionaryObject( entries: T.DictionaryEntry[] ): T.Dictionary { return { info: { title, license, url, infoUrl, release: new Date().getTime(), numberOfEntries: entries.length, }, entries, }; } export function checkForErrors( entries: T.DictionaryEntry[] ): (T.DictionaryEntryError | { duplicates: number[] })[] { // check for duplicates const tsMap: Record = {}; const duplicates: number[] = []; // making a map here based on ts with the entry will speed up the // compliment checking process!! for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { const ts = entries[i].ts; if (ts in tsMap) { duplicates.push(ts); } else { tsMap[ts] = entries[i]; } } if (duplicates.length) { return [{ duplicates }]; } // check for errors return entries.reduce( (errors: T.DictionaryEntryError[], entry: T.DictionaryEntry) => { const response = validateEntry(entry); if ("errors" in response && response.errors.length) { return [...errors, response]; } if ("checkComplement" in response) { if (!entry.l) { const error: T.DictionaryEntryError = { errors: ["complement needed"], ts: entry.ts, p: entry.p, f: entry.f, e: entry.e, erroneousFields: ["l"], }; return [...errors, error]; } const complement = tsMap[entry.l]; if (!complement) { const error: T.DictionaryEntryError = { errors: ["complement link not found in dictionary"], ts: entry.ts, p: entry.p, f: entry.f, e: entry.e, erroneousFields: ["l"], }; return [...errors, error]; } if ( !complement.c?.includes("n.") && !complement.c?.includes("adj.") && !complement.c?.includes("adv.") ) { const error: T.DictionaryEntryError = { errors: ["complement link to invalid complement"], ts: entry.ts, p: entry.p, f: entry.f, e: entry.e, erroneousFields: ["l"], }; return [...errors, error]; } } return errors; }, [] ); } export function makeSitemap(dictionary: T.Dictionary): string { function tsToDate(ts: number): string { if (ts < 10000000000) { // approximate date for old-style timestamps return "2021-01-01"; } return getDateString(new Date(ts)); } function getDateString(d: Date): string { return d.toISOString().split("T")[0]; } const pages = [ "", "about", "settings", "account", "phrase-builder", "new-entries", ]; const currentDate = getDateString(new Date()); return ` ${pages .map( (page) => `${page} ${currentDate} ` ) .join("")} ${dictionary.entries .map( (entry) => `${entry.ts} ${tsToDate(entry.ts)} ` ) .join("")} `; } // FOR HUNSPELL // const hunspellAffFileFilename = "ps_AFF.aff"; // const hunspellDicFileFilename = "ps_AFF.dic"; // async function doHunspellEtc( // info: T.DictionaryInfo, // entries: T.DictionaryEntry[] // ) { // const wordlistResponse = getWordList(entries); // if (!wordlistResponse.ok) { // throw new Error(JSON.stringify(wordlistResponse.errors)); // } // // const hunspell = makeHunspell(wordlistResponse.wordlist); // // await uploadHunspellToStorage(hunspell); // await uploadAllWordsToStoarage(info, wordlistResponse.wordlist); // } // function makeHunspell(wordlist: string[]) { // return { // dicContent: wordlist.reduce((acc, word) => acc + word + "\n", wordlist.length + "\n"), // affContent: "SET UTF-8\nCOMPLEXPREFIXES\nIGNORE ۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹۰-=ًٌٍَُِّْ؛:؟.،,،؟\n", // }; // }