import { conjugateVerb, getVerbInfo, inflectWord, isNounAdjOrVerb, isPashtoScript, removeFVarients, standardizePashto } from "@lingdocs/ps-react"; import { dictionary, allEntries } from "./dictionary"; import { Types as T, } from "@lingdocs/ps-react"; import { InflectionSearchResult, } from "../types/dictionary-types"; import { searchPile } from "./search-pile"; /** * Converts some Pashto texts to phonetics by looking up each word in the dictionary and finding * the phonetic equivalent * * @param p * @returns */ export function scriptToPhonetics(p: string): string { const words = splitWords(p); const entries = allEntries(); const f = (w: string) => wordToPhonetics(w, entries); return""); } function wordToPhonetics(p: string, entries: T.DictionaryEntry[]): string { if (!isPashtoScript(p)) { return p; } const results = dictionary.exactPashtoSearch(p); const entryFs = => removeFVarients(entry.f)); const inflectionsR = searchAllInflectionsCore(entries, p); // TODO: also add directional prefix stuff const inflections = => result.forms) .flatMap(form => form.flatMap(x => =>; const possibilities = [ Set([...entryFs, ...inflections])]; if (possibilities.length === 0) { return p; } return possibilities.join("/"); } export function searchAllInflectionsCore(allDocs: T.DictionaryEntry[], searchValue: string): InflectionSearchResult[] { const preSearchFun = (ps: T.PsString) => ps.p.slice(0, 2) === searchValue.slice(0, 2); const searchFun = (ps: T.PsString) => ps.p === searchValue; // console.time(timerLabel); return allDocs.reduce((all: InflectionSearchResult[], entry) => { const type = isNounAdjOrVerb(entry); if (entry.c && type === "verb") { try { const complement = (entry.l && entry.c.includes("comp.")) ? dictionary.findOneByTs(entry.l) : undefined; const verbInfo = getVerbInfo(entry, complement); const initialResults = searchPile(verbInfo as any, preSearchFun); if (!initialResults.length) return all; const conjugation = conjugateVerb( entry, complement, ); const forms = searchPile( conjugation as any, searchFun, ); if (forms.length) { return [...all, { entry, forms }]; } return all; } catch (e) { console.error(e); console.error("error inflecting", entry.p); return all; } } if (entry.c && type === "nounAdj") { const inflections = inflectWord(entry); if (!inflections) return all; const forms = searchPile(inflections as any, searchFun); if (forms.length) { return [...all, { entry, forms }]; } } return all; }, []); } function splitWords(p: string): string[] { function isP(c: string): boolean { return !!c.match(/[\u0621-\u065f\u0670-\u06d3\u06d5]/); } const words: string[] = []; let current = ""; let onP: boolean = true; const chars = p.split(""); for (let char of chars) { const p = isP(char); if (p) { if (onP) { current += char; } else { words.push(current); current = char; onP = true; } } else { if (onP) { words.push(current); current = char; onP = false; } else { current += char; } } } words.push(current); return; }