LingDocs Email Verification

<% if (message === "not found") { %>

Invalid Verification Link ๐Ÿ‘Ž

<% } %> <% if (message === "already verified") { %>

Your e-mail has already been verified. ๐Ÿ‘

<% } %> <% if (message === "verified") { %>

Thank you. Your e-mail has been verified. ๐Ÿ‘

<% } %> <% if (message === "invalid token") { %>

That's an older or expired verification code. Please check for the most recent verification email or request another from the account page.

<% } %> <% if (message === "error verifying e-mail") { %>

Sorry! There was an error verifying your e-mail. Please try again later.

<% } %>