/** * Copyright (c) 2021 lingdocs.com * * This source code is licensed under the GPL3 license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * */ // TODO: Put the DB sync on the localDb object, and then have it cancel()'ed and removed as part of the deinitialization // sync on initialization and cancel sync on de-initialization import { Component } from "react"; import { capitalizeFirstLetter, defaultTextOptions, revertSpelling, standardizePashto, Types as T, } from "@lingdocs/ps-react"; import { withRouter, Route, RouteComponentProps, Link } from "react-router-dom"; import Helmet from "react-helmet"; import BottomNavItem from "./components/BottomNavItem"; import SearchBar from "./components/SearchBar"; import DictionaryStatusDisplay from "./components/DictionaryStatusDisplay"; import About from "./screens/About"; import Options from "./screens/Options"; import Results from "./screens/Results"; import Account from "./screens/Account"; import ReviewTasks from "./screens/ReviewTasks"; import EntryEditor from "./screens/EntryEditor"; import IsolatedEntry from "./screens/IsolatedEntry"; import PrivacyPolicy from "./screens/PrivacyPolicy"; import Wordlist from "./screens/Wordlist"; import { saveOptions, readOptions, saveUser, readUser, } from "./lib/local-storage"; import { allEntries, dictionary, pageSize } from "./lib/dictionary"; import { optionsReducer, textOptionsReducer } from "./lib/options-reducer"; import hitBottom from "./lib/hitBottom"; import getWordId from "./lib/get-word-id"; import { CronJob } from "cron"; import Mousetrap from "mousetrap"; import { sendSubmissions } from "./lib/submissions"; import { getUser } from "./lib/backend-calls"; import { getWordlist } from "./lib/wordlist-database"; import { startLocalDbs, stopLocalDbs, getAllDocsLocalDb, } from "./lib/pouch-dbs"; import { forReview } from "./lib/spaced-repetition"; import { textBadge } from "./lib/badges"; import * as AT from "./types/account-types"; import ReactGA from "react-ga4"; import classNames from "classnames"; import { getTextOptions } from "./lib/get-text-options"; import { getTextFromShareTarget } from "./lib/share-target"; import { objIsEqual, userObjIsEqual } from "./lib/misc-helpers"; import { State, TextOptionsRecord, TextOptionsAction, OptionsAction, } from "./types/dictionary-types"; import PhraseBuilder from "./screens/PhraseBuilder"; import { searchAllInflections } from "./lib/search-all-inflections"; import { addToWordlist } from "./lib/wordlist-database"; import ScriptToPhonetics from "./screens/ScriptToPhonetics"; import { pNums, convertNumShortcutToNum } from "./lib/misc-helpers"; const newWordsPeriod: "week" | "month" = "month"; // to allow Moustrap key combos even when input fields are in focus Mousetrap.prototype.stopCallback = function () { return false; }; const prod = document.location.hostname === "dictionary.lingdocs.com"; if (prod) { // TODO: migrate to https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-ga4 ReactGA.initialize("G-TPQY0GKDCW"); ReactGA.set({ anonymizeIp: true }); } const possibleLandingPages = [ "/", "/about", "/settings", "/word", "/account", "/new-entries", "/share-target", "/phrase-builder", "/privacy", "/script-to-phonetics", ]; const editorOnlyPages = ["/edit", "/review-tasks"]; class App extends Component { constructor(props: RouteComponentProps) { super(props); const savedOptions = readOptions(); this.state = { dictionaryStatus: "loading", dictionaryInfo: undefined, showModal: false, // TODO: Choose between the saved options and the options in the saved user options: savedOptions ? savedOptions : { language: "Pashto", searchType: "fuzzy", searchBarStickyFocus: false, theme: window.matchMedia?.("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches ? "dark" : "light", textOptionsRecord: { lastModified: Date.now() as AT.TimeStamp, textOptions: defaultTextOptions, }, wordlistMode: "browse", wordlistReviewLanguage: "Pashto", wordlistReviewBadge: true, searchBarPosition: "top", }, searchValue: "", page: 1, isolatedEntry: undefined, results: [], wordlist: [], reviewTasks: [], user: readUser(), inflectionSearchResults: undefined, }; this.handleOptionsUpdate = this.handleOptionsUpdate.bind(this); this.handleTextOptionsUpdate = this.handleTextOptionsUpdate.bind(this); this.handleSearchValueChange = this.handleSearchValueChange.bind(this); this.handleIsolateEntry = this.handleIsolateEntry.bind(this); this.handleScroll = this.handleScroll.bind(this); this.handleGoBack = this.handleGoBack.bind(this); this.handleLoadUser = this.handleLoadUser.bind(this); this.handleRefreshWordlist = this.handleRefreshWordlist.bind(this); this.handleRefreshReviewTasks = this.handleRefreshReviewTasks.bind(this); this.handleDictionaryUpdate = this.handleDictionaryUpdate.bind(this); this.handleInflectionSearch = this.handleInflectionSearch.bind(this); } public componentDidMount() { window.addEventListener("scroll", this.handleScroll); if (!possibleLandingPages.includes(this.props.location.pathname)) { this.props.history.replace("/"); } if (prod && !(this.state.user?.level === "editor")) { ReactGA.send({ hitType: "pageview", page: window.location.pathname + window.location.search, }); } dictionary .initialize() .then((r) => { this.cronJob.start(); this.setState({ dictionaryStatus: "ready", dictionaryInfo: r.dictionaryInfo, }); this.handleLoadUser(); // incase it took forever and timed out - might need to reinitialize the wordlist here ?? if (this.state.user) { startLocalDbs(this.state.user, { wordlist: this.handleRefreshWordlist, reviewTasks: this.handleRefreshReviewTasks, }); } if (this.props.location.pathname === "/word") { const wordId = getWordId(this.props.location.search); if (wordId) { const word = dictionary.findOneByTs(wordId); if (word) { this.setState({ searchValue: word.p }); } this.handleIsolateEntry(wordId); } else { // TODO: Make a word not found screen console.error("somehow had a word path without a word id param"); this.props.history.replace("/"); } } if (this.props.location.pathname === "/share-target") { const searchString = getTextFromShareTarget(window.location); this.props.history.replace("/"); if (this.state.options.language === "English") { this.handleOptionsUpdate({ type: "toggleLanguage" }); } if (this.state.options.searchType === "alphabetical") { this.handleOptionsUpdate({ type: "toggleSearchType" }); } this.handleSearchValueChange(searchString); } if (this.props.location.pathname === "/new-entries") { this.setState({ results: dictionary.getNewWords(newWordsPeriod), page: 1, }); } if (r.response === "loaded from saved") { this.handleDictionaryUpdate(); } }) .catch((error) => { console.error(error); this.setState({ dictionaryStatus: "error loading" }); }); document.documentElement.setAttribute( "data-theme", this.state.options.theme ); /* istanbul ignore if */ if (window.matchMedia) { const prefersDarkQuery = window.matchMedia( "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" ); prefersDarkQuery.addListener((e) => { if (e.matches) { this.handleOptionsUpdate({ type: "changeTheme", payload: "dark" }); } }); const prefersLightQuery = window.matchMedia( "(prefers-color-scheme: light)" ); prefersLightQuery.addListener((e) => { if (e.matches) { this.handleOptionsUpdate({ type: "changeTheme", payload: "light" }); } }); } // shortcuts to isolote word in search results Mousetrap.bind( ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", ...pNums], (e) => { e.preventDefault(); if (e.repeat) { return; } if (this.props.location.pathname !== "/search") { return; } const toIsolate = this.state.results[convertNumShortcutToNum(e.key) - 1]; if (!toIsolate) { return; } this.handleIsolateEntry(toIsolate.ts); } ); Mousetrap.bind( ["ctrl+down", "ctrl+up", "command+down", "command+up"], (e) => { e.preventDefault(); if (e.repeat) { return; } this.handleOptionsUpdate({ type: "toggleLanguage" }); } ); Mousetrap.bind(["ctrl+b", "command+b"], (e) => { e.preventDefault(); if (e.repeat) { return; } this.handleSearchValueChange(""); }); Mousetrap.bind(["ctrl+i", "command+i"], (e) => { e.preventDefault(); if (e.repeat) { return; } if (!this.state.searchValue) { return; } this.handleInflectionSearch(); }); Mousetrap.bind(["ctrl+s", "command+s"], (e) => { if (this.state.user?.level === "basic") { return; } e.preventDefault(); if (!this.state.isolatedEntry) { return; } const toAdd = { entry: this.state.isolatedEntry, notes: "", }; addToWordlist(toAdd); }); Mousetrap.bind(["ctrl+\\", "command+\\"], (e) => { e.preventDefault(); if (e.repeat) { return; } if (this.state.user?.level === "basic") { return; } if (this.props.location.pathname !== "/wordlist") { this.props.history.push("/wordlist"); } else { this.handleGoBack(); } }); } public componentWillUnmount() { window.removeEventListener("scroll", this.handleScroll); this.cronJob.stop(); stopLocalDbs(); Mousetrap.unbind(["ctrl+down", "ctrl+up", "command+down", "command+up"]); Mousetrap.unbind(["ctrl+b", "command+b"]); Mousetrap.unbind(["ctrl+\\", "command+\\"]); Mousetrap.unbind(["ctrl+s", "command+s"]); Mousetrap.unbind(["ctrl+i", "command+i"]); Mousetrap.unbind(["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"]); } public componentDidUpdate(prevProps: RouteComponentProps) { if (this.props.location.pathname !== prevProps.location.pathname) { if (prod && !(this.state.user?.level === "editor")) { ReactGA.send({ hitType: "pageview", page: window.location.pathname + window.location.search, }); } if (this.props.location.pathname === "/") { this.handleSearchValueChange(""); } if (this.props.location.pathname === "/new-entries") { this.setState({ results: dictionary.getNewWords(newWordsPeriod), page: 1, }); } if ( editorOnlyPages.includes(this.props.location.pathname) && !(this.state.user?.level === "editor") ) { this.props.history.replace("/"); } } if ( getWordId(this.props.location.search) !== getWordId(prevProps.location.search) ) { if (prod && this.state.user?.level !== "editor") { ReactGA.send({ type: "pageview", page: window.location.pathname + window.location.search, }); } const wordId = getWordId(this.props.location.search); /* istanbul ignore else */ if (wordId) { this.handleIsolateEntry(wordId, true); } else { this.setState({ isolatedEntry: undefined }); } } // if (!["/wordlist", "/settings", "/review-tasks"].includes(this.props.location.pathname)) { // window.scrollTo(0, 0); // } } private async handleLoadUser(): Promise { try { const prevUser = this.state.user; const user = await getUser(); if (user === "offline") { return; } if (user) { sendSubmissions(); } if (!user) { if (this.state.user) { console.log("setting state user because user is newly undefined"); this.setState({ user: undefined }); } saveUser(undefined); return; } if (!userObjIsEqual(prevUser, user)) { console.log( "setting state user because something is different about the user" ); this.setState({ user }); saveUser(user); } if (user) { startLocalDbs(user, { wordlist: this.handleRefreshWordlist, reviewTasks: this.handleRefreshReviewTasks, }); } else { stopLocalDbs(); } } catch (err) { console.error("error checking user level", err); } } private handleDictionaryUpdate() { // TODO: fix - what the heck happened and what's going on here dictionary .update(() => { // this.setState({ dictionaryStatus: "updating" }); }) .then(({ dictionaryInfo }) => { //if (this.state.dictionaryInfo?.release !== dictionaryInfo?.release) { // to avoid unnecessary re-rendering that breaks things this.setState({ dictionaryStatus: "ready", dictionaryInfo, }); //} }) .catch(() => { this.setState({ dictionaryStatus: "error loading" }); }); } private handleOptionsUpdate(action: OptionsAction) { if (action.type === "changeTheme") { document.documentElement.setAttribute("data-theme", action.payload); } // TODO: use a seperate reducer for changing text options (otherwise you could just be updating the saved text options instead of the user text options that the program is going off of) const options = optionsReducer(this.state.options, action); saveOptions(options); if ( action.type === "toggleLanguage" || action.type === "toggleSearchType" ) { if (this.props.location.pathname !== "/new-entries") { if ( action.type === "toggleSearchType" && this.state.options.searchType === "fuzzy" && this.props.location.pathname !== "/search" ) { this.handleSearchValueChange("آ"); } this.setState((prevState) => ({ options, page: 1, results: dictionary.search({ ...prevState, options }), })); window.scrollTo(0, 0); } else { this.setState({ options }); } } else { !objIsEqual(this.state.options, options) && this.setState({ options }); } } private handleTextOptionsUpdate(action: TextOptionsAction) { const textOptions = textOptionsReducer(getTextOptions(this.state), action); const lastModified = Date.now() as AT.TimeStamp; const textOptionsRecord: TextOptionsRecord = { lastModified, textOptions, }; this.handleOptionsUpdate({ type: "updateTextOptionsRecord", payload: textOptionsRecord, }); } private handleSearchValueChange(searchValue: string) { if (searchValue === " ") { return; } const lastChar = searchValue[searchValue.length - 1]; // don't let people type in a single digit (to allow for number shortcuts) // but do allow the whole thing to be numbers (to allow for pasting and searching for ts) if (lastChar >= "0" && lastChar <= "9" && !/^\d+$/.test(searchValue)) { return; } if (this.state.dictionaryStatus !== "ready") { return; } if (searchValue === "") { this.setState({ searchValue: "", results: [], page: 1, inflectionSearchResults: undefined, }); if (this.props.location.pathname !== "/") { this.props.history.replace("/"); } return; } this.setState((prevState) => ({ searchValue, results: dictionary.search({ ...prevState, searchValue }), page: 1, inflectionSearchResults: undefined, })); if (this.props.history.location.pathname !== "/search") { this.props.history.push("/search"); } window.scrollTo(0, 0); } private handleIsolateEntry(ts: number, onlyState?: boolean) { window.scrollTo(0, 0); const isolatedEntry = dictionary.findOneByTs(ts); if (!isolatedEntry) { console.error("couldn't find word to isolate"); return; } this.setState({ isolatedEntry }); if ( !onlyState && (this.props.location.pathname !== "/word" || getWordId(this.props.location.search) !== ts) ) { this.props.history.push(`/word?id=${isolatedEntry.ts}`); } } // TODO: right now not checking user very often cause it messes with the state? // causes the verb quizzer to reset? private cronJob = new CronJob("1/10 * * * *", () => { this.handleDictionaryUpdate(); this.handleLoadUser(); }); /* istanbul ignore next */ private handleScroll() { if ( hitBottom() && this.props.location.pathname === "/search" && this.state.results.length >= pageSize * this.state.page ) { const page = this.state.page + 1; const moreResults = dictionary.search({ ...this.state, page }); if (moreResults.length > this.state.results.length) { this.setState({ page, results: moreResults, }); } } } private handleInflectionSearch() { function prepValueForSearch( searchValue: string, textOptions: T.TextOptions ): string { const s = revertSpelling(searchValue, textOptions.spelling); return standardizePashto(s.trim()); } this.setState({ inflectionSearchResults: "searching" }); // need timeout to make sure the "searching" notice gets rendered before things lock up for the big search setTimeout(() => { const inflectionSearchResults = searchAllInflections( allEntries(), prepValueForSearch( this.state.searchValue, this.state.options.textOptionsRecord.textOptions ) ); this.setState({ inflectionSearchResults }); }, 20); } private handleGoBack() { this.props.history.goBack(); window.scrollTo(0, 0); } private handleRefreshWordlist() { getWordlist().then((wordlist) => { this.setState({ wordlist }); }); } private handleRefreshReviewTasks() { getAllDocsLocalDb("reviewTasks").then((reviewTasks) => { this.setState({ reviewTasks }); }); } render() { return (
LingDocs Pashto Dictionary {this.state.options.searchBarPosition === "top" && ( )}
{this.state.dictionaryStatus !== "ready" ? ( ) : ( <>

LingDocs Pashto Dictionary

{this.state.options.searchType === "alphabetical" ? ( <> Alphabetical browsing mode ) : ( <> Approximate search mode )}
{this.state.user?.level === "editor" && (
Editor privileges active
New words this {newWordsPeriod}
Phrase Builder Grammar

New Words This {capitalizeFirstLetter(newWordsPeriod)}

{this.state.results.length ? ( ) : (
No new words added this {newWordsPeriod}
{this.state.user?.level === "editor" && ( )} {this.state.user?.level === "editor" && ( )} )}
); } } export default withRouter(App);