#!/bin/bash # updates all necessary package.json files in this monorepo with the latest given version for pashto inflector version=$1 if [ $# -eq 0 ] then version=$(npm show @lingdocs/ps-react version) fi # update all instances of @lingdocs/inflect and @lingdocs/ps-react in various package.json files # in types etc. tmp=$(mktemp) echo $tmp jq --arg version "$version" '.dependencies."@lingdocs/ps-react"=$version' "package.json" > "$tmp" && mv "$tmp" "package.json" # in website tmp=$(mktemp) echo $tmp jq --arg version "$version" '.dependencies."@lingdocs/ps-react"=$version' "website/package.json" > "$tmp" && mv "$tmp" "website/package.json" # in functions tmp=$(mktemp) jq --arg version "$version" '.dependencies."@lingdocs/inflect"=$version' "functions/package.json" > "$tmp" && mv "$tmp" "functions/package.json" # in account tmp=$(mktemp) jq --arg version "$version" '.dependencies."@lingdocs/inflect"=$version' "account/package.json" > "$tmp" && mv "$tmp" "account/package.json" # install to update .lock files cd website && npm install && cd ../functions && npm install && cd ../account && npm install