import { Hono } from "hono"; import { handle } from "hono/aws-lambda"; // wish we could tree shake this! import { google } from "googleapis"; import { sheets } from "@googleapis/sheets"; import { getEntriesFromSheet } from "../lib/spreadsheet-tools"; import { checkForErrors, dictionaryFilename, dictionaryInfoFilename, makeDictionaryObject, makeSitemap, } from "../lib/publishing-helpers"; import { uploader } from "../lib/uploader"; import { S3Client } from "@aws-sdk/client-s3"; import { getEnv } from "../lib/env-helper"; import { cors } from "hono/cors"; // import { getWordList } from "../lib/word-list-maker"; // import { Types as T } from "@lingdocs/inflect"; // const allWordsJsonFilename = "all-words-dictionary2.json"; const app = new Hono(); app.use( cors({ origin: [""], credentials: true }) ); app.get("/publish", async (c) => { // check if caller is authorized as lingdocs admin // might be nicer to abstract this into some middleware const cookie = c.req.header("cookie"); if (!cookie) { c.status(401); return c.json({ ok: false, error: "unauthorized", }); } const r = await fetch("", { headers: { Cookie: cookie }, }); const { ok, user } = await r.json(); if (ok !== true || typeof user !== "object" || !user.admin) { return c.json({ ok: false, error: "unauthorized", }); } const vars = getEnv(c); const auth = new google.auth.GoogleAuth({ credentials: { // IMPORTANT!! have to have key stored in Base64 because of the // weirdness of node handling spaces in the key private_key: Buffer.from( vars.LINGDOCS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY, "base64" ).toString("ascii"), client_email: vars.LINGDOCS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL, }, scopes: [ "", "", ], }); const { spreadsheets } = sheets({ version: "v4", auth, }); const entries = await getEntriesFromSheet({ spreadsheets, spreadsheetId: vars.LINGDOCS_DICTIONARY_SPREADSHEET, }); const errors = checkForErrors(entries); if (errors.length) { return c.json({ ok: false, errors, }); } const dictionary = makeDictionaryObject(entries); const sitemap = makeSitemap(dictionary); // const wordListRes = getWordList(dictionary.entries); // if (!wordListRes.ok) { // return c.json({ // ok: false, // error: "error(s) in creating inflections", // errors: wordListRes.errors, // }); // } // const wordList: T.AllWordsWithInflections = { // info:, // words: wordListRes.wordlist, // }; // got dictionary, now upload it to storage const s3Client = new S3Client({ region: "auto", endpoint: vars.DICT_R2_ENDPOINT, credentials: { accessKeyId: vars.DICT_R2_KEY_ID, secretAccessKey: vars.DICT_R2_KEY_SECRET, }, }); const upload = uploader(vars.DICT_R2_BUCKET, s3Client); const uploadResult = await Promise.all([ upload(JSON.stringify(dictionary), `${dictionaryFilename}.json`), upload(JSON.stringify(, `${dictionaryInfoFilename}.json`), upload(sitemap, `sitemap2.xml`), // upload(JSON.stringify(wordList), allWordsJsonFilename), ]); if (uploadResult.some((res) => res.output.$metadata.httpStatusCode !== 200)) { return c.json({ ok: false, error: "error uploading file(s)", uploadResult, }); } return c.json({ ok: true, info:, }); }); export const handler = handle(app);