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@ -3,6 +3,6 @@
"license": "Copyright © 2023 lingdocs.com All Rights Reserved - Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/",
"url": "https://storage.lingdocs.com/dictionary/dictionary",
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"release": 1703620408255,
"numberOfEntries": 15655
"release": 1703678289008,
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@ -322,7 +322,8 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s
1527819642 بېهو behóo wild, frightened 3 adj.
1527820010 بېهوش behósh without feeling, unconscious, in a faint 4 adj.
1527820011 بېهوشه behósha without feeling, unconscious, in a faint 4 adj.
1577377788698 بېکار bekaar unemployed, unemployment, jobless, useless 4 adj.
1577377788698 بېکار bekáar unemployed, unemployment, jobless, useless, awful 4 adj.
1703659600117 بې کاره be káara unemployed, unemployment, jobless, useless, awful 4 adj. 1
1527818895 بېخوده bekhóoda lost consciousness, fainted, intoxicated, drunk, lost self-control 4 adj.
1527811936 بېخونده bekhwanda tastless, poor, bad, ruined, dull, bland 4 adj.
1527812031 بېل bel separate, different, various 3 adj. 1
@ -651,6 +652,8 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s
1527822756 غونج ghwunj wrinkled, formed into sheaves 2 adj.
1586525868944 غوښتونکی ghwuxtóonkay desiring, seeking, wanting (often used as a suffix) 4 adj.
1527821805 ګرفتار giriftáar seized, caught, taken, arrested 4 adj.
1703654567957 ګرفتارول giriftaarawúl to arrest, catch, seize 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527821805 arrest 1
1703654570833 ګرفتارېدل giriftaaredúl to be arrested, caught, seized 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527821805 be arrested
1595258349109 ګریان giryaan weeping, crying, tearful 3 adj.
1610556377397 ګول gol round, bent, twisted, wry 4 adj. 1
1576100294147 ګوډ gooD lame, crippled 4 adj. 1
@ -667,7 +670,11 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s
1527819773 ګلابي gUlaabee pink 4 adj.
1527819130 ګلالی gUlaaláy pretty, beautiful, lovely, cute, sweet 4 adj.
1619278137418 ګلورین gUlwaréen, gwalwaréen strewn with flowers, lovely 4 adj.
1527819154 ګمراه gUmráah strayed, erring 4 adj. 1
1527819154 ګمراه gUmráah astray, strayed, erring 4 adj. 1
1703658691028 ګمراه کول gUmraah kawúl to lead astray, to cause to err 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527819154 lead, leads, leading, led astray 1
1703658831863 په غلطه لار اړول pu ghalata laar aRawul to lead astray, to cause to err 1
1703658836476 په غلطه لار اوښتل pu ghalata laar awUxtúl to go astray, to err
1703658693877 ګمراه کېدل gUmraah kedúl to go astray, to err 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527819154 go astray
1527812099 ګمرک gUmrUk customs (border) 3 adj. ګمرکات gUmrUkáat
1527812100 ګمرکي gUmrUkee customs (border) 3 adj.
1527814446 ګنده gundá dirty, filthy, unclean, sinful, rotten, stale, rotten, spoiled 4 adj.
@ -1060,7 +1067,7 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s
1594128308150 خسا khUsáa, khsáa foul-smelling, horrible-smelling 4 adj.
1592915562306 خشن khUshún rude, harsh 3 adj.
1527813952 خصوصي khUsoosee particular, private, special, personal 4 adj.
1527818132 خواهش من khwaahish mán wishing, desiring, wanting to 4 adj.
1527818132 خواهش من khwaahish mán wishing, desiring, wanting to, aspiring 4 adj.
1527815083 خواخوږی khwaakhóoGay sympathetic, compassionate, empathetic; sympethizer 4 adj. / n. m. anim. unisex 1
1527812808 خوار khwaar poor, pitiful, miserable, thin 4 adj. 1
1527812809 خوار ځواکی khwaar dzwáakay malnourished, underfed 3 adj.
@ -1212,7 +1219,12 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s
1527816011 مات maat broken, split, defeated 4 adj. 1
1576368612925 ماتل maatal backward, late, hanging back (معطل) ? 3 adj.
1527821435 ماټور maaTawúr with a clean shaven chin 2 adj.
1527821954 مایل maayíl, maaéel inclined, sloping, leaning towards, inclined towards 4 adj.
1527821954 مایل maayíl, maaéel inclined, sloping, leaning towards, inclined towards, attracted 4 adj.
1703659844170 مایلول maayilawul to incline (fig.), attract 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527821954 incline
1703659846882 مایلېدل maayiledul to be inclined (fig.), attracted 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527821954 be inclined
1703659927497 مایله maayíla, maaéela inclined, sloping, leaning towards, inclined towards, attracted 4 adj.
1703659954870 مایله کول maayila kawul to incline (fig.), attract 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1703659927497 incline 1
1703659956540 مایله کېدل maayila kedul to be inclined (fig.), attracted 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1703659927497 be inclined
1527820799 مایوس maayóos disappointed, hopeless, despairing, let down, depressed 4 adj.
1527823215 مبغوز mabghóoz hateful, repulsive, hated 3 adj.
1527818759 مدني madanée civil, civilized, cultured, educated 3 adj.
@ -1221,7 +1233,8 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s
1527822705 مفتوح maftóoh open, opened; conquered, subjugated 1 adj.
1659408512659 مفتون maftóon delighted, enamoured 2 adj.
1527821807 مغلوب maghloob defeated, subjugated, vanquished, enslaved, conquered 4 adj.
1527821812 مغرور maghróor haughty, arrogant, conceited 3 adj.
1527821812 مغرور maghróor arrogant, haughty, conceited 3 adj.
1703654732556 مغروره maghróora arrogant, haughty, conceited 3 adj. 1
1579289629223 مغشوش maghshóosh confused, mixed, disturbed, adulterated, tumultuous 2 adj.
1644247254279 محال maháal impossible 4 adj.
1527815859 محدود mahdood limited, finite, restricted 4 adj.
@ -1259,7 +1272,8 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s
1527818970 منفور manfóor hated, detested, despised 3 adj.
1527813191 منګنی mangunay autumn-like, born in the fall 2 adj.
1527822197 منحوس manhóos sinister, gloomy, dismal 4 adj.
1527812334 منسوب mansoob related, attributed, belonging to, ascribed 3 adj.
1527812334 منسوب mansóob related, attributed, belonging to, ascribed 3 adj.
1703677060351 منصوب mansóob related, attributed, belonging to, ascribed 3 adj.
1576101042011 منصور mansóor triumphant, victorious 2 adj.
1527812037 منطقي mantiqee logical 4 adj.
1527815979 منظره دار manzara daar scenic 2 adj.
@ -1523,7 +1537,9 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s
1527822204 متشدد mUtashadíd violent, fierce, rough, cruel 3 adj.
1527823017 متشکل mUtashakkíl formed, consisting of, made up of 3 adj.
1527820575 متوازن mUtawaazin balanced, symmetric, even, steady, calm, uniform 4 adj.
1527816585 متوجه mUtawajih attentive, attention, turned (towards), directed (towards) 4 adj.
1527816585 متوجه mUtawajíh attentive, attention, turned (towards), directed (towards) 4 adj.
1703676722782 متوجه کول mUtawajih kawúl to get the attention of, attract 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527816585 attract 1
1703676789674 متوجه کېدل mUtawajih kedúl to become attentive, attracted 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527816585 be attracted
1527822594 متوقف mUtawaqíf stopped, halted, standing still 3 adj.
1527823108 متوقع mUtawaqqÚ expected 4 adj.
1527816731 متوسط mUtawassit middle, medium, average 4 adj.
@ -1849,7 +1865,9 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s
1527815201 پټ puT hidden 4 adj. 1
1527817644 پټي پالا puTee paaláa secret, hidden, concealed; disordered, distressed 2 adj.
1527822171 پڅ puts dull, blunt, stupid, crude, rough (پڅه چاړه - a dull knife) 4 adj. 1
1527811305 پښېمانه pxemaana regretful, contrite 4 adj.
1527811305 پښېمانه pxemáana regretful, contrite 4 adj. 1
1703655309874 پښېمانه کېدل pxemaana kedúl to regret, to become regretful, contrite 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527811305 regret 1
1703655315249 پښېمانه کول pxemaana kawúl to make regret, to make regretful, contrite 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527811305 make regret
1527815205 پیاوړی pyaawáRay powerful, strong, great 4 adj.
1527811322 قابل qaabíl worthy, deserving; able, capable, talented 3 adj. 1
1527814893 قادر qaadir able, capable, competent, powerful, mighty (Arabic - religious) 3 adj.
@ -1878,7 +1896,7 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s
1527815209 قیمته qeemata expensive 3 adj.
1527818079 قیمتي qeematée expensive, valuable 4 adj. 1
1527820100 قومي qomee, qaumee national, tribal 4 adj.
1527818597 قدرتي qUdratee natural, naturally, wild 3 adj.
1527818597 قدرتي qUdratée natural, naturally, wild 3 adj.
1527819465 قطبي qUtbee polar 4 adj.
1585477181146 قوتناک qUwatnáak strong, powerful 4 adj.
1656194925657 قوتور qUwatwar strong, powerful 4 adj.
@ -2073,6 +2091,8 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s
1578097019080 شریف sharéef honourable, noble, high, reknown 3 adj. 1
1619278347723 شریر sharéer evil, wicked 4 adj. اشرار ashraar
1527817807 شرمنده sharmandá ashamed, embarrassed, modest, shy 4 adj. 1
1703655517735 شرمنده کول sharmanda kawúl to shame, make embarrased 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527817807 shame
1703655522759 شرمنده کېدل sharmanda kedúl to be ashamed, embarrased 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527817807 be ashamed 1
1527823202 شوقي shawqée, shoqée desirous for something, interested in something, enthusiastic about something 4 adj. 1
1527823203 شوقین shawqéen, shoqéen desirous for something, interested in something, enthusiastic about something 4 adj. 1
1527815265 شین sheen green, blue; unripe, immature; bright, sunny 4 adj. شنه shnu شن shn 1
@ -2147,6 +2167,8 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s
1527814841 سراښ sraax greedy, miserly, stingy 2 adj.
1582316966890 سریښناک sreexnaak sticky, adhesive 4 adj.
1527811301 ستومانه stomáana tired, exhausted, worn out 4 adj. 1
1703655437148 ستومانه کول stomaana kawúl to make tired, to exhaust, to wear out 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527811301 make tired
1703655440540 ستومانه کېدل stomaana kedúl to become tired, to be exhaused, worn out 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527811301 become tired 1
1527819505 ستون stoon returned, returning, being (in a place after returning, coming back etc.), delayed, late, lagging 3 adj. ستانه staanu ستن stan
1527820178 ستونزمن stoonzmán difficult, hard, problematic, fraught with difficulties, tough, awkward 3 adj.
1527820179 ستونزمنه stoonzmána difficult, hard, problematic, fraught with difficulties, tough, awkward 3 adj.
@ -2377,7 +2399,7 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s
1527816608 ودان wadaan prosperous, built, established, populated (کور دې ودان) 4 adj.
1527816266 وفادار wafaadáar faithful, loyal 4 adj. 1
1527815398 وفات wafaat dead, deceased, passed away 4 adj.
1621933529991 وحشتناک wahshatnáak dreadful, terrifying, frightful 4 adj.
1621933529991 وحشتناک wahshatnáak dreadful, terrifying, frightful, awful 4 adj. 1
1527821763 وحشي wahshee wild, savage, barbaric, fierce 4 adj.
1527813009 وژیز wajzeez veined, neural 2 adj.
1527813916 وژونکی wajzóonkay killing, lethal, deadly 4 adj.
@ -2853,7 +2875,8 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s
1527812136 تر tur up to, until; from; than, compared to 4 adpos.
1527815384 تر ... پورې tur ... pore until, up to, up until 4 adpos.
1527815053 ترمنځ turmandz between 4 adpos.
1527812361 پورې póre up to, until, beyond, over, across, on the other side 4 adpos. / adj. 1
1527812361 پورې póre up to, until, beyond, over, across, on the other side; attached 4 adpos. / adj. 1
1703659459308 پورې کول pore kawúl to attach, to make cross over 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527812361 attach 1
1614083674358 عاجلانه aajilaana hurridly, urgently 4 adv.
1527823176 آخود aakhwad surely, naturally, independently 1 adv.
1527821666 آمرانه aamuraana magisterial, authoritative 4 adv.
@ -2906,8 +2929,8 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s
1527816043 بیا هم byaa hum, byaa ham still, even so 4 adv.
1527818081 بیاهم byaahum still, even so, yet 4 adv.
1527816310 چاپېر chaaper round about, around 3 adv.
1527817350 چاپېره chaapera around, surrounding, encompassing 3 adv.
1588781449015 چار چاپېره chaar chaapera around, surrounding, encompassing 4 adv.
1527817350 چاپېره chaapéra around, surrounding, encompassing 3 adv.
1588781449015 چار چاپېره chaar chaapéra around, surrounding, encompassing 4 adv. 1
1527813595 چندان chandaan such, as much, so much, much, as much as, until 2 adv.
1660566212207 چورلټ choorláT completely, totally, wholly 4 adv.
1527820750 چوټ انداز choT andaaz, chooT andaaz ?? at random, haphazardly 2 adv.
@ -3295,6 +3318,7 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s
1702632661929 مخکې کېدل mukhke kedúl to go forward, to get ahead, to advance 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527813915 advance 1
1702632670541 مخکې کول mukhke kawúl to put forward, to put ahead, to advance 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527813915 advance
1527814163 اخوا ákhwaa that side, across 4 loc. adv. 1
1703677663870 آخوا áakhwaa that side, across 4 loc. adv. 1
1702628405691 بل طرف ته búl taraf ta to the other side, across 1
1702628450155 پورې غاړې ته póre ghaaRe ta to the other side, across 1
1527813690 بر bar above, on top 4 loc. adv.
@ -3890,7 +3914,7 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s
1527819146 ډلۍ Dalúy trash bin, garbage bin; manure bag; pile 3 n. f.
1527815956 دم دلاسا dam dilaasaa comfort, affection, consolation 4 n. f.
1527815965 دم سازي dam saazee concord, harmony; intimacy, close friendship 3 n. f.
1527812542 دمه damá break, rest 4 n. f. 1
1527812542 دمه damá break, rest; asthma 4 n. f. 1
1527815961 دمپخته damapukhta chicken pilaf 4 n. f.
1527817468 ډمبره Dambara wasp, hornet, bee 4 n. f.
1527812078 ډنډه DanDá club, stick, bat, shaft; pool, pond 4 n. f. 1
@ -3967,7 +3991,8 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s
1527818019 دوکانداري dookaandaaree shopkeeping, retail store selling 4 n. f.
1650298821954 دوخړه dookhúRa smother, smoulder 2 n. f.
1610795228080 ډوکړه DookRá tambourine 3 n. f.
1527818141 دوړه dooRa dust, powder, sand, sand storm; lie, bragging 3 n. f.
1527818141 دوړه dooRá dust, powder, sand, sand storm 3 n. f.
1703677795788 دوړې dooRé dust (plural of دوړه) 4 n. f. pl. 1
1527818229 دوړه پاکي dooRa paakee vacuum cleaner 4 n. f.
1527816689 دوربیني doorbeenee foresight, ability to see far 4 n. f.
1527812255 دوشنبه dooshamba Monday 4 n. f.
@ -4592,7 +4617,8 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s
1575237318265 کچره kachura mule 4 n. f.
1527814008 کدوچه kadoocha summer squash, vegetable marrow 3 n. f.
1527813745 کډوالي kaDwaalee migration, exile, emmigration 4 n. f.
1527818103 کفاره kafaará atonement, payment for sins, expitiation 3 n. f.
1527818103 کفاره kifaará, kafaará atonement, payment for sins, expitiation, propitiation 3 n. f. 1
1703659327737 کفاره ورکول kifaara warkawúl to give atonement for 3 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527818103 atone for 1
1527816762 کفایتي kafaayatee sufficiency, adequacy, competence 3 n. f.
1586446956682 کږه kaGa hyena (female) 2 n. f.
1527820721 کهه kahá vomit, vomiting, puke, puking 1 n. f.
@ -7248,6 +7274,7 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s
1527812968 بد نیت bad niyat evil intention, bad intention 4 n. m.
1527821023 بډال baDaal haze, mist, twilight; wine, alcoholic drink, anything intoxicating 4 n. m.
1527812478 بدل badál exchange, return, reward, recompense, revenge; song 4 n. m.
1703678034408 بدل اخیستل badál akheestúl to take revenge 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527812478 1
1527811698 بدن badán body; trunk 4 n. m. 1
1527822612 بډبول توب baDbol tób truthfulness, righteousness 1 n. m.
1527814664 بدلون badlóon change, changing, transformation, alteration 4 n. m. 1
@ -7288,7 +7315,8 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s
1527820902 بڼ سات baN sáat gardener 3 n. m.
1527820903 بڼ وال baN waal gardener 3 n. m.
1527812483 بند band joint, wrist; imprisonment, captivity; dam 4 n. m. 1
1527822071 بند و بست band-U-bást organization, arrangement, measure 4 n. m.
1527822071 بند و بست band-U-bást arrangement, organization, measure 4 n. m. 1
1703654319620 بندوبست bandoobást arrangement, organization, measure 4 n. m. 1
1527814391 بنداژ bandaajz bandage, dressing (for wounds); band (metal), binding; tire 4 n. m.
1527812484 بنډار banDaar gathering, get-together, gathering of people talking together 4 n. m.
1527820837 بندر bandár port, harbour; access, approach, pass (mountains); stopping place, parking place, centre for trade 3 n. m.
@ -7766,6 +7794,8 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s
1527815891 ډټ DuT fart (slang) 3 n. m.
1527821792 ډز بند Duz bánd ceasefire (اوربند) 4 n. m.
1527812593 ځان dzaan self 4 n. m.
1703677374217 ځان ساتل dzaan saatúl to avoid (له ... نه), keep away from, protect 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527812593 avoid 1
1703677479248 ځان بچ کول dzaan bach kawul to avoid (له ... نه), keep away from, protect 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527812593 avoid 1
1578190617140 ځاڼی dzáaNay crane (bird) 4 n. m.
1527819270 ځانله والی dzaanla waalay solitude, loneliness, seclusion, unique-ness 3 n. m.
1527817930 ځانمنتوب dzaanmuntob selfishness, egoism, conceit 4 n. m.
@ -8412,6 +8442,7 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s
1527812039 انتقام intiqaam revenge, retribution, reprisal, retaliation 4 n. m.
1527819447 انتساب intisáab relationship, connection, belonging; origin; preface, forward (in a book) 2 n. m.
1527813676 انتظام intizáam organization, orderliness, order, arrangement 4 n. m. 1
1703654396372 انتظام کول intizaam kawúl to organzie, arrange, order 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527813676 organize 1
1527812696 انتظار intizaar waiting 4 n. m.
1527816730 عنوان inwaan title, name 4 n. m.
1527818998 انضباط inzibáat order, discipline 4 n. m.
@ -8978,7 +9009,8 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s
1527822589 خوابدون khwaabadoon sadness, feeling upset 4 n. m.
1586341337438 خوابدون khwaabadoon grief, sadness, sorrow, distress, offense 3 n. m.
1527820717 خواګرځی khwaagurdzáy vomit, vomiting, puke, puking; nausea, sickness 4 n. m.
1527818130 خواهش khwaahísh wish, desire, want, request 4 n. m. خواهشات khwaahisháat 1
1527818130 خواهش khwaahísh wish, desire, want, aspiration, request 4 n. m. خواهشات khwaahisháat 1
1703655817834 خواهش کول khwaahísh kawul to desire, aspire to, wish, want, request 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527818130 desire 1
1527812162 خواشین khwaasheen grief, vexation 3 n. m.
1527814428 خواست khwaast wish, request, supplication, entreaty 4 n. m.
1527811937 خوند khwand taste, flavour, enjoyment, delight 4 n. m. 1
@ -9026,7 +9058,8 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s
1575237149875 کوکی kokáy boy, little boy 4 n. m.
1527811651 کوکنار koknaar opium poppy 4 n. m.
1527812821 کومک komák help, assistance 4 n. m. 1
1702811038885 کومک کول komák kawul to help, assist. 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527812821 help 1
1702811038885 کومک کول komák kawul to help, assist 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527812821 help 1
1703656046453 کومک ورکول komák warkawul to help, assist 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527812821 help 1
1527820832 کونتینر kontaynur container (shipping) n. m.
1527823743 کوچی kóochay young donkey, foal 4 n. m.
1527820191 کوچنیوالی koochneewaalay childhood, smallness 4 n. m.
@ -9893,6 +9926,7 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s
1527817186 نصاب nisaab beginning, basis, origin; plan, program, curriculum; virtue, merit 4 n. m.
1527816184 نثار nisaar scattering, strewing, distribution of money at holiday time (Arabic) 2 n. m.
1527811958 نسبت nisbát relationship, connection, comparison 4 n. m. 1
1703676962809 نسبت ورکول nisbát warkawúl to attribute, make a connection 3 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527811958 attribute 1
1527813026 نشان nishaan sign, mark, medal, badge; taget, aim 4 n. m.
1664025957893 نشست nishást sitting; meeting; settling; sedementation 4 n. m.
1584640345668 نښان nixaan sign, mark, medal, badge; taget, aim 4 n. m.
@ -10759,7 +10793,7 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s
1586956057907 شګون shUgóon omen 3 n. m.
1584692080648 شهرت shUhrát glory, fame 3 n. m.
1584514842043 شجاعت shUjaa'at bravery, courage 4 n. m.
1527819131 شکل shúkul form, shape, figure, appearance, diagram 4 n. m. اشکال ashkáal 1
1527819131 شکل shákul form, shape, figure, appearance, diagram 4 n. m. اشکال ashkáal 1
1527815282 شکر shUkur thanks (be to God) 4 n. m.
1527819140 شمان shumáan garbage, trash 1 n. m.
1527823058 شمول shUmóol inclusion (د دې په شمول - including this) 4 n. m.
@ -11219,7 +11253,8 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s
1527818923 تړموالی taRamwaalay lukewarmness, lack of passion 4 n. m.
1527822886 تړنګ taRáng fastener, clip, tie, tether, brace; fence, enclosure; unassailable cliff 3 n. m.
1527820266 ترشح tarashÚh secretion, discharge, oozing, trickle, seeping; sweating 4 n. m.
1527811699 تربیت tarbiyát upbrining, teaching, training 4 n. m. 1
1527811699 تربیت tarbiyát upbrining, teaching, training, education 4 n. m. 1
1703654526382 تربیت ورکول tarbiyat warkawul to educate, train, teach, bring up 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527811699 train
1527816447 تربور tarboor cousin (paternal uncle's son); rival / enemy (from someone's own relatives/kin) 4 n. m. 1
1582659232364 تردید tărdéed doubt, hesitation, indecision; declining, refusal; refutation 3 n. m.
1527820165 طریقت tareeqát a way, path, group in Sufism, mysticism 4 n. m.
@ -11242,6 +11277,7 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s
1622374673000 ترسیم tarséem image, description, representation, account 2 n. m.
1527811302 ترتاب tartaab regret, sorrow, sadness, grief 4 n. m.
1527811461 ترتیب tartéeb order, arrangement, routine 4 n. m. ترتیبات tarteebáat 1
1703656382796 ترتیب ورکول tartéeb warkawúl to arrange, order, set-up 3 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527811461 arrange 1
1527817564 ترویج tarweej development, spread, implementation, dissemination, inculcation, indoctrination 4 n. m.
1527814924 طرز tarz fashion, mode, manner 3 n. m. 1
1527819030 تصادف tasaadÚf accident, collision, incident, chance, coincidence, encounter 3 n. m.
@ -11697,6 +11733,7 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s
1527814773 یخی yakhay cold, frost, ice 4 n. m.
1594813056075 یمن yăman Yemen 2 n. m.
1527811997 یقین yaqéen belief, faith, trust, assurance, confidence 4 n. m. 1
1703658501041 یقین ورکول yaqéen warkawul to assure, give confidance, give assurance 3 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527811997 assure 1
1527811656 یرغل yarghal attack, offensive 4 n. m.
1527812372 یروشلم yarooshalam Jerusalem 2 n. m.
1527815429 یوازیتوب yawaazeetob lonliness 4 n. m.
@ -13430,7 +13467,7 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s
1579824223049 یو ځای کېدل yo dzaay kedul to be gathered, brought together, come together 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1579824262965 come,comes,coming,came,come together
1581906176268 پخېدل pakhedul to be cooked, prepared, ripened, matured 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1574867531681 cook
1527814768 یخېدل yakhedúl to chill, cool down, freeze 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527815434 cool down 1
1527814169 پورې کېدل pore kedul to cross, traverse, go to the other side 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527812361 cross
1527814169 پورې کېدل pore kedul to cross, traverse, go to the other side; to be attached 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527812361 cross
1578769553469 کمېدل kamedúl to decrease, become small, become less 3 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1578769492475 decrease
1589640142987 ورکېدل wrukedul to get lost, disappear 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527814373 dissapear
1527817257 ډوبېدل Doobedúl to drown, sink, dissapear, be submerged 3 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527817256 drown 1
@ -15068,7 +15105,8 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s
1527814619 لاس پرې نیول laas pre neewul to protect, guard, defend, shield, cover, keep 4 لاس پرې نیس laas pre nees
1527816644 لاس په کار کېدل laas pu kaar kedul to get involved, do something, be active 3
1527818666 لاس په لاس کول laas pu laas kawul to share 3
1527817358 لاس وروړل laas wărwRul to touch 4
1527817358 لاس وروړل laas wărwRul to touch 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527812849 touch
1703655963456 لاس ورکول laas warkawul to assist, help out 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527812849 help out 1
1527813102 لاسپلاس laaspulaas from hand to hand; for cash; without delay, at once 4
1527818315 لاسته راوړل laasta raawRul to gain, achieve, win, acquire 3
1591900000404 لاته láata three ___ ago (لاته وړم کال - three years ago, لاته وړمه شپه, three nights ago) 2
@ -15426,8 +15464,10 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s
1693130535222 تیتانوس teetaanóos tetanus n. m.
1693134732282 پر نفس اعتماد pur nafs itimáad self-esteem, self-confidence n. m.
1693211582655 ثانوي saanawée secondary adj.
1693325822127 منسوبول mansoobawul to attribute, to make related to, to ascribe v. stat. comp. trans. 1527812334
1693325867620 منسوبېدل mansoobedul to be attributed to, to become related to v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527812334
1693325822127 منسوبول mansoobawúl to attribute, to make related to, to ascribe v. stat. comp. trans. 1527812334 attribute 1
1693325867620 منسوبېدل mansoobedul to be attributed to, to become related to v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527812334 be attributed
1703677116009 منصوبول mansoobawúl to attribute, to make related to, to ascribe v. stat. comp. trans. 1703677060351 attribute 1
1703677119319 منصوبېدل mansoobedul to be attributed to, to become related to v. stat. comp. intrans. 1703677060351 be attributed
1693473586845 کاړ kaaR gravel n. m. pl.
1693473715282 کرېړ kreR asphalt n. m.
1693768563828 ټېک ټاکر Tek Taakur TikToker n. m. anim. unisex
@ -15535,6 +15575,7 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s
1702798123350 چاق chaaq agile, quick, nimble, lively adj. 1
1702798146878 لچکدار lachakdáar agile, quick, nimble, lively adj. 1
1702798440122 امداد imdáad help, assistance, aid n. m. 1
1703652600231 امداد کول imdáad kawul to help, assist, aid v. dyn. comp. trans. 1702798440122 help 1
1702798603662 راضي نامه raazee naamá agreement (in writing) n. f. 1
1702798668750 لوظ نامه loz naamá, lauz naamá agreement (in writing) n. f. 1
1702798778904 شیش sheesh aim (a gun) n. m. 1
@ -15653,4 +15694,48 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s
1702971906978 په کار لګول pu kaar lugawul to employ, hire 1
1702971916988 په کار لګېدل pu kaar lugedul to be employed, hired
1703598786051 معمولي mamoolée ordinary, usual adj.
1703620384032 وینلړلی weenlaRúlay blood-stained, blood-soaked adj.
1703620384032 وینلړلی weenlaRúlay blood-stained, blood-soaked adj.
1703652309597 فوج foj, fauj army, military n. m. 1
1703652338864 فوځ fodz, faudz army, military n. m. 1
1703652356284 فوجي fojée, faujée army, military adj.
1703652373553 فوځي fodzée, faudzée army, military adj.
1703652439518 فوجی fojáy, faujáy soldier n. m. anim. unisex
1703652448816 فوځی fodzáy, faudzáy soldier n. m. anim. unisex
1703652523268 ګرفتاري giriftaarée arrest, seizing, capture n. f. 1
1703652733216 یره yára fear n. f. 1
1703653965194 وسله بند wasla bánd armed adj. 1
1703654004360 ترخ trukh armpit 1
1703654053023 زره بکتر zara buktár armour n. m. 1
1703654228070 ګیر چاپېره géer chaapéra around, all around, surrounding loc. adv. 1
1703654685931 رسېدنه rasedúna apprehension, understanding, arrival n. f. 1
1703654820478 لویي مار loyee máar arrogant, conceited, haughty adj. 1
1703654855824 وسله خانه wasla khaaná arsenal, armoury, ammunitions depot n. f. 1
1703654894284 مصوري mUsawirée art (fine), painting (art) n. f. 1
1703654971141 د انسان جوړ du insaan joR man-made adj. 1
1703655042978 غیر قدرتي ghayr-e-qUdratée non-natural, artificial, man-made adj. 1
1703655099685 هغه شان hagha shaan exactly, like this, this way adv. 1
1703655142134 بره تلل bara tlul to ascent, go up 1
1703655158705 اوچت ختل oochat khatul to ascent, go up 1
1703655200604 چړایي chuRaayée ascent, hill, slope n. f. 1
1703655652226 ایشیا ayshyáa Asia n. f. 1
1703655656516 ایشیایي ayshyaayée Asian adj. 1
1703655736803 ډډې ته کېدل DaDe ta kedul to move aside 1
1703658430448 امداد کوونکی imdaad kawóonkay helper, assistant n. m. anim. unisex / adj. 1
1703658589577 د ساه لنډۍ مرض du saah lunDuy maraz asthma 1
1703658917785 نجومي nujoomée astrologer n. m. anim. unisex 1
1703658946956 نجوم nujoom astrology
1703658985882 د ستورو او سیارو علم du storo aw sayaaro í'lum astronomy 1
1703659244023 کهلاړي khilaaRée athlete, sports player (Urdu) n. m. anim. unisex TRUE 1
1703659285348 ایټم ayTúm atom n. m. 1
1703659526537 ورښتنه wuruxtúna attack n. m. 1
1703659543467 اټک aTák attack n. m. 1
1703659703412 دهشتناک dahshatnáak dreadful, terrifying, frightful, awful adj. 1
1703677987717 زړه راښکون zRu raaxkóon attraction n. m. 1
1703678005522 د راښکلو طاقت du raaxkulo taaqat attraction n. m. 1
1703660045698 خوش شکل khoosh shákul attractive, good-looking adj. 1
1703660219164 باتینګړ baateengúR eggplant, aubergine n. m. 1
1703676868695 جاذب نظر jaazíb nazár attractive adj. 1
1703676914519 خوی خصلت khooy khaslát attribute, character n. m. 1
1703678014489 ناظرین naazréen attendees, viewers n. m. pl. 1
1703677313950 اوسط awsát average n. m. 1
1703677560255 اعزاز izáaz honor, distinction, honorific title n. m. 1
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