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{"title":"LingDocs Pashto Dictionary","license":"Copyright © 2024 lingdocs.com All Rights Reserved - Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","url":"https://storage.lingdocs.com/dictionary/dictionary","infoUrl":"https://storage.lingdocs.com/dictionary/dictionary-info","release":1733389019999,"numberOfEntries":18524}
{"title":"LingDocs Pashto Dictionary","license":"Copyright © 2024 lingdocs.com All Rights Reserved - Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","url":"https://storage.lingdocs.com/dictionary/dictionary","infoUrl":"https://storage.lingdocs.com/dictionary/dictionary-info","release":1733521350918,"numberOfEntries":18529}
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1586373724280 سوځېدنه swadzedúna burn, burning 4 n. f. 2
1527814144 سوکه swaka charred log 2 n. f.
1527816506 سوره swara a daughter or girl given away in marriage as retribution, ransom, in exchange 4 n. f.
1586634603690 سونه swúna horse fly 2 n. f.
1527821755 سیالنګي syaalingée scurvy 3 n. f.
1586634603690 سونه swúna horse fly 2 n. f. anim. 2
1527821755 سیالنګي syaalingée scurvy 3 n. f. 2
1527823408 طعام خانه ta'aam khaana dining room, mess hall, cafeteria 3 n. f.
1527821925 تعبیه ta'biyá arrangement, preparation 2 n. f.
1527819579 تعرفه ta'rUfá tariff; bill of fare; timetable, schedule; list 4 n. f.
1527820646 تعزیري ta'zeerée not given in the Sharia but decided by the judge himself (for punishment) 4 n. f.
1527813737 تابع داري taabi daaree subordination, devotion, obedience, readiness to serve 4 n. f.
1527821501 تادي taadée hurry, rush, quickness, swiftness (په تادۍ کېدل - to be in a rush) 4 n. f. 1
1714820239710 تادي کول taadée kawúl to hurry, rush, be quick v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527821501 hurry 1
1664030120919 تادیه taadiya payment 2 n. f.
1527821024 تاکداري taakdaaree viticulture, viniculture, grapevine cultivation for producing wine 4 n. f.
1527813395 ټاکنه Taakúna assignment, establishment, appointment; election, elections 4 n. f. 1
1527821575 ټاکنده Taakunda peak, high point 2 n. f.
1527821925 تعبیه ta'biyá arrangement, preparation 2 n. f. 2
1527819579 تعرفه ta'rUfá tariff; bill of fare; timetable, schedule; list 4 n. f. 2
1527820646 تعزیري ta'zeerée not given in the Sharia but decided by the judge himself (for punishment) 4 n. f. 2
1527813737 تابع داري taabi' daarée subordination, devotion, obedience, readiness to serve 4 n. f. 2
1527821501 تادي taadée hurry, rush, quickness, swiftness (په تادۍ کېدل - to be in a rush) 4 n. f. 3
1714820239710 تادي کول taadée kawúl to hurry, rush, be quick v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527821501 hurry 3
1664030120919 تادیه taadiyá payment 2 n. f. 2
1527821024 تاکداري taakdaarée viticulture, viniculture, grapevine cultivation for producing wine 4 n. f. 2
1527813395 ټاکنه Taakúna assignment, establishment, appointment; election, elections 4 n. f. 3
1527821575 ټاکنده Táakunda peak, high point 2 n. f. 2
1527816602 ټاکۍ Taakúy patch (on leather, footwear, etc.); cork; boil; overfed; 4 n. f.
1527820348 تاله taalá small stream, brook, shallow gully 4 n. f.
1577398506018 تالا taalaa loot, plunder 4 n. f.
1675282068827 تالاشي taalaashee searching, search, exploration, investigation 3 n. f.
1592642905146 تالي taalee dish 4 n. f.
1527819638 تالنده táalunda thunder 4 n. f.
1527813289 تامبه taamba copper 4 n. f.
1588152348016 تاڼه taaNa police station 4 n. f.
1527822268 ټانګه Taangá carriage, buggy 4 n. f. 1
1527820734 ټانټه TaanTa stem, stalk (of corn), cane; an ear of corn 4 n. f.
1527819663 ټاپه Taapá stamp, seal, mark, trace design (embroidery) 4 n. f. 1
1715427748515 ټاپه لګول Taapá lagawúl to stamp 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527819663 stamp 1
1527819272 ټاپو وزمه Taapoo wázma penninsula 3 n. f.
1527822162 طاقچه taaqchá shelf, niche, bay 3 n. f.
1527822438 تاقچه taaqchá shelf, niche (تاخچه) 3 n. f.
1527817141 تاړي taaRee clapping, applause, cheering 4 n. f.
1527813612 تاریخي taareekhée historical 4 n. f. 1
1527817138 تاړۍ taaRúy clapping, applause, cheering 4 n. f.
1527822710 تاوخانه taawkhaaná heating device placed under the floor 4 n. f.
1571841394816 ټایي Taayée tie, necktie (نېکټايي) 2 n. f. 1
1527813185 طایفه taayfa tribe, clan, sect 3 n. f.
1586451609725 طایفه taayfá tribe, clan, group, sect 4 n. f.
1527816826 تبادله tabaadUla exchange 4 n. f.
1527817325 تباهي tabaahée destruction, ruin, death 4 n. f. 1
1527813180 طبقه tabaqá class, stratum, layer 2 n. f. 1
1527813188 طبقه بندي tabaqa bandee classification 3 n. f.
1527815036 طبقه بندي tabaqa bandee classification 3 n. f.
1527811810 طبیعت پرستي tabiyat parastee naturalism 3 n. f.
1527820172 تبله tablá tabla (type of Indian drums) 3 n. f.
1527811420 تبصره tabsirá note, comment, commentary, explanation, clarification 4 n. f. 1
1527820348 تاله taalá small stream, brook, shallow gully 4 n. f. 2
1577398506018 تالا taaláa loot, plunder 4 n. f. 2
1675282068827 تالاشي taalaashée searching, search, exploration, investigation 3 n. f. 2
1592642905146 تالي taalée dish 4 n. f. 2
1527819638 تالنده táalunda thunder 4 n. f. 2
1527813289 تامبه taambá copper 4 n. f. 2
1588152348016 تاڼه taaNá police station 4 n. f. 2
1527822268 ټانګه Taangá, Táanga carriage, buggy 4 n. f. 3
1527820734 ټانټه TaanTá stem, stalk (of corn), cane; an ear of corn 4 n. f. 2
1527819663 ټاپه Taapá stamp, seal, mark, trace design (embroidery) 4 n. f. 3
1715427748515 ټاپه لګول Taapá lagawúl to stamp 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527819663 stamp 3
1527819272 ټاپو وزمه Taapoo wázma penninsula 3 n. f. 2
1527822162 طاقچه taaqchá shelf, niche, bay 3 n. f. 2
1527822438 تاقچه taaqchá shelf, niche (تاخچه) 3 n. f. 2
1527817141 تاړي taaRée clapping, applause, cheering 4 n. f. 2
1527813612 تاریخي taareekhée historical 4 n. f. 3
1527817138 تاړۍ taaRúy clapping, applause, cheering 4 n. f. 2
1527822710 تاوخانه taawkhaaná heating device placed under the floor 4 n. f. 2
1571841394816 ټایي Taayée tie, necktie (نېکټايي) 2 n. f. 3
1527813185 طایفه taayfá tribe, clan, sect 3 n. f. 2
1586451609725 طایفه taayfá tribe, clan, group, sect 4 n. f. 2
1527816826 تبادله tabaadUlá, tabaadilá exchange 4 n. f. 2
1527817325 تباهي tabaahée destruction, ruin, death 4 n. f. 3
1527813180 طبقه tabaqá class, stratum, layer 2 n. f. 3
1527813188 طبقه بندي tabaqa bandée classification 3 n. f. 2
1527815036 طبقه بندي tabaqa bandée classification 3 n. f. 2
1527811810 طبیعت پرستي tabiyat parastée naturalism 3 n. f. 2
1527820172 تبله tablá tabla (type of Indian drums) 3 n. f. 2
1527811420 تبصره tabsirá note, comment, commentary, explanation, clarification 4 n. f. 3
1527821853 تبنه tabúna massage (with ointment), application of poultice 3 n. f.
1527816614 تداوي tadaawee treatment, therapy 4 n. f.
1588162032311 تداوي tadaawee treatment, therapy (medical) 3 n. f.
1527823554 تفریح ګاه tafreeh gáah resort 4 n. f.
1527813795 تفرېح tafreh entertainment, recreation, amusement 4 n. f.
1610797742078 تفرقه tafriqá division, separation 4 n. f.
1527821813 ټګي Tagée deception, deceit, trick, trickery 4 n. f. 1
1708189220191 ټګي کول Tagée kawul to deceive, cheat, trick 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527821813 deceive 1
1527821814 ټګي برګي Tagee bragee fraud, cheat, deception, swindling, trickery 4 n. f.
1566471721828 تغذیه taghziyá nourishment, feeding, digestion 4 n. f.
1527819450 تګلاره taglaara policy, guideline, course of action 4 n. f.
1527816614 تداوي tadaawée treatment, therapy 4 n. f. 2
1588162032311 تداوي tadaawée treatment, therapy (medical) 3 n. f. 2
1527823554 تفریح ګاه tafreeh gáah resort 4 n. f. 2
1527813795 تفرېح tafréh entertainment, recreation, amusement 4 n. f. 2
1610797742078 تفرقه tafriqá division, separation 4 n. f. 2
1527821813 ټګي Tagée deception, deceit, trick, trickery 4 n. f. 3
1708189220191 ټګي کول Tagée kawúl to deceive, cheat, trick 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527821813 deceive 3
1527821814 ټګي برګي Tagee bragée fraud, cheat, deception, swindling, trickery 4 n. f. 2
1566471721828 تغذیه taghziyá nourishment, feeding, digestion 4 n. f. 2
1527819450 تګلاره tagláara policy, guideline, course of action 4 n. f. 2
1527821816 ټګماري Tagmaaree deceit, cheating, swindling, trickery 4 n. f.
1527821511 تحسین نامه tahseen naama certificate of merit 4 n. f.
1527819053 تجزیه taj`ziya analysis, examination, separation, decomposition 4 n. f.
1527815329 تجربه tajribá, tajrabá experience 4 n. f. تجارب tajaarib 1
1712920477834 تجربه کول tajraba kawúl to experience 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527815329 experience 1
1527816979 ټکانه Takaana dimensions, extent, size, border, limit 4 n. f.
1527821511 تحسین نامه tahseen naamá certificate of merit 4 n. f. 2
1527819053 تجزیه taj`ziyá analysis, examination, separation, decomposition 4 n. f. 2
1527815329 تجربه tajribá, tajrabá, tajrUbá experience 4 n. f. تجارب tajaarib 3
1712920477834 تجربه کول tajraba kawúl, tajrUba kawúl to experience 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527815329 experience 3
1527816979 ټکانه Takaana dimensions, extent, size, border, limit 4 n. f. 2
1664091454895 تخطي takhattée infringement, encroachment, aggression; mistake, error 2 n. f.
1527813322 تخلیه takhliya evacuation, unloading 4 n. f.
1527820122 تخته takhtá board, plank 4 n. f. 1
1527816285 تکیه takiya support, pillow, head of bead, rest, prop, leaning 4 n. f.
1527815970 تکیه ګاه takiya gaah airbase, beachheaad, post 4 n. f.
1527814066 ټکنالوژۍ Taknaalojzúy technology 4 n. f.
1527817004 تکراري takraaree repetition, repetitive, redundant 4 n. f.
1589465765743 ټکسره Taksára sparrow, small bird 2 n. f.
1621886030796 ټکسي Taksée taxi 4 n. f.
1527821574 ټکنده Takunda peak, high point 4 n. f.
1527813322 تخلیه takhliyá evacuation, unloading 4 n. f. 2
1527820122 تخته takhtá board, plank 4 n. f. 3
1527816285 تکیه takiyá support, pillow, head of bead, rest, prop, leaning 4 n. f. 2
1527815970 تکیه ګاه takiya gáah airbase, beachheaad, post 4 n. f. 2
1527814066 ټکنالوژۍ Taknaalojzúy, Tiknaalojzúy technology 4 n. f.
1733474082692 ټکنالوژي Taknaalojzée, Tiknaalojzée technology 4 n. f. 2
1527817004 تکراري takraarée, tikraarée repetition, repetitive, redundant 4 n. f. 2
1589465765743 ټکسره Taksára, Tiksára sparrow, small bird 2 n. f. 2
1621886030796 ټکسي Taksée taxi 4 n. f. 2
1527821574 ټکنده Tákunda peak, high point 4 n. f. 2
1527817144 ټکوهنه Takwahuna beating, battering up, shaking up, driving in, clapping 4 n. f.
1527821209 تله tála sole (of the foot) 4 n. f. 1
1527818104 تلافي talaafee recompensation, compensation, making up for something, paying back 4 n. f.
1527816492 تلاکۍ talaakúy divorced wife 4 n. f.
1527821246 تلاشي talaashée searching, search, exploration, investigation 4 n. f.
1527819993 طلب ګاري talab gaarée marriage brokerage, proposing a man as a husband 3 n. f.
1527822972 ټلۍ Talúy, Tulúy ring, bell, doorbell, ringing, alarm 4 n. f.
1714813268238 ټلۍ وهل Talúy wahúl to ring, ring a doorbell, sound an alarm v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527822972 ring 1
1527818298 ټلواله Talwaalá alliance, league, marriage, wedding ring 3 n. f.
1527818297 ټلوالي Talwaalée alliance, league, marriage, wedding ring 3 n. f.
1527817285 تلوسه talwasa longing, craving, yearning, desire 4 n. f.
1527821661 طمعه tam'a expectation 3 n. f.
1527815332 تمه táma expectation, anticipation 4 n. f. 1
1712744017267 تمه لرل táma larul to expect, anticipate 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527815332 1
1527822400 تمانچه tamaanchá pistol, handgun, gun 4 n. f. 1
1527818459 تمنا tamannáa desire, wish, request 4 n. f.
1527813220 تمبه tamba bolt, bar, lock; shutter; crowd, throng 4 n. f.
1527820374 ټمبه Tambá assemblage, gathering, throng; constipation; bolt, bar, lock 4 n. f.
1527821209 تله tála sole (of the foot) 4 n. f. 3
1527818104 تلافي talaafée recompensation, compensation, making up for something, paying back 4 n. f. 2
1527816492 تلاکۍ talaakúy divorced wife 4 n. f. anim. 2
1527821246 تلاشي talaashée searching, search, exploration, investigation 4 n. f. 2
1527819993 طلب ګاري talab gaarée marriage brokerage, proposing a man as a husband 3 n. f. 2
1527822972 ټلۍ Talúy, Tulúy ring, bell, doorbell, ringing, alarm 4 n. f. 2
1714813268238 ټلۍ وهل Talúy wahúl to ring, ring a doorbell, sound an alarm v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527822972 ring 3
1527818298 ټلواله Talwaalá, Talwáala alliance, league, marriage, wedding ring 3 n. f. 2
1527818297 ټلوالي Talwaalée alliance, league, marriage, wedding ring 3 n. f. 2
1527817285 تلوسه talwasá longing, craving, yearning, desire 4 n. f. 2
1527821661 طمعه tám'a expectation 3 n. f. 2
1527815332 تمه táma expectation, anticipation 4 n. f. 3
1712744017267 تمه لرل táma larúl to expect, anticipate 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527815332 3
1527822400 تمانچه tamaanchá, tUmaanchá pistol, handgun, gun 4 n. f. 3
1527818459 تمنا tamanáa desire, wish, request 4 n. f. 2
1527813220 تمبه tambá bolt, bar, lock; shutter; crowd, throng 4 n. f. 2
1527820374 ټمبه Tambá assemblage, gathering, throng; constipation; bolt, bar, lock 4 n. f. 2
1527818711 ټمبلي Tambalee laziness 4 n. f.
1527820182 تنبلي tambalee, tanbalée laziness 4 n. f.
1614168966150 تمغه tamghá medal 4 n. f.
1527822282 تنه taná body, frame, torso, trunk; fuselage (airplane); hull (ship) 4 n. f.
1527814548 تڼاکه taNáaka blister, callus, corn 4 n. f. 1
1527820182 تنبلي tambalee, tanbalée laziness 4 n. f. 2
1614168966150 تمغه tamghá medal 4 n. f. 2
1527822282 تنه taná body, frame, torso, trunk; fuselage (airplane); hull (ship) 4 n. f. 2
1527814548 تڼاکه taNáaka blister, callus, corn 4 n. f. 3
1586266350112 تنبیه tanbéeh teaching, warning, caution, reminder 4 n. f.
1527816000 ټنډه TanDá forehead, brow 3 n. f.
1578704593901 تندار tandaar aunt (paternal uncle's wife) 4 n. f.
1527816451 تنداره tandaara, tindaara aunt (paternal uncle's wife) 4 n. f.
1527816622 تندره tandara eclipse, disaster?? 0 n. f.
1527821588 تندي tandee swiftness, speed; harshness, causticity, rudeness 4 n. f.
1527816000 ټنډه TanDá, TánDa forehead, brow 3 n. f. 2
1578704593901 تندار tandáar, tindáar aunt (paternal uncle's wife) 4 n. f. anim. 2
1527816451 تنداره tandáara, tindáara aunt (paternal uncle's wife) 4 n. f. anim. 2
1527816622 تندره tandára eclipse, disaster?? 0 n. f. 2
1527821588 تندي tandée swiftness, speed; harshness, causticity, rudeness 4 n. f. 2
1527818992 تندره tándra eclipse (solar, lunar) 2 n. f.
1527817896 تندروستي tanduroostee, tandrUstee health, well-being 3 n. f.
1527816450 تندیاره tandyaara aunt (paternal uncle's wife) 3 n. f.
1574354537060 تنګ دستي tang dastee poverty, stinginess 4 n. f.
1574354492216 تنګدستي tangdastee poverty, stinginess 4 n. f.
1527819237 تنګلاسي tanglaasee poverty, need 4 n. f.
1527817896 تندروستي tanduroostée, tandrUstée health, well-being 3 n. f. 2
1527816450 تندیاره tandyáara aunt (paternal uncle's wife) 3 n. f. anim. 2
1574354537060 تنګ دستي tang dastée poverty, stinginess 4 n. f. 2
1574354492216 تنګدستي tangdastée poverty, stinginess 4 n. f. 2
1527819237 تنګلاسي tanglaasée poverty, need 4 n. f. 2
1527816666 ټنګره Tangrá slice, slab, section, part 4 n. f.
1644870095945 تنګسه tangsa difficult situation, poverty, dire straits 4 n. f.
1644870127510 تنګسیا tangsiyaa difficult situation, poverty, dire straits 4 n. f.
1578757499229 تنخوا tankhwáa, tankháa salary, wage, pay 4 n. f. 1
1610616965242 تنتنا tantanáa shouts, pomp, cries, news, echo 4 n. f.
1527816745 تڼۍ taNúy lace, string, ribbon, band, belt, strap, button 4 n. f. 1
1527815078 تنظیمیه tanzeemiya organizationally committee 4 n. f.
1585398406960 ټپه Tapá tappa (form of poetry/singing); note; playing card; working of miracles 4 n. f.
1527819662 ټپه ټغره Tápa Taghára destitution, extreme poverty (پر چا ټپه ټغره کېدل) 3 n. f.
1527822401 تپانچه tapaanchá pistol, handgun, gun 4 n. f.
1610012981517 تپېړه tapéRa slap, smack, insult 4 n. f.
1527819667 ټپۍ Tapúy pressed dung for fuel use 4 n. f.
1527814640 تقاضا taqaazaa demand 4 n. f.
1527815881 تقبیح taqbeeh condemnation, criticism, censure 3 n. f.
1527818891 تقدیر نامه taqdeer naama certificate of achievement or good progress (school) 4 n. f.
1527823431 تقسیم بندي taqseem bundee division 4 n. f.
1577501042770 تقویٰ taqwáa piety, holiness, fear of God, virtue 4 n. f.
1527821086 تقویه taqwiyá strengthening, reinforcing, development 4 n. f.
1644870095945 تنګسه tangsa, tangúsa difficult situation, poverty, dire straits 4 n. f. 2
1644870127510 تنګسیا tangsyáa difficult situation, poverty, dire straits 4 n. f. 2
1578757499229 تنخوا tankhwáa, tankháa salary, wage, pay 4 n. f. 3
1610616965242 تنتنا tantanáa shouts, pomp, cries, news, echo 4 n. f. 2
1527816745 تڼۍ taNúy lace, string, ribbon, band, belt, strap, button 4 n. f. 3
1527815078 تنظیمیه tanzeemiyá organizationally committee 4 n. f. 2
1585398406960 ټپه Tapá tappa (form of poetry/singing); note; playing card; working of miracles 4 n. f. 2
1527819662 ټپه ټغره Tápa Taghára destitution, extreme poverty (پر چا ټپه ټغره کېدل) 3 n. f. 2
1527822401 تپانچه tapaanchá pistol, handgun, gun 4 n. f. 2
1610012981517 تپېړه tapéRa, tapeRá slap, smack, insult 4 n. f. 2
1527819667 ټپۍ Tapúy pressed dung for fuel use 4 n. f. 2
1527814640 تقاضا taqaazáa demand 4 n. f. 2
1527815881 تقبیح taqbeeh condemnation, criticism, censure 3 n. f. 2
1527818891 تقدیر نامه taqdeer naamá certificate of achievement or good progress (school) 4 n. f. 2
1527823431 تقسیم بندي taqseem bundée division 4 n. f. 2
1577501042770 تقویٰ taqwáa piety, holiness, fear of God, virtue 4 n. f. 2
1527821086 تقویه taqwiyá strengthening, reinforcing, development 4 n. f. 2
1527816406 تره tara a kind of musk melon 4 n. f.
1592560283817 تړه táRa promise, obligation, condition 4 n. f.
1644240879630 ترانه taraaná song, hymn, anthem 4 n. f.
1612618625417 تراشه taraashá shaving, filing, bit of something 2 n. f.
1527823550 ترازو taraazóo scale, balance 4 n. f.
1527818216 طرفداري tarafdaarée supporting, defending,adherence, picking a side, favoritism 4 n. f. 1
1527818352 ترګمۍ taragmúy dark night, moonless night, darkness (Western form of تروږمۍ) 4 n. f.
1592560283817 تړه táRa promise, obligation, condition 4 n. f. 2
1644240879630 ترانه taraaná song, hymn, anthem 4 n. f. 2
1612618625417 تراشه traashá shaving, filing, bit of something 2 n. f. 2
1527823550 ترازو taraazóo scale, balance 4 n. f. 2
1527818216 طرفداري tarafdaarée supporting, defending,adherence, picking a side, favoritism 4 n. f. 3
1527818352 ترګمۍ taragmúy dark night, moonless night, darkness (Western form of تروږمۍ) 4 n. f. 2
1585226308770 ترکه taraká, tarká heritage, inheritance, inherited property, succesion, series 4 n. f.
1527818922 تړمتیا taRamtiyaa lukewarmness, lack of passion 4 n. f.
1527814927 طریقه tareeqá way, method, manner, technique 4 n. f. 1
1527818922 تړمتیا taRamtyáa lukewarmness, lack of passion 4 n. f. 2
1527814927 طریقه tareeqá way, method, manner, technique 4 n. f. 3
1527821628 ترفیع tarfée' promotion 4 n. f.
1527816589 طرح tarha plan 3 n. f.
1527822280 طرحه tarha plan 3 n. f.
1527815482 ترها tarhaa fear, fright, anxiety, alarm 4 n. f.
1527818010 ترهګري tarhagáree terrorism 4 n. f.
1527816589 طرح tárha plan 3 n. f. 2
1527822280 طرحه tárha plan 3 n. f. 2
1527815482 ترها tarháa fear, fright, anxiety, alarm 4 n. f. 2
1527818010 ترهګري tarhagáree, tarhagarée terrorism 4 n. f. 2
1585226418259 ترکه tariká twig, shoot (of a tree) 2 n. f.
1527818744 ترکاڼي tarkaaNée, trakaaNée carpentry 4 n. f. 1
1663856014623 ترکاري tarkaarée vegetables 4 n. f. 1
1527814547 ترخه tarkha split, crack 3 n. f.
1527816448 ترله tarla cousin (paternal uncle's daughter) 4 n. f.
1527816418 ترنه انا tarna anaa great-grandmother 4 n. f.
1527821179 تړنه taRúna binding, linking, reinforcement, connection, closing, covering 4 n. f.
1527814316 ترقي taruqqée progress, development, advancement 4 n. f. 1
1709219258407 ترقي کول taruqée kawúl to progress, advance 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527814316 progress 1
1709219262898 ترقي ورکول taruqee warkawul to develop, cause to advance and make progress 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527814316 develop 1
1527815337 تسلي tasalée, tasallée consolation, comfort, satisfaction, reassurance 4 n. f.
1715074253251 تسلي کول tasalée kawúl to console, comfort, satisfy, reassure 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527815337 console 1
1527818744 ترکاڼي tarkaaNée, trakaaNée carpentry 4 n. f. 3
1663856014623 ترکاري tarkaarée vegetables 4 n. f. 3
1527814547 ترخه tarkhá split, crack 3 n. f. 2
1527816448 ترله tarlá, tarlú cousin (paternal uncle's daughter) 4 n. f. anim. 2
1527816418 ترنه انا tarna anáa, trana anáa great-grandmother 4 n. f. 2
1527821179 تړنه taRúna binding, linking, reinforcement, connection, closing, covering 4 n. f. 2
1527814316 ترقي taruqqée, taruqée progress, development, advancement 4 n. f. 3
1709219258407 ترقي کول taruqée kawúl to progress, advance 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527814316 progress 3
1709219262898 ترقي ورکول taruqée warkawúl to develop, cause to advance and make progress 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527814316 develop 3
1527815337 تسلي tasalée, tasallée consolation, comfort, satisfaction, reassurance 4 n. f. 2
1715074253251 تسلي کول tasalée kawúl to console, comfort, satisfy, reassure 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527815337 console 3
1708189702665 تسله tasallá consolation, comfort, satisfaction, reassurance 3 n. f.
1708189718575 تسلي ورکول tasallée warkawúl to comfort, console, reassure 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527815337 comfort 1
1708189722761 تسله ورکول tasallá warkawúl to comfort, console, reassure 3 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1708189702665 comfort 1
1622278360517 تصفیه tasfiya clarification, removal, purification, refinement 2 n. f.
1527816794 تشریح tashreeh explanation, description, dissection, comment 4 n. f.
1622278360517 تصفیه tasfiyá clarification, removal, purification, refinement 2 n. f. 2
1527816794 تشریح tashréeh explanation, description, dissection, comment 4 n. f. 2
1527814201 تسکره taskara chair, litter, stretcher 4 n. f.
1613547737263 تسلیمي tasleemee surrender 4 n. f.
1527817232 تسمه tasmá strip of leather, belt, strap, shoelace 4 n. f. 1
1585486750021 تسپه taspá Muslim prayer bead/beads 4 n. f.
1527821265 تصریح tasreeh explanation; clear; precise 4 n. f.
1527823151 تواضع tawaazÚ' humility, meekness 4 n. f.
1613547737263 تسلیمي tasleemée surrender 4 n. f. 2
1527817232 تسمه tasmá strip of leather, belt, strap, shoelace 4 n. f. 3
1585486750021 تسپه taspá Muslim prayer bead/beads 4 n. f. 2
1527821265 تصریح tasréeh explanation; clear; precise 4 n. f. 2
1527823151 تواضع tawaazÚ' humility, meekness 4 n. f. 2
1527817885 توجه tawajÚ attention, care, regard, paying attention, consideration 4 n. f.
1527815921 توقع tawaqqÚ expectation, hope, anticipation 4 n. f. توقعات tawaqqUáat 1
1712743940789 توقع کول tawaqÚ kawul to expect, anticipate 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527815921 expect 1
1582145873843 تودوخه tawdókha heat, heating 3 n. f.
1527815921 توقع tawaqqÚ, tawaqÚ' expectation, hope, anticipation 4 n. f. توقعات tawaqqUáat 3
1712743940789 توقع کول tawaqÚ kawúl to expect, anticipate 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527815921 expect 3
1582145873843 تودوخه tawdókha heat, heating 3 n. f. 2
1527817320 توجیه tawjeeh justification 3 n. f. توجیهات tawjeeháat
1586452182432 تولیه toliyá, tawliyá towel 4 n. f. 1
1527823502 تولیا tawliyáa towel 4 n. f.
1527822542 تولۍ tawlúy cup (without a handle) 4 n. f.
1527819290 توصیه tawsiyá recommendation, suggestion, advice 4 n. f.
1586452182432 تولیه toliyá, tawliyá towel 4 n. f. 3
1527823502 تولیا tawliyáa towel 4 n. f. 2
1527822542 تولۍ tawlúy, tolúy cup (without a handle) 4 n. f. 2
1527819290 توصیه tawsiyá recommendation, suggestion, advice 4 n. f. 2
1527822193 توښۍ tawxúy stove, heater 4 n. f.
1527822395 توضیح tawzéeh explanation 4 n. f. توضیحات tawzeeháat
1527821927 تیاري tayaarée preperation, readiness 4 n. f. 1
1588159745514 تذکیره tazkeera identification papers, passport, residence permit; biography; gurney, stretcher (medical) (تذکره) 4 n. f.
1527813623 تذکره tazkira identification papers, passport, residence permit; biography; gurney, stretcher (medical) 4 n. f.
1527816779 تزکیه tazkiya purification, cleansing, refinement, cultivation 3 n. f.
1674053980771 تېوري te`oree theory n. f. تېوریګانې te`oreegaane
1527822395 توضیح tawzéeh, tauzéeh explanation 4 n. f. توضیحات tawzeeháat 2
1527821927 تیاري tayaarée preperation, readiness 4 n. f. 3
1588159745514 تذکیره tazkeerá identification papers, passport, residence permit; biography; gurney, stretcher (medical) (تذکره) 4 n. f. 2
1527813623 تذکره tazkirá, tazkará identification papers, passport, residence permit; biography; gurney, stretcher (medical) 4 n. f. 2
1527816779 تزکیه tazkiyá purification, cleansing, refinement, cultivation 3 n. f. 2
1674053980771 تېوري te`orée theory n. f. تېوریګانې te`oreegaane 2
1586275928766 تي ورکوونکې tee warkawóonke woman who is breastfeeding a child 4 n. f.
1527815716 تیږه téeGa stone, rock 4 n. f. 1
1733474911959 تی ورکوونکی tay warkawóonkay woman who is breastfeeding a child 4 n. f. 2
1527815716 تیږه téeGa stone, rock 4 n. f. 3
1527820235 تیګه teega see تيګا 4 n. f.
1527820236 تیګا teegaa panting, breathlessness, gasping, puffing, dyspnea, shortness of breath 4 n. f.
1527816001 ټیکه Teeká red mark on the forehead of Hindus; needle, injection 4 n. f. 1
1527819557 ټیکاله Teekáala bread, loaf, meal, food, helping, serving 4 n. f.
1527816493 تینداره teendaara wife of an uncle on father's side 4 n. f.
1610616485772 تیر اندازي teer andaazee archery 4 n. f.
1527820236 تیګا teegáa panting, breathlessness, gasping, puffing, dyspnea, shortness of breath 4 n. f. 2
1527816001 ټیکه Teeká red mark on the forehead of Hindus; needle, injection 4 n. f. 3
1527819557 ټیکاله Teekáala bread, loaf, meal, food, helping, serving 4 n. f. 2
1527816493 تینداره teendáara wife of an uncle on father's side 4 n. f. 2
1610616485772 تیر اندازي teer andaazée archery 4 n. f. 2
1527812315 تېغنه teghna iron frying pan; sprouting; sword 2 n. f.
1527821175 ټېکه Teká an agreement to deliver something, a contract; bearing (ټېکه نه کېده - it was unbearable) 4 n. f.
1527823629 ټېله Telá dam, dyke, jetty; trees and brush carried down a river; towing, tugging 3 n. f. 1
1527815345 تېروتنه terwatúna mistake, error, wrong 4 n. f.
1527821175 ټېکه Teká an agreement to deliver something, a contract; bearing (ټېکه نه کېده - it was unbearable) 4 n. f. 2
1527823629 ټېله Telá dam, dyke, jetty; trees and brush carried down a river; towing, tugging 3 n. f. 3
1527815345 تېروتنه terwatúna mistake, error, wrong 4 n. f. 2
1582390417084 تېښته téxta escape, flight, running away 4 n. f.
1527821249 تېزي tezée speed, quickness, hastiness, rush 4 n. f. 1
1713816694764 تېزي کول tezée kawúl to hurry, rush, make haste 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527821249 hurry 1
1527816978 ټکانه Tikaana residence, dwelling, habitation 4 n. f.
1588787437836 ټکټ پولي TikaT poolée rate (ie. exchange rate), dividend (economics) 4 n. f.
1527822837 طلا tiláa gold 4 n. f.
1527821249 تېزي tezée speed, quickness, hastiness, rush 4 n. f. 3
1713816694764 تېزي کول tezée kawúl to hurry, rush, make haste 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527821249 hurry 3
1527816978 ټکانه Tikáana, Takáana residence, dwelling, habitation 4 n. f. 2
1588787437836 ټکټ پولي TikaT poolée, TikaT polée rate (ie. exchange rate), dividend (economics) 4 n. f. 2
1527822837 طلا tiláa gold 4 n. f. 2
1527818351 تیاره tiyaarú darkness, dark 4 n. f. 1
1527815349 توبه tobá repentance 4 n. f. 1
1527816288 توبره tobra bag, purse, sack 4 n. f.
1527815349 توبه tobá repentance 4 n. f. 3
1527816288 توبره tobrá bag, purse, sack 4 n. f. 2
1527813587 توګه toga manner, way, fashion, method 4 n. f.
1610541727428 توغه toghá fig; redemption, expiation 2 n. f.
1527815356 ټوکه Tóka joke 0 n. f.
1527818129 ټوکرۍ Tokrúy basket; peddler’s tray, hawker’s tray 4 n. f. 1
1610541727428 توغه toghá fig; redemption, expiation 2 n. f. 2
1527815356 ټوکه Tóka joke 0 n. f. 2
1527818129 ټوکرۍ Tokrúy, Tookrúy basket; peddler’s tray, hawker’s tray 4 n. f. 3
1585488917245 ټوله Tolá begging; tolah (12 grams) 2 n. f. 1
1527811392 ټولیزي رسنۍ Toleezee rasanúy mass media 4 n. f.
1664092691319 ټولګیخونه Tolgeekhóona classroom 4 n. f.
1676889157525 ټولپوهنه Tolpohána sociology n. f.
1527817311 ټولپوښتنه Tolpoxtuna referendum 4 n. f.
1527812014 ټولنه Toluna society, association, gathering, assembly, congregation 4 n. f.
1527822543 تولۍ tolúy scales 4 n. f.
1585490029602 ټولۍ Tolúy group, detatchment, batallion 4 n. f.
1627319432819 ټولۍ Tolúy class, category, group; detachment (of soldiers 100-200), company, batallion 4 n. f.
1527812339 ټولواکي Tolwaakee kingdom, monarchy 4 n. f.
1527815504 ټولوژنه Tolwajzúna massacre, genocide 4 n. f.
1527816882 تومانچه tomaancha gun, revolver, pistol 4 n. f.
1527817917 تومنه tomna ferment, leaven 4 n. f.
1527823140 ټونګه Tónga, Tóonga joint, phalange (of the finger); beak; back of leg 4 n. f.
1527811595 توڼۍ toNúy suitcase, cupboard 4 n. f.
1527811392 ټولیزي رسنۍ Toleezee rasanúy mass media 4 n. f. 2
1664092691319 ټولګیخونه Tolgeekhóona, Tolgaykhóona classroom 4 n. f. 2
1676889157525 ټولپوهنه Tolpohúna sociology n. f. 2
1527817311 ټولپوښتنه Tolpoxtúna referendum 4 n. f. 2
1527812014 ټولنه Tolúna society, association, gathering, assembly, congregation 4 n. f. 2
1527822543 تولۍ tolúy scales 4 n. f. 2
1585490029602 ټولۍ Tolúy group, detatchment, batallion 4 n. f. 2
1627319432819 ټولۍ Tolúy class, category, group; detachment (of soldiers 100-200), company, batallion 4 n. f. 2
1527812339 ټولواکي Tolwaakée kingdom, monarchy 4 n. f. 2
1527815504 ټولوژنه Tolwajzúna massacre, genocide 4 n. f. 2
1527816882 تومانچه tomaanchá gun, revolver, pistol 4 n. f. 2
1527817917 تومنه tomná, tomuná ferment, leaven 4 n. f. 2
1527823140 ټونګه Tónga, Tóonga joint, phalange (of the finger); beak; back of leg 4 n. f. 2
1527811595 توڼۍ toNúy suitcase, cupboard 4 n. f. 2
1527819896 توکه tooká advantage, profit, use 3 n. f.
1527819897 توکه tóoka corn cob 4 n. f.
1527821428 ټوخه Tóokha cough 4 n. f.
1588782019729 توکمه tookmá button, knob; hemorrhoid (تکمه) 3 n. f.
1527822895 توکم پالنه tookum paalúna racism 3 n. f.
1614083863653 ټوکنه Tookúna bruise 4 n. f.
1594204068779 تولائي toolaa`ee mattress 4 n. f.
1586634451015 تولنده toolánda wigeon, widgeon (a duck-like bird) 2 n. f.
1527820804 ټولټاکنه ToolTaakuna election (political) 4 n. f.
1527822544 تولۍ toolúy fife, reed pipe 4 n. f.
1527818201 توره tóora sword, sabre 4 n. f. 1
1527815360 توتي tootee parrot 0 n. f.
1527815361 طوطي tootee parrot 4 n. f.
1586958326170 توپه tópa cannon, gun 3 n. f. 1
1527821428 ټوخه Tóokha cough 4 n. f. 2
1588782019729 توکمه tookmá button, knob; hemorrhoid (تکمه) 3 n. f. 2
1527822895 توکم پالنه tookum paalúna racism 3 n. f. 2
1614083863653 ټوکنه Tookúna bruise 4 n. f. 2
1594204068779 تولائي toolaa`ée mattress 4 n. f. 2
1586634451015 تولنده toolánda wigeon, widgeon (a duck-like bird) 2 n. f. 2
1527820804 ټولټاکنه ToolTaakúna election (political) 4 n. f. 2
1527822544 تولۍ toolúy fife, reed pipe 4 n. f. 2
1527818201 توره tóora sword, sabre 4 n. f. 3
1527815360 توتي tootée parrot 0 n. f. 2
1527815361 طوطي tootée parrot 4 n. f. 2
1586958326170 توپه tópa cannon, gun 3 n. f. 3
1573659282564 ټوپکۍ Topakúy loosely covered arch or vault of an irrigation system 4 n. f.
1527822402 توپنچه topanchá pistol, handgun, gun 4 n. f.
1586276322639 ټوپۍ Topúy hat, cap 4 n. f. 1
1613563259315 ټوقه Tóqa joke 4 n. f.
1527822402 توپنچه topanchá pistol, handgun, gun 4 n. f. 2
1586276322639 ټوپۍ Topúy hat, cap 4 n. f. 3
1613563259315 ټوقه Tóqa, Tóka joke 4 n. f. 2
1527812312 توره tora detachment of warriors, small villiage, nomad’s camp; emnity 4 n. f.
1527818349 توره tóra darkness, dark 4 n. f.
1527816369 تورسرې torsare widow, woman 4 n. f.
1527816443 توړۍ toRúy aunt; gay, queer, pansy, homosexual (slang) 4 n. f.
1527816436 توړۍ زۍ toRuy zúy cousin (daughter of maternal aunt) 4 n. f.
1527814801 ټوټه ToTá piece, scrap, fragment, part 4 n. f. 1
1527818349 توره tóra darkness, dark 4 n. f. 2
1527816369 تورسرې torsáre widow, woman 4 n. f. 2
1527816443 توړۍ toRúy aunt; gay, queer, pansy, homosexual (slang) 4 n. f. anim. 2
1527816436 توړۍ زۍ toRuy zúy cousin (daughter of maternal aunt) 4 n. f. anim. 2
1527814801 ټوټه ToTá piece, scrap, fragment, part 4 n. f. 3
1527820058 ټوټکۍ ToTakúy kneecap, patella 3 n. f.
1577068439042 توتکۍ totakúy swallow, martin (bird); girl's name 4 n. f.
1527817697 توښه toxá provisions (for a journey) 4 n. f.
1566247077158 توښه toxá provisions for a journey 4 n. f.
1577068439042 توتکۍ totakúy swallow, martin (bird); girl's name 4 n. f. anim. 2
1527817697 توښه toxá provisions (for a journey) 4 n. f. 2
1566247077158 توښه toxá provisions for a journey 4 n. f. 2
1527816407 تره tra repulsion, fear, aversion 4 n. f.
1527814389 تړاقۍ tRaaqúy band or bandage on the thigh 3 n. f.
1527815480 ترهه traha, turha fear, fright, anxiety, alarm, apprehension, worry 4 n. f.
1527815481 ترها trahaa fear, fright, anxiety, alarm 4 n. f.
1527822136 ترمله trámla rice water, the water in which rice was washed 3 n. f.
1586450715617 ترمنه trámna swamp, moist arable soil, pool in a bog 1 n. f.
1527816430 ترنداره trandaara paternal aunt 3 n. f.
1527814874 ترپه trapa jump, gallop, dance 4 n. f.
1527818927 ترینګلتیا treengaltiyaa tension 3 n. f.
1527816004 ترینګلۍ treenglúy a finger snap or flick to the forehead 4 n. f.
1661511368545 ترېنداره trendaara paternal aunt 4 n. f.
1527818353 تروږمۍ troGmúy dark night, moonless night, darkness 4 n. f.
1527816442 ترورۍ trorúy aunt; gay, queer, pansy, homosexual (slang) 4 n. f.
1527816432 ترورزۍ trorzúy cousin (daughter of paternal aunt) 4 n. f.
1527822769 ترپکه trupáka stamping, treading 4 n. f.
1527819022 څا tsaa well, water-hole 3 n. f.
1527814389 تړاقۍ tRaaqúy, taRaaqúy band or bandage on the thigh 3 n. f. 2
1527815480 ترهه traha, turha fear, fright, anxiety, alarm, apprehension, worry 4 n. f. 2
1527815481 ترها traháa, tarháa fear, fright, anxiety, alarm 4 n. f. 2
1527822136 ترمله trámla, tarmalá rice water, the water in which rice was washed 3 n. f. 2
1586450715617 ترمنه trámna, tarmúna swamp, moist arable soil, pool in a bog 1 n. f. 2
1527816430 ترنداره trandáara, trindáara paternal aunt 3 n. f. anim. 2
1527814874 ترپه trapá, tarpá jump, gallop, dance 4 n. f. 2
1527818927 ترینګلتیا treengaltyáa tension 3 n. f. 2
1527816004 ترینګلۍ treenglúy, treengulúy a finger snap or flick to the forehead 4 n. f. 2
1661511368545 ترېنداره trendáara paternal aunt 4 n. f. 2
1527818353 تروږمۍ troGmúy dark night, moonless night, darkness 4 n. f. 2
1527816442 ترورۍ trorúy aunt; gay, queer, pansy, homosexual (slang) 4 n. f. anim.
1527816432 ترورزۍ trorzúy cousin (daughter of paternal aunt) 4 n. f. anim. 2
1527822769 ترپکه trupáka, turpaká stamping, treading 4 n. f. 2
1527819022 څا tsaa well, water-hole 3 n. f. 2
1527823370 څاله tsaala a hut built in a tree for watchmen in a field 4 n. f.
1527816526 څانډو tsaanDoo husband of wife's sister, brother in law 3 n. f.
1527815367 څانګه tsáanga branch, department 4 n. f. 1
1527817733 څاپاکي tsaapaakee cleanliness, well-cleaning 2 n. f.
1527818556 څاره tsaará pit into which juice flows 1 n. f.
1527820402 څارګري tsaargáree observation, intelligence, spying, espionage 4 n. f.
1527813216 څارنه tsaaruna surveillance, intelligence 4 n. f.
1576684800288 څکه tsáka cliff, abyss, chasm, precipice 1 n. f.
1527816526 څانډو tsaanDóo husband of wife's sister, brother in law 3 n. f. anim. 2
1527815367 څانګه tsáanga branch, department 4 n. f. 3
1527817733 څاپاکي tsaapaakée cleanliness, well-cleaning 2 n. f. 2
1527818556 څاره tsaará, tsáara pit into which juice flows 1 n. f. 2
1527820402 څارګري tsaargáree, tsaargarée observation, intelligence, spying, espionage 4 n. f. 2
1527813216 څارنه tsaarúna surveillance, intelligence 4 n. f. 2
1576684800288 څکه tsáka, tsaká cliff, abyss, chasm, precipice 1 n. f. 2
1577923864319 څکه tsáka trial, testing, taste, sip 3 n. f.
1527818591 څله tsalá wish, desire, inclination, day-dream 3 n. f.
1620042634516 څلور لاره tsalor láara crossing, crossroads (intersection) (usually plural) 4 n. f.
1527823306 څنګل tsangúl elbow 4 n. f. 1
1527822618 څپه tsapá wave 3 n. f.
1527820054 څپړۍ tsapaRúy crossbar (on the handle of a spade or shovel); hockey stick 1 n. f.
1527813431 څپېړه tsapéRa slap, smack, spank 4 n. f. 1
1715364371079 څپېړه وهل tsapéRa wahúl to slap, smack 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527813431 slap
1715364367327 څپېړه ورکول tsapéRa warkawúl to slap, smack 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527813431 slap 1
1527820052 څپلۍ tsaplúy sandal 4 n. f. 1
1527818591 څله tsalá wish, desire, inclination, day-dream 3 n. f. 2
1620042634516 څلور لاره tsalor láara crossing, crossroads (intersection) (usually plural) 4 n. f. 2
1527823306 څنګل tsangúl elbow 4 n. f. 3
1527822618 څپه tsapá wave 3 n. f. 2
1527820054 څپړۍ tsapaRúy, tsapRúy crossbar (on the handle of a spade or shovel); hockey stick 1 n. f. 2
1527813431 څپېړه tsapéRa slap, smack, spank 4 n. f. 3
1715364371079 څپېړه وهل tsapéRa wahúl to slap, smack 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527813431 slap 2
1715364367327 څپېړه ورکول tsapéRa warkawúl to slap, smack 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527813431 slap 3
1527820052 څپلۍ tsaplúy sandal 4 n. f. 3
1527823657 څپړ tsapúR leg, paw 1 n. f.
1527823658 څپړه tsapúRa leg, paw 1 n. f.
1527812060 څپیاکه tsapyaaka beehive; honeycomb; flat; a kind of fuel made from dried manure patties 3 n. f.
1568411412590 څړه خشمه tsaRá khushma saw (tool) 1 n. f.
1589906471518 څرګه tsárga little owl, Athene poctua 2 n. f.
1675336287530 څرګندنه tsargandúna expression, expressing n. f.
1527817010 څرګندونه tsargundawúna explanation, statement, communication, advertisement 4 n. f. 1
1588161577332 څرخي څوکۍ tsarkhee tsokúy wheelchair 3 n. f.
1527820524 څرمن tsarmún, tsarmán pelt, skin, hide, leather 4 n. f. 1
1588161442976 څرمنه tsarmúna pelt, skin, hide, leather 3 n. f.
1576440551847 څرمښکۍ tsarmUxkúy lizard 3 n. f.
1527821863 څرښه tsárxa footprint, trace, mark, clue 2 n. f.
1586955651545 څټه tsáTa full bag, full sack, saddlebag 3 n. f.
1527814826 څینځښه tseendzuxa frog 3 n. f.
1527822506 څیرسترګي tseersturgee impudence, insolence, cheek 3 n. f.
1527814083 څېلمه tselma edge, side 3 n. f.
1527812060 څپیاکه tsapyáaka beehive; honeycomb; flat; a kind of fuel made from dried manure patties 3 n. f. 2
1568411412590 څړه خشمه tsaRá khushma, tsaRa khúshma saw (tool) 1 n. f. 2
1589906471518 څرګه tsárga, tsrága little owl, Athene poctua 2 n. f. anim. 2
1675336287530 څرګندنه tsargandúna expression, expressing n. f. 2
1527817010 څرګندونه tsargundawúna explanation, statement, communication, advertisement 4 n. f. 3
1588161577332 څرخي څوکۍ tsarkhee tsokúy wheelchair 3 n. f. 2
1527820524 څرمن tsarmún, tsarmán pelt, skin, hide, leather 4 n. f. 3
1588161442976 څرمنه tsarmúna pelt, skin, hide, leather 3 n. f. 2
1576440551847 څرمښکۍ tsarmUxkúy lizard 3 n. f. 2
1527821863 څرښه tsárxa, tsarxá footprint, trace, mark, clue 2 n. f. 2
1586955651545 څټه tsáTa full bag, full sack, saddlebag 3 n. f. 2
1527814826 څینځښه tseendzúxa frog 3 n. f. 2
1733478475807 څیرسترګي tseersturgée, tseerstúrgee impudence, insolence, cheek; insolent, impudent 3 n. f. / adj. 1
1527814083 څېلمه tselmá edge, side 3 n. f. 2
1527822632 څېلمه tsélma edge, side 3 n. f.
1527818907 څېلمه tsélmu edge, side; trench, foxhole 3 n. f.
1527815497 څېره tsera face, picture 3 n. f.
1527815371 څېړنه tseRuna research, analysis 4 n. f.
1576951583359 څېړۍ tseRúy oak (tree) 4 n. f.
1527820320 څځله tsidzlá to bowing down to the ground, to prostrating (in religion) (سجده) 2 n. f.
1527818590 څله tsilá mid-winter, mid-summer; period of 40 days of asceticism or fasting, seclusion, devotion 3 n. f.
1631018055267 څوهره tsohrá herina 0 n. f.
1527819212 څوکیداري tsokeedaar, tsaukeedaaree the job of being a chokidar, watchman, doorman 4 n. f.
1713696309122 څوکیداري کول tsokeedaaree kawul, tsaukeedaaree kawul to be a watchman, the job of being a chokidoor v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527819212 1
1527814200 څوکۍ tsokúy chair; post, office, position; guard, watch 3 n. f.
1592558916543 څولګۍ tsolgúy scissors, shears, chisel 1 n. f.
1527815497 څېره tserá face, picture 3 n. f. 2
1527815371 څېړنه tseRúna research, analysis 4 n. f. 2
1576951583359 څېړۍ tseRúy oak (tree) 4 n. f. 2
1527820320 څځله tsidzlá, tsudzúla to bowing down to the ground, to prostrating (in religion) (سجده) 2 n. f. 2
1527818590 څله tsilá mid-winter, mid-summer; period of 40 days of asceticism or fasting, seclusion, devotion 3 n. f. 2
1631018055267 څوهره tsohrá, tsohára herina 0 n. f. anim. 2
1527819212 څوکیداري tsokeedaar, tsaukeedaaree the job of being a chokidar, watchman, doorman 4 n. f. 2
1713696309122 څوکیداري کول tsokeedaarée kawúl, tsaukeedaarée kawúl to be a watchman, the job of being a chokidoor v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527819212 3
1527814200 څوکۍ tsokúy chair; post, office, position; guard, watch 3 n. f. 2
1592558916543 څولګۍ tsolgúy scissors, shears, chisel 1 n. f. 2
1594383266571 څوکه tsóoka top, pinnacle, apex, peak, tip, point, spear 4 n. f. 1
1661859026821 څرپا tsrapáa quivering 2 n. f.
1661859026821 څرپا tsrapáa, tsarpáa quivering 2 n. f. 2
1527823381 څړیکه tsRéeka prickling sensation, sharp pain 4 n. f.
1527822513 څڼه tsuNa lock, curl, ringlet (hair) Usually plural څڼې 4 n. f.
1527823510 څنډه tsúnDa edge, hem, margin, brink 4 n. f.
1527820382 څڼکه tsuNúka lock, curl, ringlet (of hair); cork, plug; filiform; corn silk, stigma maydis 3 n. f.
1586955678884 څټه tsúTa base (of a treetrunk), stub, side (geometry), (fig.) stout / large lady 3 n. f.
1527814974 تبه túba fever 4 n. f. 1
1527822513 څڼه tsúNa lock, curl, ringlet (hair) Usually plural څڼې 4 n. f. 2
1527823510 څنډه tsúnDa, tsunDá edge, hem, margin, brink 4 n. f. 2
1527820382 څڼکه tsuNúka lock, curl, ringlet (of hair); cork, plug; filiform; corn silk, stigma maydis 3 n. f. 2
1586955678884 څټه tsúTa base (of a treetrunk), stub, side (geometry), (fig.) stout / large lady 3 n. f. 2
1527814974 تبه túba, tába fever 4 n. f. 3
1585488091408 تبي tubée fever 4 n. f.
1593792733023 طفلي tUfilée childhood, infancy (طفولیت) 3 n. f. 1593792669551
1527814328 تحفه tUhfá present, gift 4 n. f. 1
1527822848 ټکا Tukaa see ټکهار 4 n. f.
1577566234929 ټکا TUkaa, tukaa growing; knock, knocking 4 n. f.
1527823169 ټکاله Tukáala doubling word with ټوقه 4 n. f.
1527817915 تخه tukha curds, cottage cheese 3 n. f.
1527823070 تخمه tUkhmá origin, breed, seed-bud 4 n. f.
1571607739310 تکمه tUkmá button, knob, hemorrhoid 4 n. f.
1527821212 تله tula scales, standard, criterion, level 4 n. f.
1527817501 تنده túnda thirst 4 n. f. 1
1593792733023 طفلي tUfilée, tuflée, tiflée childhood, infancy (طفولیت) 3 n. f. 1593792669551 2
1527814328 تحفه tUhfá present, gift 4 n. f. 3
1527822848 ټکا Tukáa see ټکهار 4 n. f. 2
1577566234929 ټکا TUkáa, tukáa growing; knock, knocking 4 n. f. 2
1527823169 ټکاله Tukáala doubling word with ټوقه 4 n. f. 2
1527817915 تخه tukhá curds, cottage cheese 3 n. f. 2
1527823070 تخمه tUkhmá origin, breed, seed-bud 4 n. f. 2
1571607739310 تکمه tUkmá button, knob, hemorrhoid 4 n. f. 2
1527821212 تله túla scales, standard, criterion, level 4 n. f. 2
1527817501 تنده túnda thirst 4 n. f. 3
1527820481 ترخه túrkha wormwood (plant) 3 n. f.
1527818707 ترخځ turkhúdz wedge; gusset (in a shirt) 4 n. f.
1527819625 ترکیه tUrkiya Turkey (the country) 4 n. f.
1576103626259 ترکیه tUrkiyá Turkey (the country) 4 n. f.
1527813666 تشه tusha void, emptiness, vacuum 3 n. f.
1613548174186 تسکوره tuskóra curved shovel, axe 4 n. f.
1527822732 تته رڼا tuta raNaa faint or dim light 4 n. f.
1527813610 تواني twaanee, tuwaanee, tawaanee ability, power, capability, strength, ability 4 n. f.
1527817196 توانمندي twaanmandee ability, capability 4 n. f.
1527817918 تومنه twamna ferment, leaven 4 n. f.
1527814385 اچکۍ Uchakúy small island 1 n. f.
1527819625 ترکیه tUrkiyá Turkey, Türkiye (the country) 4 n. f. 2
1576103626259 ترکیه tUrkiyá Turkey, Türkiye (the country) 4 n. f. 2
1527813666 تشه túsha void, emptiness, vacuum 3 n. f. 2
1613548174186 تسکوره tuskóra curved shovel, axe 4 n. f. 2
1527822732 تته رڼا tuta raNáa faint or dim light 4 n. f. 2
1527813610 تواني twaanée, tuwaanée, tawaanée ability, power, capability, strength, ability 4 n. f. 2
1527817196 توانمندي twaanmandée, tawaanmandée ability, capability 4 n. f. 2
1527817918 تومنه twamná, twamuná ferment, leaven 4 n. f. 2
1527814385 اچکۍ Uchakúy, uchkúy small island 1 n. f. 2
1527816003 اچولي Uchoolee forehead, brow 2 n. f.
1610618653328 اجوره Ujoorá wages, compensation, pay 4 n. f.
1610618682842 اجوره کاري Ujoora kaaree work done for pay, earnings 4 n. f.
1610618653328 اجوره Ujoorá, ajoorá wages, compensation, pay 4 n. f. 2
1610618682842 اجوره کاري Ujoora kaarée, ajoora kaarée work done for pay, earnings 4 n. f. 2
1527820733 الټي UlTee vomit, vomiting, puke, puking (from Urdu) 4 n. f.
1527821196 عمده فروشي Umda fUrooshée, Umda farooshée wholesale sales, wholesale trade 3 n. f.
1571841463011 امیدواري Umeedwaaree pregnancy 4 n. f.
1527816759 عمومي عفوه Umoomee afwa amnesty 4 n. f.
1527816760 عمومي بښنه Umoomee baxuna amnesty 3 n. f.
1527817784 عمره Umra Umra, pilgrimage to Mecca (at any time) 4 n. f.
1527821196 عمده فروشي Umda fUrooshée, Umda farooshée wholesale sales, wholesale trade 3 n. f. 2
1571841463011 امیدواري Umeedwaarée pregnancy 4 n. f. 2
1527816759 عمومي عفوه Umoomee áfwa amnesty 4 n. f. 2
1527816760 عمومي بښنه Umoomee baxúna amnesty 3 n. f. 2
1527817784 عمره Umrá Umra, pilgrimage to Mecca (at any time) 4 n. f. 2
1577385220277 عقده Uqdá knox, tie, crux, node, (fig. grudge) 2 n. f.
1622133968130 اربه Urbá tendon, ligament 4 n. f.
1527818199 اریځ Uryadz cloud 1 n. f.
1577224179485 اریځه Uryadza cloud 1 n. f.
1527820554 استخوان بندي UstUkhaan bandee skeleton, frame, framework; structural framework 3 n. f.
1622133968130 اربه Urbá, arbá tendon, ligament 4 n. f. 2
1527818199 اریځ Uryádz, aréedz cloud 1 n. f. 2
1577224179485 اریځه Uryadza, areedza cloud 1 n. f.
1527820554 استخوان بندي UstUkhwaan bandée, UstUkhaan bandée skeleton, frame, framework; structural framework 3 n. f. 2
1596925652145 اترائي Utráa`ee downward slope 4 n. f.
1610443837416 وابستګي waabustagee, waabistagee dependence, affiliation, dependency, connection, involvement 3 n. f.
1610443837416 وابستګي waabustagée, waabistagée dependence, affiliation, dependency, connection, involvement 3 n. f. 2
1527816021 واده ګوته waada gwata wedding ring 4 n. f.
1527816019 واده څله waada tsala wedding ring 4 n. f.
1527819483 واکمني waakmanée reign, authority, government, kingdom 3 n. f.
1578343468611 واڼه wáaNa tendon, sinew; hamstring 2 n. f.
1527813545 واقعه waaqi'á, waaqiyá event, accident, incident, occurance 4 n. f. واقعات waaqUaat 1
1527820264 وارخطایي waarkhataayee fluster, excitement, confusion, being worked up 3 n. f.
1527815395 واسته waasita favourtism, string-pulling, connections 4 n. f.
1527817819 واسطه waasitá (by) way (of), (by) means (of), medium, go-between, mediator 4 n. f. وسایط wasaayit
1527822717 واوره wáawra snow 4 n. f. 1
1713348713758 واوره کول waawra kawúl to freeze (causative) v. stat. comp. trans. 1527822717 freeze, freezes, freezing, froze, frozen 1
1713348716309 واوره کېدل waawra kedúl to freeze, become frozen v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527822717 freeze, freezes, freezing, froze, frozen
1576372912086 وازګه wáazga fat, blubber, grease 4 n. f. 1
1527821040 وبا wabáa plague, cholera 4 n. f. 1
1527814909 وعده wadá promise, word 4 n. f. 1
1527815423 ودانۍ wadaanúy, wudaanúy building 4 n. f.
1527816020 ودون ګوته wadoon gwata wedding ring 2 n. f.
1527816262 وفا wafaa loyalty, faithfulness, constancy 4 n. f.
1527816019 واده څله waada tsála wedding ring 4 n. f. 2
1527819483 واکمني waakmanée reign, authority, government, kingdom 3 n. f. 2
1578343468611 واڼه wáaNa, waaNá tendon, sinew; hamstring 2 n. f. 2
1527813545 واقعه waaqi'á, waaqiyá event, accident, incident, occurance 4 n. f. واقعات waaqUaat 3
1527820264 وارخطایي waarkhataayée fluster, excitement, confusion, being worked up 3 n. f. 2
1527815395 واسته waasitá favourtism, string-pulling, connections 4 n. f. 2
1527817819 واسطه waasitá (by) way (of), (by) means (of), medium, go-between, mediator 4 n. f. وسایط wasaayit 2
1527822717 واوره wáawra snow 4 n. f. 3
1713348713758 واوره کول waawra kawúl to freeze (causative) v. stat. comp. trans. 1527822717 freeze, freezes, freezing, froze, frozen 3
1713348716309 واوره کېدل waawra kedúl to freeze, become frozen v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527822717 freeze, freezes, freezing, froze, frozen 2
1576372912086 وازګه wáazga fat, blubber, grease 4 n. f. 3
1527821040 وبا wabáa plague, cholera 4 n. f. 3
1527814909 وعده wa'dá promise, word 4 n. f. 3
1527815423 ودانۍ wadaanúy, wudaanúy building 4 n. f. 2
1527816020 ودون ګوته wadoon gwata, wadoon goota wedding ring 2 n. f. 2
1527816262 وفا wafáa loyalty, faithfulness, constancy 4 n. f. 2
1527822259 وږمه waGmá breeze, light wind 3 n. f.
1591034101000 وهم پرستي waham parastee superstitiousness, superstition 4 n. f.
1527817737 وحي wáhee revelation (from divine source), oracle, vision, inspiration 4 n. f.
1672917895436 وحدي wahidee oneness, the quality of being one (not many) n. f.
1527814064 وهنه wahúna hitting 4 n. f. 1
1527811272 وجه wája, wúja reason, cause; aspect, point of view, facet 4 n. f. وجوهات wajooháat 1
1586452364121 وجهه wajha reason, cause; aspect, point of view, facet (وجه) 4 n. f. وجوهات wajooháat
1527813868 وژنه wajzuna killing, murder 4 n. f.
1527823226 وله walá stream, river; irrigation ditch, channel 4 n. f. 1
1527816052 ولسوالي walaswaalee district, division 4 n. f.
1527820075 ولدنګکاري waldingkaarée welding 4 n. f.
1527815401 ولکه walka grasp, dominion, reign, region 4 n. f.
1527822139 ونډه wánDa rice crumbs, threshed rice, hay shreds 4 n. f.
1527816022 ونډیماري wanDeemaaree butcher's shop, butchery 2 n. f.
1527818517 ونګره wangra, wangara pond, pool 2 n. f.
1591806070691 وقایه waqaayá defence, protection; cover (of a book etc.) 2 n. f.
1527813040 وقفه waqfá interval, pause, intermission, delay 4 n. f. 1
1527811616 ورثه warasa heir, inheritor 4 n. f.
1586452427997 ورخطایي warkhataayee excitement, being flustered, being confused 4 n. f.
1527822353 ورکړه warkRa giving 4 n. f.
1591026440937 ورشو warshó meadow, open pasture 4 n. f.
1527823534 وړتیا waRtyáa ability, capacity, capability, power, volumeá 4 n. f. 1
1527815405 وړۍ waRúy wool, yarn 4 n. f. 1
1527814001 وسه wasa summer rain, monsoon 2 n. f.
1527811535 وسیله waseelá means, agency, reason, cause, medium 4 n. f. وسائل, وسایل wasaa'il, wasaayil 1
1584529132645 وثیقه waseeqá document, deed 4 n. f.
1527814719 وسله waslá weapon, firearm, artillery 4 n. f. 1
1527819683 وسوسه waswasa worry, fixation, obsessive concern, obsession, temptation, doubt 3 n. f.
1591034101000 وهم پرستي waham parastée superstitiousness, superstition 4 n. f. 2
1527817737 وحي wáhee revelation (from divine source), oracle, vision, inspiration 4 n. f. 2
1672917895436 وحدي wahidée, wahdée oneness, the quality of being one (not many) n. f. 2
1527814064 وهنه wahúna hitting 4 n. f. 3
1527811272 وجه wája, wúja reason, cause; aspect, point of view, facet 4 n. f. وجوهات wajooháat 3
1586452364121 وجهه wájha reason, cause; aspect, point of view, facet (وجه) 4 n. f. وجوهات wajooháat 2
1527813868 وژنه wajzúna killing, murder 4 n. f. 2
1527823226 وله walá stream, river; irrigation ditch, channel 4 n. f. 3
1527816052 ولسوالي UlUswaalée, walaswaalée district, division 4 n. f. TRUE 2
1527820075 ولدنګکاري waldingkaarée welding 4 n. f. 2
1527815401 ولکه walká grasp, dominion, reign, region 4 n. f. 2
1527822139 ونډه wánDa rice crumbs, threshed rice, hay shreds 4 n. f. 2
1527816022 ونډیماري wanDeemaarée butcher's shop, butchery 2 n. f. 2
1527818517 ونګره wangra, wangara pond, pool 2 n. f. 2
1591806070691 وقایه waqaayá, wiqaayá defence, protection; cover (of a book etc.) 2 n. f. 2
1527813040 وقفه waqfá interval, pause, intermission, delay 4 n. f. 3
1527811616 ورثه warasá, warsá heir, inheritor 4 2
1586452427997 ورخطایي warkhataayée excitement, being flustered, being confused 4 n. f. 2
1527822353 ورکړه wárkRa giving 4 n. f. 2
1591026440937 ورشو warshó meadow, open pasture 4 n. f. 2
1527823534 وړتیا waRtyáa ability, capacity, capability, power, volumeá 4 n. f. 3
1527815405 وړۍ waRúy wool, yarn 4 n. f. 3
1527814001 وسه wása summer rain, monsoon 2 n. f. 2
1527811535 وسیله waseelá means, agency, reason, cause, medium 4 n. f. وسائل, وسایل wasaa'il, wasaayil 3
1584529132645 وثیقه waseeqá document, deed 4 n. f. 2
1527814719 وسله waslá weapon, firearm, artillery 4 n. f. 3
1527819683 وسوسه waswasá worry, fixation, obsessive concern, obsession, temptation, doubt 3 n. f. 2
1527822834 وټه waTá exchange rate 2 n. f.
1527822833 وټه wáTa economy (اقتصاد); saving, savings 2 n. f.
1527811795 وطن پرستي watan parastee patriotism 4 n. f.
1527822833 وټه wáTa economy (اقتصاد); saving, savings 2 n. f. 2
1527811795 وطن پرستي watan parastée patriotism 4 n. f. 2
1666396499443 وترنري watarnaree verterinary (the practice/profession of) 4 n. f.
1527816806 وینا waynáa speech, statement, remark 4 n. f. 1
1709149511629 وینا کول waynáa kawul to make a speech, statement, remark 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527816806 speak, speaks, speaking, spoke, spoken 1
1527816806 وینا waynáa speech, statement, remark 4 n. f. 3
1709149511629 وینا کول waynáa kawúl to make a speech, statement, remark 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527816806 speak, speaks, speaking, spoke, spoken 3
1527813359 وینه wayuna speech, words, talk 4 n. f.
1527821577 وضعه wáz'a situation, state, condition, circumstance 4 n. f. اوضاع awzaa
1576888859302 وضع wáz'a situation, state, condition, circumstance 3 n. f. اوضاع awzaa
1527821577 وضعه wáz'a situation, state, condition, circumstance 4 n. f. اوضاع awzaa 2
1576888859302 وضع wáz'a situation, state, condition, circumstance 3 n. f. اوضاع awzaa 2
1576888864337 وضه wáza deduction 3 n. f.
1527812086 وظیفه wazeefá obligation, duty, responsibility; job, work (often with the connotation of military duty) 4 n. f. وظایف wazaayif 1
1527822635 وزیره ګوته wazéera góota ring finger 3 n. f.
1584533362810 وزلوبه wazlóba buzkashi - بزکشي (the Afghan national sport played with horses and a dead goat) 2 n. f.
1527823761 وزنه برداري wazna bardaaree weight lifting 3 n. f.
1527820086 وېبپاڼه webpáaNa website 4 n. f.
1675002231126 وېډیو weDiyo video n. f.
1675002244661 وېدیو wediyo video n. f.
1674934574643 ویډیو weeDiyó video n. f. 1
1674934686847 ویدیو weediyo video n. f.
1527821227 ویجاړي weejaaRee destruction, demolishing 4 n. f.
1527813358 وینه wéena blood 4 n. f. 1
1527814646 وینځه wéendza female slave 4 n. f.
1527811659 ویشتنه weeshtuna killing, murder, shooting 4 n. f.
1678446000477 ویښتیا weextiyaa, weextyaa awareness, consciousness n. f.
1527811547 وېره wera fear, fright 4 n. f. 1
1610443988250 وېشلتیا weshiltyaa, weshiltiyaa division, distribution 4 n. f.
1675146199671 ویناپاڼه waynaapaaNa official declaration n. f.
1527820857 وېزه weza visa 4 n. f.
1527821388 وداع widáa' farewell, goodbye 4 n. f.
1527812086 وظیفه wazeefá obligation, duty, responsibility; job, work (often with the connotation of military duty) 4 n. f. وظایف wazaayif 3
1527822635 وزیره ګوته wazéera goota ring finger 3 n. f. 2
1584533362810 وزلوبه wazlóba buzkashi - بزکشي (the Afghan national sport played with horses and a dead goat) 2 n. f. 2
1527823761 وزنه برداري wazna bardaarée weight lifting 3 n. f. 2
1527820086 وېبپاڼه webpáaNa website 4 n. f. 2
1675002231126 وېډیو weDiyó video n. f.
1675002244661 وېدیو wediyó video n. f.
1674934574643 ویډیو weeDiyó video n. f. 3
1674934686847 ویدیو weediyó video n. f. 2
1527821227 ویجاړي weejaaRée destruction, demolishing 4 n. f. 2
1527813358 وینه wéena blood 4 n. f. 3
1527814646 وینځه wéendza female slave 4 n. f. anim. 2
1527811659 ویشتنه weeshtúna killing, murder, shooting 4 n. f. 2
1678446000477 ویښتیا weextyáa awareness, consciousness n. f. 2
1527811547 وېره wéra fear, fright 4 n. f. 3
1610443988250 وېشلتیا weshiltyáa division, distribution 4 n. f. 2
1675146199671 ویناپاڼه waynaapáaNa official declaration n. f. 2
1527820857 وېزه wezá visa 4 n. f. 2
1527821388 وداع widáa', wadáa' farewell, goodbye 4 n. f. 2
1674934630830 ودیو widiyo video n. f.
1674934669154 وډیو wiDiyo video n. f.
1527818529 ووره wóra small cloud 3 n. f.
1527811271 ورا wraa afar, far off (له ورايه - from afar); a group of women that bring the bride to the groom's house 4 n. f.
1527822389 وړاندوینه wRaandwayúna prediction, foretelling (of a prophet, etc.) 4 n. f.
1527817491 وراني wraanée destruction, ruin, disturbance; destructive behavior, ruining spoiling, naughty behavior 4 n. f. 1
1527822252 وړانګه wRaangá ray, beam of light, light beam (from sun etc.) 4 n. f.
1527820801 ورانکاري wraankaarée destruction, destructive behaviour, sabotage 4 n. f.
1527816358 وراره wráara woman who's brother is dead 4 n. f.
1527816355 وراره بوره wraara boora a woman whose brother and baby boy are dead 3 n. f.
1527815417 ورځ wradz day 4 n. f. 1
1527818311 ورځچلندژبه wradzchalándjzába colloquial speech, vernacular, everyday speech 3 n. f.
1527818307 ورځپاڼه wradzpáaNa newspaper 4 n. f.
1527816387 ورېنداره wrendaara sister in law; brother's wife 4 n. f.
1527816375 ورېره wrerá niece; brother's daughter 4 n. f. 1
1527811271 ورا wraa afar, far off (له ورايه - from afar); a group of women that bring the bride to the groom's house 4 n. f. 2
1527822389 وړاندوینه wRaandwayúna prediction, foretelling (of a prophet, etc.) 4 n. f. 2
1527817491 وراني wraanée destruction, ruin, disturbance; destructive behavior, ruining spoiling, naughty behavior 4 n. f. 3
1527822252 وړانګه wRaangá, wRáanga ray, beam of light, light beam (from sun etc.) 4 n. f. 2
1527820801 ورانکاري wraankaarée destruction, destructive behaviour, sabotage 4 n. f. 2
1527816358 وراره wráara woman who's brother is dead 4 n. f. anim.
1527816355 وراره بوره wraara bóora a woman whose brother and baby boy are dead 3 n. f. anim. 2
1527815417 ورځ wradz day 4 n. f. 3
1527818311 ورځچلندژبه wradzchalandjzúba colloquial speech, vernacular, everyday speech 3 n. f. 2
1527818307 ورځپاڼه wradzpáaNa newspaper 4 n. f. 2
1527816387 ورېنداره wrendáara sister in law; brother's wife 4 n. f. anim. 2
1527816375 ورېره wrerá niece; brother's daughter 4 n. f. 3
1527811207 وروځه wróodza, ooróodza eyebrow 4 n. f.
1611400483206 وروري wrorée brotherhood 4 n. f.
1527822877 ورورګلوي wrorgalwée, wrorgilwée brotherhood, comradery, tight and good friendship 4 n. f.
1610013679820 ورورولي wrorwalée brotherhood 4 n. f.
1527816350 ورندار wrandáar, wrundaar brother's wife, sister-in-law (of male) 4 n. f. anim. 1
1715165815298 وریندار wreendáar brother's wife, sister-in-law (of male) 4 n. f. anim.
1527816377 ورنداره wrandáara, wrundaara brother's wife, sister-in-law (of male) 4 n. f. anim.
1715165817975 ورینداره wreendáara brother's wife, sister-in-law (of male) 4 n. f. anim.
1715165977709 ښینه xéena wife's sister, sister-in-law (of female) 4 n. f. anim. 1
1527822251 وړنګه wRúnga ray, beam of light, light beam (from sun etc.) 4 n. f.
1527817233 وچکالي wuchkaalée dryness, drought, barrenness 4 n. f. 1
1527822877 ورورګلوي wrorgalwée, wrorgilwée brotherhood, comradery, tight and good friendship 4 n. f. 2
1610013679820 ورورولي wrorwalée brotherhood 4 n. f. 2
1527816350 ورندار wrandáar, wrundáar brother's wife, sister-in-law (of male) 4 n. f. anim. 3
1715165815298 وریندار wreendáar brother's wife, sister-in-law (of male) 4 n. f. anim. 2
1527816377 ورنداره wrandáara, wrundáara brother's wife, sister-in-law (of male) 4 n. f. anim. 2
1715165817975 ورینداره wreendáara brother's wife, sister-in-law (of male) 4 n. f. anim. 2
1715165977709 ښینه xéena wife's sister, sister-in-law (of female) 4 n. f. anim. 3
1527822251 وړنګه wRúnga ray, beam of light, light beam (from sun etc.) 4 n. f. 2
1527817233 وچکالي wuchkaalée dryness, drought, barrenness 4 n. f. 3
1527816105 وده wuda growth, development, improvement, bringing up 3 n. f.
1527814839 وږسترګي wuGsturgee greed 4 n. f.
1527814839 وږسترګي wuGsturgee greed; greedy 4 n. f. 2
1527823227 وله wúla willow 4 n. f.
1527816051 ولسوالي wUlaswaalee, ooluswaalee district, division 4 n. f.
1527814116 ولۍ wulúy root 4 n. f.
1527816098 ونه wúna tree; height 4 n. f. 1
1527813664 ونډه wúnDa share, portion, part, quota 4 n. f.
1527822200 وربشه wurbushá, orbushá barley (usually plural) 4 n. f.
1527822201 وربشینه wurbusheená barley bread 4 n. f.
1527816051 ولسوالي wUlaswaalée, ooluswaalée district, division 4 n. f. 2
1527814116 ولۍ wulúy root 4 n. f. 2
1527816098 ونه wúna tree; height 4 n. f. 3
1527813664 ونډه wúnDa share, portion, part, quota 4 n. f. 2
1527822200 وربشه wurbushá, orbushá, orbúsha barley (usually plural) 4 n. f. 2
1527822201 وربشینه wurbusheená, orbushéena barley bread 4 n. f. 2
1527821684 ورېځ wurédz cloud 4 n. f.
1527822541 ورسۍ wursúy window 3 n. f.
1527820627 ورنډه wUrúnDa raid, foray; attack, invasion; plunder; haste 2 n. f.
1527815427 وزه wUza goat (nanny) 4 n. f.
1591027048439 وزه wuza she-goat 4 n. f.
1527818053 ویاله wyaalá brook, stream 4 n. f.
1586428811963 ښه ورځ xa wradz sufficiency, doing well, flourishing 4 n. f.
1527820970 ښادي xaadée happiness, gladness, joy; wedding 4 n. f. 1
1527822348 ښاخۍ xaakhúy pitchfork 4 n. f.
1527814218 ښانده xaanda acquaintance; knowledge; expertise, discernment 2 n. f.
1527813305 ښاپېرۍ xaaperúy fairy, nymph, pixie 4 n. f. 1
1584530155981 ښارو xaaro myna, mynah (bird); beloved, darling, dear 4 n. f.
1527822541 ورسۍ wursúy, oorsúy window 3 n. f. 2
1527820627 ورنډه wUrúnDa, wUrunDá raid, foray; attack, invasion; plunder; haste 2 n. f. 2
1527815427 وزه wUzá goat (nanny) 4 n. f. anim. 2
1591027048439 وزه wuza she-goat 4 n. f. anim.
1527818053 ویاله wyaalá brook, stream 4 n. f. 2
1586428811963 ښه ورځ xa wradz sufficiency, doing well, flourishing 4 n. f. 2
1527820970 ښادي xaadée happiness, gladness, joy; wedding 4 n. f. 3
1527822348 ښاخۍ xaakhúy pitchfork 4 n. f. 2
1527814218 ښانده xáanda acquaintance; knowledge; expertise, discernment 2 n. f. 2
1527813305 ښاپېرۍ xaaperúy fairy, nymph, pixie 4 n. f. 3
1584530155981 ښارو xaaró myna, mynah (bird); beloved, darling, dear 4 n. f. 2
1584530203060 ښارونۍ xaaronúy ښارو 4 n. f.
1618947725291 ښځمنه xadzmána female, woman 4 n. f.
1618947725291 ښځمنه xadzmána female, woman 4 n. f. anim. 2
1527816530 ښینې xeene sister in law 4 n. f.
1527822105 ښیښه xeexá glass, vial, small bottle, glasses, spectacles, mirror 3 n. f.
1621743009835 ښېګڼه xegúNa kindness, act of kindness, favor, gentleness 4 n. f.
1702811291709 ښېګڼه کول xegúNa kawul to do an act of kindness, goodness 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1621743009835 be kind
1527822105 ښیښه xeexá glass, vial, small bottle, glasses, spectacles, mirror 3 n. f. 2
1621743009835 ښېګڼه xegúNa kindness, act of kindness, favor, gentleness 4 n. f. 2
1702811291709 ښېګڼه کول xegúNa kawúl to do an act of kindness, goodness 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1621743009835 be kind 2
1621742608477 ښېګړه xegúRa kindness, act of kindness, favor, gentleness 4 n. f. 1
1702811307560 ښېګړه کول xegúRa kawul to do an act of kindness, goodness 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1621742608477 be kind 1
1583525814758 ښېره xerá curse, cursing 4 n. f.
1709130350145 ښېرې xeré curses (plur. of ښېره) 1583525814758 1
1709130385399 ښېرې کول xeré kawul to curse v. dyn. comp. trans. 1583525814758 1
1583525800967 ښېرا xeráa curse, cursing 4 n. f.
1583525814758 ښېره xerá curse, cursing 4 n. f. 2
1709130350145 ښېرې xeré curses (plur. of ښېره) 1583525814758 3
1709130385399 ښېرې کول xeré kawúl to curse v. dyn. comp. trans. 1583525814758 3
1583525800967 ښېرا xeráa curse, cursing 4 n. f. 2
1527816529 ښینه xayuna cursed, cursing 1 n. f.
1527822342 ښکالو xkaaló whisper, dull noise, rustle, obscure sound; tread 3 n. f.
1668755790717 ښکارندویي xkaarandooyee indication 4 n. f.
1527816565 ښکنځا xkandzaa cursing, swearing, verbal abuse 3 n. f.
1586428641540 ښکنځله xkandzula swearing, cursing 4 n. f.
1527819510 ښکېلتیا xkeltiyaa involvement 4 n. f.
1527815984 ښکلا xkuláa beauty 4 n. f. 1
1588073293258 ښودنه xodúna teaching, instruction; display, presentation, showing 4 n. f. 1
1714027487497 ښودنه کول xodúna kawúl to instruct, teach; depict, display, present v. dyn. comp. trans. 1588073293258 1
1527819268 ښوره xorá manure, fertilizer 3 n. f.
1527821560 ښوروا xorwáa soup, broth 4 n. f. 1
1527822342 ښکالو xkaaló whisper, dull noise, rustle, obscure sound; tread 3 n. f. 2
1668755790717 ښکارندویي xkaarandooyée indication 4 n. f.
1527816565 ښکنځا xkandzáa cursing, swearing, verbal abuse 3 n. f. 2
1586428641540 ښکنځله xkandzúla, xkandzíla swearing, cursing 4 n. f. 2
1527819510 ښکېلتیا xkeltyáa involvement 4 n. f. 2
1527815984 ښکلا xkUláa beauty 4 n. f. 3
1588073293258 ښودنه xodúna teaching, instruction; display, presentation, showing 4 n. f. 3
1714027487497 ښودنه کول xodúna kawúl to instruct, teach; depict, display, present v. dyn. comp. trans. 1588073293258 3
1527819268 ښوره xorá manure, fertilizer 3 n. f. 2
1527821560 ښوروا xorwáa soup, broth 4 n. f. 3
1527822213 ښوونه xowúna teaching, education 4 n. f. 1
1527823415 ښه راغلاستي xu raaghlaastee welcome 4 n. f.
1527823415 ښه راغلاستي xu raaghlaastee welcome 4 n. f. 2
1527811226 ښندنه xundúna, xandúna offering, giving, grant 1 n. f. 2
1527816550 ښرا xuraa curse, cursing 0 n. f.
1527818441 یادونه yaadawúna reminder 4 n. f. 2
@ -18521,5 +18523,8 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s
1732599382215 بې موراله کول be moraala kawúl to demoralize v. stat. comp. trans. 1732599365300 demoralize
1732599385516 بې موراله کېدل be moraala kedúl to be demoralized v. stat. comp. intrans. 1732599365300 be demoralized
1732599511646 بالمثل bilmisl similar, the same adj. / adv.
1732876501903 غرامت gharaamát compensation, indemnification n. m.
1733219207471 هټه haTá dealing, issue n. f. 2
1732876501903 غرامت gharaamát reparations, compensation, indemnification n. m.
1733219207471 هټه haTá dealing, issue n. f. 2
1733480156409 دربان darbáan doorman, doorkeeper n. m. anim. unisex
1733482496006 مسیحا maseeháa expert doctor/healer; beloved (poetry); name for Jesus/Isa
1733482854465 مسیحایي maseehhaayee an effective treatment/medicine, a miraculous work like Jesus/Isa would do n. f.
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