diff --git a/dictionary-info.json b/dictionary-info.json index 3b3fcb2..2c67d24 100644 --- a/dictionary-info.json +++ b/dictionary-info.json @@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ "license": "Copyright © 2024 lingdocs.com All Rights Reserved - Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/", "url": "https://storage.lingdocs.com/dictionary/dictionary", "infoUrl": "https://storage.lingdocs.com/dictionary/dictionary-info", - "release": 1713124064202, - "numberOfEntries": 16955 + "release": 1713260511277, + "numberOfEntries": 17001 } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dictionary.tsv b/dictionary.tsv index 3b86394..e1131d9 100644 --- a/dictionary.tsv +++ b/dictionary.tsv @@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s 1527822060 باریک بین baareek been penetrating, shrewd, understanding something to a fine degree 4 adj. 1577065929343 بارسوخ baarUsóokh firm, steadfast, composed, stable 4 adj. 1527823723 باسواد baasawáad literate 4 adj. -1589020280620 باسي baasée rotten, stale, not fresh 4 adj. +1589020280620 باسي baasée rotten, stale, not fresh, left-over (food) 4 adj. 1675435661345 باشرفه baasharáfa honorable, respectable, decent adj. 1527821119 باثبات baasUbaat, baasabaat stable, constant 4 adj. 1618846912260 باتجربه baatajraba, baatajriba experienced 4 adj. @@ -1829,7 +1829,7 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s 1527823258 پلیت paléet muddy, soiled, defiled, nasty, filthy, disgusting, base 4 adj. 1 1713119923838 پلیتي paleetée filth, soiling 4 n. f. 1 1527816925 پلی pálay on foot, unmounted, foot (adj.), foot soldier 4 adj. -1527815157 پنچر panchur punctured 4 adj. +1527815157 پنچر panchúr puncture (of a tire), flat tire 4 n. m. 1527811782 پپړ papuR big (of ears) 4 adj. 1527818964 پرچل parchál low-quality, unsuitable, bad 4 adj. 1527817639 پرېش parésh upset, distressed, alarmed, beside oneself, not knowing what to do, in a bad state 2 adj. @@ -2404,9 +2404,8 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s 1576366107077 څک tsak straight, upright, pricked up, erect, alert 4 adj. 1527812957 څک اروا tsak arwaa greedy, eager, hungry, grasping 4 adj. 1590839082693 څلېرویشتم tsalerweeshtum twenty-fourth 4 adj. -1588689159818 څلورم tsalorum fourth 4 adj. -1527819222 څلورم tsalórum fourth 4 adj. -1589025381115 څلوېښت tsalwéxt fortieth 4 adj. +1588689159818 څلورم tsalorúm fourth 4 adj. +1713259104522 څلوېښتم tsalwextum fortieth 4 adj. 1527822284 څموڅی tsamootsay bald, bald-headed 2 adj. 1624352971513 څڼېور tsaNewár with longer hair 4 adj. 1527822859 څپولی tsapolay dishevelled, messy, curly (with hair etc.) 2 adj. @@ -2527,7 +2526,8 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s 1527817266 وچه wucha barren, sterile, unfruitful; land, ground 4 adj. 1527815424 وږی wúGay hungry 4 adj. 1 1576113883516 وږسترګی wuGstúrgay greedy, having greedy eyes 4 adj. -1527813639 ولسي wUlusee, oolasee national, people's 4 adj. +1527813639 ولسي wUlusee, oolasee national, people's, folk 4 adj. +1713258617078 اولسي oolusée, oolasée national, people's, folk 4 adj. 1527818274 ولسمشري wUlusmushuree, oolusmushuree presidential 4 adj. 1527818278 ولسمشریز wUlusmushureez, oolusmushureez presidential 3 adj. 1611399565694 ولسواک wUluswáak democratic 2 adj. @@ -2812,7 +2812,6 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s 1527811529 عبارت ibaarat phrase, wording, expression, passage; consisting, made up of, including; meaning, term 4 adj. / n. m. 1527818281 جمهوریپال jUmhooreepaal republican 4 adj. / n. m. anim. unisex 1527823177 کاغ kaagh wise, intelligent; wise person, sensible, well-behaved 1 adj. / n. m. -1527813338 کمعقل kamaqul stupid, foolish, senseless, idiot 4 adj. / n. m. 1527822700 کنډو kanDáw chipped, cracked; crack, fracture 2 adj. / n. m. 1527812769 ختیځ khateedz east 4 adj. / n. m. 1527814219 خپل khpul relative; one's own, farmiliar 4 adj. / n. m. @@ -3706,7 +3705,8 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s 1527814825 بکا bakaa frog 4 n. f. 1527818235 بخوله bakhóla tragedy (literary), calamity, catastrophe 3 n. f. 1527819195 بخشه bakhsha forgiveness, pardon 4 n. f. -1527815579 بخښنه bakhxúna forgiveness, pardon, sorry 4 n. f. 1 +1527815579 بخښنه bakhxúna forgiveness, pardon 4 n. f. 1 +1713260255137 بخښنه کول bakhxúna kawul to forgive, pardon 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527815579 forgive, forgives, forgiving, forgave, forgiven 1702925293948 بخښنه غوښتل bakhxúna ghwUxtul to apologize, ask forgiveness 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527815579 apologise 1 1527811905 بلا baláa misfortune, disaster; monster 4 n. f. 1 1670563662968 بلدتیا baladtyáa knowledge, familiarity 3 n. f. 1 @@ -4915,7 +4915,8 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s 1527813477 خوشحالي khosh`haalée happiness, joy, rejoicing, celebration 4 n. f. 1 1708116463320 خوشحالي کول khosh`haalee kawúl, khoshaalee kawul to celebrate, rejoice, be happy 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527813477 celebrate 1 1527819521 خوشالي khoshaalée happiness, joy, rejoicing, celebration (خوشحالي) 4 n. f. 1 -1588075160983 خوشامندي khoshaamandee flattery, sucking up to 4 n. f. +1588075160983 خوشامندي khoshaamandee flattery, sucking up to, currying favor, brown-nosing 4 n. f. +1713254405904 خوشامندي کول khoshaamandee kawul to flatter, suck up to, curry favor, brown-nose 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1588075160983 flatter 1527817727 خپرونه khparawuna distribution, spreading; program (as in a TV or radio program) 4 n. f. 1527819421 خپلواکي khpulwaakee independence, freedom, autonomy 4 n. f. 1572991476342 خپلوي khpulwee relationship, kinship 4 n. f. @@ -8987,7 +8988,7 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s 1610557016242 کنډ kanD rubber, gum, resin, eraser 2 n. m. 1527823727 کنداغ kandáagh butt, stock of a rifle/firearem 4 n. m. 1527820853 کندهار kandahaar Kandahar 4 n. m. -1527820095 کنډک kanDak battalion, military unit; piece, fragment, bite, track (music) 3 n. m. +1527820095 کنډک kanDák, kunDúk flock; battalion, military unit; piece, fragment, bite, track (music) 3 n. m. 1527822771 کنډر kanDár, kanDúr ruins; hole, passageway dug through a wall 4 n. m. 1 1527818567 کندلوښی kandlóxay sugar bowl 0 n. m. 1527823091 کندو kandóo bin, corn-crib, storehouse (for grain) 4 n. m. @@ -10184,7 +10185,7 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s 1650696789567 اوبال oobáal sin, offense, crime, transgressian 4 n. m. 1527821869 اوبه مېچ oobú mech bubble level 3 n. m. 1527822189 اوجاغ oojáagh stove, oven, cooker 3 n. m. -1527813113 اولس oolús nation, people 4 n. m. 1 +1527813113 اولس oolús nation, people, folk 4 n. m. 1 1527814701 اوندن رنځ oondan randz chronice disease 3 n. m. 1630939209007 اوستربل oostarbál post-position (grammar) 2 n. m. 1527819048 اوتو ootóo iron (for pressing cloth/clothes) 3 n. m. @@ -10445,7 +10446,7 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s 1527821138 پنګی pungáy support, ring or pillow place on the head when carrying a jug/load, intertwined wheat stalks 4 n. m. 1527813142 پنجاب punjaab Punjab 4 n. m. 1527820675 پړ puR wedging, fastening with a wedge 4 n. m. -1527820338 پړک puRák shaking, trembling, agitation; twinkling, sparkling 4 n. m. +1527820338 پړک pRak, pRuk, puRák flash, shine, twinkling, sparkling; slap, smack, shaking, trembling, agitation 4 n. m. 1527822385 پړی púRay rope, cable, cord 4 n. m. 1 1527821241 پرګی purgáy, pirgáy acorn 3 n. m. 1527815772 پرهیز purhayz abstinence 4 n. m. @@ -11075,7 +11076,7 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s 1527818478 سوک sook fist (of a hand), punch 4 n. m. سوکان sookáan 1527819939 سوکړ sookáR a man with a thin beard and moustache 4 n. m. 1527818225 سول sool greed, stinginess 2 n. m. -1611063636425 سوم soom hoof 4 n. m. +1611063636425 سوم soom hoof, foot (of an animal) 4 n. m. 1574868557542 سوڼ sooN blowing one's nose; wheezing, puffing, snuffing, snorting 4 n. m. 1527817496 سونډ soonD synthetic or artificial silk, rayon 4 n. m. 1527819167 سونډ soonD ginger, flax, hemp 4 n. m. @@ -11158,7 +11159,7 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s 1527820364 سنبل sUmbÚl hyacinth; giant fennel; citronella (grass); lock (of hair), ringlet, curl, curls (in poetry) 4 n. m. 1527819168 سڼ suN ginger, flax, hemp 3 n. m. 1527819166 سنډ sUnD ginger, flax, hemp 3 n. m. -1527812281 سنت sUnnát sunna; circumcision 4 n. m. 1 +1527812281 سنت sUnnát, sUnát sunna; circumcision 4 n. m. 1 1708354795519 سنت کول sUnnat kawúl to circumcise 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527812281 circumcise 1 1708354799694 سنت کېدل sUnnat kedúl to be circumcised 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527812281 be circumcised 1527814023 صعود sUood rising, ascent, development, springing up 2 n. m. @@ -11488,7 +11489,7 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s 1527819585 ترجمان tarjUmáan translator, representative, envoy, messenger, spokesperson 4 n. m. 1527818097 ترک tark abandonment, leaving, refusal; crack, fissure, split, crackling; hoof disease 4 n. m. 1527818743 ترکاڼ tarkáaN, trakáaN carpenter 4 n. m. anim. unisex 1 -1527817133 ترکیب tarkéeb combination, composition, compound 4 n. m. +1527817133 ترکیب tarkéeb combination, composition, compound, formula 4 n. m. 1527822569 ترخیص tarkhées dismissal, disbandment, transfer to the reserve (military) 4 n. m. 1527821178 تړلیک taRléek agreement, contract 2 n. m. 1604511322059 ترمیم tărméem repair, restoration, reparation 4 n. m. @@ -12810,7 +12811,6 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s 1527815158 پنځوس pindzós, pandzós fifty 4 num. 1 1588688973648 پینځه peendzú five 4 num. 1590838082749 پینځلس peendzulas fifteen 4 num. -1527818127 پنځه pindzá five 4 num. 1588688985879 پنځه pindzú five 4 num. 1590838474337 پنځه ویشت pindzú weesht twenty-five 4 num. 1590838069033 پنځلس pindzúlas fifteen 4 num. 1 @@ -13065,7 +13065,7 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s 1527822770 ترپکې وهل trupáke wahul to stamp (feet), to tread, to tap one’s foot 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527822769 stamp,stamps,stamping,stamped,stamped 1578607689918 غلا کول ghlaa kawul to steal 3 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527817670 steal,steals,stealing,stole,stolen 1527815309 سبق وایل sabaq waayul to study, go to school 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527815308 study -1577812269585 چمچه ګیري کول chamcha geeree kawul to suck up to, to flatter 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527821992 suck up +1577812269585 چمچه ګیري کول chamcha geeree kawul to suck up to, to flatter, curry favor, brown nose 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527821992 suck up 1579459605988 نقصان کول nUqsaan kawul to suffer loss 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527811866 suffer loss 1527821042 حمایه کول himaaya kawul to support, aid, protect, back 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527821043 support 1579295606403 ملاتړ کول mlaatuR kawul to support (ie. a political party etc.) 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527813119 support @@ -16953,4 +16953,50 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s 1713120615707 د ګوتې سر du gwUte sar, du goote sar fingertip n. m. 1 1713120368095 اور لګېدل ór lugedúl to catch fire 1 1713120387329 اور اخیستل or akheestul to catch fire v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527813827 catch, catches, catching, caught fire 1 -1713121021823 اتش بازي atush baazée fireworks n. f. 1 \ No newline at end of file +1713121021823 اتش بازي atush baazée fireworks n. f. 1 +1713257636084 مچي مار machee máar fisher, fisherman n. m. anim. unisex +1713253839521 جوګه والی joga wáalay suitability, fitness, ability, capacity n. m. +1713253894047 اور اخیستونکی or akheestóonkay flammable adj. +1713253932412 ټارچ Taarch flashlight, torch n. m. +1713253964650 هموار hamwáar flat (shape) adj. +1713254562880 ذایقه zaayiqá, zaayqá tase, flavor, flavour, tastiness, delicousness n. f. +1713254603150 ذایقه دار zaayqa dáar tasty, delicious, flavorful, flavourful adj. +1713254778975 مورګه mórga edge, brim, border n. f. +1713254941067 کلایي kalaayée tin adj. +1713256900489 ورګه wúrga, wrúga flea n. f. +1713256935677 هوایي سفر hawaayee safár flight (travel) n. m. +1713256958501 فلایټ flaayT flight (travel) n. m. +1713257119232 د ګلونو باغ du gUloono báagh flower garden n. m. +1713257146302 نزله nuzlá flu, influenze n. f. +1713257285725 بور bor brown, auburn n. m. +1713257298198 بور boor fur +1713257340258 په هوا کېدل pu hawaa kedúl to fly, be become airborne +1713257361406 فوم fom foam (mattress) n. m. +1713257384328 فوکس fokús focus n. m. +1713257446358 کت kut fold n. m. +1713257472335 کت کول kut kawúl to fold v. stat. comp. trans. 1713257446358 fold +1713257483140 کت کېدل kut kedúl to be folded v. stat. comp. intrans. 1713257446358 be folded +1713257518278 انغښتل anghuxtúl see نغښتل +1713257947527 ګل کېدل gUl kedúl to flower, blossom, bloom +1713257950845 ګل سپړل gUl spaRúl to flower, blossom, bloom +1713258133376 بهېدونکی bahedóonkay running (as with water), flowing adj. +1713258181488 رنګ سور کېدل rang soor kedúl to flush (with colour), to blush +1713258219372 اوبه تېرول oobu terawúl to clean with water +1713258688014 ورپسې تلل warpase tlúl to follow, go after +1713258716507 پیروکار peerokáar follower, devotee n. m. anim. unisex +1713258958306 همېشه دپاره hameshá dupaara forever, eternally adv. +1713259572896 کم عقل kam aqúl stupid, dumb, foolish, idiot adj. / n. m. anim. unisex +1713259658682 کم عقلي kam aqulée, kam aqlee foolishness, stupidity, idiocy, folly n. f. +1713259753560 بې عقله be áqula, be áqla irrational, indiscreet, foolish, stupid adj. +1713259815452 کم عقلتیا kam aqultyáa foolishness, stupidity, idiocy, folly n. f. +1713259851181 ښپه xpa foot (پښه) n. f. +1713259902767 د پښو نښه du pxo núxa footprint n. f. +1713259936028 د پښو چاپ du pxo chaap footprint n. m. +1713259993568 بهر ملکی bahar mÚlkay foreigner n. m. anim. unisex +1713260023087 بهر ملکي bahar mÚlkee foreign adj. +1713260093780 د سنت غوښه du sUnnát ghwáxa, du sUnát ghwáxa foreskin n. f. +1713260180836 لوارخانه lUwaarkhaaná blacksmith's shop n. f. +1713260220091 هېروونکی herawóonkay forgetful adj. +1713260343585 رواجي rawaajée traditional, cultural, customary adj. +1713260375205 تېر شوی ter shúway past (past participle of تېرېدل) +1713260418236 فارموله faarmoolá formula n. f. \ No newline at end of file