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@ -10495,507 +10495,507 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s
1527815164 پېغور peghór taunting, reproach, mocking 4 n. m. 2
1527821328 پېغلتوب peghultób maidenhood, girlhood 4 n. m. 2
1527814220 پېژندګلو pejzandgiló acquaintance, meeting, introduction, familiarization 3 n. m. 1
1592558894836 پېژونی pejzóonay (pair of) scissors 4 n. m.
1623044161821 پېنګ peng hairpin 2 n. m.
1527821933 پېر per turning, bend, curve; state, condition; manner, shape 3 n. m.
1586201519811 پېر per buying, purchasing (opposite of پلور) 2 n. m.
1527812131 پېره دار pera daar sentry, guard 4 n. m.
1527815926 پېرند perand customer 4 n. m.
1592558894836 پېژونی pejzóonay (pair of) scissors 4 n. m. 2
1623044161821 پېنګ peng hairpin 2 n. m. 2
1527821933 پېر per turning, bend, curve; state, condition; manner, shape 3 n. m. 2
1586201519811 پېر per buying, purchasing (opposite of پلور) 2 n. m. 2
1527812131 پېره دار pera dáar sentry, guard 4 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527815926 پېرند perand customer 4 n. m. anim. unisex
1527819040 پېرنګ peráng the West/Christian world, Europe 4 n. m.
1527813077 پېړمن peRmun lazy fat man 2 n. m.
1527815017 پېروی perúway, peráway cream 4 n. m.
1586203605603 پېروان perwáan placenta 4 n. m.
1527821161 پېش آهنګ pesh aaháng pioneer, pathfinder, forerunner 4 n. m.
1527812389 پېش آمد pesh aamad happening, occurance, incident; behaviour 4 n. m.
1527812390 پېش بند pesh band apron, bib 4 n. m.
1527813077 پېړمن peRmún lazy fat man 2 n. m. anim. 2
1527815017 پېروی perúway, peráway cream 4 n. m. 2
1586203605603 پېروان perwáan placenta 4 n. m. 2
1527821161 پېش آهنګ pesh aaháng pioneer, pathfinder, forerunner 4 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527812389 پېش آمد pesh aamád happening, occurance, incident; behaviour 4 n. m. 2
1527812390 پېش بند pesh bánd apron, bib 4 n. m. 2
1527816998 پېش منی pesh manay sahur, suhur, the meal before daybreak and fasting in Ramadan 4 n. m.
1527812393 پېش نهاد pesh nihaad proposal, suggestion 4 n. m.
1527817283 پېشک peshak leprosy 4 n. m.
1527816997 پېشلمی peshlamay sahur, suhur, the meal before daybreak and fasting in Ramadan 4 n. m.
1527816999 پېشمنی peshmanay sahur, suhur, the meal before daybreak and fasting in Ramadan 4 n. m.
1527820637 پېشنهاد peshniháad proposal, suggestion, offer, motion 4 n. m.
1527818485 پېشقاب peshqáab plate 4 n. m.
1527811852 پېشرفت peshraft progress, moving forward, advancement, success 4 n. m.
1586262246672 پېټ peT curse, cursing 4 n. m.
1527815168 پېټی péTay load, weight, burden 4 n. m. 1
1527820020 پېښ pex befalling, happening 4 n. m.
1586203616541 پېښ pex a diacritical mark representing the U sound (◌ُ) 4 n. m.
1527820345 پېښور pexawár Peshawer 4 n. m.
1574783123020 پېښلیک pexleek history 4 n. m.
1527818740 پیداوار paydaawáar production, output, goods, product 4 n. m. 1
1527812393 پېش نهاد pesh niháad proposal, suggestion 4 n. m. 2
1527817283 پېشک peshák leprosy 4 n. m. 2
1527816997 پېشلمی peshlamáy sahur, suhur, the meal before daybreak and fasting in Ramadan 4 n. m. 2
1527816999 پېشمنی peshmanáy sahur, suhur, the meal before daybreak and fasting in Ramadan 4 n. m. 2
1527820637 پېشنهاد peshniháad proposal, suggestion, offer, motion 4 n. m. 2
1527818485 پېشقاب peshqáab plate 4 n. m. 2
1527811852 پېشرفت peshráft progress, moving forward, advancement, success 4 n. m. 2
1586262246672 پېټ peT curse, cursing 4 n. m. 2
1527815168 پېټی péTay load, weight, burden 4 n. m. 3
1527820020 پېښ pex befalling, happening 4 n. m. 2
1586203616541 پېښ pex a diacritical mark representing the U sound (◌ُ) 4 n. m. 2
1527820345 پېښور pexawár Peshawer 4 n. m. 2
1574783123020 پېښلیک pexléek history 4 n. m. 2
1527818740 پیداوار paydaawáar production, output, goods, product 4 n. m. 3
1527811494 پیدایښ paydaayx birth, creation, appearance, production 4 n. m.
1527811495 پیدایښت paydaayíxt birth, creation, appearance, production 4 n. m. 1
1527813574 پیغام paygháam message, notification, notice 4 n. m. پیغامات payghaamaat
1708558546447 پیغام رسول paygháam rasawúl to inform, communicate, pass on a message v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527813574 inform 1
1527817381 پیغمبر payghambár prophet, messenger 4 n. m. 1
1578012796263 پیغور payghór taunting, reproach, mocking 4 n. m.
1527815171 پیل payl start 4 n. m.
1527814451 پیلار paylaar curtain, blinds 4 n. m.
1527814933 پیلار paylaar curtain, blinds 3 n. m.
1527818317 پیره دار payra daar watchman, guard 4 n. m.
1527817308 پیوند paywand putting, sticking, or stitching together, union, grafting in; graft in, scion, union, bond 4 n. m. 1
1714059384686 پیوند کول paywand kawúl to bond, stick together, graft v. stat. comp. trans. 1527817308 bond 1
1714059389033 پیوند کېدل paywand kedúl to be bonded, stuck togetherd, grafted v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527817308 be bondede
1585501378737 پیوستون paywastoon joining, connection, affiliation, unity 4 n. m.
1527816025 پېزوان pezwaan nose ring 4 n. m.
1527813574 پیغام paygháam message, notification, notice 4 n. m. پیغامات payghaamaat 2
1708558546447 پیغام رسول paygháam rasawúl to inform, communicate, pass on a message v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527813574 inform 3
1527817381 پیغمبر payghambár prophet, messenger 4 n. m. anim. 3
1578012796263 پیغور payghór taunting, reproach, mocking 4 n. m. 2
1527815171 پیل payl start 4 n. m. 2
1527814451 پیلار payláar curtain, blinds 4 n. m. 2
1527814933 پیلار payláar curtain, blinds 3 n. m. 2
1527818317 پیره دار payra dáar watchman, guard 4 n. m. 2
1527817308 پیوند paywánd putting, sticking, or stitching together, union, grafting in; graft in, scion, union, bond 4 n. m. 3
1714059384686 پیوند کول paywand kawúl to bond, stick together, graft v. stat. comp. trans. 1527817308 bond 3
1714059389033 پیوند کېدل paywand kedúl to be bonded, stuck togetherd, grafted v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527817308 be bondede 2
1585501378737 پیوستون paywastóon joining, connection, affiliation, unity 4 n. m. 2
1527816025 پېزوان pezwáan nose ring 4 n. m. 2
1527823716 پنسل pinsal pencil, crayon 4 n. m.
1586204532991 پرار piraar wound, injury (پرهار); escape, flight (فرار) 4 n. m.
1586204507477 پرهار pirháar wound, injury 4 n. m.
1527822776 پتاوی pitáaway the sunny side (of a mountain), in the sun, sunny winter day 4 n. m.
1527822219 پیاده رو piyaada raw sidewalk 4 n. m.
1527813480 پلان plaan plan 4 n. m.
1527822158 پلاستیک plaasteek plastic 4 n. m.
1527817035 پلاوی pláaway delegation, delegate, mission 4 n. m.
1527817176 پلن سری plan săray wooden spade; idiot, fool 4 n. m.
1586204532991 پرار piráar wound, injury (پرهار); escape, flight (فرار) 4 n. m. 2
1586204507477 پرهار pirháar wound, injury 4 n. m. 2
1527822776 پتاوی pitáaway the sunny side (of a mountain), in the sun, sunny winter day 4 n. m. 2
1527822219 پیاده رو piyaada ráw sidewalk 4 n. m. 2
1527813480 پلان plaan plan 4 n. m. 2
1527822158 پلاستیک plaastéek plastic 4 n. m. 2
1527817035 پلاوی pláaway delegation, delegate, mission 4 n. m. 2
1527817176 پلن سری plan sáray wooden spade; idiot, fool 4 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1610797919062 پلت plat plot 0 n. m.
1527817889 پلور plor selling, buying and selling, trading, price 4 n. m.
1527814648 پلورتون plortoon market 4 n. m.
1624364200589 پلورنځی plorundzáy store, shop, place where things are sold 4 n. m.
1527811372 پلن پاڼی plun paaNay cabbage 4 n. m.
1527816390 پلندر plundar stepfather 4 n. m.
1671210290491 پودر podár, pawdár powder; drugs n. m.
1527815180 پوځ podz, paudz troop, military forces 4 n. m.
1527819496 پوهاوی pohaawáy understanding, comprehension, awareness 4 n. m.
1663958168997 پوهنلیک pohanléek thesis 4 n. m.
1579042557806 پوهنځی pohundzay college, faculty 4 n. m.
1527814107 پوهنتون pohuntóon university 4 n. m.
1527812249 پوختوب pokhtob baking, roasting; maturity, ripeness 4 n. m.
1527812248 پوخوالی pokhwaalay baking, roasting; maturity, ripeness; sureness, definiteness 4 n. m.
1527814615 پولیس polees police 4 n. m.
1527822853 پو poo blowing, breathing 4 n. m.
1586347126940 پوچ اورد pooch oorád nonsense, rubbish; foul/abusive language, verbal abuse 3 n. m.
1527814056 پول pool bridge, pul (one hundredth of and Afghani) 4 n. m.
1527820168 پوړ pooR layer, coat (as in paint); stage; floor (of a building); stop, leg, lap, stopover 4 n. m.
1527813442 پوټی pooTay hill, small mountain 3 n. m.
1527819332 پوښتورګی pooxtawúrgay kidney 3 n. m.
1527815185 پور por loan, debt 4 n. m.
1527813404 پورته تګ porta tug ascent 3 n. m.
1578329038223 پوړنی poRúnay, poRÚnay veil, covering for women, cover 3 n. m.
1527823426 پوشاک posháak clothing, attire, dress 4 n. m. 1
1527816685 پوست post skin, fur, peel, bark, rind; post (as in a job or position) 3 n. m. 1
1527816627 پوستکی postúkay fleece, pelt, skin, shell, rind, bark; ear lobe 4 n. m. 1
1527822875 پوټ poT hide, skin, rind; misfortune, grief, discord, disagreement, dissention 4 n. m.
1527818869 پوټکی poTúkay skin, pelt, hide 4 n. m. 1
1527816284 پوښ pox case, covering, sheath 4 n. m.
1527811316 پوښښ poxux clothing, attire, covering, roof 4 n. m.
1527815187 پوزی pozáy mat 4 n. m.
1589884449168 پړانګ pRaang leopard 4 n. m.
1589884567148 پړانګ پیش pRaang péesh wild cat 2 n. m.
1646991800887 پرنډ pranD clot 4 n. m.
1527817281 پړنګی pRangay leper 4 n. m.
1590052920258 پرشهار prash`haar hissing, heavy breathing in animals 3 n. m.
1664028197021 پړیم pReem blood clot; ball, lump 4 n. m.
1527813372 پرېکون prekóon answer, solution, engagement, betrothal 3 n. m.
1527818865 پرېوان prewaan placenta 4 n. m. 1
1715967407339 پرېمان premáan placenta 4 n. m. 1
1527815635 پرېواته prewaatu fall, drop, setting, going down 3 n. m.
1527817523 پروګرام prográam program 4 n. m. 1
1586956836972 پروړ proR straw 3 n. m.
1527821047 پروستات prostáat prostate 4 n. m.
1584886234677 پروټین proTeen protein 4 n. m.
1527820339 پړک pRuk a string 4 n. m. 1
1527814005 پسرلی psarláy, pusărláy spring, springtime (season) 4 n. m.
1592559533019 پخ pukh trap, snare, fetters 3 n. m.
1588762458105 پخلنځی pukhlandzáy kitchen 4 n. m.
1527818739 پخن pukhún downy, having a nap, rug or shawl with nap 3 n. m.
1527815518 پخوانی توب pukhwaanay tob antiquity 4 n. m.
1527815704 پکوړ pukoR winter camp, hat 3 n. m.
1527817889 پلور plor selling, buying and selling, trading, price 4 n. m. 2
1527814648 پلورتون plortóon market 4 n. m. 2
1624364200589 پلورنځی plorundzáy store, shop, place where things are sold 4 n. m. 2
1527811372 پلن پاڼی plun páaNay cabbage 4 n. m. 2
1527816390 پلندر plundár, palundár stepfather 4 n. m. anim. 2
1671210290491 پودر podár, pawdár powder; drugs n. m. 2
1527815180 پوځ podz, paudz troop, military forces 4 n. m. 2
1527819496 پوهاوی pohaawáy understanding, comprehension, awareness 4 n. m. 2
1663958168997 پوهنلیک pohanléek thesis 4 n. m. 2
1579042557806 پوهنځی pohundzáy college, faculty 4 n. m. 2
1527814107 پوهنتون pohuntóon university 4 n. m. 2
1527812249 پوختوب pokhtób baking, roasting; maturity, ripeness 4 n. m. 2
1527812248 پوخوالی pokhwáalay baking, roasting; maturity, ripeness; sureness, definiteness 4 n. m. 2
1527814615 پولیس polées police 4 n. m. anim. / n. m. pl. 2
1527822853 پو poo blowing, breathing 4 n. m. 2
1586347126940 پوچ اورد pooch oorád, pooch awárd nonsense, rubbish; foul/abusive language, verbal abuse 3 n. m. 2
1527814056 پول pool bridge, pul (one hundredth of and Afghani) 4 n. m. 2
1527820168 پوړ pooR layer, coat (as in paint); stage; floor (of a building); stop, leg, lap, stopover 4 n. m. 2
1527813442 پوټی póoTay, póTay hill, small mountain 3 n. m. 2
1527819332 پوښتورګی pooxtawúrgay kidney 3 n. m. 2
1527815185 پور por loan, debt 4 n. m. 2
1527813404 پورته تګ porta túg ascent 3 n. m. 2
1578329038223 پوړنی poRúnay, poRÚnay veil, covering for women, cover 3 n. m. 2
1527823426 پوشاک posháak clothing, attire, dress 4 n. m. 3
1527816685 پوست post skin, fur, peel, bark, rind; post (as in a job or position) 3 n. m. 3
1527816627 پوستکی postúkay fleece, pelt, skin, shell, rind, bark; ear lobe 4 n. m. 3
1527822875 پوټ poT, pooT hide, skin, rind; misfortune, grief, discord, disagreement, dissention 4 n. m. 2
1527818869 پوټکی poTúkay skin, pelt, hide 4 n. m. 3
1527816284 پوښ pox case, covering, sheath 4 n. m. 2
1527811316 پوښښ poxúx clothing, attire, covering, roof 4 n. m. 2
1527815187 پوزی pozáy mat 4 n. m. 2
1589884449168 پړانګ pRaang leopard 4 n. m. 2
1589884567148 پړانګ پیش pRaang péesh wild cat 2 n. m. 2
1646991800887 پرنډ pranD clot 4 n. m. 2
1527817281 پړنګی pRangáy leper 4 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1590052920258 پرشهار prash`háar hissing, heavy breathing in animals 3 n. m. 2
1664028197021 پړیم pReem blood clot; ball, lump 4 n. m. 2
1527813372 پرېکون prekóon answer, solution, engagement, betrothal 3 n. m. 2
1527818865 پرېوان prewáan placenta 4 n. m. 3
1715967407339 پرېمان premáan placenta 4 n. m. 3
1527815635 پرېواته prewaatú fall, drop, setting, going down 3 n. m. 2
1527817523 پروګرام prográam, porgráam program 4 n. m. 3
1586956836972 پروړ proR, paróoR straw 3 n. m. 2
1527821047 پروستات prostáat prostate 4 n. m. 2
1584886234677 پروټین proTéen protein 4 n. m. 2
1527820339 پړک pRuk a string 4 n. m. 3
1527814005 پسرلی psarláy, pusarláy spring, springtime (season) 4 n. m. 2
1592559533019 پخ pukh trap, snare, fetters 3 n. m. 2
1588762458105 پخلنځی pukhlandzáy kitchen 4 n. m. 2
1527818739 پخن pukhún downy, having a nap, rug or shawl with nap 3 n. m. 2
1527815518 پخوانی توب pukhwaanay tób antiquity 4 n. m. 2
1527815704 پکوړ pukoR winter camp, hat 3 n. m. 2
1527813224 پل pUl bridge 4 n. m. پله plu پل pl 1
1527815199 پلاو pulaaw pulaaw (central-asian/middle-eastern rice dish), pilaf 4 n. m.
1577821812015 پلچک pUlchák little bridge; culvert; ivy 4 n. m.
1527819060 پنډ punD cargo, freight, load 4 n. m.
1574865332849 پنډ punD detachment, group; swelling, tumor; vagina; steel for striking iron, firing pin, hammer (of a rifle) 4 n. m.
1527820090 پنډغالی punDgháalay camp; sheep or cattle pen, sheepfold; a place where guests are received and entertained 4 n. m.
1527820092 پنډون punDoon round-up, drive (of cattle) 3 n. m.
1527813439 پنډۍ pUnDúy shin, calf; wooden chest, box 3 n. m.
1527821138 پنګی pungáy support, ring or pillow place on the head when carrying a jug/load, intertwined wheat stalks 4 n. m.
1527813142 پنجاب punjaab Punjab 4 n. m.
1527820675 پړ puR wedging, fastening with a wedge 4 n. m.
1527820338 پړک pRak, pRuk, puRák flash, shine, twinkling, sparkling; slap, smack, shaking, trembling, agitation 4 n. m. 1
1715364284784 پړک وهل pRák wahúl, pRúk wahúl to slap, smack v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527820338 slap 1
1527822385 پړی púRay rope, cable, cord 4 n. m. 1
1527821241 پرګی purgáy, pirgáy acorn 3 n. m.
1527815772 پرهیز purhayz abstinence 4 n. m.
1527816394 پرکټی purkaTay stepson 4 n. m.
1527820231 پرخم purkhám fan, fly-swatter; tuft/brush of the tail (in animals) 3 n. m.
1527814315 پرمختګ purmakhtúg progress, development 4 n. m. 1
1527814314 پرمخیون purmakhyoon progress, development 4 n. m.
1527816741 پرهار pUruháar noise made by a bird’s wings flapping at takeoff 4 n. m.
1527812982 پس پس pus pus whispering 4 n. m.
1527812980 پس پسی pus pusáy whispering, murmuring, rumor, gossip 4 n. m.
1584692900710 پساو pusaaw leftovers from soup, driftwoon, brushwood 3 n. m.
1527818519 پشت pUsht shoo!; laying of eggs, reservoir, pool (for irrigation); back 3 n. m.
1664091687103 پشتم pushtum benefits (ie. government support, welfare) 4 n. m.
1611075376059 پشم púshum mold 4 n. m.
1623860137252 پسخند puskhánd irony, sarcasm, ridicule 2 n. m.
1624352826330 پسور pusór width, breadth 2 n. m.
1527822261 پوار pUwáar drizzle, light rain 4 n. m.
1592559604442 پښ pux blacksmith 4 n. m.
1574867648517 پښت puxt family, tribe, clan; generation 4 n. m.
1527815199 پلاو puláaw, plaaw pulaaw (central-asian/middle-eastern rice dish), pilaf 4 n. m. 2
1577821812015 پلچک pUlchák little bridge; culvert; ivy 4 n. m. 2
1527819060 پنډ punD cargo, freight, load 4 n. m. 2
1574865332849 پنډ punD detachment, group; swelling, tumor; vagina; steel for striking iron, firing pin, hammer (of a rifle) 4 n. m. 2
1527820090 پنډغالی punDgháalay camp; sheep or cattle pen, sheepfold; a place where guests are received and entertained 4 n. m. 2
1527820092 پنډون punDóon round-up, drive (of cattle) 3 n. m. 2
1527813439 پنډۍ pUnDúy, punDúy shin, calf; wooden chest, box 3 n. f. 2
1527821138 پنګی pungáy support, ring or pillow place on the head when carrying a jug/load, intertwined wheat stalks 4 n. m. 2
1527813142 پنجاب punjáab Punjab 4 n. m. 2
1527820675 پړ puR wedging, fastening with a wedge 4 n. m. 2
1527820338 پړک pRak, pRuk, puRák flash, shine, twinkling, sparkling; slap, smack, shaking, trembling, agitation 4 n. m. 3
1715364284784 پړک وهل pRák wahúl, pRúk wahúl to slap, smack v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527820338 slap 3
1527822385 پړی púRay rope, cable, cord 4 n. m. 3
1527821241 پرګی purgáy, pirgáy acorn 3 n. m. 2
1527815772 پرهیز purháyz abstinence 4 n. m. 2
1527816394 پرکټی purkaTáy stepson 4 n. m. 2
1527820231 پرخم purkhám fan, fly-swatter; tuft/brush of the tail (in animals) 3 n. m. 2
1527814315 پرمختګ purmakhtúg progress, development 4 n. m. 3
1527814314 پرمخیون purmakhyóon progress, development 4 n. m. 2
1527816741 پرهار pUruháar, purháar noise made by a bird’s wings flapping at takeoff 4 n. m. 2
1527812982 پس پس pus pus, pUs pUs whispering 4 n. m. 2
1527812980 پس پسی pus pusáy, pUs pUsáy whispering, murmuring, rumor, gossip 4 n. m. 2
1584692900710 پساو pusáaw leftovers from soup, driftwoon, brushwood 3 n. m. 2
1527818519 پشت pUsht shoo!; laying of eggs, reservoir, pool (for irrigation); back 3 n. m. 2
1664091687103 پشتم pushtúm benefits (ie. government support, welfare) 4 n. m. 2
1611075376059 پشم púshum mold 4 n. m. 2
1623860137252 پسخند puskhánd, pUshkánd irony, sarcasm, ridicule 2 n. m. 2
1624352826330 پسور pusór width, breadth 2 n. m. 2
1527822261 پوار pUwáar, puwáar drizzle, light rain 4 n. m. 2
1592559604442 پښ pux blacksmith 4 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1574867648517 پښت puxt family, tribe, clan; generation 4 n. m. 2
1592559392717 پښت pUxt generation 4 n. m.
1527815687 پۍ واز puy waaz a cooperative collection of milk for making butter and cheese for the winter 4 n. m.
1527821825 پښندی pxanday bracelet (worn on the legs by children up to the age of seven), leg-irons 3 n. m.
1527818361 قاب qaab dish, plate; container, case; kneading trough 3 n. m.
1527811323 قابلیت qaabiliyát ability, fitness, capability, talent, qualifications 4 n. m. 1
1527814687 قاچاقبر qaachaaqbár smuggler, trafficker 4 n. m. anim. unisex
1527820927 قاه قاه qaah qáah loud laugh, guffaw n. m.
1527822028 قائم مقام qaaim maqáam deputy, substitute, replacement, legal successor, viceroy, governor-general 3 n. m.
1527817207 قالین qaaléen carpet 4 n. m. 1
1664029564126 قالب qaalíb model, form, template; body, exposition; 30 eggs on a flat 4 n. m. 1
1527813186 قام qaam tribe, people, clan, kinship 4 n. m.
1527818110 قاموس qaamós dictionary 4 n. m. قوامیس qawaamées 1
1571526508485 قانال qaanaal canal, channal (geography), tract (anatomy) 4 n. m.
1527812730 قانون qaanóon law, ordinance, rule 4 n. m. قوانین qawaaneen 1
1527821565 قار qaar anger, rage, fury قهر 4 n. m.
1595255904998 قاصد qaasíd messenger, courier 4 n. m. 1
1527823479 قات qaat layer, stratum, sheet, bed, row, fold 4 n. m.
1651786864693 قاطعیت qaat'iyat decisiveness 2 n. m. true
1527813129 قاتل qaatíl murderer, killer; murder, homicide, killing 4 n. m. anim. unisex 1
1566476549978 قاضیتوب qaazeetob the profession of being a judge 3 n. m.
1671709274490 قبض qabz receipt, receiving, tax; seizure (accquiring by force), taking; constipation n. m. 1
1527819865 قد qad height, stature 4 n. m.
1527816055 قدغن qadaghan ban, prohibition 4 n. m.
1527812942 قدم qadám step, pace; level of seniority 4 n. m. 1
1715953433205 قدم اخیستل qadám akheestúl to take a step, tread, advance 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527812942 step,steps,stepping,stepped 1
1527815207 قدر qádur respect, esteem, value, honour; quantity, measure, degree, dimension, size 4 n. m. اقدار aqdaar
1709915626749 قدر کول qádur kawúl to respect, esteem, value, appreciate (د ...) 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527815207 respect 1
1527820286 قفس qafás cage, bird cage 3 n. m.
1527812741 قهرمان qahramaan hero 3 n. m.
1527823477 قحط qaht famine, shortage, hunger, deficiency 4 n. m.
1527817352 قهر qahár, qáhur rage, wrath, anger, irritation 4 n. m. 1
1527821198 قلم qalám pen, stylus, reed 4 n. m.
1586956204722 قلمدان qalamdáan pencil box 3 n. m.
1527812198 قلمرو qalamraw territory, empire, sphere, field, kingdom, domain 4 n. m.
1527823456 قلندر qalandár wandering dervish, hermit, ascetic 3 n. m.
1586429863961 قلنګ qaláng tribute, tax, levy 3 n. m.
1663856720166 قلب qalb heart (Arabic) 4 n. m. قلوب qUlóob
1527815743 قناعت qanaa'at, qanáat contentment, satisfaction, getting by with; being convinced, persuaded 4 n. m.
1527815687 پۍ واز puy wáaz a cooperative collection of milk for making butter and cheese for the winter 4 n. m. 2
1527821825 پښندی pxandáy, puxandáy bracelet (worn on the legs by children up to the age of seven), leg-irons 3 n. m. 2
1527818361 قاب qaab dish, plate; container, case; kneading trough 3 n. m. 2
1527811323 قابلیت qaabiliyát ability, fitness, capability, talent, qualifications 4 n. m. 3
1527814687 قاچاقبر qaachaaqbár smuggler, trafficker 4 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527820927 قاه قاه qaah qáah loud laugh, guffaw n. m. 2
1527822028 قائم مقام qaaim maqáam deputy, substitute, replacement, legal successor, viceroy, governor-general 3 n. m. 2
1527817207 قالین qaaléen carpet 4 n. m. 3
1664029564126 قالب qaalíb model, form, template; body, exposition; 30 eggs on a flat 4 n. m. 3
1527813186 قام qaam tribe, people, clan, kinship 4 n. m. 2
1527818110 قاموس qaamóos dictionary 4 n. m. قوامیس qawaamées 3
1571526508485 قانال qaanáal canal, channal (geography), tract (anatomy) 4 n. m. 2
1527812730 قانون qaanóon law, ordinance, rule 4 n. m. قوانین qawaaneen 3
1527821565 قار qaar anger, rage, fury قهر 4 n. m. 2
1595255904998 قاصد qaasíd messenger, courier 4 n. m. 3
1527823479 قات qaat layer, stratum, sheet, bed, row, fold 4 n. m. 2
1651786864693 قاطعیت qaat'iyát decisiveness 2 n. m. true 2
1527813129 قاتل qaatíl murderer, killer; murder, homicide, killing 4 n. m. anim. unisex 3
1566476549978 قاضیتوب qaazeetób the profession of being a judge 3 n. m. 2
1671709274490 قبض qabz receipt, receiving, tax; seizure (accquiring by force), taking; constipation n. m. 3
1527819865 قد qad height, stature 4 n. m. 2
1527816055 قدغن qadaghán ban, prohibition 4 n. m. 2
1527812942 قدم qadám step, pace; level of seniority 4 n. m. 3
1715953433205 قدم اخیستل qadám akheestúl to take a step, tread, advance 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527812942 step,steps,stepping,stepped 3
1527815207 قدر qádur respect, esteem, value, honour; quantity, measure, degree, dimension, size 4 n. m. اقدار aqdaar 2
1709915626749 قدر کول qádur kawúl to respect, esteem, value, appreciate (د ...) 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527815207 respect 3
1527820286 قفس qafás cage, bird cage 3 n. m. 2
1527812741 قهرمان qahramáan hero 3 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527823477 قحط qaht famine, shortage, hunger, deficiency 4 n. m. 2
1527817352 قهر qahár, qáhur rage, wrath, anger, irritation 4 n. m. 3
1527821198 قلم qalám pen, stylus, reed 4 n. m. 2
1586956204722 قلمدان qalamdáan pencil box 3 n. m. 2
1527812198 قلمرو qalamráw territory, empire, sphere, field, kingdom, domain 4 n. m. 2
1527823456 قلندر qalandár wandering dervish, hermit, ascetic 3 n. m. 2
1586429863961 قلنګ qaláng tribute, tax, levy 3 n. m. 2
1663856720166 قلب qalb heart (Arabic) 4 n. m. قلوب qUlóob 2
1527815743 قناعت qanaa'at, qanáat, qináa't contentment, satisfaction, getting by with; being convinced, persuaded 4 n. m. 2
1527823073 قنات qanáat underground irrigation canal 2 n. m.
1527811561 قند qand sugar, refined sugar (Arabic) 4 n. m.
1578329873606 قندیل qandéel chandelier; throw, toss 2 n. m.
1527818499 قرارداد qaraardáad contract, agreement 4 n. m.
1527818500 قراردادي qaraardaadee contractor, supplier 4 n. m.
1663324953021 قرارګاه qaraargáah headquarters 4 n. m.
1527811561 قند qand sugar, refined sugar (Arabic) 4 n. m. 2
1578329873606 قندیل qandéel chandelier; throw, toss 2 n. m. 2
1527818499 قرارداد qaraardáad contract, agreement 4 n. m. 2
1527818500 قراردادي qaraardaadée contractor, supplier 4 n. m. 2
1663324953021 قرارګاه qaraargáah headquarters 4 n. m. 2
1568927037256 قراط qaraat carat 3 n. m.
1584886169431 قرنطین qarantéen quarentine 3 n. m.
1527819541 قریب qareeb relative, family member, kin, kinsman 4 n. m. اقارب, اقربا aqaarib, aqrabaa
1527817830 قرض qarz debt, loan 4 n. m. 1
1705179384234 قرض اخیستل qarz akheestul to borrow, take out a loan v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527817830 borrow 1
1618947620282 قساوت qasaawát cruelty, barbarity, rudeness, harshness 2 n. m.
1584886169431 قرنطین qarantéen quarentine 3 n. m. 2
1527819541 قریب qaréeb relative, family member, kin, kinsman 4 n. m. anim. unisex اقارب, اقربا aqaarib, aqrabaa 2
1527817830 قرض qarz debt, loan 4 n. m. 3
1705179384234 قرض اخیستل qarz akheestúl to borrow, take out a loan v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527817830 borrow 3
1618947620282 قساوت qasaawát cruelty, barbarity, rudeness, harshness 2 n. m. 2
1527821697 قسب qasáb red silk, small turban 1 n. m.
1527817623 قسم qasám oath, vow, swearing 4 n. m. 1
1527823454 قسم خور qasam khor someone who didn’t keep their oath 4 n. m.
1527813001 قصد qasd intention, plan, goal; spite, anger, malice 2 n. m.
1591805147269 قصر qasur castle, palace 4 n. m.
1527818678 قصر qásur mansion, palace 4 n. m.
1527817202 قطار qatáar line (as in a line of people waiting), file, queue 4 n. m. 1
1714413013038 قطار جوړول qatáar joRawúl to line up, form a line, queue 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527817202 line up 1
1527815513 قتل عام qatl-i-aam massacre 4 n. m.
1527815500 قتل qatul murder, homicide, killing 4 n. m.
1527817623 قسم qasám oath, vow, swearing 4 n. m. 3
1527823454 قسم خور qasam khór someone who didn’t keep their oath 4 n. m. 2
1527813001 قصد qasd intention, plan, goal; spite, anger, malice 2 n. m. 2
1591805147269 قصر qásur castle, palace 4 n. m. 2
1527818678 قصر qásur mansion, palace 4 n. m. 2
1527817202 قطار qatáar line (as in a line of people waiting), file, queue 4 n. m. 3
1714413013038 قطار جوړول qatáar joRawúl to line up, form a line, queue 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527817202 line up 3
1527815513 قتل عام qatl-i-áam massacre 4 n. m. 2
1527815500 قتل qátul, qatíl murder, homicide, killing 4 n. m. 2
1586445355004 قول و قرار qawl-U-qaraar agreement, understanding 3 n. m.
1527820509 قول qáwul, qaul word, speech, utterance, promise, word of honour 4 n. m. اقوال aqwáal 1
1610792960534 قوال qawwáal internerant signger/storyteller; qawwali singer (in the Sufi tradition) 4 n. m.
1527819788 قید qayd prison, imprisonment; obligation, provision of a treaty; (w/ plural chains, shackes, fetters); adverb 3 n. m. قیود qUyood 1
1713437821855 قید کول qayd kawúl to imprison, to put in jail 3 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527819788 1
1713437868325 قید کېدل qayd kedul to be imprison, to go to jail 3 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527819788
1713437887541 جیل ته اچول jayl ta achawul to put in jail, imprison 1
1582390877453 قز qaz, qazz raw silk 2 n. m.
1527820833 قزاقستان qazaaqistaan Kazakhstan 4 n. m.
1527816083 قضاوت qazaawat judgment 4 n. m.
1582390793890 قزاز qazzáaz silk merchant, someone who raises/farms silkworms 4 n. m.
1527815208 قیمت qeemát price, value 3 n. m. 1
1527816181 قی qay vomit, nausea (Arabic) 4 n. m. 1
1578015553390 قرائت qiráat reading (out loud of the Quran etc.); interpretation 3 n. m.
1527820977 قصاص qisáas revenge, vengeance, retalliation, the execution of a murderer 4 n. m.
1527823558 قشله ګاه qishla gáah military post 2 n. m.
1527815703 قشلاق qishlaaq winter quarters, settlement, village 2 n. m.
1527820797 قشر qíshur crust, layer 2 n. m.
1662619974175 قسط qist installment (in a payment plan), payment, fee 4 n. m.
1662620004979 قست qist installment (in a payment plan), payment, fee (قسط) 4 n. m. 1
1527821440 قیادت qiyaadat leadership, guidance 3 n. m.
1527820509 قول qáwul, qaul word, speech, utterance, promise, word of honour 4 n. m. اقوال aqwáal 3
1610792960534 قوال qawwáal, quwwáal internerant signger/storyteller; qawwali singer (in the Sufi tradition) 4 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527819788 قید qayd prison, imprisonment; obligation, provision of a treaty; (w/ plural chains, shackes, fetters); adverb 3 n. m. قیود qUyood 3
1713437821855 قید کول qayd kawúl to imprison, to put in jail 3 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527819788 3
1713437868325 قید کېدل qayd kedúl to be imprison, to go to jail 3 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527819788 2
1713437887541 جیل ته اچول jayl ta achawúl to put in jail, imprison 3
1582390877453 قز qaz, qazz raw silk 2 n. m. 2
1527820833 قزاقستان qazaaqistáan Kazakhstan 4 n. m. 2
1527816083 قضاوت qazaawát judgment 4 n. m. 2
1582390793890 قزاز qazzáaz, qazáaz silk merchant, someone who raises/farms silkworms 4 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527815208 قیمت qeemát price, value 3 n. m. 3
1527816181 قی qay vomit, nausea (Arabic) 4 n. m. 3
1578015553390 قرائت qiráat, qiraa'át reading (out loud of the Quran etc.); interpretation 3 n. m. 2
1527820977 قصاص qisáas revenge, vengeance, retalliation, the execution of a murderer 4 n. m. 2
1527823558 قشله ګاه qishla gáah, qUshla gáah military post 2 n. m. 2
1527815703 قشلاق qishláaq winter quarters, settlement, village 2 n. m. 2
1527820797 قشر qíshur, qúshur crust, layer 2 n. m. 2
1662619974175 قسط qist, qust installment (in a payment plan), payment, fee 4 n. m. 2
1662620004979 قست qist, qust installment (in a payment plan), payment, fee (قسط) 4 n. m. 3
1527821440 قیادت qiyaadát leadership, guidance 3 n. m. 2
1527817694 قیامت qiyáam uprising, rising up, insurrection, revolt 4 n. m.
1527822073 قیام qiyáam establishment, uprising 4 n. m.
1527817696 قیامت qiyaamát resurrection, rising from the dead (used for the day of ressurection, doomsday د قيامت ورځ) 4 n. m.
1527816222 قیاس qiyaas comparison, analogy 3 n. m.
1527820511 قول اردو qol-i-Urdóo military corps 4 n. m.
1527811799 قوم qom, qaum tribe, nationality, people 4 n. m. اقوام aqwaam 1
1527817696 قیامت qiyaamát resurrection, rising from the dead (used for the day of ressurection, doomsday د قيامت ورځ) 4 n. m. 2
1527816222 قیاس qiyáas comparison, analogy 3 n. m. 2
1527820511 قول اردو qol-i-Urdóo military corps 4 n. m. 2
1527811799 قوم qom, qaum tribe, nationality, people 4 n. m. اقوام aqwaam 3
1586634216613 قو qoo swan 4 n. m.
1527818263 قوت qoot sustenance, nourishment, food, means of livelihood 4 n. m.
1527815210 قدرت qUdrát power, strength, might 3 n. m. 1
1527815210 قدرت qUdrát power, strength, might 3 n. m. 3
1527820366 قلفک qUlfák lock (diminutive of قلف) 2 n. m.
1527821479 قمار qUmáar, qimáar gambling 4 n. m.
1527813769 قران qUraan the Koran, Quran 4 n. m.
1527812841 قربان qUrbaan sacrifice 4 n. m.
1527823557 قربان ګاه qUrbaan gáah sacrificial altar, altar 4 n. m. 1
1527820836 قرغیزستان qurgheezistaan Kyrgyzstan 4 n. m.
1527816417 قرنیکه qurneeku great-grandfather 3 n. m.
1527817923 قروت qUróot kurut, hard, dried balls of yoghurt/cheese curds 4 n. m.
1527817922 قرت qUrrat joy, gladness (Arabic) 1 n. m.
1527821479 قمار qUmáar, qimáar gambling 4 n. m. 2
1527813769 قران qUráan, qÚr'áan the Koran, Quran 4 n. m. 2
1527812841 قربان qUrbáan sacrifice 4 n. m. 2
1527823557 قربان ګاه qUrbaan gáah sacrificial altar, altar 4 n. m. 3
1527820836 قرغیزستان qurgheezistáan Kyrgyzstan 4 n. m. 2
1527816417 قرنیکه qurneekú great-grandfather 3 n. m. anim. 2
1527817923 قروت qUróot kurut, hard, dried balls of yoghurt/cheese curds 4 n. m. 2
1527817922 قرت qUrrát, qUrát joy, gladness (Arabic) 1 n. m. 2
1527817924 قرت qUrÚt kurut, hard, dried balls of yoghurt/cheese curds 2 n. m.
1576104096655 قسم qísam, qúsam type, kind, sort 4 n. m. اقسام aqsaam 1
1527811775 قصور qUsóor fault, blunder, omission, wrong 4 n. m. 1
1527819462 قطب qÚtub pole 2 n. m.
1527811775 قصور qUsóor, qusóor fault, blunder, omission, wrong 4 n. m. 3
1527819462 قطب qÚtub, qUtb pole 2 n. m. 2
1527818262 قوت qUwát strength, force, power 3 n. m.
1589023961073 رئیس ra'ees chief, head, chairman, director, president 4 n. m.
1527820778 رعیت ra'yát subject, national, citizen, resident; territory (as in colonialism) farmer, peasant 4 n. m. رعایا rU'aayáa
1527815212 راحت raahat rest, relief, ease, comfort 3 n. m.
1589023961073 رئیس ra'ées chief, head, chairman, director, president 4 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527820778 رعیت ra'yát subject, national, citizen, resident; territory (as in colonialism) farmer, peasant 4 n. m. رعایا rU'aayáa 2
1527815212 راحت raahát rest, relief, ease, comfort 3 n. m. 2
1527816119 راکش raakash pulling, dragging, throwing 3 n. m.
1627222702799 راکټ raakáT rocket, missile n. m.
1527823700 راشی raashay avalanche, flood, shower 2 n. m.
1652831822676 راشن raashún ration (of food), food to eat for a household 4 n. m. 1
1527816894 راتګ raatug coming to, coming towards 3 n. m.
1527813450 راز raaz secret, mystery; time, occasion; kind, type, variety 4 n. m. 1
1527822281 رازق raazíq provider, feeding, nourishing (God the provider) 4 n. m.
1527817725 رب rab the Lord, God 4 n. m.
1527817740 رب العزت rab ul'izzat the Lord Almighty 4 n. m.
1527820138 رباب rabáab rubab, rabab (musical instrument) 4 n. m. 1
1527820139 ربابي rabaabee rabab player, rubab player 4 n. m.
1527815464 ربړ rabáR trouble, alarm 4 n. m. 1
1627222702799 راکټ raakáT, raakíT rocket, missile n. m. 2
1527823700 راشی ráashay avalanche, flood, shower 2 n. m. 2
1652831822676 راشن raashún ration (of food), food to eat for a household 4 n. m. 3
1527816894 راتګ raatúg coming to, coming towards 3 n. m. 2
1527813450 راز raaz secret, mystery; time, occasion; kind, type, variety 4 n. m. 3
1527822281 رازق raazíq provider, feeding, nourishing (God the provider) 4 n. m. anim. 2
1527817725 رب rab the Lord, God 4 n. m. anim. 2
1527817740 رب العزت rab ula'izzát the Lord Almighty 4 n. m. anim. 2
1527820138 رباب rabáab rubab, rabab (musical instrument) 4 n. m. 3
1527820139 ربابي rabaabée rabab player, rubab player 4 n. m. anim. 2
1527815464 ربړ rabáR trouble, alarm 4 n. m. 3
1527816631 ربلونکی rabloonkay motherless (lamb) 2 n. m.
1579042707212 ربط rabt link, connection 3 n. m.
1527822271 ړچ Rach dangling, trembling, shivering 4 n. m.
1527815854 رد rad rejection, refusal, denial; trace, sign 4 n. m. 1
1527822308 ردیف radeef row, range, order 2 n. m.
1527812218 ردعمل radiamal reaction 4 n. m.
1527821327 رفیق raféeq friend, companion, buddy 2 n. m.
1527817068 رفتار raftaar behaviour, treatment, manner, conduct 4 n. m.
1527814298 رګ rag vein, artery, blood vessel 4 n. m. 1
1527816751 رهبر rahbar guide, leader 4 n. m.
1527815221 رحم rahm, ráhum mercy 4 n. m.
1527814895 رحمت rahmát mercy, sympathy, pity 4 n. m. 1
1527813967 رهن rahn deposit, pledge, mortgage 2 n. m.
1527815577 رهن rahn deposit, pledge, mortgage 2 n. m.
1588786684321 رجسټر rajisTúr register 4 n. m.
1527823391 رجم rajm stoning (as a death penalty) 2 n. m.
1573150270712 رژیم rajzéem regime 4 n. m.
1576611224174 رکعت raka'at, rak'at one set/unit of proscribed motions for Muslim ritual prayers 4 n. m. رکعات rak'aat
1576611231222 رکات rakaat one set/unit of proscribed motions for Muslim ritual prayers (رکعت) 4 n. m.
1527823584 رخ rakh cutting, slicing 2 n. m.
1661516549648 رماز ramaaz password, insinuation, hinting 2 n. m.
1527817066 رمضان ramazaan Ramadan 3 n. m.
1527813451 رمز ramz secret, mystery 3 n. m. رموز rUmooz
1579042707212 ربط rabt link, connection 3 n. m. 2
1527822271 ړچ Rach dangling, trembling, shivering 4 n. m. 2
1527815854 رد rad rejection, refusal, denial; trace, sign 4 n. m. 3
1527822308 ردیف radéef row, range, order 2 n. m. 2
1527812218 ردعمل radi'amál reaction 4 n. m. 2
1527821327 رفیق raféeq friend, companion, buddy 2 n. m. 2
1527817068 رفتار raftáar behaviour, treatment, manner, conduct 4 n. m. 2
1527814298 رګ rag vein, artery, blood vessel 4 n. m. 3
1527816751 رهبر rahbár guide, leader 4 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527815221 رحم rahm, ráhum mercy 4 n. m. 2
1527814895 رحمت rahmát mercy, sympathy, pity 4 n. m. 3
1527813967 رهن rahn, ráhun deposit, pledge, mortgage 2 n. m. 2
1527815577 رهن rahn, ráhun deposit, pledge, mortgage 2 n. m. 2
1588786684321 رجسټر rajisTúr register 4 n. m. 2
1527823391 رجم rajm, rájum stoning (as a death penalty) 2 n. m. 2
1573150270712 رژیم rajzéem regime 4 n. m. 2
1576611224174 رکعت raka'át, rak'át one set/unit of proscribed motions for Muslim ritual prayers 4 n. m. رکعات rak'aat 2
1576611231222 رکات rakáat one set/unit of proscribed motions for Muslim ritual prayers (رکعت) 4 n. m. 2
1527823584 رخ rakh cutting, slicing 2 n. m. 2
1661516549648 رماز ramáaz password, insinuation, hinting 2 n. m. 2
1527817066 رمضان ramazáan Ramadan 3 n. m. 2
1527813451 رمز ramz secret, mystery 3 n. m. رموز rUmooz 2
1527819180 رنځ randz disease, sickness, illness 4 n. m. 1
1715086065707 رنګ ورکول ráng warkawúl to exaggerate, embellish v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527815219 exaggerate 1
1527815219 رنګ rang color, colour, style, kind; paint 4 n. m. 1
1527823279 رنګمال rangmaal painter (profession - painting houses etc.) 4 n. m.
1588849309521 رنج ranj suffering, torment 3 n. m.
1527821539 رپ rap moment, flash, instant (د سترګو په رپ کې - in the blink of an eye) 4 n. m. 1
1664028230001 ړپ Rap thick clump, sticky mass, thick syrup, crumbly soul; blood clot; clicking (of the tongue) 4 n. m.
1527815223 رپوټ rapoT report 4 n. m.
1527818813 رقابت raqaabát competition, rivalry 4 n. m.
1527815220 رقم raqám number, kind 4 n. m. ارقام arqáam 1
1620766051186 رقص raqs dancing, dance 4 n. m.
1622895852678 رسید raséed receipt, arrival, delivery 4 n. m. 1
1527811777 رشاد rashaad the true faith, the right way (Arabic) 2 n. m.
1566476202198 رسم الخط rasm Ulkhát script, writing, font, handwriting 2 n. m.
1527818042 رسمیت rasmiyát officiality, officialism (په رسميت – officially) 4 n. m.
1715086065707 رنګ ورکول ráng warkawúl to exaggerate, embellish v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527815219 exaggerate 3
1527815219 رنګ rang color, colour, style, kind; paint 4 n. m. 3
1527823279 رنګمال rangmáal painter (profession - painting houses etc.) 4 n. m. 2
1588849309521 رنج ranj suffering, torment 3 n. m. 2
1527821539 رپ rap moment, flash, instant (د سترګو په رپ کې - in the blink of an eye) 4 n. m. 3
1664028230001 ړپ Rap thick clump, sticky mass, thick syrup, crumbly soul; blood clot; clicking (of the tongue) 4 n. m. 2
1527815223 رپوټ rapóT report 4 n. m. 2
1527818813 رقابت raqaabát competition, rivalry 4 n. m. 2
1527815220 رقم raqám number, kind 4 n. m. ارقام arqáam 3
1620766051186 رقص raqs dancing, dance 4 n. m. 2
1622895852678 رسید raséed receipt, arrival, delivery 4 n. m. 3
1527811777 رشاد rasháad the true faith, the right way (Arabic) 2 n. m. 2
1566476202198 رسم الخط rasm Ulkhát script, writing, font, handwriting 2 n. m. 2
1527818042 رسمیت rasmiyát officiality, officialism (په رسميت – officially) 4 n. m. 2
1527817348 رسول rasool messenger, prophet, apostle 4 n. m. 1
1527820633 رسام rassáam artist, designer 4 n. m.
1661929908835 رستورانت rastooraant restaurant 4 n. m.
1527812116 رسم rásum, rasm custom, tradition 3 n. m. 1
1604508201979 رسم rásum, rasm drawing, painting 4 n. m. 1
1527815237 رواج rawáaj, riwáaj culture, custom 3 n. m. 1
1584519010002 روان rawaan spirit, psyche 2 n. m.
1586363952146 رواق rawáaq bridge, passageway with an arched roof, passage, hall, corridor 2 n. m.
1527816632 رودونی rawdoonay motherless lamb 4 n. m.
1527820633 رسام rassáam artist, designer 4 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1661929908835 رستورانت rastooráant restaurant 4 n. m. 2
1527812116 رسم rásum, rasm custom, tradition 3 n. m. 3
1604508201979 رسم rásum, rasm drawing, painting 4 n. m. 3
1527815237 رواج rawáaj, riwáaj culture, custom 3 n. m. 3
1584519010002 روان rawáan spirit, psyche 2 n. m. 2
1586363952146 رواق rawáaq bridge, passageway with an arched roof, passage, hall, corridor 2 n. m. 2
1527816632 رودونی rawdóonay, rodóonay motherless lamb 4 n. m. anim. 2
1527822880 روش rawísh conduct, way of acting, way, manner, mode, method, means 3 n. m.
1650295477341 رونق rawnáq brilliance, beauty, prosperity 4 n. m.
1527813668 رییس rayees chief, head, chairman, director, president 4 n. m.
1527823524 رېبار rebaar go-between, match-maker (for marriage partners) (رويبار) 4 n. m.
1527820905 ریحان reehaan, rayhaan sweet basil 2 n. m.
1650295477341 رونق rawnáq brilliance, beauty, prosperity 4 n. m. 2
1527813668 رییس rayées chief, head, chairman, director, president 4 n. m. anim. 2
1527823524 رېبار rebáar go-between, match-maker (for marriage partners) (رويبار) 4 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527820905 ریحان reeháan, rayháan sweet basil 2 n. m. 2
1527821004 ریخ reekh diarrhea, feces, dropping; a childrens’ game 3 n. m.
1527821330 ریخ reekh a children’s game; diarrhea, feces 3 n. m.
1661623967628 ریشخند reeshkhánd mockery, joking 4 n. m.
1527819435 رېفورم reform reform 2 n. m.
1527812414 رېګ reg sand, gravel 3 n. m. pl. 1
1661623967628 ریشخند reeshkhánd mockery, joking 4 n. m. 2
1527819435 رېفورم refórm, refóorum reform 2 n. m. 2
1527812414 رېګ reg sand, gravel 3 n. m. pl. 3
1527819193 رېل rel rail, train 2 n. m.
1527820844 ریل rayl rail (railway) 4 n. m.
1527823701 رېز rez acceleration, hurry, quickening, speed; avalanche, flood, shower 3 n. m.
1527821417 رېزش rezúsh cold, head-cold, respiratory illness 4 n. m.
1527818650 رعایت ri'aayat observance, obedience, execution (of an order, condition, deadline etc.) 4 n. m.
1592560108226 رکاب rikáab stirrup, bootstrap 3 n. m. 1
1527817844 رقت riqat pity, sorrow, sympathy 2 n. m.
1527823123 رسالت risaalát prophet-hood, prophetic mission, (the office of) prophecy in general 4 n. m. 1
1586362697185 رشته دار rishta dáar relative (person) 3 n. m. anim. unisex 1
1527822310 رشته داری rishta daaray relative (person) 3
1527814554 رشوت rishwát, rushwát bribe, bribes, bribery, corruption 4 n. m. 1
1707683945085 رشوت ورکول rishwát warkawul to bribe, to give a bribe 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527814554 bribe 1
1707684774922 رشوت اخیستل rishwát akheestul to take a bribe 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527814554 take a bribe 1
1527813798 روایت riwaayat narritive, tradition, story 3 n. m.
1527813750 ریاست riyaasát presidency, state 4 n. m. 1
1527814745 ریاض riyaaz math, mathematics 3 n. m.
1527820811 رضاکار rizaakáar volunteer; amateur (in art); a fancier 3 n. m.
1584690171337 رذالت rizaalát humiliation, baseness, abjectness 4 n. m.
1527823701 رېز rez acceleration, hurry, quickening, speed; avalanche, flood, shower 3 n. m. 2
1527821417 رېزش rezúsh cold, head-cold, respiratory illness 4 n. m. 2
1527818650 رعایت ri'aayát observance, obedience, execution (of an order, condition, deadline etc.) 4 n. m. 2
1592560108226 رکاب rikáab, rakáab stirrup, bootstrap 3 n. m. 3
1527817844 رقت riqát, raqát pity, sorrow, sympathy 2 n. m. 2
1527823123 رسالت risaalát prophet-hood, prophetic mission, (the office of) prophecy in general 4 n. m. 3
1586362697185 رشته دار rishta dáar relative (person) 3 n. m. anim. unisex 3
1527822310 رشته داری rishta daaráy relative (person) 3 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527814554 رشوت rishwát, rushwát bribe, bribes, bribery, corruption 4 n. m. 3
1707683945085 رشوت ورکول rishwát warkawúl to bribe, to give a bribe 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527814554 bribe 3
1707684774922 رشوت اخیستل rishwát akheestúl to take a bribe 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527814554 take a bribe 3
1527813798 روایت riwaayát, rawaayát narritive, tradition, story 3 n. m. 2
1527813750 ریاست riyaasát presidency, state 4 n. m. 3
1527814745 ریاض riyáaz math, mathematics 3 n. m. 2
1527820811 رضاکار rizaakáar volunteer; amateur (in art); a fancier 3 n. m. 2
1584690171337 رذالت rizaalát humiliation, baseness, abjectness 4 n. m. 2
1527821123 رضایت rizaayat consent, agreement, satisfaction 4 n. m.
1527813889 رزق rizq daily bread, food, needs, provision, nourishment 4 n. m.
1527820251 روباټ robaaT robot 4 n. m.
1527823132 روږدیتوب roGdeetob addiction 2 n. m.
1527816313 روغبړ roghbaR handshake, exchanging greetings 3 n. m.
1527815226 روغتون roghtoon hospital 4 n. m.
1527813655 رول rol role 3 n. m. 1
1527816840 رود rood river, small stream, brook 3 n. m.
1527811552 روح rooh spirit, soul, character, ghost 4 n. m. ارواح arwáah 1
1571840616231 روح القدس rooh UlqUdUs Holy Spirit (in Christianity) 4 n. m.
1527816791 روحانیت roohaaniyat spirituality 4 n. m.
1527812947 روحیات roohyaat pshychology 4 n. m.
1527821060 رومال roomáal towel, napkin; scarf that guys carry around 4 n. m. 1
1527818843 روڼ rooN cartridge, round, gunfire 2 n. m.
1527815230 روس roos Russia 4 n. m. 1
1591871370278 روستاړی róostaaRay suffix (grammar) 2 n. m.
1527819990 رویبار rooybáar go-between, matchmaker (for marriage partners) 3 n. m.
1527819564 روړی roRáy piece of rubble, piece of brick or stone 3 n. m.
1571524624089 روزنځی rozandzay nursery, orphanage 4 n. m.
1622874029061 روزګار rozgáar livelihood, work, living, daily work 4 n. m. 1
1675962912669 روزنتون rozuntóon nursery, orphanage n. m.
1527813889 رزق rizq daily bread, food, needs, provision, nourishment 4 n. m. 2
1527820251 روباټ robáaT robot 4 n. m. 2
1527823132 روږدیتوب roGdeetób addiction 2 n. m. 2
1527816313 روغبړ roghbáR handshake, exchanging greetings 3 n. m. 2
1527815226 روغتون roghtóon hospital 4 n. m. 2
1527813655 رول rol role 3 n. m. 3
1527816840 رود rood river, small stream, brook 3 n. m. 2
1527811552 روح rooh spirit, soul, character, ghost 4 n. m. ارواح arwáah 3
1571840616231 روح القدس rooh UlqUdÚs Holy Spirit (in Christianity) 4 n. m. 2
1527816791 روحانیت roohaaniyát spirituality 4 n. m. 2
1527812947 روحیات roohyáat pshychology 4 n. m. 2
1527821060 رومال roomáal towel, napkin; scarf that guys carry around 4 n. m. 3
1527818843 روڼ rooN cartridge, round, gunfire 2 n. m. 2
1527815230 روس roos Russia 4 n. m. 3
1591871370278 روستاړی roostáaRay suffix (grammar) 2 n. m. 2
1527819990 رویبار rooybáar go-between, matchmaker (for marriage partners) 3 n. m. 2
1527819564 روړی roRáy, róRay piece of rubble, piece of brick or stone 3 n. m. 2
1571524624089 روزنځی rozandzay nursery, orphanage 4 n. m. 2
1622874029061 روزګار rozgáar livelihood, work, living, daily work 4 n. m. 3
1675962912669 روزنتون rozuntóon nursery, orphanage n. m. 2
1527822085 رب rUb syrup, juice 2 n. m.
1574783347011 رجحان rUjháan preference, advantage, superiority 2 n. m.
1527823585 رخ rUkh face 3 n. m.
1527822501 رخسار rUkhsáar cheek, face (in poetry) 3 n. m.
1527812300 رخصت rUkhsát leave, permission, dismissal, vacation 3 n. m.
1709150311262 رخصت کول rUkhsat kawul to dismiss v. stat. comp. trans. 1527812300 dismiss
1709150315705 رخصت کېدل rUkhsat kedul to be dismissed v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527812300 be dismissed
1577226073441 رکن rUkn support, pillar, column; member, leader, high-up person 3 n. m. ارکان, ارکین arkáan, arakéen
1527820360 رکود rUkóod depression, stagnation, dormancy, dead-lock (in talks) 2 n. m.
1578191801680 رسوخ rUsóokh firmness, steadfastness, composure, stability 4 n. m.
1527812989 ساعت saa'át, saat hour, clock, watch, time (Arabic) 4 n. m. 1
1527821645 ساعت تېری saa't teray entertainment, fun, recreation 4 n. m.
1527817861 صابون saabóon soap 4 n. m. 1
1527813334 ساده بډانګ saada baDaang mentally retarted, idiot 2 n. m.
1596740596337 ساده موبایل saada mobaayl a regular cell-phone (non-smart phone) 4 n. m.
1527815976 سعادت saadat hapiness, prosperity, well-being 3 n. m.
1586962170859 سایس saaees groomer (for horses), stableman 3 n. m.
1527821639 صاحبمنصب saahibmansáb officer, officiate 3 n. m.
1527817354 ساحل saahíl seashore, coast, seaside, waters’ edge 4 n. m. صواحل sawaahíl 1
1527823098 ساحر saahir sorcerer, wizard, magician 4 n. m.
1527818583 ساختمان saakhtamaan, saakhtmaan design, structure, layout; building 2 n. m.
1672943173255 ساکټ saakúT socket (electrical) n. m.
1527821742 سالار saaláar head, leader 3 n. m.
1574783347011 رجحان rUjháan, rijháan preference, advantage, superiority 2 n. m. 2
1527823585 رخ rUkh face 3 n. m. 2
1527822501 رخسار rUkhsáar cheek, face (in poetry) 3 n. m. 2
1527812300 رخصت rUkhsát leave, permission, dismissal, vacation 3 n. m. 2
1709150311262 رخصت کول rUkhsat kawúl to dismiss v. stat. comp. trans. 1527812300 dismiss 2
1709150315705 رخصت کېدل rUkhsat kedúl to be dismissed v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527812300 be dismissed 2
1577226073441 رکن rUkn, rÚkun support, pillar, column; member, leader, high-up person 3 n. m. / n. m. anim. unisex ارکان, ارکین arkáan, arakéen 2
1527820360 رکود rUkóod depression, stagnation, dormancy, dead-lock (in talks) 2 n. m. 2
1578191801680 رسوخ rUsóokh firmness, steadfastness, composure, stability 4 n. m. 2
1527812989 ساعت saa'át, saat hour, clock, watch, time (Arabic) 4 n. m. 3
1527821645 ساعت تېری saa't teráy entertainment, fun, recreation 4 n. m. 2
1527817861 صابون saabóon soap 4 n. m. 3
1527813334 ساده بډانګ saada baDáang mentally retarted, idiot 2 n. m. 2
1596740596337 ساده موبایل saada mobáayl a regular cell-phone (non-smart phone) 4 n. m. 2
1527815976 سعادت saadát hapiness, prosperity, well-being 3 n. m. 2
1586962170859 سایس sáaees groomer (for horses), stableman 3 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527821639 صاحبمنصب saahibmansáb officer, officiate 3 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527817354 ساحل saahíl seashore, coast, seaside, waters’ edge 4 n. m. صواحل sawaahíl 3
1527823098 ساحر saahír sorcerer, wizard, magician 4 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527818583 ساختمان saakhtamáan, saakhtUmáan design, structure, layout; building 2 n. m. 2
1672943173255 ساکټ saakúT socket (electrical) n. m. 2
1527821742 سالار saaláar head, leader 3 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527821637 سالن saalan dish/sauce to be eaten with rice or bread 4 n. m.
1527815238 سالون saalón hall, parlor, saloon 4 n. m. 1
1527816170 سالو saaloo silk shawl, silk veil, silk kerchief 3 n. m.
1582390813152 سالو saalóo silk kerchief, silk shawl 4 n. m.
1527819691 سامان saamáan things, stuff, goods 4 n. m. 1
1584888513038 ساڼ saaN stallion, stud, bull 2 n. m.
1527816503 سانډو saanDoo husband of wife's sister, brother in law 4 n. m.
1527820277 ثانیه ګرد saaniya gard second hand (on a clock/watch) 2 n. m.
1627319915849 سانسور saansór censorship 4 n. m.
1577066022588 ساقي saaqée cupbearer, butler, bartender, alchohol maker 4 n. m.
1527813725 ساری sáaray equal, equivalent, match, precedent 2 n. m.
1576950386126 سات saat time, hour (ساعت) 3 n. m.
1527815239 ساتېری saatéray entertainment, fun, recreation 3 n. m.
1527822242 ساتندوی saatundóoy defender, guard, keeper, patron; God, Saviour; protecting, defending, guarding 4 n. m.
1527811931 ساینس sáayins science 4 n. m. 1
1527811988 ساینس دان saayins daan scientist 4 n. m.
1527811989 ساینس پوه saayins poh scientist 4 n. m.
1527811987 ساینسپوه saayinspoh scientist 4 n. m.
1588785970897 سایکل saaykul bicycle, bike 4 n. m.
1527817525 ساز saaz equipment, gear; saz (musical instrument); music 4 n. m. 1
1527819845 سازښت saazaxt, saazuxt collusion, agreement, compromise 4 n. m.
1527815241 سازنده saazinda musician 3 n. m.
1527816691 سازمان saazmaan organization, community, setup 4 n. m.
1527815238 سالون saalón, saalóon hall, parlor, saloon 4 n. m. 3
1527816170 سالو saaloo silk shawl, silk veil, silk kerchief 3 n. m. 2
1582390813152 سالو saalóo silk kerchief, silk shawl 4 n. m. 2
1527819691 سامان saamáan things, stuff, goods 4 n. m. pl. 3
1584888513038 ساڼ saaN stallion, stud, bull 2 n. m. anim. 2
1527816503 سانډو saanDoo husband of wife's sister, brother in law 4 n. m. anim. 2
1527820277 ثانیه ګرد saaniya gárd second hand (on a clock/watch) 2 n. m. 2
1627319915849 سانسور saansór censorship 4 n. m. 2
1577066022588 ساقي saaqée cupbearer, butler, bartender, alchohol maker 4 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527813725 ساری sáaray equal, equivalent, match, precedent 2 n. m. 2
1576950386126 سات saat time, hour (ساعت) 3 n. m. 2
1527815239 ساتېری saateráy entertainment, fun, recreation 3 n. m. 2
1527822242 ساتندوی saatundóoy defender, guard, keeper, patron; God, Saviour; protecting, defending, guarding 4 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527811931 ساینس sáayins, sáayuns science 4 n. m. 3
1527811988 ساینس دان saayins dáan scientist 4 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527811989 ساینس پوه saayins poh scientist 4 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527811987 ساینسپوه saayinspóh scientist 4 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1588785970897 سایکل saaykúl bicycle, bike 4 n. m. 2
1527817525 ساز saaz equipment, gear; saz (musical instrument); music 4 n. m. 3
1527819845 سازښت saazáxt, saazúxt collusion, agreement, compromise 4 n. m. 2
1527815241 سازنده saazindá musician 3 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527816691 سازمان saazmáan organization, community, setup 4 n. m. 2
1527821516 سباګون sabaagóon dawn, daybreak 2 n. m.
1527813731 ثبات sabaat, sUbaat firmness, consistence, persistence 4 n. m.
1527821515 سباوون sabaawóon dawn, daybreak 4 n. m.
1527811549 سبب sabáb reason, cause, base 4 n. m. اسباب asbaab 1
1527815308 سبق sabáq study, school, lesson (as in a lesson given in school, or a lesson learned through experience, hardship, and consequences) 4 n. m. 1
1715961450962 سبق ښودل sabáq xodúl to teach, give a lesson 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527815308 teach,teaches,teaching,taught 1
1527817326 سبت sabat Sabbath 2 n. m.
1527814438 صبر sábur, sábir patience, longsuffering, strength of heart in the face of suffering or sadness 4 n. m.
1576686117534 سبک sabk style, pattern, design, type, manner, method, school (of thought, design) 2 n. m.
1527823236 سبوڼی sabóNay yeast, baking powder 1 n. m.
1527812944 ثبوت sabóot, subóot evidence, proof 4 n. m. 1
1611396959517 سبوتاژ sabotaajz sabotage 2 n. m.
1527816205 ثبت sabt record, registration 4 n. m.
1527818177 صداقت sadaaqát faithfulness; devotion; honesty 4 n. m.
1527823004 صدف sadáf mother of pearl, nacre, shell 4 n. m.
1527822047 صف saf row, line, array 4 n. m. صفوف sUfóof 1
1527811520 سفارت safaarát embassy 4 n. m.
1527811517 سفر safár journey, travel 4 n. m. 1
1715953252012 سفر کول safár kawúl to travel, journey 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527811517 travel,travels,travelling,travelled 1
1527815245 سهار saháar morning 4 n. m.
1527818827 سهم sahm share, stock, part 4 n. m. سهام, اسهام sahaam, as`haam
1527818833 سهم sahm fear, fright 4 n. m.
1527818826 سهمدار sahmdáar shareholder, stockholder, partner 3 n. m.
1625606824582 سهولت sahoolát facility, convenience, ease 4 n. m. 1
1591981704073 صحن sáhun yard, court 4 n. m. 1
1527823254 سخاوت sakhaawát generosity, magnanimity, liberality 4 n. m. 1
1527823256 سخي توب sakhee tób generosity (سخاوت) 4 n. m.
1527818581 سختمان sakhtamaan building 3 n. m.
1527820859 سکتور saktor sector 4 n. m.
1626764108421 صلابت salaabat firmness, hardness 4 n. m.
1527818679 صلاحیت salaahiyát competence, ability, skill, authority 4 n. m.
1527813670 سلاکار salaakáar advisor, consultant 4 n. m. anim. 1
1527813715 سلامت salaamat safe, rest, peace, quiet, tranquility 4 n. m.
1527818903 سلټ saláT shield; trench, entrenchment 3 n. m.
1527816636 صلیب saléeb cross, crucifix 4 n. m. 1
1527812975 سلماني salmaanee barber, hairdresser 3 n. m.
1527813731 ثبات sabáat, sUbáat firmness, consistence, persistence 4 n. m. 2
1527821515 سباوون sabaawóon dawn, daybreak 4 n. m. 2
1527811549 سبب sabáb reason, cause, base 4 n. m. اسباب asbaab 3
1527815308 سبق sabáq study, school, lesson (as in a lesson given in school, or a lesson learned through experience, hardship, and consequences) 4 n. m. 3
1715961450962 سبق ښودل sabáq xodúl to teach, give a lesson 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527815308 teach,teaches,teaching,taught 3
1527817326 سبت sabát Sabbath 2 n. m. 2
1527814438 صبر sábur, sábir patience, longsuffering, strength of heart in the face of suffering or sadness 4 n. m. 2
1576686117534 سبک sabk style, pattern, design, type, manner, method, school (of thought, design) 2 n. m. 2
1527823236 سبوڼی sabóNay yeast, baking powder 1 n. m. 2
1527812944 ثبوت sabóot, subóot evidence, proof 4 n. m. 3
1611396959517 سبوتاژ sabotáajz sabotage 2 n. m. 2
1527816205 ثبت sabt record, registration 4 n. m. 2
1527818177 صداقت sadaaqát faithfulness; devotion; honesty 4 n. m. 2
1527823004 صدف sadáf mother of pearl, nacre, shell 4 n. m. 2
1527822047 صف saf row, line, array 4 n. m. صفوف sUfóof 3
1527811520 سفارت safaarát embassy 4 n. m. 2
1527811517 سفر safár journey, travel 4 n. m. 3
1715953252012 سفر کول safár kawúl to travel, journey 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527811517 travel,travels,travelling,travelled 3
1527815245 سهار saháar morning 4 n. m. 2
1527818827 سهم sahm, sáhum share, stock, part 4 n. m. سهام, اسهام sahaam, as`haam 2
1527818833 سهم sahm, sáhum fear, fright 4 n. m. 2
1527818826 سهمدار sahmdáar, sahumdáar shareholder, stockholder, partner 3 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1625606824582 سهولت sahoolát, soohlát facility, convenience, ease 4 n. m. 3
1591981704073 صحن sáhun yard, court 4 n. m. 3
1527823254 سخاوت sakhaawát generosity, magnanimity, liberality 4 n. m. 3
1527823256 سخي توب sakhee tób generosity (سخاوت) 4 n. m. 2
1527818581 سختمان sakhtamáan, sakhtUmáan building 3 n. m. 2
1527820859 سکتور saktór, siktór sector 4 n. m. 2
1626764108421 صلابت salaabát firmness, hardness 4 n. m. 2
1527818679 صلاحیت salaahiyát competence, ability, skill, authority 4 n. m. 2
1527813670 سلاکار salaakáar advisor, consultant 4 n. m. anim. unisex 3
1527813715 سلامت salaamát safe, rest, peace, quiet, tranquility 4 n. m. 2
1527818903 سلټ saláT shield; trench, entrenchment 3 n. m. 2
1527816636 صلیب saléeb cross, crucifix 4 n. m. 3
1527812975 سلماني salmaanée barber, hairdresser 3 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1588159163678 سلوټ salóoT salute 4 n. m.
1527812333 سلطنت sUltanát, saltanat kingdom, monarchy, sultanate, reign 3 n. m. 1
1527814751 سم sam hoof 4 n. m.
1661535034731 سماعت samáa'at, samáat hearing (sense of hearing); or court hearing, jurisdiction, trial 4 n. m.
1566475631950 سماروغ samaarogh mushroom (from Farsi) 3 n. m.
1628111441576 سماو samáaw justice, fairness; rightness, correctness 3 n. m.
1577067652723 سماوار samaawáar samovar, a big urn for brewing tea; a tea shop 4 n. m.
1587291087660 ثمر samár produce, fruit, result, benefit 4 n. m. 1
1527813794 سمستر samastar semester 4 n. m.
1527812333 سلطنت sUltanát, saltanat kingdom, monarchy, sultanate, reign 3 n. m. 3
1527814751 سم sam hoof 4 n. m. 2
1661535034731 سماعت samáa'at, samáat hearing (sense of hearing); or court hearing, jurisdiction, trial 4 n. m. 2
1566475631950 سماروغ samaarógh mushroom (from Farsi) 3 n. m. 2
1628111441576 سماو samáaw justice, fairness; rightness, correctness 3 n. m. 2
1577067652723 سماوار samaawáar samovar, a big urn for brewing tea; a tea shop 4 n. m. 2
1587291087660 ثمر samár produce, fruit, result, benefit 4 n. m. 3
1527813794 سمستر samastar, samistár semester 4 n. m. 2
1527815910 سمون samawUn correction, ratification, reform 4 n. m.
1527823065 سنبال sambaal adornment, decoration; adjustment, arranging, adjusted, settled, arranged (سمبال) 3 n. m.
1591891048445 سمبالښت sambaalíxt arrangement, providing, adjustment, administration 3 n. m. 1
1527813621 سمبول sambol symbol 4 n. m.
1527821986 صمیمیت sameemiyát sincerity, cordiality 2 n. m.
1527815911 سمون samoon agreeance, accordance, conformity 4 n. m.
1527812317 صمصام samsaam sharp sword (Arabic) 2 n. m.
1527818143 سمسورتوب samsortób ripeness, maturity; flourishing; freshness; planting (of greenery) 4 n. m.
1527818144 سمسوروالی samsorwáalay ripeness, maturity; flourishing; freshness; planting (of greenery) 4 n. m.
1527823065 سنبال sambáal adornment, decoration; adjustment, arranging, adjusted, settled, arranged (سمبال) 3 n. m. 2
1591891048445 سمبالښت sambaalíxt, sambaalúxt arrangement, providing, adjustment, administration 3 n. m. 3
1527813621 سمبول samból symbol 4 n. m. 2
1527821986 صمیمیت sameemiyát sincerity, cordiality 2 n. m. 2
1527815911 سمون samóon agreeance, accordance, conformity 4 n. m. 2
1527812317 صمصام samsaam sharp sword (Arabic) 2 n. m. 2
1527818143 سمسورتوب samsortób ripeness, maturity; flourishing; freshness; planting (of greenery) 4 n. m. 2
1527818144 سمسوروالی samsorwáalay ripeness, maturity; flourishing; freshness; planting (of greenery) 4 n. m. 2
1527814017 سمت samt path, way; land, area, region 4 n. m.
1527815248 سمندر samundár ocean, sea 4 n. m. 1
1630674127633 سموالی samwáalay correctness 4 n. m.
1527815248 سمندر samundúr, samandár ocean, sea 4 n. m. 3
1630674127633 سموالی samwáalay correctness 4 n. m. 2
1527819000 سن sin, san year; age 4 n. m. 1
1527813965 سند sanád license, document, degree, official paper 4 n. m. اسناد asnáad 1
1527817204 صنعت sanat fine art, trade 4 n. m.
1622872994169 سنډا sanDáa water buffalo 4 n. m.
1527813429 صندوق sandóoq chest, trunk, box 3 n. m. 1
1527820171 سندرچي sandurchée singer 4 n. m.
1527822161 سنګ sang stone 4 n. m.
1527812068 سنګ بر sang bUr bricklayer, mason 3 n. m.
1527817714 سنګر sangár battle ground, battle field 4 n. m.
1527811217 سنګسار sangsaar stoning (to execute) 4 n. m.
1527813965 سند sanád license, document, degree, official paper 4 n. m. اسناد asnáad 3
1527817204 صنعت sana'át fine art, trade 4 n. m. 2
1622872994169 سنډا sanDáa water buffalo 4 n. m. anim. 2
1527813429 صندوق sandóoq chest, trunk, box 3 n. m. 3
1527820171 سندرچي sandurchée singer 4 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527822161 سنګ sang stone 4 n. m. 2
1527812068 سنګ بر sang bUr, sang búr bricklayer, mason 3 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527817714 سنګر sangár, sangír battle ground, battle field 4 n. m. 2
1527811217 سنګسار sangsáar stoning (to execute) 4 n. m. 2
1527817864 سنجش sanjish thinking over, deliberation, consideration, assessment, evaluation; measurement; pricing, valuation 3 n. m.
1527821322 سنجښت sanjúxt thinking over, deliberation 3 n. m.
1593003541997 سپېدار sapedáar, spedáar aspen, white poplar (tree) 4 n. m.
1527822408 ثقافت saqaafat culture 4 n. m.
1577815708827 سقاو saqáaw water carrier 3 n. m.
1527815254 سر săr head, end, beginning 4 n. m. 1
1527814143 سر خوږی săr khooGáy headache 4 n. m.
1588150220002 سر و کار săr-U-káar relation, connection 3 n. m.
1527821226 صراحت saraahát clarity, precision; clear instruction, directive 2 n. m.
1527819257 سرک sarak road, street 4 n. m.
1527819852 سرطان saratáan cancer (disease and constellation); crab, crayfish 4 n. m. 1
1527814636 سربند sărband headband; chord; the first, main gate of irrigation ditch; headwaters; closed; not having an outlet to the sea 4 n. m.
1622135862287 سردار sărdáar sardar, leader, chief, military leader 4 n. m. 1
1595068860201 سري ورخ saree wárkh, saree warúkh headwaters, start of a river; start, beginning (of some business etc.) 4 n. m.
1527821130 سړیتوب saReetób human decency, politeness, manliness 4 n. m.
1585836382244 صرف sarf expenditure, expense; morphology, etymology 4 n. m. اصراف asráaf
1527820185 سرغندوی sărghandooy leader, head; pioneer; van 3 n. m.
1527816859 سرغړاوی sărghaRaawáy disobedience, naughtiness, insurrection, revolt 3 n. m.
1588971108182 سرحد sărhád border 4 n. m.
1527821322 سنجښت sanjúxt thinking over, deliberation 3 n. m. 2
1593003541997 سپېدار sapedáar, spedáar aspen, white poplar (tree) 4 n. m. 2
1527822408 ثقافت saqaafát culture 4 n. m. 2
1577815708827 سقاو saqáaw water carrier 3 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527815254 سر sar head, end, beginning 4 n. m. 3
1527814143 سر خوږی sar khooGáy headache 4 n. m. 2
1588150220002 سر و کار sar-U-káar relation, connection 3 n. m. 2
1527821226 صراحت saraahát clarity, precision; clear instruction, directive 2 n. m. 2
1527819257 سرک sarák road, street 4 n. m. 2
1527819852 سرطان saratáan cancer (disease and constellation); crab, crayfish 4 n. m. 3
1527814636 سربند sarbánd headband; chord; the first, main gate of irrigation ditch; headwaters; closed; not having an outlet to the sea 4 n. m. 2
1622135862287 سردار sardáar sardar, leader, chief, military leader 4 n. m. 3
1595068860201 سري ورخ saree wárkh, saree warúkh headwaters, start of a river; start, beginning (of some business etc.) 4 n. m. 2
1527821130 سړیتوب saReetób human decency, politeness, manliness 4 n. m. 2
1585836382244 صرف sarf expenditure, expense; morphology, etymology 4 n. m. اصراف asráaf 2
1527820185 سرغندوی sarghandóoy, sarghandwáy leader, head; pioneer; van 3 n. m. anim. unisex / n. m. 2
1527816859 سرغړاوی sarghaRaawáy, sarghaRáaway disobedience, naughtiness, insurrection, revolt 3 n. m. 2
1588971108182 سرحد sarhád border 4 n. m. 2
1527818215 سرشت sarísht mixture, constitution, structure, nature, make-up 2 n. m.
1527819484 سرکار sărkáar state, government; estate, holdings; chief, leader, official; business 4 n. m.
1527813184 سرخېل sărkhel leader of a tribe, tribal chief 3 n. m.
1527813511 سرخوږی sărkhooGáy, sărkhwuGáy headache, trouble 4 n. m. 1
1527819651 سرکوزی sărkóozay swine, hog, wild boar; insult 3 n. m.
1527820363 سرکنډی sărkUnDáy lock of a child’s hair (left as a vow or promise) 2 n. m.
1527820184 سرلاری sărláaray leader, head; pioneer; van 3 n. m.
1527814240 سرنوشت sărnawísht lot, fortune, destiny, fate 3 n. m.
1527821881 سرود saróod song, melody, anthem (ملي سرود - national anthem) 3 n. m.
1527817685 سرپرست sarparást caretaker, guardian, custodian, trustee 4 n. m.
1672943437546 سرپوش sărpósh lid, top, cover, cap; valve (heart) n. m.
1527822276 سرپوښ sărpóx lid, top, cover, cap; valve (heart) 4 n. m. 1
1527820569 سراج sarráaj harness maker, saddler 2 n. m.
1527811724 سرسر sarsar on the top, surface; selected; high, cold wind 4 n. m.
1527820785 سرشمېر sărshmer census (of population) ?? 4 n. m.
1527817993 ثروت sarwát riches, wealth, property 4 n. m.
1527815255 سرویس sărwees bus, service bus 4 n. m.
1527819484 سرکار sarkáar state, government; estate, holdings; chief, leader, official; business 4 n. m. / n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527813184 سرخېل sarkhél leader of a tribe, tribal chief 3 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527813511 سرخوږی sarkhooGáy, sarkhwuGáy, sarkhóoGay headache, trouble 4 n. m. 3
1527819651 سرکوزی sarkóozay, sarkoozáy swine, hog, wild boar; insult 3 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527820363 سرکنډی sarkUnDáy, sarkunDáy lock of a child’s hair (left as a vow or promise) 2 n. m. 2
1527820184 سرلاری sarláaray leader, head; pioneer; van 3 n. m. 2
1527814240 سرنوشت sarnawísht lot, fortune, destiny, fate 3 n. m. 2
1527821881 سرود saróod, sUróod song, melody, anthem (ملي سرود - national anthem) 3 n. m. 2
1527817685 سرپرست sarparást caretaker, guardian, custodian, trustee 4 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1672943437546 سرپوش sărpósh lid, top, cover, cap; valve (heart) n. m. 2
1527822276 سرپوښ sarpóx lid, top, cover, cap; valve (heart) 4 n. m. 3
1527820569 سراج sarráaj, siráaj harness maker, saddler 2 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527811724 سرسر sarsár on the top, surface; selected; high, cold wind 4 n. m. 2
1527820785 سرشمېر sarshmér census (of population) ?? 4 n. m. 2
1527817993 ثروت sarwát, sUrwát riches, wealth, property 4 n. m. 2
1527815255 سرویس sarwees bus, service bus 4 n. m.
1527814101 ست sat invitation 4 n. m.
1527821921 سطرنج satránj chess 4 n. m.
1527822962 ستل sátul pail, bucket 3 n. m.
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