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@ -9995,505 +9995,505 @@ ts p f e r c l ec ep infap infaf infbp infbf noInf app apf ppp ppf psp psf ssp s
1527818797 مزاج mizáaj, mazáaj temper, mood, disposition, frame 3 n. m. 3
1527819961 ملاتړی mlaatúRay supporter, buttress, back 4 n. m. 2
1527813119 ملاتړ mlaatúR, mulaatúR support, backing 4 n. m. 3
1527823711 موبایل mobáayl mobile phone, cell phone 4 n. m.
1701527965047 موچی mocháy cobbler, shoemaker, shoe repairman 4 n. m. anim. unisex
1715153048123 موچي mochée cobbler, shoemaker, shoe repairman 4 n. m. anim. unisex 1
1678361936933 موډرنېزم moDarnézum modernism n. m.
1610624121243 موږی moGáy, mawGáy, mooGáy peg, tent peg, tethering post 4 n. m.
1566471045130 مول mol tip of a turban 2 n. m.
1527812924 مولا moláa God, Lord, Master, Mullah 4 n. m. anim.
1593074047849 مولی moláy pestle; tree stump 4 n. m.
1527812925 مومپلی mompaláy peanut 4 n. m.
1527814720 مو moo one hair 4 n. m.
1527823711 موبایل mobáayl mobile phone, cell phone 4 n. m. 2
1701527965047 موچی mocháy cobbler, shoemaker, shoe repairman 4 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1715153048123 موچي mochée cobbler, shoemaker, shoe repairman 4 n. m. anim. unisex 3
1678361936933 موډرنېزم moDarnézum modernism n. m. 2
1610624121243 موږی moGáy, mawGáy, mooGáy peg, tent peg, tethering post 4 n. m. 2
1566471045130 مول mol tip of a turban 2 n. m. 2
1527812924 مولا moláa God, Lord, Master, Mullah 4 n. m. anim. 2
1593074047849 مولی moláy pestle; tree stump 4 n. m. 2
1527812925 مومپلی mompaláy peanut 4 n. m. 2
1527814720 مو moo one hair 4 n. m. 2
1586452936921 موډ mooD mood 2 n. m.
1527821834 موږک mooGák muscle, biceps, calf (of a leg) 4 n. m.
1527821996 موم moom wax 4 1
1527817083 مومن moomín believer, pious, good religious person 4 n. m. anim. unisex
1527816100 مونډ moonD stump, root, source 4 n. m. مونډان moonDaan
1527816101 مونډک moonDúk small tree stump, stub of a branch 3 n. m.
1527813808 مونځ moondz Muslim ritual prayers (namaz, salah, salat); office ?? 4 n. m. مانځه maandzu منځ mandz
1527820077 مونځ ګوزار moondz goozáar someone who is performing the namaz prayer 4 n. m. anim. unisex
1577820170587 موسک moosk smile, smiling 2 n. m.
1527818479 موټ mooT fist, handful 3 n. m.
1527818480 موټی móoTay fist, handful, fistful; hilt 4 n. m. 1
1527817530 موزیک moozéek music 4 n. m.
1568927216089 موزیم mooziyúm museum 4 n. m.
1527816091 مورچل morchál trench 4 n. m.
1527811946 مورد mawríd, moríd, mauríd instance, case, subject, object 2 n. m. موارد mawaarid
1527813263 موسم mosím, mosúm, mausúm, mawsúm season 4 n. m. 1
1527817241 موسوم mosóom season 3 n. m.
1527812930 موټر moTúr car (can be fem. in some dialects - pl. موټرې) 4 n. m. 1
1588759121272 موټرسایکل moTursaaykúl motorcycle, motorbike 4 n. m.
1527818667 موټروان moTurwáan driver 4 n. m. anim. unisex
1527814027 مرستی mrástay one who is helping, giving assistance 4 n. m.
1527815633 مرستی mrástay one who is helping, giving assistance 3 n. m.
1527820450 مړستون mRastóon, muRastóon graveyard, cemetery; eternal peace; tower of death (among the ancient Persians) 1 n. m.
1595252779879 مریي توب mrayee tób slavery 4 n. m.
1527821603 مرئیتوب mrayitób slavery 3 n. m.
1527821522 مریه mrayú slave, servant 3 n. m.
1527821996 موم moom wax 4 3
1527817083 مومن moomín believer, pious, good religious person 4 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527816100 مونډ moonD stump, root, source 4 n. m. مونډان moonDaan 2
1527816101 مونډک moonDúk small tree stump, stub of a branch 3 n. m. 2
1527813808 مونځ moondz Muslim ritual prayers (namaz, salah, salat); office ?? 4 n. m. مانځه maandzu منځ mandz 2
1527820077 مونځ ګوزار moondz goozáar someone who is performing the namaz prayer 4 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1577820170587 موسک moosk smile, smiling 2 n. m. 2
1527818479 موټ mooT fist, handful 3 n. m. 2
1527818480 موټی móoTay fist, handful, fistful; hilt 4 n. m. 3
1527817530 موزیک moozéek music 4 n. m. 2
1568927216089 موزیم mooziyúm museum 4 n. m. 2
1527816091 مورچل morchál trench 4 n. m. 2
1527811946 مورد mawríd, moríd, mauríd instance, case, subject, object 2 n. m. موارد mawaarid 2
1527813263 موسم mosím, mosúm, mausúm, mawsúm season 4 n. m. 3
1527817241 موسوم mosóom season 3 n. m. 2
1527812930 موټر moTúr car (can be fem. in some dialects - pl. موټرې) 4 n. m. 3
1588759121272 موټرسایکل moTursaaykúl motorcycle, motorbike 4 n. m. 2
1527818667 موټروان moTurwáan driver 4 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527814027 مرستی mrástay one who is helping, giving assistance 4 n. m. 2
1527815633 مرستی mrástay one who is helping, giving assistance 3 n. m. 2
1527820450 مړستون mRastóon, muRastóon graveyard, cemetery; eternal peace; tower of death (among the ancient Persians) 1 n. m. 2
1595252779879 مریي توب mrayee tób slavery 4 n. m. 2
1527821603 مرئیتوب mrayitób slavery 3 n. m. 2
1527821522 مریه mrayú slave, servant 3 n. m. 2
1527818035 مرغ mrugh hearth made of clumps of earth (cone shape) 3 n. m.
1588073549183 معافیت mU'aafiyát, maafiyát immunity, exemption 3 n. m.
1527822203 معالج mU'aalíj one who is attending, treating (physician) 4 n. m. anim. unisex
1527818820 معامله دار mU'aamala dáar, maamala dáar contractor, party to a contract 3 n. m. anim. unisex
1527822179 معاون mU'aawín assistant, aid, deputy 4 n. m. anim. unisex
1527814283 معلم mU'allím, ma'alím, ma'allím teacher, instructor 4 n. m. anim. unisex معلمین mUallimeen 1
1527821129 موثریت mU'asariyát effectiveness, potency 4 n. m. TRUE
1527812923 مبلغ mUbaligh, mUblágh propagandist, missionary 3 n. m. anim. unisex
1527821864 مبصر mUbassír commentator 4 n. m. anim. unisex
1527820223 مچ much fly (insect) 4 n. m. anim. 1
1589884542382 مچ پړانګ much pRáang spider 2 n. m.
1588073549183 معافیت mU'aafiyát, maafiyát immunity, exemption 3 n. m. 2
1527822203 معالج mU'aalíj one who is attending, treating (physician) 4 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527818820 معامله دار mU'aamala dáar, maamala dáar contractor, party to a contract 3 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527822179 معاون mU'aawín assistant, aid, deputy 4 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527814283 معلم mU'allím, ma'alím, ma'allím teacher, instructor 4 n. m. anim. unisex معلمین mUallimeen 3
1527821129 موثریت mU'asariyát effectiveness, potency 4 n. m. TRUE 2
1527812923 مبلغ mUbaligh, mUblágh propagandist, missionary 3 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527821864 مبصر mUbassír commentator 4 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527820223 مچ much fly (insect) 4 n. m. anim. 3
1589884542382 مچ پړانګ much pRáang spider 2 n. m. 2
1527820230 مچک muchák staff, crook, hook (shepherd’s); larva (fly etc.), insect 2 n. m.
1627298287826 مچمړ muchmúR fly swatter, device for killing flies n. m.
1527820226 مچشړ muchsháR fly swatter, fly net 2 n. m.
1527820227 مچواژی muchwáajzay insecticide for flies, fly paper etc. 2 n. m.
1527820224 مچوژی muchwajzáy fly swatter 2 n. m.
1610541286660 مدعي mUda'ée, mudayée plaintiff, claimant, accuser 4 n. m. anim. unisex
1527814133 مداخلت mUdaakhalát interference 4 n. m. 1
1713880909765 مداخلت کول mUdaakhalát kawúl to interfere 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527814133 interfere 1
1527812992 مدت mUdát, mUddát time, period 4 n. m.
1527815930 مدیر mUdéer director, manager, administrator 4 n. m. anim. unisex
1527816761 مدیریت mUdeeriyát management, administration 3 n. m.
1588857537259 مدرک mUdrík, madrák understanding, comprehension, intellect 4 n. m.
1527820618 مفاجات mUfaajáat, mafaajáat unexpected attack 1 n. m.
1527819560 مهاجر mUhaajír, mahaajír migrant, refugee, immigrant 4 n. anim. unisex مهاجرین mUhaajiréen 1
1610800185455 مهاجرت mUhaajirát, mahaajirát emmigration 4 n. m.
1527821973 محارب mUhaaríb, mahaaríb military combat, line, drill, aggression, combatant 4 n. m.
1579114355696 محبت mUhabbát, mUhabát love, affection, attachment (Arabic) 3 n. m. 1
1527822266 محیط mUhéet environment, surroundings, circumference, milieu 4 n. m.
1527813103 مهلت mUhlát time, respite, grace period, deadline; adjournment, postponement, deferment 4 n. m.
1527822428 مهر mÚhur, mUhr seal, stamp 4 n. m. 1
1527813246 مجاهد mUjaahíd zealot, religious warrior, religious fighter, jihadi 3 n. m. anim. unisex مجاهدین mUjaahidéen
1527816660 مجاورت mUjaawirát neighbourhood, neighbours, vicinity 4 n. m.
1527816661 مجاورتوب mUjaawirtób neighbourhood, neighbours, vicinity 4 n. m.
1527820643 مجازات mUjaazáat, mujaazáat punishment 4 n. m.
1527815537 مجرم mUjrím criminal, offender, guilty 4 n. m. anim. unisex مجرمین mUjriméen 1
1527813722 مکافات mUkaafaat, makaafáat remuneration, reward, retribution, payback, payment 4 n. m.
1527816028 مکاتب mUkaatíb correspondant 3 n. m. anim. unisex
1527812095 مکلفیت mUkallafiyát, mUkalafiyát obligation, duty, responsibility 4 n. m.
1527812933 مخ mukh, makh face, front, surface 4 n. m. 1
1527813757 مخالفت mUkhaalifát oppistion, resistance, objection 3 n. m. 1
1714744910346 مخالفت کول mUkhaalifát kawúl to resist, oppose, object 3 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527813757 resist 1
1527823266 مخبر mUkhbír, mukhbúr spy, agent, informer 4 n. m. anim. unisex 1
1527814317 مخکی múkhkay even and gentle slope of a hill 2 n. m.
1591871316865 مختاړی mukhtáaRay prefix (grammar) 2 n. m.
1527823016 مختګ mukhtág development, progress 3 n. m.
1527823484 مخترع mUkhtarí' inventor, constructor, builder 2 n. m. anim. unisex مخترع عین mUkhtari' 'een
1527818675 ملاقات mUlaaqáat conversation, interview, meeting, meeting or seeing, or being introduced to somebody, date 4 n. m. 1
1586956609009 ملازمت mUlaazimát serving, wating on, work 4 n. m.
1527817516 ملحد mUlhíd atheist, heretic, unbeliever 3 n. m. anim. unisex
1527821963 ملحدتوب mUlhidtób Athiesm 2 n. m.
1527812357 ملک mUlk, mulk country, land, nation, region; landed property, estate 4 n. m. 1
1584528950879 ملخی mulukháy, múlkhay arm (of a rifle), eleven-cartridge-rifle 4 n. m.
1527821315 ممانعت mUmaana'át, mUmaani'át obstacle, barrier, impediment, hindrance 4 n. m.
1627298287826 مچمړ muchmúR fly swatter, device for killing flies n. m. 2
1527820226 مچشړ muchsháR fly swatter, fly net 2 n. m. 2
1527820227 مچواژی muchwáajzay insecticide for flies, fly paper etc. 2 n. m. 2
1527820224 مچوژی muchwajzáy fly swatter 2 n. m. 2
1610541286660 مدعي mUda'ée, mudayée plaintiff, claimant, accuser 4 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527814133 مداخلت mUdaakhalát interference 4 n. m. 3
1713880909765 مداخلت کول mUdaakhalát kawúl to interfere 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527814133 interfere 3
1527812992 مدت mUdát, mUddát time, period 4 n. m. 2
1527815930 مدیر mUdéer director, manager, administrator 4 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527816761 مدیریت mUdeeriyát management, administration 3 n. m. 2
1588857537259 مدرک mUdrík, madrák understanding, comprehension, intellect 4 n. m. 2
1527820618 مفاجات mUfaajáat, mafaajáat unexpected attack 1 n. m. 2
1527819560 مهاجر mUhaajír, mahaajír migrant, refugee, immigrant 4 n. anim. unisex مهاجرین mUhaajiréen 3
1610800185455 مهاجرت mUhaajirát, mahaajirát emmigration 4 n. m. 2
1527821973 محارب mUhaaríb, mahaaríb military combat, line, drill, aggression, combatant 4 n. m. 2
1579114355696 محبت mUhabbát, mUhabát love, affection, attachment (Arabic) 3 n. m. 3
1527822266 محیط mUhéet environment, surroundings, circumference, milieu 4 n. m. 2
1527813103 مهلت mUhlát time, respite, grace period, deadline; adjournment, postponement, deferment 4 n. m. 2
1527822428 مهر mÚhur, mUhr seal, stamp 4 n. m. 3
1527813246 مجاهد mUjaahíd zealot, religious warrior, religious fighter, jihadi 3 n. m. anim. unisex مجاهدین mUjaahidéen 2
1527816660 مجاورت mUjaawirát neighbourhood, neighbours, vicinity 4 n. m. 2
1527816661 مجاورتوب mUjaawirtób neighbourhood, neighbours, vicinity 4 n. m. 2
1527820643 مجازات mUjaazáat, mujaazáat punishment 4 n. m. 2
1527815537 مجرم mUjrím criminal, offender, guilty 4 n. m. anim. unisex مجرمین mUjriméen 3
1527813722 مکافات mUkaafaat, makaafáat remuneration, reward, retribution, payback, payment 4 n. m. 2
1527816028 مکاتب mUkaatíb correspondant 3 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527812095 مکلفیت mUkallafiyát, mUkalafiyát obligation, duty, responsibility 4 n. m. 2
1527812933 مخ mukh, makh face, front, surface 4 n. m. 3
1527813757 مخالفت mUkhaalifát oppistion, resistance, objection 3 n. m. 3
1714744910346 مخالفت کول mUkhaalifát kawúl to resist, oppose, object 3 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527813757 resist 3
1527823266 مخبر mUkhbír, mukhbúr spy, agent, informer 4 n. m. anim. unisex 3
1527814317 مخکی múkhkay even and gentle slope of a hill 2 n. m. 2
1591871316865 مختاړی mukhtáaRay prefix (grammar) 2 n. m. 2
1527823016 مختګ mukhtág development, progress 3 n. m. 2
1527823484 مخترع mUkhtarí' inventor, constructor, builder 2 n. m. anim. unisex مخترع عین mUkhtari' 'een 2
1527818675 ملاقات mUlaaqáat conversation, interview, meeting, meeting or seeing, or being introduced to somebody, date 4 n. m. 3
1586956609009 ملازمت mUlaazimát serving, wating on, work 4 n. m. 2
1527817516 ملحد mUlhíd atheist, heretic, unbeliever 3 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527821963 ملحدتوب mUlhidtób Athiesm 2 n. m. 2
1527812357 ملک mUlk, mulk country, land, nation, region; landed property, estate 4 n. m. 3
1584528950879 ملخی mulukháy, múlkhay arm (of a rifle), eleven-cartridge-rifle 4 n. m. 2
1527821315 ممانعت mUmaana'át, mUmaani'át obstacle, barrier, impediment, hindrance 4 n. m. 2
1612113073609 ممیز mUmayíz supervisor, inspector, controller, overseer 4 n. m.
1527817463 منافق mUnaafíq, munaafíq very serious word for hypocrite, someone who is not being true and faithful to their faith, seditious 4 n. m. anim. unisex 1
1713816888847 منافقت mUnaafiqát, munaafiqát hypocrisy n. m. 1
1527812997 مناسبت mUnaasibát cause, reason, motive, occasion, connection 4 n. m.
1527823067 منی múnay necklace 2 n. m.
1527817463 منافق mUnaafíq, munaafíq very serious word for hypocrite, someone who is not being true and faithful to their faith, seditious 4 n. m. anim. unisex 3
1713816888847 منافقت mUnaafiqát, munaafiqát hypocrisy n. m. 3
1527812997 مناسبت mUnaasibát cause, reason, motive, occasion, connection 4 n. m. 2
1527823067 منی múnay necklace 2 n. m. 2
1527819517 منجي mUnjjee saviour, liberator 4 n. m. anim. unisex
1591804284956 منقلب mUnqaláb, mUnqalíb outcome, end, demise, death; location of a turn 3 n. m.
1527822820 منصف mUnsíf judge, arbiter, just, referee 3 n. m. anim. unisex
1527820822 منتقد mUntaqíd critic 2 n. m. anim. unisex منتقدین mUntaqidéen
1527822010 مقاومت mUqaawamát resistance, opposition, hostility, animosity 3 n. m.
1584889064620 مقرب mUqarráb, mUqaríb near, close, intimate 4 n. m.
1591804284956 منقلب mUnqaláb, mUnqalíb outcome, end, demise, death; location of a turn 3 n. m. 2
1527822820 منصف mUnsíf judge, arbiter, just, referee 3 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527820822 منتقد mUntaqíd critic 2 n. m. anim. unisex منتقدین mUntaqidéen 2
1527822010 مقاومت mUqaawamát resistance, opposition, hostility, animosity 3 n. m. 2
1584889064620 مقرب mUqarráb, mUqaríb near, close, intimate 4 n. m. 2
1527821213 مقوم mUqawwím appraiser; factor, criterion 1 n. m. مقومات mUqawwimáat
1610556772374 مر mUr, mur myrrh 4 n. m.
1527822244 مراعت mUraa'át following, applying, putting in action (a law etc.) 3 n. m.
1527818657 مراد mUráad desire, goal, wish; meaning, intention 3 n. m.
1585474793699 مربع جذر mUraba' jázur square root 3 n. m.
1527815088 مرچ murch, mrach pepper 4 n. m.
1527813274 مرچک murchák pepper, red pepper 4 n. m.
1527813275 مرچکی murchakáy red pepper, hot tempered person 4 n. m. 1
1527814287 مرید mUréed spiritual or religious student, disciple, learner (of a murshid - مرشد) 4 n. m. anim. unisex 1
1527820451 مړېستان muRestáan graveyard, cemetery 3 n. m.
1610556772374 مر mUr, mur myrrh 4 n. m. 2
1527822244 مراعت mUraa'át following, applying, putting in action (a law etc.) 3 n. m. 2
1527818657 مراد mUráad desire, goal, wish; meaning, intention 3 n. m. 2
1585474793699 مربع جذر mUraba' jázur square root 3 n. m. 2
1527815088 مرچ murch, mrach pepper 4 n. m. 2
1527813274 مرچک murchák pepper, red pepper 4 n. m. 2
1527813275 مرچکی murchakáy red pepper, hot tempered person 4 n. m. 3
1527814287 مرید mUréed spiritual or religious student, disciple, learner (of a murshid - مرشد) 4 n. m. anim. unisex 3
1527820451 مړېستان muRestáan graveyard, cemetery 3 n. m. 2
1527817771 مړی muRáy ram, mail sheep 4 n. m.
1527817770 مړی múRay dead body, corpse 3 n. m. 1
1527817770 مړی múRay dead body, corpse 3 n. m. 3
1527818034 مرغ murgh omen, luck; bird 4 n. m.
1577827084444 مرغی murgháy little bird (diminuitve) 4 n. m.
1527817105 مړخندی muRkhandáy smile 3 n. m.
1527822587 مړمند muRmánd wrist (مړوند) 3 n. m.
1527814286 مرشد mUrshíd murshid, spiritual or religious guide, mentor, teacher 3 n. m. anim. unisex
1527811525 مرتد mUrtád apostate, traitor, renegade, one who has left the faith (Islam) 4 n. m. anim. unisex مرتدین mUrtadéen 1
1527820449 مړتون muRtóon graveyard, cemetery 2 n. m.
1527813724 مساوات mUsaawáat, musaawáat equality 3 n. m.
1577827084444 مرغی murgháy little bird (diminuitve) 4 n. m. 2
1527817105 مړخندی muRkhandáy smile 3 n. m. 2
1527822587 مړمند muRmánd wrist (مړوند) 3 n. m. 2
1527814286 مرشد mUrshíd murshid, spiritual or religious guide, mentor, teacher 3 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527811525 مرتد mUrtád apostate, traitor, renegade, one who has left the faith (Islam) 4 n. m. anim. unisex مرتدین mUrtadéen 3
1527820449 مړتون muRtóon graveyard, cemetery 2 n. m. 2
1527813724 مساوات mUsaawáat, musaawáat equality 3 n. m. 2
1527819142 مصلي mUsalée garbage collector, street sweeper, janitor 4 n. m.
1527823076 مثلث mUsalás, mUsallás triangle 4 n. m. 1
1527817720 مصیبت mUseebát calamity, trouble, suffering, hardship, unfortunate event, bother 4 n. m. 1
1617442466363 مشابهت mUshaabihát, mUshaabahát resemblance, similarity, likeness 4 n. m. 1
1714744671004 مشابهت لرل mUshaabihát larúl to resemble, have a resemblance, look like 3 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1617442466363 resemble 1
1527820966 مشارکت mUshaarakát, mUshaarikát partnership, company, participation 4 n. m.
1527817976 مشکل ګذار mUshkil gUzáar a mountain area with difficult or limited access 2 n. m.
1527823076 مثلث mUsalás, mUsallás triangle 4 n. m. 3
1527817720 مصیبت mUseebát calamity, trouble, suffering, hardship, unfortunate event, bother 4 n. m. 3
1617442466363 مشابهت mUshaabihát, mUshaabahát resemblance, similarity, likeness 4 n. m. 3
1714744671004 مشابهت لرل mUshaabihát larúl to resemble, have a resemblance, look like 3 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1617442466363 resemble 3
1527820966 مشارکت mUshaarakát, mUshaarikát partnership, company, participation 4 n. m. 2
1527817976 مشکل ګذار mUshkil gUzáar a mountain area with difficult or limited access 2 n. m. 2
1527818449 مشت mUsht fist (of a hand) 3 n. m.
1527820695 مشتري mUshtarée customer, client; patron; Jupiter (the planet) 3 n. m. anim. unisex
1586760783536 مشرتوب mashurtób, mushurtób leadership, authority, presidency 4 n. m.
1527822330 مسن mUsín old man, elderly gentleman 2 n. m. anim.
1610617617346 مسن mUsín old man, old gentleman 2 n. m. anim.
1527817092 مسک musk, mUsk smile, smiling 2 n. m.
1527817099 مسکتوب musktob quality of being smiley, bright, vivacious 3 n. m.
1527815093 مصروفیت musroofiyát occupation, engagement, state of being busy 4 n. m.
1527821946 مستعار نوم mUsta'áar nóom pseudonym, pen name 2 n. m.
1527822034 مستعمر mUsta'mír, mUsta'amúr colonialist, colonizer 3 n. m. anim. unisex مستعمرین mUstamireen
1527817691 مستقبل mUstaqbíl future 3 n. m. 1
1527812427 مټ muT hand, forearm, force 4 n. m.
1585407338236 متابعت mUtaaba'át, mUtaabi'át following, obedience, submission 4 n. m.
1527821202 مطابقت mUtaabiqát correspondence, coordination, agreement 4 n. m.
1576636096342 مطالب mUtaalíb lender, moneylender, creditor 2 n. m. anim. unisex
1566475732606 مټر muTár pea 4 n. m.
1527819588 مترجم mUtarjím translator, interpreter 4 n. m. anim. unisex
1527819589 مترجمان mUtarjimáan translator, interpreter 2 n. m. anim. unisex
1527811845 موفقیت mUwaffaqiyát, mawfaqiyát success, achievement, good fortune (Arabic) 4 n. m.
1527812127 موظفیت mUwazzafiyat, mawzafiyát active duty (military) 3 n. m.
1586518684183 مښود muxód rubbing, drag; attempt, effort; stroke, pain 3 n. m.
1527817772 مز muz payment (for a service etc.) 4 n. m.
1527819316 مزاحمت mUzaahimát disturbance, trouble, annoyance, inconvenience, bother, hindrance, constraint 4 n. m.
1527820695 مشتري mUshtarée customer, client; patron; Jupiter (the planet) 3 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1586760783536 مشرتوب mashurtób, mushurtób leadership, authority, presidency 4 n. m. 2
1527822330 مسن mUsín old man, elderly gentleman 2 n. m. anim. 2
1610617617346 مسن mUsín old man, old gentleman 2 n. m. anim. 2
1527817092 مسک musk, mUsk smile, smiling 2 n. m. 2
1527817099 مسکتوب musktob quality of being smiley, bright, vivacious 3 n. m. 2
1527815093 مصروفیت musroofiyát occupation, engagement, state of being busy 4 n. m. 2
1527821946 مستعار نوم mUsta'áar nóom pseudonym, pen name 2 n. m. 2
1527822034 مستعمر mUsta'mír, mUsta'amúr colonialist, colonizer 3 n. m. anim. unisex مستعمرین mUstamireen 2
1527817691 مستقبل mUstaqbíl future 3 n. m. 3
1527812427 مټ muT hand, forearm, force 4 n. m. 2
1585407338236 متابعت mUtaaba'át, mUtaabi'át following, obedience, submission 4 n. m. 2
1527821202 مطابقت mUtaabiqát correspondence, coordination, agreement 4 n. m. 2
1576636096342 مطالب mUtaalíb lender, moneylender, creditor 2 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1566475732606 مټر muTár pea 4 n. m. 2
1527819588 مترجم mUtarjím translator, interpreter 4 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527819589 مترجمان mUtarjimáan translator, interpreter 2 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527811845 موفقیت mUwaffaqiyát, mawfaqiyát success, achievement, good fortune (Arabic) 4 n. m. 2
1527812127 موظفیت mUwazzafiyat, mawzafiyát active duty (military) 3 n. m. 2
1586518684183 مښود muxód rubbing, drag; attempt, effort; stroke, pain 3 n. m. 2
1527817772 مز muz payment (for a service etc.) 4 n. m. 2
1527819316 مزاحمت mUzaahimát disturbance, trouble, annoyance, inconvenience, bother, hindrance, constraint 4 n. m. 2
1527820794 مزد mUzd pay, wage 4 n. m.
1527820795 مزد muzd, mUzd pay, wage 4 n. m.
1575239456594 مزی múzay, muzáy cord, line, yarn, twine, cable 3 n. m. 1
1527819921 میاش کوډۍ myaash kooDúy mosquito net, mosquito netting 2 n. m.
1527823656 مزری mzaráy, mazráy tiger, lion 4 n. m. anim. unisex 1
1527821204 نه مطابقت na mUtaabiqát non-conformity 4 n. m.
1527818653 نه رعایت na ri'aayát non-obedience, non-observation 2 n. m.
1527819172 نه شوم na shwúm, na shóom vice 2 n. m.
1527819717 نه توافق na tawaafÚq disagreement, divergence, difference, disharmony 2 n. m.
1578329635683 نه یاست na yaast vice 2 n. m.
1646238018054 نعت na'át, na't poetry in praise of Islamic prophet 4 n. m.
1527820137 نعیم na'éem blissful life, paradise; proper name of a person 2 n. m.
1579389276489 ناک naak pear 4 n. m.
1527820244 نال naal horseshoe; heel-piece 4 n. m. 1
1527816548 نالت naalát curse, cursing 4 n. m.
1527820795 مزد muzd, mUzd pay, wage 4 n. m. 2
1575239456594 مزی múzay, muzáy cord, line, yarn, twine, cable 3 n. m. 3
1527819921 میاش کوډۍ myaash kooDúy mosquito net, mosquito netting 2 n. m. 2
1527823656 مزری mzaráy, mazráy tiger, lion 4 n. m. anim. unisex 3
1527821204 نه مطابقت na mUtaabiqát non-conformity 4 n. m. 2
1527818653 نه رعایت na ri'aayát non-obedience, non-observation 2 n. m. 2
1527819172 نه شوم na shwúm, na shóom vice 2 n. m. 2
1527819717 نه توافق na tawaafÚq disagreement, divergence, difference, disharmony 2 n. m. 2
1578329635683 نه یاست na yaast vice 2 n. m. 2
1646238018054 نعت na'át, na't poetry in praise of Islamic prophet 4 n. m. 2
1527820137 نعیم na'éem blissful life, paradise; proper name of a person 2 n. m. 2
1579389276489 ناک naak pear 4 n. m. 2
1527820244 نال naal horseshoe; heel-piece 4 n. m. 3
1527816548 نالت naalát curse, cursing 4 n. m. 2
1527823576 نالګی naalgáy sapling, seedling, sprout, young tree 4 n. m.
1527821546 نالش naalísh, naalúsh complaint 3 n. m.
1527821547 نالښت naalíxt, naalúxt complaint 2 n. m.
1527821075 نام naam honour, repute, glory, fame, name 2 n. m.
1575237892313 نامت naamát intention, desire, will 2 n. m.
1527814302 ناموس naamóos honor, dignity 4 n. m.
1527821546 نالش naalísh, naalúsh complaint 3 n. m. 2
1527821547 نالښت naalíxt, naalúxt complaint 2 n. m. 2
1527821075 نام naam honour, repute, glory, fame, name 2 n. m. 2
1575237892313 نامت naamát intention, desire, will 2 n. m. 2
1527814302 ناموس naamóos honor, dignity 4 n. m. 2
1527820967 نامزد naamzád candidate, aspirant, claimant; fiancee 4 n. m.
1527811663 ناپ naap measurement, measure, dimensions 4 n. m. 1
1527815104 ناری naaráy food, meal 3 n. m.
1527821594 نارګیل naargéel coconut, coco, coconut palm (ناريال) 2 n. m.
1527821593 ناریال naariyáal coconut, coco, coconut palm 3 n. m.
1527816399 ناسکه پلار naasaka pláar stepfather, father in law 4 n. m. anim.
1527816118 ناسموالی naasamwáalay incorrectness 4 n. m.
1596500572950 ناسور naasóor fistula, suppurating wound/sore 4 n. m.
1527819620 ناټو naaTó NATO 4 n. m.
1527819424 ناڅګر naatsgúr, naatsagúr, naatsagúr dancer 4 n. m. anim. unisex
1527811663 ناپ naap measurement, measure, dimensions 4 n. m. 3
1527815104 ناری naaráy food, meal 3 n. m. 2
1527821594 نارګیل naargéel coconut, coco, coconut palm (ناريال) 2 n. m. 2
1527821593 ناریال naariyáal coconut, coco, coconut palm 3 n. m. 2
1527816399 ناسکه پلار naasaka pláar stepfather, father in law 4 n. m. anim. 2
1527816118 ناسموالی naasamwáalay incorrectness 4 n. m. 2
1596500572950 ناسور naasóor fistula, suppurating wound/sore 4 n. m. 2
1527819620 ناټو naaTó NATO 4 n. m. 2
1527819424 ناڅګر naatsgúr, naatsagúr, naatsagúr dancer 4 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1611319557141 ناو naaw small valley, hollow 4 n. m.
1527819741 ناوک naawák a kind of arrow, a sting (from a wasp or bee) 2 n. m.
1527816454 ناوېشلی naaweshálay undivided, inseparated 3 n. m.
1527813369 ناورین naawréen disaster, tribulation, misfortune 2 n. m.
1527813004 نایي naayée barber, hairdresser 4 n. m. anim. unisex 1
1527815108 ناز naaz whim, desire, wish, coquetry, tease, teasing (romantic) 3 n. m. نازات naazaat 1
1670422646367 نازبو naazbóo basil n. m.
1527819375 ناضر naazír overseas, supervisor, manager 4 n. m. anim. unisex
1527823518 نازکوالی naazUkwáalay, naazukwáalay fragility, softness, tenderness, slenderness 4 n. m.
1527818168 نبات nabáat plant, vegetation, herb, grass; rock candy, candy 3 n. m. نباتات nabaataat
1527819741 ناوک naawák a kind of arrow, a sting (from a wasp or bee) 2 n. m. 2
1527816454 ناوېشلی naaweshálay undivided, inseparated 3 n. m. 2
1527813369 ناورین naawréen disaster, tribulation, misfortune 2 n. m. 2
1527813004 نایي naayée barber, hairdresser 4 n. m. anim. unisex 3
1527815108 ناز naaz whim, desire, wish, coquetry, tease, teasing (romantic) 3 n. m. نازات naazaat 3
1670422646367 نازبو naazbóo basil n. m. 2
1527819375 ناضر naazír overseas, supervisor, manager 4 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527823518 نازکوالی naazUkwáalay, naazukwáalay fragility, softness, tenderness, slenderness 4 n. m. 2
1527818168 نبات nabáat plant, vegetation, herb, grass; rock candy, candy 3 n. m. نباتات nabaataat 2
1586262390716 نبوت nabUwát prophecy, the role or mission of a prophet 4 n. m. 1
1527822603 نبض nabz pulse 4 n. m. 1
1657159894530 ندامت nadaamát, nidaamát repentence 4 n. m.
1527811826 نفس nafás, nafs breath, respiration 4 n. m.
1527823207 نفرت nafrát, nifrát hatred, aversion, abhorrence, loathing 4 n. m. 1
1527816549 نفرین nafréen curse, cursing 4 n. m.
1527811817 نفس nafs self, ego, sinful nature, desires 4 n. m.
1527812965 نفسیات nafsiyáat state of mind, psyche, personality, psychology 4 n. m. plur.
1527815118 نفر nafúr individual, person 3 n. m. anim. unisex
1527814289 نغم naghm, nághum tunnel, mine, burrow 3 n. m.
1657159894530 ندامت nadaamát, nidaamát repentence 4 n. m. 2
1527811826 نفس nafás, nafs breath, respiration 4 n. m. 2
1527823207 نفرت nafrát, nifrát hatred, aversion, abhorrence, loathing 4 n. m. 3
1527816549 نفرین nafréen curse, cursing 4 n. m. 2
1527811817 نفس nafs self, ego, sinful nature, desires 4 n. m. 2
1527812965 نفسیات nafsiyáat state of mind, psyche, personality, psychology 4 n. m. plur. 2
1527815118 نفر nafúr individual, person 3 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527814289 نغم naghm, nághum tunnel, mine, burrow 3 n. m. 2
1527818812 نغم naghúm mine, land-mine 2 n. m.
1527819012 نهنګ naháng crocodile, shark, leviathan, whale (folklore) 4 n. m.
1645607070201 نهضت nahzát, nihzát movement, development 4 n. m. anim.
1527821529 نجابت najaabát, nijaabát nobility, decency, noble birth 3 n. m.
1527818747 نجار najáar, nijáar carpenter, joiner 4 n. m. anim. unisex
1527814643 نخاس nakhkháas profiteer, cattle trader, slave trader (Arabic); shameful event, disgrace (fig.) 2 n. m. anim. unisex
1576100866715 نخل nakhúl, nákhul date palm, palm tree 2 n. m.
1527813302 نکل nákul tale, fairy tale (نقل), narration; copying, copy 0 n. m.
1578014848564 نل nal pipe, faucet, conduit; trick, maneuver; reed 4 n. m.
1573656902442 نم nam moisture, dampness, humidity 4 n. m.
1527818676 نمایش namaayush, namaayísh show, demonstration, exhibition 4 n. m.
1527822108 نمک namák salt 3 n. m. 1
1527813810 نمونځ namóondz Muslim ritual prayers (namaz, salah, salat) 4 n. m. نمانځه namaandzu نمنځ namandz
1527819012 نهنګ naháng crocodile, shark, leviathan, whale (folklore) 4 n. m. 2
1645607070201 نهضت nahzát, nihzát movement, development 4 n. m. anim. 2
1527821529 نجابت najaabát, nijaabát nobility, decency, noble birth 3 n. m. 2
1527818747 نجار najáar, nijáar carpenter, joiner 4 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527814643 نخاس nakhkháas profiteer, cattle trader, slave trader (Arabic); shameful event, disgrace (fig.) 2 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1576100866715 نخل nakhúl, nákhul date palm, palm tree 2 n. m. 2
1527813302 نکل nákul tale, fairy tale (نقل), narration; copying, copy 0 n. m. 2
1578014848564 نل nal pipe, faucet, conduit; trick, maneuver; reed 4 n. m. 2
1573656902442 نم nam moisture, dampness, humidity 4 n. m. 2
1527818676 نمایش namaayush, namaayísh show, demonstration, exhibition 4 n. m. 2
1527822108 نمک namák salt 3 n. m. 3
1527813810 نمونځ namóondz Muslim ritual prayers (namaz, salah, salat) 4 n. m. نمانځه namaandzu نمنځ namandz 2
1527811738 نندارغاړی nandaarghaaRay actor, performer, acrobat 2 n. m. anim. unisex
1527823204 نندارتون nandaartóon exhibition, exhibit, spectacle, show 3 n. m.
1527813021 ننګ náng, núng honor, sense of honor, reputation; disgrace, shame 4 n. m.
1527817955 ننګرهار nangraháar, ningraháar Nangarhar 4 n. m.
1527820630 نقاش naqáash painter, portraitist, artist 4 n. m. anim. unisex
1527815112 نقد naqd ready money, cash 4 n. m.
1527820534 نقد naqd cash, ready-money; criticism, critique 4 n. m.
1527816673 نقص nÚqs, naqs shortcoming, defect, deficiency, damage, harm 3 n. m. نواقص nawaaqis 1
1527819340 نقش naqsh design, impression, engraving, print; role, part 3 n. m. 1
1579459728708 نقل náqul, naql tale, fairy tale (نقل), narration; copying, copy; transfer, moving 3 n. m. 1
1708189300980 نقل کول náqul kawúl to deceive, trick 3 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1579459728708 deceive 1
1527822399 نړ naR 250 square meters, one quarter jirib 2 n. m.
1527819181 نری رنځ naray randz tuberculosis, TB 4 n. m.
1527816962 نرغون narghóon dialectical variant of لرغون, old times, ancient times, antiquity 2 n. m.
1527823204 نندارتون nandaartóon exhibition, exhibit, spectacle, show 3 n. m. 2
1527813021 ننګ náng, núng honor, sense of honor, reputation; disgrace, shame 4 n. m. 2
1527817955 ننګرهار nangraháar, ningraháar Nangarhar 4 n. m. 2
1527820630 نقاش naqáash painter, portraitist, artist 4 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527815112 نقد naqd ready money, cash 4 n. m. 2
1527820534 نقد naqd cash, ready-money; criticism, critique 4 n. m. 2
1527816673 نقص nÚqs, naqs shortcoming, defect, deficiency, damage, harm 3 n. m. نواقص nawaaqis 3
1527819340 نقش naqsh design, impression, engraving, print; role, part 3 n. m. 3
1579459728708 نقل náqul, naql tale, fairy tale (نقل), narration; copying, copy; transfer, moving 3 n. m. 3
1708189300980 نقل کول náqul kawúl to deceive, trick 3 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1579459728708 deceive 3
1527822399 نړ naR 250 square meters, one quarter jirib 2 n. m. 2
1527819181 نری رنځ naray randz tuberculosis, TB 4 n. m. 2
1527816962 نرغون narghóon dialectical variant of لرغون, old times, ancient times, antiquity 2 n. m. 2
1527819122 نرګوړان nargooRaan carrot, carrot-like, plant in the parsley family 1 n. m.
1527814644 نرخ narkh price, value 3 n. m. 1
1527819082 نس nas stomach, abdomen, belly 4 n. m.
1527814136 نس خوږی nas khooGay suffering from diarrhea or colic 3 n. m.
1527814644 نرخ narkh price, value 3 n. m. 3
1527819082 نس nas stomach, abdomen, belly 4 n. m. 2
1527814136 نس خوږی nas khooGay suffering from diarrhea or colic 3 n. m. 2
1527811954 نسبیت nasbiyat relativity (Arabic) 2 n. m.
1527819386 نصیب naséeb lot, fate, destiny, fortune, destined 3 n. m. 1
1527819656 نصیحت naseehát advice, moral instruction or exhortation 4 n. m. 1
1702633368967 نصیحت کول naseehát kawúl to give advice, to give moral instruction 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527819656 1
1527811228 نشاط nasháat cheerfulness, joy (Arabic) 2 n. m.
1586451106776 نشتون nashtóon lack 4 n. m.
1527819227 نشتوالی nashtwáalay lack, absence 4 n. m.
1527823198 نسج nasj weaving, cloth; tissue (w/ plural: tissues - as in anatomy) 2 n. m. انساج ansáaj
1527814160 نسکیر naskéer relative, friend 2 n. m. anim. unisex
1527822081 نصرانیت nasraaniyát Christianity (Arabic) 4 n. m.
1527822410 نص nass manifestation, evidence, exposition, formulation, religious text 2 n. m. نصوص nUsoos
1527822802 نستوڼی nastóNay sleeve 4 n. m.
1527813399 نسل násul, nasl generation, posterity 4 n. m. 1
1584518272966 نثر násur prose 4 n. m.
1527822482 نڅاګر natsaagúr dancer 4 n. m. anim. unisex
1579391032801 نڅوړ natsóR compressing, squeezing, wringing out 4 n. m.
1527823407 نطاق nattáaq, natáaq orator, announcer, official representative 3 n. m.
1659408577492 نوعیت naw'iyát, no'iyát quality, attribute, particularity 4 n. m.
1527816206 نوار nawáar tape, ribbon, film 2 n. m.
1527816253 نواسه nawaasá grandson 4 n. m.
1527815115 نوروز nawróz nowruz, Persian new year 4 n. m.
1571608097136 نوښت nawúxt, nuwúxt innovation, enterprise, invention 2 n. m.
1527820705 نښه ویشتونکی naxa weeshtóonkay shooter, sniper 4 n. m.
1578329628114 نیاست nayáast, niyáast vice 2 n. m.
1576439229568 نظافت nazaafát, nizaafát cleanliness, neatness; purity, chastity 3 n. m.
1621936286266 نظارت nazaarát observation, surveillance, monitoring, supervision 4 n. m.
1527813747 نظر nazár, názar view, look, glane, viewpoint, opinion; evil eye 4 n. m. 1
1713619804498 نظر اچول nazár achawúl to glance v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527813747 glance 1
1713620446315 نظر کول nazár kawúl to glance v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527813747 glance 1
1658765262624 نذر názar, názr present, gift, offering, sacrifice 4 n. m.
1575128543670 نزدیکت nazdeekát closeness, nearness, proximity 4 n. m.
1527823697 نظم názum, názim order, structure, orderliness; verse, poem, poetry, verses 4 n. m. 1
1527816410 نیکه neekú grandfather, grandpa 4 n. m. anim. unisex 1
1527819867 نیله چنار neela chináar white poplar (tree) 4 n. m.
1527821604 نیم مرئیتوب neem mrayitób serfdom, dependence 4 n. m.
1594834227795 نیمچکی neemchákay wavy pattern (on a carpet edge etc.) 2 n. m.
1584518122818 نیشتوی neeshtóy, neeshtwáy dissasociation, seperation, parting, severance 2 n. m.
1527819431 نیواک neewáak invasion, occupation 4 n. m.
1527822238 نیوکګر neewakgár critic 2 n. m. anim. unisex
1527819386 نصیب naséeb lot, fate, destiny, fortune, destined 3 n. m. 3
1527819656 نصیحت naseehát advice, moral instruction or exhortation 4 n. m. 3
1702633368967 نصیحت کول naseehát kawúl to give advice, to give moral instruction 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527819656 3
1527811228 نشاط nasháat cheerfulness, joy (Arabic) 2 n. m. 2
1586451106776 نشتون nashtóon lack 4 n. m. 2
1527819227 نشتوالی nashtwáalay lack, absence 4 n. m. 2
1527823198 نسج nasj weaving, cloth; tissue (w/ plural: tissues - as in anatomy) 2 n. m. انساج ansáaj 2
1527814160 نسکیر naskéer relative, friend 2 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527822081 نصرانیت nasraaniyát Christianity (Arabic) 4 n. m. 2
1527822410 نص nass manifestation, evidence, exposition, formulation, religious text 2 n. m. نصوص nUsoos 2
1527822802 نستوڼی nastóNay sleeve 4 n. m. 2
1527813399 نسل násul, nasl generation, posterity 4 n. m. 3
1584518272966 نثر násur prose 4 n. m. 2
1527822482 نڅاګر natsaagúr dancer 4 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1579391032801 نڅوړ natsóR compressing, squeezing, wringing out 4 n. m. 2
1527823407 نطاق nattáaq, natáaq orator, announcer, official representative 3 n. m. 2
1659408577492 نوعیت naw'iyát, no'iyát quality, attribute, particularity 4 n. m. 2
1527816206 نوار nawáar tape, ribbon, film 2 n. m. 2
1527816253 نواسه nawaasá grandson 4 n. m. 2
1527815115 نوروز nawróz nowruz, Persian new year 4 n. m. 2
1571608097136 نوښت nawúxt, nuwúxt innovation, enterprise, invention 2 n. m. 2
1527820705 نښه ویشتونکی naxa weeshtóonkay shooter, sniper 4 n. m. 2
1578329628114 نیاست nayáast, niyáast vice 2 n. m. 2
1576439229568 نظافت nazaafát, nizaafát cleanliness, neatness; purity, chastity 3 n. m. 2
1621936286266 نظارت nazaarát observation, surveillance, monitoring, supervision 4 n. m. 2
1527813747 نظر nazár, názar view, look, glane, viewpoint, opinion; evil eye 4 n. m. 3
1713619804498 نظر اچول nazár achawúl to glance v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527813747 glance 3
1713620446315 نظر کول nazár kawúl to glance v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527813747 glance 3
1658765262624 نذر názar, názr present, gift, offering, sacrifice 4 n. m. 2
1575128543670 نزدیکت nazdeekát closeness, nearness, proximity 4 n. m. 2
1527823697 نظم názum, názim order, structure, orderliness; verse, poem, poetry, verses 4 n. m. 3
1527816410 نیکه neekú grandfather, grandpa 4 n. m. anim. unisex 3
1527819867 نیله چنار neela chináar white poplar (tree) 4 n. m. 2
1527821604 نیم مرئیتوب neem mrayitób serfdom, dependence 4 n. m. 2
1594834227795 نیمچکی neemchákay wavy pattern (on a carpet edge etc.) 2 n. m. 2
1584518122818 نیشتوی neeshtóy, neeshtwáy dissasociation, seperation, parting, severance 2 n. m. 2
1527819431 نیواک neewáak invasion, occupation 4 n. m. 2
1527822238 نیوکګر neewakgár critic 2 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1610793639841 نېکر nekur underwear, underpants, boxers 2 n. m.
1586276021941 نېش nesh awl, fang, tusk, sharp end 4 n. m.
1527816852 نېښ nex prick, stab; seven-year-old camel 4 n. m.
1579016921039 نیشکر nayshakár sugarcane 3 n. m.
1527818961 نږی nGay, núGay sneeze, sneezing 2 n. m.
1586266181302 نغری ngharáy oven, stove, furnace, kiln, fireplace, heater, hearth 4 n. m. 1
1586276021941 نېش nesh awl, fang, tusk, sharp end 4 n. m. 2
1527816852 نېښ nex prick, stab; seven-year-old camel 4 n. m. 2
1579016921039 نیشکر nayshakár sugarcane 3 n. m. 2
1527818961 نږی nGay, núGay sneeze, sneezing 2 n. m. 2
1586266181302 نغری ngharáy oven, stove, furnace, kiln, fireplace, heater, hearth 4 n. m. 3
1573656245009 نغول nghol drainage ditch, gutter 2 n. m.
1527814335 نعمت ni'mát, ni'amát gift, grace, godsend, provision (good thing from God) 4 n. m.
1527817137 نفاق nifáaq division, enmity 4 n. m.
1678365081255 نفاق nifáaq disunity, discord n. m.
1527822086 نګاهبان nigaahbáan guardian, watchkeeper, custody, guard 4 n. m. anim. unisex
1527819516 نګاهبان nigaahbáan keeper, protector, guard, custodian 4 n. m. anim. unisex
1527819515 نګهبان nigahbáan keeper, protector, guard, custodian 4 n. m. anim. unisex
1614082792037 نهاد niháad institution; subject, substance, essence 2 n. m.
1527823574 نهال niháal sapling, seedling, sprout, young tree 4 n. m.
1527817715 نجاست nijaasát filth, impurity, foulness, uncleanness, abomination (from نجس) 4 n. m.
1527817708 نجات nijáat salvation, relief, release, liberation, escape 4 n. m. 1
1714730632259 خلاصی khlaasáy salvation, relief, release, liberation, escape n. m. 1
1527816782 نژاد nijzáad bloodline, breed, race, background 4 n. m.
1527814335 نعمت ni'mát, ni'amát gift, grace, godsend, provision (good thing from God) 4 n. m. 2
1527817137 نفاق nifáaq division, enmity 4 n. m. 2
1678365081255 نفاق nifáaq disunity, discord n. m. 2
1527822086 نګاهبان nigaahbáan guardian, watchkeeper, custody, guard 4 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527819516 نګاهبان nigaahbáan keeper, protector, guard, custodian 4 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527819515 نګهبان nigahbáan keeper, protector, guard, custodian 4 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1614082792037 نهاد niháad institution; subject, substance, essence 2 n. m. 2
1527823574 نهال niháal sapling, seedling, sprout, young tree 4 n. m. 2
1527817715 نجاست nijaasát filth, impurity, foulness, uncleanness, abomination (from نجس) 4 n. m. 2
1527817708 نجات nijáat salvation, relief, release, liberation, escape 4 n. m. 3
1714730632259 خلاصی khlaasáy salvation, relief, release, liberation, escape n. m. 3
1527816782 نژاد nijzáad bloodline, breed, race, background 4 n. m. 2
1594215474952 نکل nikál nickal 4 n. m.
1527818758 نقاب niqáab niqab, face veil, shawl 4 n. m.
1527817186 نصاب nisáab beginning, basis, origin; plan, program, curriculum; virtue, merit 4 n. m.
1527816184 نثار nisáar scattering, strewing, distribution of money at holiday time (Arabic) 2 n. m.
1527811958 نسبت nisbát relationship, connection, comparison 4 n. m. 1
1703676962809 نسبت ورکول nisbát warkawúl to attribute, make a connection 3 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527811958 attribute 1
1527813026 نشان nisháan sign, mark, medal, badge; taget, aim 4 n. m. 1
1664025957893 نشست nishást sitting; meeting; settling; sedementation 4 n. m.
1584640345668 نښان nixaan sign, mark, medal, badge; taget, aim 4 n. m.
1527816832 نیابت niyaabát regency, vice-regency, proxy, region governed by a governer-general, regency 3 n. m.
1527823575 نیال niyáal sapling, seedling, sprout, young tree 4 n. m.
1527823577 نیالګی niyaalgáy sapling, seedling, sprout, young tree 4 n. m.
1527812318 نیام niyáam sheath, scabbard 2 n. m.
1628110669716 نیاوتون niyaawtóon, nyaawtóon court (legal) 3 n. m.
1527820971 نیاز niyáaz, nyaaz supplication, prayer, offering; request, entreaty; need, requirement 4 n. m.
1527812967 نیت niyát intention, goal, desire, aim 4 n. m. 1
1714027822681 نیت کول niyát kawúl to intend, make a goal, aim for something 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527812967 intend 1
1527821789 نزاکت nizaakát sensitivity, delicacy, elegance, politeness 3 n. m.
1527814260 نظام nizáam order, system, regime 4 n. m. 1
1702631318545 نظام چلول nizáam chalawúl to administer, run 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527814260 administer 1
1527818758 نقاب niqáab niqab, face veil, shawl 4 n. m. 2
1527817186 نصاب nisáab beginning, basis, origin; plan, program, curriculum; virtue, merit 4 n. m. 2
1527816184 نثار nisáar scattering, strewing, distribution of money at holiday time (Arabic) 2 n. m. 2
1527811958 نسبت nisbát relationship, connection, comparison 4 n. m. 3
1703676962809 نسبت ورکول nisbát warkawúl to attribute, make a connection 3 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527811958 attribute 3
1527813026 نشان nisháan sign, mark, medal, badge; taget, aim 4 n. m. 3
1664025957893 نشست nishást sitting; meeting; settling; sedementation 4 n. m. 2
1584640345668 نښان nixaan sign, mark, medal, badge; taget, aim 4 n. m. 2
1527816832 نیابت niyaabát regency, vice-regency, proxy, region governed by a governer-general, regency 3 n. m. 2
1527823575 نیال niyáal sapling, seedling, sprout, young tree 4 n. m. 2
1527823577 نیالګی niyaalgáy sapling, seedling, sprout, young tree 4 n. m. 2
1527812318 نیام niyáam sheath, scabbard 2 n. m. 2
1628110669716 نیاوتون niyaawtóon, nyaawtóon court (legal) 3 n. m. 2
1527820971 نیاز niyáaz, nyaaz supplication, prayer, offering; request, entreaty; need, requirement 4 n. m. 2
1527812967 نیت niyát intention, goal, desire, aim 4 n. m. 3
1714027822681 نیت کول niyát kawúl to intend, make a goal, aim for something 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527812967 intend 3
1527821789 نزاکت nizaakát sensitivity, delicacy, elegance, politeness 3 n. m. 2
1527814260 نظام nizáam order, system, regime 4 n. m. 3
1702631318545 نظام چلول nizáam chalawúl to administer, run 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527814260 administer 3
1527814028 نمر nmar sun 4 n. m. 1
1527815071 نوبت nobát, nawbát turn, watch 4 n. m.
1527812104 نوکر nokár servant, worker 4 n. m. anim. unisex 1
1709768713531 نوکر کول nokar kawúl to employ, hire v. stat. comp. trans. 1527812104 employ 1
1590052416042 نولی noláy, nólay marmot, mongoose, weasel 4 n. m. anim. unisex
1527811489 نوم noom navel, bellybutton, umbilicial cord 4 n. m. نامه naamu نم nam 1
1527815071 نوبت nobát, nawbát turn, watch 4 n. m. 2
1527812104 نوکر nokár servant, worker 4 n. m. anim. unisex 3
1709768713531 نوکر کول nokar kawúl to employ, hire v. stat. comp. trans. 1527812104 employ 3
1590052416042 نولی noláy, nólay marmot, mongoose, weasel 4 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527811489 نوم noom navel, bellybutton, umbilicial cord 4 n. m. نامه naamu نم nam 3
1527818956 نوږی nooGáy sneeze, sneezing 2 n. m.
1527818955 نوږی nóoGay breed, property, characteristics, pedigree 2 n. m.
1527818955 نوږی nóoGay breed, property, characteristics, pedigree 2 n. m. 2
1588858043943 نوغ noogh newborn calf 2 n. m.
1527823583 نوغی noogháy sapling, seed, offshoot, progeny; mark, spot, brand, label 4 n. m.
1527822768 نوغی nóoghay sapling, seed, offshoot, progeny; spot, speck, sign, mark, label, scar 4 n. m.
1527813178 نوک nook nail (as in fingernail, toenail), hoof 4 n. m. 1
1527823662 نوکراړی nookráaRay itch, itching 2 n. m.
1527817278 نوکری nookráy, nookuráy leprosy 4 n. m.
1527817977 نول nool, nol grief, sorrow, woe, affliction 4 n. m.
1527815122 نوم noom name 4 n. m. 1
1610792842279 نوملړ noomláR directory 3 n. m.
1527813671 نور noor light, glory, radiance (often spiritual) 4 n. m. 1
1527818161 نوش nosh drink, beverage, tasty food 4 n. m.
1582659161426 نوټ noT note 3 n. m. 1
1527813178 نوک nook nail (as in fingernail, toenail), hoof 4 n. m. 3
1527823662 نوکراړی nookráaRay itch, itching 2 n. m. 2
1527817278 نوکری nookráy, nookuráy leprosy 4 n. m. 2
1527817977 نول nool, nol grief, sorrow, woe, affliction 4 n. m. 2
1527815122 نوم noom name 4 n. m. 3
1610792842279 نوملړ noomláR directory 3 n. m. 2
1527813671 نور noor light, glory, radiance (often spiritual) 4 n. m. 3
1527818161 نوش nosh drink, beverage, tasty food 4 n. m. 2
1582659161426 نوټ noT note 3 n. m. 3
1527816259 نوټ بک noT bUk notebook 4 n. m.
1527812253 نه خوړو اعتصاب nu khwaRo itisaab hunger strike (لوږتړ) 3 n. m.
1527820768 نفوس nUfóos, nufóos population, inhabitants 4 n. m.
1527815873 نفوذ nUfóoz, nufóoz influence, authority 2 n. m.
1527811626 نکېده nukedú impracticability, impossibility, improbability 1 n. m.
1527818677 نمایش nUmaayísh show, demonstration, exhibition 4 n. m.
1678446984797 نمبر numbár number n. m.
1527811866 نقصان nUqsáan damage, defect, loss, harm 4 n. m. 1
1713698270178 نقصان رسول nUqsáan rasawúl to damage, cause harm, cause loss 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527811866 damage 1
1527820768 نفوس nUfóos, nufóos population, inhabitants 4 n. m. 2
1527815873 نفوذ nUfóoz, nufóoz influence, authority 2 n. m. 2
1527811626 نکېده nukedú impracticability, impossibility, improbability 1 n. m. 2
1527818677 نمایش nUmaayísh show, demonstration, exhibition 4 n. m. 2
1678446984797 نمبر numbár number n. m. 2
1527811866 نقصان nUqsáan damage, defect, loss, harm 4 n. m. 3
1713698270178 نقصان رسول nUqsáan rasawúl to damage, cause harm, cause loss 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1527811866 damage 3
1527815125 نقل nUqul Afghan sweet, sugar plum 4 n. m.
1584516757523 نشت nisht, nusht non-existence, not being 4 n. m. 1
1527823126 نصرت nUsrát, nusrát victory, triumph; help, assistance 4 n. m.
1595233698995 نښتر nuxtár, nixtár pine tree, conifer 4 n. m. 1
1628110826562 نیاو nyaaw, niyáaw justice 3 n. m.
1527812247 اوبوس obóos howitzer, short cannon 4 n. m.
1527821967 اوبسپی obspáy, oobuspáy beaver, seal 3 n. m.
1650696789567 اوبال oobáal sin, offense, crime, transgressian 4 n. m.
1527821869 اوبه مېچ oobu méch bubble level 3 n. m.
1527822189 اوجاغ oojáagh, awjáagh stove, oven, cooker 3 n. m.
1527813113 اولس oolús nation, people, folk 4 n. m. 1
1527814701 اوندن رنځ oondan randz chronice disease 3 n. m.
1630939209007 اوستربل oostarbál post-position (grammar) 2 n. m.
1527819048 اوتو ootóo iron (for pressing cloth/clothes) 3 n. m.
1527815131 اوښ oox camel 4 n. m. anim. unisex 1
1664028590909 اوښلن غاز ooxlun ghaaz tear gas 3 n. m.
1591026291468 اوز ooz goat 4 n. m.
1675267663136 اوزبکستان oozbakistáan Uzbekistan n. m.
1527813827 اور or fire, flame 4 n. m. 1
1527822190 اور غالی or gháalay stove, oven, furnace, hearth, floor of a fireplace 4 n. m.
1527818417 اور غورځوونکی or ghoordzawóonkay volcano 3 n. m.
1527823107 اور ورین or waréen volcano 3 n. m.
1584516757523 نشت nisht, nusht non-existence, not being 4 n. m. 3
1527823126 نصرت nUsrát, nusrát victory, triumph; help, assistance 4 n. m. 2
1595233698995 نښتر nuxtár, nixtár pine tree, conifer 4 n. m. 3
1628110826562 نیاو nyaaw, niyáaw justice 3 n. m. 2
1527812247 اوبوس obóos howitzer, short cannon 4 n. m. 2
1527821967 اوبسپی obspáy, oobuspáy beaver, seal 3 n. m. 2
1650696789567 اوبال oobáal sin, offense, crime, transgressian 4 n. m. 2
1527821869 اوبه مېچ oobu méch bubble level 3 n. m. 2
1527822189 اوجاغ oojáagh, awjáagh stove, oven, cooker 3 n. m. 2
1527813113 اولس oolús nation, people, folk 4 n. m. 3
1527814701 اوندن رنځ oondan randz chronice disease 3 n. m. 2
1630939209007 اوستربل oostarbál post-position (grammar) 2 n. m. 2
1527819048 اوتو ootóo iron (for pressing cloth/clothes) 3 n. m. 2
1527815131 اوښ oox camel 4 n. m. anim. unisex 3
1664028590909 اوښلن غاز ooxlun ghaaz tear gas 3 n. m. 2
1591026291468 اوز ooz goat 4 n. m. 2
1675267663136 اوزبکستان oozbakistáan Uzbekistan n. m. 2
1527813827 اور or fire, flame 4 n. m. 3
1527822190 اور غالی or gháalay stove, oven, furnace, hearth, floor of a fireplace 4 n. m. 2
1527818417 اور غورځوونکی or ghoordzawóonkay volcano 3 n. m. 2
1527823107 اور ورین or waréen volcano 3 n. m. 2
1527813828 اور وروونکی or wUrawóonkay volcano 3 n. m.
1527818419 اورنی غر oranay ghar volcano 2 n. m.
1527820350 اوربل orbál lock (of hair), curl, bang (in hair); Fire! (command) 4 n. m. 1
1527817866 اوربند orband ceasefire 4 n. m.
1527818593 اوربوز orbooz muzzle, snout, ugly face 4 n. m.
1527818419 اورنی غر oranay ghar volcano 2 n. m. 2
1527820350 اوربل orbál lock (of hair), curl, bang (in hair); Fire! (command) 4 n. m. 3
1527817866 اوربند orbánd ceasefire 4 n. m. 2
1527818593 اوربوز orbóoz muzzle, snout, ugly face 4 n. m. 2
1527815585 اوړی óRay summer 4 n. m. 1
1527819192 اورګاډی orgáaDay train 4 n. m.
1527818420 اورشیند orshéend volcano 3 n. m.
1527818421 اورشیند غر orsheend ghar volcano 3 n. m.
1527821545 اورشیندی orsheendáy volcano 3 n. m.
1527817236 اورښت oruxt precipitation, snowfall, rainfall 4 n. m.
1586203770150 پاچه paacha king, padishah, ruler 4 n. m.
1527815142 پاچا paachaa king 4 n. m.
1527814757 پادزهر paad`zahar antidote (for poison) 2 n. m.
1527819192 اورګاډی orgáaDay train 4 n. m. 2
1527818420 اورشیند orshéend volcano 3 n. m. 2
1527818421 اورشیند غر orsheend ghar volcano 3 n. m. 2
1527821545 اورشیندی orsheendáy volcano 3 n. m. 2
1527817236 اورښت oruxt precipitation, snowfall, rainfall 4 n. m. 2
1586203770150 پاچه paachá king, padishah, ruler 4 n. m. 2
1527815142 پاچا paacháa king 4 n. m. 2
1527814757 پادزهر paad`zahar, paadazhár antidote (for poison) 2 n. m. 2
1527820704 پاداش paadáash reward, recompense 4 n. m.
1527819626 پادري paadree priest, minister (church) 4 n. m.
1527822800 پاکټ paakáT packet, package, envelope 3 n. m.
1527815147 پاکستان paakistaan Pakistan 4 n. m.
1527812286 پاکوالی paakwaalay purification, cleanliness, tidying up 3 n. m.
1588784068381 پال paal abstention, declining, restraint; beginning, start; lapse, flaw (in plowing / agriculture) 4 n. m.
1527814419 پالېز paalez melon, watermelon, cucumber 4 n. m.
1527818011 پالون paaloon raiser (as in cattle raiser), grower (as in caregiver etc.) 3 n. m.
1610618917483 پالنځی paalundzáy orphanage, nursery 4 n. m.
1527815148 پام paam attention, care 3 n. m.
1527820099 پامیر paameer Pamir 4 n. m.
1527822273 پاڼ paaN precipice, cliff, steep bank, waterfall 4 n. m.
1527813196 پاڼ رېژ paaN rejz fall, autumn 2 n. m.
1527820849 پانګوال paangwaal investor, capitalist 3 n. m.
1527812310 پانوس paanoos lantern 3 n. m.
1527814387 پانسمان paansmaan bandage, dressing (for wounds) 4 n. m.
1527822226 پاپ paap pope 4 n. m.
1527811464 پار paar incitement, instigation, reason/cause (د درانوي په پار - as an act of respect); will, power, authority 4 n. m.
1527819281 پارچنګی paarchangáy short flight of stairs 2 n. m.
1527819486 پاریس paarees Paris 4 n. m.
1527815151 پارک paark park 4 n. m.
1593176064920 پاړکی páaRkay segment, slice, class (of a society etc.) 2 n. m.
1527818295 پارلمان paarlamáan parliament 4 n. m.
1527821599 پارو paaróo oar, paddle, row; manure fertilizer 3 n. m.
1577068600622 پاړسوب paaRsóob swelling 4 n. m. 1
1527819626 پادري paadrée priest, minister (church) 4 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527822800 پاکټ paakáT packet, package, envelope 3 n. m. 2
1527815147 پاکستان paakistáan Pakistan 4 n. m. 2
1527812286 پاکوالی paakwáalay purification, cleanliness, tidying up 3 n. m. 2
1588784068381 پال paal abstention, declining, restraint; beginning, start; lapse, flaw (in plowing / agriculture) 4 n. m. 2
1527814419 پالېز paaléz melon, watermelon, cucumber 4 n. m. 2
1527818011 پالون paalóon raiser (as in cattle raiser), grower (as in caregiver etc.) 3 n. m. 2
1610618917483 پالنځی paalundzáy orphanage, nursery 4 n. m. 2
1527815148 پام paam attention, care 3 n. m. 2
1527820099 پامیر paaméer Pamir 4 n. m. 2
1527822273 پاڼ paaN precipice, cliff, steep bank, waterfall 4 n. m. 2
1527813196 پاڼ رېژ paaN réjz fall, autumn 2 n. m. 2
1527820849 پانګوال paangwaal, paangawáal investor, capitalist 3 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527812310 پانوس paanóos lantern 3 n. m. 2
1527814387 پانسمان paansmáan bandage, dressing (for wounds) 4 n. m. 2
1527822226 پاپ paap pope 4 n. m. anim. 2
1527811464 پار paar incitement, instigation, reason/cause (د درانوي په پار - as an act of respect); will, power, authority 4 n. m. 2
1527819281 پارچنګی paarchangáy short flight of stairs 2 n. m. 2
1527819486 پاریس paarées Paris 4 n. m. 2
1527815151 پارک paark park 4 n. m. 2
1593176064920 پاړکی páaRkay, paaRkáy segment, slice, class (of a society etc.) 2 n. m. 2
1527818295 پارلمان paarlamáan parliament 4 n. m. 2
1527821599 پارو paaróo oar, paddle, row; manure fertilizer 3 n. m. 2
1577068600622 پاړسوب paaRsóob swelling 4 n. m. 3
1527814707 پارویی paarwayay interjection 2 n. m.
1527820423 پاسپورټ paasporT passport 4 n. m.
1527812407 پاسره ګر paasra gar thrifty, saver, spendthrift 3 n. m.
1527822605 پاستی paastáy chapati (a sweet flatcake); dewlap (of an animal) 3 n. m.
1571626296605 پاټک paaTák customshouse, customs; checkpoint 4 n. m.
1527820423 پاسپورټ paaspórT passport 4 n. m. 2
1527812407 پاسره ګر paasra gár thrifty, saver, spendthrift 3 n. m. 2
1527822605 پاستی paastáy, páastay chapati (a sweet flatcake); dewlap (of an animal) 3 n. m. 2
1571626296605 پاټک paaTák, paaTúk customshouse, customs; checkpoint 4 n. m. 2
1527816452 پاڅون paatsoon uprising, revolt, revolution 4 n. m.
1527822840 پاو paaw one quarter; a sixteenth of a seer 4 n. m. 1
1527821030 پاوتلی paawtaláy sediment, solid matter settled at the bottom of a liquid, material deposited by ice, wind, water 3 n. m.
1527815154 پای paay end, finish, close, conclusion 4 n. m.
1527814666 پای ټکی paay Tákay final point, end point 4 n. m.
1527821348 پایل paayl battery (electronics), reactor (nuclear) 4 n. m.
1573684276197 پایتخت paaytakht capital (city) 4 n. m.
1527821349 پایل paayúl cornbread 3 n. m.
1527822220 پدل padúl influence, fear, terror, effect, consequence 3 n. m.
1645559482469 پګړی pagRáy turban 4 n. m.
1527817522 پهلوان pahlawáan wrestler 4 n. m. anim. unisex 1
1716310049965 پهلواني pahlawaanée, palawaanée wrestling 4 n. f.
1716310054726 پهلواني کول pahlawaanée kawúl, palawaanée kawúl to wrestle 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1716310049965 wrestle 1
1527817603 پهلو pahlóo side, aspect 4 n. m.
1527812069 پجه وال paja waal bricklayer 3 n. m.
1610617143178 پژواک pajzwáak echo 2 n. m.
1527822298 پکی pakáy fan, ventilator fan; diminutive a little bald, thin on top 4 n. m. 1
1527818738 پخن pakhán mineral 4 n. m.
1527816059 پخلی pakhláy cooking, preparation of food; wisdom, maturity 4 n. m.
1595256038591 پخوالی pakhwaalay maturity, ripeness 4 n. m.
1527820151 پکول pakól a type of cap, hat 4 n. m.
1527813222 پل pal, pul sole (of a foot), step, footprint; millstone 4 n. m.
1527816363 پلنګ palang bed 4 n. m.
1527823506 پلو paláw, palau side, direction, flank 4 n. m. پلوه palawu پلو palaw 1
1527816926 پلی پوځ palay podz infantry 4 n. m.
1527816928 پلی سرتېر palay sărter foot-soldier, infantry man 4 n. m.
1527817065 پلغټ palghaT fast pace, fast walk 3 n. m.
1527822840 پاو paaw one quarter; a sixteenth of a seer 4 n. m. 3
1527821030 پاوتلی paawtaláy, paawtálay sediment, solid matter settled at the bottom of a liquid, material deposited by ice, wind, water 3 n. m. 2
1527815154 پای paay end, finish, close, conclusion 4 n. m. 2
1527814666 پای ټکی paay Túkay final point, end point 4 n. m. 2
1527821348 پایل paayl battery (electronics), reactor (nuclear) 4 n. m. 2
1573684276197 پایتخت paaytakht capital (city) 4 n. m. 2
1527821349 پایل paayúl cornbread 3 n. m. 2
1527822220 پدل padúl influence, fear, terror, effect, consequence 3 n. m. 2
1645559482469 پګړی pagRáy turban 4 n. m. 2
1527817522 پهلوان pahlawáan wrestler 4 n. m. anim. unisex 3
1716310049965 پهلواني pahlawaanée, palawaanée wrestling 4 n. f. 2
1716310054726 پهلواني کول pahlawaanée kawúl, palawaanée kawúl to wrestle 4 v. dyn. comp. trans. 1716310049965 wrestle 3
1527817603 پهلو pahlóo side, aspect 4 n. m. 2
1527812069 پجه وال paja wáal bricklayer 3 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1610617143178 پژواک pajzwáak echo 2 n. m. 2
1527822298 پکی pakáy fan, ventilator fan; diminutive a little bald, thin on top 4 n. m. 3
1527818738 پخن pakhán, pakhún mineral; minerals 4 adj. / n. m. pl. 2
1527816059 پخلی pakhláy cooking, preparation of food; wisdom, maturity 4 n. m. 2
1595256038591 پخوالی pakhwáalay maturity, ripeness 4 n. m. 2
1527820151 پکول pakól a type of cap, hat 4 n. m. 2
1527813222 پل pal, pul sole (of a foot), step, footprint; millstone 4 n. m. 2
1527816363 پلنګ paláng bed 4 n. m. 2
1527823506 پلو paláw, palau side, direction, flank 4 n. m. پلوه palawu پلو palaw 3
1527816926 پلی پوځ palay pódz infantry 4 n. m. 2
1527816928 پلی سرتېر palay sartér foot-soldier, infantry man 4 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527817065 پلغټ palgháT fast pace, fast walk 3 n. m. 2
1527817943 پله palú door wind, scale pan 4 n. m.
1527823675 پم pam scab, itch, dandruff; bran, crumbs, siftings 3 n. m.
1527817279 پمن کوړ pamun koR scab, itch, leprosy 3 n. m.
1527818989 پند pand advice, instruction, admonition 4 n. m.
1574865270782 پنډ panD dam, weir 4 n. m.
1566476139713 پنډي panDee porter 4 n. m.
1527822237 پنج غشی panj ghisháy rake, wooden pitchfork 2 n. m.
1527818871 پر par sail of a windmill, blade of a water-wheel, wing 4 n. m.
1568927404151 پراشوټ paraashooT parachute 4 n. m.
1527816678 پړاو paRaaw stop (bus, train etc.), stop on a route, stage, phase 3 n. m.
1577382030142 پرنګ parang the West/Christian world, Europe 3 n. m.
1527820352 پرچم parchám lock (of hair), curl, ringlet; banner, flag; stamen (botany) 4 n. m.
1675435222144 پرداز pardaaz fulfillment, finishing (of a work of craft), execution n. m.
1527816739 پرهار parháar, purháar wound, injury, blow, ulcer; wounded, injured 4 n. m.
1527812296 پرهیزګار parhayzgaar pious, holy, abstaining 4 n. m.
1527813490 پرهېز parhéz abstinence, fast, holding back from 4 n. m. 1
1527817306 پرهېزګار parhezgaar righteous person, one who abstains or controls himself, holy person 4 n. m.
1527820274 پرش parísh beating, throb, palpitation; flight, flying 4 n. m.
1527823675 پم pam scab, itch, dandruff; bran, crumbs, siftings 3 n. m. 2
1527817279 پمن کوړ pamun koR scab, itch, leprosy 3 n. m. 2
1527818989 پند pand advice, instruction, admonition 4 n. m. 2
1574865270782 پنډ panD dam, weir 4 n. m. 2
1566476139713 پنډي panDée porter 4 n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527822237 پنج غشی panj ghúshay rake, wooden pitchfork 2 n. m. 2
1527818871 پر par sail of a windmill, blade of a water-wheel, wing 4 n. m. 2
1568927404151 پراشوټ paraashóoT parachute 4 n. m. 2
1527816678 پړاو paRáaw stop (bus, train etc.), stop on a route, stage, phase 3 n. m. 2
1577382030142 پرنګ parang, prang the West/Christian world, Europe 3 n. m. 2
1527820352 پرچم parchám lock (of hair), curl, ringlet; banner, flag; stamen (botany) 4 n. m. 2
1675435222144 پرداز pardáaz fulfillment, finishing (of a work of craft), execution n. m. 2
1527816739 پرهار parháar, purháar wound, injury, blow, ulcer; wounded, injured 4 n. m. 2
1527812296 پرهیزګار parhayzgáar righteous, holy, abstaining; righteous person, one who abstains or controls himself, holy person 4 adj. / n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527813490 پرهېز parhéz abstinence, fast, holding back from 4 n. m. 3
1527817306 پرهېزګار parhezgáar righteous, holy, abstaining; righteous person, one who abstains or controls himself, holy person 4 adj. / n. m. anim. unisex 2
1527820274 پرش parísh, prash beating, throb, palpitation; flight, flying 4 n. m. 2
1527815615 پرک park a group of people, half a platoon, a crowd, flock, pack 4 n. m.
1527820336 پړک paRk a group of people (10-20), half a platoon; crowd, herd, pack, flock of sheep (5-20) 4 n. m.
1527818601 پرکال parkáal compasses, dividers 4 n. m.
1527815159 پرلت parlat sit-in (for protest); sitting cross-legged 4 n. m.
1527813812 پړونی paRóonay veil, covering for women, cover 4 n. m.
1527819242 پړسوب paRsob, puRsob swelling, dropsy, edema 4 n. m.
1527816133 پرتاو partaaw throwing, flinging, hurling 3 n. m.
1527822421 پرتوګ partóog loose ‘shalwar’ style trousers 4 n. m. پرتاګه partaagú پرتګ partag 1
1566553591821 پرتوګاښ partoogáax drawstring, rope / belt used to hold up traditional trousers 4 n. m. 1
1622874352520 پرتوغاښ partoogháax drawstring, rope / belt used to hold up traditional trousers 4 n. m. 1
1577389449982 پرتګ partÚg loose ‘shalwar’ style trousers (پرتوګ) 3 n. m.
1527817745 پروردګار parwardigaar the Lord, God 4 n. m.
1527812981 پس انداز pas andaaz savings, saving, economy 4 n. m.
1527819922 پشه بند pasha bánd mosquito net, mosquito netting 4 n. m.
1601994656531 پشکال pashakáal the hot and humid time prior to the monsoon 4 n. m.
1611065613913 پشم pásham light rain, drizzle; mould 3 n. m.
1527818410 پسمنظر pasmanzár background 4 n. m.
1527819218 پت pat respect, dignity, honour, honour for family related to women etc. 3 n. m.
1527818601 پرکال parkáal compasses, dividers 4 n. m. 2
1527815159 پرلت parlát sit-in (for protest); sitting cross-legged 4 n. m. 2
1527813812 پړونی paRóonay veil, covering for women, cover 4 n. m. 2
1527819242 پړسوب paRsób, puRsób swelling, dropsy, edema 4 n. m. 2
1527816133 پرتاو partáaw throwing, flinging, hurling 3 n. m. 2
1527822421 پرتوګ partóog loose ‘shalwar’ style trousers 4 n. m. پرتاګه partaagú پرتګ partag 3
1566553591821 پرتوګاښ partoogáax drawstring, rope / belt used to hold up traditional trousers 4 n. m. 3
1622874352520 پرتوغاښ partoogháax drawstring, rope / belt used to hold up traditional trousers 4 n. m. 3
1577389449982 پرتګ partÚg loose ‘shalwar’ style trousers (پرتوګ) 3 n. m. 2
1527817745 پروردګار parwardigáar the Lord, God 4 n. m. anim. 2
1527812981 پس انداز pas andáaz savings, saving, economy 4 n. m. 2
1527819922 پشه بند pasha bánd, psha bánd mosquito net, mosquito netting 4 n. m. 2
1601994656531 پشکال pashakáal the hot and humid time prior to the monsoon 4 n. m. 2
1611065613913 پشم pásham light rain, drizzle; mould 3 n. m. 2
1527818410 پسمنظر pasmanzár background 4 n. m. 2
1527819218 پت pat respect, dignity, honour, honour for family related to women etc. 3 n. m. 2
1664030500172 پټاکی paTaakay fireworks 4 n. m.
1527817012 پټان paTaan Pathan (name for Pashtuns used mostly in the Indian/Pakistan subcontinent) 4 n. m.
1527822296 پتک paták paper card; bald; flask, water bottle 3 n. m.
1527820421 پټنځی paTandzáy hiding place, ambush 4 n. m.
1527811611 پټی paTáy field, place where crops are sown 4 n. m. 1
1527816195 پټکی paTkáy, puTkáy small turban 4 n. m. 1
1527813814 پتلون patlóon pants, trousers, jeans 4 n. m. 1
1527815162 پتنوس patnóos tea tray, tray 4 n. m. پتناسه patnaasu پتنس patnas 1
1527812206 پټو paToo woolen shawl or rug, blanket like thing worn around the shoulders in cold weather 4 n. m. پټوان paTwáan
1527822984 پتون patóon thigh, haunch 4 n. m. پتانه pataanú پتنونه patanoona 1
1575237959983 پترکی patrakáy shaving, chip, scab 4 n. m.
1575237980576 پتری patráy iron, crampon; adornment, decoration; scale (as on a fish) 4 n. m. 1
1527816851 پونډ pawnD pound 4 n. m.
1527819143 پوتل pawtál garbage, waste 4 n. m.
1592559388479 پښت păxt family, tribe, clan 4 n. m.
1527821229 پښتورګی paxtawúrgay kidney 4 n. m.
1593690678077 پی pay tendon, sinew; foundation, base; track, print; crossing, ford 2 n. m. پیونه payoona
1527819446 پیام payáam message (پيغام) 4 n. m.
1527819798 پیکل paykál chain, clothesline; roller of spiny or thorny material used in threshing 3 n. m.
1527822154 پېچ pech bend, twist, turn, screw, wood-screw; disentery 4 n. m.
1527823340 پېچ pech pitch (in cricket) 4 n. m.
1527822153 پېچ تاب pech taab difficulty, emotional agitation, anxiety; screwdriver 4 n. m.
1527822150 پېچ تاو pech táaw screwdriver 4 n. m.
1527817012 پټان paTáan Pathan (name/exonym for Pashtuns in Urdu/Hindi, used mostly in the Indian/Pakistan subcontinent) 4 2
1527822296 پتک paták paper card; bald; flask, water bottle 3 n. m. 2
1527820421 پټنځی paTandzáy hiding place, ambush 4 n. m. 2
1527811611 پټی paTáy field, place where crops are sown 4 n. m. 3
1527816195 پټکی paTkáy, puTkáy small turban 4 n. m. 3
1527813814 پتلون patlóon pants, trousers, jeans 4 n. m. 3
1527815162 پتنوس patnóos tea tray, tray 4 n. m. پتناسه patnaasu پتنس patnas 3
1527812206 پټو paTóo woolen shawl or rug, blanket like thing worn around the shoulders in cold weather 4 n. m. پټوان paTwáan 2
1527822984 پتون patóon thigh, haunch 4 n. m. پتانه pataanú پتنونه patanoona 3
1575237959983 پترکی patrakáy shaving, chip, scab 4 n. m. 2
1575237980576 پتری patráy iron, crampon; adornment, decoration; scale (as on a fish) 4 n. m. 3
1527816851 پونډ pawnD pound 4 n. m. 2
1527819143 پوتل pawtál garbage, waste 4 n. m. 2
1592559388479 پښت paxt family, tribe, clan 4 n. m. 2
1527821229 پښتورګی paxtawúrgay kidney 4 n. m. 2
1593690678077 پی pay tendon, sinew; foundation, base; track, print; crossing, ford 2 n. m. پیونه payoona 2
1527819446 پیام payáam message (پيغام) 4 n. m. 2
1527819798 پیکل paykál chain, clothesline; roller of spiny or thorny material used in threshing 3 n. m. 2
1527822154 پېچ pech bend, twist, turn, screw, wood-screw; disentery 4 n. m. 2
1527823340 پېچ pech pitch (in cricket) 4 n. m. 2
1527822153 پېچ تاب pech táab difficulty, emotional agitation, anxiety; screwdriver 4 n. m. 2
1527822150 پېچ تاو pech táaw screwdriver 4 n. m. 2
1527822152 پېچ تو pech táw screwdriver 4 n. m.
1527822157 پېچي مېخ pechee mékh screw (hardware) 4 n. m. 1
1527822151 پېچکش pechkásh screwdriver 4 n. m.
1527821243 پیرګی peeragáy wooden shovel (for snow) 4 n. m.
1527813740 پېغمبر peghambar prophet, messenger 4 n. m. انبیا ambiyaa
1527815164 پېغور peghór taunting, reproach, mocking 4 n. m.
1527821328 پېغلتوب peghultób maidenhood, girlhood 4 n. m.
1527822157 پېچي مېخ pechee mékh screw (hardware) 4 n. m. 3
1527822151 پېچکش pechkásh screwdriver 4 n. m. 2
1527821243 پیرګی peeragáy, peergáy wooden shovel (for snow) 4 n. m. 2
1527813740 پېغمبر peghambár prophet, messenger 4 n. m. anim. unisex انبیا ambiyaa 2
1527815164 پېغور peghór taunting, reproach, mocking 4 n. m. 2
1527821328 پېغلتوب peghultób maidenhood, girlhood 4 n. m. 2
1527814220 پېژندګلو pejzandgiló acquaintance, meeting, introduction, familiarization 3 n. m. 1
1592558894836 پېژونی pejzóonay (pair of) scissors 4 n. m.
1623044161821 پېنګ peng hairpin 2 n. m.
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