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2023-12-17 14:20:22 +00:00
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2024-03-09 01:07:44 +00:00
1527816609 آباد aabáad established, populated, prosperous, built 4 adj.
1709915524063 اباد abáad established, populated, prosperous, built
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1566552178969 آبچکن aabchakán moire, having and undulating appearance, pattern, or texture 2 adj.
1575058865062 آبدار aabdáar sparkling, shining; honorable, respectable, dignified, glorious; tempered, hardened (metal) 2 adj.
1527822106 آبي aabee moist, humid; pertaining to watering, irrigation; sky-blues 4 adj.
1527813777 عادي aadee ordinary, usual, accustomed to, normal 3 adj.
1614168996327 عادل aadíl just, right, fair, true 4 adj.
1527821158 آهنګ دار aahang dáar melodious, harmonious 3 adj.
1527818896 آهني aahinee iron; (fig. strong) 4 adj.
1613562345137 عاجل aajíl urgent, immediate, compelling, pressing 4 adj.
1527814889 عاجز aajiz weak, poor, humble, introverted, shy, innocent, cautious, reserved 4 adj.
1527821999 آخري aakhiree last, final, definitive, conclusive 4 adj.
1527822003 آخرین aakhireen last, final, latest 4 adj.
1690458870216 آخرینی aakhireenáy last, final, latest 4 adj.
1527812347 عالم aalam learned, scholarly, wise; mullah, scholar or authority in Islamic teaching/law 4 adj. علماء Ulamaa
1527815462 عالي aalee high, higher (Arabic) 4 adj.
1527814658 عام aam usual, ordinary, simple, public 4 adj. 1
1527820682 آماده aamaada ready, prepared 4 adj.
1527820765 عاقل aaqíl wise, sensible, intelligent, prudent 4 adj.
1622461081707 آراسته aaraastá adorned, ornate, dressed up, decorated 2 adj.
1671707118036 عارضي aarazée temporary, tentative (Urdu) adj.
1527821000 عارف aaríf expert, learned, wise, knowledgeable 4 adj.
1527820488 عاریتي aariyatee taken for temporary use, rented; false, fictitious 2 adj.
1527823435 آرزومند aarzoománd desiring or aspiring to something 3 adj.
1527816792 آسان aasaan easy 4 adj.
1527812433 آسماني aasmaanee heavenly, of the sky 4 adj.
1527819021 آسوده aasoodá quiet, peaceful; happy, content; comfortable, calm, well-off 4 adj.
1527818414 آتش فشان aatash fisháan volcanic, pyrogenetic 4 adj.
1527823517 عاطف aatíf favorable, kind, gracious 2 adj.
1588689220632 اتم aatum eigth 4 adj.
1575058859661 آبدار aawdáar watery, damp, humid, juicy 4 adj. true
1527817219 عاید aayid relating to, belonging to 3 adj.
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1527812464 آزاد aazáad free, independent 4 adj. 1
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1527817075 آزرده aazUrda offended, affronted, hurt 1 adj.
1527817447 آزرده خاطر aazUrda khaatír upset, offended, hurt 1 adj.
1527822662 ابایي abaayee paternal, ancestral, that which is taken on or inherited from the family 4 adj.
1527817793 ابدي abadee eternal 4 adj.
1527818429 عبث abás empty, worthless, vain, idle, useless, nonsense, squandered 4 adj.
1585398951862 ابلک ablák two-colored, piebald; (fig. two-faced, hypocritical) 4 adj.
1585398948903 ابلق abláq two-colored, piebald; (fig. two-faced, hypocritical) 3 adj.
1527817112 ابلون ablon wet, watery, moist, humid 2 adj.
1527818802 عبوس abóos glum, sulky, surly, grumpy 1 adj.
1576439289492 ابرومند abroomand honourable 4 adj.
1690458818627 ادب کوونکی adab kawóonkay polite, civil, well-mannered, respectable 4 adj.
1527822908 ادبي adabée literary 4 adj.
1527814765 عددي adadee numerical 2 adj.
1527818659 عدیل adeel even, equal, the same 2 adj.
1527814659 عدلي adlee forensic, legal, judicial (Arabic) 3 adj.
1527818433 ادنا adnáa low in position, small, trifle, insignificant, paltry, low-quality 4 adj.
1527814100 افغاني afghaanee Afghan 4 adj.
1527817269 افریقي afreeqee African 4 adj.
1527813308 افسانوي afsaanawée legendary, mythical 3 adj. 1
1527817423 افسرده afsUrdá freezing; fading, withering; sad, disheartened, depressed, cheerless 3 adj.
1527817424 افسرده دل afsUrda dil sad, disheartened, depressed, cheerless 2 adj.
1577232206938 اګاه agaah wise, informed, knowing, aware 4 adj. 1
1690458820794 اغیزمن aghayzman effective, affected 4 adj.
1690458821385 اغلی aghúlay refined, elegant, beautiful; pleasing, pleasant, nice; esteemed; proper, suitable, fitting (ښاغلی); used for Mrs. title for ladies 2 adj.
1527813667 اهم ahám important 4 adj. 1
1527820257 اهلي ahlee domesticated, tame, domestic (obedient, compliant, addicted??) 4 adj.
1527813780 احساساتي ahsaasaatee emotional, passionate, sensitive 3 adj.
1527822714 عجب ajáb surprising, amazing, astounding, strange 3 adj.
1527822715 اجب ajáb surprising, amazing, astounding, strange (عجب) 3 adj.
1527821769 عجیب الشکل ajeeb Ulshákl strange looking, unusual 2 adj.
1527813491 عجیبه ajeebá strange, amazing, absurd, unusual, weird, odd 4 adj. 1
1527819128 اجنبي ajnabée foreign, alien, strange 3 adj.
1527811445 اجوت ajwat attached, tied to, bound, near, next to 1 adj.
1527817512 اخلاقي akhlaaqee moral, pertaining to ethics and morals 4 adj.
1527812446 اخته akhtá occupied with, engrossed in, busy 4 adj. 1
1664091268679 اخترېز akhtaréz pertaining to holiday, pertaining to Eid (اخترېز پیغام - holiday message) 4 adj.
1527821771 علاقه دار alaaqa dáar relating to something, having an interest in something 3 adj.
1527821775 علاقه مند alaaqa mánd interested, concerned, keen on, interested in 3 adj.
1671208957051 علني alanée public, open, honest, frank; audience, spectators, public (noun) 3 adj.
1602179816100 الفبایي alfabaayée alphabetic 4 adj.
1527819595 الواکي alwaakee theoretical 2 adj.
1527821385 الوداعي alwidaa'ée parting, valedictory, pertaining to farewell, leave-taking 4 adj.
1527823400 الیافي alyaafee fibrous 3 adj.
1566478626044 امانت دار amaanat dáar trustworthy, conscientious 4 adj.
1527821191 عملبند amalbánd suffering from constipation, constipated 2 adj.
1527814818 عملي amalee in practice, in operation, practical 4 adj.
1527817449 امن پسند aman pasand peace-loving, peaceful 4 adj.
1527813520 عمیق ameeq deep, profound 4 adj.
1527815797 عمیق ameeq deep, profound 3 adj.
1527814674 امنیتي amnyatee security 4 adj.
1527818886 اموخته amokhta used to, accustomed to, adjusted to, tame 4 adj.
1527814737 امریکایي amreekaayee American 4 adj.
1527817552 عنعنه پسند an'ana pasand conservative, adhering to tradition 2 adj.
1527811767 اندامور andaamawar tall, big 4 adj.
1690458822051 اندېښمنوونکی andexmanawóonkay worrisome, troubling, concerning adj.
1527819075 اندېښمن andexmún worried, troubled, concerned 4 adj.
1591972115837 اندروني androonee inner 4 adj.
1527817540 انځوریز andzooreez pictoral, with pictures 4 adj.
1527820346 انلاین anlaayn on-line 3 adj.
1666108997434 انتاني antaanee infectious 4 adj.
1527817769 انتیکه anteeka rare, unique thing, strange, funny 2 adj.
1677572258589 اپوټه apoTa overturned, opposite adj.
1589021140384 عقیدتي aqeedatee pious, religious (person) 3 adj.
1595253270130 عقیدوي aqeedawée doctrinal, religious, pertaining to beliefs 4 adj.
1690458823723 عقل خوځېدلی aqul khwadzedulay not right in the head, not mentally sound, crazy, mad 2 adj.
1527814112 عقل مند aqul mand smart, wise 3 adj.
1527814795 اړ aR forced, need to, compelled 4 adj.
1527814722 اړنګمن aRangman suspected, doubtful, confused, undecided 2 adj.
1527817948 اړولي aRawulee muddled up, inappropriate, useemly, indecent 4 adj.
1527813170 اریب areeb bent, twisted, wry, askew, crooked, crazy, loony, sloped 1 adj.
1527813656 اړین aReen necessary, needed, important, crucial, vital 4 adj.
1527814587 اړینه aReena important, crucial, vital 4 adj.
1572991685973 اړمن aRman obliged, forced to, (مجبور), in need 2 adj.
1527817209 اروپایي aroopaayee European 4 adj.
1573663943732 ارت arat wide, spacious, extensive 4 adj. 1
1527813902 اروایي arwaayee psychologically, mentally 3 adj.
1527813909 اړوند aRwand related, connected, dependent 4 adj.
1575235389810 اریان aryaan amazed, suprised, stunned, dumbfounded, speechless, taken aback (حيران) 4 adj.
1677571965062 اریایي aryaayee Aryan adj.
1527812465 ارزان arzáan cheap, inexpensive 4 adj. 1
1644343901423 ارزښتناک arzixtnáak valuable 4 adj.
1527814345 ارزښتمن arzuxtman valuable, important 3 adj.
1527818821 اسهامي as`haamee joint-stock, share 1 adj.
1527814059 اسان asáan easy 4 adj. 1
1527813447 اساسي asaasee fundamental, key, essential, principal 4 adj.
1678218457589 اساطیري asaateeree mythological adj.
1527818687 اسفناک asafnaak regretful, sad, unfortunate 1 adj.
1527821649 اثرناک asarnáak impressive, effective, influencing 4 adj. 1527815870
1527811478 اصیل aseel nobel, of high birth, purebred, real 4 adj.
1527816938 عسکري askaree army, military 4 adj.
1690458823761 اسکېرلی askerúlay pitiful, weak, feeble, faint 1 adj.
1527814226 اصلي aslée real, actual, original, genuine, essential 4 adj. 1
1588849760045 اسپه aspa spotted, thick 4 adj.
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1527816243 عصري asrée modern 3 adj.
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1527820202 استرالیایي astraaliyaayee Australian 4 adj.
1527819449 اسیایي asyaayee Asian 3 adj.
1610617550750 عتیقه ateeqá ancient, very old, antique 4 adj.
1527821343 اتومي atomee nuclear, atomic, atom 4 adj.
1527822001 اتوڼی atoNáy last 3 adj.
1527817158 عطري atree fragrant, aromatic, sweet-smelling 4 adj.
1590838961046 اتلسم atúlasum eighteenth 4 adj.
1589025674899 اتیایم atyaayum, atiyaayum eightieth 4 adj.
1527818785 اولی awláy irritable, grumpy, sour, grouchy 4 adj.
1574785481606 اوتر awtár frightened, alarmed, distressed 4 adj.
1662618824589 اوښتی awÚxtay converted, sprained, inflected, oblique 4 adj.
1527817142 اولین awwaleen first 4 adj.
1527815661 اولنی awwalunáy first, beginning 4 adj.
1589025603430 اویایم awyaayum, awiyaayum seventieth 4 adj.
1595256707217 عیان ayáan, iyáan visible, clear, obvious 4 adj. TRUE
1527817060 عیاش ayaash fast-liver, lover of pleasure, profligate, playboy, party animal 4 adj. TRUE
1527818656 عیني aynee optic, visual, pertaining to eyes, objective; the same 3 adj. TRUE
1578340121962 ازاد azáad free, released 4 adj.
1527811766 اعظم azam big, high, great (Arabic) 3 adj.
1527823437 عظیم azéem great, huge, outstanding, important 4 adj.
1573149942245 ازغن azghán, azghún thorny, barbed 4 adj. 1
1675435941176 بعید ba'éed distant, far, removed adj.
1527820918 بعضي bá'zee some, few, a number of, several 4 adj. 1
1527823446 با احساس baa ahsaas sensitive, emotional 4 adj.
1588787041518 با اخلاقه baa akhlaaqa morally upstanding, of good character 4 adj.
1622279166541 با ارزښته baa arzuxta valuable, of value, expensive 4 adj.
1527820623 با استعداد baa isti'daad talented, apt, able 4 adj.
1671209320102 باادبه baa`adába well-mannered, respectful, polite, well brough-up adj. true
1622278438726 باعظمته baa`azamáta magnificent, grand, great 4 adj.
1527812367 باب baab widespread, fashionable, disseminated, accepted as usual 4 adj. 1
1585827269643 بابیزه baabeeza overused, hackneyed, worthless 4 adj.
1527819085 بادوک baadook gaseous, that which causes gas in the stomach 4 adj.
1690458824665 بادپیما baadpaymaa fast as the wind 4 adj.
1527814346 بالغ baalígh adult, mature 4 adj. 1
1527818362 باندینی baandeenáy upper, outside, external, foreign, someone elses, anothers 4 adj.
1582390120162 باندنی baandináy upper, outside, external, foreign, someone elses, anothers 4 adj.
1527820858 بانکي baankee pertaining to banking 4 adj.
1576947104129 بانفوذ baanUfooz influential, powerful, effective 4 adj.
1527822059 باریک baaréek thin, narrow, tender, soft, delicate, sensitive 4 adj. 1
1527822060 باریک بین baareek been penetrating, shrewd, understanding something to a fine degree 4 adj.
1577065929343 بارسوخ baarUsóokh firm, steadfast, composed, stable 4 adj.
1527823723 باسواد baasawáad literate 4 adj.
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1589020280620 باسي baasée rotten, stale, not fresh, left-over (food) 4 adj.
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1675435661345 باشرفه baasharáfa honorable, respectable, decent adj.
1527821119 باثبات baasUbaat, baasabaat stable, constant 4 adj.
1618846912260 باتجربه baatajraba, baatajriba experienced 4 adj.
1594807837096 باتینګڼي baateenguNée purple 4 adj.
1527821886 باطل baatíl invalid, null, revoked, futile, vain, useless 4 adj.
1577238704871 باطني baatinee inside, inner; pertaining to inner things (as opposed to outward appearances) 4 adj.
1527820433 باتور baatóor courageous, brave, valiant 4 adj.
1527815058 باوري baawarée reliable, trustworthy, credible; confident, convinced, believing 4 adj. 1
1527822182 باوجدان baawijdaan conscientious, scrupulous, having a conscience 4 adj.
1571692880592 ببر babár shaggy, dissheveld, hairy 4 adj. 1
1578343389223 ببر سری babar sáray disheveled (person) 4 adj.
1527818787 ببرو babróo unsightly, ugly, grumbler, grumpy 3 adj.
1527821264 بډ baD equal, identical 4 adj.
1527812956 بد اروا bad arwaa greedy, mean, miserly 4 adj.
1527816862 بد ژمنی bad jzmanay faithless 3 adj.
1588150607691 بد تمیز bad taméez rude, unkind (Urdu) 4 adj.
1527819229 بډای baDáay rich 4 adj.
1577299160732 بدل badál changed, different, exchanged 4 adj.
1527815996 بدبخت badbakht unlucky, unfortunate 4 adj.
1527822610 بډبول baDból truthful, righteous 1 adj.
1690458824735 بدبولی badbolay faithless 4 adj.
1527821261 بدیهي badeehee clear, obvious 3 adj.
1527815995 بدمرغه badmargha unlucky, unfortunate 4 adj.
1527814187 بدنام badnaam defamed, scandalous, having a bad name or reputation, notorious 4 adj.
1527814195 بدنامه badnaama defamed, scandalous, having a bad name or reputation, notorious 4 adj.
1527811241 بدتر badtar really bad, awful, worse 4 adj.
1527818795 بدوربزی badwarbUzay unsightly, ugly, grumbler, grumpy 4 adj.
1527821305 بهادر bahaadúr brave, valiant, courageous 4 adj. 1
1619592561763 بهاند baháand flowing, running 3 adj.
1527816646 بهرنی baharanáy, bahranáy foreigner, foreign; outside, outer 4 adj. / n. m. anim. unisex 1
1527813425 بخیل bakheel stingy, miserly, closefisted, jealous 4 adj.
1527814884 بختور bakhtawár blessed, fortunate, lucky 4 adj. 1
2024-01-09 01:17:05 +00:00
1704702219552 بختور کول bakhtawar kawúl to bless, make fortunate v. stat. comp. trans. 1527814884 bless 1
1704702255079 بختور کېدل bakhtawar kedúl to be blessed, become fortunate v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527814884 be blessed
2023-12-17 14:20:22 +00:00
1527813469 بخښونکی bakhxóonkay forgiving 4 adj.
1527813841 بل bal on fire, burning 4 adj.
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1527815725 بلد balád knowledgeable, informed, acquainted, accustomed, used to, familiar with 4 adj. 1
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1658102140541 بلها balháa, baláa plentiful, copious, lots, plentiful 2 adj.
1527811282 بڼ سترګی baN stargay shortsighted, weak-sighted 2 adj.
1577301753727 بند band closed, blocked, stopped adj. 1
1594814412055 بندري bandaree harbour- 4 adj.
1594904088405 بنګړی bangRáy collapsed, ruined, destroyed 2 adj.
1574869800917 بڼیا baNyáa slightly-opened, half-opened, opened just a crack 2 adj.
1527819150 برکتي barakatee blessed, plentiful, fruitful 4 adj.
1527823767 برکتناک barakatnáak blessed 4 adj.
1527819355 برباد barbáad ruined, destroyed, wasted, spent, perished 4 adj. 1
1527811861 بربنډ barbúnD naked; bare 3 adj. 1
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1690458825578 بریمن baraymán successful, victorious 4 adj.
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1527821279 برهم barhám mixed up, spoiled, mixed 4 adj.
1630938898418 برحق barháq just, right, fair 4 adj.
1571524739886 برنده barinda winner (Farsi) 4 adj.
1592559792458 برجد barjád established, set-up, fixed 2 adj.
1527811959 برجسته barjasta emminent, outstanding 4 adj.
1566647560623 برخه من bărkha mún having a share, sharing in a portion 4 adj.
1582336118684 برخمن bărkhamún having a share, sharing in a portion (برخه من) 4 adj. 1566647560623
1527823142 برخوردار barkhoordáar fortunate, happy, prosperous 4 adj.
1577300424128 برلاسی barláasay dominant, prevailing, ruling 2 adj.
1527817052 برقرار barqaraar established, firm, stable, sound 4 adj.
1527816616 برقي barqée electric 4 adj. 1
1527821051 برتر bartár superior, better, higher 3 adj.
1527812235 برطرف bartaraf fired (from a job), dismissed 4 adj.
1527811850 بریالی baryaaláy victorious, succeding in, successful 4 adj.
1527822447 بسیط baséet wide, broad, simple, uncomplicated, elementary 4 adj.
1631221749424 بشردوستانه bashardostaana humanitarian 4 adj.
1527812220 بشري basharee human, mortal, humanitarian 4 adj.
1591872154088 بسیا basyaa sufficient; processed, cultivated 4 adj.
1527820051 بطني batnée abdominal, visceral 4 adj.
1527812960 بښاوو baxaawoo generous, magnanimous 3 adj.
1527823350 بې عیب be 'ayb perfect, without blemish or shame, irreproachable 4 adj.
1527823351 بې عیبه be 'ayba perfect, without blemish or shame, irreproachable 4 adj.
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1527816316 بې ادب be adab disrespectful, uncouth, ill-bred, ill-mannered 4 adj.
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1527816151 بې اندازې be andaaze extreme, excessive, extraordinary 4 adj.
1618947503103 بې انډواله be anDwáala imbalanced 4 adj.
1527815063 بې ارامه be araama uneasy, disquieted, disturbed, anxious, nervous 4 adj.
1527822782 بې ازاره be azáara harmless, inoffensive 4 adj.
1594835887398 بې باکه be báaka bold, fearless, carefree, careless, unafraid 4 adj.
1678173903266 بې برخې be barkhe deprived, left out adj.
1527818618 بې بیې be baye free, free of charge 3 adj.
1527820089 بې بنسټه be bunsuTa baseless, without backing/proof/foundation 3 adj.
1527812488 بې چاره be chaara poor thing, pitiful 3 adj.
1588786555493 بې ډبه be Dába ridiculous, sensless, absurd 4 adj.
1527814063 بې دین be deen atheist, godless, without faith 4 adj.
1527817322 بې دفاع be difaa defenceless 4 adj.
1527817425 بې دل be dil grieved, stressed, depressed 2 adj.
1527819826 بې ایمانه be eemáana faithless, treacherous, cowardly, dishonest, scoundrel 4 adj. 1
1661858564119 بې غرضه be gharaza not bothering anyone, not of concern 4 adj.
1527822923 بې غیرت be ghayrat scoundrel, dishonourable person, coward 4 adj.
1527822968 بې غشه be ghusha pure, unadulterated, sincere 2 adj.
1527817609 بې ګناه be gUnáah innocent, sinless 3 adj. 1
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1588782497585 بې هوشه be hósha without feeling, unconscious, in a faint, stunned 4 adj.
1708464971839 بې هوشه کول be hosha kawúl to knock unconscious, to stun, to make faint 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1588782497585 stun,stuns,stunning,stunned
2024-04-13 01:00:10 +00:00
1708464975771 بې هوشه کېدل be hosha kedúl to go unconscious, to be stunned, to faint 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1588782497585 be stunned 1
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1527819823 بې انصافه be insaafa unjust 3 adj.
1566473733009 بې انتها be intiháa limtless, endless 4 adj. 1
1527812490 بې کار be kaar useless 4 adj.
1577822319033 بې کبره be kabra humble, without pride 3 adj.
1527819527 بې کسه be kasa having no relatives, alone, having no guardian 4 adj.
1527811935 بې خونده be khwánda tastless, poor, bad, ruined, dull, bland 3 adj. 1
1527821709 بې کوره be kóra homeless; single, unmarried, bachelor, without family 4 adj.
1586518918929 بې لارې be laare astray, on the wrong path, erring 3 adj.
1527813953 بې لحاظ be lihaaz impolite, inconsiderate, crude 3 adj.
1575642990975 بې معنیٰ be ma'naa meaningless, senseless, vain, stupid 4 adj.
1586203586642 بې معني be ma'nee meaningless, senseless, vain, stupid 4 adj.
1527812049 بې مانا be maanaa meaningless 3 adj.
1527821270 بې منع be mán'a free, clear, unimpeded, without hindrance 2 adj.
1678972764874 بې معیاره be miyaara non-standard, low quality, unregulated adj.
1527821571 بې موجبه be mojíba without cause, unwarranted, unjustified, pointless 3 adj.
1527821081 بې نام be náam inglorious 3 adj.
1527819825 بې نصیبه be naseeba deprived of, unsuccessful 4 adj.
1527818303 بې نښه be nuxa unmarked 4 adj.
1527821876 بې پایه be páaya endless, unending, measureless, infinite, boundless 4 adj.
1527816342 بې پلوه be palawa neutral 3 adj.
1527822337 بې پرې be pare equitable, fair, even-handed, impartial, just, neutral 4 adj.
1661754309668 بې پرته be párta shameless, talkative 2 adj.
1527818381 بې پروا be parwáa unconcerned, inattentive, indifferent, apathetic, careless 4 adj. 1
1527820958 بې قراره be qaraara uneasy, anxious, unstable, changeable 4 adj.
1527817605 بې قصور be qUsóor innocent, faultless 4 adj.
1527811504 بې رحمه be ráhma stern, ruthless, cruel, harsh 4 adj. 1
1527811331 بې ریا be riyaa sincere, straightforward, genuine 4 adj.
1527816048 بې ساری be saaray unusual, unparallel, unprecedented, without equal 3 adj.
1527813733 بې ثبات be sabaat inconsistent, changeable, inconstant 4 adj.
1527814439 بې صبر be sabir impatient 4 adj.
1527814440 بې صبره be sabra impatient 4 adj.
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1674053879348 بې ثمره be samára fruitless, in vain adj.
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1527813678 بې سره be săra neglected, stray, without oversight, homeless 4 adj.
1527817684 بې سرپرسته be sărparásta without a guardian, caretaker, or husband, orphaned or widowed 4 adj.
1527812505 بې ستره be satra uncovered, dishonored, disgraced 4 adj.
1578617942339 بې شرم be sharm, be sharum shameless, immodest 4 adj.
1588162448774 بې شیمې be sheeme without energy or vigour, feeling weak 4 adj.
1527818386 بې شناخته be shnáakhta unknown, unacquainted; without a tombstone 3 adj.
1577303332532 بې سده be suda unconcious 3 adj.
1527811821 بې سواده be swaada, be sawaada illiterate, uneducated 3 adj.
1575057415723 بې طالع be taali unfortunate, unlucky 3 adj.
1527811822 بې تعلیمه be taleema uneducated 3 adj.
1527815861 بې طرفه be tarafa neutral 4 adj.
1527819526 بې څوکه be tsoka having no relatives, alone, having no guardian 4 adj.
1650696851218 بې اصوله be Usóola not conforming to regulations/rules, illegal 4 adj.
1527816265 بې وفا be wafaa unfaithful, disloyal 4 adj.
1671709045089 بې وسلې be waslé unarmed, disarmed; unequipped adj.
1527822832 بې وټه be waTa pure, unadulterated 3 adj.
1568407749309 بې وقوف be wuqóof stupid, dumb, idiot, lacking understanding, senseless 4 adj. 1
1672910810614 بې وسه be wúsa powerless, helpless adj. 1
1527813333 بېعقل beaqul idiot, stupid, moron, foolish 3 adj.
1622713361142 بېباکه bebáaka bold, fearless, carefree, careless, unafraid 4 adj.
1527812489 بېچاره bechaara poor thing, pitiful 4 adj.
1527822539 بیده beedú asleep 3 adj.
1527812494 بیمار beemaar sick 3 adj.
1527822609 بینا beenáa able to see (not blind), seeing, sharpsighted 4 adj. 1
1527812495 بېګانه begaana foreign, unfamiliar 4 adj.
1662630881793 بېګانی begaanáy of last night, of the previous evening; of evening, dusk 4 adj.
1589023481147 بېګار begáar ruined, fallen apart, in bad condition 4 adj.
1527821053 بېغمه beghama carefree, unconcerned, peaceful 4 adj.
1527813080 بېګړا begRaa lazy, languid 3 adj.
1527817610 بېګنا begUnaa innocent, sinless 4 adj.
1675281880640 بېګناه begUnáah innocent, sinless adj.
1527819642 بېهو behóo wild, frightened 3 adj.
1527820010 بېهوش behósh without feeling, unconscious, in a faint 4 adj.
1527820011 بېهوشه behósha without feeling, unconscious, in a faint 4 adj.
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1577377788698 بېکار bekáar unemployed, unemployment, jobless, useless, awful 4 adj.
1703659600117 بې کاره be káara unemployed, unemployment, jobless, useless, awful 4 adj. 1
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1527818895 بېخوده bekhóoda lost consciousness, fainted, intoxicated, drunk, lost self-control 4 adj.
1527811936 بېخونده bekhwanda tastless, poor, bad, ruined, dull, bland 4 adj.
1527812031 بېل bel separate, different, various 3 adj. 1
1527813752 بېلابېل belaabel different, various 4 adj.
1527817490 بېران beraan unconscious, stunned, stupified 2 adj.
1527818769 بېړنی beRanáy emergency 4 adj.
1664030003451 بېسیم beséem wireless 4 adj.
1527821609 بېسده besuda fainted, unconscious; extreme ?? 3 adj.
1527811819 بېسواده beswaada, besawáada illiterate, uneducated 4 adj.
1602178752892 بېسوادي beswaadee, besawáadee illiteracy, lack of education 3 adj.
1527820738 بېوزله bewazla poor, needy, destitute, helpless 4 adj. بېوزلان bewazláan
1568407701976 بېوقوف bewuqóof stupid, dumb, idiot, lacking understanding, senseless 4 adj.
1527817872 بیدار baydáar alert, awake, aware, wakeful 4 adj. 1
1690458826515 بین المللي bayn Ulmilalée international 3 adj.
1527816647 بیروني bayroonee foreigner, foreign 3 adj.
1527817581 بېزار bezáar fed up, tired of, repulsed by, dissatisfied, disgusted, done with 4 adj.
1527811240 بهتر bihtár better 4 adj. 1
1574786888061 بلرغو blarghóo not in agreement, disagreeing, not united 3 adj.
1527815055 بوږنوړی boGnwaRay terrible 3 adj.
1527820949 بود bood bright, clever, quick-witted, quick-wittedness 3 adj.
1624364830896 بوځ boodz angry, infuriated, insulted; sticking out, pricked up 2 adj.
1675145310063 بوږنوونکی booGnawóonkay disturbing, frightening, extremely distressing adj.
1577302468548 بوک book overturned, toppled over, knocked over 4 adj.
1527813081 بوم boom slack, lazy (of will power) 3 adj.
1582315979482 بومي boomee local, indigenous 2 adj.
1527814210 بونیا boonyaa familiar, customary, common, acquaintance, knowledge, familiarity 2 adj.
1672305876339 بوسه boosá inflated, puffed up, pudgy adj.
1527818788 بوټ booT angry, upset, grumpy, sullen 3 adj.
1624364849352 بوڅ boots angry, infuriated, insulted; sticking out, pricked up 4 adj.
1586598468552 بوی کښ booy kax greedy, envious 3 adj.
1527811542 بویناک booynaak smelly, foul smelling, stinky, fragrant 4 adj.
1527813700 برالبه braalba pregnant 3 adj.
1527822811 برګ brag multi-coloured, bicoloured; spotted; furious, angry, raging 4 adj.
1594372226979 برېتور bretawár moustached (person) 4 adj.
1527811288 برېښنایي brexnaayee electric, electronic 4 adj.
1527819509 برتانوي britaanawee British 4 adj.
1527821262 بډ buD clear, having on arm, one-armed 4 adj.
1527812511 بد bud, bad bad 4 adj. 1
1576951682524 بدي دار budee dáar having emnity with someone, being in a feud 4 adj.
1527811684 بږنوونکی bUGnawóonkay disturbing, frightening, extremely distressing 3 adj.
1577302628682 بک buk, bUk bent over, arched, hunchbacked 4 adj.
1527812515 بل bul other, next 4 adj. 1
1527816939 بنسټیز bunsuTeez foundational, fundamental 3 adj.
1527811704 بنیادي bUnyaadée basic, foundational, essential 3 adj. 1
1527812518 برابر buraabúr equal, even, all good 4 adj. 1
1566473865582 بري buree acquitted, relieved of charges 4 adj.
1527811511 بشپړ bushpuR full, complete, total, exhaustive, fulfilled, finished, utmost, superior, mature 4 adj.
1527811768 بزرګ buzúrg, bUzÚrg large, big, elder, mighty 4 adj. 1
1527821562 چابک chaabúk quick, fast, rapid 3 adj. 1
1527811692 چاغ chaagh fat, obese, healthy, fleshly, overweight 3 adj.
1527819672 چالاک chaaláak crafty, sly, tricky; quick, fast, nimble 4 adj. 1
1527821857 چاڼیز chaaNeez combing, sifting (چاڼيز عمليات - combing operations) 3 adj.
1527813820 چاپېریالي chaaperyaalee evironmental, ecological 4 adj.
1648402854720 چاړا chaaRaa dumb, fool 4 adj.
1690458826804 چاودونکی chaawdóonkay explosive, exploding 4 adj.
1527812524 چلان chalaan started, in motion 4 adj.
1527821923 چمتو chamtóo ready, prepared 3 adj.
1527813856 چپ chap left (hand, side); contradicting, against, hindering 4 adj.
1577811840227 چپه chapá overturned, flipped over, upset 4 adj.
1678795274140 چپي chapee over-thrown, turned over adj.
1527816655 چریکي chareekee guerrilla 4 adj.
1594128590119 چرمي charmee leather 3 adj.
1527823013 چټ chaT ruined, spoiled, perished, annihilated 4 adj.
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1527811230 چټک chaTák quick, fast 4 adj.
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1527814376 چټل chaTál filthy, foul, dirty 4 adj.
1527816595 چټي chaTee foolish, stupid, absurd, useless, harmful 4 adj.
1593074248876 چټو chaTo empty-headed, firvilous person; useless, spoiled, wasted 4 adj.
1527816562 چوړ chawR destroyed, ruined, annihilated 1 adj.
1577813261702 چیچړ cheechaR wrinkled, folded; stubborn 4 adj.
1527820085 چینایي cheenaayee Chinese 4 adj.
1527823155 چینګ cheeng open, gaping (of a mouth/beak) 2 adj.
1576948414202 چینجن cheenjún rotten, decayed, worm-eaten 3 adj.
1527822370 چیت پیت cheet peet crushed, flattened out 4 adj.
1576948418235 چنجن chinjún rotten, decayed, worm-eaten, wormy 4 adj.
1527822563 چټکه دار chiTka dáar spotted, dotted (cloth) 4 adj.
1527822429 چوداني choodaanee cast iron (attributive) 1 adj.
1577812929583 چوک chook cross-eyed, one-eyed 1 adj.
1527819771 چوڼیا chooNyaa song-bird, nightingale; violet 2 adj.
1527814592 چوپ choop silent, quiet 4 adj.
1527822667 چوټي choTee dishevelled, uncombed 3 adj.
1573656099253 چکور chukóor quick, smart, prompt 2 adj.
1577650713084 چپ chUp silent, quiet 3 adj.
1527820894 چرتي chUrtee pensive, thoughtful; troubled, concerned, worried 4 adj.
1591805719343 چست chUst quick, swift, lively, agile 3 adj. 1
1527812536 ډاډه DaaDa assured, secure, confident 4 adj.
1702627738504 ډاډه کېدل DaaDa kedúl to be assured, become secure 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527812536 1
1527812537 ډاډمن DaaDmun assured, secure, confident 4 adj.
1527820605 ډاګیز Daagéez clear, obvious, apparent 3 adj.
1527816728 داخلي daakhilee internal 4 adj.
1527814577 ډانګ پېیلی Daang pe`yalay open, direct, overt 3 adj.
1590873111653 داره daara well-off, not poor, rich 3 adj.
1586356246535 ډاروونکی Daarawóonkay frightening, scary; wild, savage 3 adj.
1527819648 داړونکی daaRóonkay predatory, preying (of animals) 3 adj.
1527814593 ډارن Daarún timid, coward, cowardly 3 adj.
1527811268 دایم daayum constant, eternal, everlasting, long, prolonged 4 adj.
1527811267 دایمي daayumee permanent, eternal, constant, life 4 adj.
1527823592 ډبل Dabál thick, heavy, excessive, double 3 adj. 1
1571841524888 ډبرین Dabaréen rocky, stony, of stone 3 adj.
1576366974818 ډډ DaD hollow, low, dull (sound); rough, hoarse (voice) 4 adj.
1527814097 دغځی daghdzáy paralyzed 1 adj.
1690458827965 دګلی dagúlay grateful, thankful; cursed, damned, accursed 2 adj.
1527817049 ډکه خوله Daka khoola gaping mouthed, mouth wide open 4 adj.
1527817439 دل پل dal pal real rumpled, trampled, flabby, baggy 3 adj.
1527819815 ډله ییز Dala yéez pubic, social, collective, pertaining to the group/collective 4 adj.
1527818363 دنننی danununáy internal, interior, inside 4 adj.
1527813476 دقیق daqeeq exact, precise, definate 4 adj.
1527815760 دقیق daqeeq exact, precise, definate 4 adj.
1527821626 دړ دړ daR daR broken, shattered, smashed, divided up in pieces 3 adj.
1527816742 در په در dar pu dar poor, destitute, impoverished, ruined homeless 4 adj.
1527823188 دراز daráaz long (Farsi) 3 adj. 1
1527813501 درنده daranda predatory, savage 3 adj.
1527815782 درنده daranda predatory, savage 3 adj.
1527816744 دربدر darbadar poor, destitute, impoverished, ruined homeless 3 adj.
1527814118 دردوونکی dărdawóonkay painful, hurtful, agonizing 4 adj.
1614170170569 دردمن dărdmán troubled, sad, pained 4 adj.
1614170176230 دردمند dărdmánd troubled, sad, pained 4 adj.
1527821280 درهم برهم darhám barhám confused, tangled up, mixed up 4 adj.
1527822349 درمند darmúnd level, smooth (of the earth) 2 adj.
1527814281 درسي darsee educational, academic, related to school 4 adj.
1527813818 دست تنګ dast tang poor, needy 3 adj.
1527812588 دوامدار dawaamdaar continuous, continual 3 adj.
1527812550 دولتي dawlatee government, state 3 adj.
1597092050060 ډولي Dawlée, Daulée decorated, adorned, stylish, beautiful 4 adj.
1527819645 دښتي daxtee wild (ie. animals) 3 adj.
1527818884 دیندار deendáar religious, pious, devoted, conservative 3 adj.
1527813797 دیني deenee religious 4 adj.
1527821392 ډینګ Deeng tall, leggy, lanky 4 adj.
1690458828444 ډېرېدونکی Deredóonkay increasing 3 adj.
1589025373304 دېرشم dershum thirtieth 4 adj.
1527815567 دېواني dewaanee judicial, legal 3 adj.
1690458828848 دیغ daygh sad, bored, weary (دق) 2 adj.
1527819341 دفاعي difaa'ee defence, (دفاعي سيستم - immune system) 4 adj.
1527823686 دغ digh sad, bored, weary (دق) 1 adj.
1527817427 دل آزرده dil aazUrda upset, distressed, offended 2 adj.
1527821333 دل بسته dil bastá fallen in love, become attached to, been carried away 3 adj.
1527817416 دل داده dil daada enthusiastic, easily carried away 3 adj.
1527817417 دل داري dil daaree comforting, soothing, calming 3 adj.
1527817431 دل خاه dil kháah desired, beloved, longed for 3 adj.
1527817430 دل خسته dil khasta depressed, distressed, dejected, aggrieved 3 adj.
1527817413 دل سرد dil sard hard-heated, calloused, indifferent, uncaring, unconcerned, unphased, cool/calm/composed 3 adj.
1527817401 دل سوز dil soz merciful, compassionate, soft-hearted 4 adj.
1527817406 دلاور dilaawar brave 3 adj.
1527817846 دلچسپ dilchasp fascinating, interesting, attractive, captivating 3 adj.
1527817414 دلداده dildaada enthusiastic, easily carried away 4 adj.
1591026823665 دلګیر dilgéer sad, upset 4 adj.
1527817421 دلپسند dilpasand pleasant, attractive 3 adj.
1579105536565 دلپذیر dilpazeer pleasant, attractive 3 adj.
1573151024515 دماغي dimaaghee, damaaghee mental, pertaining to the brain, cranium 3 adj.
1527822946 دیانت دار diyaanat dáar honest, pious, religious 3 adj.
1527816027 دودیز dodeez traditional, conservative 4 adj.
1645036353420 دوکه باز doka báaz deceitful, tricky 4 adj.
1527817256 ډوب Doob drowned, sunk, submerged 3 adj.
1527818641 دوچنده doochanda double, twofold 4 adj.
1594834129389 دوړ dooR deceptive, false 2 adj.
1611065752352 دربجن drabjan moldy, mildewy 3 adj.
1588689097153 درېیم dre`yum third 0 adj.
1527813499 دروند droond heavy; respectable, reliable, serious 4 adj. درانه draanu درن dran 1
1586626912173 درست drUst, dUrUst right, correct, true 3 adj.
1527813541 د منلو جوګه du munulo jogá acceptable 4 adj. 1
1527815816 د منلو وړ du munulo waR acceptable 4 adj. true
1594813906657 د پوښتنې وړ du poxtune waR questionable 4 adj.
1527816909 دباندینی dubaandeenáy external, foreign, exterior, outside 3 adj.
1527816910 دباندی dubaanday outside, outside of, beyond 3 adj.
1578084708430 ډبر Dubár destroyed, ruined, annihilated 0 adj.
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1527812583 ډک Duk full 4 adj. 1
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1527814880 دنګ dung tall, strapping 3 adj.
1702812530119 دنګوالی dungwáalay height, altitude 3 n. m. 1
1527822674 ډنګر Dungár, Dangár gaunt, thin, skinny, emaciated; singular and plural cattle; bull, ox 4 adj.
1527819382 دنیاوي dUnyaawee worldly 4 adj.
1527817787 دنیوي dUnyawee wordly, pertaining to the present life 4 adj.
1661753408821 دپ dup stuffy, stifled, stifling; cloudy, overcast; deaf 2 adj.
1590839036975 درویشتم durweeshtum twenty-third 4 adj.
1527813751 دوه اړخیز dwa aRkheez bilateral, mutual, two-sided, reciprocal 3 adj.
1527818637 دوه برابره dwa baraabára double, twofold 3 adj.
1527818638 دوه برغه dwa brágha double, twofold 4 adj.
1527818639 دوه چنده dwa chánda double, twofold 4 adj.
1690458829601 دوه ګوری dwa góray cross-eyed, blind in one eye, one eyed 3 adj.
1527818640 دوه ګرایه dwa graaya double, twofold 2 adj.
1527820526 دوه مخی dwa múkhay two faced, hypocritical, deceitful, insincere 3 adj.
1586617011088 دوه ییز dwa yéez double, twin- 3 adj.
1588689079919 دویم dwayúm second 4 adj. 1
1590838815378 دوولسم dwolasum twelth 4 adj.
1590838836793 دیارلسم dyaarlasum thirteenth 4 adj.
1527814601 ځان غوښتونکی dzaan ghoxtóonkay selfish 4 adj.
1690458830503 ځانګړی dzaanguRay individual, particular, special, personal 4 adj.
1527811514 ځانخبری dzaankhabaray self-confident 3 adj.
1675144946807 ځانمرګی dzaanmárgay suicide (suicide attack - ځانمرګی برید) adj.
1586347202343 ځانوژونکی dzaanwajzóonkay suicidal 4 adj.
1527811757 ځایي dzaayee local, settled 4 adj.
1527821032 ځګلن dzaglán frothy; sparkling, bubbling; sparkling wine; runny, slobbery 2 adj.
1595515718771 ځګمن dzagman frothy, bubbly, sudsy 4 adj.
1527816322 ځلان dzalaan shining, sparkling, outstanding, brilliant 4 adj.
1527816323 ځلاند dzalaand shining, sparkling, outstanding, brilliant 4 adj.
1527817645 ځلبلاند dzalbaláand agitated, distressed, deranged 3 adj.
1527820300 ځلېدونکی dzaledóonkay shining, glowing 4 adj.
1610617712149 ځنډن dzanDán, dzanDún old, ancient 2 adj.
1610617741649 ځنډنی dzanDanáy, dzanDunáy late, tardy, slow; (also maybe old, ancient ??) 2 adj.
1690458830987 ځوروونکی dzawrawóonkay bothershome, awful, torturing, distressing 3 adj.
1527812038 ځینې dzeene some 4 adj.
1527813569 ځیرک dzeerak intelligent, smart, clever, shrewd 3 adj.
1527820419 ځور dzoor intelligent, bright, clever 2 adj.
1527817475 ځنګلي dzungulee of the forest, jungle, wild 4 adj.
1527820112 ځوړند dzwaRúnd hanging 4 adj.
1527819893 ایله eelá free, discharged, released 4 adj.
1527817766 ایر eer obtained, received 2 adj.
1527820145 ایشولی eeshawúlay boiled 4 adj.
1588759177225 ایټالوي eeTaalawée Italian 4 adj.
1527822471 اېغ egh arrogant, rude; sticking out 4 adj.
1527822469 اېغ نېغ egh negh rigid, hard, stiff, tough, unyielding 4 adj.
1527822470 اېغ سترګی egh sturgay rude, impudent 4 adj.
1527821055 اېمن emún quiet, peaceful, peace-loving 3 adj.
1527817515 فعالي fa'aalee active; pertaining to the subject (grammar) 3 adj.
1579051150539 فاعل مختار faa'il-i-mUkhtáar independant, free in one's actions 2 adj.
1585219990167 فاحش faahísh grave, monstrous, scandalous 4 adj.
1527818466 فائده مند faaida mand beneficial, advantageous, useful, profitable 4 adj.
1527818467 فائده ناک faaida naak beneficial, advantageous, useful, profitable 4 adj.
1527819540 فامیلي faameelee family (adj.) pertaining to family 4 adj.
1527823441 فاني faanee perishable, will decay, unstable, non-eternal 3 adj.
1527815079 فاري faaree subsidiary, sub--, secondary, minor 2 adj.
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1527814523 فارغ faarígh free, finished from something, liberated, graduated; graduate (a person) 4 adj. / n.m. anim. unisex 1
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1527816706 فاسد faasid corrupt, immorral, polluted 2 adj.
1568411627277 فاضل faazíl learned, educated 2 adj. فضلا fUzaláa
1584518804345 فهیم faheem wise, knowing, intelligent 4 adj.
1527822409 فخري fakhree honorary, honourable 3 adj.
1527814096 فلج falj paralytic, paralyzed 4 adj.
1527813685 فلسفي falsafee philosophical 4 adj.
1527817991 فناناپذیر fanaanaapazéer inexhaustible 2 adj.
1527814035 فنري fanaree spring, elastic 3 adj.
1527815642 فنري fanaree spring, elastic 3 adj.
1527822159 فنري fanaree springy, elastic, resilient 3 adj.
1527820389 فرعي fara'ée secondary, subsidiary, subordinate 2 adj.
1527818660 فراهم faraaham gathered, assembled, collected 3 adj.
1594833866922 فراخ faraakh wide, broad, spacious, vast 4 adj.
1527813669 فرهنګي farhangee cultural, civilizational 4 adj.
1527817148 فرهنګی farhangáy cultured, civilized, cultured person 3 adj.
1586429777263 فرهنګیالی farhangyaaláy cultured, educated, accomplished, creator 3 adj.
1527823283 فرمان بردار fărmaan bărdaar submissive, obedient, subordinate 3 adj.
1527821085 فرضي farzee supposed, presumed, imaginary, fictitious 3 adj.
1527821257 فصیح faseeh clear, eloquent 4 adj.
1527819121 فوق العاده fawq al'aada, fawkq Ul'aada spectacular, terrific, phenomenal, remarkable, wonderful, outstanding, urgent 4 adj.
1625239512030 فوقاني fawqaanée excellent, splendid, magnificent, exquisite 2 adj.
1527813471 فضایي fazaayee astronomical, relating to space, air 4 adj.
1527815755 فضایي fazaayee astronomical, relating to space, air 4 adj.
1625915044908 فعلي fi'lee present, current; verbal (grammar) 4 adj.
1527814088 فکري fikree psychological, intellectual, philosophical 4 adj.
1527813197 فکرمن fikurman, fikurmun anxious, worried, pensive 4 adj.
1527813198 فکرمند fikurmánd, fikurmúnd anxious, worried, pensive 4 adj. 1
1577817495811 فلزي filizée metal 4 adj.
1527817063 فطرتي fitratee natural, inherent in human nature or creation 4 adj.
1527811943 فزیکي fizeekee physical, relating to physics 4 adj.
1527816010 فولادي folaadee steel 4 adj.
1690458832403 فریبي fraybee, faraybee deceitful 3 adj.
1527813946 فضول fuzóol inappropriate, unnecessary, superfluous, needless 4 adj. 1
1579016071867 ګار gaar rotted, decayed, deteriorated; spent, wasted 2 adj.
1527811261 ګارمن gaarman harmful, noxious 3 adj.
1527817938 ګاټه gaaTa thick, viscous, thickening, condensing; thick mass left over after cooking cheese 1 adj.
1527811839 ګاودم gaawdUm tapered at the end, conic 2 adj.
1527812640 ګډ gaD, guD combined, together 4 adj.
1527812308 ګڼ gaN thick, dense, heavy, deep, lots 4 adj.
1527819099 ګنګس gangs dizzy, stunned, unconscious 4 adj.
1527822300 ګنجی ganjáy bald, bald-headed 4 adj. 1
1579030297024 ګنس gans dizzy, stunned, unconscious 3 adj.
1527814820 ګرم سېر garm ser warm, tropical 4 adj.
1527814811 ګرم garm, garum warm, hot 4 adj.
1527811765 ګېډور geDawur big-bellied, big with child 3 adj.
1527811842 ګېډبنګ geDbang big-bellied, pot-bellied, gluttonous 2 adj.
1527814363 ګیر geer caught, stuck 4 adj.
1648461945105 ګېر ger caught, stuck 4 adj.
1674635548469 ږېرور Gerawár bearded (person) 4 adj.
1527819259 غائب ghaa'ib missing, absent, concealed, vanished; third-person (grammar) 4 adj.
1527823212 غافل ghaafúl unaware, negligent, heedless, amiss 3 adj.
1527818523 غالب ghaalíb victorious, conquering, overcoming 3 adj. 1
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1708738861637 غالب کېدل ghaalib kedúl to conquer, be victorious, overcome, win v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527818523 conquer 1
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1595254802868 غاور ghaawúr, ghaawír secret, concealed, introspect, intimate 3 adj.
1527819260 غایب ghaayib missing, absent, concealed, vanished; third-person (grammar) 4 adj.
1527818619 غبي ghabée dull, dumb, slow witted, forgetful, absentminded 2 adj.
1527820913 غږیز ghaGeez audio, pertaining to voice/sound 3 adj.
1527820947 غله بود ghala bóod, ghalla bóod fruitful, productive (of land) 2 adj.
1527820951 غله خېز ghala khez, ghalla khez fruitful, productive (of land) 2 adj.
1527823450 غلیظ ghaléez thick, dense, condensed 2 adj.
1527817799 غم کش gham kash concerned, caring about others 3 adj.
1527823514 غنم غونی ghanam ghoonay blonde, fair, fair haired, pale 2 adj.
1527821359 غني ghanee rich, prosperous 4 adj.
1527821362 غني ترین ghanee tareen very rich, richest 4 adj.
1527817334 غنم رنګ ghanum rang bronze (complexion), wheat color, slightly dark/brown 4 adj.
1527817331 غنم رنګی ghanum rángay bronzed complexion, slightly darker skin, slightly brown/tanned 4 adj.
1527819461 غربي gharbee western, west 4 adj.
1577822538712 غریبانه ghareebaana poor 4 adj.
1576597186307 غرمنی gharmanáy pertaining to noon 4 adj.
1527812180 غرمی gharmáy noon 4 adj.
1527814495 غرق gharq immersed, submerged, plunged, lost, drowned 3 adj.
1527820081 غیب ghayb hidden, lost, disappeared 3 adj.
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1709334153471 غیبول ghaybawúl to make disappear, hide v. stat. comp. trans. 1527820081 make dissapear
1709334399417 غیبېدل ghaybedúl to disappear, hide, get lost v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527820081 disappear 1
2023-12-17 14:20:22 +00:00
1690458832491 غیر طبیعي ghay tabee'ee unnatural adj.
1527821765 غیر عادي ghayr 'aadee unusual, uncommon 4 adj.
1527823442 غیر فاني ghayr faanee imperishable, eternal, will not decay 4 adj.
1690458834026 غیر حاضر ghayr haazír absent (from a class, event, etc.) 4 adj.
1527821766 غیر معمولي ghayr ma'moolée unusual 4 adj. 1
1690458833839 غیرتي ghayratee honourable, proud, showing honourable conduct/zeal/jealousy 4 adj.
1527818701 غیرتمن ghayratmán having a sense of pride, self-worth, honour 4 adj.
1527820787 غیرنظامي ghayrnizaamée civil, non-military, civilian, peaceful 3 adj.
1650696921007 غیرقانوني ghayrqaanoonee illegal, unjust 4 adj.
1690458834819 غیرشرعي ghayrshar'ee unlawful, unacceptable by Islamic law 4 adj.
1527818134 غذایي ghizaayee pertaining to food, nourishment, being nourishing 4 adj.
1527814207 غول ghool stupid, brainless, foolish 3 adj.
1589020566695 غوټن ghooTán knotted, knotyy, suffering from a complex 4 adj.
1588426704120 غوزار ghoozáar falling, thrown, knocked over 3 adj.
1527814563 غورځېدن ghordzedan throwing, falling 3 adj.
1527817626 غرېوناک ghrewnaak disturbed, distressed, weeping 2 adj.
1527811350 غلی ghúlay quiet, silent 4 adj. 1
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1708001160227 غلی کول ghulay kawúl to quiet, calm down, make quiet, silence 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527811350 quiet
1708001162736 غلی کېدل ghulay kedúl to get quiet, calm down, quiet down, be silenced, shut up 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527811350 get quiet
2023-12-17 14:20:22 +00:00
1527822716 غنجه ghunjá harshly, roughly, in an unfeeling manner; hard, stiff, tough; severe, stern 2 adj.
1584691820111 غړند ghuRund fading, withering; depressed, downcast; sluggish, lazy, dull 3 adj.
1527823768 غصه ناک ghUssa náak angry, angered, rageful 4 adj.
1527811774 غټ نسی ghuT nasay big-bellied, pot-bellied 4 adj.
1527812625 غټ ghuT, ghaT big, fat 4 adj. 1
1527812623 غښتلی ghuxtulay, ghaxtalay strong, powerful, overcoming, firm, sturdy; twisted 4 adj.
1584883202051 غضروفدار ghUzroofdaar having cartiladge, gristly 4 adj.
1584883206529 غضروفي ghUzroofee having cartiladge, gristly 3 adj.
1577383438224 غور ghwar superior, a cut above 2 adj.
1527821731 غوړین ghwaRéen oily 4 adj.
1527816773 غوڅاوو ghwatsaawoo decisive, categorical, crucial 2 adj.
1617991171640 غوښور ghwaxawúr stoutly, portly, muscular 4 adj.
1617991134399 غوښین ghwaxéen stoutly, portly, muscular 4 adj.
1617991136740 غوښلن ghwaxlún stoutly, portly, muscular 4 adj.
1617991131068 غوښن ghwaxún stoutly, portly, muscular 4 adj.
1527811764 غوږور ghwuGawur with big ears, big-eared, having ears 4 adj.
1527811667 غونډ ghwunD round, circular; all; gathered, collected, assembled; chunky, stocky, chubby (person) 4 adj. 1
1527822756 غونج ghwunj wrinkled, formed into sheaves 2 adj.
1586525868944 غوښتونکی ghwuxtóonkay desiring, seeking, wanting (often used as a suffix) 4 adj.
1527821805 ګرفتار giriftáar seized, caught, taken, arrested 4 adj.
2023-12-28 01:12:50 +00:00
1703654567957 ګرفتارول giriftaarawúl to arrest, catch, seize 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527821805 arrest 1
1703654570833 ګرفتارېدل giriftaaredúl to be arrested, caught, seized 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527821805 be arrested
2023-12-17 14:20:22 +00:00
1595258349109 ګریان giryaan weeping, crying, tearful 3 adj.
1610556377397 ګول gol round, bent, twisted, wry 4 adj. 1
1576100294147 ګوډ gooD lame, crippled 4 adj. 1
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1527811969 ګوډی gooDáy crippled, disabled 4 adj. 1
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1690458835186 ګونځی goondzay wrinkled, wrinkley 3 adj.
1527812635 ګونګ goong, gwung mute, unable to speak, dumb 4 adj.
1527812636 ګونګی goongáy mute, unable to speak, dumb 4 adj. 1
1527819347 ګور goor thick, dense, compact; rumbling 3 adj.
1527817288 ګوښه gooxa secluded, corner, private 3 adj.
1527816697 ګوټ goT dull, blunt, idiot 4 adj.
1527812639 ګران graan dear, valuable, expensive, difficult 4 adj. 1
2024-02-23 01:09:21 +00:00
1708612498392 ګران کول graan kawúl to make difficult, complicated, expensive v. stat. comp. trans. 1527812639 1
1708612502792 ګران کېدل graan kedúl to become difficult, complicated, expensive v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527812639
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1527817662 ګرم gram guilty, blamed, culprit, culpable 4 adj.
1527822752 ګرنجی grUnjáy wrinkled, furrowed 2 adj.
1527819773 ګلابي gUlaabee pink 4 adj.
1527819130 ګلالی gUlaaláy pretty, beautiful, lovely, cute, sweet 4 adj.
1619278137418 ګلورین gUlwaréen, gwalwaréen strewn with flowers, lovely 4 adj.
2023-12-28 01:12:50 +00:00
1527819154 ګمراه gUmráah astray, strayed, erring 4 adj. 1
1703658691028 ګمراه کول gUmraah kawúl to lead astray, to cause to err 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527819154 lead, leads, leading, led astray 1
1703658831863 په غلطه لار اړول pu ghalata laar aRawul to lead astray, to cause to err 1
1703658836476 په غلطه لار اوښتل pu ghalata laar awUxtúl to go astray, to err
1703658693877 ګمراه کېدل gUmraah kedúl to go astray, to err 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527819154 go astray
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1527812099 ګمرک gUmrUk customs (border) 3 adj. ګمرکات gUmrUkáat
1527812100 ګمرکي gUmrUkee customs (border) 3 adj.
2024-03-02 01:08:41 +00:00
1527814446 ګنده gundá dirty, filthy, unclean, sinful, rotten, stale, rotten, spoiled 4 adj. 1
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1702629516901 ګندا gundáa dirty, filthy, unclean, sinful, rotten, stale, rotten, spoiled 4 adj.
1614083484276 ګپ شپي gup shupée chatty, sociable, gregarious, fun 3 adj.
1527818765 ګړندی guRandáy speedy, high speed, fast, quick 4 adj.
1527816786 ګرد gurd all, entire, whole, everything; round circular 4 adj.
1527819336 ګردی gurdáy round, spherical; short and fat 4 adj.
1690458837379 ګردی شکل gurday shakul round, circular 4 adj.
1527822212 ګرځمن gurdzman moving, wandering, roaming 4 adj.
1527822211 ګرځن gurdzun moving, wandering, roaming 4 adj.
1527822210 ګرځنده gurdzunda moving, wandering, roaming 4 adj.
1527818807 ګرموز gUrmóoz grouchy, miserly, grumpy, facetious 2 adj.
1586551337791 ګړوبن guRobún snot-nosed, slovenly 2 adj.
1527819206 ګستاخ gUstaakh impudent, arrogant, disrespectful, rude 4 adj.
1527818470 ګټور guTawúr profitable, beneficial 4 adj.
1527812648 ګڅ guts left (direction) 4 adj.
1588074780431 ګواښي gwaaxee threataning 4 adj.
1527814188 ګوتلکی gwatlákay flagrant, notorious 2 adj.
1594834915202 هاهولي haahoolée flirtatious, coquetish 2 adj.
1527820699 حامل haamíl carrying, transporting, conveying, pregnant 3 adj.
1527813701 حامله haamila pregnant 3 adj.
1527819467 حار haar hot (Arabic) 2 adj.
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1527821686 هار haar rabid, mad (of a dog) 2 adj. 1
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1613563936959 حاصل خېز haasil khez fruitful, productive (land) 4 adj.
1527817033 حاوي haawee containing, consisting, holding, including 3 adj.
1527812113 حاضر haazir, haazur present, on hand, ready, available, appearing; ready, prepared 4 adj. حاضرین haazireen
1576945635801 هډور haDawúr big-boned, broad-shouldered, strong, robust, boney 2 adj.
1527811460 هفته وار hafta waar weekly 4 adj.
1527817637 هلاک haláak destroyed, ruined, annihilated, perished 4 adj.
1527819363 حلال haláal halal, authorized or permitted by Sharia Law 4 adj. 1
1527821466 حلیم haléem gentle, quiet, gently, courteous, civil 3 adj.
1527814149 حل طلب hall talab debatable; requiring resolution or solving 2 adj.
1527821804 هم فکر ham fikur like-minded 3 adj.
1527814663 هم مرکز ham markaz co-centric, having the same center 4 adj.
1527821076 هم نام ham náam having the same name 4 adj.
1527821803 هم نظر ham nazár like-minded 4 adj.
1622366078163 حماسي hamaasée heroic, epic (literary) 2 adj.
1527817319 همدرد hamdărd empathetic, sympathetic 4 adj.
1690458837656 همیشنی hamayshanay attributive adjective for something thats used/done always, all the time 4 adj.
1527819862 همغږی hamgháGay in agreement, concordant 3 adj.
1527823406 حمیت مند hamiyat mand brave, courageous, fearless, spirited 2 adj.
1630938487829 هممانیز hammaanéez synonymous 2 adj. true
1527821077 همنامی hamnaamáy having the same name 4 adj.
1527811786 هنډور hanDawar stout, stalwart 2 adj.
1527818776 هنګامي hangaamee emergency, compulsory 4 adj.
1527821779 حق بین haq béen just, fair 4 adj.
1527818258 حقدار haqdáar deserving, entitled 3 adj. 1
1527814228 حقیقي haqeeqée real, actual, true, genuine 4 adj. 1
1527812664 هر hăr every 4 adj. 1
1672942947760 هر اړخېز har aRkhéz multifaceted, comprehensive adj.
1527813792 حرام haraam haram, forbidden in Islam 4 adj.
1527819824 حریص harées greedy, mean 3 adj. 1
1527821837 هړیسه haReesá boiled soft (food) 2 adj.
1585928568991 هرکاره hărkaara multitalented, jack-of-all-trades 4 adj.
1527812669 حساس hasáas sensitive, delicate, allergic 3 adj. 1
1527823769 حسد ناک hasad náak jealous, envious 4 adj.
1527820542 حسین haséen beautiful 3 adj.
1527812424 حشره خورونکی hashara khoróonkay insectivorous, insect eating 2 adj.
1527822668 هسک hask lofty, tall, high, proud, supreme 3 adj.
1690458838537 هسکېرلی haskerúlay pitiful, weak, feeble, faint 2 adj.
1527821351 هسته یي hasta yee nuclear, essential (figurative) 4 adj.
1527821350 هستوي hastawée nuclear, essential (figurative) 4 adj.
1527822374 حتمي hatmee compulsory, obligatory; definite, certain 4 adj.
1527816695 هڅاند hatsaand dynamic, active 2 adj.
1527816694 هڅند hatsand dynamic, active 3 adj.
1586453720908 هڅوونکی hatsawóonkay encouraging / encourager 4 adj.
1613550750895 هواګیر hawaagéer very high, up high, elevated, striving 4 adj.
1527813130 هوار hawáar flat, smooth, level, plain 4 adj. 1
1527819981 هوکی hawkáy tired, worn out 2 adj.
1527821550 هولناک hawlnáak, haulnaak terrible, dreadful, horrifying, terrifying 4 adj.
1527823054 حیا ناک hayaa náak modest, honourable 4 adj.
1527814343 حیاتي hayaatee vital, important 3 adj.
1527820681 هذیاني hazyaanée delirious, crazy, insane 3 adj.
1527822687 هیله مند heela mand hopeful, optimistic 4 adj.
1527817761 هېر her forgotten 4 adj.
1527822590 هېرجن herjún forgetful, absentminded (a person) 3 adj.
1527822591 هېرمن hermún forgetful, absentminded (a person) (هېرجن) 4 adj.
1527823162 هېښ hex stunned, shocked, perplexed 4 adj.
1588163180700 هېښوونکی hexawóonkay stunning, shocking, perplexing, amazing 4 adj.
1690458839753 هیبتناک haybatnáak awe-inspring, awesome, wonderful, mighty 4 adj. 1
1527813718 حیران hayraan amazed, surprised, stunned, dumfounded, speechless, taken aback 4 adj.
1690458841825 حیرانوونکی hayraanawóonkay amazing, surprising 4 adj.
1527820424 هجري hijrée reckoned by the Hijri (Islamic) calendar 4 adj.
1527819442 هندي hindee Indian, of India 4 adj.
1527820999 حزبي hizbee party (attributive, pertaining to the party etc.) 3 adj.
1574784307693 هوډي hoDee determined, stubborn, obstinate 3 adj.
1586957266618 هوډیالی hoDyaaláy determined, relentless, fierce, willful, stubborn 2 adj.
1527816082 هوسا hosaa peaceful, calm, quiet, refreshed, relaxed, untired, comfortable 4 adj.
1527812680 هوښیار hooxyáar, hoxyáar, ooxyáar wise, smart, intelligent 4 adj. 1
1579044143384 حکمي hUkmée effectual, categorical, effective 3 adj.
1527818022 حکومتي hUkoomatee government, pertaining to goverment, official things 4 adj.
1527812377 حکم منونکی hUkum munóonkay obedient, submissive 3 adj.
1675436415505 هنري hUnaree artful, cultured, pertaining to art adj.
1527821267 هویدا hUwaydáa clear, obvious, apparent, proven, indisputable 2 adj.
1677347359976 هویتي hUwiyatee identity, pertaining to identity adj. true
1527819875 اعتباري i'tibaarée trustworthy, faithful, credible 4 adj. 1
1527819015 عبرت ناک ibrat naak an event or circumstance that people can learn from 4 adj.
1527815931 ابتدایي ibtidaayee elementary, first-stage, rudimentary 4 adj.
1527822933 ابتکاري ibtikaarée creative, full of initiative 4 adj.
1527820866 اداري idaaree pertaining to administration, management, government 4 adj.
1527820594 افراطي iffraatee extreme, ultra 3 adj.
1652760702014 افتخاري iftikhaaree honorary 3 adj.
1527816808 افتتاحي iftitaahee opening 4 adj.
1527820600 احسان من ihsaan man obliged, grateful, thankful (as a result of favour shown etc.) 4 adj.
1527820601 احسان مند ihsaan mand obliged, grateful, thankful (as a result of favour shown etc.) 4 adj.
1527812225 احتجاجي ihtijaajee protest, pertaining to protesting 4 adj.
1527820280 احتمالي ihtimaalee possible, potential 4 adj.
1527811309 احتیاطي ihtiyaatee cautionary 4 adj.
1527814727 اجباري ijbaaree compulsory, obligatory 3 adj.
1527823087 اجمالي ijmaalee short, concise, summary 4 adj.
1527815080 اجرایي ijraayee executive 3 adj.
1527822036 اجتماعي ijtimaa'ee, ijtimaayee public, social, societal 4 adj.
1527812200 اجتمایي ijtimaayee public, social, societal 3 adj.
1527811330 اخلاصمن ikhlaasman sincere, dedicated 4 adj.
1527814123 اختلافي ikhtilaafee opposing, conflicting, controversial, disagreeing, contradicting, dissenting 4 adj.
1586618557249 علاج نا پذیر ilaaj naa pazéer incurable, untreatable, incorrigable 4 adj.
1527823637 علاج پذیر ilaaj pazéer curable, treatable 4 adj.
1527819057 الهي ilahee divine 4 adj.
1566476253479 الهامي ilhaamee inspirational 4 adj.
1527814108 علمي ilmee scientific, academic, pertaining to knowledge 4 adj.
1527819338 التهابي iltihaabee inflamed 4 adj.
1527823639 امکان پذیر imkaan pazéer possible 4 adj.
1527813420 امتناعي imtinaa'ee, imtinaayee preventative 2 adj.
1527823102 امتیازي imtiyaazee privileged, advantaged, preferred; concessional; distinctive, different, special 4 adj.
1527817214 اناثي inaasee womens, feminine 3 adj.
1527817215 اناثیه inaasiya womens, feminine 3 adj.
1527823116 عندي indée made-up, subjective, fabricated, fictitious, imaginary 2 adj.
1527813054 انفلاقي infilaaqee explosive 4 adj.
1527822686 انفرادي infiraadee individual, personal, solitary 4 adj.
1527814780 انساني insaanee human 4 adj.
1566473783410 انتهایي intihaayée exremely, ulitmately, final, last 4 adj. 1
1527821796 انتقالي intiqaalee portable, transportable; transitional, progressive (of a movement) 4 adj.
1624364703342 انتصابي intisaabee designated, fixed, set 2 adj.
1527815044 انضباطي inzibaatee disciplinary 4 adj.
1527816914 اقتصادي iqtisaadee economic, pertaining to the economy 4 adj.
1527820545 ارثي irsee hereditary, inherited 2 adj.
1585740985216 ارتباطي irtibaatee connecting, linking, oblique (grammar) 4 adj.
1592389802397 اشاري ishaaree demonstrative (grammar) 3 adj.
1678367034707 اصلاحي islaahee correctional, reformational, corrective, pertaining to improvements adj.
1690458842503 اسلام ډاروونکی islaam Daarawóonkay Islamophobic 3 adj.
1527815543 اسلامي islaamee Islamic, Muslim 4 adj.
1527818299 اسلامپال islaampaal Islamist 4 adj.
1579042639154 استفهامي istifhaamee interrogative (grammar) 3 adj.
1527817509 استخباراتي istikhbaaraatee intelligence, pertaining to intelligence (as in government spying etc.) 4 adj.
1527817019 استعماري istimaaree colonial 4 adj.
1649184686379 استنادي istinaadee supporting, reinforcing, referencing, retaining (retaining wall - استنادي دېوال) 4 adj.
1527818587 استثنایي istisnaayee exceptional 4 adj.
1527814923 اضافي izaafee additional, supplemental 4 adj.
1527818766 اضطرابي iztiraabee concerned, alarmed, emergency 3 adj.
1670563530471 عزتمن izzatmán honorable, respectable, noble adj.
1670563525515 عزتمند izzatmánd honorable, respectable, noble adj. 1
1527820309 جعلي ja'lée fake, deceptive; unreal, imaginary 4 adj. 1
1527815916 جابر jaabir coercive, oppressive, despotic 4 adj.
1585241190585 جادویي jaadooyee, jaadoo`ee magical adj.
1527820479 جاهل jaahíl ignorant, stupid 4 adj.
1527819024 جائز jáaiz permitted, allowed, legal, permissible, correct 4 adj. true
1527811933 جالب jaalib appealing, interesting, attractive, fascinating 4 adj.
1527816809 جامع jaami full, comprehensive, rich, substantial, substantive 4 adj.
1566470849994 جامد jaamid solid (as opposid to liquid) 4 adj.
1527821219 جاندار jaandaar living (creature), animate 4 adj.
1527813087 جانجی jaanjáy sluggish, weak, lazy 4 adj.
1527822172 جاړه jaaRa thorny 4 adj. 1
1527812266 جاري jaarée running, current, started, continuing, flowing 4 adj. 1
1527814814 جارحانه jaarihaana decisive, crucial 4 adj.
1602250511163 جایز jaayíz permitted, allowed, lawful 4 adj. TRUE 1
1678361888726 جدید jadéed new, modern adj.
1527823766 جګړه ناک jagRa náak disputed 3 adj.
1527816465 جهاني jahaanee world 4 adj.
1577572484141 جلا jaláa seperate 4 adj.
1527817057 جلت jalt agile, quick, fast, hurried 4 adj.
1527813833 جلیا jalyaa burning, flaming 4 adj.
1594813028562 جنجالي janjaalée controversial 4 adj. 1
1527818294 جنوبي janoobee southern 4 adj.
1527814244 جړ jaR tangled, complicated 4 adj.
1614081873358 جره jará unmarried, single 4 adj. 1
1588160804176 جراحي jarráahee surgical 4 adj.
1527816944 جوت jawat clear, evident, explained, apparent, established 2 adj.
1527816946 جوت jawt joining, alongside 3 adj.
1527815042 جزایي jazaayee penal, punitive 4 adj.
1664029790694 جذاب jazzáab absorbing, fascinating, attractive 4 adj.
1527814582 جدي jiddee serious, seriously, grave 4 adj.
1527812707 جګ jig, jug high, tall 4 adj.
1527822123 جګر خونی jigar khoonay upset, sad, vexed, worn out 4 adj.
1527815496 جهادي jihaadee pertaining to jihad, involved in jihad 4 adj.
1591870352798 جهان دیده jihaan deeda having seen the world, being aware of the world/knowledgeable, well-travelled 3 adj.
1527811284 جنایي jinaayee criminal 4 adj.
1527812709 جنسي jinsee sexual 4 adj.
1527823398 جسماني jismaanee physical, corporeal 4 adj.
1527811364 جوګه jogá able 4 adj. 1
1527822996 جوخت jokht alongside, adjoining, next to, very close 4 adj. 1
1527813089 جونګړا jongRáa lazy 3 adj.
1577649371936 جوټ jooT sad, grim-faced, stern; rejected, spurned, futile, idle 3 adj.
1527819136 جوټه jooTa fake, false, counterfeit 3 adj.
1527812711 جوړ joR well, healthy, whole, made 4 adj. 1
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1672943546000 جوړوونکی joRawóonkay builder, maker; constructive 4 n. m. anim. unisex / adj. 1
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1527816456 جدا jUdáa different, separate, special, detached 4 adj. 1
1709131953042 جدا کول jUdaa kawúl to seperate, divide, detatch 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527816456 seperate 1
1709131954935 جدا کېدل jUdaa kedúl be be seperated, divided, detatched 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527816456 be seperated
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1527822995 جفت jUft see جخت 4 adj. 1
1678174862168 جغرافیایي jUghraafiyaayee geographical adj.
1690458851690 جګپوړی jugpóRay, jigpóRay high-level adj.
1527822992 جخت jUkht alongside, adjoining, next to, very close 4 adj.
1527818283 جمهوري jUmhoorée, jumhoorée republican 4 adj. 1
1527819214 جسمي jusmée pertaining to the body, corporal 4 adj.
1584882748491 جټ juT pure, basic, ignorant 4 adj.
1584639063254 ژبه ور jzaba war eloquent, fluent, clear 4 adj.
1617441765093 ژبنی jzabanáy linguistic, pertaining to language 4 adj.
1584639029522 ژبور jzabawar elequent, fluent, clear 0 adj.
1690458848606 ژړه غوندی jzaRa ghóonday pitying, whining, weepy, crying 4 adj.
1690458850838 ژړه غونی jzaRa ghóonay pitying, whining, weepy, crying 4 adj.
1527813518 ژور jzawár deep, severe, serious 4 adj. 1
1527813283 ژیړ jzeeR, jzyaR brass; bile; yellow, pale 2 adj.
1584530987318 ژېړ jzeR yellow, bronze 3 adj.
1527815848 ژمن jzman dedicated, committed 3 adj.
1527814034 ژوبل jzobul wounded, hurt, crippled, injured 4 adj. ژوبل jzobul ژوبل jzobl
1619278676916 ژورنالیستکي jzoornaaleestikée journalistic 4 adj.
1527815700 ژمګنی jzumgunáy winter, wintery 3 adj.
1527815699 ژمنی jzumunáy winter, wintery 4 adj.
1527818784 ژر ځورېدونکی jzur dzawredóonkay grumpy, easily bothered 3 adj.
1527813600 ژواک خوړلی jzwaak khoRulay old, elderly 3 adj.
1527813923 ژوندی jzwundáy living 4 adj. 1
1527814255 کافي kaafée enough, adequate, suficcient 4 adj. 1
1590053626890 کاغ kaagh wise, clever, bright 4 adj.
1527823678 کاهل kaahíl lazy, sluggish, stagnant 3 adj.
1527822915 کالبر kaalbár bearing fruit every other year 4 adj.
1527813486 کامل kaamíl absolute, complete, mature 3 adj. 1
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1527811846 کامیاب kaamyáab successful 4 adj.
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1527818736 کاني kaanée dexterous, deft, skilled, skilful 1 adj.
1527818737 کاني kaanée mineral, mining 1 adj.
1527812398 کار آمد kaar aamad useful, suitable, necessary 2 adj.
1527819219 کاري kaaree work, pertaining to employment 3 adj.
1527813078 کاړي واړي kaaRee waaRee weakened, limp, flabby, very tired 1 adj.
1527816919 کاروباري kaaroobaaree business, pertaining to business, professional 4 adj.
1527818805 کارساو kaarsaaw grouchy, miserly, grumpy 1 adj.
1584517676790 کاتولیک kaatoleek Catholic 4 adj.
1675436535969 کاذب kaazíb false, untruthful, lying (کاذبې ادعاوې - false claims) adj.
1527811784 کبیر kabeer great, big (Arabic) 4 adj.
1527814896 کبرجن kaburjún, kibrjún proud, arrogant 4 adj. 1
1613560839718 کبرژن kaburjzun, kibrjzun proud, arrogant 3 adj.
1527811697 کچه kachá raw, unripe, immature 4 adj. 1
1527822293 کځر kadzúr bald, balding 1 adj.
1578190912336 کغن kaghún, kaghán hoarse, whimpering; crane (bird) ?? 1 adj.
1578190974824 کغند kaghun, kaghund hoarse, whimpering: crane (bird) ?? 1 adj.
1527813073 کهاله kahaala lazy 3 adj.
1527811362 ککړ kakaR soiled, stained, polluted, weighed down, stricken 4 adj.
1527822283 کل kal bald, balding, mangy, scabbing 4 adj.
1527819999 کلابند kalaabánd besieged, surrounded 2 adj.
1527823127 کلنی kalanáy yearly, annual 4 adj. 1
1678086585909 کلداني kaldaanee Chaldean adj.
1527817029 کلتوري kaltooree cultural 3 adj.
1527812744 کلن kalun years old 3 adj.
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1578769492475 کم kam few, little 4 adj. 1
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1527812077 کم اصل kam asul unauthentic, not genuine, counterfeit, ignoble, artificial 4 adj.
1527817842 کم بخته kam bakhta unlucky, unfortunate 4 adj.
1527811964 کم ځواکی kam dzwaakay weak, disabled 2 adj.
1527820762 کم استعمال kam isti'maal rarely used 3 adj.
1527817843 کم خرڅه kam khartsa thrifty, economic 3 adj.
1527818463 کم مهارت kam mahaarat having poor skills, not being an expert 2 adj.
1649839212571 کم پیدا kam paydaa rare, uncommon 4 adj.
1527817707 کم رنګه kam ranga bland, colorless 2 adj.
1527819002 کمین kameen younger 3 adj.
1527821552 کمین توګ kameen tóg low, mean, base, vulgar, coarse 3 adj.
1584965341524 کمینه kameená small, insignificant, meek, submissive; scoundral, villian 4 adj.
1678367193435 کمونیستي kamooneestee communist, communistic adj.
1527812746 کمساری kamsáaray unprecedented 2 adj.
1578769409512 کمزور kamzór weak 4 adj.
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1527818613 کمزوری kamzóray weak, feeble, frail, faint, poor 3 adj. 1
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1595516629483 کڼوونکی kaNawóonkay deafening 4 adj. 1578770339559
1586446422286 کنډ و کپر kanD-U-kapár scattered, strewn, broken, chipped 3 adj.
1578770035285 کنګال kangáal alone, solitary, single 3 adj.
1527821437 کنجوس kanjóos stingy, cheap, miserly, mean, foul 3 adj.
1527823616 کنجر kanjÚr shameless, imprudent (derogatory term) 4 adj.
1527821016 کر kar deaf 2 adj.
1527812035 کره kára pure, uncontaminated, true, trustworthy, exact, precise, sincere 3 adj. 1
1527817649 کړاند kaRáand bewildered, out of sorts, upset, lost ones head 2 adj.
1527812747 کرار karaar quiet, peaceful, established, constant, stable, agreed 4 adj.
1678361714266 کرنیز karanéez agricultural adj.
1574785018588 کرنګ karáng frozen, numb (from cold); blood-stained 1 adj.
1527816804 کریم kareem gracious, great, noble, generous, kind; used as a religious adjective with the Kuran, Ramadan, etc. 4 adj.
1594834876571 کرشمه یي karishma yee flirtatious, coquetish 2 adj.
1578759802169 کرکنډ karkanD rolling down a mountain (for a rock etc.) 1 adj.
1527814130 کړکېچن kaRkechun unorganized, haphazard, spoiled, disgusting 4 adj.
1527817650 کړم kaRum, kuRum cut off, chopped, wounded, beaten, bleeding, disfigured, maimed, distressed 4 adj.
1527817652 کړمن kaRumún, kaRamún grief-stricken, sad, distressed, pained 3 adj.
1527812195 کړوړ kaRwaR workable, performable 2 adj.
1527819707 کریاب karyaab waste, neglected, unused, delayed, stopped, poor, in a difficult situation 4 adj.
1527820094 کسیز kaseez person (adj. as in 15 person team) 4 adj.
1626775009928 کشفي kashfee investigative, exploratory adj.
1527822303 کشکل kashkál bald, bald-headed 2 adj.
1578768378812 کسکر kaskár divided into parts 3 adj.
1578768278986 کسکر kaskúr burned, scorched, shriveled; unclean 3 adj.
1527811840 کټه kaTá large, big 4 adj. 1
1527821095 کټه مېر kaTa mér wicked, bad, cruel, harsh, stern 3 adj.
1527821094 کټه مهر kaTa míhr wicked, bad, cruel, harsh, stern 3 adj.
1527813444 کوره kawara destroyed, annihilated, obliterated, crossed-out, deleted 2 adj.
1527822416 کودن kawdún dull, limited, stupid 2 adj.
1527818837 کوکبي kawkabée space, cosmic, interplanetary 2 adj.
1527812755 کیڼ keeN left 4 adj.
1527821285 کینه ګر keena gár vindictive, malicious, spiteful, revengeful 4 adj.
1527821286 کینه ور keena wár vindictive, malicious, spiteful, revengeful 3 adj.
1527819770 کینخي keenakhkhee purple 3 adj.
1527816544 کېږلی keGúlay cursed, damned, accursed 3 adj.
1527821274 کېته keta open 2 adj.
1527811718 کیهاني kayhaanee world, space, cosmic 1 adj.
1591803404796 خاکسار khaaksaar humble, meek, obedient 4 adj.
1527811332 خالص khaalis pure, real, genuine, natural 4 adj.
1617441286598 خالص khaalis net (as opposed to gross) 4 adj.
1527812057 خام khaam raw, unripe, immature 4 adj. 1
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1527814103 خاموش khaamósh silent, quiet, still 3 adj. 1
1708001295582 خاموشه khaamósh silent, quiet, still 3 adj.
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1527817058 خامتا khaamtaa fast, greedy 2 adj.
1527813144 خانه بدوش khaana badosh nomadic 4 adj.
1527817570 خاطرپرېشان khaatirpresháan worried, upset, distressed 2 adj.
1527821965 خاینانه khaayinaana treacherous 4 adj.
1610617463868 خبیث khabées wicked, evil, nasty, disgusting, vile 4 adj.
1661453800132 خبري khaburee press, pertaining to news 4 adj.
1527813448 خفي khafee hidden, secret, covert, low-key 3 adj.
1527822250 خفیف khaféef light, slight, weak 3 adj.
1527821612 خجل khajíl embarrassed, shamed, shy, inhibited 4 adj.
1527817059 خجونکی khajóonkay skittish, fast; rebounding; with a waddling gait 2 adj.
1610800413603 خلائي khalaa`ee space, astronautical 4 adj.
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1594814090783 خلیجي khaleejée gulf 4 adj.
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1527822932 خلاقه khallaaqá creative 2 adj.
1527822196 خمیر khameer fermented, leavened (dough) 4 adj.
1577899089150 خمسور khamsor spontaneous, sociable 2 adj.
1617991263023 خندانه khandaana humorous, funny 4 adj.
1586341318400 خندني khandunee laughing; funny; sarcastic 4 adj.
1620042274477 خندني khandunée funny, laughing, pleasant, funny, sarcastic 4 adj.
1527823057 خپ khap quiet, silent, still 2 adj.
1527817460 خس خس khas khas small, petty, in tiny little bits 3 adj.
1527822829 خسیس khasées greedy, miserly, unpleasant, mean, repulsive 2 adj.
1527822988 خسته khastá tired, exhausted 3 adj.
1671707708753 خسته کوونکی khasta kawóonkay boring, tiring adj.
1671707208906 خسته کن khasta kÚn boring, tiring (Farsi) adj.
1527812768 خټه kháTa mud; thick, condensed; gloomy 4 n. f. / adj.
1527812221 ختم khátum finished, completed, ended, done 4 adj. 1
1527812771 خطرناک khaturnáak dangerous 4 adj. 1
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1527823115 خیالي khyaalée, khayaalée imaginary, fictitious; proud, haughty, romantic 4 adj.
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1589906941707 خیچن kheechún see خچن 4 adj.
1594373463132 خیره kheerá dim, dull, blinded 4 adj.
1527819201 خیرن kheerán dirty, nasty, unclean, filthy, foul 4 adj. 1
1527819203 خیرن پیرن kheeran peeran dirty, nasty, unclean, filthy, foul 4 adj.
1527817115 خیشت kheesht soaking, wet, drenched, soggy 3 adj.
1527818085 خېټور kheTawár pot bellied, glutton, gluttonous, greedy 4 adj.
1527820809 خیریه khayriya charitable 3 adj.
1527823423 خیرخواه khayrkhaah well-wishing, desiring good 4 adj.
1527816857 خلاف khiláaf against, opposed, contrary 4 adj. 1
1644515905247 خوبجن khobjín sleepy 4 adj.
1627316873815 خوبوړی khobwúRay sleepy adj.
1574865652928 خوږ khoG sweet, nice 4 adj. خواږه khwaaGu خوږ khwaG 1
1591871233587 خوږژبی khoGjzubay well-spoken 4 adj.
1527818400 خود غرض khood gháraz selfish 4 adj.
1527817079 خود اختیاره khood ikhtiyáara autonomous 4 adj.
1527823239 خود مختار khood mUkhtáar autonomous, independent 4 adj.
1671708779407 خودخواه khoodkhwaa, khoodkhwaah selfish, egotistical, egoist adj.
1610796141060 خودکفا khoodkifáa self-sufficient 4 adj.
1592303515292 خوږمن khooGmún, khwuGmún suffering, grieving, empathetic, having sympathy for others 4 adj.
1527811682 خونړی khoonaRáy bloody, awful, bloodthirsty, dangerous 4 adj.
1527823594 خوني khoonee bloody, bloodstained 4 adj.
1594128309318 خوسا khoosáa foul-smelling, horrible-smelling 3 adj.
1527817403 خوش دل khoosh dil joyful, cheerful, merry 3 adj.
1527823427 خوش پوشاک khoosh posháak well-dressed 3 adj.
1527811252 خوشبین khooshbeen optimistic 4 adj.
1527817404 خوشدل khooshdil joyful, cheerful, merry 4 adj.
1527817111 خوشت khoosht damp, wet, moist, humid 4 adj.
1577902277292 خور khor spread, scattered, dispersed 4 adj. خواره khwaaru خور khor
1527817234 خوراکي khoraakee food, pertaining to food 4 adj.
1527811996 خوش باور khosh baawar naive, gullible, unsuspecting, trusting 4 adj.
1527821369 خوش باور khosh baawár gullible, naive, trusting 2 adj.
1527812791 خوشحال khosh`háal, khosháal happy, glad 4 adj.
1635654222358 خوشحاله khosh`háala, khosháala happy, glad 4 adj. 1
1527812792 خوشاله khoshaala happy, glad adj.
1527816071 خپور khpor spread, dispersed, publicized, published 4 adj. خپاره khpaaru خپر khpar
1527818399 خپل اړی khpul aRay selfish, self-interest, self-dependent, self-sufficient 2 adj.
1527817174 خپل سری khpul săray foolish, independent 3 adj.
1627298038614 خپلمنځي khpulmandzée mutual, reciprocal, between each other adj.
1527819418 خپلواک khpulwaak independent, free, autonomous 4 adj.
1566471461340 خرټ khraT, khuraT fat, fatty, portly 2 adj.
1589906920486 خچن khuchún muddy, slimy, dirty 3 adj.
1527816537 خدای شرمولی khUdaay sharmawúlay cursed, damned, accursed 4 adj.
1527816538 خدای وهلی khUdaay wahúlay cursed, damned, accursed 4 adj.
1527812798 خفه khufá sad, upset, angry; choked, suffocated 4 adj. 1
1527813449 خفیه khUfiya hidden, secret, covert, low-key 3 adj.
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1527812777 خلاص khlaas, khuláas open, free, done, saved 4 adj. 1
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1678442196610 خلوت پسند khulwut pasand isolationist, seclusionist adj.
1527823005 خماري khUmaaree charming (eyes) 4 adj.
1527812799 خپه khupa sad, upset, angry 3 adj.
1527816161 خړ khuR grey, brown, dark; (fig.) vague, uncertain, embarrassed, confused 4 adj.
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1527812803 خراب kharáab, khuráab bad, wrong, broken 4 adj. 1
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1709132674057 خرابول kharaabawúl to ruin, break, make bad 4 v. stat. comp. trans. 1527812803 ruin 1
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1709132677720 خرابېدل kharaabedúl to be ruined, broken, made bad 4 v. stat. comp. intrans. 1527812803 be ruined 1
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1527815988 خړوب khuRob well watered, irrigated 4 adj.
1527814247 خړپړ khuRpuR completely gray, dusty, dirty, soiled, cloudy, confused, complicated, tense 4 adj.
1594128308150 خسا khUsáa, khsáa foul-smelling, horrible-smelling 4 adj.
1592915562306 خشن khUshún rude, harsh 3 adj.
1527813952 خصوصي khUsoosee particular, private, special, personal 4 adj.
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1527818132 خواهش من khwaahish mán wishing, desiring, wanting to, aspiring 4 adj.
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1527815083 خواخوږی khwaakhóoGay sympathetic, compassionate, empathetic; sympethizer 4 adj. / n. m. anim. unisex 1
1527812808 خوار khwaar poor, pitiful, miserable, thin 4 adj. 1
1527812809 خوار ځواکی khwaar dzwáakay malnourished, underfed 3 adj.
1575129189335 خواري کښ khwaaree kux hard-working, laboring, pertaining to labor 3 adj.
1575129189336 خواري کښ khwaaree kux hard-working, laboring, pertaining to labor 3 adj.