--- title: An Illustrated Guide to Compound Verbs in Pashto date: "2020-11-12" updated: "2020-11-12" description: "We can think of compound verbs in Pashto as two kinds of machines" image: "./gears-bg.jpg" --- import IW from "../../../src/components/inline-word/InlineWord"; import Word from "../../../src/components/word/Word"; import TensesChart from "../../../src/components/tenses-chart/TensesChart"; import pakhawulDiagram from "./cooking-potatoes.svg"; import becomingCookedDiagram from "./potatoes-cooking.svg"; import kaarKawulDiagram from "./doing-work.svg"; import stativeCompoundTransitive from "./stative-compound-transitive.svg"; import stativeCompoundIntransitive from "./stative-compound-intransitive.svg"; import dynamicCompoundTransitive from "./dynamic-compound-transitive.svg"; import dynamicCompoundInransitive from "./dynamic-compound-intransitive.svg"; import khufaKawulDiagram from "./making-sad.svg"; import becomingSadDiagram from "./becoming-sad.svg"; import makingTiredDiagram from "./making-tired.svg"; import becomingTiredDiagram from "./becoming-tired.svg"; import closingDoorDiagram from "./closing-door.svg"; import doorClosingDiagram from "./door-closing.svg"; import explainingStoryDiagram from "./explaining-story.svg"; import storyExplainedDiagram from "./story-explained.svg"; import storyExplained from "./story-explained.svg"; import runningDiagram from "./running.svg"; import stativeIroningDiagram from "./ironing-stative.svg"; import dynamicIroningDiagram from "./ironing-dynamic.svg"; import { Link } from "gatsby"; import { getVerbInfo, RootsAndStems, } from "@lingdocs/pashto-inflector"; export const SimpleFormula = ({ items }) => { const boxStyle = { padding: "1rem", border: "2px solid black", margin: "1rem 0", }; const symStyle = { fontSize: "larger", fontWeight: "bold", margin: "0 0.5rem", }; return (
); }; About 70% of verbs in Pashto are compound verbs. Although they're incredibly common, they can also be very confusing for language learners. This article aims to clear up some of the confusion by **explaining compound verbs visually, as two kinds of simple machines**. ## What is a compound verb? A compound verb is a verb that's made by combining a verb and something else (a complement).
Compound Verb
, ]}/> Here are a few of examples: , , , ]} /> , , , ]} /> , , , ]} /> , , , ]} /> ## What's confusing about compound verbs? As soon as someone starts hearing or using these verbs, a number of questions come up. - Why do some of the verbs get glued together into one word, and some stay as two seperate words? - Why do some verbs with take a prefix and some don't? - In the past tense, why does the conjugation on some verbs never change? - Why do some verbs take objects, and others only take indirect objects? It can seem like these are just unexplainable idiosyncracies that have to be memorized for each verb, but that's not the case! All of these confusing questions melt away once we realize that there are basically **two kinds of compound verbs**. ## The two types of compound verbs ### 1. **Stative Compounds** Stative compounds are about "making" something something. You can think of these verbs as **transformer machines**. They *take an object* and do something that transforms it, or puts it in a different state. transitive stative compound verb diagram For example, the verb : pakhawul verb diagram ### 2. **Dynamic Compounds** Dynamic compounds are about "doing" something. Think of these as an **action machines**. They *have a built-in object* which is an action or activity that they do. transitive stative compound verb diagram For example, the verb : kaar kawul verb diagram There are also intransitive versions of these, but we'll get to that later.
Stative Compound Dynamic Compound
"Making" Compound "Doing" Compound
Transformer Machine Action Machine
From the diagrams and examples we can see that these two kinds of compounds behave quite differently. The most obvious difference is that: - stative compounds take an outside object - dynamic compounds have an object included inside them We will see more differences when we look at each kind of compound in detail. Once we understand the unique behaviors of each type of machine, all the confusion about different compound verbs behaving differently will disappear. ## How do the two kinds of compounds work? ### 1. Stative compounds Stative compounds take the complement part of the verb and apply it to an object so that the object is changed or put in a different state. #### Always use Transitive stative compounds always use use the word to change an object, or put it in a different state. In other words, they take an object and "make it ____". The verb used by these compounds will never, ever, ever take a prefix. The complement is often an adjective, as in the following example:
See conjugations {[ [ { ex: { p: "زه هغه خفه کوم", f: "zu haghá khufa kawúm", e: "I'm making her sad..." }, }, { ex: { long: { p: "زه هغه خفه کړم", f: "zu haghá khufa kRum" }, short: { p: "زه هغه خفه کم", f: "zu haghá khufa kum" }, e: "...so I'll make her sad...", }, }, ], [ { ex: { p: "زه به هغه خفه کوم", f: "zu ba haghá khufa kawum", e: "I will make her sad..." }, }, { ex: { long: { p: "زه به هغه خفه کړم", f: "zu ba haghá khufa kRum" }, short: { p: "زه به هغه خفه کم", f: "zu ba haghá khufa kum" }, e: "I will make her sad...", }, }, ], [ { ex: { p: "هغه خفه کوه!", f: "haghá khufa kawá!", e: "make her sad!" }, }, { ex: { long: { p: "هغه خفه کړه!", f: "haghá khufa kRá!" }, short: { p: "هغه خفه که!", f: "haghá khufa ká!" }, e: "make her sad!", }, }, ], [ { ex: { long: { p: "ما هغه خفه کوله", f: "maa haghá khufa kawúla" }, short: { p: "ما هغه خفه کوه", f: "maa haghá kawá" }, e: "I was making / would make her sad", }, }, { ex: { long: { p: "ما هغه خفه کړله", f: "maa haghá khufa kRula" }, short: { p: "ما هغه خفه کړه", f: "maa haghá khufa kRa" }, mini: { p: "ما هغه خفه که", f: "maa haghá khufa ka" }, e: "I made her sad", }, }, ], [ { ex: { p: "ما هغه خفه کړې ده", f: "maa haghá khufa kúRe da", e: "I've made her sad (and now she's upset at me)", }, }, ], ]}
#### If the adjective is inflectable, it will inflect based on the object Let's take a look at the verb . If we're using a feminine object , we need to inflect the complement/adjective to .
See conjugations {[ [ { ex: { p: "زه هغه ستړې کوم", f: "zu haghá stúRe kawúm", e: "I'm making her tired..." }, }, { ex: { long: { p: "زه هغه ستړې کړم", f: "zu haghá stúRe kRum" }, short: { p: "زه هغه ستړې کم", f: "zu haghá stúRe kum" }, e: "...so I'll make her tired...", }, }, ], [ { ex: { p: "زه به هغه ستړې کوم", f: "zu ba haghá stúRe kawum", e: "I will make her tired..." }, }, { ex: { long: { p: "زه به ورک کړم", f: "zu ba haghá stúRe kRum" }, short: { p: "زه به ورک کم", f: "zu ba haghá stúRe kum" }, e: "I will make her tired...", }, }, ], [ { ex: { p: "هغه ستړې کوه!", f: "haghá stúRe kawá!", e: "make her tired!" }, }, { ex: { long: { p: "هغه ستړې کړه!", f: "haghá stúRe kRá!" }, short: { p: "هغه ستړې که!", f: "haghá stúRe ká!" }, e: "make her tired!", }, }, ], [ { ex: { long: { p: "ما هغه ستړې کوله", f: "maa haghá stúRe kawúla" }, short: { p: "ما هغه ستړې کوه", f: "maa haghá kawá" }, e: "I was making / would make her tired", }, }, { ex: { long: { p: "ما هغه ستړې کړله", f: "maa haghá stúRe kRula" }, short: { p: "ما هغه ستړې کړه", f: "maa haghá stúRe kRa" }, mini: { p: "ما هغه ستړې که", f: "maa haghá stúRe ka" }, e: "I made her tired", }, }, ], [ { ex: { p: "ما هغه ستړې کړې ده", f: "maa haghá stúRe kúRe da", e: "I've made her tired (and now she's tired)", }, }, ], ]}
#### When the complement ends in a consonant, it often fuses together with کول Let's have a look at the verb . The adjective/complement ends in a consonant, so in the imperfective aspect, the from gets dropped and the two words get fused together.
See conjugations {[ [ { ex: { p: "زه دروازې بندوم", f: "zu darwaaze bandawúm", e: "I'm closing the doors..." }, }, { ex: { long: { p: "زه دروازې بندې کړم", f: "zu darwaaze bande kRum" }, short: { p: "زه دروازې بندې کم", f: "zu darwaaze bande kum" }, e: "...so I'll close the doors...", }, }, ], [ { ex: { p: "زه به دروازې بندوم", f: "zu ba darwaaze bandawum", e: "I will close the doors..." }, }, { ex: { long: { p: "زه به بندې کړم", f: "zu ba darwaaze bande kRum" }, short: { p: "زه به بندې کم", f: "zu ba darwaaze bande kum" }, e: "I will close the doors...", }, }, ], [ { ex: { p: "دروازې بندوه!", f: "darwaaze bandawá!", e: "close the doors!" }, }, { ex: { long: { p: "دروازې بندې کړه!", f: "darwaaze bande kRa!" }, short: { p: "دروازې بندې که!", f: "darwaaze bande ka!" }, e: "close the doors!", }, }, ], [ { ex: { long: { p: "ما دروازې بندولې", f: "maa darwaaze bandawúle" }, short: { p: "ما دروازې بندوې", f: "maa darwaaze bandawé" }, e: "I was closing the doors", }, }, { ex: { long: { p: "ما دروازې بندې کړلې", f: "maa darwaaze bande kRule" }, short: { p: "ما دروازې بندې کړې", f: "maa darwaaze bande kRe" }, mini: { p: "ما دروازې بندې کې", f: "maa darwaaze bande ke" }, e: "I closed the doors", }, }, ], [ { ex: { p: "ما دروازې بندې کړې دي", f: "maa darwaaze bande kúRe dee", e: "I've closed the doors (and they're shut now)", }, }, ], ]}
Notice how when the words are stuck together, it's impossible to inflect the adjective. In the perfective aspect and in the perfect tense however, the words always break apart and stay seperate. Then the adjective must be inflected according to the object if possible. #### Some adjectives will get crunched when fusing with کول Many adjectives get crunched into a shorter version when they fuse together with in the imperfective forms. For example if we use the irregular adjective , we know that the inflections are:
Masculine Feminine
1st Inf.
2nd Inf.
And when we combine this inflectable adjective with the verb they get fused together like this: , , , ]} /> If we are cooking , then will inflect to because potatoes are masculine plural. pakhawul verb diagram
See conjugations {[ [ { ex: { p: "زه الوګان پخوم", f: "zu aloogáan pakhawúm", e: "I'm cooking potatoes..." }, }, { ex: { long: { p: "زه الوګان پاخه کړم", f: "zu aloogáan paakhu kRum" }, short: { p: "زه الوګان پاخه کم", f: "zu aloogáan paakhu kum" }, e: "...so I'll cook potatoes...", }, }, ], [ { ex: { p: "زه به الوګان پخوم", f: "zu ba aloogáan pakhawum", e: "I will cook potatoes..." }, }, { ex: { long: { p: "زه به پاخه کړم", f: "zu ba aloogáan paakhu kRum" }, short: { p: "زه به پاخه کم", f: "zu ba aloogáan paakhu kum" }, e: "I will cook potatoes...", }, }, ], [ { ex: { p: "الوګان پخوه!", f: "aloogáan pakhawá!", e: "cook potatoes!" }, }, { ex: { long: { p: "الوګان پاخه کړه!", f: "aloogáan paakhu kRa!" }, short: { p: "الوګان پاخه که!", f: "aloogáan paakhu ka!" }, e: "cook potatoes!", }, }, ], [ { ex: { p: "ما الوګان پخول", f: "maa aloogáan pakhawúl", e: "I was cooking potatoes", }, }, { ex: { p: "ما الوګان پاخه کړل", f: "maa aloogáan paakhu kRul", e: "I cooked potatoes", }, }, ], [ { ex: { p: "ما الوګان پاخه کړي دي", f: "maa aloogáan paakhu kúRee dee", e: "I've cooked potatoes (and they're ready to eat now)", }, }, ], ]}
#### The complement can also be an noun or adverb It seems weird, but the complement in stative compounds *can also be a noun or an adverb*, and when it is it's used sort of like an adjective. For example the verb "to explain" is a combonation of: , , , ]} /> It might seem illogical for us to say, "I made my story explanation," but that's exactly what Pashto does. Note that when the complement is not an adjective, it doesn't inflect.
See conjugations {[ [ { ex: { p: "زه خپله کیسه بیانوم", f: "zu khpula keesá bayaanawúm", e: "I'm making story..." }, }, { ex: { long: { p: "زه خپله کیسه بیان کړم", f: "zu khpula keesá bayáan kRum" }, short: { p: "زه خپله کیسه بیان کم", f: "zu khpula keesá bayáan kum" }, e: "...so I'll explain my story...", }, }, ], [ { ex: { p: "زه به خپله کیسه بیانوم", f: "zu ba khpula keesá bayaanawúm", e: "I will explain my story..." }, }, { ex: { long: { p: "زه به خپله کیسه بیان کړم", f: "zu ba khpula keesá bayáan kRum" }, short: { p: "زه به خپله کیسه بیان کم", f: "zu ba khpula keesá bayáan kum" }, e: "I will explain my story...", }, }, ], [ { ex: { p: "خپله کیسه بیانوه!", f: "khpula keesá bayaanawá!", e: "explain your story!" }, }, { ex: { long: { p: "خپله کیسه بیان کړه!", f: "khpula keesá bayáan kRá!" }, short: { p: "خپله کیسه بیان که!", f: "khpula keesá bayáan ká!" }, e: "explain your story!", }, }, ], [ { ex: { long: { p: "ما خپله کیسه بیانوله", f: "maa khpula keesá bayaanawúla" }, short: { p: "ما خپله کیسه بیانوه", f: "maa khpula keesá bayaanawá" }, e: "I was explaining my story", }, }, { ex: { long: { p: "ما خپله کیسه بیان کړله", f: "maa khpula keesá bayáan kRula" }, short: { p: "ما خپله کیسه بیان کړه", f: "maa khpula keesá bayáan kRa" }, mini: { p: "ما خپله کیسه بیان که", f: "maa khpula keesá bayáan ka" }, e: "I explained my story", }, }, ], [ { ex: { p: "ما خپله کیسه بیان کړې ده", f: "maa khpula keesá bayáan kúRe da", e: "I've explained my story", }, }, ], ]}
#### Reviewing stative compounds So far we've learned the inner workings of one type of machine: the "transformer machine" aka stative compound. transitive stative compound verb diagram To review all the behaviours of the stative compounds, we know that they: - Always use as the verb - The complement can be an adjective, noun, or adverb - If the complement is an adjective, it will inflect according to the object - Infinitive/imperfective forms (almost always) fuse together when the complement ends in a consonant ### 2. Dynamic compounds Dynamic compounds are actually a lot easier. These "action machines" are much simpler, because they have *less moving parts*. transitive dynamic compound verb diagram #### The object is included in the compound The most important thing to know about these verbs is that **they don't take any outside object**. **The object of the sentence is already included in the compound**. The object will always be a noun, which will be some sort of action or activity to be done. For instance, if you have a sentence or a clause with the verb then will *always* be the object, and the *only* object. This makes things simpler especially when it comes to past tense. #### They use While stative compounds used , dynamic compounds use . These may look like the same verb, but they're not! They mean different things, behave differently, and in the perfective forms they diverge.
Stative compounds
"transformer machines"
Dynamic compounds
"action machines"
use only
and other verbs too
never takes a always takes a
Unlike , does take a in the perfective forms. Let's look at the verb : kaar kawul verb diagram
See conjugations {[ [ { ex: { p: "زه کار کوم", f: "zu kaar kawúm", e: "I'm working..." }, }, { ex: { long: { p: "زه کار وکړم", f: "zu kaar óokRum" }, short: { p: "زه کار وکم", f: "zu kaar óokum" }, e: "...so I'll work..." }, }, ], [ { ex: { p: "زه به کار کوم", f: "zu ba kaar kawúm", e: "I will work..." }, }, { ex: { long: { p: "زه به کار وکړم", f: "zu ba kaar óokRum" }, short: { p: "زه به کار وکم", f: "zu ba kaar óokum" }, e: "...I will work..." }, }, ], [ { ex: { p: "کار کوه!", f: "kaar kawá!", e: "work!" }, }, { ex: { long: { p: "کار وکړه!", f: "kaar óokRa!" }, short: { p: "کار وکه!", f: "kaar óoka!" }, e: "work!", }, }, ], [ { ex: { long: { p: "ما کار کوله", f: "maa kaar kawúlo" }, short: { p: "ما کار کاوه", f: "maa kaar kaawú" }, e: "I was working", }, }, { ex: { long: { p: "ما کار وکړلو", f: "maa kaar óokRulo" }, short: { p: "ما کار وکړو", f: "maa kaar óokRo" }, mini: { p: "ما کار وکړ", f: "maa kaar óokuR" }, e: "I worked", }, }, ], [ { ex: { p: "ما کار کړی دی", f: "maa kaar kúRey dey", e: "I have worked", }, }, ], ]}
#### The words always stay seperate With dynamic compounds, the complement and verb *never ever* get fused together. For example can never get squished together to become . In fact, is actually a completely different non-compound verb. #### There can't be any other objects! It's important to remember that with dynamic compounds the object is *inside the compound*, so you can't have a direct object anywhere else in the sentence or clause. But "indirect objects" are often exrpessed through words connected with prepositional phrases (sandwiches). For example, in English we might say "I am serving my father." Father is the direct object. But in Pashto we can say: Here is the direct object and is like an indirect object, related to the verb through a prepositional phrase . #### Other verbs can be used With dynamic compounds other verbs like or can also be used as the verb in the "action machine". For example, the verb : The object / complement in this verb is , which is feminine plural. So, in the past tense the verb will *always* be conjugated 3rd person feminine plural.
See conjugations {[ [ { ex: { p: "زه منډې وهم", f: "zu múnDe wahúm", e: "I'm running..." }, }, { ex: { p: "زه منډې ووهم", f: "zu múnDe óowahum", e: "...so I'll run...", }, }, ], [ { ex: { p: "زه به منډې وهم", f: "zu ba múnDe wahúm", e: "I will run...", }, }, { ex: { p: "زه به منډې ووهم", f: "zu ba múnDe óowahum", e: "...I will run...", }, }, ], [ { ex: { p: "منډې وهه!", f: "múnDe wahá!", e: "run! (repeatedly, in general)", }, }, { ex: { p: "منډې ووهه!", f: "múnDe óowaha!", e: "run! (one time)", }, }, ], [ { ex: { long: { p: "ما منډې وهلې", f: "maa múnDe wahúle", }, short: { p: "ما منډې وهې", f: "maa múnDe wahé", }, e: "I was running", }, }, { ex: { long: { p: "ما منډې ووهلې", f: "maa múnDe óowahule", }, short: { p: "ما منډې ووهې", f: "maa múnDe óowahe", }, e: "I ran", }, }, ], [ { ex: { p: "ما منډې وهلې دي", f: "maa múnDe wahúle dee", e: "I have run", }, }, ], ]}
### Reviewing stative and dynamic compounds Remember all those weird different behaviours that we mentioned at the beginning? Once we realize there are these two different types of compound verbs, represented by two different kinds of "machines," we can see that each of the two has a distinct set of behaviours.
Stative Compound Dynamic Compound
Transformer Machine Action Machine
Takes an outside object Includes the object in the compound
Uses , which never takes a Uses , which does take a , or other verbs
The complement can be an adjective, noun, or adverb The complement can only be a noun
The complement gets applied to the object The complement is the object
Does something that changes the object Does an action or activity, which is the object
Often joins the two words together if the complement ends in a consonant The two words never get joined together
If the complement is an adjective, it inflects according to the object The complement is the object, so it doesn't inflect
### Some verbs can be both! Some verbs can be used either as stative or dynamic compounds. For example, with , you could either use it as: - a stative compound - as in "to iron ____" (to make something ironed) - a dynamic compound - as in "to do ironing" (to do the activity of ironing) **Ironing with the stative version** If we say we are ironing a **shirt** (object): ما قمیس استري کړو, f: <>maa qamees istree kRo, e: <>I ironed a shirt, }} /> In these sentences is the object, so in the past tense the verb agrees with it (3rd person masc. singular). Also notice that the is not used. **Ironing with the dynamic version** If we just wanted to say that we did **ironing** (object): ما استري وکړه, f: <>maa istree óokRa, e: <>I did ironing, }} /> In these sentences is the object, so in the past tense the verb agrees with it (3rd person fem. singular). Also notice that the is used. It would be wrong to wrong to say ❌.
Stative Version
Verb agrees with the object getting ironed
Verb doesn't take
Dynamic Version
Verb agrees with the action (ironing)
Verb takes

is another example of a verb that can be used either statively or dynamically. (with or without an outside object)

Stative Version Dynamic Version
"To kill ____" "To commit a murder"
### A few weird exceptions There are a few verbs like: - - - - That can either be used as dynamic compounds or as stative compounds as if there was an implied complement.
Correct ✔ Also correct ✔
To think of it differently, they can basically function as dynamic compounds with or without the prefix. Well, it was *almost* all perfectly logical, sorry. Language can get weird. 🤷‍♂️

EDIT: Actually, I think I figured out what's happening here and it's very logical! 🤓 Will write more here soon!

## Intransitive versions So far we've only talked about the tranisitive version of these two types of compounds/machines. There is also an *intransitive version* of these machines, for when you are just talking about: - something being transformed/changed (stative) - some action happening (dynamic) ...but are not mentioning the person or thing that's *doing* the action. ### Instransitive stative compounds These follow all the same rules and behaviours as the transitive versions, except that there's only a subject, and no object. These verbs use the intranisitive equivalent to which is . Notice how with this verb, just as with , there is no . All these compounds will have the same characteristics as the transitive "transformer machines" that we saw earlier. The only difference is that there's no subject pressing the button and doing the action of transforming. There's just a subject that goes through and is changed.
See conjugations {[ [ { ex: { p: "هغه خفه کېږي", f: "haghá khufa kéGee", e: "She's getting sad..." }, }, { ex: { p: "هغه خفه شي", f: "haghá khufa shee", e: "...so she'll get sad...", }, }, ], [ { ex: { p: "هغه به خفه کېږي", f: "haghá ba khufa kéGee", e: "She'll become sad...", }, }, { ex: { p: "هغه به خفه شي", f: "haghá ba khufa shee", e: "She'll become sad...", }, }, ], [ { ex: { p: "خفه کېږه!", f: "khufa kéGa!", e: "become sad!", }, }, { ex: { p: "خفه شه!", f: "khufa sha!", e: "become sad!", }, }, ], [ { ex: { long: { p: "هغه خفه کېدله", f: "haghá khufa kedúla" }, short: { p: "هغه خفه کېده", f: "haghá khufa kedá" }, e: "She was becoming sad", }, }, { ex: { long: { p: "هغه خفه شوله", f: "haghá khufa shwula" }, short: { p: "هغه خفه شوه", f: "haghá khufa shwa" }, e: "I made her sad", }, }, ], [ { ex: { p: "هغه خفه شوې ده", f: "haghá khufa shúwe da", e: "She's become upset", }, }, ], ]}
For these intransitive transformer machines all the other behaviours apply: - There's no used - If the complement is an adjective it will inflect (for the subject now) - Complements ending in a consonant will get joined together with the verb - Adjectives, nouns, and adverbs can be used as complements Here are the intransitive versions of all the other examples above:
See conjugations {[ [ { ex: { p: "هغه ستړې کېږي", f: "haghá stúRe kéGee", e: "She's getting tired...", }, }, { ex: { p: "هغه ستړې شي", f: "haghá stúRe shee", e: "...so she'll get tired...", }, }, ], [ { ex: { p: "هغه به ستړې کېږي", f: "haghá ba stúRe kéGee", e: "She'll become tired...", }, }, { ex: { p: "هغه به ستړې شي", f: "haghá ba stúRe shee", e: "She'll become tired...", }, }, ], [ { ex: { p: "ستړې کېږه!", f: "stúRe kéGa!", e: "become tired!", }, }, { ex: { p: "ستړې شه!", f: "stúRe sha!", e: "become tired!", }, }, ], [ { ex: { long: { p: "هغه ستړې کېدله", f: "haghá stúRe kedúla" }, short: { p: "هغه ستړې کېده", f: "haghá stúRe kedá" }, e: "She was becoming tired", }, }, { ex: { long: { p: "هغه ستړې شوله", f: "haghá stúRe shwula" }, short: { p: "هغه ستړې شوه", f: "haghá stúRe shwa" }, e: "I made her tired", }, }, ], [ { ex: { p: "هغه ستړې شوې ده", f: "haghá stúRe shúwe da", e: "She's become tired", }, }, ], ]}
See conjugations {[ [ { ex: { p: "دروازې بندېږي", f: "darwaaze bandéGee", e: "The doors are closing", }, }, { ex: { p: "دروازې بندې شي", f: "darwaaze bande shee", e: "...so the doors'll close...", }, }, ], [ { ex: { p: "دروازې به بندېږي", f: "darwaaze ba bandéGee", e: "The doors will close", }, }, { ex: { p: "دروازې به بندې شي", f: "darwaaze ba bande shee", e: "The doors will close", }, }, ], [ { ex: { p: "بندېږئ!", f: "bandeGeyy!", e: "close!", }, }, { ex: { p: "بندې شئ!", f: "bande sheyy!", e: "close!", }, }, ], [ { ex: { long: { p: "دروازې بندېدلې", f: "darwaaze bandedúle" }, short: { p: "دروازې بندېدې", f: "darwaaze bandedé" }, e: "The doors were closing", }, }, { ex: { long: { p: "دروازې بندې شولې", f: "darwaaze bande shwule" }, short: { p: "دروازې بندې شوې", f: "darwaaze bande shwe" }, e: "I closed the doors", }, }, ], [ { ex: { p: "دروازې بندې شوې دي", f: "darwaaze bande shúwe dee", e: "The doors have closed (and they're shut now)", }, }, ], ]}
See conjugations {[ [ { ex: { p: "الوګان پخېږي", f: "aloogáan pakhéGee", e: "The potatoes are cooking", }, }, { ex: { p: "الوګان پاخه شي", f: "aloogáan paakhu shee", e: "...so the potatoes'll cook...", }, }, ], [ { ex: { p: "الوګان به پخېږي", f: "aloogáan ba pakhéGee", e: "The potatoes will cook", }, }, { ex: { p: "الوګان به پاخه شي", f: "aloogáan ba paakhu shee", e: "The potatoes will cook", }, }, ], [ { ex: { p: "پخېږئ!", f: "pakhéGeyy!", e: "cook!", }, }, { ex: { p: "پاخه شئ!", f: "paakhu sheyy!", e: "cook!", }, }, ], [ { ex: { p: "الوګان پخېدل", f: "aloogáan pakhedúl", e: "The potatoes were cooking", }, }, { ex: { long: { p: "الوګان پاخه شول", f: "aloogáan paakhu shwul" }, short: { p: "الوګان پاخه شوو", f: "aloogáan paakhu shoo" }, e: "the potatoes cooked", }, }, ], [ { ex: { p: "الوګان پاخه شوي دي", f: "aloogáan paakhu shúwee dee", e: "The potatoes have cooked (and they're ready to eat now)", }, }, ], ]}
See conjugations {[ [ { ex: { p: "کیسه بیانېږي", f: "keesa bayaanéGee", e: "the story is being explained", }, }, { ex: { p: "کیسه بیان شي", f: "keesa bayaan shee", e: "...so the will be explained...", }, }, ], [ { ex: { p: "کیسه به بیانېږي", f: "keesá ba bayaanGee", e: "the story will be explained", }, }, { ex: { p: "کیسه به بیان شي", f: "keesá ba bayaan shee", e: "the story will be explained", }, }, ], [ { ex: { p: "بیانېږه!", f: "bayaaneGa!", e: "be explained! (unnatural example)", }, }, { ex: { p: "بیان شه!", f: "bayaan sha!", e: "be explained! (unnatural example)", }, }, ], [ { ex: { long: { p: "کیسه بیانېدله", f: "keesa bayaanedúla" }, short: { p: "کیسه بیانېده", f: "keesa bayaanedá" }, e: "the story was getting explained", }, }, { ex: { long: { p: "کیسه بیان شوله", f: "keesa bayaan shwula" }, short: { p: "کیسه بیان شوه", f: "keesa bayaan shwa" }, e: "the story got explained", }, }, ], [ { ex: { p: "کیسه بیان شوې ده", f: "keesa bayaan shúwe da", e: "the story has been explained (and it's known now)", }, }, ], ]}
**NOTE:** These are not "passive forms" of verbs. That's whole other form that we won't deal with in this article.
Passive form (from transitive)
### Intransitive dynamic compounds If a dynamic compound is made with then you can also make an intransitive version of it with . This way you will be talking about an action happening, without mentioning who was doing it. The verb used is , which is the intransitive equivalent of . It *does* take a
See conjugations {[ [ { ex: { p: "کار کېږي", f: "kaar kéGee", e: "work is happening", }, }, { ex: { p: "کار وشي", f: "kaar óoshee", e: "...so work will happen...", }, }, ], [ { ex: { p: "کار به کېږي", f: "kaar ba kéGee", e: "Work will happen", }, }, { ex: { p: "کار به وشي", f: "kaar ba óoshee", e: "Work will happen", }, }, ], [ { ex: { long: { p: "کار کېدلو", f: "kaar kedúlo" }, short: { p: "کار کېدو", f: "kaar kedo" }, e: "Work was happening", }, }, { ex: { long: { p: "کار وشولو", f: "kaar óoshwulo" }, short: { p: "کار وشو", f: "kaar óosho" }, e: "Work happened", }, }, ], [ { ex: { p: "کار شوی دی", f: "khufa shúwey dey", e: "Work has happened (it's accomplished now)", }, }, ], ]}